- Version 14.0.2
- Published
- 10.3 MB
- 1 dependency
- MIT license
npm i @nebular/theme
yarn add @nebular/theme
pnpm add @nebular/theme
- accent
- additionalClasses
- basic
- basicAccent
- basicOutline
- closable
- close
- control
- controlAccent
- controlOutline
- danger
- dangerAccent
- dangerOutline
- giant
- info
- infoAccent
- infoOutline
- large
- medium
- ngAcceptInputType_closable
- onClose()
- outline
- ɵcmp
- ɵfac
- primary
- primaryAccent
- primaryOutline
- size
- small
- status
- statusService
- success
- successAccent
- successOutline
- tiny
- warning
- warningAccent
- warningOutline
- activeDescendantKeyManagerFactory
- ariaActiveDescendant
- ariaAutocomplete
- ariaExpanded
- ariaOwns
- attachToOverlay()
- autocomplete
- bottom
- cd
- checkOverlayVisibility()
- createKeyManager()
- createOverlay()
- createPositionStrategy()
- createScrollStrategy()
- createTriggerStrategy()
- customOverlayHost
- destroy$
- getActiveItem()
- getContainer()
- getDisplayValue()
- handleBlur()
- handleInput()
- handleInputValueUpdate()
- handleKeydown()
- hasPopup
- hide()
- hostRef
- initOverlay()
- isClosed
- isOpen
- keyManager
- ngAfterViewInit()
- ngOnDestroy()
- overlay
- overlayOffset
- overlayRef
- ɵdir
- ɵfac
- positionBuilder
- positionStrategy
- registerOnChange()
- registerOnTouched()
- renderer
- role
- scrollStrategy
- setActiveItem()
- setDisabledState()
- setHostInputValue()
- setupAutocomplete()
- shouldShow()
- show()
- subscribeOnOptionClick()
- subscribeOnOverlayKeys()
- subscribeOnPositionChange()
- subscribeOnTriggers()
- top
- triggerStrategy
- triggerStrategyBuilder
- writeValue()
- activeViewMode
- boundingMonth
- date
- dateChange
- dateService
- dayCellComponent
- filter
- firstDayOfWeek
- large
- max
- min
- monthCellComponent
- navigateNext()
- navigatePrev()
- nextMonth()
- nextYear()
- nextYears()
- ngAcceptInputType_activeViewMode
- ngAcceptInputType_showWeekNumber
- ngAcceptInputType_size
- ngOnInit()
- onChangeViewMode()
- ɵcmp
- ɵfac
- prevMonth()
- prevYear()
- prevYears()
- setViewMode()
- setVisibleDate()
- showNavigation
- showWeekNumber
- size
- ViewMode
- visibleDate
- weekNumberSymbol
- yearCellComponent
- yearModelService
- adjustment
- attach()
- blur
- blur$
- boundingMonth
- cfr
- checkFormat()
- container
- createOverlay()
- createPositionStrategy()
- createTriggerStrategy()
- dateService
- dateServiceOptions
- dayCellComponent
- destroy$
- filter
- firstDayOfWeek
- format
- formatChanged$
- getValidatorConfig()
- hide()
- hideOnSelect
- hostRef
- init
- init$
- instantiatePicker()
- isShown
- max
- min
- monthCellComponent
- onChange$
- openDatepicker()
- overlay
- overlayOffset
- patchWithInputs()
- picker
- pickerClass
- pickerRef
- pickerValueChange
- positionBuilder
- positionStrategy
- queue
- ref
- shouldHide()
- show()
- showNavigation
- showWeekNumber
- size
- startView
- subscribeOnPositionChange()
- subscribeOnTriggers()
- subscribeOnValueChange()
- triggerStrategy
- triggerStrategyBuilder
- valueChange
- visibleDate
- weekNumberSymbol
- writeQueue()
- yearCellComponent
- adjustment
- boundingMonth
- dayCellComponent
- filter
- firstDayOfWeek
- format
- hideOnSelect
- max
- min
- monthCellComponent
- ngAcceptInputType_adjustment
- ngAcceptInputType_showWeekNumber
- ngAcceptInputType_size
- ngAcceptInputType_startView
- ngOnChanges()
- ngOnDestroy()
- ngOnInit()
- overlayOffset
- ɵcmp
- ɵfac
- pickerClass
- pickerValueChange
- showNavigation
- showWeekNumber
- size
- startView
- value
- visibleDate
- weekNumberSymbol
- writeQueue()
- yearCellComponent
- additionalClasses
- appearance
- cd
- disabled
- filled
- fullWidth
- ghost
- giant
- hostElement
- iconElement
- iconLeft
- iconRight
- icons
- isIconExist()
- large
- medium
- ngAcceptInputType_disabled
- ngAcceptInputType_filled
- ngAcceptInputType_fullWidth
- ngAcceptInputType_ghost
- ngAcceptInputType_outline
- ngAfterContentChecked()
- ngAfterViewInit()
- nodes
- outline
- ɵdir
- ɵfac
- rectangle
- renderer
- round
- semiRound
- shape
- size
- small
- status
- statusService
- tabbable
- tabIndex
- tiny
- updateProperties()
- zone
- additionalClasses
- appearance
- buttons
- buttonsChange$
- cd
- destroy$
- disabled
- emitCurrentValue()
- filled
- ghost
- lastEmittedValue
- listenButtonPressedState()
- multiple
- ngAcceptInputType_disabled
- ngAcceptInputType_filled
- ngAcceptInputType_ghost
- ngAcceptInputType_multiple
- ngAcceptInputType_outline
- ngAfterContentInit()
- ngOnChanges()
- outline
- ɵcmp
- ɵfac
- role
- shape
- size
- status
- statusService
- syncButtonsProperties()
- valueChange
- applyButtonText
- calendarTimeModelService
- cd
- currentTimeButtonText
- dateService
- isLarge()
- ngAfterViewInit()
- ngOnInit()
- onDateValueChange()
- onTimeChange()
- ɵcmp
- ɵfac
- portalOutlet
- saveCurrentTime()
- saveValue()
- showAmPmLabel
- showCurrentTimeButton
- showSeconds()
- singleColumn
- step
- timeFormat
- timepicker
- title
- twelveHoursFormat
- visibleDate
- withSeconds
- additionalClasses
- basic
- chatForm
- control
- danger
- giant
- info
- large
- medium
- messages
- ngAcceptInputType_scrollBottom
- ngAfterContentInit()
- ngAfterViewInit()
- ngOnChanges()
- noMessagesPlaceholder
- ɵcmp
- ɵfac
- primary
- scrollable
- scrollBottom
- scrollListBottom()
- size
- small
- status
- statusService
- success
- tiny
- title
- titleTemplate
- updateFormStatus()
- updateView()
- warning
- buttonIcon
- buttonTitle
- cd
- domSanitizer
- dropFilePlaceholder
- dropFiles
- droppedFiles
- fileOver
- getButtonStatus()
- getHighlightStatus()
- getInputStatus()
- imgDropTypes
- inputFocus
- inputHover
- message
- messagePlaceholder
- onDragLeave()
- onDragOver()
- onDrop()
- onInputChange
- onModelChange()
- ɵcmp
- ɵfac
- removeFile()
- send
- sendMessage()
- setStatus()
- showButton
- status
- additionalClasses
- basic
- checked
- checkedChange
- control
- danger
- disabled
- indeterminate
- info
- ngAcceptInputType_checked
- ngAcceptInputType_disabled
- ngAcceptInputType_indeterminate
- ngAfterViewInit()
- onChange
- onTouched
- ɵcmp
- ɵfac
- primary
- registerOnChange()
- registerOnTouched()
- setDisabledState()
- setTouched()
- status
- success
- updateValueAndIndeterminate()
- warning
- writeValue()
- changeDetector
- chooseDatepickerAdapter()
- datepickerAdapter
- datepickerAdapters
- dateService
- destroy$
- document
- filterValidator()
- handleInputChange()
- hidePicker()
- hostRef
- input
- inputValue
- isDatepickerReady
- maxValidator()
- minValidator()
- ngOnDestroy()
- noDatepickerAdapterProvided()
- onChange
- onTouched
- ɵdir
- ɵfac
- parseInputValue()
- parseValidator()
- picker
- pickerInputsChangedSubscription
- queue
- registerOnChange()
- registerOnTouched()
- setDisabledState()
- setupPicker()
- subscribeOnInputChange()
- validate()
- validator
- writeInput()
- writePicker()
- writeValue()
- addDay()
- addHours()
- addMinutes()
- addMonth()
- addYear()
- clone()
- compareDates()
- createDate()
- format()
- getDate()
- getDateFormat()
- getDayOfWeek()
- getDayOfWeekNames()
- getDayPeriod()
- getFirstDayOfWeek()
- getHours()
- getId()
- getLocaleTimeFormat()
- getMilliseconds()
- getMinutes()
- getMonth()
- getMonthEnd()
- getMonthName()
- getMonthNameByIndex()
- getMonthStart()
- getNumberOfDaysInMonth()
- getSeconds()
- getTwelveHoursFormat()
- getTwelveHoursFormatWithSeconds()
- getTwentyFourHoursFormat()
- getTwentyFourHoursFormatWithSeconds()
- getWeekNumber()
- getYear()
- getYearEnd()
- getYearStart()
- isBetween()
- isSameDay()
- isSameDaySafe()
- isSameHour()
- isSameHourAndMinute()
- isSameMinute()
- isSameMonth()
- isSameMonthSafe()
- isSameYear()
- isSameYearSafe()
- isValidDateString()
- isValidTimeString()
- locale
- parse()
- setHours()
- setLocale()
- setMilliseconds()
- setMinutes()
- setSeconds()
- today()
- valueOf()
- applyButtonText
- buildTimeFormat()
- calendarWithTimeModelService
- currentTimeButtonText
- dateTimeChange
- ngAcceptInputType_showAmPmLabel
- ngAcceptInputType_singleColumn
- ngAcceptInputType_twelveHoursFormat
- ngAcceptInputType_withSeconds
- ngOnInit()
- ɵcmp
- ɵfac
- patchWithInputs()
- pickerClass
- pickerValueChange
- showAmPmLabel
- showCurrentTimeButton
- singleColumn
- step
- title
- twelveHoursFormat
- value
- withSeconds
- writeQueue()
- componentFactoryResolver
- componentType
- container
- content
- context
- create()
- createContainerContext()
- createOverlay()
- destroy$
- disabled
- dispose()
- disposeOverlayRef()
- getContainer()
- hasOverlayInContainer()
- hide()
- isAttached
- isShown
- isShown$
- lastAppliedPosition
- overlay
- overlayConfig
- overlayContainer
- overlayDestroy$
- ɵfac
- ɵprov
- positionStrategy
- positionStrategyChange$
- ref
- renderContainer()
- setComponent()
- setContent()
- setContentAndContext()
- setContext()
- setDisabled()
- setOverlayConfig()
- setPositionStrategy()
- show()
- toggle()
- updateContext()
- updatePosition()
- updatePositionWhenStable()
- zone
- adjustment()
- build()
- changes
- clearChanges()
- componentType()
- connect()
- content()
- context()
- createPositionStrategy()
- destroy()
- destroy$
- disabled()
- disconnect()
- dynamicOverlay
- host()
- isAdjustmentUpdated()
- isComponentTypeUpdated()
- isComponentTypeUpdateRequired()
- isContainerRerenderRequired()
- isContentUpdated()
- isContextUpdated()
- isDisabledUpdated()
- isHostUpdated()
- isOffsetUpdated()
- isOverlayConfigUpdated()
- isPositionStrategyUpdateRequired()
- isPositionUpdated()
- isTriggerStrategyUpdateRequired()
- isTriggerUpdated()
- offset()
- overlayConfig()
- ɵfac
- ɵprov
- position()
- positionStrategy
- rebuild()
- subscribeOnDirectionChange()
- subscribeOnTriggers()
- trigger()
- triggerStrategy
- cd
- destroy$
- elementRef
- formControl
- formControlConfig
- formControlState$
- formFieldClasses
- getAddonClasses()
- getFormControlConfig()
- isStatesEqual()
- ngAfterContentChecked()
- ngAfterContentInit()
- ngAfterViewInit()
- ngOnDestroy()
- ɵcmp
- ɵfac
- prefix
- prefixClasses$
- renderer
- shouldShowPrefix()
- shouldShowSuffix()
- subscribeToAddonChange()
- subscribeToFormControlStateChange()
- suffix
- suffixClasses$
- zone
- additionalClasses
- basic
- control
- danger
- destroy$
- disabled$
- elementRef
- fieldSize
- focused$
- focusMonitor
- fullWidth
- fullWidth$
- giant
- info
- large
- medium
- ngAcceptInputType_fullWidth
- ngAfterViewInit()
- ngDoCheck()
- ngOnChanges()
- ngOnDestroy()
- ngOnInit()
- ɵdir
- ɵfac
- primary
- rectangle
- renderer
- round
- semiRound
- shape
- size$
- small
- status
- status$
- statusService
- success
- tiny
- warning
- zone
- afterViewInit$
- blockScroll()
- centerValue
- document
- elementRef
- getDimensions()
- getScrollPosition()
- isScrollBlocked
- layoutContainerRef
- layoutDirectionService
- layoutPaddingOldValue
- ngAcceptInputType_center
- ngAcceptInputType_restoreScrollTop
- ngAcceptInputType_windowMode
- ngAcceptInputType_withScroll
- ngAfterViewInit()
- ngOnDestroy()
- onResize()
- onScroll()
- overlayContainer
- ɵcmp
- ɵfac
- platformId
- registerAsOverlayContainer()
- renderer
- restoreScrollTopValue
- rulerService
- scrollableContainerOverflowOldValue
- scrollableContainerRef
- scrollBlockClass
- scrollService
- scrollTop
- spinnerService
- themeService
- unregisterAsOverlayContainer()
- veryTopRef
- window
- windowModeValue
- withScrollValue
- withSubheader
- addDay()
- addHours()
- addMinutes()
- addMonth()
- addYear()
- clone()
- compareDates()
- createDate()
- datePipe
- format()
- getDate()
- getDateFormat()
- getDayOfWeek()
- getDayOfWeekNames()
- getFirstDayOfWeek()
- getHours()
- getId()
- getLocaleTimeFormat()
- getMilliseconds()
- getMinutes()
- getMonth()
- getMonthEnd()
- getMonthName()
- getMonthNameByIndex()
- getMonthStart()
- getNumberOfDaysInMonth()
- getSeconds()
- getTwelveHoursFormat()
- getWeekNumber()
- getYear()
- getYearEnd()
- getYearStart()
- isSameDay()
- isSameMonth()
- isSameYear()
- isValidDateString()
- isValidTimeString()
- ɵfac
- ɵprov
- parse()
- setHours()
- setLocale()
- setMilliseconds()
- setMinutes()
- setSeconds()
- today()
- valueOf()
- activeClass
- alive
- cd
- click
- click$
- content
- deselect()
- disabled
- disabledAttribute
- disabledByGroup
- elementRef
- focus()
- getLabel()
- hidden
- id
- multiple
- ngAcceptInputType_disabled
- ngAfterViewInit()
- ngOnDestroy()
- onClick()
- ɵcmp
- ɵfac
- parent
- renderer
- select()
- selected
- selectedClass
- selectionChange
- setActiveStyles()
- setDisabledByGroupState()
- setInactiveStyles()
- setSelection()
- tabindex
- value
- withCheckbox
- zone
- adjustment
- configureDynamicOverlay()
- content
- context
- destroy$
- disabled
- dynamicOverlay
- dynamicOverlayHandler
- hide()
- hostRef
- isShown
- nbPopoverShowStateChange
- ngAcceptInputType_adjustment
- ngAcceptInputType_position
- ngAcceptInputType_trigger
- ngAfterViewInit()
- ngOnChanges()
- ngOnDestroy()
- ngOnInit()
- offset
- overlayConfig
- ɵdir
- ɵfac
- popoverClass
- popoverComponent
- position
- rebuild()
- show()
- toggle()
- trigger
- destroy$
- disabled
- document
- hostElement
- name
- ngAcceptInputType_disabled
- ngAfterContentInit()
- ngOnDestroy()
- onChange
- onTouched
- ɵcmp
- ɵfac
- platformId
- propagateValue()
- radios
- registerOnChange()
- registerOnTouched()
- setDisabledState()
- status
- subscribeOnRadiosBlur()
- subscribeOnRadiosValueChange()
- updateAndMarkForCheckRadios()
- updateAndSubscribeToRadios()
- updateDisabled()
- updateNames()
- updateStatus()
- updateValueFromCheckedOption()
- updateValues()
- value
- valueChange
- writeValue()
- close
- columnCurtain
- curtain
- emitClose()
- emitSearchInput()
- focusInput()
- hint
- inputElement
- modalDrop
- modalHalf
- modalMove
- modalZoomin
- ngAfterViewInit()
- ngOnChanges()
- ɵcmp
- ɵfac
- placeholder
- rotateLayout
- search
- searchInput
- show
- showClass
- submitSearch()
- type
- additionalClasses
- alive
- appearance
- attachToOverlay()
- basic
- button
- canSelectValue()
- cd
- compareWith
- control
- createKeyManager()
- createOverlay()
- createPositionStrategy()
- createScrollStrategy()
- createTriggerStrategy()
- customLabel
- danger
- destroy$
- disabled
- disabled$
- document
- emitSelected()
- filled
- focused$
- focusKeyManagerFactoryService
- focusMonitor
- fullWidth
- fullWidth$
- getContainer()
- giant
- handleMultipleSelect()
- handleOptionClick()
- handleSingleSelect()
- hero
- hide()
- hostRef
- hostWidth
- info
- isClickedWithinComponent()
- isHidden
- isOpen
- keyManager
- large
- medium
- multiple
- ngAcceptInputType_disabled
- ngAcceptInputType_filled
- ngAcceptInputType_fullWidth
- ngAcceptInputType_hero
- ngAcceptInputType_multiple
- ngAcceptInputType_outline
- ngAfterContentInit()
- ngAfterViewInit()
- ngOnChanges()
- ngOnDestroy()
- onChange
- onTouched
- options
- optionsListClass
- optionsOverlayOffset
- optionsPanelClass
- optionsWidth
- outline
- overlay
- overlayPosition
- ɵcmp
- ɵfac
- placeholder
- portal
- positionBuilder
- positionStrategy
- primary
- queue
- rectangle
- ref
- registerOnChange()
- registerOnTouched()
- renderer
- reset()
- round
- scrollStrategy
- selectButtonClasses
- selected
- selectedChange
- selectionModel
- selectionView
- selectOption()
- selectValue()
- semiRound
- setActiveOption()
- setDisabledState()
- setSelection()
- shape
- shouldShow()
- show()
- size
- size$
- small
- status
- status$
- statusService
- subscribeOnButtonFocus()
- subscribeOnOptionClick()
- subscribeOnOverlayKeys()
- subscribeOnPositionChange()
- subscribeOnTriggers()
- success
- tiny
- triggerStrategy
- triggerStrategyBuilder
- trySetTouched()
- warning
- writeValue()
- zone
- activeDescendantKeyManager
- activeDescendantKeyManagerFactoryService
- additionalClasses
- alive
- appearance
- attachToOverlay()
- basic
- button
- canSelectValue()
- cd
- compareWith
- control
- createKeyManager()
- createOverlay()
- createPositionStrategy()
- createScrollStrategy()
- createTriggerStrategy()
- currentKeyManager
- customLabel
- danger
- destroy$
- disabled
- disabled$
- document
- emitSelected()
- filled
- focusButton()
- focused$
- focusKeyManager
- focusKeyManagerFactoryService
- focusMonitor
- fullWidth
- fullWidth$
- getContainer()
- giant
- handleMultipleSelect()
- handleOptionClick()
- handleSingleSelect()
- hero
- hide()
- hostRef
- hostWidth
- info
- isClickedWithinComponent()
- isHidden
- isOpen
- isOptionHidden()
- isOptionsAutocompleteAllowed
- isOptionsAutocompleteInputShown
- large
- lastShownButtonWidth
- medium
- multiple
- ngAcceptInputType_disabled
- ngAcceptInputType_filled
- ngAcceptInputType_fullWidth
- ngAcceptInputType_hero
- ngAcceptInputType_multiple
- ngAcceptInputType_outline
- ngAfterContentInit()
- ngAfterViewInit()
- ngOnChanges()
- ngOnDestroy()
- onAutocompleteInputChange()
- onChange
- onTouched
- options
- optionsAutocompleteInput
- optionsAutocompleteInputChange
- optionsListClass
- optionsOverlayOffset
- optionsPanelClass
- optionsWidth
- outline
- overlay
- overlayPosition
- ɵcmp
- ɵfac
- placeholder
- portal
- positionBuilder
- positionStrategy$
- primary
- queue
- rectangle
- ref
- registerOnChange()
- registerOnTouched()
- renderer
- reset()
- resetAutocompleteInput()
- round
- scrollStrategy
- selectButtonClasses
- selectClose
- selected
- selectedChange
- selectionModel
- selectionView
- selectOpen
- selectOption()
- selectValue()
- semiRound
- setActiveOption()
- setDisabledState()
- setSelection()
- shape
- shouldShow()
- show()
- size
- size$
- small
- status
- status$
- statusService
- subscribeOnButtonFocus()
- subscribeOnOptionClick()
- subscribeOnOptionsAutocompleteChange()
- subscribeOnOverlayKeys()
- subscribeOnPositionChange()
- subscribeOnTriggers()
- success
- tiny
- triggerStrategy
- triggerStrategyBuilder
- trySetTouched()
- updateCurrentKeyManager()
- updatePositionStrategy()
- warning
- withOptionsAutocomplete
- writeValue()
- zone
- collapse()
- collapsed
- collapsedBreakpoints
- compact()
- compacted
- compactedBreakpoints
- containerFixedValue
- destroy$
- endValue
- expand()
- expanded
- fixedValue
- getMenuLink()
- leftValue
- ngAcceptInputType_containerFixed
- ngAcceptInputType_end
- ngAcceptInputType_fixed
- ngAcceptInputType_left
- ngAcceptInputType_responsive
- ngAcceptInputType_right
- ngAcceptInputType_start
- ngOnDestroy()
- ngOnInit()
- onClick()
- ɵcmp
- ɵfac
- responsive
- responsiveState
- responsiveStateChange
- responsiveValueChange$
- rightValue
- startValue
- state
- stateChange
- subscribeToMediaQueryChange()
- tag
- toggle()
- updateState()
- active
- activeValue
- badgeDot
- badgePosition
- badgeStatus
- badgeText
- disabled
- disabledValue
- init
- ngAcceptInputType_active
- ngAcceptInputType_badgeDot
- ngAcceptInputType_disabled
- ngAcceptInputType_lazyLoad
- ngAcceptInputType_responsive
- ɵcmp
- ɵfac
- responsive
- responsiveValue
- route
- tabContentDirective
- tabIcon
- tabId
- tabTitle
- tabTitleDirective
- additionalClasses
- appearance
- basic
- cd
- control
- danger
- destroy$
- filled
- giant
- info
- large
- medium
- ngAcceptInputType_removable
- ngAcceptInputType_selected
- ngAfterViewInit()
- ngOnDestroy()
- outline
- ɵcmp
- ɵfac
- primary
- removable
- remove
- renderer
- role
- selected
- selectedChange
- setActiveStyles()
- setInactiveStyles()
- size
- small
- status
- statusService
- success
- text
- tiny
- warning
- zone
- activeDescendantKeyManagerFactory
- activeTagId
- autocompleteDirective
- cd
- destroy$
- directionService
- focused
- focusInput()
- focusInputIfActive()
- focusMonitor
- hostElement
- initKeyManager()
- isBackspaceOrDelete()
- keyDown$
- keyManager
- listenActiveTagChange()
- listenInputKeyDown()
- listenListKeyDown()
- listenNoTags()
- listenTagClick()
- listenTagDestroy()
- listenTagRemove()
- listenToLayoutDirectionChange()
- multiple
- ngAcceptInputType_multiple
- ngAfterContentInit()
- ngAfterViewInit()
- ngOnDestroy()
- ngOnInit()
- onFocusChange()
- ɵcmp
- ɵfac
- renderer
- role
- setAutocompleteCustomHost()
- size
- statusService
- tabIndex
- tagClick$
- tagInput
- tagRemove
- tags
- toggleTag()
- zone
- ampmText
- applyButtonText
- attach()
- blur
- blur$
- buildColumnOptions()
- buildTimeFormat()
- calendarTimeModelService
- cd
- changeDayPeriod()
- computedTimeFormat
- config
- currentTimeButtonText
- date
- dateService
- dayPeriodColumnOptions
- fullTimeOptions
- generateHours()
- generateMinutesOrSeconds()
- getFullTimeString()
- hostRef
- hoursColumnOptions
- hoursText
- initFromConfig()
- isAM
- isFirefox()
- isSelectedDayPeriod()
- isSelectedFullTimeValue()
- isSelectedHour()
- isSelectedMinute()
- isSelectedSecond()
- minutesColumnOptions
- minutesText
- ngAcceptInputType_showAmPmLabel
- ngAcceptInputType_singleColumn
- ngAcceptInputType_twelveHoursFormat
- ngAcceptInputType_withSeconds
- ngOnChanges()
- onSelectTime
- ɵcmp
- ɵfac
- platformService
- portal
- saveValue()
- secondsColumnOptions
- secondsText
- selectFullTime()
- setCurrentTime()
- setHost()
- setHour()
- setMinute()
- setSecond()
- setupTimeFormat()
- showAmPmLabel
- showFooter
- showSeconds()
- singleColumn
- step
- timeFormat
- timepickerFormatChange$
- trackByDayPeriod()
- trackBySingleColumnValue()
- trackByTimeValues()
- twelveHoursFormat
- updateValue()
- withSeconds
- attachToOverlay()
- calendarTimeModelService
- cd
- createOverlay()
- createPositionStrategy()
- createScrollStrategy()
- createTriggerStrategy()
- dateService
- destroy$
- document
- getContainer()
- handleInputChange()
- hide()
- hostRef
- initOverlay()
- input
- inputValue
- isClosed
- isOpen
- lastInputValue
- ngAfterViewInit()
- onChange
- onTouched
- overlay
- overlayOffset
- overlayRef
- ɵdir
- ɵfac
- parseNativeDateString()
- pickerInputsChangedSubscription
- placeholder
- positionBuilder
- positionStrategy
- registerOnChange()
- registerOnTouched()
- renderer
- setDisabledState()
- setupTimepicker()
- show()
- subscribeOnApplyClick()
- subscribeOnInputChange()
- subscribeOnTriggers()
- subscribeToBlur()
- timepicker
- triggerStrategy
- triggerStrategyBuilder
- updateValue()
- writeValue()
- additionalClasses
- basic
- checked
- checkedChange
- checkState()
- control
- danger
- disabled
- info
- labelEnd
- labelLeft
- labelPosition
- labelRight
- labelStart
- ngAcceptInputType_checked
- ngAcceptInputType_disabled
- ngAfterViewInit()
- ngOnDestroy()
- ngOnInit()
- onChange
- onInputClick()
- onTouched
- ɵcmp
- ɵfac
- primary
- registerOnChange()
- registerOnTouched()
- setDisabledState()
- status
- statusService
- success
- updateValue()
- warning
- writeValue()
- adjustment
- configureDynamicOverlay()
- content
- context
- destroy$
- disabled
- dynamicOverlay
- dynamicOverlayHandler
- hide()
- hostRef
- isShown
- nbTooltipShowStateChange
- ngAcceptInputType_adjustment
- ngAcceptInputType_position
- ngAfterViewInit()
- ngOnChanges()
- ngOnDestroy()
- ngOnInit()
- offset
- overlayConfig
- ɵdir
- ɵfac
- position
- rebuild()
- show()
- toggle()
- tooltipClass
- tooltipComponent
- trigger
- attachComponent()
- attachTemplate()
- cfr
- close()
- config
- content
- context
- elementRef
- focusTrap
- focusTrapFactory
- fullScreen()
- isFullScreen
- maximize()
- maximized
- maximizeOrFullScreen()
- minimize()
- minimized
- ngAfterViewChecked()
- ngOnDestroy()
- ngOnInit()
- overlayContainer
- ɵcmp
- ɵfac
- renderer
- showClose
- showFullScreen
- showMaximize
- showMinimize
- windowRef
Type Aliases
- NbAdjustmentValues
- NbBadgeLogicalPosition
- NbBadgePhysicalPosition
- NbBadgePosition
- NbButtonAppearance
- NbButtonProperties
- NbButtonToggleAppearance
- NbCalendarSizeValues
- NbCalendarViewModeValues
- NbChatMessageFile
- NbChildrenGetter
- NbComponentOrCustomStatus
- NbComponentShape
- NbComponentSize
- NbComponentStatus
- NbComponentType
- NbConnectedOverlayPositionChange
- NbConnectedPosition
- NbConnectionPositionPair
- NbDataGetter
- NbDuplicateToastBehaviour
- NbExpandedGetter
- NbFocusableOption
- NbFormControlAddon
- NbGlobalPosition
- NbOverlayConfig
- NbOverlayContent
- NbOverlayRef
- NbPortal
- NbPositionStrategy
- NbPositionValues
- NbScrollStrategies
- NbScrollStrategy
- NbSearchType
- NbSelectAppearance
- NbSelectCompareFunction
- NbSidebarResponsiveState
- NbSidebarState
- NbSortDirectionValues
- NbStepperOrientation
- NbTagAppearance
- NbTriggerValues
const BUILT_IN_THEMES: NbJSThemeOptions[];
const CORPORATE_THEME: NbJSThemeOptions;
const COSMIC_THEME: NbJSThemeOptions;
variable DARK_THEME
const DARK_THEME: NbJSThemeOptions;
const DEFAULT_MEDIA_BREAKPOINTS: { name: string; width: number }[];
const DEFAULT_THEME: NbJSThemeOptions;
const MONTHS_IN_COLUMN: number;
const MONTHS_IN_VIEW: number;
const NB_BUILT_IN_JS_THEMES: InjectionToken<NbJSThemeOptions[]>;
const NB_BUTTON_GROUP: InjectionToken<NbButtonGroupComponent>;
const NB_DATE_ADAPTER: InjectionToken<NbDatepickerAdapter<any>>;
const NB_DATE_SERVICE_OPTIONS: InjectionToken<unknown>;
const NB_DEFAULT_ROW_LEVEL: number;
const NB_DIALOG_CONFIG: InjectionToken<NbDialogConfig<any>>;
variable NB_DOCUMENT
const NB_DOCUMENT: InjectionToken<Document>;
variable NB_JS_THEMES
const NB_JS_THEMES: InjectionToken<NbJSThemeOptions[]>;
const NB_LAYOUT_DIRECTION: InjectionToken<NbLayoutDirection>;
Layout direction setting injection token.
