- Version 0.11.18
- Published
- 59.3 kB
- 2 dependencies
- MIT license
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TypeScript definitions for draft-js
namespace Draft
namespace Draft {}
namespace Draft.Component
namespace Draft.Component {}
namespace Draft.Component.Base
namespace Draft.Component.Base {}
class DraftEditor
class DraftEditor extends React.Component<DraftEditorProps, {}> {}
is the root editor component. It composes acontentEditable
div, and provides a wide variety of useful function props for managing the state of the editor. SeeDraftEditorProps
for details.
property editor
editor: HTMLElement;
property editorContainer
editorContainer: HTMLElement;
method blur
blur: () => void;
Remove focus from the editor node.
method focus
focus: () => void;
Force focus back onto the editor node.
method getEditorKey
getEditorKey: () => string;
interface DraftEditorProps
interface DraftEditorProps {}
The two most critical props are
prop defines the entire state of the editor, while theonChange
prop is the method in which all state changes are propagated upward to higher-level components.These props are analagous to
in controlled React text inputs.
property ariaActiveDescendantID
ariaActiveDescendantID?: string | undefined;
property ariaAutoComplete
ariaAutoComplete?: string | undefined;
property ariaControls
ariaControls?: string | undefined;
property ariaDescribedBy
ariaDescribedBy?: string | undefined;
property ariaExpanded
ariaExpanded?: boolean | undefined;
property ariaLabel
ariaLabel?: string | undefined;
property ariaLabelledBy
ariaLabelledBy?: string | undefined;
property ariaMultiline
ariaMultiline?: boolean | undefined;
property ariaOwneeID
ariaOwneeID?: string | undefined;
property autoCapitalize
autoCapitalize?: string | undefined;
property autoComplete
autoComplete?: string | undefined;
property autoCorrect
autoCorrect?: string | undefined;
property blockRenderMap
blockRenderMap?: DraftBlockRenderMap | undefined;
Provide a map of block rendering configurations. Each block type maps to an element tag and an optional react element wrapper. This configuration is used for both rendering and paste processing.
property customStyleFn
customStyleFn?: | ((style: DraftInlineStyle, block: ContentBlock) => React.CSSProperties) | undefined;
Define a function to transform inline styles to CSS objects that are applied to spans of text.
property customStyleMap
customStyleMap?: DraftStyleMap | undefined;
Provide a map of inline style names corresponding to CSS style objects that will be rendered for matching ranges.
property editorKey
editorKey?: string | undefined;
If using server-side rendering, this prop is required to be set to avoid client/server mismatches.
property editorState
editorState: EditorState;
property formatPastedText
formatPastedText?: | (( text: string, html?: string ) => { text: string; html: string | undefined }) | undefined;
property placeholder
placeholder?: string | undefined;
property preserveSelectionOnBlur
preserveSelectionOnBlur?: boolean | undefined;
When the Editor loses focus (blurs) text selections are cleared by default to mimic behaviour, however in some situations users may wish to preserve native behaviour.
property readOnly
readOnly?: boolean | undefined;
Set whether the
component should be editable. Useful for temporarily disabling edit behavior or allowingDraftEditor
rendering to be used for consumption purposes.
property role
role?: string | undefined;
property spellCheck
spellCheck?: boolean | undefined;
Note: spellcheck is always disabled for IE. If enabled in Safari, OSX autocorrect is enabled as well.
property stripPastedStyles
stripPastedStyles?: boolean | undefined;
Set whether to remove all style information from pasted content. If your use case should not have any block or inline styles, it is recommended that you set this to
property tabIndex
tabIndex?: number | undefined;
property textAlignment
textAlignment?: DraftTextAlignment | undefined;
Specify whether text alignment should be forced in a direction regardless of input characters.
property textDirectionality
textDirectionality?: DraftTextDirectionality | undefined;
Specify whether text directionality should be forced in a direction regardless of input characters.
property webDriverTestID
webDriverTestID?: string | undefined;
method blockRendererFn
blockRendererFn: (block: ContentBlock) => any;
For a given
object, return an object that specifies a custom block component and/or props. If no object is returned, the defaultTextEditorBlock
is used.
method blockStyleFn
blockStyleFn: (block: ContentBlock) => string;
Function that allows to define class names to apply to the given block when it is rendered.
