
  • Version 4.21.0
  • Published
  • 25 MB
  • No dependencies
  • Apache-2.0 license


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Tensorflow model converter for javascript



variable version_converter

const version_converter: string;
  • See the LICENSE file.


function deregisterOp

deregisterOp: (name: string) => void;
  • Deregister the Op for graph model executor.

    Parameter name

    The Tensorflow Op name.

    {heading: 'Models', subheading: 'Op Registry'}

function loadGraphModel

loadGraphModel: (
modelUrl: string | io.IOHandler,
options?: io.LoadOptions,
tfio?: any
) => Promise<GraphModel>;
  • Load a graph model given a URL to the model definition.

    Example of loading MobileNetV2 from a URL and making a prediction with a zeros input:

    const modelUrl =
    const model = await tf.loadGraphModel(modelUrl);
    const zeros = tf.zeros([1, 224, 224, 3]);

    Example of loading MobileNetV2 from a TF Hub URL and making a prediction with a zeros input:

    const modelUrl =
    const model = await tf.loadGraphModel(modelUrl, {fromTFHub: true});
    const zeros = tf.zeros([1, 224, 224, 3]);

    Parameter modelUrl

    The url or an io.IOHandler that loads the model.

    Parameter options

    Options for the HTTP request, which allows to send credentials and custom headers.

    {heading: 'Models', subheading: 'Loading'}

function loadGraphModelSync

loadGraphModelSync: (
modelSource: io.IOHandlerSync | io.ModelArtifacts | [io.ModelJSON, ArrayBuffer]
) => GraphModel<io.IOHandlerSync>;
  • Load a graph model given a synchronous IO handler with a 'load' method.

    Parameter modelSource

    The io.IOHandlerSync that loads the model, or the io.ModelArtifacts that encode the model, or a tuple of [io.ModelJSON, ArrayBuffer] of which the first element encodes the model and the second contains the weights.

    {heading: 'Models', subheading: 'Loading'}

function registerOp

registerOp: (name: string, opFunc: OpExecutor) => void;
  • Register an Op for graph model executor. This allows you to register TensorFlow custom op or override existing op.

    Here is an example of registering a new MatMul Op.

    const customMatmul = (node) =>
    node.inputs[0], node.inputs[1],
    node.attrs['transpose_a'], node.attrs['transpose_b']);
    tf.registerOp('MatMul', customMatmul);

    The inputs and attrs of the node object are based on the TensorFlow op registry.

    Parameter name

    The Tensorflow Op name.

    Parameter opFunc

    An op function which is called with the current graph node during execution and needs to return a tensor or a list of tensors. The node has the following attributes: - attr: A map from attribute name to its value - inputs: A list of input tensors

    {heading: 'Models', subheading: 'Op Registry'}


class GraphModel

class GraphModel<ModelURL extends Url = string | io.IOHandler>
implements InferenceModel {}
  • A tf.GraphModel is a directed, acyclic graph built from a SavedModel GraphDef and allows inference execution.

    A tf.GraphModel can only be created by loading from a model converted from a [TensorFlow SavedModel](https://www.tensorflow.org/guide/saved_model) using the command line converter tool and loaded via tf.loadGraphModel.

    {heading: 'Models', subheading: 'Classes'}


constructor(modelUrl: {}, loadOptions?: io.LoadOptions, tfio?: any);
  • Parameter modelUrl

    url for the model, or an io.IOHandler.

    Parameter weightManifestUrl

    url for the weight file generated by scripts/convert.py script.

    Parameter requestOption

    options for Request, which allows to send credentials and custom headers.

