- Version 0.171.0
- Published
- 1.35 MB
- 6 dependencies
- MIT license
npm i @types/three
yarn add @types/three
pnpm add @types/three
TypeScript definitions for three
- ACESFilmicToneMapping
- AddEquation
- AdditiveAnimationBlendMode
- AdditiveBlending
- AddOperation
- AgXToneMapping
- AlphaFormat
- AlwaysCompare
- AlwaysDepth
- AlwaysStencilFunc
- AnimationUtils
- AttachedBindMode
- BackSide
- BasicDepthPacking
- BasicShadowMap
- ByteType
- Cache
- CineonToneMapping
- ClampToEdgeWrapping
- ColorManagement
- ConstantAlphaFactor
- ConstantColorFactor
- CubeReflectionMapping
- CubeRefractionMapping
- CubeUVReflectionMapping
- CullFaceBack
- CullFaceFront
- CullFaceFrontBack
- CullFaceNone
- CustomBlending
- CustomToneMapping
- DataUtils
- DecrementStencilOp
- DecrementWrapStencilOp
- DefaultLoadingManager
- DepthFormat
- DepthStencilFormat
- DetachedBindMode
- DoubleSide
- DstAlphaFactor
- DstColorFactor
- DynamicCopyUsage
- DynamicDrawUsage
- DynamicReadUsage
- EqualCompare
- EqualDepth
- EqualStencilFunc
- EquirectangularReflectionMapping
- EquirectangularRefractionMapping
- FloatType
- FrontSide
- GreaterCompare
- GreaterDepth
- GreaterEqualCompare
- GreaterEqualDepth
- GreaterEqualStencilFunc
- GreaterStencilFunc
- HalfFloatType
- IncrementStencilOp
- IncrementWrapStencilOp
- InterpolateDiscrete
- InterpolateLinear
- InterpolateSmooth
- IntType
- InvertStencilOp
- KeepStencilOp
- LessCompare
- LessDepth
- LessEqualCompare
- LessEqualDepth
- LessEqualStencilFunc
- LessStencilFunc
- LinearFilter
- LinearMipmapLinearFilter
- LinearMipMapLinearFilter
- LinearMipmapNearestFilter
- LinearMipMapNearestFilter
- LinearSRGBColorSpace
- LinearToneMapping
- LinearTransfer
- LoopOnce
- LoopPingPong
- LoopRepeat
- LuminanceAlphaFormat
- LuminanceFormat
- MathUtils
- MaxEquation
- MinEquation
- MirroredRepeatWrapping
- MixOperation
- MultiplyBlending
- MultiplyOperation
- NearestFilter
- NearestMipmapLinearFilter
- NearestMipMapLinearFilter
- NearestMipmapNearestFilter
- NearestMipMapNearestFilter
- NeutralToneMapping
- NeverCompare
- NeverDepth
- NeverStencilFunc
- NoBlending
- NoColorSpace
- NormalAnimationBlendMode
- NormalBlending
- NotEqualCompare
- NotEqualDepth
- NotEqualStencilFunc
- NoToneMapping
- ObjectSpaceNormalMap
- OneFactor
- OneMinusConstantAlphaFactor
- OneMinusConstantColorFactor
- OneMinusDstAlphaFactor
- OneMinusDstColorFactor
- OneMinusSrcAlphaFactor
- OneMinusSrcColorFactor
- PCFShadowMap
- PCFSoftShadowMap
- RED_RGTC1_Format
- RedFormat
- RedIntegerFormat
- ReinhardToneMapping
- RepeatWrapping
- ReplaceStencilOp
- ReverseSubtractEquation
- RGB_ETC1_Format
- RGB_ETC2_Format
- RGB_S3TC_DXT1_Format
- RGBA_ASTC_10x10_Format
- RGBA_ASTC_10x5_Format
- RGBA_ASTC_10x6_Format
- RGBA_ASTC_10x8_Format
- RGBA_ASTC_12x10_Format
- RGBA_ASTC_12x12_Format
- RGBA_ASTC_4x4_Format
- RGBA_ASTC_5x4_Format
- RGBA_ASTC_5x5_Format
- RGBA_ASTC_6x5_Format
- RGBA_ASTC_6x6_Format
- RGBA_ASTC_8x5_Format
- RGBA_ASTC_8x6_Format
- RGBA_ASTC_8x8_Format
- RGBA_BPTC_Format
- RGBA_ETC2_EAC_Format
- RGBA_S3TC_DXT1_Format
- RGBA_S3TC_DXT3_Format
- RGBA_S3TC_DXT5_Format
- RGBADepthPacking
- RGBAFormat
- RGBAIntegerFormat
- RGBDepthPacking
- RGBFormat
- RGBIntegerFormat
- RGDepthPacking
- RGFormat
- RGIntegerFormat
- ShaderChunk
- ShaderLib
- ShortType
- SrcAlphaFactor
- SrcAlphaSaturateFactor
- SrcColorFactor
- SRGBColorSpace
- SRGBTransfer
- StaticCopyUsage
- StaticDrawUsage
- StaticReadUsage
- StreamCopyUsage
- StreamDrawUsage
- StreamReadUsage
- SubtractEquation
- SubtractiveBlending
- TangentSpaceNormalMap
- TextureUtils
- TriangleFanDrawMode
- TrianglesDrawMode
- TriangleStripDrawMode
- UniformsLib
- UniformsUtils
- UnsignedByteType
- UnsignedInt248Type
- UnsignedInt5999Type
- UnsignedIntType
- UnsignedShort4444Type
- UnsignedShort5551Type
- UnsignedShortType
- UVMapping
- VSMShadowMap
- WebGLCoordinateSystem
- WebGPUCoordinateSystem
- WrapAroundEnding
- ZeroCurvatureEnding
- ZeroFactor
- ZeroSlopeEnding
- ZeroStencilOp
- blendMode
- clampWhenFinished
- crossFadeFrom()
- crossFadeTo()
- enabled
- fadeIn()
- fadeOut()
- getClip()
- getEffectiveTimeScale()
- getEffectiveWeight()
- getMixer()
- getRoot()
- halt()
- isRunning()
- isScheduled()
- loop
- paused
- play()
- repetitions
- reset()
- setDuration()
- setEffectiveTimeScale()
- setEffectiveWeight()
- setLoop()
- startAt()
- stop()
- stopFading()
- stopWarping()
- syncWith()
- time
- timeScale
- warp()
- weight
- zeroSlopeAtEnd
- zeroSlopeAtStart
- autoplay
- buffer
- connect()
- context
- detune
- disconnect()
- duration
- filters
- gain
- getDetune()
- getFilter()
- getFilters()
- getLoop()
- getOutput()
- getPlaybackRate()
- getVolume()
- hasPlaybackControl
- isPlaying
- listener
- loop
- loopEnd
- loopStart
- offset
- onEnded()
- pause()
- play()
- playbackRate
- setBuffer()
- setDetune()
- setFilter()
- setFilters()
- setLoop()
- setLoopEnd()
- setLoopStart()
- setMediaElementSource()
- setMediaStreamSource()
- setNodeSource()
- setPlaybackRate()
- setVolume()
- source
- sourceType
- stop()
- type
- addGeometry()
- addInstance()
- boundingBox
- boundingSphere
- computeBoundingBox()
- computeBoundingSphere()
- customSort
- deleteGeometry()
- deleteInstance()
- dispose()
- getBoundingBoxAt()
- getBoundingSphereAt()
- getColorAt()
- getGeometryIdAt()
- getGeometryRangeAt()
- getMatrixAt()
- getVisibleAt()
- instanceCount
- isBatchedMesh
- maxInstanceCount
- optimize()
- perObjectFrustumCulled
- setColorAt()
- setCustomSort()
- setGeometryAt()
- setGeometryIdAt()
- setGeometrySize()
- setInstanceCount()
- setMatrixAt()
- setVisibleAt()
- sortObjects
- unusedIndexCount
- unusedVertexCount
- applyMatrix4()
- clampPoint()
- clone()
- containsBox()
- containsPoint()
- copy()
- distanceToPoint()
- empty()
- equals()
- expandByObject()
- expandByPoint()
- expandByScalar()
- expandByVector()
- getBoundingSphere()
- getCenter()
- getParameter()
- getSize()
- intersect()
- intersectsBox()
- intersectsPlane()
- intersectsSphere()
- intersectsTriangle()
- isBox3
- isEmpty()
- isIntersectionBox()
- isIntersectionSphere()
- makeEmpty()
- max
- min
- set()
- setFromArray()
- setFromBufferAttribute()
- setFromCenterAndSize()
- setFromObject()
- setFromPoints()
- translate()
- union()
- addUpdateRange()
- applyMatrix3()
- applyMatrix4()
- applyNormalMatrix()
- array
- clearUpdateRanges()
- clone()
- copy()
- copyArray()
- copyAt()
- count
- getComponent()
- getW()
- getX()
- getY()
- getZ()
- gpuType
- isBufferAttribute
- itemSize
- name
- normalized
- onUpload()
- onUploadCallback
- set()
- setComponent()
- setUsage()
- setW()
- setX()
- setXY()
- setXYZ()
- setXYZW()
- setY()
- setZ()
- toJSON()
- transformDirection()
- updateRanges
- usage
- version
- addGroup()
- applyMatrix4()
- applyQuaternion()
- attributes
- boundingBox
- boundingSphere
- center()
- clearGroups()
- clone()
- computeBoundingBox()
- computeBoundingSphere()
- computeTangents()
- computeVertexNormals()
- copy()
- deleteAttribute()
- dispose()
- drawRange
- getAttribute()
- getIndex()
- getIndirect()
- groups
- hasAttribute()
- id
- index
- indirect
- isBufferGeometry
- lookAt()
- morphAttributes
- morphTargetsRelative
- name
- normalizeNormals()
- rotateX()
- rotateY()
- rotateZ()
- scale()
- setAttribute()
- setDrawRange()
- setFromPoints()
- setIndex()
- setIndirect()
- toJSON()
- toNonIndexed()
- translate()
- type
- userData
- uuid
- [Symbol.iterator]()
- add()
- addColors()
- addScalar()
- applyMatrix3()
- b
- clone()
- convertLinearToSRGB()
- convertSRGBToLinear()
- copy()
- copyLinearToSRGB()
- copySRGBToLinear()
- equals()
- fromArray()
- fromBufferAttribute()
- g
- getHex()
- getHexString()
- getHSL()
- getRGB()
- getStyle()
- isColor
- lerp()
- lerpColors()
- lerpHSL()
- multiply()
- multiplyScalar()
- offsetHSL()
- r
- set()
- setColorName()
- setFromVector3()
- setHex()
- setHSL()
- setRGB()
- setScalar()
- setStyle()
- sub()
- toArray()
- toJSON()
- alphaHash
- alphaTest
- alphaToCoverage
- blendAlpha
- blendColor
- blendDst
- blendDstAlpha
- blendEquation
- blendEquationAlpha
- blending
- blendSrc
- blendSrcAlpha
- clipIntersection
- clippingPlanes
- clipShadows
- clone()
- colorWrite
- copy()
- customProgramCacheKey()
- defines
- depthFunc
- depthTest
- depthWrite
- dispose()
- dithering
- forceSinglePass
- id
- isMaterial
- name
- onBeforeCompile()
- onBeforeRender()
- onBuild()
- opacity
- polygonOffset
- polygonOffsetFactor
- polygonOffsetUnits
- precision
- premultipliedAlpha
- setValues()
- shadowSide
- side
- stencilFail
- stencilFunc
- stencilFuncMask
- stencilRef
- stencilWrite
- stencilWriteMask
- stencilZFail
- stencilZPass
- toJSON()
- toneMapped
- transparent
- type
- userData
- uuid
- version
- vertexColors
- visible
- clone()
- copy()
- determinant()
- elements
- equals()
- extractBasis()
- fromArray()
- getNormalMatrix()
- identity()
- invert()
- isMatrix3
- makeRotation()
- makeScale()
- makeTranslation()
- multiply()
- multiplyMatrices()
- multiplyScalar()
- premultiply()
- rotate()
- scale()
- set()
- setFromMatrix4()
- setUvTransform()
- toArray()
- translate()
- transpose()
- transposeIntoArray()
- clone()
- compose()
- copy()
- copyPosition()
- decompose()
- determinant()
- elements
- equals()
- extractBasis()
- extractRotation()
- fromArray()
- getMaxScaleOnAxis()
- identity()
- invert()
- isMatrix4
- lookAt()
- makeBasis()
- makeOrthographic()
- makePerspective()
- makeRotationAxis()
- makeRotationFromEuler()
- makeRotationFromQuaternion()
- makeRotationX()
- makeRotationY()
- makeRotationZ()
- makeScale()
- makeShear()
- makeTranslation()
- multiply()
- multiplyMatrices()
- multiplyScalar()
- premultiply()
- scale()
- set()
- setFromMatrix3()
- setPosition()
- toArray()
- transpose()
- alphaMap
- aoMap
- aoMapIntensity
- bumpMap
- bumpScale
- color
- combine
- displacementBias
- displacementMap
- displacementScale
- emissive
- emissiveIntensity
- emissiveMap
- envMap
- envMapRotation
- flatShading
- fog
- isMeshLambertMaterial
- lightMap
- lightMapIntensity
- map
- normalMap
- normalMapType
- normalScale
- reflectivity
- refractionRatio
- setValues()
- specularMap
- wireframe
- wireframeLinecap
- wireframeLinejoin
- wireframeLinewidth
- alphaMap
- aoMap
- aoMapIntensity
- bumpMap
- bumpScale
- color
- combine
- displacementBias
- displacementMap
- displacementScale
- emissive
- emissiveIntensity
- emissiveMap
- envMap
- envMapRotation
- flatShading
- fog
- isMeshPhongMaterial
- lightMap
- lightMapIntensity
- map
- metal
- normalMap
- normalMapType
- normalScale
- reflectivity
- refractionRatio
- setValues()
- shininess
- specular
- specularMap
- wireframe
- wireframeLinecap
- wireframeLinejoin
- wireframeLinewidth
- anisotropy
- anisotropyMap
- anisotropyRotation
- attenuationColor
- attenuationDistance
- clearcoat
- clearcoatMap
- clearcoatNormalMap
- clearcoatNormalScale
- clearcoatRoughness
- clearcoatRoughnessMap
- defines
- dispersion
- ior
- iridescence
- iridescenceIOR
- iridescenceMap
- iridescenceThicknessMap
- iridescenceThicknessRange
- isMeshPhysicalMaterial
- reflectivity
- sheen
- sheenColor
- sheenColorMap
- sheenRoughness
- sheenRoughnessMap
- specularColor
- specularColorMap
- specularIntensity
- specularIntensityMap
- thickness
- thicknessMap
- transmission
- transmissionMap
- alphaMap
- aoMap
- aoMapIntensity
- bumpMap
- bumpScale
- color
- defines
- displacementBias
- displacementMap
- displacementScale
- emissive
- emissiveIntensity
- emissiveMap
- envMap
- envMapIntensity
- envMapRotation
- flatShading
- fog
- isMeshStandardMaterial
- lightMap
- lightMapIntensity
- map
- metalness
- metalnessMap
- normalMap
- normalMapType
- normalScale
- roughness
- roughnessMap
- setValues()
- wireframe
- wireframeLinecap
- wireframeLinejoin
- wireframeLinewidth
- alphaMap
- aoMap
- aoMapIntensity
- bumpMap
- bumpScale
- color
- defines
- displacementBias
- displacementMap
- displacementScale
- emissive
- emissiveIntensity
- emissiveMap
- fog
- gradientMap
- isMeshToonMaterial
- lightMap
- lightMapIntensity
- map
- normalMap
- normalMapType
- normalScale
- setValues()
- wireframe
- wireframeLinecap
- wireframeLinejoin
- wireframeLinewidth
- add()
- animations
- applyMatrix4()
- applyQuaternion()
- attach()
- castShadow
- children
- clear()
- clone()
- copy()
- customDepthMaterial
- customDistanceMaterial
- frustumCulled
- getObjectById()
- getObjectByName()
- getObjectByProperty()
- getObjectsByProperty()
- getWorldDirection()
- getWorldPosition()
- getWorldQuaternion()
- getWorldScale()
- id
- isObject3D
- layers
- localToWorld()
- lookAt()
- matrix
- matrixAutoUpdate
- matrixWorld
- matrixWorldAutoUpdate
- matrixWorldNeedsUpdate
- modelViewMatrix
- name
- normalMatrix
- onAfterRender()
- onAfterShadow()
- onBeforeRender()
- onBeforeShadow()
- parent
- position
- quaternion
- raycast()
- receiveShadow
- remove()
- removeFromParent()
- renderOrder
- rotateOnAxis()
- rotateOnWorldAxis()
- rotateX()
- rotateY()
- rotateZ()
- rotation
- scale
- setRotationFromAxisAngle()
- setRotationFromEuler()
- setRotationFromMatrix()
- setRotationFromQuaternion()
- toJSON()
- translateOnAxis()
- translateX()
- translateY()
- translateZ()
- traverse()
- traverseAncestors()
- traverseVisible()
- type
- up
- updateMatrix()
- updateMatrixWorld()
- updateWorldMatrix()
- userData
- uuid
- visible
- worldToLocal()
- applyMatrix4()
- clone()
- constant
- coplanarPoint()
- copy()
- distanceToPoint()
- distanceToSphere()
- equals()
- intersectLine()
- intersectsBox()
- intersectsLine()
- intersectsSphere()
- isIntersectionLine()
- isPlane
- negate()
- normal
- normalize()
- projectPoint()
- set()
- setComponents()
- setFromCoplanarPoints()
- setFromNormalAndCoplanarPoint()
- translate()
- [Symbol.iterator]()
- angleTo()
- clone()
- conjugate()
- copy()
- dot()
- equals()
- fromArray()
- fromBufferAttribute()
- identity()
- invert()
- isQuaternion
- length()
- lengthSq()
- multiply()
- multiplyQuaternions()
- multiplyQuaternionsFlat()
- normalize()
- premultiply()
- random()
- rotateTowards()
- set()
- setFromAxisAngle()
- setFromEuler()
- setFromRotationMatrix()
- setFromUnitVectors()
- slerp()
- slerpFlat()
- slerpQuaternions()
- toArray()
- toJSON()
- w
- x
- y
- z
- applyMatrix4()
- at()
- clone()
- closestPointToPoint()
- copy()
- direction
- distanceSqToPoint()
- distanceSqToSegment()
- distanceToPlane()
- distanceToPoint()
- equals()
- intersectBox()
- intersectPlane()
- intersectsBox()
- intersectSphere()
- intersectsPlane()
- intersectsSphere()
- intersectTriangle()
- isIntersectionBox()
- isIntersectionPlane()
- isIntersectionSphere()
- lookAt()
- origin
- recast()
- set()
- anisotropy
- center
- channel
- clone()
- colorSpace
- copy()
- dispose()
- flipY
- format
- generateMipmaps
- id
- image
- internalFormat
- isRenderTargetTexture
- isTexture
- magFilter
- mapping
- matrix
- matrixAutoUpdate
- minFilter
- mipmaps
- name
- offset
- onUpdate
- pmremVersion
- premultiplyAlpha
- repeat
- rotation
- source
- toJSON()
- transformUv()
- type
- unpackAlignment
- updateMatrix()
- userData
- uuid
- version
- wrapS
- wrapT
- [Symbol.iterator]()
- add()
- addScalar()
- addScaledVector()
- addVectors()
- angle()
- angleTo()
- applyMatrix3()
- ceil()
- clamp()
- clampLength()
- clampScalar()
- clone()
- copy()
- cross()
- distanceTo()
- distanceToSquared()
- divide()
- divideScalar()
- dot()
- equals()
- floor()
- fromArray()
- fromBufferAttribute()
- getComponent()
- height
- isVector2
- length()
- lengthSq()
- lerp()
- lerpVectors()
- manhattanDistanceTo()
- manhattanLength()
- max()
- min()
- multiply()
- multiplyScalar()
- negate()
- normalize()
- random()
- rotateAround()
- round()
- roundToZero()
- set()
- setComponent()
- setLength()
- setScalar()
- setX()
- setY()
- sub()
- subScalar()
- subVectors()
- toArray()
- width
- x
- y
- [Symbol.iterator]()
- add()
- addScalar()
- addScaledVector()
- addVectors()
- angleTo()
- applyAxisAngle()
- applyEuler()
- applyMatrix3()
- applyMatrix4()
- applyNormalMatrix()
- applyQuaternion()
- ceil()
- clamp()
- clampLength()
- clampScalar()
- clone()
- copy()
- cross()
- crossVectors()
- distanceTo()
- distanceToSquared()
- divide()
- divideScalar()
- dot()
- equals()
- floor()
- fromArray()
- fromBufferAttribute()
- getComponent()
- isVector3
- length()
- lengthSq()
- lerp()
- lerpVectors()
- manhattanDistanceTo()
- manhattanLength()
- max()
- min()
- multiply()
- multiplyScalar()
- multiplyVectors()
- negate()
- normalize()
- project()
- projectOnPlane()
- projectOnVector()
- random()
- randomDirection()
- reflect()
- round()
- roundToZero()
- set()
- setComponent()
- setFromColor()
- setFromCylindrical()
- setFromCylindricalCoords()
- setFromEuler()
- setFromMatrix3Column()
- setFromMatrixColumn()
- setFromMatrixPosition()
- setFromMatrixScale()
- setFromSpherical()
- setFromSphericalCoords()
- setLength()
- setScalar()
- setX()
- setY()
- setZ()
- sub()
- subScalar()
- subVectors()
- toArray()
- transformDirection()
- unproject()
- x
- y
- z
- [Symbol.iterator]()
- add()
- addScalar()
- addScaledVector()
- addVectors()
- applyMatrix4()
- ceil()
- clamp()
- clampScalar()
- clone()
- copy()
- divide()
- divideScalar()
- dot()
- equals()
- floor()
- fromArray()
- fromBufferAttribute()
- getComponent()
- height
- isVector4
- length()
- lengthSq()
- lerp()
- lerpVectors()
- manhattanLength()
- max()
- min()
- multiply()
- multiplyScalar()
- negate()
- normalize()
- random()
- round()
- roundToZero()
- set()
- setAxisAngleFromQuaternion()
- setAxisAngleFromRotationMatrix()
- setComponent()
- setFromMatrixPosition()
- setLength()
- setScalar()
- setW()
- setX()
- setY()
- setZ()
- sub()
- subScalar()
- subVectors()
- toArray()
- w
- width
- x
- y
- z
- animate()
- autoClear
- autoClearColor
- autoClearDepth
- autoClearStencil
- capabilities
- clear()
- clearColor()
- clearDepth()
- clearStencil()
- clearTarget()
- clippingPlanes
- compile
- compileAsync
- coordinateSystem
- copyFramebufferToTexture()
- copyTextureToTexture()
- copyTextureToTexture3D()
- debug
- dispose()
- domElement
- enableScissorTest()
- extensions
- forceContextLoss()
- forceContextRestore()
- getActiveCubeFace()
- getActiveMipmapLevel()
- getClearAlpha()
- getClearColor()
- getContext()
- getContextAttributes()
- getCurrentRenderTarget()
- getCurrentViewport()
- getDrawingBufferSize()
- getMaxAnisotropy()
- getPixelRatio()
- getPrecision()
- getRenderTarget()
- getScissor()
- getScissorTest()
- getSize()
- getViewport()
- info
- initRenderTarget()
- initTexture()
- localClippingEnabled
- outputColorSpace
- pixelRatio
- properties
- readRenderTargetPixels()
- readRenderTargetPixelsAsync()
- render()
- renderBufferDirect()
- renderLists
- resetGLState()
- resetState()
- setAnimationLoop()
- setClearAlpha()
- setClearColor()
- setDrawingBufferSize()
- setOpaqueSort()
- setPixelRatio()
- setRenderTarget()
- setScissor()
- setScissorTest()
- setSize()
- setTransparentSort()
- setViewport()
- shadowMap
- shadowMapCullFace
- shadowMapEnabled
- shadowMapType
- sortObjects
- state
- supportsBlendMinMax()
- supportsCompressedTexturePVRTC()
- supportsCompressedTextureS3TC()
- supportsFloatTextures()
- supportsHalfFloatTextures()
- supportsInstancedArrays()
- supportsStandardDerivatives()
- supportsVertexTextures()
- toneMapping
- toneMappingExposure
- vr
- xr
- cameraAutoUpdate
- dispose
- enabled
- getBaseLayer
- getBinding
- getCamera
- getController
- getControllerGrip
- getDepthSensingMesh
- getDepthTexture
- getEnvironmentBlendMode
- getFoveation
- getFrame
- getHand
- getReferenceSpace
- getSession
- hasDepthSensing
- isPresenting
- setAnimationLoop
- setFoveation
- setFramebufferScaleFactor
- setReferenceSpace
- setReferenceSpaceType
- setSession
- updateCamera
- alphaHash
- alphaMap
- alphaTest
- alphaToCoverage
- anisotropy
- anisotropyMap
- anisotropyRotation
- aoMap
- aoMapIntensity
- attenuationColor
- attenuationDistance
- blendAlpha
- blendColor
- blendDst
- blendDstAlpha
- blendEquation
- blendEquationAlpha
- blending
- blendSrc
- blendSrcAlpha
- bumpMap
- bumpScale
- clearcoat
- clearcoatMap
- clearcoatNormalMap
- clearcoatNormalScale
- clearcoatRoughness
- clearcoatRoughnessMap
- color
- colorWrite
- combine
- dashSize
- depthFunc
- depthTest
- depthWrite
- dispersion
- displacementBias
- displacementMap
- displacementScale
- dithering
- emissive
- emissiveIntensity
- emissiveMap
- envMap
- envMapIntensity
- envMapRotation
- flatShading
- fog
- forceSinglePass
- gapSize
- gradientMap
- images
- iridescence
- iridescenceIOR
- iridescenceMap
- iridescenceThicknessMap
- iridescenceThicknessRange
- lightMap
- lightMapIntensity
- linewidth
- map
- matcap
- metadata
- metalness
- metalnessMap
- name
- normalMap
- normalMapType
- normalScale
- opacity
- polygonOffset
- polygonOffsetFactor
- polygonOffsetUnits
- premultipliedAlpha
- reflectivity
- refractionRatio
- rotation
- roughness
- roughnessMap
- scale
- shadowSide
- sheen
- sheenColor
- sheenRoughness
- shininess
- side
- size
- sizeAttenuation
- specular
- specularColor
- specularColorMap
- specularIntensity
- specularIntensityMap
- specularMap
- stencilFail
- stencilFunc
- stencilFuncMask
- stencilRef
- stencilWrite
- stencilWriteMask
- stencilZFail
- stencilZPass
- textures
- thickness
- thicknessMap
- toneMapped
- transmission
- transmissionMap
- transparent
- type
- userData
- uuid
- vertexColors
- visible
- wireframe
- wireframeLinecap
- wireframeLinejoin
- wireframeLinewidth
- alphaHash
- alphaTest
- alphaToCoverage
- blendAlpha
- blendColor
- blendDst
- blendDstAlpha
- blendEquation
- blendEquationAlpha
- blending
- blendSrc
- blendSrcAlpha
- clipIntersection
- clippingPlanes
- clipShadows
- colorWrite
- defines
- depthFunc
- depthTest
- depthWrite
- dithering
- forceSinglePass
- format
- name
- opacity
- polygonOffset
- polygonOffsetFactor
- polygonOffsetUnits
- precision
- premultipliedAlpha
- shadowSide
- side
- stencilFail
- stencilFunc
- stencilFuncMask
- stencilRef
- stencilWrite
- stencilWriteMask
- stencilZFail
- stencilZPass
- toneMapped
- transparent
- userData
- vertexColors
- visible
- alphaMap
- aoMap
- aoMapIntensity
- bumpMap
- bumpScale
- color
- combine
- displacementBias
- displacementMap
- displacementScale
- emissive
- emissiveIntensity
- emissiveMap
- envMap
- envMapRotation
- flatShading
- fog
- lightMap
- lightMapIntensity
- map
- normalMap
- normalScale
- reflectivity
- refractionRatio
- specularMap
- wireframe
- wireframeLinecap
- wireframeLinejoin
- wireframeLinewidth
- alphaMap
- aoMap
- aoMapIntensity
- bumpMap
- bumpScale
- color
- combine
- displacementBias
- displacementMap
- displacementScale
- emissive
- emissiveIntensity
- emissiveMap
- envMap
- envMapRotation
- flatShading
- fog
- lightMap
- lightMapIntensity
- map
- normalMap
- normalMapType
- normalScale
- opacity
- reflectivity
- refractionRatio
- shininess
- specular
- specularMap
- wireframe
- wireframeLinecap
- wireframeLinejoin
- wireframeLinewidth
- anisotropy
- anisotropyMap
- anisotropyRotation
- attenuationColor
- attenuationDistance
- clearcoat
- clearcoatMap
- clearcoatNormalMap
- clearcoatNormalScale
- clearcoatRoughness
- clearcoatRoughnessMap
- dispersion
- ior
- iridescence
- iridescenceIOR
- iridescenceMap
- iridescenceThicknessMap
- iridescenceThicknessRange
- reflectivity
- sheen
- sheenColor
- sheenColorMap
- sheenRoughness
- sheenRoughnessMap
- specularColor
- specularColorMap
- specularIntensity
- specularIntensityMap
- thickness
- thicknessMap
- transmission
- transmissionMap
- alphaMap
- aoMap
- aoMapIntensity
- bumpMap
- bumpScale
- color
- displacementBias
- displacementMap
- displacementScale
- emissive
- emissiveIntensity
- emissiveMap
- envMap
- envMapIntensity
- envMapRotation
- flatShading
- fog
- lightMap
- lightMapIntensity
- map
- metalness
- metalnessMap
- normalMap
- normalMapType
- normalScale
- roughness
- roughnessMap
- wireframe
- wireframeLinewidth
- alphaHash
- alphaMap
- alphaMapUv
- alphaTest
- alphaToCoverage
- anisotropy
- anisotropyMap
- anisotropyMapUv
- aoMap
- aoMapUv
- batching
- batchingColor
- bumpMap
- bumpMapUv
- clearcoat
- clearcoatMap
- clearcoatMapUv
- clearcoatNormalMap
- clearcoatNormalMapUv
- clearcoatRoughnessMap
- clearcoatRoughnessMapUv
- combine
- customFragmentShaderID
- customProgramCacheKey
- customVertexShaderID
- decodeVideoTexture
- decodeVideoTextureEmissive
- defines
- depthPacking
- dispersion
- displacementMap
- displacementMapUv
- dithering
- doubleSided
- emissiveMap
- emissiveMapUv
- envMap
- envMapCubeUVHeight
- envMapMode
- extensionClipCullDistance
- extensionMultiDraw
- flatShading
- flipSided
- fog
- fogExp2
- fragmentShader
- glslVersion
- gradientMap
- index0AttributeName
- instancing
- instancingColor
- instancingMorph
- iridescence
- iridescenceMap
- iridescenceMapUv
- iridescenceThicknessMap
- iridescenceThicknessMapUv
- isRawShaderMaterial
- lightMap
- lightMapUv
- logarithmicDepthBuffer
- map
- mapUv
- matcap
- metalnessMap
- metalnessMapUv
- morphColors
- morphNormals
- morphTargets
- morphTargetsCount
- morphTextureStride
- normalMap
- normalMapObjectSpace
- normalMapTangentSpace
- normalMapUv
- numClipIntersection
- numClippingPlanes
- numDirLights
- numDirLightShadows
- numHemiLights
- numLightProbes
- numPointLights
- numPointLightShadows
- numRectAreaLights
- numSpotLightMaps
- numSpotLights
- numSpotLightShadows
- numSpotLightShadowsWithMaps
- opaque
- outputColorSpace
- pointsUvs
- precision
- premultipliedAlpha
- rendererExtensionParallelShaderCompile
- reverseDepthBuffer
- roughnessMap
- roughnessMapUv
- shaderID
- shaderName
- shaderType
- shadowMapEnabled
- shadowMapType
- sheen
- sheenColorMap
- sheenColorMapUv
- sheenRoughnessMap
- sheenRoughnessMapUv
- sizeAttenuation
- skinning
- specularColorMap
- specularColorMapUv
- specularIntensityMap
- specularIntensityMapUv
- specularMap
- specularMapUv
- supportsVertexTextures
- thicknessMap
- thicknessMapUv
- toneMapping
- transmission
- transmissionMap
- transmissionMapUv
- useDepthPacking
- useFog
- vertexAlphas
- vertexColors
- vertexShader
- vertexTangents
- vertexUv1s
- vertexUv2s
- vertexUv3s
Type Aliases
- AnimationActionLoopStyles
- AnimationBlendMode
- AnyMapping
- AnyPixelFormat
- AttributeGPUType
- BindMode
- Blending
- BlendingDstFactor
- BlendingEquation
- BlendingSrcFactor
- ColorRepresentation
- ColorSpace
- ColorSpaceTransfer
- Combine
- CompressedPixelFormat
- CoordinateSystem
- CubeTextureMapping
- CullFace
- CurveType
- DepthModes
- DepthPackingStrategies
- DepthTexturePixelFormat
- EulerOrder
- EulerTuple
- EventListener
- GLSLVersion
- InterpolationEndingModes
- InterpolationModes
- MagnificationTextureFilter
- Mapping
- Matrix2Tuple
- Matrix3Tuple
- Matrix4Tuple
- MinificationTextureFilter
- NormalBufferAttributes
- NormalMapTypes
- NormalOrGLBufferAttributes
- PixelFormat
- PixelFormatGPU
- QuaternionTuple
- SerializedImage
- ShaderMaterialUniformJSON
- ShadowMapType
- Side
- StencilFunc
- StencilOp
- TextureComparisonFunction
- TextureDataType
- TextureFilter
- ToneMapping
- TrianglesDrawModes
- TypedArray
- Usage
- Vector2Tuple
- Vector3Tuple
- Vector4Tuple
- WebXRArrayCamera
- WebXRCamera
- Wrapping
- XRControllerEventType
- XRHandJoints
variable ACESFilmicToneMapping
const ACESFilmicToneMapping: number;
variable AddEquation
const AddEquation: number;
variable AdditiveAnimationBlendMode
const AdditiveAnimationBlendMode: number;
variable AdditiveBlending
const AdditiveBlending: number;
variable AddOperation
const AddOperation: number;
variable AgXToneMapping
const AgXToneMapping: number;
variable AlphaFormat
const AlphaFormat: number;
AlphaFormat discards the red, green and blue components and reads just the alpha component.
variable AlwaysCompare
const AlwaysCompare: number;
variable AlwaysDepth
const AlwaysDepth: number;
variable AlwaysStencilFunc
const AlwaysStencilFunc: number;
variable AnimationUtils
const AnimationUtils: { convertArray: typeof convertArray; isTypedArray: typeof isTypedArray; getKeyframeOrder: typeof getKeyframeOrder; sortedArray: typeof sortedArray; flattenJSON: typeof flattenJSON; subclip: typeof subclip; makeClipAdditive: typeof makeClipAdditive;};
variable AttachedBindMode
const AttachedBindMode: string;
variable BackSide
const BackSide: number;
variable BasicDepthPacking
const BasicDepthPacking: number;
variable BasicShadowMap
const BasicShadowMap: number;
variable ByteType
const ByteType: number;
variable Cache
const Cache: { enabled: boolean; files: any; add(key: string, file: any): void; get(key: string): any; remove(key: string): void; clear(): void;};
variable CineonToneMapping
const CineonToneMapping: number;
variable ClampToEdgeWrapping
const ClampToEdgeWrapping: number;
With ClampToEdgeWrapping the last pixel of the texture stretches to the edge of the mesh.
This is the _default_ value and behaver for Wrapping Mapping.
variable ColorManagement
const ColorManagement: ColorManagement;
variable ConstantAlphaFactor
const ConstantAlphaFactor: number;
variable ConstantColorFactor
const ConstantColorFactor: number;
variable CubeReflectionMapping
const CubeReflectionMapping: number;
This is the _default_ value and behaver for Cube Texture Mapping.
variable CubeRefractionMapping
const CubeRefractionMapping: number;
variable CubeUVReflectionMapping
const CubeUVReflectionMapping: number;
variable CullFaceBack
const CullFaceBack: number;
variable CullFaceFront
const CullFaceFront: number;
variable CullFaceFrontBack
const CullFaceFrontBack: number;
variable CullFaceNone
const CullFaceNone: number;
variable CustomBlending
const CustomBlending: number;
variable CustomToneMapping
const CustomToneMapping: number;
variable DataUtils
const DataUtils: { toHalfFloat: typeof toHalfFloat; fromHalfFloat: typeof fromHalfFloat;};
variable DecrementStencilOp
const DecrementStencilOp: number;
variable DecrementWrapStencilOp
const DecrementWrapStencilOp: number;
variable DefaultLoadingManager
const DefaultLoadingManager: LoadingManager;
variable DepthFormat
const DepthFormat: number;
DepthFormat reads each element as a single depth value, converts it to floating point, and clamps to the range
This is the default for THREE.DepthTexture.
variable DepthStencilFormat
const DepthStencilFormat: number;
DepthStencilFormat reads each element is a pair of depth and stencil values. The depth component of the pair is interpreted as in DepthFormat. The stencil component is interpreted based on the depth + stencil internal format.
variable DetachedBindMode
const DetachedBindMode: string;
variable DoubleSide
const DoubleSide: number;
variable DstAlphaFactor
const DstAlphaFactor: number;
variable DstColorFactor
const DstColorFactor: number;
variable DynamicCopyUsage
const DynamicCopyUsage: number;
variable DynamicDrawUsage
const DynamicDrawUsage: number;
variable DynamicReadUsage
const DynamicReadUsage: number;
variable EqualCompare
const EqualCompare: number;
variable EqualDepth
const EqualDepth: number;
variable EqualStencilFunc
const EqualStencilFunc: number;
variable EquirectangularReflectionMapping
const EquirectangularReflectionMapping: number;
variable EquirectangularRefractionMapping
const EquirectangularRefractionMapping: number;
variable FloatType
const FloatType: number;
variable FrontSide
const FrontSide: number;
variable GLSL1
const GLSL1: string;
variable GLSL3
const GLSL3: string;
variable GreaterCompare
const GreaterCompare: number;
variable GreaterDepth
const GreaterDepth: number;
variable GreaterEqualCompare
const GreaterEqualCompare: number;
variable GreaterEqualDepth
const GreaterEqualDepth: number;
variable GreaterEqualStencilFunc
const GreaterEqualStencilFunc: number;
variable GreaterStencilFunc
const GreaterStencilFunc: number;
variable HalfFloatType
const HalfFloatType: number;
variable IncrementStencilOp
const IncrementStencilOp: number;
variable IncrementWrapStencilOp
const IncrementWrapStencilOp: number;
variable InterpolateDiscrete
const InterpolateDiscrete: number;
variable InterpolateLinear
const InterpolateLinear: number;
variable InterpolateSmooth
const InterpolateSmooth: number;
variable IntType
const IntType: number;
variable InvertStencilOp
const InvertStencilOp: number;
variable KeepStencilOp
const KeepStencilOp: number;
variable LessCompare
const LessCompare: number;
variable LessDepth
const LessDepth: number;
variable LessEqualCompare
const LessEqualCompare: number;
variable LessEqualDepth
const LessEqualDepth: number;
variable LessEqualStencilFunc
const LessEqualStencilFunc: number;
variable LessStencilFunc
const LessStencilFunc: number;
variable LinearFilter
const LinearFilter: number;
LinearFilter returns the weighted average of the four texture elements that are closest to the specified texture coordinates, and can include items wrapped or repeated from other parts of a texture, depending on the values of wrapS and wrapT, and on the exact mapping.
variable LinearMipmapLinearFilter
const LinearMipmapLinearFilter: number;
LinearMipmapLinearFilter is the default and chooses the two mipmaps that most closely match the size of the pixel being textured and uses the LinearFilter criterion to produce a texture value from each mipmap. The final texture value is a weighted average of those two values.
variable LinearMipMapLinearFilter
const LinearMipMapLinearFilter: number;
LinearMipMapLinearFilter is the default and chooses the two mipmaps that most closely match the size of the pixel being textured and uses the LinearFilter criterion to produce a texture value from each mipmap. The final texture value is a weighted average of those two values.
variable LinearMipmapNearestFilter
const LinearMipmapNearestFilter: number;
LinearMipmapNearestFilter chooses the mipmap that most closely matches the size of the pixel being textured and uses the LinearFilter criterion (a weighted average of the four texels that are closest to the center of the pixel) to produce a texture value.
variable LinearMipMapNearestFilter
const LinearMipMapNearestFilter: number;
LinearMipMapNearestFilter chooses the mipmap that most closely matches the size of the pixel being textured and uses the LinearFilter criterion (a weighted average of the four texels that are closest to the center of the pixel) to produce a texture value.
variable LinearSRGBColorSpace
const LinearSRGBColorSpace: string;
variable LinearToneMapping
const LinearToneMapping: number;
variable LinearTransfer
const LinearTransfer: string;
variable LoopOnce
const LoopOnce: number;
variable LoopPingPong
const LoopPingPong: number;
variable LoopRepeat
const LoopRepeat: number;
variable LuminanceAlphaFormat
const LuminanceAlphaFormat: number;
LuminanceAlphaFormat reads each element as a luminance/alpha double. The same process occurs as for the LuminanceFormat, except that the alpha channel may have values other than
variable LuminanceFormat
const LuminanceFormat: number;
LuminanceFormat reads each element as a single luminance component. This is then converted to a floating point, clamped to the range
, and then assembled into an RGBA element by placing the luminance value in the red, green and blue channels, and attaching1.0
to the alpha channel.
variable MathUtils
const MathUtils: { DEG2RAD: typeof DEG2RAD; RAD2DEG: typeof RAD2DEG; generateUUID: typeof generateUUID; clamp: typeof clamp; euclideanModulo: typeof euclideanModulo; mapLinear: typeof mapLinear; inverseLerp: typeof inverseLerp; lerp: typeof lerp; damp: typeof damp; pingpong: typeof pingpong; smoothstep: typeof smoothstep; smootherstep: typeof smootherstep; randInt: typeof randInt; randFloat: typeof randFloat; randFloatSpread: typeof randFloatSpread; seededRandom: typeof seededRandom; degToRad: typeof degToRad; radToDeg: typeof radToDeg; isPowerOfTwo: typeof isPowerOfTwo; ceilPowerOfTwo: typeof ceilPowerOfTwo; floorPowerOfTwo: typeof floorPowerOfTwo; setQuaternionFromProperEuler: typeof setQuaternionFromProperEuler; normalize: typeof normalize; denormalize: typeof denormalize;};
variable MaxEquation
const MaxEquation: number;
variable MinEquation
const MinEquation: number;
variable MirroredRepeatWrapping
const MirroredRepeatWrapping: number;
With MirroredRepeatWrapping the texture will repeats to infinity, mirroring on each repeat.
variable MixOperation
const MixOperation: number;
variable MultiplyBlending
const MultiplyBlending: number;
variable MultiplyOperation
const MultiplyOperation: number;
variable NearestFilter
const NearestFilter: number;
NearestFilter returns the value of the texture element that is nearest (in Manhattan distance) to the specified texture coordinates.
variable NearestMipmapLinearFilter
const NearestMipmapLinearFilter: number;
NearestMipmapLinearFilter chooses the two mipmaps that most closely match the size of the pixel being textured and uses the NearestFilter criterion to produce a texture value from each mipmap. The final texture value is a weighted average of those two values.
variable NearestMipMapLinearFilter
const NearestMipMapLinearFilter: number;
NearestMipMapLinearFilter chooses the two mipmaps that most closely match the size of the pixel being textured and uses the NearestFilter criterion to produce a texture value from each mipmap. The final texture value is a weighted average of those two values.
variable NearestMipmapNearestFilter
const NearestMipmapNearestFilter: number;
NearestMipmapNearestFilter chooses the mipmap that most closely matches the size of the pixel being textured and uses the NearestFilter criterion (the texel nearest to the center of the pixel) to produce a texture value.
variable NearestMipMapNearestFilter
const NearestMipMapNearestFilter: number;
NearestMipmapNearestFilter chooses the mipmap that most closely matches the size of the pixel being textured and uses the NearestFilter criterion (the texel nearest to the center of the pixel) to produce a texture value.
variable NeutralToneMapping
const NeutralToneMapping: number;
variable NeverCompare
const NeverCompare: number;
variable NeverDepth
const NeverDepth: number;
variable NeverStencilFunc
const NeverStencilFunc: number;
variable NoBlending
const NoBlending: number;
variable NoColorSpace
const NoColorSpace: string;
variable NormalAnimationBlendMode
const NormalAnimationBlendMode: number;
variable NormalBlending
const NormalBlending: number;
variable NotEqualCompare
const NotEqualCompare: number;
variable NotEqualDepth
const NotEqualDepth: number;
variable NotEqualStencilFunc
const NotEqualStencilFunc: number;
variable NoToneMapping
const NoToneMapping: number;
variable ObjectSpaceNormalMap
const ObjectSpaceNormalMap: number;
variable OneFactor
const OneFactor: number;
variable OneMinusConstantAlphaFactor
const OneMinusConstantAlphaFactor: number;
variable OneMinusConstantColorFactor
const OneMinusConstantColorFactor: number;
variable OneMinusDstAlphaFactor
const OneMinusDstAlphaFactor: number;
variable OneMinusDstColorFactor
const OneMinusDstColorFactor: number;
variable OneMinusSrcAlphaFactor
const OneMinusSrcAlphaFactor: number;
variable OneMinusSrcColorFactor
const OneMinusSrcColorFactor: number;
variable PCFShadowMap
const PCFShadowMap: number;
variable PCFSoftShadowMap
const PCFSoftShadowMap: number;
variable RED_GREEN_RGTC2_Format
const RED_GREEN_RGTC2_Format: number;
variable RED_RGTC1_Format
const RED_RGTC1_Format: number;
variable RedFormat
const RedFormat: number;
RedFormat discards the green and blue components and reads just the red component.
variable RedIntegerFormat
const RedIntegerFormat: number;
RedIntegerFormat discards the green and blue components and reads just the red component. The texels are read as integers instead of floating point.
variable ReinhardToneMapping
const ReinhardToneMapping: number;
variable RepeatWrapping
const RepeatWrapping: number;
With RepeatWrapping the texture will simply repeat to infinity.
variable ReplaceStencilOp
const ReplaceStencilOp: number;
variable ReverseSubtractEquation
const ReverseSubtractEquation: number;
variable REVISION
const REVISION: string;
variable RGB_BPTC_SIGNED_Format
const RGB_BPTC_SIGNED_Format: number;
variable RGB_BPTC_UNSIGNED_Format
const RGB_BPTC_UNSIGNED_Format: number;
variable RGB_ETC1_Format
const RGB_ETC1_Format: number;
Require support for the _WEBGL_compressed_texture_etc1_ (ETC1) or _WEBGL_compressed_texture_etc_ (ETC2) WebGL extension.
variable RGB_ETC2_Format
const RGB_ETC2_Format: number;
Require support for the _WEBGL_compressed_texture_etc1_ (ETC1) or _WEBGL_compressed_texture_etc_ (ETC2) WebGL extension.
variable RGB_PVRTC_2BPPV1_Format
const RGB_PVRTC_2BPPV1_Format: number;
RGB compression in 2-bit mode. One block for each 8×4 pixels.
Require support for the _WEBGL_compressed_texture_pvrtc_ WebGL extension.
variable RGB_PVRTC_4BPPV1_Format
const RGB_PVRTC_4BPPV1_Format: number;
RGB compression in 4-bit mode. One block for each 4×4 pixels.
Require support for the _WEBGL_compressed_texture_pvrtc_ WebGL extension.
variable RGB_S3TC_DXT1_Format
const RGB_S3TC_DXT1_Format: number;
A DXT1-compressed image in an RGB image format.
Require support for the _WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc_ WebGL extension.
variable RGBA_ASTC_10x10_Format
const RGBA_ASTC_10x10_Format: number;
Require support for the _WEBGL_compressed_texture_astc_ WebGL extension.
variable RGBA_ASTC_10x5_Format
const RGBA_ASTC_10x5_Format: number;
Require support for the _WEBGL_compressed_texture_astc_ WebGL extension.
variable RGBA_ASTC_10x6_Format
const RGBA_ASTC_10x6_Format: number;
Require support for the _WEBGL_compressed_texture_astc_ WebGL extension.
variable RGBA_ASTC_10x8_Format
const RGBA_ASTC_10x8_Format: number;
Require support for the _WEBGL_compressed_texture_astc_ WebGL extension.
variable RGBA_ASTC_12x10_Format
const RGBA_ASTC_12x10_Format: number;
Require support for the _WEBGL_compressed_texture_astc_ WebGL extension.
variable RGBA_ASTC_12x12_Format
const RGBA_ASTC_12x12_Format: number;
Require support for the _WEBGL_compressed_texture_astc_ WebGL extension.
variable RGBA_ASTC_4x4_Format
const RGBA_ASTC_4x4_Format: number;
Require support for the _WEBGL_compressed_texture_astc_ WebGL extension.
variable RGBA_ASTC_5x4_Format
const RGBA_ASTC_5x4_Format: number;
Require support for the _WEBGL_compressed_texture_astc_ WebGL extension.
variable RGBA_ASTC_5x5_Format
const RGBA_ASTC_5x5_Format: number;
Require support for the _WEBGL_compressed_texture_astc_ WebGL extension.
variable RGBA_ASTC_6x5_Format
const RGBA_ASTC_6x5_Format: number;
Require support for the _WEBGL_compressed_texture_astc_ WebGL extension.
variable RGBA_ASTC_6x6_Format
const RGBA_ASTC_6x6_Format: number;
Require support for the _WEBGL_compressed_texture_astc_ WebGL extension.
variable RGBA_ASTC_8x5_Format
const RGBA_ASTC_8x5_Format: number;
Require support for the _WEBGL_compressed_texture_astc_ WebGL extension.
variable RGBA_ASTC_8x6_Format
const RGBA_ASTC_8x6_Format: number;
Require support for the _WEBGL_compressed_texture_astc_ WebGL extension.
variable RGBA_ASTC_8x8_Format
const RGBA_ASTC_8x8_Format: number;
Require support for the _WEBGL_compressed_texture_astc_ WebGL extension.
variable RGBA_BPTC_Format
const RGBA_BPTC_Format: number;
Require support for the _EXT_texture_compression_bptc_ WebGL extension.
variable RGBA_ETC2_EAC_Format
const RGBA_ETC2_EAC_Format: number;
Require support for the _WEBGL_compressed_texture_etc1_ (ETC1) or _WEBGL_compressed_texture_etc_ (ETC2) WebGL extension.
variable RGBA_PVRTC_2BPPV1_Format
const RGBA_PVRTC_2BPPV1_Format: number;
RGBA compression in 2-bit mode. One block for each 8×4 pixels.
Require support for the _WEBGL_compressed_texture_pvrtc_ WebGL extension.
variable RGBA_PVRTC_4BPPV1_Format
const RGBA_PVRTC_4BPPV1_Format: number;
RGBA compression in 4-bit mode. One block for each 4×4 pixels.
Require support for the _WEBGL_compressed_texture_pvrtc_ WebGL extension.
variable RGBA_S3TC_DXT1_Format
const RGBA_S3TC_DXT1_Format: number;
A DXT1-compressed image in an RGB image format with a simple on/off alpha value.
Require support for the _WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc_ WebGL extension.
variable RGBA_S3TC_DXT3_Format
const RGBA_S3TC_DXT3_Format: number;
A DXT3-compressed image in an RGBA image format. Compared to a 32-bit RGBA texture, it offers 4:1 compression.
Require support for the _WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc_ WebGL extension.
variable RGBA_S3TC_DXT5_Format
const RGBA_S3TC_DXT5_Format: number;
A DXT5-compressed image in an RGBA image format. It also provides a 4:1 compression, but differs to the DXT3 compression in how the alpha compression is done.
Require support for the _WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc_ WebGL extension.
variable RGBADepthPacking
const RGBADepthPacking: number;
variable RGBAFormat
const RGBAFormat: number;
RGBAFormat is the default and reads the red, green, blue and alpha components.
variable RGBAIntegerFormat
const RGBAIntegerFormat: number;
RGBAIntegerFormat reads the red, green, blue and alpha component
This is the default for THREE.Texture.
variable RGBDepthPacking
const RGBDepthPacking: number;
variable RGBFormat
const RGBFormat: number;
variable RGBIntegerFormat
const RGBIntegerFormat: number;
RGBIntegerFormat discrads the alpha components and reads the red, green, and blue components.
variable RGDepthPacking
const RGDepthPacking: number;
variable RGFormat
const RGFormat: number;
RGFormat discards the alpha, and blue components and reads the red, and green components.
variable RGIntegerFormat
const RGIntegerFormat: number;
RGIntegerFormat discards the alpha, and blue components and reads the red, and green components. The texels are read as integers instead of floating point.
variable ShaderChunk
const ShaderChunk: { alphahash_fragment: string; alphahash_pars_fragment: string; alphamap_fragment: string; alphamap_pars_fragment: string; alphatest_fragment: string; alphatest_pars_fragment: string; aomap_fragment: string; aomap_pars_fragment: string; batching_pars_vertex: string; begin_vertex: string; beginnormal_vertex: string; bsdfs: string; iridescence_fragment: string; bumpmap_pars_fragment: string; clipping_planes_fragment: string; clipping_planes_pars_fragment: string; clipping_planes_pars_vertex: string; clipping_planes_vertex: string; color_fragment: string; color_pars_fragment: string; color_pars_vertex: string; color_vertex: string; common: string; cube_uv_reflection_fragment: string; defaultnormal_vertex: string; displacementmap_pars_vertex: string; displacementmap_vertex: string; emissivemap_fragment: string; emissivemap_pars_fragment: string; colorspace_fragment: string; colorspace_pars_fragment: string; envmap_fragment: string; envmap_common_pars_fragment: string; envmap_pars_fragment: string; envmap_pars_vertex: string; envmap_physical_pars_fragment: string; envmap_vertex: string; fog_vertex: string; fog_pars_vertex: string; fog_fragment: string; fog_pars_fragment: string; gradientmap_pars_fragment: string; lightmap_pars_fragment: string; lights_lambert_fragment: string; lights_lambert_pars_fragment: string; lights_pars_begin: string; lights_toon_fragment: string; lights_toon_pars_fragment: string; lights_phong_fragment: string; lights_phong_pars_fragment: string; lights_physical_fragment: string; lights_physical_pars_fragment: string; lights_fragment_begin: string; lights_fragment_maps: string; lights_fragment_end: string; logdepthbuf_fragment: string; logdepthbuf_pars_fragment: string; logdepthbuf_pars_vertex: string; logdepthbuf_vertex: string; map_fragment: string; map_pars_fragment: string; map_particle_fragment: string; map_particle_pars_fragment: string; metalnessmap_fragment: string; metalnessmap_pars_fragment: string; morphcolor_vertex: string; morphnormal_vertex: string; morphtarget_pars_vertex: string; morphtarget_vertex: string; normal_fragment_begin: string; normal_fragment_maps: string; normal_pars_fragment: string; normal_pars_vertex: string; normal_vertex: string; normalmap_pars_fragment: string; clearcoat_normal_fragment_begin: string; clearcoat_normal_fragment_maps: string; clearcoat_pars_fragment: string; iridescence_pars_fragment: string; opaque_fragment: string; packing: string; premultiplied_alpha_fragment: string; project_vertex: string; dithering_fragment: string; dithering_pars_fragment: string; roughnessmap_fragment: string; roughnessmap_pars_fragment: string; shadowmap_pars_fragment: string; shadowmap_pars_vertex: string; shadowmap_vertex: string; shadowmask_pars_fragment: string; skinbase_vertex: string; skinning_pars_vertex: string; skinning_vertex: string; skinnormal_vertex: string; specularmap_fragment: string; specularmap_pars_fragment: string; tonemapping_fragment: string; tonemapping_pars_fragment: string; transmission_fragment: string; transmission_pars_fragment: string; uv_pars_fragment: string; uv_pars_vertex: string; uv_vertex: string; worldpos_vertex: string; background_vert: string; background_frag: string; backgroundCube_vert: string; backgroundCube_frag: string; cube_vert: string; cube_frag: string; depth_vert: string; depth_frag: string; distanceRGBA_vert: string; distanceRGBA_frag: string; equirect_vert: string; equirect_frag: string; linedashed_vert: string; linedashed_frag: string; meshbasic_vert: string; meshbasic_frag: string; meshlambert_vert: string; meshlambert_frag: string; meshmatcap_vert: string; meshmatcap_frag: string; meshnormal_vert: string; meshnormal_frag: string; meshphong_vert: string; meshphong_frag: string; meshphysical_vert: string; meshphysical_frag: string; meshtoon_vert: string; meshtoon_frag: string; points_vert: string; points_frag: string; shadow_vert: string; shadow_frag: string; sprite_vert: string; sprite_frag: string;};
variable ShaderLib
const ShaderLib: { [name: string]: ShaderLibShader; basic: ShaderLibShader; lambert: ShaderLibShader; phong: ShaderLibShader; standard: ShaderLibShader; matcap: ShaderLibShader; points: ShaderLibShader; dashed: ShaderLibShader; depth: ShaderLibShader; normal: ShaderLibShader; sprite: ShaderLibShader; background: ShaderLibShader; cube: ShaderLibShader; equirect: ShaderLibShader; distanceRGBA: ShaderLibShader; shadow: ShaderLibShader; physical: ShaderLibShader;};
variable ShortType
const ShortType: number;
variable SIGNED_RED_GREEN_RGTC2_Format
const SIGNED_RED_GREEN_RGTC2_Format: number;
variable SIGNED_RED_RGTC1_Format
const SIGNED_RED_RGTC1_Format: number;
variable SrcAlphaFactor
const SrcAlphaFactor: number;
variable SrcAlphaSaturateFactor
const SrcAlphaSaturateFactor: number;
variable SrcColorFactor
const SrcColorFactor: number;
variable SRGBColorSpace
const SRGBColorSpace: string;
variable SRGBTransfer
const SRGBTransfer: string;
variable StaticCopyUsage
const StaticCopyUsage: number;
variable StaticDrawUsage
const StaticDrawUsage: number;
variable StaticReadUsage
const StaticReadUsage: number;
variable StreamCopyUsage
const StreamCopyUsage: number;
variable StreamDrawUsage
const StreamDrawUsage: number;
variable StreamReadUsage
const StreamReadUsage: number;
variable SubtractEquation
const SubtractEquation: number;
variable SubtractiveBlending
const SubtractiveBlending: number;
variable TangentSpaceNormalMap
const TangentSpaceNormalMap: number;
variable TextureUtils
const TextureUtils: { contain: typeof contain; cover: typeof cover; fill: typeof fill; getByteLength: typeof getByteLength;};
A class containing utility functions for textures.
variable TriangleFanDrawMode
const TriangleFanDrawMode: number;
variable TrianglesDrawMode
const TrianglesDrawMode: number;
variable TriangleStripDrawMode
const TriangleStripDrawMode: number;
variable UniformsLib
const UniformsLib: { common: { diffuse: IUniform<Color>; opacity: IUniform<number>; map: IUniform<unknown>; mapTransform: IUniform<Matrix3>; alphaMap: IUniform<unknown>; alphaMapTransform: IUniform<Matrix3>; alphaTest: IUniform<number>; }; specularmap: { specularMap: IUniform<unknown>; specularMapTransform: IUniform<Matrix3>; }; envmap: { envMap: IUniform<unknown>; envMapRotation: IUniform<Matrix3>; flipEnvMap: IUniform<number>; reflectivity: IUniform<number>; ior: IUniform<number>; refractRatio: IUniform<number>; }; aomap: { aoMap: IUniform<unknown>; aoMapIntensity: IUniform<number>; aoMapTransform: IUniform<Matrix3>; }; lightmap: { lightMap: IUniform<number>; lightMapIntensity: IUniform<number>; lightMapTransform: IUniform<Matrix3>; }; bumpmap: { bumpMap: IUniform<unknown>; bumpMapTransform: IUniform<Matrix3>; bumpScale: IUniform<number>; }; normalmap: { normalMap: IUniform<unknown>; normalMapTransform: IUniform<Matrix3>; normalScale: IUniform<Vector2>; }; displacementmap: { displacementMap: IUniform<unknown>; displacementMapTransform: IUniform<Matrix3>; displacementScale: IUniform<number>; displacementBias: IUniform<number>; }; emissivemap: { emissiveMap: IUniform<unknown>; emissiveMapTransform: IUniform<Matrix3>; }; metalnessmap: { metalnessMap: IUniform<unknown>; metalnessMapTransform: IUniform<Matrix3>; }; roughnessmap: { roughnessMap: IUniform<unknown>; roughnessMapTransform: IUniform<Matrix3>; }; gradientmap: { gradientMap: IUniform<unknown> }; fog: { fogDensity: IUniform<number>; fogNear: IUniform<number>; fogFar: IUniform<number>; fogColor: IUniform<Color>; }; lights: { ambientLightColor: IUniform<unknown[]>; lightProbe: IUniform<unknown[]>; directionalLights: { value: unknown[]; properties: { direction: {}; color: {} }; }; directionalLightShadows: { value: unknown[]; properties: { shadowIntensity: number; shadowBias: {}; shadowNormalBias: {}; shadowRadius: {}; shadowMapSize: {}; }; }; directionalShadowMap: IUniform<unknown[]>; directionalShadowMatrix: IUniform<unknown[]>; spotLights: { value: unknown[]; properties: { color: {}; position: {}; direction: {}; distance: {}; coneCos: {}; penumbraCos: {}; decay: {}; }; }; spotLightShadows: { value: unknown[]; properties: { shadowIntensity: number; shadowBias: {}; shadowNormalBias: {}; shadowRadius: {}; shadowMapSize: {}; }; }; spotLightMap: IUniform<unknown[]>; spotShadowMap: IUniform<unknown[]>; spotLightMatrix: IUniform<unknown[]>; pointLights: { value: unknown[]; properties: { color: {}; position: {}; decay: {}; distance: {} }; }; pointLightShadows: { value: unknown[]; properties: { shadowIntensity: number; shadowBias: {}; shadowNormalBias: {}; shadowRadius: {}; shadowMapSize: {}; shadowCameraNear: {}; shadowCameraFar: {}; }; }; pointShadowMap: IUniform<unknown[]>; pointShadowMatrix: IUniform<unknown[]>; hemisphereLights: { value: unknown[]; properties: { direction: {}; skycolor: {}; groundColor: {} }; }; rectAreaLights: { value: unknown[]; properties: { color: {}; position: {}; width: {}; height: {} }; }; ltc_1: IUniform<unknown>; ltc_2: IUniform<unknown>; }; points: { diffuse: IUniform<Color>; opacity: IUniform<number>; size: IUniform<number>; scale: IUniform<number>; map: IUniform<unknown>; alphaMap: IUniform<unknown>; alphaTest: IUniform<number>; uvTransform: IUniform<Matrix3>; }; sprite: { diffuse: IUniform<Color>; opacity: IUniform<number>; center: IUniform<Vector2>; rotation: IUniform<number>; map: IUniform<unknown>; mapTransform: IUniform<Matrix3>; alphaMap: IUniform<unknown>; alphaTest: IUniform<number>; };};
variable UniformsUtils
const UniformsUtils: { clone: typeof cloneUniforms; merge: typeof mergeUniforms };
variable UnsignedByteType
const UnsignedByteType: number;
variable UnsignedInt248Type
const UnsignedInt248Type: number;
variable UnsignedInt5999Type
const UnsignedInt5999Type: number;
variable UnsignedIntType
const UnsignedIntType: number;
variable UnsignedShort4444Type
const UnsignedShort4444Type: number;
variable UnsignedShort5551Type
const UnsignedShort5551Type: number;
variable UnsignedShortType
const UnsignedShortType: number;
variable UVMapping
const UVMapping: number;
Maps the texture using the mesh's UV coordinates.
This is the _default_ value and behaver for Texture Mapping.
variable VSMShadowMap
const VSMShadowMap: number;
variable WebGLCoordinateSystem
const WebGLCoordinateSystem: number;
variable WebGPUCoordinateSystem
const WebGPUCoordinateSystem: number;
variable WrapAroundEnding
const WrapAroundEnding: number;
variable ZeroCurvatureEnding
const ZeroCurvatureEnding: number;
variable ZeroFactor
const ZeroFactor: number;
variable ZeroSlopeEnding
const ZeroSlopeEnding: number;
variable ZeroStencilOp
const ZeroStencilOp: number;
function createCanvasElement
createCanvasElement: () => HTMLCanvasElement;
function SRGBToLinear
SRGBToLinear: (c: number) => number;
function WebGLShader
WebGLShader: ( gl: WebGLRenderingContext, type: string, string: string) => WebGLShader;
class AmbientLight
class AmbientLight extends Light<undefined> {}
This light globally illuminates all objects in the scene equally.
This light cannot be used to cast shadows as it does not have a direction.
Example 1
const light = new THREE.AmbientLight(0x404040); // soft white lightscene.add(light);See Also
constructor(color?: ColorRepresentation, intensity?: number);
Creates a new AmbientLight.
Parameter color
Numeric value of the RGB component of the color. Default
Parameter intensity
Numeric value of the light's strength/intensity. Expects a
. Default1
property isAmbientLight
readonly isAmbientLight: boolean;
Read-only flag to check if a given object is of type AmbientLight.
