- Version 21.0.0
- Published
- 4.57 MB
- 14 dependencies
- MIT license
npm i @swimlane/ngx-charts
yarn add @swimlane/ngx-charts
pnpm add @swimlane/ngx-charts
Declarative Charting Framework for Angular
- calculateViewDimensions()
- cloneLineCoordinates()
- clonePoint()
- cloneVector2d()
- count()
- decimalChecker()
- escapeLabel()
- formatLabel()
- getDomain()
- getScale()
- getScaleType()
- getTickLines()
- getUniqueXDomainValues()
- getXDomainArray()
- gridLayout()
- gridSize()
- hexToRgb()
- id()
- invertColor()
- reduceTicks()
- shadeRGBColor()
- sortByDomain()
- sortByTime()
- sortLinear()
- throttle()
- throttleable()
- tickFormat()
- trimLabel()
- activate
- activeEntries
- autoScale
- baseValue
- clipPath
- clipPathId
- colors
- curve
- deactivate
- deactivateAll()
- dims
- filteredDomain
- getLegendOptions()
- getScaleType()
- getSeriesDomain()
- getXDomain()
- getXScale()
- getYDomain()
- getYScale()
- gradient
- hideCircles()
- hoveredVertical
- legend
- legendOptions
- legendPosition
- legendTitle
- margin
- maxXAxisTickLength
- maxYAxisTickLength
- onActivate()
- onClick()
- onDeactivate()
- ɵcmp
- ɵfac
- rotateXAxisTicks
- roundDomains
- scaleType
- schemeType
- series
- seriesDomain
- seriesTooltipTemplate
- setColors()
- showGridLines
- showXAxisLabel
- showYAxisLabel
- timeline
- timelineHeight
- timelinePadding
- timelineTransform
- timelineWidth
- timelineXDomain
- timelineXScale
- timelineYScale
- tooltipDisabled
- tooltipTemplate
- trackBy
- transform
- trimXAxisTicks
- trimYAxisTicks
- update()
- updateDomain()
- updateHoveredVertical()
- updateTimeline()
- updateXAxisHeight()
- updateYAxisWidth()
- wrapTicks
- xAxis
- xAxisHeight
- xAxisLabel
- xAxisTickFormatting
- xAxisTicks
- xDomain
- xScale
- xScaleMax
- xScaleMin
- xSet
- yAxis
- yAxisLabel
- yAxisTickFormatting
- yAxisTicks
- yAxisWidth
- yDomain
- yScale
- yScaleMax
- yScaleMin
- activate
- activeEntries
- clipPath
- clipPathId
- colors
- curve
- deactivate
- deactivateAll()
- dims
- filteredDomain
- getLegendOptions()
- getSeriesDomain()
- getXDomain()
- getXScale()
- getYScale()
- gradient
- hideCircles()
- hoveredVertical
- legend
- legendOptions
- legendPosition
- legendTitle
- margin
- maxXAxisTickLength
- maxYAxisTickLength
- onActivate()
- onClick()
- onDeactivate()
- ɵcmp
- ɵfac
- rotateXAxisTicks
- roundDomains
- scaleType
- schemeType
- seriesDomain
- seriesTooltipTemplate
- seriesType
- setColors()
- showGridLines
- showXAxisLabel
- showYAxisLabel
- timeline
- timelineHeight
- timelinePadding
- timelineTransform
- timelineWidth
- timelineXDomain
- timelineXScale
- timelineYScale
- tooltipAreas
- tooltipDisabled
- tooltipTemplate
- trackBy
- transform
- trimXAxisTicks
- trimYAxisTicks
- update()
- updateDomain()
- updateHoveredVertical()
- updateTimeline()
- updateXAxisHeight()
- updateYAxisWidth()
- wrapTicks
- xAxis
- xAxisHeight
- xAxisLabel
- xAxisTickFormatting
- xAxisTicks
- xDomain
- xScale
- xSet
- yAxis
- yAxisLabel
- yAxisTickFormatting
- yAxisTicks
- yAxisWidth
- yDomain
- yScale
- activate
- activeEntries
- clipPath
- clipPathId
- colors
- curve
- deactivate
- deactivateAll()
- dims
- filteredDomain
- getLegendOptions()
- getSeriesDomain()
- getXDomain()
- getXScale()
- getYDomain()
- getYScale()
- gradient
- hideCircles()
- hoveredVertical
- legend
- legendOptions
- legendPosition
- legendTitle
- margin
- maxXAxisTickLength
- maxYAxisTickLength
- onActivate()
- onClick()
- onDeactivate()
- ɵcmp
- ɵfac
- rotateXAxisTicks
- roundDomains
- scaleType
- schemeType
- seriesDomain
- seriesTooltipTemplate
- seriesType
- setColors()
- showGridLines
- showXAxisLabel
- showYAxisLabel
- timeline
- timelineHeight
- timelinePadding
- timelineTransform
- timelineWidth
- timelineXDomain
- timelineXScale
- timelineYScale
- tooltipDisabled
- tooltipTemplate
- trackBy()
- transform
- trimXAxisTicks
- trimYAxisTicks
- update()
- updateDomain()
- updateHoveredVertical()
- updateTimeline()
- updateXAxisHeight()
- updateYAxisWidth()
- wrapTicks
- xAxis
- xAxisHeight
- xAxisLabel
- xAxisTickFormatting
- xAxisTicks
- xDomain
- xScale
- xScaleMax
- xScaleMin
- xSet
- yAxis
- yAxisLabel
- yAxisTickFormatting
- yAxisTicks
- yAxisWidth
- yDomain
- yScale
- yScaleMax
- yScaleMin
- activate
- animations
- ariaLabel
- data
- deactivate
- edges
- element
- fill
- getGradient()
- getPath()
- getRadius()
- getStartingPath()
- getStartOpacity()
- gradient
- gradientFill
- gradientId
- gradientStops
- hasGradient
- height
- hideBar
- isActive
- loadAnimation()
- ngOnChanges()
- noBarWhenZero
- offset
- onMouseEnter()
- onMouseLeave()
- orientation
- ɵcmp
- ɵfac
- path
- roundEdges
- select
- stops
- update()
- updatePathEl()
- width
- x
- y
- activate
- activeEntries
- barOrientation
- barPadding
- colors
- dataLabelFormatting
- dataLabelMaxWidth
- deactivate
- dims
- getGroupDomain()
- getGroupScale()
- getInnerDomain()
- getInnerScale()
- getLegendOptions()
- getValueDomain()
- getValueScale()
- gradient
- groupDomain
- groupPadding
- groupScale
- groupTransform()
- innerDomain
- innerScale
- isSSR
- legend
- legendOptions
- legendPosition
- legendTitle
- margin
- maxXAxisTickLength
- maxYAxisTickLength
- ngOnInit()
- noBarWhenZero
- onActivate()
- onClick()
- onDataLabelMaxWidthChanged()
- onDeactivate()
- ɵcmp
- ɵfac
- rotateXAxisTicks
- roundDomains
- roundEdges
- schemeType
- setColors()
- showDataLabel
- showGridLines
- showXAxisLabel
- showYAxisLabel
- tooltipDisabled
- tooltipTemplate
- trackBy
- transform
- trimXAxisTicks
- trimYAxisTicks
- update()
- updateXAxisHeight()
- updateYAxisWidth()
- valueDomain
- valueScale
- wrapTicks
- xAxis
- xAxisHeight
- xAxisLabel
- xAxisTickFormatting
- xAxisTicks
- xScaleMax
- yAxis
- yAxisLabel
- yAxisTickFormatting
- yAxisTicks
- yAxisWidth
- activate
- activeEntries
- barPadding
- colors
- dataLabelFormatting
- dataLabelMaxWidth
- deactivate
- dims
- getLegendOptions()
- getXDomain()
- getXScale()
- getYDomain()
- getYScale()
- gradient
- legend
- legendOptions
- legendPosition
- legendTitle
- margin
- maxXAxisTickLength
- maxYAxisTickLength
- noBarWhenZero
- onActivate()
- onClick()
- onDataLabelMaxWidthChanged()
- onDeactivate()
- ɵcmp
- ɵfac
- rotateXAxisTicks
- roundDomains
- roundEdges
- schemeType
- setColors()
- showDataLabel
- showGridLines
- showXAxisLabel
- showYAxisLabel
- tooltipDisabled
- tooltipTemplate
- transform
- trimXAxisTicks
- trimYAxisTicks
- update()
- updateXAxisHeight()
- updateYAxisWidth()
- wrapTicks
- xAxis
- xAxisHeight
- xAxisLabel
- xAxisTickFormatting
- xAxisTicks
- xDomain
- xScale
- xScaleMax
- xScaleMin
- yAxis
- yAxisLabel
- yAxisTickFormatting
- yAxisTicks
- yAxisWidth
- yDomain
- yScale
- activate
- activeEntries
- barChartType
- barPadding
- colors
- deactivate
- dims
- getGroupDomain()
- getInnerDomain()
- getLegendOptions()
- getXScale()
- getYScale()
- gradient
- groupDomain
- groupTransform()
- innerDomain
- isSSR
- legend
- legendOptions
- legendPosition
- legendTitle
- margin
- maxXAxisTickLength
- maxYAxisTickLength
- ngOnInit()
- noBarWhenZero
- onActivate()
- onClick()
- onDeactivate()
- ɵcmp
- ɵfac
- rotateXAxisTicks
- roundDomains
- schemeType
- setColors()
- showGridLines
- showXAxisLabel
- showYAxisLabel
- tooltipDisabled
- tooltipTemplate
- trackBy
- transform
- trimXAxisTicks
- trimYAxisTicks
- update()
- updateXAxisHeight()
- updateYAxisWidth()
- valueDomain
- wrapTicks
- xAxis
- xAxisHeight
- xAxisLabel
- xAxisTickFormatting
- xAxisTicks
- xScale
- yAxis
- yAxisLabel
- yAxisTickFormatting
- yAxisTicks
- yAxisWidth
- yScale
- activate
- activeEntries
- barChartType
- barPadding
- colors
- dataLabelFormatting
- dataLabelMaxWidth
- deactivate
- dims
- getGroupDomain()
- getInnerDomain()
- getLegendOptions()
- getValueDomain()
- getXScale()
- getYScale()
- gradient
- groupDomain
- groupTransform()
- innerDomain
- isSSR
- legend
- legendOptions
- legendPosition
- legendTitle
- margin
- maxXAxisTickLength
- maxYAxisTickLength
- ngOnInit()
- noBarWhenZero
- onActivate()
- onClick()
- onDataLabelMaxWidthChanged()
- onDeactivate()
- ɵcmp
- ɵfac
- rotateXAxisTicks
- roundDomains
- schemeType
- setColors()
- showDataLabel
- showGridLines
- showXAxisLabel
- showYAxisLabel
- tooltipDisabled
- tooltipTemplate
- trackBy
- transform
- trimXAxisTicks
- trimYAxisTicks
- update()
- updateXAxisHeight()
- updateYAxisWidth()
- valueDomain
- wrapTicks
- xAxis
- xAxisHeight
- xAxisLabel
- xAxisTickFormatting
- xAxisTicks
- xScale
- xScaleMax
- yAxis
- yAxisLabel
- yAxisTickFormatting
- yAxisTicks
- yAxisWidth
- yScale
- activate
- activeEntries
- barOrientation
- barPadding
- colors
- dataLabelFormatting
- dataLabelMaxHeight
- deactivate
- dims
- getGroupDomain()
- getGroupScale()
- getInnerDomain()
- getInnerScale()
- getLegendOptions()
- getValueDomain()
- getValueScale()
- gradient
- groupDomain
- groupPadding
- groupScale
- groupTransform()
- innerDomain
- innerScale
- isSSR
- legend
- legendOptions
- legendPosition
- legendTitle
- margin
- maxXAxisTickLength
- maxYAxisTickLength
- ngOnInit()
- noBarWhenZero
- onActivate()
- onClick()
- onDataLabelMaxHeightChanged()
- onDeactivate()
- ɵcmp
- ɵfac
- rotateXAxisTicks
- roundDomains
- roundEdges
- scaleType
- schemeType
- setColors()
- showDataLabel
- showGridLines
- showXAxisLabel
- showYAxisLabel
- tooltipDisabled
- tooltipTemplate
- trackBy
- transform
- trimXAxisTicks
- trimYAxisTicks
- update()
- updateXAxisHeight()
- updateYAxisWidth()
- valueDomain
- valueScale
- wrapTicks
- xAxis
- xAxisHeight
- xAxisLabel
- xAxisTickFormatting
- xAxisTicks
- yAxis
- yAxisLabel
- yAxisTickFormatting
- yAxisTicks
- yAxisWidth
- yScaleMax
- activate
- activeEntries
- barPadding
- colors
- dataLabelFormatting
- dataLabelMaxHeight
- deactivate
- dims
- getLegendOptions()
- getXDomain()
- getXScale()
- getYDomain()
- getYScale()
- gradient
- legend
- legendOptions
- legendPosition
- legendTitle
- margin
- maxXAxisTickLength
- maxYAxisTickLength
- noBarWhenZero
- onActivate()
- onClick()
- onDataLabelMaxHeightChanged()
- onDeactivate()
- ɵcmp
- ɵfac
- rotateXAxisTicks
- roundDomains
- roundEdges
- schemeType
- setColors()
- showDataLabel
- showGridLines
- showXAxisLabel
- showYAxisLabel
- tooltipDisabled
- tooltipTemplate
- transform
- trimXAxisTicks
- trimYAxisTicks
- update()
- updateXAxisHeight()
- updateYAxisWidth()
- wrapTicks
- xAxis
- xAxisHeight
- xAxisLabel
- xAxisTickFormatting
- xAxisTicks
- xDomain
- xScale
- yAxis
- yAxisLabel
- yAxisTickFormatting
- yAxisTicks
- yAxisWidth
- yDomain
- yScale
- yScaleMax
- yScaleMin
- activate
- activeEntries
- barChartType
- barPadding
- colors
- deactivate
- dims
- getGroupDomain()
- getInnerDomain()
- getLegendOptions()
- getXScale()
- getYScale()
- gradient
- groupDomain
- groupTransform()
- innerDomain
- isSSR
- legend
- legendOptions
- legendPosition
- legendTitle
- margin
- maxXAxisTickLength
- maxYAxisTickLength
- ngOnInit()
- noBarWhenZero
- onActivate()
- onClick()
- onDeactivate()
- ɵcmp
- ɵfac
- rotateXAxisTicks
- roundDomains
- schemeType
- setColors()
- showGridLines
- showXAxisLabel
- showYAxisLabel
- tooltipDisabled
- tooltipTemplate
- trackBy
- transform
- trimXAxisTicks
- trimYAxisTicks
- update()
- updateXAxisHeight()
- updateYAxisWidth()
- valueDomain
- wrapTicks
- xAxis
- xAxisHeight
- xAxisLabel
- xAxisTickFormatting
- xAxisTicks
- xScale
- yAxis
- yAxisLabel
- yAxisTickFormatting
- yAxisTicks
- yAxisWidth
- yScale
- activate
- activeEntries
- barChartType
- barPadding
- colors
- dataLabelFormatting
- dataLabelMaxHeight
- deactivate
- dims
- getGroupDomain()
- getInnerDomain()
- getLegendOptions()
- getValueDomain()
- getXScale()
- getYScale()
- gradient
- groupDomain
- groupTransform()
- innerDomain
- isSSR
- legend
- legendOptions
- legendPosition
- legendTitle
- margin
- maxXAxisTickLength
- maxYAxisTickLength
- ngOnInit()
- noBarWhenZero
- onActivate()
- onClick()
- onDataLabelMaxHeightChanged()
- onDeactivate()
- ɵcmp
- ɵfac
- rotateXAxisTicks
- roundDomains
- schemeType
- setColors()
- showDataLabel
- showGridLines
- showXAxisLabel
- showYAxisLabel
- tickFormatting
- tooltipDisabled
- tooltipTemplate
- trackBy
- transform
- trimXAxisTicks
- trimYAxisTicks
- update()
- updateXAxisHeight()
- updateYAxisWidth()
- valueDomain
- wrapTicks
- xAxis
- xAxisHeight
- xAxisLabel
- xAxisTickFormatting
- xAxisTicks
- xScale
- yAxis
- yAxisLabel
- yAxisTickFormatting
- yAxisTicks
- yAxisWidth
- yScale
- yScaleMax
- activate
- colors
- deactivate
- dims
- getSeriesDomain()
- getUniqueBoxChartXDomainValues()
- getXDomain()
- getXScale()
- getYDomain()
- getYScale()
- gradient
- legend
- legendOptions
- legendOptionsConfig
- legendPosition
- legendTitle
- margin
- onActivate()
- onClick()
- onDeactivate()
- ɵcmp
- ɵfac
- results
- roundDomains
- roundEdges
- select
- seriesDomain
- setColors()
- setScales()
- showGridLines
- showXAxisLabel
- showYAxisLabel
- strokeColor
- strokeWidth
- tooltipDisabled
- tooltipTemplate
- trackBy()
- transform
- update()
- updateXAxisHeight()
- updateYAxisWidth()
- wrapTicks
- xAxis
- xAxisHeight
- xAxisLabel
- xDomain
- xScale
- yAxis
- yAxisLabel
- yAxisWidth
- yDomain
- yScale
- activate
- animations
- ariaLabel
- BarOrientation
- boxPath
- boxStrokeWidth
- cd
- data
- deactivate
- edges
- fill
- getGradient()
- getPath()
- getRadius()
- getStartingLineCoordinates()
- getStartingPath()
- getStartOpacity()
- gradient
- gradientFill
- gradientId
- gradientStops
- hasGradient
- height
- hideBar
- initialized
- isActive
- lineCoordinates
- lineTween()
- loadAnimation()
- maskLine
- maskLineId
- medianLineWidth
- nativeElm
- ngOnChanges()
- noBarWhenZero
- offset
- oldLineCoordinates
- oldPath
- onMouseEnter()
- onMouseLeave()
- ɵcmp
- ɵfac
- pathTween()
- roundEdges
- select
- strokeColor
- strokeWidth
- update()
- updateLineEl()
- updatePathEl()
- whiskerStrokeWidth
- width
- x
- y
- activate
- animations
- box
- colors
- counts
- deactivate
- dims
- getBoxQuantiles()
- getLinesCoordinates()
- gradient
- lineCoordinates
- ngOnChanges()
- onClick()
- ɵcmp
- ɵfac
- quartiles
- roundEdges
- select
- series
- strokeColor
- strokeWidth
- tooltipDisabled
- tooltipPlacement
- tooltipTemplate
- tooltipTitle
- tooltipType
- update()
- updateTooltipSettings()
- whiskers
- xScale
- yScale
- activate
- activeEntries
- autoScale
- bubblePadding
- clipPath
- clipPathId
- colors
- data
- deactivate
- deactivateAll()
- dims
- getBubblePadding()
- getLegendOptions()
- getRDomain()
- getRScale()
- getXDomain()
- getXScale()
- getYDomain()
- getYScale()
- hideCircles()
- isSSR
- legend
- legendOptions
- legendPosition
- legendTitle
- margin
- maxRadius
- maxXAxisTickLength
- maxYAxisTickLength
- minRadius
- ngOnInit()
- onActivate()
- onClick()
- onDeactivate()
- ɵcmp
- ɵfac
- rDomain
- rotateXAxisTicks
- roundDomains
- rScale
- scaleType
- schemeType
- seriesDomain
- setScales()
- showGridLines
- showXAxisLabel
- showYAxisLabel
- tooltipDisabled
- tooltipTemplate
- trackBy()
- transform
- trimXAxisTicks
- trimYAxisTicks
- update()
- updateXAxisHeight()
- updateYAxisWidth()
- wrapTicks
- xAxis
- xAxisHeight
- xAxisLabel
- xAxisTickFormatting
- xAxisTicks
- xDomain
- xScale
- xScaleMax
- xScaleMin
- xScaleType
- yAxis
- yAxisLabel
- yAxisTickFormatting
- yAxisTicks
- yAxisWidth
- yDomain
- yScale
- yScaleMax
- yScaleMin
- yScaleType
- activate
- activateCircle()
- activeEntries
- areaPath
- circles
- colors
- data
- deactivate
- deactivateCircle()
- getCircles()
- getTooltipText()
- isActive()
- isSSR
- isVisible()
- ngOnChanges()
- ngOnInit()
- onClick()
- ɵcmp
- ɵfac
- placementTypes
- rScale
- select
- styleTypes
- tooltipDisabled
- tooltipTemplate
- trackBy()
- update()
- visibleValue
- xAxisLabel
- xScale
- xScaleType
- yAxisLabel
- yScale
- yScaleType
- animationReq
- animations
- bandColor
- bandHeight
- bandPath
- cardHeight
- cardWidth
- color
- data
- element
- formattedLabel
- height
- initialized
- label
- labelFontSize
- labelFormatting
- medianSize
- ngOnChanges()
- ngOnDestroy()
- ngOnInit()
- onClick()
- ɵcmp
- ɵfac
- paddedValue()
- scaleText()
- scaleTextSSR()
- select
- setPadding()
- startCount()
- textColor
- textEl
- textFontSize
- textPadding
- textTransform
- textWidth
- transform
- transformBand
- update()
- value
- valueFormatting
- width
- x
- y
- activate
- activateCircle()
- activeEntries
- areaPath
- barOrientation
- barVisible
- circle
- colors
- data
- deactivate
- deactivateCircle()
- getActiveCircle()
- getGradientStops()
- getTooltipMinMaxText()
- getTooltipText()
- gradientFill
- gradientId
- isActive()
- isSSR
- mapDataPointToCircle()
- ngOnChanges()
- ngOnInit()
- onClick()
- ɵcmp
- ɵfac
- placementTypes
- scaleType
- select
- styleTypes
- tooltipDisabled
- tooltipTemplate
- type
- update()
- visibleValue
- xScale
- yScale
- activate
- activeEntries
- angleSpan
- arcs
- axisTickFormatting
- bigSegments
- colors
- cornerRadius
- deactivate
- dims
- displayValue
- domain
- getArcs()
- getDisplayValue()
- getDomain()
- getLegendOptions()
- getValueDomain()
- getValueScale()
- isActive()
- legend
- legendOptions
- legendPosition
- legendTitle
- margin
- max
- min
- ngAfterViewInit()
- onActivate()
- onClick()
- onDeactivate()
- outerRadius
- ɵcmp
- ɵfac
- resizeScale
- results
- rotation
- scaleText()
- setColors()
- showAxis
- showText
- smallSegments
- startAngle
- textEl
- textRadius
- textTransform
- textValue
- tooltipDisabled
- tooltipTemplate
- trackBy()
- transform
- units
- update()
- valueDomain
- valueFormatting
- valueScale
- activate
- activeEntries
- colors
- colorScale
- deactivate
- dims
- getDimension()
- getLegendOptions()
- getRects()
- getValueDomain()
- getXDomain()
- getXScale()
- getYDomain()
- getYScale()
- gradient
- innerPadding
- legend
- legendOptions
- legendPosition
- legendTitle
- margin
- max
- maxXAxisTickLength
- maxYAxisTickLength
- min
- onActivate()
- onClick()
- onDeactivate()
- ɵcmp
- ɵfac
- rects
- rotateXAxisTicks
- scaleType
- setColors()
- showXAxisLabel
- showYAxisLabel
- tooltipDisabled
- tooltipTemplate
- tooltipText
- transform
- trimXAxisTicks
- trimYAxisTicks
- update()
- updateXAxisHeight()
- updateYAxisWidth()
- valueDomain
- wrapTicks
- xAxis
- xAxisHeight
- xAxisLabel
- xAxisTickFormatting
- xAxisTicks
- xDomain
- xScale
- yAxis
- yAxisLabel
- yAxisTickFormatting
- yAxisTicks
- yAxisWidth
- yDomain
- yScale
- barOrientation
- colors
- dims
- displayValue
- getDisplayValue()
- getValueDomain()
- getValueScale()
- hasPreviousValue
- margin
- max
- min
- ngAfterViewInit()
- onClick()
- ɵcmp
- ɵfac
- previousValue
- scaleText()
- scaleTextSSR()
- setColors()
- transform
- transformLine
- units
- unitsResizeScale
- unitsTextEl
- unitsTextTransform
- unitsTranslate
- update()
- value
- valueDomain
- valueFormatting
- valueResizeScale
- valueScale
- valueTextEl
- valueTextTransform
- valueTranslate
- activate
- activeEntries
- areaPath
- autoScale
- clipPath
- clipPathId
- colors
- curve
- deactivate
- deactivateAll()
- dims
- filteredDomain
- getLegendOptions()
- getSeriesDomain()
- getXDomain()
- getXScale()
- getYDomain()
- getYScale()
- gradient
- hasRange
- hideCircles()
- hoveredVertical
- isSSR
- legend
- legendOptions
- legendPosition
- legendTitle
- margin
- maxXAxisTickLength
- maxYAxisTickLength
- ngOnInit()
- onActivate()
- onClick()
- onDeactivate()
- ɵcmp
- ɵfac
- rangeFillOpacity
- referenceLines
- rotateXAxisTicks
- roundDomains
- scaleType
- schemeType
- seriesDomain
- seriesTooltipTemplate
- setColors()
- showGridLines
- showRefLabels
- showRefLines
- showXAxisLabel
- showYAxisLabel
- timeline
- timelineHeight
- timelinePadding
- timelineTransform
- timelineWidth
- timelineXDomain
- timelineXScale
- timelineYScale
- tooltipDisabled
- tooltipTemplate
- trackBy()
- transform
- trimXAxisTicks
- trimYAxisTicks
- update()
- updateDomain()
- updateHoveredVertical()
- updateTimeline()
- updateXAxisHeight()
- updateYAxisWidth()
- wrapTicks
- xAxis
- xAxisHeight
- xAxisLabel
- xAxisTickFormatting
- xAxisTicks
- xDomain
- xScale
- xScaleMax
- xScaleMin
- xSet
- yAxis
- yAxisLabel
- yAxisTickFormatting
- yAxisTicks
- yAxisWidth
- yDomain
- yScale
- yScaleMax
- yScaleMin
- activeEntries
- animations
- areaGradientStops
- areaPath
- barOrientation
- colors
- curve
- data
- getAreaGenerator()
- getLineGenerator()
- getRangeGenerator()
- gradientId
- gradientStops
- gradientUrl
- hasGradient
- hasRange
- isActive()
- isInactive()
- ngOnChanges()
- outerPath
- ɵcmp
- ɵfac
- path
- rangeFillOpacity
- scaleType
- sortData()
- stroke
- update()
- updateGradients()
- xScale
- yScale
- activate
- animate
- barOrientation
- calculateArc()
- cornerRadius
- data
- dblclick
- deactivate
- element
- endAngle
- explodeSlices
- fill
- getGradient()
- getPointerEvents()
- gradient
- gradientFill
- initialized
- innerRadius
- isActive
- loadAnimation()
- max
- ngOnChanges()
- onClick()
- onDblClick()
- outerRadius
- ɵcmp
- ɵfac
- path
- pointerEvents
- radialGradientId
- select
- startAngle
- startOpacity
- update()
- updateAnimation()
- value
- activate
- activeEntries
- arcWidth
- colors
- data
- dblclick
- deactivate
- dims
- domain
- doughnut
- explodeSlices
- getDomain()
- getLegendOptions()
- gradient
- innerRadius
- labelFormatting
- labels
- legend
- legendOptions
- legendPosition
- legendTitle
- margins
- maxLabelLength
- onActivate()
- onClick()
- onDeactivate()
- outerRadius
- ɵcmp
- ɵfac
- select
- setColors()
- tooltipDisabled
- tooltipTemplate
- tooltipText
- translation
- trimLabels
- update()
- activate
- activeEntries
- animations
- calculateLabelPositions()
- color()
- colors
- data
- dblclick
- deactivate
- defaultTooltipText()
- dims
- explodeSlices
- getTooltipTitle()
- gradient
- innerRadius
- isActive()
- label()
- labelFormatting
- labelText()
- labelVisible()
- max
- maxLabelLength
- midAngle()
- ngOnChanges()
- onClick()
- outerArc()
- outerRadius
- ɵcmp
- ɵfac
- placementTypes
- select
- series
- showLabels
- styleTypes
- tooltipDisabled
- tooltipTemplate
- tooltipText
- trackBy()
- trimLabels
- update()
- activate
- activeEntries
- autoScale
- colors
- curve
- deactivate
- deactivateAll()
- dims
- filteredDomain
- getLegendOptions()
- getSeriesDomain()
- getXDomain()
- getXScale()
- getXValues()
- getYDomain()
- getYScale()
- getYValues()
- gradient
- isSSR
- labelOffset
- labelTrim
- labelTrimSize
- legend
- legendOptions
- legendPosition
- legendTitle
- margin
- maxYAxisTickLength
- ngOnInit()
- onActivate()
- onClick()
- onDeactivate()
- orientation
- outerRadius
- ɵcmp
- ɵfac
- radiusTicks
- rangeFillOpacity
- roundDomains
- scaleType
- schemeType
- seriesDomain
- setColors()
- setDims()
- setScales()
- setTicks()
- showGridLines
- showSeriesOnHover
- showXAxisLabel
- showYAxisLabel
- thetaTicks
- tooltipDisabled
- tooltipTemplate
- trackBy()
- transform
- transformPlot
- transformXAxis
- transformYAxis
- trimYAxisTicks
- update()
- updateXAxisHeight()
- updateYAxisWidth()
- wrapTicks
- xAxis
- xAxisHeight
- xAxisLabel
- xAxisTickFormatting
- xDomain
- xScale
- yAxis
- yAxisDims
- yAxisLabel
- yAxisMinScale
- yAxisScale
- yAxisTickFormatting
- yAxisWidth
- yDomain
- yScale
- activate
- active
- activeEntries
- animations
- areaGradientStops
- areaPath
- barOrientation
- circleRadius
- circles
- colors
- curve
- data
- deactivate
- defaultTooltipText()
- getAngle()
- getLineGenerator()
- getRadius()
- gradient
- gradientId
- gradientStops
- gradientUrl
- hasGradient
- inactive
- isActive()
- isInactive()
- name
- ngOnChanges()
- ɵcmp
- ɵfac
- path
- placementTypes
- rangeFillOpacity
- scaleType
- select
- seriesColor
- sortData()
- styleTypes
- tooltipDisabled
- tooltipTemplate
- tooltipText
- update()
- updateGradients()
- xScale
- yScale
- activate
- activeEntries
- animations
- barOrientation
- bars
- barsForDataLabels
- click()
- colors
- dataLabelFormatting
- dataLabelWidthChanged
- deactivate
- dims
- getLabel()
- gradient
- isActive()
- ngOnChanges()
- noBarWhenZero
- ɵcmp
- ɵfac
- roundEdges
- select
- series
- seriesName
- showDataLabel
- tooltipDisabled
- tooltipPlacement
- tooltipTemplate
- tooltipType
- trackBy()
- trackDataLabelBy()
- type
- update()
- updateDataLabels()
- updateTooltipSettings()
- xScale
- yScale
- activate
- activeEntries
- animations
- barOrientation
- bars
- barsForDataLabels
- colors
- dataLabelFormatting
- dataLabelHeightChanged
- deactivate
- dims
- getLabel()
- gradient
- isActive()
- isSSR
- ngOnChanges()
- ngOnInit()
- noBarWhenZero
- onClick()
- ɵcmp
- ɵfac
- roundEdges
- select
- series
- seriesName
- showDataLabel
- tooltipDisabled
- tooltipPlacement
- tooltipTemplate
- tooltipType
- trackBy()
- trackDataLabelBy()
- type
- update()
- updateDataLabels()
- updateTooltipSettings()
- xScale
- yScale
- addHideListeners()
- hide
- hideTooltip()
- ngOnDestroy()
- onBlur()
- onFocus()
- onMouseClick()
- onMouseEnter()
- onMouseLeave()
- ɵdir
- ɵfac
- show
- showTooltip()
- tooltipAlignment
- tooltipAppendToBody
- tooltipCloseOnClickOutside
- tooltipCloseOnMouseLeave
- tooltipContext
- tooltipCssClass
- tooltipDisabled
- tooltipHideTimeout
- tooltipImmediateExit
- tooltipPlacement
- tooltipShowCaret
- tooltipShowEvent
- tooltipShowTimeout
- tooltipSpacing
- tooltipTemplate
- tooltipTitle
- tooltipType
- dimensionsChanged
- dims
- emitTicksHeight()
- fill
- labelOffset
- labelText
- maxTickLength
- ngOnChanges()
- orientation
- ɵcmp
- ɵfac
- padding
- rotateTicks
- showGridLines
- showLabel
- stroke
- strokeWidth
- tickArguments
- tickFormatting
- ticks
- ticksComponent
- tickStroke
- transform
- trimTicks
- update()
- wrapTicks
- xAxisClassName
- xAxisOffset
- xAxisTickCount
- xOrient
- xScale
- adjustedScale
- approxHeight
- dimensionsChanged
- getMaxPossibleLengthForTick()
- getMaxTicks()
- getRotationAngle()
- getTicks()
- gridLineHeight
- gridLineTransform()
- height
- innerTickSize
- isWrapTicksSupported
- maxAllowedLength
- maxPossibleLengthForTickIfWrapped
- maxTickLength
- maxTicksLength
- ngAfterViewInit()
- ngOnChanges()
- orient
- outerTickSize
- ɵcmp
- ɵfac
- rotateLabels
- rotateTicks
- scale
- showGridLines
- textAnchor
- textTransform
- tickArguments
- tickChunks()
- tickFormat
- tickFormatting
- tickPadding
- ticks
- ticksElement
- tickStroke
- tickTransform()
- tickTrim()
- tickValues
- trimTicks
- update()
- updateDims()
- verticalSpacing
- width
- wrapTicks
- dimensionsChanged
- dims
- emitTicksWidth()
- fill
- labelOffset
- labelText
- maxTickLength
- ngOnChanges()
- offset
- ɵcmp
- ɵfac
- padding
- referenceLines
- showGridLines
- showLabel
- showRefLabels
- showRefLines
- stroke
- strokeWidth
- tickArguments
- tickFormatting
- ticks
- ticksComponent
- tickStroke
- transform
- trimTicks
- update()
- wrapTicks
- yAxisClassName
- yAxisOffset
- yAxisTickCount
- yOrient
- yScale
- adjustedScale
- dimensionsChanged
- dy
- getApproximateAxisWidth()
- getMaxTicks()
- getTicks()
- gridLineTransform()
- gridLineWidth
- height
- innerTickSize
- maxTickLength
- ngAfterViewInit()
- ngOnChanges()
- orient
- Orientation
- outerTickSize
- ɵcmp
- ɵfac
- referenceAreaPath
- referenceLineLength
- referenceLines
- refMax
- refMin
- rotateLabels
- scale
- setReferencelines()
- showGridLines
- showRefLabels
- showRefLines
- textAnchor
- tickArguments
- tickChunks()
- tickFormat
- tickFormatting
- tickPadding
- ticks
- ticksElement
- tickSpacing
- tickStroke
- tickTransform()
- tickTrim()
- tickValues
- transform
- trimTicks
- update()
- updateDims()
- verticalSpacing
- width
- wrapTicks
- x1
- x2
- y1
- y2
Type Aliases
variable colorSets
const colorSets: Color[];
function calculateViewDimensions
calculateViewDimensions: ({ width, height, margins, showXAxis, showYAxis, xAxisHeight, yAxisWidth, showXLabel, showYLabel, showLegend, legendType, legendPosition, columns,}: { width: any; height: any; margins: any; showXAxis?: boolean; showYAxis?: boolean; xAxisHeight?: number; yAxisWidth?: number; showXLabel?: boolean; showYLabel?: boolean; showLegend?: boolean; legendType?: ScaleType; legendPosition?: LegendPosition; columns?: number;}) => ViewDimensions;
function cloneLineCoordinates
cloneLineCoordinates: (original: LineCoordinates) => LineCoordinates;
function clonePoint
clonePoint: (original: IPoint) => IPoint;
function cloneVector2d
cloneVector2d: (original: IVector2D) => IVector2D;
function count
count: ( countFrom: number, countTo: number, countDecimals: number, countDuration: number, callback: any) => number;
Counts from a number to the end incrementally.
function decimalChecker
decimalChecker: (countTo: number) => number;
Determine decimals places
function escapeLabel
escapeLabel: (label: any) => string;
Escapes a label.
function formatLabel
formatLabel: (label: any) => string;
Formats a label given a date, number or string.
function getDomain
getDomain: ( values: any[], scaleType: ScaleType, autoScale: boolean, minVal?: number, maxVal?: number) => number[];
function getScale
getScale: ( domain: number[], range: number[], scaleType: ScaleType, roundDomains: boolean) => ScaleTime<number, number> | ScaleLinear<number, number> | ScalePoint<string>;
function getScaleType
getScaleType: (values: any[], checkDateType?: boolean) => ScaleType;
Get the scaleType of enumerable of values.