    Parameter onProgress

    Optional, progress callback function, fired periodically before the load is completed.

property inputNodes

readonly inputNodes: string[];

    property inputs

    readonly inputs: TensorInfo[];

      property metadata

      readonly metadata: {};

        property modelSignature

        readonly modelSignature: {};

          property modelStructuredOutputKeys

          readonly modelStructuredOutputKeys: {};

            property modelVersion

            readonly modelVersion: string;

              property outputNodes

              readonly outputNodes: string[];

                property outputs

                readonly outputs: TensorInfo[];

                  property weights

                  readonly weights: NamedTensorsMap;

                    method dispose

                    dispose: () => void;
                    • Releases the memory used by the weight tensors and resourceManager.

                      {heading: 'Models', subheading: 'Classes'}

                    method disposeIntermediateTensors

                    disposeIntermediateTensors: () => void;
                    • Dispose intermediate tensors for model debugging mode (flag KEEP_INTERMEDIATE_TENSORS is true).

                      {heading: 'Models', subheading: 'Classes'}

                    method execute

                    execute: (
                    inputs: Tensor | Tensor[] | NamedTensorMap,
                    outputs?: string | string[]
                    ) => Tensor | Tensor[];
                    • Executes inference for the model for given input tensors.

                      Parameter inputs

                      tensor, tensor array or tensor map of the inputs for the model, keyed by the input node names.

                      Parameter outputs

                      output node name from the TensorFlow model, if no outputs are specified, the default outputs of the model would be used. You can inspect intermediate nodes of the model by adding them to the outputs array.


                      A single tensor if provided with a single output or no outputs are provided and there is only one default output, otherwise return a tensor array. The order of the tensor array is the same as the outputs if provided, otherwise the order of outputNodes attribute of the model.

                      {heading: 'Models', subheading: 'Classes'}

                    method executeAsync

                    executeAsync: (
                    inputs: Tensor | Tensor[] | NamedTensorMap,
                    outputs?: string | string[]
                    ) => Promise<Tensor | Tensor[]>;
                    • Executes inference for the model for given input tensors in async fashion, use this method when your model contains control flow ops.

                      Parameter inputs

                      tensor, tensor array or tensor map of the inputs for the model, keyed by the input node names.

                      Parameter outputs

                      output node name from the TensorFlow model, if no outputs are specified, the default outputs of the model would be used. You can inspect intermediate nodes of the model by adding them to the outputs array.


                      A Promise of single tensor if provided with a single output or no outputs are provided and there is only one default output, otherwise return a tensor map.

                      {heading: 'Models', subheading: 'Classes'}

                    method getIntermediateTensors

                    getIntermediateTensors: () => NamedTensorsMap;
                    • Get intermediate tensors for model debugging mode (flag KEEP_INTERMEDIATE_TENSORS is true).

                      {heading: 'Models', subheading: 'Classes'}

                    method load

                    load: () => UrlIOHandler<ModelURL> extends io.IOHandlerSync
                    ? boolean
                    : Promise<boolean>;
                    • Loads the model and weight files, construct the in memory weight map and compile the inference graph.

                    method loadSync

                    loadSync: (artifacts: io.ModelArtifacts) => boolean;
                    • Synchronously construct the in memory weight map and compile the inference graph.

                      {heading: 'Models', subheading: 'Classes', ignoreCI: true}

                    method predict

                    predict: (
                    inputs: Tensor | Tensor[] | NamedTensorMap,
                    config?: ModelPredictConfig
                    ) => Tensor | Tensor[] | NamedTensorMap;
                    • Execute the inference for the input tensors.

                      Parameter input

                      The input tensors, when there is single input for the model, inputs param should be a tf.Tensor. For models with multiple inputs, inputs params should be in either tf.Tensor[] if the input order is fixed, or otherwise NamedTensorMap format.

                      For model with multiple inputs, we recommend you use NamedTensorMap as the input type, if you use tf.Tensor[], the order of the array needs to follow the order of inputNodes array.

                      Parameter config

                      Prediction configuration for specifying the batch size. Currently the batch size option is ignored for graph model.


                      Inference result tensors. If the model is converted and it originally had structured_outputs in tensorflow, then a NamedTensorMap will be returned matching the structured_outputs. If no structured_outputs are present, the output will be single tf.Tensor if the model has single output node, otherwise Tensor[].

