- Version 4.0.5
- Published
- 7.49 kB
- 1 dependency
- MIT license
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TypeScript definitions for event-stream
function child
child: (child_process: any) => MapStream;
Create a through stream from a child process
Parameter child_process
function concat
concat: { (...stream: MapStream[]): MapStream; (streamArray: MapStream[]): MapStream;};
Merges streams into one and returns it. Incoming data will be emitted as soon it comes into - no ordering will be applied (for example: data1 data1 data2 data1 data2 - where data1 and data2 is data from two streams). Counts how many streams were passed to it and emits end only when all streams emitted end.
Parameter stream
function duplex
duplex: (writeStream: stream.Writable, readStream: stream.Readable) => MapStream;
Takes a writable stream and a readable stream and makes them appear as a readable writable stream.
Parameter writeStream
Parameter readStream
function filterSync
filterSync: (syncFunction: (value: any) => boolean) => MapStream;
Filter elements of the stream.
Parameter syncFunction
function join
join: (separator: string) => MapStream;
Create a through stream that emits separator between each chunk, just like Array#join
Parameter separator
function map
map: (asyncFunction: Function) => MapStream;
Create a through stream from an asynchronous function
Parameter asyncFunction
function mapSync
mapSync: (syncFunction: Function) => MapStream;
Same as map, but the callback is called synchronously. Based on es.through
Parameter syncFunction
function merge
merge: { (...stream: MapStream[]): MapStream; (streamArray: MapStream[]): MapStream;};
Merges streams into one and returns it. Incoming data will be emitted as soon it comes into - no ordering will be applied (for example: data1 data1 data2 data1 data2 - where data1 and data2 is data from two streams). Counts how many streams were passed to it and emits end only when all streams emitted end.
Parameter stream
function parse
parse: () => any;
Convenience function for parsing JSON chunks. For newline separated JSON, use with es.split. By default it logs parsing errors by console.error; for another behaviour, transforms created by es.parse({error: true}) will emit error events for exceptions thrown from JSON.parse, unmodified.
function pause
pause: () => MapStream | void;
A stream that buffers all chunks when paused
function pipeline
pipeline: (...streams: MapStream[]) => MapStream;
Create a stream from a series of MapStreams
function readable
readable: (asyncFunction: Function) => MapStream;
create a readable stream (that respects pause) from an async function.
Parameter asyncFunction
function readArray
readArray: (array: any[]) => MapStream;
Create a readable stream from an Array.
Parameter array
function replace
replace: (from: string | RegExp, to: string | RegExp) => MapStream;
Replace all occurrences of from with to
Parameter from
Parameter to
function split
split: (matcher?: string | RegExp) => MapStream;
Break up a stream and reassemble it so that each line is a chunk. matcher may be a String, or a RegExp
Parameter matcher
function stringify
stringify: () => MapStream;
convert javascript objects into lines of text. The text will have whitespace escaped and have a \n appended, so it will be compatible with es.parse
function wait
wait: (callback: Function) => MapStream;
waits for stream to emit 'end'. joins chunks of a stream into a single string or buffer. Takes an optional callback, which will be passed the complete string/buffer when it receives the 'end' event.
Parameter callback
function writeArray
writeArray: (callback: Function) => MapStream;
create a writeable stream from a callback
Parameter callback
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