- Version 4.0.5
- Published
- 13.5 kB
- No dependencies
- MIT license
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TypeScript definitions for tough-cookie
variable PrefixSecurityEnum
const PrefixSecurityEnum: Readonly<{ DISABLED: string; SILENT: string; STRICT: string;}>;
variable version
const version: string;
function canonicalDomain
canonicalDomain: (str: string) => string;
Transforms a domain-name into a canonical domain-name. The canonical domain-name is a trimmed, lowercased, stripped-of-leading-dot and optionally punycode-encoded domain-name (Section 5.1.2 of RFC6265). For the most part, this function is idempotent (can be run again on its output without ill effects).
function cookieCompare
cookieCompare: (a: Cookie, b: Cookie) => number;
function defaultPath
defaultPath: (path: string) => string;
Given a current request/response path, gives the Path apropriate for storing in a cookie. This is basically the "directory" of a "file" in the path, but is specified by Section 5.1.4 of the RFC.
The path parameter MUST be only the pathname part of a URI (i.e. excludes the hostname, query, fragment, etc.). This is the .pathname property of node's uri.parse() output.
function domainMatch
domainMatch: (str: string, domStr: string, canonicalize?: boolean) => boolean;
Answers "does this real domain match the domain in a cookie?". The str is the "current" domain-name and the domStr is the "cookie" domain-name. Matches according to RFC6265 Section 5.1.3, but it helps to think of it as a "suffix match".
The canonicalize parameter will run the other two parameters through canonicalDomain or not.
function formatDate
formatDate: (date: Date) => string;
Format a Date into a RFC1123 string (the RFC6265-recommended format).
function fromJSON
fromJSON: (string: string) => Cookie;
alias for Cookie.fromJSON(string)
function getPublicSuffix
getPublicSuffix: (hostname: string) => string | null;
function parse
parse: ( cookieString: string, options?: Cookie.ParseOptions) => Cookie | undefined;
alias for Cookie.parse(cookieString[, options])
function parseDate
parseDate: (string: string) => Date;
Parse a cookie date string into a Date. Parses according to RFC6265 Section 5.1.1, not Date.parse().
function pathMatch
pathMatch: (reqPath: string, cookiePath: string) => boolean;
Answers "does the request-path path-match a given cookie-path?" as per RFC6265 Section 5.1.4. Returns a boolean.
This is essentially a prefix-match where cookiePath is a prefix of reqPath.
function permuteDomain
permuteDomain: (domain: string, allowSpecialUseDomain?: boolean) => string[];
function permutePath
permutePath: (path: string) => string[];
class Cookie
class Cookie {}
constructor(properties?: Cookie.Properties);
property creation
creation: Date;
property creationIndex
creationIndex: number;
property domain
domain: string;
property expires
expires: Date | 'Infinity';
property extensions
extensions: string[];
property hostOnly
hostOnly: boolean;
property httpOnly
httpOnly: boolean;
property key
key: string;
property lastAccessed
lastAccessed: Date;
property maxAge
maxAge: number | 'Infinity' | '-Infinity';
property path
path: string;
property pathIsDefault
pathIsDefault: boolean;
property sameSite
sameSite: string;
property secure
secure: boolean;
property value
value: string;
method canonicalizedDomain
canonicalizedDomain: () => string | null;
method cdomain
cdomain: () => string | null;
method clone
clone: () => Cookie;
method cookieString
cookieString: () => string;
method expiryDate
expiryDate: (now?: number) => Date;
method expiryTime
expiryTime: (now?: number) => number;
method fromJSON
static fromJSON: (strOrObj: string | object) => Cookie | null;
method inspect
inspect: () => string;
method isPersistent
isPersistent: () => boolean;
method parse
