
  • Version 4.1.14
  • Published
  • 145 kB
  • 1 dependency
  • MIT license


npm i amqp-connection-manager
yarn add amqp-connection-manager
pnpm add amqp-connection-manager


Auto-reconnect and round robin support for amqplib.



variable amqp

const amqp: { connect: typeof connect };


    function connect

    connect: (
    urls: ConnectionUrl | ConnectionUrl[] | undefined | null,
    options?: AmqpConnectionManagerOptions
    ) => IAmqpConnectionManager;


      class AmqpConnectionManagerClass

      class AmqpConnectionManager extends EventEmitter implements IAmqpConnectionManager {}


        constructor(urls: any, options?: AmqpConnectionManagerOptions);
        • Create a new AmqplibConnectionManager.

          Parameter urls

          An array of brokers to connect to. Takes url strings or objects {url: string, connectionOptions?: object} If present, a broker's [connectionOptions] will be used instead of [options.connectionOptions] when passed to the amqplib connect method. AmqplibConnectionManager will round-robin between them whenever it needs to create a new connection.

          Parameter options


          [options.heartbeatIntervalInSeconds=5] - The interval, in seconds, to send heartbeats.


          [options.reconnectTimeInSeconds] - The time to wait before trying to reconnect. If not specified, defaults to heartbeatIntervalInSeconds.


          [options.connectionOptions] - Passed to the amqplib connect method.


          [options.findServers] - A fn(callback) or a fn() which returns a Promise. This should resolve to one or more servers to connect to, either a single URL or an array of URLs. This is handy when you're using a service discovery mechanism such as Consul or etcd. Note that if this is supplied, then urls is ignored.

        property channelCount

        readonly channelCount: number;
        • Returns the number of registered channels.

        property connection

        readonly connection: any;
        • The current connection.

        property connectionOptions

        connectionOptions: any;

          property heartbeatIntervalInSeconds

          heartbeatIntervalInSeconds: number;

            property reconnectTimeInSeconds

            reconnectTimeInSeconds: number;

              method close

              close: () => Promise<void>;

                method connect

                connect: ({ timeout }?: { timeout?: number }) => Promise<void>;
                • Start the connect retries and await the first connect result. Even if the initial connect fails or timeouts, the reconnect attempts will continue in the background.

                  Parameter options


                  [options.timeout] - Time to wait for initial connect

                method createChannel

                createChannel: (options?: CreateChannelOpts) => ChannelWrapper;

                  method isConnected

                  isConnected: () => boolean;

                    method reconnect

                    reconnect: () => void;
                    • Force reconnect - noop unless connected


                    interface AmqpConnectionManager

                    interface IAmqpConnectionManager {}

                      property channelCount

                      readonly channelCount: number;
                      • Returns the number of registered channels.

                      property connection

                      readonly connection: amqp.Connection | undefined;
                      • The current connection.

                      property connectionOptions

                      connectionOptions?: AmqpConnectionOptions;

                        property heartbeatIntervalInSeconds

                        heartbeatIntervalInSeconds: number;

                          property reconnectTimeInSeconds

                          reconnectTimeInSeconds: number;

                            method addListener

                            addListener: {
                            (event: string, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this;
                            (event: 'connect', listener: ConnectListener): this;
                            (event: 'connectFailed', listener: ConnectFailedListener): this;
                            (event: 'blocked', listener: (arg: { reason: string }) => void): this;
                            (event: 'unblocked', listener: () => void): this;
                            (event: 'disconnect', listener: (arg: { err: Error }) => void): this;

                              method close

                              close: () => Promise<void>;

                                method connect

                                connect: (options?: { timeout?: number }) => Promise<void>;

                                  method createChannel

                                  createChannel: (options?: CreateChannelOpts) => ChannelWrapper;

                                    method isConnected

                                    isConnected: () => boolean;

                                      method listeners

                                      listeners: (eventName: string | symbol) => Function[];

                                        method on

                                        on: {
                                        (event: string, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this;
                                        (event: 'connect', listener: ConnectListener): this;
                                        (event: 'connectFailed', listener: ConnectFailedListener): this;
                                        (event: 'blocked', listener: (arg: { reason: string }) => void): this;
                                        (event: 'unblocked', listener: () => void): this;
                                        (event: 'disconnect', listener: (arg: { err: Error }) => void): this;

                                          method once

                                          once: {
                                          (event: string, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this;
                                          (event: 'connect', listener: ConnectListener): this;
                                          (event: 'connectFailed', listener: ConnectFailedListener): this;
                                          (event: 'blocked', listener: (arg: { reason: string }) => void): this;
                                          (event: 'unblocked', listener: () => void): this;
                                          (event: 'disconnect', listener: (arg: { err: Error }) => void): this;

