- Version 2.2.7
- Published
- 34.2 kB
- No dependencies
- MIT license
npm i @types/mithril
yarn add @types/mithril
pnpm add @types/mithril
TypeScript definitions for mithril
Type Aliases
variable Mithril
const Mithril: Mithril.Static;
function censor
censor: <O extends Record<string, any>, E extends readonly string[]>( object: O, extra: E) => Omit<Mithril._NoLifecycle<O>, E[number]>;
Returns a shallow-cloned object with lifecycle attributes and any given custom attributes omitted.
function jsonp
jsonp: { <T>(options: Mithril.JsonpOptions & { url: string }): Promise<T>; <T>(url: string, options?: Mithril.JsonpOptions): Promise<T>;};
Makes a JSON-P request and returns a promise.
function mount
mount: { (element: Element, component: Mithril.ComponentTypes<any, any>): void; (element: Element, component: null): void;};
Mounts a component to a DOM element, enabling it to autoredraw on user events.
Unmounts a component from a DOM element.
function render
render: (el: Element, vnodes: Mithril.Children) => void;
Renders a vnode structure into a DOM element.
function request
request: { <T>(options: Mithril.RequestOptions<T> & { url: string }): Promise<T>; <T>(url: string, options?: Mithril.RequestOptions<T>): Promise<T>;};
Makes an XHR request and returns a promise.
interface Attributes
interface Attributes extends CommonAttributes<any, any> {}
This represents the attributes available for configuring virtual elements, beyond the applicable DOM attributes.
property class
class?: string | undefined;
The class name(s) for this virtual element, as a space-separated list.
property className
className?: string | undefined;
The class name(s) for this virtual element, as a space-separated list.
index signature
[property: string]: any;
Any other virtual element properties, including attributes and event handlers.
interface ChildArray
interface ChildArray extends Array<Children> {}
interface ClassComponent
interface ClassComponent<A = {}> {}
Components are a mechanism to encapsulate parts of a view to make code easier to organize and/or reuse. Any class that implements a view method can be used as a Mithril component. Components can be consumed via the m() utility.
method onbeforeremove
onbeforeremove: (vnode: VnodeDOM<A, this>) => Promise<any> | void;
The onbeforeremove hook is called before a DOM element is detached from the document. If a Promise is returned, Mithril only detaches the DOM element after the promise completes.
method onbeforeupdate
onbeforeupdate: ( vnode: Vnode<A, this>, old: VnodeDOM<A, this>) => boolean | void;
The onbeforeupdate hook is called before a vnode is diffed in a update.
method oncreate
oncreate: (vnode: VnodeDOM<A, this>) => any;
The oncreate hook is called after a DOM element is created and attached to the document.
method oninit
oninit: (vnode: Vnode<A, this>) => any;
The oninit hook is called before a vnode is touched by the virtual DOM engine.
method onremove
onremove: (vnode: VnodeDOM<A, this>) => any;
The onremove hook is called before a DOM element is removed from the document.
method onupdate
onupdate: (vnode: VnodeDOM<A, this>) => any;
The onupdate hook is called after a DOM element is updated, while attached to the document.
method view
view: (vnode: Vnode<A, this>) => Children | null | void;
Creates a view out of virtual elements.
interface CommonAttributes
interface CommonAttributes<Attrs, State> {}
property key
key?: string | number | undefined;
A key to optionally associate with this element.
method onbeforeremove
onbeforeremove: ( this: State, vnode: VnodeDOM<Attrs, State>) => Promise<any> | void;
The onbeforeremove hook is called before a DOM element is detached from the document. If a Promise is returned, Mithril only detaches the DOM element after the promise completes.
method onbeforeupdate
onbeforeupdate: ( this: State, vnode: Vnode<Attrs, State>, old: VnodeDOM<Attrs, State>) => boolean | void;
The onbeforeupdate hook is called before a vnode is diffed in a update.
method oncreate
oncreate: (this: State, vnode: VnodeDOM<Attrs, State>) => any;
The oncreate hook is called after a DOM element is created and attached to the document.
method oninit
oninit: (this: State, vnode: Vnode<Attrs, State>) => any;
The oninit hook is called before a vnode is touched by the virtual DOM engine.
