- Version 0.0.38
- Published
- 21.4 kB
- 1 dependency
- MIT license
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TypeScript definitions for jake
namespace global
namespace global {}
function complete
complete: (value?: any) => void;
Complets an asynchronous task, allowing Jake's execution to proceed to the next task
Parameter value
A value to return from the task.
function desc
desc: (description: string) => void;
Creates a description for a Jake Task (or FileTask, DirectoryTask). When invoked, the description that iscreated will be associated with whatever Task is created next.
Parameter description
The description for the Task
function directory
directory: (name: string) => jake.DirectoryTask;
Creates a Jake DirectoryTask. Can be used as a prerequisite for FileTasks, or for simply ensuring a directory exists for use with a Task's action.
Parameter name
The name of the DiretoryTask
function fail
fail: { (...err: string[]): void; (...err: Error[]): void; (...err: any[]): void;};
Causes Jake execution to abort with an error. Allows passing an optional error code, which will be used to set the exit-code of exiting process.
Parameter err
The error to thow when aborting execution. If this argument is an Error object, it will simply be thrown. If a String, it will be used as the error-message. (If it is a multi-line String, the first line will be used as the Error message, and the remaining lines will be used as the error-stack.)
function file
file: ( name: string, prereqs?: string[], action?: (this: jake.FileTask) => void, opts?: jake.FileTaskOptions) => jake.FileTask;
Creates a Jake FileTask. name The name of the Task
Parameter prereqs
Prerequisites to be run before this task
Parameter action
The action to perform for this task
Parameter opts
Perform this task asynchronously. If you flag a task with this option, you must call the global
method inside the task's action, for execution to proceed to the next task.
function namespace
namespace: (name: string, scope: () => void) => void;
Creates a namespace which allows logical grouping of tasks, and prevents name-collisions with task-names. Namespaces can be nested inside of other namespaces.
Parameter name
The name of the namespace
Parameter scope
The enclosing scope for the namespaced tasks
function npmPublishTask
npmPublishTask: { (name: string, packageFiles: string[]): jake.NpmPublishTask; (name: string, definition?: () => void): jake.NpmPublishTask;};
Parameter name
The name of the NpmPublishTask
Parameter packageFiles
The files to include in the package
Parameter definition
A function that creates the package definition
function rule
rule: ( pattern: RegExp, source: string | ((name: string) => string), prereqs?: string[], action?: () => void, opts?: jake.TaskOptions) => void;
Creates Jake FileTask from regex patterns name/pattern of the Task
Parameter source
calculated from the name pattern
Parameter prereqs
Prerequisites to be run before this task
Parameter action
The action to perform for this task
Parameter opts
Perform this task asynchronously. If you flag a task with this option, you must call the global
method inside the task's action, for execution to proceed to the next task.
function task
task: { ( name: string, prereqs?: string[], action?: (this: jake.Task, ...params: any[]) => any, opts?: jake.TaskOptions ): jake.Task; ( name: string, action?: (this: jake.Task, ...params: any[]) => any, opts?: jake.TaskOptions ): jake.Task; ( name: string, opts?: jake.TaskOptions, action?: (this: jake.Task, ...params: any[]) => any ): jake.Task;};
Parameter name
The name of the Task
Parameter prereqs
Prerequisites to be run before this task
Parameter action
The action to perform for this task
Parameter opts
namespace global.jake
namespace global.jake {}
variable logger
var logger: Logger;
variable program
var program: { opts: { [name: string]: any; quiet: boolean }; taskNames: string[]; taskArgs: string[]; envVars: { [key: string]: string };};
function addListener
addListener: (event: string, listener: Function) => NodeJS.EventEmitter;
function cpR
cpR: { ( path: string, destination: string, opts?: UtilOptions, callback?: () => void ): void; (path: string, destination: string, callback?: (err: Error) => void): void;};
The jake.cpR utility does a recursive copy of a file or directory. Note that this command can only copy files and directories; it does not perform globbing (so arguments like '*.txt' are not possible).
