- Version 10.8.0
- Published
- 42.8 kB
- No dependencies
- MIT license
npm i @verdaccio/types
yarn add @verdaccio/types
pnpm add @verdaccio/types
verdaccio types definitions
- author
- bin
- bugs
- bundleDependencies
- contributors
- cpu
- dependencies
- deprecated
- description
- devDependencies
- directories
- dist
- engines
- etag
- files
- funding
- gitHead
- hasInstallScript
- homemage
- homepage
- keywords
- license
- main
- maintainers
- name
- nodeVersion
- optionalDependencies
- os
- peerDependencies
- peerDependenciesMeta
- readme
- readmeFilename
- readmeFileName
- repository
- scripts
- version
Type Aliases
- AbbreviatedManifest
- AbbreviatedVersion
- AuthAccessCallback
- AuthCallback
- AuthConf
- AuthError
- Callback
- CallbackAction
- CallbackError
- HttpsConf
- IPackageStorage
- IPackageStorageManager
- IPluginStorage
- LoggerFormat
- LoggerLevel
- LoggerType
- onEndSearchPackage
- onSearchPackage
- onValidatePackage
- Package
- PackageTransformer
- RateLimit
- ReadPackageCallback
- ServerSettingsConf
- StorageList
- StorageUpdateCallback
- StorageWriteCallback
- StringValue
- TypeToken
class IReadTarball
class IReadTarball extends PassThrough {}
method abort
abort: () => void;
class IUploadTarball
class IUploadTarball extends PassThrough {}
class Plugin
class Plugin<T> {}
constructor(config: {}, options: PluginOptions<T>);
interface AbbreviatedVersions
interface AbbreviatedVersions {}
index signature
[key: string]: AbbreviatedVersion;
interface AllowAccess
interface AllowAccess {}
interface APITokenOptions
interface APITokenOptions {}
interface AttachMents
interface AttachMents {}
index signature
[key: string]: AttachMentsItem;
interface AttachMentsItem
interface AttachMentsItem {}
property content_type
content_type?: string;
property data
data?: string;
property length
length?: number;
property shasum
shasum?: string;
property version
version?: string;
interface AuthHtpasswd
interface AuthHtpasswd {}
interface Author
interface Author {}
interface AuthPluginPackage
interface AuthPluginPackage {}
property packageName
packageName: string;
property packageVersion
packageVersion?: string;
property tag
tag?: string;
interface Config
interface Config extends ConfigYaml, ConfigRuntime {}
property secret
secret: string;
property server_id
server_id: string;
property user_agent
user_agent?: string | boolean;
method checkSecretKey
checkSecretKey: (token: string) => string;
method getMatchedPackagesSpec
getMatchedPackagesSpec: (storage: string) => PackageAccess | void;
index signature
[key: string]: any;
interface ConfigRuntime
interface ConfigRuntime extends ConfigYaml {}
property self_path
self_path: string;
interface ConfigWithHttps
interface ConfigWithHttps extends Config {}
property https
https: HttpsConf;
interface ConfigYaml
interface ConfigYaml {}
property auth
auth?: AuthConf;
property filters
filters?: any;
property http_proxy
http_proxy?: string;
property https
https?: HttpsConf;
property https_proxy
https_proxy?: string;
property listen
listen?: ListenAddress;
property logs
logs?: LoggerConfItem;
property max_body_size
max_body_size?: string;
property middlewares
middlewares?: any;
property no_proxy
no_proxy?: string;
property notifications
notifications?: Notifications;
property notify
notify?: Notifications | Notifications[];
property packages
packages: PackageList;
property plugins
plugins?: string | void | null;
property publish
publish?: PublishOptions;
property security
security: Security;
property server
server?: ServerSettingsConf;
property storage
storage?: string | void;
property store
store?: any;
property uplinks
uplinks: UpLinksConfList;
property url_prefix
url_prefix?: string;
property web
web?: WebConf;
interface Dependencies
interface Dependencies {}
index signature
[key: string]: string;
interface Dist
interface Dist {}
interface DistFile
interface DistFile {}
interface DistFiles
interface DistFiles {}
index signature
[key: string]: DistFile;
interface Engines
interface Engines {}
index signature
[key: string]: string;
interface GenericBody
interface GenericBody {}
index signature
[key: string]: string;
interface Headers
interface Headers {}
index signature
[key: string]: string;
interface HttpError
interface HttpError extends Error {}
property expose
expose: boolean;
property headers
headers?: { [key: string]: string;};
property status
