- Version 3.1.7
- Published
- 39.9 kB
- No dependencies
- MIT license
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TypeScript definitions for d3-hierarchy
variable treemapResquarify
const treemapResquarify: RatioSquarifyTilingFactory;
, except preserves the topology (node adjacencies) of the previous layout computed byd3.treemapResquarify
, if there is one and it used the same target aspect ratio. This tiling method is good for animating changes to treemaps because it only changes node sizes and not their relative positions, thus avoiding distracting shuffling and occlusion. The downside of a stable update, however, is a suboptimal layout for subsequent updates: only the first layout uses the Bruls et al. squarified algorithm.
variable treemapSquarify
const treemapSquarify: RatioSquarifyTilingFactory;
Implements the squarified treemap algorithm by Bruls et al., which seeks to produce rectangles of a given aspect ratio.
function cluster
cluster: <Datum>() => ClusterLayout<Datum>;
Creates a new cluster layout with default settings.
function hierarchy
hierarchy: <Datum>( data: Datum, children?: (d: Datum) => Iterable<Datum> | null | undefined) => HierarchyNode<Datum>;
Constructs a root node from the specified hierarchical data.
Parameter data
The root specified data. If *data* is a Map, it is implicitly converted to the entry [undefined, *data*], and the children accessor instead defaults to
(d) => Array.isArray(d) ? d[1] : null;
.Parameter children
The specified children accessor function is invoked for each datum, starting with the root data, and must return an iterable of data representing the children, if any. If children is not specified, it defaults to:
(d) => d.children
function pack
pack: <Datum>() => PackLayout<Datum>;
Creates a new pack layout with the default settings.
function packEnclose
packEnclose: <Datum extends PackCircle>(circles: Datum[]) => PackCircle;
Computes the smallest circle that encloses the specified array of circles, each of which must have a
property specifying the circle’s radius, andcircle.x
properties specifying the circle’s center. The enclosing circle is computed using the Matoušek-Sharir-Welzl algorithm. (See also Apollonius’ Problem.)Parameter circles
The specified array of circles to pack.
function packSiblings
packSiblings: <Datum extends PackRadius>( circles: Datum[]) => Array<Datum & PackCircle>;
Packs the specified array of circles, each of which must have a
property specifying the circle’s radius. The circles are positioned according to the front-chain packing algorithm by Wang et al.Parameter circles
The specified array of circles to pack.
function partition
partition: <Datum>() => PartitionLayout<Datum>;
Creates a new partition layout with the default settings.
function stratify
stratify: <Datum>() => StratifyOperator<Datum>;
Constructs a new stratify operator with the default settings.
function tree
tree: <Datum>() => TreeLayout<Datum>;
Creates a new tree layout with default settings.
function treemap
treemap: <Datum>() => TreemapLayout<Datum>;
Creates a new treemap layout with default settings.
function treemapBinary
treemapBinary: ( node: HierarchyRectangularNode<any>, x0: number, y0: number, x1: number, y1: number) => void;
Recursively partitions the specified nodes into an approximately-balanced binary tree, choosing horizontal partitioning for wide rectangles and vertical partitioning for tall rectangles.
function treemapDice
treemapDice: ( node: HierarchyRectangularNode<any>, x0: number, y0: number, x1: number, y1: number) => void;
Divides the rectangular area specified by x0, y0, x1, y1 horizontally according the value of each of the specified node’s children. The children are positioned in order, starting with the left edge (x0) of the given rectangle. If the sum of the children’s values is less than the specified node’s value (i.e., if the specified node has a non-zero internal value), the remaining empty space will be positioned on the right edge (x1) of the given rectangle.
function treemapSlice
treemapSlice: ( node: HierarchyRectangularNode<any>, x0: number, y0: number, x1: number, y1: number) => void;
Divides the rectangular area specified by x0, y0, x1, y1 vertically according the value of each of the specified node’s children. The children are positioned in order, starting with the top edge (y0) of the given rectangle. If the sum of the children’s values is less than the specified node’s value (i.e., if the specified node has a non-zero internal value), the remaining empty space will be positioned on the bottom edge (y1) of the given rectangle.
function treemapSliceDice
treemapSliceDice: ( node: HierarchyRectangularNode<any>, x0: number, y0: number, x1: number, y1: number) => void;
If the specified node has odd depth, delegates to treemapSlice; otherwise delegates to treemapDice.
interface ClusterLayout
interface ClusterLayout<Datum> {}
method nodeSize
nodeSize: { (): [number, number] | null; (size: [number, number]): this };
Returns the current node size, which defaults to null. A node size of null indicates that a layout size will be used instead.