method handleBeforeInput
handleBeforeInput: ( chars: string, editorState: EditorState, eventTimeStamp: number) => DraftHandleValue;
Handle intended text insertion before the insertion occurs. This may be useful in cases where the user has entered characters that you would like to trigger some special behavior. E.g. immediately converting
to an emoji Unicode character, or replacing ASCII quote characters with smart quotes.
method handleDrop
handleDrop: ( selection: SelectionState, dataTransfer: Object, isInternal: DraftDragType) => DraftHandleValue;
Handle other drops to prevent default text movement/insertion behaviour
method handleDroppedFiles
handleDroppedFiles: ( selection: SelectionState, files: Blob[]) => DraftHandleValue;
Handle dropped files
method handleKeyCommand
handleKeyCommand: ( command: EditorCommand, editorState: EditorState, eventTimeStamp: number) => DraftHandleValue;
Map a key command string provided by your key binding function to a specified behavior.
method handlePastedFiles
handlePastedFiles: (files: Blob[]) => DraftHandleValue;
method handlePastedText
handlePastedText: ( text: string, html: string | undefined, editorState: EditorState) => DraftHandleValue;
method handleReturn
handleReturn: ( e: React.KeyboardEvent<{}>, editorState: EditorState) => DraftHandleValue;
Useful for managing special behavior for pressing the
key. E.g. removing the style from an empty list item.
method keyBindingFn
keyBindingFn: (e: React.KeyboardEvent<{}>) => EditorCommand | null;
A function that accepts a synthetic key event and returns the matching DraftEditorCommand constant, or null if no command should be invoked.
method onBlur
onBlur: (e: React.SyntheticEvent<{}>) => void;
method onChange
onChange: (editorState: EditorState) => void;
method onCopy
onCopy: (editor: Editor, e: React.ClipboardEvent<{}>) => void;
method onCut
onCut: (editor: Editor, e: React.ClipboardEvent<{}>) => void;
method onDownArrow
onDownArrow: (e: React.KeyboardEvent<{}>) => void;
method onEscape
onEscape: (e: React.KeyboardEvent<{}>) => void;
method onFocus
onFocus: (e: React.SyntheticEvent<{}>) => void;
method onLeftArrow
onLeftArrow: (e: React.KeyboardEvent<{}>) => void;
method onRightArrow
onRightArrow: (e: React.KeyboardEvent<{}>) => void;
method onTab
onTab: (e: React.KeyboardEvent<{}>) => void;
method onUpArrow
onUpArrow: (e: React.KeyboardEvent<{}>) => void;
type DraftBlockRenderMap
type DraftBlockRenderMap = Immutable.Map<DraftBlockType, DraftBlockRenderConfig>;
type DraftStyleMap
type DraftStyleMap = { [styleName: string]: React.CSSProperties;};
type DraftTextAlignment
type DraftTextAlignment = 'left' | 'center' | 'right';
type DraftTextDirectionality
type DraftTextDirectionality = 'LTR' | 'RTL' | 'NEUTRAL';
type EditorCommand
type EditorCommand = DraftEditorCommand | string;
namespace Draft.Component.Components
namespace Draft.Component.Components {}
class DraftEditorBlock
class DraftEditorBlock extends React.Component<any, {}> {}
namespace Draft.Component.Selection
namespace Draft.Component.Selection {}
function getVisibleSelectionRect
getVisibleSelectionRect: (global: any) => FakeClientRect;
Return the bounding ClientRect for the visible DOM selection, if any. In cases where there are no selected ranges or the bounding rect is temporarily invalid, return null.
namespace Draft.Component.Utils
namespace Draft.Component.Utils {}
function getDefaultKeyBinding
getDefaultKeyBinding: (e: React.KeyboardEvent<{}>) => DraftEditorCommand;
Retrieve a bound key command for the given event.
class KeyBindingUtil
class KeyBindingUtil {}
method hasCommandModifier
static hasCommandModifier: (e: React.KeyboardEvent<{}>) => boolean;
method isCtrlKeyCommand
static isCtrlKeyCommand: (e: React.KeyboardEvent<{}>) => boolean;
Check whether the ctrlKey modifier is *not* being used in conjunction with the altKey modifier. If they are combined, the result is an
key modifier, which should not be handled by this set of key bindings.
