- Version 1.17.4
- Published
- 28.3 kB
- 2 dependencies
- MIT license
npm i @types/sshpk
yarn add @types/sshpk
pnpm add @types/sshpk
TypeScript definitions for sshpk
- addRSAMissing()
- assertCompatible()
- bufferSplit()
- calculateDSAPublic()
- calculateED25519Public()
- calculateX25519Public()
- countZeros()
- createCertificate()
- createSelfSignedCertificate()
- ecNormalize()
- generatePrivateKey()
- identityForEmail()
- identityForHost()
- identityForUser()
- identityFromArray()
- identityFromDN()
- isCompatible()
- mpDenormalize()
- mpNormalize()
- opensshCipherInfo()
- opensslKeyDeriv()
- parseCertificate()
- parseFingerprint()
- parseKey()
- parsePrivateKey()
- parseSignature()
- pbkdf2()
- publicFromPrivateECDSA()
- readBitString()
- writeBitString()
- zeroPadToLength()
Type Aliases
- AlgorithmHashType
- AlgorithmPart
- AlgorithmType
- AlgorithmTypeWithCurve
- CertificateFormat
- CurveType
- FingerprintHashType
- FingerprintType
- IdentityOidValue
- IdentityType
- IdentityTypeWithUnknown
- IndentityOidName
- KeyFormatType
- KeyType
- OpenSshCipherName
- PrivateKeyFormatType
- ShaHashType
- SignatureFormatType
- SignaturePartType
- Version
function addRSAMissing
addRSAMissing: (key: PrivateKey) => void;
function assertCompatible
assertCompatible: ( obj: object, klass: any, needVer: Version, name?: string) => void;
function bufferSplit
bufferSplit: (buf: Buffer, chr: string) => Buffer[];
function calculateDSAPublic
calculateDSAPublic: (g: Buffer, p: Buffer, x: Buffer) => Buffer;
function calculateED25519Public
calculateED25519Public: (k: Buffer) => Buffer;
function calculateX25519Public
calculateX25519Public: (k: Buffer) => Buffer;
function countZeros
countZeros: (buf: Buffer) => number;
function createCertificate
createCertificate: ( subjectOrSubjects: Identity | Identity[], key: PrivateKey | Key, issuer: Identity, issuerKey: PrivateKey, options?: CertificateCreateOptions) => Certificate;
function createSelfSignedCertificate
createSelfSignedCertificate: ( subjectOrSubjects: Identity | Identity[], key: PrivateKey, options?: CertificateCreateOptions) => Certificate;
function ecNormalize
ecNormalize: (buf: Buffer, addZero?: boolean) => Buffer;
function generatePrivateKey
generatePrivateKey: { (type: 'ecdsa', options?: { curve?: CurveType }): PrivateKey; (type: 'ed25519'): PrivateKey;};
function identityForEmail
identityForEmail: (email: string) => Identity;
function identityForHost
identityForHost: (hostname: string) => Identity;
function identityForUser
identityForUser: (uid: string) => Identity;
function identityFromArray
identityFromArray: (components: IdentityNameComponent[]) => Identity;
function identityFromDN
identityFromDN: (dn: string) => Identity;
function isCompatible
isCompatible: (obj: object, klass: any, needVer: Version) => boolean;
function mpDenormalize
mpDenormalize: (buf: Buffer) => Buffer;
function mpNormalize
mpNormalize: (buf: Buffer) => Buffer;
function opensshCipherInfo
opensshCipherInfo: (cipter: Format.SshPrivateCipher) => OpenSshCipherInfo;
function opensslKeyDeriv
opensslKeyDeriv: ( cipher: 'des-ede3-cbc' | 'aes-128-cbc' | 'aes-256-cbc', salt: Buffer, passphrase: Buffer, count: number) => OpenSslKeyDeriv;
function parseCertificate
parseCertificate: ( data: string | Buffer, format: CertificateFormat, options?: string | KeyParseOptions) => Certificate;
function parseFingerprint
parseFingerprint: ( fp: string, options?: string[] | FingerprintParseOptions) => Fingerprint;