This is a _constant_ value
property type
override readonly type: string;
A Read-only _string_ to check if
object type.Remarks
Sub-classes will update this value.
class AnimationAction
class AnimationAction {}
constructor( mixer: AnimationMixer, clip: AnimationClip, localRoot?: Object3D<Object3DEventMap>, blendMode?: AnimationBlendMode);
property blendMode
blendMode: AnimationBlendMode;
property clampWhenFinished
clampWhenFinished: boolean;
property enabled
enabled: boolean;
property loop
loop: AnimationActionLoopStyles;
property paused
paused: boolean;
property repetitions
repetitions: number;
property time
time: number;
property timeScale
timeScale: number;
property weight
weight: number;
property zeroSlopeAtEnd
zeroSlopeAtEnd: boolean;
property zeroSlopeAtStart
zeroSlopeAtStart: boolean;
method crossFadeFrom
crossFadeFrom: ( fadeOutAction: AnimationAction, duration: number, warp: boolean) => AnimationAction;
method crossFadeTo
crossFadeTo: ( fadeInAction: AnimationAction, duration: number, warp: boolean) => AnimationAction;
method fadeIn
fadeIn: (duration: number) => AnimationAction;
method fadeOut
fadeOut: (duration: number) => AnimationAction;
method getClip
getClip: () => AnimationClip;
method getEffectiveTimeScale
getEffectiveTimeScale: () => number;
method getEffectiveWeight
getEffectiveWeight: () => number;
method getMixer
getMixer: () => AnimationMixer;
method getRoot
getRoot: () => Object3D;
method halt
halt: (duration: number) => AnimationAction;
method isRunning
isRunning: () => boolean;
method isScheduled
isScheduled: () => boolean;
method play
play: () => AnimationAction;
method reset
reset: () => AnimationAction;
method setDuration
setDuration: (duration: number) => AnimationAction;
method setEffectiveTimeScale
setEffectiveTimeScale: (timeScale: number) => AnimationAction;
method setEffectiveWeight
setEffectiveWeight: (weight: number) => AnimationAction;
method setLoop
setLoop: ( mode: AnimationActionLoopStyles, repetitions: number) => AnimationAction;
method startAt
startAt: (time: number) => AnimationAction;
method stop
stop: () => AnimationAction;
method stopFading
stopFading: () => AnimationAction;
method stopWarping
stopWarping: () => AnimationAction;
method syncWith
syncWith: (action: AnimationAction) => AnimationAction;
method warp
warp: ( statTimeScale: number, endTimeScale: number, duration: number) => AnimationAction;
class AnimationClip
class AnimationClip {}
constructor( name?: string, duration?: number, tracks?: KeyframeTrack[], blendMode?: AnimationBlendMode);
property blendMode
blendMode: AnimationBlendMode;
property duration
duration: number;
property name
name: string;
property results
results: any[];
property tracks
tracks: KeyframeTrack[];
property uuid
uuid: string;
method clone
clone: () => this;
method CreateClipsFromMorphTargetSequences
static CreateClipsFromMorphTargetSequences: ( morphTargets: MorphTarget[], fps: number, noLoop: boolean) => AnimationClip[];
method CreateFromMorphTargetSequence
static CreateFromMorphTargetSequence: ( name: string, morphTargetSequence: MorphTarget[], fps: number, noLoop: boolean) => AnimationClip;
method findByName
static findByName: ( objectOrClipArray: AnimationClip[] | Object3D | Mesh, name: string) => AnimationClip;
method optimize
optimize: () => AnimationClip;
method parse
static parse: (json: AnimationClipJSON) => AnimationClip;
method parseAnimation
static parseAnimation: ( animation: AnimationClipJSON, bones: Bone[]) => AnimationClip;
method resetDuration
resetDuration: () => AnimationClip;
method toJSON
static toJSON: (clip: AnimationClip) => AnimationClipJSON;
method trim
trim: () => AnimationClip;
method validate
validate: () => boolean;
class AnimationLoader
class AnimationLoader extends Loader<AnimationClip[]> {}
constructor(manager?: LoadingManager);
method parse
parse: (json: readonly unknown[]) => AnimationClip[];
class AnimationMixer
class AnimationMixer extends EventDispatcher<AnimationMixerEventMap> {}
constructor(root: Object3D<Object3DEventMap> | AnimationObjectGroup);
property time
time: number;
property timeScale
timeScale: number;
method clipAction
clipAction: ( clip: AnimationClip, root?: Object3D | AnimationObjectGroup, blendMode?: AnimationBlendMode) => AnimationAction;
method existingAction
existingAction: ( clip: AnimationClip, root?: Object3D | AnimationObjectGroup) => AnimationAction | null;
method getRoot
getRoot: () => Object3D | AnimationObjectGroup;
method setTime
setTime: (timeInSeconds: number) => AnimationMixer;
method stopAllAction
stopAllAction: () => AnimationMixer;
method uncacheAction
uncacheAction: ( clip: AnimationClip, root?: Object3D | AnimationObjectGroup) => void;
method uncacheClip
uncacheClip: (clip: AnimationClip) => void;
method uncacheRoot
uncacheRoot: (root: Object3D | AnimationObjectGroup) => void;
method update
update: (deltaTime: number) => AnimationMixer;
class AnimationObjectGroup
class AnimationObjectGroup {}
constructor(...args: any[]);
property isAnimationObjectGroup
readonly isAnimationObjectGroup: boolean;
property stats
stats: { bindingsPerObject: number; objects: { total: number; inUse: number } };
property uuid
uuid: string;
method add
add: (...args: any[]) => void;
method remove
remove: (...args: any[]) => void;
method uncache
uncache: (...args: any[]) => void;
class ArcCurve
class ArcCurve extends EllipseCurve {}
Alias for EllipseCurve.
See Also
constructor( aX?: number, aY?: number, aRadius?: number, aStartAngle?: number, aEndAngle?: number, aClockwise?: boolean);
This constructor creates a new ArcCurve.
Parameter aX
The X center of the ellipse. Expects a
. Default is0
.Parameter aY
The Y center of the ellipse. Expects a
. Default is0
.Parameter xRadius
The radius of the ellipse in the x direction. Expects a
. Default is1
.Parameter yRadius
The radius of the ellipse in the y direction. Expects a
. Default is1
.Parameter aStartAngle
The start angle of the curve in radians starting from the positive X axis. Default is
.Parameter aEndAngle
The end angle of the curve in radians starting from the positive X axis. Default is
2 x Math.PI
.Parameter aClockwise
Whether the ellipse is drawn clockwise. Default is
property isArcCurve
readonly isArcCurve: boolean;
Read-only flag to check if a given object is of type ArcCurve.
This is a _constant_ value
property type
override readonly type: string;
A Read-only _string_ to check if
object type.Remarks
Sub-classes will update this value.
class ArrayCamera
class ArrayCamera extends PerspectiveCamera {}
ArrayCamera can be used in order to efficiently render a scene with a predefined set of cameras
This is an important performance aspect for rendering VR scenes. An instance of ArrayCamera always has an array of sub cameras It's mandatory to define for each sub camera the
property which determines the part of the viewport that is rendered with this camera.See Also
constructor(cameras?: PerspectiveCamera[]);
An array of cameras.
array. Default
property cameras
cameras: PerspectiveCamera[];
An array of cameras.
property isArrayCamera
readonly isArrayCamera: boolean;
Read-only flag to check if a given object is of type ArrayCamera.
This is a _constant_ value
class ArrowHelper
class ArrowHelper extends Object3D {}
An 3D arrow object for visualizing directions.
Example 1
const dir = new THREE.Vector3(1, 2, 0);//normalize the direction vector (convert to vector of length 1)dir.normalize();const origin = new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 0);const length = 1;const hex = 0xffff00;const {@link ArrowHelper} = new THREE.ArrowHelper(dir, origin, length, hex);scene.add(arrowHelper);See Also
constructor( dir?: Vector3, origin?: Vector3, length?: number, color?: ColorRepresentation, headLength?: number, headWidth?: number);
Create a new instance of ArrowHelper
Parameter dir
Direction from origin. Must be a unit vector. Default
new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 1)
Parameter origin
Point at which the arrow starts. Default
new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 0)
Parameter length
Length of the arrow. Default
Parameter hex
Hexadecimal value to define color. Default
Parameter headLength
The length of the head of the arrow. Default
0.2 * length
Parameter headWidth
The width of the head of the arrow. Default
0.2 * headLength
property cone
cone: Mesh< BufferGeometry<NormalBufferAttributes>, Material | Material[], Object3DEventMap>;
Contains the cone part of the arrowHelper.
property line
line: Line< BufferGeometry<NormalBufferAttributes>, Material | Material[], Object3DEventMap>;
Contains the line part of the arrowHelper.
property type
override readonly type: string;
A Read-only _string_ to check if
object type.Remarks
Sub-classes will update this value.
method copy
override copy: (source: this) => this;
Copy the given object into this object
Parameter source
Note: event listeners and user-defined callbacks (.onAfterRender and .onBeforeRender) are not copied.
method dispose
dispose: () => void;
Frees the GPU-related resources allocated by this instance
Call this method whenever this instance is no longer used in your app.
method setColor
setColor: (color: ColorRepresentation) => void;
Sets the color of the arrowHelper.
Parameter color
The desired color.
method setDirection
setDirection: (dir: Vector3) => void;
Parameter dir
The desired direction. Must be a unit vector.
method setLength
setLength: (length: number, headLength?: number, headWidth?: number) => void;
Sets the length of the arrowhelper.
Parameter length
The desired length.
Parameter headLength
The length of the head of the arrow. Default
0.2 * length
Parameter headWidth
The width of the head of the arrow. Default
0.2 * headLength
class Audio
class Audio<NodeType extends AudioNode = GainNode> extends Object3D {}
Create a non-positional ( global ) Audio object. This uses the {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Audio_API | Web Audio API}.
Example 1
// create an AudioListener and add it to the cameraconst listener = new THREE.AudioListener();camera.add(listener);// create a global {@link Audio} sourceconst sound = new THREE.Audio(listener);// load a sound and set it as the {@link Audio} object's bufferconst audioLoader = new THREE.AudioLoader();audioLoader.load('sounds/ambient.ogg', function (buffer) {sound.setBuffer(buffer);sound.setLoop(true);sound.setVolume(0.5);sound.play();});See Also
Example: webaudio / sandbox
Example: webaudio / visualizer
constructor(listener: AudioListener);
Create a new instance of Audio
Parameter listener
(required) AudioListener instance.
property autoplay
autoplay: boolean;
Whether to start playback automatically.
property buffer
buffer: AudioBuffer;
property context
context: AudioContext;
The AudioContext of the listener given in the constructor.
property detune
detune: number;
Modify pitch, measured in cents. +/- 100 is a semitone. +/- 1200 is an octave.
property duration
duration: number;
Overrides the duration of the audio. Same as the duration parameter of AudioBufferSourceNode.start().
property filters
filters: AudioNode[];
Represents an array of AudioNodes. Can be used to apply a variety of low-order filters to create more complex sound effects. In most cases, the array contains instances of BiquadFilterNodes. Filters are set via Audio.setFilter or Audio.setFilters.
property gain
gain: GainNode;
A GainNode created using AudioContext.createGain().
property hasPlaybackControl
hasPlaybackControl: boolean;
property isPlaying
isPlaying: boolean;
Whether the Audio is currently playing.
property listener
listener: AudioListener;
A reference to the listener object of this audio.
property loop
loop: boolean;
property loopEnd
loopEnd: number;
property loopStart
loopStart: number;
property offset
offset: number;
An offset to the time within the Audio buffer that playback should begin. Same as the offset parameter of AudioBufferSourceNode.start().
property playbackRate
playbackRate: number;
Speed of playback.
property source
source: AudioScheduledSourceNode;
An AudioBufferSourceNode created using AudioContext.createBufferSource().
property sourceType
sourceType: string;
Type of the Audio source.
property type
readonly type: string;
A Read-only _string_ to check if
object type.Remarks
Sub-classes will update this value.
method connect
connect: () => this;
Connect to the Audio.source
This is used internally on initialisation and when setting / removing filters.
method disconnect
disconnect: () => this;
Disconnect from the Audio.source
This is used internally when setting / removing filters.
method getDetune
getDetune: () => number;
Returns the detuning of oscillation in cents.
method getFilter
getFilter: () => AudioNode;
Returns the first element of the filters array.
method getFilters
getFilters: () => AudioNode[];
Returns the filters array.
method getLoop
getLoop: () => boolean;
Return the value of source.loop (whether playback should loop).
method getOutput
getOutput: () => NodeType;
Return the gainNode.
method getPlaybackRate
getPlaybackRate: () => number;
Return the value of playbackRate.
method getVolume
getVolume: () => number;
Return the current volume.
method onEnded
onEnded: () => void;
Called automatically when playback finished.
method pause
pause: () => this;
If hasPlaybackControl is true, pauses playback.
method play
play: (delay?: number) => this;
If hasPlaybackControl is true, starts playback.
method setBuffer
setBuffer: (audioBuffer: AudioBuffer) => this;
Setup the source to the audioBuffer, and sets sourceType to 'buffer'.
If autoplay, also starts playback.
method setDetune
setDetune: (value: number) => this;
Defines the detuning of oscillation in cents.
Parameter value
Expects a
method setFilter
setFilter: (filter: AudioNode) => this;
Applies a single filter node to the audio.
method setFilters
setFilters: (value: AudioNode[]) => this;
Applies an array of filter nodes to the audio.
Parameter value
Arrays of filters.
method setLoop
setLoop: (value: boolean) => this;
Set source.loop to
(whether playback should loop).Parameter value
method setLoopEnd
setLoopEnd: (value: number) => this;
Set source.loopEnd to
.Parameter value
Expects a
method setLoopStart
setLoopStart: (value: number) => this;
Set source.loopStart to
.Parameter value
Expects a
method setMediaElementSource
setMediaElementSource: (mediaElement: HTMLMediaElement) => this;
Applies the given object of type HTMLMediaElement as the source of this audio.
Also sets hasPlaybackControl to false.
method setMediaStreamSource
setMediaStreamSource: (mediaStream: MediaStream) => this;
Applies the given object of type MediaStream as the source of this audio.
Also sets hasPlaybackControl to false.
method setNodeSource
setNodeSource: (audioNode: AudioScheduledSourceNode) => this;
Setup the source to the audioBuffer, and sets sourceType to 'audioNode'.
Also sets hasPlaybackControl to false.
method setPlaybackRate
setPlaybackRate: (value: number) => this;
If hasPlaybackControl is enabled, set the playbackRate to
.Parameter value
Expects a
method setVolume
setVolume: (value: number) => this;
Set the volume.
Parameter value
Expects a
method stop
stop: (delay?: number) => this;
If hasPlaybackControl is enabled, stops playback.
Parameter delay
(optional) - The delay, in seconds, at which the audio should start playing.
class AudioAnalyser
class AudioAnalyser {}
Create a AudioAnalyser object, which uses an AnalyserNode to analyse audio data. This uses the Web Audio API.
Example 1
// create an AudioListener and add it to the cameraconst listener = new THREE.AudioListener();camera.add(listener);// create an Audio sourceconst sound = new THREE.Audio(listener);// load a sound and set it as the Audio object's bufferconst audioLoader = new THREE.AudioLoader();audioLoader.load('sounds/ambient.ogg', function (buffer) {sound.setBuffer(buffer);sound.setLoop(true);sound.setVolume(0.5);sound.play();});// create an AudioAnalyser, passing in the sound and desired fftSizeconst analyser = new THREE.AudioAnalyser(sound, 32);// get the average frequency of the soundconst data = analyser.getAverageFrequency();See Also
Example: webaudio / sandbox
Example: webaudio / visualizer
constructor(audio: Audio<AudioNode>, fftSize?: number);
Create a new {@link AudioAnalyser | AudioAnalyser}.
Parameter audio
Parameter fftSize
See AnalyserNode.fftSize. Expects a
unsigned integer
. Default2048
property analyser
analyser: AnalyserNode;
An AnalyserNode used to analyze audio.
property data
data: Uint8Array;
A Uint8Array with size determined by analyser.frequencyBinCount used to hold analysis data.
method getAverageFrequency
getAverageFrequency: () => number;
Get the average of the frequencies returned by the getFrequencyData method.
method getFrequencyData
getFrequencyData: () => Uint8Array;
Uses the Web Audio's getByteFrequencyData method
class AudioListener
class AudioListener extends Object3D {}
The AudioListener represents a virtual listener of the all positional and non-positional audio effects in the scene. A three.js application usually creates a single instance of AudioListener *
It is a mandatory construtor parameter for audios entities like Audio and PositionalAudio. In most cases, the listener object is a child of the camera So the 3D transformation of the camera represents the 3D transformation of the listener.
Example 1
// create an {@link AudioListener} and add it to the cameraconst listener = new THREE.AudioListener();camera.add(listener);// create a global audio sourceconst sound = new THREE.Audio(listener);// load a sound and set it as the Audio object's bufferconst audioLoader = new THREE.AudioLoader();audioLoader.load('sounds/ambient.ogg', function (buffer) {sound.setBuffer(buffer);sound.setLoop(true);sound.setVolume(0.5);sound.play();});See Also
Example: webaudio / sandbox
Example: webaudio / timing
Example: webaudio / visualizer
Create a new AudioListener.
property context
context: AudioContext;
The AudioContext of the {@link AudioListener | listener} given in the constructor.
property filter
filter: AudioNode;
property gain
gain: GainNode;
A GainNode created using AudioContext.createGain().
property timeDelta
timeDelta: number;
Time delta value for audio entities. Use in context of AudioParam.linearRampToValueAtTimeDefault().
property type
readonly type: string;
A Read-only _string_ to check if
object type.Remarks
Sub-classes will update this value.
method getFilter
getFilter: () => AudioNode;
Returns the value of the filter property.
method getInput
getInput: () => GainNode;
Return the gainNode.
method getMasterVolume
getMasterVolume: () => number;
Return the volume.
method removeFilter
removeFilter: () => this;
Set the filter property to
method setFilter
setFilter: (value: AudioNode) => this;
Set the filter property to
.Parameter value
method setMasterVolume
setMasterVolume: (value: number) => this;
Set the volume.
Parameter value
class AudioLoader
class AudioLoader extends Loader<AudioBuffer> {}
constructor(manager?: LoadingManager);
class AxesHelper
class AxesHelper extends LineSegments {}
An axis object to visualize the 3 axes in a simple way.
The X axis is red The Y axis is green The Z axis is blue.
Example 1
const {@link AxesHelper} = new THREE.AxesHelper(5);scene.add(axesHelper);See Also
constructor(size?: number);
Create a new instance of AxesHelper
Parameter size
Size of the lines representing the axes. Default
property type
override readonly type: string;
A Read-only _string_ to check if
object type.Remarks
Sub-classes will update this value.
method dispose
dispose: () => void;
Frees the GPU-related resources allocated by this instance
Call this method whenever this instance is no longer used in your app.
method setColors
setColors: ( xAxisColor: ColorRepresentation, yAxisColor: ColorRepresentation, zAxisColor: ColorRepresentation) => this;
Sets the axes colors to xAxisColor, yAxisColor, zAxisColor.
Parameter xAxisColor
Parameter yAxisColor
Parameter zAxisColor
class BatchedMesh
class BatchedMesh extends Mesh<BufferGeometry, Material> {}
A special version of Mesh with multi draw batch rendering support. Use BatchedMesh if you have to render a large number of objects with the same material but with different geometries or world transformations. The usage of BatchedMesh will help you to reduce the number of draw calls and thus improve the overall rendering performance in your application.
If the is not supported then a less performant fallback is used.
Example 1
const box = new THREE.BoxGeometry( 1, 1, 1 ); const sphere = new THREE.SphereGeometry( 1, 12, 12 ); const material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( { color: 0x00ff00 } );
// initialize and add geometries into the batched mesh const batchedMesh = new BatchedMesh( 10, 5000, 10000, material ); const boxGeometryId = batchedMesh.addGeometry( box ); const sphereGeometryId = batchedMesh.addGeometry( sphere );
// create instances of those geometries const boxInstancedId1 = batchedMesh.addInstance( boxGeometryId ); const boxInstancedId2 = batchedMesh.addInstance( boxGeometryId );
const sphereInstancedId1 = batchedMesh.addInstance( sphereGeometryId ); const sphereInstancedId2 = batchedMesh.addInstance( sphereGeometryId );
// position the geometries batchedMesh.setMatrixAt( boxInstancedId1, boxMatrix1 ); batchedMesh.setMatrixAt( boxInstancedId2, boxMatrix2 );
batchedMesh.setMatrixAt( sphereInstancedId1, sphereMatrix1 ); batchedMesh.setMatrixAt( sphereInstancedId2, sphereMatrix2 );
scene.add( batchedMesh );
constructor( maxInstanceCount: number, maxVertexCount: number, maxIndexCount?: number, material?: Material);
Parameter maxInstanceCount
the max number of individual geometries planned to be added.
Parameter maxVertexCount
the max number of vertices to be used by all geometries.
Parameter maxIndexCount
the max number of indices to be used by all geometries.
Parameter material
an instance of Material. Default is a new MeshBasicMaterial.
property boundingBox
boundingBox: Box3;
This bounding box encloses all instances of the BatchedMesh. Can be calculated with . null
property boundingSphere
boundingSphere: Sphere;
This bounding sphere encloses all instances of the BatchedMesh. Can be calculated with . null
property customSort
customSort: ( this: this, list: Array<{ start: number; count: number; z: number }>, camera: Camera) => void;
property instanceCount
readonly instanceCount: number;
property isBatchedMesh
readonly isBatchedMesh: boolean;
Read-only flag to check if a given object is of type BatchedMesh.
property maxInstanceCount
readonly maxInstanceCount: number;
The maximum number of individual geometries that can be stored in the BatchedMesh. Read only.
property perObjectFrustumCulled
perObjectFrustumCulled: boolean;
If true then the individual objects within the BatchedMesh are frustum culled. true
property sortObjects
sortObjects: boolean;
If true then the individual objects within the BatchedMesh are sorted to improve overdraw-related artifacts. If the material is marked as "transparent" objects are rendered back to front and if not then they are rendered front to back. true
property unusedIndexCount
readonly unusedIndexCount: number;
property unusedVertexCount
readonly unusedVertexCount: number;
method addGeometry
addGeometry: ( geometry: BufferGeometry, reservedVertexRange?: number, reservedIndexRange?: number) => number;
Adds the given geometry to the BatchedMesh and returns the associated index referring to it.
Parameter geometry
The geometry to add into the BatchedMesh.
Parameter reservedVertexRange
Optional parameter specifying the amount of vertex buffer space to reserve for the added geometry. This is necessary if it is planned to set a new geometry at this index at a later time that is larger than the original geometry. Defaults to the length of the given geometry vertex buffer.
Parameter reservedIndexRange
Optional parameter specifying the amount of index buffer space to reserve for the added geometry. This is necessary if it is planned to set a new geometry at this index at a later time that is larger than the original geometry. Defaults to the length of the given geometry index buffer.
method addInstance
addInstance: (geometryId: number) => number;
Adds a new instance to the BatchedMesh using the geometry of the given geometryId and returns a new id referring to the new instance to be used by other functions.
Parameter geometryId
The id of a previously added geometry via "addGeometry" to add into the BatchedMesh to render.
method computeBoundingBox
computeBoundingBox: () => void;
Computes the bounding box, updating attribute. Bounding boxes aren't computed by default. They need to be explicitly computed, otherwise they are
method computeBoundingSphere
computeBoundingSphere: () => void;
Computes the bounding sphere, updating attribute. Bounding spheres aren't computed by default. They need to be explicitly computed, otherwise they are
method deleteGeometry
deleteGeometry: (geometryId: number) => this;
Parameter geometryId
The id of a geometry to remove from the [name] that was previously added via "addGeometry". Any instances referencing this geometry will also be removed as a side effect.
method deleteInstance
deleteInstance: (instanceId: number) => this;
Removes an existing instance from the BatchedMesh using the given instanceId.
Parameter instanceId
The id of an instance to remove from the BatchedMesh that was previously added via "addInstance".
method dispose
dispose: () => this;
Frees the GPU-related resources allocated by this instance. Call this method whenever this instance is no longer used in your app.
method getBoundingBoxAt
getBoundingBoxAt: (geometryId: number, target: Box3) => Box3 | null;
method getBoundingSphereAt
getBoundingSphereAt: (geometryId: number, target: Sphere) => Sphere | null;
method getColorAt
getColorAt: (instanceId: number, target: Color) => void;
Get the color of the defined geometry.
Parameter instanceId
The id of an instance to get the color of.
Parameter target
The target object to copy the color in to.
method getGeometryIdAt
getGeometryIdAt: (instanceId: number) => number;
Get the geometryIndex of the defined instance.
Parameter instanceId
The id of an instance to get the geometryIndex of.
method getGeometryRangeAt
getGeometryRangeAt: ( geometryId: number, target?: BatchedMeshGeometryRange) => BatchedMeshGeometryRange | null;
Get the range representing the subset of triangles related to the attached geometry, indicating the starting offset and count, or
if invalid.Return an object of the form: { start: Integer, count: Integer }
Parameter geometryId
The id of the geometry to get the range of.
Parameter target
Optional target object to copy the range in to.
method getMatrixAt
getMatrixAt: (instanceId: number, target: Matrix4) => Matrix4;
Get the local transformation matrix of the defined instance.
Parameter instanceId
The id of an instance to get the matrix of.
Parameter target
This 4x4 matrix will be set to the local transformation matrix of the defined instance.
method getVisibleAt
getVisibleAt: (instanceId: number) => boolean;
Get whether the given instance is marked as "visible" or not.
Parameter instanceId
The id of an instance to get the visibility state of.
method optimize
optimize: () => this;
Repacks the sub geometries in [name] to remove any unused space remaining from previously deleted geometry, freeing up space to add new geometry.
method setColorAt
setColorAt: (instanceId: number, color: Color) => void;
Sets the given color to the defined geometry instance.
Parameter instanceId
The id of the instance to set the color of.
Parameter color
The color to set the instance to.
method setCustomSort
setCustomSort: ( sortFunction: ( this: this, list: Array<{ start: number; count: number; z: number }>, camera: Camera ) => void) => this;
Takes a sort a function that is run before render. The function takes a list of instances to sort and a camera. The objects in the list include a "z" field to perform a depth-ordered sort with.
method setGeometryAt
setGeometryAt: (geometryId: number, geometry: BufferGeometry) => number;
Replaces the geometry at
with the provided geometry. Throws an error if there is not enough space reserved for geometry. Calling this will change all instances that are rendering that geometry.Parameter geometryId
Which geometry id to replace with this geometry.
Parameter geometry
The geometry to substitute at the given geometry id.
method setGeometryIdAt
setGeometryIdAt: (instanceId: number, geometryId: number) => this;
Sets the geometryIndex of the instance at the given index.
Parameter instanceId
The id of the instance to set the geometryIndex of.
Parameter geometryId
The geometryIndex to be use by the instance.
method setGeometrySize
setGeometrySize: (maxVertexCount: number, maxIndexCount: number) => void;
Resizes the available space in BatchedMesh's vertex and index buffer attributes to the provided sizes. If the provided arguments shrink the geometry buffers but there is not enough unused space at the end of the geometry attributes then an error is thrown.
Parameter maxVertexCount
the max number of vertices to be used by all unique geometries to resize to.
Parameter maxIndexCount
the max number of indices to be used by all unique geometries to resize to.
method setInstanceCount
setInstanceCount: (maxInstanceCount: number) => void;
Resizes the necessary buffers to support the provided number of instances. If the provided arguments shrink the number of instances but there are not enough unused ids at the end of the list then an error is thrown.
Parameter maxInstanceCount
the max number of individual instances that can be added and rendered by the BatchedMesh.
method setMatrixAt
setMatrixAt: (instanceId: number, matrix: Matrix4) => this;
Sets the given local transformation matrix to the defined instance.
Parameter instanceId
The id of an instance to set the matrix of.
Parameter matrix
A 4x4 matrix representing the local transformation of a single instance.
method setVisibleAt
setVisibleAt: (instanceId: number, visible: boolean) => this;
Sets the visibility of the instance at the given index.
Parameter instanceId
The id of the instance to set the visibility of.
Parameter visible
A boolean value indicating the visibility state.
class Bone
class Bone< TEventMap extends Object3DEventMap = Object3DEventMap> extends Object3D<TEventMap> {}
The skeleton in turn is used by the SkinnedMesh Bones are almost identical to a blank Object3D.
Example 1
const root = new THREE.Bone();const child = new THREE.Bone();root.add(child);child.position.y = 5;See Also
Creates a new Bone.
property isBone
readonly isBone: boolean;
Read-only flag to check if a given object is of type Bone.
This is a _constant_ value
property type
override readonly type: string;
class BooleanKeyframeTrack
class BooleanKeyframeTrack extends KeyframeTrack {}
constructor(name: string, times: ArrayLike<number>, values: ArrayLike<any>);
property ValueTypeName
ValueTypeName: string;
class Box2
class Box2 {}
constructor(min?: Vector2, max?: Vector2);
property max
max: Vector2;
new THREE.Vector2( - Infinity, - Infinity )
property min
min: Vector2;
new THREE.Vector2( + Infinity, + Infinity )
method clampPoint
clampPoint: (point: Vector2, target: Vector2) => Vector2;
method clone
clone: () => this;
method containsBox
containsBox: (box: Box2) => boolean;
method containsPoint
containsPoint: (point: Vector2) => boolean;
method copy
copy: (box: Box2) => this;
method distanceToPoint
distanceToPoint: (point: Vector2) => number;
method empty
empty: () => any;
Use instead.
method equals
equals: (box: Box2) => boolean;
method expandByPoint
expandByPoint: (point: Vector2) => Box2;
method expandByScalar
expandByScalar: (scalar: number) => Box2;
method expandByVector
expandByVector: (vector: Vector2) => Box2;
method getCenter
getCenter: (target: Vector2) => Vector2;
method getParameter
getParameter: (point: Vector2, target: Vector2) => Vector2;
method getSize
getSize: (target: Vector2) => Vector2;
method intersect
intersect: (box: Box2) => Box2;
method intersectsBox
intersectsBox: (box: Box2) => boolean;
method isEmpty
isEmpty: () => boolean;
method isIntersectionBox
isIntersectionBox: (b: any) => any;
Use instead.
method makeEmpty
makeEmpty: () => Box2;
method set
set: (min: Vector2, max: Vector2) => Box2;
method setFromCenterAndSize
setFromCenterAndSize: (center: Vector2, size: Vector2) => Box2;
method setFromPoints
setFromPoints: (points: Vector2[]) => Box2;
method translate
translate: (offset: Vector2) => Box2;
method union
union: (box: Box2) => Box2;
class Box3
class Box3 {}
constructor(min?: Vector3, max?: Vector3);
property isBox3
readonly isBox3: boolean;
property max
max: Vector3;
new THREE.Vector3( - Infinity, - Infinity, - Infinity )
property min
min: Vector3;
new THREE.Vector3( + Infinity, + Infinity, + Infinity )
method applyMatrix4
applyMatrix4: (matrix: Matrix4) => this;
method clampPoint
clampPoint: (point: Vector3, target: Vector3) => Vector3;
method clone
clone: () => this;
method containsBox
containsBox: (box: Box3) => boolean;
method containsPoint
containsPoint: (point: Vector3) => boolean;
method copy
copy: (box: Box3) => this;
method distanceToPoint
distanceToPoint: (point: Vector3) => number;
method empty
empty: () => any;
Use instead.
method equals
equals: (box: Box3) => boolean;
method expandByObject
expandByObject: (object: Object3D, precise?: boolean) => this;
method expandByPoint
expandByPoint: (point: Vector3) => this;
method expandByScalar
expandByScalar: (scalar: number) => this;
method expandByVector
expandByVector: (vector: Vector3) => this;
method getBoundingSphere
getBoundingSphere: (target: Sphere) => Sphere;
method getCenter
getCenter: (target: Vector3) => Vector3;
method getParameter
getParameter: (point: Vector3, target: Vector3) => Vector3;
method getSize
getSize: (target: Vector3) => Vector3;
method intersect
intersect: (box: Box3) => this;
method intersectsBox
intersectsBox: (box: Box3) => boolean;
method intersectsPlane
intersectsPlane: (plane: Plane) => boolean;
method intersectsSphere
intersectsSphere: (sphere: Sphere) => boolean;
method intersectsTriangle
intersectsTriangle: (triangle: Triangle) => boolean;
method isEmpty
isEmpty: () => boolean;
method isIntersectionBox
isIntersectionBox: (b: any) => any;
Use instead.
method isIntersectionSphere
isIntersectionSphere: (s: any) => any;
Use instead.
method makeEmpty
makeEmpty: () => this;
method set
set: (min: Vector3, max: Vector3) => this;
method setFromArray
setFromArray: (array: ArrayLike<number>) => this;
method setFromBufferAttribute
setFromBufferAttribute: (bufferAttribute: BufferAttribute) => this;
method setFromCenterAndSize
setFromCenterAndSize: (center: Vector3, size: Vector3) => this;
method setFromObject
setFromObject: (object: Object3D, precise?: boolean) => this;
method setFromPoints
setFromPoints: (points: Vector3[]) => this;
method translate
translate: (offset: Vector3) => this;
method union
union: (box: Box3) => this;
class Box3Helper
class Box3Helper extends LineSegments {}
Helper object to visualize a Box3.
Example 1
const box = new THREE.Box3();box.setFromCenterAndSize(new THREE.Vector3(1, 1, 1), new THREE.Vector3(2, 1, 3));const helper = new THREE.Box3Helper(box, 0xffff00);scene.add(helper);See Also
constructor(box: Box3, color?: ColorRepresentation);
Creates a new wireframe box that represents the passed Box3.
Parameter box
The Box3 to show.
Parameter color
The box's color. Default
property box
box: Box3;
The Box3 being visualized.
property type
override readonly type: string;
A Read-only _string_ to check if
object type.Remarks
Sub-classes will update this value.
method dispose
dispose: () => void;
Frees the GPU-related resources allocated by this instance
Call this method whenever this instance is no longer used in your app.
class BoxGeometry
class BoxGeometry extends BufferGeometry {}
BoxGeometry is a geometry class for a rectangular cuboid with a given 'width', 'height', and 'depth'
On creation, the cuboid is centred on the origin, with each edge parallel to one of the axes.
Example 1
const geometry = new THREE.BoxGeometry(1, 1, 1);const material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({color: 0x00ff00});const cube = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material);scene.add(cube);See Also
constructor( width?: number, height?: number, depth?: number, widthSegments?: number, heightSegments?: number, depthSegments?: number);
Create a new instance of BoxGeometry
Parameter width
Width; that is, the length of the edges parallel to the X axis. Optional; Expects a
. Default1
Parameter height
Height; that is, the length of the edges parallel to the Y axis. Optional; Expects a
. Default1
Parameter depth
Depth; that is, the length of the edges parallel to the Z axis. Optional; Expects a
. Default1
Parameter widthSegments
Number of segmented rectangular faces along the width of the sides. Optional; Expects a
. Default1
Parameter heightSegments
Number of segmented rectangular faces along the height of the sides. Optional; Expects a
. Default1
Parameter depthSegments
Number of segmented rectangular faces along the depth of the sides. Optional; Expects a
. Default1
property parameters
readonly parameters: { readonly width: number; readonly height: number; readonly depth: number; readonly widthSegments: number; readonly heightSegments: number; readonly depthSegments: number;};
An object with a property for each of the constructor parameters.
Any modification after instantiation does not change the geometry.
property type
override readonly type: string;
A Read-only _string_ to check if
object type.Remarks
Sub-classes will update this value.
class BoxHelper
class BoxHelper extends LineSegments<BufferGeometry, LineBasicMaterial> {}
Helper object to graphically show the world-axis-aligned bounding box around an object
The actual bounding box is handled with Box3, this is just a visual helper for debugging It can be automatically resized with the BoxHelper.update method when the object it's created from is transformed Note that the object must have a BufferGeometry for this to work, so it won't work with Sprites.
Example 1
const sphere = new THREE.SphereGeometry();const object = new THREE.Mesh(sphere, new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial(0xff0000));const box = new THREE.BoxHelper(object, 0xffff00);scene.add(box);See Also
Example: WebGL / helpers
Example: WebGL / loader / nrrd
Example: WebGL / buffergeometry / drawrange
constructor(object: Object3D<Object3DEventMap>, color?: ColorRepresentation);
Creates a new wireframe box that bounds the passed object
Parameter object
The object3D to show the world-axis-aligned bounding box.
Parameter color
Hexadecimal value that defines the box's color. Default
Internally this uses Box3.setFromObject to calculate the dimensions Note that this includes any children.
property type
override readonly type: string;
A Read-only _string_ to check if
object type.Remarks
Sub-classes will update this value.
method dispose
dispose: () => void;
Frees the GPU-related resources allocated by this instance
Call this method whenever this instance is no longer used in your app.
method setFromObject
setFromObject: (object: Object3D) => this;
Updates the wireframe box for the passed object.
Parameter object
Object3D to create the helper of.
method update
update: (object?: Object3D) => void;
Updates the helper's geometry to match the dimensions of the object, including any children
See Box3.setFromObject.
class BufferAttribute
class BufferAttribute {}
This class stores data for an attribute (such as vertex positions, face indices, normals, colors, UVs, and any custom attributes ) associated with a BufferGeometry, which allows for more efficient passing of data to the GPU
When working with _vector-like_ data, the _
.fromBufferAttribute( attribute, index )
_ helper methods on Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, and Color classes may be helpful.See Also
BufferGeometry for details and a usage examples.
constructor(array: TypedArray, itemSize: number, normalized?: boolean);
This creates a new GLBufferAttribute object.
Parameter array
Must be a
. Used to instantiate the buffer. This array should haveitemSize * numVertices
elements, where numVertices is the number of vertices in the associated BufferGeometry.Parameter itemSize
the number of values of the array that should be associated with a particular vertex. For instance, if this attribute is storing a 3-component vector (such as a _position_, _normal_, or _color_), then itemSize should be
.Parameter normalized
Applies to integer data only. Indicates how the underlying data in the buffer maps to the values in the GLSL code. For instance, if array is an instance of
, and normalized is true, the values0
in the array data will be mapped to0.0f
in the GLSL attribute. AnInt16Array
(signed) would map from-32768
. If normalized is false, the values will be converted to floats unmodified, i.e.32767
. Defaultfalse
When the array is not aTypedArray
property array
array: TypedArray;
The TypedArray holding data stored in the buffer.
property count
readonly count: number;
property gpuType
gpuType: AttributeGPUType;
Configures the bound GPU type for use in shaders. Either FloatType or IntType, default is FloatType.
Note: this only has an effect for integer arrays and is not configurable for float arrays. For lower precision float types, see https://threejs.org/docs/#api/en/core/bufferAttributeTypes/BufferAttributeTypes.
property isBufferAttribute
readonly isBufferAttribute: boolean;
Read-only flag to check if a given object is of type BufferAttribute.
This is a _constant_ value
property itemSize
itemSize: number;
The length of vectors that are being stored in the array.
Expects a
property name
name: string;
Optional name for this attribute instance.
property normalized
normalized: boolean;
Indicates how the underlying data in the buffer maps to the values in the GLSL shader code.
See Also
above for details.
property onUploadCallback
onUploadCallback: () => void;
A callback function that is executed after the Renderer has transferred the attribute array data to the GPU.
property updateRanges
updateRanges: { start: number; count: number }[];
This can be used to only update some components of stored vectors (for example, just the component related to color). Use the function to add ranges to this array.
property usage
usage: Usage;
Defines the intended usage pattern of the data store for optimization purposes. Corresponds to the usage parameter of WebGLRenderingContext.bufferData.
After the initial use of a buffer, its usage cannot be changed. Instead, instantiate a new one and set the desired usage before the next render.
See Also
Buffer Attribute Usage Constants for all possible values.
property version
version: number;
A version number, incremented every time the needsUpdate property is set to true.
Expects a
method addUpdateRange
addUpdateRange: (start: number, count: number) => void;
Adds a range of data in the data array to be updated on the GPU. Adds an object describing the range to the array.
method applyMatrix3
applyMatrix3: (m: Matrix3) => this;
Applies matrix m to every Vector3 element of this BufferAttribute.
Parameter m
method applyMatrix4
applyMatrix4: (m: Matrix4) => this;
Applies matrix m to every Vector3 element of this BufferAttribute.
Parameter m
method applyNormalMatrix
applyNormalMatrix: (m: Matrix3) => this;
Applies normal matrix m to every Vector3 element of this BufferAttribute.
Parameter m
method clearUpdateRanges
clearUpdateRanges: () => void;
Clears the array.
method clone
clone: () => BufferAttribute;
a copy of this BufferAttribute.
method copy
copy: (source: BufferAttribute) => this;
Copies another BufferAttribute to this BufferAttribute.
Parameter bufferAttribute
method copyArray
copyArray: (array: ArrayLike<number>) => this;
Copy the array given here (which can be a normal array or
) into array.See Also
TypedArray.set for notes on requirements if copying a
method copyAt
copyAt: (index1: number, attribute: BufferAttribute, index2: number) => this;
Copy a vector from bufferAttribute[index2] to array[index1].
Parameter index1
Parameter bufferAttribute
Parameter index2
method getComponent
getComponent: (index: number, component: number) => number;
Returns the given component of the vector at the given index.
method getW
getW: (index: number) => number;
Returns the w component of the vector at the given index.
Parameter index
Expects a
method getX
getX: (index: number) => number;
Returns the x component of the vector at the given index.
Parameter index
Expects a
method getY
getY: (index: number) => number;
Returns the y component of the vector at the given index.
Parameter index
Expects a
method getZ
getZ: (index: number) => number;
Returns the z component of the vector at the given index.
Parameter index
Expects a
method onUpload
onUpload: (callback: () => void) => this;
Sets the value of the onUploadCallback property.
Parameter callback
function that is executed after the Renderer has transferred the attribute array data to the GPU.
See Also
Example: WebGL / BufferGeometry this is used to free memory after the buffer has been transferred to the GPU.
method set
set: (value: ArrayLike<number> | ArrayBufferView, offset?: number) => this;
method setComponent
setComponent: (index: number, component: number, value: number) => void;
Sets the given component of the vector at the given index.
method setUsage
setUsage: (usage: Usage) => this;
Set usage
Parameter value
Corresponds to the usage parameter of WebGLRenderingContext.bufferData.
After the initial use of a buffer, its usage cannot be changed. Instead, instantiate a new one and set the desired usage before the next render.
See Also
Buffer Attribute Usage Constants for all possible values.
method setW
setW: (index: number, z: number) => this;
Sets the w component of the vector at the given index.
Parameter index
Expects a
Parameter w
method setX
setX: (index: number, x: number) => this;
Sets the x component of the vector at the given index.
Parameter index
Expects a
Parameter x
method setXY
setXY: (index: number, x: number, y: number) => this;
Sets the x and y components of the vector at the given index.
Parameter index
Expects a
Parameter x
Parameter y
method setXYZ
setXYZ: (index: number, x: number, y: number, z: number) => this;
Sets the x, y and z components of the vector at the given index.
Parameter index
Expects a
Parameter x
Parameter y
Parameter z
method setXYZW
setXYZW: (index: number, x: number, y: number, z: number, w: number) => this;
Sets the x, y, z and w components of the vector at the given index.
Parameter index
Expects a
Parameter x
Parameter y
Parameter z
Parameter w
method setY
setY: (index: number, y: number) => this;
Sets the y component of the vector at the given index.
Parameter index
Expects a
Parameter y
method setZ
setZ: (index: number, z: number) => this;
Sets the z component of the vector at the given index.
Parameter index
Expects a
Parameter z
method toJSON
toJSON: () => BufferAttributeJSON;
Convert this object to three.js to the
part of JSON Geometry format v4,
method transformDirection
transformDirection: (m: Matrix4) => this;
Applies matrix m to every Vector3 element of this BufferAttribute, interpreting the elements as a direction vectors.
Parameter m
class BufferGeometry
class BufferGeometry< Attributes extends NormalOrGLBufferAttributes = NormalBufferAttributes> extends EventDispatcher<{ dispose: {} }> {}
A representation of mesh, line, or point geometry Includes vertex positions, face indices, normals, colors, UVs, and custom attributes within buffers, reducing the cost of passing all this data to the GPU.
To read and edit data in BufferGeometry attributes, see BufferAttribute documentation.
Example 1
const geometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry();// create a simple square shape. We duplicate the top left and bottom right// vertices because each vertex needs to appear once per triangle.const vertices = new Float32Array( [-1.0, -1.0, 1.0, // v01.0, -1.0, 1.0, // v11.0, 1.0, 1.0, // v21.0, 1.0, 1.0, // v3-1.0, 1.0, 1.0, // v4-1.0, -1.0, 1.0 // v5] );// itemSize = 3 because there are 3 values (components) per vertexgeometry.setAttribute( 'position', new THREE.BufferAttribute( vertices, 3 ) );const material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( { color: 0xff0000 } );const mesh = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, material );Example 2
const geometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry();const vertices = new Float32Array( [-1.0, -1.0, 1.0, // v01.0, -1.0, 1.0, // v11.0, 1.0, 1.0, // v2-1.0, 1.0, 1.0, // v3] );geometry.setAttribute( 'position', new THREE.BufferAttribute( vertices, 3 ) );const indices = [0, 1, 2,2, 3, 0,];geometry.setIndex( indices );geometry.setAttribute( 'position', new THREE.BufferAttribute( vertices, 3 ) );const material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( { color: 0xff0000 } );const mesh = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, material );See Also
Example: Mesh with non-indexed faces
Example: Mesh with indexed faces
Example: Lines
Example: Indexed Lines
Example: Particles
Example: Raw Shaders
This creates a new BufferGeometry object.
property attributes
attributes: NormalOrGLBufferAttributes;
This hashmap has as id the name of the attribute to be set and as value the buffer to set it to. Rather than accessing this property directly, use .setAttribute and .getAttribute to access attributes of this geometry.
property boundingBox
boundingBox: Box3;
Bounding box for the BufferGeometry, which can be calculated with .computeBoundingBox().
Bounding boxes aren't computed by default. They need to be explicitly computed, otherwise they are
property boundingSphere
boundingSphere: Sphere;
Bounding sphere for the BufferGeometry, which can be calculated with .computeBoundingSphere().
bounding spheres aren't computed by default. They need to be explicitly computed, otherwise they are
property drawRange
drawRange: { start: number; count: number };
Determines the part of the geometry to render. This should not be set directly, instead use .setDrawRange(...).
For indexed BufferGeometry, count is the number of indices to render.
property groups
groups: GeometryGroup[];
Split the geometry into groups, each of which will be rendered in a separate WebGL draw call. This allows an array of materials to be used with the geometry.
Use .addGroup to add groups, rather than modifying this array directly.
property id
id: number;
Unique number for this BufferGeometry instance.
Expects a
property index
index: BufferAttribute;
Allows for vertices to be re-used across multiple triangles; this is called using "indexed triangles". Each triangle is associated with the indices of three vertices. This attribute therefore stores the index of each vertex for each triangular face. If this attribute is not set, the renderer assumes that each three contiguous positions represent a single triangle.
property indirect
indirect: IndirectStorageBufferAttribute;
property isBufferGeometry
readonly isBufferGeometry: boolean;
Read-only flag to check if a given object is of type BufferGeometry.
This is a _constant_ value
property morphAttributes
morphAttributes: { [name: string]: (BufferAttribute | InterleavedBufferAttribute)[];};
Hashmap of BufferAttributes holding details of the geometry's morph targets.
Once the geometry has been rendered, the morph attribute data cannot be changed. You will have to call .dispose(), and create a new instance of BufferGeometry.
property morphTargetsRelative
morphTargetsRelative: boolean;
Used to control the morph target behavior; when set to true, the morph target data is treated as relative offsets, rather than as absolute positions/normals.
property name
name: string;
Optional name for this BufferGeometry instance.
property type
readonly type: string;
A Read-only _string_ to check if
object type.Remarks
Sub-classes will update this value.
property userData
userData: Record<string, any>;
An object that can be used to store custom data about the BufferGeometry. It should not hold references to functions as these will not be cloned.
property uuid
uuid: string;
UUID of this object instance.
This gets automatically assigned and shouldn't be edited.
method addGroup
addGroup: (start: number, count: number, materialIndex?: number) => void;
Adds a group to this geometry
Parameter start
Parameter count
Parameter materialIndex
See Also
the groups property for details.
method applyMatrix4
applyMatrix4: (matrix: Matrix4) => this;
Applies the matrix transform to the geometry.
Parameter matrix
method applyQuaternion
applyQuaternion: (quaternion: Quaternion) => this;
Applies the rotation represented by the quaternion to the geometry.
Parameter quaternion
method center
center: () => this;
Center the geometry based on the bounding box.
method clearGroups
clearGroups: () => void;
Clears all groups.
method clone
clone: () => this;
Creates a clone of this BufferGeometry
method computeBoundingBox
computeBoundingBox: () => void;
Computes the bounding box of the geometry, and updates the attribute. The bounding box is not computed by the engine; it must be computed by your app. You may need to recompute the bounding box if the geometry vertices are modified.
method computeBoundingSphere
computeBoundingSphere: () => void;
Computes the bounding sphere of the geometry, and updates the attribute. The engine automatically computes the bounding sphere when it is needed, e.g., for ray casting or view frustum culling. You may need to recompute the bounding sphere if the geometry vertices are modified.
method computeTangents
computeTangents: () => void;
Calculates and adds a tangent attribute to this geometry. The computation is only supported for indexed geometries and if position, normal, and uv attributes are defined
When using a tangent space normal map, prefer the MikkTSpace algorithm provided by BufferGeometryUtils.computeMikkTSpaceTangents instead.
method computeVertexNormals
computeVertexNormals: () => void;
Computes vertex normals for the given vertex data. For indexed geometries, the method sets each vertex normal to be the average of the face normals of the faces that share that vertex. For non-indexed geometries, vertices are not shared, and the method sets each vertex normal to be the same as the face normal.
method copy
copy: (source: BufferGeometry) => this;
Copies another BufferGeometry to this BufferGeometry.
Parameter source
method deleteAttribute
deleteAttribute: (name: keyof Attributes) => this;
Deletes the attribute with the specified name.
Parameter name
method dispose
dispose: () => void;
Frees the GPU-related resources allocated by this instance.
Call this method whenever this instance is no longer used in your app.
method getAttribute
getAttribute: <K extends keyof Attributes>(name: K) => Attributes[K];
Returns the attribute with the specified name.
Parameter name
method getIndex
getIndex: () => BufferAttribute | null;
Return the .index buffer.
method getIndirect
getIndirect: () => IndirectStorageBufferAttribute | null;
method hasAttribute
hasAttribute: (name: keyof Attributes) => boolean;
Returns true if the attribute with the specified name exists.
Parameter name
method lookAt
lookAt: (vector: Vector3) => this;
Rotates the geometry to face a point in space.
Parameter vector
A world vector to look at.
Use Object3D.lookAt for typical real-time mesh usage.
method normalizeNormals
normalizeNormals: () => void;
Every normal vector in a geometry will have a magnitude of 1
This will correct lighting on the geometry surfaces.
method rotateX
rotateX: (angle: number) => this;
Rotate the geometry about the X axis. This is typically done as a one time operation, and not during a loop.
Parameter angle
radians. Expects a
Use Object3D.rotation for typical real-time mesh rotation.
method rotateY
rotateY: (angle: number) => this;
Rotate the geometry about the Y axis.
Parameter angle
radians. Expects a
Use Object3D.rotation for typical real-time mesh rotation.
method rotateZ
rotateZ: (angle: number) => this;
Rotate the geometry about the Z axis.
Parameter angle
radians. Expects a
Use Object3D.rotation for typical real-time mesh rotation.
method scale
scale: (x: number, y: number, z: number) => this;
Scale the geometry data.
Parameter x
Expects a
Parameter y
Expects a
Parameter z
Expects a
Use Object3D.scale for typical real-time mesh scaling.
method setAttribute
setAttribute: <K extends keyof Attributes>( name: K, attribute: Attributes[K]) => this;
Sets an attribute to this geometry with the specified name.
Parameter name
Parameter attribute
Use this rather than the attributes property, because an internal hashmap of .attributes is maintained to speed up iterating over attributes.
method setDrawRange
setDrawRange: (start: number, count: number) => void;
Set the .drawRange property
Parameter start
Parameter count
is the number of vertices or indices to render. Expects a
For indexed BufferGeometry, count is the number of indices to render.
method setFromPoints
setFromPoints: (points: Vector3[] | Vector2[]) => this;
Defines a geometry by creating a
attribute based on the given array of points. The array can hold instances of Vector2 or Vector3. When using two-dimensional data, thez
coordinate for all vertices is set to0
.If the method is used with an existing
attribute, the vertex data are overwritten with the data from the array. The length of the array must match the vertex count.
method setIndex
setIndex: (index: BufferAttribute | number[] | null) => this;
Set the .index buffer.
Parameter index
method setIndirect
setIndirect: (indirect: IndirectStorageBufferAttribute | null) => this;
method toJSON
toJSON: () => BufferGeometryJSON;
Convert the buffer geometry to three.js JSON Object/Scene format.
method toNonIndexed
toNonIndexed: () => BufferGeometry;
Return a non-index version of an indexed BufferGeometry.
method translate
translate: (x: number, y: number, z: number) => this;
Translate the geometry.
Parameter x
Expects a
Parameter y
Expects a
Parameter z
Expects a
Use Object3D.position for typical real-time mesh rotation.
class BufferGeometryLoader
class BufferGeometryLoader extends Loader< InstancedBufferGeometry | BufferGeometry> {}
constructor(manager?: LoadingManager);
method parse
parse: (json: unknown) => InstancedBufferGeometry | BufferGeometry;
class Camera
class Camera extends Object3D {}
Abstract base class for cameras
This class should always be inherited when you build a new camera.
See Also
Note that this class is not intended to be called directly; you probably want a PerspectiveCamera or OrthographicCamera instead.
property coordinateSystem
coordinateSystem: CoordinateSystem;
property isCamera
readonly isCamera: boolean;
Read-only flag to check if a given object is of type Camera.
This is a _constant_ value
property layers
override layers: Layers;
property matrixWorldInverse
matrixWorldInverse: Matrix4;
This is the inverse of matrixWorld.
MatrixWorld contains the Matrix which has the world transform of the Camera .
property projectionMatrix
projectionMatrix: Matrix4;
This is the matrix which contains the projection.
property projectionMatrixInverse
projectionMatrixInverse: Matrix4;
This is the inverse of projectionMatrix.
property type
override readonly type: string;
property viewport
viewport?: Vector4;
method getWorldDirection
getWorldDirection: (target: Vector3) => Vector3;
class CameraHelper
class CameraHelper extends LineSegments {}
This helps with visualizing what a camera contains in its frustum
CameraHelper must be a child of the scene.
Example 1
const camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(75, window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight, 0.1, 1000);const helper = new THREE.CameraHelper(camera);scene.add(helper);See Also
Example: WebGL / camera
Example: WebGL / extrude / splines
constructor(camera: Camera);
This create a new CameraHelper for the specified camera.
Parameter camera
The camera to visualize.
property camera
camera: Camera;
The camera being visualized.
property matrix
matrix: Matrix4;
Reference to the camera.matrixWorld.
property matrixAutoUpdate
override matrixAutoUpdate: boolean;
Is set to
, as the helper is using the camera.matrixWorld.See Also
property pointMap
pointMap: { [id: string]: number[] };
This contains the points used to visualize the camera.
property type
override readonly type: string;
A Read-only _string_ to check if
object type.Remarks
Sub-classes will update this value.
method dispose
dispose: () => void;
Frees the GPU-related resources allocated by this instance
Call this method whenever this instance is no longer used in your app.
method setColors
setColors: ( frustum: Color, cone: Color, up: Color, target: Color, cross: Color) => this;
Defines the colors of the helper.
Parameter frustum
Parameter cone
Parameter up
Parameter target
Parameter cross
method update
update: () => void;
Updates the helper based on the projectionMatrix of the camera.
class CanvasTexture
class CanvasTexture extends Texture {}
Creates a texture from a canvas element.
This is almost the same as the base Texture class, except that it sets needsUpdate to
immediately.See Also
constructor( canvas: TexImageSource | OffscreenCanvas, mapping?: Mapping, wrapS?: Wrapping, wrapT?: Wrapping, magFilter?: MagnificationTextureFilter, minFilter?: MinificationTextureFilter, format?: PixelFormat, type?: TextureDataType, anisotropy?: number);
This creates a new CanvasTexture object.
Parameter canvas
The HTML canvas element from which to load the texture.
Parameter mapping
See .mapping. Default THREE.Texture.DEFAULT_MAPPING
Parameter wrapS
See .wrapS. Default THREE.ClampToEdgeWrapping
Parameter wrapT
See .wrapT. Default THREE.ClampToEdgeWrapping
Parameter magFilter
See .magFilter. Default THREE.LinearFilter
Parameter minFilter
See .minFilter. Default THREE.LinearMipmapLinearFilter
Parameter format
See .format. Default THREE.RGBAFormat
Parameter type
See . Default THREE.UnsignedByteType
Parameter anisotropy
See .anisotropy. Default THREE.Texture.DEFAULT_ANISOTROPY
property isCanvasTexture
readonly isCanvasTexture: boolean;
Read-only flag to check if a given object is of type CanvasTexture.
This is a _constant_ value
class CapsuleGeometry
class CapsuleGeometry extends BufferGeometry {}
CapsuleGeometry is a geometry class for a capsule with given radii and height
It is constructed using a lathe.
Example 1
const geometry = new THREE.CapsuleGeometry(1, 1, 4, 8);const material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({color: 0x00ff00});const capsule = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material);scene.add(capsule);See Also
constructor( radius?: number, length?: number, capSegments?: number, radialSegments?: number);
Create a new instance of CapsuleGeometry
Parameter radius
Radius of the capsule. Expects a
. Default1
Parameter length
Length of the middle section. Expects a
. Default1
Parameter capSegments
Number of curve segments used to build the caps. Expects a
. Default4
Parameter radialSegments
Number of segmented faces around the circumference of the capsule. Expects a
. Default8
property parameters
readonly parameters: { readonly radius: number; readonly length: number; readonly capSegments: number; readonly radialSegments: number;};
An object with a property for each of the constructor parameters.
Any modification after instantiation does not change the geometry.
property type
override readonly type: string;
A Read-only _string_ to check if
object type.Remarks
Sub-classes will update this value.
class CatmullRomCurve3
class CatmullRomCurve3 extends Curve<Vector3> {}
Create a smooth **3D** spline curve from a series of points using the Catmull-Rom algorithm.
Example 1
//Create a closed wavey loopconst curve = new THREE.CatmullRomCurve3([new THREE.Vector3(-10, 0, 10),new THREE.Vector3(-5, 5, 5),new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 0),new THREE.Vector3(5, -5, 5),new THREE.Vector3(10, 0, 10)]);const points = curve.getPoints(50);const geometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry().setFromPoints(points);const material = new THREE.LineBasicMaterial({color: 0xff0000});// Create the final object to add to the sceneconst curveObject = new THREE.Line(geometry, material);See Also
constructor( points?: Vector3[], closed?: boolean, curveType?: CurveType, tension?: number);
This constructor creates a new CatmullRomCurve3.
Parameter points
An array of Vector3 points
Parameter closed
Whether the curve is closed. Default
Parameter curveType
Type of the curve. Default
Parameter tension
Tension of the curve. Expects a
. Default0.5
property closed
closed: boolean;
The curve will loop back onto itself when this is true.
property curveType
curveType: CurveType;
Possible values are
property isCatmullRomCurve3
readonly isCatmullRomCurve3: boolean;
Read-only flag to check if a given object is of type CatmullRomCurve3.
This is a _constant_ value
property points
points: Vector3[];
The array of Vector3 points that define the curve.
It needs at least two entries.
property tension
tension: number;
When is
, defines catmullrom's tension.Remarks
Expects a
property type
override readonly type: string;
A Read-only _string_ to check if
object type.Remarks
Sub-classes will update this value.
class CircleGeometry
class CircleGeometry extends BufferGeometry {}
CircleGeometry is a simple shape of Euclidean geometry
It is constructed from a number of triangular segments that are oriented around a central point and extend as far out as a given radius It is built counter-clockwise from a start angle and a given central angle It can also be used to create regular polygons, where the number of segments determines the number of sides.
Example 1
const geometry = new THREE.CircleGeometry(5, 32);const material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({color: 0xffff00});const circle = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material);scene.add(circle);See Also
constructor( radius?: number, segments?: number, thetaStart?: number, thetaLength?: number);
Create a new instance of CircleGeometry
Parameter radius
Radius of the circle. Expects a
. Default1
Parameter segments
Number of segments (triangles). Expects a
. Minimum3
. Default32
Parameter thetaStart
Start angle for first segment. Expects a
. Default0
, _(three o'clock position)_.Parameter thetaLength
The central angle, often called theta, of the circular sector. Expects a
. DefaultMath.PI * 2
, _which makes for a complete circle_.
property parameters
readonly parameters: { readonly radius: number; readonly segments: number; readonly thetaStart: number; readonly thetaLength: number;};
An object with a property for each of the constructor parameters.
Any modification after instantiation does not change the geometry.
property type
override readonly type: string;
A Read-only _string_ to check if
object type.Remarks
Sub-classes will update this value.
class Clock
class Clock {}
Object for keeping track of time. This uses [performance.now]https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Performance/now.
See Also
[Official Documentation]https://threejs.org/docs/index.html#api/en/core/Clock
constructor(autoStart?: boolean);
Create a new instance of Clock
Parameter autoStart
Whether to automatically start the clock when .getDelta() is called for the first time. Default
property autoStart
autoStart: boolean;
If set, starts the clock automatically when .getDelta() is called for the first time.
property elapsedTime
elapsedTime: number;
Keeps track of the total time that the clock has been running.
property oldTime
oldTime: number;
Holds the time at which the clock's .start(), .getElapsedTime() or .getDelta() methods were last called.
property running
running: boolean;
Whether the clock is running or not.
property startTime
startTime: number;
Holds the time at which the clock's .start() method was last called.
method getDelta
getDelta: () => number;
Get the seconds passed since the time .oldTime was set and sets .oldTime to the current time.
If .autoStart is
and the clock is not running, also starts the clock.
method getElapsedTime
getElapsedTime: () => number;
Get the seconds passed since the clock started and sets .oldTime to the current time.
If .autoStart is
and the clock is not running, also starts the clock.
method start
start: () => void;
Starts clock.
Also sets the .startTime and .oldTime to the current time, sets .elapsedTime to
and .running totrue
method stop
stop: () => void;
Stops clock and sets oldTime to the current time.
class Color
class Color {}
Class representing a color.
A Color instance is represented by RGB components in the linear working color space, which defaults to
. Inputs conventionally usingSRGBColorSpace
(such as hexadecimals and CSS strings) are converted to the working color space automatically.// converted automatically from SRGBColorSpace to LinearSRGBColorSpaceconst color = new THREE.Color().setHex( 0x112233 );Source color spaces may be specified explicitly, to ensure correct conversions.
// assumed already LinearSRGBColorSpace; no conversionconst color = new THREE.Color().setRGB( 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 );// converted explicitly from SRGBColorSpace to LinearSRGBColorSpaceconst color = new THREE.Color().setRGB( 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, SRGBColorSpace );If THREE.ColorManagement is disabled, no conversions occur. For details, see Color management.
Iterating through a Color instance will yield its components (r, g, b) in the corresponding order.
constructor(color?: ColorRepresentation);
constructor(r: number, g: number, b: number);
property b
b: number;
Blue channel value between
. Default is1
. 1
property g
g: number;
Green channel value between
. Default is1
. 1
property isColor
readonly isColor: boolean;
property NAMES
static NAMES: { aliceblue: 15792383; antiquewhite: 16444375; aqua: 65535; aquamarine: 8388564; azure: 15794175; beige: 16119260; bisque: 16770244; black: 0; blanchedalmond: 16772045; blue: 255; blueviolet: 9055202; brown: 10824234; burlywood: 14596231; cadetblue: 6266528; chartreuse: 8388352; chocolate: 13789470; coral: 16744272; cornflowerblue: 6591981; cornsilk: 16775388; crimson: 14423100; cyan: 65535; darkblue: 139; darkcyan: 35723; darkgoldenrod: 12092939; darkgray: 11119017; darkgreen: 25600; darkgrey: 11119017; darkkhaki: 12433259; darkmagenta: 9109643; darkolivegreen: 5597999; darkorange: 16747520; darkorchid: 10040012; darkred: 9109504; darksalmon: 15308410; darkseagreen: 9419919; darkslateblue: 4734347; darkslategray: 3100495; darkslategrey: 3100495; darkturquoise: 52945; darkviolet: 9699539; deeppink: 16716947; deepskyblue: 49151; dimgray: 6908265; dimgrey: 6908265; dodgerblue: 2003199; firebrick: 11674146; floralwhite: 16775920; forestgreen: 2263842; fuchsia: 16711935; gainsboro: 14474460; ghostwhite: 16316671; gold: 16766720; goldenrod: 14329120; gray: 8421504; green: 32768; greenyellow: 11403055; grey: 8421504; honeydew: 15794160; hotpink: 16738740; indianred: 13458524; indigo: 4915330; ivory: 16777200; khaki: 15787660; lavender: 15132410; lavenderblush: 16773365; lawngreen: 8190976; lemonchiffon: 16775885; lightblue: 11393254; lightcoral: 15761536; lightcyan: 14745599; lightgoldenrodyellow: 16448210; lightgray: 13882323; lightgreen: 9498256; lightgrey: 13882323; lightpink: 16758465; lightsalmon: 16752762; lightseagreen: 2142890; lightskyblue: 8900346; lightslategray: 7833753; lightslategrey: 7833753; lightsteelblue: 11584734; lightyellow: 16777184; lime: 65280; limegreen: 3329330; linen: 16445670; magenta: 16711935; maroon: 8388608; mediumaquamarine: 6737322; mediumblue: 205; mediumorchid: 12211667; mediumpurple: 9662683; mediumseagreen: 3978097; mediumslateblue: 8087790; mediumspringgreen: 64154; mediumturquoise: 4772300; mediumvioletred: 13047173; midnightblue: 1644912; mintcream: 16121850; mistyrose: 16770273; moccasin: 16770229; navajowhite: 16768685; navy: 128; oldlace: 16643558; olive: 8421376; olivedrab: 7048739; orange: 16753920; orangered: 16729344; orchid: 14315734; palegoldenrod: 15657130; palegreen: 10025880; paleturquoise: 11529966; palevioletred: 14381203; papayawhip: 16773077; peachpuff: 16767673; peru: 13468991; pink: 16761035; plum: 14524637; powderblue: 11591910; purple: 8388736; rebeccapurple: 6697881; red: 16711680; rosybrown: 12357519; royalblue: 4286945; saddlebrown: 9127187; salmon: 16416882; sandybrown: 16032864; seagreen: 3050327; seashell: 16774638; sienna: 10506797; silver: 12632256; skyblue: 8900331; slateblue: 6970061; slategray: 7372944; slategrey: 7372944; snow: 16775930; springgreen: 65407; steelblue: 4620980; tan: 13808780; teal: 32896; thistle: 14204888; tomato: 16737095; turquoise: 4251856; violet: 15631086; wheat: 16113331; white: 16777215; whitesmoke: 16119285; yellow: 16776960; yellowgreen: 10145074;};
List of X11 color names.
property r
r: number;
Red channel value between
. Default is1
. 1
method [Symbol.iterator]
[Symbol.iterator]: () => Generator<number, void>;
method add
add: (color: Color) => this;
method addColors
addColors: (color1: Color, color2: Color) => this;
method addScalar
addScalar: (s: number) => this;
method applyMatrix3
applyMatrix3: (m: Matrix3) => this;
Applies the transform m to this color's RGB components.
method clone
clone: () => this;
Clones this color.
method convertLinearToSRGB
convertLinearToSRGB: () => Color;
Converts this color from
method convertSRGBToLinear
convertSRGBToLinear: () => Color;
Converts this color from
method copy
copy: (color: Color) => this;
Copies given color.
Parameter color
Color to copy.
method copyLinearToSRGB
copyLinearToSRGB: (color: Color) => Color;
Copies given color making conversion from
.Parameter color
Color to copy.
method copySRGBToLinear
copySRGBToLinear: (color: Color) => Color;
Copies given color making conversion from
.Parameter color
Color to copy.
method equals
equals: (color: Color) => boolean;
method fromArray
fromArray: (array: number[] | ArrayLike<number>, offset?: number) => this;
Sets this color's red, green and blue value from the provided array or array-like.
Parameter array
the source array or array-like.
