- Version 0.0.40
- Published
- 7.75 kB
- 1 dependency
- MIT license
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TypeScript definitions for react-motion
Type Aliases
variable presets
const presets: Presets;
function spring
spring: (val: number, config?: SpringHelperConfig) => OpaqueConfig;
Used in conjunction with the components below. Specifies the how to animate to the destination value, e.g. spring(10, {stiffness: 120, damping: 17}) means "animate to value 10, with a spring of stiffness 120 and damping 17".
class Motion
class Motion extends Component<MotionProps> {}
class Presets
class Presets {}
class StaggeredMotion
class StaggeredMotion extends Component<StaggeredMotionProps> {}
class TransitionMotion
class TransitionMotion extends Component<TransitionProps> {}
interface MotionProps
interface MotionProps {}
property children
children?: ((interpolatedStyle: PlainStyle) => JSX.Element) | undefined;
Callback with your interpolated styles. Must return one react element to render
Parameter interpolatedStyle
property defaultStyle
defaultStyle?: PlainStyle | undefined;
The default style. Being ignored on subsequent renders Object with same keys as in style whose values are the initial numbers you're interpolating on
property onRest
onRest?: (() => void) | undefined;
The callback that fires when the animation comes to a rest.
property style
style: Style;
Object that maps to either number or opaque config returned by spring(). Must keep same keys throughout component's existence
interface OpaqueConfig
interface OpaqueConfig {}
interface SpringHelperConfig
interface SpringHelperConfig {}
Spring additional configuration
interface StaggeredMotionProps
interface StaggeredMotionProps {}
property children
children: (interpolatedStyles: any) => React.ReactElement;
property defaultStyles
defaultStyles?: PlainStyle[] | undefined;
Default styles
property styles
styles: (previousInterpolatedStyles?: PlainStyle[]) => Style[];
Styles to interpolate
Parameter previousInterpolatedStyles
The previously interpolating (array of) styles (undefined at first render, unless defaultStyles is provided).
interface TransitionPlainStyle
interface TransitionPlainStyle {}
Default style for transition
interface TransitionProps
interface TransitionProps {}
Transition properties
property children
children?: | ((interpolatedStyles: TransitionPlainStyle[]) => JSX.Element) | undefined;
property defaultStyles
defaultStyles?: TransitionPlainStyle[] | undefined;
Default styles on first render
property didLeave
didLeave?: ((styleThatLeft: TransitionStyle) => void) | undefined;
Triggers when an element has disappeared
Parameter styleThatLeft
property styles
styles: TransitionStyle[] | InterpolateFunction;
Styles to interpolate. Accepts array of TransitionStyle objects or interpolated function similar as for
property willEnter
willEnter?: ((styleThatEntered: TransitionStyle) => PlainStyle) | undefined;
Triggers when a new element will appear
Parameter styleThatEntered
property willLeave
willLeave?: ((styleThatLeft: TransitionStyle) => Style | void) | undefined;
Triggers when an element will disappear
Parameter styleThatLeft
interface TransitionStyle
interface TransitionStyle {}
property data
data?: any;
Anything you'd like to carry along. Will be preserved on re-renders until key off
property key
key: string;
The ID that TransitionMotion uses to track which configuration is which across renders, even when things are reordered. Typically reused as the component key when you map over the interpolated styles.
property style
style: Style;
Actual starting style configuration
Type Aliases
type InterpolateFunction
type InterpolateFunction = ( previousInterpolatedStyles?: TransitionPlainStyle[]) => TransitionStyle[];
type PlainStyle
type PlainStyle = { [key: string]: number };
type Style
type Style = { [key: string]: number | OpaqueConfig };
type Velocity
type Velocity = { [key: string]: number };
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