const NB_MEDIA_BREAKPOINTS: InjectionToken<NbMediaBreakpoint[]>;
const NB_SELECT_INJECTION_TOKEN: InjectionToken<unknown>;
const NB_SORT_HEADER_COLUMN_DEF: InjectionToken<unknown>;
variable NB_STEPPER
const NB_STEPPER: InjectionToken<unknown>;
const NB_TABLE_PROVIDERS: Provider[];
const NB_TABLE_TEMPLATE: string;
const NB_THEME_OPTIONS: InjectionToken<NbThemeOptions>;
const NB_TIME_PICKER_CONFIG: InjectionToken<unknown>;
const NB_TOASTR_CONFIG: InjectionToken<NbToastrConfig>;
variable NB_TREE_GRID
const NB_TREE_GRID: InjectionToken<unknown>;
variable NB_WINDOW
const NB_WINDOW: InjectionToken<Window>;
We're providing browser apis with tokens to improve testing capabilities.
const NB_WINDOW_CONFIG: InjectionToken<NbWindowConfig>;
const NB_WINDOW_CONTENT: InjectionToken<any>;
const NB_WINDOW_CONTEXT: InjectionToken<Object>;
const NB_WINDOW_DEFAULT_BUTTONS_CONFIG: NbWindowControlButtonsConfig;
function createContainer
createContainer: <T>( ref: OverlayRef, container: ComponentType<T>, context: Object, componentFactoryResolver?: ComponentFactoryResolver) => ComponentRef<T>;
function nbSelectFormFieldControlConfigFactory
nbSelectFormFieldControlConfigFactory: () => NbFormFieldControlConfig;
function patch
patch: <T>( container: ComponentRef<T>, containerContext: Object) => ComponentRef<T>;
function windowFactory
windowFactory: (platformId: Object) => Window | undefined;
class NbA11yModule
class NbA11yModule {}
class NbAccordionComponent
class NbAccordionComponent {}
An accordion allows to toggle the display of sections of content
Basic example @stacked-example(Showcase, accordion/accordion-showcase.component)
<nb-accordion><nb-accordion-item><nb-accordion-item-header>Product Details</nb-accordion-item-header><nb-accordion-item-body>Item Content</nb-accordion-item-body></nb-accordion-item></nb-accordion>### Installation
to your feature module.@NgModule({imports: [// ...NbAccordionModule,],})export class PageModule { }### Usage
mode accordion can have multiple items expanded: @stacked-example(Multiple expanded items, accordion/accordion-multi.component)NbAccordionItemComponent
has several methods, for example it is possible to trigger item click/toggle: @stacked-example(Expand API, accordion/accordion-toggle.component)accordion-border-radius: accordion-padding: accordion-shadow: accordion-header-text-color: accordion-header-text-font-family: accordion-header-text-font-size: accordion-header-text-font-weight: accordion-header-text-line-height: accordion-header-disabled-text-color: accordion-header-border-color: accordion-header-border-style: accordion-header-border-width: accordion-item-background-color: accordion-item-text-color: accordion-item-text-font-family: accordion-item-text-font-size: accordion-item-text-font-weight: accordion-item-text-line-height:
property multi
multi: boolean;
Allow multiple items to be expanded at the same time. {boolean}
property ngAcceptInputType_multi
static ngAcceptInputType_multi: NbBooleanInput;
property openCloseItems
openCloseItems: Subject<boolean>;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< NbAccordionComponent, 'nb-accordion', never, { multi: { alias: 'multi'; required: false } }, {}, never, ['nb-accordion-item'], false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbAccordionComponent, never>;
method closeAll
closeAll: () => void;
Closes all enabled accordion items.
method openAll
openAll: () => void;
Opens all enabled accordion items.
class NbAccordionItemBodyComponent
class NbAccordionItemBodyComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {}
Component intended to be used within
constructor(accordionItem: NbAccordionItemComponent, cd: ChangeDetectorRef);
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< NbAccordionItemBodyComponent, 'nb-accordion-item-body', never, {}, {}, never, ['*'], false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration< NbAccordionItemBodyComponent, [{ host: true }, null]>;
property state
readonly state: string;
method ngOnDestroy
ngOnDestroy: () => void;
method ngOnInit
ngOnInit: () => void;
class NbAccordionItemComponent
class NbAccordionItemComponent implements OnInit, OnChanges, OnDestroy {}
Component intended to be used within
constructor(accordion: NbAccordionComponent, cd: ChangeDetectorRef);
property accordionItemInvalidate
accordionItemInvalidate: Subject<boolean>;
property collapsed
collapsed: boolean;
Item is collapse (
by default) {boolean}
property collapsedChange
collapsedChange: EventEmitter<boolean>;
Emits whenever the expanded state of the accordion changes. Primarily used to facilitate two-way binding.
property disabled
disabled: boolean;
Item is disabled and cannot be opened. {boolean}
property expanded
expanded: boolean;
Item is expanded (
by default) {boolean}
property ngAcceptInputType_collapsed
static ngAcceptInputType_collapsed: NbBooleanInput;
property ngAcceptInputType_disabled
static ngAcceptInputType_disabled: NbBooleanInput;
property ngAcceptInputType_expanded
static ngAcceptInputType_expanded: NbBooleanInput;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< NbAccordionItemComponent, 'nb-accordion-item', never, { collapsed: { alias: 'collapsed'; required: false }; expanded: { alias: 'expanded'; required: false }; disabled: { alias: 'disabled'; required: false }; }, { collapsedChange: 'collapsedChange' }, never, ['nb-accordion-item-header', 'nb-accordion-item-body'], false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration< NbAccordionItemComponent, [{ host: true }, null]>;
method close
close: () => void;
Collapse the item.
method ngOnChanges
ngOnChanges: (changes: SimpleChanges) => void;
method ngOnDestroy
ngOnDestroy: () => void;
method ngOnInit
ngOnInit: () => void;
method open
open: () => void;
Open the item.
method toggle
toggle: () => void;
Open/close the item
class NbAccordionItemHeaderComponent
class NbAccordionItemHeaderComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {}
Component intended to be used within
constructor(accordionItem: NbAccordionItemComponent, cd: ChangeDetectorRef);
property disabled
readonly disabled: boolean;
property expanded
readonly expanded: boolean;
property isCollapsed
readonly isCollapsed: boolean;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< NbAccordionItemHeaderComponent, 'nb-accordion-item-header', never, {}, {}, never, ['nb-accordion-item-title', 'nb-accordion-item-description', '*'], false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration< NbAccordionItemHeaderComponent, [{ host: true }, null]>;
property state
readonly state: string;
property tabbable
readonly tabbable: string;
method ngOnDestroy
ngOnDestroy: () => void;
method ngOnInit
ngOnInit: () => void;
method toggle
toggle: () => void;
class NbAccordionModule
class NbAccordionModule {}
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbAccordionModule, never>;
property ɵinj
static ɵinj: i0.ɵɵInjectorDeclaration<NbAccordionModule>;
property ɵmod
static ɵmod: i0.ɵɵNgModuleDeclaration< NbAccordionModule, [ typeof i1.NbAccordionComponent, typeof i2.NbAccordionItemComponent, typeof i3.NbAccordionItemHeaderComponent, typeof i4.NbAccordionItemBodyComponent ], [any, typeof i6.NbIconModule], [ typeof i1.NbAccordionComponent, typeof i2.NbAccordionItemComponent, typeof i3.NbAccordionItemHeaderComponent, typeof i4.NbAccordionItemBodyComponent ]>;
class NbActionComponent
class NbActionComponent {}
Action item, display a link with an icon, or any other content provided instead.
property badgeDot
badgeDot: boolean;
Use badge dot mode boolean
property badgePosition
badgePosition: NbBadgePosition;
Badge position. Can be set to any class or to one of predefined positions: 'top left', 'top right', 'bottom left', 'bottom right', 'top start', 'top end', 'bottom start', 'bottom end' string
property badgeStatus
badgeStatus: string;
Badge status (adds specific styles): 'basic', 'primary', 'info', 'success', 'warning', 'danger', 'control'
Parameter val
property badgeText
badgeText: string;
Badge text to display string
property disabled
disabled: boolean;
Visually disables the item boolean
property href
href: string;
Regular HREF link @type: string
property icon
icon: string | NbIconConfig;
Icon name or config object {string | NbIconConfig}
property link
link: string;
Router link to use string
property ngAcceptInputType_badgeDot
static ngAcceptInputType_badgeDot: NbBooleanInput;
property ngAcceptInputType_disabled
static ngAcceptInputType_disabled: NbBooleanInput;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< NbActionComponent, 'nb-action', never, { link: { alias: 'link'; required: false }; href: { alias: 'href'; required: false }; title: { alias: 'title'; required: false }; icon: { alias: 'icon'; required: false }; disabled: { alias: 'disabled'; required: false }; badgeDot: { alias: 'badgeDot'; required: false }; badgeText: { alias: 'badgeText'; required: false }; badgeStatus: { alias: 'badgeStatus'; required: false }; badgePosition: { alias: 'badgePosition'; required: false }; }, {}, never, ['*'], false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbActionComponent, never>;
property title
title: string;
Optional title for mouseover string
class NbActionsComponent
class NbActionsComponent {}
Shows a horizontal list of actions, available in multiple sizes. Aligns items vertically.
@stacked-example(Showcase, action/action-showcase.component)
Basic actions setup:
<nb-actions size="small"><nb-action icon="nb-search"></nb-action><nb-action icon="nb-power-circled"></nb-action><nb-action icon="nb-person"></nb-action></nb-actions>### Installation
to your feature module.@NgModule({imports: [// ...NbActionsModule,],})export class PageModule { }### Usage
Multiple sizes example: @stacked-example(Multiple Sizes, action/action-sizes.component)
It is also possible to specify a
value:@stacked-example(Action Badge, action/action-badge.component)
and we can set it to full a width of a parent component @stacked-example(Full Width, action/action-width.component)
Action dot mode @stacked-example(Action badge in dot mode, action/action-dot-mode.component)
actions-background-color: actions-divider-color: actions-divider-style: actions-divider-width: actions-icon-color: actions-text-color: actions-text-font-family: actions-text-font-weight: actions-text-line-height: actions-disabled-icon-color: actions-disabled-text-color: actions-tiny-height: actions-tiny-icon-height: actions-tiny-padding: actions-tiny-text-font-size: actions-small-height: actions-small-icon-height: actions-small-padding: actions-small-text-font-size: actions-medium-height: actions-medium-icon-height: actions-medium-padding: actions-medium-text-font-size: actions-large-height: actions-large-icon-height: actions-large-padding: actions-large-text-font-size: actions-giant-height: actions-giant-icon-height: actions-giant-padding: actions-giant-text-font-size:
property fullWidth
fullWidth: boolean;
Component will fill full width of the container
property giant
readonly giant: boolean;
property large
readonly large: boolean;
property medium
readonly medium: boolean;
property ngAcceptInputType_fullWidth
static ngAcceptInputType_fullWidth: NbBooleanInput;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< NbActionsComponent, 'nb-actions', never, { size: { alias: 'size'; required: false }; fullWidth: { alias: 'fullWidth'; required: false }; }, {}, never, ['nb-action'], false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbActionsComponent, never>;
property size
size: NbComponentSize;
Size of the component: 'tiny', 'small' (default), 'medium', 'large', 'giant'
property small
readonly small: boolean;
property tiny
readonly tiny: boolean;
class NbActionsModule
class NbActionsModule {}
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbActionsModule, never>;
property ɵinj
static ɵinj: i0.ɵɵInjectorDeclaration<NbActionsModule>;
property ɵmod
static ɵmod: i0.ɵɵNgModuleDeclaration< NbActionsModule, [typeof i1.NbActionComponent, typeof i1.NbActionsComponent], [typeof i2.NbSharedModule, typeof i3.NbBadgeModule, typeof i4.NbIconModule], [typeof i1.NbActionComponent, typeof i1.NbActionsComponent]>;
class NbAdjustableConnectedPositionStrategy
class NbAdjustableConnectedPositionStrategy extends NbFlexibleConnectedPositionStrategy implements NbPositionStrategy {}
The main idea of the adjustable connected strategy is to provide predefined set of positions for your overlay. You have to provide adjustment and appropriate strategy will be chosen in runtime.
property appliedPositions
protected appliedPositions: { key: NbPosition; connectedPosition: ConnectedPosition;}[];
property positionChange
readonly positionChange: Observable<NbPosition>;
method adjustment
adjustment: (adjustment: NbAdjustment) => this;
method apply
apply: () => void;
method applyPositions
protected applyPositions: () => void;
method attach
attach: (overlayRef: OverlayRef) => void;
method createPositions
protected createPositions: () => NbPosition[];
method direction
direction: (direction: NbLayoutDirection) => this;
method mapToLogicalPosition
protected mapToLogicalPosition: (position: NbPosition) => NbPosition;
method offset
offset: (offset: number) => this;
method persistChosenPositions
protected persistChosenPositions: (positions: NbPosition[]) => void;
method position
position: (position: NbPosition) => this;
method reorderPreferredPositions
protected reorderPreferredPositions: (positions: NbPosition[]) => NbPosition[];
class NbAlertComponent
class NbAlertComponent {}
Alert component.
Basic alert example: @stacked-example(Showcase, alert/alert-showcase.component)
Alert configuration:
<nb-alert status="success">You have been successfully authenticated!</nb-alert>### Installation
to your feature module.@NgModule({imports: [// ...NbAlertModule,],})export class PageModule { }### Usage
Alert could additionally have a
button whenclosable
property is set:<nb-alert status="success" closable (close)="onClose()">You have been successfully authenticated!</nb-alert>Colored alerts could be simply configured by providing a
property: @stacked-example(Alert status, alert/alert-colors.component)It is also possible to assign an
property for a slight alert highlight as well as combine it withstatus
: @stacked-example(Alert accent, alert/alert-accents.component)And
property: @stacked-example(Outline Alert, alert/alert-outline.component)@additional-example(Multiple Sizes, alert/alert-sizes.component)
alert-border-radius: alert-bottom-margin: alert-padding: alert-scrollbar-color: alert-scrollbar-background-color: alert-scrollbar-width: alert-shadow: alert-text-font-family: alert-text-font-size: alert-text-font-weight: alert-text-line-height: alert-closable-start-padding: alert-tiny-height: alert-small-height: alert-medium-height: alert-medium-padding: alert-large-height: alert-giant-height: alert-basic-background-color: alert-basic-text-color: alert-primary-background-color: alert-primary-text-color: alert-success-background-color: alert-success-text-color: alert-info-background-color: alert-info-text-color: alert-warning-background-color: alert-warning-text-color: alert-danger-background-color: alert-danger-text-color: alert-control-background-color: alert-control-text-color: alert-accent-basic-color: alert-accent-primary-color: alert-accent-info-color: alert-accent-success-color: alert-accent-warning-color: alert-accent-danger-color: alert-accent-control-color: alert-outline-width: alert-outline-basic-color: alert-outline-primary-color: alert-outline-info-color: alert-outline-success-color: alert-outline-warning-color: alert-outline-danger-color: alert-outline-control-color:
constructor(statusService: NbStatusService);
property accent
accent: '' | NbComponentStatus;
Alert accent (color of the top border):
. Unset by default.
property additionalClasses
readonly additionalClasses: string[];
property basic
readonly basic: boolean;
property basicAccent
readonly basicAccent: boolean;
property basicOutline
readonly basicOutline: boolean;
property closable
closable: boolean;
property close
close: EventEmitter<any>;
Emits when chip is removed EventEmitter
property control
readonly control: boolean;
property controlAccent
readonly controlAccent: boolean;
property controlOutline
readonly controlOutline: boolean;
property danger
readonly danger: boolean;
property dangerAccent
readonly dangerAccent: boolean;
property dangerOutline
readonly dangerOutline: boolean;
property giant
readonly giant: boolean;
property info
readonly info: boolean;
property infoAccent
readonly infoAccent: boolean;
property infoOutline
readonly infoOutline: boolean;
property large
readonly large: boolean;
property medium
readonly medium: boolean;
property ngAcceptInputType_closable
static ngAcceptInputType_closable: NbBooleanInput;
property outline
outline: '' | NbComponentStatus;
Alert outline (color of the border):
. Unset by default.
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< NbAlertComponent, 'nb-alert', never, { size: { alias: 'size'; required: false }; status: { alias: 'status'; required: false }; accent: { alias: 'accent'; required: false }; outline: { alias: 'outline'; required: false }; closable: { alias: 'closable'; required: false }; }, { close: 'close' }, never, ['*'], false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbAlertComponent, never>;
property primary
readonly primary: boolean;
property primaryAccent
readonly primaryAccent: boolean;
property primaryOutline
readonly primaryOutline: boolean;
property size
size: '' | NbComponentSize;
Alert size, available sizes:
Unset by default.
property small
readonly small: boolean;
property status
status: string;
Alert status (adds specific styles):
property statusService
protected statusService: NbStatusService;
property success
readonly success: boolean;
property successAccent
readonly successAccent: boolean;
property successOutline
readonly successOutline: boolean;
property tiny
readonly tiny: boolean;
property warning
readonly warning: boolean;
property warningAccent
readonly warningAccent: boolean;
property warningOutline
readonly warningOutline: boolean;
method onClose
onClose: () => void;
Emits the removed chip event
class NbAlertModule
class NbAlertModule {}
class NbAutocompleteComponent
class NbAutocompleteComponent<T> implements AfterContentInit, OnDestroy {}
overlay component. Provides anNbOptionList
overlay component.
constructor(cd: ChangeDetectorRef);
property activeFirst
activeFirst: boolean;
Flag passed as input to always make first option active.
property cd
protected cd: ChangeDetectorRef;
property destroy$
protected destroy$: Subject<void>;
property giant
readonly giant: boolean;
property handleDisplayFn
handleDisplayFn: (value: any) => string;
Function passed as input to process each string option value before render.
property hostRef
hostRef: ElementRef;
HTML input reference to which autocomplete connected.
property hostWidth
readonly hostWidth: number;
Returns width of the input.
property id
id: string;
Component scoped id for aria attributes.
property large
readonly large: boolean;
property medium
readonly medium: boolean;
property options
options: QueryList<NbOptionComponent<T>>;
List of
's components passed as content.
property optionsListClass
optionsListClass: NgClass;
Specifies class to be set on
s container (nb-option-list
property optionsPanelClass
optionsPanelClass: string | string[];
Specifies class for the overlay panel with options
property optionsWidth
optionsWidth: number;
Specifies width (in pixels) to be set on
s container (nb-option-list
property overlayPosition
overlayPosition: NbPosition;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< NbAutocompleteComponent<any>, 'nb-autocomplete', never, { handleDisplayFn: { alias: 'handleDisplayFn'; required: false }; size: { alias: 'size'; required: false }; activeFirst: { alias: 'activeFirst'; required: false }; optionsListClass: { alias: 'optionsListClass'; required: false }; optionsPanelClass: { alias: 'optionsPanelClass'; required: false }; optionsWidth: { alias: 'optionsWidth'; required: false }; }, { selectedChange: 'selectedChange' }, ['options'], ['nb-option, nb-option-group'], false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbAutocompleteComponent<any>, never>;
property portal
portal: NbPortalDirective;
NbOptionList with options content.
property selectedChange
selectedChange: EventEmitter<T>;
Will be emitted when selected value changes.
property size
size: NbComponentSize;
Autocomplete size, available sizes:
property small
readonly small: boolean;
property tiny
readonly tiny: boolean;
method emitSelected
emitSelected: (selected: T) => void;
Propagate selected value.
method ngAfterContentInit
ngAfterContentInit: () => void;
method ngOnDestroy
ngOnDestroy: () => void;
method setHost
setHost: (hostRef: ElementRef) => void;
Autocomplete knows nothing about host html input element. So, attach method set input hostRef for styling.
class NbAutocompleteDirective
class NbAutocompleteDirective<T> implements OnDestroy, AfterViewInit, ControlValueAccessor {}
provides a capability to expand input withNbAutocompleteComponent
overlay containing options to select and fill input with.@stacked-example(Showcase, autocomplete/autocomplete-showcase.component)
### Installation
to your feature module.@NgModule({imports: [// ...NbAutocompleteModule,],})export class PageModule { }### Usage
You can bind control with form controls or ngModel.
@stacked-example(Autocomplete form binding, autocomplete/autocomplete-form.component)
Options in the autocomplete may be grouped using
component.@stacked-example(Grouping, autocomplete/autocomplete-group.component)
Autocomplete may change selected option value via provided function.
@stacked-example(Custom display, autocomplete/autocomplete-custom-display.component)
Also, autocomplete may make first option in option list active automatically.
