- Version 3.7.7
- Published
- 6.27 kB
- 2 dependencies
- MIT license
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TypeScript definitions for eslint-scope
variable version
const version: string;
function analyze
analyze: (ast: {}, options?: AnalysisOptions) => ScopeManager;
class Reference
class Reference implements eslint.Scope.Reference {}
property from
from: Scope;
property identifier
identifier: estree.Identifier;
property init
init: boolean;
property resolved
resolved: Variable;
property writeExpr
writeExpr: any;
method isRead
isRead: () => boolean;
method isReadOnly
isReadOnly: () => boolean;
method isReadWrite
isReadWrite: () => boolean;
method isWrite
isWrite: () => boolean;
method isWriteOnly
isWriteOnly: () => boolean;
class Scope
class Scope implements eslint.Scope.Scope {}
property block
block: estree.Node;
property childScopes
childScopes: Scope[];
property functionExpressionScope
functionExpressionScope: boolean;
property isStrict
isStrict: boolean;
property references
references: Reference[];
property set
set: Map<string, Variable>;
property through
through: Reference[];
property type
type: | 'function' | 'block' | 'catch' | 'class' | 'for' | 'function-expression-name' | 'global' | 'module' | 'switch' | 'with' | 'TDZ';
property upper
upper: Scope;
property variables
variables: Variable[];
property variableScope
variableScope: Scope;
class ScopeManager
class ScopeManager implements eslint.Scope.ScopeManager {}
property globalScope
globalScope: Scope;
property scopes
scopes: Scope[];
method acquire
acquire: (node: {}, inner?: boolean) => Scope | null;
method getDeclaredVariables
getDeclaredVariables: (node: {}) => Variable[];
class Variable
class Variable implements eslint.Scope.Variable {}
property defs
defs: eslint.Scope.Definition[];
property identifiers
identifiers: estree.Identifier[];
property name
name: string;
property references
references: Reference[];
property scope
scope: Scope;
interface AnalysisOptions
interface AnalysisOptions {}
property directive
directive?: boolean;
property ecmaVersion
ecmaVersion?: number;
property fallback
fallback?: string | ((node: {}) => string[]);
property ignoreEval
ignoreEval?: boolean;
property impliedStrict
impliedStrict?: boolean;
property nodejsScope
nodejsScope?: boolean;
property optimistic
optimistic?: boolean;
property sourceType
sourceType?: 'script' | 'module';
Package Files (1)
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