Parameter offset
(optional) offset into the array-like. Default is 0.
method fromBufferAttribute
fromBufferAttribute: ( attribute: BufferAttribute | InterleavedBufferAttribute, index: number) => this;
method getHex
getHex: (colorSpace?: string) => number;
Returns the hexadecimal value of this color.
method getHexString
getHexString: (colorSpace?: string) => string;
Returns the string formated hexadecimal value of this color.
method getHSL
getHSL: (target: HSL, colorSpace?: string) => HSL;
method getRGB
getRGB: (target: RGB, colorSpace?: string) => RGB;
method getStyle
getStyle: (colorSpace?: string) => string;
Returns the value of this color in CSS context style. Example: rgb(r, g, b)
method lerp
lerp: (color: Color, alpha: number) => this;
method lerpColors
lerpColors: (color1: Color, color2: Color, alpha: number) => this;
method lerpHSL
lerpHSL: (color: Color, alpha: number) => this;
method multiply
multiply: (color: Color) => this;
method multiplyScalar
multiplyScalar: (s: number) => this;
method offsetHSL
offsetHSL: (h: number, s: number, l: number) => this;
method set
set: ( ...args: [color: ColorRepresentation] | [r: number, g: number, b: number]) => this;
method setColorName
setColorName: (style: string, colorSpace?: string) => Color;
Sets this color from a color name. Faster than method if you don't need the other CSS-style formats.
Parameter style
Color name in X11 format.
method setFromVector3
setFromVector3: (vector: Vector3) => this;
method setHex
setHex: (hex: number, colorSpace?: string) => Color;
method setHSL
setHSL: (h: number, s: number, l: number, colorSpace?: string) => Color;
Sets this color from HSL values. Based on MochiKit implementation by Bob Ippolito.
Parameter h
Hue channel value between 0 and 1.
Parameter s
Saturation value channel between 0 and 1.
Parameter l
Value channel value between 0 and 1.
method setRGB
setRGB: (r: number, g: number, b: number, colorSpace?: string) => Color;
Sets this color from RGB values.
Parameter r
Red channel value between 0 and 1.
Parameter g
Green channel value between 0 and 1.
Parameter b
Blue channel value between 0 and 1.
method setScalar
setScalar: (scalar: number) => Color;
method setStyle
setStyle: (style: string, colorSpace?: string) => Color;
Sets this color from a CSS context style string.
Parameter contextStyle
Color in CSS context style format.
method sub
sub: (color: Color) => this;
method toArray
toArray: { (array?: number[], offset?: number): number[]; (xyz: ArrayLike<number>, offset?: number): ArrayLike<number>;};
Returns an array [red, green, blue], or copies red, green and blue into the provided array.
Parameter array
(optional) array to store the color to. If this is not provided, a new array will be created.
Parameter offset
(optional) optional offset into the array. The created or provided array.
Copies red, green and blue into the provided array-like.
Parameter array
array-like to store the color to.
Parameter offset
(optional) optional offset into the array-like. The provided array-like.
method toJSON
toJSON: () => number;
This method defines the serialization result of Color. The color as a hexadecimal value.
class ColorKeyframeTrack
class ColorKeyframeTrack extends KeyframeTrack {}
constructor( name: string, times: ArrayLike<number>, values: ArrayLike<number>, interpolation?: InterpolationModes);
property ValueTypeName
ValueTypeName: string;
class CompressedArrayTexture
class CompressedArrayTexture extends CompressedTexture {}
Creates an texture 2D array based on data in compressed form, for example from a DDS file.
For use with the CompressedTextureLoader.
See Also
constructor( mipmaps: CompressedTextureMipmap[], width: number, height: number, depth: number, format: CompressedPixelFormat, type?: TextureDataType);
Create a new instance of CompressedArrayTexture
Parameter mipmaps
The mipmaps array should contain objects with data, width and height. The mipmaps should be of the correct format and type.
Parameter width
The width of the biggest mipmap.
Parameter height
The height of the biggest mipmap.
Parameter depth
The number of layers of the 2D array texture
Parameter format
The format used in the mipmaps. See THREE.CompressedPixelFormat.
Parameter type
See . Default THREE.UnsignedByteType
property image
image: { width: number; height: number; depth: number };
Overridden with a object containing width and height.
property isCompressedArrayTexture
readonly isCompressedArrayTexture: boolean;
Read-only flag to check if a given object is of type CompressedArrayTexture.
This is a _constant_ value
property layerUpdates
layerUpdates: Set<number>;
A set of all layers which need to be updated in the texture. See CompressedArrayTexture.addLayerUpdate.
property wrapR
wrapR: Wrapping;
This defines how the texture is wrapped in the depth direction.
See Also
method addLayerUpdate
addLayerUpdate: (layerIndex: number) => void;
Describes that a specific layer of the texture needs to be updated. Normally when Texture.needsUpdate is set to true, the entire compressed texture array is sent to the GPU. Marking specific layers will only transmit subsets of all mipmaps associated with a specific depth in the array which is often much more performant.
method clearLayoutUpdates
clearLayoutUpdates: () => void;
Resets the layer updates registry. See CompressedArrayTexture.addLayerUpdate.
class CompressedCubeTexture
class CompressedCubeTexture extends CompressedTexture {}
constructor( images: { width: number; height: number }[], format?: CompressedPixelFormat, type?: TextureDataType);
property isCompressedCubeTexture
readonly isCompressedCubeTexture: boolean;
property isCubeTexture
readonly isCubeTexture: boolean;
class CompressedTexture
class CompressedTexture extends Texture {}
Creates a texture based on data in compressed form, for example from a DDS file.
For use with the CompressedTextureLoader.
See Also
constructor( mipmaps?: CompressedTextureMipmap[], width?: number, height?: number, format?: CompressedPixelFormat, type?: TextureDataType, mapping?: Mapping, wrapS?: Wrapping, wrapT?: Wrapping, magFilter?: MagnificationTextureFilter, minFilter?: MinificationTextureFilter, anisotropy?: number, colorSpace?: string);
This creates a new CompressedTexture object.
Parameter mipmaps
The mipmaps array should contain objects with data, width and height. The mipmaps should be of the correct format and type.
Parameter width
The width of the biggest mipmap.
Parameter height
The height of the biggest mipmap.
Parameter format
The format used in the mipmaps. See THREE.CompressedPixelFormat.
Parameter type
See . Default THREE.UnsignedByteType
Parameter mapping
See .mapping. Default THREE.Texture.DEFAULT_MAPPING
Parameter wrapS
See .wrapS. Default THREE.ClampToEdgeWrapping
Parameter wrapT
See .wrapT. Default THREE.ClampToEdgeWrapping
Parameter magFilter
See .magFilter. Default THREE.LinearFilter
Parameter minFilter
See .minFilter. Default THREE.LinearMipmapLinearFilter
Parameter anisotropy
See .anisotropy. Default THREE.Texture.DEFAULT_ANISOTROPY
Parameter colorSpace
See Texture.colorSpace.colorSpace. Default NoColorSpace
property flipY
flipY: boolean;
No flipping for cube textures. (also flipping doesn't work for compressed textures)
property format
format: CompressedPixelFormat;
property generateMipmaps
generateMipmaps: boolean;
Can't generate mipmaps for compressed textures. mips must be embedded in DDS files
property image
image: { width: number; height: number };
Overridden with a object containing width and height.
property isCompressedTexture
readonly isCompressedTexture: boolean;
Read-only flag to check if a given object is of type CompressedTexture.
This is a _constant_ value
property mipmaps
mipmaps: CompressedTextureMipmap[];
The mipmaps array should contain objects with data, width and height. The mipmaps should be of the correct format and type.
class CompressedTextureLoader
class CompressedTextureLoader extends Loader<CompressedTexture> {}
constructor(manager?: LoadingManager);
method load
load: ( url: string, onLoad?: (data: CompressedTexture) => void, onProgress?: (event: ProgressEvent) => void, onError?: (err: unknown) => void) => CompressedTexture;
class ConeGeometry
class ConeGeometry extends CylinderGeometry {}
A class for generating cone geometries.
Example 1
const geometry = new THREE.ConeGeometry(5, 20, 32);const material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({color: 0xffff00});const cone = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material);scene.add(cone);See Also
constructor( radius?: number, height?: number, radialSegments?: number, heightSegments?: number, openEnded?: boolean, thetaStart?: number, thetaLength?: number);
Create a new instance of ConeGeometry
Parameter radius
Radius of the cone base. Expects a
. Default1
Parameter height
Height of the cone. Expects a
. Default1
Parameter radialSegments
Number of segmented faces around the circumference of the cone. Expects a
. Default32
Parameter heightSegments
Number of rows of faces along the height of the cone. Expects a
. Default1
Parameter openEnded
A Boolean indicating whether the base of the cone is open or capped. Default
, _meaning capped_.Parameter thetaStart
Start angle for first segment. Expects a
. Default0
, _(three o'clock position)_.Parameter thetaLength
The central angle, often called theta, of the circular sector. Expects a
. DefaultMath.PI * 2
, _which makes for a complete cone_.
property parameters
override readonly parameters: { readonly radius: number; readonly radiusTop: number; readonly radiusBottom: number; readonly height: number; readonly radialSegments: number; readonly heightSegments: number; readonly openEnded: boolean; readonly thetaStart: number; readonly thetaLength: number;};
An object with a property for each of the constructor parameters.
Any modification after instantiation does not change the geometry.
property type
override readonly type: string;
A Read-only _string_ to check if
object type.Remarks
Sub-classes will update this value.
class Controls
abstract class Controls<TEventMap extends {}> extends EventDispatcher<TEventMap> {}
Abstract base class for controls.
constructor(object: Object3D<Object3DEventMap>, domElement?: HTMLElement);
Creates a new instance of Controls.
Parameter object
The object the controls should manage (usually the camera).
Parameter domElement
The HTML element used for event listeners. (optional)
property domElement
domElement: HTMLElement;
The HTML element used for event listeners. If not provided via the constructor, must be called after
has been set.
property enabled
enabled: boolean;
When set to
, the controls will not respond to user input. Default istrue
property object
object: Object3D<Object3DEventMap>;
The 3D object that is managed by the controls.
method connect
connect: () => void;
Connects the controls to the DOM. This method has so called "side effects" since it adds the module's event listeners to the DOM.
method disconnect
disconnect: () => void;
Disconnects the controls from the DOM.
method dispose
dispose: () => void;
Call this method if you no longer want use to the controls. It frees all internal resources and removes all event listeners.
method update
update: (delta: number) => void;
Controls should implement this method if they have to update their internal state per simulation step.
class CubeCamera
class CubeCamera extends Object3D {}
Creates **6** cameras that render to a WebGLCubeRenderTarget.
The cameras are added to the children array.
Example 1
// Create cube render targetconst cubeRenderTarget = new THREE.WebGLCubeRenderTarget( 128, { generateMipmaps: true, minFilter: THREE.LinearMipmapLinearFilter } );// Create cube cameraconst cubeCamera = new THREE.CubeCamera( 1, 100000, cubeRenderTarget );scene.add( cubeCamera );// Create carconst chromeMaterial = new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial( { color: 0xffffff, envMap: cubeRenderTarget.texture } );const car = new THREE.Mesh( carGeometry, chromeMaterial );scene.add( car );// Update the render target cubecar.visible = false;cubeCamera.position.copy( car.position );cubeCamera.update( renderer, scene );// Render the scenecar.visible = true;renderer.render( scene, camera );See Also
constructor(near: number, far: number, renderTarget: WebGLCubeRenderTarget);
Constructs a CubeCamera that contains 6 PerspectiveCameras that render to a WebGLCubeRenderTarget.
Parameter near
The near clipping distance.
Parameter far
The far clipping distance.
Parameter renderTarget
The destination cube render target.
property activeMipmapLevel
activeMipmapLevel: number;
property coordinateSystem
coordinateSystem: CoordinateSystem;
property renderTarget
renderTarget: WebGLCubeRenderTarget;
The destination cube render target.
property type
override readonly type: string;
method update
update: (renderer: WebGLRenderer, scene: Object3D) => void;
Call this to update the renderTarget.
Parameter renderer
The current WebGL renderer
Parameter scene
The current scene
method updateCoordinateSystem
updateCoordinateSystem: () => void;
class CubeTexture
class CubeTexture extends Texture {}
Creates a cube texture made up of six images.
CubeTexture is almost equivalent in functionality and usage to Texture. The only differences are that the images are an array of _6_ images as opposed to a single image, and the mapping options are THREE.CubeReflectionMapping (default) or THREE.CubeRefractionMapping
Example 1
const loader = new THREE.CubeTextureLoader();loader.setPath('textures/cube/pisa/');const textureCube = loader.load(['px.png', 'nx.png', 'py.png', 'ny.png', 'pz.png', 'nz.png']);const material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({color: 0xffffff,envMap: textureCube});See Also
constructor( images?: any[], mapping?: CubeTextureMapping, wrapS?: Wrapping, wrapT?: Wrapping, magFilter?: MagnificationTextureFilter, minFilter?: MinificationTextureFilter, format?: PixelFormat, type?: TextureDataType, anisotropy?: number, colorSpace?: string);
This creates a new CubeTexture object.
Parameter images
Parameter mapping
See .mapping. Default THREE.CubeReflectionMapping
Parameter wrapS
See .wrapS. Default THREE.ClampToEdgeWrapping
Parameter wrapT
See .wrapT. Default THREE.ClampToEdgeWrapping
Parameter magFilter
See .magFilter. Default THREE.LinearFilter
Parameter minFilter
See .minFilter. Default THREE.LinearMipmapLinearFilter
Parameter format
See .format. Default THREE.RGBAFormat
Parameter type
See . Default THREE.UnsignedByteType
Parameter anisotropy
See .anisotropy. Default THREE.Texture.DEFAULT_ANISOTROPY
Parameter colorSpace
See .colorSpace. Default NoColorSpace
property flipY
flipY: boolean;
property image
image: any;
An image object, typically created using the CubeTextureLoader.load() method.
See Also
property images
images: any;
An image object, typically created using the CubeTextureLoader.load() method.
See Also
property isCubeTexture
readonly isCubeTexture: boolean;
Read-only flag to check if a given object is of type CubeTexture.
This is a _constant_ value
property mapping
mapping: CubeTextureMapping;
class CubeTextureLoader
class CubeTextureLoader extends Loader<CubeTexture, readonly string[]> {}
constructor(manager?: LoadingManager);
method load
load: ( url: readonly string[], onLoad?: (data: CubeTexture) => void, onProgress?: (event: ProgressEvent) => void, onError?: (err: unknown) => void) => CubeTexture;
class CubicBezierCurve
class CubicBezierCurve extends Curve<Vector2> {}
Create a smooth **2D** cubic bezier curve, defined by a start point, endpoint and two control points.
Example 1
const curve = new THREE.CubicBezierCurve(new THREE.Vector2(-10, 0),new THREE.Vector2(-5, 15),new THREE.Vector2(20, 15),new THREE.Vector2(10, 0));const points = curve.getPoints(50);const geometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry().setFromPoints(points);const material = new THREE.LineBasicMaterial({color: 0xff0000});// Create the final object to add to the sceneconst curveObject = new THREE.Line(geometry, material);See Also
constructor(v0?: Vector2, v1?: Vector2, v2?: Vector2, v3?: Vector2);
This constructor creates a new CubicBezierCurve.
Parameter v0
The starting point. Default is
new THREE.Vector2()
.Parameter v1
The first control point. Default is
new THREE.Vector2()
.Parameter v2
The second control point. Default is
new THREE.Vector2()
.Parameter v3
The ending point. Default is
new THREE.Vector2()
property isCubicBezierCurve
readonly isCubicBezierCurve: boolean;
Read-only flag to check if a given object is of type CubicBezierCurve.
This is a _constant_ value
property type
override readonly type: string;
A Read-only _string_ to check if
object type.Remarks
Sub-classes will update this value.
property v0
v0: Vector2;
The starting point.
property v1
v1: Vector2;
The first control point.
property v2
v2: Vector2;
The second control point.
property v3
v3: Vector2;
The ending point.
class CubicBezierCurve3
class CubicBezierCurve3 extends Curve<Vector3> {}
Create a smooth **3D** cubic bezier curve, defined by a start point, endpoint and two control points.
Example 1
const curve = new THREE.CubicBezierCurve(new THREE.Vector2(-10, 0),new THREE.Vector2(-5, 15),new THREE.Vector2(20, 15),new THREE.Vector2(10, 0));const points = curve.getPoints(50);const geometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry().setFromPoints(points);const material = new THREE.LineBasicMaterial({color: 0xff0000});// Create the final object to add to the sceneconst curveObject = new THREE.Line(geometry, material);See Also
constructor(v0?: Vector3, v1?: Vector3, v2?: Vector3, v3?: Vector3);
This constructor creates a new CubicBezierCurve3.
Parameter v0
The starting point. Default is
new THREE.Vector3()
.Parameter v1
The first control point. Default is
new THREE.Vector3()
.Parameter v2
The second control point. Default is
new THREE.Vector3()
.Parameter v3
The ending point. Default is
new THREE.Vector3()
property isCubicBezierCurve3
readonly isCubicBezierCurve3: boolean;
Read-only flag to check if a given object is of type CubicBezierCurve3.
This is a _constant_ value
property type
override readonly type: string;
A Read-only _string_ to check if
object type.Remarks
Sub-classes will update this value.
property v0
v0: Vector3;
The starting point.
property v1
v1: Vector3;
The first control point.
property v2
v2: Vector3;
The second control point.
property v3
v3: Vector3;
The ending point.
class CubicInterpolant
class CubicInterpolant extends Interpolant {}
constructor( parameterPositions: any, samplesValues: any, sampleSize: number, resultBuffer?: any);
method interpolate_
interpolate_: (i1: number, t0: number, t: number, t1: number) => any;
class Curve
abstract class Curve<TVector extends Vector2 | Vector3> {}
An abstract base class for creating a Curve object that contains methods for interpolation
This following curves inherit from THREE.Curve:
**2D curves** - THREE.ArcCurve - THREE.CubicBezierCurve - THREE.EllipseCurve - THREE.LineCurve - THREE.QuadraticBezierCurve - THREE.SplineCurve
**3D curves** - THREE.CatmullRomCurve3 - THREE.CubicBezierCurve3 - THREE.LineCurve3 - THREE.QuadraticBezierCurve3
See Also
protected constructor();
property arcLengthDivisions
arcLengthDivisions: number;
property type
readonly type: string;
A Read-only _string_ to check if
object type.Remarks
Sub-classes will update this value.
method clone
clone: () => this;
Creates a clone of this instance.
method computeFrenetFrames
computeFrenetFrames: ( segments: number, closed?: boolean) => { tangents: Vector3[]; normals: Vector3[]; binormals: Vector3[] };
Generates the Frenet Frames
Parameter segments
Expects a
Parameter closed
Requires a Curve definition in 3D space Used in geometries like TubeGeometry or ExtrudeGeometry.
method copy
copy: (source: Curve<TVector>) => this;
Copies another Curve object to this instance.
Parameter source
method fromJSON
fromJSON: (json: CurveJSON) => this;
Copies the data from the given JSON object to this instance.
Parameter json
method getLength
getLength: () => number;
Get total Curve arc length.
method getLengths
getLengths: (divisions?: number) => number[];
Get list of cumulative segment lengths.
Parameter divisions
Expects a
method getPoint
getPoint: (t: number, optionalTarget?: TVector) => TVector;
Returns a vector for a given position on the curve.
Parameter t
A position on the curve. Must be in the range
[ 0, 1 ]
. Expects aFloat
Parameter optionalTarget
If specified, the result will be copied into this Vector, otherwise a new Vector will be created. Default
new T
method getPointAt
getPointAt: (u: number, optionalTarget?: TVector) => TVector;
Returns a vector for a given position on the Curve according to the arc length.
Parameter u
A position on the Curve according to the arc length. Must be in the range
[ 0, 1 ]
. Expects aFloat
Parameter optionalTarget
If specified, the result will be copied into this Vector, otherwise a new Vector will be created. Default
new T
method getPoints
getPoints: (divisions?: number) => TVector[];
Returns a set of divisions
points using .Parameter divisions
Number of pieces to divide the Curve into. Expects a
. Default5
method getSpacedPoints
getSpacedPoints: (divisions?: number) => TVector[];
Returns a set of divisions
equi-spaced points using .Parameter divisions
Number of pieces to divide the Curve into. Expects a
. Default5
method getTangent
getTangent: (t: number, optionalTarget?: TVector) => TVector;
Returns a unit vector tangent at t
Parameter t
A position on the curve. Must be in the range
[ 0, 1 ]
. Expects aFloat
Parameter optionalTarget
If specified, the result will be copied into this Vector, otherwise a new Vector will be created.
If the derived Curve does not implement its tangent derivation, two points a small delta apart will be used to find its gradient which seems to give a reasonable approximation.
method getTangentAt
getTangentAt: (u: number, optionalTarget?: TVector) => TVector;
Returns tangent at a point which is equidistant to the ends of the Curve from the point given in .
Parameter u
A position on the Curve according to the arc length. Must be in the range
[ 0, 1 ]
. Expects aFloat
Parameter optionalTarget
If specified, the result will be copied into this Vector, otherwise a new Vector will be created.
method getUtoTmapping
getUtoTmapping: (u: number, distance: number) => number;
Given u in the range
[ 0, 1 ]
,Parameter u
Expects a
Parameter distance
Expects a
also in the range[ 0, 1 ]
. Expects aFloat
can then be used to give you points which are equidistant from the ends of the curve, using .
method toJSON
toJSON: () => CurveJSON;
Returns a JSON object representation of this instance.
method updateArcLengths
updateArcLengths: () => void;
class CurvePath
class CurvePath<TVector extends Vector2 | Vector3> extends Curve<TVector> {}
Curved Path - a curve path is simply a array of connected curves, but retains the api of a curve.
A CurvePath is simply an array of connected curves, but retains the api of a curve.
See Also
The constructor take no parameters.
property autoClose
autoClose: boolean;
Whether or not to automatically close the path.
property curves
curves: Curve<TVector>[];
The array of Curves.
property type
override readonly type: string;
A Read-only _string_ to check if
object type.Remarks
Sub-classes will update this value.
method add
add: (curve: Curve<TVector>) => void;
Add a curve to the array.
Parameter curve
method closePath
closePath: () => this;
Adds a lineCurve to close the path.
method fromJSON
fromJSON: (json: CurvePathJSON) => this;
method getCurveLengths
getCurveLengths: () => number[];
Get list of cumulative curve lengths of the curves in the array.
method getPoint
getPoint: (t: number, optionalTarget?: TVector) => TVector;
method getPoints
override getPoints: (divisions?: number) => TVector[];
Returns an array of points representing a sequence of curves
Parameter divisions
Number of pieces to divide the curve into. Expects a
. Default12
parameter defines the number of pieces each curve is divided into However, for optimization and quality purposes, the actual sampling resolution for each curve depends on its type For example, for a LineCurve, the returned number of points is always just 2.
method getSpacedPoints
override getSpacedPoints: (divisions?: number) => TVector[];
Returns a set of divisions
equi-spaced points using .Parameter divisions
Number of pieces to divide the curve into. Expects a
. Default40
method toJSON
toJSON: () => CurvePathJSON;
class CylinderGeometry
class CylinderGeometry extends BufferGeometry {}
A class for generating cylinder geometries.
Example 1
const geometry = new THREE.CylinderGeometry(5, 5, 20, 32);const material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({color: 0xffff00});const cylinder = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material);scene.add(cylinder);See Also
constructor( radiusTop?: number, radiusBottom?: number, height?: number, radialSegments?: number, heightSegments?: number, openEnded?: boolean, thetaStart?: number, thetaLength?: number);
Create a new instance of CylinderGeometry
Parameter radiusTop
Radius of the cylinder at the top. Default
Parameter radiusBottom
Radius of the cylinder at the bottom. Default
Parameter height
Height of the cylinder. Default
Parameter radialSegments
Number of segmented faces around the circumference of the cylinder. Default
Parameter heightSegments
Number of rows of faces along the height of the cylinder. Expects a
. Default1
Parameter openEnded
A Boolean indicating whether the ends of the cylinder are open or capped. Default
, _meaning capped_.Parameter thetaStart
Start angle for first segment. Default
, _(three o'clock position)_.Parameter thetaLength
The central angle, often called theta, of the circular sector. Default
Math.PI * 2
, _which makes for a complete cylinder.
property parameters
readonly parameters: { readonly radiusTop: number; readonly radiusBottom: number; readonly height: number; readonly radialSegments: number; readonly heightSegments: number; readonly openEnded: boolean; readonly thetaStart: number; readonly thetaLength: number;};
An object with a property for each of the constructor parameters.
Any modification after instantiation does not change the geometry.
property type
override readonly type: string;
A Read-only _string_ to check if
object type.Remarks
Sub-classes will update this value.
class Cylindrical
class Cylindrical {}
constructor(radius?: number, theta?: number, y?: number);
property radius
radius: number;
property theta
theta: number;
property y
y: number;
method clone
clone: () => this;
method copy
copy: (other: Cylindrical) => this;
method set
set: (radius: number, theta: number, y: number) => this;
method setFromCartesianCoords
setFromCartesianCoords: (x: number, y: number, z: number) => this;
method setFromVector3
setFromVector3: (vec3: Vector3) => this;
class Data3DTexture
class Data3DTexture extends Texture {}
Creates a three-dimensional texture from raw data, with parameters to divide it into width, height, and depth
Example 1
This creates a[name] with repeating data, 0 to 255// create a buffer with some dataconst sizeX = 64;const sizeY = 64;const sizeZ = 64;const data = new Uint8Array(sizeX * sizeY * sizeZ);let i = 0;for (let z = 0; z & lt; sizeZ; z++) {for (let y = 0; y & lt; sizeY; y++) {for (let x = 0; x & lt; sizeX; x++) {data[i] = i % 256;i++;}}}// use the buffer to create the textureconst texture = new THREE.Data3DTexture(data, sizeX, sizeY, sizeZ);texture.needsUpdate = true;See Also
constructor( data?: BufferSource, width?: number, height?: number, depth?: number);
Create a new instance of Data3DTexture
Parameter data
ArrayBufferView of the texture. Default
.Parameter width
Width of the texture. Default
.Parameter height
Height of the texture. Default
.Parameter depth
Depth of the texture. Default
property flipY
flipY: boolean;
property generateMipmaps
generateMipmaps: boolean;
property image
image: Texture3DImageData;
Overridden with a record type holding data, width and height and depth.
property isData3DTexture
readonly isData3DTexture: boolean;
Read-only flag to check if a given object is of type Data3DTexture.
This is a _constant_ value
property magFilter
magFilter: MagnificationTextureFilter;
property minFilter
minFilter: MinificationTextureFilter;
property unpackAlignment
unpackAlignment: number;
property wrapR
wrapR: Wrapping;
class DataArrayTexture
class DataArrayTexture extends Texture {}
Creates an array of textures directly from raw data, width and height and depth
Example 1
This creates a[name] where each texture has a different color.// create a buffer with color dataconst width = 512;const height = 512;const depth = 100;const size = width * height;const data = new Uint8Array(4 * size * depth);for (let i = 0; i & lt; depth; i++) {const color = new THREE.Color(Math.random(), Math.random(), Math.random());const r = Math.floor(color.r * 255);const g = Math.floor(color.g * 255);const b = Math.floor(color.b * 255);for (let j = 0; j & lt; size; j++) {const stride = (i * size + j) * 4;data[stride] = r;data[stride + 1] = g;data[stride + 2] = b;data[stride + 3] = 255;}}// used the buffer to create a [name]const texture = new THREE.DataArrayTexture(data, width, height, depth);texture.needsUpdate = true;See Also
constructor( data?: BufferSource, width?: number, height?: number, depth?: number);
This creates a new DataArrayTexture object.
Parameter data
ArrayBufferView of the texture. Default
.Parameter width
Width of the texture. Default
.Parameter height
Height of the texture. Default
.Parameter depth
Depth of the texture. Default
In order to use THREE.LinearFilter for component-wise, bilinear interpolation of the texels based on these types, the WebGL extensions _OES_texture_float_linear_ or _OES_texture_half_float_linear_ must also be present.
property flipY
flipY: boolean;
property generateMipmaps
generateMipmaps: boolean;
property image
image: Texture3DImageData;
Overridden with a record type holding data, width and height and depth.
property isDataArrayTexture
readonly isDataArrayTexture: boolean;
Read-only flag to check if a given object is of type DataArrayTexture.
This is a _constant_ value
property layerUpdates
layerUpdates: Set<number>;
A set of all layers which need to be updated in the texture. See DataArrayTexture.addLayerUpdate.
property magFilter
magFilter: MagnificationTextureFilter;
property minFilter
minFilter: MinificationTextureFilter;
property unpackAlignment
unpackAlignment: number;
property wrapR
wrapR: boolean;
method addLayerUpdate
addLayerUpdate: (layerIndex: number) => void;
Describes that a specific layer of the texture needs to be updated. Normally when Texture.needsUpdate is set to true, the entire compressed texture array is sent to the GPU. Marking specific layers will only transmit subsets of all mipmaps associated with a specific depth in the array which is often much more performant.
method clearLayoutUpdates
clearLayoutUpdates: () => void;
Resets the layer updates registry. See DataArrayTexture.addLayerUpdate.
class DataTexture
class DataTexture extends Texture {}
Creates a texture directly from raw data, width and height.
Example 1
// create a buffer with color dataconst width = 512;const height = 512;const size = width * height;const data = new Uint8Array(4 * size);const color = new THREE.Color(0xffffff);const r = Math.floor(color.r * 255);const g = Math.floor(color.g * 255);const b = Math.floor(color.b * 255);for (let i = 0; i & lt; size; i++) {const stride = i * 4;data[stride] = r;data[stride + 1] = g;data[stride + 2] = b;data[stride + 3] = 255;}// used the buffer to create a [name]const texture = new THREE.DataTexture(data, width, height);texture.needsUpdate = true;See Also
constructor( data?: BufferSource, width?: number, height?: number, format?: PixelFormat, type?: TextureDataType, mapping?: Mapping, wrapS?: Wrapping, wrapT?: Wrapping, magFilter?: MagnificationTextureFilter, minFilter?: MinificationTextureFilter, anisotropy?: number, colorSpace?: string);
Parameter data
ArrayBufferView of the texture. Default
.Parameter width
Width of the texture. Default
.Parameter height
Height of the texture. Default
.Parameter format
See .format. Default THREE.RGBAFormat
Parameter type
See . Default THREE.UnsignedByteType
Parameter mapping
See .mapping. Default THREE.Texture.DEFAULT_MAPPING
Parameter wrapS
See .wrapS. Default THREE.ClampToEdgeWrapping
Parameter wrapT
See .wrapT. Default THREE.ClampToEdgeWrapping
Parameter magFilter
See .magFilter. Default THREE.NearestFilter
Parameter minFilter
See .minFilter. Default THREE.NearestFilter
Parameter anisotropy
See .anisotropy. Default THREE.Texture.DEFAULT_ANISOTROPY
Parameter colorSpace
See .colorSpace. Default NoColorSpace
property flipY
flipY: boolean;
property generateMipmaps
generateMipmaps: boolean;
property image
image: TextureImageData;
Overridden with a record type holding data, width and height and depth.
property isDataTexture
readonly isDataTexture: boolean;
Read-only flag to check if a given object is of type DataTexture.
This is a _constant_ value
property magFilter
magFilter: MagnificationTextureFilter;
property minFilter
minFilter: MinificationTextureFilter;
property unpackAlignment
unpackAlignment: number;
class DataTextureLoader
class DataTextureLoader extends Loader<DataTexture> {}
constructor(manager?: LoadingManager);
method load
load: ( url: string, onLoad?: (data: DataTexture, texData: object) => void, onProgress?: (event: ProgressEvent) => void, onError?: (err: unknown) => void) => DataTexture;
class DepthTexture
class DepthTexture extends Texture {}
This class can be used to automatically save the depth information of a rendering into a texture
See Also
constructor( width: number, height: number, type?: TextureDataType, mapping?: Mapping, wrapS?: Wrapping, wrapT?: Wrapping, magFilter?: MagnificationTextureFilter, minFilter?: MinificationTextureFilter, anisotropy?: number, format?: DepthTexturePixelFormat);
Create a new instance of DepthTexture
Parameter width
Width of the texture.
Parameter height
Height of the texture.
Parameter type
See . Default THREE.UnsignedByteType or THREE.UnsignedInt248Type
Parameter mapping
See .mapping. Default THREE.Texture.DEFAULT_MAPPING
Parameter wrapS
See .wrapS. Default THREE.ClampToEdgeWrapping
Parameter wrapT
See .wrapT. Default THREE.ClampToEdgeWrapping
Parameter magFilter
See .magFilter. Default THREE.NearestFilter
Parameter minFilter
See .minFilter. Default THREE.NearestFilter
Parameter anisotropy
See .anisotropy. Default THREE.Texture.DEFAULT_ANISOTROPY
Parameter format
See .format. Default THREE.DepthFormat
property compareFunction
compareFunction: TextureComparisonFunction;
This is used to define the comparison function used when comparing texels in the depth texture to the value in the depth buffer. Default is
which means comparison is disabled.See THREE.TextureComparisonFunction for functions.
property flipY
flipY: boolean;
property format
format: DepthTexturePixelFormat;
property generateMipmaps
generateMipmaps: boolean;
Depth textures do not use mipmaps.
property image
image: { width: number; height: number };
Overridden with a record type holding width and height.
property isDepthTexture
readonly isDepthTexture: boolean;
Read-only flag to check if a given object is of type DepthTexture.
This is a _constant_ value
property magFilter
magFilter: MagnificationTextureFilter;
property minFilter
minFilter: MinificationTextureFilter;
property type
type: TextureDataType;
class DirectionalLight
class DirectionalLight extends Light<DirectionalLightShadow> {}
A light that gets emitted in a specific direction
This is because three.js's DirectionalLight is the equivalent to what is often called a 'Target Direct Light' in other applications. This means that its direction is calculated as pointing from the light's position to the target's position (as opposed to a 'Free Direct Light' that just has a rotation component). See the target property below for details on updating the target.
Example 1
// White directional light at half intensity shining from the top.const {@link DirectionalLight} = new THREE.DirectionalLight(0xffffff, 0.5);scene.add(directionalLight);See Also
Example: controls / fly
Example: effects / parallaxbarrier
Example: effects / stereo
Example: geometry / extrude / splines
Example: materials / bumpmap
constructor(color?: ColorRepresentation, intensity?: number);
Creates a new DirectionalLight.
Parameter color
Hexadecimal color of the light. Default
_(white)_.Parameter intensity
Numeric value of the light's strength/intensity. Expects a
. Default1
property castShadow
override castShadow: boolean;
Whether the object gets rendered into shadow map.
If set to
light will cast dynamic shadows. **Warning**: This is expensive and requires tweaking to get shadows looking right.See Also
DirectionalLightShadow for details.
property isDirectionalLight
readonly isDirectionalLight: boolean;
Read-only flag to check if a given object is of type DirectionalLight.
This is a _constant_ value
property position
override readonly position: Vector3;
This is set equal to THREE.Object3D.DEFAULT_UP, so that the light shines from the top down.
property shadow
shadow: DirectionalLightShadow;
A DirectionalLightShadow used to calculate shadows for this light.
property target
target: Object3D<Object3DEventMap>;
The DirectionalLight points from its position to target.position.
**Note**: For the target's position to be changed to anything other than the default, it must be added to the scene using
Scene.add( light.target );This is so that the target's matrixWorld gets automatically updated each frame.
It is also possible to set the target to be another object in the scene (anything with a position property), like so:
const targetObject = new THREE.Object3D();scene.add(targetObject);light.target = targetObject;The DirectionalLight will now track the target object.
property type
override readonly type: string;
A Read-only _string_ to check if
object type.Remarks
Sub-classes will update this value.
method dispose
dispose: () => void;
Frees the GPU-related resources allocated by this instance
Call this method whenever this instance is no longer used in your app.
class DirectionalLightHelper
class DirectionalLightHelper extends Object3D {}
Helper object to assist with visualizing a DirectionalLight's effect on the scene
This consists of plane and a line representing the light's position and direction.
Example 1
const light = new THREE.DirectionalLight(0xFFFFFF);scene.add(light);const helper = new THREE.DirectionalLightHelper(light, 5);scene.add(helper);See Also
constructor(light: DirectionalLight, size?: number, color?: ColorRepresentation);
Create a new instance of DirectionalLightHelper
Parameter light
The light to be visualized.
Parameter size
Dimensions of the plane. Default
Parameter color
If this is not the set the helper will take the color of the light. Default
property color
color: ColorRepresentation;
The color parameter passed in the constructor.
If this is changed, the helper's color will update the next time update is called.
property light
light: DirectionalLight;
Reference to the directionalLight being visualized.
property lightPlane
lightPlane: Line< BufferGeometry<NormalBufferAttributes>, Material | Material[], Object3DEventMap>;
Contains the line mesh showing the location of the directional light.
property matrix
matrix: Matrix4;
Reference to the light.matrixWorld.
property matrixAutoUpdate
override matrixAutoUpdate: boolean;
Is set to
, as the helper is using the light.matrixWorld.See Also
property targetLine
targetLine: Line< BufferGeometry<NormalBufferAttributes>, Material | Material[], Object3DEventMap>;
property type
override readonly type: string;
A Read-only _string_ to check if
object type.Remarks
Sub-classes will update this value.
method dispose
dispose: () => void;
Frees the GPU-related resources allocated by this instance
Call this method whenever this instance is no longer used in your app.
method update
update: () => void;
Updates the helper to match the position and direction of the DirectionalLight being visualized.
class DirectionalLightShadow
class DirectionalLightShadow extends LightShadow<OrthographicCamera> {}
This is used internally by DirectionalLights for calculating shadows. Unlike the other shadow classes, this uses an OrthographicCamera to calculate the shadows, rather than a PerspectiveCamera
This is because light rays from a DirectionalLight are parallel.
Example 1
//Create a WebGLRenderer and turn on shadows in the rendererconst renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer();renderer.shadowMap.enabled = true;renderer.shadowMap.type = THREE.PCFSoftShadowMap; // default THREE.PCFShadowMap//Create a DirectionalLight and turn on shadows for the lightconst light = new THREE.DirectionalLight(0xffffff, 1);light.position.set(0, 1, 0); //default; light shining from toplight.castShadow = true; // default falsescene.add(light);//Set up shadow properties for the lightlight.shadow.mapSize.width = 512; // defaultlight.shadow.mapSize.height = 512; // defaultlight.shadow.camera.near = 0.5; // defaultlight.shadow.camera.far = 500; // default//Create a sphere that cast shadows (but does not receive them)const sphereGeometry = new THREE.SphereGeometry(5, 32, 32);const sphereMaterial = new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial({color: 0xff0000});const sphere = new THREE.Mesh(sphereGeometry, sphereMaterial);sphere.castShadow = true; //default is falsesphere.receiveShadow = false; //defaultscene.add(sphere);//Create a plane that receives shadows (but does not cast them)const planeGeometry = new THREE.PlaneGeometry(20, 20, 32, 32);const planeMaterial = new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial({color: 0x00ff00})const plane = new THREE.Mesh(planeGeometry, planeMaterial);plane.receiveShadow = true;scene.add(plane);//Create a helper for the shadow camera (optional)const helper = new THREE.CameraHelper(light.shadow.camera);scene.add(helper);See Also
Create a new instance of DirectionalLightShadow
property camera
camera: OrthographicCamera;
The light's view of the world.
This is used to generate a depth map of the scene; objects behind other objects from the light's perspective will be in shadow.
property isDirectionalLightShadow
readonly isDirectionalLightShadow: boolean;
Read-only flag to check if a given object is of type DirectionalLightShadow.
This is a _constant_ value
class DiscreteInterpolant
class DiscreteInterpolant extends Interpolant {}
constructor( parameterPositions: any, samplesValues: any, sampleSize: number, resultBuffer?: any);
method interpolate_
interpolate_: (i1: number, t0: number, t: number, t1: number) => any;
class DodecahedronGeometry
class DodecahedronGeometry extends PolyhedronGeometry {}
A class for generating a dodecahedron geometries.
See Also
constructor(radius?: number, detail?: number);
Create a new instance of DodecahedronGeometry
Parameter radius
Radius of the dodecahedron. Expects a
. Default1
Parameter detail
Setting this to a value greater than 0 adds vertices making it no longer a dodecahedron. Expects a
. Default0
property type
override readonly type: string;
A Read-only _string_ to check if
object type.Remarks
Sub-classes will update this value.
class EdgesGeometry
class EdgesGeometry< TBufferGeometry extends BufferGeometry = BufferGeometry> extends BufferGeometry {}
This can be used as a helper object to view the edges of a geometry.
Example 1
const geometry = new THREE.BoxGeometry(100, 100, 100);const edges = new THREE.EdgesGeometry(geometry);const line = new THREE.LineSegments(edges, new THREE.LineBasicMaterial({color: 0xffffff}));scene.add(line);See Also
Example: helpers
constructor( geometry?: BufferGeometry<NormalBufferAttributes>, thresholdAngle?: number);
Create a new instance of EdgesGeometry
Parameter geometry
Any geometry object. Default
.Parameter thresholdAngle
An edge is only rendered if the angle (in degrees) between the face normals of the adjoining faces exceeds this value. Expects a
. Default1
property parameters
readonly parameters: { readonly geometry: TBufferGeometry | null; readonly thresholdAngle: number;};
An object with a property for each of the constructor parameters.
Any modification after instantiation does not change the geometry.
property type
override readonly type: string;
A Read-only _string_ to check if
object type.Remarks
Sub-classes will update this value.
class EllipseCurve
class EllipseCurve extends Curve<Vector2> {}
Creates a 2d curve in the shape of an ellipse
Setting the xRadius equal to the yRadius will result in a circle.
Example 1
const curve = new THREE.EllipseCurve(0, 0, // ax, aY10, 10, // xRadius, yRadius0, 2 * Math.PI, // aStartAngle, aEndAnglefalse, // aClockwise0 // aRotation);const points = curve.getPoints(50);const geometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry().setFromPoints(points);const material = new THREE.LineBasicMaterial({ color: 0xff0000 });// Create the final object to add to the sceneconst ellipse = new THREE.Line(geometry, material);See Also
constructor( aX?: number, aY?: number, xRadius?: number, yRadius?: number, aStartAngle?: number, aEndAngle?: number, aClockwise?: boolean, aRotation?: number);
This constructor creates a new EllipseCurve.
Parameter aX
The X center of the ellipse. Expects a
. Default is0
.Parameter aY
The Y center of the ellipse. Expects a
. Default is0
.Parameter xRadius
The radius of the ellipse in the x direction. Expects a
. Default is1
.Parameter yRadius
The radius of the ellipse in the y direction. Expects a
. Default is1
.Parameter aStartAngle
The start angle of the curve in radians starting from the positive X axis. Default is
.Parameter aEndAngle
The end angle of the curve in radians starting from the positive X axis. Default is
2 x Math.PI
.Parameter aClockwise
Whether the ellipse is drawn clockwise. Default is
.Parameter aRotation
The rotation angle of the ellipse in radians, counterclockwise from the positive X axis. Default is
property aClockwise
aClockwise: boolean;
Whether the ellipse is drawn clockwise.
property aEndAngle
aEndAngle: number;
The end angle of the curve in radians starting from the middle right side.
Expects a
property aRotation
aRotation: number;
The rotation angle of the ellipse in radians, counterclockwise from the positive X axis (optional).
Expects a
property aStartAngle
aStartAngle: number;
The start angle of the curve in radians starting from the middle right side.
Expects a
property aX
aX: number;
The X center of the ellipse.
Expects a
property aY
aY: number;
The Y center of the ellipse.
Expects a
property isEllipseCurve
readonly isEllipseCurve: boolean;
Read-only flag to check if a given object is of type EllipseCurve.
This is a _constant_ value
property type
override readonly type: string;
A Read-only _string_ to check if
object type.Remarks
Sub-classes will update this value.
property xRadius
xRadius: number;
The radius of the ellipse in the x direction.
property yRadius
yRadius: number;
The radius of the ellipse in the y direction.
class Euler
class Euler {}
constructor(x?: number, y?: number, z?: number, order?: EulerOrder);
static DEFAULT_ORDER: string;
property isEuler
readonly isEuler: boolean;
property order
order: EulerOrder;
property x
x: number;
property y
y: number;
property z
z: number;
method [Symbol.iterator]
[Symbol.iterator]: () => Generator<string | number, void>;
method clone
clone: () => this;
method copy
copy: (euler: Euler) => this;
method equals
equals: (euler: Euler) => boolean;
method fromArray
fromArray: (array: EulerTuple) => Euler;
method reorder
reorder: (newOrder: EulerOrder) => Euler;
method set
set: (x: number, y: number, z: number, order?: EulerOrder) => Euler;
method setFromQuaternion
setFromQuaternion: ( q: Quaternion, order?: EulerOrder, update?: boolean) => Euler;
method setFromRotationMatrix
setFromRotationMatrix: ( m: Matrix4, order?: EulerOrder, update?: boolean) => Euler;
method setFromVector3
setFromVector3: (v: Vector3, order?: EulerOrder) => Euler;
method toArray
toArray: ( array?: [x?: number, y?: number, z?: number, order?: EulerOrder], offset?: number) => EulerTuple;
class EventDispatcher
class EventDispatcher<TEventMap extends {} = {}> {}
JavaScript events for custom objects
Example 1
// Adding events to a custom objectclass Car extends EventDispatcher {start() {this.dispatchEvent( { type: 'start', message: 'vroom vroom!' } );}};// Using events with the custom objectconst car = new Car();car.addEventListener( 'start', ( event ) => {alert( event.message );} );car.start();See Also
Creates EventDispatcher object.
method addEventListener
addEventListener: <T extends Extract<keyof TEventMap, string>>( type: T, listener: EventListener<TEventMap[T], T, this>) => void;
Adds a listener to an event type.
Parameter type
The type of event to listen to.
Parameter listener
The function that gets called when the event is fired.
method dispatchEvent
dispatchEvent: <T extends Extract<keyof TEventMap, string>>( event: BaseEvent<T> & TEventMap[T]) => void;
Fire an event type.
Parameter event
The event that gets fired.
method hasEventListener
hasEventListener: <T extends Extract<keyof TEventMap, string>>( type: T, listener: EventListener<TEventMap[T], T, this>) => boolean;
Checks if listener is added to an event type.
Parameter type
The type of event to listen to.
Parameter listener
The function that gets called when the event is fired.
method removeEventListener
removeEventListener: <T extends Extract<keyof TEventMap, string>>( type: T, listener: EventListener<TEventMap[T], T, this>) => void;
Removes a listener from an event type.
Parameter type
The type of the listener that gets removed.
Parameter listener
The listener function that gets removed.
class ExtrudeGeometry
class ExtrudeGeometry extends BufferGeometry {}
Creates extruded geometry from a path shape.
The first material will be applied to the face; the second material will be applied to the sides.
Example 1
const length = 12, width = 8;const shape = new THREE.Shape();shape.moveTo(0, 0);shape.lineTo(0, width);shape.lineTo(length, width);shape.lineTo(length, 0);shape.lineTo(0, 0);const extrudeSettings = {steps: 2,depth: 16,bevelEnabled: true,bevelThickness: 1,bevelSize: 1,bevelOffset: 0,bevelSegments: 1};const geometry = new THREE.ExtrudeGeometry(shape, extrudeSettings);const material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({color: 0x00ff00});const mesh = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material);scene.add(mesh);See Also
constructor(shapes?: Shape | Shape[], options?: ExtrudeGeometryOptions);
Create a new instance of ExtrudeGeometry
Parameter shapes
Shape or an array of shapes. Default
new Shape([new Vector2(0.5, 0.5), new Vector2(-0.5, 0.5), new Vector2(-0.5, -0.5), new Vector2(0.5, -0.5)])
.Parameter options
Object that can contain the following parameters.
See Also
ExtrudeGeometryOptions for defaults.
property parameters
readonly parameters: { readonly shapes: Shape | Shape[]; readonly options: ExtrudeGeometryOptions;};
An object with a property for each of the constructor parameters.
Any modification after instantiation does not change the geometry.
property type
override readonly type: string;
A Read-only _string_ to check if
object type.Remarks
Sub-classes will update this value.
method addShape
addShape: (shape: Shape) => void;
class FileLoader
class FileLoader extends Loader<string | ArrayBuffer> {}
constructor(manager?: LoadingManager);
property mimeType
mimeType: string;
property responseType
responseType: string;
method load
load: ( url: string, onLoad?: (data: string | ArrayBuffer) => void, onProgress?: (event: ProgressEvent) => void, onError?: (err: unknown) => void) => void;
method setMimeType
setMimeType: (mimeType: string) => FileLoader;
method setResponseType
setResponseType: (responseType: string) => FileLoader;
class Float16BufferAttribute
class Float16BufferAttribute extends BufferAttribute {}
A BufferAttribute for TypedArray
See Also
BufferAttribute for details and for inherited methods and properties.
constructor( array: number | ArrayLike<number> | Iterable<number> | ArrayBuffer, itemSize: number, normalized?: boolean);
This creates a new Float16BufferAttribute object.
Parameter array
This can be a typed or untyped (normal) array or an integer length. An array value will be converted to
. If a length is given a newTypedArray
will created, initialized with all elements set to zero.Parameter itemSize
the number of values of the array that should be associated with a particular vertex. For instance, if this attribute is storing a 3-component vector (such as a _position_, _normal_, or _color_), then itemSize should be
.Parameter normalized
Applies to integer data only. Indicates how the underlying data in the buffer maps to the values in the GLSL code. For instance, if array is an instance of
, and normalized is true, the values0
in the array data will be mapped to0.0f
in the GLSL attribute. AnInt16Array
(signed) would map from-32768
. If normalized is false, the values will be converted to floats unmodified, i.e.32767
. Defaultfalse
.See Also
class Float32BufferAttribute
class Float32BufferAttribute extends BufferAttribute {}
A BufferAttribute for TypedArray
See Also
BufferAttribute for details and for inherited methods and properties.
constructor( array: number | ArrayLike<number> | Iterable<number> | ArrayBuffer, itemSize: number, normalized?: boolean);
This creates a new Float32BufferAttribute object.
Parameter array
This can be a typed or untyped (normal) array or an integer length. An array value will be converted to
. If a length is given a newTypedArray
will created, initialized with all elements set to zero.Parameter itemSize
the number of values of the array that should be associated with a particular vertex. For instance, if this attribute is storing a 3-component vector (such as a _position_, _normal_, or _color_), then itemSize should be
.Parameter normalized
Applies to integer data only. Indicates how the underlying data in the buffer maps to the values in the GLSL code. For instance, if array is an instance of
, and normalized is true, the values0
in the array data will be mapped to0.0f
in the GLSL attribute. AnInt16Array
(signed) would map from-32768
. If normalized is false, the values will be converted to floats unmodified, i.e.32767
. Defaultfalse
.See Also
class Fog
class Fog {}
This class contains the parameters that define linear fog, i.e., that grows linearly denser with the distance.
Example 1
const scene = new THREE.Scene();scene.fog = new THREE.Fog(0xcccccc, 10, 15);See Also
constructor(color: ColorRepresentation, near?: number, far?: number);
The color parameter is passed to the Color constructor to set the color property
Parameter color
Parameter near
Expects a
Parameter far
Expects a
Color can be a hexadecimal integer or a CSS-style string.
property color
color: Color;
Fog color.
If set to black, far away objects will be rendered black.
property far
far: number;
The maximum distance at which fog stops being calculated and applied.
Expects a
property isFog
readonly isFog: boolean;
Read-only flag to check if a given object is of type Fog.
This is a _constant_ value
property name
name: string;
Optional name of the object
_(doesn't need to be unique)_.
property near
near: number;
The minimum distance to start applying fog.
Expects a
method clone
clone: () => Fog;
Returns a new Fog instance with the same parameters as this one.
method toJSON
toJSON: () => FogJSON;
Return Fog data in JSON format.
class FogExp2
class FogExp2 {}
This class contains the parameters that define exponential squared fog, which gives a clear view near the camera and a faster than exponentially densening fog farther from the camera.
Example 1
const scene = new THREE.Scene();scene.fog = new THREE.FogExp2(0xcccccc, 0.002);See Also
constructor(color: ColorRepresentation, density?: number);
The color parameter is passed to the Color constructor to set the color property
Parameter color
Parameter density
Expects a
Color can be a hexadecimal integer or a CSS-style string.
property color
color: Color;
Fog color.
If set to black, far away objects will be rendered black.
property density
density: number;
Defines how fast the fog will grow dense.
Expects a
property isFogExp2
readonly isFogExp2: boolean;
Read-only flag to check if a given object is of type FogExp2.
This is a _constant_ value
property name
name: string;
Optional name of the object
_(doesn't need to be unique)_.
method clone
clone: () => FogExp2;
Returns a new FogExp2 instance with the same parameters as this one.
method toJSON
toJSON: () => FogExp2JSON;
Return FogExp2 data in JSON format.
class FramebufferTexture
class FramebufferTexture extends Texture {}
This class can only be used in combination with WebGLRenderer.copyFramebufferToTexture().
Example 1
const pixelRatio = window.devicePixelRatio;const textureSize = 128 * pixelRatio;// instantiate a framebuffer textureconst frameTexture = new FramebufferTexture( textureSize, textureSize, RGBAFormat );// calculate start position for copying part of the frame dataconst vector = new Vector2();vector.x = ( window.innerWidth * pixelRatio / 2 ) - ( textureSize / 2 );vector.y = ( window.innerHeight * pixelRatio / 2 ) - ( textureSize / 2 );// render the scenerenderer.clear();renderer.render( scene, camera );// copy part of the rendered frame into the framebuffer texturerenderer.copyFramebufferToTexture( frameTexture, vector );See Also
constructor(width: number, height: number);
Create a new instance of FramebufferTexture
Parameter width
The width of the texture.
Parameter height
The height of the texture.
property generateMipmaps
generateMipmaps: boolean;
property isFramebufferTexture
readonly isFramebufferTexture: boolean;
Read-only flag to check if a given object is of type FramebufferTexture.
This is a _constant_ value
property magFilter
magFilter: MagnificationTextureFilter;
property minFilter
minFilter: MinificationTextureFilter;
class Frustum
class Frustum {}
Frustums are used to determine what is inside the camera's field of view. They help speed up the rendering process.
constructor( p0?: Plane, p1?: Plane, p2?: Plane, p3?: Plane, p4?: Plane, p5?: Plane);
property planes
planes: Plane[];
Array of 6 vectors.
method clone
clone: () => this;
method containsPoint
containsPoint: (point: Vector3) => boolean;
method copy
copy: (frustum: Frustum) => this;
method intersectsBox
intersectsBox: (box: Box3) => boolean;
method intersectsObject
intersectsObject: (object: Object3D) => boolean;
method intersectsSphere
intersectsSphere: (sphere: Sphere) => boolean;
method intersectsSprite
intersectsSprite: (sprite: Sprite) => boolean;
method set
set: ( p0: Plane, p1: Plane, p2: Plane, p3: Plane, p4: Plane, p5: Plane) => Frustum;
method setFromProjectionMatrix
setFromProjectionMatrix: ( m: Matrix4, coordinateSystem?: CoordinateSystem) => this;
class GLBufferAttribute
class GLBufferAttribute {}
This buffer attribute class does not construct a VBO. Instead, it uses whatever VBO is passed in constructor and can later be altered via the .buffer property.
The most common use case for this class is when some kind of GPGPU calculation interferes or even produces the VBOs in question.
See Also
constructor( buffer: WebGLBuffer, type: number, itemSize: number, elementSize: 1 | 2 | 4, count: number);
This creates a new GLBufferAttribute object.
Parameter buffer
Must be a WebGLBuffer. See .buffer
Parameter type
One of WebGL Data Types. See
Parameter itemSize
How many values make up each item (vertex). See .itemSize
Parameter elementSize
. The corresponding size (in bytes) for the given param. See .elementSizeParameter count
The expected number of vertices in VBO. See .count
property buffer
buffer: WebGLBuffer;
The current WebGLBuffer instance.
property count
count: number;
The expected number of vertices in VBO.
Expects a
property elementSize
elementSize: 1 | 2 | 4;
Stores the corresponding size in bytes for the current property value.
The corresponding size (_in bytes_) for the given "type" param. #### WebGL Data Type (
) - gl.BYTE: 1 - gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE: 1 - gl.SHORT: 2 - gl.UNSIGNED_SHORT: 2 - gl.INT: 4 - gl.UNSIGNED_INT: 4 - gl.FLOAT: 4Remarks
Expects a
See Also
` for a list of known type sizes.
property isGLBufferAttribute
readonly isGLBufferAttribute: boolean;
Read-only flag to check if a given object is of type GLBufferAttribute.
This is a _constant_ value
property itemSize
itemSize: number;
How many values make up each item (vertex).
Expects a
property name
name: string;
Optional name for this attribute instance.
property type
type: number;
A WebGL Data Type describing the underlying VBO contents.
#### WebGL Data Type (
) - gl.BYTE: 0x1400 - gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE: 0x1401 - gl.SHORT: 0x1402 - gl.UNSIGNED_SHORT: 0x1403 - gl.INT: 0x1404 - gl.UNSIGNED_INT: 0x1405 - gl.FLOAT: 0x1406Remarks
Expects a
_possible values:_0x1400
property version
version: number;
A version number, incremented every time the needsUpdate property is set to true.
Expects a
method setBuffer
setBuffer: (buffer: WebGLBuffer) => this;
Sets the .buffer property.
method setCount
setCount: (count: number) => this;
Sets the count property.
method setItemSize
setItemSize: (itemSize: number) => this;
Sets the itemSize property.
method setType
setType: (type: GLenum, elementSize: 1 | 2 | 4) => this;
Sets the both and elementSize properties.
class GridHelper
class GridHelper extends LineSegments<BufferGeometry, LineBasicMaterial> {}
The GridHelper is an object to define grids
Grids are two-dimensional arrays of lines.
Example 1
const size = 10;const divisions = 10;const {@link GridHelper} = new THREE.GridHelper(size, divisions);scene.add(gridHelper);See Also
constructor( size?: number, divisions?: number, color1?: ColorRepresentation, color2?: ColorRepresentation);
Creates a new GridHelper of size 'size' and divided into 'divisions' segments per side
Parameter size
The size of the grid. Default
Parameter divisions
The number of divisions across the grid. Default
Parameter colorCenterLine
The color of the centerline. This can be a Color, a hexadecimal value and an CSS-Color name. Default
Parameter colorGrid
The color of the lines of the grid. This can be a Color, a hexadecimal value and an CSS-Color name. Default
Colors are optional.
property type
override readonly type: string;
A Read-only _string_ to check if
object type.Remarks
Sub-classes will update this value.
method dispose
dispose: () => void;
Frees the GPU-related resources allocated by this instance
Call this method whenever this instance is no longer used in your app.
class Group
class Group< TEventMap extends Object3DEventMap = Object3DEventMap> extends Object3D<TEventMap> {}
Its purpose is to make working with groups of objects syntactically clearer.
This is almost identical to an Object3D
Example 1
const geometry = new THREE.BoxGeometry(1, 1, 1);const material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({color: 0x00ff00});const cubeA = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material);cubeA.position.set(100, 100, 0);const cubeB = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material);cubeB.position.set(-100, -100, 0);//create a {@link Group} and add the two cubes//These cubes can now be rotated / scaled etc as a {@link Group} * const {@link Group} = new THREE.Group();group.add(cubeA);group.add(cubeB);scene.add(group);See Also
Creates a new Group.
property isGroup
readonly isGroup: boolean;
Read-only flag to check if a given object is of type Group.
This is a _constant_ value
class HemisphereLight
class HemisphereLight extends Light<undefined> {}
A light source positioned directly above the scene, with color fading from the sky color to the ground color.
This light cannot be used to cast shadows.
Example 1
const light = new THREE.HemisphereLight(0xffffbb, 0x080820, 1);scene.add(light);See Also
Example: animation / skinning / blending
Example: lights / hemisphere
Example: controls / pointerlock
Example: loader / collada / kinematics
Example: loader / stl
constructor( skyColor?: ColorRepresentation, groundColor?: ColorRepresentation, intensity?: number);
Creates a new HemisphereLight.
Parameter skyColor
Hexadecimal color of the sky. Expects a
. Default0xffffff
_(white)_.Parameter groundColor
Hexadecimal color of the ground. Expects a
. Default0xffffff
_(white)_.Parameter intensity
Numeric value of the light's strength/intensity. Expects a
. Default1
property color
override color: Color;
The light's sky color, as passed in the constructor.
property groundColor
groundColor: Color;
The light's ground color, as passed in the constructor.
property isHemisphereLight
readonly isHemisphereLight: boolean;
Read-only flag to check if a given object is of type HemisphereLight.
This is a _constant_ value
property position
override readonly position: Vector3;
This is set equal to THREE.Object3D.DEFAULT_UP, so that the light shines from the top down.
property type
override readonly type: string;
A Read-only _string_ to check if
object type.Remarks
Sub-classes will update this value.
class HemisphereLightHelper
class HemisphereLightHelper extends Object3D {}
Creates a visual aid consisting of a spherical Mesh for a HemisphereLight.
Example 1
const light = new THREE.HemisphereLight(0xffffbb, 0x080820, 1);const helper = new THREE.HemisphereLightHelper(light, 5);scene.add(helper);See Also
constructor(light: HemisphereLight, size: number, color?: ColorRepresentation);
Create a new instance of HemisphereLightHelper
Parameter light
The light being visualized.
Parameter size
Thr sphere size
Parameter color
If this is not the set the helper will take the color of the light.
property color
color: ColorRepresentation;
The color parameter passed in the constructor.
If this is changed, the helper's color will update the next time update is called.
property light
light: HemisphereLight;
Reference to the HemisphereLight being visualized.
property material
material: MeshBasicMaterial;
property matrix
matrix: Matrix4;
Reference to the light.matrixWorld.
property matrixAutoUpdate
override matrixAutoUpdate: boolean;
Is set to
, as the helper is using the light.matrixWorld.See Also
property type
override readonly type: string;
A Read-only _string_ to check if
object type.Remarks
Sub-classes will update this value.
method dispose
dispose: () => void;
Frees the GPU-related resources allocated by this instance
Call this method whenever this instance is no longer used in your app.
method update
update: () => void;
Updates the helper to match the position and direction of the .
class IcosahedronGeometry
class IcosahedronGeometry extends PolyhedronGeometry {}
A class for generating an icosahedron geometry.
See Also
constructor(radius?: number, detail?: number);
Create a new instance of IcosahedronGeometry
Parameter radius
Expects a
. Default1
Parameter detail
Setting this to a value greater than 0 adds more vertices making it no longer an icosahedron. When detail is greater than 1, it's effectively a sphere. Expects a
. Default0
property type
override readonly type: string;
A Read-only _string_ to check if
object type.Remarks
Sub-classes will update this value.
class ImageBitmapLoader
class ImageBitmapLoader extends Loader<ImageBitmap> {}
constructor(manager?: LoadingManager);
property isImageBitmapLoader
readonly isImageBitmapLoader: boolean;
property options
options: {};
{ premultiplyAlpha: 'none' }
method load
load: ( url: string, onLoad?: (data: ImageBitmap) => void, onProgress?: (event: ProgressEvent) => void, onError?: (err: unknown) => void) => void;
method setOptions
setOptions: (options: object) => ImageBitmapLoader;
class ImageLoader
class ImageLoader extends Loader<HTMLImageElement> {}
A loader for loading an image. Unlike other loaders, this one emits events instead of using predefined callbacks. So if you're interested in getting notified when things happen, you need to add listeners to the object.
constructor(manager?: LoadingManager);
method load
load: ( url: string, onLoad?: (data: HTMLImageElement) => void, onProgress?: (event: ProgressEvent) => void, onError?: (err: unknown) => void) => HTMLImageElement;
class ImageUtils
class ImageUtils {}
A class containing utility functions for images.
See Also
method getDataURL
static getDataURL: ( image: | HTMLImageElement | HTMLCanvasElement | CanvasImageSource | ImageBitmap | ImageData) => string;
Returns a data URI containing a representation of the given image.
Parameter image
The image object.
method sRGBToLinear
static sRGBToLinear: { ( image: HTMLImageElement | HTMLCanvasElement | ImageBitmap ): HTMLCanvasElement; (image: ImageData): { data: Uint8ClampedArray; width: number; height: number; };};
Converts the given sRGB image data to linear color space.
Parameter image
class InstancedBufferAttribute
class InstancedBufferAttribute extends BufferAttribute {}
An instanced version of BufferAttribute.
See Also
constructor( array: TypedArray, itemSize: number, normalized?: boolean, meshPerAttribute?: number);
Create a new instance of InstancedBufferAttribute
Parameter array
Parameter itemSize
Parameter normalized
Parameter meshPerAttribute
property isInstancedBufferAttribute
readonly isInstancedBufferAttribute: boolean;
Read-only flag to check if a given object is of type InstancedBufferAttribute.
This is a _constant_ value
property meshPerAttribute
meshPerAttribute: number;
Defines how often a value of this buffer attribute should be repeated. A value of one means that each value of the instanced attribute is used for a single instance. A value of two means that each value is used for two consecutive instances (and so on).
class InstancedBufferGeometry
class InstancedBufferGeometry extends BufferGeometry {}
An instanced version of BufferGeometry.
See Also
Create a new instance of InstancedBufferGeometry
property instanceCount
instanceCount: number;
property isInstancedBufferGeometry
readonly isInstancedBufferGeometry: boolean;
Read-only flag to check if a given object is of type InstancedBufferGeometry.
This is a _constant_ value
property type
type: string;
method copy
copy: (source: InstancedBufferGeometry) => this;
class InstancedInterleavedBuffer
class InstancedInterleavedBuffer extends InterleavedBuffer {}
An instanced version of InterleavedBuffer.
See Also
constructor(array: TypedArray, stride: number, meshPerAttribute?: number);
Create a new instance of InstancedInterleavedBuffer
Parameter array
Parameter itemSize
Parameter meshPerAttribute
property meshPerAttribute
meshPerAttribute: number;
class InstancedMesh
class InstancedMesh< TGeometry extends BufferGeometry = BufferGeometry, TMaterial extends Material | Material[] = Material | Material[], TEventMap extends InstancedMeshEventMap = InstancedMeshEventMap> extends Mesh<TGeometry, TMaterial, TEventMap> {}
A special version of Mesh with instanced rendering support
The usage of InstancedMesh will help you to reduce the number of draw calls and thus improve the overall rendering performance in your application.
See Also
Example: WebGL / instancing / dynamic
Example: WebGL / instancing / performance
Example: WebGL / instancing / scatter
Example: WebGL / instancing / raycast
constructor( geometry: BufferGeometry<NormalBufferAttributes>, material: Material | Material[], count: number);
Create a new instance of InstancedMesh
Parameter geometry
An instance of BufferGeometry.
Parameter material
A single or an array of Material. Default is a new MeshBasicMaterial.
Parameter count
The **maximum** number of instances of this Mesh. Expects a
property boundingBox
boundingBox: Box3;
This bounding box encloses all instances of the InstancedMesh,, which can be calculated with .computeBoundingBox().
Bounding boxes aren't computed by default. They need to be explicitly computed, otherwise they are
property boundingSphere
boundingSphere: Sphere;
This bounding sphere encloses all instances of the InstancedMesh, which can be calculated with .computeBoundingSphere().
bounding spheres aren't computed by default. They need to be explicitly computed, otherwise they are
property count
count: number;
The number of instances.
Expects a
property instanceColor
instanceColor: InstancedBufferAttribute;
Represents the colors of all instances. You have to set .instanceColor.needsUpdate() flag to
if you modify instanced data via .setColorAt().
property instanceMatrix
instanceMatrix: InstancedBufferAttribute;
Represents the local transformation of all instances. You have to set .instanceMatrix.needsUpdate() flag to
if you modify instanced data via .setMatrixAt().
property isInstancedMesh
readonly isInstancedMesh: boolean;
Read-only flag to check if a given object is of type InstancedMesh.