'time', 'linear' or 'ordinal'
function getTickLines
getTickLines: (label: string, maxLength: number, maxLines: number) => string[];
function getUniqueXDomainValues
getUniqueXDomainValues: (results: any[]) => any[];
Based on the data, return an array with unique values.
function getXDomainArray
getXDomainArray: ( values: Array<string | number | Date>, xScaleMin?: number, xScaleMax?: number) => { domain: any[]; xSet: any[]; scaleType: string };
function gridLayout
gridLayout: ( dims: ViewDimensions, data: GridData[], minWidth: number, designatedTotal: number) => GridItem[];
function gridSize
gridSize: ( dims: ViewDimensions, len: number, minWidth: number) => [number, number];
function hexToRgb
hexToRgb: (value: string) => any;
Converts a hex to RGB
function id
id: () => string;
Generates a short id.
Description: A 4-character alphanumeric sequence (364 = 1.6 million) This should only be used for JavaScript specific models. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6248666/how-to-generate-short-uid-like-ax4j9z-in-js
function invertColor
invertColor: (value: string) => string;
Accepts a color (string) and returns a inverted hex color (string) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9600295/automatically-change-text-color-to-assure-readability
function reduceTicks
reduceTicks: (ticks: any[], maxTicks: number) => any[];
function shadeRGBColor
shadeRGBColor: ( { r, g, b }: { r: any; g: any; b: any }, percent: number) => string;
Given a rgb, it will darken/lighten http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5560248/programmatically-lighten-or-darken-a-hex-color-or-rgb-and-blend-colors
{ r, g, b }
function sortByDomain
sortByDomain: ( data: any, property: string, direction: string, domain: any) => any[];
function sortByTime
sortByTime: (data: any, property: string, direction?: string) => any[];
function sortLinear
sortLinear: (data: any, property: string, direction?: string) => any[];
function throttle
throttle: (func: any, wait: number, options?: any) => () => any;
Throttle a function
function throttleable
throttleable: ( duration: number, options?: any) => ( target: any, key: any, descriptor: any) => { configurable: boolean; enumerable: any; get: () => any };
Throttle decorator
class MyClass { throttleable(10) myFn() { ... } }
function tickFormat
tickFormat: (fieldType: any, groupByType: any) => (label: string) => string;
function trimLabel
trimLabel: (s: any, max?: number) => string;
class AdvancedLegendComponent
class AdvancedLegendComponent implements OnChanges {}
property activate
activate: EventEmitter<DataItem>;
property animations
animations: boolean;
property colors
colors: ColorHelper;
property data
data: DataItem[];
property deactivate
deactivate: EventEmitter<DataItem>;
property defaultValueFormatting
defaultValueFormatting: (value: StringOrNumberOrDate) => string;
property label
label: string;
property labelFormatting
labelFormatting: (value: string) => string;
property legendItems
legendItems: AdvancedLegendItem[];
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< AdvancedLegendComponent, 'ngx-charts-advanced-legend', never, { width: { alias: 'width'; required: false }; data: { alias: 'data'; required: false }; colors: { alias: 'colors'; required: false }; label: { alias: 'label'; required: false }; animations: { alias: 'animations'; required: false }; valueFormatting: { alias: 'valueFormatting'; required: false }; labelFormatting: { alias: 'labelFormatting'; required: false }; percentageFormatting: { alias: 'percentageFormatting'; required: false }; }, { select: 'select'; activate: 'activate'; deactivate: 'deactivate' }, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<AdvancedLegendComponent, never>;
property percentageFormatting
percentageFormatting: (value: number) => number;
property roundedTotal
roundedTotal: number;
property select
select: EventEmitter<DataItem>;
property total
total: number;
property valueFormatting
valueFormatting: (value: StringOrNumberOrDate) => any;
property width
width: number;
method getLegendItems
getLegendItems: () => AdvancedLegendItem[];
method getTotal
getTotal: () => number;
method ngOnChanges
ngOnChanges: (changes: SimpleChanges) => void;
method trackBy
trackBy: (index: number, item: AdvancedLegendItem) => string;
method update
update: () => void;
class AdvancedPieChartComponent
class AdvancedPieChartComponent extends BaseChartComponent {}
property activate
activate: EventEmitter<any>;
property activeEntries
activeEntries: any[];
property colors
colors: ColorHelper;
property deactivate
deactivate: EventEmitter<any>;
property dims
dims: ViewDimensions;
property domain
domain: string[];
property gradient
gradient: boolean;
property innerRadius
innerRadius: number;
property label
label: string;
property legendWidth
legendWidth: number;
property margin
margin: number[];
property nameFormatting
nameFormatting: (value: string) => any;
property outerRadius
outerRadius: number;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< AdvancedPieChartComponent, 'ngx-charts-advanced-pie-chart', never, { gradient: { alias: 'gradient'; required: false }; activeEntries: { alias: 'activeEntries'; required: false }; tooltipDisabled: { alias: 'tooltipDisabled'; required: false }; tooltipText: { alias: 'tooltipText'; required: false }; label: { alias: 'label'; required: false }; valueFormatting: { alias: 'valueFormatting'; required: false }; nameFormatting: { alias: 'nameFormatting'; required: false }; percentageFormatting: { alias: 'percentageFormatting'; required: false }; }, { activate: 'activate'; deactivate: 'deactivate' }, ['tooltipTemplate'], never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<AdvancedPieChartComponent, never>;
property percentageFormatting
percentageFormatting: (value: number) => any;
property tooltipDisabled
tooltipDisabled: boolean;
property tooltipTemplate
tooltipTemplate: TemplateRef<any>;
property tooltipText
tooltipText: any;
property transform
transform: string;
property valueFormatting
valueFormatting: (value: number) => any;
method getDomain
getDomain: () => string[];
method onActivate
onActivate: (item: any, fromLegend?: boolean) => void;
method onClick
onClick: (data: DataItem) => void;
method onDeactivate
onDeactivate: (item: any, fromLegend?: boolean) => void;
method setColors
setColors: () => void;
method update
update: () => void;
class AreaChartComponent
class AreaChartComponent extends BaseChartComponent {}
property activate
activate: EventEmitter<any>;
property activeEntries
activeEntries: any[];
property autoScale
autoScale: boolean;
property baseValue
baseValue: any;
property clipPath
clipPath: string;
property clipPathId
clipPathId: string;
property colors
colors: ColorHelper;
property curve
curve: CurveFactory;
property deactivate
deactivate: EventEmitter<any>;
property dims
dims: ViewDimensions;
property filteredDomain
filteredDomain: any;
property gradient
gradient: boolean;
property hoveredVertical
hoveredVertical: any;
property legend
legend: boolean;
property legendOptions
legendOptions: LegendOptions;
property legendPosition
legendPosition: LegendPosition;
property legendTitle
legendTitle: string;
property margin
margin: number[];
property maxXAxisTickLength
maxXAxisTickLength: number;
property maxYAxisTickLength
maxYAxisTickLength: number;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< AreaChartComponent, 'ngx-charts-area-chart', never, { legend: { alias: 'legend'; required: false }; legendTitle: { alias: 'legendTitle'; required: false }; legendPosition: { alias: 'legendPosition'; required: false }; xAxis: { alias: 'xAxis'; required: false }; yAxis: { alias: 'yAxis'; required: false }; baseValue: { alias: 'baseValue'; required: false }; autoScale: { alias: 'autoScale'; required: false }; showXAxisLabel: { alias: 'showXAxisLabel'; required: false }; showYAxisLabel: { alias: 'showYAxisLabel'; required: false }; xAxisLabel: { alias: 'xAxisLabel'; required: false }; yAxisLabel: { alias: 'yAxisLabel'; required: false }; timeline: { alias: 'timeline'; required: false }; gradient: { alias: 'gradient'; required: false }; showGridLines: { alias: 'showGridLines'; required: false }; curve: { alias: 'curve'; required: false }; activeEntries: { alias: 'activeEntries'; required: false }; schemeType: { alias: 'schemeType'; required: false }; trimXAxisTicks: { alias: 'trimXAxisTicks'; required: false }; trimYAxisTicks: { alias: 'trimYAxisTicks'; required: false }; rotateXAxisTicks: { alias: 'rotateXAxisTicks'; required: false }; maxXAxisTickLength: { alias: 'maxXAxisTickLength'; required: false }; maxYAxisTickLength: { alias: 'maxYAxisTickLength'; required: false }; xAxisTickFormatting: { alias: 'xAxisTickFormatting'; required: false }; yAxisTickFormatting: { alias: 'yAxisTickFormatting'; required: false }; xAxisTicks: { alias: 'xAxisTicks'; required: false }; yAxisTicks: { alias: 'yAxisTicks'; required: false }; roundDomains: { alias: 'roundDomains'; required: false }; tooltipDisabled: { alias: 'tooltipDisabled'; required: false }; xScaleMin: { alias: 'xScaleMin'; required: false }; xScaleMax: { alias: 'xScaleMax'; required: false }; yScaleMin: { alias: 'yScaleMin'; required: false }; yScaleMax: { alias: 'yScaleMax'; required: false }; wrapTicks: { alias: 'wrapTicks'; required: false }; }, { activate: 'activate'; deactivate: 'deactivate' }, ['tooltipTemplate', 'seriesTooltipTemplate'], never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<AreaChartComponent, never>;
property rotateXAxisTicks
rotateXAxisTicks: boolean;
property roundDomains
roundDomains: boolean;
property scaleType
scaleType: ScaleType;
property schemeType
schemeType: ScaleType;
property series
series: Series;
property seriesDomain
seriesDomain: string[];
property seriesTooltipTemplate
seriesTooltipTemplate: TemplateRef<any>;
property showGridLines
showGridLines: boolean;
property showXAxisLabel
showXAxisLabel: boolean;
property showYAxisLabel
showYAxisLabel: boolean;
property timeline
timeline: boolean;
property timelineHeight
timelineHeight: number;
property timelinePadding
timelinePadding: number;
property timelineTransform
timelineTransform: any;
property timelineWidth
timelineWidth: number;
property timelineXDomain
timelineXDomain: any[];
property timelineXScale
timelineXScale: any;
property timelineYScale
timelineYScale: any;
property tooltipDisabled
tooltipDisabled: boolean;
property tooltipTemplate
tooltipTemplate: TemplateRef<any>;
property trackBy
trackBy: TrackByFunction<Series>;
property transform
transform: string;
property trimXAxisTicks
trimXAxisTicks: boolean;
property trimYAxisTicks
trimYAxisTicks: boolean;
property wrapTicks
wrapTicks: boolean;
property xAxis
xAxis: boolean;
property xAxisHeight
xAxisHeight: number;
property xAxisLabel
xAxisLabel: string;
property xAxisTickFormatting
xAxisTickFormatting: any;
property xAxisTicks
xAxisTicks: any[];
property xDomain
xDomain: any[];
property xScale
xScale: any;
property xScaleMax
xScaleMax: any;
property xScaleMin
xScaleMin: any;
property xSet
xSet: any;
property yAxis
yAxis: boolean;
property yAxisLabel
yAxisLabel: string;
property yAxisTickFormatting
yAxisTickFormatting: any;
property yAxisTicks
yAxisTicks: any[];
property yAxisWidth
yAxisWidth: number;
property yDomain
yDomain: [number, number];
property yScale
yScale: any;
property yScaleMax
yScaleMax: number;
property yScaleMin
yScaleMin: number;
method deactivateAll
deactivateAll: () => void;
method getLegendOptions
getLegendOptions: () => LegendOptions;
method getScaleType
getScaleType: (values: any) => ScaleType;
method getSeriesDomain
getSeriesDomain: () => string[];
method getXDomain
getXDomain: () => any[];
method getXScale
getXScale: (domain: any, width: number) => number;
method getYDomain
getYDomain: () => [number, number];
method getYScale
getYScale: (domain: [number, number], height: number) => any;
method hideCircles
hideCircles: () => void;
method onActivate
onActivate: (item: any) => void;
method onClick
onClick: (data: any, series?: Series) => void;
method onDeactivate
onDeactivate: (item: any) => void;
method setColors
setColors: () => void;
method update
update: () => void;
method updateDomain
updateDomain: (domain: any) => void;
method updateHoveredVertical
updateHoveredVertical: (item: any) => void;
method updateTimeline
updateTimeline: () => void;
method updateXAxisHeight
updateXAxisHeight: ({ height }: { height: number }) => void;
method updateYAxisWidth
updateYAxisWidth: ({ width }: { width: number }) => void;
class AreaChartModule
class AreaChartModule {}
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<AreaChartModule, never>;
property ɵinj
static ɵinj: i0.ɵɵInjectorDeclaration<AreaChartModule>;
property ɵmod
static ɵmod: i0.ɵɵNgModuleDeclaration< AreaChartModule, [ typeof i1.AreaChartComponent, typeof i2.AreaChartNormalizedComponent, typeof i3.AreaChartStackedComponent, typeof i4.AreaSeriesComponent ], [typeof i5.ChartCommonModule], [ typeof i1.AreaChartComponent, typeof i2.AreaChartNormalizedComponent, typeof i3.AreaChartStackedComponent, typeof i4.AreaSeriesComponent ]>;
class AreaChartNormalizedComponent
class AreaChartNormalizedComponent extends BaseChartComponent {}
property activate
activate: EventEmitter<any>;
property activeEntries
activeEntries: any[];
property clipPath
clipPath: string;
property clipPathId
clipPathId: string;
property colors
colors: ColorHelper;
property curve
curve: any;
property deactivate
deactivate: EventEmitter<any>;
property dims
dims: ViewDimensions;
property filteredDomain
filteredDomain: any;
property gradient
gradient: any;
property hoveredVertical
hoveredVertical: any;
property legend
legend: boolean;
property legendOptions
legendOptions: LegendOptions;
property legendPosition
legendPosition: LegendPosition;
property legendTitle
legendTitle: string;
property margin
margin: number[];
property maxXAxisTickLength
maxXAxisTickLength: number;
property maxYAxisTickLength
maxYAxisTickLength: number;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< AreaChartNormalizedComponent, 'ngx-charts-area-chart-normalized', never, { legend: { alias: 'legend'; required: false }; legendTitle: { alias: 'legendTitle'; required: false }; legendPosition: { alias: 'legendPosition'; required: false }; xAxis: { alias: 'xAxis'; required: false }; yAxis: { alias: 'yAxis'; required: false }; showXAxisLabel: { alias: 'showXAxisLabel'; required: false }; showYAxisLabel: { alias: 'showYAxisLabel'; required: false }; xAxisLabel: { alias: 'xAxisLabel'; required: false }; yAxisLabel: { alias: 'yAxisLabel'; required: false }; timeline: { alias: 'timeline'; required: false }; gradient: { alias: 'gradient'; required: false }; showGridLines: { alias: 'showGridLines'; required: false }; curve: { alias: 'curve'; required: false }; activeEntries: { alias: 'activeEntries'; required: false }; schemeType: { alias: 'schemeType'; required: false }; trimXAxisTicks: { alias: 'trimXAxisTicks'; required: false }; trimYAxisTicks: { alias: 'trimYAxisTicks'; required: false }; rotateXAxisTicks: { alias: 'rotateXAxisTicks'; required: false }; maxXAxisTickLength: { alias: 'maxXAxisTickLength'; required: false }; maxYAxisTickLength: { alias: 'maxYAxisTickLength'; required: false }; xAxisTickFormatting: { alias: 'xAxisTickFormatting'; required: false }; yAxisTickFormatting: { alias: 'yAxisTickFormatting'; required: false }; xAxisTicks: { alias: 'xAxisTicks'; required: false }; yAxisTicks: { alias: 'yAxisTicks'; required: false }; roundDomains: { alias: 'roundDomains'; required: false }; tooltipDisabled: { alias: 'tooltipDisabled'; required: false }; wrapTicks: { alias: 'wrapTicks'; required: false }; }, { activate: 'activate'; deactivate: 'deactivate' }, ['tooltipTemplate', 'seriesTooltipTemplate'], never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<AreaChartNormalizedComponent, never>;
property rotateXAxisTicks
rotateXAxisTicks: boolean;
property roundDomains
roundDomains: boolean;
property scaleType
scaleType: ScaleType;
property schemeType
schemeType: ScaleType;
property seriesDomain
seriesDomain: any;
property seriesTooltipTemplate
seriesTooltipTemplate: TemplateRef<any>;
property seriesType
seriesType: typeof SeriesType;
property showGridLines
showGridLines: boolean;
property showXAxisLabel
showXAxisLabel: boolean;
property showYAxisLabel
showYAxisLabel: boolean;
property timeline
timeline: any;
property timelineHeight
timelineHeight: number;
property timelinePadding
timelinePadding: number;
property timelineTransform
timelineTransform: any;
property timelineWidth
timelineWidth: any;
property timelineXDomain
timelineXDomain: any;
property timelineXScale
timelineXScale: any;
property timelineYScale
timelineYScale: any;
property tooltipAreas
tooltipAreas: any[];
property tooltipDisabled
tooltipDisabled: boolean;
property tooltipTemplate
tooltipTemplate: TemplateRef<any>;
property trackBy
trackBy: TrackByFunction<Series>;
property transform
transform: string;
property trimXAxisTicks
trimXAxisTicks: boolean;
property trimYAxisTicks
trimYAxisTicks: boolean;
property wrapTicks
wrapTicks: boolean;
property xAxis
xAxis: boolean;
property xAxisHeight
xAxisHeight: number;
property xAxisLabel
xAxisLabel: string;
property xAxisTickFormatting
xAxisTickFormatting: any;
property xAxisTicks
xAxisTicks: any[];
property xDomain
xDomain: any[];
property xScale
xScale: any;
property xSet
xSet: any[];
property yAxis
yAxis: boolean;
property yAxisLabel
yAxisLabel: string;
property yAxisTickFormatting
yAxisTickFormatting: any;
property yAxisTicks
yAxisTicks: any[];
property yAxisWidth
yAxisWidth: number;
property yDomain
yDomain: [number, number];
property yScale
yScale: any;
method deactivateAll
deactivateAll: () => void;
method getLegendOptions
getLegendOptions: () => LegendOptions;
method getSeriesDomain
getSeriesDomain: () => string[];
method getXDomain
getXDomain: () => any[];
method getXScale
getXScale: (domain: any, width: number) => any;
method getYScale
getYScale: (domain: any, height: number) => any;
method hideCircles
hideCircles: () => void;
method onActivate
onActivate: (item: any) => void;
method onClick
onClick: (data: any, series?: any) => void;
method onDeactivate
onDeactivate: (item: any) => void;
method setColors
setColors: () => void;
method update
update: () => void;
method updateDomain
updateDomain: (domain: any) => void;
method updateHoveredVertical
updateHoveredVertical: (item: any) => void;
method updateTimeline
updateTimeline: () => void;
method updateXAxisHeight
updateXAxisHeight: ({ height }: { height: number }) => void;
method updateYAxisWidth
updateYAxisWidth: ({ width }: { width: number }) => void;
class AreaChartStackedComponent
class AreaChartStackedComponent extends BaseChartComponent {}
property activate
activate: EventEmitter<any>;
property activeEntries
activeEntries: any[];
property clipPath
clipPath: string;
property clipPathId
clipPathId: string;
property colors
colors: ColorHelper;
property curve
curve: any;
property deactivate
deactivate: EventEmitter<any>;
property dims
dims: ViewDimensions;
property filteredDomain
filteredDomain: any;
property gradient
gradient: boolean;
property hoveredVertical
hoveredVertical: any;
property legend
legend: boolean;
property legendOptions
legendOptions: any;
property legendPosition
legendPosition: LegendPosition;
property legendTitle
legendTitle: string;
property margin
margin: number[];
property maxXAxisTickLength
maxXAxisTickLength: number;
property maxYAxisTickLength
maxYAxisTickLength: number;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< AreaChartStackedComponent, 'ngx-charts-area-chart-stacked', never, { legend: { alias: 'legend'; required: false }; legendTitle: { alias: 'legendTitle'; required: false }; legendPosition: { alias: 'legendPosition'; required: false }; xAxis: { alias: 'xAxis'; required: false }; yAxis: { alias: 'yAxis'; required: false }; showXAxisLabel: { alias: 'showXAxisLabel'; required: false }; showYAxisLabel: { alias: 'showYAxisLabel'; required: false }; xAxisLabel: { alias: 'xAxisLabel'; required: false }; yAxisLabel: { alias: 'yAxisLabel'; required: false }; timeline: { alias: 'timeline'; required: false }; gradient: { alias: 'gradient'; required: false }; showGridLines: { alias: 'showGridLines'; required: false }; curve: { alias: 'curve'; required: false }; activeEntries: { alias: 'activeEntries'; required: false }; schemeType: { alias: 'schemeType'; required: false }; trimXAxisTicks: { alias: 'trimXAxisTicks'; required: false }; trimYAxisTicks: { alias: 'trimYAxisTicks'; required: false }; rotateXAxisTicks: { alias: 'rotateXAxisTicks'; required: false }; maxXAxisTickLength: { alias: 'maxXAxisTickLength'; required: false }; maxYAxisTickLength: { alias: 'maxYAxisTickLength'; required: false }; xAxisTickFormatting: { alias: 'xAxisTickFormatting'; required: false }; yAxisTickFormatting: { alias: 'yAxisTickFormatting'; required: false }; xAxisTicks: { alias: 'xAxisTicks'; required: false }; yAxisTicks: { alias: 'yAxisTicks'; required: false }; roundDomains: { alias: 'roundDomains'; required: false }; tooltipDisabled: { alias: 'tooltipDisabled'; required: false }; xScaleMin: { alias: 'xScaleMin'; required: false }; xScaleMax: { alias: 'xScaleMax'; required: false }; yScaleMin: { alias: 'yScaleMin'; required: false }; yScaleMax: { alias: 'yScaleMax'; required: false }; wrapTicks: { alias: 'wrapTicks'; required: false }; }, { activate: 'activate'; deactivate: 'deactivate' }, ['tooltipTemplate', 'seriesTooltipTemplate'], never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<AreaChartStackedComponent, never>;
property rotateXAxisTicks
rotateXAxisTicks: boolean;
property roundDomains
roundDomains: boolean;
property scaleType
scaleType: ScaleType;
property schemeType
schemeType: ScaleType;
property seriesDomain
seriesDomain: any;
property seriesTooltipTemplate
seriesTooltipTemplate: TemplateRef<any>;
property seriesType
seriesType: typeof SeriesType;
property showGridLines
showGridLines: boolean;
property showXAxisLabel
showXAxisLabel: boolean;
property showYAxisLabel
showYAxisLabel: boolean;
property timeline
timeline: boolean;
property timelineHeight
timelineHeight: number;
property timelinePadding
timelinePadding: number;
property timelineTransform
timelineTransform: any;
property timelineWidth
timelineWidth: number;
property timelineXDomain
timelineXDomain: any;
property timelineXScale
timelineXScale: any;
property timelineYScale
timelineYScale: any;
property tooltipDisabled
tooltipDisabled: boolean;
property tooltipTemplate
tooltipTemplate: TemplateRef<any>;
property transform
transform: string;
property trimXAxisTicks
trimXAxisTicks: boolean;
property trimYAxisTicks
trimYAxisTicks: boolean;
property wrapTicks
wrapTicks: boolean;
property xAxis
xAxis: boolean;
property xAxisHeight
xAxisHeight: number;
property xAxisLabel
xAxisLabel: string;
property xAxisTickFormatting
xAxisTickFormatting: any;
property xAxisTicks
xAxisTicks: any[];
property xDomain
xDomain: any[];
property xScale
xScale: any;
property xScaleMax
xScaleMax: any;
property xScaleMin
xScaleMin: any;
property xSet
xSet: any[];
property yAxis
yAxis: boolean;
property yAxisLabel
yAxisLabel: string;
property yAxisTickFormatting
yAxisTickFormatting: any;
property yAxisTicks
yAxisTicks: any[];
property yAxisWidth
yAxisWidth: number;
property yDomain
yDomain: [number, number];
property yScale
yScale: any;
property yScaleMax
yScaleMax: number;
property yScaleMin
yScaleMin: number;
method deactivateAll
deactivateAll: () => void;
method getLegendOptions
getLegendOptions: () => LegendOptions;
method getSeriesDomain
getSeriesDomain: () => string[];
method getXDomain
getXDomain: () => any[];
method getXScale
getXScale: (domain: any, width: number) => any;
method getYDomain
getYDomain: () => [number, number];
method getYScale
getYScale: (domain: any, height: number) => any;
method hideCircles
hideCircles: () => void;
method onActivate
onActivate: (item: any) => void;
method onClick
onClick: (data: any, series?: any) => void;
method onDeactivate
onDeactivate: (item: any) => void;
method setColors
setColors: () => void;
method trackBy
trackBy: (index: any, item: any) => string;
method update
update: () => void;
method updateDomain
updateDomain: (domain: any) => void;
method updateHoveredVertical
updateHoveredVertical: (item: any) => void;
method updateTimeline
updateTimeline: () => void;
method updateXAxisHeight
updateXAxisHeight: ({ height }: { height: number }) => void;
method updateYAxisWidth
updateYAxisWidth: ({ width }: { width: number }) => void;
class AreaComponent
class AreaComponent implements OnChanges {}
constructor(element: ElementRef);
property animations
animations: boolean;
property animationsLoaded
animationsLoaded: boolean;
property areaPath
areaPath: string;
property barOrientation
barOrientation: typeof BarOrientation;
property data
data: AreaChartSeries;
property element
element: HTMLElement;
property endOpacity
endOpacity: number;
property fill
fill: string;
property gradient
gradient: boolean;
property gradientFill
gradientFill: string;
property gradientId
gradientId: string;
property gradientStops
gradientStops: Gradient[];
property hasGradient
hasGradient: boolean;
property opacity
opacity: number;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< AreaComponent, 'g[ngx-charts-area]', never, { data: { alias: 'data'; required: false }; path: { alias: 'path'; required: false }; startingPath: { alias: 'startingPath'; required: false }; fill: { alias: 'fill'; required: false }; opacity: { alias: 'opacity'; required: false }; startOpacity: { alias: 'startOpacity'; required: false }; endOpacity: { alias: 'endOpacity'; required: false }; gradient: { alias: 'gradient'; required: false }; stops: { alias: 'stops'; required: false }; animations: { alias: 'animations'; required: false }; }, { select: 'select' }, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<AreaComponent, never>;
property path
path: string;
property select
select: EventEmitter<any>;
property startingPath
startingPath: string;
property startOpacity
startOpacity: number;
property stops
stops: Gradient[];
method getGradient
getGradient: () => Gradient[];
method loadAnimation
loadAnimation: () => void;
method ngOnChanges
ngOnChanges: () => void;
method update
update: () => void;
method updatePathEl
updatePathEl: () => void;
class AreaSeriesComponent
class AreaSeriesComponent implements OnChanges {}
property activeEntries
activeEntries: any[];
property animations
animations: boolean;
property baseValue
baseValue: any;
property colors
colors: ColorHelper;
property curve
curve: any;
property data
data: AreaChartSeries;
property gradient
gradient: boolean;
property gradientStops
gradientStops: Gradient[];
property hasGradient
hasGradient: boolean;
property normalized
normalized: boolean;
property opacity
opacity: number;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< AreaSeriesComponent, 'g[ngx-charts-area-series]', never, { data: { alias: 'data'; required: false }; xScale: { alias: 'xScale'; required: false }; yScale: { alias: 'yScale'; required: false }; baseValue: { alias: 'baseValue'; required: false }; colors: { alias: 'colors'; required: false }; scaleType: { alias: 'scaleType'; required: false }; stacked: { alias: 'stacked'; required: false }; normalized: { alias: 'normalized'; required: false }; gradient: { alias: 'gradient'; required: false }; curve: { alias: 'curve'; required: false }; activeEntries: { alias: 'activeEntries'; required: false }; animations: { alias: 'animations'; required: false }; }, { select: 'select' }, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<AreaSeriesComponent, never>;
property path
path: string;
property scaleType
scaleType: ScaleType;
property select
select: EventEmitter<any>;
property stacked
stacked: boolean;
property startingPath
startingPath: string;
property xScale
xScale: any;
property yScale
yScale: any;
method isActive
isActive: (entry: any) => boolean;
method isInactive
isInactive: (entry: any) => boolean;
method ngOnChanges
ngOnChanges: (changes: SimpleChanges) => void;
method update
update: () => void;
method updateGradient
updateGradient: () => void;
class AxesModule
class AxesModule {}
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<AxesModule, never>;
property ɵinj
static ɵinj: i0.ɵɵInjectorDeclaration<AxesModule>;
property ɵmod
static ɵmod: i0.ɵɵNgModuleDeclaration< AxesModule, [ typeof i1.AxisLabelComponent, typeof i2.XAxisComponent, typeof i3.XAxisTicksComponent, typeof i4.YAxisComponent, typeof i5.YAxisTicksComponent ], [any], [ typeof i1.AxisLabelComponent, typeof i2.XAxisComponent, typeof i3.XAxisTicksComponent, typeof i4.YAxisComponent, typeof i5.YAxisTicksComponent ]>;
class AxisLabelComponent
class AxisLabelComponent implements OnChanges {}
constructor(element: ElementRef);
property element
element: ElementRef;
property height
height: number;
property label
label: string;
property margin
margin: number;
property offset
offset: number;
property orient
