- Version 5.1.20
- Published
- 21.7 kB
- 2 dependencies
- MIT license
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TypeScript definitions for React Router
Type Aliases
function generatePath
generatePath: <S extends string>( path: S, params?: ExtractRouteParams<S>) => string;
function matchPath
matchPath: <Params extends { [K in keyof Params]?: string }>( pathname: string, props: string | string[] | RouteProps, parent?: match<Params> | null) => match<Params> | null;
function useHistory
useHistory: < HistoryLocationState = H.LocationState>() => H.History<HistoryLocationState>;
function useLocation
useLocation: <S = H.LocationState>() => H.Location<S>;
function useParams
useParams: <Params extends { [K in keyof Params]?: string } = {}>() => Params;
function useRouteMatch
useRouteMatch: { <Params extends { [K in keyof Params]?: string } = {}>(): match<Params>; <Params extends { [K in keyof Params]?: string } = {}>( path: string | string[] | RouteProps<string, { [x: string]: string }> ): match<Params>;};
function withRouter
withRouter: < P extends RouteComponentProps<any, StaticContext, H.LocationState>, C extends React.ComponentType<P>>( component: C & React.ComponentType<P>) => React.ComponentClass< Omit<P, keyof RouteComponentProps<any>> & WithRouterProps<C>> & WithRouterStatics<C>;
class MemoryRouter
class MemoryRouter extends React.Component<MemoryRouterProps, any> {}
class Prompt
class Prompt extends React.Component<PromptProps, any> {}
class Redirect
class Redirect extends React.Component<RedirectProps, any> {}
class Route
class Route<T extends {} = {}, Path extends string = string> extends React.Component< RouteProps<Path> & OmitNative<T, keyof RouteProps>, any> {}
class Router
class Router extends React.Component<RouterProps, any> {}
class StaticRouter
class StaticRouter extends React.Component<StaticRouterProps, any> {}
class Switch
class Switch extends React.Component<SwitchProps, any> {}
interface match
interface match<Params extends { [K in keyof Params]?: string } = {}> {}
interface MemoryRouterProps
interface MemoryRouterProps {}
property children
children?: React.ReactNode;
property getUserConfirmation
getUserConfirmation?: | ((message: string, callback: (ok: boolean) => void) => void) | undefined;
property initialEntries
initialEntries?: H.LocationDescriptor[] | undefined;
property initialIndex
initialIndex?: number | undefined;
property keyLength
keyLength?: number | undefined;
interface PromptProps
interface PromptProps {}
interface RedirectProps
interface RedirectProps {}
interface RouteChildrenProps
interface RouteChildrenProps< Params extends { [K in keyof Params]?: string } = {}, S = H.LocationState> {}
interface RouteComponentProps
interface RouteComponentProps< Params extends { [K in keyof Params]?: string } = {}, C extends StaticContext = StaticContext, S = H.LocationState> {}
property history
history: H.History<S>;
property location
location: H.Location<S>;
property match
match: match<Params>;
property staticContext
staticContext?: C | undefined;
interface RouteProps
interface RouteProps< Path extends string = string, Params extends { [K: string]: string | undefined } = ExtractRouteParams< Path, string >> {}
property children
children?: | ((props: RouteChildrenProps<Params>) => React.ReactNode) | React.ReactNode | undefined;
property component
component?: | React.ComponentType<RouteComponentProps<any>> | React.ComponentType<any> | undefined;
property exact
exact?: boolean | undefined;
property location
location?: H.Location | undefined;
property path
path?: Path | readonly Path[] | undefined;
property render
render?: ((props: RouteComponentProps<Params>) => React.ReactNode) | undefined;
property sensitive
sensitive?: boolean | undefined;
property strict
strict?: boolean | undefined;
interface RouterChildContext
interface RouterChildContext<Params extends { [K in keyof Params]?: string } = {}> {}
property router
router: { history: H.History; route: { location: H.Location; match: match<Params>; };};
interface RouterProps
interface RouterProps {}
interface StaticContext
interface StaticContext {}
property statusCode
statusCode?: number | undefined;
interface StaticRouterContext
interface StaticRouterContext extends StaticContext {}
interface StaticRouterProps
interface StaticRouterProps {}
interface SwitchProps
interface SwitchProps {}
interface WithRouterStatics
interface WithRouterStatics<C extends React.ComponentType<any>> {}
property WrappedComponent
WrappedComponent: C;
Type Aliases
type ExtractRouteOptionalParam
type ExtractRouteOptionalParam< T extends string, U = string | number | boolean> = T extends `${infer Param}?` ? { [k in Param]?: U } : T extends `${infer Param}*` ? { [k in Param]?: U } : T extends `${infer Param}+` ? { [k in Param]: U } : { [k in T]: U };
type ExtractRouteParams
type ExtractRouteParams< T extends string, U = string | number | boolean> = string extends T ? { [k in string]?: U } : T extends `${infer _Start}:${infer ParamWithOptionalRegExp}/${infer Rest}` ? ParamWithOptionalRegExp extends `${infer Param}(${infer _RegExp})${infer Modifier extends | '?' | '+' | '*' | ''}` ? ExtractRouteOptionalParam<`${Param}${Modifier}`, U> & ExtractRouteParams<Rest, U> : ExtractRouteOptionalParam<ParamWithOptionalRegExp, U> & ExtractRouteParams<Rest, U> : T extends `${infer _Start}:${infer ParamWithOptionalRegExp}` ? ParamWithOptionalRegExp extends `${infer Param}(${infer _RegExp})${infer Modifier extends | '?' | '+' | '*' | ''}` ? ExtractRouteOptionalParam<`${Param}${Modifier}`, U> : ExtractRouteOptionalParam<ParamWithOptionalRegExp, U> : {};
type Omit
type Omit<T, K extends keyof T> = T extends any ? Pick<T, Exclude<keyof T, K>> : never;
type OmitNative
type OmitNative<T, K extends string | number | symbol> = { [P in Exclude<keyof T, K>]: T[P];};
type WithRouterProps
type WithRouterProps<C extends React.ComponentType<any>> = C extends React.ComponentClass ? { wrappedComponentRef?: React.Ref<InstanceType<C>> | undefined } : {};
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