status: number;
property statusCode
statusCode: number;
index signature
[key: string]: any;
interface HttpsConfKeyCert
interface HttpsConfKeyCert {}
interface HttpsConfPfx
interface HttpsConfPfx {}
property passphrase
passphrase?: string;
property pfx
pfx: string;
interface IBasicAuth
interface IBasicAuth<T> {}
property config
config: T & Config;
method add_user
add_user: (user: string, password: string, cb: Callback) => any;
method aesEncrypt
aesEncrypt: (username: string, password: string) => string;
method allow_access
allow_access: ( pkg: AuthPluginPackage, user: RemoteUser, callback: Callback) => void;
method authenticate
authenticate: (user: string, password: string, cb: Callback) => void;
method changePassword
changePassword: ( user: string, password: string, newPassword: string, cb: Callback) => void;
interface IBasicStorage
interface IBasicStorage<T> extends StoragePackageActions {}
method addPackage
addPackage: (name: string, info: Package, callback: Callback) => void;
method getPackageMetadata
getPackageMetadata: (name: string, callback: Callback) => void;
method getSecret
getSecret: (config: T & Config) => Promise<any>;
method search
search: (startKey: string, options: any) => IReadTarball;
method updateVersions
updateVersions: (name: string, packageInfo: Package, callback: Callback) => void;
interface ILocalData
interface ILocalData<T> extends IPlugin<T>, ITokenActions {}
property config
config: T & Config;
property logger
logger: Logger;
method add
add: (name: string, callback: Callback) => void;
method get
get: (callback: Callback) => void;
method getPackageStorage
getPackageStorage: (packageInfo: string) => IPackageStorage;
method getSecret
getSecret: () => Promise<string>;
method remove
remove: (name: string, callback: Callback) => void;
method search
search: ( onPackage: onSearchPackage, onEnd: onEndSearchPackage, validateName: onValidatePackage) => void;
method setSecret
setSecret: (secret: string) => Promise<any>;
interface ILocalPackageManager
interface ILocalPackageManager {}
property logger
logger: Logger;
method createPackage
createPackage: (pkgName: string, value: Package, cb: CallbackAction) => void;
method deletePackage
deletePackage: (fileName: string, callback: CallbackAction) => void;
method readPackage
readPackage: (fileName: string, callback: ReadPackageCallback) => void;
method readTarball
readTarball: (pkgName: string) => IReadTarball;
method removePackage
removePackage: (callback: CallbackAction) => void;
method savePackage
savePackage: (fileName: string, json: Package, callback: CallbackAction) => void;
method updatePackage
updatePackage: ( pkgFileName: string, updateHandler: StorageUpdateCallback, onWrite: StorageWriteCallback, transformPackage: PackageTransformer, onEnd: CallbackAction) => void;
method writeTarball
writeTarball: (pkgName: string) => IUploadTarball;
interface ILocalStorage
interface ILocalStorage {}
interface IPluginAuth
interface IPluginAuth<T> extends IPlugin<T> {}
- dasdsadsa()
method adduser
adduser: (user: string, password: string, cb: AuthCallback) => void;
method allow_access
allow_access: { (user: RemoteUser, pkg: T & PackageAccess, cb: AuthAccessCallback): void; ( user: RemoteUser, pkg: AllowAccess & PackageAccess, cb: AuthAccessCallback ): void;};
method allow_publish
allow_publish: { (user: RemoteUser, pkg: T & PackageAccess, cb: AuthAccessCallback): void; ( user: RemoteUser, pkg: AllowAccess & PackageAccess, cb: AuthAccessCallback ): void;};
method allow_unpublish
allow_unpublish: { (user: RemoteUser, pkg: T & PackageAccess, cb: AuthAccessCallback): void; ( user: RemoteUser, pkg: AllowAccess & PackageAccess, cb: AuthAccessCallback ): void;};
method apiJWTmiddleware
apiJWTmiddleware: (helpers: any) => Function;
method authenticate
authenticate: (user: string, password: string, cb: AuthCallback) => void;
Parameter props
user from Application component
method changePassword
changePassword: ( user: string, password: string, newPassword: string, cb: AuthCallback) => void;
interface IPluginMiddleware
interface IPluginMiddleware<T> extends IPlugin<T> {}
method register_middlewares
register_middlewares: ( app: any, auth: IBasicAuth<T>, storage: IStorageManager<T>) => void;
interface IPluginStorageFilter
interface IPluginStorageFilter<T> extends IPlugin<T> {}
method filter_metadata