orient: Orientation;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< AxisLabelComponent, 'g[ngx-charts-axis-label]', never, { orient: { alias: 'orient'; required: false }; label: { alias: 'label'; required: false }; offset: { alias: 'offset'; required: false }; width: { alias: 'width'; required: false }; height: { alias: 'height'; required: false }; }, {}, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<AxisLabelComponent, never>;
property strokeWidth
strokeWidth: string;
property textAnchor
textAnchor: string;
property textHeight
textHeight: number;
property transform
transform: string;
property width
width: number;
property x
x: number;
property y
y: number;
method ngOnChanges
ngOnChanges: (changes: SimpleChanges) => void;
method update
update: () => void;
class BarChartModule
class BarChartModule {}
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<BarChartModule, never>;
property ɵinj
static ɵinj: i0.ɵɵInjectorDeclaration<BarChartModule>;
property ɵmod
static ɵmod: i0.ɵɵNgModuleDeclaration< BarChartModule, [ typeof i1.BarComponent, typeof i2.BarHorizontalComponent, typeof i3.BarHorizontal2DComponent, typeof i4.BarHorizontalNormalizedComponent, typeof i5.BarHorizontalStackedComponent, typeof i6.BarVerticalComponent, typeof i7.BarVertical2DComponent, typeof i8.BarVerticalNormalizedComponent, typeof i9.BarVerticalStackedComponent, typeof i10.BarLabelComponent, typeof i11.SeriesHorizontal, typeof i12.SeriesVerticalComponent ], [typeof i13.ChartCommonModule], [ typeof i1.BarComponent, typeof i2.BarHorizontalComponent, typeof i3.BarHorizontal2DComponent, typeof i4.BarHorizontalNormalizedComponent, typeof i5.BarHorizontalStackedComponent, typeof i6.BarVerticalComponent, typeof i7.BarVertical2DComponent, typeof i8.BarVerticalNormalizedComponent, typeof i9.BarVerticalStackedComponent, typeof i10.BarLabelComponent, typeof i11.SeriesHorizontal, typeof i12.SeriesVerticalComponent ]>;
class BarComponent
class BarComponent implements OnChanges {}
constructor(element: ElementRef);
property activate
activate: EventEmitter<DataItem>;
property animations
animations: boolean;
property ariaLabel
ariaLabel: string;
property data
data: DataItem;
property deactivate
deactivate: EventEmitter<DataItem>;
property edges
readonly edges: boolean[];
property element
element: HTMLElement;
property fill
fill: string;
property gradient
gradient: boolean;
property gradientFill
gradientFill: string;
property gradientId
gradientId: string;
property gradientStops
gradientStops: Gradient[];
property hasGradient
hasGradient: boolean;
property height
height: number;
property hideBar
hideBar: boolean;
property isActive
isActive: boolean;
property noBarWhenZero
noBarWhenZero: boolean;
property offset
offset: number;
property orientation
orientation: BarOrientation;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< BarComponent, 'g[ngx-charts-bar]', never, { fill: { alias: 'fill'; required: false }; data: { alias: 'data'; required: false }; width: { alias: 'width'; required: false }; height: { alias: 'height'; required: false }; x: { alias: 'x'; required: false }; y: { alias: 'y'; required: false }; orientation: { alias: 'orientation'; required: false }; roundEdges: { alias: 'roundEdges'; required: false }; gradient: { alias: 'gradient'; required: false }; offset: { alias: 'offset'; required: false }; isActive: { alias: 'isActive'; required: false }; stops: { alias: 'stops'; required: false }; animations: { alias: 'animations'; required: false }; ariaLabel: { alias: 'ariaLabel'; required: false }; noBarWhenZero: { alias: 'noBarWhenZero'; required: false }; }, { select: 'select'; activate: 'activate'; deactivate: 'deactivate' }, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<BarComponent, never>;
property path
path: string;
property roundEdges
roundEdges: boolean;
property select
select: EventEmitter<DataItem>;
property stops
stops: Gradient[];
property width
width: number;
property x
x: number;
property y
y: number;
method getGradient
getGradient: () => Gradient[];
method getPath
getPath: () => string;
method getRadius
getRadius: () => number;
method getStartingPath
getStartingPath: () => string;
method getStartOpacity
getStartOpacity: () => number;
method loadAnimation
loadAnimation: () => void;
method ngOnChanges
ngOnChanges: (changes: SimpleChanges) => void;
method onMouseEnter
onMouseEnter: () => void;
method onMouseLeave
onMouseLeave: () => void;
method update
update: () => void;
method updatePathEl
updatePathEl: () => void;
class BarHorizontal2DComponent
class BarHorizontal2DComponent extends BaseChartComponent {}
property activate
activate: EventEmitter<any>;
property activeEntries
activeEntries: any[];
property barOrientation
barOrientation: typeof BarOrientation;
property barPadding
barPadding: number;
property colors
colors: ColorHelper;
property dataLabelFormatting
dataLabelFormatting: any;
property dataLabelMaxWidth
dataLabelMaxWidth: any;
property deactivate
deactivate: EventEmitter<any>;
property dims
dims: ViewDimensions;
property gradient
gradient: boolean;
property groupDomain
groupDomain: string[];
property groupPadding
groupPadding: number;
property groupScale
groupScale: any;
property innerDomain
innerDomain: string[];
property innerScale
innerScale: any;
property isSSR
isSSR: boolean;
property legend
legend: boolean;
property legendOptions
legendOptions: LegendOptions;
property legendPosition
legendPosition: LegendPosition;
property legendTitle
legendTitle: string;
property margin
margin: number[];
property maxXAxisTickLength
maxXAxisTickLength: number;
property maxYAxisTickLength
maxYAxisTickLength: number;
property noBarWhenZero
noBarWhenZero: boolean;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< BarHorizontal2DComponent, 'ngx-charts-bar-horizontal-2d', never, { legend: { alias: 'legend'; required: false }; legendTitle: { alias: 'legendTitle'; required: false }; legendPosition: { alias: 'legendPosition'; required: false }; xAxis: { alias: 'xAxis'; required: false }; yAxis: { alias: 'yAxis'; required: false }; showXAxisLabel: { alias: 'showXAxisLabel'; required: false }; showYAxisLabel: { alias: 'showYAxisLabel'; required: false }; xAxisLabel: { alias: 'xAxisLabel'; required: false }; yAxisLabel: { alias: 'yAxisLabel'; required: false }; tooltipDisabled: { alias: 'tooltipDisabled'; required: false }; gradient: { alias: 'gradient'; required: false }; showGridLines: { alias: 'showGridLines'; required: false }; activeEntries: { alias: 'activeEntries'; required: false }; schemeType: { alias: 'schemeType'; required: false }; trimXAxisTicks: { alias: 'trimXAxisTicks'; required: false }; trimYAxisTicks: { alias: 'trimYAxisTicks'; required: false }; rotateXAxisTicks: { alias: 'rotateXAxisTicks'; required: false }; maxXAxisTickLength: { alias: 'maxXAxisTickLength'; required: false }; maxYAxisTickLength: { alias: 'maxYAxisTickLength'; required: false }; xAxisTickFormatting: { alias: 'xAxisTickFormatting'; required: false }; yAxisTickFormatting: { alias: 'yAxisTickFormatting'; required: false }; xAxisTicks: { alias: 'xAxisTicks'; required: false }; yAxisTicks: { alias: 'yAxisTicks'; required: false }; groupPadding: { alias: 'groupPadding'; required: false }; barPadding: { alias: 'barPadding'; required: false }; roundDomains: { alias: 'roundDomains'; required: false }; roundEdges: { alias: 'roundEdges'; required: false }; xScaleMax: { alias: 'xScaleMax'; required: false }; showDataLabel: { alias: 'showDataLabel'; required: false }; dataLabelFormatting: { alias: 'dataLabelFormatting'; required: false }; noBarWhenZero: { alias: 'noBarWhenZero'; required: false }; wrapTicks: { alias: 'wrapTicks'; required: false }; }, { activate: 'activate'; deactivate: 'deactivate' }, ['tooltipTemplate'], never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<BarHorizontal2DComponent, never>;
property rotateXAxisTicks
rotateXAxisTicks: boolean;
property roundDomains
roundDomains: boolean;
property roundEdges
roundEdges: boolean;
property schemeType
schemeType: ScaleType;
property showDataLabel
showDataLabel: boolean;
property showGridLines
showGridLines: boolean;
property showXAxisLabel
showXAxisLabel: boolean;
property showYAxisLabel
showYAxisLabel: boolean;
property tooltipDisabled
tooltipDisabled: boolean;
property tooltipTemplate
tooltipTemplate: TemplateRef<any>;
property trackBy
trackBy: TrackByFunction<DataItem>;
property transform
transform: string;
property trimXAxisTicks
trimXAxisTicks: boolean;
property trimYAxisTicks
trimYAxisTicks: boolean;
property valueDomain
valueDomain: [number, number];
property valueScale
valueScale: any;
property wrapTicks
wrapTicks: boolean;
property xAxis
xAxis: any;
property xAxisHeight
xAxisHeight: number;
property xAxisLabel
xAxisLabel: string;
property xAxisTickFormatting
xAxisTickFormatting: any;
property xAxisTicks
xAxisTicks: any[];
property xScaleMax
xScaleMax: number;
property yAxis
yAxis: any;
property yAxisLabel
yAxisLabel: string;
property yAxisTickFormatting
yAxisTickFormatting: any;
property yAxisTicks
yAxisTicks: any[];
property yAxisWidth
yAxisWidth: number;
method getGroupDomain
getGroupDomain: () => string[];
method getGroupScale
getGroupScale: () => any;
method getInnerDomain
getInnerDomain: () => string[];
method getInnerScale
getInnerScale: () => any;
method getLegendOptions
getLegendOptions: () => LegendOptions;
method getValueDomain
getValueDomain: () => [number, number];
method getValueScale
getValueScale: () => any;
method groupTransform
groupTransform: (group: DataItem) => string;
method ngOnInit
ngOnInit: () => void;
method onActivate
onActivate: (event: any, group: DataItem, fromLegend?: boolean) => void;
method onClick
onClick: (data: any, group?: DataItem) => void;
method onDataLabelMaxWidthChanged
onDataLabelMaxWidthChanged: (event: any, groupIndex: number) => void;
method onDeactivate
onDeactivate: (event: any, group: DataItem, fromLegend?: boolean) => void;
method setColors
setColors: () => void;
method update
update: () => void;
method updateXAxisHeight
updateXAxisHeight: ({ height }: { height: number }) => void;
method updateYAxisWidth
updateYAxisWidth: ({ width }: { width: number }) => void;
class BarHorizontalComponent
class BarHorizontalComponent extends BaseChartComponent {}
property activate
activate: EventEmitter<any>;
property activeEntries
activeEntries: any[];
property barPadding
barPadding: number;
property colors
colors: ColorHelper;
property dataLabelFormatting
dataLabelFormatting: any;
property dataLabelMaxWidth
dataLabelMaxWidth: any;
property deactivate
deactivate: EventEmitter<any>;
property dims
dims: ViewDimensions;
property gradient
gradient: boolean;
property legend
legend: boolean;
property legendOptions
legendOptions: LegendOptions;
property legendPosition
legendPosition: LegendPosition;
property legendTitle
legendTitle: string;
property margin
margin: number[];
property maxXAxisTickLength
maxXAxisTickLength: number;
property maxYAxisTickLength
maxYAxisTickLength: number;
property noBarWhenZero
noBarWhenZero: boolean;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< BarHorizontalComponent, 'ngx-charts-bar-horizontal', never, { legend: { alias: 'legend'; required: false }; legendTitle: { alias: 'legendTitle'; required: false }; legendPosition: { alias: 'legendPosition'; required: false }; xAxis: { alias: 'xAxis'; required: false }; yAxis: { alias: 'yAxis'; required: false }; showXAxisLabel: { alias: 'showXAxisLabel'; required: false }; showYAxisLabel: { alias: 'showYAxisLabel'; required: false }; xAxisLabel: { alias: 'xAxisLabel'; required: false }; yAxisLabel: { alias: 'yAxisLabel'; required: false }; tooltipDisabled: { alias: 'tooltipDisabled'; required: false }; gradient: { alias: 'gradient'; required: false }; showGridLines: { alias: 'showGridLines'; required: false }; activeEntries: { alias: 'activeEntries'; required: false }; schemeType: { alias: 'schemeType'; required: false }; trimXAxisTicks: { alias: 'trimXAxisTicks'; required: false }; trimYAxisTicks: { alias: 'trimYAxisTicks'; required: false }; rotateXAxisTicks: { alias: 'rotateXAxisTicks'; required: false }; maxXAxisTickLength: { alias: 'maxXAxisTickLength'; required: false }; maxYAxisTickLength: { alias: 'maxYAxisTickLength'; required: false }; xAxisTickFormatting: { alias: 'xAxisTickFormatting'; required: false }; yAxisTickFormatting: { alias: 'yAxisTickFormatting'; required: false }; xAxisTicks: { alias: 'xAxisTicks'; required: false }; yAxisTicks: { alias: 'yAxisTicks'; required: false }; barPadding: { alias: 'barPadding'; required: false }; roundDomains: { alias: 'roundDomains'; required: false }; roundEdges: { alias: 'roundEdges'; required: false }; xScaleMax: { alias: 'xScaleMax'; required: false }; xScaleMin: { alias: 'xScaleMin'; required: false }; showDataLabel: { alias: 'showDataLabel'; required: false }; dataLabelFormatting: { alias: 'dataLabelFormatting'; required: false }; noBarWhenZero: { alias: 'noBarWhenZero'; required: false }; wrapTicks: { alias: 'wrapTicks'; required: false }; }, { activate: 'activate'; deactivate: 'deactivate' }, ['tooltipTemplate'], never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<BarHorizontalComponent, never>;
property rotateXAxisTicks
rotateXAxisTicks: boolean;
property roundDomains
roundDomains: boolean;
property roundEdges
roundEdges: boolean;
property schemeType
schemeType: ScaleType;
property showDataLabel
showDataLabel: boolean;
property showGridLines
showGridLines: boolean;
property showXAxisLabel
showXAxisLabel: boolean;
property showYAxisLabel
showYAxisLabel: boolean;
property tooltipDisabled
tooltipDisabled: boolean;
property tooltipTemplate
tooltipTemplate: TemplateRef<any>;
property transform
transform: string;
property trimXAxisTicks
trimXAxisTicks: boolean;
property trimYAxisTicks
trimYAxisTicks: boolean;
property wrapTicks
wrapTicks: boolean;
property xAxis
xAxis: any;
property xAxisHeight
xAxisHeight: number;
property xAxisLabel
xAxisLabel: string;
property xAxisTickFormatting
xAxisTickFormatting: any;
property xAxisTicks
xAxisTicks: any[];
property xDomain
xDomain: [number, number];
property xScale
xScale: any;
property xScaleMax
xScaleMax: number;
property xScaleMin
xScaleMin: number;
property yAxis
yAxis: any;
property yAxisLabel
yAxisLabel: string;
property yAxisTickFormatting
yAxisTickFormatting: any;
property yAxisTicks
yAxisTicks: any[];
property yAxisWidth
yAxisWidth: number;
property yDomain
yDomain: string[];
property yScale
yScale: any;
method getLegendOptions
getLegendOptions: () => LegendOptions;
method getXDomain
getXDomain: () => [number, number];
method getXScale
getXScale: () => any;
method getYDomain
getYDomain: () => string[];
method getYScale
getYScale: () => any;
method onActivate
onActivate: (item: any, fromLegend?: boolean) => void;
method onClick
onClick: (data: any) => void;
method onDataLabelMaxWidthChanged
onDataLabelMaxWidthChanged: (event: any) => void;
method onDeactivate
onDeactivate: (item: any, fromLegend?: boolean) => void;
method setColors
setColors: () => void;
method update
update: () => void;
method updateXAxisHeight
updateXAxisHeight: ({ height }: { height: number }) => void;
method updateYAxisWidth
updateYAxisWidth: ({ width }: { width: number }) => void;
class BarHorizontalNormalizedComponent
class BarHorizontalNormalizedComponent extends BaseChartComponent {}
property activate
activate: EventEmitter<any>;
property activeEntries
activeEntries: any[];
property barChartType
barChartType: typeof BarChartType;
property barPadding
barPadding: number;
property colors
colors: ColorHelper;
property deactivate
deactivate: EventEmitter<any>;
property dims
dims: ViewDimensions;
property gradient
gradient: boolean;
property groupDomain
groupDomain: string[];
property innerDomain
innerDomain: string[];
property isSSR
isSSR: boolean;
property legend
legend: boolean;
property legendOptions
legendOptions: LegendOptions;
property legendPosition
legendPosition: LegendPosition;
property legendTitle
legendTitle: string;
property margin
margin: number[];
property maxXAxisTickLength
maxXAxisTickLength: number;
property maxYAxisTickLength
maxYAxisTickLength: number;
property noBarWhenZero
noBarWhenZero: boolean;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< BarHorizontalNormalizedComponent, 'ngx-charts-bar-horizontal-normalized', never, { legend: { alias: 'legend'; required: false }; legendTitle: { alias: 'legendTitle'; required: false }; legendPosition: { alias: 'legendPosition'; required: false }; xAxis: { alias: 'xAxis'; required: false }; yAxis: { alias: 'yAxis'; required: false }; showXAxisLabel: { alias: 'showXAxisLabel'; required: false }; showYAxisLabel: { alias: 'showYAxisLabel'; required: false }; xAxisLabel: { alias: 'xAxisLabel'; required: false }; yAxisLabel: { alias: 'yAxisLabel'; required: false }; tooltipDisabled: { alias: 'tooltipDisabled'; required: false }; gradient: { alias: 'gradient'; required: false }; showGridLines: { alias: 'showGridLines'; required: false }; activeEntries: { alias: 'activeEntries'; required: false }; schemeType: { alias: 'schemeType'; required: false }; trimXAxisTicks: { alias: 'trimXAxisTicks'; required: false }; trimYAxisTicks: { alias: 'trimYAxisTicks'; required: false }; rotateXAxisTicks: { alias: 'rotateXAxisTicks'; required: false }; maxXAxisTickLength: { alias: 'maxXAxisTickLength'; required: false }; maxYAxisTickLength: { alias: 'maxYAxisTickLength'; required: false }; xAxisTickFormatting: { alias: 'xAxisTickFormatting'; required: false }; yAxisTickFormatting: { alias: 'yAxisTickFormatting'; required: false }; xAxisTicks: { alias: 'xAxisTicks'; required: false }; yAxisTicks: { alias: 'yAxisTicks'; required: false }; barPadding: { alias: 'barPadding'; required: false }; roundDomains: { alias: 'roundDomains'; required: false }; noBarWhenZero: { alias: 'noBarWhenZero'; required: false }; wrapTicks: { alias: 'wrapTicks'; required: false }; }, { activate: 'activate'; deactivate: 'deactivate' }, ['tooltipTemplate'], never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<BarHorizontalNormalizedComponent, never>;
property rotateXAxisTicks
rotateXAxisTicks: boolean;
property roundDomains
roundDomains: boolean;
property schemeType
schemeType: ScaleType;
property showGridLines
showGridLines: boolean;
property showXAxisLabel
showXAxisLabel: boolean;
property showYAxisLabel
showYAxisLabel: boolean;
property tooltipDisabled
tooltipDisabled: boolean;
property tooltipTemplate
tooltipTemplate: TemplateRef<any>;
property trackBy
trackBy: TrackByFunction<Series>;
property transform
transform: string;
property trimXAxisTicks
trimXAxisTicks: boolean;
property trimYAxisTicks
trimYAxisTicks: boolean;
property valueDomain
valueDomain: [number, number];
property wrapTicks
wrapTicks: boolean;
property xAxis
xAxis: any;
property xAxisHeight
xAxisHeight: number;
property xAxisLabel
xAxisLabel: string;
property xAxisTickFormatting
xAxisTickFormatting: any;
property xAxisTicks
xAxisTicks: any[];
property xScale
xScale: any;
property yAxis
yAxis: any;
property yAxisLabel
yAxisLabel: string;
property yAxisTickFormatting
yAxisTickFormatting: any;
property yAxisTicks
yAxisTicks: any[];
property yAxisWidth
yAxisWidth: number;
property yScale
yScale: any;
method getGroupDomain
getGroupDomain: () => string[];
method getInnerDomain
getInnerDomain: () => string[];
method getLegendOptions
getLegendOptions: () => LegendOptions;
method getXScale
getXScale: () => any;
method getYScale
getYScale: () => any;
method groupTransform
groupTransform: (group: Series) => string;
method ngOnInit
ngOnInit: () => void;
method onActivate
onActivate: (event: any, group: Series, fromLegend?: boolean) => void;
method onClick
onClick: (data: any, group?: Series) => void;
method onDeactivate
onDeactivate: (event: any, group: Series, fromLegend?: boolean) => void;
method setColors
setColors: () => void;
method update
update: () => void;
method updateXAxisHeight
updateXAxisHeight: ({ height }: { height: number }) => void;
method updateYAxisWidth
updateYAxisWidth: ({ width }: { width: number }) => void;
class BarHorizontalStackedComponent
class BarHorizontalStackedComponent extends BaseChartComponent {}
property activate
activate: EventEmitter<any>;
property activeEntries
activeEntries: any[];
property barChartType
barChartType: typeof BarChartType;
property barPadding
barPadding: number;
property colors
colors: ColorHelper;
property dataLabelFormatting
dataLabelFormatting: any;
property dataLabelMaxWidth
dataLabelMaxWidth: any;
property deactivate
deactivate: EventEmitter<any>;
property dims
dims: ViewDimensions;
property gradient
gradient: boolean;
property groupDomain
groupDomain: string[];
property innerDomain
innerDomain: string[];
property isSSR
isSSR: boolean;
property legend
legend: boolean;
property legendOptions
legendOptions: LegendOptions;
property legendPosition
legendPosition: LegendPosition;
property legendTitle
legendTitle: string;
property margin
margin: number[];
property maxXAxisTickLength
maxXAxisTickLength: number;
property maxYAxisTickLength
maxYAxisTickLength: number;
property noBarWhenZero
noBarWhenZero: boolean;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< BarHorizontalStackedComponent, 'ngx-charts-bar-horizontal-stacked', never, { legend: { alias: 'legend'; required: false }; legendTitle: { alias: 'legendTitle'; required: false }; legendPosition: { alias: 'legendPosition'; required: false }; xAxis: { alias: 'xAxis'; required: false }; yAxis: { alias: 'yAxis'; required: false }; showXAxisLabel: { alias: 'showXAxisLabel'; required: false }; showYAxisLabel: { alias: 'showYAxisLabel'; required: false }; xAxisLabel: { alias: 'xAxisLabel'; required: false }; yAxisLabel: { alias: 'yAxisLabel'; required: false }; tooltipDisabled: { alias: 'tooltipDisabled'; required: false }; gradient: { alias: 'gradient'; required: false }; showGridLines: { alias: 'showGridLines'; required: false }; activeEntries: { alias: 'activeEntries'; required: false }; schemeType: { alias: 'schemeType'; required: false }; trimXAxisTicks: { alias: 'trimXAxisTicks'; required: false }; trimYAxisTicks: { alias: 'trimYAxisTicks'; required: false }; rotateXAxisTicks: { alias: 'rotateXAxisTicks'; required: false }; maxXAxisTickLength: { alias: 'maxXAxisTickLength'; required: false }; maxYAxisTickLength: { alias: 'maxYAxisTickLength'; required: false }; xAxisTickFormatting: { alias: 'xAxisTickFormatting'; required: false }; yAxisTickFormatting: { alias: 'yAxisTickFormatting'; required: false }; xAxisTicks: { alias: 'xAxisTicks'; required: false }; yAxisTicks: { alias: 'yAxisTicks'; required: false }; barPadding: { alias: 'barPadding'; required: false }; roundDomains: { alias: 'roundDomains'; required: false }; xScaleMax: { alias: 'xScaleMax'; required: false }; showDataLabel: { alias: 'showDataLabel'; required: false }; dataLabelFormatting: { alias: 'dataLabelFormatting'; required: false }; noBarWhenZero: { alias: 'noBarWhenZero'; required: false }; wrapTicks: { alias: 'wrapTicks'; required: false }; }, { activate: 'activate'; deactivate: 'deactivate' }, ['tooltipTemplate'], never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<BarHorizontalStackedComponent, never>;
property rotateXAxisTicks
rotateXAxisTicks: boolean;
property roundDomains
roundDomains: boolean;
property schemeType
schemeType: ScaleType;
property showDataLabel
showDataLabel: boolean;
property showGridLines
showGridLines: boolean;
property showXAxisLabel
showXAxisLabel: boolean;
property showYAxisLabel
showYAxisLabel: boolean;
property tooltipDisabled
tooltipDisabled: boolean;
property tooltipTemplate
tooltipTemplate: TemplateRef<any>;
property trackBy
trackBy: TrackByFunction<Series>;
property transform
transform: string;
property trimXAxisTicks
trimXAxisTicks: boolean;
property trimYAxisTicks
trimYAxisTicks: boolean;
property valueDomain
valueDomain: [number, number];
property wrapTicks
wrapTicks: boolean;
property xAxis
xAxis: any;
property xAxisHeight
xAxisHeight: number;
property xAxisLabel
xAxisLabel: string;
property xAxisTickFormatting
xAxisTickFormatting: any;
property xAxisTicks
xAxisTicks: any[];
property xScale
xScale: any;
property xScaleMax
xScaleMax: number;
property yAxis
yAxis: any;
property yAxisLabel
yAxisLabel: string;
property yAxisTickFormatting
yAxisTickFormatting: any;
property yAxisTicks
yAxisTicks: any[];
property yAxisWidth
yAxisWidth: number;
property yScale
yScale: any;
method getGroupDomain
getGroupDomain: () => string[];
method getInnerDomain
getInnerDomain: () => string[];
method getLegendOptions
getLegendOptions: () => LegendOptions;
method getValueDomain
getValueDomain: () => [number, number];
method getXScale
getXScale: () => any;
method getYScale
getYScale: () => any;
method groupTransform
groupTransform: (group: Series) => string;
method ngOnInit
ngOnInit: () => void;
method onActivate
onActivate: (event: any, group: Series, fromLegend?: boolean) => void;
method onClick
onClick: (data: any, group?: Series) => void;
method onDataLabelMaxWidthChanged
onDataLabelMaxWidthChanged: (event: any, groupIndex: number) => void;
method onDeactivate
onDeactivate: (event: any, group: Series, fromLegend?: boolean) => void;
method setColors
setColors: () => void;
method update
update: () => void;
method updateXAxisHeight
updateXAxisHeight: ({ height }: { height: number }) => void;
method updateYAxisWidth
updateYAxisWidth: ({ width }: { width: number }) => void;
class BarLabelComponent
class BarLabelComponent implements OnChanges {}
constructor(element: ElementRef);
property barHeight
barHeight: any;
property barWidth
barWidth: any;
property barX
barX: any;
property barY
barY: any;
property dimensionsChanged
dimensionsChanged: EventEmitter<any>;
property element
element: any;
property formatedValue
formatedValue: string;
property horizontalPadding
horizontalPadding: number;
property orientation
orientation: BarOrientation;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< BarLabelComponent, 'g[ngx-charts-bar-label]', never, { value: { alias: 'value'; required: false }; valueFormatting: { alias: 'valueFormatting'; required: false }; barX: { alias: 'barX'; required: false }; barY: { alias: 'barY'; required: false }; barWidth: { alias: 'barWidth'; required: false }; barHeight: { alias: 'barHeight'; required: false }; orientation: { alias: 'orientation'; required: false }; }, { dimensionsChanged: 'dimensionsChanged' }, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<BarLabelComponent, never>;
property textAnchor
textAnchor: string;
property transform
transform: string;
property value
value: any;
property valueFormatting
valueFormatting: any;
property verticalPadding
verticalPadding: number;
property x
x: number;
property y
y: number;
method getSize
getSize: () => any;
method ngAfterViewInit
ngAfterViewInit: () => void;
method ngOnChanges
ngOnChanges: (changes: SimpleChanges) => void;
method update
update: () => void;
class BarVertical2DComponent
class BarVertical2DComponent extends BaseChartComponent {}
property activate
activate: EventEmitter<any>;
property activeEntries
activeEntries: any[];
property barOrientation
barOrientation: typeof BarOrientation;
property barPadding
barPadding: number;
property colors
colors: ColorHelper;
property dataLabelFormatting
dataLabelFormatting: any;
property dataLabelMaxHeight
dataLabelMaxHeight: any;
property deactivate
deactivate: EventEmitter<any>;
property dims
dims: ViewDimensions;
property gradient
gradient: boolean;
property groupDomain
groupDomain: string[];
property groupPadding
groupPadding: number;
property groupScale
groupScale: any;
property innerDomain
innerDomain: string[];
property innerScale
innerScale: any;
property isSSR
isSSR: boolean;
property legend
legend: boolean;
property legendOptions
legendOptions: LegendOptions;
property legendPosition
legendPosition: LegendPosition;
property legendTitle
legendTitle: string;
property margin
margin: number[];
property maxXAxisTickLength
maxXAxisTickLength: number;
property maxYAxisTickLength
maxYAxisTickLength: number;
property noBarWhenZero