method isOptionKeyCommand
static isOptionKeyCommand: (e: React.KeyboardEvent<{}>) => boolean;
method isSoftNewlineEvent
static isSoftNewlineEvent: (e: React.KeyboardEvent<{}>) => boolean;
method usesMacOSHeuristics
static usesMacOSHeuristics: () => boolean;
Check whether heuristics that only apply to macOS are used internally, for example when determining the key combination used as command modifier.
namespace Draft.Model
namespace Draft.Model {}
namespace Draft.Model.Constants
namespace Draft.Model.Constants {}
type CoreDraftBlockType
type CoreDraftBlockType = | 'header-one' | 'header-two' | 'header-three' | 'header-four' | 'header-five' | 'header-six' | 'section' | 'article' | 'unordered-list-item' | 'ordered-list-item' | 'blockquote' | 'atomic' | 'code-block' | 'unstyled';
The list of [default valid block types](https://draftjs.org/docs/advanced-topics-custom-block-render-map#draft-default-block-render-map), according to the [
type CustomBlockType
type CustomBlockType = string;
type DraftBlockType
type DraftBlockType = CoreDraftBlockType | CustomBlockType;
type DraftDragType
type DraftDragType = 'internal' | 'external';
A type that allows us to avoid passing boolean arguments around to indicate whether a drag type is internal or external.
type DraftEditorCommand
type DraftEditorCommand = /** * Self-explanatory. */ | 'undo' | 'redo' /** * Perform a forward deletion. */ | 'delete' /** * Perform a forward deletion to the next word boundary after the selection. */ | 'delete-word' /** * Perform a backward deletion. */ | 'backspace' /** * Perform a backward deletion to the previous word boundary before the * selection. */ | 'backspace-word' /** * Perform a backward deletion to the beginning of the current line. */ | 'backspace-to-start-of-line' /** * Toggle styles. Commands may be intepreted to modify inline text ranges * or block types. */ | 'bold' | 'code' | 'italic' | 'strikethrough' | 'underline' /** * Split a block in two. */ | 'split-block' /** * Self-explanatory. */ | 'transpose-characters' | 'move-selection-to-start-of-block' | 'move-selection-to-end-of-block' /** * Commands to support the "secondary" clipboard provided by certain * browsers and operating systems. */ | 'secondary-cut' | 'secondary-paste';
A set of editor commands that may be invoked by keyboard commands or UI controls. These commands should map to operations that modify content or selection state and update the editor state accordingly.
type DraftEntityMutability
type DraftEntityMutability = 'MUTABLE' | 'IMMUTABLE' | 'SEGMENTED';
Possible "mutability" options for an entity. This refers to the behavior that should occur when inserting or removing characters in a text range with an entity applied to it.
: The text range can be modified freely. Generally used in cases where the text content and the entity do not necessarily have a direct relationship. For instance, the text and URI for a link may be completely different. The user is allowed to edit the text as needed, and the entity is preserved and applied to any characters added within the range.IMMUTABLE
: Not to be confused with immutable data structures used to represent the state of the editor. Immutable entity ranges cannot be modified in any way. Adding characters within the range will remove the entity from the entire range. Deleting characters will delete the entire range. Example: Facebook Page mentions.SEGMENTED
: Segmented entities allow the removal of partial ranges of text, as separated by a delimiter. Adding characters wihin the range will remove the entity from the entire range. Deleting characters within a segmented entity will delete only the segments affected by the deletion. Example: Facebook User mentions.
type DraftEntityType
type DraftEntityType = string;
Possible entity types, like 'LINK', 'IMAGE', or custom ones.
type DraftHandleValue
type DraftHandleValue = 'handled' | 'not-handled';
A type that allows us to avoid returning boolean values to indicate whether an event was handled or not.
type DraftInlineStyleType
type DraftInlineStyleType = | 'BOLD' | 'CODE' | 'ITALIC' | 'STRIKETHROUGH' | 'UNDERLINE';
Valid inline styles.
type DraftInsertionType
type DraftInsertionType = 'replace' | 'before' | 'after';
A type that defines if an fragment shall be inserted before or after another fragment or if the selected fragment shall be replaced
type DraftRemovalDirection
type DraftRemovalDirection = 'backward' | 'forward';
A type that allows us to avoid passing boolean arguments around to indicate whether a deletion is forward or backward.
namespace Draft.Model.Decorators
namespace Draft.Model.Decorators {}
class CompositeDraftDecorator
class CompositeDraftDecorator {}
A CompositeDraftDecorator traverses through a list of DraftDecorator instances to identify sections of a ContentBlock that should be rendered in a "decorated" manner. For example, hashtags, mentions, and links may be intended to stand out visually, be rendered as anchors, etc.