function parseKey
parseKey: ( data: string | Buffer, format?: KeyFormatType, options?: string | (Format.ReadOptions & { filename?: string })) => Key;
function parsePrivateKey
parsePrivateKey: ( data: string | Buffer, format?: PrivateKeyFormatType, options?: string | KeyParseOptions) => PrivateKey;
function parseSignature
parseSignature: ( data: string | Buffer, type: AlgorithmType, format: SignatureFormatType) => Signature;
function pbkdf2
pbkdf2: ( hashAlg: string, salt: Buffer, iterations: number, size: number, passphrase: crypto.BinaryLike) => Buffer;
function publicFromPrivateECDSA
publicFromPrivateECDSA: (curveName: CurveType, priv: Buffer) => Key;
function readBitString
readBitString: (der: BerReader, tag?: number) => Buffer;
function writeBitString
writeBitString: (der: BerWriter, buf: Buffer, tag?: number) => void;
function zeroPadToLength
zeroPadToLength: (buf: Buffer, len: number) => Buffer;
class algInfo
class algInfo {}
property curve25519
curve25519: Algo;
property dsa
dsa: Algo;
property ecdsa
ecdsa: Algo;
property ed25519
ed25519: Algo;
property rsa
rsa: Algo;
class Algo
class Algo {}
class algPrivInfo
class algPrivInfo {}
property curve25519
curve25519: Algo;
property dsa
dsa: Algo;
property ecdsa
ecdsa: Algo;
property ed25519
ed25519: Algo;
property rsa
rsa: Algo;
class algs
class algs {}
class Certificate
class Certificate {}
constructor(opts: CertificateOptions);
property formats
static formats: { openssh: Format; pem: Format; x509: Format };
property issuer
issuer: Identity;
property issuerKey
issuerKey?: Key;
property purposes
purposes?: string[];
property serial
serial: Buffer;
property signatures
signatures: { x509?: Format.x509Signature; openssh?: Format.OpenSshSignature };
property subjectKey
subjectKey: Key;
property subjects
subjects: Identity[];
property validFrom
validFrom: Date;
property validUntil
validUntil: Date;
method create
static create: ( subjectOrSubjects: Identity | Identity[], key: PrivateKey | Key, issuer: Identity, issuerKey: PrivateKey, options?: CertificateCreateOptions) => Certificate;
method createSelfSigned
static createSelfSigned: ( subjectOrSubjects: Identity | Identity[], key: PrivateKey, options?: CertificateCreateOptions) => Certificate;
method fingerprint
fingerprint: (algo?: AlgorithmHashType) => Fingerprint;
method getExtension
getExtension: ( keyOrOid: string) => Format.OpenSshSignatureExt | Format.x509SignatureExt | undefined;
method getExtensions
getExtensions: () => Array<Format.OpenSshSignatureExt | Format.x509SignatureExt>;
method hash
hash: (algo: AlgorithmHashType) => string;
method isCertificate
static isCertificate: (data: string | Buffer, ver: Version) => boolean;
method isExpired
isExpired: (when?: Date) => boolean;
method isSignedBy
isSignedBy: (issuerCert: Certificate) => boolean;
method isSignedByKey
isSignedByKey: (issuerKey: Key) => boolean;
method parse
static parse: ( data: string | Buffer, format: CertificateFormat, options?: string | KeyParseOptions) => Certificate;
method signWith
signWith: (key: PrivateKey) => void;
method toBuffer
toBuffer: (format: CertificateFormat, options?: Format.WriteOptions) => Buffer;
method toString
toString: (format: CertificateFormat, options?: Format.WriteOptions) => string;
class CertificateParseError
class CertificateParseError implements Error {}
class Curve
class Curve {}
class curves
class curves {}
class DiffieHellman
class DiffieHellman {}
method computeSecret