@stacked-example(Active first, autocomplete/autocomplete-active-first.component)
constructor( hostRef: ElementRef, overlay: NbOverlayService, cd: ChangeDetectorRef, triggerStrategyBuilder: NbTriggerStrategyBuilderService, positionBuilder: NbPositionBuilderService, activeDescendantKeyManagerFactory: NbActiveDescendantKeyManagerFactoryService< NbOptionComponent<T> >, renderer: Renderer2);
property activeDescendantKeyManagerFactory
protected activeDescendantKeyManagerFactory: NbActiveDescendantKeyManagerFactoryService< NbOptionComponent<T>>;
property ariaActiveDescendant
readonly ariaActiveDescendant: string;
property ariaAutocomplete
ariaAutocomplete: string;
property ariaExpanded
readonly ariaExpanded: string;
property ariaOwns
readonly ariaOwns: string;
property autocomplete
autocomplete: NbAutocompleteComponent<T>;
Provides autocomplete component.
property bottom
readonly bottom: boolean;
property cd
protected cd: ChangeDetectorRef;
property customOverlayHost
customOverlayHost: ElementRef;
property destroy$
protected destroy$: Subject<void>;
property hasPopup
hasPopup: string;
property hostRef
protected hostRef: ElementRef;
property isClosed
readonly isClosed: boolean;
Determines is autocomplete overlay closed.
property isOpen
readonly isOpen: boolean;
Determines is autocomplete overlay opened.
property keyManager
protected keyManager: NbActiveDescendantKeyManager<NbOptionComponent<T>>;
property overlay
protected overlay: NbOverlayService;
property overlayOffset
overlayOffset: number;
Determines options overlay offset (in pixels).
property overlayRef
protected overlayRef: OverlayRef;
property ɵdir
static ɵdir: i0.ɵɵDirectiveDeclaration< NbAutocompleteDirective<any>, 'input[nbAutocomplete]', never, { autocomplete: { alias: 'nbAutocomplete'; required: false }; overlayOffset: { alias: 'overlayOffset'; required: false }; scrollStrategy: { alias: 'scrollStrategy'; required: false }; customOverlayHost: { alias: 'customOverlayHost'; required: false }; }, {}, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbAutocompleteDirective<any>, never>;
property positionBuilder
protected positionBuilder: NbPositionBuilderService;
property positionStrategy
protected positionStrategy: NbAdjustableConnectedPositionStrategy;
property renderer
protected renderer: Renderer2;
property role
role: string;
property scrollStrategy
scrollStrategy: 'close' | 'noop' | 'block' | 'reposition';
Determines options overlay scroll strategy.
property top
readonly top: boolean;
property triggerStrategy
protected triggerStrategy: NbTriggerStrategy;
Trigger strategy used by overlay. @docs-private
property triggerStrategyBuilder
protected triggerStrategyBuilder: NbTriggerStrategyBuilderService;
method attachToOverlay
protected attachToOverlay: () => void;
method checkOverlayVisibility
protected checkOverlayVisibility: () => void;
method createKeyManager
protected createKeyManager: () => void;
method createOverlay
protected createOverlay: () => void;
method createPositionStrategy
protected createPositionStrategy: () => NbAdjustableConnectedPositionStrategy;
method createScrollStrategy
protected createScrollStrategy: () => ScrollStrategy;
method createTriggerStrategy
protected createTriggerStrategy: () => NbTriggerStrategy;
method getActiveItem
protected getActiveItem: () => NbOptionComponent<T>;
method getContainer
protected getContainer: () => ComponentRef<any>;
method getDisplayValue
protected getDisplayValue: (value: string) => string;
method handleBlur
handleBlur: () => void;
method handleInput
handleInput: () => void;
method handleInputValueUpdate
protected handleInputValueUpdate: (value: T, focusInput?: boolean) => void;
method handleKeydown
handleKeydown: () => void;
method hide
hide: () => void;
method initOverlay
protected initOverlay: () => void;
method ngAfterViewInit
ngAfterViewInit: () => void;
method ngOnDestroy
ngOnDestroy: () => void;
method registerOnChange
registerOnChange: (fn: (value: any) => {}) => void;
method registerOnTouched
registerOnTouched: (fn: any) => void;
method setActiveItem
protected setActiveItem: () => void;
method setDisabledState
setDisabledState: (disabled: boolean) => void;
method setHostInputValue
protected setHostInputValue: (value: any) => void;
method setupAutocomplete
protected setupAutocomplete: () => void;
method shouldShow
protected shouldShow: () => boolean;
method show
show: () => void;
method subscribeOnOptionClick
protected subscribeOnOptionClick: () => void;
method subscribeOnOverlayKeys
protected subscribeOnOverlayKeys: () => void;
method subscribeOnPositionChange
protected subscribeOnPositionChange: () => void;
method subscribeOnTriggers
protected subscribeOnTriggers: () => void;
method writeValue
writeValue: (value: T) => void;
class NbAutocompleteModule
class NbAutocompleteModule {}
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbAutocompleteModule, never>;
property ɵinj
static ɵinj: i0.ɵɵInjectorDeclaration<NbAutocompleteModule>;
property ɵmod
static ɵmod: i0.ɵɵNgModuleDeclaration< NbAutocompleteModule, [typeof i1.NbAutocompleteComponent, typeof i2.NbAutocompleteDirective], [ any, any, typeof i5.NbOverlayModule, typeof i6.NbCardModule, typeof i7.NbOptionModule ], [ typeof i1.NbAutocompleteComponent, typeof i2.NbAutocompleteDirective, typeof i7.NbOptionModule ]>;
class NbBadgeComponent
class NbBadgeComponent implements NbBadge {}
Badge is a simple labeling component. It can be used to add additional information to any content or highlight unread items.
Element is absolute positioned, so parent should be [positioned element](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/position). It means parent
should be set to anything exceptstatic
, e.g.relative
, orsticky
.### Installation
to your feature module.@NgModule({imports: [// ...NbBadgeModule,],})export class PageModule { }### Usage
Badge with default position and status(color):
<nb-badge text="badgeText"></nb-badge>For example, badge can be placed into nb-card header: @stacked-example(Showcase, badge/badge-showcase.component)
Badge located on the bottom right with warning status:
<nb-badge text="badgeText" status="warning" position="bottom right"></nb-badge>badge-border-radius: badge-text-font-family: badge-text-font-size: badge-text-font-weight: badge-text-line-height: badge-padding: badge-basic-background-color: badge-basic-text-color: badge-primary-background-color: badge-primary-text-color: badge-success-background-color: badge-success-text-color: badge-info-background-color: badge-info-text-color: badge-warning-background-color: badge-warning-text-color: badge-danger-background-color: badge-danger-text-color: badge-control-background-color: badge-control-text-color:
constructor(statusService: NbStatusService);
property additionalClasses
readonly additionalClasses: string[];
property basic
readonly basic: boolean;
property bottom
readonly bottom: boolean;
property center
readonly center: boolean;
property control
readonly control: boolean;
property danger
readonly danger: boolean;
property dotMode
dotMode: boolean;
Shows badge as a dot. No text is shown. boolean
property end
readonly end: boolean;
property info
readonly info: boolean;
property left
readonly left: boolean;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< NbBadgeComponent, 'nb-badge', never, { text: { alias: 'text'; required: false }; position: { alias: 'position'; required: false }; dotMode: { alias: 'dotMode'; required: false }; status: { alias: 'status'; required: false }; }, {}, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbBadgeComponent, never>;
property position
position: NbBadgePosition;
Badge position
Can be set to any class or to one of predefined positions: 'top left', 'top right', 'bottom left', 'bottom right', 'top start', 'top end', 'bottom start', 'bottom end' string
property primary
readonly primary: boolean;
property right
readonly right: boolean;
property start
readonly start: boolean;
property status
status: string;
Badge status (adds specific styles): 'basic', 'primary', 'info', 'success', 'warning', 'danger', 'control'
property statusService
protected statusService: NbStatusService;
property success
readonly success: boolean;
property text
text: string;
Text to display string
property top
readonly top: boolean;
property warning
readonly warning: boolean;
class NbBadgeModule
class NbBadgeModule {}
class NbBaseCalendarComponent
class NbBaseCalendarComponent<D, T> implements OnInit {}
The basis for calendar and range calendar components. Encapsulates common behavior - store calendar state and perform navigation between pickers.
constructor( dateService: NbDateService<D>, yearModelService: NbCalendarYearModelService<D>);
property activeViewMode
activeViewMode: NbCalendarViewMode;
Defines active view for calendar.
property boundingMonth
boundingMonth: boolean;
Defines if we should render previous and next months in the current month view.
property date
date: {};
Value which will be rendered as selected.
property dateChange
dateChange: EventEmitter<T>;
Emits date when selected.
property dateService
protected dateService: NbDateService<D>;
property dayCellComponent
dayCellComponent: Type<NbCalendarCell<D, T>>;
Custom day cell component. Have to implement
property filter
filter: (D: any) => boolean;
Predicate that decides which cells will be disabled.
property firstDayOfWeek
firstDayOfWeek: number;
Sets first day of the week, it can be 1 if week starts from monday and 0 if from sunday and so on.
means that default locale setting will be used.
property large
readonly large: boolean;
property max
max: {};
Maximum available date for selection.
property min
min: {};
Minimum available date for selection.
property monthCellComponent
monthCellComponent: Type<NbCalendarCell<D, T>>;
Custom month cell component. Have to implement
property ngAcceptInputType_activeViewMode
static ngAcceptInputType_activeViewMode: NbCalendarViewModeValues;
property ngAcceptInputType_showWeekNumber
static ngAcceptInputType_showWeekNumber: NbBooleanInput;
property ngAcceptInputType_size
static ngAcceptInputType_size: NbCalendarSizeValues;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< NbBaseCalendarComponent<any, any>, 'nb-base-calendar', never, { boundingMonth: { alias: 'boundingMonth'; required: false }; activeViewMode: { alias: 'startView'; required: false }; min: { alias: 'min'; required: false }; max: { alias: 'max'; required: false }; filter: { alias: 'filter'; required: false }; dayCellComponent: { alias: 'dayCellComponent'; required: false }; monthCellComponent: { alias: 'monthCellComponent'; required: false }; yearCellComponent: { alias: 'yearCellComponent'; required: false }; size: { alias: 'size'; required: false }; visibleDate: { alias: 'visibleDate'; required: false }; showNavigation: { alias: 'showNavigation'; required: false }; date: { alias: 'date'; required: false }; showWeekNumber: { alias: 'showWeekNumber'; required: false }; weekNumberSymbol: { alias: 'weekNumberSymbol'; required: false }; firstDayOfWeek: { alias: 'firstDayOfWeek'; required: false }; }, { dateChange: 'dateChange' }, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbBaseCalendarComponent<any, any>, never>;
property showNavigation
showNavigation: boolean;
Determines whether we should show calendar navigation or not.
property showWeekNumber
showWeekNumber: boolean;
Determines should we show week numbers column. False by default.
property size
size: NbCalendarSize;
Size of the calendar and entire components. Can be 'medium' which is default or 'large'.
property ViewMode
ViewMode: typeof NbCalendarViewMode;
property visibleDate
visibleDate: {};
property weekNumberSymbol
weekNumberSymbol: string;
Sets symbol used as a header for week numbers column
property yearCellComponent
yearCellComponent: Type<NbCalendarCell<D, T>>;
Custom year cell component. Have to implement
property yearModelService
protected yearModelService: NbCalendarYearModelService<D>;
method navigateNext
navigateNext: () => void;
method navigatePrev
navigatePrev: () => void;
method nextMonth
nextMonth: () => void;
method nextYear
nextYear: () => void;
method nextYears
nextYears: () => void;
method ngOnInit
ngOnInit: () => void;
method onChangeViewMode
onChangeViewMode: () => void;
method prevMonth
prevMonth: () => void;
method prevYear
prevYear: () => void;
method prevYears
prevYears: () => void;
method setViewMode
setViewMode: (viewMode: NbCalendarViewMode) => void;
method setVisibleDate
setVisibleDate: (visibleDate: D) => void;
class NbBaseCalendarModule
class NbBaseCalendarModule {}
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbBaseCalendarModule, never>;
property ɵinj
static ɵinj: i0.ɵɵInjectorDeclaration<NbBaseCalendarModule>;
property ɵmod
static ɵmod: i0.ɵɵNgModuleDeclaration< NbBaseCalendarModule, [typeof i1.NbBaseCalendarComponent], [ typeof i2.NbCalendarKitModule, typeof i3.NbSharedModule, typeof i4.NbCardModule ], [typeof i1.NbBaseCalendarComponent]>;
class NbBaseCalendarRangeCell
abstract class NbBaseCalendarRangeCell<D> {}
property hasRange
readonly hasRange: boolean;
property selectedValue
abstract selectedValue: NbCalendarRange<D>;
class NbBasePicker
abstract class NbBasePicker<D, T, P> extends NbDatepicker<T, D> {}
component concentrates overlay manipulation logic.
protected constructor( overlay: NbOverlayService, positionBuilder: NbPositionBuilderService, triggerStrategyBuilder: NbTriggerStrategyBuilderService, cfr: ComponentFactoryResolver, dateService: NbDateService<D>, dateServiceOptions: any);
property adjustment
protected adjustment: NbAdjustment;
property blur
readonly blur: Observable<void>;
Emits when datepicker looses focus.
property blur$
protected blur$: Subject<void>;
property boundingMonth
abstract boundingMonth: boolean;
Defines if we should render previous and next months in the current month view.
property cfr
protected cfr: ComponentFactoryResolver;
property container
protected container: ComponentRef<NbDatepickerContainerComponent>;
Datepicker container that contains instantiated picker.
property dateService
protected dateService: NbDateService<D>;
property dateServiceOptions
protected dateServiceOptions: any;
property dayCellComponent
abstract dayCellComponent: Type<NbCalendarCell<D, T>>;
Custom day cell component. Have to implement
property destroy$
protected destroy$: Subject<void>;
property filter
abstract filter: (D: any) => boolean;
Predicate that decides which cells will be disabled.
property firstDayOfWeek
abstract firstDayOfWeek: number;
Sets first day of the week, it can be 1 if week starts from monday and 0 if from sunday and so on.
means that default locale setting will be used.
property format
abstract format: string;
Datepicker date format. Can be used only with date adapters (moment, date-fns) since native date object doesn't support formatting.
property formatChanged$
readonly formatChanged$: Subject<void>;
property hideOnSelect
abstract hideOnSelect: boolean;
Hide picker when a date or a range is selected,
by default {boolean}
property hostRef
protected hostRef: ElementRef;
HTML input reference to which datepicker connected.
property init
readonly init: Observable<void>;
property init$
protected init$: ReplaySubject<void>;
property isShown
readonly isShown: boolean;
property max
abstract max: {};
Maximum available date for selection.
property min
abstract min: {};
Minimum available date for selection.
property monthCellComponent
abstract monthCellComponent: Type<NbCalendarCell<D, T>>;
Custom month cell component. Have to implement
property onChange$
protected onChange$: Subject<T>;
Stream of picker changes. Required to be the subject because picker hides and shows and picker change stream becomes recreated.
property overlay
protected overlay: NbOverlayService;
property overlayOffset
protected overlayOffset: number;
property picker
readonly picker: any;
Returns picker instance.
property pickerClass
protected abstract pickerClass: Type<P>;
Calendar component class that has to be instantiated inside overlay.
property pickerRef
protected pickerRef: ComponentRef<any>;
Reference to the picker instance itself.
property pickerValueChange
readonly pickerValueChange: Observable<T>;
property positionBuilder
protected positionBuilder: NbPositionBuilderService;
property positionStrategy
protected positionStrategy: NbAdjustableConnectedPositionStrategy;
Positioning strategy used by overlay.
property queue
protected queue: {};
Queue contains the last value that was applied to the picker when it was hidden. This value will be passed to the picker as soon as it shown.
property ref
protected ref: OverlayRef;
Overlay reference object.
property showNavigation
abstract showNavigation: boolean;
Determines should we show calendar navigation or not. {boolean}
property showWeekNumber
abstract showWeekNumber: boolean;
Determines should we show week numbers column. False by default.
property size
abstract size: NbCalendarSize;
Size of the calendar and entire components. Can be 'medium' which is default or 'large'.
property startView
abstract startView: NbCalendarViewMode;
Defines starting view for calendar.
property triggerStrategy
protected triggerStrategy: NbTriggerStrategy;
Trigger strategy used by overlay
property triggerStrategyBuilder
protected triggerStrategyBuilder: NbTriggerStrategyBuilderService;
property valueChange
readonly valueChange: Observable<T>;
Stream of picker value changes.
property visibleDate
abstract visibleDate: {};
Depending on this date a particular month is selected in the calendar
property weekNumberSymbol
abstract weekNumberSymbol: string;
Sets symbol used as a header for week numbers column
property yearCellComponent
abstract yearCellComponent: Type<NbCalendarCell<D, T>>;
Custom year cell component. Have to implement
method attach
attach: (hostRef: ElementRef) => void;
Datepicker knows nothing about host html input element. So, attach method attaches datepicker to the host input element.
method checkFormat
protected checkFormat: () => void;
method createOverlay
protected createOverlay: () => void;
method createPositionStrategy
protected createPositionStrategy: () => NbAdjustableConnectedPositionStrategy;
method createTriggerStrategy
protected createTriggerStrategy: () => NbTriggerStrategy;
method getValidatorConfig
getValidatorConfig: () => NbPickerValidatorConfig<D>;
method hide
hide: () => void;
method instantiatePicker
protected instantiatePicker: () => void;
method openDatepicker
protected openDatepicker: () => void;
method patchWithInputs
protected patchWithInputs: () => void;
method shouldHide
shouldHide: () => boolean;
method show
show: () => void;
method subscribeOnPositionChange
protected subscribeOnPositionChange: () => void;
method subscribeOnTriggers
protected subscribeOnTriggers: () => void;
method subscribeOnValueChange
protected subscribeOnValueChange: () => void;
Subscribes on picker value changes and emit data through this.onChange$ subject.
method writeQueue
protected abstract writeQueue: () => any;
class NbBasePickerComponent
class NbBasePickerComponent<D, T, P> extends NbBasePicker<D, T, P> implements OnInit, OnChanges, OnDestroy {}
constructor( document: any, positionBuilder: NbPositionBuilderService, triggerStrategyBuilder: NbTriggerStrategyBuilderService, overlay: NbOverlayService, cfr: ComponentFactoryResolver, dateService: NbDateService<D>, dateServiceOptions: any);
property adjustment
adjustment: NbAdjustment;
property boundingMonth
boundingMonth: boolean;
Defines if we should render previous and next months in the current month view.
property dayCellComponent
dayCellComponent: Type<NbCalendarCell<D, T>>;
Custom day cell component. Have to implement
property filter
filter: (D: any) => boolean;
Predicate that decides which cells will be disabled.
property firstDayOfWeek
firstDayOfWeek: number;
property format
format: string;
Datepicker date format. Can be used only with date adapters (moment, date-fns) since native date object doesn't support formatting.
property hideOnSelect
hideOnSelect: boolean;
Hide picker when a date or a range is selected,
by default {boolean}
property max
max: {};
Maximum available date for selection.
property min
min: {};
Minimum available date for selection.
property monthCellComponent
monthCellComponent: Type<NbCalendarCell<D, T>>;
Custom month cell component. Have to implement
property ngAcceptInputType_adjustment
static ngAcceptInputType_adjustment: NbAdjustmentValues;
property ngAcceptInputType_showWeekNumber
static ngAcceptInputType_showWeekNumber: NbBooleanInput;
property ngAcceptInputType_size
static ngAcceptInputType_size: NbCalendarSizeValues;
property ngAcceptInputType_startView
static ngAcceptInputType_startView: NbCalendarViewModeValues;
property overlayOffset
overlayOffset: number;
Determines picker overlay offset (in pixels).
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< NbBasePickerComponent<any, any, any>, 'ng-component', never, { format: { alias: 'format'; required: false }; boundingMonth: { alias: 'boundingMonth'; required: false }; startView: { alias: 'startView'; required: false }; min: { alias: 'min'; required: false }; max: { alias: 'max'; required: false }; filter: { alias: 'filter'; required: false }; dayCellComponent: { alias: 'dayCellComponent'; required: false }; monthCellComponent: { alias: 'monthCellComponent'; required: false }; yearCellComponent: { alias: 'yearCellComponent'; required: false }; size: { alias: 'size'; required: false }; visibleDate: { alias: 'visibleDate'; required: false }; hideOnSelect: { alias: 'hideOnSelect'; required: false }; showNavigation: { alias: 'showNavigation'; required: false }; weekNumberSymbol: { alias: 'weekNumberSymbol'; required: false }; showWeekNumber: { alias: 'showWeekNumber'; required: false }; firstDayOfWeek: { alias: 'firstDayOfWeek'; required: false }; overlayOffset: { alias: 'overlayOffset'; required: false }; adjustment: { alias: 'adjustment'; required: false }; }, {}, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration< NbBasePickerComponent<any, any, any>, [null, null, null, null, null, null, { optional: true }]>;
property pickerClass
protected pickerClass: Type<P>;
property pickerValueChange
readonly pickerValueChange: Observable<T>;
property showNavigation
showNavigation: boolean;
Determines should we show calendars navigation or not. {boolean}
property showWeekNumber
showWeekNumber: boolean;
Determines should we show week numbers column. False by default.
property size
size: NbCalendarSize;
Size of the calendar and entire components. Can be 'medium' which is default or 'large'.
property startView
startView: NbCalendarViewMode;
Defines starting view for calendar.
property value
value: {};
property visibleDate
visibleDate: {};
Depending on this date a particular month is selected in the calendar
property weekNumberSymbol
weekNumberSymbol: string;
Sets symbol used as a header for week numbers column
property yearCellComponent
yearCellComponent: Type<NbCalendarCell<D, T>>;
Custom year cell component. Have to implement
method ngOnChanges
ngOnChanges: (changes: SimpleChanges) => void;
method ngOnDestroy
ngOnDestroy: () => void;
method ngOnInit
ngOnInit: () => void;
method writeQueue
protected writeQueue: () => void;
class NbBidiModule
class NbBidiModule extends BidiModule {}
class NbBlockScrollStrategyAdapter
class NbBlockScrollStrategyAdapter extends BlockScrollStrategy {}
Overrides default block scroll strategy because default strategy blocks scrolling on the body only. But Nebular has its own scrollable container - nb-layout. So, we need to block scrolling in it to.
constructor( document: any, viewportRuler: NbViewportRulerAdapter, scrollService: NbLayoutScrollService);
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbBlockScrollStrategyAdapter, never>;
property ɵprov
static ɵprov: i0.ɵɵInjectableDeclaration<NbBlockScrollStrategyAdapter>;
property scrollService
protected scrollService: NbLayoutScrollService;
method disable
disable: () => void;
method enable
enable: () => void;
class NbButton
abstract class NbButton implements AfterContentChecked, AfterViewInit {}
protected constructor( renderer: Renderer2, hostElement: ElementRef<HTMLElement>, cd: ChangeDetectorRef, zone: NgZone, statusService: NbStatusService);
property additionalClasses
readonly additionalClasses: string[];
property appearance
appearance: NbButtonAppearance;
Button appearance:
property cd
protected cd: ChangeDetectorRef;
property disabled
disabled: boolean;
Disables the button
property filled
filled: boolean;
property fullWidth
fullWidth: boolean;
If set element will fill its container
property ghost
ghost: boolean;
property giant
readonly giant: boolean;
property hostElement
protected hostElement: ElementRef<HTMLElement>;
property iconElement
readonly iconElement: Element;
property iconLeft
iconLeft: boolean;
property iconRight
iconRight: boolean;
property icons
icons: QueryList<ElementRef>;
property large
readonly large: boolean;
property medium
readonly medium: boolean;
property ngAcceptInputType_disabled
static ngAcceptInputType_disabled: NbBooleanInput;
property ngAcceptInputType_filled
static ngAcceptInputType_filled: NbBooleanInput;
property ngAcceptInputType_fullWidth
static ngAcceptInputType_fullWidth: NbBooleanInput;
property ngAcceptInputType_ghost
static ngAcceptInputType_ghost: NbBooleanInput;
property ngAcceptInputType_outline
static ngAcceptInputType_outline: NbBooleanInput;
property nodes
readonly nodes: Node[];
property outline
outline: boolean;
property ɵdir
static ɵdir: i0.ɵɵDirectiveDeclaration< NbButton, never, never, { size: { alias: 'size'; required: false }; status: { alias: 'status'; required: false }; shape: { alias: 'shape'; required: false }; appearance: { alias: 'appearance'; required: false }; filled: { alias: 'filled'; required: false }; outline: { alias: 'outline'; required: false }; ghost: { alias: 'ghost'; required: false }; fullWidth: { alias: 'fullWidth'; required: false }; disabled: { alias: 'disabled'; required: false }; tabIndex: { alias: 'tabIndex'; required: false }; }, {}, ['icons'], never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbButton, never>;
property rectangle
readonly rectangle: boolean;
property renderer
protected renderer: Renderer2;
property round
readonly round: boolean;
property semiRound
readonly semiRound: boolean;
property shape
shape: NbComponentShape;
Button shapes:
property size
size: NbComponentSize;
Button size, available sizes:
property small
readonly small: boolean;
property status
status: string;
Button status (adds specific styles):
property statusService
protected statusService: NbStatusService;
property tabbable
readonly tabbable: string;
property tabIndex
tabIndex: number;
Tabindex of the button.
property tiny
readonly tiny: boolean;
property zone
protected zone: NgZone;
method isIconExist
protected isIconExist: (node: Node) => boolean;
method ngAfterContentChecked
ngAfterContentChecked: () => void;
method ngAfterViewInit
ngAfterViewInit: () => void;
method updateProperties
updateProperties: (config: Partial<NbButtonProperties>) => void;
class NbButtonComponent
class NbButtonComponent extends NbButton implements AfterViewInit {}
Basic button component.