Sets this cluster layout’s node size to the specified [width, height] array and returns this cluster layout. When a node size is specified, the root node is always positioned at <0, 0>.
Parameter size
The specified two-element size array.
method separation
separation: { (): (a: HierarchyPointNode<Datum>, b: HierarchyPointNode<Datum>) => number; ( separation: ( a: HierarchyPointNode<Datum>, b: HierarchyPointNode<Datum> ) => number ): this;};
Returns the current separation accessor, which defaults to:
(a, b) => a.parent == b.parent ? 1 : 2
.Sets the separation accessor to the specified function and returns this cluster layout. The separation accessor is used to separate neighboring leaves.
Parameter separation
The separation function is passed two leaves a and b, and must return the desired separation. The nodes are typically siblings, though the nodes may be more distantly related if the layout decides to place such nodes adjacent.
method size
size: { (): [number, number] | null; (size: [number, number]): this };
Returns the current layout size, which defaults to [1, 1]. A layout size of null indicates that a node size will be used instead.
Sets this cluster layout’s size to the specified [width, height] array and returns the cluster layout. The size represent an arbitrary coordinate system; for example, to produce a radial layout, a size of [360, radius] corresponds to a breadth of 360° and a depth of radius.
Parameter size
The specified two-element size array.
call signature
(root: HierarchyNode<Datum>): HierarchyPointNode<Datum>;
Lays out the specified root hierarchy. You may want to call
before passing the hierarchy to the cluster layout.Parameter root
The specified root hierarchy.
interface HierarchyCircularLink
interface HierarchyCircularLink<Datum> {}
interface HierarchyCircularNode
interface HierarchyCircularNode<Datum> extends HierarchyNode<Datum> {}
property r
r: number;
The radius of the circle.
property x
x: number;
The x-coordinate of the circle’s center.
property y
y: number;
The y-coordinate of the circle’s center.
method links
links: () => Array<HierarchyCircularLink<Datum>>;
Returns an array of links for this node, where each link is an object that defines source and target properties. The source of each link is the parent node, and the target is a child node.
interface HierarchyLink
interface HierarchyLink<Datum> {}
interface HierarchyNode
interface HierarchyNode<Datum> {}
property children
children?: this[] | undefined;
An array of child nodes, if any; undefined for leaf nodes.
property data
data: Datum;
The associated data, as specified to the constructor.
property depth
readonly depth: number;
Zero for the root node, and increasing by one for each descendant generation.
property height
readonly height: number;
Zero for leaf nodes, and the greatest distance from any descendant leaf for internal nodes.
property id
readonly id?: string | undefined;
Optional node id string set by
, if hierarchical data was created from tabular data using stratify().
property parent
parent: this | null;
The parent node, or null for the root node.
property value
readonly value?: number | undefined;
Aggregated numeric value as calculated by
, if previously invoked.
property x
x?: number | undefined;
The x position of this node. Set after a tree has been laid out by
.const root = d3.hierarchy(datum);const treeLayout = d3.tree();treeLayout(root);// x and y are now set on root and its descendants
property y
y?: number | undefined;
The y position of this node. Set after a tree has been laid out by
.const root = d3.hierarchy(datum);const treeLayout = d3.tree();treeLayout(root);// x and y are now set on root and its descendants
method [Symbol.iterator]
[Symbol.iterator]: () => Iterator<this>;
Returns an iterator over the node’s descendants in breadth-first order.
method ancestors
ancestors: () => this[];
Returns the array of ancestors nodes, starting with this node, then followed by each parent up to the root.
method copy
copy: () => this;
Return a deep copy of the subtree starting at this node. The returned deep copy shares the same data, however. The returned node is the root of a new tree; the returned node’s parent is always null and its depth is always zero.
method count
count: () => this;
Computes the number of leaves under this node and assigns it to
, and similarly for every descendant of node. If this node is a leaf, its count is one. Returns this node.
method descendants
descendants: () => this[];
Returns the array of descendant nodes, starting with this node, then followed by each child in topological order.
method each
each: <T = undefined>( func: (this: T, node: this, index: number, thisNode: this) => void, that?: T) => this;
Invokes the specified function for node and each descendant in breadth-first order, such that a given node is only visited if all nodes of lesser depth have already been visited, as well as all preceding nodes of the same depth.
