- Version 2.6.5
- Published
- 11 kB
- No dependencies
- MIT license
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TypeScript definitions for redux-actions
Type Aliases
function combineActions
combineActions: ( ...actionTypes: Array<ActionFunctions<any> | string | symbol>) => CombinedActionType;
function createAction
createAction: { (actionType: string): ActionFunctionAny<Action<any>>; <Payload>( actionType: string, payloadCreator: ActionFunction0<Payload> ): ActionFunction0<Action<Payload>>; <Payload, Arg1>( actionType: string, payloadCreator: ActionFunction1<Arg1, Payload> ): ActionFunction1<Arg1, Action<Payload>>; <Payload, Arg1, Arg2>( actionType: string, payloadCreator: ActionFunction2<Arg1, Arg2, Payload> ): ActionFunction2<Arg1, Arg2, Action<Payload>>; <Payload, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3>( actionType: string, payloadCreator: ActionFunction3<Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Payload> ): ActionFunction3<Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Action<Payload>>; <Payload, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4>( actionType: string, payloadCreator: ActionFunction4<Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4, Payload> ): ActionFunction4<Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4, Action<Payload>>; <Payload>(actionType: string): ActionFunction1<Payload, Action<Payload>>; <Meta>( actionType: string, payloadCreator: null, metaCreator: ActionFunctionAny<Meta> ): ActionFunctionAny<ActionMeta<any, Meta>>; <Payload, Meta>( actionType: string, payloadCreator: ActionFunctionAny<Payload>, metaCreator: ActionFunctionAny<Meta> ): ActionFunctionAny<ActionMeta<Payload, Meta>>; <Payload, Meta, Arg1>( actionType: string, payloadCreator: ActionFunction1<Arg1, Payload>, metaCreator: ActionFunction1<Arg1, Meta> ): ActionFunction1<Arg1, ActionMeta<Payload, Meta>>; <Payload, Meta, Arg1, Arg2>( actionType: string, payloadCreator: ActionFunction2<Arg1, Arg2, Payload>, metaCreator: ActionFunction2<Arg1, Arg2, Meta> ): ActionFunction2<Arg1, Arg2, ActionMeta<Payload, Meta>>; <Payload, Meta, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3>( actionType: string, payloadCreator: ActionFunction3<Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Payload>, metaCreator: ActionFunction3<Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Meta> ): ActionFunction3<Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, ActionMeta<Payload, Meta>>; <Payload, Meta, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4>( actionType: string, payloadCreator: ActionFunction4<Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4, Payload>, metaCreator: ActionFunction4<Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4, Meta> ): ActionFunction4<Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4, ActionMeta<Payload, Meta>>;};
function createActions
createActions: { <Payload>( actionMapOrIdentityAction: ActionMap<Payload, any> | string, ...identityActions: Array<string | Options> ): { [actionName: string]: ActionFunctionAny<Action<Payload>> }; ( actionMapOrIdentityAction: string | ActionMap<any, any>, ...identityActions: (string | Options)[] ): { [actionName: string]: ActionFunctionAny<Action<any>> };};
function handleAction
handleAction: { <State, Payload>( actionType: string | ActionFunctions<Payload> | CombinedActionType, reducer: Reducer<State, Payload> | ReducerNextThrow<State, Payload>, initialState: State ): ReduxCompatibleReducer<State, Payload>; <State, Payload, Meta>( actionType: | string | CombinedActionType | ActionWithMetaFunctions<Payload, Meta>, reducer: | ReducerMeta<State, Payload, Meta> | ReducerNextThrowMeta<State, Payload, Meta>, initialState: State ): ReduxCompatibleReducerMeta<State, Payload, Meta>;};
function handleActions
handleActions: { <StateAndPayload>( reducerMap: ReducerMap<StateAndPayload, StateAndPayload>, initialState: StateAndPayload, options?: Options ): ReduxCompatibleReducer<StateAndPayload, StateAndPayload>; <State, Payload>( reducerMap: ReducerMap<State, Payload>, initialState: State, options?: Options ): ReduxCompatibleReducer<State, Payload>; <State, Payload, Meta>( reducerMap: ReducerMapMeta<State, Payload, Meta>, initialState: State, options?: Options ): ReduxCompatibleReducerMeta<State, Payload, Meta>;};
interface Action
interface Action<Payload> extends BaseAction {}
interface ActionMap
interface ActionMap<Payload, Meta> {}
index signature
[actionType: string]: | ActionMap<Payload, Meta> | ActionFunctionAny<Payload> | [ActionFunctionAny<Payload>, ActionFunctionAny<Meta>] | undefined;
interface ActionMeta
interface ActionMeta<Payload, Meta> extends Action<Payload> {}
property meta
meta: Meta;
interface BaseAction
interface BaseAction {}
property type
type: string;
interface CombinedActionType
interface CombinedActionType {}
interface Options
interface Options {}
interface ReducerMap
interface ReducerMap<State, Payload> {}
index signature
[actionType: string]: ReducerMapValue<State, Payload>;
interface ReducerMapMeta
interface ReducerMapMeta<State, Payload, Meta> {}
index signature
[actionType: string]: | ReducerMeta<State, Payload, Meta> | ReducerNextThrowMeta<State, Payload, Meta> | ReducerMapMeta<State, Payload, Meta>;
interface ReducerNextThrow
interface ReducerNextThrow<State, Payload> {}
interface ReducerNextThrowMeta
interface ReducerNextThrowMeta<State, Payload, Meta> {}
Type Aliases
type ActionFunction0
type ActionFunction0<R> = () => R;
argument inferring borrowed from lodash definitions
type ActionFunction1
type ActionFunction1<T1, R> = (t1: T1) => R;
type ActionFunction2
type ActionFunction2<T1, T2, R> = (t1: T1, t2: T2) => R;
type ActionFunction3
type ActionFunction3<T1, T2, T3, R> = (t1: T1, t2: T2, t3: T3) => R;
type ActionFunction4
type ActionFunction4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R> = (t1: T1, t2: T2, t3: T3, t4: T4) => R;
type ActionFunctionAny
type ActionFunctionAny<R> = (...args: any[]) => R;
type ActionFunctions
type ActionFunctions<Payload> = BaseActionFunctions<Action<Payload>>;
type ActionWithMetaFunctions
type ActionWithMetaFunctions<Payload, Meta> = BaseActionFunctions< ActionMeta<Payload, Meta>>;
type BaseActionFunctions
type BaseActionFunctions<TAction> = | ActionFunction0<TAction> | ActionFunction1<any, TAction> | ActionFunction2<any, any, TAction> | ActionFunction3<any, any, any, TAction> | ActionFunction4<any, any, any, any, TAction> | ActionFunctionAny<TAction>;
type Reducer
type Reducer<State, Payload> = (state: State, action: Action<Payload>) => State;
type ReducerMapValue
type ReducerMapValue<State, Payload> = | Reducer<State, Payload> | ReducerNextThrow<State, Payload> | ReducerMap<State, Payload>;
type ReducerMeta
type ReducerMeta<State, Payload, Meta> = ( state: State, action: ActionMeta<Payload, Meta>) => State;
type ReduxCompatibleReducer
type ReduxCompatibleReducer<State, Payload> = ( state: State | undefined, action: Action<Payload>) => State;
type ReduxCompatibleReducerMeta
type ReduxCompatibleReducerMeta<State, Payload, Meta> = ( state: State | undefined, action: ActionMeta<Payload, Meta>) => State;
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