The list of decorators supplied to the constructor will be used in the order they are provided. This allows the caller to specify a priority for string matching, in case of match collisions among decorators.
For instance, I may have a link with a
in its text. Though this section of text may match our hashtag decorator, it should not be treated as a hashtag. I should therefore list my link DraftDecorator before my hashtag DraftDecorator when constructing this composite decorator instance.Thus, when a collision like this is encountered, the earlier match is preserved and the new match is discarded.
constructor(decorators: DraftDecorator<any>[]);
method getComponentForKey
getComponentForKey: (key: string) => Function;
method getDecorations
getDecorations: ( block: ContentBlock, contentState: ContentState) => Immutable.List<string>;
method getPropsForKey
getPropsForKey: (key: string) => Object;
interface DraftDecorator
interface DraftDecorator<P = any> {}
A DraftDecorator is a strategy-component pair intended for use when rendering content.
- A "strategy": A function that accepts a ContentBlock object and continuously executes a callback with start/end values corresponding to relevant matches in the document text. For example, getHashtagMatches uses a hashtag regex to find hashtag strings in the block, and for each hashtag match, executes the callback with start/end pairs.
- A "component": A React component that will be used to render the "decorated" section of text.
- "props": Props to be passed into the React component that will be used merged with DraftDecoratorComponentProps
property component
component: | React.Component | React.ComponentClass<any> | ((props: DraftDecoratorComponentProps & P) => React.ReactNode);
property props
props?: P | undefined;
property strategy
strategy: ( block: ContentBlock, callback: (start: number, end: number) => void, contentState: ContentState) => void;
interface DraftDecoratorComponentProps
interface DraftDecoratorComponentProps {}
DraftDecoratorComponentProps are the core set of props that will be passed to all DraftDecoratorComponents if a Custom Block Component is not used. Note that a component may also accept additional props outside of this list.
property blockKey
blockKey: string;
property children
children?: React.ReactNode[];
property contentState
contentState: ContentState;
property decoratedText
decoratedText: string;
property dir
dir: 'ltr' | 'rtl' | undefined;
property end
end: number;
property entityKey
entityKey: string | undefined;
property offsetKey
offsetKey: string;
property start
start: number;
interface DraftDecoratorType
interface DraftDecoratorType {}
An interface for document decorator classes, allowing the creation of custom decorator classes.
for the most common use case.
method getComponentForKey
getComponentForKey: (key: string) => Function;
Given a decorator key, return the component to use when rendering this decorated range.
method getDecorations
getDecorations: ( block: ContentBlock, contentState: ContentState) => Immutable.List<string>;
Given a
, return an immutable List of decorator keys.
method getPropsForKey
getPropsForKey: (key: string) => any;
Given a decorator key, optionally return the props to use when rendering this decorated range.
namespace Draft.Model.Encoding
namespace Draft.Model.Encoding {}
function convertFromDraftStateToRaw
convertFromDraftStateToRaw: (contentState: ContentState) => RawDraftContentState;
function convertFromHTMLtoContentBlocks
convertFromHTMLtoContentBlocks: ( html: string, DOMBuilder?: Function, blockRenderMap?: Immutable.Map<string, DraftBlockRenderConfig>) => { contentBlocks: ContentBlock[]; entityMap: any };
function convertFromRawToDraftState
convertFromRawToDraftState: (rawState: RawDraftContentState) => ContentState;
interface RawDraftContentBlock
interface RawDraftContentBlock {}
A plain object representation of a ContentBlock, with all style and entity attribution repackaged as range objects.
property data
data?: { [key: string]: any } | undefined;
property depth
depth: number;
property entityRanges
entityRanges: RawDraftEntityRange[];
property inlineStyleRanges
inlineStyleRanges: RawDraftInlineStyleRange[];
property key
key: string;
property text
text: string;
property type
type: DraftBlockType;
interface RawDraftContentState
interface RawDraftContentState {}
A type that represents a composed document as vanilla JavaScript objects, with all styles and entities represented as ranges. Corresponding entity objects are packaged as objects as well.
