- Version 13.2.3
- Published
- 631 kB
- 7 dependencies
- Apache-2.0 license
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A collection of useful utilities for @polkadot
- arrayChunk()
- arrayFilter()
- arrayFlatten()
- arrayRange()
- arrayShuffle()
- arrayUnzip()
- arrayZip()
- assert()
- assertReturn()
- assertUnreachable()
- bnFromHex()
- bnMax()
- bnMin()
- bnSqrt()
- bnToBn()
- bnToHex()
- bnToU8a()
- bufferToU8a()
- compactAddLength()
- compactFromU8a()
- compactFromU8aLim()
- compactStripLength()
- compactToU8a()
- detectPackage()
- extractTime()
- floatToU8a()
- formatDate()
- formatDecimal()
- formatElapsed()
- formatNumber()
- hexAddPrefix()
- hexFixLength()
- hexHasPrefix()
- hexStripPrefix()
- hexToBigInt()
- hexToBn()
- hexToNumber()
- hexToString()
- hexToU8a()
- identity()
- isArray()
- isAscii()
- isBigInt()
- isBn()
- isBoolean()
- isBuffer()
- isChildClass()
- isClass()
- isCodec()
- isCompact()
- isError()
- isFunction()
- isHex()
- isInstanceOf()
- isIp()
- isJsonObject()
- isNull()
- isNumber()
- isObject()
- isObservable()
- isPromise()
- isRiscV()
- isString()
- isTestChain()
- isToBigInt()
- isToBn()
- isU8a()
- isUndefined()
- isUtf8()
- isWasm()
- lazyMethod()
- lazyMethods()
- logger()
- loggerFormat()
- memoize()
- nextTick()
- nMax()
- nMin()
- noop()
- nSqrt()
- nToBigInt()
- nToHex()
- nToU8a()
- numberToHex()
- numberToU8a()
- objectClear()
- objectCopy()
- objectEntries()
- objectKeys()
- objectProperties()
- objectProperty()
- objectSpread()
- objectValues()
- promisify()
- stringCamelCase()
- stringify()
- stringLowerFirst()
- stringPascalCase()
- stringShorten()
- stringToHex()
- stringToU8a()
- stringUpperFirst()
- u8aCmp()
- u8aConcat()
- u8aConcatStrict()
- u8aEmpty()
- u8aEq()
- u8aFixLength()
- u8aSorted()
- u8aToBigInt()
- u8aToBn()
- u8aToBuffer()
- u8aToFloat()
- u8aToHex()
- u8aToNumber()
- u8aToString()
- u8aToU8a()
- u8aUnwrapBytes()
- u8aWrapBytes()
variable BN_BILLION
BN_BILLION BN constant for 1,000,000,000.
variable BN_EIGHT
const BN_EIGHT: BN;
BN_EIGHT BN constant for 8.
variable BN_FIVE
const BN_FIVE: BN;
BN_FIVE BN constant for 5.
variable BN_FOUR
const BN_FOUR: BN;
BN_FOUR BN constant for 4.
variable BN_HUNDRED
BN_HUNDRED BN constant for 100.
variable BN_MILLION
BN_MILLION BN constant for 1,000,000.
variable BN_NINE
const BN_NINE: BN;
BN_NINE BN constant for 9.
variable BN_ONE
const BN_ONE: BN;
BN_ONE BN constant for 1.
variable BN_QUINTILL
BN_QUINTILL BN constant for 1,000,000,000,000,000,000.
variable BN_SEVEN
const BN_SEVEN: BN;
BN_SEVEN BN constant for 7.
variable BN_SIX
const BN_SIX: BN;
BN_SIX BN constant for 6.
variable BN_TEN
const BN_TEN: BN;
BN_TEN BN constant for 10.
variable BN_THOUSAND
BN_THOUSAND BN constant for 1,000.
variable BN_THREE
const BN_THREE: BN;
BN_THREE BN constant for 3.
variable BN_TWO
const BN_TWO: BN;
BN_TWO BN constant for 2.
variable BN_ZERO
const BN_ZERO: BN;
BN_ZERO BN constant for 0.