static parse: ( cookieString: string, options?: Cookie.ParseOptions) => Cookie | undefined;
method setExpires
setExpires: (exp: Date | string) => void;
method setMaxAge
setMaxAge: (number: number) => void;
method toJSON
toJSON: () => { [key: string]: any };
method toString
toString: () => string;
method TTL
TTL: (now?: Date) => number | typeof Infinity;
method validate
validate: () => boolean | string;
class CookieJar
class CookieJar {}
constructor(store?: Store, options?: CookieJar.Options);
method clone
clone: { (store?: Store): Promise<CookieJar>; (store: Store, cb: (err: Error, newJar: CookieJar) => void): void; (cb: (err: Error, newJar: CookieJar) => void): void;};
method cloneSync
cloneSync: (store?: Store) => CookieJar;
method deserialize
static deserialize: { ( serialized: CookieJar.Serialized | string, store?: Store ): Promise<CookieJar>; ( serialized: string | CookieJar.Serialized, store: Store, cb: (err: Error, object: CookieJar) => void ): void; ( serialized: string | CookieJar.Serialized, cb: (err: Error, object: CookieJar) => void ): void;};
method deserializeSync
static deserializeSync: ( serialized: CookieJar.Serialized | string, store?: Store) => CookieJar;
method fromJSON
static fromJSON: (string: string) => CookieJar;
method getCookies
getCookies: { (currentUrl: string, options?: CookieJar.GetCookiesOptions): Promise< Cookie[] >; ( currentUrl: string, options: CookieJar.GetCookiesOptions, cb: (err: Error, cookies: Cookie[]) => void ): void; (currentUrl: string, cb: (err: Error, cookies: Cookie[]) => void): void;};
method getCookiesSync
getCookiesSync: ( currentUrl: string, options?: CookieJar.GetCookiesOptions) => Cookie[];
method getCookieString
getCookieString: { (currentUrl: string, options?: CookieJar.GetCookiesOptions): Promise<string>; ( currentUrl: string, options: CookieJar.GetCookiesOptions, cb: (err: Error, cookies: string) => void ): void; (currentUrl: string, cb: (err: Error, cookies: string) => void): void;};
method getCookieStringSync
getCookieStringSync: ( currentUrl: string, options?: CookieJar.GetCookiesOptions) => string;
method getSetCookieStrings
getSetCookieStrings: { (currentUrl: string, options?: CookieJar.GetCookiesOptions): Promise< string[] >; ( currentUrl: string, options: CookieJar.GetCookiesOptions, cb: (err: Error, cookies: string[]) => void ): void; (currentUrl: string, cb: (err: Error, cookies: string[]) => void): void;};
method getSetCookieStringsSync
getSetCookieStringsSync: ( currentUrl: string, options?: CookieJar.GetCookiesOptions) => string[];
method removeAllCookies
removeAllCookies: { (): Promise<void>; (cb: (err: Error) => void): void };
method removeAllCookiesSync
removeAllCookiesSync: () => void;
method serialize
serialize: { (): Promise<CookieJar.Serialized>; (cb: (err: Error, serializedObject: CookieJar.Serialized) => void): void;};
method serializeSync
serializeSync: () => CookieJar.Serialized;
method setCookie
setCookie: { ( cookieOrString: Cookie | string, currentUrl: string, options?: CookieJar.SetCookieOptions ): Promise<Cookie>; ( cookieOrString: string | Cookie, currentUrl: string, options: CookieJar.SetCookieOptions, cb: (err: Error, cookie: Cookie) => void ): void; ( cookieOrString: string | Cookie, currentUrl: string, cb: (err: Error, cookie: Cookie) => void ): void;};
method setCookieSync
setCookieSync: ( cookieOrString: Cookie | string, currentUrl: string, options?: CookieJar.SetCookieOptions) => Cookie;
method toJSON
toJSON: () => CookieJar.Serialized;
class MemoryCookieStore
class MemoryCookieStore extends Store {}
method findCookie
findCookie: { ( domain: string, path: string, key: string, cb: (err: Error | null, cookie: Cookie | null) => void ): void; (domain: string, path: string, key: string): Promise<Cookie>;};
method findCookies