This object is especially useful when sending the document state to the server for storage, as its representation is more concise than our immutable objects.
interface RawDraftEntity
interface RawDraftEntity<T = { [key: string]: any }> {}
A plain object representation of an EntityInstance.
property data
data: T;
property mutability
mutability: DraftEntityMutability;
property type
type: DraftEntityType;
interface RawDraftEntityRange
interface RawDraftEntityRange {}
A plain object representation of an entity attribution.
value corresponds to the key of the entity in theentityMap
of aComposedText
object, not for use withDraftEntity.get()
interface RawDraftInlineStyleRange
interface RawDraftInlineStyleRange {}
A plain object representation of an inline style range.
namespace Draft.Model.Entity
namespace Draft.Model.Entity {}
class DraftEntity
class DraftEntity {}
A "document entity" is an object containing metadata associated with a piece of text in a ContentBlock.
For example, a
entity might include auri
property. When a ContentBlock is rendered in the browser, text that refers to that link entity may be rendered as an anchor, with theuri
as the href value.In a ContentBlock, every position in the text may correspond to zero or one entities. This correspondence is tracked using a key string, generated via DraftEntity.create() and used to obtain entity metadata via DraftEntity.get().
method add
static add: (instance: DraftEntityInstance) => string;
Add an existing DraftEntityInstance to the DraftEntity map. This is useful when restoring instances from the server.
method create
static create: ( type: string, mutability: DraftEntityMutability, data?: Object) => string;
Create a DraftEntityInstance and store it for later retrieval.
A random key string will be generated and returned. This key may be used to track the entity's usage in a ContentBlock, and for retrieving data about the entity at render time.
method get
static get: (key: string) => DraftEntityInstance;
Retrieve the entity corresponding to the supplied key string.
method mergeData
static mergeData: ( key: string, toMerge: { [key: string]: any }) => DraftEntityInstance;
Entity instances are immutable. If you need to update the data for an instance, this method will merge your data updates and return a new instance.
method replaceData
static replaceData: ( key: string, newData: { [key: string]: any }) => DraftEntityInstance;
Completely replace the data for a given instance.
interface DraftEntityInstance
interface DraftEntityInstance {}
An instance of a document entity, consisting of a
and relevantdata
, metadata about the entity.For instance, a "link" entity might provide a URI, and a "mention" entity might provide the mentioned user's ID. These pieces of data may be used when rendering the entity as part of a ContentBlock DOM representation. For a link, the data would be used as an href for the rendered anchor. For a mention, the ID could be used to retrieve a hovercard.
method getData
getData: () => any;
method getMutability
getMutability: () => DraftEntityMutability;
method getType
getType: () => string;
namespace Draft.Model.ImmutableData
namespace Draft.Model.ImmutableData {}
variable DefaultDraftBlockRenderMap
const DefaultDraftBlockRenderMap: Immutable.Map<any, any>;
variable DefaultDraftInlineStyle
const DefaultDraftInlineStyle: Immutable.Map<any, any>;
variable Record
var Record: Immutable.Record.Class;
class BlockMapBuilder
class BlockMapBuilder {}
method createFromArray
static createFromArray: ( blocks: ContentBlock[]) => Immutable.OrderedMap<string, ContentBlock>;
class CharacterMetadata
class CharacterMetadata {}
method applyEntity
static applyEntity: { (record: CharacterMetadata, entityKey: string | null): CharacterMetadata; (record: CharacterMetadata): CharacterMetadata;};
method applyStyle
static applyStyle: ( record: CharacterMetadata, style: string) => CharacterMetadata;
method create
static create: { (config?: CharacterMetadataConfig): CharacterMetadata; (): CharacterMetadata;};
Use this function instead of the
constructor. Since most content generally uses only a very small number of style/entity permutations, we can reuse these objects as often as possible.
method getEntity
getEntity: () => string;
method getStyle
getStyle: () => Immutable.OrderedSet<string>;
method hasStyle
hasStyle: (style: string) => boolean;
method removeStyle
static removeStyle: ( record: CharacterMetadata, style: string) => CharacterMetadata;
class ContentBlock
class ContentBlock extends Record {}
method findEntityRanges
findEntityRanges: ( filterFn: (value: CharacterMetadata) => boolean, callback: (start: number, end: number) => void) => void;
Execute a callback for every contiguous range of entities within the block.
method findStyleRanges
findStyleRanges: ( filterFn: (value: CharacterMetadata) => boolean, callback: (start: number, end: number) => void) => void;
Execute a callback for every contiguous range of styles within the block.
