- Version 4.0.8
- Published
- 4.05 MB
- 11 dependencies
- MIT license
npm i @tarojs/components
yarn add @tarojs/components
pnpm add @tarojs/components
Taro 组件库
- Ad
- AdCustom
- AnimationVideo
- AnimationView
- ArCamera
- Audio
- AwemeData
- Block
- Button
- Camera
- Canvas
- ChannelLive
- ChannelVideo
- Checkbox
- CheckboxGroup
- CommentDetail
- CommentList
- ContactButton
- CoverImage
- CoverView
- CustomWrapper
- DoubleTapGestureHandler
- DraggableSheet
- Editor
- FollowSwan
- ForcePressGestureHandler
- Form
- FunctionalPageNavigator
- GridBuilder
- GridView
- HorizontalDragGestureHandler
- Icon
- Image
- InlinePaymentPanel
- Input
- KeyboardAccessory
- Label
- Lifestyle
- Like
- ListBuilder
- ListView
- LivePlayer
- LivePusher
- Login
- LongPressGestureHandler
- Lottie
- Map
- MatchMedia
- MovableArea
- MovableView
- NativeSlot
- NavigationBar
- Navigator
- NestedScrollBody
- NestedScrollHeader
- OfficialAccount
- OpenContainer
- OpenData
- PageContainer
- PageMeta
- PanGestureHandler
- Picker
- PickerView
- PickerViewColumn
- Progress
- PullToRefresh
- Radio
- RadioGroup
- RichText
- RootPortal
- RtcRoom
- RtcRoomItem
- ScaleGestureHandler
- Script
- ScrollView
- ShareElement
- Slider
- Slot
- Span
- StickyHeader
- StickySection
- Swiper
- SwiperItem
- Switch
- Tabs
- TapGestureHandler
- Text
- Textarea
- VerticalDragGestureHandler
- Video
- View
- VoipRoom
- WebView
- appParameter
- ariaLabel
- dataAwemeId
- dataIsHalfPage
- disabled
- formType
- groupId
- guildId
- hoverClass
- hoverStartTime
- hoverStayTime
- hoverStopPropagation
- hoverStyle
- lang
- loading
- onAddFriend
- onAddGroupApp
- onAgreePrivacyAuthorization
- onChooseAddress
- onChooseAvatar
- onChooseInvoiceTitle
- onContact
- onError
- onFollowLifestyle
- onGetAuthorize
- onGetPhoneNumber
- onGetRealTimePhoneNumber
- onGetUserInfo
- onJoinGroup
- onLaunchApp
- onLogin
- onOpenAwemeUserProfile
- onOpenSetting
- onSubscribe
- onTap
- openId
- openType
- plain
- publicId
- scope
- sendMessageImg
- sendMessagePath
- sendMessageTitle
- sessionFrom
- shareMessageFriendInfo
- shareMessageImg
- shareMessageTitle
- shareMode
- shareType
- showMessageCard
- size
- subscribeId
- templateId
- type
- ariaLabel
- ariaRole
- disableLowerScroll
- disableUpperScroll
- enableBackToTop
- fixedBottom
- fixedLeft
- fixedRight
- fixedTop
- lowerThreshold
- onScroll
- onScrollToLower
- onScrollToUpper
- onTouchCancel
- onTouchEnd
- onTouchMove
- onTouchStart
- scrollAnimationDuration
- scrollIntoView
- scrollLeft
- scrollTop
- scrollWithAnimation
- scrollX
- scrollY
- trapScroll
- upperThreshold
- adjustPosition
- alwaysEmbed
- alwaysSystem
- ariaLabel
- autoFocus
- clueType
- confirmHold
- confirmType
- controlled
- cursor
- cursorColor
- cursorSpacing
- defaultValue
- disabled
- focus
- holdKeyboard
- maxlength
- name
- nativeProps
- onBlur
- onConfirm
- onFocus
- onInput
- onKeyboardCompositionEnd
- onKeyboardCompositionStart
- onKeyboardCompositionUpdate
- onKeyboardHeightChange
- onKeyoardHeightChangeWorklet
- onNickNameReview
- onSelectionChange
- password
- placeholder
- placeholderClass
- placeholderStyle
- placeholderTextColor
- randomNumber
- safePasswordCertPath
- safePasswordCustomHash
- safePasswordLength
- safePasswordNonce
- safePasswordSalt
- safePasswordTimeStamp
- selectionEnd
- selectionStart
- type
- value
- autoPauseIfNavigate
- autoPauseIfOpenNative
- autoplay
- backgroundMute
- enableAutoRotation
- enableCasting
- enableMetadata
- id
- maxCache
- minCache
- mode
- muted
- objectFit
- onAudioVolumeNotify
- onCastingInterrupt
- onCastingStateChange
- onCastingUserSelect
- onEnterPictureInPicture
- onError
- onFullScreenChange
- onLeavePictureInPicture
- onMetaDataChange
- onNetStatus
- onStateChange
- orientation
- pictureInPictureMode
- referrerPolicy
- signature
- soundMode
- src
- aspect
- audioQuality
- audioReverbType
- audioVolumeType
- autoFocus
- autopush
- backgroundMute
- beauty
- beautyStyle
- customEffect
- devicePosition
- enableAgc
- enableAns
- enableCamera
- enableMic
- enableVideoCustomRender
- eyeBigness
- faceThinness
- filter
- fps
- localMirror
- maxBitrate
- minBitrate
- mirror
- mode
- muted
- onAudioVolumeNotify
- onBgmComplete
- onBgmProgress
- onBgmStart
- onEnterPictureInPicture
- onError
- onLeavePictureInPicture
- onNetStatus
- onStateChange
- orientation
- pictureInPictureMode
- remoteMirror
- skinSmoothness
- skinWhiteness
- url
- videoHeight
- videoWidth
- voiceChangerType
- waitingImage
- waitingImageHash
- whiteness
- zoom
- circles
- controls
- covers
- customMapStyle
- enable3D
- enableAutoMaxOverlooking
- enableBuilding
- enableOverlooking
- enablePoi
- enableRotate
- enableSatellite
- enableScroll
- enableTraffic
- enableZoom
- groundOverlays
- includePadding
- includePoints
- latitude
- layerStyle
- longitude
- markers
- maxScale
- minScale
- onAbilityFailed
- onAbilitySuccess
- onAnchorPointTap
- onAuthSuccess
- onCalloutTap
- onCallOutTap
- onControlTap
- onError
- onInitComplete
- onInterpolatePoint
- onLabelTap
- onMarkerTap
- onPanelTap
- onPoiTap
- onPolylineTap
- onRegionChange
- onTap
- onUpdated
- optimize
- panels
- polygon
- polygons
- polyline
- rotate
- scale
- setting
- showCompass
- showLocation
- showScale
- skew
- subkey
- theme
- tileOverlay
- adjustDecelerationVelocityWorklet
- ariaLabel
- associativeContainer
- bounces
- cacheExtent
- clip
- disableLowerScroll
- disableUpperScroll
- enableBackToTop
- enableFlex
- enablePassive
- enhanced
- fastDeceleration
- lowerThreshold
- minDragDistance
- onDragEnd
- onDragging
- onDragStart
- onRefresherAbort
- onRefresherPulling
- onRefresherRefresh
- onRefresherRestore
- onRefresherStatusChange
- onRefresherWillRefresh
- onScroll
- onScrollEnd
- onScrollEndWorklet
- onScrollStart
- onScrollStartWorklet
- onScrollToLower
- onScrollToUpper
- onScrollUpdateWorklet
- onTouchCancel
- onTouchEnd
- onTouchMove
- onTouchStart
- padding
- pagingEnabled
- refresherBackground
- refresherBallisticRefreshEnabled
- refresherDefaultStyle
- refresherEnabled
- refresherThreshold
- refresherTriggered
- refresherTwoLevelCloseThreshold
- refresherTwoLevelEnabled
- refresherTwoLevelPinned
- refresherTwoLevelScrollEnabled
- refresherTwoLevelThreshold
- refresherTwoLevelTriggered
- reverse
- scrollAnchoring
- scrollAnimationDuration
- scrollIntoView
- scrollIntoViewAlignment
- scrollIntoViewWithinExtent
- scrollLeft
- scrollTop
- scrollWithAnimation
- scrollX
- scrollY
- showScrollbar
- trapScroll
- type
- upperThreshold
- usingSticky
- acceleration
- activeClass
- adjustHeight
- adjustVerticalHeight
- autoplay
- cacheExtent
- changingClass
- circular
- current
- currentItemId
- disableProgrammaticAnimation
- disableTouch
- disableTouchmove
- displayMultipleItems
- duration
- easingFunction
- effectsProps
- full
- indicatorActiveColor
- indicatorAlignment
- indicatorColor
- indicatorDots
- indicatorHeight
- indicatorMargin
- indicatorOffset
- indicatorRadius
- indicatorSpacing
- indicatorType
- indicatorWidth
- interval
- layoutType
- nextMargin
- onAnimationEnd
- onAnimationFinish
- onChange
- onScrollEndWorklet
- onScrollStartWorklet
- onScrollUpdateWorklet
- onTransition
- previousMargin
- scrollWithAnimation
- skipHiddenItemLayout
- snapToEdge
- swipeRatio
- swipeSpeed
- touchAngle
- transformerType
- vertical
- zoom
- adjustKeyboardTo
- adjustPosition
- ariaLabel
- autoFocus
- autoHeight
- confirmHold
- confirmType
- controlled
- cursor
- cursorSpacing
- defaultValue
- disabled
- disableDefaultPadding
- fixed
- focus
- holdKeyboard
- maxlength
- name
- nativeProps
- onBlur
- onConfirm
- onFocus
- onInput
- onKeyboardCompositionEnd
- onKeyboardCompositionStart
- onKeyboardCompositionUpdate
- onKeyboardHeightChange
- onLineChange
- onSelectionChange
- placeholder
- placeholderClass
- placeholderStyle
- placeholderStyle
- selectionEnd
- selectionStart
- showConfirmBar
- showCount
- value
- adUnitId
- autoPauseIfNavigate
- autoPauseIfOpenNative
- autoplay
- backgroundPoster
- certificateUrl
- controls
- danmuBtn
- danmuList
- definition
- direction
- duration
- enableAutoRotation
- enableDanmu
- enablePlayGesture
- enablePlayInBackground
- enableProgressGesture
- floatingMode
- initialTime
- isDrm
- isLive
- licenseUrl
- loop
- mobilenetHintType
- muted
- nativeProps
- objectFit
- onAdClose
- onAdEnded
- onAdError
- onAdLoad
- onAdStart
- onCastingInterrupt
- onCastingStateChange
- onCastingUserSelect
- onCloseBackground
- onControlsToggle
- onControlTap
- onEnded
- onEnterBackground
- onEnterPictureInPicture
- onError
- onFullscreenChange
- onFullScreenChange
- onLeaveBackground
- onLeavePictureInPicture
- onLoadedData
- onLoadedMetaData
- onLoading
- onLoadStart
- onMuteChange
- onPause
- onPlay
- onPlayBackRateChange
- onProgress
- onRenderStart
- onSeekComplete
- onSeeked
- onSeeking
- onStop
- onTap
- onTimeUpdate
- onUserAction
- onWaiting
- pageGesture
- pictureInPictureMode
- pictureInPictureShowProgress
- playBtnPosition
- poster
- posterForCrawler
- posterSize
- postRollUnitId
- preferredPeakBitRate
- preRollUnitId
- provisionUrl
- referrerPolicy
- showBackgroundPlaybackButton
- showBottomProgress
- showCastingButton
- showCenterPlayBtn
- showFullscreenBtn
- showLockBtn
- showMuteBtn
- showNoWifiTip
- showPlaybackRateBtn
- showPlayBtn
- showProgress
- showRateBtn
- showScreenLockButton
- showSnapshotButton
- showThinProgressBar
- showVslideBtnInFullscreen
- signature
- silentPlay
- src
- title
- vslideGesture
- vslideGestureInFullscreen
Type Aliases
- callout
- circle
- control
- customCallout
- groundOverlays
- label
- marker
- onAbilityEventDetail
- onCalloutTapEventDetail
- onControlTapEventDetail
- onInterpolatePointEventDetail
- onLabelTapEventDetail
- onMarkerTapEventDetail
- onPoiTapEventDetail
- onPolylineTapEventDetail
- onRegionEventDetail
- panels
- point
- polygon
- polyline
- position
- regionChangeDetail
- tileOverlay
variable Ad
const Ad: ComponentType<AdProps>;
Banner 广告 open weapp, swan, tt, qq @example_react
class App extends Component {render () {return (<AdunitId=''adIntervals={60}onLoad={() => console.log('ad onLoad')}onError={() => console.log('ad onError')}onClose={() => console.log('ad onClose')}/>)}}@example_vue
<template><adunit-id=""ad-intervals="60"`@load="onLoad"`@error="onError"`@close="onClose"/></template>See Also
variable AdCustom
const AdCustom: ComponentType<AdCustomProps>;
Banner 广告 open weapp
Example 1
class App extends Component {render () {return (<AdCustomunitId=''adIntervals={60}onLoad={() => console.log('ad onLoad')}onError={() => console.log('ad onError')}onClose={() => console.log('ad onClose')}/>)}}See Also
variable AnimationVideo
const AnimationVideo: ComponentType<AnimationVideoProps>;
透明视频动画 media swan
See Also
variable AnimationView
const AnimationView: ComponentType<AnimationViewProps>;
Lottie 动画 media swan
See Also
variable ArCamera
const ArCamera: ComponentType<ArCameraProps>;
AR 相机 media swan
See Also
variable Audio
const Audio: ComponentType<AudioProps>;
音频。1.6.0版本开始,该组件不再维护。建议使用能力更强的 Taro.createInnerAudioContext 接口 media
See Also
weapp, swan, qq, h5, harmony_hybrid @example_react
export default class PageView extends Component {constructor() {super(...arguments)}render() {return (<View className='components-page'><Audiosrc='https://ws.stream.qqmusic.qq.com/M500001VfvsJ21xFqb.mp3?guid=ffffffff82def4af4b12b3cd9337d5e7&uin=346897220&vkey=6292F51E1E384E06DCBDC9AB7C49FD713D632D313AC4858BACB8DDD29067D3C601481D36E62053BF8DFEAF74C0A5CCFADD6471160CAF3E6A&fromtag=46'controls={true}autoplay={false}loop={false}muted={true}initialTime='30'id='video'/></View>)}}@example_vue
<template><view class="components-page"><audioid="video"src="https://ws.stream.qqmusic.qq.com/M500001VfvsJ21xFqb.mp3?guid=ffffffff82def4af4b12b3cd9337d5e7&uin=346897220&vkey=6292F51E1E384E06DCBDC9AB7C49FD713D632D313AC4858BACB8DDD29067D3C601481D36E62053BF8DFEAF74C0A5CCFADD6471160CAF3E6A&fromtag=46":controls="true":autoplay="false":loop="false":muted="true"/></view></template>
variable AwemeData
const AwemeData: ComponentType<AwemeDataProps>;
直播间状态组件 open tt
See Also
variable Block
const Block: ComponentType<BlockProps>;
variable Button
const Button: ComponentType<ButtonProps>;
按钮 forms weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid @example_react
export default class PageButton extends Component {state = {btn: [{text: '页面主操作 Normal',size: 'default',type: 'primary'},{text: '页面主操作 Loading',size: 'default',type: 'primary',loading: true,},{text: '页面主操作 Disabled',size: 'default',type: 'primary',disabled: true,},{text: '页面次要操作 Normal',size: 'default',type: 'default'},{text: '页面次要操作 Disabled',size: 'default',type: 'default',disabled: true,},{text: '警告类操作 Normal',size: 'default',type: 'warn'},{text: '警告类操作 Disabled',size: 'default',type: 'warn',disabled: true,}]}render () {return (<View className='container'>{this.state.btn.map(item => {return (<Buttonsize={item.size ? item.size : ''}type={item.type ? item.type : ''}loading={item.loading ? item.loading : false}disabled={item.disabled ? item.disabled : false}>{item.text}</Button>)})}<Button className='btn-max-w' plain type='primary'>按钮</Button><Button className='btn-max-w' plain type='primary' disabled>不可点击的按钮</Button><Button className='btn-max-w' plain >按钮</Button><Button className='btn-max-w' plain disabled >按钮</Button><Button size='mini' type='primary'>按钮</Button><Button size='mini' >按钮</Button><Button size='mini' type='warn'>按钮</Button><Button openType='getPhoneNumber' onGetPhoneNumber="callback">按钮</Button></View>)}}@example_vue
<template><view class="container"><buttonv-for="item in btn":size="item.size ? item.size : ''":type="item.type ? item.type : ''":loading="item.loading ? item.loading : false":disabled="item.disabled ? item.disabled : false">{{ item.text }}</button><button class="btn-max-w" :plain="true" type="primary">按钮</button><button class="btn-max-w" :plain="true" type="primary" :disabled="true">不可点击的按钮</button><button class="btn-max-w" :plain="true">按钮</button><button class="btn-max-w" :plain="true" :disabled="true">按钮</button><button size="mini" type="primary">按钮</button><button size="mini" >按钮</button><button size="mini" type="warn">按钮</button><button open-type="getPhoneNumber" `@getphonenumber="callback">按钮</button></view></template><script>export default {data() {return {btn: [{text: '页面主操作 Normal',size: 'default',type: 'primary'},{text: '页面主操作 Loading',size: 'default',type: 'primary',loading: true,},{text: '页面主操作 Disabled',size: 'default',type: 'primary',disabled: true,},{text: '页面次要操作 Normal',size: 'default',type: 'default'},{text: '页面次要操作 Disabled',size: 'default',type: 'default',disabled: true,},{text: '警告类操作 Normal',size: 'default',type: 'warn'},{text: '警告类操作 Disabled',size: 'default',type: 'warn',disabled: true,}]}}}</script>See Also
variable Camera
const Camera: ComponentType<CameraProps>;
系统相机 media weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, rn
See Also
variable Canvas
const Canvas: ComponentType<CanvasProps>;
<Canvas />
组件的 RN 版本尚未实现。 canvas weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, harmony_hybrid @example_reactclass App extends Components {render () {// 如果是支付宝小程序,则要加上 id 属性,值和canvasId一致return (<Canvas style='width: 300px; height: 200px;' canvasId='canvas' />)}}@example_vue
<template><!-- 如果是支付宝小程序,则要加上 id 属性,值和canvasId一致 --><canvas style="width: 300px; height: 200px;" canvas-id="canvas" /></template>See Also
variable ChannelLive
const ChannelLive: ComponentType<ChannelLiveProps>;
小程序内嵌视频号直播组件,展示视频号直播状态和封面,并无弹窗跳转至视频号。注意:使用该组件打开的视频号视频需要与小程序的主体一致。 media weapp
See Also
variable ChannelVideo
const ChannelVideo: ComponentType<ChannelVideoProps>;
小程序内嵌视频号视频组件,支持在小程序中播放视频号视频,并无弹窗跳转至视频号。注意:使用该组件打开的视频号视频需要与小程序相同主体或关联主体。 media weapp
See Also
variable Checkbox
const Checkbox: ComponentType<CheckboxProps>;
多选项目 forms weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid @example_react
export default class PageCheckbox extends Component {state = {list: [{value: '美国',text: '美国',checked: false},{value: '中国',text: '中国',checked: true},{value: '巴西',text: '巴西',checked: false},{value: '日本',text: '日本',checked: false},{value: '英国',text: '英国',checked: false},{value: '法国',text: '法国',checked: false}]}render () {return (<View className='page-body'><View className='page-section'><Text>默认样式</Text><Checkbox value='选中' checked>选中</Checkbox><Checkbox style='margin-left: 20rpx' value='未选中'>未选中</Checkbox></View><View className='page-section'><Text>推荐展示样式</Text>{this.state.list.map((item, i) => {return (<Label className='checkbox-list__label' for={i} key={i}><Checkbox className='checkbox-list__checkbox' value={item.value} checked={item.checked}>{item.text}</Checkbox></Label>)})}</View></View>)}}@example_vue
<template><view class="container"><view class="page-section"><text>默认样式</text><checkbox value="选中" :checked="true">选中</checkbox><checkbox style="margin-left: 20rpx;" value="未选中">未选中</checkbox></view><view class="page-section"><text>推荐展示样式(Taro 团队成员):</text><label v-for="item in list" class="checkbox-list__label"><checkbox class="checkbox-list__checkbox" :value="item.value" :checked="item.checked">{{ item.text }}</checkbox></label></view></view></template><script>export default {data() {return {list: [{value: '美国',text: '美国',checked: false},{value: '中国',text: '中国',checked: true},{value: '巴西',text: '巴西',checked: false},{value: '日本',text: '日本',checked: false},{value: '英国',text: '英国',checked: false},{value: '法国',text: '法国',checked: false}]}}}</script>See Also
variable CheckboxGroup
const CheckboxGroup: ComponentType<CheckboxGroupProps>;
多项选择器,内部由多个checkbox组成 forms weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid
Example 1
export default class PageCheckbox extends Component {state = {list: [{value: '美国',text: '美国',checked: false},{value: '中国',text: '中国',checked: true},{value: '巴西',text: '巴西',checked: false},{value: '日本',text: '日本',checked: false},{value: '英国',text: '英国',checked: false},{value: '法国',text: '法国',checked: false}]}render () {return (<View className='page-body'><View className='page-section'><Text>默认样式</Text><Checkbox value='选中' checked>选中</Checkbox><Checkbox style='margin-left: 20rpx' value='未选中'>未选中</Checkbox></View><View className='page-section'><Text>推荐展示样式</Text>{this.state.list.map((item, i) => {return (<Label className='checkbox-list__label' for={i} key={i}><Checkbox className='checkbox-list__checkbox' value={item.value} checked={item.checked}>{item.text}</Checkbox></Label>)})}</View></View>)}}See Also
variable CommentDetail
const CommentDetail: ComponentType<CommentDetailProps>;
评论详情 open swan
See Also
variable CommentList
const CommentList: ComponentType<CommentListProps>;
评论列表 open swan
See Also
variable ContactButton
const ContactButton: ComponentType<ContactButtonProps>;
智能客服 open alipay
See Also
variable CoverImage
const CoverImage: ComponentType<CoverImageProps>;
覆盖在原生组件之上的图片视图。可覆盖的原生组件同cover-view,支持嵌套在cover-view里。 viewContainer weapp, alipay, swan, qq, jd, h5, harmony_hybrid @example_react
// jsclass App extends Components {render () {return (<View className='container'><Video id='myVideo' src='src'><CoverView className='controls'><CoverView className='play' onClick='play'><CoverImage className='img' src='src' /></CoverView></CoverView></Video>)}}// css.container {position: relative;}.controls {position: absolute;top: 50%;left: 50%;width: 300px;height: 225px;transform: translate(-50%, -50%);}@example_vue
<template><view class="container"><video id='myvideo' src='https://ugccsy.qq.com/uwMROfz2r5zBIaQXGdGnC2dfDma3J1MItM3912IN4IRQvkRM/o31507f7lcd.mp4?sdtfrom=v1010&guid=aa18cf106b7fdb7e40f2d20b206f2b4f&vkey=63B0FCCC7FC3ADC342C166D86571AE02772258CD9B515B065DC68DF3919D8C288AE831D570ED5E8FE0FF3E81E170D04FF11F874BFDDACF7AAA2C0CFF2ACB39FB1A94DAD1AB859BDA53E4DD6DBCDC1217CEF789A9AC079924E2BBC599EED7A1FFDD60A727F2EB7E7B6472CE63DD4B683C9199DFC78A6A6C4D9891E05467C4B64E'></video><cover-view class='controls'><cover-view class='play' `@tap='play'><cover-image class='img' src='https://img10.360buyimg.com/ling/s345x208_jfs/t1/133501/7/9865/382161/5f5ee31fEbdd6a418/0cdc0156ffff3c23.png' /></cover-view></cover-view></view></template><style>.container {position: relative;}.controls {position: absolute;top: 50%;left: 50%;width: 300px;height: 225px;transform: translate(-50%, -50%);}</style>See Also
variable CoverView
const CoverView: ComponentType<CoverViewProps>;
覆盖在原生组件之上的文本视图。可覆盖的原生组件包括 map、video、canvas、camera、live-player、live-pusher 只支持嵌套 cover-view、cover-image,可在 cover-view 中使用 button。 viewContainer weapp, alipay, swan, qq, jd, h5, harmony_hybrid @example_react
// jsclass App extends Components {render () {return (<View className='container'><Video id='myVideo' src='src'><CoverView className='controls'><CoverView className='play' onClick='play'><CoverImage className='img' src='src' /></CoverView></CoverView></Video></View>)}}// css.container {position: relative;}.controls {position: absolute;top: 50%;left: 50%;width: 300px;height: 225px;transform: translate(-50%, -50%);}@example_vue
<template><view class="container"><video id='myvideo' src='https://ugccsy.qq.com/uwMROfz2r5zBIaQXGdGnC2dfDma3J1MItM3912IN4IRQvkRM/o31507f7lcd.mp4?sdtfrom=v1010&guid=aa18cf106b7fdb7e40f2d20b206f2b4f&vkey=63B0FCCC7FC3ADC342C166D86571AE02772258CD9B515B065DC68DF3919D8C288AE831D570ED5E8FE0FF3E81E170D04FF11F874BFDDACF7AAA2C0CFF2ACB39FB1A94DAD1AB859BDA53E4DD6DBCDC1217CEF789A9AC079924E2BBC599EED7A1FFDD60A727F2EB7E7B6472CE63DD4B683C9199DFC78A6A6C4D9891E05467C4B64E'></video><cover-view class='controls'><cover-view class='play' `@tap='play'><cover-image class='img' src='https://img10.360buyimg.com/ling/s345x208_jfs/t1/133501/7/9865/382161/5f5ee31fEbdd6a418/0cdc0156ffff3c23.png' /></cover-view></cover-view></view></template><style>.container {position: relative;}.controls {position: absolute;top: 50%;left: 50%;width: 300px;height: 225px;transform: translate(-50%, -50%);}</style>See Also
variable CustomWrapper
const CustomWrapper: ComponentType<CustomWrapperProps>;
custom-wrapper 自定义组件包裹器 当数据更新层级较深时,可用此组件将需要更新的区域包裹起来,这样更新层级将大大减少 viewContainer weapp, swan, alipay, tt, jd, qq, h5, harmony_hybrid
Example 1
import { Component } from 'react'import { CustomWrapper, View, Text } from '@tarojs/components'export default class C extends Component {render () {return (<View><CustomWrapper><Text>Hello, world!</Text></CustomWrapper></View>)}}
variable DoubleTapGestureHandler
const DoubleTapGestureHandler: ComponentType<DoubleTapGestureHandlerProps>;
双击时触发手势 微信小程序下 skyline 的手势标签,只能在 CompileMode 中使用 weapp @example_react
import { Component } from 'react'import { View, DoubleTapGestureHandler } from '@tarojs/components'export function Index () {return (<View compileMode><DoubleTapGestureHandler onGestureWorklet="onGesture"><View className='circle'></View></DoubleTapGestureHandler></View>)}
variable DraggableSheet
const DraggableSheet: ComponentType<DraggableSheetProps>;
半屏可拖拽组件 该组件需配合 DraggableSheetContext 接口使用。 目前仅在 Skyline 渲染引擎下支持。 页面内拖拽是一种常见的交互效果,开发者可通过手势系统灵活实现。draggable-sheet 组件封装了常见的交互逻辑,实现起来更加简单。 该组件需结合 scroll-view 使用。scroll-view 组件声明 associative-container 属性后,可与 draggable-sheet 关联起来。 skyline weapp
See Also
variable Editor
const Editor: ComponentType<EditorProps>;
编辑器导出内容支持带标签的 html和纯文本的 text,编辑器内部采用 delta 格式进行存储。
通过 setContents 接口设置内容时,解析插入的 html 可能会由于一些非法标签导致解析错误,建议开发者在小程序内使用时通过 delta 进行插入。
富文本组件内部引入了一些基本的样式使得内容可以正确的展示,开发时可以进行覆盖。需要注意的是,在其它组件或环境中使用富文本组件导出的 html 时,需要额外引入 这段样式,并维护
*编辑器内支持部分 HTML 标签和内联样式,不支持 **class** 和 **id*** forms weapp, jd @example_react
class App extends Components {state = {placeholder: '来,输入隔壁的名字试试...'}editorReady = e => {Taro.createSelectorQuery().select('#editor').context((res) => {this.editorCtx = res.context}).exec()}undo = e => {this.editorCtx.undo()}render () {return (<View><Editor id='editor' className='editor' placeholder={this.state.placeholder} onReady={this.editorReady}></Editor><Button type='warn' onClick={this.undo}>撤销</Button></View>)}}@example_vue
<template><view class="container"><editor id="editor" class="editor" :placeholder="placeholder" `@ready="editorReady"></editor><button type="warn" `@tap="undo">撤销</button></view></template><script>import Taro from '@tarojs/taro'export default {data() {return {placeholder: '来,输入隔壁的名字试试...'}},methods: {editorReady() {Taro.createSelectorQuery().select('#editor').context((res) => {this.editorCtx = res.context}).exec()},undo() {this.editorCtx.undo()}}}</script>See Also
variable FollowSwan
const FollowSwan: ComponentType<FollowSwanProps>;
关注小程序 open swan
See Also
variable ForcePressGestureHandler
const ForcePressGestureHandler: ComponentType<ForcePressGestureHandlerProps>;
iPhone 设备重按时触发手势 微信小程序下 skyline 的手势标签,只能在 CompileMode 中使用 weapp @example_react
import { Component } from 'react'import { View, ForcePressGestureHandler } from '@tarojs/components'export function Index () {return (<View compileMode><ForcePressGestureHandler onGestureWorklet="onGesture"><View className='circle'></View></ForcePressGestureHandler></View>)}
variable Form
const Form: ComponentType<FormProps>;
表单。将组件内的用户输入的 switch input checkbox slider radio picker 提交。
当点击 form 表单中 form-type 为 submit 的 button 组件时,会将表单组件中的 value 值进行提交,需要在表单组件中加上 name 来作为 key。 forms weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid @example_react
class App extends Component {formSubmit = e => {console.log(e)}formReset = e => {console.log(e)}render () {return (<Form onSubmit={this.formSubmit} onReset={this.formReset} ><View className='example-body'><Switch name='switch' className='form-switch'></Switch></View></Form>)}}@example_vue
<template><form `@submit="formSubmit" `@reset="formReset" ><view class="taro-example-body"><switch name="switch" class="form-switch"></Switch></view><view class="taro-example-btns"><button form-type="submit">Submit</button><button type="default" form-type="reset">Reset</button></view></form></template><script>export default {data() {return {}},methods: {formSubmit (e) {console.log(e)},formReset (e) {console.log(e)}}}</script>See Also