This is a _constant_ value
property morphTexture
morphTexture: DataTexture;
Represents the morph target weights of all instances. You have to set its flag to true if you modify instanced data via .
method computeBoundingBox
computeBoundingBox: () => void;
Computes the bounding box of the instanced mesh, and updates the attribute. The bounding box is not computed by the engine; it must be computed by your app. You may need to recompute the bounding box if an instance is transformed via .
method computeBoundingSphere
computeBoundingSphere: () => void;
Computes the bounding sphere of the instanced mesh, and updates the attribute. The engine automatically computes the bounding sphere when it is needed, e.g., for ray casting or view frustum culling. You may need to recompute the bounding sphere if an instance is transformed via [page:.setMatrixAt]().
method dispose
dispose: () => this;
Frees the GPU-related resources allocated by this instance
Call this method whenever this instance is no longer used in your app.
method getColorAt
getColorAt: (index: number, color: Color) => void;
Get the color of the defined instance.
Parameter index
The index of an instance. Values have to be in the range
[0, count]
. Expects aInteger
Parameter color
This color object will be set to the color of the defined instance.
method getMatrixAt
getMatrixAt: (index: number, matrix: Matrix4) => void;
Get the local transformation matrix of the defined instance.
Parameter index
The index of an instance Values have to be in the range
[0, count]
. Expects aInteger
Parameter matrix
This 4x4 matrix will be set to the local transformation matrix of the defined instance.
method getMorphAt
getMorphAt: (index: number, mesh: Mesh) => void;
Get the morph target weights of the defined instance.
Parameter index
The index of an instance. Values have to be in the range [0, count].
Parameter mesh
The property of this mesh will be filled with the morph target weights of the defined instance.
method setColorAt
setColorAt: (index: number, color: Color) => void;
Sets the given color to the defined instance
Parameter index
The index of an instance. Values have to be in the range
[0, count]
. Expects aInteger
Parameter color
The color of a single instance.
Make sure you set .instanceColor.needsUpdate() to
after updating all the colors.
method setMatrixAt
setMatrixAt: (index: number, matrix: Matrix4) => void;
Sets the given local transformation matrix to the defined instance.
Parameter index
The index of an instance. Values have to be in the range
[0, count]
. Expects aInteger
Parameter matrix
A 4x4 matrix representing the local transformation of a single instance.
Make sure you set .instanceMatrix.needsUpdate() flag to
after updating all the matrices.
method setMorphAt
setMorphAt: (index: number, mesh: Mesh) => void;
Sets the morph target weights to the defined instance. Make sure you set to true after updating all the influences.
Parameter index
The index of an instance. Values have to be in the range [0, count].
Parameter mesh
A mesh with property containing the morph target weights of a single instance.
method toJSON
toJSON: (meta?: JSONMeta) => InstancedMeshJSON;
method updateMorphTargets
override updateMorphTargets: () => void;
No effect in InstancedMesh.
class Int16BufferAttribute
class Int16BufferAttribute extends BufferAttribute {}
A BufferAttribute for TypedArray
See Also
BufferAttribute for details and for inherited methods and properties.
constructor( array: number | ArrayLike<number> | Iterable<number> | ArrayBuffer, itemSize: number, normalized?: boolean);
This creates a new Int16BufferAttribute object.
Parameter array
This can be a typed or untyped (normal) array or an integer length. An array value will be converted to
. If a length is given a newTypedArray
will created, initialized with all elements set to zero.Parameter itemSize
the number of values of the array that should be associated with a particular vertex. For instance, if this attribute is storing a 3-component vector (such as a _position_, _normal_, or _color_), then itemSize should be
.Parameter normalized
Applies to integer data only. Indicates how the underlying data in the buffer maps to the values in the GLSL code. For instance, if array is an instance of
, and normalized is true, the values0
in the array data will be mapped to0.0f
in the GLSL attribute. AnInt16Array
(signed) would map from-32768
. If normalized is false, the values will be converted to floats unmodified, i.e.32767
. Defaultfalse
.See Also
class Int32BufferAttribute
class Int32BufferAttribute extends BufferAttribute {}
A BufferAttribute for TypedArray
See Also
BufferAttribute for details and for inherited methods and properties.
constructor( array: number | ArrayLike<number> | Iterable<number> | ArrayBuffer, itemSize: number, normalized?: boolean);
This creates a new Int32BufferAttribute object.
Parameter array
This can be a typed or untyped (normal) array or an integer length. An array value will be converted to
. If a length is given a newTypedArray
will created, initialized with all elements set to zero.Parameter itemSize
the number of values of the array that should be associated with a particular vertex. For instance, if this attribute is storing a 3-component vector (such as a _position_, _normal_, or _color_), then itemSize should be
.Parameter normalized
Applies to integer data only. Indicates how the underlying data in the buffer maps to the values in the GLSL code. For instance, if array is an instance of
, and normalized is true, the values0
in the array data will be mapped to0.0f
in the GLSL attribute. AnInt16Array
(signed) would map from-32768
. If normalized is false, the values will be converted to floats unmodified, i.e.32767
. Defaultfalse
.See Also
class Int8BufferAttribute
class Int8BufferAttribute extends BufferAttribute {}
A BufferAttribute for TypedArray
See Also
BufferAttribute for details and for inherited methods and properties.
constructor( array: number | ArrayLike<number> | Iterable<number> | ArrayBuffer, itemSize: number, normalized?: boolean);
This creates a new Int8BufferAttribute object.
Parameter array
This can be a typed or untyped (normal) array or an integer length. An array value will be converted to
. If a length is given a newTypedArray
will created, initialized with all elements set to zero.Parameter itemSize
the number of values of the array that should be associated with a particular vertex. For instance, if this attribute is storing a 3-component vector (such as a _position_, _normal_, or _color_), then itemSize should be
.Parameter normalized
Applies to integer data only. Indicates how the underlying data in the buffer maps to the values in the GLSL code. For instance, if array is an instance of
, and normalized is true, the values0
in the array data will be mapped to0.0f
in the GLSL attribute. AnInt16Array
(signed) would map from-32768
. If normalized is false, the values will be converted to floats unmodified, i.e.32767
. Defaultfalse
class InterleavedBuffer
class InterleavedBuffer {}
**"Interleaved"** means that multiple attributes, possibly of different types, (e.g., _position, normal, uv, color_) are packed into a single array buffer. An introduction into interleaved arrays can be found here: Interleaved array basics
See Also
constructor(array: TypedArray, stride: number);
Create a new instance of InterleavedBuffer
Parameter array
A TypedArray with a shared buffer. Stores the geometry data.
Parameter stride
The number of typed-array elements per vertex. Expects a
property array
array: TypedArray;
A TypedArray with a shared buffer. Stores the geometry data.
property count
count: number;
Gives the total number of elements in the array.
Expects a
property isInterleavedBuffer
readonly isInterleavedBuffer: boolean;
property onUploadCallback
onUploadCallback: () => void;
A callback function that is executed after the Renderer has transferred the geometry data to the GPU.
property stride
stride: number;
The number of TypedArray elements per vertex.
Expects a
property updateRanges
updateRanges: { start: number; count: number }[];
This can be used to only update some components of stored data. Use the function to add ranges to this array.
property usage
usage: Usage;
Defines the intended usage pattern of the data store for optimization purposes. Corresponds to the usage parameter of WebGLRenderingContext.bufferData.
After the initial use of a buffer, its usage cannot be changed. Instead, instantiate a new one and set the desired usage before the next render.
See Also
Buffer Attribute Usage Constants for all possible values.
property uuid
uuid: string;
UUID of this object instance.
This gets automatically assigned and shouldn't be edited.
property version
version: number;
A version number, incremented every time the needsUpdate property is set to true.
Expects a
method addUpdateRange
addUpdateRange: (start: number, count: number) => void;
Adds a range of data in the data array to be updated on the GPU. Adds an object describing the range to the array.
method clearUpdateRanges
clearUpdateRanges: () => void;
Clears the array.
method clone
clone: (data: {}) => InterleavedBuffer;
Creates a clone of this InterleavedBuffer.
Parameter data
This object holds shared array buffers required for properly cloning geometries with interleaved attributes.
method copy
copy: (source: InterleavedBuffer) => this;
Copies another InterleavedBuffer to this InterleavedBuffer instance.
Parameter source
method copyAt
copyAt: ( index1: number, attribute: InterleavedBufferAttribute, index2: number) => this;
method onUpload
onUpload: (callback: () => void) => this;
Sets the value of the onUploadCallback property.
Parameter callback
function that is executed after the Renderer has transferred the geometry data to the GPU.
See Also
method set
set: (value: ArrayLike<number>, offset: number) => this;
method setUsage
setUsage: (value: Usage) => this;
Set usage
Parameter value
Corresponds to the usage parameter of WebGLRenderingContext.bufferData.
After the initial use of a buffer, its usage cannot be changed. Instead, instantiate a new one and set the desired usage before the next render.
See Also
Buffer Attribute Usage Constants for all possible values.
method toJSON
toJSON: (data: {}) => { uuid: string; buffer: string; type: string; stride: number;};
Serializes this InterleavedBuffer. Converting to JSON Geometry format v4,
Parameter data
This object holds shared array buffers required for properly serializing geometries with interleaved attributes.
class InterleavedBufferAttribute
class InterleavedBufferAttribute {}
See Also
constructor( interleavedBuffer: InterleavedBuffer, itemSize: number, offset: number, normalized?: boolean);
Create a new instance of InterleavedBufferAttribute.
Parameter interleavedBuffer
Parameter itemSize
Parameter offset
Parameter normalized
property array
readonly array: TypedArray;
property count
readonly count: number;
property data
data: InterleavedBuffer;
The InterleavedBuffer instance passed in the constructor.
property isInterleavedBufferAttribute
readonly isInterleavedBufferAttribute: boolean;
Read-only flag to check if a given object is of type InterleavedBufferAttribute.
This is a _constant_ value
property itemSize
itemSize: number;
How many values make up each item.
Expects a
property name
name: string;
Optional name for this attribute instance.
property normalized
normalized: boolean;
property offset
offset: number;
The offset in the underlying array buffer where an item starts.
Expects a
method applyMatrix4
applyMatrix4: (m: Matrix4) => this;
Applies matrix m to every Vector3 element of this InterleavedBufferAttribute.
Parameter m
method applyNormalMatrix
applyNormalMatrix: (m: Matrix3) => this;
Applies normal matrix m to every Vector3 element of this InterleavedBufferAttribute.
Parameter m
method clone
clone: (data?: {}) => BufferAttribute;
Creates a clone of this InterleavedBufferAttribute.
Parameter data
This object holds shared array buffers required for properly cloning geometries with interleaved attributes.
method getComponent
getComponent: (index: number, component: number) => number;
Returns the given component of the vector at the given index.
method getW
getW: (index: number) => number;
Returns the w component of the item at the given index.
Parameter index
Expects a
method getX
getX: (index: number) => number;
Returns the x component of the item at the given index.
Parameter index
Expects a
method getY
getY: (index: number) => number;
Returns the y component of the item at the given index.
Parameter index
Expects a
method getZ
getZ: (index: number) => number;
Returns the z component of the item at the given index.
Parameter index
Expects a
method setComponent
setComponent: (index: number, component: number, value: number) => this;
Sets the given component of the vector at the given index.
method setW
setW: (index: number, z: number) => this;
Sets the w component of the item at the given index.
Parameter index
Expects a
Parameter w
Expects a
method setX
setX: (index: number, x: number) => this;
Sets the x component of the item at the given index.
Parameter index
Expects a
Parameter x
Expects a
method setXY
setXY: (index: number, x: number, y: number) => this;
Sets the x and y components of the item at the given index.
Parameter index
Expects a
Parameter x
Expects a
Parameter y
Expects a
method setXYZ
setXYZ: (index: number, x: number, y: number, z: number) => this;
Sets the x, y and z components of the item at the given index.
Parameter index
Expects a
Parameter x
Expects a
Parameter y
Expects a
Parameter z
Expects a
method setXYZW
setXYZW: (index: number, x: number, y: number, z: number, w: number) => this;
Sets the x, y, z and w components of the item at the given index.
Parameter index
Expects a
Parameter x
Expects a
Parameter y
Expects a
Parameter z
Expects a
Parameter w
Expects a
method setY
setY: (index: number, y: number) => this;
Sets the y component of the item at the given index.
Parameter index
Expects a
Parameter y
Expects a
method setZ
setZ: (index: number, z: number) => this;
Sets the z component of the item at the given index.
Parameter index
Expects a
Parameter z
Expects a
method toJSON
toJSON: (data?: {}) => { isInterleavedBufferAttribute: true; itemSize: number; data: string; offset: number; normalized: boolean;};
Serializes this InterleavedBufferAttribute. Converting to JSON Geometry format v4,
Parameter data
This object holds shared array buffers required for properly serializing geometries with interleaved attributes.
method transformDirection
transformDirection: (m: Matrix4) => this;
Applies matrix m to every Vector3 element of this InterleavedBufferAttribute, interpreting the elements as a direction vectors.
Parameter m
class Interpolant
abstract class Interpolant {}
constructor( parameterPositions: any, sampleValues: any, sampleSize: number, resultBuffer?: any);
property parameterPositions
parameterPositions: any;
property resultBuffer
resultBuffer: any;
property sampleValues
sampleValues: any;
property valueSize
valueSize: number;
method evaluate
evaluate: (time: number) => any;
class KeyframeTrack
class KeyframeTrack {}
constructor( name: string, times: ArrayLike<number>, values: ArrayLike<any>, interpolation?: InterpolationModes);
Parameter name
Parameter times
Parameter values
Parameter interpolation
property DefaultInterpolation
DefaultInterpolation: InterpolationModes;
property name
name: string;
property TimeBufferType
TimeBufferType: Float32Array;
property times
times: Float32Array;
property ValueBufferType
ValueBufferType: Float32Array;
property values
values: Float32Array;
property ValueTypeName
ValueTypeName: string;
method clone
clone: () => this;
method createInterpolant
createInterpolant: () => Interpolant;
method getInterpolation
getInterpolation: () => InterpolationModes;
method getValueSize
getValueSize: () => number;
method InterpolantFactoryMethodDiscrete
InterpolantFactoryMethodDiscrete: (result: any) => DiscreteInterpolant;
method InterpolantFactoryMethodLinear
InterpolantFactoryMethodLinear: (result: any) => LinearInterpolant;
method InterpolantFactoryMethodSmooth
InterpolantFactoryMethodSmooth: (result: any) => CubicInterpolant;
method optimize
optimize: () => KeyframeTrack;
method scale
scale: (timeScale: number) => KeyframeTrack;
method setInterpolation
setInterpolation: (interpolation: InterpolationModes) => KeyframeTrack;
method shift
shift: (timeOffset: number) => KeyframeTrack;
method toJSON
static toJSON: (track: KeyframeTrack) => KeyframeTrackJSON;
method trim
trim: (startTime: number, endTime: number) => KeyframeTrack;
method validate
validate: () => boolean;
class LatheGeometry
class LatheGeometry extends BufferGeometry {}
Creates meshes with axial symmetry like vases
The lathe rotates around the Y axis.
Example 1
const points = [];for (let i = 0; i & lt; 10; i++) {points.push(new THREE.Vector2(Math.sin(i * 0.2) * 10 + 5, (i - 5) * 2));}const geometry = new THREE.LatheGeometry(points);const material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({color: 0xffff00});const lathe = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material);scene.add(lathe);See Also
constructor( points?: Vector2[], segments?: number, phiStart?: number, phiLength?: number);
This creates a LatheGeometry based on the parameters.
Parameter points
Array of Vector2s. The x-coordinate of each point must be greater than zero. Default
[new Vector2(0, -0.5), new Vector2(0.5, 0), new Vector2(0, 0.5)]
_which creates a simple diamond shape_.Parameter segments
The number of circumference segments to generate. Expects a
. Default12
.Parameter phiStart
The starting angle in radians. Expects a
. Default0
.Parameter phiLength
The radian (0 to 2*PI) range of the lathed section 2*PI is a closed lathe, less than 2PI is a portion. Expects a
. DefaultMath.PI * 2
property parameters
readonly parameters: { readonly points: Vector2[]; readonly segments: number; readonly phiStart: number; readonly phiLength: number;};
An object with a property for each of the constructor parameters.
Any modification after instantiation does not change the geometry.
property type
override readonly type: string;
A Read-only _string_ to check if
object type.Remarks
Sub-classes will update this value.
class Layers
class Layers {}
A Layers object assigns an Object3D to 1 or more of 32 layers numbered
- internally the layers are stored as a bit mask, and by default all Object3Ds are a member of layer0
All classes that inherit from Object3D have an Object3D.layers property which is an instance of this class.
See Also
Example: WebGL / layers
Example: Webxr / vr / layers
Create a new Layers object, with membership initially set to layer 0.
property mask
mask: number;
A bit mask storing which of the 32 layers this layers object is currently a member of.
Expects a
method disable
disable: (layer: number) => void;
Remove membership of this
.Parameter layer
An integer from 0 to 31.
method disableAll
disableAll: () => void;
Remove membership from all layers.
method enable
enable: (layer: number) => void;
Add membership of this
.Parameter layer
An integer from 0 to 31.
method enableAll
enableAll: () => void;
Add membership to all layers.
method isEnabled
isEnabled: (layer: number) => boolean;
Returns true if the given layer is enabled.
Parameter layer
An integer from 0 to 31.
method set
set: (layer: number) => void;
Set membership to
, and remove membership all other layers.Parameter layer
An integer from 0 to 31.
method test
test: (layers: Layers) => boolean;
Returns true if this and the passed
object have at least one layer in common.Parameter layers
A Layers object
method toggle
toggle: (layer: number) => void;
Toggle membership of
.Parameter layer
An integer from 0 to 31.
class Light
abstract class Light< TShadowSupport extends LightShadow | undefined = LightShadow | undefined> extends Object3D {}
Abstract base class for lights.
All other light types inherit the properties and methods described here.
constructor(color?: ColorRepresentation, intensity?: number);
Creates a new Light
Parameter color
Hexadecimal color of the light. Default
_(white)_.Parameter intensity
Numeric value of the light's strength/intensity. Expects a
. Default1
**Note** that this is not intended to be called directly (use one of derived classes instead).
property color
color: Color;
Color of the light. \
property intensity
intensity: number;
The light's intensity, or strength. The units of intensity depend on the type of light.
property isLight
readonly isLight: boolean;
Read-only flag to check if a given object is of type HemisphereLight.
This is a _constant_ value
property shadow
shadow: LightShadow<Camera>;
A LightShadow used to calculate shadows for this light.
Available only on Light's that support shadows.
property type
override readonly type: string;
A Read-only _string_ to check if
object type.Remarks
Sub-classes will update this value.
method copy
copy: (source: this, recursive?: boolean) => this;
Copies value of all the properties from the source to this instance.
Parameter source
Parameter recursive
method dispose
dispose: () => void;
Frees the GPU-related resources allocated by this instance
Call this method whenever this instance is no longer used in your app.
method toJSON
toJSON: (meta?: JSONMeta) => LightJSON;
class LightProbe
class LightProbe extends Light {}
Light probes are an alternative way of adding light to a 3D scene.
Unlike classical light sources (e.g directional, point or spot lights), light probes do not emit light Instead they store information about light passing through 3D space During rendering, the light that hits a 3D object is approximated by using the data from the light probe. Light probes are usually created from (radiance) environment maps The class LightProbeGenerator can be used to create light probes from instances of CubeTexture or WebGLCubeRenderTarget However, light estimation data could also be provided in other forms e.g by WebXR This enables the rendering of augmented reality content that reacts to real world lighting. The current probe implementation in three.js supports so-called diffuse light probes This type of light probe is functionally equivalent to an irradiance environment map.
See Also
constructor(sh?: SphericalHarmonics3, intensity?: number);
Creates a new LightProbe.
Parameter sh
An instance of SphericalHarmonics3. Default
new THREE.SphericalHarmonics3()
`.Parameter intensity
Numeric value of the light probe's intensity. Expects a
. Default1
property isLightProbe
readonly isLightProbe: boolean;
Read-only flag to check if a given object is of type DirectionalLight.
This is a _constant_ value
property sh
sh: SphericalHarmonics3;
A light probe uses spherical harmonics to encode lighting information.
class LightShadow
class LightShadow<TCamera extends Camera = Camera> {}
Serves as a base class for the other shadow classes.
See Also
constructor(camera: Camera);
Create a new instance of LightShadow
Parameter camera
The light's view of the world.
property autoUpdate
autoUpdate: boolean;
Enables automatic updates of the light's shadow. If you do not require dynamic lighting / shadows, you may set this to
property bias
bias: number;
Shadow map bias, how much to add or subtract from the normalized depth when deciding whether a surface is in shadow. The Very tiny adjustments here (in the order of 0.0001) may help reduce artifacts in shadows.
Expects a
property blurSamples
blurSamples: number;
The amount of samples to use when blurring a VSM shadow map.
Expects a
property camera
camera: Camera;
The light's view of the world. This is used to generate a depth map of the scene; objects behind other objects from the light's perspective will be in shadow.
property intensity
intensity: number;
The intensity of the shadow. The default is
. Valid values are in the range[0, 1]
property map
map: WebGLRenderTarget<Texture>;
The depth map generated using the internal camera; a location beyond a pixel's depth is in shadow. Computed internally during rendering.
property mapPass
mapPass: WebGLRenderTarget<Texture>;
The distribution map generated using the internal camera; an occlusion is calculated based on the distribution of depths. Computed internally during rendering.
property mapSize
mapSize: Vector2;
A Vector2 defining the width and height of the shadow map.
Values must be powers of 2, up to the WebGLRenderer.capabilities.maxTextureSize for a given device, although the width and height don't have to be the same (so, for example, (512, 1024) is valid).
property matrix
matrix: Matrix4;
Model to shadow camera space, to compute location and depth in shadow map. Stored in a Matrix4.
This is computed internally during rendering.
property needsUpdate
needsUpdate: boolean;
When set to
, shadow maps will be updated in the nextrender
call. If you have set autoUpdate tofalse
, you will need to set this property totrue
and then make a render call to update the light's shadow.
property normalBias
normalBias: number;
Defines how much the position used to query the shadow map is offset along the object normal. The Increasing this value can be used to reduce shadow acne especially in large scenes where light shines onto geometry at a shallow angle. The cost is that shadows may appear distorted.
Expects a
property radius
radius: number;
Setting this to values greater than 1 will blur the edges of the shadow.toi High values will cause unwanted banding effects in the shadows - a greater {@link LightShadow.mapSize | mapSize will allow for a higher value to be used here before these effects become visible. If is set to PCFSoftShadowMap, radius has no effect and it is recommended to increase softness by decreasing mapSize instead. Note that this has no effect if the WebGLRenderer.shadowMap. is set to BasicShadowMap.
Expects a
method clone
clone: (recursive?: boolean) => this;
Creates a new LightShadow with the same properties as this one.
method copy
copy: (source: LightShadow) => this;
Copies value of all the properties from the {@link LightShadow | source} to this Light.
Parameter source
method dispose
dispose: () => void;
Frees the GPU-related resources allocated by this instance
Call this method whenever this instance is no longer used in your app.
method getFrameExtents
getFrameExtents: () => Vector2;
Used internally by the renderer to extend the shadow map to contain all viewports
method getFrustum
getFrustum: () => Frustum;
Gets the shadow cameras frustum
Used internally by the renderer to cull objects.
method getViewport
getViewport: (viewportIndex: number) => Vector4;
method getViewportCount
getViewportCount: () => number;
Used internally by the renderer to get the number of viewports that need to be rendered for this shadow.
method toJSON
toJSON: () => LightShadowJSON;
Serialize this LightShadow.
method updateMatrices
updateMatrices: (light: Light) => void;
Update the matrices for the camera and shadow, used internally by the renderer.
Parameter light
The light for which the shadow is being rendered.
class Line
class Line< TGeometry extends BufferGeometry = BufferGeometry, TMaterial extends Material | Material[] = Material | Material[], TEventMap extends Object3DEventMap = Object3DEventMap> extends Object3D<TEventMap> {}
A continuous line.
This is nearly the same as LineSegments, the only difference is that it is rendered using gl.LINE_STRIP instead of gl.LINES
Example 1
const material = new THREE.LineBasicMaterial({color: 0x0000ff});const points = [];points.push(new THREE.Vector3(-10, 0, 0));points.push(new THREE.Vector3(0, 10, 0));points.push(new THREE.Vector3(10, 0, 0));const geometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry().setFromPoints(points);const {@link Line} = new THREE.Line(geometry, material);scene.add(line);See Also
constructor( geometry?: BufferGeometry<NormalBufferAttributes>, material?: Material | Material[]);
Create a new instance of Line
Parameter geometry
Vertices representing the Line segment(s). Default `new THREE.BufferGeometry()`.
Parameter material
Material for the line. Default `new THREE.LineBasicMaterial()`.
property geometry
geometry: BufferGeometry<NormalBufferAttributes>;
Vertices representing the Line segment(s).
property isLine
readonly isLine: boolean;
Read-only flag to check if a given object is of type Line.
This is a _constant_ value
property material
material: Material | Material[];
Material for the line.
property morphTargetDictionary
morphTargetDictionary?: { [key: string]: number };
A dictionary of morphTargets based on the
property morphTargetInfluences
morphTargetInfluences?: number[];
An array of weights typically from
that specify how much of the morph is applied.
property type
override readonly type: string;
method computeLineDistances
computeLineDistances: () => this;
Computes an array of distance values which are necessary for LineDashedMaterial
For each vertex in the geometry, the method calculates the cumulative length from the current point to the very beginning of the line.
method updateMorphTargets
updateMorphTargets: () => void;
Updates the morphTargets to have no influence on the object
Resets the .morphTargetInfluences and .morphTargetDictionary properties.
class Line3
class Line3 {}
constructor(start?: Vector3, end?: Vector3);
property end
end: Vector3;
new THREE.Vector3()
property start
start: Vector3;
new THREE.Vector3()
method applyMatrix4
applyMatrix4: (matrix: Matrix4) => Line3;
method at
at: (t: number, target: Vector3) => Vector3;
method clone
clone: () => this;
method closestPointToPoint
closestPointToPoint: ( point: Vector3, clampToLine: boolean, target: Vector3) => Vector3;
method closestPointToPointParameter
closestPointToPointParameter: (point: Vector3, clampToLine?: boolean) => number;
method copy
copy: (line: Line3) => this;
method delta
delta: (target: Vector3) => Vector3;
method distance
distance: () => number;
method distanceSq
distanceSq: () => number;
method equals
equals: (line: Line3) => boolean;
method getCenter
getCenter: (target: Vector3) => Vector3;
method set
set: (start?: Vector3, end?: Vector3) => Line3;
class LinearInterpolant
class LinearInterpolant extends Interpolant {}
constructor( parameterPositions: any, samplesValues: any, sampleSize: number, resultBuffer?: any);
method interpolate_
interpolate_: (i1: number, t0: number, t: number, t1: number) => any;
class LineBasicMaterial
class LineBasicMaterial extends Material {}
constructor(parameters?: LineBasicMaterialParameters);
property color
color: Color;
property fog
fog: boolean;
Whether the material is affected by fog. Default is true. true
property isLineBasicMaterial
readonly isLineBasicMaterial: boolean;
Read-only flag to check if a given object is of type LineBasicMaterial.
This is a _constant_ value
property linecap
linecap: string;
property linejoin
linejoin: string;
property linewidth
linewidth: number;
property map
map: Texture;
Sets the color of the lines using data from a Texture.
method setValues
setValues: (parameters: LineBasicMaterialParameters) => void;
class LineCurve
class LineCurve extends Curve<Vector2> {}
A curve representing a **2D** line segment.
See Also
constructor(v1?: Vector2, v2?: Vector2);
This constructor creates a new LineCurve.
Parameter v1
The start point. Default is
new THREE.Vector2()
.Parameter v2
The end point. Default is
new THREE.Vector2()
property isLineCurve
readonly isLineCurve: boolean;
Read-only flag to check if a given object is of type LineCurve.
This is a _constant_ value
property type
override readonly type: string;
A Read-only _string_ to check if
object type.Remarks
Sub-classes will update this value.
property v1
v1: Vector2;
The start point.
property v2
v2: Vector2;
The end point
class LineCurve3
class LineCurve3 extends Curve<Vector3> {}
A curve representing a **3D** line segment.
See Also
constructor(v1?: Vector3, v2?: Vector3);
This constructor creates a new LineCurve3.
Parameter v1
The start point. Default is
new THREE.Vector3()
.Parameter v2
The end point. Default is
new THREE.Vector3()
property isLineCurve3
readonly isLineCurve3: boolean;
Read-only flag to check if a given object is of type LineCurve3.
This is a _constant_ value
property type
override readonly type: string;
A Read-only _string_ to check if
object type.Remarks
Sub-classes will update this value.
property v1
v1: Vector3;
The start point.
property v2
v2: Vector3;
The end point.
class LineDashedMaterial
class LineDashedMaterial extends LineBasicMaterial {}
constructor(parameters?: LineDashedMaterialParameters);
property dashSize
dashSize: number;
property gapSize
gapSize: number;
property isLineDashedMaterial
readonly isLineDashedMaterial: boolean;
Read-only flag to check if a given object is of type LineDashedMaterial.
This is a _constant_ value
property scale
scale: number;
method setValues
setValues: (parameters: LineDashedMaterialParameters) => void;
class LineLoop
class LineLoop< TGeometry extends BufferGeometry = BufferGeometry, TMaterial extends Material | Material[] = Material | Material[], TEventMap extends Object3DEventMap = Object3DEventMap> extends Line<TGeometry, TMaterial, TEventMap> {}
A continuous line that connects back to the start.
This is nearly the same as Line, the only difference is that it is rendered using gl.LINE_LOOP instead of gl.LINE_STRIP, which draws a straight line to the next vertex, and connects the last vertex back to the first.
See Also
constructor( geometry?: BufferGeometry<NormalBufferAttributes>, material?: Material | Material[]);
Create a new instance of LineLoop
Parameter geometry
List of vertices representing points on the line loop. Default `new THREE.BufferGeometry()`.
Parameter material
Material for the line. Default `new THREE.LineBasicMaterial()`.
property isLineLoop
readonly isLineLoop: boolean;
Read-only flag to check if a given object is of type LineLoop.
This is a _constant_ value
property type
override readonly type: string;
class LineSegments
class LineSegments< TGeometry extends BufferGeometry = BufferGeometry, TMaterial extends Material | Material[] = Material | Material[], TEventMap extends Object3DEventMap = Object3DEventMap> extends Line<TGeometry, TMaterial, TEventMap> {}
A series of lines drawn between pairs of vertices.
This is nearly the same as Line, the only difference is that it is rendered using gl.LINES instead of gl.LINE_STRIP.
See Also
constructor( geometry?: BufferGeometry<NormalBufferAttributes>, material?: Material | Material[]);
Create a new instance of LineSegments
Parameter geometry
Pair(s) of vertices representing each line segment(s). Default `new THREE.BufferGeometry()`.
Parameter material
Material for the line. Default `new THREE.LineBasicMaterial()`.
property isLineSegments
readonly isLineSegments: boolean;
Read-only flag to check if a given object is of type LineSegments.
This is a _constant_ value
property type
override readonly type: string;
A Read-only _string_ to check if
object type.Remarks
Sub-classes will update this value.
class Loader
class Loader<TData = unknown, TUrl = string> {}
Base class for implementing loaders.
constructor(manager?: LoadingManager);
property crossOrigin
crossOrigin: string;
property manager
manager: LoadingManager;
property path
path: string;
property requestHeader
requestHeader: { [header: string]: string };
property resourcePath
resourcePath: string;
property withCredentials
withCredentials: boolean;
method load
load: ( url: TUrl, onLoad: (data: TData) => void, onProgress?: (event: ProgressEvent) => void, onError?: (err: unknown) => void) => void;
method loadAsync
loadAsync: ( url: TUrl, onProgress?: (event: ProgressEvent) => void) => Promise<TData>;
method setCrossOrigin
setCrossOrigin: (crossOrigin: string) => this;
method setPath
setPath: (path: string) => this;
method setRequestHeader
setRequestHeader: (requestHeader: { [header: string]: string }) => this;
method setResourcePath
setResourcePath: (resourcePath: string) => this;
method setWithCredentials
setWithCredentials: (value: boolean) => this;
class LoaderUtils
class LoaderUtils {}
method decodeText
static decodeText: (array: BufferSource) => string;
decodeText() has been deprecated with r165 and will be removed with r175. Use TextDecoder instead.
method extractUrlBase
static extractUrlBase: (url: string) => string;
method resolveURL
static resolveURL: (url: string, path: string) => string;
class LoadingManager
class LoadingManager {}
Handles and keeps track of loaded and pending data.
constructor( onLoad?: () => void, onProgress?: (url: string, loaded: number, total: number) => void, onError?: (url: string) => void);
property onError
onError: (url: string) => void;
Will be called when item loading fails. The default is a function with empty body.
Parameter url
The url of the item that errored.
property onLoad
onLoad: () => void;
Will be called when all items finish loading. The default is a function with empty body.
property onProgress
onProgress: (url: string, loaded: number, total: number) => void;
Will be called for each loaded item. The default is a function with empty body.
Parameter url
The url of the item just loaded.
Parameter loaded
The number of items already loaded so far.
Parameter total
The total amount of items to be loaded.
property onStart
onStart?: (url: string, loaded: number, total: number) => void;
Will be called when loading of an item starts.
Parameter url
The url of the item that started loading.
Parameter loaded
The number of items already loaded so far.
Parameter total
The total amount of items to be loaded.
method addHandler
addHandler: (regex: RegExp, loader: Loader) => this;
method getHandler
getHandler: (file: string) => Loader | null;
method itemEnd
itemEnd: (url: string) => void;
method itemError
itemError: (url: string) => void;
method itemStart
itemStart: (url: string) => void;
method removeHandler
removeHandler: (regex: RegExp) => this;
method resolveURL
resolveURL: (url: string) => string;
Given a URL, uses the URL modifier callback (if any) and returns a resolved URL. If no URL modifier is set, returns the original URL.
Parameter url
the url to load
method setURLModifier
setURLModifier: (callback?: (url: string) => string) => this;
If provided, the callback will be passed each resource URL before a request is sent. The callback may return the original URL, or a new URL to override loading behavior. This behavior can be used to load assets from .ZIP files, drag-and-drop APIs, and Data URIs.
Parameter callback
URL modifier callback. Called with url argument, and must return resolvedURL.
class LOD
class LOD< TEventMap extends Object3DEventMap = Object3DEventMap> extends Object3D<TEventMap> {}
Every level is associated with an object, and rendering can be switched between them at the distances specified
Typically you would create, say, three meshes, one for far away (low detail), one for mid range (medium detail) and one for close up (high detail).
Example 1
const {@link LOD} = new THREE.LOD();//Create spheres with 3 levels of detail and create new {@link LOD} levels for themfor (let i = 0; i & lt; 3; i++) {const geometry = new THREE.IcosahedronGeometry(10, 3 - i)const mesh = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material);lod.addLevel(mesh, i * 75);}scene.add(lod);See Also
Example: {@link https://threejs.org/examples/#webgl_lod | webgl / LOD }
Creates a new LOD.
property autoUpdate
autoUpdate: boolean;
property isLOD
readonly isLOD: boolean;
Read-only flag to check if a given object is of type LOD.
This is a _constant_ value
property levels
levels: { object: Object3D; distance: number; hysteresis: number }[];
An array of level objects
property type
override readonly type: string;
method addLevel
addLevel: (object: Object3D, distance?: number, hysteresis?: number) => this;
Adds a mesh that will display at a certain distance and greater. Typically the further away the distance, the lower the detail on the mesh.
Parameter object
The Object3D to display at this level.
Parameter distance
The distance at which to display this level of detail. Expects a
. Default0.0
.Parameter hysteresis
Threshold used to avoid flickering at LOD boundaries, as a fraction of distance. Expects a
. Default0.0
method getCurrentLevel
getCurrentLevel: () => number;
Get the currently active LOD level
As index of the levels array.
method getObjectForDistance
getObjectForDistance: (distance: number) => Object3D | null;
method removeLabel
removeLabel: (distance: number) => boolean;
Removes an existing level, based on the distance from the camera. Returns
when the level has been removed. Otherwisefalse
.Parameter distance
Distance of the level to delete.
method toJSON
toJSON: (meta?: JSONMeta) => LODJSON;
method update
update: (camera: Camera) => void;
class Material
class Material extends EventDispatcher<{ dispose: {} }> {}
Materials describe the appearance of objects. They are defined in a (mostly) renderer-independent way, so you don't have to rewrite materials if you decide to use a different renderer.
property alphaHash
alphaHash: boolean;
Enables alpha hashed transparency, an alternative to or . The material will not be rendered if opacity is lower than a random threshold. Randomization introduces some grain or noise, but approximates alpha blending without the associated problems of sorting. Using TAARenderPass can reduce the resulting noise.
property alphaTest
alphaTest: number;
Gets the alpha value to be used when running an alpha test. Default is 0. 0
property alphaToCoverage
alphaToCoverage: boolean;
Enables alpha to coverage. Can only be used with MSAA-enabled rendering contexts (meaning when the renderer was created with *antialias* parameter set to
). Enabling this will smooth aliasing on clip plane edges and alphaTest-clipped edges. false
property blendAlpha
blendAlpha: number;
Represents the alpha value of the constant blend color. This property has only an effect when using custom blending with ConstantAlphaFactor or OneMinusConstantAlphaFactor. 0
property blendColor
blendColor: Color;
Represent the RGB values of the constant blend color. This property has only an effect when using custom blending with ConstantColorFactor or OneMinusConstantColorFactor. 0x000000
property blendDst
blendDst: BlendingDstFactor;
Blending destination. It's one of the blending mode constants defined in Three.js. Default is OneMinusSrcAlphaFactor. THREE.OneMinusSrcAlphaFactor
property blendDstAlpha
blendDstAlpha: number;
The tranparency of the .blendDst. Default is null. null
property blendEquation
blendEquation: BlendingEquation;
Blending equation to use when applying blending. It's one of the constants defined in Three.js. Default is AddEquation. THREE.AddEquation
property blendEquationAlpha
blendEquationAlpha: number;
The tranparency of the .blendEquation. Default is null. null
property blending
blending: Blending;
Which blending to use when displaying objects with this material. Default is NormalBlending. THREE.NormalBlending
property blendSrc
blendSrc: | 200 | 201 | 202 | 203 | 204 | 205 | 206 | 207 | 208 | 209 | 211 | 212 | 213 | 214 | 210;
Blending source. It's one of the blending mode constants defined in Three.js. Default is SrcAlphaFactor. THREE.SrcAlphaFactor
property blendSrcAlpha
blendSrcAlpha: number;
The tranparency of the .blendSrc. Default is null. null
property clipIntersection
clipIntersection: boolean;
Changes the behavior of clipping planes so that only their intersection is clipped, rather than their union. Default is false. false
property clippingPlanes
clippingPlanes: Plane[];
User-defined clipping planes specified as THREE.Plane objects in world space. These planes apply to the objects this material is attached to. Points in space whose signed distance to the plane is negative are clipped (not rendered). See the WebGL / clipping /intersection example. Default is null. null
property clipShadows
clipShadows: boolean;
Defines whether to clip shadows according to the clipping planes specified on this material. Default is false. false
property colorWrite
colorWrite: boolean;
Whether to render the material's color. This can be used in conjunction with a mesh's .renderOrder property to create invisible objects that occlude other objects. Default is true. true
property defines
defines: { [key: string]: any };
Custom defines to be injected into the shader. These are passed in form of an object literal, with key/value pairs. { MY_CUSTOM_DEFINE: '' , PI2: Math.PI * 2 }. The pairs are defined in both vertex and fragment shaders. Default is undefined. undefined
property depthFunc
depthFunc: DepthModes;
Which depth function to use. Default is LessEqualDepth. See the depth mode constants for all possible values. THREE.LessEqualDepth
property depthTest
depthTest: boolean;
Whether to have depth test enabled when rendering this material. When the depth test is disabled, the depth write will also be implicitly disabled. true
property depthWrite
depthWrite: boolean;
Whether rendering this material has any effect on the depth buffer. Default is true. When drawing 2D overlays it can be useful to disable the depth writing in order to layer several things together without creating z-index artifacts. true
property dithering
dithering: boolean;
Whether to apply dithering to the color to remove the appearance of banding. Default is false. false
property forceSinglePass
forceSinglePass: boolean;
property id
id: number;
Unique number of this material instance.
property isMaterial
readonly isMaterial: boolean;
Read-only flag to check if a given object is of type Material.
This is a _constant_ value
property name
name: string;
Material name. Default is an empty string. ''
property opacity
opacity: number;
Opacity. Default is 1. 1
property polygonOffset
polygonOffset: boolean;
Whether to use polygon offset. Default is false. This corresponds to the POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL WebGL feature. false
property polygonOffsetFactor
polygonOffsetFactor: number;
Sets the polygon offset factor. Default is 0. 0
property polygonOffsetUnits
polygonOffsetUnits: number;
Sets the polygon offset units. Default is 0. 0
property precision
precision: 'lowp' | 'mediump' | 'highp';
Override the renderer's default precision for this material. Can be "highp", "mediump" or "lowp". Defaults is null. null
property premultipliedAlpha
premultipliedAlpha: boolean;
Whether to premultiply the alpha (transparency) value. See WebGL / Materials / Transparency for an example of the difference. Default is false. false
property shadowSide
shadowSide: Side;
Defines which of the face sides will cast shadows. Default is *null*. If *null*, the value is opposite that of side, above. null
property side
side: Side;
Defines which of the face sides will be rendered - front, back or both. Default is THREE.FrontSide. Other options are THREE.BackSide and THREE.DoubleSide.
property stencilFail
stencilFail: StencilOp;
Which stencil operation to perform when the comparison function returns false. Default is KeepStencilOp. See the stencil operation constants for all possible values. THREE.KeepStencilOp
property stencilFunc
stencilFunc: StencilFunc;
The stencil comparison function to use. Default is AlwaysStencilFunc. See stencil operation constants for all possible values. THREE.AlwaysStencilFunc
property stencilFuncMask
stencilFuncMask: number;
The bit mask to use when comparing against the stencil buffer. Default is *0xFF*. 0xff
property stencilRef
stencilRef: number;
The value to use when performing stencil comparisons or stencil operations. Default is *0*. 0
property stencilWrite
stencilWrite: boolean;
Whether rendering this material has any effect on the stencil buffer. Default is *false*. false
property stencilWriteMask
stencilWriteMask: number;
The bit mask to use when writing to the stencil buffer. Default is *0xFF*. 0xff
property stencilZFail
stencilZFail: StencilOp;
Which stencil operation to perform when the comparison function returns true but the depth test fails. Default is KeepStencilOp. See the stencil operation constants for all possible values. THREE.KeepStencilOp
property stencilZPass
stencilZPass: StencilOp;
Which stencil operation to perform when the comparison function returns true and the depth test passes. Default is KeepStencilOp. See the stencil operation constants for all possible values. THREE.KeepStencilOp
property toneMapped
toneMapped: boolean;
Defines whether this material is tone mapped according to the renderer's setting. It is ignored when rendering to a render target or using post processing. true
property transparent
transparent: boolean;
Defines whether this material is transparent. This has an effect on rendering as transparent objects need special treatment and are rendered after non-transparent objects. When set to true, the extent to which the material is transparent is controlled by setting it's .opacity property. false
property type
type: string;
Value is the string 'Material'. This shouldn't be changed, and can be used to find all objects of this type in a scene.
property userData
userData: Record<string, any>;
An object that can be used to store custom data about the Material. It should not hold references to functions as these will not be cloned. {}
property uuid
uuid: string;
UUID of this material instance. This gets automatically assigned, so this shouldn't be edited.
property version
version: number;
This starts at 0 and counts how many times .needsUpdate is set to true. 0
property vertexColors
vertexColors: boolean;
Defines whether vertex coloring is used. Default is false. false
property visible
visible: boolean;
Defines whether this material is visible. Default is true. true
method clone
clone: () => this;
Return a new material with the same parameters as this material.
method copy
copy: (material: Material) => this;
Copy the parameters from the passed material into this material.
Parameter material
method customProgramCacheKey
customProgramCacheKey: () => string;
In case onBeforeCompile is used, this callback can be used to identify values of settings used in onBeforeCompile, so three.js can reuse a cached shader or recompile the shader as needed.
method dispose
dispose: () => void;
Frees the GPU-related resources allocated by this instance. Call this method whenever this instance is no longer used in your app.
Material textures must be disposed of by the dispose() method of Texture.
method onBeforeCompile
onBeforeCompile: ( parameters: WebGLProgramParametersWithUniforms, renderer: WebGLRenderer) => void;
An optional callback that is executed immediately before the shader program is compiled. This function is called with the shader source code as a parameter. Useful for the modification of built-in materials. Unlike properties, the callback is not supported by , and . This callback is only supported in
).Parameter parameters
WebGL program parameters
Parameter renderer
WebGLRenderer context that is initializing the material
method onBeforeRender
onBeforeRender: ( renderer: WebGLRenderer, scene: Scene, camera: Camera, geometry: BufferGeometry, object: Object3D, group: Group) => void;
An optional callback that is executed immediately before the material is used to render a 3D object. Unlike properties, the callback is not supported by , and . This callback is only supported in
method onBuild
onBuild: ( object: Object3D, parameters: WebGLProgramParametersWithUniforms, renderer: WebGLRenderer) => void;
onBuild() has been removed.
method setValues
setValues: (values: MaterialParameters) => void;
Sets the properties based on the values.
Parameter values
A container with parameters.
method toJSON
toJSON: (meta?: JSONMeta) => MaterialJSON;
Convert the material to three.js JSON format.
Parameter meta
Object containing metadata such as textures or images for the material.
class MaterialLoader
class MaterialLoader extends Loader<Material> {}
constructor(manager?: LoadingManager);
property textures
textures: { [key: string]: Texture };
method createMaterialFromType
static createMaterialFromType: (type: string) => Material;
method parse
parse: (json: unknown) => Material;
method setTextures
setTextures: (textures: { [key: string]: Texture }) => this;
class Matrix2
class Matrix2 {}
A class representing a 2x2 .
Example 1
const m = new Matrix2();
Creates a 2x2 .
constructor(n11: number, n12: number, n21: number, n22: number);
Creates a 2x2 matrix with the given arguments in row-major order.
property elements
elements: Matrix2Tuple;
A list of matrix values.
property isMatrix2
readonly isMatrix2: boolean;
method fromArray
fromArray: (array: ArrayLike<number>, offset?: number) => this;
Sets the elements of this matrix based on an array in format.
Parameter array
the array to read the elements from
Parameter offset
(optional) index of first element in the array. Default is
method identity
identity: () => this;
Resets this matrix to the 2x2 identity matrix:
method set
set: (n11: number, n12: number, n21: number, n22: number) => this;
Sets the 2x2 matrix values to the given sequence of values: [n11, n12, n21, n22]
class Matrix3
class Matrix3 {}
Creates an identity matrix.
constructor( n11: number, n12: number, n13: number, n21: number, n22: number, n23: number, n31: number, n32: number, n33: number);
Creates a 3x3 matrix with the given arguments in row-major order.
property elements
elements: Matrix3Tuple;
Array with matrix values. [1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1]
property isMatrix3
readonly isMatrix3: boolean;
method clone
clone: () => this;
method copy
copy: (m: Matrix3) => this;
method determinant
determinant: () => number;
method equals
equals: (matrix: Matrix3) => boolean;
method extractBasis
extractBasis: (xAxis: Vector3, yAxis: Vector3, zAxis: Vector3) => this;
method fromArray
fromArray: (array: ArrayLike<number>, offset?: number) => this;
Sets the values of this matrix from the provided array or array-like.
Parameter array
the source array or array-like.
Parameter offset
(optional) offset into the array-like. Default is 0.
method getNormalMatrix
getNormalMatrix: (matrix4: Matrix4) => this;
method identity
identity: () => this;
method invert
invert: () => this;
Inverts this matrix in place.
method makeRotation
makeRotation: (theta: number) => this;
Sets this matrix as a 2D rotational transformation by theta radians. The resulting matrix will be:
cos(θ) -sin(θ) 0sin(θ) cos(θ) 00 0 1Parameter theta
Rotation angle in radians. Positive values rotate counterclockwise.
method makeScale
makeScale: (x: number, y: number) => this;
Sets this matrix as a 2D scale transform:
x, 0, 0,0, y, 0,0, 0, 1Parameter x
the amount to scale in the X axis.
Parameter y
the amount to scale in the Y axis.
method makeTranslation
makeTranslation: { (v: Vector2): this; (x: number, y: number): this };
Sets this matrix as a 2D translation transform:
1, 0, x,0, 1, y,0, 0, 1Parameter v
the amount to translate.
Sets this matrix as a 2D translation transform:
1, 0, x,0, 1, y,0, 0, 1Parameter x
the amount to translate in the X axis.
Parameter y
the amount to translate in the Y axis.
method multiply
multiply: (m: Matrix3) => this;
Multiplies this matrix by m.
method multiplyMatrices
multiplyMatrices: (a: Matrix3, b: Matrix3) => this;
Sets this matrix to a x b.
method multiplyScalar
multiplyScalar: (s: number) => this;
method premultiply
premultiply: (m: Matrix3) => this;
method rotate
rotate: (theta: number) => this;
method scale
scale: (sx: number, sy: number) => this;
method set
set: ( n11: number, n12: number, n13: number, n21: number, n22: number, n23: number, n31: number, n32: number, n33: number) => Matrix3;
method setFromMatrix4
setFromMatrix4: (m: Matrix4) => Matrix3;
method setUvTransform
setUvTransform: ( tx: number, ty: number, sx: number, sy: number, rotation: number, cx: number, cy: number) => this;
method toArray
toArray: { (): Matrix3Tuple; <TArray extends ArrayLike<number>>(array: TArray, offset?: number): TArray;};
Writes the elements of this matrix to an array in format.
Writes the elements of this matrix to an array in format.
Parameter array
array to store the resulting vector in. If not given a new array will be created.
Parameter offset
(optional) offset in the array at which to put the result.
method translate
translate: (tx: number, ty: number) => this;
method transpose
transpose: () => this;
Transposes this matrix in place.
method transposeIntoArray
transposeIntoArray: (r: number[]) => this;
Transposes this matrix into the supplied array r, and returns itself.
class Matrix4
class Matrix4 {}
A 4x4 Matrix.
Example 1
// Simple rig for rotating around 3 axes const m = new THREE.Matrix4(); const m1 = new THREE.Matrix4(); const m2 = new THREE.Matrix4(); const m3 = new THREE.Matrix4(); const alpha = 0; const beta = Math.PI; const gamma = Math.PI/2; m1.makeRotationX( alpha ); m2.makeRotationY( beta ); m3.makeRotationZ( gamma ); m.multiplyMatrices( m1, m2 ); m.multiply( m3 );
Creates an identity matrix.
constructor( n11: number, n12: number, n13: number, n14: number, n21: number, n22: number, n23: number, n24: number, n31: number, n32: number, n33: number, n34: number, n41: number, n42: number, n43: number, n44: number);
Creates a 4x4 matrix with the given arguments in row-major order.
property elements
elements: Matrix4Tuple;
Array with matrix values. [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]
property isMatrix4
readonly isMatrix4: boolean;
method clone
clone: () => Matrix4;
method compose
compose: (position: Vector3, quaternion: Quaternion, scale: Vector3) => this;
Sets this matrix to the transformation composed of translation, rotation and scale.
method copy
copy: (m: Matrix4) => this;
method copyPosition
copyPosition: (m: Matrix4) => this;
method decompose
decompose: (position: Vector3, quaternion: Quaternion, scale: Vector3) => this;
Decomposes this matrix into it's position, quaternion and scale components.
method determinant
determinant: () => number;
Computes determinant of this matrix. Based on http://www.euclideanspace.com/maths/algebra/matrix/functions/inverse/fourD/index.htm
method equals
equals: (matrix: Matrix4) => boolean;
method extractBasis
extractBasis: (xAxis: Vector3, yAxis: Vector3, zAxis: Vector3) => this;
method extractRotation
extractRotation: (m: Matrix4) => this;
Copies the rotation component of the supplied matrix m into this matrix rotation component.
method fromArray
fromArray: (array: ArrayLike<number>, offset?: number) => this;
Sets the values of this matrix from the provided array or array-like.
Parameter array
the source array or array-like.
Parameter offset
(optional) offset into the array-like. Default is 0.
method getMaxScaleOnAxis
getMaxScaleOnAxis: () => number;
method identity
identity: () => this;
Resets this matrix to identity.
method invert
invert: () => this;
Inverts this matrix.
method lookAt
lookAt: (eye: Vector3, target: Vector3, up: Vector3) => this;
Constructs a rotation matrix, looking from eye towards center with defined up vector.
method makeBasis
makeBasis: (xAxis: Vector3, yAxis: Vector3, zAxis: Vector3) => this;
method makeOrthographic
makeOrthographic: ( left: number, right: number, top: number, bottom: number, near: number, far: number, coordinateSystem?: CoordinateSystem) => this;
Creates an orthographic projection matrix.
method makePerspective
makePerspective: ( left: number, right: number, top: number, bottom: number, near: number, far: number, coordinateSystem?: CoordinateSystem) => this;
Creates a perspective projection matrix.
method makeRotationAxis
makeRotationAxis: (axis: Vector3, angle: number) => this;
Sets this matrix as rotation transform around axis by angle radians. Based on http://www.gamedev.net/reference/articles/article1199.asp.
Parameter axis
Rotation axis.
Parameter angle
Rotation angle in radians.
method makeRotationFromEuler
makeRotationFromEuler: (euler: Euler) => this;
method makeRotationFromQuaternion
makeRotationFromQuaternion: (q: Quaternion) => this;
method makeRotationX
makeRotationX: (theta: number) => this;
Sets this matrix as rotation transform around x axis by theta radians.
Parameter theta
Rotation angle in radians.
method makeRotationY
makeRotationY: (theta: number) => this;
Sets this matrix as rotation transform around y axis by theta radians.
Parameter theta
Rotation angle in radians.
method makeRotationZ
makeRotationZ: (theta: number) => this;
Sets this matrix as rotation transform around z axis by theta radians.
Parameter theta
Rotation angle in radians.
method makeScale
makeScale: (x: number, y: number, z: number) => this;
Sets this matrix as scale transform.
method makeShear
makeShear: ( xy: number, xz: number, yx: number, yz: number, zx: number, zy: number) => this;
Sets this matrix as shear transform.
method makeTranslation
makeTranslation: { (v: Vector3): this; (x: number, y: number, z: number): this };
Sets this matrix as translation transform.
method multiply
multiply: (m: Matrix4) => this;
Multiplies this matrix by m.
method multiplyMatrices
multiplyMatrices: (a: Matrix4, b: Matrix4) => this;
Sets this matrix to a x b.
method multiplyScalar
multiplyScalar: (s: number) => this;
Multiplies this matrix by s.
method premultiply
premultiply: (m: Matrix4) => this;
method scale
scale: (v: Vector3) => this;
Multiplies the columns of this matrix by vector v.
method set
set: ( n11: number, n12: number, n13: number, n14: number, n21: number, n22: number, n23: number, n24: number, n31: number, n32: number, n33: number, n34: number, n41: number, n42: number, n43: number, n44: number) => this;
Sets all fields of this matrix.
method setFromMatrix3
setFromMatrix3: (m: Matrix3) => this;
Set the upper 3x3 elements of this matrix to the values of the Matrix3 m.
method setPosition
setPosition: { (v: Vector3): this; (x: number, y: number, z: number): this };
Sets the position component for this matrix from vector v.
method toArray
toArray: { (): Matrix4Tuple; <TArray extends ArrayLike<number>>(array: TArray, offset?: number): TArray;};
Writes the elements of this matrix to an array in format.
Writes the elements of this matrix to an array in format.
Parameter array
array to store the resulting vector in.
Parameter offset
(optional) offset in the array at which to put the result.
method transpose
transpose: () => this;
Transposes this matrix.
class Mesh
class Mesh< TGeometry extends BufferGeometry = BufferGeometry, TMaterial extends Material | Material[] = Material | Material[], TEventMap extends Object3DEventMap = Object3DEventMap> extends Object3D<TEventMap> {}
Class representing triangular polygon mesh based objects.
Also serves as a base for other classes such as SkinnedMesh, InstancedMesh.
Example 1
const geometry = new THREE.BoxGeometry(1, 1, 1);const material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({color: 0xffff00});const {@link Mesh} = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material);scene.add(mesh);See Also
constructor( geometry?: BufferGeometry<NormalBufferAttributes>, material?: Material | Material[]);
Create a new instance of Mesh
Parameter geometry
An instance of BufferGeometry. Default `new THREE.BufferGeometry()`.
Parameter material
A single or an array of Material. Default `new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial()`.
property geometry
geometry: BufferGeometry<NormalBufferAttributes>;
An instance of BufferGeometry (or derived classes), defining the object's structure.
property isMesh
readonly isMesh: boolean;
Read-only flag to check if a given object is of type Mesh.
This is a _constant_ value
property material
material: Material | Material[];
An instance of material derived from the Material base class or an array of materials, defining the object's appearance.
property morphTargetDictionary
morphTargetDictionary?: { [key: string]: number };
A dictionary of morphTargets based on the
property morphTargetInfluences
morphTargetInfluences?: number[];
An array of weights typically from
that specify how much of the morph is applied.
property type
override readonly type: string;
method getVertexPosition
getVertexPosition: (index: number, target: Vector3) => Vector3;
Get the local-space position of the vertex at the given index, taking into account the current animation state of both morph targets and skinning.
Parameter index
Expects a
Parameter target
method toJSON
toJSON: (meta?: JSONMeta) => MeshJSON;
method updateMorphTargets
updateMorphTargets: () => void;
Updates the morphTargets to have no influence on the object
Resets the morphTargetInfluences and morphTargetDictionary properties.
class MeshBasicMaterial
class MeshBasicMaterial extends Material {}
constructor(parameters?: MeshBasicMaterialParameters);
property alphaMap
alphaMap: Texture;
property aoMap
aoMap: Texture;
property aoMapIntensity
aoMapIntensity: number;
property color
color: Color;
new THREE.Color( 0xffffff )
property combine
combine: Combine;
property envMap
envMap: Texture;
property envMapRotation
envMapRotation: Euler;
The rotation of the environment map in radians. Default is
property fog
fog: boolean;
Whether the material is affected by fog. Default is true. fog
property isMeshBasicMaterial
readonly isMeshBasicMaterial: boolean;
Read-only flag to check if a given object is of type MeshBasicMaterial.
This is a _constant_ value
property lightMap
lightMap: Texture;
property lightMapIntensity
lightMapIntensity: number;
property map
map: Texture;
property reflectivity
reflectivity: number;
property refractionRatio
refractionRatio: number;
property specularMap
specularMap: Texture;
property wireframe
wireframe: boolean;
property wireframeLinecap
wireframeLinecap: string;
property wireframeLinejoin
wireframeLinejoin: string;
property wireframeLinewidth
wireframeLinewidth: number;
method setValues
setValues: (parameters: MeshBasicMaterialParameters) => void;
class MeshDepthMaterial
class MeshDepthMaterial extends Material {}
constructor(parameters?: MeshDepthMaterialParameters);
property alphaMap
alphaMap: Texture;
property depthPacking
depthPacking: DepthPackingStrategies;
property displacementBias
displacementBias: number;
property displacementMap
displacementMap: Texture;
property displacementScale
displacementScale: number;
property fog
fog: boolean;
property isMeshDepthMaterial
readonly isMeshDepthMaterial: boolean;
Read-only flag to check if a given object is of type MeshDepthMaterial.
This is a _constant_ value
property map
map: Texture;
property wireframe
wireframe: boolean;
property wireframeLinewidth
wireframeLinewidth: number;
method setValues
setValues: (parameters: MeshDepthMaterialParameters) => void;
class MeshDistanceMaterial
class MeshDistanceMaterial extends Material {}
constructor(parameters?: MeshDistanceMaterialParameters);
property alphaMap
alphaMap: Texture;
property displacementBias
displacementBias: number;
property displacementMap
displacementMap: Texture;
property displacementScale
displacementScale: number;
property fog
fog: boolean;
property isMeshDistanceMaterial
readonly isMeshDistanceMaterial: boolean;
Read-only flag to check if a given object is of type MeshDistanceMaterial.
This is a _constant_ value
property map
map: Texture;
method setValues
setValues: (parameters: MeshDistanceMaterialParameters) => void;
class MeshLambertMaterial
class MeshLambertMaterial extends Material {}
constructor(parameters?: MeshLambertMaterialParameters);
property alphaMap
alphaMap: Texture;
property aoMap
aoMap: Texture;
property aoMapIntensity
aoMapIntensity: number;
property bumpMap
bumpMap: Texture;
property bumpScale
bumpScale: number;
property color
color: Color;
new THREE.Color( 0xffffff )
property combine
combine: Combine;
property displacementBias
displacementBias: number;
property displacementMap
displacementMap: Texture;
property displacementScale
displacementScale: number;
property emissive
emissive: Color;
new THREE.Color( 0x000000 )
property emissiveIntensity
emissiveIntensity: number;
property emissiveMap
emissiveMap: Texture;
property envMap
envMap: Texture;
property envMapRotation
envMapRotation: Euler;
The rotation of the environment map in radians. Default is
property flatShading
flatShading: boolean;
property fog
fog: boolean;
Whether the material is affected by fog. Default is true. fog
property isMeshLambertMaterial
readonly isMeshLambertMaterial: boolean;
Read-only flag to check if a given object is of type MeshLambertMaterial.
This is a _constant_ value
property lightMap
lightMap: Texture;
property lightMapIntensity
lightMapIntensity: number;
property map
map: Texture;
property normalMap
normalMap: Texture;
property normalMapType
normalMapType: NormalMapTypes;
property normalScale
normalScale: Vector2;
new THREE.Vector2( 1, 1 )
property reflectivity
reflectivity: number;
property refractionRatio
refractionRatio: number;
property specularMap
specularMap: Texture;
property wireframe
wireframe: boolean;
property wireframeLinecap
wireframeLinecap: string;
property wireframeLinejoin
wireframeLinejoin: string;
property wireframeLinewidth
wireframeLinewidth: number;
method setValues
setValues: (parameters: MeshLambertMaterialParameters) => void;
class MeshMatcapMaterial
class MeshMatcapMaterial extends Material {}
constructor(parameters?: MeshMatcapMaterialParameters);
property alphaMap
alphaMap: Texture;
property bumpMap
bumpMap: Texture;
property bumpScale
bumpScale: number;
property color
color: Color;
new THREE.Color( 0xffffff )
property defines
defines: { [key: string]: any };
{ 'MATCAP': '' }
property displacementBias
displacementBias: number;
property displacementMap
displacementMap: Texture;
property displacementScale
displacementScale: number;
property flatShading
flatShading: boolean;
Define whether the material is rendered with flat shading. Default is false. false
property fog
fog: boolean;
Whether the material is affected by fog. Default is true. fog
property isMeshMatcapMaterial
readonly isMeshMatcapMaterial: boolean;
Read-only flag to check if a given object is of type MeshMatcapMaterial.
This is a _constant_ value
property map
map: Texture;
property matcap
matcap: Texture;
property normalMap
normalMap: Texture;
property normalMapType
normalMapType: NormalMapTypes;
property normalScale
normalScale: Vector2;
new Vector2( 1, 1 )
method setValues
setValues: (parameters: MeshMatcapMaterialParameters) => void;
class MeshNormalMaterial
class MeshNormalMaterial extends Material {}
constructor(parameters?: MeshNormalMaterialParameters);
property bumpMap
bumpMap: Texture;
property bumpScale
bumpScale: number;
property displacementBias
displacementBias: number;
property displacementMap
displacementMap: Texture;
property displacementScale
displacementScale: number;
property flatShading
flatShading: boolean;
Define whether the material is rendered with flat shading. Default is false. false
property isMeshNormalMaterial
readonly isMeshNormalMaterial: boolean;
Read-only flag to check if a given object is of type MeshNormalMaterial.
This is a _constant_ value
property normalMap
normalMap: Texture;
property normalMapType
normalMapType: NormalMapTypes;
property normalScale
normalScale: Vector2;
new THREE.Vector2( 1, 1 )
property wireframe
wireframe: boolean;
property wireframeLinewidth
wireframeLinewidth: number;
method setValues
setValues: (parameters: MeshNormalMaterialParameters) => void;
class MeshPhongMaterial
class MeshPhongMaterial extends Material {}
constructor(parameters?: MeshPhongMaterialParameters);
property alphaMap
alphaMap: Texture;
property aoMap
aoMap: Texture;
property aoMapIntensity
aoMapIntensity: number;
property bumpMap
bumpMap: Texture;
property bumpScale
bumpScale: number;
property color
color: Color;
new THREE.Color( 0xffffff )
property combine
combine: Combine;
property displacementBias
displacementBias: number;
property displacementMap
displacementMap: Texture;
property displacementScale
displacementScale: number;
property emissive
emissive: Color;
new THREE.Color( 0x000000 )
property emissiveIntensity
emissiveIntensity: number;
property emissiveMap
emissiveMap: Texture;
property envMap
envMap: Texture;
property envMapRotation
envMapRotation: Euler;
The rotation of the environment map in radians. Default is
property flatShading
flatShading: boolean;
Define whether the material is rendered with flat shading. Default is false. false
property fog
fog: boolean;
Whether the material is affected by fog. Default is true. fog
property isMeshPhongMaterial
readonly isMeshPhongMaterial: boolean;
Read-only flag to check if a given object is of type MeshPhongMaterial.
This is a _constant_ value
property lightMap
lightMap: Texture;
property lightMapIntensity
lightMapIntensity: number;
property map
map: Texture;
property metal
metal: boolean;
Use instead.
property normalMap
normalMap: Texture;
property normalMapType
normalMapType: NormalMapTypes;
property normalScale
normalScale: Vector2;
new Vector2( 1, 1 )
property reflectivity
reflectivity: number;
property refractionRatio
refractionRatio: number;
property shininess
shininess: number;
property specular
specular: Color;
new THREE.Color( 0x111111 )
property specularMap
specularMap: Texture;
property wireframe
wireframe: boolean;
property wireframeLinecap
wireframeLinecap: string;
property wireframeLinejoin
wireframeLinejoin: string;
property wireframeLinewidth
wireframeLinewidth: number;
method setValues
setValues: (parameters: MeshPhongMaterialParameters) => void;
class MeshPhysicalMaterial
class MeshPhysicalMaterial extends MeshStandardMaterial {}
constructor(parameters?: MeshPhysicalMaterialParameters);
property anisotropy
anisotropy: number;
property anisotropyMap
anisotropyMap?: Texture;
property anisotropyRotation
anisotropyRotation?: number;
property attenuationColor
attenuationColor: Color;
Color( 1, 1, 1 )
property attenuationDistance
attenuationDistance: number;
property clearcoat
clearcoat: number;
property clearcoatMap
clearcoatMap: Texture;
property clearcoatNormalMap
clearcoatNormalMap: Texture;
property clearcoatNormalScale
clearcoatNormalScale: Vector2;
new THREE.Vector2( 1, 1 )
property clearcoatRoughness
clearcoatRoughness: number;
property clearcoatRoughnessMap
clearcoatRoughnessMap: Texture;
property defines
defines: { [key: string]: any };
{ 'STANDARD': '', 'PHYSICAL': '' }
property dispersion
dispersion: number;
property ior
ior: number;
property iridescence
iridescence: number;
property iridescenceIOR
iridescenceIOR: number;
property iridescenceMap
iridescenceMap: Texture;
property iridescenceThicknessMap
iridescenceThicknessMap: Texture;
property iridescenceThicknessRange
iridescenceThicknessRange: [number, number];
[100, 400]
property isMeshPhysicalMaterial
readonly isMeshPhysicalMaterial: boolean;
Read-only flag to check if a given object is of type MeshPhysicalMaterial.