method getCharacterList
getCharacterList: () => Immutable.List<CharacterMetadata>;
method getData
getData: () => Immutable.Map<any, any>;
method getDepth
getDepth: () => number;
method getEntityAt
getEntityAt: (offset: number) => string;
method getInlineStyleAt
getInlineStyleAt: (offset: number) => Immutable.OrderedSet<string>;
method getKey
getKey: () => string;
method getLength
getLength: () => number;
method getText
getText: () => string;
method getType
getType: () => string;
class ContentState
class ContentState extends Record {}
method addEntity
addEntity: (instance: DraftEntityInstance) => ContentState;
method createEntity
createEntity: ( type: string, mutability: DraftEntityMutability, data?: Object) => ContentState;
method createFromBlockArray
static createFromBlockArray: ( blocks: ContentBlock[], entityMap?: any) => ContentState;
method createFromText
static createFromText: (text: string, delimiter?: string) => ContentState;
method getAllEntities
getAllEntities: () => Immutable.OrderedMap<string, DraftEntityInstance>;
method getBlockAfter
getBlockAfter: (key: string) => ContentBlock;
method getBlockBefore
getBlockBefore: (key: string) => ContentBlock;
method getBlockForKey
getBlockForKey: (key: string) => ContentBlock;
method getBlockMap
getBlockMap: () => Immutable.OrderedMap<string, ContentBlock>;
method getBlocksAsArray
getBlocksAsArray: () => ContentBlock[];
method getEntity
getEntity: (key: string) => EntityInstance;
method getEntityMap
getEntityMap: () => any;
method getFirstBlock
getFirstBlock: () => ContentBlock;
method getKeyAfter
getKeyAfter: (key: string) => string;
method getKeyBefore
getKeyBefore: (key: string) => string;
method getLastBlock
getLastBlock: () => ContentBlock;
method getLastCreatedEntityKey
getLastCreatedEntityKey: () => string;
method getPlainText
getPlainText: (delimiter?: string) => string;
method getSelectionAfter
getSelectionAfter: () => SelectionState;
method getSelectionBefore
getSelectionBefore: () => SelectionState;
method hasText
hasText: () => boolean;
method mergeEntityData
mergeEntityData: (key: string, toMerge: { [key: string]: any }) => ContentState;
method replaceEntityData
replaceEntityData: ( key: string, toMerge: { [key: string]: any }) => ContentState;
class EditorState
class EditorState extends Record {}
method acceptSelection
static acceptSelection: ( editorState: EditorState, selection: SelectionState) => EditorState;
Incorporate native DOM selection changes into the EditorState. This method can be used when we simply want to accept whatever the DOM has given us to represent selection, and we do not need to re-render the editor.
To forcibly move the DOM selection, see
method create
static create: (config: Object) => EditorState;
method createEmpty
static createEmpty: (decorator?: DraftDecoratorType) => EditorState;
method createWithContent
static createWithContent: ( contentState: ContentState, decorator?: DraftDecoratorType) => EditorState;
method forceSelection
static forceSelection: ( editorState: EditorState, selection: SelectionState) => EditorState;
At times, we need to force the DOM selection to be where we need it to be. This can occur when the anchor or focus nodes are non-text nodes, for instance. In this case, we want to trigger a re-render of the editor, which in turn forces selection into the correct place in the DOM. The
method accomplishes this.This method should be used in cases where you need to explicitly move the DOM selection from one place to another without a change in ContentState.
method getAllowUndo
getAllowUndo: () => boolean;
method getBlockTree
getBlockTree: (blockKey: string) => Immutable.List<any>;
method getCurrentContent
getCurrentContent: () => ContentState;
method getCurrentInlineStyle
getCurrentInlineStyle: () => Immutable.OrderedSet<string>;
Get the appropriate inline style for the editor state. If an override is in place, use it. Otherwise, the current style is based on the location of the selection state.
method getDecorator
getDecorator: () => DraftDecoratorType;
method getDirectionMap
getDirectionMap: () => Immutable.OrderedMap<any, any>;
method getInlineStyleOverride
getInlineStyleOverride: () => Immutable.OrderedSet<string>;
While editing, the user may apply inline style commands with a collapsed cursor, intending to type text that adopts the specified style. In this case, we track the specified style as an "override" that takes precedence over the inline style of the text adjacent to the cursor.
