
  • Version 0.0.33
  • Published
  • 6.35 kB
  • No dependencies
  • MIT license


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TypeScript definitions for optimist



variable optimist

var optimist: optimist.Parser;


    interface Opt

    interface Opt {}

      property alias

      alias?: string | string[] | undefined;

        property default

        default?: any;

          property demand

          demand?: string | number | string[] | undefined;

            property describe

            describe?: string | undefined;

              property type

              type?: string | undefined;

                interface Parser

                interface Parser {}

                  property argv

                  argv: any;
                  • Implicitly use process.argv array to construct the argv object

                  method alias

                  alias: {
                  (key: string, alias: string | string[]): Parser;
                  (aliases: { [index: string]: string | string[] }): Parser;
                  • Set key names as equivalent such that updates to a key will propagate to aliases and vice-versa.

                  • Take an object that maps keys to aliases.

                  method boolean

                  boolean: { (key: string): Parser; (key: string[]): Parser };
                  • Interpret key as a boolean. If a non-flag option follows key in process.argv, that string won't get set as the value of key. If key never shows up as a flag in process.arguments, argv[key] will be false.

                  • Interpret all the elements as booleans.

                  method check

                  check: (fn: (argv: any) => any) => Parser;
                  • Check that certain conditions are met in the provided arguments. If fn throws or returns false, show the thrown error, usage information, and exit.

                  method default

                  default: {
                  (key: string, value: any): Parser;
                  (defaults: { [index: string]: any }): Parser;
                  • Set argv[key] to value if no option was specified on process.argv

                  • Take an object that maps keys to default values

                  method demand

                  demand: {
                  (key: string): Parser;
                  (key: number): Parser;
                  (key: string[]): Parser;
                  • Show the usage information and exit if key wasn't specified in process.argv

                  • Demand at least as many non-option arguments, which show up in argv._

                  • Demand each element in key

                  method describe

                  describe: {
                  (key: string, desc: string): Parser;
                  (descriptions: { [index: string]: string }): Parser;
                  • Describe a key for the generated usage information

                  • Take an object that maps keys to descriptions

                  method help

                  help: () => string;
                  • Return the generated usage string.

                  method options

                  options: {
                  (key: string, opt: Opt): Parser;
                  (options: { [index: string]: Opt }): Parser;
                  • Instead of chaining together, e.g. optimist.alias().demand().default()..., you can specify keys in opt for each of the chainable methods.

                  • Take an object that maps keys to opt parameters

                  method parse

                  parse: (args: string[]) => any;
                  • Use .parse() to do the same thing as treating optimist as a function

                  method showHelp

                  showHelp: (fn?: (message: string) => void) => void;
                  • Print the usage data using fn for printing (defaults to console.error).

                  method string

                  string: { (key: string): Parser; (key: string[]): Parser };
                  • Tell the parser logic not to interpret key as a number or boolean. This can be useful if you need to preserve leading zeros in an input.

                  • Interpret all the elements as strings

                  method usage

                  usage: (message: string) => Parser;
                  • Set a usage message to show which commands to use. Inside message, the string $0 will get interpolated to the current script name or node command for the present script similar to how $0 works in bash or perl.

                  method wrap

                  wrap: (columns: number) => Parser;
                  • Format usage output to wrap at columns many columns.

                  call signature

                  (args: string[]): any;
                  • Pass in the process.argv yourself

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