- Version 15.0.2
- Published
- 1.14 MB
- 17 dependencies
- Apache-2.0 license
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Promise and RxJS wrappers around the Polkadot JS RPC
variable packageInfo
const packageInfo: { name: string; path: string; type: string; version: string };
function toPromiseMethod
toPromiseMethod: <M extends DecorateFn<CodecReturnType<M>>>( method: M, options?: DecorateMethodOptions) => StorageEntryPromiseOverloads;
Decorate method for ApiPromise, where the results are converted to the Promise equivalent
function toRxMethod
toRxMethod: <M extends DecorateFn<Codec>>(method: M) => M;
class ApiPromise
class ApiPromise extends ApiBase<'promise'> {}
# @polkadot/api/promise
## Overview
ApiPromise ApiPromise is a standard JavaScript wrapper around the RPC and interfaces on the Polkadot network. As a full Promise-based, all interface calls return Promises, including the static
. Subscription calls utilise(value) => {}
callbacks to pass through the latest values.The API is well suited to real-time applications where either the single-shot state is needed or use is to be made of the subscription-based features of Polkadot (and Substrate) clients.
See Also
## Usage
Making rpc calls -
import ApiPromise from '@polkadot/api/promise';// initialise via static createconst api = await ApiPromise.create();// make a subscription to the network headapi.rpc.chain.subscribeNewHeads((header) => {console.log(`Chain is at #${header.number}`);});Subscribing to chain state -
import { ApiPromise, WsProvider } from '@polkadot/api';// initialise a provider with a specific endpointconst provider = new WsProvider('wss://example.com:9944')// initialise via isReady & new with specific providerconst api = await new ApiPromise({ provider }).isReady;// retrieve the block target timeconst blockPeriod = await api.query.timestamp.blockPeriod().toNumber();let last = 0;// subscribe to the current block timestamp, updates automatically (callback provided)api.query.timestamp.now((timestamp) => {const elapsed = last? `, ${timestamp.toNumber() - last}s since last`: '';last = timestamp.toNumber();console.log(`timestamp ${timestamp}${elapsed} (${blockPeriod}s target)`);});Submitting a transaction -
import ApiPromise from '@polkadot/api/promise';ApiPromise.create().then((api) => {const [nonce] = await api.query.system.account(keyring.alice.address);api.tx.balances// create transfertransfer(keyring.bob.address, 12345)// sign the transcation.sign(keyring.alice, { nonce })// send the transaction (optional status callback).send((status) => {console.log(`current status ${status.type}`);})// retrieve the submitted extrinsic hash.then((hash) => {console.log(`submitted with hash ${hash}`);});});
constructor(options?: ApiOptions);
Creates an instance of the ApiPromise class
Parameter options
Options to create an instance. This can be either [[ApiOptions]] or an [[WsProvider]].
Example 1
import Api from '@polkadot/api/promise';new Api().isReady.then((api) => {api.rpc.subscribeNewHeads((header) => {console.log(`new block #${header.number.toNumber()}`);});});
property isReady
readonly isReady: Promise<ApiPromise>;
Promise that resolves the first time we are connected and loaded
property isReadyOrError
readonly isReadyOrError: Promise<ApiPromise>;
Promise that resolves if we can connect, or reject if there is an error
method clone
clone: () => ApiPromise;
Returns a clone of this ApiPromise instance (new underlying provider connection)
method combineLatest
combineLatest: <T extends any[] = any[]>( fns: (CombinatorFunction | [CombinatorFunction, ...any[]])[], callback: Callback<T>) => UnsubscribePromise;
Creates a combinator that can be used to combine the latest results from multiple subscriptions
Parameter fns
An array of function to combine, each in the form of
(cb: (value: void)) => void
Parameter callback
A callback that will return an Array of all the values this combinator has been applied to
Example 1
const address = '5DTestUPts3kjeXSTMyerHihn1uwMfLj8vU8sqF7qYrFacT7';// combines values from balance & nonce as it updatesapi.combineLatest([api.rpc.chain.subscribeNewHeads,(cb) => api.query.system.account(address, cb)], ([head, [balance, nonce]]) => {console.log(`#${head.number}: You have ${balance.free} units, with ${nonce} transactions sent`);});
method create
static create: (options?: ApiOptions) => Promise<ApiPromise>;
Creates an ApiPromise instance using the supplied provider. Returns an Promise containing the actual Api instance.