This is a _constant_ value
property reflectivity
reflectivity: number;
property sheen
sheen: number;
property sheenColor
sheenColor: Color;
Color( 0x000000 )
property sheenColorMap
sheenColorMap: Texture;
property sheenRoughness
sheenRoughness: number;
property sheenRoughnessMap
sheenRoughnessMap: Texture;
property specularColor
specularColor: Color;
Color(1, 1, 1)
property specularColorMap
specularColorMap: Texture;
property specularIntensity
specularIntensity: number;
property specularIntensityMap
specularIntensityMap: Texture;
property thickness
thickness: number;
property thicknessMap
thicknessMap: Texture;
property transmission
transmission: number;
property transmissionMap
transmissionMap: Texture;
class MeshStandardMaterial
class MeshStandardMaterial extends Material {}
constructor(parameters?: MeshStandardMaterialParameters);
property alphaMap
alphaMap: Texture;
property aoMap
aoMap: Texture;
property aoMapIntensity
aoMapIntensity: number;
property bumpMap
bumpMap: Texture;
property bumpScale
bumpScale: number;
property color
color: Color;
new THREE.Color( 0xffffff )
property defines
defines: { [key: string]: any };
{ 'STANDARD': '' }
property displacementBias
displacementBias: number;
property displacementMap
displacementMap: Texture;
property displacementScale
displacementScale: number;
property emissive
emissive: Color;
new THREE.Color( 0x000000 )
property emissiveIntensity
emissiveIntensity: number;
property emissiveMap
emissiveMap: Texture;
property envMap
envMap: Texture;
property envMapIntensity
envMapIntensity: number;
property envMapRotation
envMapRotation: Euler;
The rotation of the environment map in radians. Default is
property flatShading
flatShading: boolean;
Define whether the material is rendered with flat shading. Default is false. false
property fog
fog: boolean;
Whether the material is affected by fog. Default is true. fog
property isMeshStandardMaterial
readonly isMeshStandardMaterial: boolean;
Read-only flag to check if a given object is of type MeshStandardMaterial.
This is a _constant_ value
property lightMap
lightMap: Texture;
property lightMapIntensity
lightMapIntensity: number;
property map
map: Texture;
property metalness
metalness: number;
property metalnessMap
metalnessMap: Texture;
property normalMap
normalMap: Texture;
property normalMapType
normalMapType: NormalMapTypes;
property normalScale
normalScale: Vector2;
new THREE.Vector2( 1, 1 )
property roughness
roughness: number;
property roughnessMap
roughnessMap: Texture;
property wireframe
wireframe: boolean;
property wireframeLinecap
wireframeLinecap: string;
property wireframeLinejoin
wireframeLinejoin: string;
property wireframeLinewidth
wireframeLinewidth: number;
method setValues
setValues: (parameters: MeshStandardMaterialParameters) => void;
class MeshToonMaterial
class MeshToonMaterial extends Material {}
constructor(parameters?: MeshToonMaterialParameters);
property alphaMap
alphaMap: Texture;
property aoMap
aoMap: Texture;
property aoMapIntensity
aoMapIntensity: number;
property bumpMap
bumpMap: Texture;
property bumpScale
bumpScale: number;
property color
color: Color;
new THREE.Color( 0xffffff )
property defines
defines: { [key: string]: any };
{ 'TOON': '' }
property displacementBias
displacementBias: number;
property displacementMap
displacementMap: Texture;
property displacementScale
displacementScale: number;
property emissive
emissive: Color;
new THREE.Color( 0x000000 )
property emissiveIntensity
emissiveIntensity: number;
property emissiveMap
emissiveMap: Texture;
property fog
fog: boolean;
Whether the material is affected by fog. Default is true. fog
property gradientMap
gradientMap: Texture;
property isMeshToonMaterial
readonly isMeshToonMaterial: boolean;
Read-only flag to check if a given object is of type MeshToonMaterial.
This is a _constant_ value
property lightMap
lightMap: Texture;
property lightMapIntensity
lightMapIntensity: number;
property map
map: Texture;
property normalMap
normalMap: Texture;
property normalMapType
normalMapType: NormalMapTypes;
property normalScale
normalScale: Vector2;
new THREE.Vector2( 1, 1 )
property wireframe
wireframe: boolean;
property wireframeLinecap
wireframeLinecap: string;
property wireframeLinejoin
wireframeLinejoin: string;
property wireframeLinewidth
wireframeLinewidth: number;
method setValues
setValues: (parameters: MeshToonMaterialParameters) => void;
class NumberKeyframeTrack
class NumberKeyframeTrack extends KeyframeTrack {}
constructor( name: string, times: ArrayLike<number>, values: ArrayLike<number>, interpolation?: InterpolationModes);
property ValueTypeName
ValueTypeName: string;
class Object3D
class Object3D< TEventMap extends Object3DEventMap = Object3DEventMap> extends EventDispatcher<TEventMap> {}
This creates a new Object3D object.
property animations
animations: AnimationClip[];
Array with object's animation clips.
property castShadow
castShadow: boolean;
Whether the object gets rendered into shadow map.
property children
children: Object3D<Object3DEventMap>[];
Array with object's children.
See Also
Group for info on manually grouping objects.
property customDepthMaterial
customDepthMaterial?: Material;
Custom depth material to be used when rendering to the depth map.
Can only be used in context of meshes. When shadow-casting with a DirectionalLight or SpotLight, if you are modifying vertex positions in the vertex shader you must specify a customDepthMaterial for proper shadows.
property customDistanceMaterial
customDistanceMaterial?: Material;
Same as customDepthMaterial, but used with PointLight.
The default setting for matrixAutoUpdate for newly created Object3Ds.
The default setting for matrixWorldAutoUpdate for newly created Object3Ds.
property DEFAULT_UP
static DEFAULT_UP: Vector3;
The default up direction for objects, also used as the default position for DirectionalLight, HemisphereLight and Spotlight (which creates lights shining from the top down).
property frustumCulled
frustumCulled: boolean;
When this is set, it checks every frame if the object is in the frustum of the camera before rendering the object. If set to
the object gets rendered every frame even if it is not in the frustum of the camera.
property id
readonly id: number;
Unique number for this Object3D instance.
Note that ids are assigned in chronological order: 1, 2, 3, ..., incrementing by one for each new object. Expects a
property isObject3D
readonly isObject3D: boolean;
Flag to check if a given object is of type Object3D.
This is a _constant_ value
property layers
layers: Layers;
property matrix
matrix: Matrix4;
The local transform matrix.
property matrixAutoUpdate
matrixAutoUpdate: boolean;
When this is set, it calculates the matrix of position, (rotation or quaternion) and scale every frame and also recalculates the matrixWorld property.
property matrixWorld
matrixWorld: Matrix4;
property matrixWorldAutoUpdate
matrixWorldAutoUpdate: boolean;
If set, then the renderer checks every frame if the object and its children need matrix updates. When it isn't, then you have to maintain all matrices in the object and its children yourself.
property matrixWorldNeedsUpdate
matrixWorldNeedsUpdate: boolean;
When this is set, it calculates the matrixWorld in that frame and resets this property to false.
property modelViewMatrix
readonly modelViewMatrix: Matrix4;
property name
name: string;
Optional name of the object
_(doesn't need to be unique)_.
property normalMatrix
readonly normalMatrix: Matrix3;
property parent
parent: Object3D<Object3DEventMap>;
Object's parent in the scene graph.
An object can have at most one parent.
property position
readonly position: Vector3;
Object's local position.
property quaternion
readonly quaternion: Quaternion;
Object's local rotation as a Quaternion.
property receiveShadow
receiveShadow: boolean;
Whether the material receives shadows.
property renderOrder
renderOrder: number;
This value allows the default rendering order of scene graph objects to be overridden although opaque and transparent objects remain sorted independently.
When this property is set for an instance of Group, all descendants objects will be sorted and rendered together. Sorting is from lowest to highest renderOrder.
property rotation
readonly rotation: Euler;
Object's local rotation (Euler angles), in radians.
property scale
readonly scale: Vector3;
The object's local scale.
property type
readonly type: string;
A Read-only _string_ to check
object type.Remarks
This can be used to find a specific type of Object3D in a scene. Sub-classes will update this value.
property up
up: Vector3;
This is used by the lookAt method, for example, to determine the orientation of the result.
property userData
userData: Record<string, any>;
An object that can be used to store custom data about the Object3D.
It should not hold references to _functions_ as these **will not** be cloned.
property uuid
uuid: string;
UUID of this object instance.
This gets automatically assigned and shouldn't be edited.
property visible
visible: boolean;
Object gets rendered if
method add
add: (...object: Object3D[]) => this;
method applyMatrix4
applyMatrix4: (matrix: Matrix4) => void;
Applies the matrix transform to the object and updates the object's position, rotation and scale.
Parameter matrix
method applyQuaternion
applyQuaternion: (quaternion: Quaternion) => this;
Applies the rotation represented by the quaternion to the object.
Parameter quaternion
method attach
attach: (object: Object3D) => this;
method clear
clear: () => this;
Removes all child objects.
method clone
clone: (recursive?: boolean) => this;
Returns a clone of
object and optionally all descendants.Parameter recursive
If true, descendants of the object are also cloned. Default
method copy
copy: (object: Object3D, recursive?: boolean) => this;
Copies the given object into this object.
Parameter object
Parameter recursive
If set to
, descendants of the object are copied next to the existing ones. If set tofalse
, descendants are left unchanged. Default istrue
Event listeners and user-defined callbacks ( and ) are not copied.
method getObjectById
getObjectById: (id: number) => Object3D | undefined;
Searches through an object and its children, starting with the object itself, and returns the first with a matching id.
Parameter id
Unique number of the object instance. Expects a
Note that ids are assigned in chronological order: 1, 2, 3, ..., incrementing by one for each new object.
See Also
method getObjectByName
getObjectByName: (name: string) => Object3D | undefined;
Searches through an object and its children, starting with the object itself, and returns the first with a matching name.
Parameter name
String to match to the children's Object3D.name property.
Note that for most objects the name is an empty string by default You will have to set it manually to make use of this method.
method getObjectByProperty
getObjectByProperty: (name: string, value: any) => Object3D | undefined;
Searches through an object and its children, starting with the object itself, and returns the first with a property that matches the value given.
Parameter name
the property name to search for.
Parameter value
value of the given property.
method getObjectsByProperty
getObjectsByProperty: ( name: string, value: any, optionalTarget?: Object3D[]) => Object3D[];
Searches through an object and its children, starting with the object itself, and returns the first with a property that matches the value given.
Parameter name
The property name to search for.
Parameter value
Value of the given property.
Parameter optionalTarget
target to set the result. Otherwise a new Array is instantiated. If set, you must clear this array prior to each call (i.e., array.length = 0;).
method getWorldDirection
getWorldDirection: (target: Vector3) => Vector3;
Returns a vector representing the direction of object's positive z-axis in world space.
Parameter target
The result will be copied into this Vector3.
method getWorldPosition
getWorldPosition: (target: Vector3) => Vector3;
Returns a vector representing the position of the object in world space.
Parameter target
The result will be copied into this Vector3.
method getWorldQuaternion
getWorldQuaternion: (target: Quaternion) => Quaternion;
Returns a quaternion representing the rotation of the object in world space.
Parameter target
The result will be copied into this Quaternion.
method getWorldScale
getWorldScale: (target: Vector3) => Vector3;
Returns a vector of the scaling factors applied to the object for each axis in world space.
Parameter target
The result will be copied into this Vector3.
method localToWorld
localToWorld: (vector: Vector3) => Vector3;
Converts the vector from this object's local space to world space.
Parameter vector
A vector representing a position in this object's local space.
method lookAt
lookAt: { (vector: Vector3): void; (x: number, y: number, z: number): void };
Rotates the object to face a point in world space.
Parameter vector
A vector representing a position in world space to look at.
This method does not support objects having non-uniformly-scaled parent(s).
Rotates the object to face a point in world space.
Parameter x
Expects a
Parameter y
Expects a
Parameter z
Expects a
This method does not support objects having non-uniformly-scaled parent(s).
method onAfterRender
onAfterRender: ( renderer: WebGLRenderer, scene: Scene, camera: Camera, geometry: BufferGeometry, material: Material, group: Group) => void;
An optional callback that is executed immediately after a 3D object is rendered.
This function is called with the following parameters: renderer, scene, camera, geometry, material, group. Please notice that this callback is only executed for
3D objects. Meaning 3D objects which define their visual appearance with geometries and materials like instances of Mesh, Line, Points or Sprite. Instances of Object3D, Group or Bone are not renderable and thus this callback is not executed for such objects.
method onAfterShadow
onAfterShadow: ( renderer: WebGLRenderer, scene: Scene, camera: Camera, shadowCamera: Camera, geometry: BufferGeometry, depthMaterial: Material, group: Group) => void;
An optional callback that is executed immediately after a 3D object is rendered to a shadow map.
This function is called with the following parameters: renderer, scene, camera, shadowCamera, geometry, depthMaterial, group. Please notice that this callback is only executed for
3D objects. Meaning 3D objects which define their visual appearance with geometries and materials like instances of Mesh, Line, Points or Sprite. Instances of Object3D, Group or Bone are not renderable and thus this callback is not executed for such objects.
method onBeforeRender
onBeforeRender: ( renderer: WebGLRenderer, scene: Scene, camera: Camera, geometry: BufferGeometry, material: Material, group: Group) => void;
An optional callback that is executed immediately before a 3D object is rendered.
This function is called with the following parameters: renderer, scene, camera, geometry, material, group. Please notice that this callback is only executed for
3D objects. Meaning 3D objects which define their visual appearance with geometries and materials like instances of Mesh, Line, Points or Sprite. Instances of Object3D, Group or Bone are not renderable and thus this callback is not executed for such objects.
method onBeforeShadow
onBeforeShadow: ( renderer: WebGLRenderer, scene: Scene, camera: Camera, shadowCamera: Camera, geometry: BufferGeometry, depthMaterial: Material, group: Group) => void;
An optional callback that is executed immediately before a 3D object is rendered to a shadow map.
This function is called with the following parameters: renderer, scene, camera, shadowCamera, geometry, depthMaterial, group. Please notice that this callback is only executed for
3D objects. Meaning 3D objects which define their visual appearance with geometries and materials like instances of Mesh, Line, Points or Sprite. Instances of Object3D, Group or Bone are not renderable and thus this callback is not executed for such objects.
method raycast
raycast: (raycaster: Raycaster, intersects: Intersection[]) => void;
method remove
remove: (...object: Object3D[]) => this;
method removeFromParent
removeFromParent: () => this;
Removes this object from its current parent.
method rotateOnAxis
rotateOnAxis: (axis: Vector3, angle: number) => this;
Rotate an object along an axis in object space.
Parameter axis
A normalized vector in object space.
Parameter angle
The angle in radians. Expects a
The axis is assumed to be normalized.
method rotateOnWorldAxis
rotateOnWorldAxis: (axis: Vector3, angle: number) => this;
Rotate an object along an axis in world space.
Parameter axis
A normalized vector in world space.
Parameter angle
The angle in radians. Expects a
The axis is assumed to be normalized Method Assumes no rotated parent.
method rotateX
rotateX: (angle: number) => this;
Rotates the object around _x_ axis in local space.
Parameter rad
The angle to rotate in radians. Expects a
method rotateY
rotateY: (angle: number) => this;
Rotates the object around _y_ axis in local space.
Parameter rad
The angle to rotate in radians. Expects a
method rotateZ
rotateZ: (angle: number) => this;
Rotates the object around _z_ axis in local space.
Parameter rad
The angle to rotate in radians. Expects a
method setRotationFromAxisAngle
setRotationFromAxisAngle: (axis: Vector3, angle: number) => void;
Calls setFromAxisAngle(axis, angle) on the .quaternion.
Parameter axis
A normalized vector in object space.
Parameter angle
Angle in radians. Expects a
method setRotationFromEuler
setRotationFromEuler: (euler: Euler) => void;
Calls setFromEuler(euler) on the .quaternion.
Parameter euler
Euler angle specifying rotation amount.
method setRotationFromMatrix
setRotationFromMatrix: (m: Matrix4) => void;
Calls setFromRotationMatrix(m) on the .quaternion.
Parameter m
Rotate the quaternion by the rotation component of the matrix.
Note that this assumes that the upper 3x3 of m is a pure rotation matrix (i.e, unscaled).
method setRotationFromQuaternion
setRotationFromQuaternion: (q: Quaternion) => void;
Copy the given Quaternion into .quaternion.
Parameter q
Normalized Quaternion.
method toJSON
toJSON: (meta?: JSONMeta) => Object3DJSON;
Convert the object to three.js JSON Object/Scene format.
Parameter meta
Object containing metadata such as materials, textures or images for the object.
method translateOnAxis
translateOnAxis: (axis: Vector3, distance: number) => this;
Translate an object by distance along an axis in object space
Parameter axis
A normalized vector in object space.
Parameter distance
The distance to translate. Expects a
The axis is assumed to be normalized.
method translateX
translateX: (distance: number) => this;
Translates object along x axis in object space by distance units.
Parameter distance
Expects a
method translateY
translateY: (distance: number) => this;
Translates object along _y_ axis in object space by distance units.
Parameter distance
Expects a
method translateZ
translateZ: (distance: number) => this;
Translates object along _z_ axis in object space by distance units.
Parameter distance
Expects a
method traverse
traverse: (callback: (object: Object3D) => any) => void;
Executes the callback on this object and all descendants.
Parameter callback
A function with as first argument an Object3D object.
Note: Modifying the scene graph inside the callback is discouraged.
method traverseAncestors
traverseAncestors: (callback: (object: Object3D) => any) => void;
Executes the callback on all ancestors.
Parameter callback
A function with as first argument an Object3D object.
Note: Modifying the scene graph inside the callback is discouraged.
method traverseVisible
traverseVisible: (callback: (object: Object3D) => any) => void;
Like traverse, but the callback will only be executed for visible objects
Parameter callback
A function with as first argument an Object3D object.
Descendants of invisible objects are not traversed. Note: Modifying the scene graph inside the callback is discouraged.
method updateMatrix
updateMatrix: () => void;
Updates local transform.
method updateMatrixWorld
updateMatrixWorld: (force?: boolean) => void;
Updates the global transform of the object. And will update the object descendants if .matrixWorldNeedsUpdate is set to true or if the force parameter is set to
.Parameter force
A boolean that can be used to bypass .matrixWorldAutoUpdate, to recalculate the world matrix of the object and descendants on the current frame. Useful if you cannot wait for the renderer to update it on the next frame, assuming .matrixWorldAutoUpdate set to
method updateWorldMatrix
updateWorldMatrix: (updateParents: boolean, updateChildren: boolean) => void;
Updates the global transform of the object.
Parameter updateParents
Recursively updates global transform of ancestors.
Parameter updateChildren
Recursively updates global transform of descendants.
method worldToLocal
worldToLocal: (vector: Vector3) => Vector3;
Converts the vector from world space to this object's local space.
Parameter vector
A vector representing a position in world space.
class ObjectLoader
class ObjectLoader extends Loader<Object3D> {}
constructor(manager?: LoadingManager);
method load
load: ( url: string, onLoad?: (data: Object3D) => void, onProgress?: (event: ProgressEvent) => void, onError?: (err: unknown) => void) => void;
method parse
parse: (json: unknown, onLoad?: (object: Object3D) => void) => Object3D;
method parseAnimations
parseAnimations: (json: unknown) => { [key: string]: AnimationClip };
method parseAsync
parseAsync: (json: unknown) => Promise<Object3D>;
method parseGeometries
parseGeometries: (json: unknown) => { [key: string]: | BufferGeometry<NormalBufferAttributes> | InstancedBufferGeometry;};
method parseImages
parseImages: (json: unknown, onLoad?: () => void) => { [key: string]: Source };
method parseImagesAsync
parseImagesAsync: (json: unknown) => Promise<{ [key: string]: Source }>;
method parseMaterials
parseMaterials: ( json: unknown, textures: { [key: string]: Texture }) => { [key: string]: Material };
method parseObject
parseObject: ( data: unknown, geometries: { [key: string]: | BufferGeometry<NormalBufferAttributes> | InstancedBufferGeometry; }, materials: { [key: string]: Material }, animations: { [key: string]: AnimationClip }) => Object3D;
method parseTextures
parseTextures: ( json: unknown, images: { [key: string]: Source }) => { [key: string]: Texture };
class OctahedronGeometry
class OctahedronGeometry extends PolyhedronGeometry {}
A class for generating an octahedron geometry.
See Also
constructor(radius?: number, detail?: number);
Create a new instance of OctahedronGeometry
Parameter radius
Radius of the octahedron. Expects a
. Default1
Parameter detail
Setting this to a value greater than zero add vertices making it no longer an octahedron. Expects a
. Default0
property type
override readonly type: string;
A Read-only _string_ to check if
object type.Remarks
Sub-classes will update this value.
class OrthographicCamera
class OrthographicCamera extends Camera {}
Camera that uses orthographic projection. In this projection mode, an object's size in the rendered image stays constant regardless of its distance from the camera. This can be useful for rendering 2D scenes and UI elements, amongst other things.
Example 1
const camera = new THREE.OrthographicCamera(width / -2, width / 2, height / 2, height / -2, 1, 1000);scene.add(camera);See Also
Example: camera
Example: interactive / cubes / ortho
Example: materials / cubemap / dynamic
Example: postprocessing / advanced
Example: postprocessing / dof2
Example: postprocessing / godrays
Example: rtt
Example: shaders / tonemapping
Example: shadowmap
constructor( left?: number, right?: number, top?: number, bottom?: number, near?: number, far?: number);
Creates a new OrthographicCamera.
Parameter left
Camera frustum left plane. Default
.Parameter right
Camera frustum right plane. Default
.Parameter top
Camera frustum top plane. Default
.Parameter bottom
Camera frustum bottom plane. Default
.Parameter near
Camera frustum near plane. Default
.Parameter far
Camera frustum far plane. Default
Together these define the camera's viewing frustum.
property bottom
bottom: number;
Camera frustum bottom plane.
Expects a
property far
far: number;
Camera frustum far plane.
Expects a
property isOrthographicCamera
readonly isOrthographicCamera: boolean;
Read-only flag to check if a given object is of type OrthographicCamera.
This is a _constant_ value
property left
left: number;
Camera frustum left plane.
Expects a
property near
near: number;
Camera frustum near plane.`.
Expects a
property right
right: number;
Camera frustum right plane.
Expects a
property top
top: number;
Camera frustum top plane.
Expects a
property type
override readonly type: string;
property view
view: { enabled: boolean; fullWidth: number; fullHeight: number; offsetX: number; offsetY: number; width: number; height: number;};
Set by .setViewOffset().
property zoom
zoom: number;
Gets or sets the zoom factor of the camera.
method clearViewOffset
clearViewOffset: () => void;
Removes any offset set by the .setViewOffset method.
method setViewOffset
setViewOffset: ( fullWidth: number, fullHeight: number, offsetX: number, offsetY: number, width: number, height: number) => void;
Sets an offset in a larger viewing frustum
Parameter fullWidth
Full width of multiview setup Expects a
.Parameter fullHeight
Full height of multiview setup Expects a
.Parameter x
Horizontal offset of subcamera Expects a
.Parameter y
Vertical offset of subcamera Expects a
.Parameter width
Width of subcamera Expects a
.Parameter height
Height of subcamera Expects a
This is useful for multi-window or multi-monitor/multi-machine setups For an example on how to use it see PerspectiveCamera.
See Also
method toJSON
toJSON: (meta?: JSONMeta) => OrthographicCameraJSON;
method updateProjectionMatrix
updateProjectionMatrix: () => void;
Updates the camera projection matrix
Must be called after any change of parameters.
class Path
class Path extends CurvePath<Vector2> {}
A 2D Path representation.
The class provides methods for creating paths and contours of 2D shapes similar to the 2D Canvas API.
Example 1
const {@link Path} = new THREE.Path();path.lineTo(0, 0.8);path.quadraticCurveTo(0, 1, 0.2, 1);path.lineTo(1, 1);const points = path.getPoints();const geometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry().setFromPoints(points);const material = new THREE.LineBasicMaterial({color: 0xffffff});const line = new THREE.Line(geometry, material);scene.add(line);See Also
constructor(points?: Vector2[]);
Creates a Path from the points
Parameter points
Array of Vector2s.
The first point defines the offset, then successive points are added to the curves array as LineCurves. If no points are specified, an empty Path is created and the is set to the origin.
property currentPoint
currentPoint: Vector2;
The current offset of the path. Any new Curve added will start here.
property type
override readonly type: string;
A Read-only _string_ to check if
object type.Remarks
Sub-classes will update this value.
method absarc
absarc: ( aX: number, aY: number, aRadius: number, aStartAngle: number, aEndAngle: number, aClockwise?: boolean) => this;
Adds an absolutely positioned EllipseCurve to the path.
Parameter x
Expects a
Parameter y
X, The absolute center of the arc. Expects a
Parameter radius
The radius of the arc. Expects a
Parameter startAngle
The start angle in radians. Expects a
Parameter endAngle
The end angle in radians. Expects a
Parameter clockwise
Sweep the arc clockwise. Default
method absellipse
absellipse: ( aX: number, aY: number, xRadius: number, yRadius: number, aStartAngle: number, aEndAngle: number, aClockwise?: boolean, aRotation?: number) => this;
Adds an absolutely positioned EllipseCurve to the path.
Parameter x
Expects a
Parameter y
X, The absolute center of the ellipse. Expects a
Parameter xRadius
The radius of the ellipse in the x axis. Expects a
Parameter yRadius
The radius of the ellipse in the y axis. Expects a
Parameter startAngle
The start angle in radians. Expects a
Parameter endAngle
The end angle in radians. Expects a
Parameter clockwise
Sweep the ellipse clockwise. Default
Parameter rotation
The rotation angle of the ellipse in radians, counterclockwise from the positive X axis. Optional, Expects a
. Default0
method arc
arc: ( aX: number, aY: number, aRadius: number, aStartAngle: number, aEndAngle: number, aClockwise?: boolean) => this;
Adds an EllipseCurve to the path, positioned relative to .
Parameter x
Expects a
Parameter y
X, The center of the arc offset from the last call. Expects a
Parameter radius
The radius of the arc. Expects a
Parameter startAngle
The start angle in radians. Expects a
Parameter endAngle
The end angle in radians. Expects a
Parameter clockwise
Sweep the arc clockwise. Default
method bezierCurveTo
bezierCurveTo: ( aCP1x: number, aCP1y: number, aCP2x: number, aCP2y: number, aX: number, aY: number) => this;
This creates a bezier curve from with (cp1X, cp1Y) and (cp2X, cp2Y) as control points and updates to x and y.
Parameter cp1X
Expects a
Parameter cp1Y
Expects a
Parameter cp2X
Expects a
Parameter cp2Y
Expects a
Parameter x
Expects a
Parameter y
Expects a
method ellipse
ellipse: ( aX: number, aY: number, xRadius: number, yRadius: number, aStartAngle: number, aEndAngle: number, aClockwise?: boolean, aRotation?: number) => this;
Adds an EllipseCurve to the path, positioned relative to .
Parameter x
Expects a
Parameter y
X, The center of the ellipse offset from the last call. Expects a
Parameter xRadius
The radius of the ellipse in the x axis. Expects a
Parameter yRadius
The radius of the ellipse in the y axis. Expects a
Parameter startAngle
The start angle in radians. Expects a
Parameter endAngle
The end angle in radians. Expects a
Parameter clockwise
Sweep the ellipse clockwise. Default
Parameter rotation
The rotation angle of the ellipse in radians, counterclockwise from the positive X axis. Optional, Expects a
. Default0
method fromJSON
fromJSON: (json: PathJSON) => this;
method lineTo
lineTo: (x: number, y: number) => this;
Connects a LineCurve from to x, y onto the path.
Parameter x
Expects a
Parameter y
Expects a
method moveTo
moveTo: (x: number, y: number) => this;
Move the to x, y.
Parameter x
Expects a
Parameter y
Expects a
method quadraticCurveTo
quadraticCurveTo: (aCPx: number, aCPy: number, aX: number, aY: number) => this;
Creates a quadratic curve from with cpX and cpY as control point and updates to x and y.
Parameter cpX
Expects a
Parameter cpY
Expects a
Parameter x
Expects a
Parameter y
Expects a
method setFromPoints
setFromPoints: (vectors: Vector2[]) => this;
Points are added to the curves array as LineCurves.
Parameter vector2s
method splineThru
splineThru: (pts: Vector2[]) => this;
Connects a new SplineCurve onto the path.
Parameter points
An array of Vector2's
method toJSON
toJSON: () => PathJSON;
class PerspectiveCamera
class PerspectiveCamera extends Camera {}
Camera that uses perspective projection. This projection mode is designed to mimic the way the human eye sees
It is the most common projection mode used for rendering a 3D scene.
Example 1
const camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(45, width / height, 1, 1000);scene.add(camera);See Also
Example: animation / skinning / blending
Example: animation / skinning / morph
Example: effects / stereo
Example: interactive / cubes
Example: loader / collada / skinning
constructor(fov?: number, aspect?: number, near?: number, far?: number);
Creates a new PerspectiveCamera.
Parameter fov
Camera frustum vertical field of view. Default
.Parameter aspect
Camera frustum aspect ratio. Default
.Parameter near
Camera frustum near plane. Default
.Parameter far
Camera frustum far plane. Default
Together these define the camera's viewing frustum.
property aspect
aspect: number;
Camera frustum aspect ratio, usually the canvas width / canvas height.
Expects a
property far
far: number;
Camera frustum far plane.
Expects a
property filmGauge
filmGauge: number;
Film size used for the larger axis. This parameter does not influence the projection matrix unless .filmOffset is set to a nonzero value.
Expects a
property filmOffset
filmOffset: number;
Horizontal off-center offset in the same unit as .filmGauge.
Expects a
property focus
focus: number;
Object distance used for stereoscopy and depth-of-field effects.
Expects a
property fov
fov: number;
Camera frustum vertical field of view, from bottom to top of view, in degrees.
Expects a
property isPerspectiveCamera
readonly isPerspectiveCamera: boolean;
Read-only flag to check if a given object is of type Camera.
This is a _constant_ value
property near
near: number;
Camera frustum near plane.
Expects a
property type
override readonly type: string;
property view
view: { enabled: boolean; fullWidth: number; fullHeight: number; offsetX: number; offsetY: number; width: number; height: number;};
Frustum window specification or null. This is set using the .setViewOffset method and cleared using .clearViewOffset.
property zoom
zoom: number;
Gets or sets the zoom factor of the camera.
method clearViewOffset
clearViewOffset: () => void;
Removes any offset set by the .setViewOffset method.
method getEffectiveFOV
getEffectiveFOV: () => number;
Returns the current vertical field of view angle in degrees considering .zoom.
method getFilmHeight
getFilmHeight: () => number;
Returns the height of the image on the film
If .aspect. is less than or equal to one (portrait format), the result equals .filmGauge.
method getFilmWidth
getFilmWidth: () => number;
Returns the width of the image on the film
If .aspect. is greater than or equal to one (landscape format), the result equals .filmGauge.
method getFocalLength
getFocalLength: () => number;
Returns the focal length of the current in respect to .filmGauge.
method getViewBounds
getViewBounds: ( distance: number, minTarget: Vector2, maxTarget: Vector2) => void;
Computes the 2D bounds of the camera's viewable rectangle at a given distance along the viewing direction. Sets minTarget and maxTarget to the coordinates of the lower-left and upper-right corners of the view rectangle.
method getViewSize
getViewSize: (distance: number, target: Vector2) => Vector2;
Computes the width and height of the camera's viewable rectangle at a given distance along the viewing direction. Copies the result into the target Vector2, where x is width and y is height.
method setFocalLength
setFocalLength: (focalLength: number) => void;
Sets the FOV by focal length in respect to the current .filmGauge.
Parameter focalLength
Expects a
By default, the focal length is specified for a
(full frame) camera.
method setLens
setLens: (focalLength: number, frameHeight?: number) => void;
Use .setFocalLength() and .filmGauge instead.
method setViewOffset
setViewOffset: ( fullWidth: number, fullHeight: number, x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number) => void;
Sets an offset in a larger frustum.
Parameter fullWidth
Full width of multiview setup Expects a
.Parameter fullHeight
Full height of multiview setup Expects a
.Parameter x
Horizontal offset of subcamera Expects a
.Parameter y
Vertical offset of subcamera Expects a
.Parameter width
Width of subcamera Expects a
.Parameter height
Height of subcamera Expects a
This is useful for multi-window or multi-monitor/multi-machine setups.
For example, if you have 3x2 monitors and each monitor is _1920x1080_ and the monitors are in grid like this
┌───┬───┬───┐│ A │ B │ C │├───┼───┼───┤│ D │ E │ F │└───┴───┴───┘then for each monitor you would call it like this
const w = 1920;const h = 1080;const fullWidth = w * 3;const fullHeight = h * 2;// Monitor - Acamera.setViewOffset( fullWidth, fullHeight, w * 0, h * 0, w, h );// Monitor - Bcamera.setViewOffset( fullWidth, fullHeight, w * 1, h * 0, w, h );// Monitor - Ccamera.setViewOffset( fullWidth, fullHeight, w * 2, h * 0, w, h );// Monitor - Dcamera.setViewOffset( fullWidth, fullHeight, w * 0, h * 1, w, h );// Monitor - Ecamera.setViewOffset( fullWidth, fullHeight, w * 1, h * 1, w, h );// Monitor - Fcamera.setViewOffset( fullWidth, fullHeight, w * 2, h * 1, w, h );Note there is no reason monitors have to be the same size or in a grid.
method toJSON
toJSON: (meta?: JSONMeta) => PerspectiveCameraJSON;
method updateProjectionMatrix
updateProjectionMatrix: () => void;
Updates the camera projection matrix
Must be called after any change of parameters.
class Plane
class Plane {}
constructor(normal?: Vector3, constant?: number);
property constant
constant: number;
property isPlane
readonly isPlane: boolean;
property normal
normal: Vector3;
new THREE.Vector3( 1, 0, 0 )
method applyMatrix4
applyMatrix4: (matrix: Matrix4, optionalNormalMatrix?: Matrix3) => Plane;
method clone
clone: () => this;
method coplanarPoint
coplanarPoint: (target: Vector3) => Vector3;
method copy
copy: (plane: Plane) => this;
method distanceToPoint
distanceToPoint: (point: Vector3) => number;
method distanceToSphere
distanceToSphere: (sphere: Sphere) => number;
method equals
equals: (plane: Plane) => boolean;
method intersectLine
intersectLine: (line: Line3, target: Vector3) => Vector3 | null;
method intersectsBox
intersectsBox: (box: Box3) => boolean;
method intersectsLine
intersectsLine: (line: Line3) => boolean;
method intersectsSphere
intersectsSphere: (sphere: Sphere) => boolean;
method isIntersectionLine
isIntersectionLine: (l: any) => any;
Use instead.
method negate
negate: () => Plane;
method normalize
normalize: () => Plane;
method projectPoint
projectPoint: (point: Vector3, target: Vector3) => Vector3;
method set
set: (normal: Vector3, constant: number) => Plane;
method setComponents
setComponents: (x: number, y: number, z: number, w: number) => Plane;
method setFromCoplanarPoints
setFromCoplanarPoints: (a: Vector3, b: Vector3, c: Vector3) => Plane;
method setFromNormalAndCoplanarPoint
setFromNormalAndCoplanarPoint: (normal: Vector3, point: Vector3) => Plane;
method translate
translate: (offset: Vector3) => Plane;
class PlaneGeometry
class PlaneGeometry extends BufferGeometry {}
A class for generating plane geometries.
Example 1
const geometry = new THREE.PlaneGeometry(1, 1);const material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({color: 0xffff00,side: THREE.DoubleSide});const plane = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material);scene.add(plane);See Also
constructor( width?: number, height?: number, widthSegments?: number, heightSegments?: number);
Create a new instance of PlaneGeometry
Parameter width
Width along the X axis. Expects a
. Default1
Parameter height
Height along the Y axis. Expects a
. Default1
Parameter widthSegments
Number of segmented faces along the width of the sides. Expects a
. Default1
Parameter heightSegments
Number of segmented faces along the height of the sides. Expects a
. Default1
property parameters
readonly parameters: { readonly width: number; readonly height: number; readonly widthSegments: number; readonly heightSegments: number;};
An object with a property for each of the constructor parameters.
Any modification after instantiation does not change the geometry.
property type
override readonly type: string;
A Read-only _string_ to check if
object type.Remarks
Sub-classes will update this value.
class PlaneHelper
class PlaneHelper extends LineSegments {}
Helper object to visualize a Plane.
Example 1
const plane = new THREE.Plane(new THREE.Vector3(1, 1, 0.2), 3);const helper = new THREE.PlaneHelper(plane, 1, 0xffff00);scene.add(helper);See Also
constructor(plane: Plane, size?: number, hex?: number);
Creates a new wireframe representation of the passed plane.
Parameter plane
The plane to visualize.
Parameter size
Side length of plane helper. Expects a
. Default1
Parameter hex
Color. Default
property plane
plane: Plane;
The plane being visualized.
property size
size: number;
The side lengths of plane helper.
Expects a
property type
override readonly type: string;
A Read-only _string_ to check if
object type.Remarks
Sub-classes will update this value.
method dispose
dispose: () => void;
Frees the GPU-related resources allocated by this instance
Call this method whenever this instance is no longer used in your app.
class PMREMGenerator
class PMREMGenerator {}
This class generates a Prefiltered, Mipmapped Radiance Environment Map (PMREM) from a cubeMap environment texture.
Note: The minimum MeshStandardMaterial's roughness depends on the size of the provided texture If your render has small dimensions or the shiny parts have a lot of curvature, you may still be able to get away with a smaller texture size.
| texture size | minimum roughness | |--------------|--------------------| | 16 | 0.21 | | 32 | 0.15 | | 64 | 0.11 | | 128 | 0.076 | | 256 | 0.054 | | 512 | 0.038 | | 1024 | 0.027 |
See Also
constructor(renderer: WebGLRenderer);
This constructor creates a new PMREMGenerator.
Parameter renderer
method compileCubemapShader
compileCubemapShader: () => void;
Pre-compiles the cubemap shader
You can get faster start-up by invoking this method during your texture's network fetch for increased concurrency.
method compileEquirectangularShader
compileEquirectangularShader: () => void;
Pre-compiles the equirectangular shader
You can get faster start-up by invoking this method during your texture's network fetch for increased concurrency.
method dispose
dispose: () => void;
Frees the GPU-related resources allocated by this instance
Call this method whenever this instance is no longer used in your app.
method fromCubemap
fromCubemap: ( cubemap: CubeTexture, renderTarget?: WebGLRenderTarget | null) => WebGLRenderTarget;
Generates a PMREM from an cubemap texture, which can be either LDR or HDR. The ideal input cube size is 256 x 256, as this matches best with the 256 x 256 cubemap output. The smallest supported cube size is 16 x 16.
method fromEquirectangular
fromEquirectangular: ( equirectangular: Texture, renderTarget?: WebGLRenderTarget | null) => WebGLRenderTarget;
Generates a PMREM from an equirectangular texture, which can be either LDR or HDR. The ideal input image size is 1k (1024 x 512), as this matches best with the 256 x 256 cubemap output. The smallest supported equirectangular image size is 64 x 32.
method fromScene
fromScene: ( scene: Scene, sigma?: number, near?: number, far?: number) => WebGLRenderTarget;
Generates a PMREM from a supplied Scene, which can be faster than using an image if networking bandwidth is low
Parameter scene
The given scene.
Parameter sigma
Specifies a blur radius in radians to be applied to the scene before PMREM generation. Default
.Parameter near
The near plane value. Default
.Parameter far
The far plane value. Default
Optional near and far planes ensure the scene is rendered in its entirety (the cubeCamera is placed at the origin).
class PointLight
class PointLight extends Light<PointLightShadow> {}
A light that gets emitted from a single point in all directions
A common use case for this is to replicate the light emitted from a bare lightbulb.
Example 1
const light = new THREE.PointLight(0xff0000, 1, 100);light.position.set(50, 50, 50);scene.add(light);See Also
Example: lights / pointlights
Example: effects / anaglyph
Example: geometry / text
Example: lensflares
constructor( color?: ColorRepresentation, intensity?: number, distance?: number, decay?: number);
Creates a new PointLight.
Parameter color
Hexadecimal color of the light. Default is 0xffffff (white). Expects a
Parameter intensity
Numeric value of the light's strength/intensity. Expects a
. Default1
Parameter distance
Maximum range of the light. Default is 0 (no limit).
Parameter decay
The amount the light dims along the distance of the light. Expects a
. Default2
property castShadow
castShadow: boolean;
If set to
light will cast dynamic shadows. **Warning**: This is expensive and requires tweaking to get shadows looking right.See Also
PointLightShadow for details.
property decay
decay: number;
The amount the light dims along the distance of the light. In context of physically-correct rendering the default value should not be changed.
Expects a
property distance
distance: number;
When **Default mode** — When distance is zero, light does not attenuate. When distance is non-zero, light will attenuate linearly from maximum intensity at the light's position down to zero at this distance from the light.
When **legacy lighting mode is disabled** — When distance is zero, light will attenuate according to inverse-square law to infinite distance. When distance is non-zero, light will attenuate according to inverse-square law until near the distance cutoff, where it will then attenuate quickly and smoothly to 0. Inherently, cutoffs are not physically correct.
Expects a
property intensity
intensity: number;
The light's intensity.
When **legacy lighting mode is disabled** — intensity is the luminous intensity of the light measured in candela (cd).
Expects a
property isPointLight
readonly isPointLight: boolean;
Read-only flag to check if a given object is of type PointLight.
This is a _constant_ value
property power
power: number;
The light's power. When **legacy lighting mode is disabled** — power is the luminous power of the light measured in lumens (lm).
Expects a
property shadow
shadow: PointLightShadow;
A PointLightShadow used to calculate shadows for this light. The lightShadow's camera is set to a PerspectiveCamera with fov of 90, aspect of 1, near clipping plane at 0.5 and far clipping plane at 500.
property type
type: string;
class PointLightHelper
class PointLightHelper extends Object3D {}
This displays a helper object consisting of a spherical Mesh for visualizing a PointLight.
Example 1
const pointLight = new THREE.PointLight(0xff0000, 1, 100);pointLight.position.set(10, 10, 10);scene.add(pointLight);const sphereSize = 1;const {@link PointLightHelper} = new THREE.PointLightHelper(pointLight, sphereSize);scene.add(pointLightHelper);See Also
constructor(light: PointLight, sphereSize?: number, color?: ColorRepresentation);
Create a new instance of PointLightHelper
Parameter light
The light to be visualized.
Parameter sphereSize
The size of the sphere helper. Expects a
. Default1
Parameter color
If this is not the set the helper will take the color of the light.
property color
color: ColorRepresentation;
The color parameter passed in the constructor.
If this is changed, the helper's color will update the next time update is called.
property light
light: PointLight;
The PointLight that is being visualized.
property matrix
matrix: Matrix4;
Reference to the light.matrixWorld.
property matrixAutoUpdate
override matrixAutoUpdate: boolean;
Is set to
, as the helper is using the light.matrixWorld.See Also
property type
override readonly type: string;
A Read-only _string_ to check if
object type.Remarks
Sub-classes will update this value.
method dispose
dispose: () => void;
Frees the GPU-related resources allocated by this instance
Call this method whenever this instance is no longer used in your app.
method update
update: () => void;
Updates the helper to match the position of the .
class PointLightShadow
class PointLightShadow extends LightShadow<PerspectiveCamera> {}
Shadow for PointLight
See Also
property isPointLightShadow
readonly isPointLightShadow: boolean;
Read-only flag to check if a given object is of type PointLightShadow.
This is a _constant_ value
method updateMatrices
override updateMatrices: (light: Light, viewportIndex?: number) => void;
Update the matrices for the camera and shadow, used internally by the renderer.
Parameter light
The light for which the shadow is being rendered.
class Points
class Points< TGeometry extends BufferGeometry<NormalOrGLBufferAttributes> = BufferGeometry, TMaterial extends Material | Material[] = Material | Material[], TEventMap extends Object3DEventMap = Object3DEventMap> extends Object3D<TEventMap> {}
A class for displaying Points
The Points are rendered by the WebGLRenderer using gl.POINTS.
See Also
constructor( geometry?: BufferGeometry<NormalOrGLBufferAttributes>, material?: Material | Material[]);
Create a new instance of Points
Parameter geometry
An instance of BufferGeometry. Default `new THREE.BufferGeometry()`.
Parameter material
A single or an array of Material. Default `new THREE.PointsMaterial()`.
property geometry
geometry: BufferGeometry<NormalOrGLBufferAttributes>;
An instance of BufferGeometry (or derived classes), defining the object's structure.
each vertex designates the position of a particle in the system.
property isPoints
readonly isPoints: boolean;
Read-only flag to check if a given object is of type Points.
This is a _constant_ value
property material
material: Material | Material[];
An instance of Material, defining the object's appearance.
property morphTargetDictionary
morphTargetDictionary?: { [key: string]: number };
A dictionary of morphTargets based on the
property morphTargetInfluences
morphTargetInfluences?: number[];
An array of weights typically from
that specify how much of the morph is applied.
property type
override readonly type: string;
method updateMorphTargets
updateMorphTargets: () => void;
Updates the morphTargets to have no influence on the object
Resets the morphTargetInfluences and morphTargetDictionary properties.
class PointsMaterial
class PointsMaterial extends Material {}
constructor(parameters?: PointsMaterialParameters);
property alphaMap
alphaMap: Texture;
property color
color: Color;
new THREE.Color( 0xffffff )
property fog
fog: boolean;
Whether the material is affected by fog. Default is true. fog
property isPointsMaterial
readonly isPointsMaterial: boolean;
Read-only flag to check if a given object is of type PointsMaterial.
This is a _constant_ value
property map
map: Texture;
property size
size: number;
property sizeAttenuation
sizeAttenuation: boolean;
method setValues
setValues: (parameters: PointsMaterialParameters) => void;
class PolarGridHelper
class PolarGridHelper extends LineSegments {}
The PolarGridHelper is an object to define polar grids
Grids are two-dimensional arrays of lines.
Example 1
const radius = 10;const sectors = 16;const rings = 8;const divisions = 64;const helper = new THREE.PolarGridHelper(radius, sectors, rings, divisions);scene.add(helper);See Also
constructor( radius?: number, radials?: number, circles?: number, divisions?: number, color1?: ColorRepresentation, color2?: ColorRepresentation);
Creates a new PolarGridHelper of radius 'radius' with 'sectors' number of sectors and 'rings' number of rings, where each circle is smoothed into 'divisions' number of line segments.
Parameter radius
The radius of the polar grid. This can be any positive number. Default
.Parameter sectors
The number of sectors the grid will be divided into. This can be any positive integer. Default
.Parameter rings
The number of rings. This can be any positive integer. Default
.Parameter divisions
The number of line segments used for each circle. This can be any positive integer that is 3 or greater. Default
.Parameter color1
The first color used for grid elements. This can be a Color, a hexadecimal value and an CSS-Color name. Default
.Parameter color2
The second color used for grid elements. This can be a Color, a hexadecimal value and an CSS-Color name. Default
Colors are optional.
property type
override readonly type: string;
A Read-only _string_ to check if
object type.Remarks
Sub-classes will update this value.
method dispose
dispose: () => void;
Frees the GPU-related resources allocated by this instance
Call this method whenever this instance is no longer used in your app.
class PolyhedronGeometry
class PolyhedronGeometry extends BufferGeometry {}
A polyhedron is a solid in three dimensions with flat faces
This class will take an array of vertices, project them onto a sphere, and then divide them up to the desired level of detail This class is used by DodecahedronGeometry, IcosahedronGeometry, OctahedronGeometry, and TetrahedronGeometry to generate their respective geometries.
Example 1
const verticesOfCube = [-1, -1, -1, 1, -1, -1, 1, 1, -1, -1, 1, -1, -1, -1, 1, 1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, 1, 1, ];const indicesOfFaces = [2, 1, 0, 0, 3, 2,0, 4, 7, 7, 3, 0,0, 1, 5, 5, 4, 0,1, 2, 6, 6, 5, 1,2, 3, 7, 7, 6, 2,4, 5, 6, 6, 7, 4];const geometry = new THREE.PolyhedronGeometry(verticesOfCube, indicesOfFaces, 6, 2);See Also
constructor( vertices?: number[], indices?: number[], radius?: number, detail?: number);
Create a new instance of PolyhedronGeometry
Parameter vertices
Array of points of the form [1,1,1, -1,-1,-1, ... ]. Default
.Parameter indices
Array of indices that make up the faces of the form [0,1,2, 2,3,0, ... ]. Default
.Parameter radius
[page:The radius of the final shape Expects a
. Default1
Parameter detail
[page:How many levels to subdivide the geometry. The more detail, the smoother the shape. Expects a
. Default0
property parameters
readonly parameters: { readonly vertices: number[]; readonly indices: number[]; readonly radius: number; readonly detail: number;};
An object with a property for each of the constructor parameters.
Any modification after instantiation does not change the geometry.
property type
override readonly type: string;
A Read-only _string_ to check if
object type.Remarks
Sub-classes will update this value.
class PositionalAudio
class PositionalAudio extends Audio<PannerNode> {}
Create a positional audio object. This uses the Web Audio API.
Example 1
// create an AudioListener and add it to the cameraconst listener = new THREE.AudioListener();camera.add(listener);// create the {@link PositionalAudio} object (passing in the listener)const sound = new THREE.PositionalAudio(listener);// load a sound and set it as the {@link PositionalAudio} object's bufferconst audioLoader = new THREE.AudioLoader();audioLoader.load('sounds/song.ogg', function (buffer) {sound.setBuffer(buffer);sound.setRefDistance(20);sound.play();});// create an object for the sound to play fromconst sphere = new THREE.SphereGeometry(20, 32, 16);const material = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial({color: 0xff2200});const mesh = new THREE.Mesh(sphere, material);scene.add(mesh);// finally add the sound to the meshmesh.add(sound);See Also
Example: webaudio / orientation
Example: webaudio / sandbox
Example: webaudio / timing
constructor(listener: AudioListener);
Create a new instance of PositionalAudio
Parameter listener
(required) AudioListener instance.
property panner
panner: PannerNode;
The PositionalAudio's PannerNode.
method getDistanceModel
getDistanceModel: () => string;
Returns the value of panner.distanceModel.
method getMaxDistance
getMaxDistance: () => number;
Returns the value of panner.maxDistance.
method getOutput
getOutput: () => PannerNode;
Returns the panner.
method getRefDistance
getRefDistance: () => number;
Returns the value of panner.refDistance.
method getRolloffFactor
getRolloffFactor: () => number;
Returns the value of panner.rolloffFactor.
method setDirectionalCone
setDirectionalCone: ( coneInnerAngle: number, coneOuterAngle: number, coneOuterGain: number) => this;
This method can be used in order to transform an omnidirectional sound into a directional sound.
Parameter coneInnerAngle
Expects a
Parameter coneOuterAngle
Expects a
Parameter coneOuterGain
Expects a
method setDistanceModel
setDistanceModel: (value: string) => this;
Sets the value of panner.distanceModel.
Parameter value
method setMaxDistance
setMaxDistance: (value: number) => this;
Sets the value of panner.maxDistance.
Parameter value
Expects a
method setRefDistance
setRefDistance: (value: number) => this;
Sets the value of panner.refDistance.
Parameter value
Expects a
method setRolloffFactor
setRolloffFactor: (value: number) => this;
Sets the value of panner.rolloffFactor.
Parameter value
Expects a
class PropertyBinding
class PropertyBinding {}
constructor(rootNode: any, path: string, parsedPath?: any);
property BindingType
BindingType: { [bindingType: string]: number };
property GetterByBindingType
GetterByBindingType: (() => void)[];
property node
node: any;
property parsedPath
parsedPath: any;
property path
path: string;
property rootNode
rootNode: any;
property SetterByBindingTypeAndVersioning
SetterByBindingTypeAndVersioning: (() => void)[][];
property Versioning
Versioning: { [versioning: string]: number };
method bind
bind: () => void;
method create
static create: ( root: any, path: any, parsedPath?: any) => PropertyBinding | Composite;
method findNode
static findNode: (root: any, nodeName: string) => any;
method getValue
getValue: (targetArray: any, offset: number) => any;
method parseTrackName
static parseTrackName: (trackName: string) => ParseTrackNameResults;
method sanitizeNodeName
static sanitizeNodeName: (name: string) => string;
method setValue
setValue: (sourceArray: any, offset: number) => void;
method unbind
unbind: () => void;
class PropertyMixer
class PropertyMixer {}
constructor(binding: any, typeName: string, valueSize: number);
property binding
binding: any;
property buffer
buffer: any;
property cumulativeWeight
cumulativeWeight: number;
property cumulativeWeightAdditive
cumulativeWeightAdditive: number;
property referenceCount
referenceCount: number;
property useCount
useCount: number;
property valueSize
valueSize: number;
method accumulate
accumulate: (accuIndex: number, weight: number) => void;
method accumulateAdditive
accumulateAdditive: (weight: number) => void;
method apply
apply: (accuIndex: number) => void;
method restoreOriginalState
restoreOriginalState: () => void;
method saveOriginalState
saveOriginalState: () => void;
class QuadraticBezierCurve
class QuadraticBezierCurve extends Curve<Vector2> {}
Create a smooth **2D** quadratic bezier curve, defined by a start point, end point and a single control point.
Example 1
const curve = new THREE.QuadraticBezierCurve(new THREE.Vector2(-10, 0),new THREE.Vector2(20, 15),new THREE.Vector2(10, 0));const points = curve.getPoints(50);const geometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry().setFromPoints(points);const material = new THREE.LineBasicMaterial({color: 0xff0000});// Create the final object to add to the sceneconst curveObject = new THREE.Line(geometry, material);See Also
constructor(v0?: Vector2, v1?: Vector2, v2?: Vector2);
This constructor creates a new QuadraticBezierCurve.
Parameter v0
The start point. Default is
new THREE.Vector2()
.Parameter v1
The control point. Default is
new THREE.Vector2()
.Parameter v2
The end point. Default is
new THREE.Vector2()
property isQuadraticBezierCurve
readonly isQuadraticBezierCurve: boolean;
Read-only flag to check if a given object is of type LineCurve3.
This is a _constant_ value
property type
override readonly type: string;
A Read-only _string_ to check if
object type.Remarks
Sub-classes will update this value.
property v0
v0: Vector2;
The start point.
property v1
v1: Vector2;
The control point.
property v2
v2: Vector2;
The end point.
class QuadraticBezierCurve3
class QuadraticBezierCurve3 extends Curve<Vector3> {}
Create a smooth **3D** quadratic bezier curve, defined by a start point, end point and a single control point.
Example 1
const curve = new THREE.QuadraticBezierCurve3(new THREE.Vector3(-10, 0, 0),new THREE.Vector3(20, 15, 0),new THREE.Vector3(10, 0, 0));const points = curve.getPoints(50);const geometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry().setFromPoints(points);const material = new THREE.LineBasicMaterial({color: 0xff0000});// Create the final object to add to the sceneconst curveObject = new THREE.Line(geometry, material);See Also
constructor(v0?: Vector3, v1?: Vector3, v2?: Vector3);
This constructor creates a new QuadraticBezierCurve.
Parameter v0
The start point. Default is
new THREE.Vector3()
.Parameter v1
The control point. Default is
new THREE.Vector3()
.Parameter v2
The end point. Default is
new THREE.Vector3()
property isQuadraticBezierCurve3
readonly isQuadraticBezierCurve3: boolean;
Read-only flag to check if a given object is of type QuadraticBezierCurve3.
This is a _constant_ value
property type
override readonly type: string;
A Read-only _string_ to check if
object type.Remarks
Sub-classes will update this value.
property v0
v0: Vector3;
The start point.
property v1
v1: Vector3;
The control point.
property v2
v2: Vector3;
The end point.
class Quaternion
class Quaternion {}
Implementation of a quaternion. This is used for rotating things without incurring in the dreaded gimbal lock issue, amongst other advantages.
Example 1
const quaternion = new THREE.Quaternion(); quaternion.setFromAxisAngle( new THREE.Vector3( 0, 1, 0 ), Math.PI / 2 ); const vector = new THREE.Vector3( 1, 0, 0 ); vector.applyQuaternion( quaternion );
constructor(x?: number, y?: number, z?: number, w?: number);
Parameter x
x coordinate
Parameter y
y coordinate
Parameter z
z coordinate
Parameter w
w coordinate
property isQuaternion
readonly isQuaternion: boolean;
property w
w: number;
property x
x: number;
property y
y: number;
property z
z: number;
method [Symbol.iterator]
[Symbol.iterator]: () => Generator<number, void>;
method angleTo
angleTo: (q: Quaternion) => number;
method clone
clone: () => this;
Clones this quaternion.
method conjugate
conjugate: () => this;
method copy
copy: (q: QuaternionLike) => this;
Copies values of q to this quaternion.
method dot
dot: (v: Quaternion) => number;
method equals
equals: (v: Quaternion) => boolean;
method fromArray
fromArray: (array: number[] | ArrayLike<number>, offset?: number) => this;
Sets this quaternion's x, y, z and w value from the provided array or array-like.
Parameter array
the source array or array-like.
Parameter offset
(optional) offset into the array. Default is 0.
method fromBufferAttribute
fromBufferAttribute: ( attribute: BufferAttribute | InterleavedBufferAttribute, index: number) => this;
Sets x, y, z, w properties of this quaternion from the attribute.
Parameter attribute
the source attribute.
Parameter index
index in the attribute.
method identity
identity: () => this;
method invert
invert: () => this;
Inverts this quaternion.
method length
length: () => number;
Computes length of this quaternion.
method lengthSq
lengthSq: () => number;
method multiply
multiply: (q: Quaternion) => this;
Multiplies this quaternion by b.
method multiplyQuaternions
multiplyQuaternions: (a: Quaternion, b: Quaternion) => this;
Sets this quaternion to a x b Adapted from http://www.euclideanspace.com/maths/algebra/realNormedAlgebra/quaternions/code/index.htm.
method multiplyQuaternionsFlat
static multiplyQuaternionsFlat: ( dst: number[], dstOffset: number, src0: number[], srcOffset: number, src1: number[], stcOffset1: number) => number[];
method normalize
normalize: () => this;
Normalizes this quaternion.
method premultiply
premultiply: (q: Quaternion) => this;
method random
random: () => this;
method rotateTowards
rotateTowards: (q: Quaternion, step: number) => this;
method set
set: (x: number, y: number, z: number, w: number) => this;
Sets values of this quaternion.
method setFromAxisAngle
setFromAxisAngle: (axis: Vector3Like, angle: number) => this;
Sets this quaternion from rotation specified by axis and angle. Adapted from http://www.euclideanspace.com/maths/geometry/rotations/conversions/angleToQuaternion/index.htm. Axis have to be normalized, angle is in radians.
method setFromEuler
setFromEuler: (euler: Euler, update?: boolean) => this;
Sets this quaternion from rotation specified by Euler angles.
method setFromRotationMatrix
setFromRotationMatrix: (m: Matrix4) => this;
Sets this quaternion from rotation component of m. Adapted from http://www.euclideanspace.com/maths/geometry/rotations/conversions/matrixToQuaternion/index.htm.
method setFromUnitVectors
setFromUnitVectors: (vFrom: Vector3, vTo: Vector3Like) => this;
method slerp
slerp: (qb: Quaternion, t: number) => this;
method slerpFlat
static slerpFlat: ( dst: number[], dstOffset: number, src0: number[], srcOffset: number, src1: number[], stcOffset1: number, t: number) => void;
method slerpQuaternions
slerpQuaternions: (qa: Quaternion, qb: Quaternion, t: number) => this;
method toArray
toArray: { (array?: number[], offset?: number): number[]; (array?: QuaternionTuple, offset?: 0): QuaternionTuple; (array: ArrayLike<number>, offset?: number): ArrayLike<number>;};
Returns an array [x, y, z, w], or copies x, y, z and w into the provided array.
Parameter array
(optional) array to store the quaternion to. If this is not provided, a new array will be created.
Parameter offset
(optional) optional offset into the array. The created or provided array.
Copies x, y, z and w into the provided array-like.
Parameter array
array-like to store the quaternion to.
Parameter offset
(optional) optional offset into the array. The provided array-like.
method toJSON
toJSON: () => [number, number, number, number];
This method defines the serialization result of Quaternion. The numerical elements of this quaternion in an array of format [x, y, z, w].
class QuaternionKeyframeTrack
class QuaternionKeyframeTrack extends KeyframeTrack {}
constructor( name: string, times: ArrayLike<number>, values: ArrayLike<number>, interpolation?: InterpolationModes);
property ValueTypeName
ValueTypeName: string;
class QuaternionLinearInterpolant
class QuaternionLinearInterpolant extends Interpolant {}
constructor( parameterPositions: any, samplesValues: any, sampleSize: number, resultBuffer?: any);
method interpolate_
interpolate_: (i1: number, t0: number, t: number, t1: number) => any;
class RawShaderMaterial
class RawShaderMaterial extends ShaderMaterial {}
constructor(parameters?: ShaderMaterialParameters);
property isRawShaderMaterial
readonly isRawShaderMaterial: boolean;
Read-only flag to check if a given object is of type RawShaderMaterial.
This is a _constant_ value
class Ray
class Ray {}
constructor(origin?: Vector3, direction?: Vector3);
property direction
direction: Vector3;
new THREE.Vector3( 0, 0, - 1 )
property origin
origin: Vector3;
new THREE.Vector3()
method applyMatrix4
applyMatrix4: (matrix4: Matrix4) => Ray;
method at
at: (t: number, target: Vector3) => Vector3;
method clone
clone: () => this;
method closestPointToPoint
closestPointToPoint: (point: Vector3, target: Vector3) => Vector3;
method copy
copy: (ray: Ray) => this;
method distanceSqToPoint
distanceSqToPoint: (point: Vector3) => number;
method distanceSqToSegment
distanceSqToSegment: ( v0: Vector3, v1: Vector3, optionalPointOnRay?: Vector3, optionalPointOnSegment?: Vector3) => number;
method distanceToPlane
distanceToPlane: (plane: Plane) => number;
method distanceToPoint
distanceToPoint: (point: Vector3) => number;
method equals
equals: (ray: Ray) => boolean;
method intersectBox
intersectBox: (box: Box3, target: Vector3) => Vector3 | null;
method intersectPlane
intersectPlane: (plane: Plane, target: Vector3) => Vector3 | null;
method intersectsBox
intersectsBox: (box: Box3) => boolean;
method intersectSphere
intersectSphere: (sphere: Sphere, target: Vector3) => Vector3 | null;
method intersectsPlane
intersectsPlane: (plane: Plane) => boolean;
method intersectsSphere
intersectsSphere: (sphere: Sphere) => boolean;
method intersectTriangle
intersectTriangle: ( a: Vector3, b: Vector3, c: Vector3, backfaceCulling: boolean, target: Vector3) => Vector3 | null;
method isIntersectionBox
isIntersectionBox: (b: any) => any;
Use instead.
method isIntersectionPlane
isIntersectionPlane: (p: any) => any;
Use instead.
method isIntersectionSphere
isIntersectionSphere: (s: any) => any;
Use instead.
method lookAt
lookAt: (v: Vector3) => Ray;
method recast
recast: (t: number) => Ray;
method set
set: (origin: Vector3, direction: Vector3) => Ray;
class Raycaster
class Raycaster {}
This class is designed to assist with raycasting
Raycasting is used for mouse picking (working out what objects in the 3d space the mouse is over) amongst other things.
Example 1
const raycaster = new THREE.Raycaster();const pointer = new THREE.Vector2();function onPointerMove(event) {// calculate pointer position in normalized device coordinates (-1 to +1) for both componentspointer.x = (event.clientX / window.innerWidth) * 2 - 1;pointer.y = -(event.clientY / window.innerHeight) * 2 + 1;}function render() {// update the picking ray with the camera and pointer positionraycaster.setFromCamera(pointer, camera);// calculate objects intersecting the picking rayconst intersects = raycaster.intersectObjects(scene.children);for (let i = 0; i & lt; intersects.length; i++) {intersects[i].object.material.color.set(0xff0000);}renderer.render(scene, camera);}window.addEventListener('pointermove', onPointerMove);window.requestAnimationFrame(render);See Also
Example: Raycasting to a Mesh
Example: Raycasting to a Mesh in using an OrthographicCamera
Example: Raycasting to a InstancedMesh
Example: Raycasting to a Line
Example: Raycasting to Points
Example: Terrain raycasting
Example: Raycasting to paint voxels
Example: Raycast to a Texture
constructor(origin?: Vector3, direction?: Vector3, near?: number, far?: number);
This creates a new Raycaster object.
Parameter origin
The origin vector where the ray casts from. Default
new Vector3()
Parameter direction
The direction vector that gives direction to the ray. Should be normalized. Default
new Vector3(0, 0, -1)
Parameter near
All results returned are further away than near. Near can't be negative. Expects a
. Default0
Parameter far
All results returned are closer than far. Far can't be lower than near. Expects a
. DefaultInfinity
property camera
camera: Camera;
The camera to use when raycasting against view-dependent objects such as billboarded objects like Sprites. This field can be set manually or is set when calling setFromCamera.
property far
far: number;
The far factor of the raycaster. This value indicates which objects can be discarded based on the distance. This value shouldn't be negative and should be larger than the near property.
Expects a
property layers
layers: Layers;
Used by Raycaster to selectively ignore 3D objects when performing intersection tests. The following code example ensures that only 3D objects on layer
will be honored by the instance of Raycaster.raycaster.layers.set( 1 );object.layers.enable( 1 );
property near
near: number;
The near factor of the raycaster. This value indicates which objects can be discarded based on the distance. This value shouldn't be negative and should be smaller than the far property.
Expects a
property params
params: RaycasterParameters;
An data object where threshold is the precision of the Raycaster when intersecting objects, in world units.
property ray
ray: Ray;
The Ray used for the raycasting.
method intersectObject
intersectObject: <TIntersected extends Object3D<Object3DEventMap>>( object: Object3D, recursive?: boolean, optionalTarget?: Array<Intersection<TIntersected>>) => Array<Intersection<TIntersected>>;
Checks all intersection between the ray and the object with or without the descendants
Parameter object
The object to check for intersection with the ray.
Parameter recursive
If true, it also checks all descendants. Otherwise it only checks intersection with the object. Default
Parameter optionalTarget
Target to set the result. Otherwise a new Array is instantiated. If set, you must clear this array prior to each call (i.e., array.length = 0;). Default
An array of intersections is returned.