filter_metadata: (packageInfo: Package) => Promise<Package>;
interface IStorageManager
interface IStorageManager<T> extends StoragePackageActions {}
property config
config: T & Config;
property logger
logger: Logger;
method addPackage
addPackage: (name: string, metadata: any, callback: Callback) => Promise<any>;
method getLocalDatabase
getLocalDatabase: (callback: Callback) => void;
method getPackage
getPackage: (options: any) => void;
method init
init: (config: T & Config, filters: any) => Promise<any>;
method search
search: (startkey: string, options: any) => IReadTarball;
interface ITokenActions
interface ITokenActions {}
method deleteToken
deleteToken: (user: string, tokenKey: string) => Promise<any>;
method readTokens
readTokens: (filter: TokenFilter) => Promise<Token[]>;
method saveToken
saveToken: (token: Token) => Promise<any>;
interface JWTOptions
interface JWTOptions {}
interface JWTSignOptions
interface JWTSignOptions {}
property algorithm
algorithm?: string;
property clockTimestamp
clockTimestamp?: number;
property expiresIn
expiresIn?: string;
property ignoreExpiration
ignoreExpiration?: boolean;
property maxAge
maxAge?: string | number;
property notBefore
notBefore?: string;
interface JWTVerifyOptions
interface JWTVerifyOptions {}
property algorithm
algorithm?: string;
property clockTimestamp
clockTimestamp?: number;
property expiresIn
expiresIn?: string;
property ignoreExpiration
ignoreExpiration?: boolean;
property maxAge
maxAge?: string | number;
property notBefore
notBefore?: string | number;
interface ListenAddress
interface ListenAddress {}
index signature
[key: string]: string;
interface LocalStorage
interface LocalStorage {}
interface Logger
interface Logger {}
property child
child: (conf: any) => any;
property debug
debug: (conf: any, template?: string) => void;
property error
error: (conf: any, template?: string) => void;
property http
http: (conf: any, template?: string) => void;
property info
info: (conf: any, template?: string) => void;
property trace
trace: (conf: any, template?: string) => void;
property warn
warn: (conf: any, template?: string) => void;
interface LoggerConfItem
interface LoggerConfItem {}
interface Manifest
interface Manifest {}
interface MergeTags
interface MergeTags {}
index signature
[key: string]: string;
interface Notifications
interface Notifications {}
property content
content: string;
property endpoint
endpoint: string;
property headers
headers: Headers;
property method
method: string;
property packagePattern
packagePattern: RegExp;
property packagePatternFlags
packagePatternFlags: string;
interface PackageAccess
interface PackageAccess {}
interface PackageList
interface PackageList {}
index signature
[key: string]: PackageAccess;
interface PackageUsers
interface PackageUsers {}
index signature
[key: string]: boolean;
interface PeerDependenciesMeta
interface PeerDependenciesMeta {}
index signature
[dependencyName: string]: { optional?: boolean;};
interface PluginOptions
interface PluginOptions<T> {}
interface PublishOptions
interface PublishOptions {}
property allow_offline
allow_offline: boolean;
interface RemoteUser
interface RemoteUser {}
property error
error?: string;
property groups
groups: string[];
property name
name: string | void;
property real_groups
real_groups: string[];
interface Security
interface Security {}
property api
api: APITokenOptions;
property enhancedLegacySignature
enhancedLegacySignature?: boolean;
property web
web: JWTOptions;
interface Token
interface Token {}
interface TokenFilter
interface TokenFilter {}
property user
user: string;
interface UpLinkConf
interface UpLinkConf {}
property auth
auth?: UpLinkTokenConf;
property ca
ca?: string;
property cache
cache?: boolean;
property fail_timeout
fail_timeout?: string | void;
property headers
headers?: Headers;
property max_fails
max_fails?: number | void;
property maxage
maxage?: string | void;
property strict_ssl
strict_ssl?: boolean | void;
property timeout
timeout?: string | void;
property url
url: string;
interface UpLinkMetadata
interface UpLinkMetadata {}
interface UpLinks
interface UpLinks {}
index signature
[key: string]: UpLinkMetadata;
interface UpLinksConfList
interface UpLinksConfList {}
index signature
[key: string]: UpLinkConf;
interface UpLinkTokenConf
interface UpLinkTokenConf {}
interface Version
interface Version {}
property author
author: string | Author;