Parameter func
The specified function is passed the current descendant, the zero-based traversal index, and this node.
Parameter that
If that is specified, it is the this context of the callback.
method eachAfter
eachAfter: <T = undefined>( func: (this: T, node: this, index: number, thisNode: this) => void, that?: T) => this;
Invokes the specified function for node and each descendant in post-order traversal, such that a given node is only visited after all of its descendants have already been visited.
Parameter func
The specified function is passed the current descendant, the zero-based traversal index, and this node.
Parameter that
If that is specified, it is the this context of the callback.
method eachBefore
eachBefore: <T = undefined>( func: (this: T, node: this, index: number, thisNode: this) => void, that?: T) => this;
Invokes the specified function for node and each descendant in pre-order traversal, such that a given node is only visited after all of its ancestors have already been visited.
Parameter func
The specified function is passed the current descendant, the zero-based traversal index, and this node.
Parameter that
If that is specified, it is the this context of the callback.
method find
find: (filter: (node: this) => boolean) => this | undefined;
Returns the first node in the hierarchy from this node for which the specified filter returns a truthy value. undefined if no such node is found.
Parameter filter
method leaves
leaves: () => this[];
Returns the array of leaf nodes in traversal order; leaves are nodes with no children.
method links
links: () => Array<HierarchyLink<Datum>>;
Returns an array of links for this node, where each link is an object that defines source and target properties. The source of each link is the parent node, and the target is a child node.
method path
path: (target: this) => this[];
Returns the shortest path through the hierarchy from this node to the specified target node. The path starts at this node, ascends to the least common ancestor of this node and the target node, and then descends to the target node.
Parameter target
The target node.
method sort
sort: (compare: (a: this, b: this) => number) => this;
Sorts the children of this node, if any, and each of this node’s descendants’ children, in pre-order traversal using the specified compare function, and returns this node.
Parameter compare
The compare function is passed two nodes a and b to compare. If a should be before b, the function must return a value less than zero; if b should be before a, the function must return a value greater than zero; otherwise, the relative order of a and b are not specified. See
for more.
method sum
sum: (value: (d: Datum) => number) => this;
Evaluates the specified value function for this node and each descendant in post-order traversal, and returns this node. The
property of each node is set to the numeric value returned by the specified function plus the combined value of all descendants.Parameter value
The value function is passed the node’s data, and must return a non-negative number.
construct signature
new (data: Datum): this;
interface HierarchyPointLink
interface HierarchyPointLink<Datum> {}
interface HierarchyPointNode
interface HierarchyPointNode<Datum> extends HierarchyNode<Datum> {}
property x
x: number;
The x-coordinate of the node.
property y
y: number;
The y-coordinate of the node.
method links
links: () => Array<HierarchyPointLink<Datum>>;
Returns an array of links for this node, where each link is an object that defines source and target properties. The source of each link is the parent node, and the target is a child node.
interface HierarchyRectangularLink
interface HierarchyRectangularLink<Datum> {}
interface HierarchyRectangularNode
interface HierarchyRectangularNode<Datum> extends HierarchyNode<Datum> {}
property x0
x0: number;
The left edge of the rectangle.
property x1
x1: number;
The right edge of the rectangle.
property y0
y0: number;
The top edge of the rectangle
property y1
y1: number;
The bottom edge of the rectangle.
method links
links: () => Array<HierarchyRectangularLink<Datum>>;
Returns an array of links for this node, where each link is an object that defines source and target properties. The source of each link is the parent node, and the target is a child node.
interface PackCircle
interface PackCircle {}
interface PackLayout
interface PackLayout<Datum> {}
method padding
padding: { (): (node: HierarchyCircularNode<Datum>) => number; (padding: number): this; (padding: (node: HierarchyCircularNode<Datum>) => number): this;};
Returns the current padding accessor, which defaults to the constant zero.
Sets this pack layout’s padding accessor to the specified number and returns this pack layout. Returns the current padding accessor, which defaults to the constant zero.