noBarWhenZero: boolean;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< BarVertical2DComponent, 'ngx-charts-bar-vertical-2d', never, { legend: { alias: 'legend'; required: false }; legendTitle: { alias: 'legendTitle'; required: false }; legendPosition: { alias: 'legendPosition'; required: false }; xAxis: { alias: 'xAxis'; required: false }; yAxis: { alias: 'yAxis'; required: false }; showXAxisLabel: { alias: 'showXAxisLabel'; required: false }; showYAxisLabel: { alias: 'showYAxisLabel'; required: false }; xAxisLabel: { alias: 'xAxisLabel'; required: false }; yAxisLabel: { alias: 'yAxisLabel'; required: false }; tooltipDisabled: { alias: 'tooltipDisabled'; required: false }; scaleType: { alias: 'scaleType'; required: false }; gradient: { alias: 'gradient'; required: false }; showGridLines: { alias: 'showGridLines'; required: false }; activeEntries: { alias: 'activeEntries'; required: false }; schemeType: { alias: 'schemeType'; required: false }; trimXAxisTicks: { alias: 'trimXAxisTicks'; required: false }; trimYAxisTicks: { alias: 'trimYAxisTicks'; required: false }; rotateXAxisTicks: { alias: 'rotateXAxisTicks'; required: false }; maxXAxisTickLength: { alias: 'maxXAxisTickLength'; required: false }; maxYAxisTickLength: { alias: 'maxYAxisTickLength'; required: false }; xAxisTickFormatting: { alias: 'xAxisTickFormatting'; required: false }; yAxisTickFormatting: { alias: 'yAxisTickFormatting'; required: false }; xAxisTicks: { alias: 'xAxisTicks'; required: false }; yAxisTicks: { alias: 'yAxisTicks'; required: false }; groupPadding: { alias: 'groupPadding'; required: false }; barPadding: { alias: 'barPadding'; required: false }; roundDomains: { alias: 'roundDomains'; required: false }; roundEdges: { alias: 'roundEdges'; required: false }; yScaleMax: { alias: 'yScaleMax'; required: false }; showDataLabel: { alias: 'showDataLabel'; required: false }; dataLabelFormatting: { alias: 'dataLabelFormatting'; required: false }; noBarWhenZero: { alias: 'noBarWhenZero'; required: false }; wrapTicks: { alias: 'wrapTicks'; required: false }; }, { activate: 'activate'; deactivate: 'deactivate' }, ['tooltipTemplate'], never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<BarVertical2DComponent, never>;
property rotateXAxisTicks
rotateXAxisTicks: boolean;
property roundDomains
roundDomains: boolean;
property roundEdges
roundEdges: boolean;
property scaleType
scaleType: ScaleType;
property schemeType
schemeType: ScaleType;
property showDataLabel
showDataLabel: boolean;
property showGridLines
showGridLines: boolean;
property showXAxisLabel
showXAxisLabel: boolean;
property showYAxisLabel
showYAxisLabel: boolean;
property tooltipDisabled
tooltipDisabled: boolean;
property tooltipTemplate
tooltipTemplate: TemplateRef<any>;
property trackBy
trackBy: TrackByFunction<DataItem>;
property transform
transform: string;
property trimXAxisTicks
trimXAxisTicks: boolean;
property trimYAxisTicks
trimYAxisTicks: boolean;
property valueDomain
valueDomain: [number, number];
property valueScale
valueScale: any;
property wrapTicks
wrapTicks: boolean;
property xAxis
xAxis: any;
property xAxisHeight
xAxisHeight: number;
property xAxisLabel
xAxisLabel: string;
property xAxisTickFormatting
xAxisTickFormatting: any;
property xAxisTicks
xAxisTicks: any[];
property yAxis
yAxis: any;
property yAxisLabel
yAxisLabel: string;
property yAxisTickFormatting
yAxisTickFormatting: any;
property yAxisTicks
yAxisTicks: any[];
property yAxisWidth
yAxisWidth: number;
property yScaleMax
yScaleMax: number;
method getGroupDomain
getGroupDomain: () => string[];
method getGroupScale
getGroupScale: () => any;
method getInnerDomain
getInnerDomain: () => string[];
method getInnerScale
getInnerScale: () => any;
method getLegendOptions
getLegendOptions: () => LegendOptions;
method getValueDomain
getValueDomain: () => [number, number];
method getValueScale
getValueScale: () => any;
method groupTransform
groupTransform: (group: DataItem) => string;
method ngOnInit
ngOnInit: () => void;
method onActivate
onActivate: (event: any, group: DataItem, fromLegend?: boolean) => void;
method onClick
onClick: (data: any, group?: DataItem) => void;
method onDataLabelMaxHeightChanged
onDataLabelMaxHeightChanged: (event: any, groupIndex: number) => void;
method onDeactivate
onDeactivate: (event: any, group: DataItem, fromLegend?: boolean) => void;
method setColors
setColors: () => void;
method update
update: () => void;
method updateXAxisHeight
updateXAxisHeight: ({ height }: { height: number }) => void;
method updateYAxisWidth
updateYAxisWidth: ({ width }: { width: number }) => void;
class BarVerticalComponent
class BarVerticalComponent extends BaseChartComponent {}
property activate
activate: EventEmitter<any>;
property activeEntries
activeEntries: any[];
property barPadding
barPadding: number;
property colors
colors: ColorHelper;
property dataLabelFormatting
dataLabelFormatting: any;
property dataLabelMaxHeight
dataLabelMaxHeight: any;
property deactivate
deactivate: EventEmitter<any>;
property dims
dims: ViewDimensions;
property gradient
gradient: boolean;
property legend
legend: boolean;
property legendOptions
legendOptions: LegendOptions;
property legendPosition
legendPosition: LegendPosition;
property legendTitle
legendTitle: string;
property margin
margin: number[];
property maxXAxisTickLength
maxXAxisTickLength: number;
property maxYAxisTickLength
maxYAxisTickLength: number;
property noBarWhenZero
noBarWhenZero: boolean;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< BarVerticalComponent, 'ngx-charts-bar-vertical', never, { legend: { alias: 'legend'; required: false }; legendTitle: { alias: 'legendTitle'; required: false }; legendPosition: { alias: 'legendPosition'; required: false }; xAxis: { alias: 'xAxis'; required: false }; yAxis: { alias: 'yAxis'; required: false }; showXAxisLabel: { alias: 'showXAxisLabel'; required: false }; showYAxisLabel: { alias: 'showYAxisLabel'; required: false }; xAxisLabel: { alias: 'xAxisLabel'; required: false }; yAxisLabel: { alias: 'yAxisLabel'; required: false }; tooltipDisabled: { alias: 'tooltipDisabled'; required: false }; gradient: { alias: 'gradient'; required: false }; showGridLines: { alias: 'showGridLines'; required: false }; activeEntries: { alias: 'activeEntries'; required: false }; schemeType: { alias: 'schemeType'; required: false }; trimXAxisTicks: { alias: 'trimXAxisTicks'; required: false }; trimYAxisTicks: { alias: 'trimYAxisTicks'; required: false }; rotateXAxisTicks: { alias: 'rotateXAxisTicks'; required: false }; maxXAxisTickLength: { alias: 'maxXAxisTickLength'; required: false }; maxYAxisTickLength: { alias: 'maxYAxisTickLength'; required: false }; xAxisTickFormatting: { alias: 'xAxisTickFormatting'; required: false }; yAxisTickFormatting: { alias: 'yAxisTickFormatting'; required: false }; xAxisTicks: { alias: 'xAxisTicks'; required: false }; yAxisTicks: { alias: 'yAxisTicks'; required: false }; barPadding: { alias: 'barPadding'; required: false }; roundDomains: { alias: 'roundDomains'; required: false }; roundEdges: { alias: 'roundEdges'; required: false }; yScaleMax: { alias: 'yScaleMax'; required: false }; yScaleMin: { alias: 'yScaleMin'; required: false }; showDataLabel: { alias: 'showDataLabel'; required: false }; dataLabelFormatting: { alias: 'dataLabelFormatting'; required: false }; noBarWhenZero: { alias: 'noBarWhenZero'; required: false }; wrapTicks: { alias: 'wrapTicks'; required: false }; }, { activate: 'activate'; deactivate: 'deactivate' }, ['tooltipTemplate'], never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<BarVerticalComponent, never>;
property rotateXAxisTicks
rotateXAxisTicks: boolean;
property roundDomains
roundDomains: boolean;
property roundEdges
roundEdges: boolean;
property schemeType
schemeType: ScaleType;
property showDataLabel
showDataLabel: boolean;
property showGridLines
showGridLines: boolean;
property showXAxisLabel
showXAxisLabel: boolean;
property showYAxisLabel
showYAxisLabel: boolean;
property tooltipDisabled
tooltipDisabled: boolean;
property tooltipTemplate
tooltipTemplate: TemplateRef<any>;
property transform
transform: string;
property trimXAxisTicks
trimXAxisTicks: boolean;
property trimYAxisTicks
trimYAxisTicks: boolean;
property wrapTicks
wrapTicks: boolean;
property xAxis
xAxis: any;
property xAxisHeight
xAxisHeight: number;
property xAxisLabel
xAxisLabel: string;
property xAxisTickFormatting
xAxisTickFormatting: any;
property xAxisTicks
xAxisTicks: any[];
property xDomain
xDomain: any;
property xScale
xScale: any;
property yAxis
yAxis: any;
property yAxisLabel
yAxisLabel: string;
property yAxisTickFormatting
yAxisTickFormatting: any;
property yAxisTicks
yAxisTicks: any[];
property yAxisWidth
yAxisWidth: number;
property yDomain
yDomain: any;
property yScale
yScale: any;
property yScaleMax
yScaleMax: number;
property yScaleMin
yScaleMin: number;
method getLegendOptions
getLegendOptions: () => { scaleType: any; colors: any; domain: any[]; title: any; position: LegendPosition;};
method getXDomain
getXDomain: () => any[];
method getXScale
getXScale: () => any;
method getYDomain
getYDomain: () => [number, number];
method getYScale
getYScale: () => any;
method onActivate
onActivate: (item: any, fromLegend?: boolean) => void;
method onClick
onClick: (data: DataItem | string) => void;
method onDataLabelMaxHeightChanged
onDataLabelMaxHeightChanged: (event: any) => void;
method onDeactivate
onDeactivate: (item: any, fromLegend?: boolean) => void;
method setColors
setColors: () => void;
method update
update: () => void;
method updateXAxisHeight
updateXAxisHeight: ({ height }: { height: any }) => void;
method updateYAxisWidth
updateYAxisWidth: ({ width }: { width: any }) => void;
class BarVerticalNormalizedComponent
class BarVerticalNormalizedComponent extends BaseChartComponent {}
property activate
activate: EventEmitter<any>;
property activeEntries
activeEntries: any[];
property barChartType
barChartType: typeof BarChartType;
property barPadding
barPadding: number;
property colors
colors: ColorHelper;
property deactivate
deactivate: EventEmitter<any>;
property dims
dims: ViewDimensions;
property gradient
gradient: boolean;
property groupDomain
groupDomain: string[];
property innerDomain
innerDomain: string[];
property isSSR
isSSR: boolean;
property legend
legend: boolean;
property legendOptions
legendOptions: LegendOptions;
property legendPosition
legendPosition: LegendPosition;
property legendTitle
legendTitle: string;
property margin
margin: number[];
property maxXAxisTickLength
maxXAxisTickLength: number;
property maxYAxisTickLength
maxYAxisTickLength: number;
property noBarWhenZero
noBarWhenZero: boolean;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< BarVerticalNormalizedComponent, 'ngx-charts-bar-vertical-normalized', never, { legend: { alias: 'legend'; required: false }; legendTitle: { alias: 'legendTitle'; required: false }; legendPosition: { alias: 'legendPosition'; required: false }; xAxis: { alias: 'xAxis'; required: false }; yAxis: { alias: 'yAxis'; required: false }; showXAxisLabel: { alias: 'showXAxisLabel'; required: false }; showYAxisLabel: { alias: 'showYAxisLabel'; required: false }; xAxisLabel: { alias: 'xAxisLabel'; required: false }; yAxisLabel: { alias: 'yAxisLabel'; required: false }; tooltipDisabled: { alias: 'tooltipDisabled'; required: false }; gradient: { alias: 'gradient'; required: false }; showGridLines: { alias: 'showGridLines'; required: false }; activeEntries: { alias: 'activeEntries'; required: false }; schemeType: { alias: 'schemeType'; required: false }; trimXAxisTicks: { alias: 'trimXAxisTicks'; required: false }; trimYAxisTicks: { alias: 'trimYAxisTicks'; required: false }; rotateXAxisTicks: { alias: 'rotateXAxisTicks'; required: false }; maxXAxisTickLength: { alias: 'maxXAxisTickLength'; required: false }; maxYAxisTickLength: { alias: 'maxYAxisTickLength'; required: false }; xAxisTickFormatting: { alias: 'xAxisTickFormatting'; required: false }; yAxisTickFormatting: { alias: 'yAxisTickFormatting'; required: false }; xAxisTicks: { alias: 'xAxisTicks'; required: false }; yAxisTicks: { alias: 'yAxisTicks'; required: false }; barPadding: { alias: 'barPadding'; required: false }; roundDomains: { alias: 'roundDomains'; required: false }; noBarWhenZero: { alias: 'noBarWhenZero'; required: false }; wrapTicks: { alias: 'wrapTicks'; required: false }; }, { activate: 'activate'; deactivate: 'deactivate' }, ['tooltipTemplate'], never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<BarVerticalNormalizedComponent, never>;
property rotateXAxisTicks
rotateXAxisTicks: boolean;
property roundDomains
roundDomains: boolean;
property schemeType
schemeType: ScaleType;
property showGridLines
showGridLines: boolean;
property showXAxisLabel
showXAxisLabel: boolean;
property showYAxisLabel
showYAxisLabel: boolean;
property tooltipDisabled
tooltipDisabled: boolean;
property tooltipTemplate
tooltipTemplate: TemplateRef<any>;
property trackBy
trackBy: TrackByFunction<Series>;
property transform
transform: string;
property trimXAxisTicks
trimXAxisTicks: boolean;
property trimYAxisTicks
trimYAxisTicks: boolean;
property valueDomain
valueDomain: [number, number];
property wrapTicks
wrapTicks: boolean;
property xAxis
xAxis: any;
property xAxisHeight
xAxisHeight: number;
property xAxisLabel
xAxisLabel: string;
property xAxisTickFormatting
xAxisTickFormatting: any;
property xAxisTicks
xAxisTicks: any[];
property xScale
xScale: any;
property yAxis
yAxis: any;
property yAxisLabel
yAxisLabel: string;
property yAxisTickFormatting
yAxisTickFormatting: any;
property yAxisTicks
yAxisTicks: any[];
property yAxisWidth
yAxisWidth: number;
property yScale
yScale: any;
method getGroupDomain
getGroupDomain: () => string[];
method getInnerDomain
getInnerDomain: () => string[];
method getLegendOptions
getLegendOptions: () => LegendOptions;
method getXScale
getXScale: () => any;
method getYScale
getYScale: () => any;
method groupTransform
groupTransform: (group: Series) => string;
method ngOnInit
ngOnInit: () => void;
method onActivate
onActivate: (event: any, group: Series, fromLegend?: boolean) => void;
method onClick
onClick: (data: any, group?: Series) => void;
method onDeactivate
onDeactivate: (event: any, group: Series, fromLegend?: boolean) => void;
method setColors
setColors: () => void;
method update
update: () => void;
method updateXAxisHeight
updateXAxisHeight: ({ height }: { height: number }) => void;
method updateYAxisWidth
updateYAxisWidth: ({ width }: { width: number }) => void;
class BarVerticalStackedComponent
class BarVerticalStackedComponent extends BaseChartComponent {}
property activate
activate: EventEmitter<any>;
property activeEntries
activeEntries: any[];
property barChartType
barChartType: typeof BarChartType;
property barPadding
barPadding: number;
property colors
colors: ColorHelper;
property dataLabelFormatting
dataLabelFormatting: any;
property dataLabelMaxHeight
dataLabelMaxHeight: any;
property deactivate
deactivate: EventEmitter<any>;
property dims
dims: ViewDimensions;
property gradient
gradient: boolean;
property groupDomain
groupDomain: string[];
property innerDomain
innerDomain: string[];
property isSSR
isSSR: boolean;
property legend
legend: boolean;
property legendOptions
legendOptions: LegendOptions;
property legendPosition
legendPosition: LegendPosition;
property legendTitle
legendTitle: string;
property margin
margin: number[];
property maxXAxisTickLength
maxXAxisTickLength: number;
property maxYAxisTickLength
maxYAxisTickLength: number;
property noBarWhenZero
noBarWhenZero: boolean;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< BarVerticalStackedComponent, 'ngx-charts-bar-vertical-stacked', never, { legend: { alias: 'legend'; required: false }; legendTitle: { alias: 'legendTitle'; required: false }; legendPosition: { alias: 'legendPosition'; required: false }; xAxis: { alias: 'xAxis'; required: false }; yAxis: { alias: 'yAxis'; required: false }; showXAxisLabel: { alias: 'showXAxisLabel'; required: false }; showYAxisLabel: { alias: 'showYAxisLabel'; required: false }; xAxisLabel: { alias: 'xAxisLabel'; required: false }; yAxisLabel: { alias: 'yAxisLabel'; required: false }; tooltipDisabled: { alias: 'tooltipDisabled'; required: false }; gradient: { alias: 'gradient'; required: false }; showGridLines: { alias: 'showGridLines'; required: false }; activeEntries: { alias: 'activeEntries'; required: false }; schemeType: { alias: 'schemeType'; required: false }; trimXAxisTicks: { alias: 'trimXAxisTicks'; required: false }; trimYAxisTicks: { alias: 'trimYAxisTicks'; required: false }; rotateXAxisTicks: { alias: 'rotateXAxisTicks'; required: false }; maxXAxisTickLength: { alias: 'maxXAxisTickLength'; required: false }; maxYAxisTickLength: { alias: 'maxYAxisTickLength'; required: false }; xAxisTickFormatting: { alias: 'xAxisTickFormatting'; required: false }; yAxisTickFormatting: { alias: 'yAxisTickFormatting'; required: false }; xAxisTicks: { alias: 'xAxisTicks'; required: false }; yAxisTicks: { alias: 'yAxisTicks'; required: false }; barPadding: { alias: 'barPadding'; required: false }; roundDomains: { alias: 'roundDomains'; required: false }; yScaleMax: { alias: 'yScaleMax'; required: false }; showDataLabel: { alias: 'showDataLabel'; required: false }; dataLabelFormatting: { alias: 'dataLabelFormatting'; required: false }; noBarWhenZero: { alias: 'noBarWhenZero'; required: false }; wrapTicks: { alias: 'wrapTicks'; required: false }; }, { activate: 'activate'; deactivate: 'deactivate' }, ['tooltipTemplate'], never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<BarVerticalStackedComponent, never>;
property rotateXAxisTicks
rotateXAxisTicks: boolean;
property roundDomains
roundDomains: boolean;
property schemeType
schemeType: ScaleType;
property showDataLabel
showDataLabel: boolean;
property showGridLines
showGridLines: boolean;
property showXAxisLabel
showXAxisLabel: boolean;
property showYAxisLabel
showYAxisLabel: boolean;
property tickFormatting
tickFormatting: (label: string) => string;
property tooltipDisabled
tooltipDisabled: boolean;
property tooltipTemplate
tooltipTemplate: TemplateRef<any>;
property trackBy
trackBy: TrackByFunction<Series>;
property transform
transform: string;
property trimXAxisTicks
trimXAxisTicks: boolean;
property trimYAxisTicks
trimYAxisTicks: boolean;
property valueDomain
valueDomain: [number, number];
property wrapTicks
wrapTicks: boolean;
property xAxis
xAxis: any;
property xAxisHeight
xAxisHeight: number;
property xAxisLabel
xAxisLabel: string;
property xAxisTickFormatting
xAxisTickFormatting: any;
property xAxisTicks
xAxisTicks: any[];
property xScale
xScale: any;
property yAxis
yAxis: any;
property yAxisLabel
yAxisLabel: string;
property yAxisTickFormatting
yAxisTickFormatting: any;
property yAxisTicks
yAxisTicks: any[];
property yAxisWidth
yAxisWidth: number;
property yScale
yScale: any;
property yScaleMax
yScaleMax: number;
method getGroupDomain
getGroupDomain: () => string[];
method getInnerDomain
getInnerDomain: () => string[];
method getLegendOptions
getLegendOptions: () => LegendOptions;
method getValueDomain
getValueDomain: () => [number, number];
method getXScale
getXScale: () => any;
method getYScale
getYScale: () => any;
method groupTransform
groupTransform: (group: Series) => string;
method ngOnInit
ngOnInit: () => void;
method onActivate
onActivate: (event: any, group: any, fromLegend?: boolean) => void;
method onClick
onClick: (data: any, group?: Series) => void;
method onDataLabelMaxHeightChanged
onDataLabelMaxHeightChanged: (event: any, groupIndex: number) => void;
method onDeactivate
onDeactivate: (event: any, group: Series, fromLegend?: boolean) => void;
method setColors
setColors: () => void;
method update
update: () => void;
method updateXAxisHeight
updateXAxisHeight: ({ height }: { height: number }) => void;
method updateYAxisWidth
updateYAxisWidth: ({ width }: { width: number }) => void;
class BaseChartComponent
class BaseChartComponent implements OnChanges, AfterViewInit, OnDestroy, OnInit {}
constructor( chartElement: ElementRef, zone: NgZone, cd: ChangeDetectorRef, platformId: any);
property animations
animations: boolean;
property cd
protected cd: ChangeDetectorRef;
property chartElement
protected chartElement: ElementRef;
property customColors
customColors: any;
property height
height: number;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< BaseChartComponent, 'base-chart', never, { results: { alias: 'results'; required: false }; view: { alias: 'view'; required: false }; scheme: { alias: 'scheme'; required: false }; schemeType: { alias: 'schemeType'; required: false }; customColors: { alias: 'customColors'; required: false }; animations: { alias: 'animations'; required: false }; }, { select: 'select' }, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<BaseChartComponent, never>;
property platformId
platformId: any;
property resizeSubscription
resizeSubscription: any;
property results
results: any;
property scheme
scheme: string | Color;
property schemeType
schemeType: ScaleType;
property select
select: EventEmitter<any>;
property view
view: [number, number];
property visibilityObserver
visibilityObserver: VisibilityObserver;
property width
width: number;
property zone
protected zone: NgZone;
method formatDates
formatDates: () => void;
Converts all date objects that appear as name into formatted date strings
method getContainerDims
getContainerDims: () => ViewDimensions;
method ngAfterViewInit
ngAfterViewInit: () => void;
method ngOnChanges
ngOnChanges: (changes: SimpleChanges) => void;
method ngOnDestroy
ngOnDestroy: () => void;
method ngOnInit
ngOnInit: () => void;
method unbindEvents
protected unbindEvents: () => void;
method update
update: () => void;
class BoxChartComponent
class BoxChartComponent extends BaseChartComponent {}
property activate
activate: EventEmitter<IBoxModel>;
property colors
colors: ColorHelper;
Color data.
property deactivate
deactivate: EventEmitter<IBoxModel>;
property dims
dims: ViewDimensions;
Chart Dimensions, this came from Base Chart Component.
property gradient
gradient: boolean;
property legend
legend: boolean;
Show or hide the legend.
property legendOptions
legendOptions: LegendOptions;
Legend Options object to handle positioning, title, colors and domain.
property legendOptionsConfig
legendOptionsConfig: LegendOptions;
I think it is better to handle legend options as single Input object of type ILegendOptions
property legendPosition
legendPosition: LegendPosition;
property legendTitle
legendTitle: string;
property margin
margin: [number, number, number, number];
Chart Margins (For each side, counterclock wise).
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< BoxChartComponent, 'ngx-charts-box-chart', never, { legend: { alias: 'legend'; required: false }; legendPosition: { alias: 'legendPosition'; required: false }; legendTitle: { alias: 'legendTitle'; required: false }; legendOptionsConfig: { alias: 'legendOptionsConfig'; required: false }; showGridLines: { alias: 'showGridLines'; required: false }; xAxis: { alias: 'xAxis'; required: false }; yAxis: { alias: 'yAxis'; required: false }; showXAxisLabel: { alias: 'showXAxisLabel'; required: false }; showYAxisLabel: { alias: 'showYAxisLabel'; required: false }; roundDomains: { alias: 'roundDomains'; required: false }; xAxisLabel: { alias: 'xAxisLabel'; required: false }; yAxisLabel: { alias: 'yAxisLabel'; required: false }; roundEdges: { alias: 'roundEdges'; required: false }; strokeColor: { alias: 'strokeColor'; required: false }; strokeWidth: { alias: 'strokeWidth'; required: false }; tooltipDisabled: { alias: 'tooltipDisabled'; required: false }; gradient: { alias: 'gradient'; required: false }; wrapTicks: { alias: 'wrapTicks'; required: false }; }, { select: 'select'; activate: 'activate'; deactivate: 'deactivate' }, ['tooltipTemplate'], never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<BoxChartComponent, never>;
property results
results: BoxChartMultiSeries;
Input Data, this came from Base Chart Component.
property roundDomains
roundDomains: boolean;
property roundEdges
roundEdges: boolean;
property select
select: EventEmitter<IBoxModel>;
property seriesDomain
seriesDomain: string[];
property showGridLines
showGridLines: boolean;
property showXAxisLabel
showXAxisLabel: boolean;
property showYAxisLabel
showYAxisLabel: boolean;
property strokeColor
strokeColor: string;
property strokeWidth
strokeWidth: number;
property tooltipDisabled
tooltipDisabled: boolean;
property tooltipTemplate
tooltipTemplate: TemplateRef<any>;
property transform
transform: string;
Transform string css attribute for the chart container
property wrapTicks
wrapTicks: boolean;
property xAxis
xAxis: boolean;
property xAxisHeight
xAxisHeight: number;
Chart X axis dimension.
property xAxisLabel
xAxisLabel: string;
property xDomain
xDomain: StringOrNumberOrDate[];
property xScale
xScale: ScaleBand<string>;
property yAxis
yAxis: boolean;
property yAxisLabel
yAxisLabel: string;
property yAxisWidth
yAxisWidth: number;
Chart Y axis dimension.
property yDomain
yDomain: number[];
property yScale
yScale: ScaleLinear<number, number>;
method getSeriesDomain
getSeriesDomain: () => string[];
method getUniqueBoxChartXDomainValues
getUniqueBoxChartXDomainValues: ( results: BoxChartMultiSeries) => (string | number | Date)[];
method getXDomain
getXDomain: () => Array<string | number | Date>;
method getXScale
getXScale: ( domain: Array<string | number | Date>, width: number) => ScaleBand<string>;
method getYDomain
getYDomain: () => number[];
method getYScale
getYScale: (domain: number[], height: number) => ScaleLinear<number, number>;
method onActivate
onActivate: (data: IBoxModel) => void;
method onClick
onClick: (data: IBoxModel) => void;
method onDeactivate
onDeactivate: (data: IBoxModel) => void;
method setColors
setColors: () => void;
method setScales
setScales: () => void;
method trackBy
trackBy: (index: number, item: BoxChartSeries) => StringOrNumberOrDate;
method update
update: () => void;
method updateXAxisHeight
updateXAxisHeight: ({ height }: { height: any }) => void;
method updateYAxisWidth
updateYAxisWidth: ({ width }: { width: any }) => void;
class BoxChartModule
class BoxChartModule {}
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<BoxChartModule, never>;
property ɵinj
static ɵinj: i0.ɵɵInjectorDeclaration<BoxChartModule>;
property ɵmod
static ɵmod: i0.ɵɵNgModuleDeclaration< BoxChartModule, [ typeof i1.BoxChartComponent, typeof i2.BoxSeriesComponent, typeof i3.BoxComponent ], [typeof i4.ChartCommonModule], [ typeof i1.BoxChartComponent, typeof i2.BoxSeriesComponent, typeof i3.BoxComponent ]>;
class BoxComponent
class BoxComponent implements OnChanges {}
constructor(element: ElementRef, cd: ChangeDetectorRef);
property activate
activate: EventEmitter<IBoxModel>;
property animations
animations: boolean;
property ariaLabel
ariaLabel: string;
property BarOrientation
BarOrientation: typeof BarOrientation;
property boxPath
boxPath: string;
property boxStrokeWidth
boxStrokeWidth: number;
property cd
protected cd: ChangeDetectorRef;
property data
data: IBoxModel;
property deactivate
deactivate: EventEmitter<IBoxModel>;
property edges
readonly edges: boolean[];
property fill
fill: string;
property gradient
gradient: boolean;
property gradientFill
gradientFill: string;
property gradientId
gradientId: string;
property gradientStops
gradientStops: Gradient[];
property hasGradient
hasGradient: boolean;
property height
height: number;
property hideBar
hideBar: boolean;
property initialized
initialized: boolean;
property isActive
isActive: boolean;
property lineCoordinates
lineCoordinates: LineCoordinates;
property maskLine
maskLine: string;
Mask Path to cut the line on the box part.
property maskLineId
maskLineId: string;
Mask Path Id to keep track of the mask element
property medianLineWidth
medianLineWidth: number;
property nativeElm
nativeElm: any;
property noBarWhenZero
noBarWhenZero: boolean;
property offset
offset: number;
property oldLineCoordinates
oldLineCoordinates: LineCoordinates;
property oldPath
oldPath: string;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< BoxComponent, 'g[ngx-charts-box]', never, { strokeColor: { alias: 'strokeColor'; required: false }; strokeWidth: { alias: 'strokeWidth'; required: false }; fill: { alias: 'fill'; required: false }; data: { alias: 'data'; required: false }; width: { alias: 'width'; required: false }; height: { alias: 'height'; required: false }; x: { alias: 'x'; required: false }; y: { alias: 'y'; required: false }; lineCoordinates: { alias: 'lineCoordinates'; required: false }; roundEdges: { alias: 'roundEdges'; required: false }; gradient: { alias: 'gradient'; required: false }; gradientStops: { alias: 'gradientStops'; required: false }; offset: { alias: 'offset'; required: false }; isActive: { alias: 'isActive'; required: false }; animations: { alias: 'animations'; required: false }; ariaLabel: { alias: 'ariaLabel'; required: false }; noBarWhenZero: { alias: 'noBarWhenZero'; required: false }; }, { select: 'select'; activate: 'activate'; deactivate: 'deactivate' }, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<BoxComponent, never>;
property roundEdges
roundEdges: boolean;
property select
select: EventEmitter<IBoxModel>;
property strokeColor
strokeColor: string;
property strokeWidth
strokeWidth: number;
property whiskerStrokeWidth
whiskerStrokeWidth: number;
property width
width: number;
property x
x: number;
property y
y: number;
method getGradient
getGradient: () => Gradient[];
method getPath
getPath: () => string;
method getRadius
getRadius: () => number;
method getStartingLineCoordinates
getStartingLineCoordinates: () => LineCoordinates;
method getStartingPath
getStartingPath: () => string;
method getStartOpacity
getStartOpacity: () => number;
method lineTween
lineTween: ( attr: string, d: any, index: number, node: BaseType[] | ArrayLike<BaseType>) => any;
See [D3 Selections](https://www.d3indepth.com/selections/)
Parameter d
The joined data.