Default button size is
and status color isbasic
: @stacked-example(Button Showcase, button/button-showcase.component)<button nbButton></button>### Installation
to your feature module.@NgModule({imports: [// ...NbButtonModule,],})export class PageModule { }### Usage
Buttons are available in multiple colors using
property: @stacked-example(Button Colors, button/button-colors.component.html)There are three button sizes:
@stacked-example(Button Sizes, button/button-sizes.component.html)
And two additional style types -
:@stacked-example(Outline Buttons, button/button-outline.component.html)
:@stacked-example(Button Hero, button/button-hero.component.html)
Buttons available in different shapes, which could be combined with the other properties: @stacked-example(Button Shapes, button/button-shapes.component)
could be applied to the following selectors -button
: @stacked-example(Button Elements, button/button-types.component.html)Button can be made
: @stacked-example(Full Width Button, button/button-full-width.component.html)Icon can be placed inside of a button as a child element: @stacked-example(Icon Button, button/button-icon.component.html)
@additional-example(Interactive example, button/button-interactive.component)
button-cursor: button-outline-width: button-outline-color: button-text-font-family: button-text-font-weight: button-disabled-cursor: button-tiny-text-font-size: button-tiny-text-line-height: button-tiny-icon-size: button-tiny-icon-vertical-margin: button-tiny-icon-offset: button-small-text-font-size: button-small-text-line-height: button-small-icon-size: button-small-icon-vertical-margin: button-small-icon-offset: button-medium-text-font-size: button-medium-text-line-height: button-medium-icon-size: button-medium-icon-vertical-margin: button-medium-icon-offset: button-large-text-font-size: button-large-text-line-height: button-large-icon-size: button-large-icon-vertical-margin: button-large-icon-offset: button-giant-text-font-size: button-giant-text-line-height: button-giant-icon-size: button-giant-icon-vertical-margin: button-giant-icon-offset: button-rectangle-border-radius: button-semi-round-border-radius: button-round-border-radius: button-filled-border-style: button-filled-border-width: button-filled-text-transform: button-filled-tiny-padding: button-filled-small-padding: button-filled-medium-padding: button-filled-large-padding: button-filled-giant-padding: button-filled-basic-background-color: button-filled-basic-border-color: button-filled-basic-text-color: button-filled-basic-focus-background-color: button-filled-basic-focus-border-color: button-filled-basic-hover-background-color: button-filled-basic-hover-border-color: button-filled-basic-active-background-color: button-filled-basic-active-border-color: button-filled-basic-disabled-background-color: button-filled-basic-disabled-border-color: button-filled-basic-disabled-text-color: button-filled-primary-background-color: button-filled-primary-border-color: button-filled-primary-text-color: button-filled-primary-focus-background-color: button-filled-primary-focus-border-color: button-filled-primary-hover-background-color: button-filled-primary-hover-border-color: button-filled-primary-active-background-color: button-filled-primary-active-border-color: button-filled-primary-disabled-background-color: button-filled-primary-disabled-border-color: button-filled-primary-disabled-text-color: button-filled-success-background-color: button-filled-success-border-color: button-filled-success-text-color: button-filled-success-focus-background-color: button-filled-success-focus-border-color: button-filled-success-hover-background-color: button-filled-success-hover-border-color: button-filled-success-active-background-color: button-filled-success-active-border-color: button-filled-success-disabled-background-color: button-filled-success-disabled-border-color: button-filled-success-disabled-text-color: button-filled-info-background-color: button-filled-info-border-color: button-filled-info-text-color: button-filled-info-focus-background-color: button-filled-info-focus-border-color: button-filled-info-hover-background-color: button-filled-info-hover-border-color: button-filled-info-active-background-color: button-filled-info-active-border-color: button-filled-info-disabled-background-color: button-filled-info-disabled-border-color: button-filled-info-disabled-text-color: button-filled-warning-background-color: button-filled-warning-border-color: button-filled-warning-text-color: button-filled-warning-focus-background-color: button-filled-warning-focus-border-color: button-filled-warning-hover-background-color: button-filled-warning-hover-border-color: button-filled-warning-active-background-color: button-filled-warning-active-border-color: button-filled-warning-disabled-background-color: button-filled-warning-disabled-border-color: button-filled-warning-disabled-text-color: button-filled-danger-background-color: button-filled-danger-border-color: button-filled-danger-text-color: button-filled-danger-focus-background-color: button-filled-danger-focus-border-color: button-filled-danger-hover-background-color: button-filled-danger-hover-border-color: button-filled-danger-active-background-color: button-filled-danger-active-border-color: button-filled-danger-disabled-background-color: button-filled-danger-disabled-border-color: button-filled-danger-disabled-text-color: button-filled-control-background-color: button-filled-control-border-color: button-filled-control-text-color: button-filled-control-focus-background-color: button-filled-control-focus-border-color: button-filled-control-hover-background-color: button-filled-control-hover-border-color: button-filled-control-active-background-color: button-filled-control-active-border-color: button-filled-control-disabled-background-color: button-filled-control-disabled-border-color: button-filled-control-disabled-text-color: button-outline-border-style: button-outline-border-width: button-outline-text-transform: button-outline-focus-inset-shadow-length: button-outline-tiny-padding: button-outline-small-padding: button-outline-medium-padding: button-outline-large-padding: button-outline-giant-padding: button-outline-basic-background-color: button-outline-basic-border-color: button-outline-basic-text-color: button-outline-basic-focus-background-color: button-outline-basic-focus-border-color: button-outline-basic-focus-text-color: button-outline-basic-hover-background-color: button-outline-basic-hover-border-color: button-outline-basic-hover-text-color: button-outline-basic-active-background-color: button-outline-basic-active-border-color: button-outline-basic-active-text-color: button-outline-basic-disabled-background-color: button-outline-basic-disabled-border-color: button-outline-basic-disabled-text-color: button-outline-primary-background-color: button-outline-primary-border-color: button-outline-primary-text-color: button-outline-primary-focus-background-color: button-outline-primary-focus-border-color: button-outline-primary-focus-text-color: button-outline-primary-hover-background-color: button-outline-primary-hover-border-color: button-outline-primary-hover-text-color: button-outline-primary-active-background-color: button-outline-primary-active-border-color: button-outline-primary-active-text-color: button-outline-primary-disabled-background-color: button-outline-primary-disabled-border-color: button-outline-primary-disabled-text-color: button-outline-success-background-color: button-outline-success-border-color: button-outline-success-text-color: button-outline-success-focus-background-color: button-outline-success-focus-border-color: button-outline-success-focus-text-color: button-outline-success-hover-background-color: button-outline-success-hover-border-color: button-outline-success-hover-text-color: button-outline-success-active-background-color: button-outline-success-active-border-color: button-outline-success-active-text-color: button-outline-success-disabled-background-color: button-outline-success-disabled-border-color: button-outline-success-disabled-text-color: button-outline-info-background-color: button-outline-info-border-color: button-outline-info-text-color: button-outline-info-focus-background-color: button-outline-info-focus-border-color: button-outline-info-focus-text-color: button-outline-info-hover-background-color: button-outline-info-hover-border-color: button-outline-info-hover-text-color: button-outline-info-active-background-color: button-outline-info-active-border-color: button-outline-info-active-text-color: button-outline-info-disabled-background-color: button-outline-info-disabled-border-color: button-outline-info-disabled-text-color: button-outline-warning-background-color: button-outline-warning-border-color: button-outline-warning-text-color: button-outline-warning-focus-background-color: button-outline-warning-focus-border-color: button-outline-warning-focus-text-color: button-outline-warning-hover-background-color: button-outline-warning-hover-border-color: button-outline-warning-hover-text-color: button-outline-warning-active-background-color: button-outline-warning-active-border-color: button-outline-warning-active-text-color: button-outline-warning-disabled-background-color: button-outline-warning-disabled-border-color: button-outline-warning-disabled-text-color: button-outline-danger-background-color: button-outline-danger-border-color: button-outline-danger-text-color: button-outline-danger-focus-background-color: button-outline-danger-focus-border-color: button-outline-danger-focus-text-color: button-outline-danger-hover-background-color: button-outline-danger-hover-border-color: button-outline-danger-hover-text-color: button-outline-danger-active-background-color: button-outline-danger-active-border-color: button-outline-danger-active-text-color: button-outline-danger-disabled-background-color: button-outline-danger-disabled-border-color: button-outline-danger-disabled-text-color: button-outline-control-background-color: button-outline-control-border-color: button-outline-control-text-color: button-outline-control-focus-background-color: button-outline-control-focus-border-color: button-outline-control-focus-text-color: button-outline-control-hover-background-color: button-outline-control-hover-border-color: button-outline-control-hover-text-color: button-outline-control-active-background-color: button-outline-control-active-border-color: button-outline-control-active-text-color: button-outline-control-disabled-background-color: button-outline-control-disabled-border-color: button-outline-control-disabled-text-color: button-ghost-background-color: button-ghost-border-color: button-ghost-border-style: button-ghost-border-width: button-ghost-text-transform: button-ghost-focus-inset-shadow-length: button-ghost-tiny-padding: button-ghost-small-padding: button-ghost-medium-padding: button-ghost-large-padding: button-ghost-giant-padding: button-ghost-basic-text-color: button-ghost-basic-focus-background-color: button-ghost-basic-focus-border-color: button-ghost-basic-focus-text-color: button-ghost-basic-hover-background-color: button-ghost-basic-hover-border-color: button-ghost-basic-hover-text-color: button-ghost-basic-active-background-color: button-ghost-basic-active-border-color: button-ghost-basic-active-text-color: button-ghost-basic-disabled-background-color: button-ghost-basic-disabled-border-color: button-ghost-basic-disabled-text-color: button-ghost-primary-text-color: button-ghost-primary-focus-background-color: button-ghost-primary-focus-border-color: button-ghost-primary-focus-text-color: button-ghost-primary-hover-background-color: button-ghost-primary-hover-border-color: button-ghost-primary-hover-text-color: button-ghost-primary-active-background-color: button-ghost-primary-active-border-color: button-ghost-primary-active-text-color: button-ghost-primary-disabled-background-color: button-ghost-primary-disabled-border-color: button-ghost-primary-disabled-text-color: button-ghost-success-text-color: button-ghost-success-focus-background-color: button-ghost-success-focus-border-color: button-ghost-success-focus-text-color: button-ghost-success-hover-background-color: button-ghost-success-hover-border-color: button-ghost-success-hover-text-color: button-ghost-success-active-background-color: button-ghost-success-active-border-color: button-ghost-success-active-text-color: button-ghost-success-disabled-background-color: button-ghost-success-disabled-border-color: button-ghost-success-disabled-text-color: button-ghost-info-text-color: button-ghost-info-focus-background-color: button-ghost-info-focus-border-color: button-ghost-info-focus-text-color: button-ghost-info-hover-background-color: button-ghost-info-hover-border-color: button-ghost-info-hover-text-color: button-ghost-info-active-background-color: button-ghost-info-active-border-color: button-ghost-info-active-text-color: button-ghost-info-disabled-background-color: button-ghost-info-disabled-border-color: button-ghost-info-disabled-text-color: button-ghost-warning-text-color: button-ghost-warning-focus-background-color: button-ghost-warning-focus-border-color: button-ghost-warning-focus-text-color: button-ghost-warning-hover-background-color: button-ghost-warning-hover-border-color: button-ghost-warning-hover-text-color: button-ghost-warning-active-background-color: button-ghost-warning-active-border-color: button-ghost-warning-active-text-color: button-ghost-warning-disabled-background-color: button-ghost-warning-disabled-border-color: button-ghost-warning-disabled-text-color: button-ghost-danger-text-color: button-ghost-danger-focus-background-color: button-ghost-danger-focus-border-color: button-ghost-danger-focus-text-color: button-ghost-danger-hover-background-color: button-ghost-danger-hover-border-color: button-ghost-danger-hover-text-color: button-ghost-danger-active-background-color: button-ghost-danger-active-border-color: button-ghost-danger-active-text-color: button-ghost-danger-disabled-background-color: button-ghost-danger-disabled-border-color: button-ghost-danger-disabled-text-color: button-ghost-control-text-color: button-ghost-control-focus-background-color: button-ghost-control-focus-border-color: button-ghost-control-focus-text-color: button-ghost-control-hover-background-color: button-ghost-control-hover-border-color: button-ghost-control-hover-text-color: button-ghost-control-active-background-color: button-ghost-control-active-border-color: button-ghost-control-active-text-color: button-ghost-control-disabled-background-color: button-ghost-control-disabled-border-color: button-ghost-control-disabled-text-color: button-hero-border-color: button-hero-border-style: button-hero-border-width: button-hero-text-transform: button-hero-tiny-padding: button-hero-small-padding: button-hero-medium-padding: button-hero-large-padding: button-hero-giant-padding: button-hero-shadow: button-hero-text-shadow: button-hero-bevel-size: button-hero-glow-size: button-hero-outline-color: button-hero-outline-width: button-hero-basic-text-color: button-hero-basic-bevel-color: button-hero-basic-glow-color: button-hero-basic-left-background-color: button-hero-basic-right-background-color: button-hero-basic-focus-left-background-color: button-hero-basic-focus-right-background-color: button-hero-basic-hover-left-background-color: button-hero-basic-hover-right-background-color: button-hero-basic-active-left-background-color: button-hero-basic-active-right-background-color: button-hero-basic-disabled-background-color: button-hero-basic-disabled-text-color: button-hero-primary-text-color: button-hero-primary-bevel-color: button-hero-primary-glow-color: button-hero-primary-left-background-color: button-hero-primary-right-background-color: button-hero-primary-focus-left-background-color: button-hero-primary-focus-right-background-color: button-hero-primary-hover-left-background-color: button-hero-primary-hover-right-background-color: button-hero-primary-active-left-background-color: button-hero-primary-active-right-background-color: button-hero-primary-disabled-background-color: button-hero-primary-disabled-text-color: button-hero-success-text-color: button-hero-success-bevel-color: button-hero-success-glow-color: button-hero-success-left-background-color: button-hero-success-right-background-color: button-hero-success-focus-left-background-color: button-hero-success-focus-right-background-color: button-hero-success-hover-left-background-color: button-hero-success-hover-right-background-color: button-hero-success-active-left-background-color: button-hero-success-active-right-background-color: button-hero-success-disabled-background-color: button-hero-success-disabled-text-color: button-hero-info-text-color: button-hero-info-bevel-color: button-hero-info-glow-color: button-hero-info-left-background-color: button-hero-info-right-background-color: button-hero-info-focus-left-background-color: button-hero-info-focus-right-background-color: button-hero-info-hover-left-background-color: button-hero-info-hover-right-background-color: button-hero-info-active-left-background-color: button-hero-info-active-right-background-color: button-hero-info-disabled-background-color: button-hero-info-disabled-text-color: button-hero-warning-text-color: button-hero-warning-bevel-color: button-hero-warning-glow-color: button-hero-warning-left-background-color: button-hero-warning-right-background-color: button-hero-warning-focus-left-background-color: button-hero-warning-focus-right-background-color: button-hero-warning-hover-left-background-color: button-hero-warning-hover-right-background-color: button-hero-warning-active-left-background-color: button-hero-warning-active-right-background-color: button-hero-warning-disabled-background-color: button-hero-warning-disabled-text-color: button-hero-danger-text-color: button-hero-danger-bevel-color: button-hero-danger-glow-color: button-hero-danger-left-background-color: button-hero-danger-right-background-color: button-hero-danger-focus-left-background-color: button-hero-danger-focus-right-background-color: button-hero-danger-hover-left-background-color: button-hero-danger-hover-right-background-color: button-hero-danger-active-left-background-color: button-hero-danger-active-right-background-color: button-hero-danger-disabled-background-color: button-hero-danger-disabled-text-color: button-hero-control-text-color: button-hero-control-bevel-color: button-hero-control-glow-color: button-hero-control-left-background-color: button-hero-control-right-background-color: button-hero-control-focus-left-background-color: button-hero-control-focus-right-background-color: button-hero-control-hover-left-background-color: button-hero-control-hover-right-background-color: button-hero-control-active-left-background-color: button-hero-control-active-right-background-color: button-hero-control-disabled-background-color: button-hero-control-disabled-text-color:
constructor( renderer: Renderer2, hostElement: ElementRef<HTMLElement>, cd: ChangeDetectorRef, zone: NgZone, statusService: NbStatusService);
property basic
readonly basic: boolean;
property cd
protected cd: ChangeDetectorRef;
property control
readonly control: boolean;
property danger
readonly danger: boolean;
property hero
hero: boolean;
property hostElement
protected hostElement: ElementRef<HTMLElement>;
property info
readonly info: boolean;
property ngAcceptInputType_hero
static ngAcceptInputType_hero: NbBooleanInput;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< NbButtonComponent, 'button[nbButton],a[nbButton],input[type="button"][nbButton],input[type="submit"][nbButton]', never, { hero: { alias: 'hero'; required: false } }, {}, never, ['*'], false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbButtonComponent, never>;
property primary
readonly primary: boolean;
property renderer
protected renderer: Renderer2;
property statusService
protected statusService: NbStatusService;
property success
readonly success: boolean;
property warning
readonly warning: boolean;
property zone
protected zone: NgZone;
method onClick
onClick: (event: any) => void;
Keep this handler to partially support anchor disabling. Unlike button, anchor doesn't have 'disabled' DOM property, so handler will be called anyway. We preventing navigation and bubbling. Disabling is partial due to click handlers precedence. Consider example: <a nbButton [disabled]="true" (click)="clickHandler()">... 'clickHandler' will be called before our host listener below. We can't prevent such handlers call.
class NbButtonGroupComponent
class NbButtonGroupComponent implements OnChanges, AfterContentInit {}
visually groups buttons together and allow to control buttons properties and the state as a group. @stacked-example(Button Group Showcase, button-group/button-group-showcase.component)### Installation
to your feature module.@NgModule({imports: [// ...NbButtonGroupModule,],})export class PageModule { }### Usage
You can use
to group a series of[nbButton]
components. @stacked-example(Button and Button Toggle Groups, button-group/button-and-button-toggle-groups.component)For a group of multiple
you also can control multi-selection behavior. By default, the group component allows only one pressed button toggle at a time (similar to the radio group). To be able to keep multiple toggles pressed, you need to addmultiple
attributes to the<nb-button-toggle>
. @stacked-example(Button Group Multiple, button-group/button-group-multiple.component)To know which buttons are currently pressed listen to
on thenb-button-group
. Event contains an array of values of currently pressed button toggles. You can assign a value to the[nbButtonToggle]
via thevalue
input. @stacked-example(Button Group Value Change, button-group/button-group-value-change.component)To disable a group of buttons, add a
attribute to the<nb-button-group>
. @stacked-example(Button Group Disabled, button-group/button-group-disabled.component)The group component controls all visual attributes of buttons such as
. You can change it via the appropriate attributes.Button group appearances: @stacked-example(Button Group Appearances, button-group/button-group-appearances.component)
Button group statuses: @stacked-example(Button Group Statuses, button-group/button-group-statuses.component)
Button group sizes: @stacked-example(Button Group Sizes, button-group/button-group-sizes.component)
Buttons group shapes: @additional-example(Button Group Shapes, button-group/button-group-shapes.component)
button-group-filled-button-basic-text-color: button-group-filled-button-primary-text-color: button-group-filled-button-success-text-color: button-group-filled-button-info-text-color: button-group-filled-button-warning-text-color: button-group-filled-button-danger-text-color: button-group-filled-button-control-text-color: button-group-filled-basic-divider-color: button-group-filled-primary-divider-color: button-group-filled-success-divider-color: button-group-filled-info-divider-color: button-group-filled-warning-divider-color: button-group-filled-danger-divider-color: button-group-filled-control-divider-color: button-group-ghost-divider-color:
constructor(cd: ChangeDetectorRef, statusService: NbStatusService);
property additionalClasses
readonly additionalClasses: string[];
property appearance
appearance: NbButtonToggleAppearance;
Button group appearance:
property buttons
readonly buttons: QueryList<NbButton>;
property buttonsChange$
protected readonly buttonsChange$: Subject<NbButton[]>;
property cd
protected cd: ChangeDetectorRef;
property destroy$
protected readonly destroy$: Subject<void>;
property disabled
disabled: boolean;
property filled
filled: boolean;
property ghost
ghost: boolean;
property lastEmittedValue
protected lastEmittedValue: any[];
property multiple
multiple: boolean;
Allows to keep multiple button toggles pressed. Off by default.
property ngAcceptInputType_disabled
static ngAcceptInputType_disabled: NbBooleanInput;
property ngAcceptInputType_filled
static ngAcceptInputType_filled: NbBooleanInput;
property ngAcceptInputType_ghost
static ngAcceptInputType_ghost: NbBooleanInput;
property ngAcceptInputType_multiple
static ngAcceptInputType_multiple: NbBooleanInput;
property ngAcceptInputType_outline
static ngAcceptInputType_outline: NbBooleanInput;
property outline
outline: boolean;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< NbButtonGroupComponent, 'nb-button-group', never, { size: { alias: 'size'; required: false }; status: { alias: 'status'; required: false }; shape: { alias: 'shape'; required: false }; appearance: { alias: 'appearance'; required: false }; disabled: { alias: 'disabled'; required: false }; multiple: { alias: 'multiple'; required: false }; filled: { alias: 'filled'; required: false }; outline: { alias: 'outline'; required: false }; ghost: { alias: 'ghost'; required: false }; }, { valueChange: 'valueChange' }, ['buttons'], ['*'], false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbButtonGroupComponent, never>;
property role
role: string;
property shape
shape: NbComponentShape;
Button group shapes:
property size
size: NbComponentSize;
Button group size, available sizes:
property status
status: string;
Button group status (adds specific styles):
property statusService
protected statusService: NbStatusService;
property valueChange
valueChange: EventEmitter<any[]>;
Emits when
pressed state change.$event
contains an array of the currently pressed button toggles.
method emitCurrentValue
protected emitCurrentValue: (toggleButtons: NbButtonToggleDirective[]) => void;
method listenButtonPressedState
protected listenButtonPressedState: (buttons: NbButton[]) => void;
method ngAfterContentInit
ngAfterContentInit: () => void;
method ngOnChanges
ngOnChanges: ({ size, status, shape, multiple, filled, outline, ghost, disabled,}: SimpleChanges) => void;
method syncButtonsProperties
protected syncButtonsProperties: (buttons: NbButton[]) => void;
class NbButtonGroupModule
class NbButtonGroupModule {}
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbButtonGroupModule, never>;
property ɵinj
static ɵinj: i0.ɵɵInjectorDeclaration<NbButtonGroupModule>;
property ɵmod
static ɵmod: i0.ɵɵNgModuleDeclaration< NbButtonGroupModule, [typeof i1.NbButtonGroupComponent, typeof i2.NbButtonToggleDirective], never, [typeof i1.NbButtonGroupComponent, typeof i2.NbButtonToggleDirective]>;
class NbButtonModule
class NbButtonModule {}
class NbButtonToggleDirective
class NbButtonToggleDirective extends NbButton {}
is a directive to add apressed
state to a button.
constructor( renderer: Renderer2, hostElement: ElementRef<HTMLElement>, cd: ChangeDetectorRef, zone: NgZone, statusService: NbStatusService, buttonGroup?: any);
property additionalClasses
readonly additionalClasses: string[];
property appearance
appearance: NbButtonToggleAppearance;
property basic
readonly basic: boolean;
property buttonGroup
protected buttonGroup?: any;
property cd
protected cd: ChangeDetectorRef;
property control
readonly control: boolean;
property danger
readonly danger: boolean;
property hostElement
protected hostElement: ElementRef<HTMLElement>;
property info
readonly info: boolean;
property ngAcceptInputType_pressed
static ngAcceptInputType_pressed: NbBooleanInput;
property ɵdir
static ɵdir: i0.ɵɵDirectiveDeclaration< NbButtonToggleDirective, 'button[nbButtonToggle]', ['nbButtonToggle'], { appearance: { alias: 'appearance'; required: false }; value: { alias: 'value'; required: false }; pressed: { alias: 'pressed'; required: false }; }, { pressedChange: 'pressedChange' }, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration< NbButtonToggleDirective, [null, null, null, null, null, { optional: true }]>;
property pressed
pressed: boolean;
Controls button pressed state
property pressedChange
readonly pressedChange: EventEmitter<boolean>;
Emits whenever button pressed state change
property pressedChange$
readonly pressedChange$: Observable<NbButtonToggleChange>;
property primary
readonly primary: boolean;
property renderer
protected renderer: Renderer2;
property statusService
protected statusService: NbStatusService;
property success
readonly success: boolean;
property value
value: any;
A value associated with the button.
property warning
readonly warning: boolean;
property zone
protected zone: NgZone;
method onClick
onClick: () => void;
class NbCalendarActionsComponent
class NbCalendarActionsComponent {}
property applyText
readonly applyText: string;
property currentTimeText
readonly currentTimeText: string;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< NbCalendarActionsComponent, 'nb-calendar-actions', never, { applyButtonText: { alias: 'applyButtonText'; required: false }; currentTimeButtonText: { alias: 'currentTimeButtonText'; required: false; }; showCurrentTimeButton: { alias: 'showCurrentTimeButton'; required: false; }; }, { setCurrentTime: 'setCurrentTime'; saveValue: 'saveValue' }, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbCalendarActionsComponent, never>;
property saveValue
saveValue: EventEmitter<void>;
property setCurrentTime
setCurrentTime: EventEmitter<void>;
property showCurrentTimeButton
showCurrentTimeButton: boolean;
class NbCalendarComponent
class NbCalendarComponent<D> {}
Calendar component provides a capability to choose a date.
<nb-calendar [(date)]="date"></nb-calendar><nb-calendar [date]="date" (dateChange)="handleDateChange($event)"></nb-calendar>Basic usage example @stacked-example(Showcase, calendar/calendar-showcase.component)
### Installation
to your feature module.@NgModule({imports: [// ...NbCalendarModule,],})export class PageModule { }### Usage
If you want to select ranges you can use
.<nb-calendar-range [(range)]="range"></nb-calendar-range><nb-calendar-range [range]="range" (rangeChange)="handleRangeChange($event)"></nb-calendar-range>In order to use it, you have to import
. @stacked-example(Range, calendar/calendar-range-showcase.component)The calendar component is supplied with a calendar navigation that contains navigate buttons. If you do not want to use it you can hide calendar navigation using
property. @stacked-example(Without navigation, calendar/calendar-without-navigation.component)As you can see in the basic usage example calendar contains previous and next month days which can be disabled using
property. @stacked-example(Bounding months, calendar/calendar-bounding-month.component)You can define starting view of the calendar by setting
property. Available values: year, month and date. @stacked-example(Start view, calendar/calendar-start-view.component)You can use a larger version of the calendar by defining size property. Available values: medium(which is default) and large. @stacked-example(Size, calendar/calendar-size.component)
Calendar supports min and max dates which disables values out of min-max range. @stacked-example(Borders, calendar/calendar-min-max.component)
Also, you can define custom filter property that should be predicate which receives date and returns false if this date has to be disabled. In this example, we provide the filter which disables weekdays. @stacked-example(Filter, calendar/calendar-filter.component)
Week numbers column could be enabled via
binding: @stacked-example(Week number, calendar/calendar-week-number.component)If you need create custom cells you can easily provide custom components for calendar. For examples if you want to show any average price under each date you can just provide custom
. Custom cells for month and year can be provided the same way, check API reference. @stacked-example(Custom day cell, calendar/calendar-custom-day-cell-showcase.component)calendar-width: calendar-background-color: calendar-border-color: calendar-border-style: calendar-border-width: calendar-border-radius: calendar-text-color: calendar-text-font-family: calendar-text-font-size: calendar-text-font-weight: calendar-text-line-height: calendar-picker-padding-top: calendar-picker-padding-bottom: calendar-picker-padding-start: calendar-picker-padding-end: calendar-navigation-text-color: calendar-navigation-text-font-family: calendar-navigation-title-text-font-size: calendar-navigation-title-text-font-weight: calendar-navigation-title-text-line-height: calendar-navigation-padding: calendar-cell-inactive-text-color: calendar-cell-disabled-text-color: calendar-cell-hover-background-color: calendar-cell-hover-border-color: calendar-cell-hover-text-color: calendar-cell-hover-text-font-size: calendar-cell-hover-text-font-weight: calendar-cell-hover-text-line-height: calendar-cell-active-background-color: calendar-cell-active-border-color: calendar-cell-active-text-color: calendar-cell-active-text-font-size: calendar-cell-active-text-font-weight: calendar-cell-active-text-line-height: calendar-cell-today-background-color: calendar-cell-today-border-color: calendar-cell-today-text-color: calendar-cell-today-text-font-size: calendar-cell-today-text-font-weight: calendar-cell-today-text-line-height: calendar-cell-today-hover-background-color: calendar-cell-today-hover-border-color: calendar-cell-today-active-background-color: calendar-cell-today-active-border-color: calendar-cell-today-disabled-border-color: calendar-cell-today-selected-background-color: calendar-cell-today-selected-border-color: calendar-cell-today-selected-text-color: calendar-cell-today-selected-hover-background-color: calendar-cell-today-selected-hover-border-color: calendar-cell-today-selected-active-background-color: calendar-cell-today-selected-active-border-color: calendar-cell-today-in-range-background-color: calendar-cell-today-in-range-border-color: calendar-cell-today-in-range-text-color: calendar-cell-today-in-range-hover-background-color: calendar-cell-today-in-range-hover-border-color: calendar-cell-today-in-range-active-background-color: calendar-cell-today-in-range-active-border-color: calendar-cell-selected-background-color: calendar-cell-selected-border-color: calendar-cell-selected-text-color: calendar-cell-selected-text-font-size: calendar-cell-selected-text-font-weight: calendar-cell-selected-text-line-height: calendar-cell-selected-hover-background-color: calendar-cell-selected-hover-border-color: calendar-cell-selected-active-background-color: calendar-cell-selected-active-border-color: calendar-day-cell-width: calendar-day-cell-height: calendar-month-cell-width: calendar-month-cell-height: calendar-year-cell-width: calendar-year-cell-height: calendar-weekday-background: calendar-weekday-divider-color: calendar-weekday-divider-width: calendar-weekday-text-color: calendar-weekday-text-font-size: calendar-weekday-text-font-weight: calendar-weekday-text-line-height: calendar-weekday-holiday-text-color: calendar-weekday-height: calendar-weekday-width: calendar-weeknumber-background: calendar-weeknumber-divider-color: calendar-weeknumber-divider-width: calendar-weeknumber-text-color: calendar-weeknumber-text-font-size: calendar-weeknumber-text-font-weight: calendar-weeknumber-text-line-height: calendar-weeknumber-height: calendar-weeknumber-width: calendar-large-width: calendar-day-cell-large-width: calendar-day-cell-large-height: calendar-weekday-large-height: calendar-weekday-large-width: calendar-weeknumber-large-height: calendar-weeknumber-large-width: calendar-month-cell-large-width: calendar-month-cell-large-height: calendar-year-cell-large-width: calendar-year-cell-large-height:
property boundingMonth
boundingMonth: boolean;
Defines if we should render previous and next months in the current month view.
