- Version 7.0.3
- Published
- 6.77 kB
- No dependencies
- MIT license
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TypeScript definitions for webidl-conversions
variable WebIDLConversions
const WebIDLConversions: { any<V>(V: V, opts?: WebIDLConversions.Options): V; undefined(V?: unknown, opts?: WebIDLConversions.Options): void; boolean(V: unknown, opts?: WebIDLConversions.Options): boolean; byte(V: unknown, opts?: WebIDLConversions.IntegerOptions): number; octet(V: unknown, opts?: WebIDLConversions.IntegerOptions): number; short(V: unknown, opts?: WebIDLConversions.IntegerOptions): number; 'unsigned short'(V: unknown, opts?: WebIDLConversions.IntegerOptions): number; long(V: unknown, opts?: WebIDLConversions.IntegerOptions): number; 'unsigned long'(V: unknown, opts?: WebIDLConversions.IntegerOptions): number; 'long long'(V: unknown, opts?: WebIDLConversions.IntegerOptions): number; 'unsigned long long'( V: unknown, opts?: WebIDLConversions.IntegerOptions ): number; double(V: unknown, opts?: WebIDLConversions.Options): number; 'unrestricted double'(V: unknown, opts?: WebIDLConversions.Options): number; float(V: unknown, opts?: WebIDLConversions.Options): number; 'unrestricted float'(V: unknown, opts?: WebIDLConversions.Options): number; DOMString(V: unknown, opts?: WebIDLConversions.StringOptions): string; ByteString(V: unknown, opts?: WebIDLConversions.StringOptions): string; USVString(V: unknown, opts?: WebIDLConversions.StringOptions): string; object<V>( V: V, opts?: WebIDLConversions.Options ): V extends object ? V : V & object; ArrayBuffer( V: unknown, opts?: WebIDLConversions.BufferSourceOptions & { allowShared?: false | undefined; } ): ArrayBuffer; ArrayBuffer( V: unknown, opts?: WebIDLConversions.BufferSourceOptions ): ArrayBufferLike; DataView(V: unknown, opts?: WebIDLConversions.BufferSourceOptions): DataView; Int8Array(V: unknown, opts?: WebIDLConversions.BufferSourceOptions): Int8Array; Int16Array(V: unknown, opts?: WebIDLConversions.BufferSourceOptions): Int16Array; Int32Array(V: unknown, opts?: WebIDLConversions.BufferSourceOptions): Int32Array; Uint8Array(V: unknown, opts?: WebIDLConversions.BufferSourceOptions): Uint8Array; Uint16Array( V: unknown, opts?: WebIDLConversions.BufferSourceOptions ): Uint16Array; Uint32Array( V: unknown, opts?: WebIDLConversions.BufferSourceOptions ): Uint32Array; Uint8ClampedArray( V: unknown, opts?: WebIDLConversions.BufferSourceOptions ): Uint8ClampedArray; Float32Array( V: unknown, opts?: WebIDLConversions.BufferSourceOptions ): Float32Array; Float64Array( V: unknown, opts?: WebIDLConversions.BufferSourceOptions ): Float64Array; ArrayBufferView( V: unknown, opts?: WebIDLConversions.BufferSourceOptions ): ArrayBufferView; BufferSource( V: unknown, opts?: WebIDLConversions.BufferSourceOptions & { allowShared?: false | undefined; } ): ArrayBuffer | ArrayBufferView; BufferSource( V: unknown, opts?: WebIDLConversions.BufferSourceOptions ): ArrayBufferLike | ArrayBufferView; DOMTimeStamp(V: unknown, opts?: WebIDLConversions.Options): number;};
interface BufferSourceOptions
interface BufferSourceOptions extends Options {}
property allowShared
allowShared?: boolean | undefined;
interface Globals
interface Globals {}
property Number
Number: (value?: unknown) => number;
property String
String: (value?: unknown) => string;
property TypeError
TypeError: new (message?: string) => TypeError;
index signature
[key: string]: unknown;
interface IntegerOptions
interface IntegerOptions extends Options {}
property clamp
clamp?: boolean | undefined;
property enforceRange
enforceRange?: boolean | undefined;
interface Options
interface Options {}
interface StringOptions
interface StringOptions extends Options {}
property treatNullAsEmptyString
treatNullAsEmptyString?: boolean | undefined;
Type Aliases
type IntegerConversion
type IntegerConversion = (V: unknown, opts?: IntegerOptions) => number;
type NumberConversion
type NumberConversion = (V: unknown, opts?: Options) => number;
type StringConversion
type StringConversion = (V: unknown, opts?: StringOptions) => string;
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