computeSecret: (otherpk: Key) => Buffer;
method generateKey
generateKey: () => PrivateKey;
method generateKeys
generateKeys: () => PrivateKey;
method getKey
getKey: () => PrivateKey;
method getPrivateKey
getPrivateKey: () => PrivateKey;
method getPublicKey
getPublicKey: () => Key;
method setKey
setKey: (key: PrivateKey) => void;
method setPrivateKey
setPrivateKey: (key: PrivateKey) => void;
class Fingerprint
class Fingerprint {}
constructor(opts: FingerprintOptions);
property algorithm
algorithm: AlgorithmHashType;
property hash
hash: Buffer;
property type
type: FingerprintType;
method isFingerprint
static isFingerprint: (obj: any, ver: Version) => boolean;
method matches
matches: (other: Certificate | PrivateKey | Key) => boolean;
method parse
static parse: ( fp: string, options?: string[] | FingerprintParseOptions) => Fingerprint;
method toString
toString: (format?: 'hex' | 'base64') => string;
class FingerprintFormatError
class FingerprintFormatError implements Error {}
constructor(fp?: Fingerprint, format?: string);
property fingerprint
fingerprint?: Fingerprint;
property format
format?: string;
property message
message: string;
property name
name: string;
class hashAlgs
class hashAlgs {}
class Identity
class Identity {}
constructor(opts: { components: IdentityComponent[]; type?: IdentityType; hostname?: string; uid?: string; email?: string;});
property cn
cn?: string;
property componentLookup
componentLookup: { cn: IdentityComponent[]; o: IdentityComponent[]; ou: IdentityComponent[]; l: IdentityComponent[]; s: IdentityComponent[]; c: IdentityComponent[]; sn: IdentityComponent[]; postalCode: IdentityComponent[]; serialNumber: IdentityComponent[]; street: IdentityComponent[]; x500UniqueIdentifier: IdentityComponent[]; role: IdentityComponent[]; telephoneNumber: IdentityComponent[]; description: IdentityComponent[]; dc: IdentityComponent[]; uid: IdentityComponent[]; mail: IdentityComponent[]; title: IdentityComponent[]; gn: IdentityComponent[]; initials: IdentityComponent[]; pseudonym: IdentityComponent[]; emailAddress: IdentityComponent[];};
property components
components: IdentityComponent[];
property email
email?: string;
property hostname
hostname?: string;
property type
type: IdentityTypeWithUnknown;
property uid
uid?: string;
method equals
equals: (other: Identity) => boolean;
method forEmail
static forEmail: (email: string) => Identity;
method forHost
static forHost: (hostname: string) => Identity;
method forUser
static forUser: (uid: string) => Identity;
method fromArray
static fromArray: (components: IdentityNameComponent[]) => Identity;
method get
get: { (name: IndentityOidName, asArray?: false): string; (name: IndentityOidName, asArray: true): string[];};
method isIdentity
static isIdentity: (obj: any, ver: Version) => boolean;
method parseAsn1
static parseAsn1: (dn: BerReader, top?: number) => Identity;
method parseDN
static parseDN: (dn: string) => Identity;
method toArray
toArray: () => IdentityNameComponent[];
method toAsn1
toAsn1: (der: BerWriter, tag?: number) => void;
method toString
toString: () => string;
class InvalidAlgorithmError
class InvalidAlgorithmError implements Error {}
constructor(algo: string);
property algorithm
algorithm: string;
property message
message: string;
property name
name: string;
class Key
class Key {}
constructor(opts: KeyOptions);
property comment
comment?: string;
property curve
curve?: string;
property formats