property date
date: {};
Date which will be rendered as selected.
property dateChange
dateChange: EventEmitter<D>;
Emits date when selected.
property dayCellComponent
dayCellComponent: Type<NbCalendarCell<D, D>>;
Custom day cell component. Have to implement
property filter
filter: (D: any) => boolean;
Predicate that decides which cells will be disabled.
property firstDayOfWeek
firstDayOfWeek: number;
Sets first day of the week, it can be 1 if week starts from monday and 0 if from sunday and so on.
means that default locale setting will be used.
property max
max: {};
Maximum available date for selection.
property min
min: {};
Minimum available date for selection.
property monthCellComponent
monthCellComponent: Type<NbCalendarCell<D, D>>;
Custom month cell component. Have to implement
property ngAcceptInputType_showWeekNumber
static ngAcceptInputType_showWeekNumber: NbBooleanInput;
property ngAcceptInputType_size
static ngAcceptInputType_size: NbCalendarSizeValues;
property ngAcceptInputType_startView
static ngAcceptInputType_startView: NbCalendarViewModeValues;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< NbCalendarComponent<any>, 'nb-calendar', never, { boundingMonth: { alias: 'boundingMonth'; required: false }; startView: { alias: 'startView'; required: false }; min: { alias: 'min'; required: false }; max: { alias: 'max'; required: false }; filter: { alias: 'filter'; required: false }; dayCellComponent: { alias: 'dayCellComponent'; required: false }; monthCellComponent: { alias: 'monthCellComponent'; required: false }; yearCellComponent: { alias: 'yearCellComponent'; required: false }; size: { alias: 'size'; required: false }; visibleDate: { alias: 'visibleDate'; required: false }; showNavigation: { alias: 'showNavigation'; required: false }; date: { alias: 'date'; required: false }; showWeekNumber: { alias: 'showWeekNumber'; required: false }; weekNumberSymbol: { alias: 'weekNumberSymbol'; required: false }; firstDayOfWeek: { alias: 'firstDayOfWeek'; required: false }; }, { dateChange: 'dateChange' }, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbCalendarComponent<any>, never>;
property showNavigation
showNavigation: boolean;
Determines should we show calendars navigation or not.
property showWeekNumber
showWeekNumber: boolean;
Determines should we show week numbers column. False by default.
property size
size: NbCalendarSize;
Size of the calendar and entire components. Can be 'medium' which is default or 'large'.
property startView
startView: NbCalendarViewMode;
Defines starting view for calendar.
property visibleDate
visibleDate: {};
property weekNumberSymbol
weekNumberSymbol: string;
Sets symbol used as a header for week numbers column
property yearCellComponent
yearCellComponent: Type<NbCalendarCell<D, D>>;
Custom year cell component. Have to implement
class NbCalendarDayCellComponent
class NbCalendarDayCellComponent<D> implements NbCalendarCell<D, D> {}
constructor(dateService: NbDateService<D>);
property boundingMonth
readonly boundingMonth: boolean;
property date
date: {};
property dateService
protected dateService: NbDateService<D>;
property day
readonly day: number;
property dayCellClass
dayCellClass: boolean;
property disabled
readonly disabled: boolean;
property empty
readonly empty: boolean;
property filter
filter: (D: any) => boolean;
property isLarge
readonly isLarge: boolean;
property max
max: {};
property min
min: {};
property ngAcceptInputType_size
static ngAcceptInputType_size: NbCalendarSizeValues;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< NbCalendarDayCellComponent<any>, 'nb-calendar-day-cell', never, { date: { alias: 'date'; required: false }; selectedValue: { alias: 'selectedValue'; required: false }; visibleDate: { alias: 'visibleDate'; required: false }; min: { alias: 'min'; required: false }; max: { alias: 'max'; required: false }; filter: { alias: 'filter'; required: false }; size: { alias: 'size'; required: false }; }, { select: 'select' }, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbCalendarDayCellComponent<any>, never>;
property select
select: EventEmitter<D>;
property selected
readonly selected: boolean;
property selectedValue
selectedValue: {};
property size
size: NbCalendarSize;
property today
readonly today: boolean;
property visibleDate
visibleDate: {};
method onClick
onClick: () => void;
class NbCalendarDayPickerComponent
class NbCalendarDayPickerComponent<D, T> implements OnChanges {}
Provides capability pick days.
constructor(monthModel: NbCalendarMonthModelService<D>);
property boundingMonths
boundingMonths: boolean;
Defines if we should render previous and next months in the current month view.
property cellComponent
cellComponent: Type<NbCalendarCell<any, any>>;
property date
date: {};
Already selected date.
property dateChange
dateChange: EventEmitter<D>;
Fires newly selected date.
property filter
filter: (D: any) => boolean;
Predicate that decides which cells will be disabled.
property firstDayOfWeek
firstDayOfWeek: number;
Sets first day of the week, it can be 1 if week starts from monday and 0 if from sunday and so on.
means that default locale setting will be used.
property large
readonly large: boolean;
property max
max: {};
Maximum available date for selection.
property min
min: {};
Minimum available date for selection.
property ngAcceptInputType_showWeekNumber
static ngAcceptInputType_showWeekNumber: NbBooleanInput;
property ngAcceptInputType_size
static ngAcceptInputType_size: NbCalendarSizeValues;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< NbCalendarDayPickerComponent<any, any>, 'nb-calendar-day-picker', never, { visibleDate: { alias: 'visibleDate'; required: false }; boundingMonths: { alias: 'boundingMonths'; required: false }; min: { alias: 'min'; required: false }; max: { alias: 'max'; required: false }; filter: { alias: 'filter'; required: false }; setCellComponent: { alias: 'cellComponent'; required: false }; size: { alias: 'size'; required: false }; date: { alias: 'date'; required: false }; showWeekNumber: { alias: 'showWeekNumber'; required: false }; weekNumberSymbol: { alias: 'weekNumberSymbol'; required: false }; firstDayOfWeek: { alias: 'firstDayOfWeek'; required: false }; }, { dateChange: 'dateChange' }, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration< NbCalendarDayPickerComponent<any, any>, never>;
property showWeekNumber
showWeekNumber: boolean;
Determines should we show week numbers column. False by default.
property size
size: NbCalendarSize;
Size of the component. Can be 'medium' which is default or 'large'.
property visibleDate
visibleDate: {};
Describes which month picker have to render.
property weekNumberSymbol
weekNumberSymbol: string;
Sets symbol used as a header for week numbers column
property weeks
weeks: D[][];
Day picker model. Provides all days in current month and if boundingMonth is true some days from previous and next one.
method ngOnChanges
ngOnChanges: ({ visibleDate, boundingMonths, firstDayOfWeek,}: SimpleChanges) => void;
method onSelect
onSelect: (day: D) => void;
class NbCalendarDaysNamesComponent
class NbCalendarDaysNamesComponent<D> implements OnInit, OnChanges {}
constructor(dateService: NbDateService<D>);
property days
days: NbCalendarDay[];
property firstDayOfWeek
firstDayOfWeek: number;
Sets first day of the week, it can be 1 if week starts from monday and 0 if from sunday and so on.
means that default locale setting will be used.
property isLarge
readonly isLarge: boolean;
property ngAcceptInputType_size
static ngAcceptInputType_size: NbCalendarSizeValues;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< NbCalendarDaysNamesComponent<any>, 'nb-calendar-days-names', never, { size: { alias: 'size'; required: false }; firstDayOfWeek: { alias: 'firstDayOfWeek'; required: false }; }, {}, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbCalendarDaysNamesComponent<any>, never>;
property size
size: NbCalendarSize;
method ngOnChanges
ngOnChanges: ({ firstDayOfWeek }: SimpleChanges) => void;
method ngOnInit
ngOnInit: () => void;
class NbCalendarKitModule
class NbCalendarKitModule {}
is a module that contains multiple useful components for building custom calendars. So if you think our calendars is not enough powerful for you just use calendar-kit and build your own calendar!Available components: -
For example you can easily build full calendar: @stacked-example(Full calendar, calendar-kit/calendar-kit-full-calendar.component)
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbCalendarKitModule, never>;
property ɵinj
static ɵinj: i0.ɵɵInjectorDeclaration<NbCalendarKitModule>;
property ɵmod
static ɵmod: i0.ɵɵNgModuleDeclaration< NbCalendarKitModule, [ typeof i1.NbCalendarViewModeComponent, typeof i2.NbCalendarPageableNavigationComponent, typeof i3.NbCalendarDaysNamesComponent, typeof i4.NbCalendarYearPickerComponent, typeof i5.NbCalendarMonthPickerComponent, typeof i6.NbCalendarDayPickerComponent, typeof i7.NbCalendarDayCellComponent, typeof i8.NbCalendarActionsComponent, typeof i9.NbCalendarMonthCellComponent, typeof i10.NbCalendarYearCellComponent, typeof i11.NbCalendarPickerRowComponent, typeof i12.NbCalendarPickerComponent, typeof i13.NbCalendarWeekNumberComponent ], [ typeof i14.NbSharedModule, typeof i15.NbButtonModule, typeof i16.NbIconModule ], [ typeof i1.NbCalendarViewModeComponent, typeof i2.NbCalendarPageableNavigationComponent, typeof i3.NbCalendarDaysNamesComponent, typeof i4.NbCalendarYearPickerComponent, typeof i5.NbCalendarMonthPickerComponent, typeof i6.NbCalendarDayPickerComponent, typeof i7.NbCalendarDayCellComponent, typeof i8.NbCalendarActionsComponent, typeof i9.NbCalendarMonthCellComponent, typeof i10.NbCalendarYearCellComponent, typeof i11.NbCalendarPickerRowComponent, typeof i12.NbCalendarPickerComponent, typeof i13.NbCalendarWeekNumberComponent ]>;
class NbCalendarModule
class NbCalendarModule {}
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbCalendarModule, never>;
property ɵinj
static ɵinj: i0.ɵɵInjectorDeclaration<NbCalendarModule>;
property ɵmod
static ɵmod: i0.ɵɵNgModuleDeclaration< NbCalendarModule, [typeof i1.NbCalendarComponent], [typeof i2.NbBaseCalendarModule], [typeof i1.NbCalendarComponent]>;
class NbCalendarMonthCellComponent
class NbCalendarMonthCellComponent<D> implements NbCalendarCell<D, D> {}
constructor(dateService: NbDateService<D>);
property date
date: {};
property disabled
readonly disabled: boolean;
property isLarge
readonly isLarge: boolean;
property max
max: {};
property min
min: {};
property month
readonly month: string;
property monthCellClass
monthCellClass: boolean;
property ngAcceptInputType_size
static ngAcceptInputType_size: NbCalendarSizeValues;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< NbCalendarMonthCellComponent<any>, 'nb-calendar-month-cell', never, { date: { alias: 'date'; required: false }; selectedValue: { alias: 'selectedValue'; required: false }; min: { alias: 'min'; required: false }; max: { alias: 'max'; required: false }; size: { alias: 'size'; required: false }; }, { select: 'select' }, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbCalendarMonthCellComponent<any>, never>;
property select
select: EventEmitter<D>;
property selected
readonly selected: boolean;
property selectedValue
selectedValue: {};
property size
size: NbCalendarSize;
property today
readonly today: boolean;
method greaterThanMax
protected greaterThanMax: () => boolean;
method monthEnd
protected monthEnd: () => D;
method monthStart
protected monthStart: () => D;
method onClick
onClick: () => void;
method smallerThanMin
protected smallerThanMin: () => boolean;
class NbCalendarMonthModelService
class NbCalendarMonthModelService<D> {}
constructor(dateService: NbDateService<D>);
property dateService
protected dateService: NbDateService<D>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbCalendarMonthModelService<any>, never>;
property ɵprov
static ɵprov: i0.ɵɵInjectableDeclaration<NbCalendarMonthModelService<any>>;
method createDaysGrid
createDaysGrid: ( activeMonth: D, boundingMonth?: boolean, firstDayOfWeek?: number) => D[][];
class NbCalendarMonthPickerComponent
class NbCalendarMonthPickerComponent<D, T> implements OnChanges {}
constructor(dateService: NbDateService<D>);
property cellComponent
cellComponent: Type<NbCalendarCell<any, any>>;
property date
date: {};
Selected date
property dateService
protected dateService: NbDateService<D>;
property filter
filter: (D: any) => boolean;
property large
readonly large: boolean;
property max
max: {};
property min
min: {};
property month
month: {};
Visible month
property monthChange
monthChange: EventEmitter<D>;
property months
months: D[][];
property ngAcceptInputType_size
static ngAcceptInputType_size: NbCalendarSizeValues;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< NbCalendarMonthPickerComponent<any, any>, 'nb-calendar-month-picker', never, { min: { alias: 'min'; required: false }; max: { alias: 'max'; required: false }; filter: { alias: 'filter'; required: false }; size: { alias: 'size'; required: false }; month: { alias: 'month'; required: false }; date: { alias: 'date'; required: false }; _cellComponent: { alias: 'cellComponent'; required: false }; }, { monthChange: 'monthChange' }, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration< NbCalendarMonthPickerComponent<any, any>, never>;
property size
size: NbCalendarSize;
method initMonths
initMonths: () => void;
method ngOnChanges
ngOnChanges: (changes: SimpleChanges) => void;
method onSelect
onSelect: (month: D) => void;
class NbCalendarPageableNavigationComponent
class NbCalendarPageableNavigationComponent<D> {}
constructor(directionService: NbLayoutDirectionService);
property isLtr
readonly isLtr: boolean;
property next
next: EventEmitter<void>;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< NbCalendarPageableNavigationComponent<any>, 'nb-calendar-pageable-navigation', never, {}, { next: 'next'; prev: 'prev' }, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration< NbCalendarPageableNavigationComponent<any>, never>;
property prev
prev: EventEmitter<void>;
class NbCalendarPickerComponent
class NbCalendarPickerComponent<D, T> {}
property cellComponent
cellComponent: Type<NbCalendarCell<D, T>>;
property data
data: D[][];
property filter
filter: (D: any) => boolean;
property isLarge
readonly isLarge: boolean;
property max
max: {};
property min
min: {};
property ngAcceptInputType_size
static ngAcceptInputType_size: NbCalendarSizeValues;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< NbCalendarPickerComponent<any, any>, 'nb-calendar-picker', never, { data: { alias: 'data'; required: false }; visibleDate: { alias: 'visibleDate'; required: false }; selectedValue: { alias: 'selectedValue'; required: false }; cellComponent: { alias: 'cellComponent'; required: false }; min: { alias: 'min'; required: false }; max: { alias: 'max'; required: false }; filter: { alias: 'filter'; required: false }; size: { alias: 'size'; required: false }; }, { select: 'select' }, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbCalendarPickerComponent<any, any>, never>;
property select
select: EventEmitter<D>;
property selectedValue
selectedValue: {};
property size
size: NbCalendarSize;
property visibleDate
visibleDate: {};
class NbCalendarPickerRowComponent
class NbCalendarPickerRowComponent<D, T> implements OnChanges {}
constructor(cfr: ComponentFactoryResolver);
property component
component: Type<NbCalendarCell<D, T>>;
property containerRef
containerRef: ViewContainerRef;
property filter
filter: (D: any) => boolean;
property max
max: {};
property min
min: {};
property ngAcceptInputType_size
static ngAcceptInputType_size: NbCalendarSizeValues;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< NbCalendarPickerRowComponent<any, any>, 'nb-calendar-picker-row', never, { row: { alias: 'row'; required: false }; selectedValue: { alias: 'selectedValue'; required: false }; visibleDate: { alias: 'visibleDate'; required: false }; component: { alias: 'component'; required: false }; min: { alias: 'min'; required: false }; max: { alias: 'max'; required: false }; filter: { alias: 'filter'; required: false }; size: { alias: 'size'; required: false }; }, { select: 'select' }, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration< NbCalendarPickerRowComponent<any, any>, never>;
property row
row: D[];
property select
select: EventEmitter<D>;
property selectedValue
selectedValue: {};
property size
size: NbCalendarSize;
property visibleDate
visibleDate: {};
method ngOnChanges
ngOnChanges: () => void;
class NbCalendarRangeComponent
class NbCalendarRangeComponent<D> {}
CalendarRange component provides a capability to choose a date range.
<nb-calendar [(date)]="date"></nb-calendar><nb-calendar [date]="date" (dateChange)="handleDateChange($event)"></nb-calendar>Basic usage example @stacked-example(Range, calendar/calendar-range-showcase.component)
### Installation
to your feature module.@NgModule({imports: [// ...NbCalendarRangeModule,],})export class PageModule { }### Usage
CalendarRange component supports all of the Calendar component customization properties. More defails can be found in the [Calendar component docs](docs/components/calendar).
calendar-width: calendar-background-color: calendar-border-color: calendar-border-style: calendar-border-width: calendar-border-radius: calendar-text-color: calendar-text-font-family: calendar-text-font-size: calendar-text-font-weight: calendar-text-line-height: calendar-picker-padding-top: calendar-picker-padding-bottom: calendar-picker-padding-start: calendar-picker-padding-end: calendar-navigation-text-color: calendar-navigation-text-font-family: calendar-navigation-title-text-font-size: calendar-navigation-title-text-font-weight: calendar-navigation-title-text-line-height: calendar-navigation-padding: calendar-cell-inactive-text-color: calendar-cell-disabled-text-color: calendar-cell-hover-background-color: calendar-cell-hover-border-color: calendar-cell-hover-text-color: calendar-cell-hover-text-font-size: calendar-cell-hover-text-font-weight: calendar-cell-hover-text-line-height: calendar-cell-active-background-color: calendar-cell-active-border-color: calendar-cell-active-text-color: calendar-cell-active-text-font-size: calendar-cell-active-text-font-weight: calendar-cell-active-text-line-height: calendar-cell-today-background-color: calendar-cell-today-border-color: calendar-cell-today-text-color: calendar-cell-today-text-font-size: calendar-cell-today-text-font-weight: calendar-cell-today-text-line-height: calendar-cell-today-hover-background-color: calendar-cell-today-hover-border-color: calendar-cell-today-active-background-color: calendar-cell-today-active-border-color: calendar-cell-today-disabled-border-color: calendar-cell-today-selected-background-color: calendar-cell-today-selected-border-color: calendar-cell-today-selected-text-color: calendar-cell-today-selected-hover-background-color: calendar-cell-today-selected-hover-border-color: calendar-cell-today-selected-active-background-color: calendar-cell-today-selected-active-border-color: calendar-cell-today-in-range-background-color: calendar-cell-today-in-range-border-color: calendar-cell-today-in-range-text-color: calendar-cell-today-in-range-hover-background-color: calendar-cell-today-in-range-hover-border-color: calendar-cell-today-in-range-active-background-color: calendar-cell-today-in-range-active-border-color: calendar-cell-selected-background-color: calendar-cell-selected-border-color: calendar-cell-selected-text-color: calendar-cell-selected-text-font-size: calendar-cell-selected-text-font-weight: calendar-cell-selected-text-line-height: calendar-cell-selected-hover-background-color: calendar-cell-selected-hover-border-color: calendar-cell-selected-active-background-color: calendar-cell-selected-active-border-color: calendar-day-cell-width: calendar-day-cell-height: calendar-month-cell-width: calendar-month-cell-height: calendar-year-cell-width: calendar-year-cell-height: calendar-weekday-background: calendar-weekday-divider-color: calendar-weekday-divider-width: calendar-weekday-text-color: calendar-weekday-text-font-size: calendar-weekday-text-font-weight: calendar-weekday-text-line-height: calendar-weekday-holiday-text-color: calendar-weekday-height: calendar-weekday-width: calendar-weeknumber-background: calendar-weeknumber-divider-color: calendar-weeknumber-divider-width: calendar-weeknumber-text-color: calendar-weeknumber-text-font-size: calendar-weeknumber-text-font-weight: calendar-weeknumber-text-line-height: calendar-weeknumber-height: calendar-weeknumber-width: calendar-large-width: calendar-day-cell-large-width: calendar-day-cell-large-height: calendar-weekday-large-height: calendar-weekday-large-width: calendar-weeknumber-large-height: calendar-weeknumber-large-width: calendar-month-cell-large-width: calendar-month-cell-large-height: calendar-year-cell-large-width: calendar-year-cell-large-height:
constructor(dateService: NbDateService<D>);
property boundingMonth
boundingMonth: boolean;
Defines if we should render previous and next months in the current month view.
property dateService
protected dateService: NbDateService<D>;
property dayCellComponent
dayCellComponent: Type<NbCalendarCell<D, NbCalendarRange<D>>>;
property filter
filter: (D: any) => boolean;
A predicate that decides which cells will be disabled.
property firstDayOfWeek
firstDayOfWeek: number;
Sets first day of the week, it can be 1 if week starts from monday and 0 if from sunday and so on.
means that default locale setting will be used.
property max
max: {};
A maximum available date for selection.
property min
min: {};
A minimum available date for selection.
property monthCellComponent
monthCellComponent: Type<NbCalendarCell<D, NbCalendarRange<D>>>;
property ngAcceptInputType_showWeekNumber
static ngAcceptInputType_showWeekNumber: NbBooleanInput;
property ngAcceptInputType_size
static ngAcceptInputType_size: NbCalendarSizeValues;
property ngAcceptInputType_startView
static ngAcceptInputType_startView: NbCalendarViewModeValues;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< NbCalendarRangeComponent<any>, 'nb-calendar-range', never, { boundingMonth: { alias: 'boundingMonth'; required: false }; startView: { alias: 'startView'; required: false }; min: { alias: 'min'; required: false }; max: { alias: 'max'; required: false }; filter: { alias: 'filter'; required: false }; _cellComponent: { alias: 'dayCellComponent'; required: false }; _monthCellComponent: { alias: 'monthCellComponent'; required: false }; monthCellComponent: { alias: 'monthCellComponent'; required: false }; _yearCellComponent: { alias: 'yearCellComponent'; required: false }; size: { alias: 'size'; required: false }; visibleDate: { alias: 'visibleDate'; required: false }; showNavigation: { alias: 'showNavigation'; required: false }; range: { alias: 'range'; required: false }; showWeekNumber: { alias: 'showWeekNumber'; required: false }; weekNumberSymbol: { alias: 'weekNumberSymbol'; required: false }; firstDayOfWeek: { alias: 'firstDayOfWeek'; required: false }; }, { rangeChange: 'rangeChange' }, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbCalendarRangeComponent<any>, never>;
property range
range: NbCalendarRange<D>;
Range which will be rendered as selected.
property rangeChange
rangeChange: EventEmitter<NbCalendarRange<D>>;
Emits range when start selected and emits again when end selected.
property showNavigation
showNavigation: boolean;
Determines should we show calendars navigation or not.
property showWeekNumber
showWeekNumber: boolean;
Determines should we show week numbers column. False by default.
property size
size: NbCalendarSize;
Size of the calendar and entire components. Can be 'medium' which is default or 'large'.
property startView
startView: NbCalendarViewMode;
Defines starting view for the calendar.