Raycaster delegates to the raycast method of the passed object, when evaluating whether the ray intersects the object or not This allows meshes to respond differently to ray casting than lines and pointclouds. **Note** that for meshes, faces must be pointed towards the origin of the ray in order to be detected; intersections of the ray passing through the back of a face will not be detected To raycast against both faces of an object, you'll want to set the material's side property to
.See Also
method intersectObjects
intersectObjects: <TIntersected extends Object3D<Object3DEventMap>>( objects: Object3D[], recursive?: boolean, optionalTarget?: Array<Intersection<TIntersected>>) => Array<Intersection<TIntersected>>;
Checks all intersection between the ray and the objects with or without the descendants
Parameter objects
The objects to check for intersection with the ray.
Parameter recursive
If true, it also checks all descendants of the objects. Otherwise it only checks intersection with the objects. Default
Parameter optionalTarget
Target to set the result. Otherwise a new Array is instantiated. If set, you must clear this array prior to each call (i.e., array.length = 0;). Default
An array of intersections is returned.
Raycaster delegates to the raycast method of the passed object, when evaluating whether the ray intersects the object or not This allows meshes to respond differently to ray casting than lines and pointclouds. **Note** that for meshes, faces must be pointed towards the origin of the ray in order to be detected; intersections of the ray passing through the back of a face will not be detected To raycast against both faces of an object, you'll want to set the material's side property to
.See Also
method set
set: (origin: Vector3, direction: Vector3) => void;
Updates the ray with a new origin and direction
Parameter origin
The origin vector where the ray casts from.
Parameter direction
The normalized direction vector that gives direction to the ray.
Please note that this method only copies the values from the arguments.
method setFromCamera
setFromCamera: (coords: Vector2, camera: Camera) => void;
Updates the ray with a new origin and direction.
Parameter coords
2D coordinates of the mouse, in normalized device coordinates (NDC)---X and Y components should be between -1 and 1.
Parameter camera
camera from which the ray should originate
method setFromXRController
setFromXRController: (controller: XRTargetRaySpace) => this;
Updates the ray with a new origin and direction.
Parameter controller
The controller to copy the position and direction from.
class RectAreaLight
class RectAreaLight extends Light<undefined> {}
RectAreaLight emits light uniformly across the face a rectangular plane
This light type can be used to simulate light sources such as bright windows or strip lighting. Important Notes: - There is no shadow support. - Only MeshStandardMaterial and MeshPhysicalMaterial are supported. - You have to include RectAreaLightUniformsLib into your scene and call
.Example 1
const width = 10;const height = 10;const intensity = 1;const rectLight = new THREE.RectAreaLight(0xffffff, intensity, width, height);rectLight.position.set(5, 5, 0);rectLight.lookAt(0, 0, 0);scene.add(rectLight)const rectLightHelper = new RectAreaLightHelper(rectLight);rectLight.add(rectLightHelper);See Also
Example: {@link https://threejs.org/examples/#webgl_lights_rectarealight | WebGL / RectAreaLight }
constructor( color?: ColorRepresentation, intensity?: number, width?: number, height?: number);
Creates a new RectAreaLight.
Parameter color
Hexadecimal color of the light. Default
_(white)_.Parameter intensity
The light's intensity, or brightness. Expects a
. Default1
Parameter width
Width of the light. Expects a
. Default10
Parameter height
Height of the light. Expects a
. Default10
property height
height: number;
The height of the light.
Expects a
property intensity
intensity: number;
The light's intensity.
Expects a
property isRectAreaLight
readonly isRectAreaLight: boolean;
Read-only flag to check if a given object is of type RectAreaLight.
This is a _constant_ value
property power
power: number;
The light's power.
Expects a
property type
override readonly type: string;
A Read-only _string_ to check if
object type.Remarks
Sub-classes will update this value.
property width
width: number;
The width of the light.
Expects a
class RenderTarget
class RenderTarget< TTexture extends Texture | Texture[] = Texture> extends EventDispatcher<{ dispose: {} }> {}
constructor(width?: number, height?: number, options?: RenderTargetOptions);
property depth
depth: number;
property depthBuffer
depthBuffer: boolean;
property depthTexture
depthTexture: DepthTexture;
property height
height: number;
property isRenderTarget
readonly isRenderTarget: boolean;
property resolveDepthBuffer
resolveDepthBuffer: boolean;
Defines whether the depth buffer should be resolved when rendering into a multisampled render target. true
property resolveStencilBuffer
resolveStencilBuffer: boolean;
Defines whether the stencil buffer should be resolved when rendering into a multisampled render target. This property has no effect when is set to
. true
property samples
samples: number;
Defines the count of MSAA samples. Can only be used with WebGL 2. Default is **0**. 0
property scissor
scissor: Vector4;
property scissorTest
scissorTest: boolean;
property stencilBuffer
stencilBuffer: boolean;
property texture
texture: Texture | Texture[];
property textures
textures: TTexture[];
property viewport
viewport: Vector4;
property width
width: number;
method clone
clone: () => this;
method copy
copy: (source: RenderTarget) => this;
method dispose
dispose: () => void;
method setSize
setSize: (width: number, height: number, depth?: number) => void;
class RingGeometry
class RingGeometry extends BufferGeometry {}
A class for generating a two-dimensional ring geometry.
Example 1
const geometry = new THREE.RingGeometry(1, 5, 32);const material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({color: 0xffff00,side: THREE.DoubleSide});const mesh = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material);scene.add(mesh);See Also
constructor( innerRadius?: number, outerRadius?: number, thetaSegments?: number, phiSegments?: number, thetaStart?: number, thetaLength?: number);
Create a new instance of RingGeometry
Parameter innerRadius
Expects a
. Default0.5
.Parameter outerRadius
Expects a
. Default1
.Parameter thetaSegments
Number of segments. A higher number means the ring will be more round. Minimum is 3. Expects a
. Default32
.Parameter phiSegments
Number of segments per ring segment. Minimum is
. Expects aInteger
. Default1
.Parameter thetaStart
Starting angle. Expects a
. Default0
.Parameter thetaLength
Central angle. Expects a
. DefaultMath.PI * 2
property parameters
readonly parameters: { readonly innerRadius: number; readonly outerRadius: number; readonly thetaSegments: number; readonly phiSegments: number; readonly thetaStart: number; readonly thetaLength: number;};
An object with a property for each of the constructor parameters.
Any modification after instantiation does not change the geometry.
property type
override readonly type: string;
A Read-only _string_ to check if
object type.Remarks
Sub-classes will update this value.
class Scene
class Scene extends Object3D {}
Scenes allow you to set up what and where is to be rendered by three.js
This is where you place objects, lights and cameras.
See Also
Create a new Scene object.
property background
background: Texture | Color | CubeTexture;
Defines the background of the scene.
Valid inputs are: - A Color for defining a uniform colored background. - A Texture for defining a (flat) textured background. - Texture cubes (CubeTexture) or equirectangular textures for defining a skybox.
property backgroundBlurriness
backgroundBlurriness: number;
Sets the blurriness of the background. Only influences environment maps assigned to Scene.background.
Expects a
property backgroundIntensity
backgroundIntensity: number;
Attenuates the color of the background. Only applies to background textures.
Expects a
property backgroundRotation
backgroundRotation: Euler;
The rotation of the background in radians. Only influences environment maps assigned to . Default is
property environment
environment: Texture;
Sets the environment map for all physical materials in the scene. However, it's not possible to overwrite an existing texture assigned to MeshStandardMaterial.envMap.
property environmentIntensity
environmentIntensity: number;
Attenuates the color of the environment. Only influences environment maps assigned to Scene.environment. 1
property environmentRotation
environmentRotation: Euler;
The rotation of the environment map in radians. Only influences physical materials in the scene when is used. Default is
property fog
fog: Fog | FogExp2;
A fog instance defining the type of fog that affects everything rendered in the scene.
property isScene
readonly isScene: boolean;
Read-only flag to check if a given object is of type Scene.
This is a _constant_ value
property overrideMaterial
overrideMaterial: Material;
Forces everything in the Scene to be rendered with the defined material.
property type
type: string;
method toJSON
toJSON: (meta?: JSONMeta) => SceneJSON;
Convert the Scene to three.js JSON Object/Scene format.
Parameter meta
Object containing metadata such as textures or images for the scene.
class ShaderMaterial
class ShaderMaterial extends Material {}
constructor(parameters?: ShaderMaterialParameters);
property clipping
clipping: boolean;
property defaultAttributeValues
defaultAttributeValues: any;
{ 'color': [ 1, 1, 1 ], 'uv': [ 0, 0 ], 'uv1': [ 0, 0 ] }
property defines
defines: { [key: string]: any };
property extensions
extensions: { clipCullDistance: boolean; multiDraw: boolean };
{ clipCullDistance: false, multiDraw: false }
property fog
fog: boolean;
property fragmentShader
fragmentShader: string;
property glslVersion
glslVersion: GLSLVersion;
property index0AttributeName
index0AttributeName: string;
property isShaderMaterial
readonly isShaderMaterial: boolean;
Read-only flag to check if a given object is of type ShaderMaterial.
This is a _constant_ value
property lights
lights: boolean;
property linewidth
linewidth: number;
property uniforms
uniforms: { [uniform: string]: IUniform<any> };
property uniformsGroups
uniformsGroups: UniformsGroup[];
property uniformsNeedUpdate
uniformsNeedUpdate: boolean;
property vertexShader
vertexShader: string;
property wireframe
wireframe: boolean;
property wireframeLinewidth
wireframeLinewidth: number;
method setValues
setValues: (parameters: ShaderMaterialParameters) => void;
method toJSON
toJSON: (meta?: JSONMeta) => ShaderMaterialJSON;
class ShadowMaterial
class ShadowMaterial extends Material {}
constructor(parameters?: ShadowMaterialParameters);
property color
color: Color;
new THREE.Color( 0x000000 )
property fog
fog: boolean;
Whether the material is affected by fog. Default is true. fog
property isShadowMaterial
readonly isShadowMaterial: boolean;
Read-only flag to check if a given object is of type ShadowMaterial.
This is a _constant_ value
property transparent
transparent: boolean;
class Shape
class Shape extends Path {}
Defines an arbitrary 2d Shape plane using paths with optional holes
It can be used with ExtrudeGeometry, ShapeGeometry, to get points, or to get triangulated faces.
Example 1
const heartShape = new THREE.Shape();heartShape.moveTo(25, 25);heartShape.bezierCurveTo(25, 25, 20, 0, 0, 0);heartShape.bezierCurveTo(-30, 0, -30, 35, -30, 35);heartShape.bezierCurveTo(-30, 55, -10, 77, 25, 95);heartShape.bezierCurveTo(60, 77, 80, 55, 80, 35);heartShape.bezierCurveTo(80, 35, 80, 0, 50, 0);heartShape.bezierCurveTo(35, 0, 25, 25, 25, 25);const extrudeSettings = {depth: 8,bevelEnabled: true,bevelSegments: 2,steps: 2,bevelSize: 1,bevelThickness: 1};const geometry = new THREE.ExtrudeGeometry(heartShape, extrudeSettings);const mesh = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial());See Also
Example: geometry / shapes
Example: geometry / extrude / shapes
Example: geometry / extrude / shapes2
constructor(points?: Vector2[]);
Creates a Shape from the points
Parameter points
Array of Vector2s.
The first point defines the offset, then successive points are added to the curves array as LineCurves. If no points are specified, an empty Shape is created and the is set to the origin.
property holes
holes: Path[];
An array of paths that define the holes in the shape.
property type
override readonly type: string;
A Read-only _string_ to check if
object type.Remarks
Sub-classes will update this value.
property uuid
uuid: string;
UUID of this object instance.
This gets automatically assigned and shouldn't be edited.
method extractPoints
extractPoints: (divisions: number) => { shape: Vector2[]; holes: Vector2[][] };
method fromJSON
fromJSON: (json: ShapeJSON) => this;
method getPointsHoles
getPointsHoles: (divisions: number) => Vector2[][];
Get an array of Vector2's that represent the holes in the shape.
Parameter divisions
The fineness of the result. Expects a
method toJSON
toJSON: () => ShapeJSON;
class ShapeGeometry
class ShapeGeometry extends BufferGeometry {}
Creates an one-sided polygonal geometry from one or more path shapes.
Example 1
const x = 0, y = 0;const heartShape = new THREE.Shape();heartShape.moveTo(x + 5, y + 5);heartShape.bezierCurveTo(x + 5, y + 5, x + 4, y, x, y);heartShape.bezierCurveTo(x - 6, y, x - 6, y + 7, x - 6, y + 7);heartShape.bezierCurveTo(x - 6, y + 11, x - 3, y + 15.4, x + 5, y + 19);heartShape.bezierCurveTo(x + 12, y + 15.4, x + 16, y + 11, x + 16, y + 7);heartShape.bezierCurveTo(x + 16, y + 7, x + 16, y, x + 10, y);heartShape.bezierCurveTo(x + 7, y, x + 5, y + 5, x + 5, y + 5);const geometry = new THREE.ShapeGeometry(heartShape);const material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({color: 0x00ff00});const mesh = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material);scene.add(mesh);See Also
constructor(shapes?: Shape | Shape[], curveSegments?: number);
Create a new instance of ShapeGeometry
Parameter shapes
Array of shapes or a single Shape. Default
new Shape([new Vector2(0, 0.5), new Vector2(-0.5, -0.5), new Vector2(0.5, -0.5)])
, _a single triangle shape_.Parameter curveSegments
Number of segments per shape. Expects a
. Default12
property parameters
readonly parameters: { readonly shapes: Shape | Shape[]; readonly curveSegments: number;};
An object with a property for each of the constructor parameters.
Any modification after instantiation does not change the geometry.
property type
override readonly type: string;
A Read-only _string_ to check if
object type.Remarks
Sub-classes will update this value.
class ShapePath
class ShapePath {}
This class is used to convert a series of shapes to an array of Path's, for example an SVG shape to a path.
See Also
property color
color: Color;
Color of the shape, by default set to white _(0xffffff)_.
property currentPath
readonly currentPath: Path;
The current Path that is being generated.
property subPaths
subPaths: Path[];
Array of Path'ss.
property type
readonly type: string;
A Read-only _string_ to check if
object type.Remarks
Sub-classes will update this value.
method bezierCurveTo
bezierCurveTo: ( aCP1x: number, aCP1y: number, aCP2x: number, aCP2y: number, aX: number, aY: number) => this;
This creates a bezier curve from the currentPath's offset to _x_ and _y_ with _cp1X_, _cp1Y_ and _cp2X_, _cp2Y_ as control points and updates the currentPath's offset to _x_ and _y_.
Parameter cp1X
Expects a
Parameter cp1Y
Expects a
Parameter cp2X
Expects a
Parameter cp2Y
Expects a
Parameter x
Expects a
Parameter y
Expects a
method lineTo
lineTo: (x: number, y: number) => this;
This creates a line from the currentPath's offset to X and Y and updates the offset to X and Y.
Parameter x
Expects a
Parameter y
Expects a
method moveTo
moveTo: (x: number, y: number) => this;
Starts a new Path and calls Path.moveTo( x, y ) on that Path
Parameter x
Expects a
Parameter y
Expects a
Also points currentPath to that Path.
method quadraticCurveTo
quadraticCurveTo: (aCPx: number, aCPy: number, aX: number, aY: number) => this;
This creates a quadratic curve from the currentPath's offset to _x_ and _y_ with _cpX_ and _cpY_ as control point and updates the currentPath's offset to _x_ and _y_.
Parameter cpX
Expects a
Parameter cpY
Expects a
Parameter x
Expects a
Parameter y
Expects a
method splineThru
splineThru: (pts: Vector2[]) => this;
Connects a new SplineCurve onto the currentPath.
Parameter points
An array of Vector2s
method toShapes
toShapes: (isCCW: boolean) => Shape[];
Converts the subPaths array into an array of Shapes
Parameter isCCW
Changes how solids and holes are generated
By default solid shapes are defined clockwise (CW) and holes are defined counterclockwise (CCW) If isCCW is set to true, then those are flipped.
class ShapeUtils
class ShapeUtils {}
A class containing utility functions for shapes.
Note that these are all linear functions so it is necessary to calculate separately for x, y (and z, w if present) components of a vector.
See Also
method area
static area: (contour: readonly Vector2Like[]) => number;
Calculate area of a ( 2D ) contour polygon.
method isClockWise
static isClockWise: (pts: readonly Vector2Like[]) => boolean;
Note that this is a linear function so it is necessary to calculate separately for x, y components of a polygon.
Used internally by Path, ExtrudeGeometry and ShapeGeometry.
method triangulateShape
static triangulateShape: ( contour: Vector2Like[], holes: Vector2Like[][]) => number[][];
Used internally by ExtrudeGeometry and ShapeGeometry to calculate faces in shapes with holes.
class Skeleton
class Skeleton {}
Use an array of bones to create a Skeleton that can be used by a SkinnedMesh.
Example 1
// Create a simple "arm"const bones = [];const shoulder = new THREE.Bone();const elbow = new THREE.Bone();const hand = new THREE.Bone();shoulder.add(elbow);elbow.add(hand);bones.push(shoulder);bones.push(elbow);bones.push(hand);shoulder.position.y = -5;elbow.position.y = 0;hand.position.y = 5;const armSkeleton = new THREE.Skeleton(bones);See the[page: SkinnedMesh] pagefor an example of usage with standard[page: BufferGeometry].See Also
constructor(bones?: Bone<Object3DEventMap>[], boneInverses?: Matrix4[]);
property boneInverses
boneInverses: Matrix4[];
An array of Matrix4s that represent the inverse of the matrixWorld of the individual bones.
property boneMatrices
boneMatrices: Float32Array;
The array buffer holding the bone data when using a vertex texture.
property bones
bones: Bone<Object3DEventMap>[];
The array of Bones.
Note this is a copy of the original array, not a reference, so you can modify the original array without effecting this one.
property boneTexture
boneTexture: DataTexture;
The DataTexture holding the bone data when using a vertex texture.
property frame
frame: number;
property uuid
uuid: string;
UUID of this object instance.
This gets automatically assigned and shouldn't be edited.
method calculateInverses
calculateInverses: () => void;
Generates the boneInverses array if not provided in the constructor.
method clone
clone: () => Skeleton;
Returns a clone of this Skeleton object.
method computeBoneTexture
computeBoneTexture: () => this;
Computes an instance of DataTexture in order to pass the bone data more efficiently to the shader
The texture is assigned to boneTexture.
method dispose
dispose: () => void;
Frees the GPU-related resources allocated by this instance
Call this method whenever this instance is no longer used in your app.
method fromJSON
fromJSON: (json: SkeletonJSON, bones: Record<string, Bone>) => void;
method getBoneByName
getBoneByName: (name: string) => undefined | Bone;
Searches through the skeleton's bone array and returns the first with a matching name.
Parameter name
String to match to the Bone's .name property.
method init
init: () => void;
method pose
pose: () => void;
Returns the skeleton to the base pose.
method toJSON
toJSON: () => SkeletonJSON;
method update
update: () => void;
Updates the boneMatrices and boneTexture after changing the bones
This is called automatically by the WebGLRenderer if the Skeleton is used with a SkinnedMesh.
class SkeletonHelper
class SkeletonHelper extends LineSegments {}
A helper object to assist with visualizing a Skeleton
The helper is rendered using a LineBasicMaterial.
Example 1
const helper = new THREE.SkeletonHelper(skinnedMesh);scene.add(helper);See Also
constructor( object: | Object3D<Object3DEventMap> | SkinnedMesh< BufferGeometry<NormalBufferAttributes>, Material | Material[], Object3DEventMap >);
Create a new instance of SkeletonHelper
Parameter object
Usually an instance of SkinnedMesh. However, any instance of Object3D can be used if it represents a hierarchy of Bones (via Object3D.children).
property bones
bones: Bone<Object3DEventMap>[];
The list of bones that the helper renders as Lines.
property isSkeletonHelper
readonly isSkeletonHelper: boolean;
Read-only flag to check if a given object is of type SkeletonHelper.
This is a _constant_ value
property matrix
matrix: Matrix4;
Reference to the root.matrixWorld.
property matrixAutoUpdate
override matrixAutoUpdate: boolean;
Is set to
, as the helper is using the root.matrixWorld.See Also
property root
root: | Object3D<Object3DEventMap> | SkinnedMesh< BufferGeometry<NormalBufferAttributes>, Material | Material[], Object3DEventMap >;
The object passed in the constructor.
property type
override readonly type: string;
A Read-only _string_ to check if
object type.Remarks
Sub-classes will update this value.
method dispose
dispose: () => void;
Frees the GPU-related resources allocated by this instance
Call this method whenever this instance is no longer used in your app.
method update
update: () => void;
Updates the helper.
class SkinnedMesh
class SkinnedMesh< TGeometry extends BufferGeometry = BufferGeometry, TMaterial extends Material | Material[] = Material | Material[], TEventMap extends Object3DEventMap = Object3DEventMap> extends Mesh<TGeometry, TMaterial, TEventMap> {}
A mesh that has a Skeleton with bones that can then be used to animate the vertices of the geometry.
Example 1
const geometry = new THREE.CylinderGeometry(5, 5, 5, 5, 15, 5, 30);// create the skin indices and skin weights manually// (typically a loader would read this data from a 3D model for you)const position = geometry.attributes.position;const vertex = new THREE.Vector3();const skinIndices = [];const skinWeights = [];for (let i = 0; i & lt; position.count; i++) {vertex.fromBufferAttribute(position, i);// compute skinIndex and skinWeight based on some configuration dataconst y = (vertex.y + sizing.halfHeight);const skinIndex = Math.floor(y / sizing.segmentHeight);const skinWeight = (y % sizing.segmentHeight) / sizing.segmentHeight;skinIndices.push(skinIndex, skinIndex + 1, 0, 0);skinWeights.push(1 - skinWeight, skinWeight, 0, 0);}geometry.setAttribute('skinIndex', new THREE.Uint16BufferAttribute(skinIndices, 4));geometry.setAttribute('skinWeight', new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute(skinWeights, 4));// create skinned mesh and skeletonconst mesh = new THREE.SkinnedMesh(geometry, material);const skeleton = new THREE.Skeleton(bones);// see example from THREE.Skeletonconst rootBone = skeleton.bones[0];mesh.add(rootBone);// bind the skeleton to the meshmesh.bind(skeleton);// move the bones and manipulate the modelskeleton.bones[0].rotation.x = -0.1;skeleton.bones[1].rotation.x = 0.2;See Also
constructor( geometry?: BufferGeometry<NormalBufferAttributes>, material?: Material | Material[], useVertexTexture?: boolean);
Create a new instance of SkinnedMesh
Parameter geometry
An instance of BufferGeometry. Default `new THREE.BufferGeometry()`.
Parameter material
A single or an array of Material. Default `new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial()`.
property bindMatrix
bindMatrix: Matrix4;
The base matrix that is used for the bound bone transforms.
property bindMatrixInverse
bindMatrixInverse: Matrix4;
The base matrix that is used for resetting the bound bone transforms.
property bindMode
bindMode: BindMode;
Either AttachedBindMode or DetachedBindMode. AttachedBindMode means the skinned mesh shares the same world space as the skeleton. This is not true when using DetachedBindMode which is useful when sharing a skeleton across multiple skinned meshes.
property boundingBox
boundingBox: Box3;
The bounding box of the SkinnedMesh. Can be calculated with .computeBoundingBox().
property boundingSphere
boundingSphere: Sphere;
The bounding box of the SkinnedMesh. Can be calculated with .computeBoundingSphere().
property isSkinnedMesh
readonly isSkinnedMesh: boolean;
Read-only flag to check if a given object is of type SkinnedMesh.
This is a _constant_ value
property skeleton
skeleton: Skeleton;
Skeleton representing the bone hierarchy of the skinned mesh.
property type
override readonly type: string;
method applyBoneTransform
applyBoneTransform: (index: number, vector: Vector3) => Vector3;
Applies the bone transform associated with the given index to the given position vector
Parameter index
Expects a
Parameter vector
Returns the updated vector.
method bind
bind: (skeleton: Skeleton, bindMatrix?: Matrix4) => void;
method computeBoundingBox
computeBoundingBox: () => void;
Computes the bounding box of the skinned mesh, and updates the attribute. The bounding box is not computed by the engine; it must be computed by your app. If the skinned mesh is animated, the bounding box should be recomputed per frame.
method computeBoundingSphere
computeBoundingSphere: () => void;
Computes the bounding sphere of the skinned mesh, and updates the attribute. The bounding sphere is automatically computed by the engine when it is needed, e.g., for ray casting and view frustum culling. If the skinned mesh is animated, the bounding sphere should be recomputed per frame.
method normalizeSkinWeights
normalizeSkinWeights: () => void;
Normalizes the skin weights.
method pose
pose: () => void;
This method sets the skinned mesh in the rest pose (resets the pose).
method toJSON
toJSON: (meta?: JSONMeta) => SkinnedMeshJSON;
class Source
class Source {}
Represents the data Source of a texture.
See Also
constructor(data: any);
Create a new instance of Source
Parameter data
The data definition of a texture. Default
property data
data: any;
The actual data of a texture.
The type of this property depends on the texture that uses this instance.
property dataReady
dataReady: boolean;
This property is only relevant when is set to
and provides more control on how texture data should be processed. WhendataReady
is set tofalse
, the engine performs the memory allocation (if necessary) but does not transfer the data into the GPU memory. true
property id
readonly id: number;
property isSource
readonly isSource: boolean;
Flag to check if a given object is of type Source.
This is a _constant_ value
property uuid
uuid: string;
UUID of this object instance.
This gets automatically assigned and shouldn't be edited.
property version
version: number;
This starts at
and counts how many times .needsUpdate is set totrue
Expects a
method toJSON
toJSON: (meta?: string | {}) => SourceJSON;
Convert the data Source to three.js JSON Object/Scene format.
Parameter meta
Optional object containing metadata.
class SourceJSON
class SourceJSON {}
class Sphere
class Sphere {}
constructor(center?: Vector3, radius?: number);
property center
center: Vector3;
new Vector3()
property isSphere
readonly isSphere: boolean;
Read-only flag to check if a given object is of type Sphere.
property radius
radius: number;
method applyMatrix4
applyMatrix4: (matrix: Matrix4) => Sphere;
method clampPoint
clampPoint: (point: Vector3, target: Vector3) => Vector3;
method clone
clone: () => this;
method containsPoint
containsPoint: (point: Vector3) => boolean;
method copy
copy: (sphere: Sphere) => this;
method distanceToPoint
distanceToPoint: (point: Vector3) => number;
method empty
empty: () => any;
Use instead.
method equals
equals: (sphere: Sphere) => boolean;
method expandByPoint
expandByPoint: (point: Vector3) => this;
method getBoundingBox
getBoundingBox: (target: Box3) => Box3;
method intersectsBox
intersectsBox: (box: Box3) => boolean;
method intersectsPlane
intersectsPlane: (plane: Plane) => boolean;
method intersectsSphere
intersectsSphere: (sphere: Sphere) => boolean;
method isEmpty
isEmpty: () => boolean;
method makeEmpty
makeEmpty: () => this;
method set
set: (center: Vector3, radius: number) => Sphere;
method setFromPoints
setFromPoints: (points: Vector3[], optionalCenter?: Vector3) => Sphere;
method translate
translate: (offset: Vector3) => Sphere;
method union
union: (sphere: Sphere) => this;
class SphereGeometry
class SphereGeometry extends BufferGeometry {}
A class for generating sphere geometries.
Example 1
const geometry = new THREE.SphereGeometry(15, 32, 16);const material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({color: 0xffff00});const sphere = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material);scene.add(sphere);See Also
constructor( radius?: number, widthSegments?: number, heightSegments?: number, phiStart?: number, phiLength?: number, thetaStart?: number, thetaLength?: number);
Create a new instance of SphereGeometry
Parameter radius
Sphere radius. Expects a
. Default1
Parameter widthSegments
Number of horizontal segments. Minimum value is 3, and the Expects a
. Default32
Parameter heightSegments
Number of vertical segments. Minimum value is 2, and the Expects a
. Default16
Parameter phiStart
Specify horizontal starting angle. Expects a
. Default0
Parameter phiLength
Specify horizontal sweep angle size. Expects a
. DefaultMath.PI * 2
Parameter thetaStart
Specify vertical starting angle. Expects a
. Default0
Parameter thetaLength
Specify vertical sweep angle size. Expects a
. DefaultMath.PI
The geometry is created by sweeping and calculating vertexes around the **Y** axis (horizontal sweep) and the **Z** axis (vertical sweep) Thus, incomplete spheres (akin to
'sphere slices'
) can be created through the use of different values of phiStart, phiLength, thetaStart and thetaLength, in order to define the points in which we start (or end) calculating those vertices.
property parameters
readonly parameters: { readonly radius: number; readonly widthSegments: number; readonly heightSegments: number; readonly phiStart: number; readonly phiLength: number; readonly thetaStart: number; readonly thetaLength: number;};
An object with a property for each of the constructor parameters.
Any modification after instantiation does not change the geometry.
property type
override readonly type: string;
A Read-only _string_ to check if
object type.Remarks
Sub-classes will update this value.
class Spherical
class Spherical {}
constructor(radius?: number, phi?: number, theta?: number);
property phi
phi: number;
property radius
radius: number;
property theta
theta: number;
method clone
clone: () => this;
method copy
copy: (other: Spherical) => this;
method makeSafe
makeSafe: () => this;
method set
set: (radius: number, phi: number, theta: number) => this;
method setFromCartesianCoords
setFromCartesianCoords: (x: number, y: number, z: number) => this;
method setFromVector3
setFromVector3: (v: Vector3) => this;
class SphericalHarmonics3
class SphericalHarmonics3 {}
property coefficients
coefficients: Vector3[];
[new THREE.Vector3(), new THREE.Vector3(), new THREE.Vector3(), new THREE.Vector3(), new THREE.Vector3(), new THREE.Vector3(), new THREE.Vector3(), new THREE.Vector3(), new THREE.Vector3()]
property isSphericalHarmonics3
readonly isSphericalHarmonics3: boolean;
method add
add: (sh: SphericalHarmonics3) => SphericalHarmonics3;
method addScaledSH
addScaledSH: (sh: SphericalHarmonics3, s: number) => SphericalHarmonics3;
method clone
clone: () => this;
method copy
copy: (sh: SphericalHarmonics3) => SphericalHarmonics3;
method equals
equals: (sh: SphericalHarmonics3) => boolean;
method fromArray
fromArray: (array: number[] | ArrayLike<number>, offset?: number) => this;
Sets the values of this spherical harmonics from the provided array or array-like.
Parameter array
the source array or array-like.
Parameter offset
(optional) offset into the array. Default is 0.
method getAt
getAt: (normal: Vector3, target: Vector3) => Vector3;
method getBasisAt
static getBasisAt: (normal: Vector3, shBasis: number[]) => void;
method getIrradianceAt
getIrradianceAt: (normal: Vector3, target: Vector3) => Vector3;
method lerp
lerp: (sh: SphericalHarmonics3, alpha: number) => SphericalHarmonics3;
method scale
scale: (s: number) => SphericalHarmonics3;
method set
set: (coefficients: Vector3[]) => SphericalHarmonics3;
method toArray
toArray: { (array?: number[], offset?: number): number[]; (array: ArrayLike<number>, offset?: number): ArrayLike<number>;};
Returns an array with the values of this spherical harmonics, or copies them into the provided array.
Parameter array
(optional) array to store the spherical harmonics to. If this is not provided, a new array will be created.
Parameter offset
(optional) optional offset into the array. The created or provided array.
Returns an array with the values of this spherical harmonics, or copies them into the provided array-like.
Parameter array
array-like to store the spherical harmonics to.
Parameter offset
(optional) optional offset into the array-like. The provided array-like.
method zero
zero: () => SphericalHarmonics3;
class SplineCurve
class SplineCurve extends Curve<Vector2> {}
Create a smooth **2D** spline curve from a series of points.
Example 1
// Create a sine-like waveconst curve = new THREE.SplineCurve([new THREE.Vector2(-10, 0),new THREE.Vector2(-5, 5),new THREE.Vector2(0, 0),new THREE.Vector2(5, -5),new THREE.Vector2(10, 0)]);const points = curve.getPoints(50);const geometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry().setFromPoints(points);const material = new THREE.LineBasicMaterial({color: 0xff0000});// Create the final object to add to the sceneconst splineObject = new THREE.Line(geometry, material);See Also
constructor(points?: Vector2[]);
This constructor creates a new SplineCurve.
Parameter points
An array of Vector2 points that define the curve. Default
property isSplineCurve
readonly isSplineCurve: boolean;
Read-only flag to check if a given object is of type SplineCurve.
This is a _constant_ value
property points
points: Vector2[];
The array of Vector2 points that define the curve.
property type
override readonly type: string;
A Read-only _string_ to check if
object type.Remarks
Sub-classes will update this value.
class SpotLight
class SpotLight extends Light<SpotLightShadow> {}
This light gets emitted from a single point in one direction, along a cone that increases in size the further from the light it gets.
Example 1
// white {@link SpotLight} shining from the side, modulated by a texture, casting a shadowconst {@link SpotLight} = new THREE.SpotLight(0xffffff);spotLight.position.set(100, 1000, 100);spotLight.map = new THREE.TextureLoader().load(url);spotLight.castShadow = true;spotLight.shadow.mapSize.width = 1024;spotLight.shadow.mapSize.height = 1024;spotLight.shadow.camera.near = 500;spotLight.shadow.camera.far = 4000;spotLight.shadow.camera.fov = 30;scene.add(spotLight);See Also
Example: {@link https://threejs.org/examples/#webgl_lights_spotlight | lights / SpotLight }
Example: lights / spotlights
constructor( color?: ColorRepresentation, intensity?: number, distance?: number, angle?: number, penumbra?: number, decay?: number);
Creates a new SpotLight.
Parameter color
Hexadecimal color of the light. Default
_(white)_.Parameter intensity
Numeric value of the light's strength/intensity. Expects a
. Default1
.Parameter distance
Maximum range of the light. Default is 0 (no limit). Expects a
.Parameter angle
Maximum angle of light dispersion from its direction whose upper bound is Math.PI/2.
Parameter penumbra
Percent of the SpotLight cone that is attenuated due to penumbra. Takes values between zero and 1. Expects a
. Default0
.Parameter decay
The amount the light dims along the distance of the light. Expects a
. Default2
property angle
angle: number;
Maximum extent of the spotlight, in radians, from its direction.
Expects a
property castShadow
override castShadow: boolean;
If set to
light will cast dynamic shadows.Remarks
**Warning**: This is expensive and requires tweaking to get shadows looking right. the SpotLightShadow for details.
property decay
decay: number;
The amount the light dims along the distance of the light. In context of physically-correct rendering the default value should not be changed.
Expects a
property distance
distance: number;
When **Default mode** — When distance is zero, light does not attenuate. When distance is non-zero, light will attenuate linearly from maximum intensity at the light's position down to zero at this distance from the light.
When **legacy lighting mode is disabled** — When distance is zero, light will attenuate according to inverse-square law to infinite distance. When distance is non-zero, light will attenuate according to inverse-square law until near the distance cutoff, where it will then attenuate quickly and smoothly to
. Inherently, cutoffs are not physically correct.Remarks
Expects a
property intensity
intensity: number;
The light's intensity.
Expects a
property isSpotLight
readonly isSpotLight: boolean;
Read-only flag to check if a given object is of type SpotLight.
This is a _constant_ value
property map
map: Texture;
A Texture used to modulate the color of the light. The spot light color is mixed with the _RGB_ value of this texture, with a ratio corresponding to its alpha value. The cookie-like masking effect is reproduced using pixel values (0, 0, 0, 1-cookie_value).
**Warning**: SpotLight.map is disabled if SpotLight.castShadow is
property penumbra
penumbra: number;
Percent of the SpotLight cone that is attenuated due to penumbra.
Expects a
property position
readonly position: Vector3;
This is set equal to Object3D.DEFAULT_UP (0, 1, 0), so that the light shines from the top down.
property power
power: number;
The light's power.
Expects a
property shadow
shadow: SpotLightShadow;
A SpotLightShadow used to calculate shadows for this light.
property target
target: Object3D<Object3DEventMap>;
**Note**: For the target's position to be changed to anything other than the default, it must be added to the scene using
scene.add( light.target );This is so that the target's matrixWorld gets automatically updated each frame. It is also possible to set the target to be another object in the scene (anything with a position property), like so:
const targetObject = new THREE.Object3D();scene.add(targetObject);light.target = targetObject;The SpotLight will now track the target object.
property type
override readonly type: string;
A Read-only _string_ to check if
object type.Remarks
Sub-classes will update this value.
class SpotLightHelper
class SpotLightHelper extends Object3D {}
This displays a cone shaped helper object for a SpotLight.
Example 1
const spotLight = new THREE.SpotLight(0xffffff);spotLight.position.set(10, 10, 10);scene.add(spotLight);const {@link SpotLightHelper} = new THREE.SpotLightHelper(spotLight);scene.add(spotLightHelper);See Also
constructor(light: Light<LightShadow<Camera>>, color?: ColorRepresentation);
Create a new instance of SpotLightHelper
Parameter light
The SpotLight to be visualized.
Parameter color
If this is not the set the helper will take the color of the light. Default
property color
color: ColorRepresentation;
The color parameter passed in the constructor. If this is changed, the helper's color will update the next time update is called.
property cone
cone: LineSegments< BufferGeometry<NormalBufferAttributes>, Material | Material[], Object3DEventMap>;
LineSegments used to visualize the light.
property light
light: Light<LightShadow<Camera>>;
Reference to the SpotLight being visualized.
property matrix
matrix: Matrix4;
Reference to the spotLight's matrixWorld.
property matrixAutoUpdate
override matrixAutoUpdate: boolean;
Is set to
, as the helper is using the light.matrixWorld.See Also
property type
override readonly type: string;
A Read-only _string_ to check if
object type.Remarks
Sub-classes will update this value.
method dispose
dispose: () => void;
Frees the GPU-related resources allocated by this instance
Call this method whenever this instance is no longer used in your app.
method update
update: () => void;
Updates the light helper.
class SpotLightShadow
class SpotLightShadow extends LightShadow<PerspectiveCamera> {}
This is used internally by SpotLights for calculating shadows.
Example 1
//Create a WebGLRenderer and turn on shadows in the rendererconst renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer();renderer.shadowMap.enabled = true;renderer.shadowMap.type = THREE.PCFSoftShadowMap; // default THREE.PCFShadowMap//Create a SpotLight and turn on shadows for the lightconst light = new THREE.SpotLight(0xffffff);light.castShadow = true; // default falsescene.add(light);//Set up shadow properties for the lightlight.shadow.mapSize.width = 512; // defaultlight.shadow.mapSize.height = 512; // defaultlight.shadow.camera.near = 0.5; // defaultlight.shadow.camera.far = 500; // defaultlight.shadow.focus = 1; // default//Create a sphere that cast shadows (but does not receive them)const sphereGeometry = new THREE.SphereGeometry(5, 32, 32);const sphereMaterial = new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial({color: 0xff0000});const sphere = new THREE.Mesh(sphereGeometry, sphereMaterial);sphere.castShadow = true; //default is falsesphere.receiveShadow = false; //defaultscene.add(sphere);//Create a plane that receives shadows (but does not cast them)const planeGeometry = new THREE.PlaneGeometry(20, 20, 32, 32);const planeMaterial = new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial({color: 0x00ff00})const plane = new THREE.Mesh(planeGeometry, planeMaterial);plane.receiveShadow = true;scene.add(plane);//Create a helper for the shadow camera (optional)const helper = new THREE.CameraHelper(light.shadow.camera);scene.add(helper);See Also
property camera
camera: PerspectiveCamera;
The light's view of the world.
The fov will track the angle property of the owning SpotLight via the update method. Similarly, the aspect property will track the aspect of the mapSize. If the distance property of the light is set, the far clipping plane will track that, otherwise it defaults to
property focus
focus: number;
Used to focus the shadow camera.
The camera's field of view is set as a percentage of the spotlight's field-of-view. Range is
[0, 1]
. 0`.
property isSpotLightShadow
readonly isSpotLightShadow: boolean;
Read-only flag to check if a given object is of type SpotLightShadow.
This is a _constant_ value
class Sprite
class Sprite< TEventMap extends Object3DEventMap = Object3DEventMap> extends Object3D<TEventMap> {}
A Sprite is a plane that always faces towards the camera, generally with a partially transparent texture applied.
Sprites do not cast shadows, setting
castShadow = true
will have no effect.Example 1
const map = new THREE.TextureLoader().load('sprite.png');const material = new THREE.SpriteMaterial({map: map});const {@link Sprite} = new THREE.Sprite(material);scene.add(sprite);See Also
constructor(material?: SpriteMaterial);
Creates a new Sprite.
Parameter material
An instance of SpriteMaterial. Default `new SpriteMaterial()`, _with white color_.
property castShadow
override castShadow: boolean;
Whether the object gets rendered into shadow map. No effect in Sprite.
property center
center: Vector2;
The sprite's anchor point, and the point around which the Sprite rotates. A value of (0.5, 0.5) corresponds to the midpoint of the sprite. A value of (0, 0) corresponds to the lower left corner of the sprite.
property geometry
geometry: BufferGeometry<NormalBufferAttributes>;
property isSprite
readonly isSprite: boolean;
Read-only flag to check if a given object is of type Sprite.
This is a _constant_ value
property material
material: SpriteMaterial;
An instance of SpriteMaterial, defining the object's appearance.
property type
override readonly type: string;
class SpriteMaterial
class SpriteMaterial extends Material {}
constructor(parameters?: SpriteMaterialParameters);
property alphaMap
alphaMap: Texture;
property color
color: Color;
new THREE.Color( 0xffffff )
property fog
fog: boolean;
Whether the material is affected by fog. Default is true. fog
property isSpriteMaterial
readonly isSpriteMaterial: boolean;
Read-only flag to check if a given object is of type SpriteMaterial.
This is a _constant_ value
property map
map: Texture;
property rotation
rotation: number;
property sizeAttenuation
sizeAttenuation: boolean;
property transparent
transparent: boolean;
method copy
copy: (source: SpriteMaterial) => this;
method setValues
setValues: (parameters: SpriteMaterialParameters) => void;
class StereoCamera
class StereoCamera extends Camera {}
Dual PerspectiveCameras used for effects such as 3D Anaglyph or Parallax Barrier.
See Also
Example: effects / anaglyph
Example: effects / parallaxbarrier
Example: effects / stereo
property aspect
aspect: number;
Expects a
property cameraL
cameraL: PerspectiveCamera;
The Left camera. A PerspectiveCamera added to layer 1
Objects to be rendered by the **left** camera must also be added to this layer.
property cameraR
cameraR: PerspectiveCamera;
The Right camera. A PerspectiveCamera added to layer 2
Objects to be rendered by the **right** camera must also be added to this layer.
property eyeSep
eyeSep: number;
Expects a
property type
type: string;
method update
update: (camera: PerspectiveCamera) => void;
Update the stereo cameras based on the camera passed in.
Parameter camera
class StringKeyframeTrack
class StringKeyframeTrack extends KeyframeTrack {}
constructor(name: string, times: ArrayLike<number>, values: ArrayLike<any>);
property ValueTypeName
ValueTypeName: string;
class TetrahedronGeometry
class TetrahedronGeometry extends PolyhedronGeometry {}
A class for generating a tetrahedron geometries.
See Also
constructor(radius?: number, detail?: number);
Create a new instance of TetrahedronGeometry
Parameter radius
Radius of the tetrahedron. Expects a
. Default1
Parameter detail
Setting this to a value greater than 0 adds vertices making it no longer a tetrahedron. Expects a
. Default0
property type
override readonly type: string;
A Read-only _string_ to check if
object type.Remarks
Sub-classes will update this value.
class Texture
class Texture extends EventDispatcher<{ dispose: {} }> {}
Create a Texture to apply to a surface or as a reflection or refraction map.
After the initial use of a texture, its **dimensions**, format, and cannot be changed Instead, call .dispose() on the Texture and instantiate a new Texture.
Example 1
// load a texture, set wrap mode to repeatconst texture = new THREE.TextureLoader().load("textures/water.jpg");texture.wrapS = THREE.RepeatWrapping;texture.wrapT = THREE.RepeatWrapping;texture.repeat.set(4, 4);See Also
constructor( image?: TexImageSource | OffscreenCanvas, mapping?: Mapping, wrapS?: Wrapping, wrapT?: Wrapping, magFilter?: MagnificationTextureFilter, minFilter?: MinificationTextureFilter, format?: PixelFormat, type?: TextureDataType, anisotropy?: number, colorSpace?: string);
This creates a new Texture object.
Parameter image
See .image. Default THREE.Texture.DEFAULT_IMAGE
Parameter mapping
See .mapping. Default THREE.Texture.DEFAULT_MAPPING
Parameter wrapS
See .wrapS. Default THREE.ClampToEdgeWrapping
Parameter wrapT
See .wrapT. Default THREE.ClampToEdgeWrapping
Parameter magFilter
See .magFilter. Default THREE.LinearFilter
Parameter minFilter
See .minFilter. Default THREE.LinearMipmapLinearFilter
Parameter format
See .format. Default THREE.RGBAFormat
Parameter type
See . Default THREE.UnsignedByteType
Parameter anisotropy
See .anisotropy. Default THREE.Texture.DEFAULT_ANISOTROPY
Parameter colorSpace
See .colorSpace. Default THREE.NoColorSpace
constructor( image: TexImageSource | OffscreenCanvas, mapping: Mapping, wrapS: Wrapping, wrapT: Wrapping, magFilter: MagnificationTextureFilter, minFilter: MinificationTextureFilter, format: PixelFormat, type: TextureDataType, anisotropy: number);
property anisotropy
anisotropy: number;
The number of samples taken along the axis through the pixel that has the highest density of texels.
This value is usually a power of 2. _value of_ THREE.Texture.DEFAULT_ANISOTROPY. That is normally
property center
center: Vector2;
The point around which rotation occurs.
A value of
(0.5, 0.5)
corresponds to the center of the texture.
property channel
channel: number;
Lets you select the uv attribute to map the texture to.
property colorSpace
colorSpace: string;
The {@link Textures | Texture constants} page for details of other color spaces.
Textures containing color data should be annotated with or .
See Also
static DEFAULT_ANISOTROPY: number;
The Global default value for .anisotropy.
static DEFAULT_IMAGE: any;
The Global default value for .image.
static DEFAULT_MAPPING: Mapping;
The Global default value for .mapping.
property flipY
flipY: boolean;
If set to
, the texture is flipped along the vertical axis when uploaded to the GPU.Remarks
Note that this property has no effect for ImageBitmap. You need to configure on bitmap creation instead. See ImageBitmapLoader.
See Also
property format
format: AnyPixelFormat;
These define how elements of a 2D texture, or texels, are read by shaders.
CompressedPixelFormat expect the _values_ be THREE.CubeTextureMapping
See Also
property generateMipmaps
generateMipmaps: boolean;
Whether to generate mipmaps, _(if possible)_ for a texture.
Set this to false if you are creating mipmaps manually.
property id
readonly id: number;
Unique number for this Texture instance.
Expects a
property image
image: any;
An image object, typically created using the TextureLoader.load() method.
To use video as a Texture you need to have a playing HTML5 video element as a source for your Texture image and continuously update this Texture as long as video is playing - the VideoTexture class handles this automatically.
property internalFormat
internalFormat: PixelFormatGPU;
The GPU Pixel Format allows the developer to specify how the data is going to be stored on the GPU.
Compatible only with WebGL 2 Rendering Context.
See Also
property isRenderTargetTexture
isRenderTargetTexture: boolean;
Indicates whether a texture belongs to a render target or not
property isTexture
readonly isTexture: boolean;
Read-only flag to check if a given object is of type Texture.
This is a _constant_ value
property magFilter
magFilter: MagnificationTextureFilter;
How the Texture is sampled when a texel covers more than one pixel.
See Also
property mapping
mapping: AnyMapping;
How the image is applied to the object.
CubeTexture expect the _values_ be THREE.CubeTextureMapping
See Also
property matrix
matrix: Matrix3;
The uv-transform matrix for the texture.
When .matrixAutoUpdate property is
. This matrix may be set manually.See Also
property matrixAutoUpdate
matrixAutoUpdate: boolean;
property minFilter
minFilter: MinificationTextureFilter;
How the Texture is sampled when a texel covers less than one pixel.
See Also
property mipmaps
mipmaps: CubeTexture[] | CompressedTextureMipmap[] | HTMLCanvasElement[];
Array of user-specified mipmaps
property name
name: string;
Optional name of the object
_(doesn't need to be unique)_.
property offset
offset: Vector2;
How much a single repetition of the texture is offset from the beginning, in each direction **U** and **V**.
Typical range is
property onUpdate
onUpdate: () => void;
A callback function, called when the texture is updated _(e.g., when needsUpdate has been set to true and then the texture is used)_.
property pmremVersion
pmremVersion: number;
Indicates whether this texture should be processed by PMREMGenerator or not (only relevant for render target textures)
property premultiplyAlpha
premultiplyAlpha: boolean;
If set to
, the alpha channel, if present, is multiplied into the color channels when the texture is uploaded to the GPU.Remarks
Note that this property has no effect for ImageBitmap. You need to configure on bitmap creation instead. See ImageBitmapLoader.
See Also
property repeat
repeat: Vector2;
How many times the texture is repeated across the surface, in each direction **U** and **V**.
If repeat is set greater than
in either direction, the corresponding *Wrap* parameter should also be set to THREE.RepeatWrapping or THREE.MirroredRepeatWrapping to achieve the desired tiling effect.See Also
property rotation
rotation: number;
How much the texture is rotated around the center point, in radians.
Positive values are counter-clockwise.
property source
source: Source;
The data definition of a texture. A reference to the data source can be shared across textures. This is often useful in context of spritesheets where multiple textures render the same data but with different Texture transformations.
property type
type: TextureDataType;
This must correspond to the .format.
THREE.UnsignedByteType, is the type most used by Texture formats.
See Also
property unpackAlignment
unpackAlignment: number;
Specifies the alignment requirements for the start of each pixel row in memory.
The allowable values are: -
(byte-alignment) -2
(rows aligned to even-numbered bytes) -4
(word-alignment) -8
(rows start on double-word boundaries).See Also
glPixelStorei for more information.
property userData
userData: Record<string, any>;
An object that can be used to store custom data about the texture.
It should not hold references to functions as these will not be cloned.
property uuid
uuid: string;
UUID of this object instance.
This gets automatically assigned and shouldn't be edited.
property version
version: number;
This starts at
and counts how many times .needsUpdate is set totrue
Expects a
property wrapS
wrapS: Wrapping;
This defines how the Texture is wrapped *horizontally* and corresponds to **U** in UV mapping.
for **WEBGL1** - tiling of images in textures only functions if image dimensions are powers of two (2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, ...) in terms of pixels. Individual dimensions need not be equal, but each must be a power of two. This is a limitation of WebGL1, not three.js. **WEBGL2** does not have this limitation.
See Also
property wrapT
wrapT: Wrapping;
This defines how the Texture is wrapped *vertically* and corresponds to **V** in UV mapping.
for **WEBGL1** - tiling of images in textures only functions if image dimensions are powers of two (2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, ...) in terms of pixels. Individual dimensions need not be equal, but each must be a power of two. This is a limitation of WebGL1, not three.js. **WEBGL2** does not have this limitation.
See Also
method clone
clone: () => this;
Make copy of the texture
Besides, cloning a texture does not automatically mark it for a texture upload You have to set .needsUpdate to
as soon as it's image property (the data source) is fully loaded or ready.
method copy
copy: (source: Texture) => this;
method dispose
dispose: () => void;
Frees the GPU-related resources allocated by this instance
Call this method whenever this instance is no longer used in your app.
method toJSON
toJSON: (meta?: string | {}) => TextureJSON;
Convert the texture to three.js JSON Object/Scene format.
Parameter meta
Optional object containing metadata.
method transformUv
transformUv: (uv: Vector2) => Vector2;
method updateMatrix
updateMatrix: () => void;
class TextureLoader
class TextureLoader extends Loader<Texture> {}
Class for loading a texture. Unlike other loaders, this one emits events instead of using predefined callbacks. So if you're interested in getting notified when things happen, you need to add listeners to the object.
constructor(manager?: LoadingManager);
method load
load: ( url: string, onLoad?: (data: Texture) => void, onProgress?: (event: ProgressEvent) => void, onError?: (err: unknown) => void) => Texture;
class TorusGeometry
class TorusGeometry extends BufferGeometry {}
A class for generating torus geometries.
Example 1
const geometry = new THREE.TorusGeometry(10, 3, 16, 100);const material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({color: 0xffff00});const torus = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material);scene.add(torus);See Also
constructor( radius?: number, tube?: number, radialSegments?: number, tubularSegments?: number, arc?: number);
Create a new instance of TorusGeometry
Parameter radius
Radius of the torus, from the center of the torus to the center of the tube. Expects a
. Default1
.Parameter tube
Radius of the tube. Expects a
. Default0.4
.Parameter radialSegments
Expects a
.Default is12
.Parameter tubularSegments
Expects a
. Default48
.Parameter arc
Central angle. Expects a
. DefaultMath.PI * 2
property parameters
readonly parameters: { readonly radius: number; readonly tube: number; readonly radialSegments: number; readonly tubularSegments: number; readonly arc: number;};
An object with a property for each of the constructor parameters.
Any modification after instantiation does not change the geometry.
property type
override readonly type: string;
A Read-only _string_ to check if
object type.Remarks
Sub-classes will update this value.
class TorusKnotGeometry
class TorusKnotGeometry extends BufferGeometry {}
Creates a torus knot, the particular shape of which is defined by a pair of coprime integers, p and q If p and q are not coprime, the result will be a torus link.
Example 1
const geometry = new THREE.TorusKnotGeometry(10, 3, 100, 16);const material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({color: 0xffff00});const torusKnot = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material);scene.add(torusKnot);See Also
constructor( radius?: number, tube?: number, tubularSegments?: number, radialSegments?: number, p?: number, q?: number);
Create a new instance of TorusKnotGeometry
Parameter radius
Radius of the torus.. Default
.Parameter tube
Expects a
. Default0.4
.Parameter tubularSegments
Expects a
. Default64
.Parameter radialSegments
Expects a
. Default8
.Parameter p
This value determines, how many times the geometry winds around its axis of rotational symmetry. Expects a
. Default2
.Parameter q
This value determines, how many times the geometry winds around a circle in the interior of the torus. Expects a
. Default3
property parameters
readonly parameters: { readonly radius: number; readonly tube: number; readonly tubularSegments: number; readonly radialSegments: number; readonly p: number; readonly q: number;};
An object with a property for each of the constructor parameters.
Any modification after instantiation does not change the geometry.
property type
override readonly type: string;
A Read-only _string_ to check if
object type.Remarks
Sub-classes will update this value.
class Triangle
class Triangle {}
constructor(a?: Vector3, b?: Vector3, c?: Vector3);
property a
a: Vector3;
new THREE.Vector3()
property b
b: Vector3;
new THREE.Vector3()
property c
c: Vector3;
new THREE.Vector3()
method clone
clone: () => this;
method closestPointToPoint
closestPointToPoint: (point: Vector3, target: Vector3) => Vector3;
method containsPoint
static containsPoint: ( point: Vector3, a: Vector3, b: Vector3, c: Vector3) => boolean;
method copy
copy: (triangle: Triangle) => this;
method equals
equals: (triangle: Triangle) => boolean;
method getArea
getArea: () => number;
method getBarycoord
static getBarycoord: ( point: Vector3, a: Vector3, b: Vector3, c: Vector3, target: Vector3) => Vector3 | null;
method getInterpolatedAttribute
static getInterpolatedAttribute: { ( attr: BufferAttribute, i1: number, i2: number, i3: number, barycoord: Vector3, target: Vector2 ): Vector2; ( attr: BufferAttribute, i1: number, i2: number, i3: number, barycoord: Vector3, target: Vector3 ): Vector3; ( attr: BufferAttribute, i1: number, i2: number, i3: number, barycoord: Vector3, target: Vector4 ): Vector4;};
method getInterpolation
static getInterpolation: { ( point: Vector3, p1: Vector3, p2: Vector3, p3: Vector3, v1: Vector2, v2: Vector2, v3: Vector2, target: Vector2 ): Vector2 | null; ( point: Vector3, p1: Vector3, p2: Vector3, p3: Vector3, v1: Vector3, v2: Vector3, v3: Vector3, target: Vector3 ): Vector3; ( point: Vector3, p1: Vector3, p2: Vector3, p3: Vector3, v1: Vector4, v2: Vector4, v3: Vector4, target: Vector4 ): Vector4;};
method getMidpoint
getMidpoint: (target: Vector3) => Vector3;
method getNormal
static getNormal: ( a: Vector3, b: Vector3, c: Vector3, target: Vector3) => Vector3;
method getPlane
getPlane: (target: Plane) => Plane;
method intersectsBox
intersectsBox: (box: Box3) => boolean;
method isFrontFacing
static isFrontFacing: ( a: Vector3, b: Vector3, c: Vector3, direction: Vector3) => boolean;
method set
set: (a: Vector3, b: Vector3, c: Vector3) => Triangle;
method setFromAttributeAndIndices
setFromAttributeAndIndices: ( attribute: BufferAttribute | InterleavedBufferAttribute, i0: number, i1: number, i2: number) => this;
method setFromPointsAndIndices
setFromPointsAndIndices: ( points: Vector3[], i0: number, i1: number, i2: number) => this;
class TubeGeometry
class TubeGeometry extends BufferGeometry {}
Creates a tube that extrudes along a 3d curve.
Example 1
class CustomSinCurve extends THREE.Curve {constructor(scale = 1) {super();this.scale = scale;}getPoint(t, optionalTarget = new THREE.Vector3()) {const tx = t * 3 - 1.5;const ty = Math.sin(2 * Math.PI * t);const tz = 0;return optionalTarget.set(tx, ty, tz).multiplyScalar(this.scale);}}const path = new CustomSinCurve(10);const geometry = new THREE.TubeGeometry(path, 20, 2, 8, false);const material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({color: 0x00ff00});const mesh = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material);scene.add(mesh);See Also
constructor( path?: Curve<Vector3>, tubularSegments?: number, radius?: number, radialSegments?: number, closed?: boolean);
Create a new instance of TubeGeometry
Parameter path
A 3D path that inherits from the Curve base class. Default new THREE.QuadraticBezierCurve3(new Vector3(-1, -1, 0 ), new Vector3(-1, 1, 0), new Vector3(1, 1, 0)).
Parameter tubularSegments
The number of segments that make up the tube. Expects a
. Default64
.Parameter radius
The radius of the tube. Expects a
. Default1
.Parameter radialSegments
The number of segments that make up the cross-section. Expects a
. Default8
.Parameter closed
Is the tube open or closed. Default
property binormals
binormals: Vector3[];
An array of Vector3 binormals
property normals
normals: Vector3[];
An array of Vector3 normals
property parameters
readonly parameters: { readonly path: Curve<Vector3>; readonly tubularSegments: number; readonly radius: number; readonly radialSegments: number; readonly closed: boolean;};
An object with a property for each of the constructor parameters.
Any modification after instantiation does not change the geometry.
property tangents
tangents: Vector3[];
An array of Vector3 tangents
property type
override readonly type: string;
A Read-only _string_ to check if
object type.Remarks
Sub-classes will update this value.
class Uint16BufferAttribute
class Uint16BufferAttribute extends BufferAttribute {}
A BufferAttribute for TypedArray
See Also
BufferAttribute for details and for inherited methods and properties.
constructor( array: number | ArrayLike<number> | Iterable<number> | ArrayBuffer, itemSize: number, normalized?: boolean);
This creates a new Uint16BufferAttribute object.
Parameter array
This can be a typed or untyped (normal) array or an integer length. An array value will be converted to
. If a length is given a newTypedArray
will created, initialized with all elements set to zero.Parameter itemSize
the number of values of the array that should be associated with a particular vertex. For instance, if this attribute is storing a 3-component vector (such as a _position_, _normal_, or _color_), then itemSize should be
.Parameter normalized
Applies to integer data only. Indicates how the underlying data in the buffer maps to the values in the GLSL code. For instance, if array is an instance of
, and normalized is true, the values0
in the array data will be mapped to0.0f
in the GLSL attribute. AnInt16Array
(signed) would map from-32768
. If normalized is false, the values will be converted to floats unmodified, i.e.32767
. Defaultfalse
.See Also
class Uint32BufferAttribute
class Uint32BufferAttribute extends BufferAttribute {}
A BufferAttribute for TypedArray
See Also
BufferAttribute for details and for inherited methods and properties.
constructor( array: number | ArrayLike<number> | Iterable<number> | ArrayBuffer, itemSize: number, normalized?: boolean);
This creates a new Uint32BufferAttribute object.
Parameter array
This can be a typed or untyped (normal) array or an integer length. An array value will be converted to
. If a length is given a newTypedArray
will created, initialized with all elements set to zero.Parameter itemSize
the number of values of the array that should be associated with a particular vertex. For instance, if this attribute is storing a 3-component vector (such as a _position_, _normal_, or _color_), then itemSize should be
.Parameter normalized
Applies to integer data only. Indicates how the underlying data in the buffer maps to the values in the GLSL code. For instance, if array is an instance of
, and normalized is true, the values0
in the array data will be mapped to0.0f
in the GLSL attribute. AnInt16Array
(signed) would map from-32768
. If normalized is false, the values will be converted to floats unmodified, i.e.32767
. Defaultfalse
.See Also
class Uint8BufferAttribute
class Uint8BufferAttribute extends BufferAttribute {}
A BufferAttribute for TypedArray
See Also
BufferAttribute for details and for inherited methods and properties.
constructor( array: number | ArrayLike<number> | Iterable<number> | ArrayBuffer, itemSize: number, normalized?: boolean);
This creates a new Uint8BufferAttribute object.
Parameter array
This can be a typed or untyped (normal) array or an integer length. An array value will be converted to
. If a length is given a newTypedArray
will created, initialized with all elements set to zero.Parameter itemSize
the number of values of the array that should be associated with a particular vertex. For instance, if this attribute is storing a 3-component vector (such as a _position_, _normal_, or _color_), then itemSize should be
.Parameter normalized
Applies to integer data only. Indicates how the underlying data in the buffer maps to the values in the GLSL code. For instance, if array is an instance of
, and normalized is true, the values0
in the array data will be mapped to0.0f
in the GLSL attribute. AnInt16Array
(signed) would map from-32768
. If normalized is false, the values will be converted to floats unmodified, i.e.32767
. Defaultfalse
.See Also
class Uint8ClampedBufferAttribute
class Uint8ClampedBufferAttribute extends BufferAttribute {}
A BufferAttribute for TypedArray
See Also
BufferAttribute for details and for inherited methods and properties.
constructor( array: number | ArrayLike<number> | Iterable<number> | ArrayBuffer, itemSize: number, normalized?: boolean);
This creates a new Uint8ClampedBufferAttribute object.
Parameter array
This can be a typed or untyped (normal) array or an integer length. An array value will be converted to
. If a length is given a newTypedArray
will created, initialized with all elements set to zero.Parameter itemSize
the number of values of the array that should be associated with a particular vertex. For instance, if this attribute is storing a 3-component vector (such as a _position_, _normal_, or _color_), then itemSize should be
.Parameter normalized
Applies to integer data only. Indicates how the underlying data in the buffer maps to the values in the GLSL code. For instance, if array is an instance of
, and normalized is true, the values0
in the array data will be mapped to0.0f
in the GLSL attribute. AnInt16Array
(signed) would map from-32768
. If normalized is false, the values will be converted to floats unmodified, i.e.32767
. Defaultfalse
.See Also
class Uniform
class Uniform<T = any> {}
Uniforms are global GLSL variables. They are passed to shader programs.
Example 1
When declaring a uniform of a ShaderMaterial, it is declared by value or by object.
uniforms: {time: {value: 1.0},resolution: new Uniform(new Vector2())};See Also
constructor(value: {});
Create a new instance of Uniform
Parameter value
An object containing the value to set up the uniform. It's type must be one of the Uniform Types described above.
property value
value: {};
Current value of the uniform.
method clone
clone: () => Uniform<T>;
class UniformsGroup
class UniformsGroup extends EventDispatcher<{ dispose: {} }> {}
See Also
Example: WebGL2 / UBO
property id
id: number;
property isUniformsGroup
readonly isUniformsGroup: boolean;
property uniforms
uniforms: (Uniform<any> | Uniform<any>[])[];
property usage
usage: Usage;
method add
add: (uniform: Uniform | Uniform[]) => this;
method clone
clone: () => UniformsGroup;
method copy
copy: (source: UniformsGroup) => this;
method dispose
dispose: () => this;
method remove
remove: (uniform: Uniform | Uniform[]) => this;
method setName
setName: (name: string) => this;
method setUsage
setUsage: (value: Usage) => this;
class Vector2
class Vector2 {}
2D vector.
constructor(x?: number, y?: number);
property height
height: number;
property isVector2
readonly isVector2: boolean;
property width
width: number;
property x
x: number;
property y
y: number;
method [Symbol.iterator]
[Symbol.iterator]: () => Iterator<number>;
Iterating through a Vector2 instance will yield its components (x, y) in the corresponding order.
method add
add: (v: Vector2Like) => this;
Adds v to this vector.
method addScalar
addScalar: (s: number) => this;
Adds the scalar value s to this vector's x and y values.
method addScaledVector
addScaledVector: (v: Vector2Like, s: number) => this;
Adds the multiple of v and s to this vector.
method addVectors
addVectors: (a: Vector2Like, b: Vector2Like) => this;
Sets this vector to a + b.
method angle
angle: () => number;
computes the angle in radians with respect to the positive x-axis
method angleTo
angleTo: (v: Vector2) => number;
Returns the angle between this vector and vector v in radians.
method applyMatrix3
applyMatrix3: (m: Matrix3) => this;
Multiplies this vector (with an implicit 1 as the 3rd component) by m.
method ceil
ceil: () => this;
The x and y components of the vector are rounded up to the nearest integer value.
method clamp
clamp: (min: Vector2Like, max: Vector2Like) => this;
If this vector's x or y value is greater than the max vector's x or y value, it is replaced by the corresponding value. If this vector's x or y value is less than the min vector's x or y value, it is replaced by the corresponding value.
Parameter min
the minimum x and y values.
Parameter max
the maximum x and y values in the desired range.
method clampLength
clampLength: (min: number, max: number) => this;
If this vector's length is greater than the max value, it is replaced by the max value. If this vector's length is less than the min value, it is replaced by the min value.
Parameter min
the minimum value the length will be clamped to.
Parameter max
the maximum value the length will be clamped to.
method clampScalar
clampScalar: (min: number, max: number) => this;
If this vector's x or y values are greater than the max value, they are replaced by the max value. If this vector's x or y values are less than the min value, they are replaced by the min value.
Parameter min
the minimum value the components will be clamped to.