method onremove
onremove: (this: State, vnode: VnodeDOM<Attrs, State>) => any;
The onremove hook is called before a DOM element is removed from the document.
method onupdate
onupdate: (this: State, vnode: VnodeDOM<Attrs, State>) => any;
The onupdate hook is called after a DOM element is updated, while attached to the document.
interface Component
interface Component<Attrs = {}, State = {}> {}
Components are a mechanism to encapsulate parts of a view to make code easier to organize and/or reuse. Any Javascript object that has a view method can be used as a Mithril component. Components can be consumed via the m() utility.
method onbeforeremove
onbeforeremove: ( this: _NoLifecycle<this & State>, vnode: VnodeDOM<Attrs, _NoLifecycle<this & State>>) => Promise<any> | void;
The onbeforeremove hook is called before a DOM element is detached from the document. If a Promise is returned, Mithril only detaches the DOM element after the promise completes.
method onbeforeupdate
onbeforeupdate: ( this: _NoLifecycle<this & State>, vnode: Vnode<Attrs, _NoLifecycle<this & State>>, old: VnodeDOM<Attrs, _NoLifecycle<this & State>>) => boolean | void;
The onbeforeupdate hook is called before a vnode is diffed in a update.
method oncreate
oncreate: ( this: _NoLifecycle<this & State>, vnode: VnodeDOM<Attrs, _NoLifecycle<this & State>>) => any;
The oncreate hook is called after a DOM element is created and attached to the document.
method oninit
oninit: ( this: _NoLifecycle<this & State>, vnode: Vnode<Attrs, _NoLifecycle<this & State>>) => any;
The oninit hook is called before a vnode is touched by the virtual DOM engine.
method onremove
onremove: ( this: _NoLifecycle<this & State>, vnode: VnodeDOM<Attrs, _NoLifecycle<this & State>>) => any;
The onremove hook is called before a DOM element is removed from the document.
method onupdate
onupdate: ( this: _NoLifecycle<this & State>, vnode: VnodeDOM<Attrs, _NoLifecycle<this & State>>) => any;
The onupdate hook is called after a DOM element is updated, while attached to the document.
method view
view: ( this: _NoLifecycle<this & State>, vnode: Vnode<Attrs, _NoLifecycle<this & State>>) => Children | null | void;
Creates a view out of virtual elements.
interface CVnode
interface CVnode<A = {}> extends Vnode<A, ClassComponent<A>> {}
interface CVnodeDOM
interface CVnodeDOM<A = {}> extends VnodeDOM<A, ClassComponent<A>> {}
interface Hyperscript
interface Hyperscript {}
method fragment
fragment: ( attrs: CommonAttributes<any, any> & { [key: string]: any }, children: ChildArrayOrPrimitive) => Vnode<any, any>;
Creates a fragment virtual element (Vnode).
method trust
trust: (html: string) => Vnode<any, any>;
Turns an HTML string into a virtual element (Vnode). Do not use trust on unsanitized user input.
call signature
<Attrs, State>( component: ComponentTypes<Attrs, State>, attributes: Attrs & CommonAttributes<Attrs, State>, ...args: Children[]): Vnode<Attrs, State>;
Creates a virtual element (Vnode).
call signature
(selector: string, attributes: Attributes, ...children: Children[]): Vnode< any, any>;
Creates a virtual element (Vnode).
call signature
<Attrs, State>( component: ComponentTypes<Attrs, State>, ...args: Children[]): Vnode<Attrs, State>;
Creates a virtual element (Vnode).
call signature
(selector: string, ...children: Children[]): Vnode<any, any>;
Creates a virtual element (Vnode).
interface JsonpOptions
interface JsonpOptions {}
property background
background?: boolean | undefined;
If false, redraws mounted components upon completion of the request. If true, it does not.
property body
body?: any;
The data to be serialized into the request body.
property callbackKey
callbackKey?: string | undefined;
The name of the querystring parameter name that specifies the callback name.
property callbackName
callbackName?: string | undefined;
The name of the function that will be called as the callback.
property params
params?: { [id: string]: any } | undefined;
The data to be interpolated into the URL and serialized into the querystring.
property type
type?: new (o: any) => any;
A constructor to be applied to each object in the response.