variable FunctionalPageNavigator
const FunctionalPageNavigator: ComponentType<FunctionalPageNavigatorProps>;
仅在插件中有效,用于跳转到插件功能页 navig weapp
See Also
variable GridBuilder
const GridBuilder: ComponentType<GridBuilderProps>;
<scroll-view type="custom">
模式的直接子节点,仅 Skyline 支持。 skyline weappSee Also
variable GridView
const GridView: ComponentType<GridViewProps>;
网格布局容器,仅支持作为 scroll-view 自定义模式下的直接子节点或 sticky-section 组件直接子节点。仅 Skyline 支持。 skyline weapp
See Also
variable HorizontalDragGestureHandler
const HorizontalDragGestureHandler: ComponentType<HorizontalDragGestureHandlerProps>;
横向滑动时触发手势 微信小程序下 skyline 的手势标签,只能在 CompileMode 中使用 weapp @example_react
import { Component } from 'react'import { View, HorizontalDragGestureHandler } from '@tarojs/components'export function Index () {return (<View compileMode><HorizontalDragGestureHandler onGestureWorklet="onGesture"><View className='circle'></View></HorizontalDragGestureHandler></View>)}
variable Icon
const Icon: ComponentType<IconProps>;
图标。组件属性的长度单位默认为 px base weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid @example_react
export default class PageView extends Component {constructor() {super(...arguments)}render() {return (<View className='components-page'><Icon size='60' type='success' /><Icon size='60' type='info' /><Icon size='60' type='warn' color='#ccc' /><Icon size='60' type='warn' /><Icon size='60' type='waiting' /><Icon size='20' type='success_no_circle' /><Icon size='20' type='warn' /><Icon size='20' type='success' /><Icon size='20' type='download' /><Icon size='20' type='clear' color='red' /><Icon size='20' type='search' /></View>)}}@example_vue
See Also
variable Image
const Image: ComponentType<ImageProps>;
图片。支持 JPG、PNG、SVG、WEBP、GIF 等格式以及云文件ID。
**Note:** 为实现小程序的
特性,在 H5 组件中使用一个div
的样式! media weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid @example_reactexport default class PageView extends Component {constructor() {super(...arguments)}render() {return (<View className='components-page'><Imagestyle='width: 300px;height: 100px;background: #fff;'src='nerv_logo.png'/><Imagestyle='width: 300px;height: 100px;background: #fff;'src='https://camo.githubusercontent.com/3e1b76e514b895760055987f164ce6c95935a3aa/687474703a2f2f73746f726167652e333630627579696d672e636f6d2f6d74642f686f6d652f6c6f676f2d3278313531333833373932363730372e706e67'/></View>)}}@example_vue
<template><view class="components-page"><imagestyle="width: 300px;height: 100px;background: #fff;"src="nerv_logo.png"/><imagestyle="width: 300px;height: 100px;background: #fff;"src="https://camo.githubusercontent.com/3e1b76e514b895760055987f164ce6c95935a3aa/687474703a2f2f73746f726167652e333630627579696d672e636f6d2f6d74642f686f6d652f6c6f676f2d3278313531333833373932363730372e706e67"/></view></template>See Also
variable InlinePaymentPanel
const InlinePaymentPanel: ComponentType<InlinePaymentPanelProps>;
内嵌支付组件 open swan
See Also
variable Input
const Input: ComponentType<InputProps>;
输入框。该组件是原生组件,使用时请注意相关限制 forms weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid @example_react
class App extends Component {render () {return (<View className='example-body'><Text>可以自动聚焦的 input</Text><Input type='text' placeholder='将会获取焦点' focus/><Text>控制最大输入长度的 input</Text><Input type='text' placeholder='最大输入长度为 10' maxLength='10'/><Text>数字输入的 input</Text><Input type='number' placeholder='这是一个数字输入框'/><Text>密码输入的 input</Text><Input type='password' password placeholder='这是一个密码输入框'/><Text>带小数点的 input</Text><Input type='digit' placeholder='带小数点的数字键盘'/><Text>身份证输入的 input</Text><Input type='idcard' placeholder='身份证输入键盘'/><Text>控制占位符颜色的 input</Text><Input type='text' placeholder='占位符字体是红色的' placeholderStyle='color:red'/></View>)}}@example_vue
<template><view class="example-body"><text>可以自动聚焦的 input</text><input type="text" placeholder="将会获取焦点" :focus="true" /><text>控制最大输入长度的 input</text><input type="text" placeholder="最大输入长度为 10" maxLength="10"/><text>数字输入的 input</text><input type="number" placeholder="这是一个数字输入框"/><text>密码输入的 input</text><input type="password" :password="true" placeholder="这是一个密码输入框"/><text>带小数点的 input</text><input type="digit" placeholder="带小数点的数字键盘"/><text>身份证输入的 input</text><input type="idcard" placeholder="身份证输入键盘"/><text>控制占位符颜色的 input</text><input type="text" placeholder="占位符字体是红色的" placeholder-style="color:red;"/></view></template>See Also
variable KeyboardAccessory
const KeyboardAccessory: ComponentType<KeyboardAccessoryProps>;
设置 Input / Textarea 聚焦时键盘上方 CoverView / CoverImage 工具栏视图。需要配置 Taro 插件
后才能使用,请参考:[#9548](https://github.com/NervJS/taro/issues/9548#issuecomment-891682216)。forms weapp
Example 1
// config/index.js{// ...plugins: [['@tarojs/plugin-platform-weapp', {enablekeyboardAccessory: true}]]}class App extends Component {render () {return (<Textarea holdKeyboard="{{true}}"><KeyboardAccessory className="container" style={{ height: 50 }} ><CoverView onClick={() => { TODO }} style={{ flex: 1, background: 'green' }}>1</CoverView><CoverView onClick={() => { TODO }} style={{ flex: 1, background: 'red' }}>2</CoverView></KeyboardAccessory></Textarea>)}}See Also
variable Label
const Label: ComponentType<LabelProps>;
使用for属性找到对应的id,或者将控件放在该标签下,当点击时,就会触发对应的控件。 for优先级高于内部控件,内部有多个控件的时候默认触发第一个控件。 目前可以绑定的控件有:button, checkbox, radio, switch。 forms weapp, swan, alipay, tt, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid @example_react
class App extends Components {render () {return (<RadioGroup><Label className='example-body__label' for='1' key='1'><Radio value='USA'>USA</Radio></Label><Label className='example-body__label' for='2' key='2'><Radio value='CHN' checked>CHN</Radio></Label></RadioGroup>)}}@example_vue
<template><radio-group><label class="example-body__label" for="1" key="1"><radio id="1" value="USA" />USA</label><label class="example-body__label" for="2" key="2"><radio id="2" value="CHN" :checked="true" />CHN</label></radio-group></template>See Also
variable Lifestyle
const Lifestyle: ComponentType<LifestyleProps>;
关注生活号 open alipay
See Also
variable Like
const Like: ComponentType<LikeProps>;
点赞 open swan
See Also
variable ListBuilder
const ListBuilder: ComponentType<ListBuilderProps>;
<scroll-view type="custom">
模式的直接子节点,仅 Skyline 支持。 skyline weappSee Also
variable ListView
const ListView: ComponentType<ListViewProps>;
列表布局容器,仅支持作为 scroll-view 自定义模式下的直接子节点或 sticky-section 组件直接子节点。仅 Skyline 支持。 skyline weapp, harmony
See Also
variable LivePlayer
const LivePlayer: ComponentType<LivePlayerProps>;
需要先通过类目审核,再在小程序管理后台,“设置”-“接口设置”中自助开通该组件权限。 media weapp, swan, tt, qq, jd @example_react
class App extends Components {render () {return (<LivePlayer src='url' mode='live' autoplay />)}}@example_vue
<template><live-player src="url" mode="live" :autoplay="true" /></template>See Also
variable LivePusher
const LivePusher: ComponentType<LivePusherProps>;
实时音视频录制。需要用户授权 scope.camera、scope.record 需要先通过类目审核,再在小程序管理后台,「开发」-「接口设置」中自助开通该组件权限。 media weapp, qq @example_react
class App extends Components {render () {return (<LivePusher url='url' mode='RTC' autopush />)}}@example_vue
<template><live-pusher url="url" mode="RTC" :autopush="true" /></template>See Also
variable Login
const Login: ComponentType<LoginProps>;
联合登录 / 手机号授权内嵌组件 open swan
See Also
variable LongPressGestureHandler
const LongPressGestureHandler: ComponentType<LongPressGestureHandlerProps>;
长按时触发手势 微信小程序下 skyline 的手势标签,只能在 CompileMode 中使用 weapp @example_react
import { Component } from 'react'import { View, LongPressGestureHandler } from '@tarojs/components'export function Index () {return (<View compileMode><LongPressGestureHandler onGestureWorklet="onGesture"><View className='circle'></View></LongPressGestureHandler></View>)}
variable Lottie
const Lottie: ComponentType<LottieProps>;
Lottie media alipay
See Also
variable Map
const Map: ComponentType<MapProps>;
地图。相关api Taro.createMapContext。 maps weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd @example_react
class App extends Component {onTap () {}render () {return (<Map onClick={this.onTap} />)}}@example_vue
<template><mapid="map"style="width: 100%; height: 300px;"longitude="113.324520"latitude="23.099994"scale="14":markers="markers":polyline="polyline":show-location="true"`@regionchange="regionchange"`@markertap="markertap"/></template><script>export default {data() {return {markers: [{iconPath: "https://avatars2.githubusercontent.com/u/1782542?s=460&u=d20514a52100ed1f82282bcfca6f49052793c889&v=4",id: 0,latitude: 23.099994,longitude: 113.324520,width: 50,height: 50}],polyline: [{points: [{longitude: 113.3245211,latitude: 23.10229}, {longitude: 113.324520,latitude: 23.21229}],color:"#FF0000DD",width: 2,dottedLine: true}]}},methods: {regionchange(e) {console.log(e.type)},markertap(e) {console.log("markertap:", e.detail.markerId)}}}</script>See Also
variable MatchMedia
const MatchMedia: ComponentType<MatchMediaProps>;
media query 匹配检测节点。可以指定一组 media query 规则,满足时,这个节点才会被展示。 通过这个节点可以实现“页面宽高在某个范围时才展示某个区域”这样的效果。 weapp, alipay, jd viewContainer @example_react
class App extends Components {render () {return (<View><MatchMedia minWidth="300" maxWidth="600"><view>当页面宽度在 300 ~ 500 px 之间时展示这里</view></MatchMedia><MatchMedia minHeight="400" orientation="landscape"><view>当页面高度不小于 400 px 且屏幕方向为纵向时展示这里</view></MatchMedia></View>)}}@example_vue
<template><view class="components-page"><match-media min-width="300" max-width="500"><view>当页面宽度在 300 ~ 500 px 之间时展示这里</view></match-media><match-media min-height="400" orientation="landscape"><view>当页面高度不小于 400 px 且屏幕方向为纵向时展示这里</view></match-media></view></template>See Also
variable MovableArea
const MovableArea: ComponentType<MovableAreaProps>;
movable-view 的可移动区域 viewContainer weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony_hybrid @example_react
class App extends Components {render () {return (<MovableArea style='height: 200px; width: 200px; background: red;'><MovableView style='height: 50px; width: 50px; background: blue;' direction='all'>旅行的意义</MovableView></MovableArea>)}}@example_vue
<movable-area style='height: 200px; width: 200px; background: red;'><movable-view style='height: 50px; width: 50px; background: blue;' direction='all'>在路上</movable-view></movable-area>See Also
variable MovableView
const MovableView: ComponentType<MovableViewProps>;
可移动的视图容器,在页面中可以拖拽滑动。movable-view 必须在 movable-area 组件中,并且必须是直接子节点,否则不能移动。 viewContainer weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, h5, rn, harmony_hybrid @example_react
class App extends Components {render () {return (<MovableArea style='height: 200px; width: 200px; background: red;'><MovableView style='height: 50px; width: 50px; background: blue;' direction='all'></MovableView></MovableArea>)}}@example_vue
<movable-area style='height: 200px; width: 200px; background: red;'><movable-view style='height: 50px; width: 50px; background: blue;' direction='all'>带我走</movable-view></movable-area>See Also
variable NativeSlot
const NativeSlot: ComponentType<NativeSlotProps>;
编译的原生组件支持使用 slot 插槽 viewContainer weapp, swan, alipay, tt, jd, qq, h5, harmony_hybrid 3.5.7+
Example 1
import { NativeSlot, View } from '@tarojs/components'export default function () {render () {return (<View><NativeSlot /></View>)}}See Also
variable NavigationBar
const NavigationBar: ComponentType<NavigationBarProps>;
页面导航条配置节点,用于指定导航栏的一些属性。只能是 PageMeta 组件内的第一个节点,需要配合它一同使用。 通过这个节点可以获得类似于调用 Taro.setNavigationBarTitle Taro.setNavigationBarColor 等接口调用的效果。
:::info Taro v3.6.19 开始支持 需要配合 PageMeta 组件使用 :::
navig weapp, harmony
See Also
variable Navigator
const Navigator: ComponentType<NavigatorProps>;
页面链接 navig weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, harmony_hybrid
See Also
variable NestedScrollBody
const NestedScrollBody: ComponentType<NestedScrollBodyProps>;
嵌套 scroll-view 场景中属于里层 scroll-view 的节点, 仅支持作为
<scroll-view type="nested">
模式的直接子节点。 不支持复数子节点,渲染时会取其第一个子节点来渲染。具体用法可参考 scroll-view skyline weappSee Also
variable NestedScrollHeader
const NestedScrollHeader: ComponentType<NestedScrollHeaderProps>;
嵌套 scroll-view 场景中属于外层 scroll-view 的节点, 仅支持作为
<scroll-view type="nested">
模式的直接子节点。 不支持复数子节点,渲染时会取其第一个子节点来渲染。具体用法可参考 scroll-view skyline weappSee Also
variable OfficialAccount
const OfficialAccount: ComponentType<OfficialAccountProps>;
Tips 使用组件前,需前往小程序后台,在“设置”->“关注公众号”中设置要展示的公众号。注:设置的公众号需与小程序主体一致。
当小程序从扫小程序码场景(场景值1047,场景值1124)打开时 当小程序从聊天顶部场景(场景值1089)中的「最近使用」内打开时,若小程序之前未被销毁,则该组件保持上一次打开小程序时的状态 当从其他小程序返回小程序(场景值1038)时,若小程序之前未被销毁,则该组件保持上一次打开小程序时的状态 open weapp
See Also
variable OpenContainer
const OpenContainer: ComponentType<OpenContainerProps>;
容器转场动画组件 点击 OpenContainer 组件,当使用 wx.navigateTo 跳转下一页面时,对其子节点和下一个页面进行过渡。 下个页面从 OpenContainer 所在位置大小渐显放大,同时 OpenContainer 内容渐隐,过渡效果包含背景色、圆角和阴影。 源页面 OpenContainer 为 closed 状态,转场动画后为 open 状态。 skyline weapp
See Also
variable OpenData
const OpenData: ComponentType<OpenDataProps>;
用于展示平台开放的数据 open weapp, swan, tt, qq @example_react
class App extends Component {render () {return (<OpenData type='userAvatarUrl'/>)}}@example_vue
<template><open-data type="userAvatarUrl" /></template>See Also
variable PageContainer
const PageContainer: ComponentType<PageContainerProps>;
小程序如果在页面内进行复杂的界面设计(如在页面内弹出半屏的弹窗、在页面内加载一个全屏的子页面等),用户进行返回操作会直接离开当前页面,不符合用户预期,预期应为关闭当前弹出的组件。 为此提供“假页”容器组件,效果类似于
接口。Bug & Tip 1. tip: 当前页面最多只有 1 个容器,若已存在容器的情况下,无法增加新的容器 2. tip: wx.navigateBack 无法在页面栈顶调用,此时没有上一级页面 viewContainer weapp, alipay, jd, rn
See Also
variable PageMeta
const PageMeta: ComponentType<PageMetaProps>;
页面属性配置节点,用于指定页面的一些属性、监听页面事件。只能是页面内的第一个节点。可以配合 navigation-bar 组件一同使用。 通过这个节点可以获得类似于调用 Taro.setBackgroundTextStyle Taro.setBackgroundColor 等接口调用的效果。
:::info Taro v3.6.19 开始支持 开发者需要在页面配置里添加:
enablePageMeta: true
:::weapp, alipay, harmony @example_react
// page.config.tsexport default definePageConfig({ enablePageMeta: true, ... })// page.tsxfunction Index () {return (<View><PageMetapageStyle={myPageStyle}onScroll={handleScroll}><NavigationBar title={title} /></PageMeta></View>)}@example_vue
<!-- page.config.ts --><!-- export default definePageConfig({ enablePageMeta: true, ... }) --><!-- page.vue --><template><page-meta:page-style="myPageStyle"`@scroll="handleScroll"><navigation-bar :title="title" /></page-meta></template>See Also
variable PanGestureHandler
const PanGestureHandler: ComponentType<PanGestureHandlerProps>;
拖动(横向/纵向)时触发手势 微信小程序下 skyline 的手势标签,只能在 CompileMode 中使用 weapp @example_react
import { Component } from 'react'import { View, PanGestureHandler } from '@tarojs/components'export function Index () {return (<View compileMode><PanGestureHandler onGestureWorklet="onGesture"><View className='circle'></View></PanGestureHandler></View>)}
variable Picker
const Picker: ComponentType< | PickerMultiSelectorProps | PickerTimeProps | PickerDateProps | PickerRegionProps | PickerSelectorProps>;
从底部弹起的滚动选择器 forms weapp, swan, alipay, tt, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid @example_react
export default class PagePicker extends Component {state = {selector: ['美国', '中国', '巴西', '日本'],selectorChecked: '美国',timeSel: '12:01',dateSel: '2018-04-22'}onChange = e => {this.setState({selectorChecked: this.state.selector[e.detail.value]})}onTimeChange = e => {this.setState({timeSel: e.detail.value})}onDateChange = e => {this.setState({dateSel: e.detail.value})}render () {return (<View className='container'><View className='page-body'><View className='page-section'><Text>地区选择器</Text><View><Picker mode='selector' range={this.state.selector} onChange={this.onChange}><View className='picker'>当前选择:{this.state.selectorChecked}</View></Picker></View></View><View className='page-section'><Text>时间选择器</Text><View><Picker mode='time' onChange={this.onTimeChange}><View className='picker'>当前选择:{this.state.timeSel}</View></Picker></View></View><View className='page-section'><Text>日期选择器</Text><View><Picker mode='date' onChange={this.onDateChange}><View className='picker'>当前选择:{this.state.dateSel}</View></Picker></View></View></View></View>)}}@example_vue
<template><view class="page-body"><view class="page-section"><text>地区选择器</text><view><picker mode="selector" :range="selector" `@change="onChange"><view class="picker">当前选择:{{selectorChecked}}</view></picker></view></view><view class="page-section"><text>时间选择器</text><view><picker mode="time" `@change="onTimeChange"><view class="picker">当前选择:{{timeSel}}</view></picker></view></view><view class="page-section"><text>日期选择器</text><view><picker mode="date" `@change="onDateChange"><view class="picker">当前选择:{{dateSel}}</view></picker></view></view></view></template><script>export default {data() {return {selector: ['美国', '中国', '巴西', '日本'],selectorChecked: '美国',timeSel: '12:01',dateSel: '2018-04-22'}},methods: {onChange: function(e) {this.selectorChecked = this.selector[e.detail.value]},onTimeChange: function(e) {this.timeSel = e.detail.value},onDateChange: function(e) {this.dateSel = e.detail.value}}}</script>See Also
variable PickerView
const PickerView: ComponentType<PickerViewProps>;
嵌入页面的滚动选择器 其中只可放置 picker-view-column 组件,其它节点不会显示 forms weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony_hybrid @example_react
export default class Picks extends Component {constructor () {super(...arguments)const date = new Date()const years = []const months = []const days = []for (let i = 1990; i <= date.getFullYear(); i++) {years.push(i)}for (let i = 1; i <= 12; i++) {months.push(i)}for (let i = 1; i <= 31; i++) {days.push(i)}this.state = {years: years,year: date.getFullYear(),months: months,month: 2,days: days,day: 2,value: [9999, 1, 1]}}onChange = e => {const val = e.detail.valuethis.setState({year: this.state.years[val[0]],month: this.state.months[val[1]],day: this.state.days[val[2]],value: val})}render() {return (<View><View>{this.state.year}年{this.state.month}月{this.state.day}日</View><PickerView indicatorStyle='height: 50px;' style='width: 100%; height: 300px;' value={this.state.value} onChange={this.onChange}><PickerViewColumn>{this.state.years.map(item => {return (<View>{item}年</View>);})}</PickerViewColumn><PickerViewColumn>{this.state.months.map(item => {return (<View>{item}月</View>)})}</PickerViewColumn><PickerViewColumn>{this.state.days.map(item => {return (<View>{item}日</View>)})}</PickerViewColumn></PickerView></View>)}}@example_vue
<template><view class="taro-example"><view>{{year}}年{{month}}月{{day}}日</view><picker-view indicator-style="height: 30px;" style="width: 100%; height: 300px;" :value="value" `@change="onChange"><picker-view-column><view v-for="(item, index) in years" :key="index">{{item}}年</view></picker-view-column><picker-view-column><view v-for="(item, index) in months" :key="index">{{item}}月</view></picker-view-column><picker-view-column><view v-for="(item, index) in days" :key="index">{{item}}日</view></picker-view-column></picker-view></view></template><script>export default {name: "Index",data() {const date = new Date()const years = []const months = []const days = []for (let i = 1990; i <= date.getFullYear(); i++) {years.push(i)}for (let i = 1; i <= 12; i++) {months.push(i)}for (let i = 1; i <= 31; i++) {days.push(i)}return {years: years,year: date.getFullYear(),months: months,month: 2,days: days,day: 2,value: [3, 1, 1]}},methods: {onChange: function(e) {const val = e.detail.valueconsole.log(val)this.year = this.years[val[0]]this.month = this.months[val[1]]this.day = this.days[val[2]]}}}</script>See Also
variable PickerViewColumn
const PickerViewColumn: ComponentType<StandardProps<any, ITouchEvent>>;
滚动选择器子项 仅可放置于
<PickerView />
中,其孩子节点的高度会自动设置成与 picker-view 的选中框的高度一致 forms weapp, swan, alipay, tt, h5, rn, harmony_hybridSee Also
variable Progress
const Progress: ComponentType<ProgressProps>;
进度条。组件属性的长度单位默认为 px base weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony_hybrid @example_react
export default class PageView extends Component {constructor() {super(...arguments)}render() {return (<View className='components-page'><Progress percent={20} showInfo strokeWidth={2} /><Progress percent={40} strokeWidth={2} active /><Progress percent={60} strokeWidth={2} active /><Progress percent={80} strokeWidth={2} active activeColor='blue' /></View>)}}@example_vue
<template><view class="components-page"><progress percent="20" stroke-width="2" :show-info="true" /><progress percent="40" stroke-width="2" :active="true" /><progress percent="60" stroke-width="2" :active="true" /><progress percent="80" stroke-width="2" :active="true" active-color="blue" /></view></template>See Also
variable PullToRefresh
const PullToRefresh: ComponentType<PullToRefreshProps>;
variable Radio
const Radio: ComponentType<RadioProps>;
单选项目 forms weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid @example_react
export default class PageRadio extends Component {state = {list: [{value: '美国',text: '美国',checked: false},{value: '中国',text: '中国',checked: true},{value: '巴西',text: '巴西',checked: false},{value: '日本',text: '日本',checked: false},{value: '英国',text: '英国',checked: false},{value: '法国',text: '法国',checked: false}]}render () {return (<View className='container'><Head title='Radio' /><View className='page-body'><View className='page-section'><Text>默认样式</Text><Radio value='选中' checked>选中</Radio><Radio style='margin-left: 20rpx' value='未选中'>未选中</Radio></View><View className='page-section'><Text>推荐展示样式</Text><View className='radio-list'><RadioGroup>{this.state.list.map((item, i) => {return (<Label className='radio-list__label' for={i} key={i}><Radio className='radio-list__radio' value={item.value} checked={item.checked}>{item.text}</Radio></Label>)})}</RadioGroup></View></View></View></View>)}}@example_vue
<template><view class="container"><view class="page-section"><text>默认样式</text><radio value="选中" :checked="true">选中</radio><radio style="margin-left: 20rpx;" value="未选中">未选中</radio></view><view class="page-section"><text>推荐展示样式(Taro 团队成员):</text><radio-group `@change="onChange"><label v-for="item in list" class="checkbox-list__label"><radio class="checkbox-list__checkbox" :value="item.value" :checked="item.checked">{{ item.text }}</radio></label></radio-group></view></view></template><script>export default {data() {return {list: [{value: 'yuche',text: 'yuche',checked: false},{value: 'cjj',text: 'cjj',checked: false},{value: 'xiexiaoli',text: 'xiexiaoli',checked: false},{value: 'honly',text: 'honly',checked: false},{value: 'cs',text: 'cs',checked: false},{value: 'zhutianjian',text: 'zhutianjian',checked: false},{value: '隔壁老李',text: '隔壁老李',checked: true}]}},methods: {onChange: function(e) {console.log(e.detail.value)}}}</script>See Also
variable RadioGroup
const RadioGroup: ComponentType<RadioGroupProps>;
单项选择器,内部由多个 Radio 组成。 forms weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid
See Also
variable RichText
const RichText: ComponentType<RichTextProps>;
富文本 base weapp, jd, swan, alipay, tt, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid @example_react
class App extends Components {state = {nodes: [{name: 'div',attrs: {class: 'div_class',style: 'line-height: 60px; color: red;'},children: [{type: 'text',text: 'Hello World!'}]}]}render () {return (<RichText nodes={this.state.nodes} />)}}@example_vue
<template><view class="components-page"><rich-text :nodes="nodes"></rich-text></view></template><script>export default {name: 'Index',data() {return {nodes: [{name: 'div',attrs: {class: 'div_class',style: 'line-height: 60px; color: red;'},children: [{type: 'text',text: 'Hello World!'}]}]}},onReady () {console.log('onReady')}}</script>See Also
variable RootPortal
const RootPortal: ComponentType<RootPortalProps>;
root-portal 使整个子树从页面中脱离出来,类似于在 CSS 中使用 fixed position 的效果。主要用于制作弹窗、弹出层等。
See Also
https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/component/root-portal.html viewContainer weapp @example_react
import { useState } from 'react'import { RootPortal, View, Button } from '@tarojs/components'export default function RootPortalExample {const [show, setShow] = useState(false)const toggle = () => {setShow(!show)}render () {return (<View><Button onClick={toggle}>显示root-portal</Button>{show && (<RootPortal><View>content</View></RootPortal>)}</View>)}}
variable RtcRoom
const RtcRoom: ComponentType<RtcRoomProps>;
实时音视频通话房间 media swan
See Also
variable RtcRoomItem
const RtcRoomItem: ComponentType<RtcRoomItemProps>;
实时音视频通话画面 media swan
See Also
variable ScaleGestureHandler
const ScaleGestureHandler: ComponentType<ScaleGestureHandlerProps>;
多指缩放时触发手势 微信小程序下 skyline 的手势标签,只能在 CompileMode 中使用 weapp @example_react
import { Component } from 'react'import { View, ScaleGestureHandler } from '@tarojs/components'export function Index () {return (<View compileMode><ScaleGestureHandler onGestureWorklet="onGesture"><View className='circle'></View></ScaleGestureHandler></View>)}
variable Script
const Script: ComponentType<ScriptProps>;
script 类似微信小程序的 wxs 标签,支持引用各种小程序的 xs 文件 只能在 CompileMode 中使用 viewContainer weapp, swan, alipay, tt, jd, qq @example_react
import { Component } from 'react'import { View, Script } from '@tarojs/components'export function Index () {return (<View compileMode><Script src="./logic.wxs" module="logic"></Script><Text>Hello, {logic.name}!</Text></View>)}
variable ScrollView
const ScrollView: ComponentType<ScrollViewProps>;
可滚动视图区域。使用竖向滚动时,需要给scroll-view一个固定高度,通过 WXSS 设置 height。组件属性的长度单位默认为 px
Tips: H5 中 ScrollView 组件是通过一个高度(或宽度)固定的容器内部滚动来实现的,因此务必正确的设置容器的高度。例如: 如果 ScrollView 的高度将 body 撑开,就会同时存在两个滚动条(body 下的滚动条,以及 ScrollView 的滚动条)。 微信小程序 中 ScrollView 组件如果设置 scrollX 横向滚动时,并且子元素为多个时(单个子元素时设置固定宽度则可以正常横向滚动),需要通过 WXSS 设置
white-space: nowrap
来保证元素不换行,并对 ScrollView 内部元素设置display: inline-block