When siblings are packed, tangent siblings will be separated by approximately the specified padding; the enclosing parent circle will also be separated from its children by approximately the specified padding. If an explicit radius is not specified, the padding is approximate because a two-pass algorithm is needed to fit within the layout size: the circles are first packed without padding; a scaling factor is computed and applied to the specified padding; and lastly the circles are re-packed with padding.
Parameter padding
The specified padding value.
Sets this pack layout’s padding accessor to the specified function and returns this pack layout. Returns the current padding accessor, which defaults to the constant zero.
When siblings are packed, tangent siblings will be separated by approximately the specified padding; the enclosing parent circle will also be separated from its children by approximately the specified padding. If an explicit radius is not specified, the padding is approximate because a two-pass algorithm is needed to fit within the layout size: the circles are first packed without padding; a scaling factor is computed and applied to the specified padding; and lastly the circles are re-packed with padding.
Parameter padding
The specified padding function.
method radius
radius: { (): (node: HierarchyCircularNode<Datum>) => number; (radius: (node: HierarchyCircularNode<Datum>) => number): this;};
Returns the current radius accessor, which defaults to null.
Sets the pack layout’s radius accessor to the specified function and returns this pack layout. If the radius accessor is null, the radius of each leaf circle is derived from the leaf
(computed bynode.sum
); the radii are then scaled proportionally to fit the layout size. If the radius accessor is not null, the radius of each leaf circle is specified exactly by the function.Parameter radius
The specified radius accessor.
method size
size: { (): [number, number]; (size: [number, number]): this };
Returns the current size, which defaults to [1, 1].
Sets this pack layout’s size to the specified [width, height] array and returns this pack layout.
Parameter size
The specified two-element size array.
call signature
(root: HierarchyNode<Datum>): HierarchyCircularNode<Datum>;
Lays out the specified root hierarchy. You must call
before passing the hierarchy to the pack layout. You probably also want to callroot.sort
to order the hierarchy before computing the layout.Parameter root
The specified root hierarchy.
interface PackRadius
interface PackRadius {}
interface PartitionLayout
interface PartitionLayout<Datum> {}
method padding
padding: { (): number; (padding: number): this };
Returns the current padding, which defaults to zero.
Sets the padding to the specified number and returns this partition layout. The padding is used to separate a node’s adjacent children.
Parameter padding
The specified padding value.
method round
round: { (): boolean; (round: boolean): this };
Returns the current rounding state, which defaults to false.
Enables or disables rounding according to the given boolean and returns this partition layout.
Parameter round
The specified boolean flag.
method size
size: { (): [number, number]; (size: [number, number]): this };
Returns the current size, which defaults to [1, 1].
Sets this partition layout’s size to the specified [width, height] array and returns this partition layout.
Parameter size
The specified two-element size array.
call signature
(root: HierarchyNode<Datum>): HierarchyRectangularNode<Datum>;
Lays out the specified root hierarchy. You must call
before passing the hierarchy to the partition layout. You probably also want to callroot.sort
to order the hierarchy before computing the layout.Parameter root
The specified root hierarchy.
interface RatioSquarifyTilingFactory
interface RatioSquarifyTilingFactory {}
method ratio
ratio: (ratio: number) => RatioSquarifyTilingFactory;
Specifies the desired aspect ratio of the generated rectangles. Note that the orientation of the generated rectangles (tall or wide) is not implied by the ratio. Furthermore, the rectangles ratio are not guaranteed to have the exact specified aspect ratio. If not specified, the aspect ratio defaults to the golden ratio, φ = (1 + sqrt(5)) / 2, per Kong et al.
Parameter ratio
The specified ratio value greater than or equal to one.
call signature
( node: HierarchyRectangularNode<any>, x0: number, y0: number, x1: number, y1: number): void;
interface StratifyOperator
interface StratifyOperator<Datum> {}
method id
id: { (): (d: Datum, i: number, data: Datum[]) => string | null | '' | undefined; (id: (d: Datum, i: number, data: Datum[]) => string): this;};
Returns the current id accessor, which defaults to:
(d) => d.id
.Sets the id accessor to the given function. The id accessor is invoked for each element in the input data passed to the stratify operator. The returned string is then used to identify the node's relationships in conjunction with the parent id. For leaf nodes, the id may be undefined, null or the empty string; otherwise, the id must be unique.