Parameter index
The index of the element within the selection
Parameter node
The node element (Line).
method loadAnimation
loadAnimation: () => void;
method ngOnChanges
ngOnChanges: (changes: SimpleChanges) => void;
method onMouseEnter
onMouseEnter: () => void;
method onMouseLeave
onMouseLeave: () => void;
method pathTween
pathTween: (d1: string, precision: number) => () => (t: any) => string;
method update
update: () => void;
method updateLineEl
updateLineEl: () => void;
method updatePathEl
updatePathEl: () => void;
class BoxSeriesComponent
class BoxSeriesComponent implements OnChanges {}
property activate
activate: EventEmitter<IBoxModel>;
property animations
animations: boolean;
property box
box: IBoxModel;
property colors
colors: ColorHelper;
property counts
counts: DataItem[];
property deactivate
deactivate: EventEmitter<IBoxModel>;
property dims
dims: ViewDimensions;
property gradient
gradient: boolean;
property lineCoordinates
lineCoordinates: [IVector2D, IVector2D, IVector2D, IVector2D];
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< BoxSeriesComponent, 'g[ngx-charts-box-series]', never, { dims: { alias: 'dims'; required: false }; series: { alias: 'series'; required: false }; xScale: { alias: 'xScale'; required: false }; yScale: { alias: 'yScale'; required: false }; colors: { alias: 'colors'; required: false }; animations: { alias: 'animations'; required: false }; strokeColor: { alias: 'strokeColor'; required: false }; strokeWidth: { alias: 'strokeWidth'; required: false }; tooltipDisabled: { alias: 'tooltipDisabled'; required: false }; tooltipTemplate: { alias: 'tooltipTemplate'; required: false }; tooltipPlacement: { alias: 'tooltipPlacement'; required: false }; tooltipType: { alias: 'tooltipType'; required: false }; roundEdges: { alias: 'roundEdges'; required: false }; gradient: { alias: 'gradient'; required: false }; }, { select: 'select'; activate: 'activate'; deactivate: 'deactivate' }, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<BoxSeriesComponent, never>;
property quartiles
quartiles: [number, number, number];
property roundEdges
roundEdges: boolean;
property select
select: EventEmitter<IBoxModel>;
property series
series: BoxChartSeries;
property strokeColor
strokeColor: string;
property strokeWidth
strokeWidth: number;
property tooltipDisabled
tooltipDisabled: boolean;
property tooltipPlacement
tooltipPlacement: PlacementTypes;
property tooltipTemplate
tooltipTemplate: TemplateRef<any>;
property tooltipTitle
tooltipTitle: string;
property tooltipType
tooltipType: StyleTypes;
property whiskers
whiskers: [number, number];
property xScale
xScale: ScaleBand<string>;
property yScale
yScale: ScaleLinear<number, number>;
method getBoxQuantiles
getBoxQuantiles: (inputData: Array<number | Date>) => [number, number, number];
method getLinesCoordinates
getLinesCoordinates: ( seriesName: string, whiskers: [number, number], quartiles: [number, number, number], barWidth: number) => [IVector2D, IVector2D, IVector2D, IVector2D];
method ngOnChanges
ngOnChanges: (changes: SimpleChanges) => void;
method onClick
onClick: (data: IBoxModel) => void;
method update
update: () => void;
method updateTooltipSettings
updateTooltipSettings: () => void;
class BubbleChartComponent
class BubbleChartComponent extends BaseChartComponent {}
property activate
activate: EventEmitter<any>;
property activeEntries
activeEntries: any[];
property autoScale
autoScale: boolean;
property bubblePadding
bubblePadding: number[];
property clipPath
clipPath: string;
property clipPathId
clipPathId: string;
property colors
colors: ColorHelper;
property data
data: BubbleChartSeries[];
property deactivate
deactivate: EventEmitter<any>;
property dims
dims: ViewDimensions;
property isSSR
isSSR: boolean;
property legend
legend: boolean;
property legendOptions
legendOptions: LegendOptions;
property legendPosition
legendPosition: LegendPosition;
property legendTitle
legendTitle: string;
property margin
margin: number[];
property maxRadius
maxRadius: number;
property maxXAxisTickLength
maxXAxisTickLength: number;
property maxYAxisTickLength
maxYAxisTickLength: number;
property minRadius
minRadius: number;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< BubbleChartComponent, 'ngx-charts-bubble-chart', never, { showGridLines: { alias: 'showGridLines'; required: false }; legend: { alias: 'legend'; required: false }; legendTitle: { alias: 'legendTitle'; required: false }; legendPosition: { alias: 'legendPosition'; required: false }; xAxis: { alias: 'xAxis'; required: false }; yAxis: { alias: 'yAxis'; required: false }; showXAxisLabel: { alias: 'showXAxisLabel'; required: false }; showYAxisLabel: { alias: 'showYAxisLabel'; required: false }; xAxisLabel: { alias: 'xAxisLabel'; required: false }; yAxisLabel: { alias: 'yAxisLabel'; required: false }; trimXAxisTicks: { alias: 'trimXAxisTicks'; required: false }; trimYAxisTicks: { alias: 'trimYAxisTicks'; required: false }; rotateXAxisTicks: { alias: 'rotateXAxisTicks'; required: false }; maxXAxisTickLength: { alias: 'maxXAxisTickLength'; required: false }; maxYAxisTickLength: { alias: 'maxYAxisTickLength'; required: false }; xAxisTickFormatting: { alias: 'xAxisTickFormatting'; required: false }; yAxisTickFormatting: { alias: 'yAxisTickFormatting'; required: false }; xAxisTicks: { alias: 'xAxisTicks'; required: false }; yAxisTicks: { alias: 'yAxisTicks'; required: false }; roundDomains: { alias: 'roundDomains'; required: false }; maxRadius: { alias: 'maxRadius'; required: false }; minRadius: { alias: 'minRadius'; required: false }; autoScale: { alias: 'autoScale'; required: false }; schemeType: { alias: 'schemeType'; required: false }; tooltipDisabled: { alias: 'tooltipDisabled'; required: false }; xScaleMin: { alias: 'xScaleMin'; required: false }; xScaleMax: { alias: 'xScaleMax'; required: false }; yScaleMin: { alias: 'yScaleMin'; required: false }; yScaleMax: { alias: 'yScaleMax'; required: false }; wrapTicks: { alias: 'wrapTicks'; required: false }; }, { activate: 'activate'; deactivate: 'deactivate' }, ['tooltipTemplate'], never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<BubbleChartComponent, never>;
property rDomain
rDomain: number[];
property rotateXAxisTicks
rotateXAxisTicks: boolean;
property roundDomains
roundDomains: boolean;
property rScale
rScale: any;
property scaleType
scaleType: ScaleType;
property schemeType
schemeType: ScaleType;
property seriesDomain
seriesDomain: number[];
property showGridLines
showGridLines: boolean;
property showXAxisLabel
showXAxisLabel: boolean;
property showYAxisLabel
showYAxisLabel: boolean;
property tooltipDisabled
tooltipDisabled: boolean;
property tooltipTemplate
tooltipTemplate: TemplateRef<any>;
property transform
transform: string;
property trimXAxisTicks
trimXAxisTicks: boolean;
property trimYAxisTicks
trimYAxisTicks: boolean;
property wrapTicks
wrapTicks: boolean;
property xAxis
xAxis: boolean;
property xAxisHeight
xAxisHeight: number;
property xAxisLabel
xAxisLabel: string;
property xAxisTickFormatting
xAxisTickFormatting: any;
property xAxisTicks
xAxisTicks: any[];
property xDomain
xDomain: number[];
property xScale
xScale: any;
property xScaleMax
xScaleMax: number;
property xScaleMin
xScaleMin: number;
property xScaleType
xScaleType: ScaleType;
property yAxis
yAxis: boolean;
property yAxisLabel
yAxisLabel: string;
property yAxisTickFormatting
yAxisTickFormatting: any;
property yAxisTicks
yAxisTicks: any[];
property yAxisWidth
yAxisWidth: number;
property yDomain
yDomain: number[];
property yScale
yScale: any;
property yScaleMax
yScaleMax: number;
property yScaleMin
yScaleMin: number;
property yScaleType
yScaleType: ScaleType;
method deactivateAll
deactivateAll: () => void;
method getBubblePadding
getBubblePadding: () => number[];
method getLegendOptions
getLegendOptions: () => LegendOptions;
method getRDomain
getRDomain: () => [number, number];
method getRScale
getRScale: (domain: any, range: any) => any;
method getXDomain
getXDomain: () => number[];
method getXScale
getXScale: (domain: any, width: number) => any;
method getYDomain
getYDomain: () => number[];
method getYScale
getYScale: (domain: any, height: number) => any;
method hideCircles
hideCircles: () => void;
method ngOnInit
ngOnInit: () => void;
method onActivate
onActivate: (item: any) => void;
method onClick
onClick: (data: any, series?: any) => void;
method onDeactivate
onDeactivate: (item: any) => void;
method setScales
setScales: () => void;
method trackBy
trackBy: (index: number, item: any) => string;
method update
update: () => void;
method updateXAxisHeight
updateXAxisHeight: ({ height }: { height: number }) => void;
method updateYAxisWidth
updateYAxisWidth: ({ width }: { width: number }) => void;
class BubbleChartModule
class BubbleChartModule {}
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<BubbleChartModule, never>;
property ɵinj
static ɵinj: i0.ɵɵInjectorDeclaration<BubbleChartModule>;
property ɵmod
static ɵmod: i0.ɵɵNgModuleDeclaration< BubbleChartModule, [typeof i1.BubbleChartComponent, typeof i2.BubbleSeriesComponent], [typeof i3.ChartCommonModule], [typeof i1.BubbleChartComponent, typeof i2.BubbleSeriesComponent]>;
class BubbleSeriesComponent
class BubbleSeriesComponent implements OnChanges, OnInit {}
constructor(platformId: any);
property activate
activate: EventEmitter<any>;
property activeEntries
activeEntries: any[];
property areaPath
areaPath: any;
property circles
circles: any[];
property colors
colors: ColorHelper;
property data
data: BubbleChartSeries;
property deactivate
deactivate: EventEmitter<any>;
property isSSR
isSSR: boolean;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< BubbleSeriesComponent, 'g[ngx-charts-bubble-series]', never, { data: { alias: 'data'; required: false }; xScale: { alias: 'xScale'; required: false }; yScale: { alias: 'yScale'; required: false }; rScale: { alias: 'rScale'; required: false }; xScaleType: { alias: 'xScaleType'; required: false }; yScaleType: { alias: 'yScaleType'; required: false }; colors: { alias: 'colors'; required: false }; visibleValue: { alias: 'visibleValue'; required: false }; activeEntries: { alias: 'activeEntries'; required: false }; xAxisLabel: { alias: 'xAxisLabel'; required: false }; yAxisLabel: { alias: 'yAxisLabel'; required: false }; tooltipDisabled: { alias: 'tooltipDisabled'; required: false }; tooltipTemplate: { alias: 'tooltipTemplate'; required: false }; }, { select: 'select'; activate: 'activate'; deactivate: 'deactivate' }, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<BubbleSeriesComponent, never>;
property placementTypes
placementTypes: typeof PlacementTypes;
property rScale
rScale: any;
property select
select: EventEmitter<any>;
property styleTypes
styleTypes: typeof StyleTypes;
property tooltipDisabled
tooltipDisabled: boolean;
property tooltipTemplate
tooltipTemplate: TemplateRef<any>;
property visibleValue
visibleValue: any;
property xAxisLabel
xAxisLabel: string;
property xScale
xScale: any;
property xScaleType
xScaleType: ScaleType;
property yAxisLabel
yAxisLabel: string;
property yScale
yScale: any;
property yScaleType
yScaleType: ScaleType;
method activateCircle
activateCircle: (circle: any) => void;
method deactivateCircle
deactivateCircle: (circle: any) => void;
method getCircles
getCircles: () => any[];
method getTooltipText
getTooltipText: (circle: any) => string;
method isActive
isActive: (entry: any) => boolean;
method isVisible
isVisible: (circle: any) => boolean;
method ngOnChanges
ngOnChanges: (changes: SimpleChanges) => void;
method ngOnInit
ngOnInit: () => void;
method onClick
onClick: (data: any) => void;
method trackBy
trackBy: (index: any, circle: any) => string;
method update
update: () => void;
class CardComponent
class CardComponent implements OnChanges, OnDestroy, OnInit {}
constructor( element: ElementRef, cd: ChangeDetectorRef, zone: NgZone, platformId: any);
property animationReq
animationReq: number;
property animations
animations: boolean;
property bandColor
bandColor: string;
property bandHeight
bandHeight: number;
property bandPath
bandPath: string;
property cardHeight
cardHeight: number;
property cardWidth
cardWidth: number;
property color
color: string;
property data
data: GridData;
property element
element: HTMLElement;
property formattedLabel
formattedLabel: string;
property height
height: number;
property initialized
initialized: boolean;
property label
label: string;
property labelFontSize
labelFontSize: number;
property labelFormatting
labelFormatting: any;
property medianSize
medianSize: number;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< CardComponent, 'g[ngx-charts-card]', never, { color: { alias: 'color'; required: false }; bandColor: { alias: 'bandColor'; required: false }; textColor: { alias: 'textColor'; required: false }; x: { alias: 'x'; required: false }; y: { alias: 'y'; required: false }; width: { alias: 'width'; required: false }; height: { alias: 'height'; required: false }; label: { alias: 'label'; required: false }; data: { alias: 'data'; required: false }; medianSize: { alias: 'medianSize'; required: false }; valueFormatting: { alias: 'valueFormatting'; required: false }; labelFormatting: { alias: 'labelFormatting'; required: false }; animations: { alias: 'animations'; required: false }; }, { select: 'select' }, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<CardComponent, never>;
property select
select: EventEmitter<any>;
property textColor
textColor: string;
property textEl
textEl: ElementRef;
property textFontSize
textFontSize: number;
property textPadding
textPadding: number[];
property textTransform
textTransform: string;
property textWidth
textWidth: number;
property transform
transform: string;
property transformBand
transformBand: string;
property value
value: string;
property valueFormatting
valueFormatting: any;
property width
width: number;
property x
x: number;
property y
y: number;
method ngOnChanges
ngOnChanges: (changes: SimpleChanges) => void;
method ngOnDestroy
ngOnDestroy: () => void;
method ngOnInit
ngOnInit: () => void;
method onClick
onClick: () => void;
method paddedValue
paddedValue: (value: string) => string;
method scaleText
scaleText: () => void;
method scaleTextSSR
scaleTextSSR: () => void;
method setPadding
setPadding: () => void;
method startCount
startCount: () => void;
method update
update: () => void;
class CardSeriesComponent
class CardSeriesComponent implements OnChanges {}
property animations
animations: boolean;
property bandColor
bandColor: string;
property cardColor
cardColor: string;
property cards
cards: CardModel[];
property colors
colors: ColorHelper;
property data
data: CardModel[];
property dims
dims: ViewDimensions;
property emptyColor
emptyColor: string;
property emptySlots
emptySlots: any[];
property innerPadding
innerPadding: number;
property labelFormatting
labelFormatting: any;
property medianSize
medianSize: number;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< CardSeriesComponent, 'g[ngx-charts-card-series]', never, { data: { alias: 'data'; required: false }; dims: { alias: 'dims'; required: false }; colors: { alias: 'colors'; required: false }; innerPadding: { alias: 'innerPadding'; required: false }; cardColor: { alias: 'cardColor'; required: false }; bandColor: { alias: 'bandColor'; required: false }; emptyColor: { alias: 'emptyColor'; required: false }; textColor: { alias: 'textColor'; required: false }; valueFormatting: { alias: 'valueFormatting'; required: false }; labelFormatting: { alias: 'labelFormatting'; required: false }; animations: { alias: 'animations'; required: false }; }, { select: 'select' }, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<CardSeriesComponent, never>;
property select
select: EventEmitter<any>;
property textColor
textColor: string;
property valueFormatting
valueFormatting: any;
method getCards
getCards: () => CardModel[];
method ngOnChanges
ngOnChanges: (changes: SimpleChanges) => void;
method onClick
onClick: (data: any) => void;
method trackBy
trackBy: (index: any, card: any) => string;
method update
update: () => void;
class ChartCommonModule
class ChartCommonModule {}
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<ChartCommonModule, never>;
property ɵinj
static ɵinj: i0.ɵɵInjectorDeclaration<ChartCommonModule>;
property ɵmod
static ɵmod: i0.ɵɵNgModuleDeclaration< ChartCommonModule, [ typeof i1.AreaComponent, typeof i2.BaseChartComponent, typeof i3.CountUpDirective, typeof i4.TooltipArea, typeof i5.ChartComponent, typeof i6.LegendComponent, typeof i7.LegendEntryComponent, typeof i8.ScaleLegendComponent, typeof i9.CircleComponent, typeof i10.CircleSeriesComponent, typeof i11.GridPanelComponent, typeof i12.GridPanelSeriesComponent, typeof i13.SvgLinearGradientComponent, typeof i14.SvgRadialGradientComponent, typeof i15.Timeline, typeof i16.AdvancedLegendComponent, typeof i17.VisibilityObserver ], [any, typeof i19.AxesModule, typeof i20.TooltipModule], [ any, typeof i19.AxesModule, typeof i20.TooltipModule, typeof i1.AreaComponent, typeof i2.BaseChartComponent, typeof i3.CountUpDirective, typeof i4.TooltipArea, typeof i5.ChartComponent, typeof i6.LegendComponent, typeof i7.LegendEntryComponent, typeof i8.ScaleLegendComponent, typeof i9.CircleComponent, typeof i10.CircleSeriesComponent, typeof i11.GridPanelComponent, typeof i12.GridPanelSeriesComponent, typeof i13.SvgLinearGradientComponent, typeof i14.SvgRadialGradientComponent, typeof i15.Timeline, typeof i16.AdvancedLegendComponent, typeof i17.VisibilityObserver ]>;
class ChartComponent
class ChartComponent implements OnChanges {}
property activeEntries
activeEntries: any[];
property animations
animations: boolean;
property chartWidth
chartWidth: number;
property legendLabelActivate
legendLabelActivate: EventEmitter<{ name: string }>;
property legendLabelClick
legendLabelClick: EventEmitter<string>;
property legendLabelDeactivate
legendLabelDeactivate: EventEmitter<{ name: string }>;
property legendOptions
legendOptions: LegendOptions;
property LegendPosition
readonly LegendPosition: typeof LegendPosition;
property legendType
legendType: LegendType;
property LegendType
readonly LegendType: typeof LegendType;
property legendWidth
legendWidth: number;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< ChartComponent, 'ngx-charts-chart', never, { view: { alias: 'view'; required: false }; showLegend: { alias: 'showLegend'; required: false }; legendOptions: { alias: 'legendOptions'; required: false }; legendType: { alias: 'legendType'; required: false }; activeEntries: { alias: 'activeEntries'; required: false }; animations: { alias: 'animations'; required: false }; }, { legendLabelClick: 'legendLabelClick'; legendLabelActivate: 'legendLabelActivate'; legendLabelDeactivate: 'legendLabelDeactivate'; }, never, ['*'], false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<ChartComponent, never>;
property showLegend
showLegend: boolean;
property title
title: string;
property view
view: [number, number];
method getLegendType
getLegendType: () => LegendType;
method ngOnChanges
ngOnChanges: (changes: SimpleChanges) => void;
method update
update: () => void;
class CircleComponent
class CircleComponent implements OnChanges {}
property activate
activate: EventEmitter<string | number>;
property circleOpacity
circleOpacity: number;
property classNames
classNames: string | string[];
property cx
cx: number;
property cy
cy: number;
property data
data: string | number;
property deactivate
deactivate: EventEmitter<string | number>;
property fill
fill: string;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< CircleComponent, 'g[ngx-charts-circle]', never, { cx: { alias: 'cx'; required: false }; cy: { alias: 'cy'; required: false }; r: { alias: 'r'; required: false }; fill: { alias: 'fill'; required: false }; stroke: { alias: 'stroke'; required: false }; data: { alias: 'data'; required: false }; classNames: { alias: 'classNames'; required: false }; circleOpacity: { alias: 'circleOpacity'; required: false }; pointerEvents: { alias: 'pointerEvents'; required: false }; }, { select: 'select'; activate: 'activate'; deactivate: 'deactivate' }, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<CircleComponent, never>;
property pointerEvents
pointerEvents: string;
property r
r: number;
property select
select: EventEmitter<string | number>;
property stroke
stroke: string;
method ngOnChanges
ngOnChanges: (changes: SimpleChanges) => void;
method onClick
onClick: () => void;
method onMouseEnter
onMouseEnter: () => void;
method onMouseLeave
onMouseLeave: () => void;
class CircleSeriesComponent
class CircleSeriesComponent implements OnChanges, OnInit {}
constructor(platformId: any);
property activate
activate: EventEmitter<{ name: StringOrNumberOrDate }>;
property activeEntries
activeEntries: any[];
property areaPath
areaPath: any;
property barOrientation
barOrientation: typeof BarOrientation;
property barVisible
barVisible: boolean;
property circle
circle: Circle;
property colors
colors: ColorHelper;
property data
data: Series;
property deactivate
deactivate: EventEmitter<{ name: StringOrNumberOrDate }>;
property gradientFill
gradientFill: string;
property gradientId
gradientId: string;
property isSSR
isSSR: boolean;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< CircleSeriesComponent, 'g[ngx-charts-circle-series]', never, { data: { alias: 'data'; required: false }; type: { alias: 'type'; required: false }; xScale: { alias: 'xScale'; required: false }; yScale: { alias: 'yScale'; required: false }; colors: { alias: 'colors'; required: false }; scaleType: { alias: 'scaleType'; required: false }; visibleValue: { alias: 'visibleValue'; required: false }; activeEntries: { alias: 'activeEntries'; required: false }; tooltipDisabled: { alias: 'tooltipDisabled'; required: false }; tooltipTemplate: { alias: 'tooltipTemplate'; required: false }; }, { select: 'select'; activate: 'activate'; deactivate: 'deactivate' }, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<CircleSeriesComponent, never>;
property placementTypes
placementTypes: typeof PlacementTypes;
property scaleType
scaleType: ScaleType;
property select
select: EventEmitter<DataItem>;
property styleTypes
styleTypes: typeof StyleTypes;
property tooltipDisabled
tooltipDisabled: boolean;
property tooltipTemplate
tooltipTemplate: TemplateRef<any>;
property type
type: SeriesType;
property visibleValue
visibleValue: boolean;
property xScale
xScale: any;
property yScale
yScale: any;
method activateCircle
activateCircle: () => void;
method deactivateCircle
deactivateCircle: () => void;
method getActiveCircle
getActiveCircle: () => Circle;
method getGradientStops
getGradientStops: (color: string) => Gradient[];
method getTooltipMinMaxText
getTooltipMinMaxText: (min: number, max: number) => string;
method getTooltipText
getTooltipText: ({ tooltipLabel, value, seriesName, min, max,}: { tooltipLabel: string; value: any; seriesName: string; min: number; max: number;}) => string;
method isActive
isActive: (entry: any) => boolean;
method mapDataPointToCircle
mapDataPointToCircle: (d: any, i: number) => Circle;
method ngOnChanges
ngOnChanges: () => void;
method ngOnInit
ngOnInit: () => void;
method onClick
onClick: (data: DataItem) => void;
method update
update: () => void;
class ColorHelper
class ColorHelper {}
constructor( scheme: string | Color, type: ScaleType, domain: string[] | number[], customColors?: any);
property colorDomain
colorDomain: string[];
property customColors
customColors: any;
property domain
domain: string[] | number[];
property scale
scale: any;
property scaleType
scaleType: ScaleType;
method generateColorScheme
generateColorScheme: ( scheme: string | Color, type: ScaleType, domain: number[] | string[]) => any;
method getColor
getColor: (value: StringOrNumberOrDate) => string;
method getLinearGradientStops
getLinearGradientStops: ( value: number | string, start?: number | string) => Gradient[];
class CountUpDirective
class CountUpDirective implements OnDestroy {}
Count up component
Loosely inspired by: - https://github.com/izupet/angular2-counto - https://inorganik.github.io/countUp.js/
constructor(cd: ChangeDetectorRef, element: ElementRef);
property countChange
countChange: EventEmitter<any>;
property countDecimals
countDecimals: number;
property countDuration
countDuration: number;
property countFinish
countFinish: EventEmitter<any>;
property countFrom
countFrom: any;
property countPrefix
countPrefix: string;
property countSuffix
countSuffix: string;
property countTo
countTo: any;
property formattedValue
formattedValue: string;
property nativeElement
nativeElement: any;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< CountUpDirective, '[ngx-charts-count-up]', never, { countDuration: { alias: 'countDuration'; required: false }; countPrefix: { alias: 'countPrefix'; required: false }; countSuffix: { alias: 'countSuffix'; required: false }; valueFormatting: { alias: 'valueFormatting'; required: false }; countDecimals: { alias: 'countDecimals'; required: false }; countTo: { alias: 'countTo'; required: false }; countFrom: { alias: 'countFrom'; required: false }; }, { countChange: 'countChange'; countFinish: 'countFinish' }, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<CountUpDirective, never>;
property value
value: any;
property valueFormatting
valueFormatting: any;
method ngOnDestroy
ngOnDestroy: () => void;
method start
start: () => void;
class GaugeArcComponent
class GaugeArcComponent {}
property activate
activate: EventEmitter<any>;
property animations
animations: boolean;
property backgroundArc
backgroundArc: ArcItem;
property colors
colors: ColorHelper;
property cornerRadius
cornerRadius: number;
property deactivate
deactivate: EventEmitter<any>;
property isActive
isActive: boolean;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< GaugeArcComponent, 'g[ngx-charts-gauge-arc]', never, { backgroundArc: { alias: 'backgroundArc'; required: false }; valueArc: { alias: 'valueArc'; required: false }; cornerRadius: { alias: 'cornerRadius'; required: false }; colors: { alias: 'colors'; required: false }; isActive: { alias: 'isActive'; required: false }; tooltipDisabled: { alias: 'tooltipDisabled'; required: false }; valueFormatting: { alias: 'valueFormatting'; required: false }; tooltipTemplate: { alias: 'tooltipTemplate'; required: false }; animations: { alias: 'animations'; required: false }; }, { select: 'select'; activate: 'activate'; deactivate: 'deactivate' }, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<GaugeArcComponent, never>;
property placementTypes
placementTypes: typeof PlacementTypes;
property select
select: EventEmitter<any>;
property styleTypes
styleTypes: typeof StyleTypes;
property tooltipDisabled
tooltipDisabled: boolean;
property tooltipTemplate
tooltipTemplate: TemplateRef<any>;
property valueArc
valueArc: ArcItem;
property valueFormatting
valueFormatting: (value: any) => string;
method tooltipText
tooltipText: (arc: ArcItem) => string;
class GaugeAxisComponent
class GaugeAxisComponent implements OnChanges {}
property angleSpan
angleSpan: number;
property bigSegments
bigSegments: number;
property max
max: number;
property min
min: number;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< GaugeAxisComponent, 'g[ngx-charts-gauge-axis]', never, { bigSegments: { alias: 'bigSegments'; required: false }; smallSegments: { alias: 'smallSegments'; required: false }; min: { alias: 'min'; required: false }; max: { alias: 'max'; required: false }; angleSpan: { alias: 'angleSpan'; required: false }; startAngle: { alias: 'startAngle'; required: false }; radius: { alias: 'radius'; required: false }; valueScale: { alias: 'valueScale'; required: false }; tickFormatting: { alias: 'tickFormatting'; required: false }; }, {}, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<GaugeAxisComponent, never>;
property radius
radius: number;
property rotate
rotate: string;
property rotationAngle
rotationAngle: number;
property smallSegments
smallSegments: number;
property startAngle
startAngle: number;
property tickFormatting
tickFormatting: any;
property ticks
ticks: Ticks;
property valueScale
valueScale: any;
method getTextAnchor
getTextAnchor: (angle: number) => TextAnchor;
method getTickPath
getTickPath: (startDistance: number, tickLength: number, angle: number) => any;
method getTicks
getTicks: () => Ticks;
method ngOnChanges
ngOnChanges: (changes: SimpleChanges) => void;
method update
update: () => void;
class GaugeComponent
class GaugeComponent extends BaseChartComponent implements AfterViewInit {}
property activate
activate: EventEmitter<any>;
property activeEntries
activeEntries: any[];
property angleSpan
angleSpan: number;
property arcs
arcs: Arcs[];
property axisTickFormatting
axisTickFormatting: any;
property bigSegments
bigSegments: number;
property colors
colors: ColorHelper;
property cornerRadius
cornerRadius: number;
property deactivate
deactivate: EventEmitter<any>;
property dims
dims: ViewDimensions;
property displayValue
displayValue: string;
property domain
domain: any[];
property legend
legend: boolean;
property legendOptions
legendOptions: LegendOptions;
property legendPosition
legendPosition: LegendPosition;
property legendTitle
legendTitle: string;
property margin
margin: number[];
property max
max: number;
property min
min: number;
property outerRadius
outerRadius: number;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< GaugeComponent, 'ngx-charts-gauge', never, { legend: { alias: 'legend'; required: false }; legendTitle: { alias: 'legendTitle'; required: false }; legendPosition: { alias: 'legendPosition'; required: false }; min: { alias: 'min'; required: false }; max: { alias: 'max'; required: false }; textValue: { alias: 'textValue'; required: false }; units: { alias: 'units'; required: false }; bigSegments: { alias: 'bigSegments'; required: false }; smallSegments: { alias: 'smallSegments'; required: false }; results: { alias: 'results'; required: false }; showAxis: { alias: 'showAxis'; required: false }; startAngle: { alias: 'startAngle'; required: false }; angleSpan: { alias: 'angleSpan'; required: false }; activeEntries: { alias: 'activeEntries'; required: false }; axisTickFormatting: { alias: 'axisTickFormatting'; required: false }; tooltipDisabled: { alias: 'tooltipDisabled'; required: false }; valueFormatting: { alias: 'valueFormatting'; required: false }; showText: { alias: 'showText'; required: false }; margin: { alias: 'margin'; required: false }; }, { activate: 'activate'; deactivate: 'deactivate' }, ['tooltipTemplate'], never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<GaugeComponent, never>;
property resizeScale
resizeScale: number;
property results
results: any[];
property rotation
rotation: string;
property showAxis
showAxis: boolean;
property showText
showText: boolean;
property smallSegments
smallSegments: number;
property startAngle
startAngle: number;
property textEl
textEl: ElementRef;
property textRadius
textRadius: number;
property textTransform
textTransform: string;
property textValue
textValue: string;
property tooltipDisabled
tooltipDisabled: boolean;
property tooltipTemplate
tooltipTemplate: TemplateRef<any>;
property transform
transform: string;
property units
units: string;
property valueDomain
valueDomain: [number, number];
property valueFormatting
valueFormatting: (value: any) => string;
property valueScale
valueScale: any;
method getArcs
getArcs: () => any[];
method getDisplayValue
getDisplayValue: () => string;
method getDomain
getDomain: () => string[];
method getLegendOptions
getLegendOptions: () => LegendOptions;
method getValueDomain
getValueDomain: () => [number, number];
method getValueScale
getValueScale: () => any;
method isActive
isActive: (entry: any) => boolean;
method ngAfterViewInit
ngAfterViewInit: () => void;
method onActivate
onActivate: (item: any) => void;
method onClick
onClick: (data: any) => void;
method onDeactivate
onDeactivate: (item: any) => void;
method scaleText
scaleText: (repeat?: boolean) => void;
method setColors
setColors: () => void;
method trackBy
trackBy: (index: number, item: Arcs) => any;
method update
update: () => void;
class GaugeModule
class GaugeModule {}
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<GaugeModule, never>;
property ɵinj
static ɵinj: i0.ɵɵInjectorDeclaration<GaugeModule>;
property ɵmod
static ɵmod: i0.ɵɵNgModuleDeclaration< GaugeModule, [ typeof i1.LinearGaugeComponent, typeof i2.GaugeComponent, typeof i3.GaugeArcComponent, typeof i4.GaugeAxisComponent ], [ typeof i5.ChartCommonModule, typeof i6.PieChartModule, typeof i7.BarChartModule ], [ typeof i1.LinearGaugeComponent, typeof i2.GaugeComponent, typeof i3.GaugeArcComponent, typeof i4.GaugeAxisComponent ]>;
class GridPanelComponent
class GridPanelComponent {}
property height
height: number;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< GridPanelComponent, 'g[ngx-charts-grid-panel]', never, { width: { alias: 'width'; required: false }; height: { alias: 'height'; required: false }; x: { alias: 'x'; required: false }; y: { alias: 'y'; required: false }; }, {}, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<GridPanelComponent, never>;
