- Version 1.3.15
- Published
- 8.69 kB
- 1 dependency
- MIT license
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TypeScript definitions for @reach/router
Type Aliases
variable globalHistory
const globalHistory: History;
variable navigate
const navigate: NavigateFn;
function createHistory
createHistory: (source: HistorySource) => History;
function createMemorySource
createMemorySource: (initialPath: string) => HistorySource;
function isRedirect
isRedirect: (error: any) => error is RedirectRequest;
function Link
Link: <TState>( props: React.PropsWithoutRef<LinkProps<TState>> & React.RefAttributes<HTMLAnchorElement>) => ReturnType<Link<TState>>;
function redirectTo
redirectTo: (uri: string) => void;
function useLocation
useLocation: () => WindowLocation;
function useMatch
useMatch: (pathname: string) => { [param: string]: string; uri: string; path: string;};
function useNavigate
useNavigate: () => NavigateFn;
function useParams
useParams: < TParams extends { [Param in keyof TParams]?: string } = any>() => TParams;
class Location
class Location extends React.Component<LocationProps> {}
class LocationProvider
class LocationProvider extends React.Component<LocationProviderProps> {}
class Match
class Match<TParams> extends React.Component<MatchProps<TParams>> {}
class Redirect
class Redirect<TState> extends React.Component< RouteComponentProps<RedirectProps<TState>>> {}
class Router
class Router extends React.Component< RouterProps & React.HTMLProps<HTMLDivElement>> {}
class ServerLocation
class ServerLocation extends React.Component<ServerLocationProps> {}
interface History
interface History {}
property listen
listen: (listener: HistoryListener) => HistoryUnsubscribe;
property location
readonly location: HistoryLocation;
property navigate
navigate: NavigateFn;
property transitioning
readonly transitioning: boolean;
interface HistoryListenerParameter
interface HistoryListenerParameter {}
interface HistorySource
interface HistorySource {}
property history
history: { readonly state: any; pushState(state: any, title: string, uri: string): void; replaceState(state: any, title: string, uri: string): void;};
property location
readonly location: WindowLocation;
method addEventListener
addEventListener: (name: string, listener: (event: Event) => void) => void;
method removeEventListener
removeEventListener: (name: string, listener: (event: Event) => void) => void;
interface HLocation
interface HLocation<S = unknown> {}
interface Link
interface Link<TState> extends React.ForwardRefExoticComponent< React.PropsWithoutRef<LinkProps<TState>> & React.RefAttributes<HTMLAnchorElement> > {}
interface LinkGetProps
interface LinkGetProps {}
property href
href: string;
property isCurrent
isCurrent: boolean;
property isPartiallyCurrent
isPartiallyCurrent: boolean;
property location
location: WindowLocation;
interface LinkProps
interface LinkProps<TState> extends AnchorProps {}
interface LocationContext
interface LocationContext {}
interface LocationProps
interface LocationProps {}
property children
children: LocationProviderRenderFn;
interface LocationProviderProps
interface LocationProviderProps {}
interface MatchProps
interface MatchProps<TParams> {}
interface MatchRenderProps
interface MatchRenderProps<TParams> {}
interface NavigateFn
interface NavigateFn {}
call signature
(to: string, options?: NavigateOptions<{}>): Promise<void>;
call signature
(to: number, options?: undefined): Promise<void>;
interface NavigateOptions
interface NavigateOptions<TState> {}
interface RedirectProps
interface RedirectProps<TState> {}
interface RedirectRequest
interface RedirectRequest {}
property uri
uri: string;
interface RouterProps
interface RouterProps {}
interface ServerLocationProps
interface ServerLocationProps {}
property url
url: string;
Type Aliases
type AnchorProps
type AnchorProps = Omit< React.DetailedHTMLProps< React.AnchorHTMLAttributes<HTMLAnchorElement>, HTMLAnchorElement >, 'href' // remove href, as it's ignored by the router>;
type HistoryActionType
type HistoryActionType = 'PUSH' | 'POP';
type HistoryListener
type HistoryListener = (parameter: HistoryListenerParameter) => void;
type HistoryLocation
type HistoryLocation = WindowLocation & { state?: any };
type HistoryUnsubscribe
type HistoryUnsubscribe = () => void;
type LocationProviderRenderFn
type LocationProviderRenderFn = (context: LocationContext) => React.ReactNode;
type MatchRenderFn
type MatchRenderFn<TParams> = (props: MatchRenderProps<TParams>) => React.ReactNode;
type Omit
type Omit<T, K> = Pick<T, Exclude<keyof T, K>>;
type RouteComponentProps
type RouteComponentProps<TParams = {}> = Partial<TParams> & { path?: string | undefined; default?: boolean | undefined; location?: WindowLocation | undefined; navigate?: NavigateFn | undefined; uri?: string | undefined;};
type WindowLocation
type WindowLocation<S = unknown> = Window['location'] & HLocation<S>;
Package Files (1)
Dependencies (1)
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