Parameter id
The id accessor.
method parentId
parentId: { (): (d: Datum, i: number, data: Datum[]) => string | null | '' | undefined; (parentId: (d: Datum, i: number, data: Datum[]) => string): this;};
Returns the current parent id accessor, which defaults to:
(d) => d.parentId
.Sets the parent id accessor to the given function. The parent id accessor is invoked for each element in the input data passed to the stratify operator. The returned string is then used to identify the node's relationships in conjunction with the id. For the root node, the parent id should be undefined, null or the empty string. There must be exactly one root node in the input data, and no circular relationships.
Parameter parentId
The parent id accessor.
method path
path: { (): (d: Datum, i: number, data: Datum[]) => string; (path: (d: Datum, i: number, data: Datum[]) => string): this;};
Returns the current path accessor, which defaults to undefined.
If path is specified, sets the path accessor to the given function and returns this stratify operator. Otherwise, returns the current path accessor, which defaults to undefined. If a path accessor is set, the id and parentId arguments are ignored, and a unix-like hierarchy is computed on the slash-delimited strings returned by the path accessor, imputing parent nodes and ids as necessary.
Parameter path
The path accessor.
call signature
(data: Datum[]): HierarchyNode<Datum>;
Generates a new hierarchy from the specified tabular data. Each node in the returned object has a shallow copy of the properties from the corresponding data object, excluding the following reserved properties: id, parentId, children.
Parameter data
The root specified data.
Error on missing id, ambiguous id, cycle, multiple roots or no root.
interface TreeLayout
interface TreeLayout<Datum> {}
method nodeSize
nodeSize: { (): [number, number] | null; (size: [number, number]): this };
Returns the current node size, which defaults to null. A node size of null indicates that a layout size will be used instead.
Sets this tree layout’s node size to the specified [width, height] array and returns this tree layout. When a node size is specified, the root node is always positioned at <0, 0>.
Parameter size
The specified two-element size array.
method separation
separation: { (): (a: HierarchyPointNode<Datum>, b: HierarchyPointNode<Datum>) => number; ( separation: ( a: HierarchyPointNode<Datum>, b: HierarchyPointNode<Datum> ) => number ): this;};
Returns the current separation accessor, which defaults to:
(a, b) => a.parent == b.parent ? 1 : 2
.Sets the separation accessor to the specified function and returns this tree layout. The separation accessor is used to separate neighboring nodes.
Parameter separation
The separation function is passed two nodes a and b, and must return the desired separation. The nodes are typically siblings, though the nodes may be more distantly related if the layout decides to place such nodes adjacent.
method size
size: { (): [number, number] | null; (size: [number, number]): this };
Returns the current layout size, which defaults to [1, 1]. A layout size of null indicates that a node size will be used instead.
Sets this tree layout’s size to the specified [width, height] array and returns the tree layout. The size represent an arbitrary coordinate system; for example, to produce a radial layout, a size of [360, radius] corresponds to a breadth of 360° and a depth of radius.
Parameter size
The specified two-element size array.
call signature
(root: HierarchyNode<Datum>): HierarchyPointNode<Datum>;
Lays out the specified root hierarchy. You may want to call
before passing the hierarchy to the tree layout.Parameter root
The specified root hierarchy.
interface TreemapLayout
interface TreemapLayout<Datum> {}
method padding
padding: { (): (node: HierarchyRectangularNode<Datum>) => number; (padding: number): this; (padding: (node: HierarchyRectangularNode<Datum>) => number): this;};
Returns the current inner padding function.
Sets the inner and outer padding to the specified number and returns this treemap layout.
Parameter padding
The specified padding value.
Sets the inner and outer padding to the specified function and returns this treemap layout.
Parameter padding
The specified padding function.
method paddingBottom
paddingBottom: { (): (node: HierarchyRectangularNode<Datum>) => number; (padding: number): this; (padding: (node: HierarchyRectangularNode<Datum>) => number): this;};
Returns the current bottom padding function, which defaults to the constant zero.
Sets the bottom padding to the specified number and returns this treemap layout. The bottom padding is used to separate the bottom edge of a node from its children.
Parameter padding
The specified bottom padding value.
