- Version 4.3.12
- Published
- 7.41 kB
- 1 dependency
- MIT license
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TypeScript definitions for koa-bodyparser
function bodyParser
bodyParser: (opts?: bodyParser.Options) => Koa.Middleware;
interface Options
interface Options {}
property detectJSON
detectJSON?: ((ctx: Koa.Context) => boolean) | undefined;
custom json request detect function. Default is null
property enableTypes
enableTypes?: string[] | undefined;
parser will only parse when request type hits enableTypes, default is ['json', 'form'].
property encoding
encoding?: string | undefined;
requested encoding. Default is utf-8 by co-body
property extendTypes
extendTypes?: | { json?: string[] | string | undefined; form?: string[] | string | undefined; text?: string[] | string | undefined; } | undefined;
support extend types
property formLimit
formLimit?: string | undefined;
limit of the urlencoded body. If the body ends up being larger than this limit a 413 error code is returned. Default is 56kb
property jsonLimit
jsonLimit?: string | undefined;
limit of the json body. Default is 1mb
property onerror
onerror?: ((err: Error, ctx: Koa.Context) => void) | undefined;
support custom error handle
property strict
strict?: boolean | undefined;
when set to true, JSON parser will only accept arrays and objects. Default is true
property textLimit
textLimit?: string | undefined;
limit of the text body. Default is 1mb.
property xmlLimit
xmlLimit?: string | undefined;
limit of the xml body. Default is 1mb.
Package Files (1)
Dependencies (1)
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