property width
width: number;
property x
x: number;
property y
y: number;
class GridPanelSeriesComponent
class GridPanelSeriesComponent implements OnChanges {}
property data
data: any[];
property dims
dims: ViewDimensions;
property gridPanels
gridPanels: GridPanel[];
property orient
orient: BarOrientation;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< GridPanelSeriesComponent, 'g[ngx-charts-grid-panel-series]', never, { data: { alias: 'data'; required: false }; dims: { alias: 'dims'; required: false }; xScale: { alias: 'xScale'; required: false }; yScale: { alias: 'yScale'; required: false }; orient: { alias: 'orient'; required: false }; }, {}, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<GridPanelSeriesComponent, never>;
property xScale
xScale: any;
property yScale
yScale: any;
method getGridPanels
getGridPanels: () => GridPanel[];
method ngOnChanges
ngOnChanges: (changes: SimpleChanges) => void;
method update
update: () => void;
class HeatCellSeriesComponent
class HeatCellSeriesComponent implements OnChanges, OnInit {}
property activate
activate: EventEmitter<DataItem>;
property animations
animations: boolean;
property cells
cells: Cell[];
property colors
colors: any;
property data
data: any;
property deactivate
deactivate: EventEmitter<DataItem>;
property gradient
gradient: boolean;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< HeatCellSeriesComponent, 'g[ngx-charts-heat-map-cell-series]', never, { data: { alias: 'data'; required: false }; colors: { alias: 'colors'; required: false }; xScale: { alias: 'xScale'; required: false }; yScale: { alias: 'yScale'; required: false }; gradient: { alias: 'gradient'; required: false }; tooltipDisabled: { alias: 'tooltipDisabled'; required: false }; tooltipText: { alias: 'tooltipText'; required: false }; tooltipTemplate: { alias: 'tooltipTemplate'; required: false }; animations: { alias: 'animations'; required: false }; }, { select: 'select'; activate: 'activate'; deactivate: 'deactivate' }, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<HeatCellSeriesComponent, never>;
property placementTypes
placementTypes: typeof PlacementTypes;
property select
select: EventEmitter<DataItem>;
property styleTypes
styleTypes: typeof StyleTypes;
property tooltipDisabled
tooltipDisabled: boolean;
property tooltipTemplate
tooltipTemplate: TemplateRef<any>;
property tooltipText
tooltipText: any;
property xScale
xScale: any;
property yScale
yScale: any;
method getCells
getCells: () => Cell[];
method getTooltipText
getTooltipText: ({ label, data, series,}: { label: string; data: number; series: string;}) => string;
method ngOnChanges
ngOnChanges: (changes: SimpleChanges) => void;
method ngOnInit
ngOnInit: () => void;
method onClick
onClick: (data: any) => void;
method trackBy
trackBy: (index: number, item: any) => string;
method update
update: () => void;
class HeatMapCellComponent
class HeatMapCellComponent implements OnChanges {}
constructor(element: ElementRef);
property activate
activate: EventEmitter<number>;
property animations
animations: boolean;
property barOrientation
barOrientation: typeof BarOrientation;
property data
data: number;
property deactivate
deactivate: EventEmitter<number>;
property element
element: HTMLElement;
property fill
fill: string;
property gradient
gradient: boolean;
property gradientId
gradientId: string;
property gradientStops
gradientStops: Gradient[];
property gradientUrl
gradientUrl: string;
property height
height: number;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< HeatMapCellComponent, 'g[ngx-charts-heat-map-cell]', never, { fill: { alias: 'fill'; required: false }; x: { alias: 'x'; required: false }; y: { alias: 'y'; required: false }; width: { alias: 'width'; required: false }; height: { alias: 'height'; required: false }; data: { alias: 'data'; required: false }; gradient: { alias: 'gradient'; required: false }; animations: { alias: 'animations'; required: false }; }, { select: 'select'; activate: 'activate'; deactivate: 'deactivate' }, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<HeatMapCellComponent, never>;
property select
select: EventEmitter<number>;
property startOpacity
startOpacity: number;
property transform
transform: string;
property width
width: number;
property x
x: number;
property y
y: number;
method animateToCurrentForm
animateToCurrentForm: () => void;
method getGradientStops
getGradientStops: () => Gradient[];
method loadAnimation
loadAnimation: () => void;
method ngOnChanges
ngOnChanges: (changes: SimpleChanges) => void;
method onClick
onClick: () => void;
method onMouseEnter
onMouseEnter: () => void;
method onMouseLeave
onMouseLeave: () => void;
class HeatMapComponent
class HeatMapComponent extends BaseChartComponent {}
property activate
activate: EventEmitter<any>;
property activeEntries
activeEntries: any[];
property colors
colors: ColorHelper;
property colorScale
colorScale: any;
property deactivate
deactivate: EventEmitter<any>;
property dims
dims: ViewDimensions;
property gradient
gradient: boolean;
property innerPadding
innerPadding: string | number | string[] | number[];
property legend
legend: boolean;
property legendOptions
legendOptions: LegendOptions;
property legendPosition
legendPosition: LegendPosition;
property legendTitle
legendTitle: string;
property margin
margin: number[];
property max
max: number;
property maxXAxisTickLength
maxXAxisTickLength: number;
property maxYAxisTickLength
maxYAxisTickLength: number;
property min
min: number;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< HeatMapComponent, 'ngx-charts-heat-map', never, { legend: { alias: 'legend'; required: false }; legendTitle: { alias: 'legendTitle'; required: false }; legendPosition: { alias: 'legendPosition'; required: false }; xAxis: { alias: 'xAxis'; required: false }; yAxis: { alias: 'yAxis'; required: false }; showXAxisLabel: { alias: 'showXAxisLabel'; required: false }; showYAxisLabel: { alias: 'showYAxisLabel'; required: false }; xAxisLabel: { alias: 'xAxisLabel'; required: false }; yAxisLabel: { alias: 'yAxisLabel'; required: false }; gradient: { alias: 'gradient'; required: false }; innerPadding: { alias: 'innerPadding'; required: false }; trimXAxisTicks: { alias: 'trimXAxisTicks'; required: false }; trimYAxisTicks: { alias: 'trimYAxisTicks'; required: false }; rotateXAxisTicks: { alias: 'rotateXAxisTicks'; required: false }; maxXAxisTickLength: { alias: 'maxXAxisTickLength'; required: false }; maxYAxisTickLength: { alias: 'maxYAxisTickLength'; required: false }; xAxisTickFormatting: { alias: 'xAxisTickFormatting'; required: false }; yAxisTickFormatting: { alias: 'yAxisTickFormatting'; required: false }; xAxisTicks: { alias: 'xAxisTicks'; required: false }; yAxisTicks: { alias: 'yAxisTicks'; required: false }; tooltipDisabled: { alias: 'tooltipDisabled'; required: false }; tooltipText: { alias: 'tooltipText'; required: false }; min: { alias: 'min'; required: false }; max: { alias: 'max'; required: false }; activeEntries: { alias: 'activeEntries'; required: false }; wrapTicks: { alias: 'wrapTicks'; required: false }; }, { activate: 'activate'; deactivate: 'deactivate' }, ['tooltipTemplate'], never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<HeatMapComponent, never>;
property rects
rects: RectItem[];
property rotateXAxisTicks
rotateXAxisTicks: boolean;
property scaleType
scaleType: ScaleType;
property showXAxisLabel
showXAxisLabel: boolean;
property showYAxisLabel
showYAxisLabel: boolean;
property tooltipDisabled
tooltipDisabled: boolean;
property tooltipTemplate
tooltipTemplate: TemplateRef<any>;
property tooltipText
tooltipText: any;
property transform
transform: string;
property trimXAxisTicks
trimXAxisTicks: boolean;
property trimYAxisTicks
trimYAxisTicks: boolean;
property valueDomain
valueDomain: any[];
property wrapTicks
wrapTicks: boolean;
property xAxis
xAxis: boolean;
property xAxisHeight
xAxisHeight: number;
property xAxisLabel
xAxisLabel: string;
property xAxisTickFormatting
xAxisTickFormatting: any;
property xAxisTicks
xAxisTicks: any[];
property xDomain
xDomain: string[];
property xScale
xScale: any;
property yAxis
yAxis: boolean;
property yAxisLabel
yAxisLabel: string;
property yAxisTickFormatting
yAxisTickFormatting: any;
property yAxisTicks
yAxisTicks: any[];
property yAxisWidth
yAxisWidth: number;
property yDomain
yDomain: string[];
property yScale
yScale: any;
method getDimension
getDimension: ( value: string | number | Array<string | number>, index: number, N: number, L: number) => number;
Converts the input to gap paddingInner in fraction Supports the following inputs: Numbers: 8 Strings: "8", "8px", "8%" Arrays: [8,2], "8,2", "[8,2]" Mixed: [8,"2%"], ["8px","2%"], "8,2%", "[8,2%]"
method getLegendOptions
getLegendOptions: () => LegendOptions;
method getRects
getRects: () => RectItem[];
method getValueDomain
getValueDomain: () => any[];
method getXDomain
getXDomain: () => string[];
method getXScale
getXScale: () => any;
method getYDomain
getYDomain: () => string[];
method getYScale
getYScale: () => any;
method onActivate
onActivate: (event: any, group: any, fromLegend?: boolean) => void;
method onClick
onClick: (data: any) => void;
method onDeactivate
onDeactivate: (event: any, group: any, fromLegend?: boolean) => void;
method setColors
setColors: () => void;
method update
update: () => void;
method updateXAxisHeight
updateXAxisHeight: ({ height }: { height: number }) => void;
method updateYAxisWidth
updateYAxisWidth: ({ width }: { width: number }) => void;
class HeatMapModule
class HeatMapModule {}
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<HeatMapModule, never>;
property ɵinj
static ɵinj: i0.ɵɵInjectorDeclaration<HeatMapModule>;
property ɵmod
static ɵmod: i0.ɵɵNgModuleDeclaration< HeatMapModule, [ typeof i1.HeatMapCellComponent, typeof i2.HeatCellSeriesComponent, typeof i3.HeatMapComponent ], [typeof i4.ChartCommonModule], [ typeof i1.HeatMapCellComponent, typeof i2.HeatCellSeriesComponent, typeof i3.HeatMapComponent ]>;
class LegendComponent
class LegendComponent implements OnChanges {}
constructor(cd: ChangeDetectorRef);
property activeEntries
activeEntries: any;
property colors
colors: ColorHelper;
property data
data: string[];
property height
height: number;
property horizontal
horizontal: boolean;
property labelActivate
labelActivate: EventEmitter<{ name: string }>;
property labelClick
labelClick: EventEmitter<string>;
property labelDeactivate
labelDeactivate: EventEmitter<{ name: string }>;
property legendEntries
legendEntries: LegendEntry[];
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< LegendComponent, 'ngx-charts-legend', never, { data: { alias: 'data'; required: false }; title: { alias: 'title'; required: false }; colors: { alias: 'colors'; required: false }; height: { alias: 'height'; required: false }; width: { alias: 'width'; required: false }; activeEntries: { alias: 'activeEntries'; required: false }; horizontal: { alias: 'horizontal'; required: false }; }, { labelClick: 'labelClick'; labelActivate: 'labelActivate'; labelDeactivate: 'labelDeactivate'; }, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<LegendComponent, never>;
property title
title: string;
property width
width: number;
method activate
activate: (item: { name: string }) => void;
method deactivate
deactivate: (item: { name: string }) => void;
method getLegendEntries
getLegendEntries: () => LegendEntry[];
method isActive
isActive: (entry: LegendEntry) => boolean;
method ngOnChanges
ngOnChanges: (changes: SimpleChanges) => void;
method trackBy
trackBy: (index: number, item: LegendEntry) => string;
method update
update: () => void;
class LegendEntryComponent
class LegendEntryComponent {}
property activate
activate: EventEmitter<{ name: string }>;
property color
color: string;
property deactivate
deactivate: EventEmitter<{ name: string }>;
property formattedLabel
formattedLabel: string;
property isActive
isActive: boolean;
property label
label: string;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< LegendEntryComponent, 'ngx-charts-legend-entry', never, { color: { alias: 'color'; required: false }; label: { alias: 'label'; required: false }; formattedLabel: { alias: 'formattedLabel'; required: false }; isActive: { alias: 'isActive'; required: false }; }, { select: 'select'; activate: 'activate'; deactivate: 'deactivate'; toggle: 'toggle'; }, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<LegendEntryComponent, never>;
property select
select: EventEmitter<string>;
property toggle
toggle: EventEmitter<string>;
property trimmedLabel
readonly trimmedLabel: string;
method onMouseEnter
onMouseEnter: () => void;
method onMouseLeave
onMouseLeave: () => void;
class LinearGaugeComponent
class LinearGaugeComponent extends BaseChartComponent implements AfterViewInit {}
property barOrientation
barOrientation: typeof BarOrientation;
property colors
colors: ColorHelper;
property dims
dims: ViewDimensions;
property displayValue
displayValue: string;
property hasPreviousValue
hasPreviousValue: boolean;
property margin
margin: number[];
property max
max: number;
property min
min: number;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< LinearGaugeComponent, 'ngx-charts-linear-gauge', never, { min: { alias: 'min'; required: false }; max: { alias: 'max'; required: false }; value: { alias: 'value'; required: false }; units: { alias: 'units'; required: false }; previousValue: { alias: 'previousValue'; required: false }; valueFormatting: { alias: 'valueFormatting'; required: false }; }, {}, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<LinearGaugeComponent, never>;
property previousValue
previousValue: number;
property transform
transform: string;
property transformLine
transformLine: string;
property units
units: string;
property unitsResizeScale
unitsResizeScale: number;
property unitsTextEl
unitsTextEl: ElementRef;
property unitsTextTransform
unitsTextTransform: string;
property unitsTranslate
unitsTranslate: string;
property value
value: number;
property valueDomain
valueDomain: [number, number];
property valueFormatting
valueFormatting: any;
property valueResizeScale
valueResizeScale: number;
property valueScale
valueScale: any;
property valueTextEl
valueTextEl: ElementRef;
property valueTextTransform
valueTextTransform: string;
property valueTranslate
valueTranslate: string;
method getDisplayValue
getDisplayValue: () => string;
method getValueDomain
getValueDomain: () => [number, number];
method getValueScale
getValueScale: () => any;
method ngAfterViewInit
ngAfterViewInit: () => void;
method onClick
onClick: () => void;
method scaleText
scaleText: (element: ElementType, repeat?: boolean) => void;
method scaleTextSSR
scaleTextSSR: (element: any) => void;
method setColors
setColors: () => void;
method update
update: () => void;
class LineChartComponent
class LineChartComponent extends BaseChartComponent implements OnInit {}
property activate
activate: EventEmitter<any>;
property activeEntries
activeEntries: any[];
property areaPath
areaPath: any;
property autoScale
autoScale: boolean;
property clipPath
clipPath: string;
property clipPathId
clipPathId: string;
property colors
colors: ColorHelper;
property curve
curve: any;
property deactivate
deactivate: EventEmitter<any>;
property dims
dims: ViewDimensions;
property filteredDomain
filteredDomain: any;
property gradient
gradient: boolean;
property hasRange
hasRange: boolean;
property hoveredVertical
hoveredVertical: any;
property isSSR
isSSR: boolean;
property legend
legend: boolean;
property legendOptions
legendOptions: any;
property legendPosition
legendPosition: LegendPosition;
property legendTitle
legendTitle: string;
property margin
margin: number[];
property maxXAxisTickLength
maxXAxisTickLength: number;
property maxYAxisTickLength
maxYAxisTickLength: number;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< LineChartComponent, 'ngx-charts-line-chart', never, { legend: { alias: 'legend'; required: false }; legendTitle: { alias: 'legendTitle'; required: false }; legendPosition: { alias: 'legendPosition'; required: false }; xAxis: { alias: 'xAxis'; required: false }; yAxis: { alias: 'yAxis'; required: false }; showXAxisLabel: { alias: 'showXAxisLabel'; required: false }; showYAxisLabel: { alias: 'showYAxisLabel'; required: false }; xAxisLabel: { alias: 'xAxisLabel'; required: false }; yAxisLabel: { alias: 'yAxisLabel'; required: false }; autoScale: { alias: 'autoScale'; required: false }; timeline: { alias: 'timeline'; required: false }; gradient: { alias: 'gradient'; required: false }; showGridLines: { alias: 'showGridLines'; required: false }; curve: { alias: 'curve'; required: false }; activeEntries: { alias: 'activeEntries'; required: false }; schemeType: { alias: 'schemeType'; required: false }; rangeFillOpacity: { alias: 'rangeFillOpacity'; required: false }; trimXAxisTicks: { alias: 'trimXAxisTicks'; required: false }; trimYAxisTicks: { alias: 'trimYAxisTicks'; required: false }; rotateXAxisTicks: { alias: 'rotateXAxisTicks'; required: false }; maxXAxisTickLength: { alias: 'maxXAxisTickLength'; required: false }; maxYAxisTickLength: { alias: 'maxYAxisTickLength'; required: false }; xAxisTickFormatting: { alias: 'xAxisTickFormatting'; required: false }; yAxisTickFormatting: { alias: 'yAxisTickFormatting'; required: false }; xAxisTicks: { alias: 'xAxisTicks'; required: false }; yAxisTicks: { alias: 'yAxisTicks'; required: false }; roundDomains: { alias: 'roundDomains'; required: false }; tooltipDisabled: { alias: 'tooltipDisabled'; required: false }; showRefLines: { alias: 'showRefLines'; required: false }; referenceLines: { alias: 'referenceLines'; required: false }; showRefLabels: { alias: 'showRefLabels'; required: false }; xScaleMin: { alias: 'xScaleMin'; required: false }; xScaleMax: { alias: 'xScaleMax'; required: false }; yScaleMin: { alias: 'yScaleMin'; required: false }; yScaleMax: { alias: 'yScaleMax'; required: false }; wrapTicks: { alias: 'wrapTicks'; required: false }; }, { activate: 'activate'; deactivate: 'deactivate' }, ['tooltipTemplate', 'seriesTooltipTemplate'], never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<LineChartComponent, never>;
property rangeFillOpacity
rangeFillOpacity: number;
property referenceLines
referenceLines: any;
property rotateXAxisTicks
rotateXAxisTicks: boolean;
property roundDomains
roundDomains: boolean;
property scaleType
scaleType: ScaleType;
property schemeType
schemeType: ScaleType;
property seriesDomain
seriesDomain: any;
property seriesTooltipTemplate
seriesTooltipTemplate: TemplateRef<any>;
property showGridLines
showGridLines: boolean;
property showRefLabels
showRefLabels: boolean;
property showRefLines
showRefLines: boolean;
property showXAxisLabel
showXAxisLabel: boolean;
property showYAxisLabel
showYAxisLabel: boolean;
property timeline
timeline: boolean;
property timelineHeight
timelineHeight: number;
property timelinePadding
timelinePadding: number;
property timelineTransform
timelineTransform: any;
property timelineWidth
timelineWidth: any;
property timelineXDomain
timelineXDomain: any;
property timelineXScale
timelineXScale: any;
property timelineYScale
timelineYScale: any;
property tooltipDisabled
tooltipDisabled: boolean;
property tooltipTemplate
tooltipTemplate: TemplateRef<any>;
property transform
transform: string;
property trimXAxisTicks
trimXAxisTicks: boolean;
property trimYAxisTicks
trimYAxisTicks: boolean;
property wrapTicks
wrapTicks: boolean;
property xAxis
xAxis: boolean;
property xAxisHeight
xAxisHeight: number;
property xAxisLabel
xAxisLabel: string;
property xAxisTickFormatting
xAxisTickFormatting: any;
property xAxisTicks
xAxisTicks: any[];
property xDomain
xDomain: any;
property xScale
xScale: any;
property xScaleMax
xScaleMax: number;
property xScaleMin
xScaleMin: number;
property xSet
xSet: any;
property yAxis
yAxis: boolean;
property yAxisLabel
yAxisLabel: string;
property yAxisTickFormatting
yAxisTickFormatting: any;
property yAxisTicks
yAxisTicks: any[];
property yAxisWidth
yAxisWidth: number;
property yDomain
yDomain: [number, number];
property yScale
yScale: any;
property yScaleMax
yScaleMax: number;
property yScaleMin
yScaleMin: number;
method deactivateAll
deactivateAll: () => void;
method getLegendOptions
getLegendOptions: () => LegendOptions;
method getSeriesDomain
getSeriesDomain: () => string[];
method getXDomain
getXDomain: () => any[];
method getXScale
getXScale: (domain: any, width: number) => any;
method getYDomain
getYDomain: () => [number, number];
method getYScale
getYScale: (domain: any, height: number) => any;
method hideCircles
hideCircles: () => void;
method ngOnInit
ngOnInit: () => void;
method onActivate
onActivate: (item: any) => void;
method onClick
onClick: (data: any) => void;
method onDeactivate
onDeactivate: (item: any) => void;
method setColors
setColors: () => void;
method trackBy
trackBy: (index: number, item: any) => string;
method update
update: () => void;
method updateDomain
updateDomain: (domain: any) => void;
method updateHoveredVertical
updateHoveredVertical: (item: any) => void;
method updateTimeline
updateTimeline: () => void;
method updateXAxisHeight
updateXAxisHeight: ({ height }: { height: number }) => void;
method updateYAxisWidth
updateYAxisWidth: ({ width }: { width: number }) => void;
class LineChartModule
class LineChartModule {}
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<LineChartModule, never>;
property ɵinj
static ɵinj: i0.ɵɵInjectorDeclaration<LineChartModule>;
property ɵmod
static ɵmod: i0.ɵɵNgModuleDeclaration< LineChartModule, [ typeof i1.LineComponent, typeof i2.LineChartComponent, typeof i3.LineSeriesComponent ], [typeof i4.ChartCommonModule], [ typeof i1.LineComponent, typeof i2.LineChartComponent, typeof i3.LineSeriesComponent ]>;
class LineComponent
class LineComponent implements OnChanges, OnInit {}
constructor(element: ElementRef, platformId: any);
property animations
animations: boolean;
property data
data: Series;
property fill
fill: string;
property initialized
initialized: boolean;
property initialPath
initialPath: string;
property isSSR
isSSR: boolean;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< LineComponent, 'g[ngx-charts-line]', never, { path: { alias: 'path'; required: false }; stroke: { alias: 'stroke'; required: false }; data: { alias: 'data'; required: false }; fill: { alias: 'fill'; required: false }; animations: { alias: 'animations'; required: false }; }, {}, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<LineComponent, never>;
property path
path: string;
property stroke
stroke: string;
method ngOnChanges
ngOnChanges: (changes: SimpleChanges) => void;
method ngOnInit
ngOnInit: () => void;
method updatePathEl
updatePathEl: () => void;
class LineSeriesComponent
class LineSeriesComponent implements OnChanges {}
property activeEntries
activeEntries: any[];
property animations
animations: boolean;
property areaGradientStops
areaGradientStops: Gradient[];
property areaPath
areaPath: string;
property barOrientation
barOrientation: typeof BarOrientation;
property colors
colors: ColorHelper;
property curve
curve: any;
property data
data: Series;
property gradientId
gradientId: string;
property gradientStops
gradientStops: Gradient[];
property gradientUrl
gradientUrl: string;
property hasGradient
hasGradient: boolean;
property hasRange
hasRange: boolean;
property outerPath
outerPath: string;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< LineSeriesComponent, 'g[ngx-charts-line-series]', never, { data: { alias: 'data'; required: false }; xScale: { alias: 'xScale'; required: false }; yScale: { alias: 'yScale'; required: false }; colors: { alias: 'colors'; required: false }; scaleType: { alias: 'scaleType'; required: false }; curve: { alias: 'curve'; required: false }; activeEntries: { alias: 'activeEntries'; required: false }; rangeFillOpacity: { alias: 'rangeFillOpacity'; required: false }; hasRange: { alias: 'hasRange'; required: false }; animations: { alias: 'animations'; required: false }; }, {}, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<LineSeriesComponent, never>;
property path
path: string;
property rangeFillOpacity
rangeFillOpacity: number;
property scaleType
scaleType: ScaleType;
property stroke
stroke: string;
property xScale
xScale: any;
property yScale
yScale: any;
method getAreaGenerator
getAreaGenerator: () => any;
method getLineGenerator
getLineGenerator: () => any;
method getRangeGenerator
getRangeGenerator: () => any;
method isActive
isActive: (entry: any) => boolean;
method isInactive
isInactive: (entry: any) => boolean;
method ngOnChanges
ngOnChanges: (changes: SimpleChanges) => void;
method sortData
sortData: (data: any) => any;
method update
update: () => void;
method updateGradients
updateGradients: () => void;
class NgxChartsModule
class NgxChartsModule {}
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NgxChartsModule, never>;
property ɵinj
static ɵinj: i0.ɵɵInjectorDeclaration<NgxChartsModule>;
property ɵmod
static ɵmod: i0.ɵɵNgModuleDeclaration< NgxChartsModule, never, never, [ typeof i1.ChartCommonModule, typeof i2.AreaChartModule, typeof i3.BarChartModule, typeof i4.BoxChartModule, typeof i5.BubbleChartModule, typeof i6.HeatMapModule, typeof i7.SankeyModule, typeof i8.LineChartModule, typeof i9.PolarChartModule, typeof i10.NumberCardModule, typeof i11.PieChartModule, typeof i12.TreeMapModule, typeof i13.GaugeModule ]>;
class NumberCardComponent
class NumberCardComponent extends BaseChartComponent {}
property bandColor
bandColor: string;
property cardColor
cardColor: string;
property clickable
readonly clickable: boolean;
property colors
colors: ColorHelper;
property data
data: CardModel[];
property designatedTotal
designatedTotal: number;
property dims
dims: ViewDimensions;
property domain
domain: any[];
property emptyColor
emptyColor: string;
property innerPadding
innerPadding: number;
property labelFormatting
labelFormatting: any;
property margin
margin: number[];
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< NumberCardComponent, 'ngx-charts-number-card', never, { cardColor: { alias: 'cardColor'; required: false }; bandColor: { alias: 'bandColor'; required: false }; emptyColor: { alias: 'emptyColor'; required: false }; innerPadding: { alias: 'innerPadding'; required: false }; textColor: { alias: 'textColor'; required: false }; valueFormatting: { alias: 'valueFormatting'; required: false }; labelFormatting: { alias: 'labelFormatting'; required: false }; designatedTotal: { alias: 'designatedTotal'; required: false }; }, {}, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NumberCardComponent, never>;
property textColor
textColor: string;
property transform
transform: string;
property valueFormatting
valueFormatting: any;
method getDomain
getDomain: () => string[];
method onClick
onClick: (data: any) => void;
method setColors
setColors: () => void;
method update
update: () => void;
class NumberCardModule
class NumberCardModule {}
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NumberCardModule, never>;
property ɵinj
static ɵinj: i0.ɵɵInjectorDeclaration<NumberCardModule>;
property ɵmod
static ɵmod: i0.ɵɵNgModuleDeclaration< NumberCardModule, [ typeof i1.CardComponent, typeof i2.CardSeriesComponent, typeof i3.NumberCardComponent ], [typeof i4.ChartCommonModule], [ typeof i1.CardComponent, typeof i2.CardSeriesComponent, typeof i3.NumberCardComponent ]>;
class PieArcComponent
class PieArcComponent implements OnChanges {}
constructor(element: ElementRef);
property activate
activate: EventEmitter<any>;
property animate
animate: boolean;
property barOrientation
barOrientation: typeof BarOrientation;
property cornerRadius
cornerRadius: number;
property data
data: DataItem;
property dblclick
dblclick: EventEmitter<any>;
property deactivate
deactivate: EventEmitter<any>;
property element
element: HTMLElement;
property endAngle
endAngle: number;
property explodeSlices
explodeSlices: boolean;
property fill
fill: string;
property gradient
gradient: boolean;
property gradientFill
gradientFill: string;
property initialized
initialized: boolean;
property innerRadius
innerRadius: number;
property isActive
isActive: boolean;
property max
max: number;
property outerRadius
outerRadius: number;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< PieArcComponent, 'g[ngx-charts-pie-arc]', never, { fill: { alias: 'fill'; required: false }; startAngle: { alias: 'startAngle'; required: false }; endAngle: { alias: 'endAngle'; required: false }; innerRadius: { alias: 'innerRadius'; required: false }; outerRadius: { alias: 'outerRadius'; required: false }; cornerRadius: { alias: 'cornerRadius'; required: false }; value: { alias: 'value'; required: false }; max: { alias: 'max'; required: false }; data: { alias: 'data'; required: false }; explodeSlices: { alias: 'explodeSlices'; required: false }; gradient: { alias: 'gradient'; required: false }; animate: { alias: 'animate'; required: false }; pointerEvents: { alias: 'pointerEvents'; required: false }; isActive: { alias: 'isActive'; required: false }; }, { select: 'select'; activate: 'activate'; deactivate: 'deactivate'; dblclick: 'dblclick'; }, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<PieArcComponent, never>;
property path
path: any;
property pointerEvents
pointerEvents: boolean;
property radialGradientId
radialGradientId: string;
property select
select: EventEmitter<any>;
property startAngle
startAngle: number;
property startOpacity
startOpacity: number;
property value
value: number;
method calculateArc
calculateArc: () => any;
method getGradient
getGradient: () => string;
method getPointerEvents
getPointerEvents: () => string;
method loadAnimation
loadAnimation: () => void;
method ngOnChanges
ngOnChanges: (changes: SimpleChanges) => void;
method onClick
onClick: () => void;
method onDblClick
onDblClick: (event: MouseEvent) => void;
method update
update: () => void;
method updateAnimation
updateAnimation: () => void;
class PieChartComponent
class PieChartComponent extends BaseChartComponent {}
property activate
activate: EventEmitter<any>;
property activeEntries
activeEntries: any[];
property arcWidth
arcWidth: number;
property colors
colors: ColorHelper;
property data
data: DataItem[];
property dblclick
dblclick: EventEmitter<any>;
property deactivate
deactivate: EventEmitter<any>;
property dims
dims: ViewDimensions;
property domain
domain: string[];
property doughnut
doughnut: boolean;
property explodeSlices
explodeSlices: boolean;
property gradient
gradient: boolean;
property innerRadius
innerRadius: number;
property labelFormatting
labelFormatting: any;
property labels
labels: boolean;
property legend
legend: boolean;
property legendOptions
legendOptions: LegendOptions;
property legendPosition
legendPosition: LegendPosition;
property legendTitle
legendTitle: string;
property margins
margins: number[];
property maxLabelLength
maxLabelLength: number;
property outerRadius
outerRadius: number;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< PieChartComponent, 'ngx-charts-pie-chart', never, { labels: { alias: 'labels'; required: false }; legend: { alias: 'legend'; required: false }; legendTitle: { alias: 'legendTitle'; required: false }; legendPosition: { alias: 'legendPosition'; required: false }; explodeSlices: { alias: 'explodeSlices'; required: false }; doughnut: { alias: 'doughnut'; required: false }; arcWidth: { alias: 'arcWidth'; required: false }; gradient: { alias: 'gradient'; required: false }; activeEntries: { alias: 'activeEntries'; required: false }; tooltipDisabled: { alias: 'tooltipDisabled'; required: false }; labelFormatting: { alias: 'labelFormatting'; required: false }; trimLabels: { alias: 'trimLabels'; required: false }; maxLabelLength: { alias: 'maxLabelLength'; required: false }; tooltipText: { alias: 'tooltipText'; required: false }; margins: { alias: 'margins'; required: false }; }, { dblclick: 'dblclick'; select: 'select'; activate: 'activate'; deactivate: 'deactivate'; }, ['tooltipTemplate'], never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<PieChartComponent, never>;
property select
select: EventEmitter<any>;
property tooltipDisabled
tooltipDisabled: boolean;
property tooltipTemplate
tooltipTemplate: TemplateRef<any>;
property tooltipText
tooltipText: any;
property translation
translation: string;
property trimLabels
trimLabels: boolean;
method getDomain
getDomain: () => string[];
method getLegendOptions
getLegendOptions: () => LegendOptions;
method onActivate
onActivate: (item: any, fromLegend?: boolean) => void;
method onClick
onClick: (data: DataItem | string) => void;
method onDeactivate
onDeactivate: (item: any, fromLegend?: boolean) => void;
method setColors
setColors: () => void;
method update
update: () => void;
class PieChartModule
class PieChartModule {}
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<PieChartModule, never>;
property ɵinj
static ɵinj: i0.ɵɵInjectorDeclaration<PieChartModule>;
property ɵmod
