
  • Version 4.2.11
  • Published
  • 25.2 kB
  • 2 dependencies
  • MIT license


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TypeScript definitions for clean-css



variable CleanCSS

const CleanCSS: CleanCSS.Constructor;
  • Creates a new CleanCSS object which can be used to minify css


interface CompatibilityOptions

interface CompatibilityOptions {}
  • Fine grained configuration for compatibility option

property colors

| {
* Controls `rgba()` / `hsla()` color support; defaults to `true`
opacity?: boolean | undefined;
| undefined;
  • A hash of compatibility options related to color

property properties

| {
* Controls background-clip merging into shorthand; defaults to `true`
backgroundClipMerging?: boolean | undefined;
* Controls background-origin merging into shorthand; defaults to `true`
backgroundOriginMerging?: boolean | undefined;
* Controls background-size merging into shorthand; defaults to `true`
backgroundSizeMerging?: boolean | undefined;
* controls color optimizations; defaults to `true`
colors?: boolean | undefined;
* Controls keeping IE bang hack; defaults to `false`
ieBangHack?: boolean | undefined;
* Controls keeping IE `filter` / `-ms-filter`; defaults to `false`
ieFilters?: boolean | undefined;
* Controls keeping IE prefix hack; defaults to `false`
iePrefixHack?: boolean | undefined;
* Controls keeping IE suffix hack; defaults to `false`
ieSuffixHack?: boolean | undefined;
* Controls property merging based on understandably; defaults to `true`
merging?: boolean | undefined;
* Controls shortening pixel units into `pc`, `pt`, or `in` units; defaults to `false`
shorterLengthUnits?: false | undefined;
* Controls keeping space after closing brace - `url() no-repeat` into `url()no-repeat`; defaults to `true`
spaceAfterClosingBrace?: true | undefined;
* Controls keeping quoting inside `url()`; defaults to `false`
urlQuotes?: boolean | undefined;
* Controls removal of units `0` value; defaults to `true`
zeroUnits?: boolean | undefined;
| undefined;
  • A hash of properties that can be set with compatibility

property selectors

| {
* Controls extra space before `nav` element; defaults to `false`
adjacentSpace?: boolean | undefined;
* Controls removal of IE7 selector hacks, e.g. `*+html...`; defaults to `true`
ie7Hack?: boolean | undefined;
* Controls a whitelist of mergeable pseudo classes; defaults to `[':active', ...]`
mergeablePseudoClasses?: readonly string[] | undefined;
* Controls a whitelist of mergeable pseudo elements; defaults to `['::after', ...]`
mergeablePseudoElements: readonly string[];
* Controls maximum number of selectors in a single rule (since 4.1.0); defaults to `8191`
mergeLimit: number;
* Controls merging of rules with multiple pseudo classes / elements (since 4.1.0); defaults to `true`
multiplePseudoMerging: boolean;
| undefined;
  • A hash of options related to compatibility of selectors

property units

| {
* Controls treating `ch` as a supported unit; defaults to `true`
ch?: boolean | undefined;
* Controls treating `in` as a supported unit; defaults to `true`
in?: boolean | undefined;
* Controls treating `pc` as a supported unit; defaults to `true`
pc?: boolean | undefined;
* Controls treating `pt` as a supported unit; defaults to `true`
pt?: boolean | undefined;
* Controls treating `rem` as a supported unit; defaults to `true`
rem?: boolean | undefined;
* Controls treating `vh` as a supported unit; defaults to `true`
vh?: boolean | undefined;
* Controls treating `vm` as a supported unit; defaults to `true`
vm?: boolean | undefined;
* Controls treating `vmax` as a supported unit; defaults to `true`
vmax?: boolean | undefined;
* Controls treating `vmin` as a supported unit; defaults to `true`
vmin?: boolean | undefined;
| undefined;
  • A hash of options related to comparability of supported units

interface Constructor

interface Constructor {}
  • Constructor interface for CleanCSS

construct signature

new (options: OptionsPromise): MinifierPromise;

    construct signature

    new (options?: OptionsOutput): MinifierOutput;

      interface FormatOptions

      interface FormatOptions {}
      • Fine grained options for configuring the CSS formatting