property visibleDate
visibleDate: {};
property weekNumberSymbol
weekNumberSymbol: string;
Sets symbol used as a header for week numbers column
property yearCellComponent
yearCellComponent: Type<NbCalendarCell<D, NbCalendarRange<D>>>;
method onChange
onChange: (date: D) => void;
class NbCalendarRangeDayCellComponent
class NbCalendarRangeDayCellComponent<D> extends NbBaseCalendarRangeCell<D> implements NbCalendarCell<D, NbCalendarRange<D>> {}
constructor(dateService: NbDateService<D>);
property boundingMonth
readonly boundingMonth: boolean;
property date
date: {};
property dateService
protected dateService: NbDateService<D>;
property day
readonly day: number;
property dayCellClass
dayCellClass: boolean;
property disabled
readonly disabled: boolean;
property empty
readonly empty: boolean;
property end
readonly end: boolean;
property filter
filter: (D: any) => boolean;
property inRange
readonly inRange: boolean;
property isLarge
readonly isLarge: boolean;
property max
max: {};
property min
min: {};
property ngAcceptInputType_size
static ngAcceptInputType_size: NbCalendarSizeValues;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< NbCalendarRangeDayCellComponent<any>, 'nb-calendar-range-day-cell', never, { date: { alias: 'date'; required: false }; selectedValue: { alias: 'selectedValue'; required: false }; visibleDate: { alias: 'visibleDate'; required: false }; min: { alias: 'min'; required: false }; max: { alias: 'max'; required: false }; filter: { alias: 'filter'; required: false }; size: { alias: 'size'; required: false }; }, { select: 'select' }, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration< NbCalendarRangeDayCellComponent<any>, never>;
property rangeCellClass
rangeCellClass: boolean;
property select
select: EventEmitter<D>;
property selected
readonly selected: boolean;
property selectedValue
selectedValue: NbCalendarRange<D>;
property size
size: NbCalendarSize;
property start
readonly start: boolean;
property today
readonly today: boolean;
property visibleDate
visibleDate: {};
method dontFitFilter
protected dontFitFilter: () => boolean;
method greaterThanMax
protected greaterThanMax: () => boolean;
method isInRange
protected isInRange: (date: D, { start, end }: NbCalendarRange<D>) => boolean;
method onClick
onClick: () => void;
method smallerThanMin
protected smallerThanMin: () => boolean;
class NbCalendarRangeModule
class NbCalendarRangeModule {}
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbCalendarRangeModule, never>;
property ɵinj
static ɵinj: i0.ɵɵInjectorDeclaration<NbCalendarRangeModule>;
property ɵmod
static ɵmod: i0.ɵɵNgModuleDeclaration< NbCalendarRangeModule, [ typeof i1.NbCalendarRangeComponent, typeof i2.NbCalendarRangeDayCellComponent, typeof i3.NbCalendarRangeYearCellComponent, typeof i4.NbCalendarRangeMonthCellComponent ], [typeof i5.NbBaseCalendarModule], [typeof i1.NbCalendarRangeComponent]>;
class NbCalendarRangeMonthCellComponent
class NbCalendarRangeMonthCellComponent<D> extends NbBaseCalendarRangeCell<D> implements NbCalendarCell<D, NbCalendarRange<D>> {}
constructor(dateService: NbDateService<D>);
property date
date: {};
property dateService
protected dateService: NbDateService<D>;
property disabled
readonly disabled: boolean;
property inRange
readonly inRange: boolean;
property isLarge
readonly isLarge: boolean;
property max
max: {};
property min
min: {};
property month
readonly month: string;
property monthCellClass
monthCellClass: boolean;
property ngAcceptInputType_size
static ngAcceptInputType_size: NbCalendarSizeValues;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< NbCalendarRangeMonthCellComponent<any>, 'nb-calendar-range-month-cell', never, { date: { alias: 'date'; required: false }; visibleDate: { alias: 'visibleDate'; required: false }; selectedValue: { alias: 'selectedValue'; required: false }; min: { alias: 'min'; required: false }; max: { alias: 'max'; required: false }; size: { alias: 'size'; required: false }; }, { select: 'select' }, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration< NbCalendarRangeMonthCellComponent<any>, never>;
property rangeCellClass
rangeCellClass: boolean;
property rangeEnd
readonly rangeEnd: boolean;
property rangeStart
readonly rangeStart: boolean;
property select
select: EventEmitter<D>;
property selected
readonly selected: boolean;
property selectedValue
selectedValue: NbCalendarRange<D>;
property size
size: NbCalendarSize;
property today
readonly today: boolean;
property visibleDate
visibleDate: {};
method greaterThanMax
protected greaterThanMax: () => boolean;
method isInRage
protected isInRage: (date: D, range: NbCalendarRange<D>) => boolean;
method monthEnd
protected monthEnd: () => D;
method monthStart
protected monthStart: () => D;
method onClick
onClick: () => void;
method smallerThanMin
protected smallerThanMin: () => boolean;
class NbCalendarRangeYearCellComponent
class NbCalendarRangeYearCellComponent<D> extends NbBaseCalendarRangeCell<D> implements NbCalendarCell<D, NbCalendarRange<D>> {}
constructor(dateService: NbDateService<D>);
property date
date: {};
property dateService
protected dateService: NbDateService<D>;
property disabled
readonly disabled: boolean;
property inRange
readonly inRange: boolean;
property isLarge
readonly isLarge: boolean;
property max
max: {};
property min
min: {};
property ngAcceptInputType_size
static ngAcceptInputType_size: NbCalendarSizeValues;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< NbCalendarRangeYearCellComponent<any>, 'nb-calendar-range-year-cell', never, { date: { alias: 'date'; required: false }; min: { alias: 'min'; required: false }; max: { alias: 'max'; required: false }; selectedValue: { alias: 'selectedValue'; required: false }; size: { alias: 'size'; required: false }; }, { select: 'select' }, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration< NbCalendarRangeYearCellComponent<any>, never>;
property rangeCellClass
rangeCellClass: boolean;
property rangeEnd
readonly rangeEnd: boolean;
property rangeStart
readonly rangeStart: boolean;
property select
select: EventEmitter<D>;
property selected
readonly selected: boolean;
property selectedValue
selectedValue: NbCalendarRange<D>;
property size
size: NbCalendarSize;
property today
readonly today: boolean;
property year
readonly year: number;
property yearCellClass
yearCellClass: boolean;
method greaterThanMax
protected greaterThanMax: () => boolean;
method isInRange
protected isInRange: (date: D, { start, end }: NbCalendarRange<D>) => boolean;
method onClick
onClick: () => void;
method smallerThanMin
protected smallerThanMin: () => boolean;
method yearEnd
protected yearEnd: () => D;
method yearStart
protected yearStart: () => D;
class NbCalendarTimeModelService
class NbCalendarTimeModelService<D> {}
constructor(dateService: NbDateService<D>);
property dateService
protected dateService: NbDateService<D>;
readonly MINUTES_AND_SECONDS: number;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbCalendarTimeModelService<any>, never>;
property ɵprov
static ɵprov: i0.ɵɵInjectableDeclaration<NbCalendarTimeModelService<any>>;
method buildDateFormat
buildDateFormat: (twelveHoursFormat: boolean, withSeconds?: boolean) => string;
method getHoursRange
getHoursRange: (step?: number) => D[];
method getResetTime
getResetTime: () => D;
method paddToTwoSymbols
paddToTwoSymbols: (n: number) => string;
class NbCalendarViewModeComponent
class NbCalendarViewModeComponent<D> {}
constructor( dateService: NbDateService<D>, yearModelService: NbCalendarYearModelService<D>);
property changeMode
changeMode: EventEmitter<void>;
property date
date: {};
property dateService
protected dateService: NbDateService<D>;
property ngAcceptInputType_viewMode
static ngAcceptInputType_viewMode: NbCalendarViewModeValues;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< NbCalendarViewModeComponent<any>, 'nb-calendar-view-mode', never, { date: { alias: 'date'; required: false }; viewMode: { alias: 'viewMode'; required: false }; }, { changeMode: 'changeMode' }, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbCalendarViewModeComponent<any>, never>;
property viewMode
viewMode: NbCalendarViewMode;
property yearModelService
protected yearModelService: NbCalendarYearModelService<D>;
method getFirstYear
protected getFirstYear: () => string;
method getIcon
getIcon: () => string;
method getLastYear
protected getLastYear: () => string;
method getText
getText: () => string;
class NbCalendarWeekNumberComponent
class NbCalendarWeekNumberComponent<D> implements OnChanges {}
constructor(dateService: NbDateService<D>);
property isLarge
readonly isLarge: boolean;
property ngAcceptInputType_size
static ngAcceptInputType_size: NbCalendarSizeValues;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< NbCalendarWeekNumberComponent<any>, 'nb-calendar-week-numbers', never, { weeks: { alias: 'weeks'; required: false }; size: { alias: 'size'; required: false }; weekNumberSymbol: { alias: 'weekNumberSymbol'; required: false }; }, {}, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbCalendarWeekNumberComponent<any>, never>;
property size
size: NbCalendarSize;
property weekNumbers
weekNumbers: number[];
property weekNumberSymbol
weekNumberSymbol: string;
Sets symbol used as a header for week numbers column
property weeks
weeks: D[][];
method getWeeks
getWeeks: () => number[];
method ngOnChanges
ngOnChanges: (changes: SimpleChanges) => void;
class NbCalendarWithTimeComponent
class NbCalendarWithTimeComponent<D> extends NbCalendarComponent<D> implements OnInit, AfterViewInit {}
constructor( dateService: NbDateService<D>, cd: ChangeDetectorRef, calendarTimeModelService: NbCalendarTimeModelService<D>);
property applyButtonText
applyButtonText: string;
property calendarTimeModelService
protected calendarTimeModelService: NbCalendarTimeModelService<D>;
property cd
cd: ChangeDetectorRef;
property currentTimeButtonText
currentTimeButtonText: string;
property dateService
protected dateService: NbDateService<D>;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< NbCalendarWithTimeComponent<any>, 'nb-calendar-with-time', never, { visibleDate: { alias: 'visibleDate'; required: false }; twelveHoursFormat: { alias: 'twelveHoursFormat'; required: false }; showAmPmLabel: { alias: 'showAmPmLabel'; required: false }; withSeconds: { alias: 'withSeconds'; required: false }; singleColumn: { alias: 'singleColumn'; required: false }; step: { alias: 'step'; required: false }; timeFormat: { alias: 'timeFormat'; required: false }; title: { alias: 'title'; required: false }; applyButtonText: { alias: 'applyButtonText'; required: false }; currentTimeButtonText: { alias: 'currentTimeButtonText'; required: false; }; showCurrentTimeButton: { alias: 'showCurrentTimeButton'; required: false; }; }, {}, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbCalendarWithTimeComponent<any>, never>;
property portalOutlet
portalOutlet: NbPortalOutletDirective;
property showAmPmLabel
showAmPmLabel: boolean;
Defines should show am/pm label if twelveHoursFormat enabled.
property showCurrentTimeButton
showCurrentTimeButton: boolean;
property singleColumn
singleColumn: boolean;
Show timepicker values in one column with 60 minutes step by default.
property step
step: number;
Defines minutes step when we use fill time format. If set to 20, it will be: '12:00, 12:20: 12:40, 13:00...'
property timeFormat
timeFormat: string;
Defines time format.
property timepicker
timepicker: NbTimePickerComponent<D>;
property title
title: string;
Defines text over the timepicker.
property twelveHoursFormat
twelveHoursFormat: boolean;
Defines 12 hours format like '07:00 PM'.
property visibleDate
visibleDate: {};
Defines selected date.
property withSeconds
withSeconds: boolean;
Show seconds in timepicker. Ignored when singleColumn is true.
method isLarge
isLarge: () => boolean;
method ngAfterViewInit
ngAfterViewInit: () => void;
method ngOnInit
ngOnInit: () => void;
method onDateValueChange
onDateValueChange: (date: D) => void;
method onTimeChange
onTimeChange: (selectedTime: NbSelectedTimePayload<D>) => void;
method saveCurrentTime
saveCurrentTime: () => void;
method saveValue
saveValue: () => void;
method showSeconds
showSeconds: () => boolean;
class NbCalendarYearCellComponent
class NbCalendarYearCellComponent<D> implements NbCalendarCell<D, D> {}
constructor(dateService: NbDateService<D>);
property date
date: {};
property dateService
protected dateService: NbDateService<D>;
property disabled
readonly disabled: boolean;
property isLarge
readonly isLarge: boolean;
property max
max: {};
property min
min: {};
property ngAcceptInputType_size
static ngAcceptInputType_size: NbCalendarSizeValues;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< NbCalendarYearCellComponent<any>, 'nb-calendar-year-cell', never, { date: { alias: 'date'; required: false }; min: { alias: 'min'; required: false }; max: { alias: 'max'; required: false }; selectedValue: { alias: 'selectedValue'; required: false }; size: { alias: 'size'; required: false }; }, { select: 'select' }, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbCalendarYearCellComponent<any>, never>;
property select
select: EventEmitter<D>;
property selected
readonly selected: boolean;
property selectedValue
selectedValue: {};
property size
size: NbCalendarSize;
property today
readonly today: boolean;
property year
readonly year: number;
property yearCellClass
yearCellClass: boolean;
method onClick
onClick: () => void;
class NbCalendarYearModelService
class NbCalendarYearModelService<D> {}
constructor(dateService: NbDateService<D>);
property dateService
protected dateService: NbDateService<D>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbCalendarYearModelService<any>, never>;
property ɵprov
static ɵprov: i0.ɵɵInjectableDeclaration<NbCalendarYearModelService<any>>;
property yearsInRow
protected yearsInRow: number;
property yearsInView
protected yearsInView: number;
method copyWithYear
protected copyWithYear: (year: number, date: D) => D;
method getViewYears
getViewYears: (viewYear: D) => D[][];
method getYearsInRow
getYearsInRow: () => number;
method getYearsInView
getYearsInView: () => number;
class NbCalendarYearPickerComponent
class NbCalendarYearPickerComponent<D> implements OnChanges {}
constructor( dateService: NbDateService<D>, yearModelService: NbCalendarYearModelService<D>);
property cellComponent
cellComponent: Type<NbCalendarCell<D, D>>;
property date
date: {};
property dateService
protected dateService: NbDateService<D>;
property filter
filter: (D: any) => boolean;
property large
readonly large: boolean;
property max
max: {};
property min
min: {};
property ngAcceptInputType_size
static ngAcceptInputType_size: NbCalendarSizeValues;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< NbCalendarYearPickerComponent<any>, 'nb-calendar-year-picker', never, { date: { alias: 'date'; required: false }; min: { alias: 'min'; required: false }; max: { alias: 'max'; required: false }; filter: { alias: 'filter'; required: false }; _cellComponent: { alias: 'cellComponent'; required: false }; size: { alias: 'size'; required: false }; year: { alias: 'year'; required: false }; }, { yearChange: 'yearChange' }, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbCalendarYearPickerComponent<any>, never>;
property size
size: NbCalendarSize;
property year
year: {};
property yearChange
yearChange: EventEmitter<D>;
property yearModelService
protected yearModelService: NbCalendarYearModelService<D>;
property years
years: D[][];
method ngOnChanges
ngOnChanges: () => void;
method onSelect
onSelect: (year: any) => void;
class NbCardBackComponent
class NbCardBackComponent {}
Component intended to be used within the
components.Use it as a container for the back card.
class NbCardBodyComponent
class NbCardBodyComponent {}
Component intended to be used within the
component. Adds styles for a preset body section.
class NbCardComponent
class NbCardComponent {}
Basic content container component.
Basic card example: @stacked-example(Showcase, card/card-showcase.component)
Basic card configuration:
<nb-card><nb-card-body>Card</nb-card-body></nb-card>### Installation
to your feature module.@NgModule({imports: [// ...NbCardModule,],})export class PageModule { }### Usage
Card with header and footer: @stacked-example(With Header & Footer, card/card-full.component)
Most of the time main card content goes to
, so it is styled and aligned in accordance with the header and footer. In case you need a higher level of control, you can pass contend directly tonb-card
, sonb-card-body
styling will not be applied.Consider an example with
component: @stacked-example(Card with list, card/card-without-body.component)Colored cards could be simply configured by providing a
property: @stacked-example(Colored Card, card/card-colors.component)It is also possible to assign an
property for a slight card highlight as well as combine it withstatus
: @stacked-example(Accent Card, card/card-accents.component)Cards of smaller sizes could be combined and put on the same row with a bigger card so they have the same heights. @stacked-example(Card sizes combinations, card/card-sizes-combinations.component)
@additional-example(Multiple Sizes, card/card-sizes.component)
card-background-color: card-text-color: card-text-font-family: card-text-font-size: card-text-font-weight: card-text-line-height: card-border-width: card-border-style: card-border-color: card-border-radius: card-padding: card-shadow: card-divider-color: card-divider-style: card-divider-width: card-height-tiny: card-height-small: card-height-medium: card-height-large: card-height-giant: card-margin-bottom: card-scrollbar-color: card-scrollbar-background-color: card-scrollbar-width:
constructor(statusService: NbStatusService);
property accent
accent: '' | NbComponentStatus;
Card accent (color of the top border):
property additionalClasses
readonly additionalClasses: string[];
property basic
readonly basic: boolean;
property basicAccent
readonly basicAccent: boolean;
property control
readonly control: boolean;
property controlAccent
readonly controlAccent: boolean;
property danger
readonly danger: boolean;
property dangerAccent
readonly dangerAccent: boolean;
property giant
readonly giant: boolean;
property hasAccent
readonly hasAccent: '' | NbComponentStatus;
property info
readonly info: boolean;
property infoAccent
readonly infoAccent: boolean;
property large
readonly large: boolean;
property medium
readonly medium: boolean;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< NbCardComponent, 'nb-card', never, { size: { alias: 'size'; required: false }; status: { alias: 'status'; required: false }; accent: { alias: 'accent'; required: false }; }, {}, never, ['nb-card-header', 'nb-card-body', '*', 'nb-card-footer'], false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbCardComponent, never>;
property primary
readonly primary: boolean;
property primaryAccent
readonly primaryAccent: boolean;
property size
size: '' | NbComponentSize;
Card size, available sizes: tiny, small, medium, large, giant
property small
readonly small: boolean;
property status
status: string;
Card status:
property statusService
protected statusService: NbStatusService;
property success
readonly success: boolean;
property successAccent
readonly successAccent: boolean;
property tiny
readonly tiny: boolean;
property warning
readonly warning: boolean;
property warningAccent
readonly warningAccent: boolean;
class NbCardFooterComponent
class NbCardFooterComponent {}
Component intended to be used within the
component. Adds styles for a preset footer section.
class NbCardFrontComponent
class NbCardFrontComponent {}
Component intended to be used within the
components.Use it as a container for the front card.
class NbCardHeaderComponent
class NbCardHeaderComponent {}
Component intended to be used within the
component. It adds styles for a preset header section.card-header-text-color: card-header-text-font-family: card-header-text-font-size: card-header-text-font-weight: card-header-text-line-height: card-header-basic-background-color: card-header-basic-text-color: card-header-primary-background-color: card-header-primary-text-color: card-header-info-background-color: card-header-info-text-color: card-header-success-background-color: card-header-success-text-color: card-header-warning-background-color: card-header-warning-text-color: card-header-danger-background-color: card-header-danger-text-color: card-header-control-background-color: card-header-control-text-color:
class NbCardModule
class NbCardModule {}
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbCardModule, never>;
property ɵinj
static ɵinj: i0.ɵɵInjectorDeclaration<NbCardModule>;
property ɵmod
static ɵmod: i0.ɵɵNgModuleDeclaration< NbCardModule, [ typeof i1.NbCardComponent, typeof i1.NbCardBodyComponent, typeof i1.NbCardFooterComponent, typeof i1.NbCardHeaderComponent, typeof i2.NbRevealCardComponent, typeof i3.NbFlipCardComponent, typeof i4.NbCardFrontComponent, typeof i4.NbCardBackComponent ], [typeof i5.NbSharedModule, typeof i6.NbIconModule], [ typeof i1.NbCardComponent, typeof i1.NbCardBodyComponent, typeof i1.NbCardFooterComponent, typeof i1.NbCardHeaderComponent, typeof i2.NbRevealCardComponent, typeof i3.NbFlipCardComponent, typeof i4.NbCardFrontComponent, typeof i4.NbCardBackComponent ]>;
class NbCdkAdapterModule
class NbCdkAdapterModule {}
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbCdkAdapterModule, never>;
property ɵinj
static ɵinj: i0.ɵɵInjectorDeclaration<NbCdkAdapterModule>;
property ɵmod
static ɵmod: i0.ɵɵNgModuleDeclaration<NbCdkAdapterModule, never, never, never>;
method forRoot
static forRoot: () => ModuleWithProviders<NbCdkAdapterModule>;
class NbCdkMappingModule
class NbCdkMappingModule {}
This module helps us to keep all angular/cdk deps inside our cdk module via providing aliases. Approach will help us move cdk in separate npm package and refactor nebular/theme code.
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbCdkMappingModule, never>;
property ɵinj
static ɵinj: i0.ɵɵInjectorDeclaration<NbCdkMappingModule>;
property ɵmod
static ɵmod: i0.ɵɵNgModuleDeclaration< NbCdkMappingModule, [typeof NbPortalDirective, typeof NbPortalOutletDirective], [any, any], [any, any, typeof NbPortalDirective, typeof NbPortalOutletDirective]>;
method forRoot
static forRoot: () => ModuleWithProviders<NbCdkMappingModule>;
class NbCellDefDirective
class NbCellDefDirective extends CdkCellDef {}
Cell definition for the nb-table. Captures the template of a column's data row cell as well as cell-specific properties.
class NbCellDirective
class NbCellDirective extends CdkCell {}
Cell template container that adds the right classes and role.
constructor( columnDef: NbColumnDefDirective, elementRef: ElementRef<HTMLElement>);
property ɵdir
static ɵdir: i0.ɵɵDirectiveDeclaration< NbCellDirective, 'nb-cell, td[nbCell]', never, {}, {}, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbCellDirective, never>;
class NbCellOutletDirective
class NbCellOutletDirective extends CdkCellOutlet {}
class NbChatAvatarComponent
class NbChatAvatarComponent {}
property avatarClass
readonly avatarClass: boolean;
property avatarStyle
avatarStyle: SafeStyle;
property initials
initials: string;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< NbChatAvatarComponent, 'nb-chat-avatar', never, { initials: { alias: 'initials'; required: false }; avatarStyle: { alias: 'avatarStyle'; required: false }; }, {}, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbChatAvatarComponent, never>;
class NbChatComponent
class NbChatComponent implements OnChanges, AfterContentInit, AfterViewInit {}
Conversational UI collection - a set of components for chat-like UI construction.
Main features: - different message types support (text, image, file, file group, map, etc) - drag & drop for images and files with preview - different UI styles - custom action buttons (coming soon)
Here's a complete example build in a bot-like app. Type
to be able to receive different message types. Enjoy the conversation and the beautiful UI. @stacked-example(Showcase, chat/chat-showcase.component)Basic chat configuration and usage:
<nb-chat title="Nebular Conversational UI"><nb-chat-message *ngFor="let msg of messages"[type]="msg.type"[message]="msg.text"[reply]="msg.reply"[sender]="msg.user.name"[date]="msg.date"[files]="msg.files"[quote]="msg.quote"[latitude]="msg.latitude"[longitude]="msg.longitude"[avatar]="msg.user.avatar"></nb-chat-message><nb-chat-form (send)="sendMessage($event)" [dropFiles]="true"></nb-chat-form></nb-chat>### Installation
to your feature module.@NgModule({imports: [// ...NbChatModule,],})export class PageModule { }If you need to provide an API key for a
message type (which is required by Google Maps) you may useNbChatModule.forRoot({ ... })
call if this is a global app configuration orNbChatModule.forChild({ ... })
for a feature module configuration:@NgModule({imports: [// ...NbChatModule.forRoot({ messageGoogleMapKey: 'MAP_KEY' }),],})export class AppModule { }### Usage
There are three main components:
<nb-chat></nb-chat> // chat container<nb-chat-form></nb-chat-form> // chat form with drag&drop files feature<nb-chat-message></nb-chat-message> // chat message, available multiple typesYou could provide a title template via the
directive. It overridestitle
input. @stacked-example(Custom template as a title, chat/chat-template-title.component)Two users conversation showcase: @stacked-example(Conversation, chat/chat-conversation-showcase.component)
Chat UI is also available in different colors by specifying a
input:@stacked-example(Colored Chat, chat/chat-colors.component)
Also it is possible to configure sizes through
input:@stacked-example(Chat Sizes, chat/chat-sizes.component)
# Custom message types
Besides built-in message types, you could provide custom ones with their own template to render. As an example, let's add the
message type. First, you need to provide a template for thelink
message type:<nb-chat><a *nbCustomMessage="'link'" href="https://example.com">example.com</a></nb-chat>Then, add the
component with thelink
type:<nb-chat><a *nbCustomMessage="'link'" href="https://example.com">example.com</a><nb-chat-message type="link"></nb-chat-message></nb-chat>Important! Custom chat messages must be defined before the
.Custom message templates could have arbitrary data associated with them. Let's extract hardcoded link href and text. To pass some data to the custom message template, use the
input of thenb-chat-message
component:...<nb-chat-message type="link" [customMessageData]="{ href: 'https://example.com', text: 'example.com' }"></nb-chat-message>...When
is set, this object would become a template context and you'll be able to reference it vialet varName
syntax:<a *nbCustomMessage="'link'; let data" [href]="data.href">{{ data.text }}</a>That's it, full example will look like this:
<nb-chat title="Nebular Conversational UI"><a *nbCustomMessage="'link'; let data" [href]="data.href">{{ data.text }}</a><nb-chat-message type="link" [customMessageData]="{ href: 'https://example.com', text: 'example.com' }"></nb-chat-message></nb-chat>If you want to style your custom template from the ground up you could turn off generic message styling (such as round borders, color, background, etc.) via the
input:<div *nbCustomMessage="'my-custom-type'; noStyles: true">...</div>When you decide to use your own styles, the
property of the custom message template context would come in handy. This property allows you to determine whether the message is a reply or not. For example, to change link text color (as replies have a different background):<a *nbCustomMessage="'link'; let data; let isReply=isReply"[href]="data.href"[class.link-control]="!isReply">{{ data.label }}</a>Below, you could find a more complex example with multiple custom message types: @stacked-example(Custom message, chat/chat-custom-message.component)
chat-background-color: chat-border: chat-border-radius: chat-shadow: chat-padding: chat-scrollbar-color: chat-scrollbar-background-color: chat-scrollbar-width: chat-text-color: chat-text-font-family: chat-text-font-size: chat-text-font-weight: chat-text-line-height: chat-header-text-font-family: chat-header-text-font-size: chat-header-text-font-weight: chat-header-text-line-height: chat-tiny-height: chat-small-height: chat-medium-height: chat-large-height: chat-giant-height: chat-basic-background-color: chat-basic-text-color: chat-primary-background-color: chat-primary-text-color: chat-success-background-color: chat-success-text-color: chat-info-background-color: chat-info-text-color: chat-warning-background-color: chat-warning-text-color: chat-danger-background-color: chat-danger-text-color: chat-control-background-color: chat-control-text-color: chat-divider-color: chat-divider-style: chat-divider-width: chat-message-background: chat-message-text-color: chat-message-reply-background-color: chat-message-reply-text-color: chat-message-avatar-background-color: chat-message-sender-text-color: chat-message-quote-background-color: chat-message-quote-text-color: chat-message-file-text-color: chat-message-file-background-color:
constructor(statusService: NbStatusService);
property additionalClasses
readonly additionalClasses: string[];
property basic
readonly basic: boolean;
property chatForm
chatForm: NbChatFormComponent;
property control
readonly control: boolean;
property danger
readonly danger: boolean;
property giant
readonly giant: boolean;
property info
readonly info: boolean;
property large
readonly large: boolean;
property medium
readonly medium: boolean;
property messages
messages: QueryList<NbChatMessageComponent>;
property ngAcceptInputType_scrollBottom
static ngAcceptInputType_scrollBottom: NbBooleanInput;
property noMessagesPlaceholder
noMessagesPlaceholder: string;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< NbChatComponent, 'nb-chat', never, { title: { alias: 'title'; required: false }; size: { alias: 'size'; required: false }; status: { alias: 'status'; required: false }; noMessagesPlaceholder: { alias: 'noMessagesPlaceholder'; required: false; }; scrollBottom: { alias: 'scrollBottom'; required: false }; }, {}, ['chatForm', 'titleTemplate', 'messages'], ['nb-chat-message', 'nb-chat-form'], false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbChatComponent, never>;
property primary
readonly primary: boolean;
property scrollable
scrollable: ElementRef;
property scrollBottom
scrollBottom: boolean;
Scroll chat to the bottom of the list when a new message arrives
property size
size: NbComponentSize;
Chat size, available sizes:
property small
readonly small: boolean;
property status
status: string;
Chat status color (adds specific styles):
property statusService
protected statusService: NbStatusService;
property success
readonly success: boolean;
property tiny
readonly tiny: boolean;
property title
title: string;
property titleTemplate
titleTemplate: NbChatTitleDirective;
property warning
readonly warning: boolean;
method ngAfterContentInit
ngAfterContentInit: () => void;
method ngAfterViewInit
ngAfterViewInit: () => void;
method ngOnChanges
ngOnChanges: (changes: SimpleChanges) => void;
method scrollListBottom
scrollListBottom: () => void;
method updateFormStatus
protected updateFormStatus: () => void;
method updateView
updateView: () => void;
class NbChatCustomMessageDirective
class NbChatCustomMessageDirective implements OnInit, OnDestroy {}
directive should be used as a structural directive or should be applied to theng-template
:<div *nbCustomMessage="'my-custom-type'; let data"><!-- custom message --></div>or
<ng-template nbCustomMessage='my-custom-type' let-data><!-- custom message --></ng-template>
constructor( templateRef: TemplateRef<any>, customMessageService: NbChatCustomMessageService);
property customMessageService
protected customMessageService: NbChatCustomMessageService;
property nbCustomMessage
nbCustomMessage: string;
Defines a message type which should rendered with the custom message template. {string}
property nbCustomMessageNoStyles
nbCustomMessageNoStyles: boolean;
property ngAcceptInputType_noStyles
static ngAcceptInputType_noStyles: NbBooleanInput;
property noStyles
readonly noStyles: boolean;
property ɵdir
static ɵdir: i0.ɵɵDirectiveDeclaration< NbChatCustomMessageDirective, '[nbCustomMessage]', never, { nbCustomMessage: { alias: 'nbCustomMessage'; required: false }; nbCustomMessageNoStyles: { alias: 'nbCustomMessageNoStyles'; required: false; }; }, {}, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbChatCustomMessageDirective, never>;
property templateRef
templateRef: TemplateRef<any>;
property type
readonly type: string;
method ngOnDestroy
ngOnDestroy: () => void;
method ngOnInit
ngOnInit: () => void;
class NbChatCustomMessageService
class NbChatCustomMessageService {}
is used to store instances ofNbChatCustomMessageDirective
s which were provided in the chat component.
property customMessages
protected readonly customMessages: Map<string, NbChatCustomMessageDirective>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbChatCustomMessageService, never>;
property ɵprov
static ɵprov: i0.ɵɵInjectableDeclaration<NbChatCustomMessageService>;
method getInstance
getInstance: (type: string) => NbChatCustomMessageDirective | undefined;
method register
register: (type: string, instance: NbChatCustomMessageDirective) => void;
method unregister
unregister: (type: string) => boolean;
class NbChatFormComponent
class NbChatFormComponent {}
Chat form component.