interface ParamsRec
interface ParamsRec {}
index signature
[key: string]: string | number | boolean | null | undefined | Params;
interface Redraw
interface Redraw {}
method sync
sync: () => void;
Manually triggers a synchronous redraw of mounted components.
call signature
(): void;
Manually triggers an asynchronous redraw of mounted components.
interface RequestOptions
interface RequestOptions<T> {}
property async
async?: boolean | undefined;
Whether the request should be asynchronous. Defaults to true.
property background
background?: boolean | undefined;
If false, redraws mounted components upon completion of the request. If true, it does not.
property body
body?: | (XMLHttpRequest['send'] extends (x: infer R) => any ? R : never) | (object & { [id: string]: any }) | undefined;
The data to be serialized into the request body.
property headers
headers?: { [key: string]: string } | undefined;
Headers to append to the request before sending it.
property method
method?: string | undefined;
The HTTP method to use.
property params
params?: { [key: string]: any } | undefined;
The data to be interpolated into the URL and serialized into the querystring.
property password
password?: string | undefined;
A password for HTTP authorization.
property responseType
responseType?: | '' | 'arraybuffer' | 'blob' | 'document' | 'json' | 'text' | undefined;
The expected type of the response, as a legal value of XMLHttpRequest.responseType.
property timeout
timeout?: number | undefined;
Milliseconds a request can take before automatically being terminated.
property type
type?: new (o: any) => any;
A constructor to be applied to each object in the response.
property useBody
useBody?: boolean | undefined;
Force the use of the HTTP body section for data in GET requests when set to true, or the use of querystring for other HTTP methods when set to false. Defaults to false for GET requests and true for other methods.
property user
user?: string | undefined;
A username for HTTP authorization.
property withCredentials
withCredentials?: boolean | undefined;
Whether to send cookies to 3rd party domains.
method config
config: (xhr: XMLHttpRequest, options: this) => XMLHttpRequest | void;
Exposes the underlying XMLHttpRequest object for low-level configuration.
method deserialize
deserialize: (data: string) => T;
A deserialization method to be applied to the response. Defaults to a small wrapper around JSON.parse that returns null for empty responses.
method extract
extract: (xhr: XMLHttpRequest, options: this) => T;
A hook to specify how the XMLHttpRequest response should be read. Useful for reading response headers and cookies. Defaults to a function that returns xhr.responseText
method serialize
serialize: (data: any) => any;
A serialization method to be applied to data. Defaults to JSON.stringify, or if options.data is an instance of FormData, defaults to the identity function.
interface Route
interface Route {}
property Link
Link: Component<RouteLinkAttrs>;
This Component renders a link <a href> that will use the current routing strategy
property prefix
prefix: string;
Defines a router prefix which is a fragment of the URL that dictates the underlying strategy used by the router.
property SKIP
SKIP: any;
Special value to SKIP current route
method get
get: () => string;
Returns the last fully resolved routing path, without the prefix.
method param
param: { (name: string): string; (): any };
Returns the named parameter value from the current route.
Gets all route parameters.
method set
set: (route: string, data?: any, options?: RouteOptions) => void;
Redirects to a matching route or to the default route if no matching routes can be found.
call signature
(element: Element, defaultRoute: string, routes: RouteDefs): void;
Creates application routes and mounts Components and/or RouteResolvers to a DOM element.
interface RouteDefs
interface RouteDefs {}
This represents a key-value mapping linking routes to components.
index signature
[url: string]: ComponentTypes<any, any> | RouteResolver<any, any>;
The key represents the route. The value represents the corresponding component.
interface RouteLinkAttrs
interface RouteLinkAttrs extends Attributes {}
interface RouteOptions
interface RouteOptions {}
property replace
replace?: boolean | undefined;
Routing parameters. If path has routing parameter slots, the properties of this object are interpolated into the path string.
property state
state?: any;
The state object to pass to the underlying history.pushState / history.replaceState call.
property title
title?: string | undefined;
The title string to pass to the underlying history.pushState / history.replaceState call.
interface RouteResolver
interface RouteResolver<Attrs = {}, State = {}> {}
method onmatch
onmatch: ( this: this, args: Attrs, requestedPath: string, route: string) => ComponentTypes<any, any> | Promise<any> | void;
The onmatch hook is called when the router needs to find a component to render.