Parameter max
the maximum value the components will be clamped to.
method clone
clone: () => this;
Returns a new Vector2 instance with the same
method copy
copy: (v: Vector2Like) => this;
Copies value of v to this vector.
method cross
cross: (v: Vector2Like) => number;
Computes cross product of this vector and v.
method distanceTo
distanceTo: (v: Vector2Like) => number;
Computes distance of this vector to v.
method distanceToSquared
distanceToSquared: (v: Vector2Like) => number;
Computes squared distance of this vector to v.
method divide
divide: (v: Vector2Like) => this;
Divides this vector by v.
method divideScalar
divideScalar: (s: number) => this;
Divides this vector by scalar s. Set vector to ( 0, 0 ) if s == 0.
method dot
dot: (v: Vector2Like) => number;
Computes dot product of this vector and v.
method equals
equals: (v: Vector2Like) => boolean;
Checks for strict equality of this vector and v.
method floor
floor: () => this;
The components of the vector are rounded down to the nearest integer value.
method fromArray
fromArray: (array: number[] | ArrayLike<number>, offset?: number) => this;
Sets this vector's x and y value from the provided array or array-like.
Parameter array
the source array or array-like.
Parameter offset
(optional) offset into the array. Default is 0.
method fromBufferAttribute
fromBufferAttribute: (attribute: BufferAttribute, index: number) => this;
Sets this vector's x and y values from the attribute.
Parameter attribute
the source attribute.
Parameter index
index in the attribute.
method getComponent
getComponent: (index: number) => number;
Gets a component of this vector.
method length
length: () => number;
Computes length of this vector.
method lengthSq
lengthSq: () => number;
Computes squared length of this vector.
method lerp
lerp: (v: Vector2Like, alpha: number) => this;
Linearly interpolates between this vector and v, where alpha is the distance along the line - alpha = 0 will be this vector, and alpha = 1 will be v.
Parameter v
vector to interpolate towards.
Parameter alpha
interpolation factor in the closed interval [0, 1].
method lerpVectors
lerpVectors: (v1: Vector2Like, v2: Vector2Like, alpha: number) => this;
Sets this vector to be the vector linearly interpolated between v1 and v2 where alpha is the distance along the line connecting the two vectors - alpha = 0 will be v1, and alpha = 1 will be v2.
Parameter v1
the starting vector.
Parameter v2
vector to interpolate towards.
Parameter alpha
interpolation factor in the closed interval [0, 1].
method manhattanDistanceTo
manhattanDistanceTo: (v: Vector2Like) => number;
Computes the Manhattan length (distance) from this vector to the given vector v
method manhattanLength
manhattanLength: () => number;
Computes the Manhattan length of this vector.
method max
max: (v: Vector2Like) => this;
If this vector's x or y value is less than v's x or y value, replace that value with the corresponding max value.
method min
min: (v: Vector2Like) => this;
If this vector's x or y value is greater than v's x or y value, replace that value with the corresponding min value.
method multiply
multiply: (v: Vector2Like) => this;
Multiplies this vector by v.
method multiplyScalar
multiplyScalar: (scalar: number) => this;
Multiplies this vector by scalar s.
method negate
negate: () => this;
Inverts this vector.
method normalize
normalize: () => this;
Normalizes this vector.
method random
random: () => this;
Sets this vector's x and y from Math.random
method rotateAround
rotateAround: (center: Vector2Like, angle: number) => this;
Rotates the vector around center by angle radians.
Parameter center
the point around which to rotate.
Parameter angle
the angle to rotate, in radians.
method round
round: () => this;
The components of the vector are rounded to the nearest integer value.
method roundToZero
roundToZero: () => this;
The components of the vector are rounded towards zero (up if negative, down if positive) to an integer value.
method set
set: (x: number, y: number) => this;
Sets value of this vector.
method setComponent
setComponent: (index: number, value: number) => this;
Sets a component of this vector.
method setLength
setLength: (length: number) => this;
Normalizes this vector and multiplies it by l.
method setScalar
setScalar: (scalar: number) => this;
Sets the x and y values of this vector both equal to scalar.
method setX
setX: (x: number) => this;
Sets X component of this vector.
method setY
setY: (y: number) => this;
Sets Y component of this vector.
method sub
sub: (v: Vector2Like) => this;
Subtracts v from this vector.
method subScalar
subScalar: (s: number) => this;
Subtracts s from this vector's x and y components.
method subVectors
subVectors: (a: Vector2Like, b: Vector2Like) => this;
Sets this vector to a - b.
method toArray
toArray: { (array?: number[], offset?: number): number[]; (array?: Vector2Tuple, offset?: 0): Vector2Tuple; (array: ArrayLike<number>, offset?: number): ArrayLike<number>;};
Returns an array [x, y], or copies x and y into the provided array.
Parameter array
(optional) array to store the vector to. If this is not provided, a new array will be created.
Parameter offset
(optional) optional offset into the array. The created or provided array.
Copies x and y into the provided array-like.
Parameter array
array-like to store the vector to.
Parameter offset
(optional) optional offset into the array. The provided array-like.
class Vector3
class Vector3 {}
3D vector.
see https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/blob/master/src/math/Vector3.js
Example 1
const a = new THREE.Vector3( 1, 0, 0 ); const b = new THREE.Vector3( 0, 1, 0 ); const c = new THREE.Vector3(); c.crossVectors( a, b );
constructor(x?: number, y?: number, z?: number);
property isVector3
readonly isVector3: boolean;
property x
x: number;
property y
y: number;
property z
z: number;
method [Symbol.iterator]
[Symbol.iterator]: () => Iterator<number>;
Iterating through a Vector3 instance will yield its components (x, y, z) in the corresponding order.
method add
add: (v: Vector3Like) => this;
Adds v to this vector.
method addScalar
addScalar: (s: number) => this;
method addScaledVector
addScaledVector: (v: Vector3, s: number) => this;
method addVectors
addVectors: (a: Vector3Like, b: Vector3Like) => this;
Sets this vector to a + b.
method angleTo
angleTo: (v: Vector3) => number;
method applyAxisAngle
applyAxisAngle: (axis: Vector3, angle: number) => this;
method applyEuler
applyEuler: (euler: Euler) => this;
method applyMatrix3
applyMatrix3: (m: Matrix3) => this;
method applyMatrix4
applyMatrix4: (m: Matrix4) => this;
method applyNormalMatrix
applyNormalMatrix: (m: Matrix3) => this;
method applyQuaternion
applyQuaternion: (q: QuaternionLike) => this;
method ceil
ceil: () => this;
method clamp
clamp: (min: Vector3Like, max: Vector3Like) => this;
method clampLength
clampLength: (min: number, max: number) => this;
method clampScalar
clampScalar: (min: number, max: number) => this;
method clone
clone: () => this;
Clones this vector.
method copy
copy: (v: Vector3Like) => this;
Copies value of v to this vector.
method cross
cross: (a: Vector3Like) => this;
Sets this vector to cross product of itself and v.
method crossVectors
crossVectors: (a: Vector3Like, b: Vector3Like) => this;
Sets this vector to cross product of a and b.
method distanceTo
distanceTo: (v: Vector3Like) => number;
Computes distance of this vector to v.
method distanceToSquared
distanceToSquared: (v: Vector3Like) => number;
Computes squared distance of this vector to v.
method divide
divide: (v: Vector3Like) => this;
method divideScalar
divideScalar: (s: number) => this;
Divides this vector by scalar s. Set vector to ( 0, 0, 0 ) if s == 0.
method dot
dot: (v: Vector3Like) => number;
Computes dot product of this vector and v.
method equals
equals: (v: Vector3Like) => boolean;
Checks for strict equality of this vector and v.
method floor
floor: () => this;
method fromArray
fromArray: (array: number[] | ArrayLike<number>, offset?: number) => this;
Sets this vector's x, y and z value from the provided array or array-like.
Parameter array
the source array or array-like.
Parameter offset
(optional) offset into the array. Default is 0.
method fromBufferAttribute
fromBufferAttribute: ( attribute: BufferAttribute | InterleavedBufferAttribute, index: number) => this;
method getComponent
getComponent: (index: number) => number;
method length
length: () => number;
Computes length of this vector.
method lengthSq
lengthSq: () => number;
Computes squared length of this vector.
method lerp
lerp: (v: Vector3Like, alpha: number) => this;
method lerpVectors
lerpVectors: (v1: Vector3Like, v2: Vector3Like, alpha: number) => this;
method manhattanDistanceTo
manhattanDistanceTo: (v: Vector3Like) => number;
Computes the Manhattan length (distance) from this vector to the given vector v
method manhattanLength
manhattanLength: () => number;
Computes the Manhattan length of this vector.
method max
max: (v: Vector3Like) => this;
method min
min: (v: Vector3Like) => this;
method multiply
multiply: (v: Vector3Like) => this;
method multiplyScalar
multiplyScalar: (s: number) => this;
Multiplies this vector by scalar s.
method multiplyVectors
multiplyVectors: (a: Vector3Like, b: Vector3Like) => this;
method negate
negate: () => this;
Inverts this vector.
method normalize
normalize: () => this;
Normalizes this vector.
method project
project: (camera: Camera) => this;
method projectOnPlane
projectOnPlane: (planeNormal: Vector3) => this;
method projectOnVector
projectOnVector: (v: Vector3) => this;
method random
random: () => this;
Sets this vector's x, y and z from Math.random
method randomDirection
randomDirection: () => this;
method reflect
reflect: (vector: Vector3Like) => this;
method round
round: () => this;
method roundToZero
roundToZero: () => this;
method set
set: (x: number, y: number, z: number) => this;
Sets value of this vector.
method setComponent
setComponent: (index: number, value: number) => this;
method setFromColor
setFromColor: (color: RGB) => this;
method setFromCylindrical
setFromCylindrical: (s: Cylindrical) => this;
method setFromCylindricalCoords
setFromCylindricalCoords: (radius: number, theta: number, y: number) => this;
method setFromEuler
setFromEuler: (e: Euler) => this;
method setFromMatrix3Column
setFromMatrix3Column: (matrix: Matrix3, index: number) => this;
method setFromMatrixColumn
setFromMatrixColumn: (matrix: Matrix4, index: number) => this;
method setFromMatrixPosition
setFromMatrixPosition: (m: Matrix4) => this;
method setFromMatrixScale
setFromMatrixScale: (m: Matrix4) => this;
method setFromSpherical
setFromSpherical: (s: Spherical) => this;
method setFromSphericalCoords
setFromSphericalCoords: (r: number, phi: number, theta: number) => this;
method setLength
setLength: (l: number) => this;
Normalizes this vector and multiplies it by l.
method setScalar
setScalar: (scalar: number) => this;
Sets all values of this vector.
method setX
setX: (x: number) => this;
Sets x value of this vector.
method setY
setY: (y: number) => this;
Sets y value of this vector.
method setZ
setZ: (z: number) => this;
Sets z value of this vector.
method sub
sub: (a: Vector3Like) => this;
Subtracts v from this vector.
method subScalar
subScalar: (s: number) => this;
method subVectors
subVectors: (a: Vector3Like, b: Vector3Like) => this;
Sets this vector to a - b.
method toArray
toArray: { (array?: number[], offset?: number): number[]; (array?: Vector3Tuple, offset?: 0): Vector3Tuple; (array: ArrayLike<number>, offset?: number): ArrayLike<number>;};
Returns an array [x, y, z], or copies x, y and z into the provided array.
Parameter array
(optional) array to store the vector to. If this is not provided, a new array will be created.
Parameter offset
(optional) optional offset into the array. The created or provided array.
Copies x, y and z into the provided array-like.
Parameter array
array-like to store the vector to.
Parameter offset
(optional) optional offset into the array-like. The provided array-like.
method transformDirection
transformDirection: (m: Matrix4) => this;
method unproject
unproject: (camera: Camera) => this;
class Vector4
class Vector4 {}
4D vector.
constructor(x?: number, y?: number, z?: number, w?: number);
property height
height: number;
property isVector4
readonly isVector4: boolean;
property w
w: number;
property width
width: number;
property x
x: number;
property y
y: number;
property z
z: number;
method [Symbol.iterator]
[Symbol.iterator]: () => Iterator<number>;
Iterating through a Vector4 instance will yield its components (x, y, z, w) in the corresponding order.
method add
add: (v: Vector4Like) => this;
Adds v to this vector.
method addScalar
addScalar: (scalar: number) => this;
method addScaledVector
addScaledVector: (v: Vector4Like, s: number) => this;
method addVectors
addVectors: (a: Vector4Like, b: Vector4Like) => this;
Sets this vector to a + b.
method applyMatrix4
applyMatrix4: (m: Matrix4) => this;
method ceil
ceil: () => this;
method clamp
clamp: (min: Vector4Like, max: Vector4Like) => this;
method clampScalar
clampScalar: (min: number, max: number) => this;
method clone
clone: () => this;
Clones this vector.
method copy
copy: (v: Vector4Like) => this;
Copies value of v to this vector.
method divide
divide: (v: Vector4Like) => this;
method divideScalar
divideScalar: (s: number) => this;
Divides this vector by scalar s. Set vector to ( 0, 0, 0 ) if s == 0.
method dot
dot: (v: Vector4Like) => number;
Computes dot product of this vector and v.
method equals
equals: (v: Vector4Like) => boolean;
Checks for strict equality of this vector and v.
method floor
floor: () => this;
method fromArray
fromArray: (array: number[] | ArrayLike<number>, offset?: number) => this;
Sets this vector's x, y, z and w value from the provided array or array-like.
Parameter array
the source array or array-like.
Parameter offset
(optional) offset into the array. Default is 0.
method fromBufferAttribute
fromBufferAttribute: (attribute: BufferAttribute, index: number) => this;
method getComponent
getComponent: (index: number) => number;
method length
length: () => number;
Computes length of this vector.
method lengthSq
lengthSq: () => number;
Computes squared length of this vector.
method lerp
lerp: (v: Vector4Like, alpha: number) => this;
Linearly interpolate between this vector and v with alpha factor.
method lerpVectors
lerpVectors: (v1: Vector4Like, v2: Vector4Like, alpha: number) => this;
method manhattanLength
manhattanLength: () => number;
Computes the Manhattan length of this vector.
method max
max: (v: Vector4Like) => this;
method min
min: (v: Vector4Like) => this;
method multiply
multiply: (v: Vector4Like) => this;
method multiplyScalar
multiplyScalar: (s: number) => this;
Multiplies this vector by scalar s.
method negate
negate: () => this;
Inverts this vector.
method normalize
normalize: () => this;
Normalizes this vector.
method random
random: () => this;
Sets this vector's x, y, z and w from Math.random
method round
round: () => this;
method roundToZero
roundToZero: () => this;
method set
set: (x: number, y: number, z: number, w: number) => this;
Sets value of this vector.
method setAxisAngleFromQuaternion
setAxisAngleFromQuaternion: (q: QuaternionLike) => this;
Parameter q
is assumed to be normalized
method setAxisAngleFromRotationMatrix
setAxisAngleFromRotationMatrix: (m: Matrix4) => this;
Parameter m
assumes the upper 3x3 of m is a pure rotation matrix (i.e, unscaled)
method setComponent
setComponent: (index: number, value: number) => this;
method setFromMatrixPosition
setFromMatrixPosition: (m: Matrix4) => this;
Sets this vector to the position elements of the [transformation matrix]https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transformation_matrix m.
method setLength
setLength: (length: number) => this;
Normalizes this vector and multiplies it by l.
method setScalar
setScalar: (scalar: number) => this;
Sets all values of this vector.
method setW
setW: (w: number) => this;
Sets w component of this vector.
method setX
setX: (x: number) => this;
Sets X component of this vector.
method setY
setY: (y: number) => this;
Sets Y component of this vector.
method setZ
setZ: (z: number) => this;
Sets Z component of this vector.
method sub
sub: (v: Vector4Like) => this;
Subtracts v from this vector.
method subScalar
subScalar: (s: number) => this;
method subVectors
subVectors: (a: Vector4Like, b: Vector4Like) => this;
Sets this vector to a - b.
method toArray
toArray: { (array?: number[], offset?: number): number[]; (array?: Vector4Tuple, offset?: 0): Vector4Tuple; (array: ArrayLike<number>, offset?: number): ArrayLike<number>;};
Returns an array [x, y, z, w], or copies x, y, z and w into the provided array.
Parameter array
(optional) array to store the vector to. If this is not provided, a new array will be created.
Parameter offset
(optional) optional offset into the array. The created or provided array.
Copies x, y, z and w into the provided array-like.
Parameter array
array-like to store the vector to.
Parameter offset
(optional) optional offset into the array-like. The provided array-like.
class VectorKeyframeTrack
class VectorKeyframeTrack extends KeyframeTrack {}
constructor( name: string, times: ArrayLike<number>, values: ArrayLike<number>, interpolation?: InterpolationModes);
property ValueTypeName
ValueTypeName: string;
class VideoTexture
class VideoTexture extends Texture {}
Creates a texture for use with a video.
Note: After the initial use of a texture, the video cannot be changed Instead, call .dispose() on the texture and instantiate a new one.
Example 1
// assuming you have created a HTML video element with id="video"const video = document.getElementById('video');const texture = new THREE.VideoTexture(video);See Also
Example: materials / video
Example: materials / video / webcam
Example: video / kinect
Example: video / panorama / equirectangular
Example: vr / video
constructor( video: HTMLVideoElement, mapping?: Mapping, wrapS?: Wrapping, wrapT?: Wrapping, magFilter?: MagnificationTextureFilter, minFilter?: MinificationTextureFilter, format?: PixelFormat, type?: TextureDataType, anisotropy?: number);
Create a new instance of VideoTexture
Parameter video
The video element to use as the texture.
Parameter mapping
See .mapping. Default THREE.Texture.DEFAULT_MAPPING
Parameter wrapS
See .wrapS. Default THREE.ClampToEdgeWrapping
Parameter wrapT
See .wrapT. Default THREE.ClampToEdgeWrapping
Parameter magFilter
See .magFilter. Default THREE.LinearFilter
Parameter minFilter
See .minFilter. Default THREE.LinearFilter
Parameter format
See .format. Default THREE.RGBAFormat
Parameter type
See . Default THREE.UnsignedByteType
Parameter anisotropy
See .anisotropy. Default THREE.Texture.DEFAULT_ANISOTROPY
property generateMipmaps
generateMipmaps: boolean;
property isVideoTexture
readonly isVideoTexture: boolean;
Read-only flag to check if a given object is of type VideoTexture.
This is a _constant_ value
property magFilter
magFilter: MagnificationTextureFilter;
property minFilter
minFilter: MinificationTextureFilter;
method update
update: () => void;
This is called automatically and sets .needsUpdate to
every time a new frame is available.
class WebGL3DRenderTarget
class WebGL3DRenderTarget extends WebGLRenderTarget {}
Represents a three-dimensional render target.
constructor( width?: number, height?: number, depth?: number, options?: RenderTargetOptions);
Creates a new WebGL3DRenderTarget.
Parameter width
the width of the render target, in pixels. Default is
.Parameter height
the height of the render target, in pixels. Default is
.Parameter depth
the depth of the render target. Default is
.Parameter options
optional object that holds texture parameters for an auto-generated target texture and depthBuffer/stencilBuffer booleans. See WebGLRenderTarget for details.
property isWebGL3DRenderTarget
readonly isWebGL3DRenderTarget: boolean;
property texture
texture: Data3DTexture;
The texture property is overwritten with an instance of Data3DTexture.
property textures
textures: Data3DTexture[];
class WebGLArrayRenderTarget
class WebGLArrayRenderTarget extends WebGLRenderTarget {}
This type of render target represents an array of textures.
constructor( width?: number, height?: number, depth?: number, options?: RenderTargetOptions);
Creates a new WebGLArrayRenderTarget.
Parameter width
the width of the render target, in pixels. Default is
.Parameter height
the height of the render target, in pixels. Default is
.Parameter depth
the depth/layer count of the render target. Default is
.Parameter options
optional object that holds texture parameters for an auto-generated target texture and depthBuffer/stencilBuffer booleans. See WebGLRenderTarget for details.
property isWebGLArrayRenderTarget
readonly isWebGLArrayRenderTarget: boolean;
property texture
texture: DataArrayTexture;
The texture property is overwritten with an instance of DataArrayTexture.
property textures
textures: DataArrayTexture[];
class WebGLAttributes
class WebGLAttributes {}
constructor(gl: WebGLRenderingContext | WebGL2RenderingContext);
method get
get: ( attribute: BufferAttribute | InterleavedBufferAttribute | GLBufferAttribute) => | { buffer: WebGLBuffer; type: number; bytesPerElement: number; version: number; size: number; } | undefined;
method remove
remove: ( attribute: BufferAttribute | InterleavedBufferAttribute | GLBufferAttribute) => void;
method update
update: ( attribute: BufferAttribute | InterleavedBufferAttribute | GLBufferAttribute, bufferType: number) => void;
class WebGLBindingStates
class WebGLBindingStates {}
constructor(gl: WebGLRenderingContext, attributes: WebGLAttributes);
method disableUnusedAttributes
disableUnusedAttributes: () => void;
method dispose
dispose: () => void;
method enableAttribute
enableAttribute: (attribute: number) => void;
method initAttributes
initAttributes: () => void;
method releaseStatesOfGeometry
releaseStatesOfGeometry: () => void;
method releaseStatesOfProgram
releaseStatesOfProgram: () => void;
method reset
reset: () => void;
method resetDefaultState
resetDefaultState: () => void;
method setup
setup: ( object: Object3D, material: Material, program: WebGLProgram, geometry: BufferGeometry, index: BufferAttribute) => void;
class WebGLBufferRenderer
class WebGLBufferRenderer {}
constructor( gl: WebGLRenderingContext, extensions: WebGLExtensions, info: WebGLInfo);
property render
render: (start: any, count: number) => void;
property renderInstances
renderInstances: (start: any, count: number, primcount: number) => void;
property renderMultiDraw
renderMultiDraw: ( starts: Int32Array, counts: Int32Array, drawCount: number) => void;
property renderMultiDrawInstances
renderMultiDrawInstances: ( starts: Int32Array, counts: Int32Array, drawCount: number, primcount: Int32Array) => void;
property setMode
setMode: (value: any) => void;
class WebGLCapabilities
class WebGLCapabilities {}
constructor( gl: WebGLRenderingContext, extensions: any, parameters: WebGLCapabilitiesParameters);
property getMaxAnisotropy
getMaxAnisotropy: () => number;
property getMaxPrecision
getMaxPrecision: (precision: string) => string;
property isWebGL2
readonly isWebGL2: boolean;
property logarithmicDepthBuffer
logarithmicDepthBuffer: boolean;
property maxAttributes
maxAttributes: number;
property maxCubemapSize
maxCubemapSize: number;
property maxFragmentUniforms
maxFragmentUniforms: number;
property maxSamples
maxSamples: number;
property maxTextures
maxTextures: number;
property maxTextureSize
maxTextureSize: number;
property maxVaryings
maxVaryings: number;
property maxVertexTextures
maxVertexTextures: number;
property maxVertexUniforms
maxVertexUniforms: number;
property precision
precision: string;
property reverseDepthBuffer
reverseDepthBuffer: boolean;
property textureFormatReadable
textureFormatReadable: (textureFormat: PixelFormat) => boolean;
property textureTypeReadable
textureTypeReadable: (textureType: TextureDataType) => boolean;
property vertexTextures
vertexTextures: boolean;
class WebGLClipping
class WebGLClipping {}
constructor(properties: WebGLProperties);
property numIntersection
numIntersection: number;
property numPlanes
numPlanes: number;
property uniform
uniform: { value: any; needsUpdate: boolean };
method beginShadows
beginShadows: () => void;
method endShadows
endShadows: () => void;
method init
init: (planes: any[], enableLocalClipping: boolean) => boolean;
method setGlobalState
setGlobalState: (planes: Plane[], camera: Camera) => void;
method setState
setState: (material: Material, camera: Camera, useCache: boolean) => void;
class WebGLCubeMaps
class WebGLCubeMaps {}
constructor(renderer: WebGLRenderer);
method dispose
dispose: () => void;
method get
get: (texture: any) => any;
class WebGLCubeRenderTarget
class WebGLCubeRenderTarget extends WebGLRenderTarget {}
constructor(size?: number, options?: RenderTargetOptions);
property texture
texture: CubeTexture;
property textures
textures: CubeTexture[];
method clear
clear: ( renderer: WebGLRenderer, color: boolean, depth: boolean, stencil: boolean) => void;
method fromEquirectangularTexture
fromEquirectangularTexture: (renderer: WebGLRenderer, texture: Texture) => this;
class WebGLCubeUVMaps
class WebGLCubeUVMaps {}
constructor(renderer: WebGLRenderer);
method dispose
dispose: () => void;
method get
get: <T>(texture: T) => T extends Texture ? Texture : T;
class WebGLExtensions
class WebGLExtensions {}
constructor(gl: WebGLRenderingContext);
method get
get: (name: string) => any;
method has
has: (name: string) => boolean;
method init
init: () => void;
class WebGLGeometries
class WebGLGeometries {}
constructor( gl: WebGLRenderingContext, attributes: WebGLAttributes, info: WebGLInfo);
method get
get: (object: Object3D, geometry: BufferGeometry) => BufferGeometry;
method getWireframeAttribute
getWireframeAttribute: (geometry: BufferGeometry) => BufferAttribute;
method update
update: (geometry: BufferGeometry) => void;
class WebGLIndexedBufferRenderer
class WebGLIndexedBufferRenderer {}
constructor(gl: WebGLRenderingContext, extensions: any, info: any);
property render
render: (start: any, count: number) => void;
property renderInstances
renderInstances: (start: any, count: number, primcount: number) => void;
property renderMultiDraw
renderMultiDraw: ( starts: Int32Array, counts: Int32Array, drawCount: number) => void;
property renderMultiDrawInstances
renderMultiDrawInstances: ( starts: Int32Array, counts: Int32Array, drawCount: number, primcount: Int32Array) => void;
property setIndex
setIndex: (index: any) => void;
property setMode
setMode: (value: any) => void;
class WebGLInfo
class WebGLInfo {}
An object with a series of statistical information about the graphics board memory and the rendering process.
constructor(gl: WebGLRenderingContext);
property autoReset
autoReset: boolean;
property memory
memory: { geometries: number; textures: number };
{ geometries: 0, textures: 0 }
property programs
programs: WebGLProgram[];
property render
render: { calls: number; frame: number; lines: number; points: number; triangles: number;};
{ frame: 0, calls: 0, triangles: 0, points: 0, lines: 0 }
method reset
reset: () => void;
method update
update: (count: number, mode: number, instanceCount: number) => void;
class WebGLLights
class WebGLLights {}
constructor(extensions: WebGLExtensions);
property state
state: WebGLLightsState;
method get
get: (light: any) => any;
method setup
setup: (lights: any) => void;
method setupView
setupView: (lights: any, camera: any) => void;
class WebGLMultipleRenderTargets
class WebGLMultipleRenderTargets extends WebGLRenderTarget<Texture[]> {}
THREE.WebGLMultipleRenderTargets has been deprecated and will be removed in r172. Use THREE.WebGLRenderTarget and set the "count" parameter to enable MRT.
constructor( width?: number, height?: number, count?: number, options?: RenderTargetOptions);
Parameter width
The width of the render target.
Parameter height
The height of the render target.
Parameter count
The number of render targets.
Parameter options
object that holds texture parameters for an auto-generated target texture and depthBuffer/stencilBuffer booleans. For an explanation of the texture parameters see Texture.
THREE.WebGLMultipleRenderTargets has been deprecated and will be removed in r172. Use THREE.WebGLRenderTarget and set the "count" parameter to enable MRT.
property isWebGLMultipleRenderTargets
readonly isWebGLMultipleRenderTargets: boolean;
class WebGLObjects
class WebGLObjects {}
constructor( gl: WebGLRenderingContext, geometries: any, attributes: any, info: any);
method dispose
dispose: () => void;
method update
update: (object: any) => any;
class WebGLProgram
class WebGLProgram {}
constructor(renderer: WebGLRenderer, cacheKey: string, parameters: {});
property attributes
attributes: any;
Use instead.
property cacheKey
cacheKey: string;
property fragmentShader
fragmentShader: WebGLShader;
property id
id: number;
property name
name: string;
property program
program: any;
property uniforms
uniforms: any;
Use instead.
property usedTimes
usedTimes: number;
property vertexShader
vertexShader: WebGLShader;
method destroy
destroy: () => void;
method getAttributes
getAttributes: () => any;
method getUniforms
getUniforms: () => WebGLUniforms;
class WebGLPrograms
class WebGLPrograms {}
constructor( renderer: WebGLRenderer, cubemaps: WebGLCubeMaps, extensions: WebGLExtensions, capabilities: WebGLCapabilities, bindingStates: WebGLBindingStates, clipping: WebGLClipping);
property programs
programs: WebGLProgram[];
method acquireProgram
acquireProgram: ( parameters: WebGLProgramParametersWithUniforms, cacheKey: string) => WebGLProgram;
method getParameters
getParameters: ( material: Material, lights: WebGLLightsState, shadows: Light[], scene: Scene, object: Object3D) => WebGLProgramParameters;
method getProgramCacheKey
getProgramCacheKey: (parameters: WebGLProgramParameters) => string;
method getUniforms
getUniforms: (material: Material) => { [uniform: string]: IUniform<any> };
method releaseProgram
releaseProgram: (program: WebGLProgram) => void;
class WebGLProperties
class WebGLProperties {}
class WebGLRenderer
class WebGLRenderer implements Renderer {}
The WebGL renderer displays your beautifully crafted scenes using WebGL, if your device supports it. This renderer has way better performance than CanvasRenderer.
constructor(parameters?: WebGLRendererParameters);
parameters is an optional object with properties defining the renderer's behavior. The constructor also accepts no parameters at all. In all cases, it will assume sane defaults when parameters are missing.
property autoClear
autoClear: boolean;
Defines whether the renderer should automatically clear its output before rendering. true
property autoClearColor
autoClearColor: boolean;
If autoClear is true, defines whether the renderer should clear the color buffer. Default is true. true
property autoClearDepth
autoClearDepth: boolean;
If autoClear is true, defines whether the renderer should clear the depth buffer. Default is true. true
property autoClearStencil
autoClearStencil: boolean;
If autoClear is true, defines whether the renderer should clear the stencil buffer. Default is true. true
property capabilities
capabilities: WebGLCapabilities;
property clippingPlanes
clippingPlanes: Plane[];
property compile
compile: ( scene: Object3D, camera: Camera, targetScene?: Scene | null) => Set<Material>;
Compiles all materials in the scene with the camera. This is useful to precompile shaders before the first rendering. If you want to add a 3D object to an existing scene, use the third optional parameter for applying the target scene. Note that the (target) scene's lighting should be configured before calling this method.
property compileAsync
compileAsync: ( scene: Object3D, camera: Camera, targetScene?: Scene | null) => Promise<Object3D>;
Asynchronous version of compile(). The method returns a Promise that resolves when the given scene can be rendered without unnecessary stalling due to shader compilation. This method makes use of the KHR_parallel_shader_compile WebGL extension.
property coordinateSystem
readonly coordinateSystem: number;
property debug
debug: WebGLDebug;
Debug configurations. { checkShaderErrors: true }
property domElement
domElement: HTMLCanvasElement;
A Canvas where the renderer draws its output. This is automatically created by the renderer in the constructor (if not provided already); you just need to add it to your page. document.createElementNS( 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml', 'canvas' )
property extensions
extensions: WebGLExtensions;
property info
info: WebGLInfo;
property localClippingEnabled
localClippingEnabled: boolean;
property outputColorSpace
outputColorSpace: string;
Color space used for output to HTMLCanvasElement. Supported values are SRGBColorSpace and LinearSRGBColorSpace. THREE.SRGBColorSpace.
property pixelRatio
pixelRatio: number;
property properties
properties: WebGLProperties;
property renderLists
renderLists: WebGLRenderLists;
property shadowMap
shadowMap: WebGLShadowMap;
property shadowMapCullFace
shadowMapCullFace: CullFace;
Use WebGLShadowMap#cullFace.shadowMap.cullFace instead.
property shadowMapEnabled
shadowMapEnabled: boolean;
Use WebGLShadowMap#enabled.shadowMap.enabled instead.
property shadowMapType
shadowMapType: ShadowMapType;
Use instead.
property sortObjects
sortObjects: boolean;
Defines whether the renderer should sort objects. Default is true. true
property state
state: WebGLState;
property toneMapping
toneMapping: ToneMapping;
property toneMappingExposure
toneMappingExposure: number;
property vr
vr: boolean;
Use WebGLRenderer#xr.xr instead.
property xr
xr: WebXRManager;
method animate
animate: (callback: () => void) => void;
Use instead.
method clear
clear: (color?: boolean, depth?: boolean, stencil?: boolean) => void;
Tells the renderer to clear its color, depth or stencil drawing buffer(s). Arguments default to true
method clearColor
clearColor: () => void;
method clearDepth
clearDepth: () => void;
method clearStencil
clearStencil: () => void;
method clearTarget
clearTarget: ( renderTarget: WebGLRenderTarget, color: boolean, depth: boolean, stencil: boolean) => void;
method copyFramebufferToTexture
copyFramebufferToTexture: ( texture: Texture, position?: Vector2 | null, level?: number) => void;
Copies a region of the currently bound framebuffer into the selected mipmap level of the selected texture. This region is defined by the size of the destination texture's mip level, offset by the input position.
Parameter texture
Specifies the destination texture.
Parameter position
Specifies the pixel offset from which to copy out of the framebuffer.
Parameter level
Specifies the destination mipmap level of the texture.
method copyTextureToTexture
copyTextureToTexture: ( srcTexture: Texture, dstTexture: Texture, srcRegion?: Box2 | Box3 | null, dstPosition?: Vector2 | Vector3 | null, srcLevel?: number, dstLevel?: number) => void;
Copies the pixels of a texture in the bounds [srcRegion]Box3 in the destination texture starting from the given position. 2D Texture, 3D Textures, or a mix of the two can be used as source and destination texture arguments for copying between layers of 3d textures
property of render targets are supported as well.When using render target textures as
, you must make sure both render targets are initialized e.g. via ().Parameter srcTexture
Specifies the source texture.
Parameter dstTexture
Specifies the destination texture.
Parameter srcRegion
Specifies the bounds
Parameter dstPosition
Specifies the pixel offset into the dstTexture where the copy will occur.
Parameter srcLevel
Specifies the source mipmap level of the texture.
Parameter dstLevel
Specifies the destination mipmap level of the texture.
method copyTextureToTexture3D
copyTextureToTexture3D: ( srcTexture: Texture, dstTexture: Data3DTexture | DataArrayTexture, srcRegion?: Box3 | null, dstPosition?: Vector3 | null, level?: number) => void;
Parameter srcTexture
Specifies the source texture.
Parameter dstTexture
Specifies the destination texture.
Parameter srcRegion
Specifies the bounds
Parameter dstPosition
Specifies the pixel offset into the dstTexture where the copy will occur.
Parameter level
Specifies the destination mipmap level of the texture.
Use "copyTextureToTexture" instead.
Copies the pixels of a texture in the bounds
in the destination texture starting from the given position. ThedepthTexture
property of 3D render targets are supported as well.When using render target textures as
, you must make sure both render targets are intitialized e.g. via ().
method dispose
dispose: () => void;
method enableScissorTest
enableScissorTest: (boolean: any) => any;
Use instead.
method forceContextLoss
forceContextLoss: () => void;
method forceContextRestore
forceContextRestore: () => void;
method getActiveCubeFace
getActiveCubeFace: () => number;
Returns the current active cube face.
method getActiveMipmapLevel
getActiveMipmapLevel: () => number;
Returns the current active mipmap level.
method getClearAlpha
getClearAlpha: () => number;
Returns a float with the current clear alpha. Ranges from 0 to 1.
method getClearColor
getClearColor: (target: Color) => Color;
Returns a THREE.Color instance with the current clear color.
method getContext
getContext: () => WebGLRenderingContext | WebGL2RenderingContext;
Return the WebGL context.
method getContextAttributes
getContextAttributes: () => any;
method getCurrentRenderTarget
getCurrentRenderTarget: () => WebGLRenderTarget | null;
Use instead.
method getCurrentViewport
getCurrentViewport: (target: Vector4) => Vector4;
method getDrawingBufferSize
getDrawingBufferSize: (target: Vector2) => Vector2;
method getMaxAnisotropy
getMaxAnisotropy: () => number;
Use instead.
method getPixelRatio
getPixelRatio: () => number;
method getPrecision
getPrecision: () => string;
Use WebGLCapabilities#precision.capabilities.precision instead.
method getRenderTarget
getRenderTarget: () => WebGLRenderTarget | null;
Returns the current render target. If no render target is set, null is returned.
method getScissor
getScissor: (target: Vector4) => Vector4;
Copies the scissor area into target.
method getScissorTest
getScissorTest: () => boolean;
Returns true if scissor test is enabled; returns false otherwise.
method getSize
getSize: (target: Vector2) => Vector2;
method getViewport
getViewport: (target: Vector4) => Vector4;
Copies the viewport into target.
method initRenderTarget
initRenderTarget: (target: WebGLRenderTarget) => void;
Initializes the given WebGLRenderTarget memory. Useful for initializing a render target so data can be copied into it using WebGLRenderer.copyTextureToTexture before it has been rendered to.
Parameter target
method initTexture
initTexture: (texture: Texture) => void;
Initializes the given texture. Can be used to preload a texture rather than waiting until first render (which can cause noticeable lags due to decode and GPU upload overhead).
Parameter texture
The texture to Initialize.
method readRenderTargetPixels
readRenderTargetPixels: ( renderTarget: WebGLRenderTarget | WebGLRenderTarget<Texture[]>, x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number, buffer: TypedArray, activeCubeFaceIndex?: number) => void;
method readRenderTargetPixelsAsync
readRenderTargetPixelsAsync: ( renderTarget: WebGLRenderTarget | WebGLRenderTarget<Texture[]>, x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number, buffer: TypedArray, activeCubeFaceIndex?: number) => Promise<TypedArray>;
method render
render: (scene: Object3D, camera: Camera) => void;
Render a scene or an object using a camera. The render is done to a previously specified WebGLRenderTarget#renderTarget.renderTarget set by calling WebGLRenderer#setRenderTarget.setRenderTarget or to the canvas as usual.
By default render buffers are cleared before rendering but you can prevent this by setting the property to false. If you want to prevent only certain buffers being cleared you can set either the , or properties to false. To forcibly clear one ore more buffers call WebGLRenderer#clear.clear.
method renderBufferDirect
renderBufferDirect: ( camera: Camera, scene: Scene, geometry: BufferGeometry, material: Material, object: Object3D, geometryGroup: any) => void;
method resetGLState
resetGLState: () => void;
Use instead.
method resetState
resetState: () => void;
Can be used to reset the internal WebGL state.
method setAnimationLoop
setAnimationLoop: (callback: XRFrameRequestCallback | null) => void;
A build in function that can be used instead of requestAnimationFrame. For WebXR projects this function must be used.
Parameter callback
The function will be called every available frame. If
is passed it will stop any already ongoing animation.
method setClearAlpha
setClearAlpha: (alpha: number) => void;
method setClearColor
setClearColor: (color: ColorRepresentation, alpha?: number) => void;
Sets the clear color, using color for the color and alpha for the opacity.
method setDrawingBufferSize
setDrawingBufferSize: ( width: number, height: number, pixelRatio: number) => void;
method setOpaqueSort
setOpaqueSort: (method: (a: any, b: any) => number) => void;
Sets the custom opaque sort function for the WebGLRenderLists. Pass null to use the default painterSortStable function.
method setPixelRatio
setPixelRatio: (value: number) => void;
method setRenderTarget
setRenderTarget: ( renderTarget: WebGLRenderTarget | WebGLRenderTarget<Texture[]> | null, activeCubeFace?: number, activeMipmapLevel?: number) => void;
Sets the active render target.
Parameter renderTarget
The that needs to be activated. When
is given, the canvas is set as the active render target instead.Parameter activeCubeFace
Specifies the active cube side (PX 0, NX 1, PY 2, NY 3, PZ 4, NZ 5) of WebGLCubeRenderTarget.
Parameter activeMipmapLevel
Specifies the active mipmap level.
method setScissor
setScissor: ( x: Vector4 | number, y?: number, width?: number, height?: number) => void;
Sets the scissor area from (x, y) to (x + width, y + height).
method setScissorTest
setScissorTest: (enable: boolean) => void;
Enable the scissor test. When this is enabled, only the pixels within the defined scissor area will be affected by further renderer actions.
method setSize
setSize: (width: number, height: number, updateStyle?: boolean) => void;
Resizes the output canvas to (width, height), and also sets the viewport to fit that size, starting in (0, 0).
method setTransparentSort
setTransparentSort: (method: (a: any, b: any) => number) => void;
Sets the custom transparent sort function for the WebGLRenderLists. Pass null to use the default reversePainterSortStable function.
method setViewport
setViewport: ( x: Vector4 | number, y?: number, width?: number, height?: number) => void;
Sets the viewport to render from (x, y) to (x + width, y + height). (x, y) is the lower-left corner of the region.
method supportsBlendMinMax
supportsBlendMinMax: () => any;
Use instead.
method supportsCompressedTexturePVRTC
supportsCompressedTexturePVRTC: () => any;
Use instead.
method supportsCompressedTextureS3TC
supportsCompressedTextureS3TC: () => any;
Use instead.
method supportsFloatTextures
supportsFloatTextures: () => any;
Use instead.
method supportsHalfFloatTextures
supportsHalfFloatTextures: () => any;
Use instead.
method supportsInstancedArrays
supportsInstancedArrays: () => any;
Use instead.
method supportsStandardDerivatives
supportsStandardDerivatives: () => any;
Use instead.
method supportsVertexTextures
supportsVertexTextures: () => any;
Use WebGLCapabilities#vertexTextures.capabilities.vertexTextures instead.
class WebGLRenderList
class WebGLRenderList {}
constructor(properties: WebGLProperties);
property opaque
opaque: RenderItem[];
property transmissive
transmissive: RenderItem[];
property transparent
transparent: RenderItem[];
method finish
finish: () => void;
method init
init: () => void;
method push
push: ( object: Object3D, geometry: BufferGeometry | null, material: Material, groupOrder: number, z: number, group: Group | null) => void;
method sort
sort: ( opaqueSort: (a: any, b: any) => number, transparentSort: (a: any, b: any) => number) => void;
method unshift
unshift: ( object: Object3D, geometry: BufferGeometry | null, material: Material, groupOrder: number, z: number, group: Group | null) => void;
class WebGLRenderLists
class WebGLRenderLists {}
constructor(properties: WebGLProperties);
method dispose
dispose: () => void;
method get
get: (scene: Scene, renderCallDepth: number) => WebGLRenderList;
class WebGLRenderTarget
class WebGLRenderTarget< TTexture extends Texture | Texture[] = Texture> extends RenderTarget<TTexture> {}
constructor(width?: number, height?: number, options?: RenderTargetOptions);
property isWebGLRenderTarget
readonly isWebGLRenderTarget: boolean;
class WebGLShadowMap
class WebGLShadowMap {}
constructor( _renderer: WebGLRenderer, _objects: WebGLObjects, _capabilities: WebGLCapabilities);
property autoUpdate
autoUpdate: boolean;
property cullFace
cullFace: any;
Use Material#shadowSide instead.
property enabled
enabled: boolean;
property needsUpdate
needsUpdate: boolean;
property type
type: ShadowMapType;
method render
render: (shadowsArray: Light[], scene: Scene, camera: Camera) => void;
class WebGLState
class WebGLState {}
constructor(gl: WebGLRenderingContext, extensions: WebGLExtensions);
property buffers
buffers: { color: ColorBuffer; depth: DepthBuffer; stencil: StencilBuffer };
method activeTexture
activeTexture: (webglSlot: number) => void;
method bindFramebuffer
bindFramebuffer: (target: number, framebuffer: WebGLFramebuffer | null) => void;
method bindTexture
bindTexture: (webglType: number, webglTexture: any) => void;
method compressedTexImage2D
compressedTexImage2D: ( target: number, level: number, internalformat: number, width: number, height: number, border: number, data: ArrayBufferView) => void;
method disable
disable: (id: number) => void;
method drawBuffers
drawBuffers: ( renderTarget: WebGLRenderTarget | null, framebuffer: WebGLFramebuffer | null) => void;
method enable
enable: (id: number) => void;
method reset
reset: () => void;
method scissor
scissor: (scissor: Vector4) => void;
method setBlending
setBlending: ( blending: Blending, blendEquation?: BlendingEquation, blendSrc?: BlendingSrcFactor, blendDst?: BlendingDstFactor, blendEquationAlpha?: BlendingEquation, blendSrcAlpha?: BlendingSrcFactor, blendDstAlpha?: BlendingDstFactor, premultiplyAlpha?: boolean) => void;
method setCullFace
setCullFace: (cullFace: CullFace) => void;
method setFlipSided
setFlipSided: (flipSided: boolean) => void;
method setLineWidth
setLineWidth: (width: number) => void;
method setMaterial
setMaterial: ( material: Material, frontFaceCW: boolean, hardwareClippingPlanes: number) => void;
method setPolygonOffset
setPolygonOffset: ( polygonoffset: boolean, factor?: number, units?: number) => void;
method setScissorTest
setScissorTest: (scissorTest: boolean) => void;
method texImage2D
texImage2D: { ( target: number, level: number, internalformat: number, width: number, height: number, border: number, format: number, type: number, pixels: ArrayBufferView | null ): void; ( target: number, level: number, internalformat: number, format: number, type: number, source: any ): void;};
method texImage3D
texImage3D: ( target: number, level: number, internalformat: number, width: number, height: number, depth: number, border: number, format: number, type: number, pixels: any) => void;
method unbindTexture
unbindTexture: () => void;
method useProgram
useProgram: (program: any) => boolean;
method viewport
viewport: (viewport: Vector4) => void;
class WebGLTextures
class WebGLTextures {}
constructor( gl: WebGLRenderingContext, extensions: WebGLExtensions, state: WebGLState, properties: WebGLProperties, capabilities: WebGLCapabilities, utils: WebGLUtils, info: WebGLInfo);
method allocateTextureUnit
allocateTextureUnit: () => void;
method resetTextureUnits
resetTextureUnits: () => void;
method safeSetTexture2D
safeSetTexture2D: (texture: any, slot: number) => void;
method safeSetTextureCube
safeSetTextureCube: (texture: any, slot: number) => void;
method setTexture2D
setTexture2D: (texture: any, slot: number) => void;
method setTexture2DArray
setTexture2DArray: (texture: any, slot: number) => void;
method setTexture3D
setTexture3D: (texture: any, slot: number) => void;
method setTextureCube
setTextureCube: (texture: any, slot: number) => void;
method setupRenderTarget
setupRenderTarget: (renderTarget: any) => void;
method updateMultisampleRenderTarget
updateMultisampleRenderTarget: (renderTarget: any) => void;
method updateRenderTargetMipmap
updateRenderTargetMipmap: (renderTarget: any) => void;
class WebGLUniforms
class WebGLUniforms {}
constructor(gl: WebGLRenderingContext, program: WebGLProgram);
method seqWithValue
static seqWithValue: (seq: any, values: any[]) => any[];
method setOptional
setOptional: (gl: WebGLRenderingContext, object: any, name: string) => void;
method setValue
setValue: ( gl: WebGLRenderingContext, name: string, value: any, textures: WebGLTextures) => void;
method upload
static upload: ( gl: WebGLRenderingContext, seq: any, values: any[], textures: WebGLTextures) => void;
class WebGLUtils
class WebGLUtils {}
constructor( gl: WebGLRenderingContext | WebGL2RenderingContext, extensions: WebGLExtensions);
method convert
convert: ( p: PixelFormat | CompressedPixelFormat | TextureDataType, colorSpace?: string) => number | null;
class WebXRController
class WebXRController {}
method connect
connect: (inputSource: XRInputSource) => this;
method disconnect
disconnect: (inputSource: XRInputSource) => this;
method dispatchEvent
dispatchEvent: (event: { type: XRControllerEventType; data?: XRInputSource;}) => this;
method getGripSpace
getGripSpace: () => XRGripSpace;
method getHandSpace
getHandSpace: () => XRHandSpace;
method getTargetRaySpace
getTargetRaySpace: () => XRTargetRaySpace;
method update
update: ( inputSource: XRInputSource, frame: XRFrame, referenceSpace: XRReferenceSpace) => this;
class WebXRDepthSensing
class WebXRDepthSensing {}
property depthFar
depthFar: number;
property depthNear
depthNear: number;
property mesh
mesh: Mesh< BufferGeometry<NormalBufferAttributes>, Material | Material[], Object3DEventMap>;
property texture
texture: Texture;
method getDepthTexture
getDepthTexture: () => Texture | null;
method getMesh
getMesh: (cameraXR: WebXRArrayCamera) => Mesh | null;
method init
init: ( renderer: WebGLRenderer, depthData: XRWebGLDepthInformation, renderState: XRRenderState) => void;
method reset
reset: () => void;
class WebXRManager
class WebXRManager extends EventDispatcher<WebXRManagerEventMap> {}
constructor(renderer: WebGLRenderer, gl: WebGLRenderingContext);
property cameraAutoUpdate
cameraAutoUpdate: boolean;
property dispose
dispose: () => void;
property enabled
enabled: boolean;
property getBaseLayer
getBaseLayer: () => XRWebGLLayer | XRProjectionLayer;
property getBinding
getBinding: () => XRWebGLBinding;
property getCamera
getCamera: () => WebXRArrayCamera;
property getController
getController: (index: number) => XRTargetRaySpace;
property getControllerGrip
getControllerGrip: (index: number) => XRGripSpace;
property getDepthSensingMesh
getDepthSensingMesh: () => Mesh | null;
property getDepthTexture
getDepthTexture: () => Texture | null;
property getEnvironmentBlendMode
getEnvironmentBlendMode: () => XREnvironmentBlendMode | undefined;
property getFoveation
getFoveation: () => number | undefined;
property getFrame
getFrame: () => XRFrame;
property getHand
getHand: (index: number) => XRHandSpace;
property getReferenceSpace
getReferenceSpace: () => XRReferenceSpace | null;
property getSession
getSession: () => XRSession | null;
property hasDepthSensing
hasDepthSensing: () => boolean;
property isPresenting
isPresenting: boolean;
property setAnimationLoop
setAnimationLoop: (callback: XRFrameRequestCallback | null) => void;
property setFoveation
setFoveation: (value: number) => void;
property setFramebufferScaleFactor
setFramebufferScaleFactor: (value: number) => void;
property setReferenceSpace
setReferenceSpace: (value: XRReferenceSpace) => void;
property setReferenceSpaceType
setReferenceSpaceType: (value: XRReferenceSpaceType) => void;
property setSession
setSession: (value: XRSession | null) => Promise<void>;
property updateCamera
updateCamera: (camera: PerspectiveCamera) => void;
class WireframeGeometry
class WireframeGeometry< TBufferGeometry extends BufferGeometry = BufferGeometry> extends BufferGeometry {}
This can be used as a helper object to view a geometry as a wireframe.
Example 1
const geometry = new THREE.SphereGeometry(100, 100, 100);const wireframe = new THREE.WireframeGeometry(geometry);const line = new THREE.LineSegments(wireframe);line.material.depthTest = false;line.material.opacity = 0.25;line.material.transparent = true;scene.add(line);See Also
Example: helpers
constructor(geometry?: BufferGeometry<NormalBufferAttributes>);
Create a new instance of WireframeGeometry
Parameter geometry
Any geometry object. Default
property parameters
readonly parameters: { readonly geometry: TBufferGeometry };
An object with a property for each of the constructor parameters.
Any modification after instantiation does not change the geometry.
property type
override readonly type: string;
A Read-only _string_ to check if
object type.Remarks
Sub-classes will update this value.
class XRGripSpace
class XRGripSpace extends Group<WebXRSpaceEventMap> {}
property angularVelocity
readonly angularVelocity: Vector3;
property hasAngularVelocity
hasAngularVelocity: boolean;
property hasLinearVelocity
hasLinearVelocity: boolean;
property linearVelocity
readonly linearVelocity: Vector3;
class XRHandSpace
class XRHandSpace extends Group<WebXRSpaceEventMap> {}
property inputState
readonly inputState: XRHandInputState;
property joints
readonly joints: Partial<XRHandJoints>;
class XRJointSpace
class XRJointSpace extends Group {}
property jointRadius
readonly jointRadius: number;
class XRTargetRaySpace
class XRTargetRaySpace extends Group<WebXRSpaceEventMap> {}
property angularVelocity
readonly angularVelocity: Vector3;
property hasAngularVelocity
hasAngularVelocity: boolean;
property hasLinearVelocity
hasLinearVelocity: boolean;
property linearVelocity
readonly linearVelocity: Vector3;
interface AnimationClipJSON
interface AnimationClipJSON {}
interface AnimationMixerEventMap
interface AnimationMixerEventMap {}
interface BaseEvent
interface BaseEvent<TEventType extends string = string> {}
The minimal basic Event that can be dispatched by a .
property type
readonly type: TEventType;
interface BatchedMeshGeometryRange
interface BatchedMeshGeometryRange {}
property count
count: number;
property indexCount
indexCount: number;
property indexStart
indexStart: number;
property reservedIndexCount
reservedIndexCount: number;
property reservedVertexCount
reservedVertexCount: number;
property start
start: number;
property vertexCount
vertexCount: number;
property vertexStart
vertexStart: number;
interface BufferAttributeJSON
interface BufferAttributeJSON {}
interface BufferGeometryJSON
interface BufferGeometryJSON {}
property data
data?: { attributes: Record<string, BufferAttributeJSON>;
index?: { type: string; array: number[] };
morphAttributes?: Record<string, BufferAttributeJSON[]>; morphTargetsRelative?: boolean;
groups?: GeometryGroup[];
boundingSphere?: { center: Vector3Tuple; radius: number };};
property metadata
metadata?: { version: number; type: string; generator: string };
property name
name?: string;
property type
type: string;
property userData
userData?: Record<string, unknown>;
property uuid
uuid: string;
interface ColorManagement
interface ColorManagement {}
property convert
convert: ( color: Color, sourceColorSpace: string, targetColorSpace: string) => Color;
property define
define: (colorSpaces: Record<string, ColorSpaceDefinition>) => void;
property enabled
enabled: boolean;
property fromWorkingColorSpace
fromWorkingColorSpace: (color: Color, targetColorSpace: string) => Color;
property getLuminanceCoefficients
getLuminanceCoefficients: ( target: Vector3, colorSpace?: string) => [number, number, number];
property getPrimaries
getPrimaries: ( colorSpace: string) => [number, number, number, number, number, number];
property getTransfer
getTransfer: (colorSpace: string) => ColorSpaceTransfer;
property spaces
spaces: Record<string, ColorSpaceDefinition>;
property toWorkingColorSpace
toWorkingColorSpace: (color: Color, sourceColorSpace: string) => Color;
property workingColorSpace
workingColorSpace: string;
interface ColorSpaceDefinition
interface ColorSpaceDefinition {}
property fromXYZ
fromXYZ: Matrix3;
property luminanceCoefficients
luminanceCoefficients: [number, number, number];
property outputColorSpaceConfig
outputColorSpaceConfig?: { drawingBufferColorSpace: string };
property primaries
primaries: [number, number, number, number, number, number];
property toXYZ
toXYZ: Matrix3;
property transfer
transfer: ColorSpaceTransfer;
property whitePoint
whitePoint: [number, number];
property workingColorSpaceConfig
workingColorSpaceConfig?: { unpackColorSpace: string };
interface CompressedTextureMipmap
interface CompressedTextureMipmap {}
interface CurveJSON
interface CurveJSON {}
property arcLengthDivisions
arcLengthDivisions: number;
property metadata
metadata: { version: number; type: string; generator: string };
property type
type: string;
interface CurvePathJSON
interface CurvePathJSON extends CurveJSON {}
interface Event
interface Event<TEventType extends string = string, TTarget = unknown> {}
The minimal expected contract of a fired Event that was dispatched by a .
interface ExtrudeGeometryOptions
interface ExtrudeGeometryOptions {}
property bevelEnabled
bevelEnabled?: boolean | undefined;
Turn on bevel. Applying beveling to the shape.
property bevelOffset
bevelOffset?: number | undefined;
Distance from the shape outline that the bevel starts. Expects a
property bevelSegments
bevelSegments?: number | undefined;
Number of bevel layers/segments. Expects a
property bevelSize
bevelSize?: number | undefined;
Distance from the shape outline that the bevel extends Expects a
property bevelThickness
bevelThickness?: number | undefined;
How deep into the original shape the bevel goes. Expects a
property curveSegments
curveSegments?: number | undefined;
Number of points on the curves. Expects a
property depth
depth?: number | undefined;
Depth to extrude the shape.
property extrudePath
extrudePath?: Curve<Vector3> | undefined;
A 3D spline path along which the shape should be extruded.
Bevels not supported for path extrusion.
property steps
steps?: number | undefined;
Number of points used for subdividing segments along the depth of the extruded spline.
property UVGenerator
UVGenerator?: UVGenerator | undefined;
A object that provides UV generator functions.
interface Face
interface Face {}
property a
a: number;
property b
b: number;
property c
c: number;
property materialIndex
materialIndex: number;
property normal
normal: Vector3;
interface FogExp2JSON
interface FogExp2JSON {}
interface FogJSON
interface FogJSON {}
interface GeometryGroup
interface GeometryGroup {}
property count
count: number;
Specifies how many vertices (or indices) are included.
Expects a
property materialIndex
materialIndex?: number | undefined;
Specifies the material array index to use.
Expects a
property start
start: number;
Specifies the first element in this draw call – the first vertex for non-indexed geometry, otherwise the first triangle index.