Show a message form with a send message button.
<nb-chat-form showButton="true" buttonIcon="nb-send"></nb-chat-form>When
handles files drag&drop with a file preview.Drag & drop available for files and images: @stacked-example(Drag & Drop Chat, chat/chat-drop.component)
New message could be tracked outside by using
output.<nb-chat-form (send)="onNewMessage($event)"></nb-chat-form>// ...onNewMessage({ message: string, files: any[] }) {this.service.sendToServer(message, files);}
constructor(cd: ChangeDetectorRef, domSanitizer: DomSanitizer);
property buttonIcon
buttonIcon: string;
Send button icon, shown if
is empty {string}
property buttonTitle
buttonTitle: string;
Send button title {string}
property cd
protected cd: ChangeDetectorRef;
property domSanitizer
protected domSanitizer: DomSanitizer;
property dropFilePlaceholder
dropFilePlaceholder: string;
File drop placeholder text {string}
property dropFiles
dropFiles: boolean;
Show send button {boolean}
property droppedFiles
droppedFiles: any[];
property fileOver
fileOver: boolean;
property imgDropTypes
imgDropTypes: string[];
property inputFocus
inputFocus: boolean;
property inputHover
inputHover: boolean;
property message
message: string;
Predefined message text {string}
property messagePlaceholder
messagePlaceholder: string;
Message placeholder text {string}
property onInputChange
onInputChange: EventEmitter<string>;
Emits when message input value has been changed {EventEmitter}
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< NbChatFormComponent, 'nb-chat-form', never, { message: { alias: 'message'; required: false }; messagePlaceholder: { alias: 'messagePlaceholder'; required: false }; buttonTitle: { alias: 'buttonTitle'; required: false }; buttonIcon: { alias: 'buttonIcon'; required: false }; showButton: { alias: 'showButton'; required: false }; dropFiles: { alias: 'dropFiles'; required: false }; dropFilePlaceholder: { alias: 'dropFilePlaceholder'; required: false }; }, { send: 'send'; onInputChange: 'onInputChange' }, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbChatFormComponent, never>;
property send
send: EventEmitter<{ message: string; files: File[] }>;
{EventEmitter<{ message: string, files: File[] }>}
property showButton
showButton: boolean;
Show send button {boolean}
property status
status: string;
method getButtonStatus
getButtonStatus: () => NbComponentOrCustomStatus;
method getHighlightStatus
protected getHighlightStatus: () => NbComponentOrCustomStatus;
method getInputStatus
getInputStatus: () => NbComponentOrCustomStatus;
method onDragLeave
onDragLeave: (event: DragEvent) => void;
method onDragOver
onDragOver: (event: DragEvent) => void;
method onDrop
onDrop: (event: any) => void;
method onModelChange
onModelChange: (value: string) => void;
method removeFile
removeFile: (file: any) => void;
method sendMessage
sendMessage: () => void;
method setStatus
setStatus: (status: NbComponentOrCustomStatus) => void;
class NbChatMessageComponent
class NbChatMessageComponent {}
Chat message component.
Multiple message types are available through a
property, such as - text - simple text message - file - could be a file preview or a file icon if multiple files are provided grouped files are shown - quote - quotes a message with specific quote styles - map - shows a google map picture by provided [latitude] and [longitude] properties@stacked-example(Available Types, chat/chat-message-types-showcase.component)
Message with attached files:
<nb-chat-messagetype="file"[files]="[ { url: '...' } ]"message="Hello world!"></nb-chat-message>Map message:
<nb-chat-messagetype="map"[latitude]="53.914"[longitude]="27.59"message="Here I am"></nb-chat-message>chat-message-background: chat-message-text-color: chat-message-reply-background-color: chat-message-reply-text-color: chat-message-avatar-background-color: chat-message-sender-text-color: chat-message-quote-background-color: chat-message-quote-text-color: chat-message-file-text-color: chat-message-file-background-color:
constructor( domSanitizer: DomSanitizer, customMessageService: NbChatCustomMessageService);
property avatarStyle
avatarStyle: SafeStyle;
property builtInMessageTypes
protected readonly builtInMessageTypes: string[];
property customMessageData
customMessageData: any;
Data which will be set as custom message template context {any}
property customMessageService
protected customMessageService: NbChatCustomMessageService;
property date
date: Date;
Message send date {Date}
property dateFormat
dateFormat: string;
Message send date format, default 'shortTime' {string}
property domSanitizer
protected domSanitizer: DomSanitizer;
property files
files: NbChatMessageFile[];
Array of files
{ url: 'file url', icon: 'file icon class' }
property flyInOut
readonly flyInOut: boolean;
property latitude
latitude: number;
Map latitude {number}
property longitude
longitude: number;
Map longitude {number}
property message
message: string;
Message sender {string}
property ngAcceptInputType_reply
static ngAcceptInputType_reply: NbBooleanInput;
property notReply
readonly notReply: boolean;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< NbChatMessageComponent, 'nb-chat-message', never, { reply: { alias: 'reply'; required: false }; message: { alias: 'message'; required: false }; sender: { alias: 'sender'; required: false }; date: { alias: 'date'; required: false }; dateFormat: { alias: 'dateFormat'; required: false }; files: { alias: 'files'; required: false }; quote: { alias: 'quote'; required: false }; latitude: { alias: 'latitude'; required: false }; longitude: { alias: 'longitude'; required: false }; avatar: { alias: 'avatar'; required: false }; type: { alias: 'type'; required: false }; customMessageData: { alias: 'customMessageData'; required: false }; }, {}, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbChatMessageComponent, never>;
property quote
quote: string;
Quoted message text {string}
property reply
reply: boolean;
Determines if a message is a reply
property sender
sender: string;
Message sender {string}
property type
type: string;
Message type, available options
method getCustomMessage
protected getCustomMessage: (type: string) => NbChatCustomMessageDirective;
method getInitials
getInitials: () => string;
class NbChatMessageFileComponent
class NbChatMessageFileComponent {}
Chat message component.
constructor(cd: ChangeDetectorRef, domSanitizer: DomSanitizer);
property cd
protected cd: ChangeDetectorRef;
property date
date: Date;
Message send date {Date}
property dateFormat
dateFormat: string;
Message send date format, default 'shortTime' {string}
property domSanitizer
protected domSanitizer: DomSanitizer;
property message
message: string;
Message sender {string}
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< NbChatMessageFileComponent, 'nb-chat-message-file', never, { message: { alias: 'message'; required: false }; sender: { alias: 'sender'; required: false }; date: { alias: 'date'; required: false }; dateFormat: { alias: 'dateFormat'; required: false }; files: { alias: 'files'; required: false }; }, {}, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbChatMessageFileComponent, never>;
property readyFiles
readyFiles: any[];
property sender
sender: string;
Message sender {string}
method isImage
isImage: (file: NbChatMessageFile) => boolean;
class NbChatMessageMapComponent
class NbChatMessageMapComponent {}
Chat message component.
constructor(options: NbChatOptions);
property date
date: Date;
Message send date {Date}
property dateFormat
dateFormat: string;
Message send date format, default 'shortTime' {string}
property file
readonly file: { url: string; type: string; icon: string };
property latitude
latitude: number;
Map latitude {number}
property longitude
longitude: number;
Map longitude {number}
property mapKey
mapKey: string;
property message
message: string;
Message sender {string}
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< NbChatMessageMapComponent, 'nb-chat-message-map', never, { message: { alias: 'message'; required: false }; sender: { alias: 'sender'; required: false }; date: { alias: 'date'; required: false }; dateFormat: { alias: 'dateFormat'; required: false }; latitude: { alias: 'latitude'; required: false }; longitude: { alias: 'longitude'; required: false }; }, {}, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbChatMessageMapComponent, never>;
property sender
sender: string;
Message sender {string}
class NbChatMessageQuoteComponent
class NbChatMessageQuoteComponent {}
Chat message component.
property date
date: Date;
Message send date {Date}
property dateFormat
dateFormat: string;
Message send date format, default 'shortTime' {string}
property message
message: string;
Message sender {string}
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< NbChatMessageQuoteComponent, 'nb-chat-message-quote', never, { message: { alias: 'message'; required: false }; sender: { alias: 'sender'; required: false }; date: { alias: 'date'; required: false }; dateFormat: { alias: 'dateFormat'; required: false }; quote: { alias: 'quote'; required: false }; }, {}, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbChatMessageQuoteComponent, never>;
property quote
quote: string;
Quoted message {Date}
property sender
sender: string;
Message sender {string}
class NbChatMessageTextComponent
class NbChatMessageTextComponent {}
Chat message component.
property date
date: Date;
Message send date {Date}
property dateFormat
dateFormat: string;
Message send date format, default 'shortTime' {string}
property message
message: string;
Message sender {string}
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< NbChatMessageTextComponent, 'nb-chat-message-text', never, { sender: { alias: 'sender'; required: false }; message: { alias: 'message'; required: false }; date: { alias: 'date'; required: false }; dateFormat: { alias: 'dateFormat'; required: false }; }, {}, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbChatMessageTextComponent, never>;
property sender
sender: string;
Message sender {string}
class NbChatModule
class NbChatModule {}
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbChatModule, never>;
property ɵinj
static ɵinj: i0.ɵɵInjectorDeclaration<NbChatModule>;
property ɵmod
static ɵmod: i0.ɵɵNgModuleDeclaration< NbChatModule, [ typeof i1.NbChatComponent, typeof i2.NbChatMessageComponent, typeof i3.NbChatFormComponent, typeof i4.NbChatMessageTextComponent, typeof i5.NbChatMessageFileComponent, typeof i6.NbChatMessageQuoteComponent, typeof i7.NbChatMessageMapComponent, typeof i8.NbChatAvatarComponent, typeof i9.NbChatCustomMessageDirective, typeof i10.NbChatTitleDirective ], [ typeof i11.NbSharedModule, typeof i12.NbIconModule, typeof i13.NbInputModule, typeof i14.NbButtonModule ], [ typeof i1.NbChatComponent, typeof i2.NbChatMessageComponent, typeof i3.NbChatFormComponent, typeof i4.NbChatMessageTextComponent, typeof i5.NbChatMessageFileComponent, typeof i6.NbChatMessageQuoteComponent, typeof i7.NbChatMessageMapComponent, typeof i8.NbChatAvatarComponent, typeof i9.NbChatCustomMessageDirective, typeof i10.NbChatTitleDirective ]>;
method forChild
static forChild: (options?: NbChatOptions) => ModuleWithProviders<NbChatModule>;
method forRoot
static forRoot: (options?: NbChatOptions) => ModuleWithProviders<NbChatModule>;
class NbChatOptions
class NbChatOptions {}
Copyright Akveo. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
property messageGoogleMapKey
messageGoogleMapKey?: string;
class NbChatTitleDirective
class NbChatTitleDirective {}
constructor(templateRef: TemplateRef<any>);
property context
context: Object;
property ɵdir
static ɵdir: i0.ɵɵDirectiveDeclaration< NbChatTitleDirective, '[nbChatTitle]', never, { context: { alias: 'context'; required: false } }, {}, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbChatTitleDirective, never>;
property templateRef
templateRef: TemplateRef<any>;
class NbCheckboxComponent
class NbCheckboxComponent implements AfterViewInit, ControlValueAccessor {}
Styled checkbox component
@stacked-example(Showcase, checkbox/checkbox-showcase.component)
### Installation
to your feature module.@NgModule({imports: [// ...NbCheckboxModule,],})export class PageModule { }### Usage
Checkbox is available in multiple colors using
property: @stacked-example(Colored Checkboxes, checkbox/checkbox-status.component)Indeterminate state is also supported: @stacked-example(Indeterminate Checkbox, checkbox/checkbox-indeterminate.component)
Checkbox can be disabled via
attribute. @stacked-example(Disabled Checkbox, checkbox/checkbox-disabled.component)checkbox-height: checkbox-width: checkbox-border-style: checkbox-border-width: checkbox-border-radius: checkbox-outline-width: checkbox-outline-color: checkbox-text-font-family: checkbox-text-font-size: checkbox-text-font-weight: checkbox-text-line-height: checkbox-text-space: checkbox-padding: checkbox-focus-inset-shadow-length: checkbox-basic-text-color: checkbox-basic-background-color: checkbox-basic-border-color: checkbox-basic-checked-background-color: checkbox-basic-checked-border-color: checkbox-basic-checked-checkmark-color: checkbox-basic-indeterminate-background-color: checkbox-basic-indeterminate-border-color: checkbox-basic-indeterminate-checkmark-color: checkbox-basic-focus-background-color: checkbox-basic-focus-border-color: checkbox-basic-focus-checked-background-color: checkbox-basic-focus-checked-border-color: checkbox-basic-hover-background-color: checkbox-basic-hover-border-color: checkbox-basic-hover-checked-background-color: checkbox-basic-hover-checked-border-color: checkbox-basic-active-background-color: checkbox-basic-active-border-color: checkbox-basic-active-checked-background-color: checkbox-basic-active-checked-border-color: checkbox-basic-disabled-background-color: checkbox-basic-disabled-border-color: checkbox-basic-disabled-checkmark-color: checkbox-basic-disabled-text-color: checkbox-basic-disabled-checked-background-color: checkbox-primary-text-color: checkbox-primary-background-color: checkbox-primary-border-color: checkbox-primary-checked-background-color: checkbox-primary-checked-border-color: checkbox-primary-checked-checkmark-color: checkbox-primary-indeterminate-background-color: checkbox-primary-indeterminate-border-color: checkbox-primary-indeterminate-checkmark-color: checkbox-primary-focus-background-color: checkbox-primary-focus-border-color: checkbox-primary-focus-checked-background-color: checkbox-primary-focus-checked-border-color: checkbox-primary-hover-background-color: checkbox-primary-hover-border-color: checkbox-primary-hover-checked-background-color: checkbox-primary-hover-checked-border-color: checkbox-primary-active-background-color: checkbox-primary-active-border-color: checkbox-primary-active-checked-background-color: checkbox-primary-active-checked-border-color: checkbox-primary-disabled-background-color: checkbox-primary-disabled-border-color: checkbox-primary-disabled-checkmark-color: checkbox-primary-disabled-text-color: checkbox-primary-disabled-checked-background-color: checkbox-success-text-color: checkbox-success-background-color: checkbox-success-border-color: checkbox-success-checked-background-color: checkbox-success-checked-border-color: checkbox-success-checked-checkmark-color: checkbox-success-indeterminate-background-color: checkbox-success-indeterminate-border-color: checkbox-success-indeterminate-checkmark-color: checkbox-success-focus-background-color: checkbox-success-focus-border-color: checkbox-success-focus-checked-background-color: checkbox-success-focus-checked-border-color: checkbox-success-hover-background-color: checkbox-success-hover-border-color: checkbox-success-hover-checked-background-color: checkbox-success-hover-checked-border-color: checkbox-success-active-background-color: checkbox-success-active-border-color: checkbox-success-active-checked-background-color: checkbox-success-active-checked-border-color: checkbox-success-disabled-background-color: checkbox-success-disabled-border-color: checkbox-success-disabled-checkmark-color: checkbox-success-disabled-text-color: checkbox-success-disabled-checked-background-color: checkbox-info-text-color: checkbox-info-background-color: checkbox-info-border-color: checkbox-info-checked-background-color: checkbox-info-checked-border-color: checkbox-info-checked-checkmark-color: checkbox-info-indeterminate-background-color: checkbox-info-indeterminate-border-color: checkbox-info-indeterminate-checkmark-color: checkbox-info-focus-background-color: checkbox-info-focus-border-color: checkbox-info-focus-checked-background-color: checkbox-info-focus-checked-border-color: checkbox-info-hover-background-color: checkbox-info-hover-border-color: checkbox-info-hover-checked-background-color: checkbox-info-hover-checked-border-color: checkbox-info-active-background-color: checkbox-info-active-border-color: checkbox-info-active-checked-background-color: checkbox-info-active-checked-border-color: checkbox-info-disabled-background-color: checkbox-info-disabled-border-color: checkbox-info-disabled-checkmark-color: checkbox-info-disabled-text-color: checkbox-info-disabled-checked-background-color: checkbox-warning-text-color: checkbox-warning-background-color: checkbox-warning-border-color: checkbox-warning-checked-background-color: checkbox-warning-checked-border-color: checkbox-warning-checked-checkmark-color: checkbox-warning-indeterminate-background-color: checkbox-warning-indeterminate-border-color: checkbox-warning-indeterminate-checkmark-color: checkbox-warning-focus-background-color: checkbox-warning-focus-border-color: checkbox-warning-focus-checked-background-color: checkbox-warning-focus-checked-border-color: checkbox-warning-hover-background-color: checkbox-warning-hover-border-color: checkbox-warning-hover-checked-background-color: checkbox-warning-hover-checked-border-color: checkbox-warning-active-background-color: checkbox-warning-active-border-color: checkbox-warning-active-checked-background-color: checkbox-warning-active-checked-border-color: checkbox-warning-disabled-background-color: checkbox-warning-disabled-border-color: checkbox-warning-disabled-checkmark-color: checkbox-warning-disabled-text-color: checkbox-warning-disabled-checked-background-color: checkbox-danger-text-color: checkbox-danger-background-color: checkbox-danger-border-color: checkbox-danger-checked-background-color: checkbox-danger-checked-border-color: checkbox-danger-checked-checkmark-color: checkbox-danger-indeterminate-background-color: checkbox-danger-indeterminate-border-color: checkbox-danger-indeterminate-checkmark-color: checkbox-danger-focus-background-color: checkbox-danger-focus-border-color: checkbox-danger-focus-checked-background-color: checkbox-danger-focus-checked-border-color: checkbox-danger-hover-background-color: checkbox-danger-hover-border-color: checkbox-danger-hover-checked-background-color: checkbox-danger-hover-checked-border-color: checkbox-danger-active-background-color: checkbox-danger-active-border-color: checkbox-danger-active-checked-background-color: checkbox-danger-active-checked-border-color: checkbox-danger-disabled-background-color: checkbox-danger-disabled-border-color: checkbox-danger-disabled-checkmark-color: checkbox-danger-disabled-text-color: checkbox-danger-disabled-checked-background-color: checkbox-control-text-color: checkbox-control-background-color: checkbox-control-border-color: checkbox-control-checked-background-color: checkbox-control-checked-border-color: checkbox-control-checked-checkmark-color: checkbox-control-indeterminate-background-color: checkbox-control-indeterminate-border-color: checkbox-control-indeterminate-checkmark-color: checkbox-control-focus-background-color: checkbox-control-focus-border-color: checkbox-control-focus-checked-background-color: checkbox-control-focus-checked-border-color: checkbox-control-hover-background-color: checkbox-control-hover-border-color: checkbox-control-hover-checked-background-color: checkbox-control-hover-checked-border-color: checkbox-control-active-background-color: checkbox-control-active-border-color: checkbox-control-active-checked-background-color: checkbox-control-active-checked-border-color: checkbox-control-disabled-background-color: checkbox-control-disabled-border-color: checkbox-control-disabled-checkmark-color: checkbox-control-disabled-text-color: checkbox-control-disabled-checked-background-color:
constructor( changeDetector: ChangeDetectorRef, renderer: Renderer2, hostElement: ElementRef<HTMLElement>, zone: NgZone, statusService: NbStatusService);
property additionalClasses
readonly additionalClasses: string[];
property basic
readonly basic: boolean;
property checked
checked: boolean;
property checkedChange
checkedChange: EventEmitter<boolean>;
Output when checked state is changed by a user EventEmitter
property control
readonly control: boolean;
property danger
readonly danger: boolean;
property disabled
disabled: boolean;
Controls input disabled state
property indeterminate
indeterminate: boolean;
Controls checkbox indeterminate state
property info
readonly info: boolean;
property ngAcceptInputType_checked
static ngAcceptInputType_checked: NbBooleanInput;
property ngAcceptInputType_disabled
static ngAcceptInputType_disabled: NbBooleanInput;
property ngAcceptInputType_indeterminate
static ngAcceptInputType_indeterminate: NbBooleanInput;
property onChange
onChange: any;
property onTouched
onTouched: any;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< NbCheckboxComponent, 'nb-checkbox', never, { checked: { alias: 'checked'; required: false }; disabled: { alias: 'disabled'; required: false }; status: { alias: 'status'; required: false }; indeterminate: { alias: 'indeterminate'; required: false }; }, { checkedChange: 'checkedChange' }, never, ['*'], false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbCheckboxComponent, never>;
property primary
readonly primary: boolean;
property status
status: string;
Checkbox status. Possible values are:
property success
readonly success: boolean;
property warning
readonly warning: boolean;
method ngAfterViewInit
ngAfterViewInit: () => void;
method registerOnChange
registerOnChange: (fn: any) => void;
method registerOnTouched
registerOnTouched: (fn: any) => void;
method setDisabledState
setDisabledState: (val: boolean) => void;
method setTouched
setTouched: () => void;
method updateValueAndIndeterminate
updateValueAndIndeterminate: (event: Event) => void;
method writeValue
writeValue: (val: any) => void;
class NbCheckboxModule
class NbCheckboxModule {}
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbCheckboxModule, never>;
property ɵinj
static ɵinj: i0.ɵɵInjectorDeclaration<NbCheckboxModule>;
property ɵmod
static ɵmod: i0.ɵɵNgModuleDeclaration< NbCheckboxModule, [typeof i1.NbCheckboxComponent], [typeof i2.NbSharedModule, typeof i3.NbIconModule], [typeof i1.NbCheckboxComponent]>;
class NbClickTriggerStrategy
class NbClickTriggerStrategy extends NbTriggerStrategyBase {}
Creates show and hide event streams. Fires toggle event when the click was performed on the host element. Fires close event when the click was performed on the document but not on the host or container.
class NbColorHelper
class NbColorHelper {}
class NbColumnDefDirective
class NbColumnDefDirective extends CdkColumnDef {}
Column definition for the nb-table. Defines a set of cells available for a table column.
property name
name: string;
Unique name for this column.
property ɵdir
static ɵdir: i0.ɵɵDirectiveDeclaration< NbColumnDefDirective, '[nbColumnDef]', never, { name: { alias: 'nbColumnDef'; required: false }; sticky: { alias: 'sticky'; required: false }; stickyEnd: { alias: 'stickyEnd'; required: false }; }, {}, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbColumnDefDirective, never>;
property sticky
sticky: boolean;
Whether this column should be sticky positioned at the start of the row
property stickyEnd
stickyEnd: boolean;
Whether this column should be sticky positioned on the end of the row
method hasStickyChanged
hasStickyChanged: () => boolean;
Whether the sticky state has changed.
method resetStickyChanged
resetStickyChanged: () => void;
Resets the sticky changed state.
class NbColumnsService
class NbColumnsService {}
constructor(differs: IterableDiffers);
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbColumnsService, never>;
property ɵprov
static ɵprov: i0.ɵɵInjectableDeclaration<NbColumnsService>;
method getVisibleColumns
getVisibleColumns: () => string[];
method hideColumn
hideColumn: (column: string) => void;
method onColumnsChange
onColumnsChange: () => Observable<void>;
method setColumns
setColumns: (columns: Iterable<string>) => void;
method showColumn
showColumn: (column: string) => void;
class NbComponentPortal
class NbComponentPortal<T = any> extends ComponentPortal<T> {}
class NbContextMenuComponent
class NbContextMenuComponent extends NbPositionedContainerComponent implements NbRenderableContainer {}
Context menu component used as content within NbContextMenuDirective.
context-menu-background-color: context-menu-border-color: context-menu-border-style: context-menu-border-width: context-menu-border-radius: context-menu-text-align: context-menu-min-width: context-menu-max-width: context-menu-shadow:
property context
context: { items: NbMenuItem[]; tag?: string };
property items
items: NbMenuItem[];
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< NbContextMenuComponent, 'nb-context-menu', never, { items: { alias: 'items'; required: false }; tag: { alias: 'tag'; required: false }; context: { alias: 'context'; required: false }; }, {}, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbContextMenuComponent, never>;
property tag
tag: string;
method renderContent
renderContent: () => void;
The method is empty since we don't need to do anything additionally render is handled by change detection
class NbContextMenuDirective
class NbContextMenuDirective implements NbDynamicOverlayController, OnChanges, AfterViewInit, OnDestroy, OnInit {}
Full featured context menu directive.
@stacked-example(Showcase, context-menu/context-menu-showcase.component)
Just pass menu items array:
<button [nbContextMenu]="items"></button>...items = [{ title: 'Profile' }, { title: 'Log out' }];### Installation
to your feature module.@NgModule({imports: [// ...NbContextMenuModule,],})export class PageModule { }Also make sure
is imported to yourapp.module
.@NgModule({imports: [// ...NbMenuModule.forRoot(),],})export class AppModule { }### Usage
If you want to handle context menu clicks you have to pass
param and register to events using NbMenuService.NbContextMenu
renders plainNbMenu
inside, so you have to work with it just like withNbMenu
component:@stacked-example(Menu item click, context-menu/context-menu-click.component)
Context menu has different placements, such as: top, bottom, left and right which can be used as following:
<button [nbContextMenu]="items" nbContextMenuPlacement="right"></button>items = [{ title: 'Profile' }, { title: 'Log out' }];By default context menu will try to adjust itself to maximally fit viewport and provide the best user experience. It will try to change position of the context menu. If you wanna disable this behaviour just set it falsy value.