If null, there is no override in place.
method getLastChangeType
getLastChangeType: () => EditorChangeType;
method getNativelyRenderedContent
getNativelyRenderedContent: () => ContentState;
method getRedoStack
getRedoStack: () => Immutable.Stack<ContentState>;
method getSelection
getSelection: () => SelectionState;
method getUndoStack
getUndoStack: () => Immutable.Stack<ContentState>;
method isInCompositionMode
isInCompositionMode: () => boolean;
method isSelectionAtEndOfContent
isSelectionAtEndOfContent: () => boolean;
method isSelectionAtStartOfContent
isSelectionAtStartOfContent: () => boolean;
method moveFocusToEnd
static moveFocusToEnd: (editorState: EditorState) => EditorState;
Force focus to the end of the editor. This is useful in scenarios where we want to programmatically focus the input and it makes sense to allow the user to continue working seamlessly.
method moveSelectionToEnd
static moveSelectionToEnd: (editorState: EditorState) => EditorState;
Move selection to the end of the editor without forcing focus.
method mustForceSelection
mustForceSelection: () => boolean;
method push
static push: ( editorState: EditorState, contentState: ContentState, changeType: EditorChangeType) => EditorState;
Push the current ContentState onto the undo stack if it should be considered a boundary state, and set the provided ContentState as the new current content.
method redo
static redo: (editorState: EditorState) => EditorState;
Make the top ContentState in the redo stack the new current content and push the current content onto the undo stack.
method set
static set: (editorState: EditorState, put: Object) => EditorState;
method setInlineStyleOverride
static setInlineStyleOverride: ( editorState: EditorState, inlineStyleOverride: Immutable.OrderedSet<string>) => EditorState;
method toJS
toJS: () => Object;
method undo
static undo: (editorState: EditorState) => EditorState;
Make the top ContentState in the undo stack the new current content and push the current content onto the redo stack.
class SelectionState
class SelectionState extends Record {}
method createEmpty
static createEmpty: (key: string) => SelectionState;
method getAnchorKey
getAnchorKey: () => string;
method getAnchorOffset
getAnchorOffset: () => number;
method getEndKey
getEndKey: () => string;
method getEndOffset
getEndOffset: () => number;
method getFocusKey
getFocusKey: () => string;
method getFocusOffset
getFocusOffset: () => number;
method getHasFocus
getHasFocus: () => boolean;
method getIsBackward
getIsBackward: () => boolean;
method getStartKey
getStartKey: () => string;
method getStartOffset
getStartOffset: () => number;
method hasEdgeWithin
hasEdgeWithin: (blockKey: string, start: number, end: number) => boolean;
Return whether the specified range overlaps with an edge of the SelectionState.
method isCollapsed
isCollapsed: () => boolean;
method merge
merge: { ( ...iterables: Array< Immutable.Iterable< keyof SelectionStateProperties, SelectionStateProperties[keyof SelectionStateProperties] > > ): SelectionState; (...iterables: Partial<SelectionStateProperties>[]): SelectionState;};
method serialize
serialize: () => string;
interface CharacterMetadataConfig
interface CharacterMetadataConfig {}
interface DraftBlockRenderConfig
interface DraftBlockRenderConfig {}
interface SelectionStateProperties
interface SelectionStateProperties {}
property anchorKey
anchorKey: string;
property anchorOffset
anchorOffset: number;
property focusKey
focusKey: string;
property focusOffset
focusOffset: number;
property hasFocus
hasFocus: boolean;
property isBackward
isBackward: boolean;
type BlockMap
type BlockMap = Immutable.OrderedMap<string, Draft.Model.ImmutableData.ContentBlock>;
type DraftInlineStyle
type DraftInlineStyle = Immutable.OrderedSet<string>;
type EditorChangeType
type EditorChangeType = | 'adjust-depth' | 'apply-entity' | 'backspace-character' | 'change-block-data' | 'change-block-type' | 'change-inline-style' | 'move-block' | 'delete-character' | 'insert-characters' | 'insert-fragment' | 'redo' | 'remove-range' | 'spellcheck-change' | 'split-block' | 'undo';
namespace Draft.Model.Keys
namespace Draft.Model.Keys {}
function generateRandomKey
generateRandomKey: () => string;
namespace Draft.Model.Modifier
namespace Draft.Model.Modifier {}
class AtomicBlockUtils
class AtomicBlockUtils {}
method insertAtomicBlock
static insertAtomicBlock: ( editorState: EditorState, entityKey: string, character: string) => EditorState;
method moveAtomicBlock
static moveAtomicBlock: ( editorState: EditorState, atomicBlock: ContentBlock, targetRange: SelectionState, insertionMode?: DraftInsertionType) => EditorState;
class DraftModifier
class DraftModifier {}
provides a set of convenience methods that apply modifications to aContentState
object based on a targetSelectionState
.Any change to a
should be decomposable into a series of transaction functions that apply the required changes and return outputContentState
objects.These functions encapsulate some of the most common transaction sequences.