                      {heading: 'Models', subheading: 'Classes'}

                      See Also

                      • GraphModel.inputNodes

                        You can also feed any intermediate nodes using the NamedTensorMap as the input type. For example, given the graph InputNode => Intermediate => OutputNode, you can execute the subgraph Intermediate => OutputNode by calling model.execute('IntermediateNode' : tf.tensor(...));

                        This is useful for models that uses tf.dynamic_rnn, where the intermediate state needs to be fed manually.

                        For batch inference execution, the tensors for each input need to be concatenated together. For example with mobilenet, the required input shape is [1, 244, 244, 3], which represents the [batch, height, width, channel]. If we are provide a batched data of 100 images, the input tensor should be in the shape of [100, 244, 244, 3].

                    method predictAsync

                    predictAsync: (
                    inputs: Tensor | Tensor[] | NamedTensorMap,
                    config?: ModelPredictConfig
                    ) => Promise<Tensor | Tensor[] | NamedTensorMap>;
                    • Execute the inference for the input tensors in async fashion, use this method when your model contains control flow ops.

                      Parameter input

                      The input tensors, when there is single input for the model, inputs param should be a tf.Tensor. For models with mutliple inputs, inputs params should be in either tf.Tensor[] if the input order is fixed, or otherwise NamedTensorMap format.

                      For model with multiple inputs, we recommend you use NamedTensorMap as the input type, if you use tf.Tensor[], the order of the array needs to follow the order of inputNodes array.

                      Parameter config

                      Prediction configuration for specifying the batch size. Currently the batch size option is ignored for graph model.


                      A Promise of inference result tensors. If the model is converted and it originally had structured_outputs in tensorflow, then a NamedTensorMap will be returned matching the structured_outputs. If no structured_outputs are present, the output will be single tf.Tensor if the model has single output node, otherwise Tensor[].

                      {heading: 'Models', subheading: 'Classes'}

                      See Also

                      • GraphModel.inputNodes

                        You can also feed any intermediate nodes using the NamedTensorMap as the input type. For example, given the graph InputNode => Intermediate => OutputNode, you can execute the subgraph Intermediate => OutputNode by calling model.execute('IntermediateNode' : tf.tensor(...));

                        This is useful for models that uses tf.dynamic_rnn, where the intermediate state needs to be fed manually.

                        For batch inference execution, the tensors for each input need to be concatenated together. For example with mobilenet, the required input shape is [1, 244, 244, 3], which represents the [batch, height, width, channel]. If we are provide a batched data of 100 images, the input tensor should be in the shape of [100, 244, 244, 3].

                    method save

                    save: (
                    handlerOrURL: io.IOHandler | string,
                    config?: io.SaveConfig
                    ) => Promise<io.SaveResult>;
                    • Save the configuration and/or weights of the GraphModel.

                      An IOHandler is an object that has a save method of the proper signature defined. The save method manages the storing or transmission of serialized data ("artifacts") that represent the model's topology and weights onto or via a specific medium, such as file downloads, local storage, IndexedDB in the web browser and HTTP requests to a server. TensorFlow.js provides IOHandler implementations for a number of frequently used saving mediums, such as tf.io.browserDownloads and tf.io.browserLocalStorage. See tf.io for more details.

                      This method also allows you to refer to certain types of IOHandlers as URL-like string shortcuts, such as 'localstorage://' and 'indexeddb://'.

                      Example 1: Save model's topology and weights to browser [local storage](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Window/localStorage); then load it back.

                      const modelUrl =
                      const model = await tf.loadGraphModel(modelUrl);
                      const zeros = tf.zeros([1, 224, 224, 3]);
                      const saveResults = await model.save('localstorage://my-model-1');
                      const loadedModel = await tf.loadGraphModel('localstorage://my-model-1');
                      console.log('Prediction from loaded model:');

                      Parameter handlerOrURL

                      An instance of IOHandler or a URL-like, scheme-based string shortcut for IOHandler.