static formats: { openssh: Format; pem: Format; auto: Format; pkcs1: Format; pkcs8: Format; rfc4253: Format; ssh: Format; 'ssh-private': Format; dnssec: Format; putty: Format; ppk: Format;};
property part
part: { ecdsa: KeyPart; ed25519: KeyPart; dsa: KeyPart; rsa: KeyPart };
property parts
parts: KeyPart[];
property size
size: number;
property source
source?: string;
property type
type: AlgorithmTypeWithCurve;
method createDH
createDH: () => DiffieHellman;
method createDiffieHellman
createDiffieHellman: () => DiffieHellman;
method createVerify
createVerify: (algo?: AlgorithmHashType) => Verify;
method defaultHashAlgorithm
defaultHashAlgorithm: () => ShaHashType;
method fingerprint
fingerprint: ( algo?: AlgorithmHashType, type?: FingerprintHashType) => Fingerprint;
method hash
hash: (algo: AlgorithmHashType, type?: FingerprintHashType) => Buffer;
method isKey
static isKey: (obj: any, ver: Version) => boolean;
method parse
static parse: ( data: string | Buffer, format?: KeyFormatType, options?: string | KeyParseOptions) => Key;
method toBuffer
toBuffer: (format: KeyFormatType, options?: Format.WriteOptions) => Buffer;
method toString
toString: (format: KeyFormatType, options?: Format.WriteOptions) => string;
class KeyEncryptedError
class KeyEncryptedError implements Error {}
constructor(name: string, format: string);
property format
format: string;
property keyName
keyName: string;
property message
message: string;
property name
name: string;
class KeyParseError
class KeyParseError implements Error {}
class OpenSshCipherInfo
class OpenSshCipherInfo {}
property blockSize
blockSize: number;
property keySize
keySize: number;
property opensslName
opensslName: OpenSshCipherName;
class PrivateKey
class PrivateKey {}
constructor(opts: KeyOptions);
property comment
comment?: string;
property curve
curve?: string;
property part
part: { ecdsa: KeyPart; ed25519: KeyPart; dsa: KeyPart; rsa: KeyPart };
property parts
parts: KeyPart[];
property size
size: number;
property source
source?: string;
property type
type: AlgorithmTypeWithCurve;
method createDH
createDH: () => DiffieHellman;
method createDiffieHellman
createDiffieHellman: () => DiffieHellman;
method createSign
createSign: (hashAlgo: AlgorithmHashType) => Signer;
method createVerify
createVerify: (algo?: AlgorithmHashType) => Verify;
method defaultHashAlgorithm
defaultHashAlgorithm: () => ShaHashType;
method derive
derive: (newType: 'ed25519' | 'curve25519') => PrivateKey;
method fingerprint
fingerprint: ( algo?: AlgorithmHashType, type?: FingerprintHashType) => Fingerprint;
method generate
static generate: { (type: 'ecdsa', options?: { curve?: CurveType }): PrivateKey; (type: 'ed25519'): PrivateKey;};
method hash
hash: (algo: AlgorithmHashType, type?: FingerprintHashType) => Buffer;
method isPrivateKey
static isPrivateKey: (data: any, ver: Version) => boolean;
method parse
static parse: ( data: string | Buffer, format?: PrivateKeyFormatType, options?: string | KeyParseOptions) => PrivateKey;
method toBuffer
toBuffer: ( format: PrivateKeyFormatType, options?: Format.WriteOptions) => Buffer;
method toPublic
toPublic: () => Key;
method toString
toString: ( format: PrivateKeyFormatType, options?: Format.WriteOptions) => string;
class Signature
class Signature {}
constructor(opts: SignatureOptions);
property curve
curve?: CurveType;
property hashAlgorithm
hashAlgorithm?: AlgorithmHashType;
property part
part: { s: SignaturePart; r: SignaturePart; sig: SignaturePart };
property parts
parts: SignaturePart[];