findCookies: { ( domain: string, path: string, allowSpecialUseDomain: boolean, cb: (err: Error | null, cookie: Cookie[]) => void ): void; ( domain: string, path: string, cb: (err: Error, cookie: Cookie[]) => void ): void; (domain: string, path: string, allowSpecialUseDomain?: boolean): Promise< Cookie[] >;};
method getAllCookies
getAllCookies: { (cb: (err: Error | null, cookie: Cookie[]) => void): void; (): Promise<Cookie[]>;};
method putCookie
putCookie: { (cookie: Cookie, cb: (err: Error | null) => void): void; (cookie: Cookie): Promise<void>;};
method removeCookie
removeCookie: { ( domain: string, path: string, key: string, cb: (err: Error | null) => void ): void; (domain: string, path: string, key: string): Promise<void>;};
method removeCookies
removeCookies: { (domain: string, path: string, cb: (err: Error | null) => void): void; (domain: string, path: string): Promise<void>;};
method updateCookie
updateCookie: { ( oldCookie: Cookie, newCookie: Cookie, cb: (err: Error | null) => void ): void; (oldCookie: Cookie, newCookie: Cookie): Promise<void>;};
class Store
abstract class Store {}
property synchronous
synchronous: boolean;
method findCookie
findCookie: ( domain: string, path: string, key: string, cb: (err: Error | null, cookie: Cookie | null) => void) => void;
method findCookies
findCookies: ( domain: string, path: string, allowSpecialUseDomain: boolean, cb: (err: Error | null, cookie: Cookie[]) => void) => void;
method getAllCookies
getAllCookies: (cb: (err: Error | null, cookie: Cookie[]) => void) => void;
method putCookie
putCookie: (cookie: Cookie, cb: (err: Error | null) => void) => void;
method removeCookie
removeCookie: ( domain: string, path: string, key: string, cb: (err: Error | null) => void) => void;
method removeCookies
removeCookies: ( domain: string, path: string, cb: (err: Error | null) => void) => void;
method updateCookie
updateCookie: ( oldCookie: Cookie, newCookie: Cookie, cb: (err: Error | null) => void) => void;
namespace Cookie
namespace Cookie {}
interface ParseOptions
interface ParseOptions {}
property loose
loose?: boolean | undefined;
interface Properties
interface Properties {}
property creation
creation?: Date | undefined;
property creationIndex
creationIndex?: number | undefined;
property domain
domain?: string | undefined;
property expires
expires?: Date | 'Infinity' | undefined;
property extensions
extensions?: string[] | undefined;
property hostOnly
hostOnly?: boolean | undefined;
property httpOnly
httpOnly?: boolean | undefined;
property key
key?: string | undefined;
property lastAccessed
lastAccessed?: Date | undefined;
property maxAge
maxAge?: number | 'Infinity' | '-Infinity' | undefined;
property path
path?: string | undefined;
property pathIsDefault
pathIsDefault?: boolean | undefined;
property sameSite
sameSite?: string | undefined;
property secure
secure?: boolean | undefined;
property value
value?: string | undefined;
interface Serialized
interface Serialized {}
index signature
[key: string]: any;
namespace CookieJar
namespace CookieJar {}
interface GetCookiesOptions
interface GetCookiesOptions {}
interface Options
interface Options {}
property allowSpecialUseDomain
allowSpecialUseDomain?: boolean | undefined;
property looseMode
looseMode?: boolean | undefined;
property prefixSecurity
prefixSecurity?: string | undefined;
property rejectPublicSuffixes
rejectPublicSuffixes?: boolean | undefined;
interface Serialized
interface Serialized {}
property cookies
cookies: Cookie.Serialized[];
property rejectPublicSuffixes
rejectPublicSuffixes: boolean;
property storeType
storeType: string;
property version
version: string;
interface SetCookieOptions
interface SetCookieOptions {}
property http
http?: boolean | undefined;
property ignoreError
ignoreError?: boolean | undefined;
property now
now?: Date | undefined;
property secure
secure?: boolean | undefined;
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