method applyEntity
static applyEntity: ( contentState: ContentState, selectionState: SelectionState, entityKey: string | null) => ContentState;
method applyInlineStyle
static applyInlineStyle: ( contentState: ContentState, selectionState: SelectionState, inlineStyle: string) => ContentState;
method insertText
static insertText: ( contentState: ContentState, targetRange: SelectionState, text: string, inlineStyle?: Immutable.OrderedSet<string>, entityKey?: string) => ContentState;
method mergeBlockData
static mergeBlockData: ( contentState: ContentState, selectionState: SelectionState, blockData: Immutable.Map<any, any>) => ContentState;
method moveText
static moveText: ( contentState: ContentState, removalRange: SelectionState, targetRange: SelectionState) => ContentState;
method removeInlineStyle
static removeInlineStyle: ( contentState: ContentState, selectionState: SelectionState, inlineStyle: string) => ContentState;
method removeRange
static removeRange: ( contentState: ContentState, rangeToRemove: SelectionState, removalDirection: DraftRemovalDirection) => ContentState;
method replaceText
static replaceText: ( contentState: ContentState, rangeToReplace: SelectionState, text: string, inlineStyle?: Immutable.OrderedSet<string>, entityKey?: string) => ContentState;
method replaceWithFragment
static replaceWithFragment: ( contentState: ContentState, targetRange: SelectionState, fragment: Immutable.OrderedMap<string, ContentBlock>) => ContentState;
method setBlockData
static setBlockData: ( contentState: ContentState, selectionState: SelectionState, blockData: Immutable.Map<any, any>) => ContentState;
method setBlockType
static setBlockType: { ( contentState: ContentState, selectionState: SelectionState, blockType: string ): ContentState; ( contentState: ContentState, selectionState: SelectionState, blockType: string ): ContentState;};
method splitBlock
static splitBlock: ( contentState: ContentState, selectionState: SelectionState) => ContentState;
class RichTextEditorUtil
class RichTextEditorUtil {}
method currentBlockContainsLink
static currentBlockContainsLink: (editorState: EditorState) => boolean;
method getCurrentBlockType
static getCurrentBlockType: { (editorState: EditorState): string; (editorState: EditorState): string;};
method getDataObjectForLinkURL
static getDataObjectForLinkURL: (uri: URI) => Object;
method handleKeyCommand
static handleKeyCommand: { (editorState: EditorState, command: DraftEditorCommand): EditorState; (editorState: EditorState, command: string): null;};
method insertSoftNewline
static insertSoftNewline: (editorState: EditorState) => EditorState;
method onBackspace
static onBackspace: (editorState: EditorState) => EditorState;
For collapsed selections at the start of styled blocks, backspace should just remove the existing style.
method onDelete
static onDelete: (editorState: EditorState) => EditorState;
method onTab
static onTab: ( event: React.KeyboardEvent<{}>, editorState: EditorState, maxDepth: number) => EditorState;
method toggleBlockType
static toggleBlockType: { (editorState: EditorState, blockType: string): EditorState; (editorState: EditorState, blockType: string): EditorState;};
method toggleCode
static toggleCode: (editorState: EditorState) => EditorState;
method toggleInlineStyle
static toggleInlineStyle: ( editorState: EditorState, inlineStyle: string) => EditorState;
Toggle the specified inline style for the selection. If the user's selection is collapsed, apply or remove the style for the internal state. If it is not collapsed, apply the change directly to the document state.
method toggleLink
static toggleLink: ( editorState: EditorState, targetSelection: SelectionState, entityKey: string | null) => EditorState;
method tryToRemoveBlockStyle
static tryToRemoveBlockStyle: (editorState: EditorState) => ContentState;
When a collapsed cursor is at the start of an empty styled block, allow certain key commands (newline, backspace) to simply change the style of the block instead of the default behavior.
type URI
type URI = any;
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