property bin
bin?: string;
property bugs
bugs?: any;
property bundleDependencies
bundleDependencies?: Dependencies;
property contributors
contributors?: Author[];
property cpu
cpu?: string[];
property dependencies
dependencies?: Dependencies;
property deprecated
deprecated?: string;
property description
description: string;
property devDependencies
devDependencies?: Dependencies;
property directories
directories?: any;
property dist
dist: Dist;
property engines
engines?: Engines;
property etag
etag?: string;
property files
files?: string[];
property funding
funding?: { type: string; url: string;};
property gitHead
gitHead?: string;
property hasInstallScript
hasInstallScript?: boolean;
property homemage
homemage?: string;
property homepage
homepage?: string;
property keywords
keywords?: string | string[];
property license
license?: string;
property main
main: string;
property maintainers
maintainers?: Author[];
property name
name: string;
property nodeVersion
nodeVersion?: string;
property optionalDependencies
optionalDependencies?: Dependencies;
property os
os?: string[];
property peerDependencies
peerDependencies?: Dependencies;
property peerDependenciesMeta
peerDependenciesMeta?: PeerDependenciesMeta;
property readme
readme: string;
property readmeFilename
readmeFilename?: string;
property readmeFileName
readmeFileName?: string;
property repository
repository?: string | any;
property scripts
scripts?: any;
property version
version: string;
interface Versions
interface Versions {}
index signature
[key: string]: Version;
Type Aliases
type AbbreviatedManifest
type AbbreviatedManifest = Pick<Manifest, 'name' | 'dist-tags' | 'time'> & { modified: string; versions: AbbreviatedVersions;};
type AbbreviatedVersion
type AbbreviatedVersion = Pick< Version, | 'name' | 'version' | 'description' | 'dependencies' | 'devDependencies' | 'bin' | 'dist' | 'engines' | 'funding' | 'peerDependencies'>;
type AuthAccessCallback
type AuthAccessCallback = (error: AuthError | null, access: boolean) => void;
type AuthCallback
type AuthCallback = (error: AuthError | null, groups: string[] | false) => void;
type AuthConf
type AuthConf = any | AuthHtpasswd;
type AuthError
type AuthError = HttpError & { code: number;};
type Callback
type Callback = Function;
type CallbackAction
type CallbackAction = (err: any | null) => void;
type CallbackError
type CallbackError = (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException) => void;
type HttpsConf
type HttpsConf = HttpsConfKeyCert | HttpsConfPfx;
type IPackageStorage
type IPackageStorage = ILocalPackageManager | void;
type IPackageStorageManager
type IPackageStorageManager = ILocalPackageManager;
type IPluginStorage
type IPluginStorage<T> = ILocalData<T>;
type LoggerFormat
type LoggerFormat = 'pretty' | 'pretty-timestamped' | 'file';
type LoggerLevel
type LoggerLevel = 'http' | 'fatal' | 'warn' | 'info' | 'debug' | 'trace';
type LoggerType
type LoggerType = 'stdout' | 'stderr' | 'file';
type onEndSearchPackage
type onEndSearchPackage = (error?: any) => void;
type onSearchPackage
type onSearchPackage = (item: Package, cb: CallbackAction) => void;
This method expect return a Package object eg: { name: string; time: number; ... and other props }
callback object will be executed if: - it might return object (truly) - it might reutrn null
type onValidatePackage
type onValidatePackage = (name: string) => boolean;
type Package
type Package = Manifest;
type PackageTransformer
type PackageTransformer = (pkg: Package) => Package;
type RateLimit
type RateLimit = { windowMs?: number; max?: number;};
type ReadPackageCallback
type ReadPackageCallback = (err: any | null, data?: Package) => void;
type ServerSettingsConf
type ServerSettingsConf = { trustProxy?: string; rateLimit: RateLimit; keepAliveTimeout?: number;};
type StorageList
type StorageList = string[];
type StorageUpdateCallback
type StorageUpdateCallback = (data: Package, cb: CallbackAction) => void;
type StorageWriteCallback
type StorageWriteCallback = ( name: string, json: Package, callback: Callback) => void;
type StringValue
type StringValue = string | void | null;
type TypeToken
type TypeToken = 'Bearer' | 'Basic';
Package Files (10)
Dependencies (0)
No dependencies.
Dev Dependencies (4)
Peer Dependencies (0)
No peer dependencies.
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