来使其能够横向滚动。 viewContainer weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid @example_reactexport default class PageView extends Component {constructor() {super(...arguments)}onScrollToUpper() {}// or 使用箭头函数// onScrollToUpper = () => {}onScroll(e){console.log(e.detail)}render() {const scrollStyle = {height: '150px'}const scrollTop = 0const Threshold = 20const vStyleA = {height: '150px','backgroundColor': 'rgb(26, 173, 25)'}const vStyleB = {height: '150px','backgroundColor': 'rgb(39,130,215)'}const vStyleC = {height: '150px','backgroundColor': 'rgb(241,241,241)',color: '#333'}return (<ScrollViewclassName='scrollview'scrollYscrollWithAnimationscrollTop={scrollTop}style={scrollStyle}lowerThreshold={Threshold}upperThreshold={Threshold}onScrollToUpper={this.onScrollToUpper.bind(this)} // 使用箭头函数的时候 可以这样写 `onScrollToUpper={this.onScrollToUpper}`onScroll={this.onScroll}><View style={vStyleA}>A</View><View style={vStyleB}>B</View><View style={vStyleC}>C</View></ScrollView>)}}@example_vue
<template><view class="container"><view class="page-body"><view class="page-section"><view class="page-section-title"><text>Vertical Scroll - 纵向滚动</text></view><view class="page-section-spacing"><scroll-view :scroll-y="true" style="height: 300rpx;" `@scrolltoupper="upper" `@scrolltolower="lower" `@scroll="scroll" :scroll-into-view="toView" :scroll-top="scrollTop"><view id="demo1" class="scroll-view-item demo-text-1">1</view><view id="demo2" class="scroll-view-item demo-text-2">2</view><view id="demo3" class="scroll-view-item demo-text-3">3</view></scroll-view></view></view><view class="page-section"><view class="page-section-title"><text>Horizontal Scroll - 横向滚动</text></view><view class="page-section-spacing"><scroll-view class="scroll-view_H" :scroll-x="true" `@scroll="scroll" style="width: 100%"><view id="demo21" class="scroll-view-item_H demo-text-1">a</view><view id="demo22" class="scroll-view-item_H demo-text-2">b</view><view id="demo23" class="scroll-view-item_H demo-text-3">c</view></scroll-view></view></view></view></view></template><script>const order = ['demo1', 'demo2', 'demo3']export default {name: 'Index',data() {return {scrollTop: 0,toView: 'demo2'}},methods: {upper(e) {console.log('upper:', e)},lower(e) {console.log('lower:', e)},scroll(e) {console.log('scroll:', e)}}}</script><style>.page-section-spacing{margin-top: 60rpx;}.scroll-view_H{white-space: nowrap;}.scroll-view-item{height: 300rpx;}.scroll-view-item_H{display: inline-block;width: 100%;height: 300rpx;}.demo-text-1 { background: #ccc; }.demo-text-2 { background: #999; }.demo-text-3 { background: #666; }</style>See Also
variable ShareElement
const ShareElement: ComponentType<ShareElementProps>;
共享元素是一种动画形式,类似于 [
flutter Hero
](https://flutterchina.club/animations/hero-animations/) 动画,表现为元素像是在页面间穿越一样。该组件需与 [PageContainer
](/docs/components/viewContainer/page-container) 组件结合使用。 使用时需在当前页放置ShareElement
组件,对应关系通过属性值 key 映射。当设置PageContainer
的共享元素会产生动画。当前页面容器退出时,会产生返回动画。 skyline weapp, alipay @example_react// index.jsimport { useState, useCallback } from 'react'import { View, Button, PageContainer, ShareElement } from '@tarojs/components'import './index.scss'const contacts = [{ id: 1, name: 'Frank', img: 'frank.png', phone: '0101 123456', mobile: '0770 123456', email: 'frank@emailionicsorter.com' },{ id: 2, name: 'Susan', img: 'susan.png', phone: '0101 123456', mobile: '0770 123456', email: 'frank@emailionicsorter.com' },{ id: 3, name: 'Emma', img: 'emma.png', phone: '0101 123456', mobile: '0770 123456', email: 'frank@emailionicsorter.com' },{ id: 4, name: 'Scott', img: 'scott.png', phone: '0101 123456', mobile: '0770 123456', email: 'frank@emailionicsorter.com' },{ id: 5, name: 'Bob', img: 'bob.png', phone: '0101 123456', mobile: '0770 123456', email: 'frank@emailionicsorter.com' },{ id: 6, name: 'Olivia', img: 'olivia.png', phone: '0101 123456', mobile: '0770 123456', email: 'frank@emailionicsorter.com' },{ id: 7, name: 'Anne', img: 'anne.png', phone: '0101 123456', mobile: '0770 123456', email: 'frank@emailionicsorter.com' },{ id: 8, name: 'sunny', img: 'olivia.png', phone: '0101 123456', mobile: '0770 123456', email: 'frank@emailionicsorter.com' }]export default function () {const [show, setShow] = useState(false)const [contact, setContact] = useState(contacts[0])const [transformIdx, setTransformIdx] = useState(0)const onBeforeEnter = useCallback((res) => {console.log('onBeforeEnter: ', res)}, [])const onEnter = useCallback((res) => {console.log('onEnter: ', res)}, [])const onAfterEnter = useCallback((res) => {console.log('onAfterEnter: ', res)}, [])const onBeforeLeave = useCallback((res) => {console.log('onBeforeLeave: ', res)}, [])const onLeave = useCallback((res) => {console.log('onLeave: ', res)}, [])const onAfterLeave = useCallback((res) => {console.log('onAfterLeave: ', res)}, [])const showNext = (e, index) => {setShow(true)setContact(contacts[index])setTransformIdx(index)}const showPrev = useCallback(() => {setShow(false)}, [])return (<View><View className="screen screen1">{contacts.map((item, index) => (<View key={item.id} className="contact" onClick={e => showNext(e, index)}><ShareElement duration={300} className="name" key="name" transform={transformIdx === index}>{item.name}</ShareElement><View className="list"><View>Phone: {item.phone}</View><View>Mobile: {item.mobile}</View><View>Email: {item.email}</View></View></View>))}</View><PageContainershow={show}overlay={false}closeOnSlideDownduration={300}position='center'onBeforeEnter={onBeforeEnter}onEnter={onEnter}onAfterEnter={onAfterEnter}onBeforeLeave={onBeforeLeave}onLeave={onLeave}onAfterLeave={onAfterLeave}><View className="screen screen2"><View className="contact"><ShareElement className="name" key="name" duration={300} transform>{contact.name}</ShareElement><View className={`paragraph ${show ? 'enter' : ''}`}>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus nisl enim, sodales non augue efficitur, sagittisvarius neque. Fusce dolor turpis, maximus eu volutpat quis, pellentesque et ligula. Ut vehicula metus in nibhmollis ornare. Etiam aliquam lacinia malesuada. Vestibulum dignissim mollis quam a tristique. Maecenas nequemauris, malesuada vitae magna eu, congue consectetur risus. Etiam vitae pulvinar ex. Maecenas suscipit mi acimperdiet pretium. Aliquam velit mauris, euismod quis elementum sed, malesuada non dui. Nunc rutrum sagittisligula in dapibus. Cras suscipit ut augue eget mollis. Donec auctor feugiat ipsum id viverra. Vestibulum eu nisirisus. Vestibulum eleifend dignissim.</View><Button className="screen2-button" onClick={showPrev} hidden={!show} hoverClass="none">Click Me</Button></View></View></PageContainer></View>)}\/** index.scss *\/page {color: #333;background-color: #ddd;overflow: hidden;}button {border: 0 solid #0010ae;background-color: #1f2afe;color: #fff;font-size: 120%;padding: 8px 16px;outline-width: 0;-webkit-appearance: none;box-shadow: 0 8px 17px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);}.screen {position: absolute;top: 0;bottom: 0;left: 0;right: 0;padding: 16px;-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;}.contact {position: relative;padding: 16px;background-color: #fff;width: 100%;height: 100%;box-sizing: border-box;}.avatar {position: absolute;top: 16px;left: 16px;font-size: 0;}.name {height: 65px;font-size: 2em;font-weight: bold;text-align: center;margin: 10px 0;}.list {padding-top: 8px;padding-left: 32px;}.screen1 {overflow-y: scroll;padding: 0;}.screen1 .contact {margin: 16px;height: auto;width: auto;box-shadow: 0 2px 5px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);}.screen2-button {display: block;margin: 24px auto;}.paragraph {-webkit-transition: transform ease-in-out 300ms;transition: transform ease-in-out 300ms;-webkit-transform: scale(0.6);transform: scale(0.6);}.enter.paragraph {transform: none;}See Also
variable Slider
const Slider: ComponentType<SliderProps>;
滑动选择器 forms weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid @example_react
export default class PageView extends Component {constructor() {super(...arguments)}render() {return (<View className='components-page'><Text>设置 step</Text><Slider step={1} value={50}/><Text>显示当前 value</Text><Slider step={1} value={50} showValue/><Text>设置最小/最大值</Text><Slider step={1} value={100} showValue min={50} max={200}/></View>)}}@example_vue
<template><view class="components-page"><text>设置 step</text><slider step="1" value="50"/><text>显示当前 value</text><slider step="1" value="50" :show-value="true" /><text>设置最小/最大值</text><slider step="1" value="100" :show-value="true" min="50" max="200"/></view></template>See Also
variable Slot
const Slot: ComponentType<SlotProps>;
slot 插槽 viewContainer weapp, swan, alipay, tt, jd, qq, h5, harmony_hybrid
Example 1
import { Slot, View, Text } from '@tarojs/components'export default class SlotView extends Component {render () {return (<View><custom-component><Slot name='title'><Text>Hello, world!</Text></Slot></custom-component></View>)}}
variable Span
const Span: ComponentType<SpanProps>;
用于支持内联文本和 image / navigator 的混排 skyline weapp
See Also
variable StickyHeader
const StickyHeader: ComponentType<StickyHeaderProps>;
吸顶布局容器,仅支持作为 scroll-view 自定义模式下的直接子节点或 sticky-section 组件直接子节点。仅 Skyline 支持。 skyline weapp, harmony
See Also
variable StickySection
const StickySection: ComponentType<StickySectionProps>;
吸顶布局容器,仅支持作为 scroll-view 自定义模式下的直接子节点。仅 Skyline 支持。 skyline weapp, harmony
See Also
variable Swiper
const Swiper: ComponentType<SwiperProps>;
滑块视图容器。其中只可放置 swiper-item 组件,否则会导致未定义的行为。 > 不要为
设置 **style** 属性,可以通过 class 设置样式。[7147](https://github.com/NervJS/taro/issues/7147) viewContainer weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid @example_reactclass App extends Component {render () {return (<SwiperclassName='test-h'indicatorColor='#999'indicatorActiveColor='#333'verticalcircularindicatorDotsautoplay><SwiperItem><View className='demo-text-1'>1</View></SwiperItem><SwiperItem><View className='demo-text-2'>2</View></SwiperItem><SwiperItem><View className='demo-text-3'>3</View></SwiperItem></Swiper>)}}@example_vue
<template><swiperclass='test-h'indicator-color='#999'indicator-active-color='#333':vertical="true":circular="true":indicator-dots="true":autoplay="true"><swiper-item><view class='demo-text-1'>1</view></swiper-item><swiper-item><view class='demo-text-2'>2</view></swiper-item><swiper-item><view class='demo-text-3'>3</view></swiper-item></swiper></template>See Also
variable SwiperItem
const SwiperItem: ComponentType<SwiperItemProps>;
仅可放置在 swiper 组件中,宽高自动设置为100% > 不要为
设置 **style** 属性,可以通过 class 设置样式。[7147](https://github.com/NervJS/taro/issues/7147) viewContainer weapp, alipay, swan, tt, jd, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid @example_reactclass App extends Component {render () {return (<SwiperclassName='test-h'indicatorColor='#999'indicatorActiveColor='#333'verticalcircularindicatorDotsautoplay><SwiperItem><View className='demo-text-1'>1</View></SwiperItem><SwiperItem><View className='demo-text-2'>2</View></SwiperItem><SwiperItem><View className='demo-text-3'>3</View></SwiperItem></Swiper>)}}@example_vue
<template><swiperclass='test-h'indicator-color='#999'indicator-active-color='#333':vertical="true":circular="true":indicator-dots="true":autoplay="true"><swiper-item><view class='demo-text-1'>1</view></swiper-item><swiper-item><view class='demo-text-2'>2</view></swiper-item><swiper-item><view class='demo-text-3'>3</view></swiper-item></swiper></template>See Also
variable Switch
const Switch: ComponentType<SwitchProps>;
开关选择器 forms @example_react
export default class PageView extends Component {constructor() {super(...arguments)}render() {return (<View className='components-page'><Text>默认样式</Text><Switch checked/><Switch/><Text>推荐展示样式</Text><Switch checked/><Switch/></View>)}}@example_vue
<template><view class='components-page'><text>默认样式</text><switch :checked="true" /><switch /><text>推荐展示样式</text><switch :checked="true" /><switch /></view></template>weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid
See Also
variable Tabs
const Tabs: ComponentType<TabsProps>;
标签栏 navig swan
See Also
variable TapGestureHandler
const TapGestureHandler: ComponentType<TapGestureHandlerProps>;
点击时触发手势 微信小程序下 skyline 的手势标签,只能在 CompileMode 中使用 weapp @example_react
import { Component } from 'react'import { View, TapGestureHandler } from '@tarojs/components'export function Index () {return (<View compileMode><TapGestureHandler onGestureWorklet="onGesture"><View className='circle'></View></TapGestureHandler></View>)}
variable Text
const Text: ComponentType<TextProps>;
文本 base weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid @example_react
export default class PageView extends Component {state = {contents: [],contentsLen: 0}add = () => {this.setState(prev => {const cot = prev.contents.slice()cot.push({ text: 'hello world' })return {contents: cot,contentsLen: cot.length}})}remove = () => {this.setState(prev => {const cot = prev.contents.slice()cot.pop()return {contents: cot,contentsLen: cot.length}})}render () {return (<View className='container'>{this.state.contents.map((item, index) => (<Text key={index}>{item.text}</Text>))}<Button className='btn-max-w button_style' plain type='default' onClick={this.add}>add line</Button><Button className='btn-max-w button_style' plain type='default' disabled={this.state.contentsLen ? false : true} onClick={this.remove}>remove line</Button></View>)}}@example_vue
<template><view class="container"><view v-for="(item, index) in contents"><text>{{item.text}} line {{index + 1}}</text></view><button class="btn-max-w button_style" :plain="true" type="default" `@tap="add">add line</button><button class="btn-max-w button_style" :plain="true" type="default" :disabled="contentsLen ? false : true" `@tap="remove">remove line</button></template><script>export default {data() {return {contents: [],contentsLen: 0}},methods: {add () {const cot = this.contents.slice()cot.push({ text: 'hello world' })this.contents = cotthis.contentsLen = cot.length},remove () {const cot = this.contents.slice()cot.pop()this.contents = cotthis.contentsLen = cot.length}}}</script>See Also
variable Textarea
const Textarea: ComponentType<TextareaProps>;
多行输入框。该组件是原生组件,使用时请注意相关限制 forms weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid @example_react
export default class PageView extends Component {constructor() {super(...arguments)}render() {return (<View className='components-page'><Text>输入区域高度自适应,不会出现滚动条</Text><Textarea style='background:#fff;width:100%;min-height:80px;padding:0 30rpx;' autoHeight/><Text>这是一个可以自动聚焦的 textarea</Text><Textarea style='background:#fff;width:100%;height:80px;padding:0 30rpx;' autoFocus/></View>)}}@example_vue
<template><view class="components-page"><text>输入区域高度自适应,不会出现滚动条</text><textarea style="background:#efefef;width:100%;min-height:80px;padding:0 30rpx;" :auto-height="true" /><text>这是一个可以自动聚焦的 textarea</text><textarea style="background:#efefef;width:100%;height:80px;padding:0 30rpx;" :auto-focusd="true" /></view></template>See Also
variable VerticalDragGestureHandler
const VerticalDragGestureHandler: ComponentType<VerticalDragGestureHandlerProps>;
纵向滑动时触发手势 微信小程序下 skyline 的手势标签,只能在 CompileMode 中使用 weapp @example_react
import { Component } from 'react'import { View, VerticalDragGestureHandler } from '@tarojs/components'export function Index () {return (<View compileMode><VerticalDragGestureHandler onGestureWorklet="onGesture"><View className='circle'></View></VerticalDragGestureHandler></View>)}
variable Video
const Video: ComponentType<VideoProps>;
视频。相关api:Taro.createVideoContext media weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid @example_react
export default class PageView extends Component {constructor() {super(...arguments)}render() {return (<View className='components-page'><Videoid='video'src='https://wxsnsdy.tc.qq.com/105/20210/snsdyvideodownload?filekey=30280201010421301f0201690402534804102ca905ce620b1241b726bc41dcff44e00204012882540400&bizid=1023&hy=SH&fileparam=302c020101042530230204136ffd93020457e3c4ff02024ef202031e8d7f02030f42400204045a320a0201000400'poster='https://misc.aotu.io/booxood/mobile-video/cover_900x500.jpg'initialTime={0}controls={true}autoplay={false}loop={false}muted={false}/></View>)}}@example_vue
<template><videoid="video"src="https://wxsnsdy.tc.qq.com/105/20210/snsdyvideodownload?filekey=30280201010421301f0201690402534804102ca905ce620b1241b726bc41dcff44e00204012882540400&bizid=1023&hy=SH&fileparam=302c020101042530230204136ffd93020457e3c4ff02024ef202031e8d7f02030f42400204045a320a0201000400"poster="https://misc.aotu.io/booxood/mobile-video/cover_900x500.jpg"initial-time="0":controls="true":autoplay="false":loop="false":muted="false"/></template>See Also
variable View
const View: ComponentType<ViewProps>;
视图容器 viewContainer weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid @example_react
export default class PageView extends Component {constructor() {super(...arguments)}render() {return (<View className='components-page'><Text>flex-direction: row 横向布局</Text><View className='flex-wrp' style='flex-direction:row;'><View className='flex-item demo-text-1'/><View className='flex-item demo-text-2'/><View className='flex-item demo-text-3'/></View><Text>flex-direction: column 纵向布局</Text><View className='flex-wrp' style='flex-direction:column;'><View className='flex-item flex-item-V demo-text-1'/><View className='flex-item flex-item-V demo-text-2'/><View className='flex-item flex-item-V demo-text-3'/></View></View>)}}@example_vue
<template><view class="components-page"><text>flex-direction: row 横向布局</text><view class="flex-wrp flex-wrp-row" hover-class="hover" ><view class="flex-item demo-text-1" :hover-stop-propagation="true" /><view class="flex-item demo-text-2" hover-start-time="1000" hover-class="hover" /><view class="flex-item demo-text-3" hover-stayTime="1000" hover-class="hover" /></view><text>flex-direction: column 纵向布局</text><view class="flex-wrp flex-wrp-column"><view class="flex-item flex-item-V demo-text-1" /><view class="flex-item flex-item-V demo-text-2" /><view class="flex-item flex-item-V demo-text-3" /></view></view></template><style>.flex-wrp { display: flex; }.flex-wrp-column{ flex-direction: column; }.flex-wrp-row { flex-direction:row; padding: 20px; background: #f1f1f1; }.flex-item { width: 180px; height: 90px; }.demo-text-1 { background: #ccc; }.demo-text-2 { background: #999; }.demo-text-3 { background: #666; }.hover {background: #000;}</style>See Also
variable VoipRoom
const VoipRoom: ComponentType<VoipRoomProps>;
。相关接口: [Taro.joinVoIPChat](/docs/apis/media/voip/joinVoIPChat) 开通该组件权限后,开发者可在 joinVoIPChat 成功后,获取房间成员的 openid,传递给 voip-room 组件,以显示成员画面。 media weappExample 1
export default class PageView extends Component {constructor() {super(...arguments)}render() {return (<VoipRoomopenId="{{item}}"mode="{{selfOpenId === item ? 'camera' : 'video'}}"></VoipRoom>)}}See Also
variable WebView
const WebView: ComponentType<WebViewProps>;
web-view 组件是一个可以用来承载网页的容器,会自动铺满整个小程序页面。个人类型与海外类型的小程序暂不支持使用。 open weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid @example_react
class App extends Component {handleMessage () {}render () {return (<WebView src='https://mp.weixin.qq.com/' onMessage={this.handleMessage} />)}}@example_vue
<template><web-view src='https://mp.weixin.qq.com/' `@message="handleMessage" /></template>See Also
interface AdCustomProps
interface AdCustomProps extends StandardProps {}
property adIntervals
adIntervals?: number;
广告自动刷新的间隔时间,单位为秒,参数值必须大于等于30(该参数不传入时 Banner 广告不会自动刷新) weapp
property onError
onError?: CommonEventFunction<AdProps.onErrorEventDetail>;
当广告发生错误时,触发的事件,可以通过该事件获取错误码及原因 weapp
property onLoad
onLoad?: CommonEventFunction;
广告加载成功的回调 weapp
property unitId
unitId: string;
广告单元id,可在[小程序管理后台](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/)的流量主模块新建 weapp
interface AdProps
interface AdProps extends StandardProps {}
property adHeight
adHeight?: string;
type 为 feeds 时广告高度(px),最小 85,最大 160 qq
property adIntervals
adIntervals?: number;
广告自动刷新的间隔时间,单位为秒,参数值必须大于等于30(该参数不传入时 Banner 广告不会自动刷新) weapp, tt
property adLeft
adLeft?: string;
type 为 feeds 时广告左边距(px),必须大于 0 qq
property adTheme
adTheme?: 'white' | 'black';
广告主题样式设置 weapp
property adTop
adTop?: string;
type 为 feeds 时广告上边距(px),必须大于 0 qq
property adType
adType?: 'banner' | 'video' | 'grid';
为格子广告 weapp
property adWidth
adWidth?: string;
type 为 feeds 时广告宽度(px),默认 100%,最大值为屏幕宽度,最小值为 265 qq
property apid
apid?: string;
小程序广告位 ID swan
property appid
appid?: string;
小程序应用 ID swan
property blockOrientation
blockOrientation?: 'vertical' | 'landscape';
type 为 block 时请求积木广告排列方向 qq landscape
property blockSize
blockSize?: string;
type 为 block 时请求积木广告数量(展示以实际拉取广告数量为准) qq 1
property fixed
fixed?: string;
广告是否在屏幕中固定展示 tt
property onClose
onClose?: CommonEventFunction;
广告关闭的回调 weapp, swan, tt
property onError
onError?: CommonEventFunction<AdProps.onErrorEventDetail>;
当广告发生错误时,触发的事件,可以通过该事件获取错误码及原因,事件对象 event.detail = {errCode: 1002} weapp, swan, tt, qq
property onLoad
onLoad?: CommonEventFunction;
广告加载成功的回调 weapp, swan, tt, qq
property onSize
onSize?: CommonEventFunction<AdProps.onSizeEventDetail>;
type 为 feeds 时广告实际宽高回调 qq
property onStatus
onStatus?: CommonEventFunction;
贴片类型广告播放期间触发 swan
property scale
scale?: string;
广告的缩放比例,100 为标准尺寸 tt 100
property testBannerType
testBannerType?: 'one' | 'three';
开发者工具下,type 为 banner 时,指定 banner 广告展示三图文还是单图 qq three
property type
type?: string;
广告类型:banner、feed ,需和百青藤平台上的代码位类型相匹配 swan, tt, qq feed 支持 banner、feed 支持 banner、card、feeds、block
property unitId
unitId: string;
广告单元id,可在[小程序管理后台](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/)的流量主模块新建 weapp, tt, qq
property updatetime
updatetime?: string;
更改该属性,可以触发广告刷新 swan
interface AudioProps
interface AudioProps extends StandardProps {}
property author
author?: string;
默认控件上的作者名字,如果 controls 属性值为 false 则设置 author 无效 "未知作者" weapp, swan, qq
property controls
controls?: boolean;
是否显示默认控件 false weapp, swan, qq, h5, harmony_hybrid
property id
id?: string;
audio 组件的唯一标识符 weapp, swan, qq
property loop
loop?: boolean;
是否循环播放 false weapp, swan, qq, h5, harmony_hybrid
property muted
muted?: boolean;
是否静音播放 false h5, harmony_hybrid
property name
name?: string;
默认控件上的音频名字,如果 controls 属性值为 false 则设置 name 无效 "未知音频" weapp, swan, qq
property nativeProps
nativeProps?: Record<string, unknown>;
上的属性到内部 H5 标签上 h5, harmony_hybrid
property onEnded
onEnded?: CommonEventFunction;
当播放到末尾时触发 ended 事件 weapp, swan, qq, h5, harmony_hybrid
property onError
onError?: CommonEventFunction<AudioProps.onErrorEventDetail>;
当发生错误时触发 error 事件,detail = {errMsg: MediaError.code} weapp, swan, qq, h5, harmony_hybrid
property onPause
onPause?: CommonEventFunction;
当暂停播放时触发 pause 事件 weapp, swan, qq, h5, harmony_hybrid
property onPlay
onPlay?: CommonEventFunction;
当开始/继续播放时触发play事件 weapp, swan, qq, h5, harmony_hybrid
property onTimeUpdate
onTimeUpdate?: CommonEventFunction<AudioProps.onTimeUpdateEventDetail>;
当播放进度改变时触发 timeupdate 事件,detail = {currentTime, duration} weapp, swan, qq, h5, harmony_hybrid
property poster
poster?: string;
默认控件上的音频封面的图片资源地址,如果 controls 属性值为 false 则设置 poster 无效 weapp, swan, qq
property src
src?: string;
要播放音频的资源地址 weapp, swan, qq, h5, harmony_hybrid
interface BaseEventOrig
interface BaseEventOrig<T = any> {}
property currentTarget
currentTarget: currentTarget;
property detail
detail: T;
property preventDefault
preventDefault: () => void;
property stopPropagation
stopPropagation: () => void;
property target
target: Target;
property timeStamp
timeStamp: number;
property type
type: string;
interface BaseTouchEvent
interface BaseTouchEvent<TouchDetail, T = any> extends BaseEventOrig<T> {}
property changedTouches
changedTouches: Array<TouchDetail>;
property touches
touches: Array<TouchDetail>;
interface ButtonProps
interface ButtonProps extends StandardProps {}
property appParameter
appParameter?: string;
打开 APP 时,向 APP 传递的参数
weapp, qq, jd
property ariaLabel
ariaLabel?: string;
无障碍访问,(属性)元素的额外描述 qq
property dataAwemeId
dataAwemeId?: string;
跳转抖音号个人页,只支持小程序绑定的品牌号、员工号、合作号 tt
property dataIsHalfPage
dataIsHalfPage?: boolean;
是否开启半屏模式 tt
property disabled
disabled?: boolean;
是否禁用 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid false
property formType
formType?: keyof ButtonProps.FormType;
组件的 submit/reset 事件 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, harmony
property groupId
groupId?: string;
群聊 id 打开群资料卡时,传递的群号 通过创建聊天群、查询群信息获取 qq, tt
property guildId
guildId?: string;
打开频道页面时,传递的频道号 qq
property hoverClass
hoverClass?: string;
时,没有点击态效果 button-hover weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony_hybrid 支持 hoverStyle 属性,但框架未支持 hoverClass
property hoverStartTime
hoverStartTime?: number;
按住后多久出现点击态,单位毫秒 20 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony_hybrid
property hoverStayTime
hoverStayTime?: number;
手指松开后点击态保留时间,单位毫秒 70 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony_hybrid
property hoverStopPropagation
hoverStopPropagation?: boolean;
指定是否阻止本节点的祖先节点出现点击态 false weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd
property hoverStyle
hoverStyle?: StyleProp<ViewStyle>;
由于 RN 不支持 hoverClass,故 RN 端的 Button 组件实现了
属性,写法和 style 类似,只不过hoverStyle
的样式是指定按下去的样式。 none rn
property lang
lang?: keyof ButtonProps.Lang;
指定返回用户信息的语言,zh_CN 简体中文,zh_TW 繁体中文,en 英文。
weapp, qq, jd
property loading
loading?: boolean;
名称前是否带 loading 图标 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid false
property onAddFriend
onAddFriend?: CommonEventFunction;
添加好友的回调 qq
property onAddGroupApp
onAddGroupApp?: CommonEventFunction;
添加群应用的回调。errCode 错误码:41004(当前用户非管理员或群主,无权操作),41005(超过可添加群应用的群数量) qq
property onAgreePrivacyAuthorization
onAgreePrivacyAuthorization?: CommonEventFunction;
时有效 weapp
property onChooseAddress
onChooseAddress?: CommonEventFunction;
用户点击该按钮时,调起用户编辑收货地址原生界面,并在编辑完成后返回用户选择的地址,从返回参数的 detail 中获取,和 swan.chooseAddress 一样的。和 open-type 搭配使用,使用时机:open-type="chooseAddress" swan
property onChooseAvatar
onChooseAvatar?: CommonEventFunction;
property onChooseInvoiceTitle
onChooseInvoiceTitle?: CommonEventFunction;
用户点击该按钮时,选择用户的发票抬头,和 swan.chooseInvoiceTitle 一样的。和 open-type 搭配使用,使用时机:open-type="chooseInvoiceTitle" swan
property onContact
