- Version 1.0.4
- Published
- 6.93 kB
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- MIT license
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TypeScript definitions for normalize-wheel
function getEventType
getEventType: () => 'wheel' | 'mousewheel' | 'DOMMouseScroll';
function normalizeWheel
normalizeWheel: typeof normalizeWheel;
Mouse wheel (and 2-finger trackpad) support on the web sucks. It is complicated, thus this doc is long and (hopefully) detailed enough to answer your questions.
If you need to react to the mouse wheel in a predictable way, this code is like your bestest friend. * hugs *
As of today, there are 4 DOM event types you can listen to:
'wheel' -- Chrome(31+), FF(17+), IE(9+) 'mousewheel' -- Chrome, IE(6+), Opera, Safari 'MozMousePixelScroll' -- FF(3.5 only!) (2010-2013) -- don't bother! 'DOMMouseScroll' -- FF(0.9.7+) since 2003
So what to do? The is the best:
In your event callback, use this code to get sane interpretation of the deltas. This code will return an object with properties:
spinX -- normalized spin speed (use for zoom) - x plane spinY -- " - y plane pixelX -- normalized distance (to pixels) - x plane pixelY -- " - y plane
Wheel values are provided by the browser assuming you are using the wheel to scroll a web page by a number of lines or pixels (or pages). Values can vary significantly on different platforms and browsers, forgetting that you can scroll at different speeds. Some devices (like trackpads) emit more events at smaller increments with fine granularity, and some emit massive jumps with linear speed or acceleration.
This code does its best to normalize the deltas for you:
- spin is trying to normalize how far the wheel was spun (or trackpad dragged). This is super useful for zoom support where you want to throw away the chunky scroll steps on the PC and make those equal to the slow and smooth tiny steps on the Mac. Key data: This code tries to resolve a single slow step on a wheel to 1.
- pixel is normalizing the desired scroll delta in pixel units. You'll get the crazy differences between browsers, but at least it'll be in pixels!
- positive value indicates scrolling DOWN/RIGHT, negative UP/LEFT. This should translate to positive value zooming IN, negative zooming OUT. This matches the newer 'wheel' event.
Why are there spinX, spinY (or pixels)?
- spinX is a 2-finger side drag on the trackpad, and a shift + wheel turn with a mouse. It results in side-scrolling in the browser by default.
- spinY is what you expect -- it's the classic axis of a mouse wheel.
- I dropped spinZ/pixelZ. It is supported by the DOM 3 'wheel' event and probably is by browsers in conjunction with fancy 3D controllers .. but you know.
Implementation info:
Examples of 'wheel' event if you scroll slowly (down) by one step with an average mouse:
OS X + Chrome (mouse) - 4 pixel delta (wheelDelta -120) OS X + Safari (mouse) - N/A pixel delta (wheelDelta -12) OS X + Firefox (mouse) - 0.1 line delta (wheelDelta N/A) Win8 + Chrome (mouse) - 100 pixel delta (wheelDelta -120) Win8 + Firefox (mouse) - 3 line delta (wheelDelta -120)
On the trackpad:
OS X + Chrome (trackpad) - 2 pixel delta (wheelDelta -6) OS X + Firefox (trackpad) - 1 pixel delta (wheelDelta N/A)
On other/older browsers.. it's more complicated as there can be multiple and also missing delta values.
The 'wheel' event is more standard:
The basics is that it includes a unit, deltaMode (pixels, lines, pages), and deltaX, deltaY and deltaZ. Some browsers provide other values to maintain backward compatibility with older events. Those other values help us better normalize spin speed. Example of what the browsers provide:
| event.wheelDelta | event.detail ------------------+------------------+-------------- Safari v5/OS X | -120 | 0 Safari v5/Win7 | -120 | 0 Chrome v17/OS X | -120 | 0 Chrome v17/Win7 | -120 | 0 IE9/Win7 | -120 | undefined Firefox v4/OS X | undefined | 1 Firefox v4/Win7 | undefined | 3
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