Parameter path
the file/directory to copy,
Parameter destination
the destination.
function createExec
createExec: { (cmds: string[], callback?: () => void, opts?: ExecOptions): Exec; (cmds: string[], opts?: ExecOptions, callback?: () => void): Exec; (cmds: string, callback?: () => void, opts?: ExecOptions): Exec; (cmds: string, opts?: ExecOptions, callback?: () => void): Exec;};
function emit
emit: (event: string, ...args: any[]) => boolean;
function exec
exec: (cmds: string[], callback?: () => void, opts?: ExecOptions) => void;
function listeners
listeners: (event: string) => Function[];
function mkdirP
mkdirP: { (name: string, mode?: string, f?: (er: Error, made: any) => void): void; (name: string, f?: (er: Error, made: any) => void): void;};
The jake.mkdirP utility recursively creates a set of nested directories. It will not throw an error if any of the directories already exists. https://github.com/substack/node-mkdirp
function on
on: (event: string, listener: Function) => NodeJS.EventEmitter;
function once
once: (event: string, listener: Function) => NodeJS.EventEmitter;
function readdirR
readdirR: (name: string, opts?: UtilOptions) => string[];
The jake.readdirR utility gives you a recursive directory listing, giving you output somewhat similar to the Unix find command. It only works with a directory name, and does not perform filtering or globbing. an array of filepaths for all files in the 'pkg' directory, and all its subdirectories.
function removeAllListener
removeAllListener: (event: string) => NodeJS.EventEmitter;
function removeListener
removeListener: (event: string, listener: Function) => NodeJS.EventEmitter;
function rmRf
rmRf: (name: string, opts?: UtilOptions) => void;
The jake.rmRf utility recursively removes a directory and all its contents.
function setMaxListeners
setMaxListeners: (n: number) => void;
class DirectoryTask
class DirectoryTask extends FileTask {}
constructor(name: string);
Parameter name
The name of the directory to create.
class FileList
class FileList {}
method clearExclude
clearExclude: () => void;
Get rid of any current exclusion rules
method exclude
exclude: { (file: string[]): void; (...file: string[]): void; (file: RegExp[]): void; (...file: RegExp[]): void; (file: FileFilter[]): void; (...file: FileFilter[]): void;};
Excludes file-patterns from the FileList. Should be called with one or more pattern for finding file to include in the list. Arguments can be: 1. Strings for either a glob-pattern or a specific file-name 2. Regular expression literals 3. Functions to be run on the filename that return a true/false
method include
include: { (files: string[]): void; (...files: string[]): void };
Includes file-patterns in the FileList. Should be called with one or more pattern for finding file to include in the list. Arguments should be strings for either a glob-pattern or a specific file-name, or an array of them
method resolve
resolve: () => void;
Populates the FileList from the include/exclude rules with a list of actual files
method shouldExclude
shouldExclude: (name: string) => boolean;
Indicates whether a particular file would be filtered out by the current exclusion rules for this FileList.
Parameter name
The filename to check Whether or not the file should be excluded
method toArray
toArray: () => string[];
Convert to a plain-jane array
class FileTask
class FileTask extends Task {}
constructor( name: string, prereqs?: string[], action?: (this: FileTask) => void, opts?: FileTaskOptions);
Parameter name
The name of the Task
Parameter prereqs
Prerequisites to be run before this task
Parameter action
The action to perform to create this file
Parameter opts
Perform this task asynchronously. If you flag a task with this option, you must call the global
method inside the task's action, for execution to proceed to the next task.
class NpmPublishTask
class NpmPublishTask {}
constructor(name: string, packageFiles: string[]);
constructor(name: string, definition?: () => void);
class PackageTask
class PackageTask {}
constructor(name: string, version: string, definition: () => void);
Instantiating a PackageTask creates a number of Jake Tasks that make packaging and distributing your software easy.