onContact?: CommonEventFunction<ButtonProps.onContactEventDetail>;
weapp, swan, qq
property onError
onError?: CommonEventFunction;
weapp, alipay, qq, jd
property onFollowLifestyle
onFollowLifestyle?: CommonEventFunction<{ followStatus: 1 | 2 | 3 | true;}>;
当 open-type 为 lifestyle 时有效。 当点击按钮时触发。 event.detail = { followStatus },followStatus 合法值有 1、2、3,其中 1 表示已关注。2 表示用户不允许关注。3 表示发生未知错误; 已知问题:基础库 1.0,当用户在点击按钮前已关注生活号,event.detail.followStatus 的值为 true。 alipay
property onGetAuthorize
onGetAuthorize?: CommonEventFunction;
property onGetPhoneNumber
onGetPhoneNumber?: CommonEventFunction<ButtonProps.onGetPhoneNumberEventDetail>;
weapp, alipay, swan, tt, jd
property onGetRealTimePhoneNumber
onGetRealTimePhoneNumber?: CommonEventFunction<ButtonProps.onGetRealTimePhoneNumberEventDetail>;
时有效 weapp
property onGetUserInfo
onGetUserInfo?: CommonEventFunction<ButtonProps.onGetUserInfoEventDetail>;
用户点击该按钮时,会返回获取到的用户信息,回调的detail数据与 Taro.getUserInfo 返回的一致
weapp, alipay, swan, qq, jd
property onJoinGroup
onJoinGroup?: CommonEventFunction<{ errMsg: string; errNo: number }>;
加群后触发 tt
property onLaunchApp
onLaunchApp?: CommonEventFunction;
打开 APP 成功的回调
weapp, qq
property onLogin
onLogin?: CommonEventFunction;
登录回调,和 open-type 搭配使用,使用时机:open-type="login"。可以通过返回参数的 detail 判断是否登录成功,当 errMsg 为'login:ok'时即为成功。如想获取登录凭证请使用 swan.getLoginCode swan
property onOpenAwemeUserProfile
onOpenAwemeUserProfile?: CommonEventFunction;
property onOpenSetting
onOpenSetting?: CommonEventFunction<ButtonProps.onOpenSettingEventDetail>;
weapp, swan, tt, qq, jd
property onSubscribe
onSubscribe?: CommonEventFunction;
订阅消息授权回调,和 open-type 搭配使用,使用时机:open-type="subscribe" swan
property onTap
onTap?: CommonEventFunction;
点击。 说明: 每点击一次会触发一次事件,建议自行使用代码防止重复点击,可以使用 js 防抖和节流实现。 alipay
property openId
openId?: string;
添加好友时,对方的 openid qq
property openType
openType?: ButtonProps.OpenType;
微信开放能力 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd
property plain
plain?: boolean;
按钮是否镂空,背景色透明 weapp, alipay, swan, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid false
property publicId
publicId?: string;
生活号 id,必须是当前小程序同主体且已关联的生活号,open-type="lifestyle" 时有效。 alipay, qq
property scope
scope?: 'userInfo' | 'phoneNumber';
支付宝小程序 scope
property sendMessageImg
sendMessageImg?: string;
截图 weapp, swan
property sendMessagePath
sendMessagePath?: string;
当前标题 weapp, swan
property sendMessageTitle
sendMessageTitle?: string;
当前标题 weapp, swan
property sessionFrom
sessionFrom?: string;
weapp, swan
property shareMessageFriendInfo
shareMessageFriendInfo?: string;
发送对象的 FriendInfo qq
property shareMessageImg
shareMessageImg?: string;
转发显示图片的链接,可以是网络图片路径(仅 QQ CDN 域名路径)或本地图片文件路径或相对代码包根目录的图片文件路径。显示图片长宽比是 5:4FriendInfo qq
property shareMessageTitle
shareMessageTitle?: string;
转发标题,不传则默认使用当前小程序的昵称。 FriendInfo qq
property shareMode
shareMode?: string;
分享类型集合,请参考下面share-mode有效值说明 qq ['qq', 'qzone']
property shareType
shareType?: string;
分享类型集合,请参考下面share-type有效值说明。share-type后续将不再维护,请更新为share-mode qq 27
property showMessageCard
showMessageCard?: boolean;
weapp, swan false
property size
size?: keyof ButtonProps.Size;
按钮的大小 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony_hybrid default
property subscribeId
subscribeId?: string;
发送订阅类模板消息时所使用的唯一标识符,内容由开发者自定义,用来标识订阅场景 注意:同一用户在同一 subscribe-id 下的多次授权不累积下发权限,只能下发一条。若要订阅多条,需要不同 subscribe-id swan
property templateId
templateId?: string | Array<string>;
发送订阅类模板消息所用的模板库标题 ID ,可通过 getTemplateLibraryList 获取 当参数类型为 Array 时,可传递 1~3 个模板库标题 ID swan
property type
type?: keyof ButtonProps.Type;
按钮的样式类型 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid default
interface CameraProps
interface CameraProps extends StandardProps {}
property devicePosition
devicePosition?: keyof CameraProps.DevicePosition;
摄像头朝向 "back" weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, rn
property flash
flash?: keyof CameraProps.Flash;
闪光灯 "auto" weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, rn
property frameSize
frameSize?: keyof CameraProps.FrameSize;
指定期望的相机帧数据尺寸 "medium" weapp, alipay, tt
property mode
mode?: keyof CameraProps.Mode;
模式,有效值为normal, scanCode "normal" weapp, alipay, tt, qq, jd, rn
property onError
onError?: CommonEventFunction;
用户不允许使用摄像头时触发 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, rn
property onInitDone
onInitDone?: CommonEventFunction<CameraProps.onInitDoneEventDetail>;
相机初始化完成时触发 weapp, tt, rn
property onReady
onReady?: CommonEventFunction<CameraProps.onInitDoneEventDetail>;
相机初始化成功时触发。 alipay
property onScanCode
onScanCode?: CommonEventFunction<CameraProps.onScanCodeEventDetail>;
在成功识别到一维码时触发, 仅在 mode="scanCode" 时生效 weapp, alipay, tt, qq, rn
property onStop
onStop?: CommonEventFunction;
摄像头在非正常终止时触发, 如退出后台等情况 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, rn
property outputDimension
outputDimension?: '360P' | '540P' | '720P' | '1080P' | 'max';
相机拍照,录制的分辨率。 alipay "720P"
property resolution
resolution?: keyof CameraProps.Resolution;
分辨率,不支持动态修改 "medium" weapp, tt
interface CanvasProps
interface CanvasProps extends StandardProps<any, CanvasTouchEvent> {}
property canvasId
canvasId?: string;
canvas 组件的唯一标识符,若指定了 type 则无需再指定该属性 weapp, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, harmony_hybrid
property disableScroll
disableScroll?: boolean;
当在 canvas 中移动时且有绑定手势事件时,禁止屏幕滚动以及下拉刷新 false weapp, alipay, swan, qq, jd
property height
height?: string;
alipay, h5, harmony_hybrid
property id
id?: string;
组件唯一标识符。 注意:同一页面中的 id 不可重复。 alipay, h5, harmony_hybrid
property nativeProps
nativeProps?: Record<string, unknown>;
上的属性到内部 H5 标签上 h5, harmony_hybrid
property onError
onError?: CommonEventFunction<CanvasProps.onErrorEventDetail>;
当发生错误时触发 error 事件,detail = {errMsg: 'something wrong'} weapp, swan, qq, jd
property onLongTap
onLongTap?: CommonEventFunction;
手指长按 500ms 之后触发,触发了长按事件后进行移动不会触发屏幕的滚动 weapp, alipay, swan, qq, jd, h5, harmony_hybrid
property onReady
onReady?: CommonEventFunction;
canvas 组件初始化成功触发。 alipay
property onTap
onTap?: CommonEventFunction;
点击。 alipay
property onTouchCancel
onTouchCancel?: CanvasTouchEventFunction;
手指触摸动作被打断,如来电提醒,弹窗 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, harmony_hybrid
property onTouchEnd
onTouchEnd?: CanvasTouchEventFunction;
手指触摸动作结束 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, harmony_hybrid
property onTouchMove
onTouchMove?: CanvasTouchEventFunction;
手指触摸后移动 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, harmony_hybrid
property onTouchStart
onTouchStart?: CanvasTouchEventFunction;
手指触摸动作开始 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, harmony_hybrid
property type
type?: string;
指定 canvas 类型,支持 2d 和 webgl weapp, alipay, tt
property width
width?: string;
alipay, h5, harmony_hybrid
interface CanvasTouch
interface CanvasTouch {}
interface CheckboxGroupProps
interface CheckboxGroupProps extends StandardProps, FormItemProps {}
interface CheckboxProps
interface CheckboxProps extends StandardProps {}
property ariaLabel
ariaLabel?: string;
无障碍访问,(属性)元素的额外描述 qq
property checked
checked?: boolean;
当前是否选中,可用来设置默认选中 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid false
property color
color?: string;
checkbox的颜色,同 css 的 color weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid
property disabled
disabled?: boolean;
是否禁用 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid false
property name
name?: string;
Checkbox 的名字 h5, harmony, harmony_hybrid
property nativeProps
nativeProps?: Record<string, unknown>;
上的属性到内部 H5 标签上 h5, harmony_hybrid
property onChange
onChange?: CommonEventFunction<{ value: string[];}>;
选中项发生变化时触发 change 事件,小程序无此 API alipay, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid
property value
value: string;
的 change 事件,并携带<Checkbox/>
的 value weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid
interface CoverImageProps
interface CoverImageProps extends StandardProps {}
property ariaLabel
ariaLabel?: string;
无障碍访问,(属性)元素的额外描述 qq
property ariaRole
ariaRole?: string;
无障碍访问,(角色)标识元素的作用 qq
property fixedBottom
fixedBottom?: string;
设置与容器底部的固定距离,效果相当于在 CSS 中设置 position: fixed 和 bottom 值,该属性优先级高于 CSS 设置的 position、top、bottom 值 swan
property fixedLeft
fixedLeft?: string;
设置与容器左侧的固定距离,效果相当于在 CSS 中设置 position: fixed 和 left 值,该属性优先级高于 fixed-right,CSS 设置的 position、left、right 值 swan
property fixedRight
fixedRight?: string;
设置与容器右侧的固定距离,效果相当于在 CSS 中设置 position: fixed 和 right 值,该属性优先级高于 CSS 设置的 position、left、right 值 swan
property fixedTop
fixedTop?: string;
设置与容器顶部的固定距离,效果相当于在 CSS 中设置 position: fixed 和 top 值,该属性优先级高于 fixed-bottom,CSS 设置的 position、top、bottom 值 swan
property onError
onError?: CommonEventFunction;
图片加载失败时触发 weapp, swan, qq, jd, h5, harmony_hybrid
property onLoad
onLoad?: CommonEventFunction;
图片加载成功时触发 weapp, swan, qq, jd, h5, harmony_hybrid
property onTap
onTap?: CommonEventFunction;
点击事件回调。 alipay
property referrerPolicy
referrerPolicy?: 'origin' | 'no-referrer';
格式固定为 https://servicewechat.com/{appid}/{version}/page-frame.html,其中 {appid} 为小程序的 appid,{version} 为小程序的版本号,版本号为 0 表示为开发版、体验版以及审核版本,版本号为 devtools 表示为开发者工具,其余为正式版本; weapp
property src
src: string;
图标路径,支持临时路径、网络地址、云文件ID。暂不支持base64格式。 weapp, alipay, swan, qq, jd, h5, harmony_hybrid
interface CoverViewProps
interface CoverViewProps extends ViewProps {}
property ariaLabel
ariaLabel?: string;
无障碍访问,(属性)元素的额外描述 qq
property ariaRole
ariaRole?: string;
无障碍访问,(角色)标识元素的作用 qq
property disableLowerScroll
disableLowerScroll?: string;
发生滚动前,对滚动方向进行判断,当方向是顶部/左边时,如果值为 always 将始终禁止滚动,如果值为 out-of-bounds 且当前已经滚动到顶部/左边,禁止滚动。 alipay
property disableUpperScroll
disableUpperScroll?: string;
发生滚动前,对滚动方向进行判断,当方向是底部/右边时,如果值为 always 将始终禁止滚动,如果值为 out-of-bounds 且当前已经滚动到底部/右边,禁止滚动。 alipay
property enableBackToTop
enableBackToTop?: boolean;
当点击 iOS 顶部状态栏或者双击 Android 标题栏时,滚动条返回顶部,只支持竖向。 alipay false
property fixedBottom
fixedBottom?: string;
设置与容器底部的固定距离,效果相当于在 CSS 中设置 position: fixed 和 bottom 值,该属性优先级高于 CSS 设置的 position、top、bottom 值 swan
property fixedLeft
fixedLeft?: string;
设置与容器左侧的固定距离,效果相当于在 CSS 中设置 position: fixed 和 left 值,该属性优先级高于 fixed-right,CSS 设置的 position、left、right 值 swan
property fixedRight
fixedRight?: string;
设置与容器右侧的固定距离,效果相当于在 CSS 中设置 position: fixed 和 right 值,该属性优先级高于 CSS 设置的 position、left、right 值 swan
property fixedTop
fixedTop?: string;
设置与容器顶部的固定距离,效果相当于在 CSS 中设置 position: fixed 和 top 值,该属性优先级高于 fixed-bottom,CSS 设置的 position、top、bottom 值 swan
property lowerThreshold
lowerThreshold?: number;
距底部/右边多远时(单位px),触发 scrolltolower 事件。 alipay 50
property onScroll
onScroll?: CommonEventFunction;
滚动时触发,event.detail = {scrollLeft, scrollTop, scrollHeight, scrollWidth}。 alipay
property onScrollToLower
onScrollToLower?: CommonEventFunction;
滚动到底部/右边,会触发 scrolltolower事件。 alipay
property onScrollToUpper
onScrollToUpper?: CommonEventFunction;
滚动到顶部/左边,会触发 scrolltoupper 事件。 alipay
property onTouchCancel
onTouchCancel?: CommonEventFunction;
触摸动作被打断,如来电提醒、弹窗。 alipay
property onTouchEnd
onTouchEnd?: CommonEventFunction;
触摸动作结束。 alipay
property onTouchMove
onTouchMove?: CommonEventFunction;
触摸后移动。 alipay
property onTouchStart
onTouchStart?: CommonEventFunction;
触摸动作开始。 alipay
property scrollAnimationDuration
scrollAnimationDuration?: number;
当 scroll-with-animation设置为 true 时,可以设置 scroll-animation-duration 来控制动画的执行时间,单位 ms。 alipay
property scrollIntoView
scrollIntoView?: string;
滚动到子元素,值应为某子元素的 id。当滚动到该元素时,元素顶部对齐滚动区域顶部。 说明:scroll-into-view 的优先级高于 scroll-top。 alipay
property scrollLeft
scrollLeft?: number;
设置横向滚动条位置。 alipay
property scrollTop
scrollTop?: number;
设置顶部滚动偏移量,仅在设置了 overflow-y: scroll 成为滚动元素后生效 weapp, alipay, swan, qq, jd
property scrollWithAnimation
scrollWithAnimation?: boolean;
在设置滚动条位置时使用动画过渡。 alipay false
property scrollX
scrollX?: boolean;
允许横向滚动。 alipay false
property scrollY
scrollY?: boolean;
允许纵向滚动。 alipay false
property trapScroll
trapScroll?: boolean;
纵向滚动时,当滚动到顶部或底部时,强制禁止触发页面滚动,仍然只触发 scroll-view 自身的滚动。 alipay false
property upperThreshold
upperThreshold?: number;
距顶部/左边多远时(单位px),触发 scrolltoupper 事件。 alipay 50
interface CustomWrapperProps
interface CustomWrapperProps extends StandardProps {}
interface EditorProps
interface EditorProps extends StandardProps {}
property onBlur
onBlur?: CommonEventFunction<EditorProps.editorEventDetail>;
编辑器失去焦点时触发 detail = { html, text, delta } weapp, jd
property onFocus
onFocus?: CommonEventFunction<EditorProps.editorEventDetail>;
编辑器聚焦时触发 weapp, jd
property onInput
onInput?: CommonEventFunction<EditorProps.editorEventDetail>;
编辑器内容改变时触发 detail = { html, text, delta } weapp, jd
property onReady
onReady?: CommonEventFunction;
编辑器初始化完成时触发 weapp, jd
property onStatusChange
onStatusChange?: CommonEventFunction;
通过 Context 方法改变编辑器内样式时触发,返回选区已设置的样式 weapp, jd
property placeholder
placeholder?: string;
提示信息 weapp, jd
property readOnly
readOnly?: boolean;
设置编辑器为只读 false weapp, jd
property showImgResize
showImgResize?: boolean;
点击图片时显示修改尺寸控件 false weapp, jd
property showImgSize
showImgSize?: boolean;
点击图片时显示图片大小控件 false weapp, jd
property showImgToolbar
showImgToolbar?: boolean;
点击图片时显示工具栏控件 false weapp, jd
interface EventProps
interface EventProps<TouchEvent extends BaseTouchEvent<any> = ITouchEvent> {}
property onAnimationEnd
onAnimationEnd?: (event: CommonEvent) => void;
会在一个 WXSS animation 动画完成时触发
property onAnimationIteration
onAnimationIteration?: (event: CommonEvent) => void;
会在一个 WXSS animation 一次迭代结束时触发
property onAnimationStart
onAnimationStart?: (event: CommonEvent) => void;
会在一个 WXSS animation 动画开始时触发
property onClick
onClick?: (event: ITouchEvent) => void;
property onLongClick
onLongClick?: (event: CommonEvent) => void;
手指触摸后,超过350ms再离开(推荐使用 longpress 事件代替)
property onLongPress
onLongPress?: (event: CommonEvent) => void;
property onTouchCancel
onTouchCancel?: (event: TouchEvent) => void;
property onTouchEnd
onTouchEnd?: (event: TouchEvent) => void;
property onTouchForceChange
onTouchForceChange?: (event: CommonEvent) => void;
在支持 3D Touch 的 iPhone 设备,重按时会触发
property onTouchMove
onTouchMove?: (event: TouchEvent) => void;
property onTouchStart
onTouchStart?: (event: TouchEvent) => void;
property onTransitionEnd
onTransitionEnd?: (event: CommonEvent) => void;
会在 WXSS transition 或 Taro.createAnimation 动画结束后触发
interface FormItemProps
interface FormItemProps {}
property name
name?: string;
interface FormProps
interface FormProps extends StandardProps {}
property clueComponentId
clueComponentId?: string;
用于分发目的。开发者在【小程序开发者后台 -> 进入目标小程序 -> 运营 -> 流量配置 -> 抖音 -> 留资分发配置】复制创建的配置 ID,需要和留资分发配置一起使用,详情见留资分发配置
tt ""
property conversionTarget
conversionTarget?: number;
用于分发目的。取值:0 或 1,其中 0 表示默认,1 表示留资目标,需要和留资分发配置一起使用,详情见留资分发配置 tt 0
property onReset
onReset?: CommonEventFunction;
表单重置时会触发 reset 事件 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid
property onSubmit
onSubmit?: CommonEventFunction<FormProps.onSubmitEventDetail>;
携带 form 中的数据触发 submit 事件 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid
property reportSubmit
reportSubmit?: boolean;
用于发送模板消息。 false weapp, alipay, swan, qq, jd, h5, harmony_hybrid
property reportSubmitTimeout
reportSubmitTimeout?: number;
是否生效。 如果未指定这个参数,formId
有很小的概率是无效的(如遇到网络失败的情况)。 指定这个参数将可以检测formId
是否有效, 以这个参数的时间作为这项检测的超时时间。 如果失败,将返回requestFormId:fail
。 0 weapp
property reportType
reportType?: string;
模板消息的类型,report-submit 为 true 时填写有效 取值:default / subscribe 'default' swan
property subscribeId
subscribeId?: string;
发送订阅类模板消息时所使用的唯一标识符,内容由开发者自定义,用来标识订阅场景 注意:同一用户在同一 subscribe-id 下的多次授权不累积下发权限,只能下发一条。若要订阅多条,需要不同 subscribe-id swan
property templateId
templateId?: string | Array<string>;
发送订阅类模板消息所用的模板库标题 ID ,可通过 getTemplateLibraryList 获取 当参数类型为 Array 时,可传递 1~3 个模板库标题 ID (注:此处填写模板库id。示例:BD0001) swan
interface FunctionalPageNavigatorProps
interface FunctionalPageNavigatorProps extends StandardProps {}
property args
args?: object;
功能页参数,参数格式与具体功能页相关 weapp
property name
name?: keyof FunctionalPageNavigatorProps.Name;
要跳转到的功能页 weapp
property onCancel
onCancel?: CommonEventFunction;
因用户操作从功能页返回时触发 weapp
property onFail
onFail?: CommonEventFunction;
功能页返回,且操作失败时触发, detail 格式与具体功能页相关 weapp
property onSuccess
onSuccess?: CommonEventFunction;
功能页返回,且操作成功时触发, detail 格式与具体功能页相关 weapp
property version
version?: keyof FunctionalPageNavigatorProps.Version;
跳转到的小程序版本,有效值 develop(开发版),trial(体验版),release(正式版);线上版本必须设置为 release "release" weapp
interface IconProps
interface IconProps extends StandardProps {}
property ariaLabel
ariaLabel?: string;
无障碍访问,(属性)元素的额外描述 qq
property color
color?: string;
icon 的颜色,同 css 的 color weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid
property size
size?: number;
icon 的大小,单位px 23 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony_hybrid
property type
type: keyof IconProps.TIconType;
icon 的类型 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid
interface ImageProps
interface ImageProps extends StandardProps {}
property ariaLabel
ariaLabel?: string;
无障碍访问,(属性)元素的额外描述 qq
property catchTap
catchTap?: CommonEventFunction;
点击图片时触发,阻止事件冒泡。 alipay
property defaultSource
defaultSource?: string;
默认图片地址,若设置默认图片地址,会先显示默认图片,等 src 对应的图片加载成功后,再渲染对应的图片。 alipay
property fadeIn
fadeIn?: boolean;
是否渐显 weapp false
property imageMenuPrevent
imageMenuPrevent?: string;
阻止长按图片时弹起默认菜单(即将该属性设置为image-menu-prevent="true"或image-menu-prevent),只在初始化时有效,不能动态变更;若不想阻止弹起默认菜单,则不需要设置此属性。注:长按菜单后的操作暂不支持 svg 格式 swan
property imgProps
imgProps?: ImgHTMLAttributes<HTMLImageElement>;
为 img 标签额外增加的属性 h5, harmony_hybrid
property lazyLoad
lazyLoad?: boolean;
图片懒加载。只针对 page 与 scroll-view 下的 image 有效 false weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, h5, harmony_hybrid
property mode
mode?: keyof ImageProps.Mode;
图片裁剪、缩放的模式 "scaleToFill" weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid 部分支持 scaleToFill, aspectFit, aspectFill, widthFix 部分支持 scaleToFill, aspectFit, aspectFill, widthFix, heightFix
property nativeProps
nativeProps?: Record<string, unknown>;
上的属性到内部 H5 标签上 h5, harmony_hybrid
property onError
onError?: CommonEventFunction<ImageProps.onErrorEventDetail>;
当错误发生时,发布到 AppService 的事件名,事件对象 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony_hybrid
property onLoad
onLoad?: CommonEventFunction<ImageProps.onLoadEventDetail>;
当图片载入完毕时,发布到 AppService 的事件名,事件对象 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony_hybrid
property onTap
onTap?: CommonEventFunction;
点击图片时触发。 alipay
property originalSrc
originalSrc?: string;
预览时显示的图片地址 swan
property preview
preview?: string;
点击后是否预览图片。在不设置的情况下,若 image 未监听点击事件且宽度大于 1/4 屏宽,则默认开启 swan
property showMenuByLongpress
showMenuByLongpress?: boolean;
开启长按图片显示识别小程序码菜单 false weapp
property src
src: string;
图片资源地址 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid
property svg
svg?: boolean;
默认不解析 svg 格式,svg 图片只支持 aspectFit false rn
property webp
webp?: boolean;
默认不解析 webP 格式,只支持网络资源 false weapp, swan
interface InputProps
interface InputProps extends StandardProps, FormItemProps {}
property adjustPosition
adjustPosition?: boolean;
键盘弹起时,是否自动上推页面 true weapp, swan, tt, qq, jd, harmony
property alwaysEmbed
alwaysEmbed?: boolean;
强制 input 处于同层状态,默认 focus 时 input 会切到非同层状态 (仅在 iOS 下生效) false weapp
property alwaysSystem
alwaysSystem?: boolean;
是否强制使用系统键盘和 Web-view 创建的 input 元素。为 true 时,confirm-type、confirm-hold 可能失效。 false alipay
property ariaLabel
ariaLabel?: string;
无障碍访问,(属性)元素的额外描述 qq
property autoFocus
autoFocus?: boolean;
(即将废弃,请直接使用 focus )自动聚焦,拉起键盘 false
weapp, qq, jd, h5, harmony_hybrid
property clueType
clueType?: number;
用于分发目的。取值:0 和 1,其中 0 表示默认,1 表示手机号,需要和留资分发配置一起使用,详情见留资分发配置。 tt 0
property confirmHold
confirmHold?: boolean;
点击键盘右下角按钮时是否保持键盘不收起 false weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd
property confirmType
confirmType?: keyof InputProps.ConfirmType;
设置键盘右下角按钮的文字,仅在type='text'时生效 confirm-type 与 enableNative 属性冲突,若希望 confirm-type 生效,enableNative 不能设定为 false,而且不能设定 always-system done weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, rn, harmony
property controlled
controlled?: boolean;
是否为受控组件。为 true 时,value 内容会完全受 setData 控制。
建议当 type 值为 text 时不要将 controlled 设置为 true,详见 [Bugs & Tips](https://opendocs.alipay.com/mini/component/input#Bug%20%26%20Tip) false alipay
property cursor
cursor?: number;
指定focus时的光标位置 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, rn, harmony
property cursorColor
cursorColor?: string;
光标颜色。iOS 下的格式为十六进制颜色值 #000000,安卓下的只支持 default 和 green,Skyline 下无限制 weapp
property cursorSpacing
cursorSpacing?: number;
指定光标与键盘的距离,单位 px 。取 input 距离底部的距离和 cursor-spacing 指定的距离的最小值作为光标与键盘的距离 0 weapp, swan, tt, qq, jd
property defaultValue
defaultValue?: string;
设置 React 非受控输入框的初始内容 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony_hybrid
property disabled
disabled?: boolean;
是否禁用 false weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony_hybrid
property focus
focus?: boolean;
获取焦点 false weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony_hybrid
property holdKeyboard
holdKeyboard?: boolean;
focus 时,点击页面的时候不收起键盘 false weapp, tt
property maxlength
maxlength?: number;
最大输入长度,设置为 -1 的时候不限制最大长度 140 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid
property name
name?: string;
组件名字,用于表单提交获取数据。 alipay
property nativeProps
nativeProps?: Record<string, unknown>;
上的属性到内部 H5 标签上 h5, harmony_hybrid
property onBlur
onBlur?: CommonEventFunction<InputProps.inputValueEventDetail>;
输入框失去焦点时触发 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid
property onConfirm
onConfirm?: CommonEventFunction<InputProps.inputValueEventDetail>;
点击完成按钮时触发 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid
property onFocus
onFocus?: CommonEventFunction<InputProps.inputForceEventDetail>;
输入框聚焦时触发,event.detail = { value, height },height 为键盘高度 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid
property onInput
onInput?: CommonEventFunction<InputProps.inputEventDetail>;
当键盘输入时,触发input事件,event.detail = {value, cursor, keyCode},处理函数可以直接 return 一个字符串,将替换输入框的内容。 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid
property onKeyboardCompositionEnd
onKeyboardCompositionEnd?: CommonEventFunction;
输入法输入结束时触发(仅当输入法支持时触发) weapp
property onKeyboardCompositionStart
onKeyboardCompositionStart?: CommonEventFunction;
输入法开始新的输入时触发 (仅当输入法支持时触发) weapp
property onKeyboardCompositionUpdate
onKeyboardCompositionUpdate?: CommonEventFunction;
输入法输入字符时触发(仅当输入法支持时触发) weapp
property onKeyboardHeightChange
onKeyboardHeightChange?: CommonEventFunction<InputProps.onKeyboardHeightChangeEventDetail>;
键盘高度发生变化的时候触发此事件 weapp, tt, qq, harmony
property onKeyoardHeightChangeWorklet
onKeyoardHeightChangeWorklet?: string;
键盘高度变化时触发。event.detail = {height: height, pageBottomPadding: pageBottomPadding}; height: 键盘高度,pageBottomPadding: 页面上推高度 weapp
property onNickNameReview
onNickNameReview?: CommonEventFunction;
用户昵称审核完毕后触发,仅在 type 为 "nickname" 时有效,event.detail = { pass, timeout } weapp
property onSelectionChange
onSelectionChange?: CommonEventFunction;
选区改变事件, {selectionStart, selectionEnd} weapp
property password
password?: boolean;
是否是密码类型 false weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid
property placeholder
placeholder?: string;
输入框为空时占位符 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid
property placeholderClass
placeholderClass?: string;
指定 placeholder 的样式类 "input-placeholder" weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd
property placeholderStyle
placeholderStyle?: string;
指定 placeholder 的样式 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, rn, harmony
property placeholderTextColor
placeholderTextColor?: string;
指定 placeholder 的文本颜色 rn, harmony
property randomNumber
randomNumber?: boolean;
当 type 为 number, digit, idcard 数字键盘是否随机排列 false alipay
property safePasswordCertPath
safePasswordCertPath?: string;
安全键盘加密公钥的路径,只支持包内路径 weapp
property safePasswordCustomHash
safePasswordCustomHash?: string;
md5(sha1('foo' + sha256(sm3(password + 'bar'))))
property safePasswordLength
safePasswordLength?: number;
安全键盘输入密码长度 weapp
property safePasswordNonce
safePasswordNonce?: string;
安全键盘加密盐值 weapp
property safePasswordSalt
safePasswordSalt?: string;
安全键盘计算hash盐值,若指定custom-hash 则无效 weapp
property safePasswordTimeStamp
safePasswordTimeStamp?: number;
安全键盘加密时间戳 weapp
property selectionEnd
selectionEnd?: number;
光标结束位置,自动聚集时有效,需与selection-start搭配使用 -1 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, rn
property selectionStart
selectionStart?: number;
光标起始位置,自动聚集时有效,需与selection-end搭配使用 -1 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, rn
property type
type?: keyof InputProps.Type;
input 的类型 "text" weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid
property value
value?: string;
输入框的初始内容 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid
interface ITouch
interface ITouch extends Touch {}
property clientX
clientX: number;
property clientY
clientY: number;
property identifier
identifier: number;
property pageX
pageX: number;
距离文档左上角的距离,文档的左上角为原点 ,横向为X轴,纵向为Y轴
property pageY
pageY: number;
距离文档左上角的距离,文档的左上角为原点 ,横向为X轴,纵向为Y轴
interface LabelProps
interface LabelProps extends StandardProps {}
property for
for?: string;
绑定控件的 id weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, harmony, harmony_hybrid
interface LivePlayerProps
interface LivePlayerProps extends StandardProps {}
property autoPauseIfNavigate
autoPauseIfNavigate?: boolean;
当跳转到本小程序的其他页面时,是否自动暂停本页面的实时音视频播放 true weapp, qq
property autoPauseIfOpenNative
autoPauseIfOpenNative?: boolean;
当跳转到其它微信原生页面时,是否自动暂停本页面的实时音视频播放 true weapp, qq
property autoplay
autoplay?: boolean;
自动播放 false weapp, swan, tt, qq, jd
property backgroundMute
backgroundMute?: boolean;
进入后台时是否静音(已废弃,默认退台静音) false weapp, swan
property enableAutoRotation
enableAutoRotation?: boolean;
是否开启手机横屏时自动全屏,当系统设置开启自动旋转时生效 weapp false
property enableCasting
enableCasting?: boolean;
是否支持投屏。开启后,可以通过 LivePlayerContext 上相关方法进行操作。 weapp false
property enableMetadata
enableMetadata?: string;
是否回调metadata qq
property id
id?: string;
live-player 属性的唯一标志符 swan
property maxCache
maxCache?: number;
最大缓冲区,单位s 3 weapp, swan, qq
property minCache
minCache?: number;
最小缓冲区,单位s 1 weapp, swan, qq
property mode
mode?: keyof LivePlayerProps.Mode;