                      Parameter config

                      Options for saving the model.


                      A Promise of SaveResult, which summarizes the result of the saving, such as byte sizes of the saved artifacts for the model's topology and weight values.

                      {heading: 'Models', subheading: 'Classes', ignoreCI: true}


                    interface GraphNode

                    interface GraphNode {}

                      property attrs

                      attrs: {
                      [key: string]: ValueType;

                        property inputs

                        inputs: Tensor[];

                          interface IAttrValue

                          interface IAttrValue {}
                          • Properties of an AttrValue.

                          property b

                          b?: boolean | null;
                          • AttrValue b

                          property f

                          f?: number | null;
                          • AttrValue f

                          property func

                          func?: INameAttrList | null;
                          • AttrValue func

                          property i

                          i?: number | string | null;
                          • AttrValue i

                          property list

                          list?: AttrValue.IListValue | null;
                          • AttrValue list

                          property placeholder

                          placeholder?: string | null;
                          • AttrValue placeholder

                          property s

                          s?: string | null;
                          • AttrValue s

                          property shape

                          shape?: ITensorShape | null;
                          • AttrValue shape

                          property tensor

                          tensor?: ITensor | null;
                          • AttrValue tensor

                          property type

                          type?: DataType | null;
                          • AttrValue type

                          interface INameAttrList

                          interface INameAttrList {}
                          • Properties of a NameAttrList.

                          property attr

                          attr?: {
                          [k: string]: IAttrValue;
                          } | null;
                          • NameAttrList attr

                          property name

                          name?: string | null;
                          • NameAttrList name

                          interface INodeDef

                          interface INodeDef {}
                          • Properties of a NodeDef.

                          property attr

                          attr?: {
                          [k: string]: IAttrValue;
                          } | null;
                          • NodeDef attr

                          property device

                          device?: string | null;
                          • NodeDef device

                          property input

                          input?: string[] | null;
                          • NodeDef input

                          property name

                          name?: string | null;
                          • NodeDef name

                          property op

                          op?: string | null;
                          • NodeDef op

                          interface ITensor

                          interface ITensor {}
                          • Properties of a Tensor.

                          property boolVal

                          boolVal?: boolean[] | null;
                          • Tensor boolVal

                          property doubleVal

                          doubleVal?: number[] | null;
                          • Tensor doubleVal

                          property dtype

                          dtype?: DataType | null;
                          • Tensor dtype

                          property floatVal

                          floatVal?: number[] | null;
                          • Tensor floatVal

                          property int64Val

                          int64Val?: (number | string)[] | null;
                          • Tensor int64Val

                          property intVal

                          intVal?: number[] | null;
                          • Tensor intVal

                          property scomplexVal

                          scomplexVal?: number[] | null;
                          • Tensor scomplexVal

                          property stringVal

                          stringVal?: Uint8Array[] | null;
                          • Tensor stringVal

                          property tensorContent

                          tensorContent?: Uint8Array | null;
                          • Tensor tensorContent

                          property tensorShape

                          tensorShape?: ITensorShape | null;
                          • Tensor tensorShape

                          property uint32Val

                          uint32Val?: number[] | null;
                          • Tensor uint32Val

                          property uint64Val

                          uint64Val?: (number | string)[] | null;
                          • Tensor uint64Val

                          property versionNumber

                          versionNumber?: number | null;
                          • Tensor versionNumber

                          interface ITensorShape

                          interface ITensorShape {}
                          • Properties of a TensorShape.

                          property dim

                          dim?: TensorShape.IDim[] | null;
                          • TensorShape dim

                          property unknownRank

                          unknownRank?: boolean | null;
                          • TensorShape unknownRank

                          interface OpExecutor

                          interface OpExecutor {}

                            call signature

                            (node: GraphNode): Tensor | Tensor[] | Promise<Tensor | Tensor[]>;

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