variable formatBalance
const formatBalance: BalanceFormatter;
variable hasBigInt
const hasBigInt: boolean;
true if the environment has proper BigInt support
variable hasBuffer
const hasBuffer: boolean;
true if the environment has support for Buffer (typically Node.js)
variable hasCjs
const hasCjs: boolean;
true if the environment is CJS
variable hasDirname
const hasDirname: boolean;
true if the environment has __dirname available
variable hasEsm
const hasEsm: boolean;
true if the environment is ESM
variable hasProcess
const hasProcess: boolean;
true if the environment has process available (typically Node.js)
variable hasWasm
const hasWasm: boolean;
true if the environment has WebAssembly available
variable packageInfo
const packageInfo: { name: string; path: string; type: string; version: string };
function arrayChunk
arrayChunk: <T>(array: T[], chunkSize: number) => T[][];
arrayChunk Split T[] into T[][] based on the defind size Returns a set ao arrays based on the chunksize
Example 1
import { arrayChunk } from '@polkadot/util';arrayChunk([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]); // [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5]]
function arrayFilter
arrayFilter: <T = unknown>( array: readonly (T | null | undefined)[], allowNulls?: boolean) => T[];
arrayFilter Filters undefined and (optionally) null values from an array Returns a new array with all
values removed. Optionally, whenallowNulls = false
, it removes thenull
values as wellExample 1
import { arrayFilter } from '@polkadot/util';arrayFilter([0, void 0, true, null, false, '']); // [0, true, null, false, '']arrayFilter([0, void 0, true, null, false, ''], false); // [0, true, false, '']
function arrayFlatten
arrayFlatten: <T>(arrays: readonly T[][]) => T[];
arrayFlatten Merge T[][] into T[] Returns a new array with all arrays merged into one
Example 1
import { arrayFlatten } from '@polkadot/util';arrayFlatten([[1, 2], [3, 4], [5]]); // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
function arrayRange
arrayRange: (size: number, startAt?: number) => number[];
arrayRange Returns a range of numbers ith the size and the specified offset Returns a new array of numbers with the specific size. Optionally, when
, is provided, it generates the range to start at a specific value.Example 1
import { arrayRange } from '@polkadot/util';arrayRange(5); // [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]arrayRange(3, 5); // [5, 6, 7]
function arrayShuffle
arrayShuffle: <T>(input: readonly T[]) => T[];
arrayShuffle Shuffles the input array (unlike sort, this is not done in-place)
function arrayUnzip
arrayUnzip: <K, V>(entries: readonly [K, V][]) => [K[], V[]];
arrayUnzip Splits a single [K, V][] into [K[], V[]]
function arrayZip
arrayZip: <K, V>(keys: readonly K[], values: readonly V[]) => [K, V][];
arrayZip Combines 2 distinct key/value arrays into a single [K, V] array
function assert
assert: (condition: unknown, message: string | MessageFn) => asserts condition;
assert Checks for a valid test, if not Error is thrown. Checks that
is a truthy value. If value is falsy (null
, ...), it throws an Error with the suppliedmessage
. Whentest
is returned.Example 1
const { assert } from '@polkadot/util';assert(true, 'True should be true'); // passesassert(false, 'False should not be true'); // Error thrownassert(false, () => 'message'); // Error with 'message'
function assertReturn
assertReturn: <T>(value: T | undefined | null, message: string | MessageFn) => T;
assertReturn Returns when the value is not undefined/null, otherwise throws assertion error
function assertUnreachable
assertUnreachable: (x: never) => never;
assertUnreachable An assertion helper that ensures all codepaths are followed
function bnFromHex
bnFromHex: (value?: string | null, { isLe, isNegative }?: ToBnOptions) => BN;
hexToBn Creates a BN.js object from a hex string.
inputs returns aBN(0)
result. Hex input values return the actual value converted to a BN. Anything that is not a hex string (including the0x
prefix) throws an error.Parameter _value
The value to convert
Parameter _options
Options to pass while converting
_options.isLe Convert using Little Endian
_options.isNegative Convert using two's complement
Example 1
import { hexToBn } from '@polkadot/util';hexToBn('0x123480001f'); // => BN(0x123480001f)
function bnMax
bnMax: (...items: BN[]) => BN;
bnMax Finds and returns the highest value in an array of BNs.
Example 1
import BN from 'bn.js';import { bnMax } from '@polkadot/util';bnMax([new BN(1), new BN(3), new BN(2)]).toString(); // => '3'
function bnMin
bnMin: (...items: BN[]) => BN;
bnMin Finds and returns the smallest value in an array of BNs.
Example 1
import BN from 'bn.js';import { bnMin } from '@polkadot/util';bnMin([new BN(1), new BN(3), new BN(2)]).toString(); // => '1'
function bnSqrt
bnSqrt: <ExtToBn extends ToBn>( value: ExtToBn | BN | bigint | string | number | null) => BN;
bnSqrt Calculates the integer square root of a BN
Example 1
import BN from 'bn.js';import { bnSqrt } from '@polkadot/util';bnSqrt(new BN(16)).toString(); // => '4'
function bnToBn
bnToBn: <ExtToBn extends ToBn | ToBigInt>( value?: ExtToBn | BN | bigint | string | number | null) => BN;
bnToBn Creates a BN value from a BN, bigint, string (base 10 or hex) or number input.
inputs returns a0x0
result, BN values returns the value, numbers returns a BN representation.Example 1
import BN from 'bn.js';import { bnToBn } from '@polkadot/util';bnToBn(0x1234); // => BN(0x1234)bnToBn(new BN(0x1234)); // => BN(0x1234)
function bnToHex
bnToHex: <ExtToBn extends ToBn>( value?: ExtToBn | BN | bigint | number | null, { bitLength, isLe, isNegative }?: NumberOptions) => HexString;
bnToHex Creates a hex value from a BN.js bignumber object.
inputs returns a0x
result, BN values return the actual value as a0x
prefixed hex value. Anything that is not a BN object throws an error. WithbitLength
set, it fixes the number to the specified length.Example 1
import BN from 'bn.js';import { bnToHex } from '@polkadot/util';bnToHex(new BN(0x123456)); // => '0x123456'
function bnToU8a
bnToU8a: <ExtToBn extends ToBn>( value?: ExtToBn | BN | bigint | number | null, { bitLength, isLe, isNegative }?: NumberOptions) => Uint8Array;
bnToU8a Creates a Uint8Array object from a BN.