Parameter name
The name of the project
Parameter version
The current project version (will be appended to the project-name in the package-archive
Parameter definition
Defines the contents of the package, and format of the package-archive. Will be executed on the instantiated PackageTask (i.e., 'this', will be the PackageTask instance), to set the various instance-propertiess.
property archiveChangeDir
archiveChangeDir: string;
Equivalent to the '-C' command for the
commands. ("Change to this directory before adding files.")
property archiveContentDir
archiveContentDir: string;
Specifies the files and directories to include in the package-archive. If unset, this will default to the main package directory -- i.e., name + version.
property jarCommand
jarCommand: string;
The shell-command to use for creating jar archives.
property manifestFile
manifestFile: string;
Can be set to point the
utility at a manifest file to use in a .jar archive. If unset, one will be automatically created by thejar
utility. This path should be relative to the root of the package directory (this.packageDir above, likely 'pkg')
property name
name: string;
The name of the project
property needJar
needJar: boolean;
If set to true, uses the
utility to create a .jar archive of the pagckage
property needTar
needTar: boolean;
If set to true, uses the
utility to create a gzip .tgz archive of the pagckage
property needTarBz2
needTarBz2: boolean;
If set to true, uses the
utility to create a bzip2 .bz2 archive of the pagckage
property needZip
needZip: boolean;
If set to true, uses the
utility to create a .zip archive of the pagckage
property packageFiles
packageFiles: FileList;
The list of files and directories to include in the package-archive
property tarCommand
tarCommand: string;
The shell-command to use for creating tar archives.
property version
version: string;
The project version-string
property zipCommand
zipCommand: string;
The shell-command to use for creating zip archives.
class Task
class Task extends EventEmitter {}
A Jake Task
constructor( name: string, prereqs?: string[], action?: (this: Task) => void, opts?: TaskOptions);
name The name of the Task
Parameter prereqs
Prerequisites to be run before this task
Parameter action
The action to perform for this task
Parameter opts
Perform this task asynchronously. If you flag a task with this option, you must call the global
method inside the task's action, for execution to proceed to the next task.
property action
action?: (...params: any[]) => any;
property async
async?: boolean;
property description
description?: string;
property fullName
fullName: string;
property name
name?: string;
property prereqs
prereqs?: string[];
property taskStatus
taskStatus?: string;
property value
value: any;
method addListener
addListener: (event: string, listener: Function) => this;
method complete
complete: (value?: any) => void;
method emit
emit: (event: string, ...args: any[]) => boolean;
method getMaxListeners
getMaxListeners: () => number;
method invoke
invoke: () => void;
Runs prerequisites, then this task. If the task has already been run, will not run the task again.
method listenerCount
listenerCount: (type: string) => number;
method listeners
listeners: (event: string) => Function[];
method on
on: (event: string, listener: Function) => this;
method once
once: (event: string, listener: Function) => this;
method reenable
reenable: () => void;
Runs this task, without running any prerequisites. If the task has already been run, it will still run it again.
method removeAllListeners
removeAllListeners: (event?: string) => this;
method removeListener
removeListener: (event: string, listener: Function) => this;
method setMaxListeners
setMaxListeners: (n: number) => this;
class TestTask
class TestTask {}
constructor(name: string, definition?: () => void);
interface Exec
interface Exec extends NodeJS.EventEmitter {}
cmdStart When a new command begins to run. Passes one arg, the command being run. cmdEnd When a command finishes. Passes one arg, the command being run. stdout When the stdout for the child-process recieves data. This streams the stdout data. Passes one arg, the chunk of data. stderr When the stderr for the child-process recieves data. This streams the stderr data. Passes one arg, the chunk of data. error When a shell-command
interface ExecOptions
interface ExecOptions {}
property breakOnError
breakOnError?: boolean | undefined;
stop execution on error, default true
property printStderr
printStderr?: boolean | undefined;
print to stderr, default false
property printStdout
printStdout?: boolean | undefined;
print to stdout, default false
property windowsVerbatimArguments
windowsVerbatimArguments?: boolean | undefined;
interface FileFilter
interface FileFilter {}
call signature
(filename: string): boolean;
interface FileTaskOptions
interface FileTaskOptions {}
property async
async?: boolean | undefined;
Perform this task asynchronously. If you flag a task with this option, you must call the global
method inside the task's action, for execution to proceed to the next task. false
interface Logger
interface Logger {}
interface TaskOptions
interface TaskOptions {}
property async
async?: boolean | undefined;
Perform this task asynchronously. If you flag a task with this option, you must call the global
method inside the task's action, for execution to proceed to the next task. false
property parallelLimit
parallelLimit?: number | undefined;
number of parllel async tasks
interface UtilOptions
interface UtilOptions {}
property silent
silent?: boolean | undefined;
Package Files (1)
Dependencies (1)
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No peer dependencies.
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