
  • Version 3.0.4
  • Published
  • 6.97 kB
  • No dependencies
  • MIT license


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TypeScript definitions for which



function sync

sync: <TOptions extends Options>(
cmd: string,
options?: Exact<Options, TOptions>
) => ReturnType<Exact<Options, TOptions>>;
  • Finds all instances of a specified executable in the PATH environment variable

function which

which: typeof which;


    interface Options

    interface Options {}
    • Options for which() API

    property all

    all?: boolean | undefined;
    • If true, return all matches, instead of just the first one. Note that this means the function returns an array of strings instead of a single string.

    property delimiter

    delimiter?: string | undefined;
    • Use instead of the platform's native path separator.

    property nothrow

    nothrow?: boolean | undefined;
    • If true, returns null when not found

    property path

    path?: string | undefined;
    • Use instead of the PATH environment variable.

    property pathExt

    pathExt?: string | undefined;
    • Use instead of the PATHEXT environment variable.

    Package Files (1)

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    No peer dependencies.


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