method render
render: (this: this, vnode: Vnode<Attrs, State>) => Children;
The render method is called on every redraw for a matching route.
interface Static
interface Static extends Hyperscript {}
property censor
censor: typeof censor;
property jsonp
jsonp: typeof jsonp;
property mount
mount: typeof mount;
property redraw
redraw: Redraw;
property render
render: typeof render;
property request
request: typeof request;
property route
route: Route;
method buildPathname
buildPathname: (template: string, params?: Params) => string;
Build path name
method buildQueryString
buildQueryString: (values: Params) => string;
Turns the key/value pairs of an object into a string of the form: a=1&b=2
method parsePathname
parsePathname: (url: string) => { path: string; params: Params };
Parse path name
method parseQueryString
parseQueryString: (queryString: string) => Params;
Returns an object with key/value pairs parsed from a string of the form: ?a=1&b=2
interface Vnode
interface Vnode<Attrs = {}, State = {}> {}
Virtual DOM nodes, or vnodes, are Javascript objects that represent an element (or parts of the DOM).
property attrs
attrs: Attrs;
A hashmap of DOM attributes, events, properties and lifecycle methods.
property children
children?: ChildArrayOrPrimitive | undefined;
In most vnode types, the children property is an array of vnodes. For text and trusted HTML vnodes, The children property is either a string, a number or a boolean.
property key
key?: string | number | undefined;
The value used to map a DOM element to its respective item in an array of data.
property state
state: State;
An object that is persisted between redraws. In component vnodes, state is a shallow clone of the component object.
property tag
tag: string | ComponentTypes<Attrs, State>;
The nodeName of a DOM element. It may also be the string [ if a vnode is a fragment, # if it's a text vnode, or < if it's a trusted HTML vnode. Additionally, it may be a component.
property text
text?: string | number | boolean | undefined;
This is used instead of children if a vnode contains a text node as its only child. This is done for performance reasons. Component vnodes never use the text property even if they have a text node as their only child.
interface VnodeDOM
interface VnodeDOM<Attrs = {}, State = {}> extends Vnode<Attrs, State> {}
Type Aliases
type Child
type Child = Vnode<any, any> | string | number | boolean | null | undefined;
type ChildArrayOrPrimitive
type ChildArrayOrPrimitive = ChildArray | string | number | boolean;
type Children
type Children = Child | ChildArray;
type ClosureComponent
type ClosureComponent<A = {}> = FactoryComponent<A>;
Components are a mechanism to encapsulate parts of a view to make code easier to organize and/or reuse. Any function that returns an object with a view method can be used as a Mithril component. Components can be consumed via the m() utility.
type Comp
type Comp<Attrs = {}, State = {}> = _NoLifecycle<State> & Component<Attrs, _NoLifecycle<State>>;
Components are a mechanism to encapsulate parts of a view to make code easier to organize and/or reuse. Any Javascript object that has a view method is a Mithril component. Components can be consumed via the m() utility.
type ComponentTypes
type ComponentTypes<A = {}, S = {}> = | Component<A, S> | { new (vnode: CVnode<A>): ClassComponent<A> } | FactoryComponent<A>;
Components are a mechanism to encapsulate parts of a view to make code easier to organize and/or reuse. Components can be consumed via the m() utility.
type FactoryComponent
type FactoryComponent<A = {}> = (vnode: Vnode<A>) => Component<A>;
Components are a mechanism to encapsulate parts of a view to make code easier to organize and/or reuse. Any function that returns an object with a view method can be used as a Mithril component. Components can be consumed via the m() utility.