模式 "live" weapp, qq, jd
property muted
muted?: boolean;
是否静音 false weapp, swan, tt, qq, jd
property objectFit
objectFit?: keyof LivePlayerProps.objectFit;
填充模式 "contain" weapp, swan, tt, qq, jd
property onAudioVolumeNotify
onAudioVolumeNotify?: CommonEventFunction<{}>;
播放音量大小通知,detail = {} weapp
property onCastingInterrupt
onCastingInterrupt?: CommonEventFunction;
投屏被中断时触发 weapp
property onCastingStateChange
onCastingStateChange?: CommonEventFunction<{ type: any; state: 'success' | 'fail';}>;
投屏成功/失败时触发 detail = { type, state: "success"/"fail" } weapp
property onCastingUserSelect
onCastingUserSelect?: CommonEventFunction<{ state: 'success' | 'fail';}>;
用户选择投屏设备时触发 detail = { state: "success"/"fail" } weapp
property onEnterPictureInPicture
onEnterPictureInPicture?: CommonEventFunction;
播放器进入小窗 weapp
property onError
onError?: CommonEventFunction;
播放错误事件 tt
property onFullScreenChange
onFullScreenChange?: CommonEventFunction<LivePlayerProps.onFullScreenChangeEventDetail>;
全屏变化事件,detail = {direction, fullScreen} weapp, swan, tt, qq, jd
property onLeavePictureInPicture
onLeavePictureInPicture?: CommonEventFunction;
播放器退出小窗 weapp
property onMetaDataChange
onMetaDataChange?: CommonEventFunction;
metadata通知,detail = {info} qq
property onNetStatus
onNetStatus?: CommonEventFunction<LivePlayerProps.onNetStatusEventDetail>;
网络状态通知,detail = {info} weapp, swan, qq
property onStateChange
onStateChange?: CommonEventFunction<LivePlayerProps.onStateChangeEventDetail>;
播放状态变化事件,detail = {code} weapp, swan, tt, qq, jd
property orientation
orientation?: keyof LivePlayerProps.Orientation;
画面方向 "vertical" weapp, swan, tt, qq, jd
property pictureInPictureMode
pictureInPictureMode?: ('push' | 'pop')[] | 'push' | 'pop' | '';
设置小窗模式: push, pop,空字符串或通过数组形式设置多种模式(如: ["push", "pop"]) weapp
property referrerPolicy
referrerPolicy?: 'origin' | 'no-referrer';
格式固定为 https://servicewechat.com/{appid}/{version}/page-frame.html ,其中 {appid} 为小程序的 appid,{version} 为小程序的版本号,版本号为 0 表示为开发版、体验版以及审核版本,版本号为 devtools 表示为开发者工具,其余为正式版本; 'no-referrer' weapp
property signature
signature?: string;
设置署名水印 tt
property soundMode
soundMode?: keyof LivePlayerProps.soundMode;
声音输出方式 "speaker" weapp, qq, jd
property src
src?: string;
音视频地址。目前仅支持 flv, rtmp 格式 weapp, swan, tt, qq, jd
interface LivePusherProps
interface LivePusherProps extends StandardProps {}
实时音视频录制。 需要用户授权 scope.camera、scope.record 暂只针对国内主体如下类目的小程序开放,需要先通过类目审核,再在小程序管理后台,“设置”-“接口设置”中自助开通该组件权限。
property aspect
aspect?: '9:16' | '3:4';
宽高比,可选值有 3:4, 9:16 "9:16" weapp, qq
property audioQuality
audioQuality?: string;
高音质(48KHz)或低音质(16KHz),值为high, low "high" weapp, qq
property audioReverbType
audioReverbType?: keyof LivePusherProps.AudioReverbType;
音频混响类型 0 weapp, qq
property audioVolumeType
audioVolumeType?: keyof LivePusherProps.AudioVolumeType;
音量类型 "voicecall" weapp
property autoFocus
autoFocus?: boolean;
自动聚集 true weapp, qq
property autopush
autopush?: boolean;
自动推流 false weapp, qq
property backgroundMute
backgroundMute?: boolean;
进入后台时是否静音 false weapp, qq
property beauty
beauty?: number;
美颜,取值范围 0-9 ,0 表示关闭 0 weapp, qq
property beautyStyle
beautyStyle?: keyof LivePusherProps.BeautyStyleType;
设置美颜类型 smooth weapp
property customEffect
customEffect?: boolean;
是否启动自定义特效,设定后不能更改 weapp false
property devicePosition
devicePosition?: string;
前置或后置,值为front, back "front" weapp, qq
property enableAgc
enableAgc?: boolean;
是否开启音频自动增益 false weapp
property enableAns
enableAns?: boolean;
是否开启音频噪声抑制 false weapp
property enableCamera
enableCamera?: boolean;
开启摄像头 true weapp, qq
property enableMic
enableMic?: boolean;
开启或关闭麦克风 true weapp
property enableVideoCustomRender
enableVideoCustomRender?: boolean;
自定义渲染,允许开发者自行处理所采集的视频帧 false weapp
property eyeBigness
eyeBigness?: number;
自定义特效大眼效果,取值 0~1。需要开启 custom-effect weapp 0
property faceThinness
faceThinness?: number;
自定义特效瘦脸效果,取值 0~1。需要开启 custom-effect weapp 0
property filter
filter?: keyof LivePusherProps.FilterType;
设置色彩滤镜 standard weapp
property fps
fps?: number;
帧率,有效值为 1~30 weapp 15
property localMirror
localMirror?: keyof LivePusherProps.LocalMirror;
控制本地预览画面是否镜像 "auto" weapp
property maxBitrate
maxBitrate?: number;
最大码率 1000 weapp, qq
property minBitrate
minBitrate?: number;
最小码率 200 weapp, qq
property mirror
mirror?: boolean;
设置推流画面是否镜像,产生的效果在 LivePlayer 反应到 false weapp, qq
property mode
mode?: 'SD' | 'HD' | 'FHD' | 'RTC';
SD(标清), HD(高清), FHD(超清), RTC(实时通话) "RTC" weapp, qq
property muted
muted?: boolean;
是否静音。即将废弃,可用 enable-mic 替代 false
weapp, qq
property onAudioVolumeNotify
onAudioVolumeNotify?: CommonEventFunction;
返回麦克风采集的音量大小 weapp
property onBgmComplete
onBgmComplete?: CommonEventFunction;
背景音播放完成时触发 weapp, qq
property onBgmProgress
onBgmProgress?: CommonEventFunction<LivePusherProps.onBgmProgressEventDetail>;
背景音进度变化时触发,detail = {progress, duration} weapp, qq
property onBgmStart
onBgmStart?: CommonEventFunction;
背景音开始播放时触发 weapp, qq
property onEnterPictureInPicture
onEnterPictureInPicture?: string;
进入小窗 weapp
property onError
onError?: CommonEventFunction<LivePusherProps.onErrorEventDetail>;
渲染错误事件,detail = {errMsg, errCode} weapp, qq
property onLeavePictureInPicture
onLeavePictureInPicture?: string;
退出小窗 weapp
property onNetStatus
onNetStatus?: CommonEventFunction;
网络状态通知,detail = {info} weapp, qq
property onStateChange
onStateChange?: CommonEventFunction<LivePusherProps.onStateChangeEventDetail>;
状态变化事件,detail = {code} weapp, qq
property orientation
orientation?: keyof LivePusherProps.Orientation;
画面方向 "vertical" weapp, qq
property pictureInPictureMode
pictureInPictureMode?: string | any[];
设置小窗模式: push, pop,空字符串或通过数组形式设置多种模式(如: ["push", "pop"]) weapp
property remoteMirror
remoteMirror?: boolean;
设置推流画面是否镜像,产生的效果在 LivePlayer 反应到
**Note:** 同 mirror 属性,后续 mirror 将废弃 false weapp
property skinSmoothness
skinSmoothness?: number;
自定义特效磨皮效果,取值 0~1。需要开启 custom-effect weapp 0
property skinWhiteness
skinWhiteness?: number;
自定义特效美白效果,取值 0~1。需要开启 custom-effect weapp 0
property url
url?: string;
推流地址。目前仅支持 rtmp 格式 weapp, qq
property videoHeight
videoHeight?: number;
上推的视频流的分辨率高度 640 weapp
property videoWidth
videoWidth?: number;
上推的视频流的分辨率宽度 360 weapp
property voiceChangerType
voiceChangerType?: number;
0:关闭变声;1:熊孩子;2:萝莉;3:大叔;4:重金属;6:外国人;7:困兽;8:死肥仔;9:强电流;10:重机械;11:空灵 weapp 0
property waitingImage
waitingImage?: string;
进入后台时推流的等待画面 weapp, qq
property waitingImageHash
waitingImageHash?: string;
等待画面资源的MD5值 weapp, qq
property whiteness
whiteness?: number;
美白,取值范围 0-9 ,0 表示关闭 0 weapp, qq
property zoom
zoom?: boolean;
调整焦距 false weapp, qq
interface MapProps
interface MapProps extends StandardProps {}
property circles
circles?: MapProps.circle[];
圆 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd
property controls
controls?: MapProps.control[];
控件(即将废弃,建议使用 cover-view 代替)
weapp, alipay, swan, jd
property covers
covers?: any[];
**即将移除,请使用 markers** weapp
property customMapStyle
customMapStyle?: string;
default:默认样式 light:精简样式 alipay
property enable3D
enable3D?: boolean;
展示3D楼块 weapp, swan, tt, qq false
property enableAutoMaxOverlooking
enableAutoMaxOverlooking?: boolean;
开启最大俯视角,俯视角度从 45 度拓展到 75 度 weapp false
property enableBuilding
enableBuilding?: boolean;
是否展示建筑物 weapp, alipay, tt true
property enableOverlooking
enableOverlooking?: boolean;
开启俯视 false weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq
property enablePoi
enablePoi?: boolean;
是否展示 POI 点 weapp, alipay, tt true
property enableRotate
enableRotate?: boolean;
是否支持旋转 false weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq
property enableSatellite
enableSatellite?: boolean;
是否开启卫星图 false weapp, alipay, tt, qq
property enableScroll
enableScroll?: boolean;
是否支持拖动 true weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq
property enableTraffic
enableTraffic?: boolean;
是否开启实时路况 false weapp, alipay, tt, qq
property enableZoom
enableZoom?: boolean;
是否支持缩放 true weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq
property groundOverlays
groundOverlays?: MapProps.groundOverlays[];
覆盖物,自定义贴图 alipay
property includePadding
includePadding?: { [key in 'left' | 'right' | 'top' | 'bottom']: number | string;};
视野在地图 padding 范围内展示 alipay
property includePoints
includePoints?: MapProps.point[];
缩放视野以包含所有给定的坐标点 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd
property latitude
latitude: number;
中心纬度 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd
property layerStyle
layerStyle?: number;
个性化地图配置的 style,不支持动态修改 1 weapp, qq
property longitude
longitude: number;
中心经度 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd
property markers
markers?: MapProps.marker[];
标记点 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd
property maxScale
maxScale?: number;
最大缩放级别 3-20 20 weapp, tt
property minScale
minScale?: number;
最小缩放级别 3-20 3 weapp, tt
property onAbilityFailed
onAbilityFailed?: CommonEventFunction<MapProps.onAbilityEventDetail>;
地图能力失败时触发,e.detail = {ability, errCode, errMsg} weapp
property onAbilitySuccess
onAbilitySuccess?: CommonEventFunction<MapProps.onAbilityEventDetail>;
地图能力生效时触发,e.detail = {ability, errCode, errMsg} weapp
property onAnchorPointTap
onAnchorPointTap?: CommonEventFunction<MapProps.point>;
点击定位标时触发,e.detail = {longitude, latitude} weapp, tt
property onAuthSuccess
onAuthSuccess?: CommonEventFunction<{ errCode: number; errMsg: string }>;
地图鉴权结果成功时触发,e.detail = {errCode, errMsg} weapp
property onCalloutTap
onCalloutTap?: CommonEventFunction<MapProps.onCalloutTapEventDetail>;
点击标记点对应的气泡时触发,e.detail = {markerId} alipay
property onCallOutTap
onCallOutTap?: CommonEventFunction<MapProps.onCalloutTapEventDetail>;
点击标记点对应的气泡时触发e.detail = {markerId} weapp, swan, tt, jd
property onControlTap
onControlTap?: CommonEventFunction<MapProps.onControlTapEventDetail>;
点击控件时触发,e.detail = {controlId} weapp, alipay, swan, jd
property onError
onError: CommonEventFunction<MapProps.point>;
组件错误时触发,例如创建或鉴权失败,e.detail = {longitude, latitude} weapp
property onInitComplete
onInitComplete?: CommonEventFunction;
地图初始化完成即将开始渲染第一帧时触发。 alipay
property onInterpolatePoint
onInterpolatePoint?: CommonEventFunction<MapProps.onInterpolatePointEventDetail>;
MapContext.moveAlong 插值动画时触发。e.detail = {markerId, longitude, latitude, animationStatus: "interpolating" | "complete"} weapp
property onLabelTap
onLabelTap?: CommonEventFunction<MapProps.onLabelTapEventDetail>;
点击label时触发,e.detail = {markerId} weapp, tt
property onMarkerTap
onMarkerTap?: CommonEventFunction<MapProps.onMarkerTapEventDetail>;
点击标记点时触发,e.detail = {markerId} weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd
property onPanelTap
onPanelTap?: CommonEventFunction<{ panelId; layoutId;}>;
点击 panel 时触发。 alipay
property onPoiTap
onPoiTap?: CommonEventFunction<MapProps.onPoiTapEventDetail>;
点击地图poi点时触发,e.detail = {name, longitude, latitude} weapp, swan, qq
property onPolylineTap
onPolylineTap?: CommonEventFunction<MapProps.onPolylineTapEventDetail>;
点击地图路线时触发,e.detail = {longitude, latitude} weapp, swan, qq
property onRegionChange
onRegionChange?: CommonEventFunction< MapProps.onRegionEventDetail<'begin'> | MapProps.onRegionEventDetail<'end'>>;
视野发生变化时触发 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd
property onTap
onTap?: CommonEventFunction;
点击地图时触发 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd
property onUpdated
onUpdated?: CommonEventFunction;
在地图渲染更新完成时触发 weapp, swan, tt, qq
property optimize
optimize?: boolean;
保持缩放比例不变 alipay false
property panels
panels?: MapProps.panels[];
基于 map 高级定制渲染,设置覆盖在地图上的 view。 alipay
property polygon
polygon?: MapProps.polygon[];
覆盖物,多边形。 alipay
property polygons
polygons?: MapProps.polygon[];
多边形 weapp, swan, tt, qq
property polyline
polyline?: MapProps.polyline[];
路线 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd
property rotate
rotate?: number;
旋转角度,范围 0 ~ 360, 地图正北和设备 y 轴角度的夹角 0 weapp, alipay, tt, qq
property scale
scale?: number;
缩放级别,取值范围为 3-20 16 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd 取值范围为4-21 取值范围为5-18
property setting
setting?: | MapProps | { [key: string]: number | string | any; };
提供 setting 对象统一设置地图配置。同时对于一些动画属性如 rotate 和 skew,通过 setData 分开设置时无法同时生效,需通过 settting 统一修改。 weapp, alipay, qq
property showCompass
showCompass?: boolean;
显示指南针 false weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq
property showLocation
showLocation?: boolean;
显示带有方向的当前定位点 false weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd
property showScale
showScale?: boolean;
显示比例尺 false weapp, alipay, tt, qq
property skew
skew?: number;
倾斜角度,范围 0 ~ 40 , 关于 z 轴的倾角 0 weapp, alipay, tt, qq
property subkey
subkey?: string;
个性化地图使用的 key weapp, qq
property theme
theme?: string;
否 jd
property tileOverlay
tileOverlay?: MapProps.tileOverlay;
覆盖物,网格贴图 alipay
interface MatchMediaProps
interface MatchMediaProps extends StandardProps {}
property height
height?: number;
页面高度( px 为单位) weapp, alipay, jd
property maxHeight
maxHeight?: number;
页面最大高度( px 为单位) weapp, alipay, jd
property maxWidth
maxWidth?: number;
页面最大宽度( px 为单位) weapp, alipay, jd
property minHeight
minHeight?: number;
页面最小高度( px 为单位) weapp, alipay, jd
property minWidth
minWidth?: number;
页面最小宽度( px 为单位) weapp, alipay, jd
property orientation
orientation?: string;
屏幕方向( landscape 或 portrait ) weapp, alipay, jd
property width
width?: number;
页面宽度( px 为单位) weapp, alipay, jd
interface MovableAreaProps
interface MovableAreaProps extends StandardProps {}
property scaleArea
scaleArea?: boolean;
当里面的 movable-view 设置为支持双指缩放时,设置此值可将缩放手势生效区域修改为整个 movable-area false weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, harmony_hybrid
interface MovableViewProps
interface MovableViewProps extends Omit<StandardProps, 'animation'> {}
property animation
animation?: boolean;
是否使用动画 true weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, h5, harmony_hybrid
property catchTouchEnd
catchTouchEnd?: CommonEventFunction;
触摸动作结束,事件仅作用于组件,不向父节点传递。 alipay
property catchTouchMove
catchTouchMove?: CommonEventFunction;
触摸移动事件,事件仅作用于组件,不向父节点传递。 alipay
property catchTouchStart
catchTouchStart?: CommonEventFunction;
触摸移动事件,事件仅作用于组件,不向父节点传递。 alipay
property damping
damping?: number;
阻尼系数,用于控制x或y改变时的动画和过界回弹的动画,值越大移动越快 20 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, h5, harmony_hybrid
property direction
direction?: 'all' | 'vertical' | 'horizontal' | 'none';
movable-view 的移动方向,属性值有
none weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, h5, rn, harmony_hybrid
property disabled
disabled?: boolean;
是否禁用 false weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, h5, rn, harmony_hybrid
property friction
friction?: number;
摩擦系数,用于控制惯性滑动的动画,值越大摩擦力越大,滑动越快停止;必须大于 0,否则会被设置成默认值 2 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, h5, harmony_hybrid
property inertia
inertia?: boolean;
movable-view 是否带有惯性 false weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, h5, harmony_hybrid
property onChange
onChange?: CommonEventFunction<MovableViewProps.onChangeEventDetail>;
拖动过程中触发的事件 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq
property onChangeEnd
onChangeEnd?: CommonEventFunction<MovableViewProps.onChangeEventDetail>;
拖动结束触发的事件 alipay
property onDragEnd
onDragEnd?: CommonEventFunction;
拖动结束时触发 rn
property onDragStart
onDragStart?: CommonEventFunction;
开始拖动时触发 rn
property onHTouchMove
onHTouchMove?: TouchEventFunction;
初次手指触摸后移动为横向的移动,如果 catch 此事件,则意味着 touchmove 事件也被 catch weapp, swan, tt, h5, harmony_hybrid
property onScale
onScale?: CommonEventFunction<MovableViewProps.onScaleEventDetail>;
缩放过程中触发的事件 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, h5, harmony_hybrid
property onTouchCancel
onTouchCancel?: CommonEventFunction;
触摸动作被打断,如来电提醒、弹窗。 alipay
property onTouchEnd
onTouchEnd?: TouchEventFunction;
手指触摸动作结束 alipay, h5, harmony_hybrid 此事件的触发顺序会因为当前事件机制引起组件内外注册的事件执行顺序不正常,外部注册的事件可能会优先于内部执行,如需保证执行顺序一致,需要在回调函数中包裹 setTimeout 临时处理
property onTouchMove
onTouchMove?: CommonEventFunction;
触摸动作开始,事件仅作用于组件,不向父节点传递。 alipay
property onTouchStart
onTouchStart?: CommonEventFunction;
触摸动作开始,事件会向父节点传递。 alipay
property onVTouchMove
onVTouchMove?: TouchEventFunction;
初次手指触摸后移动为纵向的移动,如果 catch 此事件,则意味着 touchmove 事件也被 catch weapp, swan, tt, h5, harmony_hybrid
property outOfBounds
outOfBounds?: boolean;
超过可移动区域后,movable-view 是否还可以移动 false weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, h5, harmony_hybrid
property scale
scale?: boolean;
是否支持双指缩放,默认缩放手势生效区域是在 movable-view 内 false weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, h5, harmony_hybrid
property scaleMax
scaleMax?: number;
定义缩放倍数最大值 10 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, h5, harmony_hybrid
property scaleMin
scaleMin?: number;
定义缩放倍数最小值 0.5 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, h5, harmony_hybrid
property scaleValue
scaleValue?: number;
定义缩放倍数,取值范围为 0.5 - 10 1 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, h5, harmony_hybrid
property x
x?: number | string;
定义 x 轴方向的偏移,如果 x 的值不在可移动范围内,会自动移动到可移动范围;改变 x 的值会触发动画 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, h5, rn, harmony_hybrid
property y
y?: number | string;
定义 y 轴方向的偏移,如果 y 的值不在可移动范围内,会自动移动到可移动范围;改变 y 的值会触发动画 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, h5, rn, harmony_hybrid
interface NavigationBarProps
interface NavigationBarProps extends StandardProps {}
property backgroundColor
backgroundColor?: string;
导航条背景颜色值,有效值为十六进制颜色 weapp, harmony
property colorAnimationDuration
colorAnimationDuration?: string;
改变导航栏颜色时的动画时长,默认为 0 (即没有动画效果) 0 weapp
property colorAnimationTimingFunc
colorAnimationTimingFunc?: 'linear' | 'easeIn' | 'easeOut' | 'easeInOut';
改变导航栏颜色时的动画方式,支持 linear 、 easeIn 、 easeOut 和 easeInOut "linear" weapp
property frontColor
frontColor?: string;
导航条前景颜色值,包括按钮、标题、状态栏的颜色,仅支持 #ffffff 和 #000000 weapp, harmony
property loading
loading?: boolean;
是否在导航条显示 loading 加载提示 weapp, harmony
property title
title?: string;
导航条标题 weapp, harmony
interface NavigatorProps
interface NavigatorProps extends StandardProps {}
property appId
appId?: string;
时有效,要打开的小程序 appId weapp, swan, qq
property ariaLabel
ariaLabel?: string;
无障碍访问,(属性)元素的额外描述 qq
property delta
delta?: number;
当 open-type 为 'navigateBack' 时有效,表示回退的层数 weapp, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, harmony_hybrid
property extraData
extraData?: object;
中获取到这份数据. weapp, swan, qq
property hoverClass
hoverClass?: string;
时,没有点击态效果 "navigator-hover" weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, harmony_hybrid
property hoverStartTime
hoverStartTime?: number;
按住后多久出现点击态,单位毫秒 50 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd
property hoverStayTime
hoverStayTime?: number;
手指松开后点击态保留时间,单位毫秒 600 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd
property hoverStopPropagation
hoverStopPropagation?: boolean;
指定是否阻止本节点的祖先节点出现点击态 false weapp, swan, tt, qq, jd
property onComplete
onComplete?: CommonEventFunction;
时有效,跳转小程序完成 weapp, swan, qq, h5, harmony_hybrid
property onFail
onFail?: CommonEventFunction;
时有效,跳转小程序失败 weapp, swan, qq, h5, harmony_hybrid
property onSuccess
onSuccess?: CommonEventFunction;
时有效,跳转小程序成功 weapp, swan, qq, h5, harmony_hybrid
property openType
openType?: keyof NavigatorProps.OpenType;
跳转方式 "navigate" weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, harmony_hybrid
property path
path?: string;
时有效,打开的页面路径,如果为空则打开首页 weapp, swan, qq
property shortLink
shortLink?: string;
当target="miniProgram"时有效,当传递该参数后,可以不传 app-id 和 path。链接可以通过【小程序菜单】->【复制链接】获取。 weapp
property target
target?: keyof NavigatorProps.Target;
在哪个目标上发生跳转,默认当前小程序 "self" weapp, swan, qq
property url
url?: string;
当前小程序内的跳转链接 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, harmony_hybrid
property version
version?: keyof NavigatorProps.Version;
时有效,要打开的小程序版本 weapp, swan, qq
interface NetStatus
interface NetStatus {}
property audioBitrate
audioBitrate?: number;
property netJitter
netJitter?: number;
property netSpeed
netSpeed?: number;
property videoBitrate
videoBitrate?: number;
property videoFPS
videoFPS?: number | string;
property videoGOP
videoGOP?: number;
property videoHeight
videoHeight?: number | string;
property videoWidth
videoWidth?: number | string;
interface OfficialAccountProps
interface OfficialAccountProps extends StandardProps {}
interface OpenDataProps
interface OpenDataProps extends StandardProps {}
property componentData
componentData?: string;
当 type=*CloudStorage 时有效,从主域透传给开放数据域的数据,会自动注入到自定义开放数据域组件的 properties 中 qq
property defaultAvatar
defaultAvatar?: string;
用户头像为空时的默认图片,支持相对路径和网络图片路径 weapp, tt
property defaultText
defaultText?: string;
数据为空时的默认文案 weapp, tt
property keyList
keyList?: string;
当 type=*CloudStorage 时有效,指定要拉取的 key 列表 qq
property lang
lang?: keyof OpenDataProps.Lang;
当 type="user*" 时生效,以哪种语言展示 userInfo "en" weapp, qq
property onError
onError?: CommonEventFunction;
群名称或用户信息为空时触发 weapp, tt, qq
property openGid
openGid?: string;
当 type="groupName" 时生效, 群id weapp
property shareTicket
shareTicket?: string;
当 type=groupCloudStorage 时有效,群分享对应的 shareTicket qq
property type
type: keyof OpenDataProps.Type;
开放数据类型 weapp, swan, tt, qq
property useEmptyValue
useEmptyValue?: string;
当数据为空且未设置默认值时,是否显示官方默认值 tt
interface PageContainerProps
interface PageContainerProps extends StandardProps {}
property closeOnSlideDown
closeOnSlideDown?: boolean;
是否在下滑一段距离后关闭 weapp, alipay, jd false
property customStyle
customStyle?: string;
自定义弹出层样式 weapp, alipay, jd, rn
property duration
duration?: number;
动画时长,单位毫秒 300 weapp, alipay, jd, rn
property onAfterEnter
onAfterEnter?: CommonEventFunction;
进入后触发 weapp, alipay, jd, rn
property onAfterLeave
onAfterLeave?: CommonEventFunction;
离开后触发 weapp, alipay, jd, rn
property onBeforeEnter
onBeforeEnter?: CommonEventFunction;
进入前触发 weapp, alipay, jd, rn
property onBeforeLeave
onBeforeLeave?: CommonEventFunction;
离开前触发 weapp, alipay, jd, rn
property onClickOverlay
onClickOverlay?: CommonEventFunction;
点击遮罩层时触发 weapp, alipay, jd
property onEnter
onEnter?: CommonEventFunction;
进入中触发 weapp, alipay, jd, rn
property onEnterCancelled
onEnterCancelled?: CommonEventFunction;
进入被打断时触发(通过 a: if 打断时不会触发)。 alipay
property onLeave
onLeave?: CommonEventFunction;
离开中触发 weapp, alipay, jd, rn
property onLeaveCancelled
onLeaveCancelled?: CommonEventFunction;
离开被打断时触发(通过 a: if 打断时不会触发)。 alipay
property overlay
overlay?: boolean;
是否显示遮罩层 true weapp, alipay, jd, rn
property overlayStyle
overlayStyle?: string;
自定义遮罩层样式 weapp, alipay, jd, rn
property position
position?: keyof PageContainerProps.Position;
弹出位置,可选值为 top bottom right center bottom weapp, alipay, jd, rn
property round
round?: boolean;
是否显示圆角 false weapp, alipay, jd, rn
property show
show?: boolean;
是否显示容器组件 false weapp, alipay, jd, rn
property zIndex
zIndex?: number;
z-index 层级 100 weapp, alipay
interface PageMetaProps
interface PageMetaProps extends StandardProps {}
property backgroundColor
backgroundColor?: string;
窗口的背景色,必须为十六进制颜色值 weapp, alipay, harmony
property backgroundColorBottom
backgroundColorBottom?: string;
底部窗口的背景色,必须为十六进制颜色值,仅 iOS 支持 weapp, alipay, harmony
property backgroundColorTop
backgroundColorTop?: string;
顶部窗口的背景色,必须为十六进制颜色值,仅 iOS 支持 weapp, alipay, harmony
property backgroundTextStyle
backgroundTextStyle?: string;
下拉背景字体、loading 图的样式,仅支持 dark 和 light weapp
property onResize
onResize?: CommonEventFunction<PageMetaProps.onResizeEventDetail>;
页面尺寸变化时会触发 resize 事件 weapp
property onScroll
onScroll?: CommonEventFunction<PageMetaProps.onScrollEventDetail>;
页面滚动时会触发 scroll 事件 weapp, alipay
property onScrollDone
onScrollDone?: CommonEventFunction;
如果通过改变 scroll-top 属性来使页面滚动,页面滚动结束后会触发 scrolldone 事件 weapp
property pageFontSize
pageFontSize?: string;
页面 page 的字体大小,可以设置为 system ,表示使用当前用户设置的微信字体大小 weapp, alipay
property pageOrientation
pageOrientation?: string;
页面的方向,可为 auto portrait 或 landscape weapp
property pageStyle
pageStyle?: string;
页面根节点样式,页面根节点是所有页面节点的祖先节点,相当于 HTML 中的 body 节点 "" weapp, alipay
property rootBackgroundColor
rootBackgroundColor?: string;
页面内容的背景色,用于页面中的空白部分和页面大小变化 resize 动画期间的临时空闲区域 weapp, alipay, harmony
property rootFontSize
rootFontSize?: string;
页面的根字体大小,页面中的所有 rem 单位,将使用这个字体大小作为参考值,即 1rem 等于这个字体大小 "" weapp, alipay
property scrollDuration
scrollDuration?: number;
滚动动画时长 300 weapp, alipay, harmony
property scrollTop
scrollTop?: string;
滚动位置,可以使用 px 或者 rpx 为单位,在被设置时,页面会滚动到对应位置 "" weapp, alipay, harmony
interface PickerDateProps
interface PickerDateProps extends PickerStandardProps {}
日期选择器:mode = date
property defaultValue
defaultValue?: string;
设置 React 非受控状态下的初始取值 weapp, h5, rn
property end
end?: string;
仅当 mode 为 "time" 或 "date" 时有效,表示有效时间范围的结束,字符串格式为"YYYY-MM-DD" weapp, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid
property fields
fields?: keyof PickerDateProps.Fields;
有效值 year, month, day,表示选择器的粒度 weapp, h5, rn, harmony_hybrid "day"
property mode
mode: 'date';
property onChange
onChange: CommonEventFunction<PickerDateProps.ChangeEventDetail>;
value 改变时触发 change 事件 weapp, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid
property start
start?: string;
仅当 mode 为 "time" 或 "date" 时有效,表示有效时间范围的开始,字符串格式为"YYYY-MM-DD" weapp, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid
property value
value: string;
表示选中的日期,格式为"YYYY-MM-DD" weapp, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid 0
interface PickerMultiSelectorProps
interface PickerMultiSelectorProps extends PickerStandardProps {}
多列选择器:mode = multiSelector
property indicatorStyle
indicatorStyle?: StyleProp<ViewStyle>;
mode为 selector 或 multiSelector 时 indicatorStyle 有效 rn {}
property itemStyle
itemStyle?: StyleProp<TextStyle>;
mode为 selector 或 multiSelector 时 itemStyle 有效 rn {}
property mode
mode: 'multiSelector';
property onChange
onChange: CommonEventFunction<PickerMultiSelectorProps.ChangeEventDetail>;
当 value 改变时触发 change 事件 weapp, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid
property onColumnChange
onColumnChange?: CommonEventFunction<PickerMultiSelectorProps.ColumnChangeEventDetail>;
列改变时触发 weapp, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid
property range