static ɵmod: i0.ɵɵNgModuleDeclaration< PieChartModule, [ typeof i1.AdvancedPieChartComponent, typeof i2.PieLabelComponent, typeof i3.PieArcComponent, typeof i4.PieChartComponent, typeof i5.PieGridComponent, typeof i6.PieGridSeriesComponent, typeof i7.PieSeriesComponent ], [typeof i8.ChartCommonModule], [ typeof i1.AdvancedPieChartComponent, typeof i2.PieLabelComponent, typeof i3.PieArcComponent, typeof i4.PieChartComponent, typeof i5.PieGridComponent, typeof i6.PieGridSeriesComponent, typeof i7.PieSeriesComponent ]>;
class PieGridComponent
class PieGridComponent extends BaseChartComponent {}
property activate
activate: EventEmitter<any>;
property activeEntries
activeEntries: any[];
property colorScale
colorScale: ColorHelper;
property data
data: PieGridData[];
property deactivate
deactivate: EventEmitter<any>;
property designatedTotal
designatedTotal: number;
property dims
dims: ViewDimensions;
property domain
domain: string[];
property label
label: string;
property margin
margin: number[];
property minWidth
minWidth: number;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< PieGridComponent, 'ngx-charts-pie-grid', never, { designatedTotal: { alias: 'designatedTotal'; required: false }; tooltipDisabled: { alias: 'tooltipDisabled'; required: false }; tooltipText: { alias: 'tooltipText'; required: false }; label: { alias: 'label'; required: false }; minWidth: { alias: 'minWidth'; required: false }; activeEntries: { alias: 'activeEntries'; required: false }; }, { activate: 'activate'; deactivate: 'deactivate' }, ['tooltipTemplate'], never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<PieGridComponent, never>;
property placementTypes
placementTypes: typeof PlacementTypes;
property series
series: any[];
property styleTypes
styleTypes: typeof StyleTypes;
property tooltipDisabled
tooltipDisabled: boolean;
property tooltipTemplate
tooltipTemplate: TemplateRef<any>;
property tooltipText
tooltipText: (o: any) => any;
property transform
transform: string;
method defaultTooltipText
defaultTooltipText: ({ data }: { data: any }) => string;
method getDomain
getDomain: () => string[];
method getSeries
getSeries: () => any[];
method getTotal
getTotal: () => any;
method onActivate
onActivate: (item: any, fromLegend?: boolean) => void;
method onClick
onClick: (data: DataItem) => void;
method onDeactivate
onDeactivate: (item: any, fromLegend?: boolean) => void;
method setColors
setColors: () => void;
method update
update: () => void;
class PieGridSeriesComponent
class PieGridSeriesComponent implements OnChanges {}
constructor(element: ElementRef);
property activate
activate: EventEmitter<any>;
property animations
animations: boolean;
property arcs
arcs: PieArc[];
property colors
colors: any;
property data
data: PieGridData[];
property deactivate
deactivate: EventEmitter<any>;
property element
element: HTMLElement;
property innerRadius
innerRadius: number;
property layout
layout: any;
property outerRadius
outerRadius: number;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< PieGridSeriesComponent, 'g[ngx-charts-pie-grid-series]', never, { colors: { alias: 'colors'; required: false }; data: { alias: 'data'; required: false }; innerRadius: { alias: 'innerRadius'; required: false }; outerRadius: { alias: 'outerRadius'; required: false }; animations: { alias: 'animations'; required: false }; }, { select: 'select'; activate: 'activate'; deactivate: 'deactivate' }, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<PieGridSeriesComponent, never>;
property select
select: EventEmitter<any>;
method color
color: (arc: any) => string;
method getArcs
getArcs: () => PieArc[];
method label
label: (arc: any) => string;
method ngOnChanges
ngOnChanges: (changes: SimpleChanges) => void;
method onClick
onClick: (data: any) => void;
method trackBy
trackBy: (index: any, item: any) => string;
method update
update: () => void;
class PieLabelComponent
class PieLabelComponent implements OnChanges {}
constructor(platformId: any);
property animations
animations: boolean;
property attrTransform
attrTransform: string;
property color
color: string;
property data
data: PieData;
property explodeSlices
explodeSlices: boolean;
property label
label: string;
property labelTrim
labelTrim: boolean;
property labelTrimSize
labelTrimSize: number;
property line
line: string;
property max
max: number;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< PieLabelComponent, 'g[ngx-charts-pie-label]', never, { data: { alias: 'data'; required: false }; radius: { alias: 'radius'; required: false }; label: { alias: 'label'; required: false }; color: { alias: 'color'; required: false }; max: { alias: 'max'; required: false }; value: { alias: 'value'; required: false }; explodeSlices: { alias: 'explodeSlices'; required: false }; animations: { alias: 'animations'; required: false }; labelTrim: { alias: 'labelTrim'; required: false }; labelTrimSize: { alias: 'labelTrimSize'; required: false }; }, {}, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<PieLabelComponent, never>;
property platformId
platformId: any;
property radius
radius: number;
property styleTransform
styleTransform: string;
property textTransition
textTransition: string;
property textX
readonly textX: number;
property textY
readonly textY: number;
property trimLabel
trimLabel: (label: string, max?: number) => string;
property value
value: number;
method midAngle
midAngle: (d: any) => number;
method ngOnChanges
ngOnChanges: (changes: SimpleChanges) => void;
method setTransforms
setTransforms: () => void;
method textAnchor
textAnchor: () => TextAnchor;
method update
update: () => void;
class PieSeriesComponent
class PieSeriesComponent implements OnChanges {}
property activate
activate: EventEmitter<any>;
property activeEntries
activeEntries: any[];
property animations
animations: boolean;
property colors
colors: ColorHelper;
property data
data: PieData[];
property dblclick
dblclick: EventEmitter<any>;
property deactivate
deactivate: EventEmitter<any>;
property dims
dims: ViewDimensions;
property explodeSlices
explodeSlices: boolean;
property gradient
gradient: boolean;
property innerRadius
innerRadius: number;
property labelFormatting
labelFormatting: any;
property max
max: number;
property maxLabelLength
maxLabelLength: number;
property outerRadius
outerRadius: number;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< PieSeriesComponent, 'g[ngx-charts-pie-series]', never, { colors: { alias: 'colors'; required: false }; series: { alias: 'series'; required: false }; dims: { alias: 'dims'; required: false }; innerRadius: { alias: 'innerRadius'; required: false }; outerRadius: { alias: 'outerRadius'; required: false }; explodeSlices: { alias: 'explodeSlices'; required: false }; showLabels: { alias: 'showLabels'; required: false }; gradient: { alias: 'gradient'; required: false }; activeEntries: { alias: 'activeEntries'; required: false }; labelFormatting: { alias: 'labelFormatting'; required: false }; trimLabels: { alias: 'trimLabels'; required: false }; maxLabelLength: { alias: 'maxLabelLength'; required: false }; tooltipText: { alias: 'tooltipText'; required: false }; tooltipDisabled: { alias: 'tooltipDisabled'; required: false }; tooltipTemplate: { alias: 'tooltipTemplate'; required: false }; animations: { alias: 'animations'; required: false }; }, { select: 'select'; activate: 'activate'; deactivate: 'deactivate'; dblclick: 'dblclick'; }, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<PieSeriesComponent, never>;
property placementTypes
placementTypes: typeof PlacementTypes;
property select
select: EventEmitter<any>;
property series
series: DataItem[];
property showLabels
showLabels: boolean;
property styleTypes
styleTypes: typeof StyleTypes;
property tooltipDisabled
tooltipDisabled: boolean;
property tooltipTemplate
tooltipTemplate: TemplateRef<any>;
property tooltipText
tooltipText: (o: any) => any;
property trimLabels
trimLabels: boolean;
method calculateLabelPositions
calculateLabelPositions: (pieData: any) => any;
method color
color: (myArc: any) => any;
method defaultTooltipText
defaultTooltipText: (myArc: any) => string;
method getTooltipTitle
getTooltipTitle: (a: any) => any;
method isActive
isActive: (entry: any) => boolean;
method label
label: (myArc: any) => string;
method labelText
labelText: (myArc: any) => string;
method labelVisible
labelVisible: (myArc: any) => boolean;
method midAngle
midAngle: (d: any) => number;
method ngOnChanges
ngOnChanges: (changes: SimpleChanges) => void;
method onClick
onClick: (data: any) => void;
method outerArc
outerArc: () => any;
method trackBy
trackBy: (index: any, item: any) => string;
method update
update: () => void;
class PolarChartComponent
class PolarChartComponent extends BaseChartComponent implements OnInit {}
property activate
activate: EventEmitter<any>;
property activeEntries
activeEntries: any[];
property autoScale
autoScale: boolean;
property colors
colors: ColorHelper;
property curve
curve: any;
property deactivate
deactivate: EventEmitter<any>;
property dims
dims: ViewDimensions;
property filteredDomain
filteredDomain: any;
property gradient
gradient: boolean;
property isSSR
isSSR: boolean;
property labelOffset
labelOffset: number;
property labelTrim
labelTrim: boolean;
property labelTrimSize
labelTrimSize: number;
property legend
legend: boolean;
property legendOptions
legendOptions: any;
property legendPosition
legendPosition: LegendPosition;
property legendTitle
legendTitle: string;
property margin
margin: number[];
property maxYAxisTickLength
maxYAxisTickLength: number;
property orientation
orientation: typeof Orientation;
property outerRadius
outerRadius: number;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< PolarChartComponent, 'ngx-charts-polar-chart', never, { legend: { alias: 'legend'; required: false }; legendTitle: { alias: 'legendTitle'; required: false }; legendPosition: { alias: 'legendPosition'; required: false }; xAxis: { alias: 'xAxis'; required: false }; yAxis: { alias: 'yAxis'; required: false }; showXAxisLabel: { alias: 'showXAxisLabel'; required: false }; showYAxisLabel: { alias: 'showYAxisLabel'; required: false }; xAxisLabel: { alias: 'xAxisLabel'; required: false }; yAxisLabel: { alias: 'yAxisLabel'; required: false }; autoScale: { alias: 'autoScale'; required: false }; showGridLines: { alias: 'showGridLines'; required: false }; curve: { alias: 'curve'; required: false }; activeEntries: { alias: 'activeEntries'; required: false }; schemeType: { alias: 'schemeType'; required: false }; rangeFillOpacity: { alias: 'rangeFillOpacity'; required: false }; trimYAxisTicks: { alias: 'trimYAxisTicks'; required: false }; maxYAxisTickLength: { alias: 'maxYAxisTickLength'; required: false }; xAxisTickFormatting: { alias: 'xAxisTickFormatting'; required: false }; yAxisTickFormatting: { alias: 'yAxisTickFormatting'; required: false }; roundDomains: { alias: 'roundDomains'; required: false }; tooltipDisabled: { alias: 'tooltipDisabled'; required: false }; showSeriesOnHover: { alias: 'showSeriesOnHover'; required: false }; gradient: { alias: 'gradient'; required: false }; yAxisMinScale: { alias: 'yAxisMinScale'; required: false }; labelTrim: { alias: 'labelTrim'; required: false }; labelTrimSize: { alias: 'labelTrimSize'; required: false }; wrapTicks: { alias: 'wrapTicks'; required: false }; }, { activate: 'activate'; deactivate: 'deactivate' }, ['tooltipTemplate'], never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<PolarChartComponent, never>;
property radiusTicks
radiusTicks: number[];
property rangeFillOpacity
rangeFillOpacity: number;
property roundDomains
roundDomains: boolean;
property scaleType
scaleType: ScaleType;
property schemeType
schemeType: ScaleType;
property seriesDomain
seriesDomain: any;
property showGridLines
showGridLines: boolean;
property showSeriesOnHover
showSeriesOnHover: boolean;
property showXAxisLabel
showXAxisLabel: boolean;
property showYAxisLabel
showYAxisLabel: boolean;
property thetaTicks
thetaTicks: any[];
property tooltipDisabled
tooltipDisabled: boolean;
property tooltipTemplate
tooltipTemplate: TemplateRef<any>;
property transform
transform: string;
property transformPlot
transformPlot: string;
property transformXAxis
transformXAxis: string;
property transformYAxis
transformYAxis: string;
property trimYAxisTicks
trimYAxisTicks: boolean;
property wrapTicks
wrapTicks: boolean;
property xAxis
xAxis: boolean;
property xAxisHeight
xAxisHeight: number;
property xAxisLabel
xAxisLabel: string;
property xAxisTickFormatting
xAxisTickFormatting: (o: any) => any;
property xDomain
xDomain: any;
property xScale
xScale: any;
property yAxis
yAxis: boolean;
property yAxisDims
yAxisDims: ViewDimensions;
property yAxisLabel
yAxisLabel: string;
property yAxisMinScale
yAxisMinScale: number;
property yAxisScale
yAxisScale: any;
property yAxisTickFormatting
yAxisTickFormatting: (o: any) => any;
property yAxisWidth
yAxisWidth: number;
property yDomain
yDomain: any;
property yScale
yScale: any;
method deactivateAll
deactivateAll: () => void;
method getLegendOptions
getLegendOptions: () => | { scaleType: ScaleType.Ordinal; colors: ColorHelper; domain: any; title: string; position: LegendPosition; } | { scaleType: ScaleType.Time | ScaleType.Linear | ScaleType.Quantile; colors: any; domain: any; title: any; position: LegendPosition; };
method getSeriesDomain
getSeriesDomain: () => any[];
method getXDomain
getXDomain: (values?: any[]) => any[];
method getXScale
getXScale: (domain: any, width: number) => any;
method getXValues
getXValues: () => any[];
method getYDomain
getYDomain: (domain?: any[]) => any[];
method getYScale
getYScale: (domain: any, height: number) => any;
method getYValues
getYValues: () => any[];
method ngOnInit
ngOnInit: () => void;
method onActivate
onActivate: (item: any) => void;
method onClick
onClick: (data: any, series?: any) => void;
method onDeactivate
onDeactivate: (item: any) => void;
method setColors
setColors: () => void;
method setDims
setDims: () => void;
method setScales
setScales: () => void;
method setTicks
setTicks: () => void;
method trackBy
trackBy: (index: number, item: any) => string;
method update
update: () => void;
method updateXAxisHeight
updateXAxisHeight: ({ height }: { height: number }) => void;
method updateYAxisWidth
updateYAxisWidth: ({ width }: { width: number }) => void;
class PolarChartModule
class PolarChartModule {}
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<PolarChartModule, never>;
property ɵinj
static ɵinj: i0.ɵɵInjectorDeclaration<PolarChartModule>;
property ɵmod
static ɵmod: i0.ɵɵNgModuleDeclaration< PolarChartModule, [typeof i1.PolarChartComponent, typeof i2.PolarSeriesComponent], [ typeof i3.ChartCommonModule, typeof i4.PieChartModule, typeof i5.LineChartModule ], [typeof i1.PolarChartComponent, typeof i2.PolarSeriesComponent]>;
class PolarSeriesComponent
class PolarSeriesComponent implements OnChanges {}
property activate
activate: EventEmitter<any>;
property active
active: boolean;
property activeEntries
activeEntries: any[];
property animations
animations: boolean;
property areaGradientStops
areaGradientStops: any[];
property areaPath
areaPath: string;
property barOrientation
barOrientation: typeof BarOrientation;
property circleRadius
circleRadius: number;
property circles
circles: PolarChartCircle[];
property colors
colors: any;
property curve
curve: any;
property data
data: any;
property deactivate
deactivate: EventEmitter<any>;
property gradient
gradient: boolean;
property gradientId
gradientId: string;
property gradientStops
gradientStops: any[];
property gradientUrl
gradientUrl: string;
property hasGradient
hasGradient: boolean;
property inactive
inactive: boolean;
property name
name: any;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< PolarSeriesComponent, 'g[ngx-charts-polar-series]', never, { name: { alias: 'name'; required: false }; data: { alias: 'data'; required: false }; xScale: { alias: 'xScale'; required: false }; yScale: { alias: 'yScale'; required: false }; colors: { alias: 'colors'; required: false }; scaleType: { alias: 'scaleType'; required: false }; curve: { alias: 'curve'; required: false }; activeEntries: { alias: 'activeEntries'; required: false }; rangeFillOpacity: { alias: 'rangeFillOpacity'; required: false }; tooltipDisabled: { alias: 'tooltipDisabled'; required: false }; tooltipText: { alias: 'tooltipText'; required: false }; gradient: { alias: 'gradient'; required: false }; tooltipTemplate: { alias: 'tooltipTemplate'; required: false }; animations: { alias: 'animations'; required: false }; }, { select: 'select'; activate: 'activate'; deactivate: 'deactivate' }, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<PolarSeriesComponent, never>;
property path
path: string;
property placementTypes
placementTypes: typeof PlacementTypes;
property rangeFillOpacity
rangeFillOpacity: number;
property scaleType
scaleType: any;
property select
select: EventEmitter<any>;
property seriesColor
seriesColor: string;
property styleTypes
styleTypes: typeof StyleTypes;
property tooltipDisabled
tooltipDisabled: boolean;
property tooltipTemplate
tooltipTemplate: TemplateRef<any>;
property tooltipText
tooltipText: (o: any) => string;
property xScale
xScale: any;
property yScale
yScale: any;
method defaultTooltipText
defaultTooltipText: ({ label, value,}: { label: string; value: number;}) => string;
method getAngle
getAngle: (d: DataItem) => any;
method getLineGenerator
getLineGenerator: () => any;
method getRadius
getRadius: (d: DataItem) => any;
method isActive
isActive: (entry: DataItem) => boolean;
method isInactive
isInactive: (entry: DataItem) => boolean;
method ngOnChanges
ngOnChanges: (changes: SimpleChanges) => void;
method sortData
sortData: (data: DataItem) => any[];
method update
update: () => void;
method updateGradients
updateGradients: () => void;
class SankeyComponent
class SankeyComponent extends BaseChartComponent {}
property activate
activate: EventEmitter<any>;
property activeEntries
activeEntries: any[];
property colors
colors: ColorHelper;
property colorScale
colorScale: any;
property deactivate
deactivate: EventEmitter<any>;
property dims
dims: ViewDimensions;
property gradient
gradient: boolean;
property labelFormatting
labelFormatting: any;
property linkPaths
linkPaths: any[];
property margin
margin: number[];
property nodeRects
nodeRects: RectItem[];
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< SankeyComponent, 'ngx-charts-sankey', never, { showLabels: { alias: 'showLabels'; required: false }; gradient: { alias: 'gradient'; required: false }; tooltipDisabled: { alias: 'tooltipDisabled'; required: false }; activeEntries: { alias: 'activeEntries'; required: false }; labelFormatting: { alias: 'labelFormatting'; required: false }; }, { activate: 'activate'; deactivate: 'deactivate' }, ['tooltipTemplate'], never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<SankeyComponent, never>;
property scaleType
scaleType: ScaleType;
property showLabels
showLabels: boolean;
property styleTypes
styleTypes: typeof StyleTypes;
property tooltipDisabled
tooltipDisabled: boolean;
property tooltipTemplate
tooltipTemplate: TemplateRef<any>;
property transform
transform: string;
property valueDomain
valueDomain: any[];
method getLinkTooltipText
getLinkTooltipText: (sourceNode: any, targetNode: any, value: number) => string;
method getNodeTooltipText
getNodeTooltipText: (node: any) => string;
method getTextAnchor
getTextAnchor: (node: any) => TextAnchor;
method getValueDomain
getValueDomain: (nodes: any) => any[];
method onClick
onClick: (data: any) => void;
method setColors
setColors: () => void;
method update
update: () => void;
class SankeyModule
class SankeyModule {}
class ScaleLegendComponent
class ScaleLegendComponent implements OnChanges {}
property colors
colors: any;
property gradient
gradient: string;
property height
height: number;
property horizontal
horizontal: boolean;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< ScaleLegendComponent, 'ngx-charts-scale-legend', never, { valueRange: { alias: 'valueRange'; required: false }; colors: { alias: 'colors'; required: false }; height: { alias: 'height'; required: false }; width: { alias: 'width'; required: false }; horizontal: { alias: 'horizontal'; required: false }; }, {}, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<ScaleLegendComponent, never>;
property valueRange
valueRange: number[];
property width
width: number;
method gradientString
gradientString: (colors: string[], splits: number[]) => string;
Generates the string used in the gradient stylesheet properties
Parameter colors
array of colors
Parameter splits
array of splits on a scale of (0, 1)
method ngOnChanges
ngOnChanges: (changes: SimpleChanges) => void;
class SeriesHorizontal
class SeriesHorizontal implements OnChanges {}
property activate
activate: EventEmitter<any>;
property activeEntries
activeEntries: DataItem[];
property animations
animations: boolean;
property barOrientation
barOrientation: typeof BarOrientation;
property bars
bars: Bar[];
property barsForDataLabels
barsForDataLabels: { x: number; y: number; width: number; height: number; total: number; series: string;}[];
property colors
colors: ColorHelper;
property dataLabelFormatting
dataLabelFormatting: any;
property dataLabelWidthChanged
dataLabelWidthChanged: EventEmitter<{ size: Event; index: number }>;
property deactivate
deactivate: EventEmitter<any>;
property dims
dims: ViewDimensions;
property gradient
gradient: boolean;
property noBarWhenZero
noBarWhenZero: boolean;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< SeriesHorizontal, 'g[ngx-charts-series-horizontal]', never, { dims: { alias: 'dims'; required: false }; type: { alias: 'type'; required: false }; series: { alias: 'series'; required: false }; xScale: { alias: 'xScale'; required: false }; yScale: { alias: 'yScale'; required: false }; colors: { alias: 'colors'; required: false }; tooltipDisabled: { alias: 'tooltipDisabled'; required: false }; gradient: { alias: 'gradient'; required: false }; activeEntries: { alias: 'activeEntries'; required: false }; seriesName: { alias: 'seriesName'; required: false }; tooltipTemplate: { alias: 'tooltipTemplate'; required: false }; roundEdges: { alias: 'roundEdges'; required: false }; animations: { alias: 'animations'; required: false }; showDataLabel: { alias: 'showDataLabel'; required: false }; dataLabelFormatting: { alias: 'dataLabelFormatting'; required: false }; noBarWhenZero: { alias: 'noBarWhenZero'; required: false }; }, { select: 'select'; activate: 'activate'; deactivate: 'deactivate'; dataLabelWidthChanged: 'dataLabelWidthChanged'; }, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<SeriesHorizontal, never>;
property roundEdges
roundEdges: boolean;
property select
select: EventEmitter<DataItem>;
property series
series: DataItem[];
property seriesName
seriesName: StringOrNumberOrDate;
property showDataLabel
showDataLabel: boolean;
property tooltipDisabled
tooltipDisabled: boolean;
property tooltipPlacement
tooltipPlacement: PlacementTypes;
property tooltipTemplate
tooltipTemplate: TemplateRef<any>;
property tooltipType
tooltipType: StyleTypes;
property type
type: BarChartType;
property xScale
xScale: any;
property yScale
yScale: any;
method click
click: (data: DataItem) => void;
method getLabel
getLabel: (dataItem: DataItem) => StringOrNumberOrDate;
method isActive
isActive: (entry: DataItem) => boolean;
method ngOnChanges
ngOnChanges: (changes: SimpleChanges) => void;
method trackBy
trackBy: (index: number, bar: Bar) => string;
method trackDataLabelBy
trackDataLabelBy: (index: number, barLabel: any) => string;
method update
update: () => void;
method updateDataLabels
updateDataLabels: () => void;
method updateTooltipSettings
updateTooltipSettings: () => void;
class SeriesVerticalComponent
class SeriesVerticalComponent implements OnChanges {}
constructor(platformId: any);
property activate
activate: EventEmitter<any>;
property activeEntries
activeEntries: DataItem[];
property animations
animations: boolean;
property barOrientation
barOrientation: typeof BarOrientation;
property bars
bars: Bar[];
property barsForDataLabels
barsForDataLabels: { x: number; y: number; width: number; height: number; total: number; series: string;}[];
property colors
colors: ColorHelper;
property dataLabelFormatting
dataLabelFormatting: any;
property dataLabelHeightChanged
dataLabelHeightChanged: EventEmitter<any>;
property deactivate
deactivate: EventEmitter<any>;
property dims
dims: ViewDimensions;
property gradient
gradient: boolean;
property isSSR
isSSR: boolean;
property noBarWhenZero
noBarWhenZero: boolean;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< SeriesVerticalComponent, 'g[ngx-charts-series-vertical]', never, { dims: { alias: 'dims'; required: false }; type: { alias: 'type'; required: false }; series: { alias: 'series'; required: false }; xScale: { alias: 'xScale'; required: false }; yScale: { alias: 'yScale'; required: false }; colors: { alias: 'colors'; required: false }; gradient: { alias: 'gradient'; required: false }; activeEntries: { alias: 'activeEntries'; required: false }; seriesName: { alias: 'seriesName'; required: false }; tooltipDisabled: { alias: 'tooltipDisabled'; required: false }; tooltipTemplate: { alias: 'tooltipTemplate'; required: false }; roundEdges: { alias: 'roundEdges'; required: false }; animations: { alias: 'animations'; required: false }; showDataLabel: { alias: 'showDataLabel'; required: false }; dataLabelFormatting: { alias: 'dataLabelFormatting'; required: false }; noBarWhenZero: { alias: 'noBarWhenZero'; required: false }; }, { select: 'select'; activate: 'activate'; deactivate: 'deactivate'; dataLabelHeightChanged: 'dataLabelHeightChanged'; }, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<SeriesVerticalComponent, never>;
property roundEdges
roundEdges: boolean;
property select
select: EventEmitter<DataItem>;
property series
series: DataItem[];
property seriesName
seriesName: StringOrNumberOrDate;
property showDataLabel
showDataLabel: boolean;
property tooltipDisabled
tooltipDisabled: boolean;
property tooltipPlacement
tooltipPlacement: PlacementTypes;
property tooltipTemplate
tooltipTemplate: TemplateRef<any>;
property tooltipType
tooltipType: StyleTypes;
property type
type: BarChartType;
property xScale
xScale: any;
property yScale
yScale: any;
method getLabel
getLabel: (dataItem: DataItem) => StringOrNumberOrDate;
method isActive
isActive: (entry: DataItem) => boolean;
method ngOnChanges
ngOnChanges: (changes: any) => void;
method ngOnInit
ngOnInit: () => void;
method onClick
onClick: (data: DataItem) => void;
method trackBy
trackBy: (index: number, bar: Bar) => string;
method trackDataLabelBy
trackDataLabelBy: (index: number, barLabel: any) => string;
method update
update: () => void;
method updateDataLabels
updateDataLabels: () => void;
method updateTooltipSettings
updateTooltipSettings: () => void;
class SvgLinearGradientComponent
class SvgLinearGradientComponent implements OnChanges {}
property name
name: string;
property orientation
orientation: BarOrientation;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< SvgLinearGradientComponent, 'g[ngx-charts-svg-linear-gradient]', never, { orientation: { alias: 'orientation'; required: false }; name: { alias: 'name'; required: false }; stops: { alias: 'stops'; required: false }; }, {}, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<SvgLinearGradientComponent, never>;
property stops
stops: Gradient[];
property x1
x1: string;
property x2
x2: string;
property y1
y1: string;
property y2
y2: string;
method ngOnChanges
ngOnChanges: (changes: SimpleChanges) => void;
class SvgRadialGradientComponent
class SvgRadialGradientComponent implements OnChanges {}
property color
color: string;
property cx
cx: number;
property cy
cy: number;
property endOpacity
endOpacity: number;
property name
name: string;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< SvgRadialGradientComponent, 'g[ngx-charts-svg-radial-gradient]', never, { color: { alias: 'color'; required: false }; name: { alias: 'name'; required: false }; startOpacity: { alias: 'startOpacity'; required: false }; endOpacity: { alias: 'endOpacity'; required: false }; cx: { alias: 'cx'; required: false }; cy: { alias: 'cy'; required: false }; stops: { alias: 'stops'; required: false }; }, {}, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<SvgRadialGradientComponent, never>;
property r
r: string;
property startOpacity
startOpacity: number;
property stops
stops: Gradient[];
method ngOnChanges
ngOnChanges: (changes: SimpleChanges) => void;
class Timeline
class Timeline implements OnChanges {}
constructor(element: ElementRef, cd: ChangeDetectorRef);
property autoScale
autoScale: boolean;
property brush
brush: any;
property customColors
customColors: any;
property dims
dims: ViewDimensions;
property element
element: HTMLElement;
property filter
filter: string;
property filterId
filterId: string;
property height
height: number;
property initialized
initialized: boolean;
property legend
legend: boolean;
property onDomainChange
onDomainChange: EventEmitter<any>;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< Timeline, 'g[ngx-charts-timeline]', never, { view: { alias: 'view'; required: false }; results: { alias: 'results'; required: false }; scheme: { alias: 'scheme'; required: false }; customColors: { alias: 'customColors'; required: false }; legend: { alias: 'legend'; required: false }; autoScale: { alias: 'autoScale'; required: false }; scaleType: { alias: 'scaleType'; required: false }; height: { alias: 'height'; required: false }; }, { select: 'select'; onDomainChange: 'onDomainChange' }, never, ['*'], false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<Timeline, never>;
property results
results: any;
property scaleType
scaleType: ScaleType;
property scheme
scheme: any;
property select
select: EventEmitter<any>;
property transform
transform: string;
property view
view: [number, number];
property xDomain
xDomain: any[];
property xScale
xScale: any;
method addBrush
addBrush: () => void;
method getDims
getDims: () => ViewDimensions;
method getXDomain
getXDomain: () => any[];
method getXScale
getXScale: () => any;
method ngOnChanges
ngOnChanges: (changes: SimpleChanges) => void;
method update
update: () => void;
method updateBrush
updateBrush: () => void;
class TooltipArea
class TooltipArea {}
constructor(platformId: any);
property anchorOpacity
anchorOpacity: number;
property anchorPos
anchorPos: number;
property anchorValues
anchorValues: Tooltip[];
property colors
colors: ColorHelper;
property dims
dims: ViewDimensions;
property hover
hover: EventEmitter<{ value: any }>;
property lastAnchorPos
lastAnchorPos: number;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< TooltipArea, 'g[ngx-charts-tooltip-area]', never, { dims: { alias: 'dims'; required: false }; xSet: { alias: 'xSet'; required: false }; xScale: { alias: 'xScale'; required: false }; yScale: { alias: 'yScale'; required: false }; results: { alias: 'results'; required: false }; colors: { alias: 'colors'; required: false }; showPercentage: { alias: 'showPercentage'; required: false }; tooltipDisabled: { alias: 'tooltipDisabled'; required: false }; tooltipTemplate: { alias: 'tooltipTemplate'; required: false }; }, { hover: 'hover' }, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<TooltipArea, never>;
property placementTypes
placementTypes: typeof PlacementTypes;
property results
results: any[];
property showPercentage
showPercentage: boolean;
property styleTypes
styleTypes: typeof StyleTypes;
property tooltipAnchor
tooltipAnchor: any;
property tooltipDisabled
tooltipDisabled: boolean;
property tooltipTemplate
tooltipTemplate: TemplateRef<any>;
property xScale
xScale: any;
property xSet
xSet: any[];
property yScale
yScale: any;
method findClosestPointIndex
findClosestPointIndex: (xPos: number) => number;
method getToolTipText
getToolTipText: (tooltipItem: Tooltip) => string;
method getValues
getValues: (xVal: any) => Tooltip[];
method hideTooltip
hideTooltip: () => void;
method mouseMove
mouseMove: (event: any) => void;
method showTooltip
showTooltip: () => void;
class TooltipContentComponent
class TooltipContentComponent implements AfterViewInit {}
constructor(element: ElementRef, renderer: Renderer2, platformId: any);
property alignment
alignment: PlacementTypes;
property caretElm
caretElm: ElementRef;
property context
context: any;
property cssClass
cssClass: string;
property cssClasses
readonly cssClasses: string;
property element
element: ElementRef;
property host
host: ElementRef;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< TooltipContentComponent, 'ngx-tooltip-content', never, { host: { alias: 'host'; required: false }; showCaret: { alias: 'showCaret'; required: false }; type: { alias: 'type'; required: false }; placement: { alias: 'placement'; required: false }; alignment: { alias: 'alignment'; required: false }; spacing: { alias: 'spacing'; required: false }; cssClass: { alias: 'cssClass'; required: false }; title: { alias: 'title'; required: false }; template: { alias: 'template'; required: false }; context: { alias: 'context'; required: false }; }, {}, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<TooltipContentComponent, never>;