property type
type: AlgorithmType;
method isSignature
static isSignature: (obj: any, ver: Version) => boolean;
method parse
static parse: ( data: string | Buffer, type: AlgorithmType, format: SignatureFormatType) => Signature;
method toBuffer
toBuffer: (format?: SignatureFormatType) => Buffer;
method toString
toString: (format?: SignatureFormatType) => string;
class SignatureParseError
class SignatureParseError implements Error {}
class Signer
class Signer extends Writable {}
method sign
sign: { ( private_key: | crypto.KeyLike | crypto.SignKeyObjectInput | crypto.SignPrivateKeyInput ): Buffer; (private_key: any, output_format: crypto.BinaryToTextEncoding): string; (): Signature;};
method update
update: { (data: crypto.BinaryLike): this; (data: string, input_encoding: crypto.Encoding): this;};
class SSHBuffer
class SSHBuffer {}
constructor(opts: { buffer?: Buffer });
method atEnd
atEnd: () => boolean;
method expand
expand: () => void;
method readBuffer
readBuffer: () => Buffer;
method readChar
readChar: () => string;
method readCString
readCString: () => string;
method readInt
readInt: () => number;
method readInt64
readInt64: () => Buffer;
method readPart
readPart: () => SSHPart;
method readString
readString: () => string;
method remainder
remainder: () => Buffer;
method skip
skip: (n: number) => void;
method toBuffer
toBuffer: () => Buffer;
method write
write: (buf: Buffer) => void;
method writeBuffer
writeBuffer: (buf: Buffer) => void;
method writeChar
writeChar: (buf: string) => void;
method writeCString
writeCString: (buf: string) => void;
method writeInt
writeInt: (buf: number) => void;
method writeInt64
writeInt64: (buf: Buffer) => void;
method writePart
writePart: (buf: SSHPart) => void;
method writeString
writeString: (buf: string) => void;
class SshPK
class SshPK {}
class Verifier
class Verifier extends Writable {}
constructor(key: Key, hashAlgo: string);
method update
update: (chunk: string | Buffer) => void;
method verify
verify: (signature: Signature) => boolean;
interface CertificateCreateOptions
interface CertificateCreateOptions {}
interface CertificateOptions
interface CertificateOptions {}
property issuer
issuer: Identity;
property issuerKey
issuerKey?: Key;
property purposes
purposes?: string[];
property serial
serial: Buffer;
property signatures
signatures: { x509: Signature; openssh: Signature };
property subjectKey
subjectKey: Key;
property subjects
subjects: Identity[];
property validFrom
validFrom: Date;
property validUntil
validUntil: Date;
interface FingerprintOptions
interface FingerprintOptions {}
interface FingerprintParseOptions
interface FingerprintParseOptions {}
property algotirhms
algotirhms?: string[];
property enAlgs
enAlgs?: string[];
property hashType
hashType?: FingerprintHashType;
property type
type?: FingerprintType;
interface Format
interface Format {}
interface IdentityComponent
interface IdentityComponent {}
interface IdentityNameComponent
interface IdentityNameComponent {}
interface KeyOptions
interface KeyOptions {}
interface KeyParseOptions
interface KeyParseOptions extends Format.ReadOptions {}
property filename
filename?: string;
interface OpenSslKeyDeriv
interface OpenSslKeyDeriv {}
interface SignatureOptions
interface SignatureOptions {}
interface SignaturePart
interface SignaturePart {}
interface Verify
interface Verify {}
extends crypto.Verify but override 'verify' function
Type Aliases
type AlgorithmHashType
type AlgorithmHashType = 'md5' | ShaHashType;