range: Array<string[]> | Array<number[]> | Array<Record<string, any>[]>;
mode为 selector 或 multiSelector 时,range 有效 weapp, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid []
property rangeKey
rangeKey?: string;
当 range 是一个 Object Array 时,通过 rangeKey 来指定 Object 中 key 的值作为选择器显示内容 weapp, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid
property value
value: number[] | string[] | Record<string, any>[];
表示选择了 range 中的第几个(下标从 0 开始) weapp, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid []
interface PickerRegionProps
interface PickerRegionProps extends PickerStandardProps {}
省市区选择器:mode = region
property customItem
customItem?: string;
可为每一列的顶部添加一个自定义的项 weapp, h5, rn, harmony_hybrid
property defaultValue
defaultValue?: string[];
设置 React 非受控状态下的初始取值 weapp, h5, rn
property level
level?: keyof PickerRegionProps.Level;
选择器层级 weapp "region"
property mode
mode: 'region';
property onChange
onChange: CommonEventFunction<PickerRegionProps.ChangeEventDetail>;
value 改变时触发 change 事件 weapp, h5, rn, harmony_hybrid
property regionData
regionData?: PickerRegionProps.RegionData[];
自定义省市区数据 rn
property value
value?: string[];
表示选中的省市区,默认选中每一列的第一个值 weapp, h5, rn, harmony_hybrid []
interface PickerSelectorProps
interface PickerSelectorProps extends PickerStandardProps {}
普通选择器:mode = selector
property defaultValue
defaultValue?: number;
设置 React 非受控状态下的初始取值 weapp, h5, rn, harmony_hybrid
property indicatorStyle
indicatorStyle?: StyleProp<ViewStyle>;
mode为 selector 或 multiSelector 时 indicatorStyle 有效 rn {}
property itemStyle
itemStyle?: StyleProp<TextStyle>;
mode为 selector 或 multiSelector 时 itemStyle 有效 rn {}
property mode
mode?: 'selector';
property onChange
onChange?: CommonEventFunction<PickerSelectorProps.ChangeEventDetail>;
value 改变时触发 change 事件 weapp, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid
property range
range: string[] | number[] | Record<string, any>[];
mode为 selector 或 multiSelector 时,range 有效 weapp, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid []
property rangeKey
rangeKey?: string;
当 range 是一个 Object Array 时,通过 rangeKey 来指定 Object 中 key 的值作为选择器显示内容 weapp, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid
property value
value?: number;
表示选择了 range 中的第几个(下标从 0 开始) weapp, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid 0
interface PickerTimeProps
interface PickerTimeProps extends PickerStandardProps {}
时间选择器:mode = time
property defaultValue
defaultValue?: string;
设置 React 非受控状态下的初始取值 weapp, h5, rn
property end
end?: string;
仅当 mode 为 "time" 或 "date" 时有效,表示有效时间范围的结束,字符串格式为"hh:mm" weapp, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid
property mode
mode: 'time';
property onChange
onChange: CommonEventFunction<PickerTimeProps.ChangeEventDetail>;
value 改变时触发 change 事件 weapp, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid
property start
start?: string;
仅当 mode 为 "time" 或 "date" 时有效,表示有效时间范围的开始,字符串格式为"hh:mm" weapp, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid
property value
value?: string;
value 的值表示选择了 range 中的第几个(下标从 0 开始) weapp, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid
interface PickerViewProps
interface PickerViewProps extends StandardProps {}
property ariaLabel
ariaLabel?: string;
无障碍访问,(属性)元素的额外描述 qq
property defaultValue
defaultValue?: number[];
设置 React 非受控状态下的初始取值 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, rn
property immediateChange
immediateChange?: boolean;
是否在手指松开时立即触发 change 事件。若不开启则会在滚动动画结束后触发 change 事件。 weapp, alipay, tt false
property indicatorClass
indicatorClass?: string;
设置选择器中间选中框的类名 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd
property indicatorStyle
indicatorStyle?: string;
设置选择器中间选中框的样式 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, rn
property maskClass
maskClass?: string;
设置蒙层的类名 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd
property maskStyle
maskStyle?: string;
设置蒙层的样式 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd
property onChange
onChange?: CommonEventFunction<PickerViewProps.onChangeEventDetail>;
当滚动选择,value 改变时触发 change 事件,event.detail = {value: value};value为数组,表示 picker-view 内的 picker-view-column 当前选择的是第几项(下标从 0 开始) weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, rn
property onPickEnd
onPickEnd?: CommonEventFunction;
当滚动选择结束时候触发事件 weapp, alipay, tt, qq
property onPickStart
onPickStart?: CommonEventFunction;
当滚动选择开始时候触发事件 weapp, alipay, tt, qq
property title
title?: string;
选择器标题,建议标题控制在 12 个中文汉字长度内,避免出现截断现象, 截断部分将以 ... 形式展示 swan
property value
value?: number[];
数组中的数字依次表示 picker-view 内的 picker-view-column 选择的第几项(下标从 0 开始),数字大于 picker-view-column 可选项长度时,选择最后一项。 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, rn
interface ProgressProps
interface ProgressProps extends StandardProps {}
property active
active?: boolean;
进度条从左往右的动画 false weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony_hybrid
property activeColor
activeColor?: string;
已选择的进度条的颜色 "#09BB07" weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony_hybrid
property activeMode
activeMode?: 'backwards' | 'forwards';
backwards: 动画从头播
forwards: 动画从上次结束点接着播 backwards weapp, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony_hybrid
property ariaLabel
ariaLabel?: string;
无障碍访问,(属性)元素的额外描述 qq
property backgroundColor
backgroundColor?: string;
未选择的进度条的颜色 "#EBEBEB" weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony_hybrid
property borderRadius
borderRadius?: number | string;
圆角大小 0 weapp, swan, qq, jd, h5, harmony_hybrid
property color
color?: string;
进度条颜色 (请使用 activeColor) "#09BB07" weapp, swan, qq, jd, h5, harmony_hybrid
property duration
duration?: number;
进度增加 1% 所需毫秒数 30 weapp, swan, tt, jd, h5, harmony_hybrid
property fontSize
fontSize?: number | string;
右侧百分比字体大小 16 weapp, swan, qq, jd, h5, harmony_hybrid
property onActiveEnd
onActiveEnd?: CommonEventFunction;
动画完成事件 weapp, tt, qq, jd, h5, harmony_hybrid
property percent
percent?: number;
百分比 0~100 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony_hybrid
property showInfo
showInfo?: boolean;
在进度条右侧显示百分比 false weapp, alipay, swan, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony_hybrid
property strokeWidth
strokeWidth?: number | string;
进度条线的宽度 6 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony_hybrid
interface RadioGroupProps
interface RadioGroupProps extends StandardProps, FormItemProps {}
interface RadioProps
interface RadioProps extends StandardProps {}
property ariaLabel
ariaLabel?: string;
无障碍访问,(属性)元素的额外描述 qq
property checked
checked?: boolean;
当前是否选中 false weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid
property color
color?: string;
Radio 的颜色,同 css 的 color "#09BB07" weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, rn, harmony
property disabled
disabled?: boolean;
是否禁用 false weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid
property name
name?: string;
Radio 的名字 h5, harmony, harmony_hybrid
property nativeProps
nativeProps?: Record<string, unknown>;
上的属性到内部 H5 标签上 h5, harmony_hybrid
property onChange
onChange?: CommonEventFunction<{ value?: string;}>;
中的选中项发生变化时触发 change 事件 h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid
property value
value?: string;
的 change 事件会携带<Radio/>
的 value weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid
interface RichTextProps
interface RichTextProps extends StandardProps {}
property imageMenuPrevent
imageMenuPrevent?: string;
阻止长按图片时弹起默认菜单(将该属性设置为image-menu-prevent或image-menu-prevent="true"),只在初始化时有效,不能动态变更;若不想阻止弹起默认菜单,则不需要设置此属性 false swan
property mode
mode?: 'default' | 'compat' | 'aggressive' | 'inline-block' | 'web';
布局兼容模式 weapp default
property nodes
nodes?: Nodes;
节点列表/ HTML String weapp, jd, alipay, swan, tt, qq, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid
property onLongtap
onLongtap?: CommonEventFunction;
触摸后,超过 500ms 再离开。 alipay
property onTap
onTap?: CommonEventFunction;
触摸。 alipay
property onTouchcancel
onTouchcancel?: CommonEventFunction;
触摸动作被打断。 alipay
property onTouchend
onTouchend?: CommonEventFunction;
触摸动作结束。 alipay
property onTouchmove
onTouchmove?: CommonEventFunction;
触摸移动事件。 alipay
property onTouchstart
onTouchstart?: CommonEventFunction;
触摸动作开始。 alipay
property preview
preview?: string;
富文本中的图片是否可点击预览。在不设置的情况下,若 rich-text 未监听点击事件,则默认开启。未显示设置 preview 时会进行点击默认预览判断,建议显示设置 preview swan
property selectable
selectable?: string;
富文本是否可以长按选中,可用于复制,粘贴,长按搜索等场景 false(基础库 3.150.1 以前版本)true(基础库 3.150.1 及以后版本) swan, h5, harmony_hybrid
property space
space?: keyof RichTextProps.TSpace;
显示连续空格 weapp, jd, alipay, tt, qq, h5, rn, harmony_hybrid
property userSelect
userSelect?: boolean;
文本是否可选,该属性会使节点显示为 block false weapp, jd, h5, harmony_hybrid
interface ScrollViewProps
interface ScrollViewProps extends StandardProps {}
property adjustDecelerationVelocityWorklet
adjustDecelerationVelocityWorklet?: string;
指定手指抬起时做惯性滚动的初速度。(velocity: number) => number weapp
property ariaLabel
ariaLabel?: string;
无障碍访问,(属性)元素的额外描述 qq
property associativeContainer
associativeContainer?: 'draggable-sheet' | 'nested-scroll-view' | 'pop-gesture';
关联的滚动容器 draggable-sheet - 关联 draggable-sheet 组件 3.2.0 nested-scroll-view - 关联 type=nested 嵌套模式 3.2.0 pop-gesture - 关联 页面手势返回 3.4.0 weapp ''
property bounces
bounces?: boolean;
iOS 下 scroll-view 边界弹性控制 (同时开启 enhanced 属性后生效) weapp, swan true
property cacheExtent
cacheExtent?: number;
指定视口外渲染区域的距离,默认情况下视口外节点不渲染。指定 cache-extent 可优化滚动体验和加载速度,但会提高内存占用且影响首屏速度,可按需启用。 weapp
property clip
clip?: boolean;
是否对溢出进行裁剪,默认开启 weapp true
property disableLowerScroll
disableLowerScroll?: string;
发生滚动前,对滚动方向进行判断,当方向是顶部/左边时,如果值为 always 将始终禁止滚动,如果值为 out-of-bounds 且当前已经滚动到顶部/左边,禁止滚动。 alipay
property disableUpperScroll
disableUpperScroll?: string;
发生滚动前,对滚动方向进行判断,当方向是底部/右边时,如果值为 always 将始终禁止滚动,如果值为 out-of-bounds 且当前已经滚动到底部/右边,禁止滚动。 alipay
property enableBackToTop
enableBackToTop?: boolean;
iOS 点击顶部状态栏、安卓双击标题栏时,滚动条返回顶部,只支持竖向 weapp, alipay, swan, qq, jd, rn false
property enableFlex
enableFlex?: boolean;
启用 flexbox 布局。开启后,当前节点声明了
display: flex
就会成为 flex container,并作用于其孩子节点。 weapp, jd false
property enablePassive
enablePassive?: boolean;
开启 passive 特性,能优化一定的滚动性能 weapp false
property enhanced
enhanced?: boolean;
启用 scroll-view 增强特性 weapp, swan false
property fastDeceleration
fastDeceleration?: boolean;
boolean false 滑动减速速率控制 (同时开启 enhanced 属性后生效) weapp false
property lowerThreshold
lowerThreshold?: number;
距底部/右边多远时(单位px),触发 scrolltolower 事件 50 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony_hybrid
property minDragDistance
minDragDistance?: number;
指定 scroll-view 触发滚动的最小拖动距离。仅在 scroll-view 和其他组件存在手势冲突时使用,可通过调整该属性使得滚动更加灵敏。 weapp 18
property onDragEnd
onDragEnd?: CommonEventFunction<ScrollViewProps.onDragDetail>;
滑动结束事件 (同时开启 enhanced 属性后生效) weapp
property onDragging
onDragging?: CommonEventFunction<ScrollViewProps.onDragDetail>;
滑动事件 (同时开启 enhanced 属性后生效) weapp
property onDragStart
onDragStart?: CommonEventFunction<ScrollViewProps.onDragDetail>;
滑动开始事件 (同时开启 enhanced 属性后生效) weapp
property onRefresherAbort
onRefresherAbort?: CommonEventFunction;
自定义下拉刷新被中止 weapp
property onRefresherPulling
onRefresherPulling?: CommonEventFunction;
自定义下拉刷新控件被下拉 weapp
property onRefresherRefresh
onRefresherRefresh?: CommonEventFunction;
自定义下拉刷新被触发 weapp
property onRefresherRestore
onRefresherRestore?: CommonEventFunction;
自定义下拉刷新被复位 weapp
property onRefresherStatusChange
onRefresherStatusChange?: CommonEventFunction<ScrollViewProps.RefresherStatusChange>;
下拉刷新状态回调 weapp
property onRefresherWillRefresh
onRefresherWillRefresh?: CommonEventFunction;
自定义下拉刷新即将触发刷新(拖动超过 refresher-threshold 时)的事件 weapp
property onScroll
onScroll?: BaseEventOrigFunction<ScrollViewProps.onScrollDetail>;
滚动时触发 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid
property onScrollEnd
onScrollEnd?: BaseEventOrigFunction<ScrollViewProps.onScrollDetail>;
滚动结束事件 weapp
property onScrollEndWorklet
onScrollEndWorklet?: string;
同 bindscrollend,但仅支持 worklet 作为回调 weapp
property onScrollStart
onScrollStart?: BaseEventOrigFunction<ScrollViewProps.onScrollDetail>;
滚动开始事件 weapp
property onScrollStartWorklet
onScrollStartWorklet?: string;
同 bindscrollstart,但仅支持 worklet 作为回调 weapp
property onScrollToLower
onScrollToLower?: CommonEventFunction;
滚动到底部/右边,会触发 scrolltolower 事件 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony_hybrid
property onScrollToUpper
onScrollToUpper?: CommonEventFunction;
滚动到顶部/左边,会触发 scrolltoupper 事件 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony_hybrid
property onScrollUpdateWorklet
onScrollUpdateWorklet?: string;
同 bindscroll ,但仅支持 worklet 作为回调 weapp
property onTouchCancel
onTouchCancel?: CommonEventFunction;
触摸动作被打断,如来电提醒、弹窗。 alipay
property onTouchEnd
onTouchEnd?: CommonEventFunction;
触摸动作结束。 alipay
property onTouchMove
onTouchMove?: CommonEventFunction;
触摸后移动。 alipay
property onTouchStart
onTouchStart?: CommonEventFunction;
触摸动作开始。 alipay
property padding
padding?: [number, number, number, number];
长度为 4 的数组,按 top、right、bottom、left 顺序指定内边距 weapp [0,0,0,0]
property pagingEnabled
pagingEnabled?: boolean;
分页滑动效果 (同时开启 enhanced 属性后生效) weapp false
property refresherBackground
refresherBackground?: string;
设置自定义下拉刷新区域背景颜色 weapp '#FFF'
property refresherBallisticRefreshEnabled
refresherBallisticRefreshEnabled?: boolean;
惯性滚动是否触发下拉刷新 weapp false
property refresherDefaultStyle
refresherDefaultStyle?: string;
black | white | none
, none 表示不使用默认样式 weapp 'black'
property refresherEnabled
refresherEnabled?: boolean;
开启自定义下拉刷新 weapp false
property refresherThreshold
refresherThreshold?: number;
设置自定义下拉刷新阈值 weapp 45
property refresherTriggered
refresherTriggered?: boolean;
设置当前下拉刷新状态,true 表示下拉刷新已经被触发,false 表示下拉刷新未被触发 weapp false
property refresherTwoLevelCloseThreshold
refresherTwoLevelCloseThreshold?: number;
滑动返回时关闭二级的阈值 weapp 80
property refresherTwoLevelEnabled
refresherTwoLevelEnabled?: boolean;
开启下拉二级能力 weapp false
property refresherTwoLevelPinned
refresherTwoLevelPinned?: boolean;
即将打开二级时否定住 weapp false
property refresherTwoLevelScrollEnabled
refresherTwoLevelScrollEnabled?: boolean;
处于二级状态时是否可滑动 weapp false
property refresherTwoLevelThreshold
refresherTwoLevelThreshold?: number;
下拉二级阈值 weapp 150
property refresherTwoLevelTriggered
refresherTwoLevelTriggered?: boolean;
设置打开/关闭二级 weapp false
property reverse
reverse?: boolean;
是否反向滚动。一般初始滚动位置是在顶部,反向滚动则是在底部。 weapp false
property scrollAnchoring
scrollAnchoring?: boolean;
开启 scroll anchoring 特性,即控制滚动位置不随内容变化而抖动,仅在 iOS 下生效,安卓下可参考 CSS
属性。 weapp false
property scrollAnimationDuration
scrollAnimationDuration?: string;
当 scroll-with-animation设置为 true 时,可以设置 scroll-animation-duration 来控制动画的执行时间,单位 ms。 alipay
property scrollIntoView
scrollIntoView?: string;
值应为某子元素id(id不能以数字开头)。设置哪个方向可滚动,则在哪个方向滚动到该元素 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, harmony_hybrid
property scrollIntoViewAlignment
scrollIntoViewAlignment?: 'start' | 'center' | 'end' | 'nearest';
指定 scroll-into-view 目标节点在视口内的位置。 start - 目标节点显示在视口开始处 center - 目标节点显示在视口中间 end - 目标节点显示在视口结束处 nearest - 目标节点在就近的视口边缘显示,若节点已在视口内则不触发滚动 weapp, h5, harmony_hybrid 'start'
property scrollIntoViewWithinExtent
scrollIntoViewWithinExtent?: boolean;
只 scroll-into-view 到 cacheExtent 以内的目标节点,性能更佳 weapp false
property scrollLeft
scrollLeft?: number;
设置横向滚动条位置 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony_hybrid
property scrollTop
scrollTop?: number;
设置竖向滚动条位置 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony_hybrid
property scrollWithAnimation
scrollWithAnimation?: boolean;
在设置滚动条位置时使用动画过渡 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony_hybrid false
property scrollX
scrollX?: boolean;
允许横向滚动 false weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid 二选一
property scrollY
scrollY?: boolean;
允许纵向滚动 false weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid 二选一
property showScrollbar
showScrollbar?: boolean;
滚动条显隐控制 (同时开启 enhanced 属性后生效) weapp, harmony true
property trapScroll
trapScroll?: string;
纵向滚动时,当滚动到顶部或底部时,强制禁止触发页面滚动,仍然只触发 scroll-view 自身的滚动。 alipay false
property type
type?: 'list' | 'custom' | 'nested';
渲染模式 list - 列表模式。只会渲染在屏节点,会根据直接子节点是否在屏来按需渲染,若只有一个直接子节点则性能会退化 custom - 自定义模式。只会渲染在屏节点,子节点可以是 sticky-section list-view grid-view 等组件 nested - 嵌套模式。用于处理父子 scroll-view 间的嵌套滚动,子节点可以是 nested-scroll-header nested-scroll-body 组件或自定义 refresher weapp, harmony 'list'
property upperThreshold
upperThreshold?: number;
距顶部/左边多远时(单位px),触发 scrolltoupper 事件 50 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony_hybrid
property usingSticky
usingSticky?: boolean;
使 scroll-view 下的 position sticky 特性生效,否则滚动一屏后 sticky 元素会被隐藏 weapp false
interface ShareElementProps
interface ShareElementProps extends StandardProps {}
property duration
duration?: number;
动画时长,单位毫秒 300 weapp, alipay
property easingFunction
easingFunction?: string;
css缓动函数 ease-out weapp, alipay
property key
key?: string;
映射标记 weapp
property mapkey
mapkey?: string;
映射标记 weapp
property name
name?: string;
映射标记 alipay
property onFrameWorklet
onFrameWorklet?: string;
动画帧回调 weapp
property rectTweenType
rectTweenType?: | 'materialRectArc' | 'materialRectCenterArc' | 'linear' | 'elasticIn' | 'elasticOut' | 'elasticInOut' | 'bounceIn' | 'bounceOut' | 'bounceInOut' | 'cubic-bezier(x1, y1, x2, y2)';
动画插值曲线 weapp "materialRectArc"
property shuttleOnPop
shuttleOnPop?: string;
指定 pop 阶段的飞跃物 weapp "to"
property shuttleOnPush
shuttleOnPush?: 'from' | 'to' | 'from' | 'to';
指定 push 阶段的飞跃物 weapp "to"
property transform
transform?: boolean;
是否进行动画 false weapp, alipay
property transitionOnGesture
transitionOnGesture?: boolean;
手势返回时是否进行动画 weapp false
interface SliderProps
interface SliderProps extends StandardProps, FormItemProps {}
property activeColor
activeColor?: string;
已选择的颜色 "#1aad19" weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid
property ariaLabel
ariaLabel?: string;
无障碍访问,(属性)元素的额外描述 qq
property backgroundColor
backgroundColor?: string;
背景条的颜色 "#e9e9e9" weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid
property blockColor
blockColor?: string;
滑块的颜色 "#ffffff" weapp, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid
property blockSize
blockSize?: number;
滑块的大小,取值范围为 12 - 28 28 weapp, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, harmony, harmony_hybrid
property color
color?: string;
背景条的颜色(请使用 backgroundColor) "#e9e9e9" weapp, tt, qq, jd, harmony
property defaultValue
defaultValue?: string;
设置 React 非受控状态下的初始取值 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony_hybrid
property disabled
disabled?: boolean;
是否禁用 false weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid
property handleColor
handleColor?: string;
滑块填充色,同 CSS 色值。 alipay
property handleSize
handleSize?: string;
滑块大小。 22 alipay
property max
max?: number;
最大值 100 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid
property min
min?: number;
最小值 0 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid
property name
name?: string;
组件名字,用于表单提交获取数据。 alipay
property onChange
onChange?: CommonEventFunction<SliderProps.onChangeEventDetail>;
完成一次拖动后触发的事件 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid
property onChanging
onChanging?: CommonEventFunction<SliderProps.onChangeEventDetail>;
拖动过程中触发的事件 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid
property selectedColor
selectedColor?: string;
已选择的颜色(请使用 activeColor) "#1aad19" weapp, tt, qq, jd, harmony
property showValue
showValue?: boolean;
是否显示当前 value false weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid
property step
step?: number;
步长,取值必须大于 0,并且可被(max - min)整除 1 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid
property trackSize
trackSize?: string;
轨道线条高度。 4 alipay
property value
value?: number;
当前取值 0 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid
interface SlotProps
interface SlotProps extends StandardProps {}
interface StandardProps
interface StandardProps< T = any, TouchEvent extends BaseTouchEvent<any> = ITouchEvent> extends EventProps<TouchEvent> {}
property animation
animation?: { actions: TaroGeneral.IAnyObject[] } | TaroGeneral.IAnyObject;
property children
children?: ReactNode;
property className
className?: string;
,在 React/Preact 里一般使用className
property compileMode
compileMode?: boolean | string | typeof COMPILE_MODE_SUB_RENDER_FN;
是否开启编译模式 或者 是否是编译模式的子渲染函数 weapp, harmony
property dangerouslySetInnerHTML
dangerouslySetInnerHTML?: { __html: string;};
See Also
property harmonyDirection
harmonyDirection?: 'row' | 'column' | 'flex';
自定义容器组件的方向 harmony
property hidden
hidden?: boolean;
组件是否显示, 所有组件默认显示
property id
id?: string;
组件的唯一标示, 保持整个页面唯一
property key
key?: string | number;
如果列表中项目的位置会动态改变或者有新的项目添加到列表中, 需要使用
property ref
ref?: LegacyRef<T>;
property style
style?: string | CSSProperties;
组件的内联样式, 可以动态设置的内联样式
interface SwiperItemProps
interface SwiperItemProps extends StandardProps {}
property deep
deep?: boolean;
Swiper 循环状态下,前后垫片节点拷贝模式,用于修复 Vue 在 CustomElements 下的节点拷贝问题 false h5
property itemId
itemId?: string;
该 swiper-item 的标识符 weapp, swan, tt, jd, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid
property skipHiddenItemLayout
skipHiddenItemLayout?: boolean;
是否跳过未显示的滑块布局,设为 true 可优化复杂情况下的滑动性能,但会丢失隐藏状态滑块的布局信息 false weapp
interface SwiperProps
interface SwiperProps extends StandardProps {}
property acceleration
acceleration?: string;
当开启时,会根据滑动速度,连续滑动多屏。 false alipay
property activeClass
activeClass?: string;
swiper-item 可见时的 class。 alipay
property adjustHeight
adjustHeight?: 'first' | 'current' | 'highest' | 'none';
自动以指定滑块的高度为整个容器的高度。当 vertical 为 true 时,默认不调整。可选值为: alipay
property adjustVerticalHeight
adjustVerticalHeight?: string;
vertical 为 true 时强制使 adjust-height 生效。 alipay
property autoplay
autoplay?: boolean;
是否自动切换 false weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid
property cacheExtent
cacheExtent?: number;
缓存区域大小,值为 1 表示提前渲染上下各一屏区域(swiper 容器大小) weapp 0
property changingClass
changingClass?: string;
acceleration 设置为 {{true}} 时且处于滑动过程中,中间若干屏处于可见时的 class。 alipay
property circular
circular?: boolean;
是否采用衔接滑动 false weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony_hybrid
property current
current?: number;
当前所在滑块的 index 0 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid
property currentItemId
currentItemId?: string;
当前所在滑块的 item-id ,不能与 current 被同时指定 swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, harmony_hybrid deprecated ""
property disableProgrammaticAnimation
disableProgrammaticAnimation?: string;
是否禁用代码变动触发 swiper 切换时使用动画。 false alipay
property disableTouch
disableTouch?: boolean;
是否禁止用户 touch 操作 false alipay
property disableTouchmove
disableTouchmove?: string;
是否停止响应用户 touchmove 操作 false swan
property displayMultipleItems
displayMultipleItems?: number;
同时显示的滑块数量 1 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, harmony_hybrid
property duration
duration?: number;
滑动动画时长 500 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, harmony, harmony_hybrid
property easingFunction
easingFunction?: keyof SwiperProps.TEasingFunction;
指定 swiper 切换缓动动画类型 "default" weapp, alipay, tt, jd
property effectsProps
effectsProps?: Record<string, any>;
swiper11 相关的动效参数,具体见文档 https://swiperjs.com/swiper-api#parameters h5
property full
full?: boolean;
是否开启全屏 false h5, harmony_hybrid
property indicatorActiveColor
indicatorActiveColor?: string;
当前选中的指示点颜色 "#000000" weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid
property indicatorAlignment
indicatorAlignment?: [number, number] | string;
指示点的相对位置 weapp auto
property indicatorColor
indicatorColor?: string;
指示点颜色 "rgba(0, 0, 0, .3)" weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid
property indicatorDots
indicatorDots?: boolean;
是否显示面板指示点 false weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid
property indicatorHeight
indicatorHeight?: number;
指示点高度 weapp 8
property indicatorMargin
indicatorMargin?: number;
指示点四周边距 weapp 10
property indicatorOffset
indicatorOffset?: [number, number];
指示点位置的偏移量 weapp [0, 0]
property indicatorRadius
indicatorRadius?: number;
指示点圆角大小 weapp 4
property indicatorSpacing
indicatorSpacing?: number;
指示点间距 weapp 4
property indicatorType
indicatorType?: | 'normal' | 'worm' | 'wormThin' | 'wormUnderground' | 'wormThinUnderground' | 'expand' | 'jump' | 'jumpWithOffset' | 'scroll' | 'scrollFixedCenter' | 'slide' | 'slideUnderground' | 'scale' | 'swap' | 'swapYRotation' | 'color';
指示点动画类型 weapp normal
property indicatorWidth
indicatorWidth?: number;
指示点宽度 weapp 8
property interval
interval?: number;
自动切换时间间隔 5000 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid
property layoutType
layoutType?: 'normal' | 'stackLeft' | 'stackRight' | 'tinder' | 'transformer';
渲染模式 weapp normal
property nextMargin
nextMargin?: string;
后边距,可用于露出后一项的一小部分,接受 px 和 rpx 值 "0px" weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, harmony_hybrid
property onAnimationEnd
onAnimationEnd?: CommonEventFunction<SwiperProps.onCommonEventDetail>;
动画结束时会触发 animationEnd 事件 alipay
property onAnimationFinish
onAnimationFinish?: SwiperProps['onChange'];
动画结束时会触发 animationfinish 事件 weapp, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony_hybrid
property onChange
onChange?: CommonEventFunction<SwiperProps.onChangeEventDetail>;
current 改变时会触发 change 事件 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid
property onScrollEndWorklet
onScrollEndWorklet?: string;
滑动结束时触发,仅支持 worklet 作为回调。event.detail = {dx: dx, dy: dy} weapp
property onScrollStartWorklet
onScrollStartWorklet?: string;
滑动开始时触发,仅支持 worklet 作为回调。event.detail = {dx: dx, dy: dy} weapp
property onScrollUpdateWorklet
onScrollUpdateWorklet?: string;
滑动位置更新时触发,仅支持 worklet 作为回调。event.detail = {dx: dx, dy: dy} weapp
property onTransition
onTransition?: CommonEventFunction<SwiperProps.onTransitionEventDetail>;
swiper-item 的位置发生改变时会触发 transition 事件 weapp, alipay, tt, qq
property previousMargin
previousMargin?: string;
前边距,可用于露出前一项的一小部分,接受 px 和 rpx 值 "0px" weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, harmony_hybrid
property scrollWithAnimation
scrollWithAnimation?: boolean;
改变 current 时使用动画过渡 weapp true
property skipHiddenItemLayout
