- Version 3.0.8
- Published
- 12.3 kB
- No dependencies
- MIT license
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TypeScript definitions for less
variable less
var less: LessStatic;
namespace Less
namespace Less {}
class AbstractFileManager
class AbstractFileManager {}
method alwaysMakePathsAbsolute
alwaysMakePathsAbsolute: () => boolean;
Whether the rootpath should be converted to be absolute. The browser ovverides this to return true because urls must be absolute.
method getPath
getPath: (filename: string) => string;
Given the full path to a file, return the path component.
method isPathAbsolute
isPathAbsolute: (path: string) => boolean;
Returns whether a path is absolute.
method join
join: (basePath: string, laterPath: string) => string;
Joins together 2 paths.
method pathDiff
pathDiff: (url: string, baseUrl: string) => string;
Returns the difference between 2 paths E.g. url = a/ baseUrl = a/b/ returns ../ url = a/b/ baseUrl = a/ returns b/
method supportsSync
supportsSync: ( filename: string, currentDirectory: string, options: LoadFileOptions, environment: Environment) => boolean;
Returns whether this file manager supports this file for syncronous file retrieval If true is returned, loadFileSync will then be called with the file.
method tryAppendLessExtension
tryAppendLessExtension: (filename: string) => string;
Append a .less extension if appropriate. Only called if less thinks one could be added.
class FileManager
class FileManager extends AbstractFileManager {}
method loadFile
loadFile: ( filename: string, currentDirectory: string, options: LoadFileOptions, environment: Environment) => Promise<FileLoadResult>;
Loads a file asynchronously. Expects a promise that either rejects with an error or fulfills with a FileLoadResult.
method loadFileSync
loadFileSync: ( filename: string, currentDirectory: string, options: LoadFileOptions, environment: Environment) => FileLoadResult | FileLoadError;
Loads a file synchronously. Expects an immediate return with wither a FileLoadResult or FileLoadError.
method supports
supports: ( filename: string, currentDirectory: string, options: LoadFileOptions, environment: Environment) => boolean;
Returns whether this file manager supports this file for file retrieval If true is returned, loadFile will then be called with the file.
class PluginManager
class PluginManager {}
constructor(less: LessStatic);
method addFileManager
addFileManager: (fileManager: FileManager) => void;
method addPreProcessor
addPreProcessor: (preProcessor: PreProcessor, priority?: number) => void;
interface Environment
interface Environment {}
method charsetLookup
charsetLookup: (mime: string) => string;
Look up the charset of a mime type
method encodeBase64
encodeBase64: (str: string) => string;
Converts a string to a base 64 string
method getSourceMapGenerator
getSourceMapGenerator: () => any;
Gets a source map generator
method mimeLookup
mimeLookup: (filename: string) => string;
Lookup the mime-type of a filename
interface FileLoadError
interface FileLoadError {}
property error
error: unknown;
Error object if an error occurs.
interface FileLoadResult
interface FileLoadResult {}
interface ImportManager
interface ImportManager {}
property contents
contents: { [fileName: string]: string };
interface LoadFileOptions
interface LoadFileOptions {}
property ext
ext?: string | undefined;
property paths
paths?: string[] | undefined;
property prefixes
prefixes?: string[] | undefined;
property rawBuffer
rawBuffer?: any;
property syncImport
syncImport?: boolean | undefined;
interface Options
interface Options {}
Reference to: * https://github.com/less/less.js/blob/master/bin/lessc * http://lesscss.org/usage/#less-options
property color
color?: boolean | undefined;
If false, No color in compiling.
property compress
compress?: boolean | undefined;
If true, compress using less built-in compression.
property depends
depends?: boolean | undefined;
property dumpLineNumbers
dumpLineNumbers?: 'comment' | string | undefined;
Whether output file information and line numbers in compiled CSS code.
property filename
filename?: string | undefined;
Filename of the main file to be passed to less.render()
property globalVars
globalVars?: | { [key: string]: string; } | undefined;
Defines a variable that can be referenced by the file.
property ieCompat
ieCompat?: boolean | undefined;
False by default.
property insecure
insecure?: boolean | undefined;
If true, allow imports from insecure https hosts.
property javascriptEnabled
javascriptEnabled?: boolean | undefined;
If true, enable evaluation of JavaScript inline in
property lint
lint?: boolean | undefined;
True, if run the less parser and just reports errors without any output.
property math
math?: | 'always' | 'strict' | 'parens-division' | 'parens' | 'strict-legacy' | number | undefined;
Math mode options for avoiding symbol conficts on math expressions.
property maxLineLen
maxLineLen?: number | undefined;
property modifyVars
modifyVars?: | { [key: string]: string; } | undefined;
Puts Var declaration at the end of base file.
property paths
paths?: string[] | undefined;
The locations for less looking for files in rules
property plugins
plugins?: Plugin[] | undefined;
Pre-load global Less.js plugins
property rewriteUrls
rewriteUrls?: 'off' | 'all' | 'local';
Rewrite URLs in imported files
property rootpath
rootpath?: string | undefined;
Add a path to every generated import and url in output css files.
property silent
silent?: boolean | undefined;
If true, stops any warnings from being shown.
property sourceMap
sourceMap?: SourceMapOption | undefined;
property strictImports
strictImports?: boolean | undefined;
property strictUnits
strictUnits?: boolean | undefined;
Without this option, Less attempts to guess at the output unit when it does maths.
property syncImport
syncImport?: boolean | undefined;
Read files synchronously in Node.js
interface Plugin
interface Plugin {}
property install
install: (less: LessStatic, pluginManager: PluginManager) => void;
property minVersion
minVersion?: [number, number, number] | undefined;
interface PreProcessor
interface PreProcessor {}
property process
process: (src: string, extra: PreProcessorExtraInfo) => string;
interface PreProcessorExtraInfo
interface PreProcessorExtraInfo {}
interface RefreshOutput
interface RefreshOutput {}
property endTime
endTime: Date;
property sheets
sheets: number;
property startTime
startTime: Date;
property totalMilliseconds
totalMilliseconds: number;
interface RenderError
interface RenderError {}
interface RenderOutput
interface RenderOutput {}
interface RootFileInfo
interface RootFileInfo {}
property currentDirectory
currentDirectory: string;
path to the current file, absolute
property entryPath
entryPath: string;
absolute path to the entry file
property filename
filename: string;
full resolved filename of current file
property reference
reference: boolean;
whether the file should not be output and only output parts that are referenced
property relativeUrls
relativeUrls: boolean;
property rewriteUrls
rewriteUrls?: boolean | undefined;
whether to adjust URL's to be relative
property rootFilename
rootFilename: string;
filename of the base file
property rootpath
rootpath: string;
path to append to normal URLs for this node
interface SourceMapOption
interface SourceMapOption {}
property outputSourceFiles
outputSourceFiles?: boolean | undefined;
property sourceMapBasepath
sourceMapBasepath?: string | undefined;
property sourceMapFileInline
sourceMapFileInline?: boolean | undefined;
property sourceMapRootpath
sourceMapRootpath?: string | undefined;
property sourceMapURL
sourceMapURL?: string | undefined;
interface StaticOptions
interface StaticOptions {}
property async
async: boolean;
property fileAsync
fileAsync: boolean;
property modifyVars
modifyVars: { [variable: string]: string };
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