type AlgorithmPart
type AlgorithmPart = | 'p' | 'q' | 'g' | 'y' | 'x' | 'n' | 'e' | 'd' | 'iqmp' | 'curve' | 'Q' | 'A' | 'k';
type AlgorithmType
type AlgorithmType = 'dsa' | 'rsa' | 'ecdsa' | 'ed25519';
type AlgorithmTypeWithCurve
type AlgorithmTypeWithCurve = AlgorithmType | 'curve25519';
type CertificateFormat
type CertificateFormat = 'openssh' | 'pem' | 'x509';
type CurveType
type CurveType = 'nistp256' | 'nistp384' | 'nistp521';
type FingerprintHashType
type FingerprintHashType = 'ssh' | 'spki';
type FingerprintType
type FingerprintType = 'key' | 'certificate';
type IdentityOidValue
type IdentityOidValue = | '' | '' | '' | '' | '' | '' | '' | '' | '' | '' | '' | '' | '' | '' | '0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.25' | '0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.1' | '0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.3' | '' | '' | '' | '' | '1.2.840.113549.1.9.1';
type IdentityType
type IdentityType = 'host' | 'user' | 'email';
type IdentityTypeWithUnknown
type IdentityTypeWithUnknown = IdentityType | 'unknown';
type IndentityOidName
type IndentityOidName = | 'cn' | 'o' | 'ou' | 'l' | 's' | 'c' | 'sn' | 'postalCode' | 'serialNumber' | 'street' | 'x500UniqueIdentifier' | 'role' | 'telephoneNumber' | 'description' | 'dc' | 'uid' | 'mail' | 'title' | 'gn' | 'initials' | 'pseudonym' | 'emailAddress';
type KeyFormatType
type KeyFormatType = | 'auto' | 'pem' | 'pkcs1' | 'pkcs8' | 'rfc4253' | 'ssh' | 'ssh-private' | 'openssh' | 'dnssec' | 'putty' | 'ppk';
type KeyType
type KeyType = 'public' | 'private';
type OpenSshCipherName
type OpenSshCipherName = | 'des-ede3-cbc' | 'bf-cbc' | 'aes-128-cbc' | 'aes-128-ctr' | 'aes-128-gcm' | 'aes-192-cbc' | 'aes-192-ctr' | 'aes-192-gcm' | 'aes-256-cbc' | 'aes-256-ctr' | 'aes-256-gcm';
type PrivateKeyFormatType
type PrivateKeyFormatType = | 'auto' | 'pem' | 'pkcs1' | 'pkcs8' | 'rfc4253' | 'ssh' | 'ssh-private' | 'openssh' | 'dnssec';
type ShaHashType
type ShaHashType = 'sha1' | 'sha256' | 'sha384' | 'sha512';
type SignatureFormatType
type SignatureFormatType = 'asn1' | 'ssh' | 'raw';
type SignaturePartType
type SignaturePartType = 'r' | 's' | 'sig';
type Version
type Version = [number, number];
namespace Format
namespace Format {}
interface Auto
interface Auto extends Format {}
interface DnsSec
interface DnsSec extends Format {}
interface OpenSshCert
interface OpenSshCert extends Format {}
method read
read: (buf: string | Buffer) => Certificate;
method sign
sign: (cert: Certificate, key: PrivateKey) => boolean;
method signAsync
signAsync: ( cert: Certificate, signer: ( blob: Buffer, done: (err: Error | undefined, signature: Signature) => void ) => void, done: (err?: Error) => void) => void;
method verify
verify: () => false;
method write
write: (cert: Certificate, options?: { comment?: string }) => Buffer;
interface OpenSshSignature
interface OpenSshSignature {}
interface OpenSshSignatureExt
interface OpenSshSignatureExt {}
interface Pem
interface Pem extends Format {}
interface Pkcs1
interface Pkcs1 extends Format {}
method read
read: (buf: string | Buffer, options?: ReadOptions) => Key;
method readPkcs1
readPkcs1: { (alg: 'RSA' | 'DSA' | 'EC' | 'ECDSA', type: 'public', der: BerReader): Key; ( alg: 'RSA' | 'DSA' | 'EC' | 'ECDSA' | 'EDDSA' | 'EdDSA', type: 'private', der: BerReader ): PrivateKey;};
method write
write: (key: Key) => Buffer;
method writePkcs1
writePkcs1: (der: BerWriter, key: Key) => void;
interface Pkcs8