type Params
type Params = object & ParamsRec;
namespace global
namespace global {}
namespace global.JSX
namespace global.JSX {}
interface Element
interface Element extends Mithril.Vnode {}
interface IntrinsicAttributes
interface IntrinsicAttributes extends Mithril.Attributes {}
property children
children?: Mithril.Children | HTMLCollection;
interface IntrinsicClassAttributes
interface IntrinsicClassAttributes extends Mithril.Attributes {}
interface IntrinsicElements
interface IntrinsicElements {}
property "["
'[': Mithril.Attributes;
property a
a: Mithril.Attributes;
property abbr
abbr: Mithril.Attributes;
property address
address: Mithril.Attributes;
property animate
animate: Mithril.Attributes;
property animateMotion
animateMotion: Mithril.Attributes;
property animateTransform
animateTransform: Mithril.Attributes;
property area
area: Mithril.Attributes;
property article
article: Mithril.Attributes;
property aside
aside: Mithril.Attributes;
property audio
audio: Mithril.Attributes;
property b
b: Mithril.Attributes;
property base
base: Mithril.Attributes;
property bdi
bdi: Mithril.Attributes;
property bdo
bdo: Mithril.Attributes;
property big
big: Mithril.Attributes;
property blockquote
blockquote: Mithril.Attributes;
property body
body: Mithril.Attributes;
property br
br: Mithril.Attributes;
property button
button: Mithril.Attributes;
property canvas
canvas: Mithril.Attributes;
property caption
caption: Mithril.Attributes;
property circle
circle: Mithril.Attributes;
property cite
cite: Mithril.Attributes;
property clipPath
clipPath: Mithril.Attributes;
property code
code: Mithril.Attributes;
property col
col: Mithril.Attributes;
property colgroup
colgroup: Mithril.Attributes;
property data
data: Mithril.Attributes;
property datalist
datalist: Mithril.Attributes;
property dd
dd: Mithril.Attributes;
property defs
defs: Mithril.Attributes;
property del
del: Mithril.Attributes;
property desc
desc: Mithril.Attributes;
property details
details: Mithril.Attributes;
property dfn
dfn: Mithril.Attributes;
property dialog
dialog: Mithril.Attributes;
property div
div: Mithril.Attributes;
property dl
dl: Mithril.Attributes;
property dt
dt: Mithril.Attributes;
property ellipse
ellipse: Mithril.Attributes;
property em
em: Mithril.Attributes;
property embed
embed: Mithril.Attributes;
property feBlend
feBlend: Mithril.Attributes;
property feColorMatrix
feColorMatrix: Mithril.Attributes;
property feComponentTransfer
feComponentTransfer: Mithril.Attributes;
property feComposite
feComposite: Mithril.Attributes;
property feConvolveMatrix
feConvolveMatrix: Mithril.Attributes;
property feDiffuseLighting
feDiffuseLighting: Mithril.Attributes;
property feDisplacementMap
feDisplacementMap: Mithril.Attributes;
property feDistantLight
feDistantLight: Mithril.Attributes;
property feDropShadow
feDropShadow: Mithril.Attributes;
property feFlood
feFlood: Mithril.Attributes;
property feFuncA
feFuncA: Mithril.Attributes;
property feFuncB
feFuncB: Mithril.Attributes;
property feFuncG
feFuncG: Mithril.Attributes;
property feFuncR
feFuncR: Mithril.Attributes;
property feGaussianBlur
feGaussianBlur: Mithril.Attributes;
property feImage
feImage: Mithril.Attributes;
property feMerge
feMerge: Mithril.Attributes;
property feMergeNode
feMergeNode: Mithril.Attributes;
property feMorphology
feMorphology: Mithril.Attributes;
property feOffset
feOffset: Mithril.Attributes;
property fePointLight
fePointLight: Mithril.Attributes;
property feSpecularLighting
feSpecularLighting: Mithril.Attributes;
property feSpotLight
feSpotLight: Mithril.Attributes;
property feTile
feTile: Mithril.Attributes;
property feTurbulence
feTurbulence: Mithril.Attributes;
property fieldset
fieldset: Mithril.Attributes;
property figcaption
figcaption: Mithril.Attributes;
property figure
figure: Mithril.Attributes;
property filter
filter: Mithril.Attributes;
property footer
footer: Mithril.Attributes;
property foreignObject
foreignObject: Mithril.Attributes;
property form
form: Mithril.Attributes;
property g
g: Mithril.Attributes;
property h1
h1: Mithril.Attributes;
property h2
h2: Mithril.Attributes;
property h3
h3: Mithril.Attributes;
property h4