      property breaks

      | {
      * Controls if a line break comes after an at-rule; e.g. `@charset`; defaults to `false`
      afterAtRule?: boolean | undefined;
      * Controls if a line break comes after a block begins; e.g. `@media`; defaults to `false`
      afterBlockBegins?: boolean | undefined;
      * Controls if a line break comes after a block ends, defaults to `false`
      afterBlockEnds?: boolean | undefined;
      * Controls if a line break comes after a comment; defaults to `false`
      afterComment?: boolean | undefined;
      * Controls if a line break comes after a property; defaults to `false`
      afterProperty?: boolean | undefined;
      * Controls if a line break comes after a rule begins; defaults to `false`
      afterRuleBegins?: boolean | undefined;
      * Controls if a line break comes after a rule ends; defaults to `false`
      afterRuleEnds?: boolean | undefined;
      * Controls if a line break comes before a block ends; defaults to `false`
      beforeBlockEnds?: boolean | undefined;
      * Controls if a line break comes between selectors; defaults to `false`
      betweenSelectors?: boolean | undefined;
      | undefined;
      • Controls where to insert breaks

      property breakWith

      breakWith?: string | undefined;
      • Controls the new line character, can be '\r\n' or '\n'(aliased as 'windows' and 'unix' or 'crlf' and 'lf'); defaults to system one, so former on Windows and latter on Unix

      property indentBy

      indentBy?: number | undefined;
      • Controls number of characters to indent with; defaults to 0

      property indentWith

      indentWith?: 'space' | 'tab' | undefined;
      • Controls a character to indent with, can be 'space' or 'tab'; defaults to 'space'

      property semicolonAfterLastProperty

      semicolonAfterLastProperty?: boolean | undefined;
      • Controls removing trailing semicolons in rule; defaults to false - means remove

      property spaces

      | {
      * Controls if spaces come around selector relations; e.g. `div > a`; defaults to `false`
      aroundSelectorRelation?: boolean | undefined;
      * Controls if a space comes before a block begins; e.g. `.block {`; defaults to `false`
      beforeBlockBegins?: boolean | undefined;
      * Controls if a space comes before a value; e.g. `width: 1rem`; defaults to `false`
      beforeValue?: boolean | undefined;
      | undefined;
      • Controls where to insert spaces

      property wrapAt

      wrapAt?: false | number | undefined;
      • Controls maximum line length; defaults to false

      interface MinifierOutput

      interface MinifierOutput {}
      • Interface exposed when a new CleanCSS object is created

      method minify

      minify: {
      (sources: Sources, callback?: (error: any, output: Output) => void): Output;
      sources: any,
      sourceMap: any,
      callback?: (error: any, output: Output) => void
      ): Output;

        interface MinifierPromise

        interface MinifierPromise {}
        • Interface exposed when a new CleanCSS object is created with returnPromise set to true

        method minify

        minify: (sources: Sources, sourceMap?: RawSourceMap | string) => Promise<Output>;

          interface OptimizationsOptions

          interface OptimizationsOptions {}
          • Fine grained options for configuring optimizations

          property 1

          | {
          * Sets all optimizations at this level unless otherwise specified
          all?: boolean | undefined;
          * Controls `@charset` moving to the front of a stylesheet; defaults to `true`
          cleanupCharsets?: boolean | undefined;
          * Controls URL normalization; defaults to `true`
          normalizeUrls?: boolean | undefined;
          * Controls `background` property optimizations; defaults to `true`
          optimizeBackground?: boolean | undefined;
          * Controls `border-radius` property optimizations; defaults to `true`
          optimizeBorderRadius?: boolean | undefined;
          * Controls `filter` property optimizations; defaults to `true`
          optimizeFilter?: boolean | undefined;
          * Controls `font` property optimizations; defaults to `true`
          optimizeFont?: boolean | undefined;
          * Controls `font-weight` property optimizations; defaults to `true`
          optimizeFontWeight?: boolean | undefined;
          * Controls `outline` property optimizations; defaults to `true`
          optimizeOutline?: boolean | undefined;
          * Controls removing empty rules and nested blocks; defaults to `true`
          removeEmpty?: boolean | undefined;
          * Controls removing negative paddings; defaults to `true`
          removeNegativePaddings?: boolean | undefined;
          * Controls removing quotes when unnecessary; defaults to `true`
          removeQuotes?: boolean | undefined;
          * Controls removing unused whitespace; defaults to `true`
          removeWhitespace?: boolean | undefined;
          * Contols removing redundant zeros; defaults to `true`
          replaceMultipleZeros?: boolean | undefined;
          * Controls replacing time units with shorter values; defaults to `true`
          replaceTimeUnits?: boolean | undefined;
          * Controls replacing zero values with units; defaults to `true`
          replaceZeroUnits?: boolean | undefined;
          * Rounds pixel values to `N` decimal places; `false` disables rounding; defaults to `false`
          roundingPrecision?: boolean | undefined;
          * denotes selector sorting method; can be `'natural'` or `'standard'`, `'none'`, or false (the last two
          * since 4.1.0); defaults to `'standard'`
          selectorsSortingMethod?: 'standard' | 'natural' | 'none' | undefined;
          * denotes a number of /*! ... * / comments preserved; defaults to `all`
          specialComments?: string | undefined;
          * Controls at-rules (e.g. `@charset`, `@import`) optimizing; defaults to `true`
          tidyAtRules?: boolean | undefined;
          * Controls block scopes (e.g. `@media`) optimizing; defaults to `true`
          tidyBlockScopes?: boolean | undefined;
          * Controls selectors optimizing; defaults to `true`
          tidySelectors?: boolean | undefined;
          * Defines a callback for fine-grained property optimization; defaults to no-op
          | ((
          propertyName: string,
          propertyValue: string,
          selector?: string
          ) => string)
          | undefined;
          | undefined;