skipHiddenItemLayout?: boolean;
是否跳过未显示的滑块布局,设为 true 可优化复杂情况下的滑动性能,但会丢失隐藏状态滑块的布局信息 false qq, jd
property snapToEdge
snapToEdge?: boolean;
当 swiper-item 的个数大于等于 2,关闭 circular 并且开启 previous-margin 或 next-margin 的时候,可以指定这个边距是否应用到第一个、最后一个元素 false weapp, alipay
property swipeRatio
swipeRatio?: string;
滑动距离阈值,当滑动距离超过阈值时进行 swiper-item 切换。 alipay
property swipeSpeed
swipeSpeed?: string;
滑动综合速度阈值,当超过阈值时进行 swiper-item 切换,数值越小越敏感。 alipay
property touchAngle
touchAngle?: string;
计算用户手势时所依赖的滑动角度。角度根据 touchstart 事件和首次 touchmove 事件的坐标计算得出。数值越小越对用户的滑动方向准确度要求越高。 alipay
property transformerType
transformerType?: | 'scaleAndFade' | 'accordion' | 'threeD' | 'zoomIn' | 'zoomOut' | 'deepthPage';
layout-type 为 transformer 时指定动画类型 weapp scaleAndFade
property vertical
vertical?: boolean;
滑动方向是否为纵向 false weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid
property zoom
zoom?: boolean;
是否启用缩放 false h5, harmony_hybrid
interface SwitchProps
interface SwitchProps extends StandardProps, FormItemProps {}
property ariaLabel
ariaLabel?: string;
无障碍访问,(属性)元素的额外描述 qq
property checked
checked?: boolean;
是否选中 false weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid
property color
color?: string;
switch 的颜色,同 css 的 color "#04BE02" weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid
property controlled
controlled?: string;
是否为受控组件,为 true 时,checked 会完全受 setData 控制。 false alipay
property defaultChecked
defaultChecked?: boolean;
设置在 React 非受控状态下,当前是否选中 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony_hybrid
property disabled
disabled?: boolean;
是否禁用 false weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid
property name
name?: string;
组件名字,用于表单提交获取数据。 alipay
property nativeProps
nativeProps?: Record<string, unknown>;
上的属性到内部 H5 标签上 h5, harmony_hybrid
property onChange
onChange?: CommonEventFunction<SwitchProps.onChangeEventDetail>;
checked 改变时触发 change 事件 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid
property type
type?: 'switch' | 'checkbox';
样式,有效值:switch, checkbox "switch" weapp, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid
interface Target
interface Target {}
interface TaroEvent
interface TaroEvent<T extends EventTarget, D = any> extends Event {}
interface TextareaProps
interface TextareaProps extends StandardProps, FormItemProps {}
property adjustKeyboardTo
adjustKeyboardTo?: boolean;
键盘对齐位置 weapp false
property adjustPosition
adjustPosition?: boolean;
键盘弹起时,是否自动上推页面 true weapp, swan, tt, qq, jd
property ariaLabel
ariaLabel?: string;
无障碍访问,(属性)元素的额外描述 qq
property autoFocus
autoFocus?: boolean;
自动聚焦,拉起键盘 false weapp, swan, qq, jd, h5, harmony_hybrid
property autoHeight
autoHeight?: boolean;
是否自动增高,设置 autoHeight 时,style.height不生效 false weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony_hybrid
property confirmHold
confirmHold?: boolean;
点击键盘右下角按钮时是否保持键盘不收起 weapp, swan, tt
property confirmType
confirmType?: 'send' | 'search' | 'next' | 'go' | 'done' | 'return';
设置键盘右下角按钮的文字 weapp, alipay, swan, tt
property controlled
controlled?: boolean;
是否为受控组件。为 true 时,value 内容会完全受 setData 控制。 false alipay
property cursor
cursor?: number;
指定 focus 时的光标位置 -1 weapp, swan, tt, qq, jd
property cursorSpacing
cursorSpacing?: number;
指定光标与键盘的距离,单位 px 。取 Textarea 距离底部的距离和 cursorSpacing 指定的距离的最小值作为光标与键盘的距离 0 weapp, swan, tt, qq, jd
property defaultValue
defaultValue?: string;
设置 React 非受控输入框的初始内容 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony_hybrid
property disabled
disabled?: boolean;
是否禁用 false weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony_hybrid
property disableDefaultPadding
disableDefaultPadding?: boolean;
是否去掉 iOS 下的默认内边距 false weapp, tt
property fixed
fixed?: boolean;
如果 Textarea 是在一个
的区域,需要显示指定属性 fixed 为 true false weapp, swan, qq, jd
property focus
focus?: boolean;
获取焦点 false weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony_hybrid
property holdKeyboard
holdKeyboard?: boolean;
focus 时,点击页面的时候不收起键盘 false weapp, tt
property maxlength
maxlength?: number;
最大输入长度,设置为 -1 的时候不限制最大长度 140 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony_hybrid
property name
name?: string;
组件名字,用于表单提交获取数据。 alipay
property nativeProps
nativeProps?: Record<string, unknown>;
上的属性到内部 H5 标签上 h5, harmony_hybrid
property onBlur
onBlur?: CommonEventFunction<TextareaProps.onBlurEventDetail>;
输入框失去焦点时触发 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid
property onConfirm
onConfirm?: CommonEventFunction<TextareaProps.onConfirmEventDetail>;
点击完成时, 触发 confirm 事件 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony_hybrid
property onFocus
onFocus?: CommonEventFunction<TextareaProps.onFocusEventDetail>;
输入框聚焦时触发 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid
property onInput
onInput?: CommonEventFunction<TextareaProps.onInputEventDetail>;
当键盘输入时,触发 input 事件
**onInput 处理函数的返回值并不会反映到 textarea 上** weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid
property onKeyboardCompositionEnd
onKeyboardCompositionEnd?: CommonEventFunction;
输入法输入结束时触发(仅当输入法支持时触发) weapp
property onKeyboardCompositionStart
onKeyboardCompositionStart?: CommonEventFunction;
输入法开始新的输入时触发 (仅当输入法支持时触发) weapp
property onKeyboardCompositionUpdate
onKeyboardCompositionUpdate?: CommonEventFunction;
输入法输入字符时触发(仅当输入法支持时触发) weapp
property onKeyboardHeightChange
onKeyboardHeightChange?: CommonEventFunction<TextareaProps.onKeyboardHeightChangeEventDetail>;
键盘高度发生变化的时候触发此事件 weapp, tt, harmony
property onLineChange
onLineChange?: CommonEventFunction<TextareaProps.onLineChangeEventDetail>;
输入框行数变化时调用 weapp, swan, tt, qq, jd, rn
property onSelectionChange
onSelectionChange?: CommonEventFunction;
选区改变事件, {selectionStart, selectionEnd} weapp
property placeholder
placeholder?: string;
输入框为空时占位符 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid
property placeholderClass
placeholderClass?: string;
指定 placeholder 的样式类 "textarea-placeholder" weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd
property placeholderStyle
placeholderStyle?: string;
指定 placeholder 的样式 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, harmony
property placeholderStyle
placeholderStyle?: string;
需传入对象,格式为 { fontSize: number, fontWeight: string, color: string } weapp
property selectionEnd
selectionEnd?: number;
光标结束位置,自动聚集时有效,需与 selectionStart 搭配使用 -1 weapp, swan, tt, qq, jd, rn
property selectionStart
selectionStart?: number;
光标起始位置,自动聚集时有效,需与 selectionEnd 搭配使用 -1 weapp, swan, tt, qq, jd, rn
property showConfirmBar
showConfirmBar?: boolean;
是否显示键盘上方带有”完成“按钮那一栏 true weapp, swan, tt, qq, jd
property showCount
showCount?: boolean;
是否渲染字数统计功能(是否删除默认计数器/是否显示字数统计)。 true alipay
property value
value?: string;
输入框的内容 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid
interface TextProps
interface TextProps extends StandardProps {}
property decode
decode?: boolean;
是否解码 false weapp, alipay, tt, qq, jd 默认解码,不支持设置
property maxLines
maxLines?: number;
限制文本最大行数 weapp, harmony
property numberOfLines
numberOfLines?: number;
多行省略,值须大于等于 1,表现同 css 的 -webkit-line-clamp 属性一致。 alipay
property overflow
overflow?: keyof TextProps.Overflow;
文本溢出处理 weapp 'visible'
property selectable
selectable?: boolean;
文本是否可选 false weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony_hybrid
property space
space?: keyof TextProps.TSpace;
显示连续空格 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, harmony_hybrid
property userSelect
userSelect?: boolean;
文本是否可选,该属性会使文本节点显示为 inline-block false weapp, h5, harmony_hybrid
interface VideoProps
interface VideoProps extends StandardProps {}
property adUnitId
adUnitId?: string;
视频前贴广告单元ID,更多详情可参考开放能力[视频前贴广告](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/framework/open-ability/ad/video-patch-ad.html) weapp
property autoPauseIfNavigate
autoPauseIfNavigate?: boolean;
当跳转到其它小程序页面时,是否自动暂停本页面的视频 true weapp, qq
property autoPauseIfOpenNative
autoPauseIfOpenNative?: boolean;
当跳转到其它微信原生页面时,是否自动暂停本页面的视频 true weapp, qq
property autoplay
autoplay?: boolean;
是否自动播放 false weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid
property backgroundPoster
backgroundPoster?: string;
进入后台音频播放后的通知栏图标(Android 独有) weapp
property certificateUrl
certificateUrl?: string;
DRM 设备身份认证 url,仅 is-drm 为 true 时生效 (iOS) weapp
property controls
controls?: boolean;
是否显示默认播放控件(播放/暂停按钮、播放进度、时间) true weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid
property danmuBtn
danmuBtn?: boolean;
是否显示弹幕按钮,只在初始化时有效,不能动态变更 false weapp, swan, qq, h5, harmony_hybrid
property danmuList
danmuList?: any[];
弹幕列表 weapp, swan, qq, h5, harmony_hybrid
property definition
definition?: string;
清晰度,设置清晰度列表和默认播放的清晰度。切换清晰度按钮仅在全屏时展示,属性说明详见 Definition 类型说明。需要保证 src 和 definition 中有一个为必填,若同时设置了 src 和 definition,definition 优先级高于 src tt
property direction
direction?: number;
设置全屏时视频的方向,不指定则根据宽高比自动判断。有效值为 0(正常竖向), 90(屏幕逆时针90度), -90(屏幕顺时针90度) weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq
property duration
duration?: number;
指定视频时长 weapp, alipay, qq, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid
property enableAutoRotation
enableAutoRotation?: boolean;
是否开启手机横屏时自动全屏,当系统设置开启自动旋转时生效 weapp
property enableDanmu
enableDanmu?: boolean;
是否展示弹幕,只在初始化时有效,不能动态变更 false weapp, swan, qq, h5, harmony_hybrid
property enablePlayGesture
enablePlayGesture?: boolean;
是否开启播放手势,即双击切换播放/暂停 false weapp, swan, tt, qq, h5, harmony_hybrid
property enablePlayInBackground
enablePlayInBackground?: string;
video 播放时宿主退出后台后开启小窗播放,iOS 14 及以上版本支持。开启时首次退出后台后给予弹窗提示用户授权,授权完成后可以到小程序「设置」中重设。支持场景见后台小窗播放 tt
property enableProgressGesture
enableProgressGesture?: boolean;
是否开启控制进度的手势 true weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, h5, harmony_hybrid
property floatingMode
floatingMode?: string;
浮窗设置。暂时不支持全局浮窗。 可选值:
none:无浮窗。 page:页面内浮窗。 alipay
property initialTime
initialTime?: number;
指定视频初始播放位置 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony_hybrid
property isDrm
isDrm?: boolean;
是否是 DRM 视频源 weapp
property isLive
isLive?: boolean;
是否为直播源 weapp
property licenseUrl
licenseUrl?: string;
DRM 获取加密信息 url,仅 is-drm 为 true 时生效 weapp
property loop
loop?: boolean;
是否循环播放 false weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid
property mobilenetHintType
mobilenetHintType?: number;
0 - 不提醒 1 - tip 提醒 2 - 阻塞提醒(无消耗流量大小) 3 - 阻塞提醒(有消耗流量大小提醒)
alipay, jd
property muted
muted?: boolean;
是否静音播放 false weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid
property nativeProps
nativeProps?: Record<string, unknown>;
上的属性到内部 H5 标签上 h5, harmony_hybrid
property objectFit
objectFit?: keyof VideoProps.ObjectFit;
当视频大小与 video 容器大小不一致时,视频的表现形式 "contain" weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, harmony, harmony_hybrid
property onAdClose
onAdClose?: CommonEventFunction<VideoProps.onAdTypeCommonEventDetail>;
贴片广告非自然结束时触发,如:用户关闭广告或广告播放过程中 video 组件被销毁 tt
property onAdEnded
onAdEnded?: CommonEventFunction<VideoProps.onAdTypeCommonEventDetail>;
贴片广告播放结束时触发 tt
property onAdError
onAdError?: CommonEventFunction<VideoProps.onAdTypeCommonEventDetail>;
贴片广告加载失败时触发 tt
property onAdLoad
onAdLoad?: CommonEventFunction;
贴片广告加载成功时触发,event.detail = { adType: 'preRollAd' | 'postRollAd' } tt
property onAdStart
onAdStart?: CommonEventFunction<VideoProps.onAdTypeCommonEventDetail>;
贴片广告开始播放时触发 tt
property onCastingInterrupt
onCastingInterrupt?: CommonEventFunction;
投屏被中断时触发 weapp
property onCastingStateChange
onCastingStateChange?: CommonEventFunction;
投屏成功/失败时触发 detail = { type, state: "success"/"fail" } weapp
property onCastingUserSelect
onCastingUserSelect?: CommonEventFunction;
用户选择投屏设备时触发 detail = { state: "success"/"fail" } weapp
property onCloseBackground
onCloseBackground?: CommonEventFunction;
关闭小窗播放时触发 tt
property onControlsToggle
onControlsToggle?: CommonEventFunction<VideoProps.onControlsToggleEventDetail>;
切换 controls 显示隐藏时触发。 weapp, swan
property onControlTap
onControlTap?: CommonEventFunction<{ controlType;}>;
点击控件时触发。返回当前点击的控件类型 tt
property onEnded
onEnded?: CommonEventFunction;
当播放到末尾时触发 ended 事件 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid
property onEnterBackground
onEnterBackground?: CommonEventFunction;
进入小窗播放时触发 tt
property onEnterPictureInPicture
onEnterPictureInPicture?: CommonEventFunction;
播放器进入小窗 weapp
property onError
onError?: CommonEventFunction;
视频播放出错时触发 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony_hybrid
property onFullscreenChange
onFullscreenChange?: CommonEventFunction<VideoProps.onFullscreenChangeEventDetail>;
alipay, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid
property onFullScreenChange
onFullScreenChange?: CommonEventFunction<VideoProps.onFullscreenChangeEventDetail>;
视频进入和退出全屏时触发 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd
property onLeaveBackground
onLeaveBackground?: CommonEventFunction;
离开小窗进入 app 事件时触发 tt
property onLeavePictureInPicture
onLeavePictureInPicture?: CommonEventFunction;
播放器退出小窗 weapp
property onLoadedData
onLoadedData?: CommonEventFunction;
否 jd
property onLoadedMetaData
onLoadedMetaData?: CommonEventFunction<VideoProps.onLoadedMetaDataEventDetail>;
视频元数据加载完成时触发 weapp, swan, tt, jd, rn, harmony
property onLoading
onLoading?: CommonEventFunction;
视频出现缓冲时触发。 alipay
property onLoadStart
onLoadStart?: CommonEventFunction;
否 jd
property onMuteChange
onMuteChange?: CommonEventFunction<{ isMuted: boolean;}>;
静音状态改变完成时触发。返回当前是否静音 tt
property onPause
onPause?: CommonEventFunction;
当暂停播放时触发 pause 事件 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid
property onPlay
onPlay?: CommonEventFunction;
当开始/继续播放时触发 play 事件 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid
property onPlayBackRateChange
onPlayBackRateChange?: CommonEventFunction<{ playbackRate: string;}>;
视频倍速改变完成时触发。返回改变后的倍速值 tt
property onProgress
onProgress?: CommonEventFunction<VideoProps.onProgressEventDetail>;
加载进度变化时触发,只支持一段加载 weapp, tt, qq, h5, harmony, harmony_hybrid
property onRenderStart
onRenderStart?: CommonEventFunction;
当视频加载完真正开始播放时触发。 alipay
property onSeekComplete
onSeekComplete?: CommonEventFunction;
seek 完成时触发 weapp, tt
property onSeeked
onSeeked?: CommonEventFunction;
否 jd, harmony
property onSeeking
onSeeking?: CommonEventFunction;
否 jd, harmony
property onStop
onStop?: CommonEventFunction;
视频播放终止。 alipay
property onTap
onTap?: CommonEventFunction<VideoProps.onTapEventDetail>;
点击视频 view 时触发 alipay
property onTimeUpdate
onTimeUpdate?: CommonEventFunction<VideoProps.onTimeUpdateEventDetail>;
播放进度变化时触发, 触发频率 250ms 一次 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid
property onUserAction
onUserAction?: CommonEventFunction<VideoProps.onUserActionEventDetail>;
用户操作事件 alipay
property onWaiting
onWaiting?: CommonEventFunction<VideoProps.onWaitingEventDetail>;
weapp, swan, tt, qq, jd
property pageGesture
pageGesture?: boolean;
在非全屏模式下,是否开启亮度与音量调节手势 false weapp, swan, qq
property pictureInPictureMode
pictureInPictureMode?: ('push' | 'pop')[] | 'push' | 'pop' | '';
设置小窗模式: push, pop,空字符串或通过数组形式设置多种模式(如: ["push", "pop"]) weapp
property pictureInPictureShowProgress
pictureInPictureShowProgress?: string;
是否在小窗模式下显示播放进度 weapp
property playBtnPosition
playBtnPosition?: keyof VideoProps.PlayBtnPosition;
播放按钮的位置 -
: controls bar 上 -center
: 视频中间'bottom' weapp, tt, qq
property poster
poster?: string;
视频封面的图片网络资源地址,如果 controls 属性值为 false 则设置 poster 无效 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony_hybrid
property posterForCrawler
posterForCrawler?: string;
用于给搜索等场景作为视频封面展示,建议使用无播放 icon 的视频封面图,只支持网络地址 weapp
property posterSize
posterSize?: string;
当 poster 高宽比跟视频高宽不匹配时,如何显示 poster,设置规则同 background-size 一致。 alipay
property postRollUnitId
postRollUnitId?: string;
后贴广告的 unit id tt
property preferredPeakBitRate
preferredPeakBitRate?: number;
指定码率上界,单位为比特每秒 weapp
property preRollUnitId
preRollUnitId?: string;
前贴广告的 unit id tt
property provisionUrl
provisionUrl?: string;
DRM 设备身份认证 url,仅 is-drm 为 true 时生效 (Android) weapp
property referrerPolicy
referrerPolicy?: 'origin' | 'no-referrer';
格式固定为 https://servicewechat.com/{appid}/{version}/page-frame.html,其中 {appid} 为小程序的 appid,{version} 为小程序的版本号,版本号为 0 表示为开发版、体验版以及审核版本,版本号为 devtools 表示为开发者工具,其余为正式版本; weapp
property showBackgroundPlaybackButton
showBackgroundPlaybackButton?: boolean;
是否展示后台音频播放按钮 weapp
property showBottomProgress
showBottomProgress?: boolean;
是否展示底部进度条 weapp true
property showCastingButton
showCastingButton?: boolean;
显示投屏按钮。只安卓且同层渲染下生效,支持 DLNA 协议 weapp
property showCenterPlayBtn
showCenterPlayBtn?: boolean;
是否显示视频中间的播放按钮 true weapp, alipay, swan, qq, h5, rn, harmony_hybrid
property showFullscreenBtn
showFullscreenBtn?: boolean;
是否显示全屏按钮 true weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, h5, harmony_hybrid
property showLockBtn
showLockBtn?: string;
全屏模式下,是否显示锁屏按钮 swan
property showMuteBtn
showMuteBtn?: boolean;
是否显示静音按钮 false weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, h5, harmony_hybrid
property showNoWifiTip
showNoWifiTip?: string;
非 wifi 环境下是否显示继续播放浮层 swan
property showPlaybackRateBtn
showPlaybackRateBtn?: string;
是否显示倍速控件,点击倍速控件后可选择倍速,可选值: 0.75/1.0/1.25/1.5/2 tt
property showPlayBtn
showPlayBtn?: boolean;
是否显示视频底部控制栏的播放按钮 true weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, h5, harmony_hybrid
property showProgress
showProgress?: boolean;
若不设置,宽度大于240时才会显示 true weapp, swan, qq, h5, harmony_hybrid
property showRateBtn
showRateBtn?: string;
是否显示倍速播放按钮 swan
property showScreenLockButton
showScreenLockButton?: boolean;
是否显示锁屏按钮,仅在全屏时显示,锁屏后控制栏的操作 weapp, tt
property showSnapshotButton
showSnapshotButton?: boolean;
是否显示截屏按钮,仅在全屏时显示 weapp
property showThinProgressBar
showThinProgressBar?: string;
当底部工具条隐藏时,是否显示细进度条(controls=false 时设置无效)。 alipay
property showVslideBtnInFullscreen
showVslideBtnInFullscreen?: string;
全屏模式下,是否显示侧边栏控制按钮 swan
property signature
signature?: string;
设置署名水印 tt
property silentPlay
silentPlay?: string;
是否进入无声视频模式,进入无声视频模式后,视频将静音播放且不响应系统物理音量变化,点击播放器提示无声视频,手势调节失效 swan
property src
src: string;
要播放视频的资源地址 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony, harmony_hybrid
property title
title?: string;
视频的标题,全屏时在顶部展示 weapp, swan, qq
property vslideGesture
vslideGesture?: boolean;
) false weapp, swan, tt, h5, harmony_hybrid
property vslideGestureInFullscreen
vslideGestureInFullscreen?: boolean;
在全屏模式下,是否开启亮度与音量调节手势 true weapp, swan, tt, h5, harmony_hybrid
interface ViewProps
interface ViewProps extends StandardProps {}
property animation
animation?: TaroGeneral.IAnyObject;
用于动画,详见 my.createAnimation 。使用 my.createAnimation 生成的动画是通过过渡(Transition)实现的,只会触发 onTransitionEnd,不会触发 onAnimationStart, onAnimationIteration, onAnimationEnd。 alipay {}
property ariaLabel
ariaLabel?: string;
无障碍访问,(属性)元素的额外描述 qq
property ariaRole
ariaRole?: string;
无障碍访问,(角色)标识元素的作用 qq
property catchMove
catchMove?: boolean;
是否以 catch 的形式绑定 touchmove 事件 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd 3.1.0+
property disableScroll
disableScroll?: boolean;
是否阻止区域内滚动页面。 说明: 如果 view 中嵌套 view,外层 view 设置 disable-scroll 为 true 时禁止内部的滚动。 alipay false
property hidden
hidden?: boolean;
是否隐藏。 alipay false
property hoverClass
hoverClass?: string;
时,没有点击态效果 none weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony_hybrid 由于 RN 不支持 hoverClass,故 RN 端的 View 组件实现了hoverStyle
属性,写法和 style 类似,只不过hoverStyle
property hoverStartTime
hoverStartTime?: number;
按住后多久出现点击态,单位毫秒 50 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony_hybrid
property hoverStayTime
hoverStayTime?: number;
手指松开后点击态保留时间,单位毫秒 400 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony_hybrid
property hoverStopPropagation
hoverStopPropagation?: boolean;
指定是否阻止本节点的祖先节点出现点击态 false weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd
property hoverStyle
hoverStyle?: StyleProp<ViewStyle>;
由于 RN 不支持 hoverClass,故 RN 端的 View 组件实现了
属性,写法和 style 类似,只不过hoverStyle
的样式是指定按下去的样式。 none rn
property onAnimationEnd
onAnimationEnd?: CommonEventFunction;
动画结束时触发。 alipay
property onAnimationIteration
onAnimationIteration?: CommonEventFunction;
每开启一次新的动画过程时触发。(第一次不触发) alipay
property onAnimationStart
onAnimationStart?: CommonEventFunction;
动画开始时触发。 alipay
property onAppear
onAppear?: CommonEventFunction;
当前元素可见面积超过50%时触发。 alipay
property onDisappear
onDisappear?: CommonEventFunction;
当前元素不可见面积超过50%时触发。 alipay
property onFirstAppear
onFirstAppear?: CommonEventFunction;
当前元素首次可见面积达到50%时触发。 alipay
property onLongTap
onLongTap?: CommonEventFunction;
长按 500ms 之后触发,触发了长按事件后进行移动将不会触发屏幕的滚动。 alipay
property onTap
onTap?: CommonEventFunction;
点击。 alipay
property onTouchCancel
onTouchCancel?: CommonEventFunction;
触摸动作被打断,如来电提醒,弹窗。 alipay
property onTouchEnd
onTouchEnd?: CommonEventFunction;
触摸动作结束。 alipay
property onTouchMove
onTouchMove?: CommonEventFunction;
触摸后移动。 alipay
property onTouchStart
onTouchStart?: CommonEventFunction;
触摸动作开始。 alipay
property onTransitionEnd
onTransitionEnd?: CommonEventFunction;
过渡(Transition)结束时触发。 alipay
property role
role?: string;
表示组件的语义角色。设置为 img 时,组件聚焦后读屏软件会朗读出 图像 ;设置为 button 时,聚焦后读屏软件会朗读出 按钮 。详情请参见 aria-component。 alipay
interface VoipRoomProps
interface VoipRoomProps extends StandardProps {}
property devicePosition
devicePosition?: keyof VoipRoomProps.DevicePosition;
仅在 mode 为 camera 时有效,前置或后置,值为front, back front weapp
property mode
mode?: keyof VoipRoomProps.Mode;
对话窗口类型,自身传入 camera,其它用户传入 video camera weapp
property objectFit
objectFit?: 'fill' | 'contain' | 'cover';
画面与容器比例不一致时,画面的表现形式 weapp "fill"
property onError
onError?: CommonEventFunction;
创建对话窗口失败时触发 weapp
property openId
openId?: string;
进入房间用户的 openid "none" weapp
interface WebViewProps
interface WebViewProps extends StandardProps {}
property onError
onError?: CommonEventFunction<WebViewProps.onErrorEventDetail>;
网页加载失败的时候触发此事件。e.detail = { src } weapp, alipay, tt, qq, h5, rn, harmony_hybrid
property onLoad
onLoad?: CommonEventFunction<WebViewProps.onLoadEventDetail>;
网页加载成功时候触发此事件。e.detail = { src } weapp, alipay, tt, qq, h5, rn, harmony_hybrid
property onMessage
onMessage?: CommonEventFunction<WebViewProps.onMessageEventDetail>;
网页向小程序 postMessage 时,会在特定时机(小程序后退、组件销毁、分享)触发并收到消息。e.detail = { data } weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd
property progressbarColor
progressbarColor?: string;
webview 的进度条颜色 tt
property src
src: string;
webview 指向网页的链接。可打开关联的公众号的文章,其它网页需登录小程序管理后台配置业务域名。 weapp, alipay, swan, tt, qq, jd, h5, rn, harmony_hybrid
property type
type?: string;
若使用web-view组件引入第三方客服,必须填写type="im" tt default
Type Aliases
type BaseEventOrigFunction
type BaseEventOrigFunction<T> = (event: BaseEventOrig<T>) => void;
type BlockProps
type BlockProps = StandardProps;
type CanvasTouchEvent
type CanvasTouchEvent = BaseTouchEvent<CanvasTouch, never>;
type CanvasTouchEventFunction
type CanvasTouchEventFunction = (event: CanvasTouchEvent) => void;
type CommonEvent
type CommonEvent<T = any> = BaseEventOrig<T>;
type CommonEventFunction
type CommonEventFunction<T = any> = BaseEventOrigFunction<T>;
type currentTarget
type currentTarget = Target;
type EventHandler
type EventHandler = (ev: Event) => void;
type ITouchEvent
type ITouchEvent = BaseTouchEvent<ITouch>;
type KeyboardAccessoryProps
type KeyboardAccessoryProps = StandardProps;
type PickerViewColumnProps
type PickerViewColumnProps = StandardProps;
type TouchEventFunction
type TouchEventFunction = (event: ITouchEvent) => void;
namespace @tarojs/components
module '@tarojs/components' {}
namespace AdProps
namespace AdProps {}
interface AdErrCode
interface AdErrCode {}
错误码是通过onError获取到的错误信息。调试期间,可以通过异常返回来捕获信息。 在小程序发布上线之后,如果遇到异常问题,可以在[“运维中心“](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/)里面搜寻错误日志,还可以针对异常返回加上适当的监控信息。
property 1000
后端错误调用失败 该项错误不是开发者的异常情况 一般情况下忽略一段时间即可恢复。
property 1001
参数错误 使用方法错误 可以前往 developers.weixin.qq.com 确认具体教程(小程序和小游戏分别有各自的教程,可以在顶部选项中,“设计”一栏的右侧进行切换。
property 1002
广告单元无效 可能是拼写错误、或者误用了其他APP的广告ID 请重新前往 mp.weixin.qq.com 确认广告位ID。
property 1003
内部错误 该项错误不是开发者的异常情况 一般情况下忽略一段时间即可恢复。
property 1004
无合适的广告 广告不是每一次都会出现,这次没有出现可能是由于该用户不适合浏览广告 属于正常情况,且开发者需要针对这种情况做形态上的兼容。
property 1005
广告组件审核中 你的广告正在被审核,无法展现广告 请前往 mp.weixin.qq.com 确认审核状态,且开发者需要针对这种情况做形态上的兼容。
property 1006
广告组件被驳回 你的广告审核失败,无法展现广告 请前往 mp.weixin.qq.com 确认审核状态,且开发者需要针对这种情况做形态上的兼容。
property 1007
广告组件被封禁 你的广告能力已经被封禁,封禁期间无法展现广告 请前往 mp.weixin.qq.com 确认小程序广告封禁状态。
property 1008
广告单元已关闭 该广告位的广告能力已经被关闭 请前往 mp.weixin.qq.com 重新打开对应广告位的展现。
interface onErrorEventDetail
interface onErrorEventDetail {}
property errCode
errCode: keyof AdErrCode;
interface onSizeEventDetail
interface onSizeEventDetail {}
namespace AudioProps
namespace AudioProps {}
interface onErrorEventDetail
interface onErrorEventDetail {}
property errMsg
errMsg: keyof MediaError.Code;
interface onTimeUpdateEventDetail
interface onTimeUpdateEventDetail {}
property currentTime
currentTime: number;
property duration
duration: number;
namespace AudioProps.MediaError
namespace AudioProps.MediaError {}
namespace ButtonProps
namespace ButtonProps {}
interface FormType
interface FormType {}
form-type 的合法值
interface Lang
interface Lang {}
lang 的合法值
interface onContactEventDetail
interface onContactEventDetail {}
interface onGetPhoneNumberEventDetail
interface onGetPhoneNumberEventDetail {}
property code
code?: string;
See Also
property encryptedData
encryptedData: string;
property errMsg
errMsg: string;
property iv
iv: string;
property sign
sign: string;
签名信息,如果在开放平台后台配置了加签方式后有此字段 alipay
interface onGetRealTimePhoneNumberEventDetail
interface onGetRealTimePhoneNumberEventDetail {}
property code
code: string;
interface onGetUserInfoEventDetail
interface onGetUserInfoEventDetail {}
property cloudID
cloudID?: string;
敏感数据对应的云 ID,开通[云开发](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/wxcloud/basis/getting-started.html)的小程序才会返回,可通过云调用直接获取开放数据,详细见[云调用直接获取开放数据](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/framework/open-ability/signature.html#method-cloud)
property encryptedData
encryptedData: string;
property errMsg
errMsg: string;
property iv
iv: string;
property rawData
rawData: string;
property signature
signature: string;
sha1(rawData + sessionkey)
property userInfo