inputs returns an emptyUint8Array
input values return the actual bytes value converted to aUint8Array
. Optionally convert using little-endian format ifisLE
is set.Example 1
import { bnToU8a } from '@polkadot/util';bnToU8a(new BN(0x1234)); // => [0x12, 0x34]
function bufferToU8a
bufferToU8a: (buffer?: Uint8Array | number[] | null) => Uint8Array;
bufferToU8a Creates a Uint8Array value from a Buffer object.
inputs returns an empty result,Buffer
values return the actual value as aUint8Array
. Anything that is not aBuffer
object throws an error.Example 1
import { bufferToU8a } from '@polkadot/util';bufferToU8a(Buffer.from([1, 2, 3]));
function compactAddLength
compactAddLength: (input: Uint8Array) => Uint8Array;
compactAddLength Adds a length prefix to the input value
Example 1
import { compactAddLength } from '@polkadot/util';console.log(compactAddLength(new Uint8Array([0xde, 0xad, 0xbe, 0xef]))); // Uint8Array([4 << 2, 0xde, 0xad, 0xbe, 0xef])
function compactFromU8a
compactFromU8a: (input: U8aLike) => [number, BN];
compactFromU8a Retrives the offset and encoded length from a compact-prefixed value
Example 1
import { compactFromU8a } from '@polkadot/util';const [offset, length] = compactFromU8a(new Uint8Array([254, 255, 3, 0]));console.log('value offset=', offset, 'length=', length); // 4, 0xffff
function compactFromU8aLim
compactFromU8aLim: (u8a: Uint8Array) => [number, number];
compactFromU8aLim A limited version of [[compactFromU8a]], accepting only Uint8Array inputs for values <= 48 bits
function compactStripLength
compactStripLength: (input: Uint8Array) => [number, Uint8Array];
compactStripLength Removes the length prefix, returning both the total length (including the value + compact encoding) and the decoded value with the correct length
Example 1
import { compactStripLength } from '@polkadot/util';console.log(compactStripLength(new Uint8Array([2 << 2, 0xde, 0xad]))); // [2, Uint8Array[0xde, 0xad]]
function compactToU8a
compactToU8a: (value: BN | bigint | number) => Uint8Array;
compactToU8a Encodes a number into a compact representation
Example 1
import { compactToU8a } from '@polkadot/util';console.log(compactToU8a(511, 32)); // Uint8Array([0b11111101, 0b00000111])
function detectPackage
detectPackage: ( { name, path, type, version }: PackageInfo, pathOrFn?: FnString | string | false | null, deps?: PackageInfo[]) => void;
detectPackage Checks that a specific package is only imported once A
version detection utility, checking for one occurrence of a package in addition to checking for dependency versions.
function extractTime
extractTime: (milliseconds?: number) => Time;
extractTime Convert a quantity of seconds to Time array representing accumulated {days, minutes, hours, seconds, milliseconds}
Example 1
import { extractTime } from '@polkadot/util';const { days, minutes, hours, seconds, milliseconds } = extractTime(6000); // 0, 0, 10, 0, 0
function floatToU8a
floatToU8a: ( value?: String | string | number | Number, { bitLength, isLe }?: Options) => Uint8Array;
floatToU8a Converts a float into a U8a representation (While we don't use BE in SCALE we still allow for either representation, although, as elsewhere, isLe is default)
function formatDate
formatDate: (date: Date) => string;
formatDate Formats a date in CCYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format
function formatDecimal
formatDecimal: (value: string, separator?: string) => string;
formatDecimal Formats a number into string format with thousand separators
function formatElapsed
formatElapsed: <ExtToBn extends ToBn>( now?: Date | null, value?: bigint | BN | ExtToBn | Date | number | null) => string;
formatElapsed Formats an elapsed value into s, m, h or day segments
function formatNumber
formatNumber: <ExtToBn extends ToBn>( value?: ExtToBn | BN | bigint | number | null, { locale }?: Options) => string;
formatNumber Formats a number into string format with thousand separators
function hexAddPrefix
hexAddPrefix: (value?: string | null) => HexString;
hexAddPrefix Adds the
prefix to string values. Returns a0x
prefixed string from the input value. If the input is already prefixed, it is returned unchanged.Example 1
import { hexAddPrefix } from '@polkadot/util';console.log('With prefix', hexAddPrefix('0a0b12')); // => 0x0a0b12
function hexFixLength
hexFixLength: ( value: string, bitLength?: number, withPadding?: boolean) => HexString;
hexFixLength Shifts a hex string to a specific bitLength Returns a
prefixed string with the specified number of bits contained in the return value. (If bitLength is -1, length checking is not done). Values with more bits are trimmed to the specified length. Input values with less bits are returned as-is by default. WhenwithPadding
is set, shorter values are padded with0
.Example 1
import { hexFixLength } from '@polkadot/util';console.log('fixed', hexFixLength('0x12', 16)); // => 0x12console.log('fixed', hexFixLength('0x12', 16, true)); // => 0x0012console.log('fixed', hexFixLength('0x0012', 8)); // => 0x12
function hexHasPrefix
hexHasPrefix: (value?: string | null) => value is `0x${string}`;
hexHasPrefix Tests for the existence of a
prefix. Checks for a valid hex input value and if the start matched0x
Example 1
import { hexHasPrefix } from '@polkadot/util';console.log('has prefix', hexHasPrefix('0x1234')); // => true
function hexStripPrefix
hexStripPrefix: (value?: string | null) => string;
hexStripPrefix Strips any leading
prefix. Tests for the existence of a0x
prefix, and returns the value without the prefix. Un-prefixed values are returned as-is.Example 1
import { hexStripPrefix } from '@polkadot/util';console.log('stripped', hexStripPrefix('0x1234')); // => 1234
function hexToBigInt
hexToBigInt: ( value?: string | null, { isLe, isNegative }?: ToBnOptions) => bigint;
hexToBigInt Creates a BigInt instance object from a hex string.