interface Pkcs8 extends Format {}
method pkcs8ToBuffer
pkcs8ToBuffer: (key: Key) => Buffer;
method read
read: (buf: string | Buffer, options?: ReadOptions) => Key;
method readECDSACurve
readECDSACurve: (der: BerReader) => CurveType;
method readPkcs8
readPkcs8: (alg: any, type: KeyType, der: BerReader) => Key;
method write
write: (key: Key) => Buffer;
method writeECDSACurve
writeECDSACurve: (key: Key, der: BerWriter) => void;
method writePkcs8
writePkcs8: (der: BerWriter, key: Key) => void;
interface Putty
interface Putty extends Format {}
interface ReadOptions
interface ReadOptions {}
property cipher
cipher?: SshPrivateCipher;
property passphrase
passphrase?: string | Buffer;
interface Rfc4253
interface Rfc4253 extends Format {}
method algToKeyType
algToKeyType: (alg: Rfc4253Algorithm) => AlgorithmTypeWithCurve;
method keyTypeToAlg
keyTypeToAlg: (key: Key) => Rfc4253Algorithm;
method read
read: (buf: string | Buffer) => Key;
method readInternal
readInternal: ( partial: boolean, type: KeyType | undefined, buf: string | Buffer) => Key;
method readPartial
readPartial: (type: KeyType | undefined, buf: string | Buffer) => Key;
method readType
readType: (type: KeyType | undefined, buf: string | Buffer) => Key;
method write
write: (key: Key) => Buffer;
interface Ssh
interface Ssh extends Format {}
interface SshPrivate
interface SshPrivate extends Format {}
method read
read: ( buf: string | Buffer, options?: ReadOptions, forceType?: 'pkcs1' | 'pkcs8') => Key;
method readSSHPrivate
readSSHPrivate: ( type: KeyType, buf: Buffer, options: { passphrase: string | Buffer }) => Key;
method write
write: (key: Key, options?: ReadOptions) => Buffer;
interface WriteOptions
interface WriteOptions extends ReadOptions {}
interface x509
interface x509 extends Format {}
method read
read: (buf: string | Buffer) => Certificate;
method sign
sign: (cert: Certificate, key: PrivateKey) => boolean;
method signAsync
signAsync: ( cert: Certificate, signer: ( blob: Buffer, done: (err: Error | undefined, signature: Signature) => void ) => void, done: (err?: Error) => void) => void;
method verify
verify: (cert: Certificate, key: Key) => boolean;
method write
write: (cert: Certificate) => Buffer;
interface x509Pem
interface x509Pem extends Format {}
interface x509Signature
interface x509Signature {}
interface x509SignatureExt
interface x509SignatureExt {}
type Rfc4253Algorithm
type Rfc4253Algorithm = | 'ssh-dss' | 'ssh-rsa' | 'ssh-ed25519' | 'ssh-curve25519' | 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp256' | 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp384' | 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp521';
type SshPrivateCipher
type SshPrivateCipher = | '3des-cbc' | 'blowfish-cbc' | 'aes128-cbc' | 'aes128-ctr' | 'aes128-gcm@openssh.com' | 'aes192-cbc' | 'aes192-ctr' | 'aes192-gcm@openssh.com' | 'aes256-cbc' | 'aes256-ctr' | 'aes256-gcm@openssh.com';
type x509ExtsOid
type x509ExtsOid = | '' | '' | '' | '' | '';
type x509SignAlgorithm
type x509SignAlgorithm = | 'rsa-md5' | 'rsa-sha1' | 'rsa-sha256' | 'rsa-sha384' | 'rsa-sha512' | 'dsa-sha1' | 'dsa-sha256' | 'ecdsa-sha1' | 'ecdsa-sha256' | 'ecdsa-sha384' | 'ecdsa-sha512' | 'ed25519-sha512';
namespace PrivateKey
namespace PrivateKey {}
variable formats
let formats: { openssh: Format; pem: Format; auto: Format; pkcs1: Format; pkcs8: Format; rfc4253: Format; ssh: Format; 'ssh-private': Format; dnssec: Format;};
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