                                            method prependListener

                                            prependListener: {
                                            (event: string, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this;
                                            (event: 'connect', listener: ConnectListener): this;
                                            (event: 'connectFailed', listener: ConnectFailedListener): this;
                                            (event: 'blocked', listener: (arg: { reason: string }) => void): this;
                                            (event: 'unblocked', listener: () => void): this;
                                            (event: 'disconnect', listener: (arg: { err: Error }) => void): this;

                                              method prependOnceListener

                                              prependOnceListener: {
                                              (event: string, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this;
                                              (event: 'connect', listener: ConnectListener): this;
                                              (event: 'connectFailed', listener: ConnectFailedListener): this;
                                              (event: 'blocked', listener: (arg: { reason: string }) => void): this;
                                              (event: 'unblocked', listener: () => void): this;
                                              (event: 'disconnect', listener: (arg: { err: Error }) => void): this;

                                                method reconnect

                                                reconnect: () => void;

                                                  method removeListener

                                                  removeListener: (event: string, listener: (...args: any[]) => void) => this;

                                                    interface AmqpConnectionManagerOptions

                                                    interface AmqpConnectionManagerOptions {}

                                                      property connectionOptions

                                                      connectionOptions?: AmqpConnectionOptions;
                                                      • Connection options, passed as options to the amqplib.connect() method.

                                                      property findServers

                                                      | ((callback: (urls: ConnectionUrl | ConnectionUrl[]) => void) => void)
                                                      | (() => Promise<ConnectionUrl | ConnectionUrl[]>)
                                                      | undefined;
                                                      • findServers is a function that which returns one or more servers to connect to. This should return either a single URL or an array of URLs. This is handy when you're using a service discovery mechanism such as Consul or etcd. Instead of taking a callback, this can also return a Promise. Note that if this is supplied, then urls is ignored.

                                                      property heartbeatIntervalInSeconds

                                                      heartbeatIntervalInSeconds?: number;
                                                      • Interval to send heartbeats to broker. Defaults to 5 seconds.

                                                      property reconnectTimeInSeconds

                                                      reconnectTimeInSeconds?: number | undefined;
                                                      • The time to wait before trying to reconnect. If not specified, defaults to heartbeatIntervalInSeconds.

                                                      interface CreateChannelOpts

                                                      interface CreateChannelOpts {}

                                                        property confirm

                                                        confirm?: boolean;
                                                        • True to create a ConfirmChannel (default). False to create a regular Channel.

                                                        property json

                                                        json?: boolean;
                                                        • if true, then ChannelWrapper assumes all messages passed to publish() and sendToQueue() are plain JSON objects. These will be encoded automatically before being sent.

                                                        property name

                                                        name?: string;
                                                        • Name for this channel. Used for debugging.

                                                        property publishTimeout

                                                        publishTimeout?: number;
                                                        • Default publish timeout in ms. Messages not published within the given time are rejected with a timeout error.

                                                        property setup

                                                        setup?: SetupFunc;
                                                        • A function to call whenever we reconnect to the broker (and therefore create a new underlying channel.) This function should either accept a callback, or return a Promise. See addSetup below

                                                        Type Aliases

                                                        type Channel

                                                        type Channel = amqplib.ConfirmChannel | amqplib.Channel;

                                                          type ChannelWrapper

                                                          type ChannelWrapper = CW;

                                                            type ConnectionUrl

                                                            type ConnectionUrl =
                                                            | string
                                                            | amqp.Options.Connect
                                                            | {
                                                            url: string;
                                                            connectionOptions?: AmqpConnectionOptions;

                                                              type SetupFunc

                                                              type SetupFunc =
                                                              | ((channel: Channel, callback: (error?: Error) => void) => void)
                                                              | ((channel: Channel) => Promise<void>)
                                                              | ((channel: amqplib.ConfirmChannel, callback: (error?: Error) => void) => void)
                                                              | ((channel: amqplib.ConfirmChannel) => Promise<void>);


                                                                namespace Options

                                                                namespace Options {}

                                                                  type AssertExchange

                                                                  type AssertExchange = AmqpLibOptions.AssertExchange;

                                                                    type AssertQueue

                                                                    type AssertQueue = AmqpLibOptions.AssertQueue;

                                                                      type Connect

                                                                      type Connect = AmqpLibOptions.Connect;

                                                                        type Consume

                                                                        type Consume = AmqpLibOptions.Consume;

                                                                          type DeleteExchange

                                                                          type DeleteExchange = AmqpLibOptions.DeleteExchange;

                                                                            type DeleteQueue

                                                                            type DeleteQueue = AmqpLibOptions.DeleteQueue;

                                                                              type Get

                                                                              type Get = AmqpLibOptions.Get;

                                                                                type Publish

                                                                                type Publish = PublishOptions;

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