function hexToBn
hexToBn: (value?: string | null, { isLe, isNegative }?: ToBnOptions) => BN;
hexToBn Creates a BN.js object from a hex string.
inputs returns aBN(0)
result. Hex input values return the actual value converted to a BN. Anything that is not a hex string (including the0x
prefix) throws an error.Parameter _value
The value to convert
Parameter _options
Options to pass while converting
_options.isLe Convert using Little Endian
_options.isNegative Convert using two's complement
Example 1
import { hexToBn } from '@polkadot/util';hexToBn('0x123480001f'); // => BN(0x123480001f)
function hexToNumber
hexToNumber: (value?: string | null) => number;
hexToNumber Creates a Number value from a Buffer object.
inputs returns an NaN result,hex
values return the actual value as aNumber
.Example 1
import { hexToNumber } from '@polkadot/util';hexToNumber('0x1234'); // => 0x1234
function hexToString
hexToString: (_value?: string | null) => string;
hexToU8a Creates a Uint8Array object from a hex string. Hex input values return the actual bytes value converted to a string. Anything that is not a hex string (including the
prefix) throws an error.Example 1
import { hexToString } from '@polkadot/util';hexToU8a('0x68656c6c6f'); // hello
function hexToU8a
hexToU8a: (value?: string | null, bitLength?: number) => Uint8Array;
hexToU8a Creates a Uint8Array object from a hex string.
inputs returns an emptyUint8Array
result. Hex input values return the actual bytes value converted to a Uint8Array. Anything that is not a hex string (including the0x
prefix) throws an error.Example 1
import { hexToU8a } from '@polkadot/util';hexToU8a('0x80001f'); // Uint8Array([0x80, 0x00, 0x1f])hexToU8a('0x80001f', 32); // Uint8Array([0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x1f])
function identity
identity: <T>(value: T) => T;
A sharable identity function. Returns the input as-is with no transformation applied.
function isArray
isArray: <T>(value?: unknown) => value is T[];
isArray Tests for a Array instance.
function isAscii
isAscii: (value?: U8aLike | null) => boolean;
isAscii Tests if the input is printable ASCII Checks to see if the input string or Uint8Array is printable ASCII, 32-127 + formatters
function isBigInt
isBigInt: (value: unknown) => value is bigint;
isBigInt Tests for a
object instance. Checks to see if the input object is an instance ofBigInt
Example 1
import { isBigInt } from '@polkadot/util';console.log('isBigInt', isBigInt(123_456n)); // => true
function isBn
isBn: (value: unknown) => value is BN;
isBn Tests for a
object instance. Checks to see if the input object is an instance ofBN
(bn.js).Example 1
import BN from 'bn.js';import { isBn } from '@polkadot/util';console.log('isBn', isBn(new BN(1))); // => true
function isBoolean
isBoolean: (value: unknown) => value is boolean;
isBoolean Tests for a boolean value. Checks to see if the input value is a JavaScript boolean.
Example 1
import { isBoolean } from '@polkadot/util';isBoolean(false); // => true
function isBuffer
isBuffer: <T = BufferObject>(value: unknown) => value is T;
isBuffer Tests for a
object instance. Checks to see if the input object is an instance ofBuffer
.Example 1
import { isBuffer } from '@polkadot/util';console.log('isBuffer', isBuffer(Buffer.from([]))); // => true
function isChildClass
isChildClass: <P extends Class<any, any[]>>( Parent: P, Child?: unknown) => Child is P;
isChildClass Tests if the child extends the parent Class Checks to see if the child Class extends the parent Class
Example 1
import { isChildClass } from '@polkadot/util';console.log('isChildClass', isChildClass(BN, BN); // => trueconsole.log('isChildClass', isChildClass(BN, Uint8Array); // => false
function isClass
isClass: <T extends Class<any, any[]>>(value?: unknown) => value is T;
isClass Tests if the supplied argument is a Class
function isCodec
isCodec: <T extends Codec = Codec>(value?: unknown) => value is T;
function isCompact
isCompact: <T>(value?: unknown) => value is Compact<T>;
isCompact Tests for SCALE-Compact-like object instance.
function isError
isError: (value: unknown) => value is Error;
isError Tests for a
object instance. Checks to see if the input object is an instance ofError
.Example 1
import { isError } from '@polkadot/util';console.log('isError', isError(new Error('message'))); // => true
function isFunction
isFunction: (value: unknown) => value is Function;
isFunction Tests for a
. Checks to see if the input value is a JavaScript function.Example 1
import { isFunction } from '@polkadot/util';isFunction(() => false); // => true
function isHex
isHex: ( value: unknown, bitLength?: number, ignoreLength?: boolean) => value is `0x${string}`;
isHex Tests for a hex string. Checks to see if the input value is a
prefixed hex string. Optionally (bitLength
!== -1) checks to see if the bitLength is correct.Example 1
import { isHex } from '@polkadot/util';isHex('0x1234'); // => trueisHex('0x1234', 8); // => false
function isInstanceOf
isInstanceOf: (value: unknown, Clazz: Function) => boolean;
isInstanceOf Tests for a instance of a class. Checks to see if the input value is an instance of the test class.
