
  • Version 4.13.4
  • Published
  • 14.1 kB
  • 1 dependency
  • MIT license


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TypeScript definitions for mock-fs



function bypass

bypass: <T>(fn: () => T) => T;
  • Temporarily bypass the mocked file system and load directly from the real file system.

    Example 1

    const filePath = '/path/file.json'; const data = mock.bypass(() => fs.readFileSync(filePath, 'utf-8'));

function directory

directory: (config?: FileSystem.DirectoryOptions) => () => Directory;
  • Create a directory factory.

function file

file: (config?: FileSystem.FileOptions) => () => File;
  • Create a file factory.

function getMockRoot

getMockRoot: () => Directory | {};
  • Get hold of the mocked filesystem's 'root' If fs hasn't currently been replaced, this will return an empty object

function load

load: (
path: string,
options?: FileSystem.LoaderOptions
) => FileSystem.DirectoryItem;
  • Load a real file/folder into the mock file system.

function mock

mock: typeof mock;
  • Swap out the fs bindings for a mock file system.

    _Note:_ Import this file _before_ any other modules that import the fs module.

    Parameter config

    Mock file system configuration.

    Parameter options

    Any filesystem options.


    options.createCwd Create a directory for process.cwd() (defaults to true).


    options.createTmp Create a directory for os.tmpdir() (defaults to true).

function restore

restore: () => void;
  • Restore the fs bindings for the real file system.

symlink: (config: FileSystem.SymlinkOptions) => () => SymbolicLink;
  • Create a symbolic link factory.

Package Files (1)

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