Parameter options
options that is passed to the class contructor. Can be either [[ApiOptions]] or a provider (see the constructor arguments)
Example 1
import Api from '@polkadot/api/promise';Api.create().then(async (api) => {const timestamp = await api.query.timestamp.now();console.log(`lastest block timestamp ${timestamp}`);});
class ApiRx
class ApiRx extends ApiBase<'rxjs'> {}
# @polkadot/api/rx
## Overview
ApiRx is a powerful RxJS Observable wrapper around the RPC and interfaces on the Polkadot network. As a full Observable API, all interface calls return RxJS Observables, including the static
. In the same fashion and subscription-based methods return long-running Observables that update with the latest values.The API is well suited to real-time applications where the latest state is needed, unlocking the subscription-based features of Polkadot (and Substrate) clients. Some familiarity with RxJS is a requirement to use the API, however just understanding
on Observables will unlock full-scale use thereof.See Also
## Usage
Making rpc calls -
import ApiRx from '@polkadot/api/rx';// initialize via Promise & static createconst api = await ApiRx.create().toPromise();// make a call to retrieve the current network headapi.rpc.chain.subscribeNewHeads().subscribe((header) => {console.log(`Chain is at #${header.number}`);});Subscribing to chain state -
import { combineLatest, pairwise, switchMap } from 'rxjs';import { ApiRx, WsProvider } from '@polkadot/api';// initialize a provider with a specific endpointconst provider = new WsProvider('wss://example.com:9944')// initialize via isReady & new with specific providernew ApiRx({ provider }).isReady.pipe(switchMap((api) =>combineLatest([api.query.timestamp.blockPeriod(),api.query.timestamp.now().pipe(pairwise())]))).subscribe(([blockPeriod, timestamp]) => {const elapsed = timestamp[1].toNumber() - timestamp[0].toNumber();console.log(`timestamp ${timestamp[1]} \nelapsed ${elapsed} \n(${blockPeriod}s target)`);});Submitting a transaction -
import { first, switchMap } from 'rxjs';import ApiRx from '@polkadot/api/rx';// import the test keyring (already has dev keys for Alice, Bob, Charlie, Eve & Ferdie)import testingPairs from '@polkadot/keyring/testingPairs';const keyring = testingPairs();// get api via Promiseconst api = await ApiRx.create().toPromise();// retrieve nonce for the accountapi.query.system.account(keyring.alice.address).pipe(first(),// pipe nonce into transferswitchMap(([nonce]) =>api.tx.balances// create transfer.transferAllowDeath(keyring.bob.address, 12345)// sign the transaction.sign(keyring.alice, { nonce })// send the transaction.send()))// subscribe to overall result.subscribe(({ status }) => {if (status.isInBlock) {console.log('Completed at block hash', status.asFinalized.toHex());}});
constructor(options?: ApiOptions);
Create an instance of the ApiRx class
Parameter options
Options to create an instance. Can be either [[ApiOptions]] or [[WsProvider]]
Example 1
import { switchMap } from 'rxjs';import Api from '@polkadot/api/rx';new Api().isReady.pipe(switchMap((api) =>api.rpc.chain.subscribeNewHeads())).subscribe((header) => {console.log(`new block #${header.number.toNumber()}`);});
property isReady
readonly isReady: Observable<ApiRx>;
Observable that returns the first time we are connected and loaded
method clone
clone: () => ApiRx;
Returns a clone of this ApiRx instance (new underlying provider connection)
method create
static create: (options?: ApiOptions) => Observable<ApiRx>;
Creates an ApiRx instance using the supplied provider. Returns an Observable containing the actual Api instance.
Parameter options
options that is passed to the class constructor. Can be either [[ApiOptions]] or [[WsProvider]]
Example 1
import { switchMap } from 'rxjs';import Api from '@polkadot/api/rx';Api.create().pipe(switchMap((api) =>api.rpc.chain.subscribeNewHeads())).subscribe((header) => {console.log(`new block #${header.number.toNumber()}`);});
class SubmittableResult
class SubmittableResult implements ISubmittableResult {}
constructor({ blockNumber, dispatchError, dispatchInfo, events, internalError, status, txHash, txIndex,}: SubmittableResultValue);
property blockNumber
readonly blockNumber?: any;
property dispatchError
readonly dispatchError?: any;
property dispatchInfo
readonly dispatchInfo?: any;
property events
readonly events: EventRecord[];
property internalError
readonly internalError?: Error;
property isCompleted
readonly isCompleted: boolean;
property isError
readonly isError: boolean;
property isFinalized
readonly isFinalized: boolean;
property isInBlock
readonly isInBlock: boolean;
property isWarning
readonly isWarning: boolean;
property status
readonly status: ExtrinsicStatus;
property txHash
readonly txHash: Hash;
property txIndex
readonly txIndex?: number;
method filterRecords
filterRecords: (section: string, method: string | string[]) => EventRecord[];
Filters EventRecords for the specified method & section (there could be multiple)
method findRecord
findRecord: ( section: string, method: string | string[]) => EventRecord | undefined;
Finds an EventRecord for the specified method & section
method toHuman
toHuman: (isExtended?: boolean) => AnyJson;
Creates a human representation of the output
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