Example 1
import { isInstanceOf } from '@polkadot/util';console.log('isInstanceOf', isInstanceOf(new Array(0), Array)); // => true
function isIp
isIp: (value: string, type?: 'v4' | 'v6') => boolean;
isIp Tests if the value is a valid IP address Checks to see if the value is a valid IP address. Optionally check for either v4/v6
Example 1
import { isIp } from '@polkadot/util';isIp('')); // => trueisIp('1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8'); // => trueisIp('', 'v6')); // => falseisIp('1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8', 'v4'); // => false
function isJsonObject
isJsonObject: (value: unknown) => value is ObjectIndexed;
isJsonObject Tests for a valid JSON
. Checks to see if the input value is a valid JSON object. It returns false if the input is JSON parsable, but not an Javascript object.Example 1
import { isJsonObject } from '@polkadot/util';isJsonObject({}); // => trueisJsonObject({"Test": "1234","NestedTest": {"Test": "5678"}}); // => trueisJsonObject(1234); // JSON parsable, but not an object => falseisJsonObject(null); // JSON parsable, but not an object => falseisJsonObject('not an object'); // => false
function isNull
isNull: (value?: unknown) => value is null;
isNull Tests for a
values. Checks to see if the input value isnull
.Example 1
import { isNull } from '@polkadot/util';console.log('isNull', isNull(null)); // => true
function isNumber
isNumber: (value: unknown) => value is number;
isNumber Tests for a JavaScript number. Checks to see if the input value is a valid number.
Example 1
import { isNumber } from '@polkadot/util';console.log('isNumber', isNumber(1234)); // => true
function isObject
isObject: <T extends ObjectIndexed = ObjectIndexed>( value?: unknown) => value is T;
isObject Tests for an
. Checks to see if the input value is a JavaScript object.Example 1
import { isObject } from '@polkadot/util';isObject({}); // => trueisObject('something'); // => false
function isObservable
isObservable: (value?: unknown) => value is Observable;
isBObservable Tests for a
object instance. Checks to see if the input object is an instance ofBN
(bn.js).Example 1
import { isObservable } from '@polkadot/util';console.log('isObservable', isObservable(...));
function isPromise
isPromise: (value?: unknown) => value is Promise<unknown>;
function isRiscV
isRiscV: (bytes: unknown) => bytes is Uint8Array;
isRiscV Tests if the input has a RISC-V header Checks to see if the input Uint8Array contains a valid RISC-V header
function isString
isString: (value: unknown) => value is AnyString;
isString Tests for a string. Checks to see if the input value is a JavaScript string.
Example 1
import { isString } from '@polkadot/util';console.log('isString', isString('test')); // => true
function isTestChain
isTestChain: (chain?: string | null) => boolean;
function isToBigInt
isToBigInt: (value?: unknown) => value is ToBigInt;
function isToBn
isToBn: (value?: unknown) => value is ToBn;
function isU8a
isU8a: (value?: unknown) => value is Uint8Array;
isU8a Tests for a
object instance. Checks to see if the input object is an instance ofUint8Array
.Example 1
import { isUint8Array } from '@polkadot/util';console.log('isU8a', isU8a([])); // => false
function isUndefined
isUndefined: (value?: unknown) => value is undefined;
isUndefined Tests for a
values. Checks to see if the input value isundefined
.Example 1
import { isUndefined } from '@polkadot/util';console.log('isUndefined', isUndefined(void(0))); // => true
function isUtf8
isUtf8: (value?: number[] | Uint8Array | string | null) => boolean;
isUtf8 Tests if the input is valid Utf8 Checks to see if the input string or Uint8Array is valid Utf8
function isWasm
isWasm: (value?: unknown) => value is Uint8Array;
isWasm Tests if the input has a WASM header Checks to see if the input Uint8Array contains a valid WASM header
function lazyMethod
lazyMethod: <T, K, S>( result: Record<string, T> | AnyFn, item: K, creator: (item: K, index: number, self: S) => T, getName?: (item: K, index: number) => string, index?: number) => void;
lazyMethod Creates a lazy, on-demand getter for the specific value. Upon get the value will be evaluated.
function lazyMethods
lazyMethods: <T, K, S>( result: Record<string, T>, items: readonly K[], creator: (item: K, index: number, self: S) => T, getName?: (item: K, index: number) => string) => Record<string, T>;
lazyMethods Creates lazy, on-demand getters for the specific values.
function logger
logger: (origin: string) => Logger;
Logger Creates a consistent log interface for messages Returns a
that has.log
(controlled with environmentDEBUG=typeA,typeB
) methods. Logging is done with a consistent prefix (type of logger, date) followed by the actual message using the underlying console.Example 1
import { logger } from '@polkadot/util';const l = logger('test');
function loggerFormat
loggerFormat: (value: unknown) => unknown;
function memoize
memoize: <T, F extends (...args: any[]) => T>( fn: F, { getInstanceId }?: Options) => Memoized<F>;
memoize Memomize the function with a specific instanceId
function nextTick
nextTick: (onExec: () => unknown, onError?: (error: Error) => unknown) => void;
nextTick Defer the operation to the queue for evaluation on the next tick
function nMax
nMax: (...items: bigint[]) => bigint;
nMax Finds and returns the highest value in an array of bigint.