Expects a
interface InstancedMeshEventMap
interface InstancedMeshEventMap extends Object3DEventMap {}
property dispose
dispose: {};
interface InstancedMeshJSON
interface InstancedMeshJSON extends MeshJSONObject {}
property object
object: InstancedMeshJSONObject;
interface InstancedMeshJSONObject
interface InstancedMeshJSONObject extends MeshJSONObject {}
property count
count: number;
property instanceColor
instanceColor?: BufferAttributeJSON;
property instanceMatrix
instanceMatrix: BufferAttributeJSON;
interface Intersection
interface Intersection<TIntersected extends Object3D = Object3D> {}
property barycoord
barycoord?: Vector3 | null;
property batchId
batchId?: number;
property distance
distance: number;
Distance between the origin of the ray and the intersection
property distanceToRay
distanceToRay?: number | undefined;
property face
face?: Face | null | undefined;
Intersected face
property faceIndex
faceIndex?: number | null | undefined;
Index of the intersected face
property index
index?: number | undefined;
property instanceId
instanceId?: number | undefined;
The index number of the instance where the ray intersects the InstancedMesh
property normal
normal?: Vector3;
property object
object: TIntersected;
The intersected object
property point
point: Vector3;
Point of intersection, in world coordinates
property pointOnLine
pointOnLine?: Vector3;
property uv
uv?: Vector2 | undefined;
property uv1
uv1?: Vector2 | undefined;
interface JSONMeta
interface JSONMeta {}
property animations
animations: Record<string, AnimationClipJSON>;
property geometries
geometries: Record<string, BufferGeometryJSON>;
property images
images: Record<string, SourceJSON>;
property materials
materials: Record<string, MaterialJSON>;
property nodes
nodes: Record<string, unknown>;
property shapes
shapes: Record<string, ShapeJSON>;
property skeletons
skeletons: Record<string, SkeletonJSON>;
property textures
textures: Record<string, TextureJSON>;
interface KeyframeTrackJSON
interface KeyframeTrackJSON {}
property interpolation
interpolation?: InterpolationModes;
property name
name: string;
property times
times: number[];
property type
type: string;
property values
values: number[];
interface LightJSON
interface LightJSON extends Object3DJSON {}
property angle
angle?: number;
property color
color: number;
property decay
decay?: number;
property distance
distance?: number;
property groundColor
groundColor?: number;
property intensity
intensity: number;
property penumbra
penumbra?: number;
property shadow
shadow?: LightShadowJSON;
property target
target?: string;
interface LightShadow
interface LightShadow {}
property shadowNode
shadowNode?: Node;
interface LightShadowJSON
interface LightShadowJSON {}
interface LineBasicMaterialParameters
interface LineBasicMaterialParameters extends MaterialParameters {}
interface LineDashedMaterialParameters
interface LineDashedMaterialParameters extends LineBasicMaterialParameters {}
interface LODJSONObject
interface LODJSONObject extends Object3DJSONObject {}
property autoUpdate
autoUpdate?: boolean;
property levels
levels: Array<{ object: string; distance: number; hysteresis: number;}>;
interface MaterialJSON
interface MaterialJSON {}
property alphaHash
alphaHash?: boolean;
property alphaMap
alphaMap?: string;
property alphaTest
alphaTest?: number;
property alphaToCoverage
alphaToCoverage?: boolean;
property anisotropy
anisotropy?: number;
property anisotropyMap
anisotropyMap?: string;
property anisotropyRotation
anisotropyRotation?: number;
property aoMap
aoMap?: string;
property aoMapIntensity
aoMapIntensity?: number;
property attenuationColor
attenuationColor?: number;
property attenuationDistance
attenuationDistance?: number;
property blendAlpha
blendAlpha?: number;
property blendColor
blendColor?: number;
property blendDst
blendDst?: BlendingDstFactor;
property blendDstAlpha
blendDstAlpha?: number | null;
property blendEquation
blendEquation?: BlendingEquation;
property blendEquationAlpha
blendEquationAlpha?: number | null;
property blending
blending?: Blending;
property blendSrc
blendSrc?: BlendingSrcFactor;
property blendSrcAlpha
blendSrcAlpha?: number | null;
property bumpMap
bumpMap?: string;
property bumpScale
bumpScale?: number;
property clearcoat
clearcoat?: number;
property clearcoatMap
clearcoatMap?: string;
property clearcoatNormalMap
clearcoatNormalMap?: string;
property clearcoatNormalScale
clearcoatNormalScale?: Vector2Tuple;
property clearcoatRoughness
clearcoatRoughness?: number;
property clearcoatRoughnessMap
clearcoatRoughnessMap?: string;
property color
color?: number;
property colorWrite
colorWrite?: boolean;
property combine
combine?: Combine;
property dashSize
dashSize?: number;
property depthFunc
depthFunc?: DepthModes;
property depthTest
depthTest?: boolean;
property depthWrite
depthWrite?: boolean;
property dispersion
dispersion?: number;
property displacementBias
displacementBias?: number;
property displacementMap
displacementMap?: string;
property displacementScale
displacementScale?: number;
property dithering
dithering?: boolean;
property emissive
emissive?: number;
property emissiveIntensity
emissiveIntensity?: number;
property emissiveMap
emissiveMap?: string;
property envMap
envMap?: string;
property envMapIntensity
envMapIntensity?: number;
property envMapRotation
envMapRotation?: EulerTuple;
property flatShading
flatShading?: boolean;
property fog
fog?: boolean;
property forceSinglePass
forceSinglePass?: boolean;
property gapSize
gapSize?: number;
property gradientMap
gradientMap?: string;
property images
images?: SourceJSON[];
property iridescence
iridescence?: number;
property iridescenceIOR
iridescenceIOR?: number;
property iridescenceMap
iridescenceMap?: string;
property iridescenceThicknessMap
iridescenceThicknessMap?: string;
property iridescenceThicknessRange
iridescenceThicknessRange?: number;
property lightMap
lightMap?: string;
property lightMapIntensity
lightMapIntensity?: number;
property linewidth
linewidth?: number;
property map
map?: string;
property matcap
matcap?: string;
property metadata
metadata: { version: number; type: string; generator: string };
property metalness
metalness?: number;
property metalnessMap
metalnessMap?: string;
property name
name?: string;
property normalMap
normalMap?: string;
property normalMapType
normalMapType?: NormalMapTypes;
property normalScale
normalScale?: Vector2Tuple;
property opacity
opacity?: number;
property polygonOffset
polygonOffset?: boolean;
property polygonOffsetFactor
polygonOffsetFactor?: number;
property polygonOffsetUnits
polygonOffsetUnits?: number;
property premultipliedAlpha
premultipliedAlpha?: boolean;
property reflectivity
reflectivity?: number;
property refractionRatio
refractionRatio?: number;
property rotation
rotation?: number;
property roughness
roughness?: number;
property roughnessMap
roughnessMap?: string;
property scale
scale?: number;
property shadowSide
shadowSide?: number;
property sheen
sheen?: number;
property sheenColor
sheenColor?: number;
property sheenRoughness
sheenRoughness?: number;
property shininess
shininess?: number;
property side
side?: Side;
property size
size?: number;
property sizeAttenuation
sizeAttenuation?: boolean;
property specular
specular?: number;
property specularColor
specularColor?: number;
property specularColorMap
specularColorMap?: string;
property specularIntensity
specularIntensity?: number;
property specularIntensityMap
specularIntensityMap?: string;
property specularMap
specularMap?: string;
property stencilFail
stencilFail?: StencilOp;
property stencilFunc
stencilFunc?: StencilFunc;
property stencilFuncMask
stencilFuncMask?: number;
property stencilRef
stencilRef?: number;
property stencilWrite
stencilWrite?: boolean;
property stencilWriteMask
stencilWriteMask?: number;
property stencilZFail
stencilZFail?: StencilOp;
property stencilZPass
stencilZPass?: StencilOp;
property textures
textures?: Array<Omit<TextureJSON, 'metadata'>>;
property thickness
thickness?: number;
property thicknessMap
thicknessMap?: string;
property toneMapped
toneMapped?: boolean;
property transmission
transmission?: number;
property transmissionMap
transmissionMap?: string;
property transparent
transparent?: boolean;
property type
type: string;
property userData
userData?: Record<string, unknown>;
property uuid
uuid: string;
property vertexColors
vertexColors?: boolean;
property visible
visible?: boolean;
property wireframe
wireframe?: boolean;
property wireframeLinecap
wireframeLinecap?: string;
property wireframeLinejoin
wireframeLinejoin?: string;
property wireframeLinewidth
wireframeLinewidth?: number;
interface MaterialParameters
interface MaterialParameters {}
property alphaHash
alphaHash?: boolean | undefined;
property alphaTest
alphaTest?: number | undefined;
property alphaToCoverage
alphaToCoverage?: boolean | undefined;
property blendAlpha
blendAlpha?: number | undefined;
property blendColor
blendColor?: ColorRepresentation | undefined;
property blendDst
blendDst?: BlendingDstFactor | undefined;
property blendDstAlpha
blendDstAlpha?: number | undefined;
property blendEquation
blendEquation?: BlendingEquation | undefined;
property blendEquationAlpha
blendEquationAlpha?: number | undefined;
property blending
blending?: Blending | undefined;
property blendSrc
blendSrc?: BlendingSrcFactor | BlendingDstFactor | undefined;
property blendSrcAlpha
blendSrcAlpha?: number | undefined;
property clipIntersection
clipIntersection?: boolean | undefined;
property clippingPlanes
clippingPlanes?: Plane[] | undefined;
property clipShadows
clipShadows?: boolean | undefined;
property colorWrite
colorWrite?: boolean | undefined;
property defines
defines?: any;
property depthFunc
depthFunc?: DepthModes | undefined;
property depthTest
depthTest?: boolean | undefined;
property depthWrite
depthWrite?: boolean | undefined;
property dithering
dithering?: boolean | undefined;
property forceSinglePass
forceSinglePass?: boolean | undefined;
property format
format?: PixelFormat | undefined;
property name
name?: string | undefined;
property opacity
opacity?: number | undefined;
property polygonOffset
polygonOffset?: boolean | undefined;
property polygonOffsetFactor
polygonOffsetFactor?: number | undefined;
property polygonOffsetUnits
polygonOffsetUnits?: number | undefined;
property precision
precision?: 'highp' | 'mediump' | 'lowp' | null | undefined;
property premultipliedAlpha
premultipliedAlpha?: boolean | undefined;
property shadowSide
shadowSide?: Side | undefined;
property side
side?: Side | undefined;
property stencilFail
stencilFail?: StencilOp | undefined;
property stencilFunc
stencilFunc?: StencilFunc | undefined;
property stencilFuncMask
stencilFuncMask?: number | undefined;
property stencilRef
stencilRef?: number | undefined;
property stencilWrite
stencilWrite?: boolean | undefined;
property stencilWriteMask
stencilWriteMask?: number | undefined;
property stencilZFail
stencilZFail?: StencilOp | undefined;
property stencilZPass
stencilZPass?: StencilOp | undefined;
property toneMapped
toneMapped?: boolean | undefined;
property transparent
transparent?: boolean | undefined;
property userData
userData?: Record<string, any> | undefined;
property vertexColors
vertexColors?: boolean | undefined;
property visible
visible?: boolean | undefined;
interface MeshBasicMaterialParameters
interface MeshBasicMaterialParameters extends MaterialParameters {}
parameters is an object with one or more properties defining the material's appearance.
property alphaMap
alphaMap?: Texture | null | undefined;
property aoMap
aoMap?: Texture | null | undefined;
property aoMapIntensity
aoMapIntensity?: number | undefined;
property color
color?: ColorRepresentation | undefined;
property combine
combine?: Combine | undefined;
property envMap
envMap?: Texture | null | undefined;
property envMapRotation
envMapRotation?: Euler | undefined;
property fog
fog?: boolean | undefined;
property lightMap
lightMap?: Texture | null;
property lightMapIntensity
lightMapIntensity?: number | undefined;
property map
map?: Texture | null | undefined;
property opacity
opacity?: number | undefined;
property reflectivity
reflectivity?: number | undefined;
property refractionRatio
refractionRatio?: number | undefined;
property specularMap
specularMap?: Texture | null | undefined;
property wireframe
wireframe?: boolean | undefined;
property wireframeLinecap
wireframeLinecap?: string | undefined;
property wireframeLinejoin
wireframeLinejoin?: string | undefined;
property wireframeLinewidth
wireframeLinewidth?: number | undefined;
interface MeshDepthMaterialParameters
interface MeshDepthMaterialParameters extends MaterialParameters {}
property alphaMap
alphaMap?: Texture | null | undefined;
property depthPacking
depthPacking?: DepthPackingStrategies | undefined;
property displacementBias
displacementBias?: number | undefined;
property displacementMap
displacementMap?: Texture | null | undefined;
property displacementScale
displacementScale?: number | undefined;
property map
map?: Texture | null | undefined;
property wireframe
wireframe?: boolean | undefined;
property wireframeLinewidth
wireframeLinewidth?: number | undefined;
interface MeshDistanceMaterialParameters
interface MeshDistanceMaterialParameters extends MaterialParameters {}
property alphaMap
alphaMap?: Texture | null | undefined;
property displacementBias
displacementBias?: number | undefined;
property displacementMap
displacementMap?: Texture | null | undefined;
property displacementScale
displacementScale?: number | undefined;
property farDistance
farDistance?: number | undefined;
property map
map?: Texture | null | undefined;
property nearDistance
nearDistance?: number | undefined;
property referencePosition
referencePosition?: Vector3 | undefined;
interface MeshJSONObject
interface MeshJSONObject extends Object3DJSONObject {}
property geometry
geometry: string;
interface MeshLambertMaterialParameters
interface MeshLambertMaterialParameters extends MaterialParameters {}
property alphaMap
alphaMap?: Texture | null | undefined;
property aoMap
aoMap?: Texture | null | undefined;
property aoMapIntensity
aoMapIntensity?: number | undefined;
property bumpMap
bumpMap?: Texture | undefined;
property bumpScale
bumpScale?: number | undefined;
property color
color?: ColorRepresentation | undefined;
property combine
combine?: Combine | undefined;
property displacementBias
displacementBias?: number | undefined;
property displacementMap
displacementMap?: Texture | undefined;
property displacementScale
displacementScale?: number | undefined;
property emissive
emissive?: ColorRepresentation | undefined;
property emissiveIntensity
emissiveIntensity?: number | undefined;
property emissiveMap
emissiveMap?: Texture | null | undefined;
property envMap
envMap?: Texture | null | undefined;
property envMapRotation
envMapRotation?: Euler | undefined;
property flatShading
flatShading?: boolean | undefined;
property fog
fog?: boolean | undefined;
property lightMap
lightMap?: Texture | null | undefined;
property lightMapIntensity
lightMapIntensity?: number | undefined;
property map
map?: Texture | null | undefined;
property normalMap
normalMap?: Texture | undefined;
property normalScale
normalScale?: Vector2 | undefined;
property reflectivity
reflectivity?: number | undefined;
property refractionRatio
refractionRatio?: number | undefined;
property specularMap
specularMap?: Texture | null | undefined;
property wireframe
wireframe?: boolean | undefined;
property wireframeLinecap
wireframeLinecap?: string | undefined;
property wireframeLinejoin
wireframeLinejoin?: string | undefined;
property wireframeLinewidth
wireframeLinewidth?: number | undefined;
interface MeshMatcapMaterialParameters
interface MeshMatcapMaterialParameters extends MaterialParameters {}
property alphaMap
alphaMap?: Texture | null | undefined;
property bumpMap
bumpMap?: Texture | null | undefined;
property bumpScale
bumpScale?: number | undefined;
property color
color?: ColorRepresentation | undefined;
property displacementBias
displacementBias?: number | undefined;
property displacementMap
displacementMap?: Texture | null | undefined;
property displacementScale
displacementScale?: number | undefined;
property flatShading
flatShading?: boolean | undefined;
property fog
fog?: boolean | undefined;
property map
map?: Texture | null | undefined;
property matcap
matcap?: Texture | null | undefined;
property normalMap
normalMap?: Texture | null | undefined;
property normalMapType
normalMapType?: NormalMapTypes | undefined;
property normalScale
normalScale?: Vector2 | undefined;
interface MeshNormalMaterialParameters
interface MeshNormalMaterialParameters extends MaterialParameters {}
property bumpMap
bumpMap?: Texture | null | undefined;
property bumpScale
bumpScale?: number | undefined;
property displacementBias
displacementBias?: number | undefined;
property displacementMap
displacementMap?: Texture | null | undefined;
property displacementScale
displacementScale?: number | undefined;
property flatShading
flatShading?: boolean | undefined;
property normalMap
normalMap?: Texture | null | undefined;
property normalMapType
normalMapType?: NormalMapTypes | undefined;
property normalScale
normalScale?: Vector2 | undefined;
property wireframe
wireframe?: boolean | undefined;
property wireframeLinewidth
wireframeLinewidth?: number | undefined;
interface MeshPhongMaterialParameters
interface MeshPhongMaterialParameters extends MaterialParameters {}
property alphaMap
alphaMap?: Texture | null | undefined;
property aoMap
aoMap?: Texture | null | undefined;
property aoMapIntensity
aoMapIntensity?: number | undefined;
property bumpMap
bumpMap?: Texture | null | undefined;
property bumpScale
bumpScale?: number | undefined;
property color
color?: ColorRepresentation | undefined;
geometry color in hexadecimal. Default is 0xffffff.
property combine
combine?: Combine | undefined;
property displacementBias
displacementBias?: number | undefined;
property displacementMap
displacementMap?: Texture | null | undefined;
property displacementScale
displacementScale?: number | undefined;
property emissive
emissive?: ColorRepresentation | undefined;
property emissiveIntensity
emissiveIntensity?: number | undefined;
property emissiveMap
emissiveMap?: Texture | null | undefined;
property envMap
envMap?: Texture | null | undefined;
property envMapRotation
envMapRotation?: Euler | undefined;
property flatShading
flatShading?: boolean | undefined;
property fog
fog?: boolean | undefined;
property lightMap
lightMap?: Texture | null | undefined;
property lightMapIntensity
lightMapIntensity?: number | undefined;
property map
map?: Texture | null | undefined;
property normalMap
normalMap?: Texture | null | undefined;
property normalMapType
normalMapType?: NormalMapTypes | undefined;
property normalScale
normalScale?: Vector2 | undefined;
property opacity
opacity?: number | undefined;
property reflectivity
reflectivity?: number | undefined;
property refractionRatio
refractionRatio?: number | undefined;
property shininess
shininess?: number | undefined;
property specular
specular?: ColorRepresentation | undefined;
property specularMap
specularMap?: Texture | null | undefined;
property wireframe
wireframe?: boolean | undefined;
property wireframeLinecap
wireframeLinecap?: string | undefined;
property wireframeLinejoin
wireframeLinejoin?: string | undefined;
property wireframeLinewidth
wireframeLinewidth?: number | undefined;
interface MeshPhysicalMaterialParameters
interface MeshPhysicalMaterialParameters extends MeshStandardMaterialParameters {}
property anisotropy
anisotropy?: number | undefined;
property anisotropyMap
anisotropyMap?: Texture | null | undefined;
property anisotropyRotation
anisotropyRotation?: number | undefined;
property attenuationColor
attenuationColor?: ColorRepresentation | undefined;
property attenuationDistance
attenuationDistance?: number | undefined;
property clearcoat
clearcoat?: number | undefined;
property clearcoatMap
clearcoatMap?: Texture | null | undefined;
property clearcoatNormalMap
clearcoatNormalMap?: Texture | null | undefined;
property clearcoatNormalScale
clearcoatNormalScale?: Vector2 | undefined;
property clearcoatRoughness
clearcoatRoughness?: number | undefined;
property clearcoatRoughnessMap
clearcoatRoughnessMap?: Texture | null | undefined;
property dispersion
dispersion?: number | undefined;
property ior
ior?: number | undefined;
property iridescence
iridescence?: number | undefined;
property iridescenceIOR
iridescenceIOR?: number | undefined;
property iridescenceMap
iridescenceMap?: Texture | null | undefined;
property iridescenceThicknessMap
iridescenceThicknessMap?: Texture | null | undefined;
property iridescenceThicknessRange
iridescenceThicknessRange?: [number, number] | undefined;
property reflectivity
reflectivity?: number | undefined;
property sheen
sheen?: number | undefined;
property sheenColor
sheenColor?: ColorRepresentation | undefined;
property sheenColorMap
sheenColorMap?: Texture | null | undefined;
property sheenRoughness
sheenRoughness?: number | undefined;
property sheenRoughnessMap
sheenRoughnessMap?: Texture | null | undefined;
property specularColor
specularColor?: ColorRepresentation | undefined;
property specularColorMap
specularColorMap?: Texture | null | undefined;
property specularIntensity
specularIntensity?: number | undefined;
property specularIntensityMap
specularIntensityMap?: Texture | null | undefined;
property thickness
thickness?: number | undefined;
property thicknessMap
thicknessMap?: Texture | null | undefined;
property transmission
transmission?: number | undefined;
property transmissionMap
transmissionMap?: Texture | null | undefined;
interface MeshStandardMaterialParameters
interface MeshStandardMaterialParameters extends MaterialParameters {}
property alphaMap
alphaMap?: Texture | null | undefined;
property aoMap
aoMap?: Texture | null | undefined;
property aoMapIntensity
aoMapIntensity?: number | undefined;
property bumpMap
bumpMap?: Texture | null | undefined;
property bumpScale
bumpScale?: number | undefined;
property color
color?: ColorRepresentation | undefined;
property displacementBias
displacementBias?: number | undefined;
property displacementMap
displacementMap?: Texture | null | undefined;
property displacementScale
displacementScale?: number | undefined;
property emissive
emissive?: ColorRepresentation | undefined;
property emissiveIntensity
emissiveIntensity?: number | undefined;
property emissiveMap
emissiveMap?: Texture | null | undefined;
property envMap
envMap?: Texture | null | undefined;
property envMapIntensity
envMapIntensity?: number | undefined;
property envMapRotation
envMapRotation?: Euler | undefined;
property flatShading
flatShading?: boolean | undefined;
property fog
fog?: boolean | undefined;
property lightMap
lightMap?: Texture | null | undefined;
property lightMapIntensity
lightMapIntensity?: number | undefined;
property map
map?: Texture | null | undefined;
property metalness
metalness?: number | undefined;
property metalnessMap
metalnessMap?: Texture | null | undefined;
property normalMap
normalMap?: Texture | null | undefined;
property normalMapType
normalMapType?: NormalMapTypes | undefined;
property normalScale
normalScale?: Vector2 | undefined;
property roughness
roughness?: number | undefined;
property roughnessMap
roughnessMap?: Texture | null | undefined;
property wireframe
wireframe?: boolean | undefined;
property wireframeLinewidth
wireframeLinewidth?: number | undefined;
interface MeshToonMaterialParameters
interface MeshToonMaterialParameters extends MaterialParameters {}
property alphaMap
alphaMap?: Texture | null | undefined;
property aoMap
aoMap?: Texture | null | undefined;
property aoMapIntensity
aoMapIntensity?: number | undefined;
property bumpMap
bumpMap?: Texture | null | undefined;
property bumpScale
bumpScale?: number | undefined;
property color
color?: ColorRepresentation | undefined;
geometry color in hexadecimal. Default is 0xffffff.
property displacementBias
displacementBias?: number | undefined;
property displacementMap
displacementMap?: Texture | null | undefined;
property displacementScale
displacementScale?: number | undefined;
property emissive
emissive?: ColorRepresentation | undefined;
property emissiveIntensity
emissiveIntensity?: number | undefined;
property emissiveMap
emissiveMap?: Texture | null | undefined;
property fog
fog?: boolean | undefined;
property gradientMap
gradientMap?: Texture | null | undefined;
property lightMap
lightMap?: Texture | null | undefined;
property lightMapIntensity
lightMapIntensity?: number | undefined;
property map
map?: Texture | null | undefined;
property normalMap
normalMap?: Texture | null | undefined;
property normalMapType
normalMapType?: NormalMapTypes | undefined;
property normalScale
normalScale?: Vector2 | undefined;
property opacity
opacity?: number | undefined;
property wireframe
wireframe?: boolean | undefined;
property wireframeLinecap
wireframeLinecap?: string | undefined;
property wireframeLinejoin
wireframeLinejoin?: string | undefined;
property wireframeLinewidth
wireframeLinewidth?: number | undefined;
interface MorphTarget
interface MorphTarget {}
interface Object3DEventMap
interface Object3DEventMap {}
property added
added: {};
Fires when the object has been added to its parent object.
property childadded
childadded: { child: Object3D };
Fires when a new child object has been added.
property childremoved
childremoved: { child: Object3D };
Fires when a new child object has been removed.
property removed
removed: {};
Fires when the object has been removed from its parent object.
interface Object3DJSON
interface Object3DJSON {}
interface Object3DJSONObject
interface Object3DJSONObject {}
property animations
animations?: string[];
property castShadow
castShadow?: boolean;
property children
children?: string[];
property frustumCulled
frustumCulled?: boolean;
property layers
layers: number;
property material
material?: string | string[];
property matrix
matrix: Matrix4Tuple;
property matrixAutoUpdate
matrixAutoUpdate?: boolean;
property name
name?: string;
property receiveShadow
receiveShadow?: boolean;
property renderOrder
renderOrder?: number;
property type
type: string;
property up
up: Vector3Tuple;
property userData
userData?: Record<string, unknown>;
property uuid
uuid: string;
property visible
visible?: boolean;
interface OffscreenCanvas
interface OffscreenCanvas extends EventTarget {}
Shim for OffscreenCanvas.
interface OrthographicCameraJSON
interface OrthographicCameraJSON extends Object3DJSON {}
property object
object: OrthographicCameraJSONObject;
interface OrthographicCameraJSONObject
interface OrthographicCameraJSONObject extends Object3DJSONObject {}
property bottom
bottom: number;
property far
far: number;
property left
left: number;
property near
near: number;
property right
right: number;
property top
top: number;
property view
view?: { enabled: boolean; fullWidth: number; fullHeight: number; offsetX: number; offsetY: number; width: number; height: number;};
property zoom
zoom: number;
interface ParseTrackNameResults
interface ParseTrackNameResults {}
property nodeName
nodeName: string;
property objectIndex
objectIndex: string;
property objectName
objectName: string;
property propertyIndex
propertyIndex: string;
property propertyName
propertyName: string;
interface PathJSON
interface PathJSON extends CurvePathJSON {}
property currentPoint
currentPoint: Vector2Tuple;
interface PerspectiveCameraJSON
interface PerspectiveCameraJSON extends Object3DJSON {}
property object
object: PerspectiveCameraJSONObject;
interface PerspectiveCameraJSONObject
interface PerspectiveCameraJSONObject extends Object3DJSONObject {}
property aspect
aspect: number;
property far
far: number;
property filmGauge
filmGauge: number;
property filmOffset
filmOffset: number;
property focus
focus: number;
property fov
fov: number;
property near
near: number;
property view
view?: { enabled: boolean; fullWidth: number; fullHeight: number; offsetX: number; offsetY: number; width: number; height: number;};
property zoom
zoom: number;
interface PointsMaterialParameters
interface PointsMaterialParameters extends MaterialParameters {}
interface QuaternionLike
interface QuaternionLike {}
interface RaycasterParameters
interface RaycasterParameters {}
interface Renderer
interface Renderer {}
property domElement
domElement: HTMLCanvasElement;
method render
render: (scene: Object3D, camera: Camera) => void;
method setSize
setSize: (width: number, height: number, updateStyle?: boolean) => void;
interface RenderItem
interface RenderItem {}
property geometry
geometry: BufferGeometry | null;
property group
group: Group | null;
property groupOrder
groupOrder: number;
property id
id: number;
property material
material: Material;
property object
object: Object3D;
property program
program: WebGLProgram;
property renderOrder
renderOrder: number;
property z
z: number;
interface RenderTargetOptions
interface RenderTargetOptions {}
property anisotropy
anisotropy?: number | undefined;
property colorSpace
colorSpace?: string | undefined;
property count
count?: number | undefined;
property depthBuffer
depthBuffer?: boolean | undefined;
property depthTexture
depthTexture?: DepthTexture | null | undefined;
property format
format?: number | undefined;
property generateMipmaps
generateMipmaps?: boolean | undefined;
property internalFormat
internalFormat?: PixelFormatGPU | null | undefined;
property magFilter
magFilter?: MagnificationTextureFilter | undefined;
property minFilter
minFilter?: MinificationTextureFilter | undefined;
property resolveDepthBuffer
resolveDepthBuffer?: boolean | undefined;
property resolveStencilBuffer
resolveStencilBuffer?: boolean | undefined;
property samples
samples?: number | undefined;
Defines the count of MSAA samples. Can only be used with WebGL 2. Default is **0**. 0
property stencilBuffer
stencilBuffer?: boolean | undefined;
property type
type?: TextureDataType | undefined;
property wrapS
wrapS?: Wrapping | undefined;
property wrapT
wrapT?: Wrapping | undefined;
interface Scene
interface Scene {}
property backgroundNode
backgroundNode?: Node | null | undefined;
property environmentNode
environmentNode?: Node | null | undefined;
property fogNode
fogNode?: Node | null | undefined;
interface SceneJSON
interface SceneJSON extends Object3DJSON {}
property object
object: SceneJSONObject;
interface SceneJSONObject
interface SceneJSONObject extends Object3DJSONObject {}
property backgroundBlurriness
backgroundBlurriness?: number;
property backgroundIntensity
backgroundIntensity?: number;
property backgroundRotation
backgroundRotation: EulerTuple;
property environmentIntensity
environmentIntensity?: number;
property environmentRotation
environmentRotation: EulerTuple;
property fog
fog?: FogJSON | FogExp2JSON;
interface ShaderLibShader
interface ShaderLibShader {}
property fragmentShader
fragmentShader: string;
property uniforms
uniforms: { [uniform: string]: IUniform };
property vertexShader
vertexShader: string;
interface ShaderMaterialJSON
interface ShaderMaterialJSON extends MaterialJSON {}
property clipping
clipping: boolean;
property defines
defines?: Record<string, unknown>;
property extensions
extensions?: Record<string, boolean>;
property glslVersion
glslVersion: number | null;
property lights
lights: boolean;
property ragmentShader
ragmentShader: string;
property uniforms
uniforms: Record<string, ShaderMaterialUniformJSON>;
property vertexShader
vertexShader: string;
interface ShaderMaterialParameters
interface ShaderMaterialParameters extends MaterialParameters {}
property clipping
clipping?: boolean | undefined;
property extensions
extensions?: | { clipCullDistance?: boolean | undefined; multiDraw?: boolean | undefined; } | undefined;
property fog
fog?: boolean | undefined;
property fragmentShader
fragmentShader?: string | undefined;
property glslVersion
glslVersion?: GLSLVersion | undefined;
property lights
lights?: boolean | undefined;
property linewidth
linewidth?: number | undefined;
property uniforms
uniforms?: { [uniform: string]: IUniform } | undefined;
property uniformsGroups
uniformsGroups?: UniformsGroup[] | undefined;
property vertexShader
vertexShader?: string | undefined;
property wireframe
wireframe?: boolean | undefined;
property wireframeLinewidth
wireframeLinewidth?: number | undefined;
interface ShadowMaterialParameters
interface ShadowMaterialParameters extends MaterialParameters {}
interface ShapeJSON
interface ShapeJSON extends PathJSON {}
interface SkeletonJSON
interface SkeletonJSON {}
property boneInverses
boneInverses: Matrix4Tuple[];
property bones
bones: string[];
property metadata
metadata: { version: number; type: string; generator: string };
property uuid
uuid: string;
interface SkinnedMeshJSON
interface SkinnedMeshJSON extends MeshJSON {}
property object
object: SkinnedMeshJSONObject;
interface SkinnedMeshJSONObject
interface SkinnedMeshJSONObject extends MeshJSONObject {}
property bindMatrix
bindMatrix: Matrix4Tuple;
property bindMode
bindMode: BindMode;
property skeleton
skeleton?: string;
interface SpriteMaterialParameters
interface SpriteMaterialParameters extends MaterialParameters {}
property alphaMap
alphaMap?: Texture | null | undefined;
property color
color?: ColorRepresentation | undefined;
property fog
fog?: boolean | undefined;
property map
map?: Texture | null | undefined;
property rotation
rotation?: number | undefined;
property sizeAttenuation
sizeAttenuation?: boolean | undefined;
interface Texture3DImageData
interface Texture3DImageData extends TextureImageData {}
property depth
depth: number;
interface TextureImageData
interface TextureImageData {}
interface TextureJSON
interface TextureJSON {}
property anisotropy
anisotropy: number;
property center
center: [x: number, y: number];
property channel
channel: number;
property colorSpace
colorSpace: string;
property flipY
flipY: boolean;
property format
format: AnyPixelFormat;
property generateMipmaps
generateMipmaps: boolean;
property image
image: string;
property internalFormat
internalFormat: PixelFormatGPU | null;
property magFilter
magFilter: MagnificationTextureFilter;
property mapping
mapping: AnyMapping;
property metadata
metadata: { version: number; type: string; generator: string };
property minFilter
minFilter: MinificationTextureFilter;
property name
name: string;
property offset
offset: [x: number, y: number];
property premultiplyAlpha
premultiplyAlpha: boolean;
property repeat
repeat: [x: number, y: number];
property rotation
rotation: number;
property type
type: TextureDataType;
property unpackAlignment
unpackAlignment: number;
property userData
userData?: Record<string, unknown>;
property uuid
uuid: string;
property wrap
wrap: [wrapS: number, wrapT: number];
interface UVGenerator
interface UVGenerator {}
method generateSideWallUV
generateSideWallUV: ( geometry: ExtrudeGeometry, vertices: number[], indexA: number, indexB: number, indexC: number, indexD: number) => Vector2[];
method generateTopUV
generateTopUV: ( geometry: ExtrudeGeometry, vertices: number[], indexA: number, indexB: number, indexC: number) => Vector2[];
interface Vector2Like
interface Vector2Like {}
interface Vector3Like
interface Vector3Like {}
interface Vector4Like
interface Vector4Like {}
interface WebGLCapabilitiesParameters
interface WebGLCapabilitiesParameters {}
property logarithmicDepthBuffer
logarithmicDepthBuffer?: boolean | undefined;
default is false.
property precision
precision?: string | undefined;
shader precision. Can be "highp", "mediump" or "lowp".
property reverseDepthBuffer
reverseDepthBuffer?: boolean | undefined;
default is false.
interface WebGLDebug
interface WebGLDebug {}
property checkShaderErrors
checkShaderErrors: boolean;
Enables error checking and reporting when shader programs are being compiled.
property onShaderError
onShaderError: | (( gl: WebGLRenderingContext, program: WebGLProgram, glVertexShader: WebGLShader, glFragmentShader: WebGLShader ) => void) | null;
A callback function that can be used for custom error reporting. The callback receives the WebGL context, an instance of WebGLProgram as well two instances of WebGLShader representing the vertex and fragment shader. Assigning a custom function disables the default error reporting.
interface WebGLLightsState
interface WebGLLightsState {}
property ambient
ambient: number[];
property directional
directional: any[];
property directionalShadow
directionalShadow: any[];
property directionalShadowMap
directionalShadowMap: any[];
property directionalShadowMatrix
directionalShadowMatrix: any[];
property hash
hash: { directionalLength: number; pointLength: number; spotLength: number; rectAreaLength: number; hemiLength: number;
numDirectionalShadows: number; numPointShadows: number; numSpotShadows: number; numSpotMaps: number;
numLightProbes: number;};
property hemi
hemi: any[];
property numLightProbes
numLightProbes: number;
property numSpotLightShadowsWithMaps
numSpotLightShadowsWithMaps: number;
property point
point: any[];
property pointShadow
pointShadow: any[];
property pointShadowMap
pointShadowMap: any[];
property pointShadowMatrix
pointShadowMatrix: any[];
property probe
probe: any[];
property rectArea
rectArea: any[];
property spot
spot: any[];
property spotShadow
spotShadow: any[];
property spotShadowMap
spotShadowMap: any[];
property spotShadowMatrix
spotShadowMatrix: any[];
property version
version: number;
interface WebGLProgramParameters
interface WebGLProgramParameters {}
property alphaHash
alphaHash: boolean;
property alphaMap
alphaMap: boolean;
property alphaMapUv
alphaMapUv: string | false;
property alphaTest
alphaTest: boolean;
property alphaToCoverage
alphaToCoverage: boolean;
property anisotropy
anisotropy: boolean;
property anisotropyMap
anisotropyMap: boolean;
property anisotropyMapUv
anisotropyMapUv: string | false;
property aoMap
aoMap: boolean;
property aoMapUv
aoMapUv: string | false;
property batching
batching: boolean;
property batchingColor
batchingColor: boolean;
property bumpMap
bumpMap: boolean;
property bumpMapUv
bumpMapUv: string | false;
property clearcoat
clearcoat: boolean;
property clearcoatMap
clearcoatMap: boolean;
property clearcoatMapUv
clearcoatMapUv: string | false;
property clearcoatNormalMap
clearcoatNormalMap: boolean;
property clearcoatNormalMapUv
clearcoatNormalMapUv: string | false;
property clearcoatRoughnessMap
clearcoatRoughnessMap: boolean;
property clearcoatRoughnessMapUv
clearcoatRoughnessMapUv: string | false;
property combine
combine: Combine | undefined;
property customFragmentShaderID
customFragmentShaderID: string | undefined;
property customProgramCacheKey
customProgramCacheKey: string;
property customVertexShaderID
customVertexShaderID: string | undefined;
property decodeVideoTexture
decodeVideoTexture: boolean;
property decodeVideoTextureEmissive
decodeVideoTextureEmissive: boolean;
property defines
defines: { [define: string]: string | number | boolean } | undefined;
property depthPacking
depthPacking: DepthPackingStrategies | 0;
property dispersion
dispersion: boolean;
property displacementMap
displacementMap: boolean;
property displacementMapUv
displacementMapUv: string | false;
property dithering
dithering: boolean;
property doubleSided
doubleSided: boolean;
property emissiveMap
emissiveMap: boolean;
property emissiveMapUv
emissiveMapUv: string | false;
property envMap
envMap: boolean;
property envMapCubeUVHeight
envMapCubeUVHeight: number | null;
property envMapMode
envMapMode: Mapping | false;
property extensionClipCullDistance
extensionClipCullDistance: boolean;
property extensionMultiDraw
extensionMultiDraw: boolean;
property flatShading
flatShading: boolean;
property flipSided
flipSided: boolean;
property fog
fog: boolean;
property fogExp2
fogExp2: boolean;
property fragmentShader
fragmentShader: string;
property glslVersion
glslVersion: GLSLVersion | null | undefined;
property gradientMap
gradientMap: boolean;
property index0AttributeName
index0AttributeName: string | undefined;
property instancing
instancing: boolean;
property instancingColor
instancingColor: boolean;
property instancingMorph
instancingMorph: boolean;
property iridescence
iridescence: boolean;
property iridescenceMap
iridescenceMap: boolean;
property iridescenceMapUv
iridescenceMapUv: string | false;
property iridescenceThicknessMap
iridescenceThicknessMap: boolean;
property iridescenceThicknessMapUv
iridescenceThicknessMapUv: string | false;
property isRawShaderMaterial
isRawShaderMaterial: boolean;
property lightMap
lightMap: boolean;
property lightMapUv
lightMapUv: string | false;
property logarithmicDepthBuffer
logarithmicDepthBuffer: boolean;
property map
map: boolean;
property mapUv
mapUv: string | false;
property matcap
matcap: boolean;
property metalnessMap
metalnessMap: boolean;
property metalnessMapUv
metalnessMapUv: string | false;
property morphColors
morphColors: boolean;
property morphNormals
morphNormals: boolean;
property morphTargets
morphTargets: boolean;
property morphTargetsCount
morphTargetsCount: number;
property morphTextureStride
morphTextureStride: number;
property normalMap
normalMap: boolean;
property normalMapObjectSpace
normalMapObjectSpace: boolean;
property normalMapTangentSpace
normalMapTangentSpace: boolean;
property normalMapUv
normalMapUv: string | false;
property numClipIntersection
numClipIntersection: number;
property numClippingPlanes
numClippingPlanes: number;
property numDirLights
numDirLights: number;
property numDirLightShadows
numDirLightShadows: number;
property numHemiLights
numHemiLights: number;
property numLightProbes
numLightProbes: number;
property numPointLights
numPointLights: number;
property numPointLightShadows
numPointLightShadows: number;
property numRectAreaLights
numRectAreaLights: number;
property numSpotLightMaps
numSpotLightMaps: number;
property numSpotLights
numSpotLights: number;
property numSpotLightShadows
numSpotLightShadows: number;
property numSpotLightShadowsWithMaps
numSpotLightShadowsWithMaps: number;
property opaque
opaque: boolean;
property outputColorSpace
outputColorSpace: string;
property pointsUvs
pointsUvs: boolean;
property precision
precision: 'lowp' | 'mediump' | 'highp';
property premultipliedAlpha
premultipliedAlpha: boolean;
property rendererExtensionParallelShaderCompile
rendererExtensionParallelShaderCompile: boolean;
property reverseDepthBuffer
reverseDepthBuffer: boolean;
property roughnessMap
roughnessMap: boolean;
property roughnessMapUv
roughnessMapUv: string | false;
property shaderID
shaderID: string;
property shaderName
shaderName: string;
property shaderType
shaderType: string;
property shadowMapEnabled
shadowMapEnabled: boolean;
property shadowMapType
shadowMapType: ShadowMapType;
property sheen
sheen: boolean;
property sheenColorMap
sheenColorMap: boolean;
property sheenColorMapUv
sheenColorMapUv: string | false;
property sheenRoughnessMap
sheenRoughnessMap: boolean;
property sheenRoughnessMapUv
sheenRoughnessMapUv: string | false;
property sizeAttenuation
sizeAttenuation: boolean;
property skinning
skinning: boolean;
property specularColorMap
specularColorMap: boolean;
property specularColorMapUv
specularColorMapUv: string | false;
property specularIntensityMap
specularIntensityMap: boolean;
property specularIntensityMapUv
specularIntensityMapUv: string | false;
property specularMap
specularMap: boolean;
property specularMapUv
specularMapUv: string | false;
property supportsVertexTextures
supportsVertexTextures: boolean;
property thicknessMap
thicknessMap: boolean;
property thicknessMapUv
thicknessMapUv: string | false;
property toneMapping
toneMapping: ToneMapping;
property transmission
transmission: boolean;
property transmissionMap
transmissionMap: boolean;
property transmissionMapUv
transmissionMapUv: string | false;
property useDepthPacking
useDepthPacking: boolean;
property useFog
useFog: boolean;
property vertexAlphas
vertexAlphas: boolean;
property vertexColors
vertexColors: boolean;
property vertexShader
vertexShader: string;
property vertexTangents
vertexTangents: boolean;
property vertexUv1s
vertexUv1s: boolean;
property vertexUv2s
vertexUv2s: boolean;
property vertexUv3s
vertexUv3s: boolean;
interface WebGLProgramParametersWithUniforms
interface WebGLProgramParametersWithUniforms extends WebGLProgramParameters {}
property uniforms
uniforms: { [uniform: string]: IUniform };
interface WebGLRendererParameters
interface WebGLRendererParameters extends WebGLCapabilitiesParameters {}
property alpha
alpha?: boolean | undefined;
default is false.
property antialias
antialias?: boolean | undefined;
default is false.
property canvas
canvas?: HTMLCanvasElement | OffscreenCanvas | undefined;
A Canvas where the renderer draws its output.
property context
context?: WebGLRenderingContext | undefined;
A WebGL Rendering Context. (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/WebGLRenderingContext) Default is null
property depth
depth?: boolean | undefined;
default is true.
property failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat
failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat?: boolean | undefined;
default is false.
property powerPreference
powerPreference?: WebGLPowerPreference | undefined;
Can be "high-performance", "low-power" or "default"
property premultipliedAlpha
premultipliedAlpha?: boolean | undefined;
default is true.
property preserveDrawingBuffer
preserveDrawingBuffer?: boolean | undefined;
default is false.
property stencil
stencil?: boolean | undefined;
default is false.
interface WebXRManagerEventMap
interface WebXRManagerEventMap {}
property planeadded
planeadded: { data: XRPlane };
property planechanged
planechanged: { data: XRPlane };
property planeremoved
planeremoved: { data: XRPlane };
property planesdetected
planesdetected: { data: XRPlaneSet };
property sessionend
sessionend: {};
property sessionstart
sessionstart: {};
interface WebXRSpaceEventMap
interface WebXRSpaceEventMap extends Object3DEventMap {}
property connected
connected: { data: XRInputSource };
property disconnected
disconnected: { data: XRInputSource };
property move
move: {};
property pinchend
pinchend: { handedness: XRHandedness; target: WebXRController };
property pinchstart
pinchstart: { handedness: XRHandedness; target: WebXRController };
property select
select: { data: XRInputSource };
property selectend
selectend: { data: XRInputSource };
property selectstart
selectstart: { data: XRInputSource };
property squeeze
squeeze: { data: XRInputSource };
property squeezeend
squeezeend: { data: XRInputSource };
property squeezestart
squeezestart: { data: XRInputSource };
interface XRHandInputState
interface XRHandInputState {}
property pinching
pinching: boolean;
Type Aliases
type AnimationActionLoopStyles
type AnimationActionLoopStyles = | typeof LoopOnce | typeof LoopRepeat | typeof LoopPingPong;
type AnimationBlendMode
type AnimationBlendMode = | typeof NormalAnimationBlendMode | typeof AdditiveAnimationBlendMode;
type AnyMapping
type AnyMapping = Mapping | CubeTextureMapping;
Texture Mapping Modes for any type of Textures
See Also
type AnyPixelFormat
type AnyPixelFormat = PixelFormat | DepthTexturePixelFormat | CompressedPixelFormat;
All Possible Texture Pixel Formats Modes. For any Type or SubType of Textures.
Note that the texture must have the correct set, as described in TextureDataType.
See Also
type AttributeGPUType
type AttributeGPUType = typeof FloatType | typeof IntType;
type BindMode
type BindMode = typeof AttachedBindMode | typeof DetachedBindMode;
type Blending
type Blending = | typeof NoBlending | typeof NormalBlending | typeof AdditiveBlending | typeof SubtractiveBlending | typeof MultiplyBlending | typeof CustomBlending;
type BlendingDstFactor
type BlendingDstFactor = | typeof ZeroFactor | typeof OneFactor | typeof SrcColorFactor | typeof OneMinusSrcColorFactor | typeof SrcAlphaFactor | typeof OneMinusSrcAlphaFactor | typeof DstAlphaFactor | typeof OneMinusDstAlphaFactor | typeof DstColorFactor | typeof OneMinusDstColorFactor | typeof ConstantColorFactor | typeof OneMinusConstantColorFactor | typeof ConstantAlphaFactor | typeof OneMinusConstantAlphaFactor;
type BlendingEquation
type BlendingEquation = | typeof AddEquation | typeof SubtractEquation | typeof ReverseSubtractEquation | typeof MinEquation | typeof MaxEquation;
type BlendingSrcFactor
type BlendingSrcFactor = BlendingDstFactor | typeof SrcAlphaSaturateFactor;
type ColorRepresentation
type ColorRepresentation = Color | string | number;
type ColorSpace
type ColorSpace = | typeof NoColorSpace | typeof SRGBColorSpace | typeof LinearSRGBColorSpace;
type ColorSpaceTransfer
type ColorSpaceTransfer = typeof LinearTransfer | typeof SRGBTransfer;
type Combine
type Combine = typeof MultiplyOperation | typeof MixOperation | typeof AddOperation;
type CompressedPixelFormat
type CompressedPixelFormat = | typeof RGB_S3TC_DXT1_Format | typeof RGBA_S3TC_DXT1_Format | typeof RGBA_S3TC_DXT3_Format | typeof RGBA_S3TC_DXT5_Format | typeof RGB_PVRTC_4BPPV1_Format | typeof RGB_PVRTC_2BPPV1_Format | typeof RGBA_PVRTC_4BPPV1_Format | typeof RGBA_PVRTC_2BPPV1_Format | typeof RGB_ETC1_Format | typeof RGB_ETC2_Format | typeof RGBA_ETC2_EAC_Format | typeof RGBA_ASTC_4x4_Format | typeof RGBA_ASTC_5x4_Format | typeof RGBA_ASTC_5x5_Format | typeof RGBA_ASTC_6x5_Format | typeof RGBA_ASTC_6x6_Format | typeof RGBA_ASTC_8x5_Format | typeof RGBA_ASTC_8x6_Format | typeof RGBA_ASTC_8x8_Format | typeof RGBA_ASTC_10x5_Format | typeof RGBA_ASTC_10x6_Format | typeof RGBA_ASTC_10x8_Format | typeof RGBA_ASTC_10x10_Format | typeof RGBA_ASTC_12x10_Format | typeof RGBA_ASTC_12x12_Format | typeof RGBA_BPTC_Format | typeof RGB_BPTC_SIGNED_Format | typeof RGB_BPTC_UNSIGNED_Format | typeof RED_RGTC1_Format | typeof SIGNED_RED_RGTC1_Format | typeof RED_GREEN_RGTC2_Format | typeof SIGNED_RED_GREEN_RGTC2_Format;
For use with a THREE.CompressedTexture's .format property.
Compressed Require support for correct WebGL extension.
type CoordinateSystem
type CoordinateSystem = typeof WebGLCoordinateSystem | typeof WebGPUCoordinateSystem;
type CubeTextureMapping
type CubeTextureMapping = | typeof CubeReflectionMapping | typeof CubeRefractionMapping | typeof CubeUVReflectionMapping;
Texture Mapping Modes for cube Textures
CubeReflectionMapping is the _default_ value and behaver for Cube Texture Mapping.
See Also
type CullFace
type CullFace = | typeof CullFaceNone | typeof CullFaceBack | typeof CullFaceFront | typeof CullFaceFrontBack;
type CurveType
type CurveType = 'centripetal' | 'chordal' | 'catmullrom';
type DepthModes
type DepthModes = | typeof NeverDepth | typeof AlwaysDepth | typeof LessDepth | typeof LessEqualDepth | typeof EqualDepth | typeof GreaterEqualDepth | typeof GreaterDepth | typeof NotEqualDepth;
type DepthPackingStrategies
type DepthPackingStrategies = | typeof BasicDepthPacking | typeof RGBADepthPacking | typeof RGBDepthPacking | typeof RGDepthPacking;
type DepthTexturePixelFormat
type DepthTexturePixelFormat = typeof DepthFormat | typeof DepthStencilFormat;
All Texture Pixel Formats Modes for THREE.DepthTexture.
See Also
WebGLRenderingContext.texImage2D for details.
type EulerOrder
type EulerOrder = 'XYZ' | 'YXZ' | 'ZXY' | 'ZYX' | 'YZX' | 'XZY';
type EulerTuple
type EulerTuple = [x: number, y: number, z: number, order?: EulerOrder];
type EventListener
type EventListener<TEventData, TEventType extends string, TTarget> = ( event: TEventData & Event<TEventType, TTarget>) => void;
type GLSLVersion
type GLSLVersion = typeof GLSL1 | typeof GLSL3;
type InterpolationEndingModes
type InterpolationEndingModes = | typeof ZeroCurvatureEnding | typeof ZeroSlopeEnding | typeof WrapAroundEnding;
type InterpolationModes
type InterpolationModes = | typeof InterpolateDiscrete | typeof InterpolateLinear | typeof InterpolateSmooth;
type MagnificationTextureFilter
type MagnificationTextureFilter = typeof NearestFilter | typeof LinearFilter;
Texture Magnification Filter Modes. For use with a texture's magFilter property, these define the texture magnification function to be used when the pixel being textured maps to an area less than or equal to one texture element (texel).
See Also
type Mapping
type Mapping = | typeof UVMapping | typeof EquirectangularReflectionMapping | typeof EquirectangularRefractionMapping;
Texture Mapping Modes for non-cube Textures
UVMapping is the _default_ value and behaver for Texture Mapping.
See Also
type Matrix2Tuple
type Matrix2Tuple = [n11: number, n12: number, n21: number, n22: number];
type Matrix3Tuple
type Matrix3Tuple = [ n11: number, n12: number, n13: number, n21: number, n22: number, n23: number, n31: number, n32: number, n33: number];
type Matrix4Tuple
type Matrix4Tuple = [ n11: number, n12: number, n13: number, n14: number, n21: number, n22: number, n23: number, n24: number, n31: number, n32: number, n33: number, n34: number, n41: number, n42: number, n43: number, n44: number];
type MinificationTextureFilter
type MinificationTextureFilter = | typeof NearestFilter | typeof NearestMipmapNearestFilter | typeof NearestMipMapNearestFilter | typeof NearestMipmapLinearFilter | typeof NearestMipMapLinearFilter | typeof LinearFilter | typeof LinearMipmapNearestFilter | typeof LinearMipMapNearestFilter | typeof LinearMipmapLinearFilter | typeof LinearMipMapLinearFilter;
Texture Minification Filter Modes. For use with a texture's minFilter property, these define the texture minifying function that is used whenever the pixel being textured maps to an area greater than one texture element (texel).
See Also
type NormalBufferAttributes
type NormalBufferAttributes = Record< string, BufferAttribute | InterleavedBufferAttribute>;
type NormalMapTypes
type NormalMapTypes = typeof TangentSpaceNormalMap | typeof ObjectSpaceNormalMap;
type NormalOrGLBufferAttributes
type NormalOrGLBufferAttributes = Record< string, BufferAttribute | InterleavedBufferAttribute | GLBufferAttribute>;
type PixelFormat
type PixelFormat = | typeof AlphaFormat | typeof RGBFormat | typeof RGBAFormat | typeof LuminanceFormat | typeof LuminanceAlphaFormat | typeof DepthFormat | typeof DepthStencilFormat | typeof RedFormat | typeof RedIntegerFormat | typeof RGFormat | typeof RGIntegerFormat | typeof RGBIntegerFormat | typeof RGBAIntegerFormat;
All Texture Pixel Formats Modes.
Note that the texture must have the correct set, as described in TextureDataType.
See Also
WebGLRenderingContext.texImage2D for details.
type PixelFormatGPU
type PixelFormatGPU = | 'ALPHA' | 'RGB' | 'RGBA' | 'LUMINANCE' | 'LUMINANCE_ALPHA' | 'RED_INTEGER' | 'R8' | 'R8_SNORM' | 'R8I' | 'R8UI' | 'R16I' | 'R16UI' | 'R16F' | 'R32I' | 'R32UI' | 'R32F' | 'RG8' | 'RG8_SNORM' | 'RG8I' | 'RG8UI' | 'RG16I' | 'RG16UI' | 'RG16F' | 'RG32I' | 'RG32UI' | 'RG32F' | 'RGB565' | 'RGB8' | 'RGB8_SNORM' | 'RGB8I' | 'RGB8UI' | 'RGB16I' | 'RGB16UI' | 'RGB16F' | 'RGB32I' | 'RGB32UI' | 'RGB32F' | 'RGB9_E5' | 'SRGB8' | 'R11F_G11F_B10F' | 'RGBA4' | 'RGBA8' | 'RGBA8_SNORM' | 'RGBA8I' | 'RGBA8UI' | 'RGBA16I' | 'RGBA16UI' | 'RGBA16F' | 'RGBA32I' | 'RGBA32UI' | 'RGBA32F' | 'RGB5_A1' | 'RGB10_A2' | 'RGB10_A2UI' | 'SRGB8_ALPHA8' | 'SRGB8' | 'DEPTH_COMPONENT16' | 'DEPTH_COMPONENT24' | 'DEPTH_COMPONENT32F' | 'DEPTH24_STENCIL8' | 'DEPTH32F_STENCIL8';
For use with a texture's THREE.Texture.internalFormat property, these define how elements of a THREE.Texture, or texels, are stored on the GPU. -
stores the red component on 8 bits. -R8_SNORM
stores the red component on 8 bits. The component is stored as normalized. -R8I
stores the red component on 8 bits. The component is stored as an integer. -R8UI
stores the red component on 8 bits. The component is stored as an unsigned integer. -R16I
stores the red component on 16 bits. The component is stored as an integer. -R16UI
stores the red component on 16 bits. The component is stored as an unsigned integer. -R16F
stores the red component on 16 bits. The component is stored as floating point. -R32I
stores the red component on 32 bits. The component is stored as an integer. -R32UI
stores the red component on 32 bits. The component is stored as an unsigned integer. -R32F
stores the red component on 32 bits. The component is stored as floating point. -RG8
stores the red and green components on 8 bits each. -RG8_SNORM
stores the red and green components on 8 bits each. Every component is stored as normalized. -RG8I
stores the red and green components on 8 bits each. Every component is stored as an integer. -RG8UI
stores the red and green components on 8 bits each. Every component is stored as an unsigned integer. -RG16I
stores the red and green components on 16 bits each. Every component is stored as an integer. -RG16UI
stores the red and green components on 16 bits each. Every component is stored as an unsigned integer. -RG16F
stores the red and green components on 16 bits each. Every component is stored as floating point. -RG32I
stores the red and green components on 32 bits each. Every component is stored as an integer. -RG32UI
stores the red and green components on 32 bits. Every component is stored as an unsigned integer. -RG32F
stores the red and green components on 32 bits. Every component is stored as floating point. -RGB8
stores the red, green, and blue components on 8 bits each. RGB8_SNORM` stores the red, green, and blue components on 8 bits each. Every component is stored as normalized. -RGB8I
stores the red, green, and blue components on 8 bits each. Every component is stored as an integer. -RGB8UI
stores the red, green, and blue components on 8 bits each. Every component is stored as an unsigned integer. -RGB16I
stores the red, green, and blue components on 16 bits each. Every component is stored as an integer. -RGB16UI
stores the red, green, and blue components on 16 bits each. Every component is stored as an unsigned integer. -RGB16F
stores the red, green, and blue components on 16 bits each. Every component is stored as floating point -RGB32I
stores the red, green, and blue components on 32 bits each. Every component is stored as an integer. -RGB32UI
stores the red, green, and blue components on 32 bits each. Every component is stored as an unsigned integer. -RGB32F
stores the red, green, and blue components on 32 bits each. Every component is stored as floating point -R11F_G11F_B10F
stores the red, green, and blue components respectively on 11 bits, 11 bits, and 10bits. Every component is stored as floating point. -RGB565
stores the red, green, and blue components respectively on 5 bits, 6 bits, and 5 bits. -RGB9_E5
stores the red, green, and blue components on 9 bits each. -RGBA8
stores the red, green, blue, and alpha components on 8 bits each. -RGBA8_SNORM
stores the red, green, blue, and alpha components on 8 bits. Every component is stored as normalized. -RGBA8I
stores the red, green, blue, and alpha components on 8 bits each. Every component is stored as an integer. -RGBA8UI
stores the red, green, blue, and alpha components on 8 bits. Every component is stored as an unsigned integer. -RGBA16I
stores the red, green, blue, and alpha components on 16 bits. Every component is stored as an integer. -RGBA16UI
stores the red, green, blue, and alpha components on 16 bits. Every component is stored as an unsigned integer. -RGBA16F
stores the red, green, blue, and alpha components on 16 bits. Every component is stored as floating point. -RGBA32I
stores the red, green, blue, and alpha components on 32 bits. Every component is stored as an integer. -RGBA32UI
stores the red, green, blue, and alpha components on 32 bits. Every component is stored as an unsigned integer. -RGBA32F
stores the red, green, blue, and alpha components on 32 bits. Every component is stored as floating point. -RGB5_A1
stores the red, green, blue, and alpha components respectively on 5 bits, 5 bits, 5 bits, and 1 bit. -RGB10_A2
stores the red, green, blue, and alpha components respectively on 10 bits, 10 bits, 10 bits and 2 bits. -RGB10_A2UI
stores the red, green, blue, and alpha components respectively on 10 bits, 10 bits, 10 bits and 2 bits. Every component is stored as an unsigned integer. -SRGB8
stores the red, green, and blue components on 8 bits each. -SRGB8_ALPHA8
stores the red, green, blue, and alpha components on 8 bits each. -DEPTH_COMPONENT16
stores the depth component on 16bits. -DEPTH_COMPONENT24
stores the depth component on 24bits. -DEPTH_COMPONENT32F
stores the depth component on 32bits. The component is stored as floating point. -DEPTH24_STENCIL8
stores the depth, and stencil components respectively on 24 bits and 8 bits. The stencil component is stored as an unsigned integer. -DEPTH32F_STENCIL8
stores the depth, and stencil components respectively on 32 bits and 8 bits. The depth component is stored as floating point, and the stencil component as an unsigned integer. Note that the texture must have the correct set, as well as the correct THREE.Texture.format.See Also
WebGLRenderingContext.texImage2D and WebGLRenderingContext.texImage3D for more details regarding the possible combination of THREE.Texture.format, THREE.Texture.internalFormat, and .
WebGL2 Specification and OpenGL ES 3.0 Specification For more in-depth information regarding internal formats.
type QuaternionTuple
type QuaternionTuple = [x: number, y: number, z: number, w: number];
type SerializedImage
type SerializedImage = | string | { data: number[]; width: number; height: number; type: string; };
type ShaderMaterialUniformJSON
type ShaderMaterialUniformJSON = | { type: 't'; value: string; } | { type: 'c'; value: number; } | { type: 'v2'; value: Vector2Tuple; } | { type: 'v3'; value: Vector3Tuple; } | { type: 'v4'; value: Vector4Tuple; } | { type: 'm3'; value: Matrix3Tuple; } | { type: 'm4'; value: Matrix4Tuple; } | { value: unknown; };
type ShadowMapType
type ShadowMapType = | typeof BasicShadowMap | typeof PCFShadowMap | typeof PCFSoftShadowMap | typeof VSMShadowMap;
type Side
type Side = typeof FrontSide | typeof BackSide | typeof DoubleSide;
Defines which side of faces will be rendered - front, back or both. Default is FrontSide.
type StencilFunc
type StencilFunc = | typeof NeverStencilFunc | typeof LessStencilFunc | typeof EqualStencilFunc | typeof LessEqualStencilFunc | typeof GreaterStencilFunc | typeof NotEqualStencilFunc | typeof GreaterEqualStencilFunc | typeof AlwaysStencilFunc;
type StencilOp
type StencilOp = | typeof ZeroStencilOp | typeof KeepStencilOp | typeof ReplaceStencilOp | typeof IncrementStencilOp | typeof DecrementStencilOp | typeof IncrementWrapStencilOp | typeof DecrementWrapStencilOp | typeof InvertStencilOp;
type TextureComparisonFunction
type TextureComparisonFunction = | typeof NeverCompare | typeof LessCompare | typeof EqualCompare | typeof LessEqualCompare | typeof GreaterCompare | typeof NotEqualCompare | typeof GreaterEqualCompare | typeof AlwaysCompare;
type TextureDataType
type TextureDataType = | typeof UnsignedByteType | typeof ByteType | typeof ShortType | typeof UnsignedShortType | typeof IntType | typeof UnsignedIntType | typeof FloatType | typeof HalfFloatType | typeof UnsignedShort4444Type | typeof UnsignedShort5551Type | typeof UnsignedInt248Type | typeof UnsignedInt5999Type;
type TextureFilter
type TextureFilter = MagnificationTextureFilter | MinificationTextureFilter;
Texture all Magnification and Minification Filter Modes.
See Also
type ToneMapping
type ToneMapping = | typeof NoToneMapping | typeof LinearToneMapping | typeof ReinhardToneMapping | typeof CineonToneMapping | typeof ACESFilmicToneMapping | typeof CustomToneMapping | typeof AgXToneMapping | typeof NeutralToneMapping;
type TrianglesDrawModes
type TrianglesDrawModes = | typeof TrianglesDrawMode | typeof TriangleStripDrawMode | typeof TriangleFanDrawMode;
type TypedArray
type TypedArray = | Int8Array | Uint8Array | Uint8ClampedArray | Int16Array | Uint16Array | Int32Array | Uint32Array | Float32Array | Float64Array;
type Usage
type Usage = | typeof StaticDrawUsage | typeof DynamicDrawUsage | typeof StreamDrawUsage | typeof StaticReadUsage | typeof DynamicReadUsage | typeof StreamReadUsage | typeof StaticCopyUsage | typeof DynamicCopyUsage | typeof StreamCopyUsage;
type Vector2Tuple
type Vector2Tuple = [x: number, y: number];
type Vector3Tuple
type Vector3Tuple = [number, number, number];
type Vector4Tuple
type Vector4Tuple = [number, number, number, number];
type WebXRArrayCamera
type WebXRArrayCamera = Omit<ArrayCamera, 'cameras'> & { cameras: [WebXRCamera, WebXRCamera];};
type WebXRCamera
type WebXRCamera = PerspectiveCamera & { viewport: Vector4 };
type Wrapping
type Wrapping = | typeof RepeatWrapping | typeof ClampToEdgeWrapping | typeof MirroredRepeatWrapping;
Texture Wrapping Modes
ClampToEdgeWrapping is the _default_ value and behaver for Wrapping Mapping.
See Also
type XRControllerEventType
type XRControllerEventType = | XRSessionEventType | XRInputSourceEventType | 'disconnected' | 'connected';
type XRHandJoints
type XRHandJoints = Record<XRHandJoint, XRJointSpace>;
namespace AudioContext
namespace AudioContext {}
This contains methods for setting up an AudioContext. Used internally by the AudioListener and AudioLoader classes. This uses the Web Audio API.
See Also
function getContext
getContext: () => AudioContext;
Return the value of the variable
in the outer scope, if defined, otherwise set it to a new AudioContext.
function setContext
setContext: (context: AudioContext) => void;
Set the variable
in the outer scope tovalue
.Parameter value
Package Files (239)
- index.d.ts
- src/Three.Legacy.d.ts
- src/animation/AnimationAction.d.ts
- src/animation/AnimationClip.d.ts
- src/animation/AnimationMixer.d.ts
- src/animation/AnimationObjectGroup.d.ts
- src/animation/AnimationUtils.d.ts
- src/animation/KeyframeTrack.d.ts
- src/animation/PropertyBinding.d.ts
- src/animation/PropertyMixer.d.ts
- src/animation/tracks/BooleanKeyframeTrack.d.ts
- src/animation/tracks/ColorKeyframeTrack.d.ts
- src/animation/tracks/NumberKeyframeTrack.d.ts
- src/animation/tracks/QuaternionKeyframeTrack.d.ts
- src/animation/tracks/StringKeyframeTrack.d.ts
- src/animation/tracks/VectorKeyframeTrack.d.ts
- src/audio/Audio.d.ts
- src/audio/AudioAnalyser.d.ts
- src/audio/AudioContext.d.ts
- src/audio/AudioListener.d.ts
- src/audio/PositionalAudio.d.ts
- src/cameras/ArrayCamera.d.ts
- src/cameras/Camera.d.ts
- src/cameras/CubeCamera.d.ts
- src/cameras/OrthographicCamera.d.ts
- src/cameras/PerspectiveCamera.d.ts
- src/cameras/StereoCamera.d.ts
- src/constants.d.ts
- src/core/BufferAttribute.d.ts
- src/core/BufferGeometry.d.ts
- src/core/Clock.d.ts
- src/core/EventDispatcher.d.ts
- src/core/GLBufferAttribute.d.ts
- src/core/InstancedBufferAttribute.d.ts
- src/core/InstancedBufferGeometry.d.ts
- src/core/InstancedInterleavedBuffer.d.ts
- src/core/InterleavedBuffer.d.ts
- src/core/InterleavedBufferAttribute.d.ts
- src/core/Layers.d.ts
- src/core/Object3D.d.ts
- src/core/Raycaster.d.ts
- src/core/RenderTarget.d.ts
- src/core/Uniform.d.ts
- src/core/UniformsGroup.d.ts
- src/extras/Controls.d.ts
- src/extras/DataUtils.d.ts
- src/extras/ImageUtils.d.ts
- src/extras/PMREMGenerator.d.ts
- src/extras/ShapeUtils.d.ts
- src/extras/TextureUtils.d.ts
- src/extras/core/Curve.d.ts
- src/extras/core/CurvePath.d.ts
- src/extras/core/Path.d.ts
- src/extras/core/Shape.d.ts
- src/extras/core/ShapePath.d.ts
- src/extras/curves/ArcCurve.d.ts
- src/extras/curves/CatmullRomCurve3.d.ts
- src/extras/curves/CubicBezierCurve.d.ts
- src/extras/curves/CubicBezierCurve3.d.ts
- src/extras/curves/EllipseCurve.d.ts
- src/extras/curves/LineCurve.d.ts
- src/extras/curves/LineCurve3.d.ts
- src/extras/curves/QuadraticBezierCurve.d.ts
- src/extras/curves/QuadraticBezierCurve3.d.ts
- src/extras/curves/SplineCurve.d.ts
- src/geometries/BoxGeometry.d.ts
- src/geometries/CapsuleGeometry.d.ts
- src/geometries/CircleGeometry.d.ts
- src/geometries/ConeGeometry.d.ts
- src/geometries/CylinderGeometry.d.ts
- src/geometries/DodecahedronGeometry.d.ts
- src/geometries/EdgesGeometry.d.ts
- src/geometries/ExtrudeGeometry.d.ts
- src/geometries/IcosahedronGeometry.d.ts
- src/geometries/LatheGeometry.d.ts
- src/geometries/OctahedronGeometry.d.ts
- src/geometries/PlaneGeometry.d.ts
- src/geometries/PolyhedronGeometry.d.ts
- src/geometries/RingGeometry.d.ts
- src/geometries/ShapeGeometry.d.ts
- src/geometries/SphereGeometry.d.ts
- src/geometries/TetrahedronGeometry.d.ts
- src/geometries/TorusGeometry.d.ts
- src/geometries/TorusKnotGeometry.d.ts
- src/geometries/TubeGeometry.d.ts
- src/geometries/WireframeGeometry.d.ts
- src/helpers/ArrowHelper.d.ts
- src/helpers/AxesHelper.d.ts
- src/helpers/Box3Helper.d.ts
- src/helpers/BoxHelper.d.ts
- src/helpers/CameraHelper.d.ts
- src/helpers/DirectionalLightHelper.d.ts
- src/helpers/GridHelper.d.ts
- src/helpers/HemisphereLightHelper.d.ts
- src/helpers/PlaneHelper.d.ts
- src/helpers/PointLightHelper.d.ts
- src/helpers/PolarGridHelper.d.ts
- src/helpers/SkeletonHelper.d.ts
- src/helpers/SpotLightHelper.d.ts
- src/lights/AmbientLight.d.ts
- src/lights/DirectionalLight.d.ts
- src/lights/DirectionalLightShadow.d.ts
- src/lights/HemisphereLight.d.ts
- src/lights/Light.d.ts
- src/lights/LightProbe.d.ts
- src/lights/LightShadow.d.ts
- src/lights/PointLight.d.ts
- src/lights/PointLightShadow.d.ts
- src/lights/RectAreaLight.d.ts
- src/lights/SpotLight.d.ts
- src/lights/SpotLightShadow.d.ts
- src/loaders/AnimationLoader.d.ts
- src/loaders/AudioLoader.d.ts
- src/loaders/BufferGeometryLoader.d.ts
- src/loaders/Cache.d.ts
- src/loaders/CompressedTextureLoader.d.ts
- src/loaders/CubeTextureLoader.d.ts
- src/loaders/DataTextureLoader.d.ts
- src/loaders/FileLoader.d.ts
- src/loaders/ImageBitmapLoader.d.ts
- src/loaders/ImageLoader.d.ts
- src/loaders/Loader.d.ts
- src/loaders/LoaderUtils.d.ts
- src/loaders/LoadingManager.d.ts
- src/loaders/MaterialLoader.d.ts
- src/loaders/ObjectLoader.d.ts
- src/loaders/TextureLoader.d.ts
- src/materials/LineBasicMaterial.d.ts
- src/materials/LineDashedMaterial.d.ts
- src/materials/Material.d.ts
- src/materials/MeshBasicMaterial.d.ts
- src/materials/MeshDepthMaterial.d.ts
- src/materials/MeshDistanceMaterial.d.ts
- src/materials/MeshLambertMaterial.d.ts
- src/materials/MeshMatcapMaterial.d.ts
- src/materials/MeshNormalMaterial.d.ts
- src/materials/MeshPhongMaterial.d.ts
- src/materials/MeshPhysicalMaterial.d.ts
- src/materials/MeshStandardMaterial.d.ts
- src/materials/MeshToonMaterial.d.ts
- src/materials/PointsMaterial.d.ts
- src/materials/RawShaderMaterial.d.ts
- src/materials/ShaderMaterial.d.ts
- src/materials/ShadowMaterial.d.ts
- src/materials/SpriteMaterial.d.ts
- src/math/Box2.d.ts
- src/math/Box3.d.ts
- src/math/Color.d.ts
- src/math/ColorManagement.d.ts
- src/math/Cylindrical.d.ts
- src/math/Euler.d.ts
- src/math/Frustum.d.ts
- src/math/Interpolant.d.ts
- src/math/Line3.d.ts
- src/math/MathUtils.d.ts
- src/math/Matrix2.d.ts
- src/math/Matrix3.d.ts
- src/math/Matrix4.d.ts
- src/math/Plane.d.ts
- src/math/Quaternion.d.ts
- src/math/Ray.d.ts
- src/math/Sphere.d.ts
- src/math/Spherical.d.ts
- src/math/SphericalHarmonics3.d.ts
- src/math/Triangle.d.ts
- src/math/Vector2.d.ts
- src/math/Vector3.d.ts
- src/math/Vector4.d.ts
- src/math/interpolants/CubicInterpolant.d.ts
- src/math/interpolants/DiscreteInterpolant.d.ts
- src/math/interpolants/LinearInterpolant.d.ts
- src/math/interpolants/QuaternionLinearInterpolant.d.ts
- src/nodes/lighting/AnalyticLightNode.d.ts
- src/objects/BatchedMesh.d.ts
- src/objects/Bone.d.ts
- src/objects/Group.d.ts
- src/objects/InstancedMesh.d.ts
- src/objects/LOD.d.ts
- src/objects/Line.d.ts
- src/objects/LineLoop.d.ts
- src/objects/LineSegments.d.ts
- src/objects/Mesh.d.ts
- src/objects/Points.d.ts
- src/objects/Skeleton.d.ts
- src/objects/SkinnedMesh.d.ts
- src/objects/Sprite.d.ts
- src/renderers/WebGL3DRenderTarget.d.ts
- src/renderers/WebGLArrayRenderTarget.d.ts
- src/renderers/WebGLCubeRenderTarget.d.ts
- src/renderers/WebGLRenderTarget.d.ts
- src/renderers/WebGLRenderer.d.ts
- src/renderers/common/nodes/Nodes.d.ts
- src/renderers/shaders/ShaderChunk.d.ts
- src/renderers/shaders/ShaderLib.d.ts
- src/renderers/shaders/UniformsLib.d.ts
- src/renderers/shaders/UniformsUtils.d.ts
- src/renderers/webgl/WebGLAttributes.d.ts
- src/renderers/webgl/WebGLBindingStates.d.ts
- src/renderers/webgl/WebGLBufferRenderer.d.ts
- src/renderers/webgl/WebGLCapabilities.d.ts
- src/renderers/webgl/WebGLClipping.d.ts
- src/renderers/webgl/WebGLCubeMaps.d.ts
- src/renderers/webgl/WebGLCubeUVMaps.d.ts
- src/renderers/webgl/WebGLExtensions.d.ts
- src/renderers/webgl/WebGLGeometries.d.ts
- src/renderers/webgl/WebGLIndexedBufferRenderer.d.ts
- src/renderers/webgl/WebGLInfo.d.ts
- src/renderers/webgl/WebGLLights.d.ts
- src/renderers/webgl/WebGLObjects.d.ts
- src/renderers/webgl/WebGLProgram.d.ts
- src/renderers/webgl/WebGLPrograms.d.ts
- src/renderers/webgl/WebGLProperties.d.ts
- src/renderers/webgl/WebGLRenderLists.d.ts
- src/renderers/webgl/WebGLShader.d.ts
- src/renderers/webgl/WebGLShadowMap.d.ts
- src/renderers/webgl/WebGLState.d.ts
- src/renderers/webgl/WebGLTextures.d.ts
- src/renderers/webgl/WebGLUniforms.d.ts
- src/renderers/webgl/WebGLUtils.d.ts
- src/renderers/webxr/WebXRController.d.ts
- src/renderers/webxr/WebXRDepthSensing.d.ts
- src/renderers/webxr/WebXRManager.d.ts
- src/scenes/Fog.d.ts
- src/scenes/FogExp2.d.ts
- src/scenes/Scene.d.ts
- src/textures/CanvasTexture.d.ts
- src/textures/CompressedArrayTexture.d.ts
- src/textures/CompressedCubeTexture.d.ts
- src/textures/CompressedTexture.d.ts
- src/textures/CubeTexture.d.ts
- src/textures/Data3DTexture.d.ts
- src/textures/DataArrayTexture.d.ts
- src/textures/DataTexture.d.ts
- src/textures/DepthTexture.d.ts
- src/textures/FramebufferTexture.d.ts
- src/textures/Source.d.ts
- src/textures/Texture.d.ts
- src/textures/VideoTexture.d.ts
- src/utils.d.ts
Dependencies (6)
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