h4: Mithril.Attributes;
property h5
h5: Mithril.Attributes;
property h6
h6: Mithril.Attributes;
property head
head: Mithril.Attributes;
property header
header: Mithril.Attributes;
property hgroup
hgroup: Mithril.Attributes;
property hr
hr: Mithril.Attributes;
property html
html: Mithril.Attributes;
property i
i: Mithril.Attributes;
property iframe
iframe: Mithril.Attributes;
property image
image: Mithril.Attributes;
property img
img: Mithril.Attributes;
property input
input: Mithril.Attributes;
property ins
ins: Mithril.Attributes;
property kbd
kbd: Mithril.Attributes;
property keygen
keygen: Mithril.Attributes;
property label
label: Mithril.Attributes;
property legend
legend: Mithril.Attributes;
property li
li: Mithril.Attributes;
property line
line: Mithril.Attributes;
property linearGradient
linearGradient: Mithril.Attributes;
property link
link: Mithril.Attributes;
property main
main: Mithril.Attributes;
property map
map: Mithril.Attributes;
property mark
mark: Mithril.Attributes;
property marker
marker: Mithril.Attributes;
property mask
mask: Mithril.Attributes;
property menu
menu: Mithril.Attributes;
property menuitem
menuitem: Mithril.Attributes;
property meta
meta: Mithril.Attributes;
property metadata
metadata: Mithril.Attributes;
property meter
meter: Mithril.Attributes;
property mpath
mpath: Mithril.Attributes;
property nav
nav: Mithril.Attributes;
property noindex
noindex: Mithril.Attributes;
property noscript
noscript: Mithril.Attributes;
property object
object: Mithril.Attributes;
property ol
ol: Mithril.Attributes;
property optgroup
optgroup: Mithril.Attributes;
property option
option: Mithril.Attributes;
property output
output: Mithril.Attributes;
property p
p: Mithril.Attributes;
property param
param: Mithril.Attributes;
property path
path: Mithril.Attributes;
property pattern
pattern: Mithril.Attributes;
property picture
picture: Mithril.Attributes;
property polygon
polygon: Mithril.Attributes;
property polyline
polyline: Mithril.Attributes;
property pre
pre: Mithril.Attributes;
property progress
progress: Mithril.Attributes;
property q
q: Mithril.Attributes;
property radialGradient
radialGradient: Mithril.Attributes;
property rect
rect: Mithril.Attributes;
property rp
rp: Mithril.Attributes;
property rt
rt: Mithril.Attributes;
property ruby
ruby: Mithril.Attributes;
property s
s: Mithril.Attributes;
property samp
samp: Mithril.Attributes;
property script
script: Mithril.Attributes;
property section
section: Mithril.Attributes;
property select
select: Mithril.Attributes;
property small
small: Mithril.Attributes;
property source
source: Mithril.Attributes;
property span
span: Mithril.Attributes;
property stop
stop: Mithril.Attributes;
property strong
strong: Mithril.Attributes;
property style
style: Mithril.Attributes;
property sub
sub: Mithril.Attributes;
property summary
summary: Mithril.Attributes;
property sup
sup: Mithril.Attributes;
property svg
svg: Mithril.Attributes;
property switch
switch: Mithril.Attributes;
property symbol
symbol: Mithril.Attributes;
property table
table: Mithril.Attributes;
property tbody
tbody: Mithril.Attributes;
property td
td: Mithril.Attributes;
property template
template: Mithril.Attributes;
property text
text: Mithril.Attributes;
property textarea
textarea: Mithril.Attributes;
property textPath
textPath: Mithril.Attributes;
property tfoot
tfoot: Mithril.Attributes;
property th
th: Mithril.Attributes;
property thead
thead: Mithril.Attributes;
property time
time: Mithril.Attributes;
property title
title: Mithril.Attributes;
property tr
tr: Mithril.Attributes;
property track
track: Mithril.Attributes;
property tspan
tspan: Mithril.Attributes;
property u
u: Mithril.Attributes;
property ul
ul: Mithril.Attributes;
property use
use: Mithril.Attributes;
property var
var: Mithril.Attributes;
property video
video: Mithril.Attributes;
property view
view: Mithril.Attributes;
property wbr
wbr: Mithril.Attributes;
property webview
webview: Mithril.Attributes;
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No dev dependencies.
Peer Dependencies (0)
No peer dependencies.
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