function nMin
nMin: (...items: bigint[]) => bigint;
nMin Finds and returns the lowest value in an array of bigint.
function noop
noop: () => void;
A sharable noop function. As the name suggests, does nothing
function nSqrt
nSqrt: <ExtToBn extends ToBn | ToBigInt>( value: ExtToBn | BN | bigint | string | number | null) => bigint;
nSqrt Calculates the integer square root of a bigint
function nToBigInt
nToBigInt: <ExtToBn extends ToBn | ToBigInt>( value?: ExtToBn | BN | bigint | string | number | null) => bigint;
nToBigInt Creates a bigInt value from a BN, bigint, string (base 10 or hex) or number input.
function nToHex
nToHex: <ExtToBn extends ToBn | ToBigInt>( value?: ExtToBn | BN | bigint | number | null, { bitLength, isLe, isNegative }?: NumberOptions) => HexString;
nToHex Creates a hex value from a bigint object.
function nToU8a
nToU8a: <ExtToBn extends ToBn | ToBigInt>( value?: ExtToBn | BN | bigint | number | null, { bitLength, isLe, isNegative }?: NumberOptions) => Uint8Array;
nToU8a Creates a Uint8Array object from a bigint.
function numberToHex
numberToHex: (value?: number | null, bitLength?: number) => HexString;
numberToHex Creates a hex value from a number.
inputs returns an empty0x
input values return the actual bytes value converted to ahex
. WithbitLength
set, it converts the number to the equivalent size.Example 1
import { numberToHex } from '@polkadot/util';numberToHex(0x1234); // => '0x1234'numberToHex(0x1234, 32); // => 0x00001234
function numberToU8a
numberToU8a: (value?: number | null, bitLength?: number) => Uint8Array;
numberToU8a Creates a Uint8Array object from a number.
inputs returns an emptyUint8Array
input values return the actual bytes value converted to aUint8Array
. WithbitLength
, it converts the value to the equivalent size.Example 1
import { numberToU8a } from '@polkadot/util';numberToU8a(0x1234); // => [0x12, 0x34]
function objectClear
objectClear: <T>(value: Record<string, T>) => Record<string, T>;
objectClear Removes all the keys from the input object
function objectCopy
objectCopy: <T extends object>(source: T) => T;
objectCopy Creates a shallow clone of the input object
function objectEntries
objectEntries: <T extends object>(obj: T) => Entries<T>;
objectEntries A version of Object.entries that is typed for TS
function objectKeys
objectKeys: <T extends object, K extends Extract<keyof T, string>>( value: T) => K[];
objectKeys A version of Object.keys that is typed for TS
function objectProperties
objectProperties: <S>( that: object, keys: string[], getter: (key: string, index: number, self: S) => unknown, getName?: (key: string, index: number) => string) => void;
objectProperties Assign get properties on the input object
function objectProperty
objectProperty: <S>( that: object, key: string, getter: (key: string, index: number, self: S) => unknown, getName?: (key: string, index: number) => string, index?: number) => void;
objectProperty Assign a get property on the input object
function objectSpread
objectSpread: <T extends object>( dest: object, ...sources: (object | undefined | null)[]) => T;
objectSpread Concats all sources into the destination
function objectValues
objectValues: <T extends object>(obj: T) => T[keyof T][];
objectValues A version of Object.values that is typed for TS
function promisify
promisify: <R = any>( self: unknown, fn: (...params: any[]) => any, ...params: any[]) => Promise<R>;
promisify Wraps an async callback into a
Wraps the supplied async functionfn
that has a standard JS callback(error: Error, result: any)
into aPromise
, passing the supplied parameters. Whenerror
is set, the Promise is rejected, else the Promise resolves with theresult
value.Example 1
const { promisify } from '@polkadot/util';await promisify(null, ((a, cb) => cb(null, a), true); // resolves with `true`await promisify(null, (cb) => cb(new Error('error!'))); // rejects with `error!`
function stringCamelCase
stringCamelCase: (value: AnyString) => string;
stringCamelCase Convert a dash/dot/underscore/space separated Ascii string/String to camelCase
function stringify
stringify: (value: unknown, space?: string | number) => string;
stringify Performs a JSON.stringify, with BigInt handling A wrapper for JSON.stringify that handles BigInt values transparently, converting them to string. No differences from the native JSON.stringify function otherwise.
function stringLowerFirst
stringLowerFirst: (value?: AnyString | null) => string;
stringLowerFirst Lowercase the first letter of a string Lowercase the first letter of a string
Example 1
import { stringLowerFirst } from '@polkadot/util';stringLowerFirst('ABC'); // => 'aBC'
function stringPascalCase
stringPascalCase: (value: AnyString) => string;
stringPascalCase Convert a dash/dot/underscore/space separated Ascii string/String to PascalCase
function stringShorten
stringShorten: (value: AnyString, prefixLength?: number) => string;
stringShorten Returns a string with maximum length Checks the string against the
, if longer than double this, shortens it by placing..
in the middle of itExample 1
import { stringShorten } from '@polkadot/util';stringShorten('1234567890', 2); // => 12..90
function stringToHex
stringToHex: (value?: AnyString) => HexString;
stringToHex Creates a hex string from a utf-8 string String input values return the actual encoded hex value.
