- Version 1.1.5
- Published
- 5.99 kB
- No dependencies
- MIT license
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pnpm add @types/gaze
TypeScript definitions for gaze
function gaze
gaze: typeof gaze;
class Gaze
class Gaze {}
constructor( patterns: string | string[], options?: Options, callback?: (error: Error | null, watcher: Gaze) => void);
method add
add: (patterns: string | string[]) => void;
Adds file(s) patterns to be watched.
method close
close: () => void;
Unwatch all files and reset the watch instance.
method emit
emit: (event: string, ...args: any) => boolean;
Wrapper for EventEmitter.emit.
events will also trigger theall
method relative
relative: (dir: string, unixify: boolean) => string[];
Returns the currently watched files with relative paths.
method remove
remove: (filepath: string) => void;
Removes a file or directory from being watched. Does not recurse directories.
method watched
watched: () => string[];
Returns the currently watched files.
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