- Version 3.1.12
- Published
- 8.55 kB
- No dependencies
- MIT license
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TypeScript definitions for animejs
Type Aliases
function anime
anime: typeof anime;
function bezier
bezier: ( x1: number, y1: number, x2: number, y2: number) => (t: number) => number;
function get
get: (targets: AnimeTarget, prop: string, unit?: string) => string | number;
function path
path: ( path: string | HTMLElement | SVGElement | null, percent?: number) => (prop: string) => { el: HTMLElement | SVGElement; property: string; totalLength: number;};
function random
random: (min: number, max: number) => number;
function remove
remove: (targets: AnimeTarget | readonly AnimeTarget[]) => void;
function set
set: ( targets: AnimeTarget, value: { [AnyAnimatedProperty: string]: any }) => void;
function setDashoffset
setDashoffset: (el: HTMLElement | SVGElement | null) => number;
function stagger
stagger: ( value: number | string | ReadonlyArray<number | string>, options?: StaggerOptions) => FunctionBasedParameter;
function timeline
timeline: ( params?: AnimeParams | readonly AnimeInstance[]) => AnimeTimelineInstance;
interface Animatable
interface Animatable {}
property id
id: number;
property target
target: HTMLElement;
property total
total: number;
property transforms
transforms: object;
interface Animation
interface Animation {}
property animatable
animatable: Animatable;
property currentValue
currentValue: string;
property delay
delay: number;
property duration
duration: number;
property endDelay
endDelay: number;
property property
property: string;
property tweens
tweens: readonly object[];
property type
type: string;
interface AnimeAnimParams
interface AnimeAnimParams extends AnimeCallBack {}
property delay
delay?: number | FunctionBasedParameter | undefined;
property duration
duration?: number | FunctionBasedParameter | undefined;
property easing
easing?: | EasingOptions | string | CustomEasingFunction | ((el: HTMLElement) => string) | undefined;
property elasticity
elasticity?: number | FunctionBasedParameter | undefined;
property endDelay
endDelay?: number | FunctionBasedParameter | undefined;
property keyframes
keyframes?: readonly AnimeAnimParams[] | undefined;
property round
round?: number | boolean | FunctionBasedParameter | undefined;
property targets
targets?: AnimeTarget | readonly AnimeTarget[] | undefined;
index signature
[AnyAnimatedProperty: string]: any;
interface AnimeCallBack
interface AnimeCallBack {}
property begin
begin?: AnimeCallbackFunction | undefined;
property change
change?: AnimeCallbackFunction | undefined;
property changeBegin
changeBegin?: AnimeCallbackFunction | undefined;
property changeComplete
changeComplete?: AnimeCallbackFunction | undefined;
property complete
complete?: AnimeCallbackFunction | undefined;
property loopBegin
loopBegin?: AnimeCallbackFunction | undefined;
property loopComplete
loopComplete?: AnimeCallbackFunction | undefined;
property update
update?: AnimeCallbackFunction | undefined;
interface AnimeInstance
interface AnimeInstance extends AnimeCallBack {}
property animatables
animatables: readonly Animatable[];
property animations
animations: readonly Animation[];
property autoplay
autoplay: boolean;
property began
began: boolean;
property completed
completed: boolean;
property currentTime
currentTime: number;
property delay
delay: number;
property direction
direction: string;
property duration
duration: number;
property finished
finished: Promise<void>;
property loop
loop: number | boolean;
property paused
paused: boolean;
property progress
progress: number;
property remaining
remaining: number;
property reversed
reversed: boolean;
property timelineOffset
timelineOffset: number;
method pause
pause: () => void;
method play
play: () => void;
method restart
restart: () => void;
method reverse
reverse: () => void;
method seek
seek: (time: number) => void;
method tick
tick: (time: number) => void;
interface AnimeInstanceParams
interface AnimeInstanceParams extends AnimeCallBack {}
interface AnimeParams
interface AnimeParams extends AnimeInstanceParams, AnimeAnimParams {}
interface AnimeTimelineAnimParams
interface AnimeTimelineAnimParams extends AnimeAnimParams {}
property timelineOffset
timelineOffset: number | string | FunctionBasedParameter;
interface AnimeTimelineInstance
interface AnimeTimelineInstance extends AnimeInstance {}
method add
add: ( params: AnimeAnimParams, timelineOffset?: string | number) => AnimeTimelineInstance;
interface StaggerOptions
interface StaggerOptions {}
property axis
axis?: 'x' | 'y' | undefined;
property direction
direction?: 'normal' | 'reverse' | undefined;
property easing
easing?: CustomEasingFunction | string | EasingOptions | undefined;
property from
from?: 'first' | 'last' | 'center' | number | undefined;
property grid
grid?: readonly number[] | undefined;
property start
start?: number | string | undefined;
Type Aliases
type DirectionOptions
type DirectionOptions = 'reverse' | 'alternate' | 'normal';
type EasingOptions
type EasingOptions = | 'linear' | 'easeInQuad' | 'easeInCubic' | 'easeInQuart' | 'easeInQuint' | 'easeInSine' | 'easeInExpo' | 'easeInCirc' | 'easeInBack' | 'easeInElastic' | 'easeInBounce' | 'easeOutQuad' | 'easeOutCubic' | 'easeOutQuart' | 'easeOutQuint' | 'easeOutSine' | 'easeOutExpo' | 'easeOutCirc' | 'easeOutBack' | 'easeOutElastic' | 'easeOutBounce' | 'easeInOutQuad' | 'easeInOutCubic' | 'easeInOutQuart' | 'easeInOutQuint' | 'easeInOutSine' | 'easeInOutExpo' | 'easeInOutCirc' | 'easeInOutBack' | 'easeInOutElastic' | 'easeInOutBounce';
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