Example 1
import { stringToHex } from '@polkadot/util';stringToU8a('hello'); // 0x68656c6c6f
function stringToU8a
stringToU8a: (value?: AnyString | null) => Uint8Array;
stringToU8a Creates a Uint8Array object from a utf-8 string. String input values return the actual encoded
values returns an empty encoded array.Example 1
import { stringToU8a } from '@polkadot/util';stringToU8a('hello'); // [0x68, 0x65, 0x6c, 0x6c, 0x6f]
function stringUpperFirst
stringUpperFirst: (value?: AnyString | null) => string;
stringUpperFirst Uppercase the first letter of a string Lowercase the first letter of a string
Example 1
import { stringUpperFirst } from '@polkadot/util';stringUpperFirst('abc'); // => 'Abc'
function u8aCmp
u8aCmp: (a: string | Uint8Array, b: string | Uint8Array) => number;
u8aCmp Compares two Uint8Arrays for sorting. For
(or hex string) input values returning -1, 0 or +1Example 1
import { u8aCmp } from '@polkadot/util';u8aCmp(new Uint8Array([0x67, 0x65]), new Uint8Array([0x68, 0x65])); // -1u8aCmp(new Uint8Array([0x68, 0x65]), new Uint8Array([0x68, 0x65])); // 0u8aCmp(new Uint8Array([0x69, 0x65]), new Uint8Array([0x68, 0x65])); // +1
function u8aConcat
u8aConcat: (...list: readonly U8aLike[]) => Uint8Array;
u8aConcat Creates a concatenated Uint8Array from the inputs. Concatenates the input arrays into a single
.Example 1
import { { u8aConcat } from '@polkadot/util';u8aConcat(new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3]),new Uint8Array([4, 5, 6])); // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
function u8aConcatStrict
u8aConcatStrict: (u8as: readonly Uint8Array[], length?: number) => Uint8Array;
u8aConcatStrict A strict version of [[u8aConcat]], accepting only Uint8Array inputs
function u8aEmpty
u8aEmpty: (value: Uint8Array) => boolean;
u8aEmpty Tests for a
for emptyness Checks to see if the inputUint8Array
has zero length or contains all 0 values.
function u8aEq
u8aEq: (a: string | Uint8Array, b: string | Uint8Array) => boolean;
u8aEq Compares two Uint8Arrays for equality. For
(or hex string) input values true if there is a match.Example 1
import { u8aEq } from '@polkadot/util';u8aEq(new Uint8Array([0x68, 0x65]), new Uint8Array([0x68, 0x65])); // true
function u8aFixLength
u8aFixLength: ( value: Uint8Array, bitLength?: number, atStart?: boolean) => Uint8Array;
u8aFixLength Shifts a Uint8Array to a specific bitLength Returns a uint8Array with the specified number of bits contained in the return value. (If bitLength is -1, length checking is not done). Values with more bits are trimmed to the specified length.
Example 1
import { u8aFixLength } from '@polkadot/util';u8aFixLength('0x12') // => 0x12u8aFixLength('0x12', 16) // => 0x0012u8aFixLength('0x1234', 8) // => 0x12
function u8aSorted
u8aSorted: (u8as: Uint8Array[]) => Uint8Array[];
u8aSorted Sorts an array of Uint8Arrays For input
return the sorted resultExample 1
import { u8aSorted} from '@polkadot/util';u8aSorted([new Uint8Array([0x69]), new Uint8Array([0x68])]); // [0x68, 0x69]
function u8aToBigInt
u8aToBigInt: (value: Uint8Array, { isLe, isNegative }?: ToBnOptions) => bigint;
u8aToBigInt Creates a BigInt from a Uint8Array object.
function u8aToBn
u8aToBn: (value: Uint8Array, { isLe, isNegative }?: ToBnOptions) => BN;
u8aToBn Creates a BN from a Uint8Array object.
input values return the actual BN.null
values returns an0x0
value.Parameter value
The value to convert
Parameter options
Options to pass while converting
options.isLe Convert using Little Endian (default)
options.isNegative Convert using two's complement
Example 1
import { u8aToBn } from '@polkadot/util';u8aToHex(new Uint8Array([0x68, 0x65, 0x6c, 0x6c, 0xf])); // 0x68656c0f
function u8aToBuffer
u8aToBuffer: <T = BufferObject>(value?: Uint8Array | null) => T;
u8aToBuffer Creates a Buffer object from a hex string.
inputs returns an emptyBuffer
input values return the actual bytes value converted to aBuffer
. Anything that is not aUInt8Array
throws an error.Example 1
import { u8aToBuffer } from '@polkadot/util';console.log('Buffer', u8aToBuffer(new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3])));
function u8aToFloat
u8aToFloat: (value: Uint8Array, { bitLength, isLe }?: Options) => number;
u8aToFloat Converts a Uint8Array value into the float (either 32 or 64-bit) representation.
function u8aToHex
u8aToHex: ( value?: Uint8Array | null, bitLength?: number, isPrefixed?: boolean) => HexString;
u8aToHex Creates a hex string from a Uint8Array object.