            property 2

            | {
            * Sets all optimizations at this level unless otherwise specified
            all?: boolean | undefined;
            * Controls adjacent rules merging; defaults to true
            mergeAdjacentRules?: boolean | undefined;
            * Controls merging properties into shorthands; defaults to true
            mergeIntoShorthands?: boolean | undefined;
            * Controls `@media` merging; defaults to true
            mergeMedia?: boolean | undefined;
            * Controls non-adjacent rule merging; defaults to true
            mergeNonAdjacentRules?: boolean | undefined;
            * Controls semantic merging; defaults to false
            mergeSemantically?: boolean | undefined;
            * Controls property overriding based on understandably; defaults to true
            overrideProperties?: boolean | undefined;
            * Controls removing empty rules and nested blocks; defaults to `true`
            removeEmpty?: boolean | undefined;
            * Controls non-adjacent rule reducing; defaults to true
            reduceNonAdjacentRules?: boolean | undefined;
            * Controls duplicate `@font-face` removing; defaults to true
            removeDuplicateFontRules?: boolean | undefined;
            * Controls duplicate `@media` removing; defaults to true
            removeDuplicateMediaBlocks?: boolean | undefined;
            * Controls duplicate rules removing; defaults to true
            removeDuplicateRules?: boolean | undefined;
            * Controls unused at rule removing; defaults to false (available since 4.1.0)
            removeUnusedAtRules?: boolean | undefined;
            * Controls rule restructuring; defaults to false
            restructureRules?: boolean | undefined;
            * Controls which properties won't be optimized, defaults to `[]` which means all will be optimized (since 4.1.0)
            skipProperties?: readonly string[] | undefined;
            | undefined;

              interface Output

              interface Output {}
              • Output returned when calling minify functions

              property errors

              errors: string[];
              • A list of errors raised

              property sourceMap

              sourceMap?: SourceMapGenerator;
              • Output source map if requested with sourceMap option

              property stats

              stats: {
              * Original content size after import inlining
              originalSize: number;
              * Optimized content size
              minifiedSize: number;
              * Time spent on optimizations in milliseconds
              timeSpent: number;
              * `(originalSize - minifiedSize) / originalSize`, e.g. 0.25 if size is reduced from 100 bytes to 75 bytes
              efficiency: number;
              • Contains statistics on the minify process

              property styles

              styles: string;
              • Optimized output CSS as a string

              property warnings

              warnings: string[];
              • A list of warnings raised

              interface Source

              interface Source {}
              • Hash of input source(s). Passing an array of hashes allows you to explicitly specify the order in which the input files are concatenated. Whereas when you use a single hash the order is determined by the traversal order of object properties

              index signature

              [path: string]: {
              * The contents of the file, should be css
              styles: string;
              * The source map of the file, if needed
              sourceMap?: RawSourceMap | string | undefined;
              • Path to file

              Type Aliases

              type FetchCallback

              type FetchCallback = (message: string | number, body: string) => void;
              • Callback type when fetch is used

              type Minifier

              type Minifier = MinifierOutput | MinifierPromise;
              • Union type for both types of minifier functions

              type Options

              type Options = OptionsPromise | OptionsOutput;
              • Discriminant union of both sets of options types. If you initialize without setting returnPromise: true and want to return a promise, you will need to cast to the correct options type so that TypeScript knows what the expected return type will be: (options = options as CleanCSS.OptionsPromise).returnPromise = true

              type OptionsOutput

              type OptionsOutput = OptionsBase & {
              * If you prefer clean-css to return a Promise object then you need to explicitly ask for it; defaults to `false`
              returnPromise?: false | undefined;
              • Options when returning an output

              type OptionsPromise

              type OptionsPromise = OptionsBase & {
              * If you prefer clean-css to return a Promise object then you need to explicitly ask for it; defaults to `false`
              returnPromise: true;
              • Options when returning a promise

              type Sources

              type Sources = string | readonly string[] | Source | readonly Source[] | Buffer;
              • Union of all types acceptable as input for the minify function

              Package Files (1)

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              No peer dependencies.


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