Sets the bottom padding to the specified function and returns this treemap layout. The function is invoked for each node with children, being passed the current node. The bottom padding is used to separate the bottom edge of a node from its children.
Parameter padding
The specified bottom padding function.
method paddingInner
paddingInner: { (): (node: HierarchyRectangularNode<Datum>) => number; (padding: number): this; (padding: (node: HierarchyRectangularNode<Datum>) => number): this;};
Returns the current inner padding function, which defaults to the constant zero.
Sets the inner padding to the specified number and returns this treemap layout. The inner padding is used to separate a node’s adjacent children.
Parameter padding
The specified inner padding value.
Sets the inner padding to the specified function and returns this treemap layout. The function is invoked for each node with children, being passed the current node. The inner padding is used to separate a node’s adjacent children.
Parameter padding
The specified inner padding function.
method paddingLeft
paddingLeft: { (): (node: HierarchyRectangularNode<Datum>) => number; (padding: number): this; (padding: (node: HierarchyRectangularNode<Datum>) => number): this;};
Returns the current left padding function, which defaults to the constant zero.
Sets the left padding to the specified number and returns this treemap layout. The left padding is used to separate the left edge of a node from its children.
Parameter padding
The specified left padding value.
Sets the left padding to the specified function and returns this treemap layout. The function is invoked for each node with children, being passed the current node. The left padding is used to separate the left edge of a node from its children.
Parameter padding
The specified left padding function.
method paddingOuter
paddingOuter: { (): (node: HierarchyRectangularNode<Datum>) => number; (padding: number): this; (padding: (node: HierarchyRectangularNode<Datum>) => number): this;};
Returns the current top padding function.
Sets the top, right, bottom and left padding to the specified function and returns this treemap layout.
Parameter padding
The specified padding outer value.
Sets the top, right, bottom and left padding to the specified function and returns this treemap layout.
Parameter padding
The specified padding outer function.
method paddingRight
paddingRight: { (): (node: HierarchyRectangularNode<Datum>) => number; (padding: number): this; (padding: (node: HierarchyRectangularNode<Datum>) => number): this;};
Returns the current right padding function, which defaults to the constant zero.
Sets the right padding to the specified number and returns this treemap layout. The right padding is used to separate the right edge of a node from its children.
Parameter padding
The specified right padding value.
Sets the right padding to the specified function and returns this treemap layout. The function is invoked for each node with children, being passed the current node. The right padding is used to separate the right edge of a node from its children.
Parameter padding
The specified right padding function.
method paddingTop
paddingTop: { (): (node: HierarchyRectangularNode<Datum>) => number; (padding: number): this; (padding: (node: HierarchyRectangularNode<Datum>) => number): this;};
Returns the current top padding function, which defaults to the constant zero.
Sets the top padding to the specified number and returns this treemap layout. The top padding is used to separate the top edge of a node from its children.
Parameter padding
The specified top padding value.
Sets the top padding to the specified function and returns this treemap layout. The function is invoked for each node with children, being passed the current node. The top padding is used to separate the top edge of a node from its children.
Parameter padding
The specified top padding function.
method round
round: { (): boolean; (round: boolean): this };
Returns the current rounding state, which defaults to false.
Enables or disables rounding according to the given boolean and returns this treemap layout.
Parameter round
The specified boolean flag.
method size
size: { (): [number, number]; (size: [number, number]): this };
Returns the current size, which defaults to [1, 1].
Sets this treemap layout’s size to the specified [width, height] array and returns this treemap layout.
Parameter size
The specified two-element size array.
method tile
tile: { (): ( node: HierarchyRectangularNode<Datum>, x0: number, y0: number, x1: number, y1: number ) => void; ( tile: ( node: HierarchyRectangularNode<Datum>, x0: number, y0: number, x1: number, y1: number ) => void ): this;};
Returns the current tiling method, which defaults to
with the golden ratio.Sets the tiling method to the specified function and returns this treemap layout.
Parameter tile
The specified tiling function.
call signature
(root: HierarchyNode<Datum>): HierarchyRectangularNode<Datum>;
Lays out the specified root hierarchy. You must call
before passing the hierarchy to the treemap layout. You probably also want to callroot.sort
to order the hierarchy before computing the layout.Parameter root
The specified root hierarchy.
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