input values return the actual hex string.null
values returns an0x
string.Example 1
import { u8aToHex } from '@polkadot/util';u8aToHex(new Uint8Array([0x68, 0x65, 0x6c, 0x6c, 0xf])); // 0x68656c0f
function u8aToNumber
u8aToNumber: (value: Uint8Array, { isLe, isNegative }?: ToBnOptions) => number;
u8aToNumber Creates a number from a Uint8Array object.
function u8aToString
u8aToString: (value?: Uint8Array | null) => string;
u8aToString Creates a utf-8 string from a Uint8Array object.
input values return the actual decoded utf-8 string.null
values returns an empty string.Example 1
import { u8aToString } from '@polkadot/util';u8aToString(new Uint8Array([0x68, 0x65, 0x6c, 0x6c, 0x6f])); // hello
function u8aToU8a
u8aToU8a: (value?: U8aLike | null) => Uint8Array;
u8aToU8a Creates a Uint8Array value from a Uint8Array, Buffer, string or hex input.
inputs returns a[]
result, Uint8Array values returns the value, hex strings returns a Uint8Array representation.Example 1
import { u8aToU8a } from '@polkadot/util';u8aToU8a(new Uint8Array([0x12, 0x34]); // => Uint8Array([0x12, 0x34])u8aToU8a(0x1234); // => Uint8Array([0x12, 0x34])
function u8aUnwrapBytes
u8aUnwrapBytes: (bytes: U8aLike) => Uint8Array;
u8aUnwrapBytes Removes all ... wrappers from the supplied value
function u8aWrapBytes
u8aWrapBytes: (bytes: U8aLike) => Uint8Array;
u8aWrapBytes Adds a ... wrapper to the supplied value, if - We don't already have a Bytes wrapper - The message is not an Ethereum-style message
Package Files (110)
- array/chunk.d.ts
- array/filter.d.ts
- array/flatten.d.ts
- array/range.d.ts
- array/shuffle.d.ts
- array/unzip.d.ts
- array/zip.d.ts
- assert.d.ts
- bi/min.d.ts
- bi/sqrt.d.ts
- bi/toBigInt.d.ts
- bi/toHex.d.ts
- bi/toU8a.d.ts
- bn/consts.d.ts
- bn/min.d.ts
- bn/sqrt.d.ts
- bn/toBn.d.ts
- bn/toHex.d.ts
- bn/toU8a.d.ts
- buffer/toU8a.d.ts
- compact/addLength.d.ts
- compact/fromU8a.d.ts
- compact/stripLength.d.ts
- compact/toU8a.d.ts
- detectPackage.d.ts
- extractTime.d.ts
- float/toU8a.d.ts
- format/formatBalance.d.ts
- format/formatDate.d.ts
- format/formatDecimal.d.ts
- format/formatElapsed.d.ts
- format/formatNumber.d.ts
- has.d.ts
- hex/addPrefix.d.ts
- hex/fixLength.d.ts
- hex/hasPrefix.d.ts
- hex/stripPrefix.d.ts
- hex/toBigInt.d.ts
- hex/toBn.d.ts
- hex/toNumber.d.ts
- hex/toString.d.ts
- hex/toU8a.d.ts
- index.d.ts
- is/array.d.ts
- is/ascii.d.ts
- is/bigInt.d.ts
- is/bn.d.ts
- is/boolean.d.ts
- is/buffer.d.ts
- is/childClass.d.ts
- is/class.d.ts
- is/codec.d.ts
- is/compact.d.ts
- is/error.d.ts
- is/function.d.ts
- is/hex.d.ts
- is/instanceOf.d.ts
- is/ip.d.ts
- is/jsonObject.d.ts
- is/null.d.ts
- is/number.d.ts
- is/object.d.ts
- is/observable.d.ts
- is/promise.d.ts
- is/riscv.d.ts
- is/string.d.ts
- is/testChain.d.ts
- is/toBigInt.d.ts
- is/toBn.d.ts
- is/u8a.d.ts
- is/undefined.d.ts
- is/utf8.d.ts
- is/wasm.d.ts
- lazy.d.ts
- logger.d.ts
- memoize.d.ts
- nextTick.d.ts
- noop.d.ts
- number/toHex.d.ts
- number/toU8a.d.ts
- object/clear.d.ts
- object/copy.d.ts
- object/entries.d.ts
- object/keys.d.ts
- object/property.d.ts
- object/spread.d.ts
- object/values.d.ts
- packageInfo.d.ts
- promisify.d.ts
- string/camelCase.d.ts
- string/lowerFirst.d.ts
- string/shorten.d.ts
- string/toHex.d.ts
- string/toU8a.d.ts
- stringify.d.ts
- u8a/cmp.d.ts
- u8a/concat.d.ts
- u8a/empty.d.ts
- u8a/eq.d.ts
- u8a/fixLength.d.ts
- u8a/sorted.d.ts
- u8a/toBigInt.d.ts
- u8a/toBn.d.ts
- u8a/toBuffer.d.ts
- u8a/toFloat.d.ts
- u8a/toHex.d.ts
- u8a/toNumber.d.ts
- u8a/toString.d.ts
- u8a/toU8a.d.ts
- u8a/wrap.d.ts
Dependencies (7)
Dev Dependencies (0)
No dev dependencies.
Peer Dependencies (0)
No peer dependencies.
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