property placement
placement: PlacementTypes;
property showCaret
showCaret: boolean;
property spacing
spacing: number;
property template
template: TemplateRef<any>;
property title
title: string;
property type
type: StyleTypes;
method checkFlip
checkFlip: (hostDim: DOMRect, elmDim: DOMRect) => void;
method ngAfterViewInit
ngAfterViewInit: () => void;
method onWindowResize
onWindowResize: () => void;
method position
position: () => void;
method positionCaret
positionCaret: (hostDim: DOMRect, elmDim: DOMRect) => void;
method positionContent
positionContent: ( nativeElm: HTMLElement, hostDim: DOMRect, elmDim: DOMRect) => void;
class TooltipDirective
class TooltipDirective implements OnDestroy {}
constructor( tooltipService: TooltipService, viewContainerRef: ViewContainerRef, renderer: Renderer2);
property hide
hide: EventEmitter<boolean>;
property ɵdir
static ɵdir: i0.ɵɵDirectiveDeclaration< TooltipDirective, '[ngx-tooltip]', never, { tooltipCssClass: { alias: 'tooltipCssClass'; required: false }; tooltipTitle: { alias: 'tooltipTitle'; required: false }; tooltipAppendToBody: { alias: 'tooltipAppendToBody'; required: false }; tooltipSpacing: { alias: 'tooltipSpacing'; required: false }; tooltipDisabled: { alias: 'tooltipDisabled'; required: false }; tooltipShowCaret: { alias: 'tooltipShowCaret'; required: false }; tooltipPlacement: { alias: 'tooltipPlacement'; required: false }; tooltipAlignment: { alias: 'tooltipAlignment'; required: false }; tooltipType: { alias: 'tooltipType'; required: false }; tooltipCloseOnClickOutside: { alias: 'tooltipCloseOnClickOutside'; required: false; }; tooltipCloseOnMouseLeave: { alias: 'tooltipCloseOnMouseLeave'; required: false; }; tooltipHideTimeout: { alias: 'tooltipHideTimeout'; required: false }; tooltipShowTimeout: { alias: 'tooltipShowTimeout'; required: false }; tooltipTemplate: { alias: 'tooltipTemplate'; required: false }; tooltipShowEvent: { alias: 'tooltipShowEvent'; required: false }; tooltipContext: { alias: 'tooltipContext'; required: false }; tooltipImmediateExit: { alias: 'tooltipImmediateExit'; required: false }; }, { show: 'show'; hide: 'hide' }, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<TooltipDirective, never>;
property show
show: EventEmitter<boolean>;
property tooltipAlignment
tooltipAlignment: PlacementTypes;
property tooltipAppendToBody
tooltipAppendToBody: boolean;
property tooltipCloseOnClickOutside
tooltipCloseOnClickOutside: boolean;
property tooltipCloseOnMouseLeave
tooltipCloseOnMouseLeave: boolean;
property tooltipContext
tooltipContext: any;
property tooltipCssClass
tooltipCssClass: string;
property tooltipDisabled
tooltipDisabled: boolean;
property tooltipHideTimeout
tooltipHideTimeout: number;
property tooltipImmediateExit
tooltipImmediateExit: boolean;
property tooltipPlacement
tooltipPlacement: PlacementTypes;
property tooltipShowCaret
tooltipShowCaret: boolean;
property tooltipShowEvent
tooltipShowEvent: number;
property tooltipShowTimeout
tooltipShowTimeout: number;
property tooltipSpacing
tooltipSpacing: number;
property tooltipTemplate
tooltipTemplate: TemplateRef<any>;
property tooltipTitle
tooltipTitle?: string;
property tooltipType
tooltipType: StyleTypes;
method addHideListeners
addHideListeners: (tooltip: HTMLElement) => void;
method hideTooltip
hideTooltip: (immediate?: boolean) => void;
method ngOnDestroy
ngOnDestroy: () => void;
method onBlur
onBlur: () => void;
method onFocus
onFocus: () => void;
method onMouseClick
onMouseClick: () => void;
method onMouseEnter
onMouseEnter: () => void;
method onMouseLeave
onMouseLeave: (target: any) => void;
method showTooltip
showTooltip: (immediate?: boolean) => void;
class TooltipModule
class TooltipModule {}
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<TooltipModule, never>;
property ɵinj
static ɵinj: i0.ɵɵInjectorDeclaration<TooltipModule>;
property ɵmod
static ɵmod: i0.ɵɵNgModuleDeclaration< TooltipModule, [typeof i1.TooltipContentComponent, typeof i2.TooltipDirective], [any], [typeof i1.TooltipContentComponent, typeof i2.TooltipDirective]>;
class TooltipService
class TooltipService extends InjectionRegisteryService<TooltipContentComponent> {}
constructor(injectionService: InjectionService);
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<TooltipService, never>;
property ɵprov
static ɵprov: i0.ɵɵInjectableDeclaration<TooltipService>;
property type
type: any;
class TreeMapCellComponent
class TreeMapCellComponent implements OnChanges {}
constructor(element: ElementRef);
property animations
animations: boolean;
property data
data: DataItem;
property element
element: HTMLElement;
property fill
fill: string;
property formattedLabel
formattedLabel: string;
property formattedValue
formattedValue: string;
property gradient
gradient: boolean;
property gradientId
gradientId: string;
property gradientStops
gradientStops: Gradient[];
property gradientUrl
gradientUrl: string;
property height
height: number;
property initialized
initialized: boolean;
property label
label: string;
property labelFormatting
labelFormatting: any;
property orientation
orientation: typeof BarOrientation;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< TreeMapCellComponent, 'g[ngx-charts-tree-map-cell]', never, { data: { alias: 'data'; required: false }; fill: { alias: 'fill'; required: false }; x: { alias: 'x'; required: false }; y: { alias: 'y'; required: false }; width: { alias: 'width'; required: false }; height: { alias: 'height'; required: false }; label: { alias: 'label'; required: false }; value: { alias: 'value'; required: false }; valueFormatting: { alias: 'valueFormatting'; required: false }; labelFormatting: { alias: 'labelFormatting'; required: false }; gradient: { alias: 'gradient'; required: false }; animations: { alias: 'animations'; required: false }; }, { select: 'select' }, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<TreeMapCellComponent, never>;
property select
select: EventEmitter<any>;
property transform
transform: string;
property value
value: any;
property valueFormatting
valueFormatting: any;
property width
width: number;
property x
x: number;
property y
y: number;
method animateToCurrentForm
animateToCurrentForm: () => void;
method getGradientStops
getGradientStops: () => Gradient[];
method getTextColor
getTextColor: () => string;
method loadAnimation
loadAnimation: () => void;
method ngOnChanges
ngOnChanges: () => void;
method onClick
onClick: () => void;
method update
update: () => void;
class TreeMapCellSeriesComponent
class TreeMapCellSeriesComponent implements OnChanges {}
property animations
animations: boolean;
property cells
cells: TreeMapCell[];
property colors
colors: ColorHelper;
property data
data: any;
property dims
dims: ViewDimensions;
property gradient
gradient: boolean;
property labelFormatting
labelFormatting: any;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< TreeMapCellSeriesComponent, 'g[ngx-charts-tree-map-cell-series]', never, { data: { alias: 'data'; required: false }; dims: { alias: 'dims'; required: false }; colors: { alias: 'colors'; required: false }; valueFormatting: { alias: 'valueFormatting'; required: false }; labelFormatting: { alias: 'labelFormatting'; required: false }; gradient: { alias: 'gradient'; required: false }; tooltipDisabled: { alias: 'tooltipDisabled'; required: false }; tooltipTemplate: { alias: 'tooltipTemplate'; required: false }; animations: { alias: 'animations'; required: false }; }, { select: 'select' }, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<TreeMapCellSeriesComponent, never>;
property placementTypes
placementTypes: typeof PlacementTypes;
property select
select: EventEmitter<any>;
property styleTypes
styleTypes: typeof StyleTypes;
property tooltipDisabled
tooltipDisabled: boolean;
property tooltipTemplate
tooltipTemplate: TemplateRef<any>;
property valueFormatting
valueFormatting: any;
method getCells
getCells: () => TreeMapCell[];
method getTooltipText
getTooltipText: ({ label, value }: { label: any; value: any }) => string;
method ngOnChanges
ngOnChanges: (changes: SimpleChanges) => void;
method onClick
onClick: (data: any) => void;
method trackBy
trackBy: (index: any, item: any) => string;
class TreeMapComponent
class TreeMapComponent extends BaseChartComponent {}
property colors
colors: ColorHelper;
property data
data: DataItem;
property dims
dims: ViewDimensions;
property domain
domain: any;
property gradient
gradient: boolean;
property labelFormatting
labelFormatting: any;
property margin
margin: number[];
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< TreeMapComponent, 'ngx-charts-tree-map', never, { results: { alias: 'results'; required: false }; tooltipDisabled: { alias: 'tooltipDisabled'; required: false }; valueFormatting: { alias: 'valueFormatting'; required: false }; labelFormatting: { alias: 'labelFormatting'; required: false }; gradient: { alias: 'gradient'; required: false }; }, { select: 'select' }, ['tooltipTemplate'], never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<TreeMapComponent, never>;
property results
results: DataItem[];
property select
select: EventEmitter<any>;
property tooltipDisabled
tooltipDisabled: boolean;
property tooltipTemplate
tooltipTemplate: TemplateRef<any>;
property transform
transform: any;
property treemap
treemap: any;
property valueFormatting
valueFormatting: any;
method getDomain
getDomain: () => any[];
method onClick
onClick: (data: DataItem) => void;
method setColors
setColors: () => void;
method update
update: () => void;
class TreeMapModule
class TreeMapModule {}
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<TreeMapModule, never>;
property ɵinj
static ɵinj: i0.ɵɵInjectorDeclaration<TreeMapModule>;
property ɵmod
static ɵmod: i0.ɵɵNgModuleDeclaration< TreeMapModule, [ typeof i1.TreeMapCellComponent, typeof i2.TreeMapCellSeriesComponent, typeof i3.TreeMapComponent ], [typeof i4.ChartCommonModule], [ typeof i1.TreeMapCellComponent, typeof i2.TreeMapCellSeriesComponent, typeof i3.TreeMapComponent ]>;
class VisibilityObserver
class VisibilityObserver {}
Visibility Observer
constructor(element: ElementRef, zone: NgZone);
property isVisible
isVisible: boolean;
property ɵdir
static ɵdir: i0.ɵɵDirectiveDeclaration< VisibilityObserver, 'visibility-observer', never, {}, { visible: 'visible' }, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<VisibilityObserver, never>;
property timeout
timeout: any;
property visible
visible: EventEmitter<any>;
method destroy
destroy: () => void;
method onVisibilityChange
onVisibilityChange: () => void;
method runCheck
runCheck: () => void;
class XAxisComponent
class XAxisComponent implements OnChanges {}
property dimensionsChanged
dimensionsChanged: EventEmitter<any>;
property dims
dims: ViewDimensions;
property fill
fill: string;
property labelOffset
labelOffset: number;
property labelText
labelText: string;
property maxTickLength
maxTickLength: number;
property orientation
readonly orientation: typeof Orientation;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< XAxisComponent, 'g[ngx-charts-x-axis]', never, { xScale: { alias: 'xScale'; required: false }; dims: { alias: 'dims'; required: false }; trimTicks: { alias: 'trimTicks'; required: false }; rotateTicks: { alias: 'rotateTicks'; required: false }; maxTickLength: { alias: 'maxTickLength'; required: false }; tickFormatting: { alias: 'tickFormatting'; required: false }; showGridLines: { alias: 'showGridLines'; required: false }; showLabel: { alias: 'showLabel'; required: false }; labelText: { alias: 'labelText'; required: false }; ticks: { alias: 'ticks'; required: false }; xAxisTickCount: { alias: 'xAxisTickCount'; required: false }; xOrient: { alias: 'xOrient'; required: false }; xAxisOffset: { alias: 'xAxisOffset'; required: false }; wrapTicks: { alias: 'wrapTicks'; required: false }; }, { dimensionsChanged: 'dimensionsChanged' }, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<XAxisComponent, never>;
property padding
padding: number;
property rotateTicks
rotateTicks: boolean;
property showGridLines
showGridLines: boolean;
property showLabel
showLabel: boolean;
property stroke
stroke: string;
property strokeWidth
strokeWidth: string;
property tickArguments
tickArguments: number[];
property tickFormatting
tickFormatting: any;
property ticks
ticks: any[];
property ticksComponent
ticksComponent: XAxisTicksComponent;
property tickStroke
tickStroke: string;
property transform
transform: string;
property trimTicks
trimTicks: boolean;
property wrapTicks
wrapTicks: boolean;
property xAxisClassName
xAxisClassName: string;
property xAxisOffset
xAxisOffset: number;
property xAxisTickCount
xAxisTickCount: number;
property xOrient
xOrient: Orientation;
property xScale
xScale: any;
method emitTicksHeight
emitTicksHeight: ({ height }: { height: any }) => void;
method ngOnChanges
ngOnChanges: (changes: SimpleChanges) => void;
method update
update: () => void;
class XAxisTicksComponent
class XAxisTicksComponent implements OnChanges, AfterViewInit {}
constructor(platformId: any);
property adjustedScale
adjustedScale: any;
property approxHeight
approxHeight: number;
property dimensionsChanged
dimensionsChanged: EventEmitter<any>;
property gridLineHeight
gridLineHeight: number;
property height
height: number;
property innerTickSize
innerTickSize: number;
property isWrapTicksSupported
readonly isWrapTicksSupported: any;
property maxAllowedLength
maxAllowedLength: number;
property maxPossibleLengthForTickIfWrapped
maxPossibleLengthForTickIfWrapped: number;
property maxTickLength
maxTickLength: number;
property maxTicksLength
maxTicksLength: number;
property orient
orient: Orientation;
property outerTickSize
outerTickSize: number;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< XAxisTicksComponent, 'g[ngx-charts-x-axis-ticks]', never, { scale: { alias: 'scale'; required: false }; orient: { alias: 'orient'; required: false }; tickArguments: { alias: 'tickArguments'; required: false }; tickValues: { alias: 'tickValues'; required: false }; tickStroke: { alias: 'tickStroke'; required: false }; trimTicks: { alias: 'trimTicks'; required: false }; maxTickLength: { alias: 'maxTickLength'; required: false }; tickFormatting: { alias: 'tickFormatting'; required: false }; showGridLines: { alias: 'showGridLines'; required: false }; gridLineHeight: { alias: 'gridLineHeight'; required: false }; width: { alias: 'width'; required: false }; rotateTicks: { alias: 'rotateTicks'; required: false }; wrapTicks: { alias: 'wrapTicks'; required: false }; }, { dimensionsChanged: 'dimensionsChanged' }, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<XAxisTicksComponent, never>;
property rotateLabels
rotateLabels: boolean;
property rotateTicks
rotateTicks: boolean;
property scale
scale: any;
property showGridLines
showGridLines: boolean;
property textAnchor
textAnchor: TextAnchor;
property textTransform
textTransform: string;
property tickArguments
tickArguments: number[];
property tickFormat
tickFormat: (o: any) => any;
property tickFormatting
tickFormatting: any;
property tickPadding
tickPadding: number;
property ticks
ticks: any[];
property ticksElement
ticksElement: ElementRef;
property tickStroke
tickStroke: string;
property tickValues
tickValues: string[] | number[];
property trimTicks
trimTicks: boolean;
property verticalSpacing
verticalSpacing: number;
property width
width: number;
property wrapTicks
wrapTicks: boolean;
method getMaxPossibleLengthForTick
getMaxPossibleLengthForTick: (longestLabel: string) => number;
method getMaxTicks
getMaxTicks: (tickWidth: number) => number;
method getRotationAngle
getRotationAngle: (ticks: any[]) => number;
method getTicks
getTicks: () => any[];
method gridLineTransform
gridLineTransform: () => string;
method ngAfterViewInit
ngAfterViewInit: () => void;
method ngOnChanges
ngOnChanges: (changes: SimpleChanges) => void;
method tickChunks
tickChunks: (label: string) => string[];
method tickTransform
tickTransform: (tick: number) => string;
method tickTrim
tickTrim: (label: string) => string;
method update
update: () => void;
method updateDims
updateDims: () => void;
class YAxisComponent
class YAxisComponent implements OnChanges {}
property dimensionsChanged
dimensionsChanged: EventEmitter<any>;
property dims
dims: ViewDimensions;
property fill
fill: string;
property labelOffset
labelOffset: number;
property labelText
labelText: string;
property maxTickLength
maxTickLength: number;
property offset
offset: number;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< YAxisComponent, 'g[ngx-charts-y-axis]', never, { yScale: { alias: 'yScale'; required: false }; dims: { alias: 'dims'; required: false }; trimTicks: { alias: 'trimTicks'; required: false }; maxTickLength: { alias: 'maxTickLength'; required: false }; tickFormatting: { alias: 'tickFormatting'; required: false }; ticks: { alias: 'ticks'; required: false }; showGridLines: { alias: 'showGridLines'; required: false }; showLabel: { alias: 'showLabel'; required: false }; labelText: { alias: 'labelText'; required: false }; yAxisTickCount: { alias: 'yAxisTickCount'; required: false }; yOrient: { alias: 'yOrient'; required: false }; referenceLines: { alias: 'referenceLines'; required: false }; showRefLines: { alias: 'showRefLines'; required: false }; showRefLabels: { alias: 'showRefLabels'; required: false }; yAxisOffset: { alias: 'yAxisOffset'; required: false }; wrapTicks: { alias: 'wrapTicks'; required: false }; }, { dimensionsChanged: 'dimensionsChanged' }, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<YAxisComponent, never>;
property padding
padding: number;
property referenceLines
referenceLines: any;
property showGridLines
showGridLines: boolean;
property showLabel
showLabel: boolean;
property showRefLabels
showRefLabels: boolean;
property showRefLines
showRefLines: boolean;
property stroke
stroke: string;
property strokeWidth
strokeWidth: number;
property tickArguments
tickArguments: number[];
property tickFormatting
tickFormatting: any;
property ticks
ticks: any[];
property ticksComponent
ticksComponent: YAxisTicksComponent;
property tickStroke
tickStroke: string;
property transform
transform: string;
property trimTicks
trimTicks: boolean;
property wrapTicks
wrapTicks: boolean;
property yAxisClassName
yAxisClassName: string;
property yAxisOffset
yAxisOffset: number;
property yAxisTickCount
yAxisTickCount: any;
property yOrient
yOrient: Orientation;
property yScale
yScale: any;
method emitTicksWidth
emitTicksWidth: ({ width }: { width: any }) => void;
method ngOnChanges
ngOnChanges: (changes: SimpleChanges) => void;
method update
update: () => void;
class YAxisTicksComponent
class YAxisTicksComponent implements OnChanges, AfterViewInit {}
constructor(platformId: any);
property adjustedScale
adjustedScale: any;
property dimensionsChanged
dimensionsChanged: EventEmitter<any>;
property dy
dy: string;
property gridLineWidth
gridLineWidth: number;
property height
height: number;
property innerTickSize
innerTickSize: number;
property maxTickLength
maxTickLength: number;
property orient
orient: Orientation;
property Orientation
readonly Orientation: typeof Orientation;
property outerTickSize
outerTickSize: number;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< YAxisTicksComponent, 'g[ngx-charts-y-axis-ticks]', never, { scale: { alias: 'scale'; required: false }; orient: { alias: 'orient'; required: false }; tickArguments: { alias: 'tickArguments'; required: false }; tickValues: { alias: 'tickValues'; required: false }; tickStroke: { alias: 'tickStroke'; required: false }; trimTicks: { alias: 'trimTicks'; required: false }; maxTickLength: { alias: 'maxTickLength'; required: false }; tickFormatting: { alias: 'tickFormatting'; required: false }; showGridLines: { alias: 'showGridLines'; required: false }; gridLineWidth: { alias: 'gridLineWidth'; required: false }; height: { alias: 'height'; required: false }; referenceLines: { alias: 'referenceLines'; required: false }; showRefLabels: { alias: 'showRefLabels'; required: false }; showRefLines: { alias: 'showRefLines'; required: false }; wrapTicks: { alias: 'wrapTicks'; required: false }; }, { dimensionsChanged: 'dimensionsChanged' }, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<YAxisTicksComponent, never>;
property referenceAreaPath
referenceAreaPath: string;
property referenceLineLength
referenceLineLength: number;
property referenceLines
referenceLines: any;
property refMax
refMax: number;
property refMin
refMin: number;
property rotateLabels
rotateLabels: boolean;
property scale
scale: any;
property showGridLines
showGridLines: boolean;
property showRefLabels
showRefLabels: boolean;
property showRefLines
showRefLines: boolean;
property textAnchor
textAnchor: TextAnchor;
property tickArguments
tickArguments: number[];
property tickFormat
tickFormat: (o: any) => string;
property tickFormatting
tickFormatting: any;
property tickPadding
tickPadding: number;
property ticks
ticks: any[];
property ticksElement
ticksElement: ElementRef;
property tickSpacing
tickSpacing: number;
property tickStroke
tickStroke: string;
property tickValues
tickValues: string[] | number[];
property transform
transform: (o: any) => string;
property trimTicks
trimTicks: boolean;
property verticalSpacing
verticalSpacing: number;
property width
width: number;
property wrapTicks
wrapTicks: boolean;
property x1
x1: number;
property x2
x2: number;
property y1
y1: number;
property y2
y2: number;
method getApproximateAxisWidth
getApproximateAxisWidth: () => number;
method getMaxTicks
getMaxTicks: (tickHeight: number) => number;
method getTicks
getTicks: () => any[];
method gridLineTransform
gridLineTransform: () => string;
method ngAfterViewInit
ngAfterViewInit: () => void;
method ngOnChanges
ngOnChanges: (changes: SimpleChanges) => void;
method setReferencelines
setReferencelines: () => void;
method tickChunks
tickChunks: (label: string) => string[];
method tickTransform
tickTransform: (tick: number) => string;
method tickTrim
tickTrim: (label: string) => string;
method update
update: () => void;
method updateDims
updateDims: () => void;
interface AdvancedLegendItem
interface AdvancedLegendItem {}
property color
color: string;
property data
data: DataItem;
property displayLabel
displayLabel: string;
property label
label: string;
property originalLabel
originalLabel: string;
property percentage
percentage: string;
property value
value: StringOrNumberOrDate;
interface ArcItem
interface ArcItem {}
property data
data: DataItem;
property endAngle
endAngle: number;
property innerRadius
innerRadius: number;
property outerRadius
outerRadius: number;
interface AreaChartDataItem
interface AreaChartDataItem extends DataItem {}
interface AreaChartSeries
interface AreaChartSeries {}
interface Bar
interface Bar {}
property ariaLabel
ariaLabel: string;
property color
color: string;
property data
data: DataItem;
property formattedLabel
formattedLabel: string;
property gradientStops
gradientStops: Gradient[];
property height
height: number;
property label
label: string;
property roundEdges
roundEdges: boolean;
property tooltipText
tooltipText: string;
property value
value: number;
property width
width: number;
property x
x: number;
property y
y: number;
interface BoxChartMultiSeries
interface BoxChartMultiSeries extends Array<BoxChartSeries> {}
interface BoxChartSeries
interface BoxChartSeries {}
interface BubbleChartDataItem
interface BubbleChartDataItem {}
interface BubbleChartMultiSeries
interface BubbleChartMultiSeries extends Array<BubbleChartSeries> {}
interface BubbleChartSeries
interface BubbleChartSeries {}
interface CardModel
interface CardModel extends GridItem {}
property bandColor
bandColor: string;
property color
color: string;
property label
label: string;
property textColor
textColor: string;
property tooltipText
tooltipText: string;
interface Circle
interface Circle {}
property classNames
classNames: string[];
property color
color: string;
property cx
cx: number;
property cy
cy: number;
property data
data: DataItem;
property gradientStops
gradientStops: Gradient[];
property height
height: number;
property label
label: string;
property max
max: number;
property min
min: number;
property opacity
opacity: number;
property radius
radius: number;
property seriesName
seriesName: string;
property tooltipLabel
tooltipLabel: string;
property value
value: string | number;
interface Color
interface Color {}
property domain
domain: string[];
property group
group: ScaleType;
property name
name: string;
property selectable
selectable: boolean;
interface DataItem
interface DataItem {}
interface Gradient
interface Gradient {}
property color
color: string;
property offset
offset: number;
property opacity
opacity: number;
property originalOffset
originalOffset?: number;
interface GridData
interface GridData {}
interface GridItem
interface GridItem {}
interface IBoxModel
interface IBoxModel {}
property ariaLabel
ariaLabel?: string;
property color
color?: string;
property data
data: DataItem[];
property formattedLabel
formattedLabel: string;
property gradientStops
gradientStops?: Array<{ offset: number; color: string; opacity: number;}>;
property height
height: number;
property label
label: StringOrNumberOrDate;
property lineCoordinates
lineCoordinates: IVector2D[];
property quartiles
quartiles: number[];
property roundEdges
roundEdges: boolean;
property tooltipText
tooltipText?: string;
property value
value: number | Date;
property width
width: number;
property x
x: number;
property y
y: number;
interface LegendEntry
interface LegendEntry {}
property color
color: string;
property formattedLabel
formattedLabel: string;
property label
label: string;
interface LegendOptions
interface LegendOptions {}
interface MultiSeries
interface MultiSeries extends Array<Series> {}
interface PieArc
interface PieArc {}
property animate
animate: boolean;
property class
class: string;
property data
data: PieGridDataItem;
property endAngle
endAngle: number;
property fill
fill: string;
property pointerEvents
pointerEvents: boolean;
property startAngle
startAngle: number;
interface PieData
interface PieData extends DefaultArcObject {}
interface PieGridData
interface PieGridData {}
interface PieGridDataItem
interface PieGridDataItem extends DataItem {}
interface SankeyData
interface SankeyData extends Array<SankeyObject> {}
interface SankeyObject
interface SankeyObject {}
interface Series
interface Series {}
interface SingleSeries
interface SingleSeries extends Array<DataItem> {}
interface Tooltip
interface Tooltip {}
interface TreeMapData
interface TreeMapData extends Array<TreeMapDataItem> {}
interface TreeMapDataItem
interface TreeMapDataItem {}
interface ViewDimensions
interface ViewDimensions {}
enum BarChartType
enum BarChartType { Standard = 'standard', Normalized = 'normalized', Stacked = 'stacked',}
member Normalized
Normalized = 'normalized'
member Stacked
Stacked = 'stacked'
member Standard
Standard = 'standard'
enum BarOrientation
enum BarOrientation { Vertical = 'vertical', Horizontal = 'horizontal',}
member Horizontal
Horizontal = 'horizontal'
member Vertical
Vertical = 'vertical'
enum D0Types
enum D0Types { positive = 'positive', negative = 'negative',}
enum LegendPosition
enum LegendPosition { Right = 'right', Below = 'below',}
enum LegendType
enum LegendType { ScaleLegend = 'scaleLegend', Legend = 'legend',}
member Legend
Legend = 'legend'
member ScaleLegend
ScaleLegend = 'scaleLegend'
enum Orientation
enum Orientation { Top = 'top', Bottom = 'bottom', Left = 'left', Right = 'right',}
enum PlacementTypes
enum PlacementTypes { Top = 'top', Bottom = 'bottom', Left = 'left', Right = 'right', Center = 'center',}
enum ScaleType
enum ScaleType { Time = 'time', Linear = 'linear', Ordinal = 'ordinal', Quantile = 'quantile',}
enum SeriesType
enum SeriesType { Standard = 'standard', Stacked = 'stacked',}
enum ShowTypes
enum ShowTypes { all, focus, mouseover,}
enum StyleTypes
enum StyleTypes { popover = 'popover', tooltip = 'tooltip',}
enum TextAnchor
enum TextAnchor { Start = 'start', Middle = 'middle', End = 'end',}
Type Aliases
type StringOrNumberOrDate
type StringOrNumberOrDate = string | number | Date;
Package Files (118)
- index.d.ts
- lib/area-chart/area-chart-normalized.component.d.ts
- lib/area-chart/area-chart-stacked.component.d.ts
- lib/area-chart/area-chart.component.d.ts
- lib/area-chart/area-chart.module.d.ts
- lib/area-chart/area-series.component.d.ts
- lib/bar-chart/bar-chart.module.d.ts
- lib/bar-chart/bar-horizontal-2d.component.d.ts
- lib/bar-chart/bar-horizontal-normalized.component.d.ts
- lib/bar-chart/bar-horizontal-stacked.component.d.ts
- lib/bar-chart/bar-horizontal.component.d.ts
- lib/bar-chart/bar-label.component.d.ts
- lib/bar-chart/bar-vertical-2d.component.d.ts
- lib/bar-chart/bar-vertical-normalized.component.d.ts
- lib/bar-chart/bar-vertical-stacked.component.d.ts
- lib/bar-chart/bar-vertical.component.d.ts
- lib/bar-chart/bar.component.d.ts
- lib/bar-chart/series-horizontal.component.d.ts
- lib/bar-chart/series-vertical.component.d.ts
- lib/bar-chart/types/bar-chart-type.enum.d.ts
- lib/bar-chart/types/bar.model.d.ts
- lib/bar-chart/types/d0-type.enum.d.ts
- lib/box-chart/box-chart.component.d.ts
- lib/box-chart/box-chart.module.d.ts
- lib/box-chart/box-series.component.d.ts
- lib/box-chart/box.component.d.ts
- lib/bubble-chart/bubble-chart.component.d.ts
- lib/bubble-chart/bubble-chart.module.d.ts
- lib/bubble-chart/bubble-chart.utils.d.ts
- lib/bubble-chart/bubble-series.component.d.ts
- lib/common/area.component.d.ts
- lib/common/axes/axes.module.d.ts
- lib/common/axes/axis-label.component.d.ts
- lib/common/axes/ticks.helper.d.ts
- lib/common/axes/x-axis-ticks.component.d.ts
- lib/common/axes/x-axis.component.d.ts
- lib/common/axes/y-axis-ticks.component.d.ts
- lib/common/axes/y-axis.component.d.ts
- lib/common/base-chart.component.d.ts
- lib/common/chart-common.module.d.ts
- lib/common/charts/chart.component.d.ts
- lib/common/circle-series.component.d.ts
- lib/common/circle.component.d.ts
- lib/common/color.helper.d.ts
- lib/common/count/count.directive.d.ts
- lib/common/count/count.helper.d.ts
- lib/common/domain.helper.d.ts
- lib/common/grid-layout.helper.d.ts
- lib/common/grid-panel-series.component.d.ts
- lib/common/grid-panel.component.d.ts
- lib/common/label.helper.d.ts
- lib/common/legend/advanced-legend.component.d.ts
- lib/common/legend/legend-entry.component.d.ts
- lib/common/legend/legend.component.d.ts
- lib/common/legend/scale-legend.component.d.ts
- lib/common/svg-linear-gradient.component.d.ts
- lib/common/svg-radial-gradient.component.d.ts
- lib/common/tick-format.helper.d.ts
- lib/common/timeline/timeline.component.d.ts
- lib/common/tooltip-area.component.d.ts
- lib/common/tooltip/position/placement-type.enum.d.ts
- lib/common/tooltip/show.type.d.ts
- lib/common/tooltip/style.type.d.ts
- lib/common/tooltip/tooltip.component.d.ts
- lib/common/tooltip/tooltip.directive.d.ts
- lib/common/tooltip/tooltip.module.d.ts
- lib/common/tooltip/tooltip.service.d.ts
- lib/common/trim-label.helper.d.ts
- lib/common/types/bar-orientation.enum.d.ts
- lib/common/types/gradient.interface.d.ts
- lib/common/types/legend.model.d.ts
- lib/common/types/orientation.enum.d.ts
- lib/common/types/scale-type.enum.d.ts
- lib/common/types/text-anchor.enum.d.ts
- lib/common/types/view-dimension.interface.d.ts
- lib/common/view-dimensions.helper.d.ts
- lib/gauge/gauge-arc.component.d.ts
- lib/gauge/gauge-axis.component.d.ts
- lib/gauge/gauge.component.d.ts
- lib/gauge/gauge.module.d.ts
- lib/gauge/linear-gauge.component.d.ts
- lib/heat-map/heat-map-cell-series.component.d.ts
- lib/heat-map/heat-map-cell.component.d.ts
- lib/heat-map/heat-map.component.d.ts
- lib/heat-map/heat-map.module.d.ts
- lib/line-chart/line-chart.component.d.ts
- lib/line-chart/line-chart.module.d.ts
- lib/line-chart/line-series.component.d.ts
- lib/line-chart/line.component.d.ts
- lib/models/chart-data.model.d.ts
- lib/ngx-charts.module.d.ts
- lib/number-card/card-series.component.d.ts
- lib/number-card/card.component.d.ts
- lib/number-card/number-card.component.d.ts
- lib/number-card/number-card.module.d.ts
- lib/pie-chart/advanced-pie-chart.component.d.ts
- lib/pie-chart/pie-arc.component.d.ts
- lib/pie-chart/pie-chart.component.d.ts
- lib/pie-chart/pie-chart.module.d.ts
- lib/pie-chart/pie-grid-series.component.d.ts
- lib/pie-chart/pie-grid.component.d.ts
- lib/pie-chart/pie-label.component.d.ts
- lib/pie-chart/pie-series.component.d.ts
- lib/polar-chart/polar-chart.component.d.ts
- lib/polar-chart/polar-chart.module.d.ts
- lib/polar-chart/polar-series.component.d.ts
- lib/sankey/sankey.component.d.ts
- lib/sankey/sankey.module.d.ts
- lib/tree-map/tree-map-cell-series.component.d.ts
- lib/tree-map/tree-map-cell.component.d.ts
- lib/tree-map/tree-map.component.d.ts
- lib/tree-map/tree-map.module.d.ts
- lib/utils/color-sets.d.ts
- lib/utils/color-utils.d.ts
- lib/utils/id.d.ts
- lib/utils/sort.d.ts
- lib/utils/throttle.d.ts
- lib/utils/visibility-observer.d.ts
Dependencies (14)
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Peer Dependencies (8)
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