userInfo: { /** 昵称 */ nickName: string; /** 头像链接 */ avatarUrl: string; /** 头像 * @supported alipay */ avatar: string; /** 性别 */ gender: keyof Gender; /** 省份,如:`Yunnan` */ province: string; /** 城市,如:`Dalian` */ city: string; /** 国家,如:`China` */ country: string;};
interface onOpenSettingEventDetail
interface onOpenSettingEventDetail {}
property authSetting
authSetting: Record<string, boolean>;
property errMsg
errMsg: string;
interface openTypeKeys
interface openTypeKeys {}
open-type 的合法值
property alipay
alipay: { /** 触发 自定义分享 */ share; /** 支持小程序授权 */ getAuthorize; /** 分享到通讯录好友 */ contactShare; /** 关注生活号 */ lifestyle;};
支付宝小程序专属的 open-type 合法值
See Also
property qq
qq: { /** 触发用户转发,使用前建议先阅读使用指引 * @see https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/open_ability/open_share.html#%E8%BD%AC%E5%8F%91-2 */ share; /** 获取用户信息,可以从 onGetUserInfo 回调中获取到用户信息 */ getUserInfo; /** 打开APP,可以通过 app-parameter 属性设定向APP传的参数 * @see https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/open_ability/open_app.html */ launchApp; /** 打开授权设置页 */ openSetting; /** 呼起吐个槽反馈页面,开发者可以到官网查看反馈 */ feedback; /** 呼起群资料卡页面,可以通过 group-id 属性设定需要打开的群资料卡的群号,同时 app.json 中必须配置 groupIdList(数量不超过 10 个),表明可以打开群资料卡的群号 */ openGroupProfile; /** 添加好友,对方需要通过该小程序进行授权,允许被加好友后才能调用成功[用户授权](https://q.qq.com/wiki/develop/miniprogram/frame/open_ability/open_userinfo.html#%E6%8E%88%E6%9D%83) */ addFriend; /** 添加彩签,点击后添加状态有用户提示,无回调 */ addColorSign; /** 打开公众号资料卡,可以通过 public-id 属性设定需要打开的公众号资料卡的号码,同时 app.json 中必须配置 publicIdList(目前只能配置 1 个),表明可以打开的公众号资料卡的号码 */ openPublicProfile; /** 添加群应用(只有管理员或群主有权操作,建议先调用 qq.getGroupInfo 获取当前用户是否为管理员,如果是管理员才显示该按钮),添加后给button绑定 onAddGroupApp 事件接收回调数据。 */ addGroupApp; /** 在自定义开放数据域组件中,向指定好友发起分享据 */ shareMessageToFriend;};
QQ 小程序专属的 open-type 合法值
See Also
property tt
tt: { /** 触发用户转发, 可以配合 data-channel 属性来设置分享的 channel,具体请参考 ShareParam */ share; /** 获取用户手机号,可以从 bindgetphonenumber 回调中获取到用户信息,详情请参见获取手机号 */ getPhoneNumber; /** 跳转到抖音IM客服,详情请参见抖音IM客服能力 */ im; /** 跳转到抖音平台客服,详情请参见平台客服能力 */ platformIm; /** 跳转视频播放页,详情请参见跳转视频播放页 */ navigateToVideoView; /** 跳转抖音号个人页,详情请参见跳转抖音号个人页 */ openAwemeUserProfile; /** 跳转抖音直播间,详情请参见跳转抖音直播间 */ openWebcastRoom; /** 写入系统日历,详情请参见写入系统日历 */ addCalendarEvent; /** 添加到桌面,详情请参见添加到桌面 */ addShortcut; /** 加群,详情请参见加群 */ joinGroup; /** 私信,详情请参见私信 */ privateMessage; /** 主动授权私信,详情请参见主动授权私信 */ authorizePrivateMessage;};
TT 小程序专属的 open-type 合法值
See Also
property weapp
weapp: { /** 打开客服会话,如果用户在会话中点击消息卡片后返回小程序,可以从回调中获得具体信息 * @see https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/framework/open-ability/customer-message/customer-message.html */ contact; /** 触发用户转发,使用前建议先阅读使用指引 * @see https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/framework/open-ability/share.html#%E4%BD%BF%E7%94%A8%E6%8C%87%E5%BC%95 */ share; /** 获取用户手机号,可以从回调中获取到用户信息 * @see https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/framework/open-ability/getPhoneNumber.html */ getPhoneNumber; /** * 手机号实时验证,向用户申请,并在用户同意后,快速填写和实时验证手机号。(*小程序插件中不能使用*) * @see https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/framework/open-ability/getRealtimePhoneNumber.html */ getRealtimePhoneNumber; /** 获取用户信息,可以从回调中获取到用户信息 */ getUserInfo; /** 打开APP,可以通过 app-parameter 属性设定向APP传的参数 * @see https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/framework/open-ability/launchApp.html */ launchApp; /** 打开授权设置页 */ openSetting; /** 打开“意见反馈”页面,用户可提交反馈内容并上传日志,开发者可以登录小程序管理后台后进入左侧菜单“客服反馈”页面获取到反馈内容 */ feedback; /** 获取用户头像,可以从回调中获得具体信息 */ chooseAvatar; /** * 用户同意隐私协议按钮。可通过 bindagreeprivacyauthorization 监听用户同意隐私协议事件 */ agreePrivacyAuthorization; /** * 从基础库 2.32.3 版本起,隐私同意按钮支持与手机号快速验证组件耦合使用,调用方式为: * <button open-type="getPhoneNumber|agreePrivacyAuthorization"> */ ['getPhoneNumber|agreePrivacyAuthorization']; /** * 从基础库 2.32.3 版本起,支持隐私同意按钮与手机号实时验证组件耦合使用,调用方式为: * <button open-type="getRealtimePhoneNumber|agreePrivacyAuthorization"> */ ['getRealtimePhoneNumber|agreePrivacyAuthorization']; /** * 从基础库 2.32.3 版本起,支持隐私同意按钮与获取用户信息组件耦合使用,调用方式为: * <button open-type="getUserInfo|agreePrivacyAuthorization"> */ ['getUserInfo|agreePrivacyAuthorization'];};
interface Type
interface Type {}
type 的合法值
type OpenType
type OpenType = | keyof openTypeKeys['weapp'] | keyof openTypeKeys['alipay'] | keyof openTypeKeys['qq'] | keyof openTypeKeys['tt'];
open-type 的合法值
namespace CameraProps
namespace CameraProps {}
interface DevicePosition
interface DevicePosition {}
device-position 的合法值
interface Flash
interface Flash {}
flash 的合法值
interface FrameSize
interface FrameSize {}
frame-size 的合法值
interface onInitDoneEventDetail
interface onInitDoneEventDetail {}
property maxZoom
maxZoom: number;
interface onScanCodeEventDetail
interface onScanCodeEventDetail {}
property charSet
charSet: string;
property fullResult
fullResult: string;
识别结果(完整) alipay
property rawData
rawData: string;
原始数据 weapp
property result
result: string;
property type
type: string;
interface Resolution
interface Resolution {}
resolution 的合法值
namespace CanvasProps
namespace CanvasProps {}
interface onErrorEventDetail
interface onErrorEventDetail {}
property errMsg
errMsg: string;
namespace EditorProps
namespace EditorProps {}
interface editorEventDetail
interface editorEventDetail {}
namespace FormProps
namespace FormProps {}
interface onSubmitEventDetail
interface onSubmitEventDetail {}
namespace FunctionalPageNavigatorProps
namespace FunctionalPageNavigatorProps {}
interface Name
interface Name {}
name 的合法值
property chooseAddress
property loginAndGetUserInfo
property requestPayment
namespace IconProps
namespace IconProps {}
interface TIconType
interface TIconType {}
icon 的类型
property cancel
property circle
property clear
property download
property info
property info_circle
property search
property success
property success_no_circle
property waiting
property warn
namespace ImageProps
namespace ImageProps {}
interface Mode
interface Mode {}
mode 的合法值
property 'bottom left'
'bottom left';
property 'bottom right'
'bottom right';
property 'top left'
'top left';
property 'top right'
'top right';
property aspectFill
property aspectFit
property bottom
property center
property heightFix
property left
property right
property scaleToFill
缩放模式,不保持纵横比缩放图片,使图片的宽高完全拉伸至填满 image 元素
property top
property widthFix
interface onErrorEventDetail
interface onErrorEventDetail {}
property errMsg
errMsg: string;
interface onLoadEventDetail
interface onLoadEventDetail {}
namespace InputProps
namespace InputProps {}
interface ConfirmType
interface ConfirmType {}
Confirm 类型
interface inputEventDetail
interface inputEventDetail {}
> 注意:React-Native 端
,若需实时获取光标位置则可通过 [onSelectionChange
](https://reactnative.dev/docs/textinput#onselectionchange) 实现。
interface inputForceEventDetail
interface inputForceEventDetail {}
interface inputValueEventDetail
interface inputValueEventDetail {}
property value
value: string;
interface onKeyboardHeightChangeEventDetail
interface onKeyboardHeightChangeEventDetail {}
interface Type
interface Type {}
Input 类型
property 'safe-password'
密码安全输入键盘[指引](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/framework/open-ability/safe-password.html) weapp, alipay
property digit
带小数点的数字键盘 weapp, alipay, h5, rn, harmony_hybrid
property digitpad
带小数点的数字键盘 alipay
property idcard
身份证输入键盘 weapp, alipay, rn
property idcardpad
身份证输入键盘 alipay
property nickname
昵称输入键盘 weapp, alipay
property number
数字输入键盘 weapp, alipay, h5, rn, harmony_hybrid
property numberpad
数字输入键盘 alipay
property text
文本输入键盘 weapp, alipay, h5, rn, harmony_hybrid
namespace LivePlayerProps
namespace LivePlayerProps {}
interface objectFit
interface objectFit {}
objectFit 的合法值
interface onFullScreenChangeEventDetail
interface onFullScreenChangeEventDetail {}
property direction
direction: number;
property fullScreen
fullScreen: number | boolean;
interface onNetStatusEventDetail
interface onNetStatusEventDetail {}
property info
info: NetStatus;
interface onStateChangeEventDetail
interface onStateChangeEventDetail {}
property code
code: number;
interface Orientation
interface Orientation {}
orientation 的合法值
property horizontal
property vertical
interface soundMode
interface soundMode {}
soundMode 的合法值
interface Status
interface Status {}
property '-2301'
property '-2302'
property 2001
property 2002
已经连接 RTMP 服务器,开始拉流
property 2003
property 2004
property 2005
property 2006
property 2007
property 2008
property 2009
property 2101
property 2102
property 2103
网络断连, 已启动自动重连
property 2104
property 2105
property 2106
property 2107
property 2108
property 3001
property 3002
property 3003
property 3005
RTMP 读/写失败
namespace LivePusherProps
namespace LivePusherProps {}
interface AudioReverbType
interface AudioReverbType {}
audioReverbType 的合法值
interface AudioVolumeType
interface AudioVolumeType {}
audioVolumeType 的合法值
interface BeautyStyleType
interface BeautyStyleType {}
beautyStyleType 的合法值
interface FilterType
interface FilterType {}
filterType 的合法值
interface LocalMirror
interface LocalMirror {}
localMirror 的合法值
interface onBgmProgressEventDetail
interface onBgmProgressEventDetail {}
interface onErrorEventDetail
interface onErrorEventDetail {}
interface onNetstatusEventDetail
interface onNetstatusEventDetail {}
property info
info: NetStatus;
interface onStateChangeEventDetail
interface onStateChangeEventDetail {}
property code
code: number;
interface Orientation
interface Orientation {}
orientation 的合法值
property horizontal
property vertical
namespace MapProps
namespace MapProps {}
interface callout
interface callout {}
marker 上的气泡 callout
property anchorX
anchorX: number;
property anchorY
anchorY: number;
property bgColor
bgColor: string;
property borderColor
borderColor: string;
property borderRadius
borderRadius: number;
property borderWidth
borderWidth: number;
property color
color: string;
property content
content: string;
property display
display: 'BYCLICK' | 'ALWAYS';
'BYCLICK':点击显示; 'ALWAYS':常显
property fontSize
fontSize: number;
property padding
padding: number;
property textAlign
textAlign: 'left' | 'right' | 'center';
文本对齐方式。有效值: left, right, center
interface circle
interface circle {}
interface control
interface control {}
在地图上显示控件,控件不随着地图移动。即将废弃,请使用 cover-view
interface customCallout
interface customCallout {}
marker 上的自定义气泡 customCallout
interface groundOverlays
interface groundOverlays {}
property 'include-points'
'include-points': [ { latitude: number; longitude: number; }, { latitude: number; longitude: number; }];
右上 左下
property alpha
alpha: number;
property id
id: string;
property image
image: string;
property zIndex
zIndex: number;
interface label
interface label {}
marker 上的气泡 label
property anchorX
anchorX: number;
label的坐标,原点是 marker 对应的经纬度
property anchorY
anchorY: number;
label的坐标,原点是 marker 对应的经纬度
property bgColor
bgColor: string;
property borderColor
borderColor: string;
property borderRadius
borderRadius: number;
property borderWidth
borderWidth: number;
property color
color: string;
property content
content: string;
property fontSize
fontSize: number;
property padding
padding: number;
property textAlign
textAlign: 'left' | 'right' | 'center';
文本对齐方式。有效值: left, right, center
interface marker
interface marker {}
property alpha
alpha?: number;
默认1,无透明,范围 0 ~ 1
property anchor
anchor?: { x: number; y: number;};
{x, y},x表示横向(0-1),y表示竖向(0-1)。{x: .5, y: 1} 表示底边中点
property ariaLabel
ariaLabel?: string;
property callout
callout?: callout;
property customCallout
customCallout?: customCallout;
property height
height?: number | string;
property iconPath
iconPath: string;
property id
id?: number;
marker 点击事件回调会返回此id。建议为每个 marker 设置上 Number 类型 id,保证更新 marker 时有更好的性能。
property label
label?: label;
property latitude
latitude: number;
浮点数,范围 -90 ~ 90
property longitude
longitude: number;
浮点数,范围 -180 ~ 180
property rotate
rotate?: number;
顺时针旋转的角度,范围 0 ~ 360,默认为 0
property title
title?: string;
点击时显示,callout 存在时将被忽略
property width
width?: number | string;
property zIndex
zIndex?: number;
interface onAbilityEventDetail
interface onAbilityEventDetail {}
interface onCalloutTapEventDetail
interface onCalloutTapEventDetail {}
property markerId
markerId: number | string;
interface onControlTapEventDetail
interface onControlTapEventDetail {}
property controlId
controlId: number | string;
interface onInterpolatePointEventDetail
interface onInterpolatePointEventDetail {}
property animationStatus
animationStatus: 'interpolating' | 'complete';
property latitude
latitude: number;
property longitude
longitude: number;
property markerId
markerId: number;
interface onLabelTapEventDetail
interface onLabelTapEventDetail {}
property markerId
markerId: number | string;
interface onMarkerTapEventDetail
interface onMarkerTapEventDetail {}
property markerId
markerId: number | string;
interface onPoiTapEventDetail
interface onPoiTapEventDetail {}
interface onPolylineTapEventDetail
interface onPolylineTapEventDetail {}
property latitude
latitude: number;
property longitude
longitude: number;
property polylineId
polylineId: number;
interface onRegionEventDetail
interface onRegionEventDetail<T = keyof RegionChangeDetail.type> {}
property causedBy
causedBy: keyof (T extends 'begin' ? RegionChangeDetail.CausedByBegin : RegionChangeDetail.CausedByEnd);
有效值为 gesture(手势触发)、update(接口触发或调用更新接口导致)、drag(拖动导致)、scale(缩放导致)
property detail
detail: regionChangeDetail<RegionChangeDetail.type>;
property type
type: T;
interface panels
interface panels {}
interface point
interface point {}
interface polygon
interface polygon {}
指定一系列坐标点,根据 points 坐标数据生成闭合多边形
property color
color?: string;
线的颜色,用 8 位十六进制表示,后两位表示 alpha 值,如:#eeeeeeAA。
当前 Android 与 iOS 上此属性默认值存在差异(分别为 transparent 与 #ff0000ff ),建议在代码中统一显式设置。 alipay
property dashArray
dashArray?: number[];
默认值 [0, 0] 为实线,[10, 10]表示十个像素的实线和十个像素的空白(如此反复)组成的虚线 [0,0] weapp
property displayRanges
displayRanges?: [ { from: number; to: number; }];
[{ from: 12, to: 17}] alipay
property fillColor
fillColor?: string;
property level
level?: string;
压盖关系 weapp
默认为 abovelabels
property points
points: point[];
[{latitude: 0, longitude: 0}]
property strokeColor
strokeColor?: string;
property strokeWidth
strokeWidth?: number;
property width
width?: number;
当前 Android 与 iOS 上此属性默认值存在差异(分别为 0 与 5),建议在代码中统一显式设置。 alipay
property zIndex
zIndex?: number;
interface polyline
interface polyline {}
property arrowIconPath
arrowIconPath?: string;
在 arrowLine 为 true 时生效
property arrowLine
arrowLine?: boolean;
默认 false,开发者工具暂不支持该属性
property borderColor
borderColor?: string;
property borderWidth
borderWidth?: number;
property color
color?: string;
property dottedLine
dottedLine?: boolean;
默认 false
property points
points: point[];
[{latitude: 0, longitude: 0}]
property width
width?: number;
interface position
interface position {}
interface regionChangeDetail
interface regionChangeDetail<T = keyof RegionChangeDetail.type> {}
property causedBy
causedBy: keyof (T extends 'begin' ? RegionChangeDetail.CausedByBegin : RegionChangeDetail.CausedByEnd);
property centerLocation
centerLocation: point;
property region
region: { northeast: point; southeast: point;};
property rotate
rotate: number;
property scale
scale: number;
property skew
skew: number;
property type
type: T | string;
interface tileOverlay
interface tileOverlay {}
property tileHeight
tileHeight: number;
property tileWidth
tileWidth: number;
property type
type: number;
property url
url: string;
property zIndex
zIndex: number;
namespace MapProps.RegionChangeDetail
namespace MapProps.RegionChangeDetail {}
interface CausedByBegin
interface CausedByBegin {}
interface CausedByEnd
interface CausedByEnd {}
namespace MovableViewProps
namespace MovableViewProps {}
interface onChangeEventDetail
interface onChangeEventDetail {}
interface onScaleEventDetail
interface onScaleEventDetail {}
interface TChangeSource
interface TChangeSource {}
property ''
property 'out-of-bounds'
property 'touch-out-of-bounds'
property friction
property touch
namespace NavigatorProps
namespace NavigatorProps {}
interface OpenType
interface OpenType {}
open-type 的合法值
property exit
property navigate
对应 Taro.navigateTo 或 Taro.navigateToMiniProgram 的功能
property navigateBack
对应 Taro.navigateBack 的功能
property redirect
对应 Taro.redirectTo 的功能
property reLaunch
对应 Taro.reLaunch 的功能
property switchTab
对应 Taro.switchTab 的功能
interface Target
interface Target {}
target 的合法值
property miniProgram
property self
namespace OfficialAccountProps
namespace OfficialAccountProps {}
interface Detail
interface Detail {}
detail 对象
namespace OpenDataProps
namespace OpenDataProps {}
interface Lang
interface Lang {}
lang 的合法值
interface Type
interface Type {}
type 的合法值
property groupName
property userAvatarUrl
property userCity
property userCountry
property userGender
property userLanguage
property userNickName
property userProvince
namespace PageContainerProps
namespace PageContainerProps {}
namespace PageMetaProps
namespace PageMetaProps {}
interface onResizeEventDetail
interface onResizeEventDetail {}
property deviceOrientation
deviceOrientation?: 'portrait' | 'landscape';
property size
size: resizeType;
interface onScrollEventDetail
interface onScrollEventDetail {}
property scrollTop
scrollTop: number;
interface resizeType
interface resizeType {}
property screenHeight
screenHeight?: number;
property screenWidth
screenWidth?: number;
property windowHeight
windowHeight: number;
property windowWidth
windowWidth: number;
namespace PickerDateProps
namespace PickerDateProps {}
namespace PickerMultiSelectorProps
namespace PickerMultiSelectorProps {}
interface ChangeEventDetail
interface ChangeEventDetail {}
property value
value: number[];
interface ColumnChangeEventDetail
interface ColumnChangeEventDetail {}
namespace PickerRegionProps
namespace PickerRegionProps {}
interface ChangeEventDetail
interface ChangeEventDetail {}
interface Level
interface Level {}
property 'sub-district'
property city
property province
property region
interface RegionData
interface RegionData {}
namespace PickerSelectorProps
namespace PickerSelectorProps {}
interface ChangeEventDetail
interface ChangeEventDetail {}
property value
value: string | number;
namespace PickerTimeProps
namespace PickerTimeProps {}
interface ChangeEventDetail
interface ChangeEventDetail {}
property value
value: string;
namespace PickerViewProps
namespace PickerViewProps {}
interface onChangeEventDetail
interface onChangeEventDetail {}
property value
value: number[];
namespace RadioGroupProps
namespace RadioGroupProps {}
interface onChangeEventDetail
interface onChangeEventDetail {}
property value
value: string[];
namespace RichTextProps
namespace RichTextProps {}
interface HTMLElement
interface HTMLElement {}
元素节点,默认为元素节点 全局支持class和style属性,不支持 id 属性。
interface Text
interface Text {}
namespace ScrollViewProps
namespace ScrollViewProps {}
interface onDragDetail
interface onDragDetail {}
property scrollLeft
scrollLeft: number;
property scrollTop
scrollTop: number;
property velocity
velocity: number;
interface onScrollDetail
interface onScrollDetail {}
property deltaX
deltaX: number;
property deltaY
deltaY: number;
property isDrag
isDrag?: boolean;
property scrollHeight
scrollHeight: number;
property scrollLeft
scrollLeft: number;
property scrollTop
scrollTop: number;
property scrollWidth
scrollWidth: number;
interface RefresherStatusChange
interface RefresherStatusChange {}
enum RefreshStatus
const enum RefreshStatus { Idle, CanRefresh, Refreshing, Completed, Failed, CanTwoLevel, TwoLevelOpening, TwoLeveling, TwoLevelClosing,}
member CanRefresh
member CanTwoLevel
member Completed
member Failed
member Idle
member Refreshing
member TwoLevelClosing
member TwoLeveling
member TwoLevelOpening
namespace SliderProps
namespace SliderProps {}
interface onChangeEventDetail
interface onChangeEventDetail {}
property value
namespace swiper/bundle
module 'swiper/bundle' {}
namespace SwiperProps
namespace SwiperProps {}
interface onChangeEventDetail
interface onChangeEventDetail {}
property current
current: number;
property currentItemId
currentItemId?: string;
property source
source: keyof SwiperProps.TChangeSource;
interface onCommonEventDetail
interface onCommonEventDetail {}
interface onTransitionEventDetail
interface onTransitionEventDetail {}
interface TChangeSource
interface TChangeSource {}
interface TEasingFunction
interface TEasingFunction {}
指定 swiper 切换缓动动画类型
property default
property easeInCubic
property easeInOutCubic
property easeOutCubic
property linear
namespace SwitchProps
namespace SwitchProps {}
interface onChangeEventDetail
interface onChangeEventDetail {}
property value
value: boolean;
namespace TextareaProps
namespace TextareaProps {}
interface onBlurEventDetail
interface onBlurEventDetail {}
interface onConfirmEventDetail
interface onConfirmEventDetail {}
property value
value: string;
interface onFocusEventDetail
interface onFocusEventDetail {}
interface onInputEventDetail
interface onInputEventDetail {}
interface onKeyboardHeightChangeEventDetail
interface onKeyboardHeightChangeEventDetail {}
interface onLineChangeEventDetail
interface onLineChangeEventDetail {}
namespace TextProps
namespace TextProps {}
namespace VideoProps
namespace VideoProps {}
interface direction
interface direction {}
direction 的合法值
interface ObjectFit
interface ObjectFit {}
objectFit 的合法值
interface onAdTypeCommonEventDetail
interface onAdTypeCommonEventDetail {}
property adType
adType: 'preRollAd' | 'postRollAd';
interface onControlsToggleEventDetail
interface onControlsToggleEventDetail {}
property show
show: boolean;
interface onFullscreenChangeEventDetail
interface onFullscreenChangeEventDetail {}
property direction
direction: 'vertical' | 'horizontal';
property fullScreen
fullScreen: number | boolean;
interface onLoadedMetaDataEventDetail
interface onLoadedMetaDataEventDetail {}
interface onProgressEventDetail
interface onProgressEventDetail {}
property buffered
buffered: number;
interface onTapEventDetail
interface onTapEventDetail {}
property ptInView
ptInView: { x: number; y: number;};
interface onTimeUpdateEventDetail
interface onTimeUpdateEventDetail {}
property currentTime
currentTime: number;
property duration
duration: number;
property userPlayDuration
userPlayDuration: number;
用户实际观看时长 alipay
property videoDuration
videoDuration: number;
视频总时长 alipay
interface onUserActionEventDetail
interface onUserActionEventDetail {}
interface onWaitingEventDetail
interface onWaitingEventDetail {}
property direction
direction: 'vertical' | 'horizontal';
property fullScreen
fullScreen: number | boolean;
interface PlayBtnPosition
interface PlayBtnPosition {}
playBtnPosition 的合法值
interface UserActionTag
interface UserActionTag {}
property centerplay
property fullscreen
property mobilenetplay
property mute
property play
property retry
namespace VoipRoomProps
namespace VoipRoomProps {}
namespace WebViewProps
namespace WebViewProps {}
interface onErrorEventDetail
interface onErrorEventDetail {}
property src
src: string;
interface onLoadEventDetail
interface onLoadEventDetail {}
property src
src: string;
interface onMessageEventDetail
interface onMessageEventDetail {}
property data
data: any[];
消息数据,是多次 postMessage 的参数组成的数组
Package Files (98)
- types/Ad.d.ts
- types/AdCustom.d.ts
- types/AnimationVideo.d.ts
- types/AnimationView.d.ts
- types/ArCamera.d.ts
- types/Audio.d.ts
- types/AwemeData.d.ts
- types/Block.d.ts
- types/Button.d.ts
- types/Camera.d.ts
- types/Canvas.d.ts
- types/ChannelLive.d.ts
- types/ChannelVideo.d.ts
- types/Checkbox.d.ts
- types/CheckboxGroup.d.ts
- types/CommentDetail.d.ts
- types/CommentList.d.ts
- types/ContactButton.d.ts
- types/CoverImage.d.ts
- types/CoverView.d.ts
- types/CustomWrapper.d.ts
- types/DraggableSheet.d.ts
- types/Editor.d.ts
- types/FollowSwan.d.ts
- types/Form.d.ts
- types/FunctionalPageNavigator.d.ts
- types/GridBuilder.d.ts
- types/GridView.d.ts
- types/Icon.d.ts
- types/Image.d.ts
- types/InlinePaymentPanel.d.ts
- types/Input.d.ts
- types/KeyboardAccessory.d.ts
- types/Label.d.ts
- types/Lifestyle.d.ts
- types/Like.d.ts
- types/ListBuilder.d.ts
- types/ListView.d.ts
- types/LivePlayer.d.ts
- types/LivePusher.d.ts
- types/Login.d.ts
- types/Lottie.d.ts
- types/Map.d.ts
- types/MatchMedia.d.ts
- types/MovableArea.d.ts
- types/MovableView.d.ts
- types/NativeSlot.d.ts
- types/NavigationBar.d.ts
- types/Navigator.d.ts
- types/NestedScrollBody.d.ts
- types/NestedScrollHeader.d.ts
- types/OfficialAccount.d.ts
- types/OpenContainer.d.ts
- types/OpenData.d.ts
- types/PageContainer.d.ts
- types/PageMeta.d.ts
- types/Picker.d.ts
- types/PickerView.d.ts
- types/PickerViewColumn.d.ts
- types/Progress.d.ts
- types/PullToRefresh.d.ts
- types/Radio.d.ts
- types/RadioGroup.d.ts
- types/RichText.d.ts
- types/RootPortal.d.ts
- types/RtcRoom.d.ts
- types/RtcRoomItem.d.ts
- types/Script.d.ts
- types/ScrollView.d.ts
- types/ShareElement.d.ts
- types/Slider.d.ts
- types/Slot.d.ts
- types/Span.d.ts
- types/StickyHeader.d.ts
- types/StickySection.d.ts
- types/Swiper.d.ts
- types/SwiperItem.d.ts
- types/Switch.d.ts
- types/Tabs.d.ts
- types/Text.d.ts
- types/Textarea.d.ts
- types/Video.d.ts
- types/View.d.ts
- types/VoipRoom.d.ts
- types/WebView.d.ts
- types/common.d.ts
- types/event.d.ts
- types/gesture/DoubleTapGestureHandler.d.ts
- types/gesture/ForcePressGestureHandler.d.ts
- types/gesture/HorizontalDragGestureHandler.d.ts
- types/gesture/LongPressGestureHandler.d.ts
- types/gesture/PanGestureHandler.d.ts
- types/gesture/ScaleGestureHandler.d.ts
- types/gesture/TapGestureHandler.d.ts
- types/gesture/VerticalDragGestureHandler.d.ts
- types/global.d.ts
- types/index.d.ts
- vue3.d.ts
Dependencies (11)
Dev Dependencies (24)
- @babel/generator
- @babel/parser
- @babel/traverse
- @babel/types
- @stencil/react-output-target
- @stencil/vue-output-target
- @tarojs/helper
- @types/jest
- change-case
- csstype
- esbuild
- jest
- jest-cli
- jest-environment-node
- jest-runner
- lightningcss
- lodash
- miniapp-types
- mkdirp
- puppeteer
- rollup
- rollup-plugin-node-externals
- sass
- tsconfig-paths
Peer Dependencies (0)
No peer dependencies.
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