<button [nbContextMenu]="items" nbContextMenuAdjustment="counterclockwise"></button>items = [{ title: 'Profile' }, { title: 'Log out' }];Context menu has a number of triggers which provides an ability to show and hide the component in different ways:
- Click mode shows the component when a user clicks on the host element and hides when the user clicks somewhere on the document outside the component. - Hint provides capability to show the component when the user hovers over the host element and hide when the user hovers out of the host. - Hover works like hint mode with one exception - when the user moves mouse from host element to the container element the component remains open, so that it is possible to interact with it content. - Focus mode is applied when user focuses the element. - Noop mode - the component won't react to the user interaction.
@stacked-example(Available Triggers, context-menu/context-menu-modes.component.html)
Noop mode is especially useful when you need to control Popover programmatically, for example show/hide as a result of some third-party action, like HTTP request or validation check:
@stacked-example(Manual Control, context-menu/context-menu-noop.component)
@stacked-example(Manual Control, context-menu/context-menu-right-click.component)
constructor( hostRef: ElementRef, menuService: NbMenuService, dynamicOverlayHandler: NbDynamicOverlayHandler);
property adjustment
adjustment: NbAdjustment;
Container position will be changes automatically based on this strategy if container can't fit view port. Set this property to any falsy value if you want to disable automatically adjustment. Available values: clockwise, counterclockwise.
property container
protected container: ComponentRef<any>;
property contextMenuClass
contextMenuClass: string;
property contextMenuHost
contextMenuHost: boolean;
property destroy$
protected destroy$: Subject<void>;
property items
items: NbMenuItem[];
Basic menu items, will be passed to the internal NbMenuComponent.
property ngAcceptInputType_trigger
static ngAcceptInputType_trigger: NbTriggerValues;
property overlayConfig
protected overlayConfig: OverlayConfig;
property overlayContext
protected overlayContext: NbContextMenuContext;
property ɵdir
static ɵdir: i0.ɵɵDirectiveDeclaration< NbContextMenuDirective, '[nbContextMenu]', never, { position: { alias: 'nbContextMenuPlacement'; required: false }; adjustment: { alias: 'nbContextMenuAdjustment'; required: false }; tag: { alias: 'nbContextMenuTag'; required: false }; items: { alias: 'nbContextMenu'; required: false }; trigger: { alias: 'nbContextMenuTrigger'; required: false }; contextMenuClass: { alias: 'nbContextMenuClass'; required: false }; }, {}, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbContextMenuDirective, never>;
property position
position: NbPosition;
Position will be calculated relatively host element based on the position. Can be top, right, bottom and left.
property positionStrategy
protected positionStrategy: NbAdjustableConnectedPositionStrategy;
property ref
protected ref: OverlayRef;
property tag
tag: string;
Set NbMenu tag, which helps identify menu when working with NbMenuService.
property trigger
trigger: NbTrigger;
Describes when the container will be shown. Available options:
method configureDynamicOverlay
protected configureDynamicOverlay: () => NbDynamicOverlayHandler;
method hide
hide: () => void;
method ngAfterViewInit
ngAfterViewInit: () => void;
method ngOnChanges
ngOnChanges: () => void;
method ngOnDestroy
ngOnDestroy: () => void;
method ngOnInit
ngOnInit: () => void;
method rebuild
rebuild: () => void;
method show
show: () => void;
method toggle
toggle: () => void;
method updateOverlayContext
protected updateOverlayContext: () => void;
class NbContextMenuModule
class NbContextMenuModule {}
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbContextMenuModule, never>;
property ɵinj
static ɵinj: i0.ɵɵInjectorDeclaration<NbContextMenuModule>;
property ɵmod
static ɵmod: i0.ɵɵNgModuleDeclaration< NbContextMenuModule, [typeof i1.NbContextMenuDirective, typeof i2.NbContextMenuComponent], [any, typeof i4.NbOverlayModule, typeof i5.NbMenuModule], [typeof i1.NbContextMenuDirective]>;
class NbDataRowOutletDirective
class NbDataRowOutletDirective extends DataRowOutlet {}
class NbDataSource
abstract class NbDataSource<T> extends DataSource<T> {}
class NbDateAdapterService
class NbDateAdapterService<D> extends NbDatepickerAdapter<D> {}
constructor(dateService: NbDateService<D>);
property dateService
protected dateService: NbDateService<D>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbDateAdapterService<any>, never>;
property ɵprov
static ɵprov: i0.ɵɵInjectableDeclaration<NbDateAdapterService<any>>;
property picker
picker: Type<NbDatepickerComponent<D>>;
method format
format: (date: D, format: string) => string;
method isValid
isValid: (date: string, format: string) => boolean;
method parse
parse: (date: string, format: any) => D;
class NbDatepicker
abstract class NbDatepicker<T, D = T> {}
Datepicker is an control that can pick any values anyway. It has to be bound to the datepicker directive through nbDatepicker input.
property blur
readonly blur: Observable<void>;
property format
abstract format: string;
HTML input element date format.
property formatChanged$
readonly formatChanged$: Observable<void>;
property init
readonly init: Observable<void>;
property isShown
readonly isShown: boolean;
property value
value: {};
property valueChange
readonly valueChange: Observable<T>;
method attach
abstract attach: (hostRef: ElementRef) => any;
Attaches datepicker to the native input element.
method getValidatorConfig
abstract getValidatorConfig: () => NbPickerValidatorConfig<D>;
Returns validator configuration based on the input properties.
method hide
abstract hide: () => any;
method shouldHide
abstract shouldHide: () => boolean;
method show
abstract show: () => any;
class NbDatepickerAdapter
abstract class NbDatepickerAdapter<D> {}
instances provide way how to parse, format and validate different date types.
property picker
abstract picker: Type<any>;
Picker component class.
method format
abstract format: (value: D, format: string) => string;
Format date according to the format.
method isValid
abstract isValid: (value: string, format: string) => boolean;
Validates date string according to the passed format.
method parse
abstract parse: (value: string, format: string) => D;
Parse date string according to the format.
class NbDatepickerComponent
class NbDatepickerComponent<D> extends NbBasePickerComponent< D, D, NbCalendarComponent<D>> {}
The DatePicker components itself. Provides a proxy to
options as well as custom picker options.
property dateChange
readonly dateChange: EventEmitter<D>;
Emits date when selected.
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< NbDatepickerComponent<any>, 'nb-datepicker', never, { date: { alias: 'date'; required: false } }, { dateChange: 'dateChange' }, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbDatepickerComponent<any>, never>;
property pickerClass
protected pickerClass: Type<NbCalendarComponent<D>>;
property pickerValueChange
readonly pickerValueChange: Observable<D>;
property value
value: {};
method writeQueue
protected writeQueue: () => void;
class NbDatepickerContainerComponent
class NbDatepickerContainerComponent extends NbPositionedContainerComponent {}
property overlayContainer
overlayContainer: NbOverlayContainerComponent;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< NbDatepickerContainerComponent, 'nb-datepicker-container', never, {}, {}, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbDatepickerContainerComponent, never>;
method attach
attach: <T>(portal: NbComponentPortal<T>) => ComponentRef<T>;
class NbDatepickerDirective
class NbDatepickerDirective<D> implements OnDestroy, ControlValueAccessor, Validator {}
is form control that gives you ability to select dates and ranges. The datepicker is shown when input receives afocus
event.<input [nbDatepicker]="datepicker"><nb-datepicker #datepicker></nb-datepicker>@stacked-example(Showcase, datepicker/datepicker-showcase.component)
### Installation
to your root module.@NgModule({imports: [// ...NbDatepickerModule.forRoot(),],})export class AppModule { }And
to your feature module.@NgModule({imports: [// ...NbDatepickerModule,],})export class PageModule { }### Usage
If you want to use range selection, you have to use
instead:<input [nbDatepicker]="rangepicker"><nb-rangepicker #rangepicker></nb-rangepicker>Both range and date pickers support all parameters as calendar, so, check
for additional info.@stacked-example(Range showcase, datepicker/rangepicker-showcase.component)
Datepicker is the form control so it can be bound with angular forms through ngModel and form controls.
@stacked-example(Forms, datepicker/datepicker-forms.component)
may be validated usingmin
dates passed to the datepicker.@stacked-example(Validation, datepicker/datepicker-validation.component)
may be filtered usingfilter
predicate that receives date object and has to return a boolean value.@stacked-example(Filter, datepicker/datepicker-filter.component)
If you need to pick a time along with the date, you can use nb-date-timepicker
<input nbInput placeholder="Pick Date" [nbDatepicker]="dateTimePicker"><nb-date-timepicker withSeconds #dateTimePicker></nb-date-timepicker>@stacked-example(Date timepicker, datepicker/date-timepicker-showcase.component)
A single column picker with options value as time and minute, so users won’t be able to pick hours and minutes individually.
@stacked-example(Date timepicker single column, datepicker/date-timepicker-single-column.component)
supports date formatting:<input [nbDatepicker]="datepicker"><nb-datepicker #datepicker format="MM\dd\yyyy"></nb-datepicker>## Formatting Issue
By default, datepicker uses angulars
token for localization andDatePipe
for dates formatting. And nativeDate.parse(...)
for dates parsing. But nativeDate.parse
function doesn't support formats. To provide custom formatting you have to use one of the following packages:-
- provides moment date adapter that uses moment for date objects. This means datepicker than will operate only moment date objects. If you want to use it you have to install it:npm i @nebular/moment
, and importNbMomentDateModule
from this package.-
- adapter for popular date-fns library. This way is preferred if you need only date formatting. Because date-fns is treeshakable, tiny and operates native date objects. If you want to use it you have to install it:npm i @nebular/date-fns
, and importNbDateFnsDateModule
from this package.### NbDateFnsDateModule
Format is required when using
. You can set it viaformat
input on datepicker component:<nb-datepicker format="dd.MM.yyyy"></nb-datepicker>Also format can be set globally with
NbDateFnsDateModule.forRoot({ format: 'dd.MM.yyyy' })
andNbDateFnsDateModule.forChild({ format: 'dd.MM.yyyy' })
methods.Please note to use some of the formatting tokens you also need to pass
{ useAdditionalWeekYearTokens: true, useAdditionalDayOfYearTokens: true }
to date-fns parse and format functions. You can configure options passed this functions by settingformatOptions
of options object passed toNbDateFnsDateModule.forRoot
methods.NbDateFnsDateModule.forRoot({parseOptions: { useAdditionalWeekYearTokens: true, useAdditionalDayOfYearTokens: true },formatOptions: { useAdditionalWeekYearTokens: true, useAdditionalDayOfYearTokens: true },})Further info on
formatting tokens could be found at [date-fns docs](https://date-fns.org/v2.0.0-alpha.27/docs/Unicode-Tokens).You can also use
to provide locale.import { eo } from 'date-fns/locale';@NgModule({imports: [NbDateFnsDateModule.forRoot({parseOptions: { locale: eo },formatOptions: { locale: eo },}),],})datepicker-background-color: datepicker-border-color: datepicker-border-style: datepicker-border-width: datepicker-border-radius: datepicker-shadow:
constructor( document: any, datepickerAdapters: NbDatepickerAdapter<D>[], hostRef: ElementRef, dateService: NbDateService<D>, changeDetector: ChangeDetectorRef);
property changeDetector
protected changeDetector: ChangeDetectorRef;
property datepickerAdapter
protected datepickerAdapter: NbDatepickerAdapter<D>;
Datepicker adapter.
property datepickerAdapters
protected datepickerAdapters: NbDatepickerAdapter<D>[];
property dateService
protected dateService: NbDateService<D>;
property destroy$
protected destroy$: Subject<void>;
property document
protected document: any;
property hostRef
protected hostRef: ElementRef;
property input
readonly input: HTMLInputElement;
Returns html input element.
property inputValue
readonly inputValue: string;
Returns host input value.
property isDatepickerReady
protected isDatepickerReady: boolean;
property onChange
protected onChange: (D: any) => void;
property onTouched
protected onTouched: () => void;
property ɵdir
static ɵdir: i0.ɵɵDirectiveDeclaration< NbDatepickerDirective<any>, 'input[nbDatepicker]', never, { setPicker: { alias: 'nbDatepicker'; required: false } }, {}, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbDatepickerDirective<any>, never>;
property picker
protected picker: NbDatepicker<D, D>;
Datepicker instance.
property pickerInputsChangedSubscription
protected pickerInputsChangedSubscription: any;
property queue
protected queue: {};
property validator
protected validator: ValidatorFn;
Form control validators will be called in validators context, so, we need to bind them.
method chooseDatepickerAdapter
protected chooseDatepickerAdapter: () => void;
Chooses datepicker adapter based on passed picker component.
method filterValidator
protected filterValidator: () => ValidationErrors | null;
Validates passed value satisfy the filter.
method handleInputChange
protected handleInputChange: (value: string) => void;
Parses input value and write if it isn't null.
method hidePicker
protected hidePicker: () => void;
Hides picker, focuses the input
method maxValidator
protected maxValidator: () => ValidationErrors | null;
Validates passed value is smaller than max.
method minValidator
protected minValidator: () => ValidationErrors | null;
Validates passed value is greater than min.
method ngOnDestroy
ngOnDestroy: () => void;
method noDatepickerAdapterProvided
protected noDatepickerAdapterProvided: () => boolean;
Validates if no datepicker adapter provided.
method parseInputValue
protected parseInputValue: (value: any) => D | null;
method parseValidator
protected parseValidator: () => ValidationErrors | null;
Validates that we can parse value correctly.
method registerOnChange
registerOnChange: (fn: any) => void;
method registerOnTouched
registerOnTouched: (fn: any) => void;
method setDisabledState
setDisabledState: (isDisabled: boolean) => void;
method setupPicker
protected setupPicker: () => void;
Attaches picker to the host input element and subscribes on value changes.
method subscribeOnInputChange
protected subscribeOnInputChange: () => void;
method validate
validate: () => ValidationErrors | null;
Form control validation based on picker validator config.
method writeInput
protected writeInput: (value: D) => void;
method writePicker
protected writePicker: (value: D) => void;
method writeValue
writeValue: (value: D) => void;
Writes value in picker and html input element.
class NbDatepickerModule
class NbDatepickerModule {}
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbDatepickerModule, never>;
property ɵinj
static ɵinj: i0.ɵɵInjectorDeclaration<NbDatepickerModule>;
property ɵmod
static ɵmod: i0.ɵɵNgModuleDeclaration< NbDatepickerModule, [ typeof i1.NbDatepickerDirective, typeof i2.NbDatepickerContainerComponent, typeof i3.NbCalendarWithTimeComponent, typeof i4.NbDateTimePickerComponent, typeof i5.NbDatepickerComponent, typeof i5.NbRangepickerComponent, typeof i5.NbBasePickerComponent ], [ typeof i6.NbOverlayModule, typeof i7.NbCalendarModule, typeof i8.NbCalendarRangeModule, typeof i9.NbCardModule, typeof i10.NbBaseCalendarModule, typeof i11.NbTimepickerModule, typeof i12.NbCalendarKitModule ], [ typeof i1.NbDatepickerDirective, typeof i5.NbDatepickerComponent, typeof i5.NbRangepickerComponent, typeof i4.NbDateTimePickerComponent, typeof i3.NbCalendarWithTimeComponent ]>;
method forRoot
static forRoot: () => ModuleWithProviders<NbDatepickerModule>;
class NbDateService
abstract class NbDateService<D> {}
property DAYS_IN_WEEK
readonly DAYS_IN_WEEK: number;
readonly HOURS_IN_DAY_PERIOD: number;
Number of hours in AM/PM day periods.
property locale
protected locale: string;
method addDay
abstract addDay: (date: D, days: number) => D;
Returns date with added number of days.
method addHours
abstract addHours: (date: D, hour: number) => D;
Returns date with added number of hours.
method addMinutes
abstract addMinutes: (date: D, minute: number) => D;
Returns date with added number of minutes.
method addMonth
abstract addMonth: (date: D, months: number) => D;
Returns date with added number of months.
method addYear
abstract addYear: (date: D, years: number) => D;
Returns date with added number of years.
method clone
abstract clone: (date: D) => D;
Clones passed date.
method compareDates
abstract compareDates: (date1: D, date2: D) => number;
Compares two dates. Returns 0 if dates are the same. Returns 1 if the first date is greater than the second. Returns -1 if the second date is greater than the first.
method createDate
abstract createDate: (year: number, month: number, date: number) => D;
Creates new date from year, month and date.
method format
abstract format: (date: D, format: string) => string;
Transforms the date to the string according to the passed format.
method getDate
abstract getDate: (date: D) => number;
Gets the date of the month component of the given date.
method getDateFormat
abstract getDateFormat: () => string;
method getDayOfWeek
abstract getDayOfWeek: (date: D) => number;
Returns day of the week of the given date.
method getDayOfWeekNames
abstract getDayOfWeekNames: (style?: TranslationWidth) => string[];
Returns localized days names.
method getDayPeriod
getDayPeriod: (date: D) => NbDayPeriod;
method getFirstDayOfWeek
abstract getFirstDayOfWeek: () => number;
Returns first day of the week, it can be 1 if week starts from monday and 0 if from sunday and so on.
method getHours
abstract getHours: (date: D) => number;
Gets the hour component of the given date.
method getId
abstract getId: () => string;
method getLocaleTimeFormat
abstract getLocaleTimeFormat: () => string;
Gets the time format based on locale
method getMilliseconds
abstract getMilliseconds: (date: D) => number;
Gets the second component of the given date.
method getMinutes
abstract getMinutes: (date: D) => number;
Gets the minute component of the given date.
method getMonth
abstract getMonth: (date: D) => number;
Gets the month component of the given date.
method getMonthEnd
abstract getMonthEnd: (date: D) => D;
Creates the same date but with day equals to the last day in this month.
method getMonthName
abstract getMonthName: (date: D, style?: TranslationWidth) => string;
Returns localized month name by date and style.
method getMonthNameByIndex
abstract getMonthNameByIndex: ( month: number, style?: TranslationWidth) => string;
Returns localized month name by month index and style.
method getMonthStart
abstract getMonthStart: (date: D) => D;
Creates the same date but with day equals to 1.
method getNumberOfDaysInMonth
abstract getNumberOfDaysInMonth: (date: D) => number;
Returns number of days in the date.
method getSeconds
abstract getSeconds: (date: D) => number;
Gets the second component of the given date.
method getTwelveHoursFormat
abstract getTwelveHoursFormat: () => string;
method getTwelveHoursFormatWithSeconds
getTwelveHoursFormatWithSeconds: () => string;
method getTwentyFourHoursFormat
getTwentyFourHoursFormat: () => string;
method getTwentyFourHoursFormatWithSeconds
getTwentyFourHoursFormatWithSeconds: () => string;
method getWeekNumber
abstract getWeekNumber: (date: D) => number;
method getYear
abstract getYear: (date: D) => number;
Gets the year component of the given date.
method getYearEnd
abstract getYearEnd: (date: D) => D;
Creates the same date but with month equals to 11 and day equals to 31.
method getYearStart
abstract getYearStart: (date: D) => D;
Creates the same date but with month equals to 0 and day equals to 1.
method isBetween
isBetween: (date: D, start: D, end: D) => boolean;
Checks if the date is between the start date and the end date.
method isSameDay
abstract isSameDay: (date1: D, date2: D) => boolean;
Checks is two dates have the same day.
method isSameDaySafe
isSameDaySafe: (date1: D, date2: D) => boolean;
Checks is two dates have the same day.
method isSameHour
isSameHour: (date1: D, date2: D) => boolean;
method isSameHourAndMinute
isSameHourAndMinute: (date1: D, date2: D) => boolean;
method isSameMinute
isSameMinute: (date1: D, date2: D) => boolean;
method isSameMonth
abstract isSameMonth: (date1: D, date2: D) => boolean;
Checks is two dates have the same month.
method isSameMonthSafe
isSameMonthSafe: (date1: D, date2: D) => boolean;
Checks is two dates have the same month.
method isSameYear
abstract isSameYear: (date1: D, date2: D) => boolean;
Checks is two dates have the same year.
method isSameYearSafe
isSameYearSafe: (date1: D, date2: D) => boolean;
Checks is two dates have the same year.
method isValidDateString
abstract isValidDateString: (date: string, format: string) => boolean;
Returns true if date string is valid date string according to the provided format.
method isValidTimeString
abstract isValidTimeString: (date: string, format: string) => boolean;
Returns true if time string is valid time string according to the provided format.
method parse
abstract parse: (date: string, format: string) => D;
Parses the date string according to the passed format.
method setHours
abstract setHours: (date: D, hour: number) => D;
Returns date with selected hour
method setLocale
setLocale: (locale: any) => void;
method setMilliseconds
abstract setMilliseconds: (date: D, second: number) => D;
Returns date with selected milliseconds
method setMinutes
abstract setMinutes: (date: D, minute: number) => D;
Returns date with selected minute
method setSeconds
abstract setSeconds: (date: D, second: number) => D;
Returns date with selected second
method today
abstract today: () => D;
Returns today date.
method valueOf
abstract valueOf: (date: D) => number;
Returns date with added number of years.
class NbDateTimeAdapterService
class NbDateTimeAdapterService<D> extends NbDatepickerAdapter<D> {}
constructor(dateService: NbDateService<D>);
property dateService
protected dateService: NbDateService<D>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbDateTimeAdapterService<any>, never>;
property ɵprov
static ɵprov: i0.ɵɵInjectableDeclaration<NbDateTimeAdapterService<any>>;
property picker
picker: Type<NbDateTimePickerComponent<D>>;
method format
format: (date: any, format: string) => string;
method isValid
isValid: (date: string, format: string) => boolean;
method parse
parse: (date: string, format: string) => D;
class NbDateTimePickerComponent
class NbDateTimePickerComponent<D> extends NbBasePickerComponent<D, D, NbCalendarWithTimeComponent<D>> implements OnInit {}
The DateTimePicker component itself. Provides a proxy to
options as well as custom picker options.
constructor( document: any, positionBuilder: NbPositionBuilderService, triggerStrategyBuilder: NbTriggerStrategyBuilderService, overlay: NbOverlayService, cfr: ComponentFactoryResolver, dateService: NbDateService<D>, dateServiceOptions: any, calendarWithTimeModelService: NbCalendarTimeModelService<D>);
property applyButtonText
applyButtonText: string;
property calendarWithTimeModelService
protected calendarWithTimeModelService: NbCalendarTimeModelService<D>;
property currentTimeButtonText
currentTimeButtonText: string;
property dateTimeChange
readonly dateTimeChange: EventEmitter<D>;
Emits date with time when selected.
property ngAcceptInputType_showAmPmLabel
static ngAcceptInputType_showAmPmLabel: NbBooleanInput;
property ngAcceptInputType_singleColumn
static ngAcceptInputType_singleColumn: NbBooleanInput;
property ngAcceptInputType_twelveHoursFormat
static ngAcceptInputType_twelveHoursFormat: NbBooleanInput;
property ngAcceptInputType_withSeconds
static ngAcceptInputType_withSeconds: NbBooleanInput;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< NbDateTimePickerComponent<any>, 'nb-date-timepicker', never, { step: { alias: 'step'; required: false }; title: { alias: 'title'; required: false }; applyButtonText: { alias: 'applyButtonText'; required: false }; currentTimeButtonText: { alias: 'currentTimeButtonText'; required: false; }; showCurrentTimeButton: { alias: 'showCurrentTimeButton'; required: false; }; twelveHoursFormat: { alias: 'twelveHoursFormat'; required: false }; showAmPmLabel: { alias: 'showAmPmLabel'; required: false }; withSeconds: { alias: 'withSeconds'; required: false }; singleColumn: { alias: 'singleColumn'; required: false }; }, { dateTimeChange: 'dateTimeChange' }, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration< NbDateTimePickerComponent<any>, [null, null, null, null, null, null, { optional: true }, null]>;
property pickerClass
protected pickerClass: Type<NbCalendarWithTimeComponent<D>>;
property pickerValueChange
readonly pickerValueChange: Observable<any>;
property showAmPmLabel
showAmPmLabel: boolean;
Defines should show am/pm label if twelveHoursFormat enabled.
property showCurrentTimeButton
showCurrentTimeButton: boolean;
property singleColumn
singleColumn: boolean;
Show timepicker values in one column with 60 minutes step by default.
property step
step: number;
Defines minutes step when we use fill time format. If set to 20, it will be: '12:00, 12:20: 12:40, 13:00...'
property title
title: string;
property twelveHoursFormat
twelveHoursFormat: boolean;
Defines 12 hours format like '07:00 PM'.
property value
value: any;
property withSeconds
withSeconds: boolean;
Show seconds in timepicker. Ignored when singleColumn is true.
method buildTimeFormat
protected buildTimeFormat: () => string;
method ngOnInit
ngOnInit: () => void;
method patchWithInputs
protected patchWithInputs: () => void;
method writeQueue
protected writeQueue: () => void;
class NbDialogConfig
class NbDialogConfig<D = any> {}
Describes all available options that may be passed to the NbDialogService.
constructor(config: Partial<NbDialogConfig<any>>);
property autoFocus
autoFocus: boolean;
Focuses dialog automatically after open if true.
property backdropClass
backdropClass: string;
Class that'll be assigned to the backdrop element.
property closeOnBackdropClick
closeOnBackdropClick: boolean;
If true then mouse clicks by backdrop will close a dialog.
property closeOnEsc
closeOnEsc: boolean;
If true then escape press will close a dialog.
property context
context: {};
property dialogClass
dialogClass: string;
Class that'll be assigned to the dialog overlay.
property hasBackdrop
hasBackdrop: boolean;
If true than overlay will render backdrop under a dialog.
property hasScroll
hasScroll: boolean;
Disables scroll on content under dialog if true and does nothing otherwise.
property viewContainerRef
viewContainerRef: ViewContainerRef;
Where the attached component should live in Angular's *logical* component tree. This affects what is available for injection and the change detection order for the component instantiated inside of the dialog. This does not affect where the dialog content will be rendered.
class NbDialogContainerComponent
class NbDialogContainerComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {}
Container component for each dialog. All the dialogs will be attached to it. // TODO add animations
constructor( config: NbDialogConfig<any>, elementRef: ElementRef, focusTrapFactory: NbFocusTrapFactoryService);
property config
protected config: NbDialogConfig<any>;
property elementRef
protected elementRef: ElementRef;
property focusTrap
protected focusTrap: NbFocusTrap;
property focusTrapFactory
protected focusTrapFactory: NbFocusTrapFactoryService;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< NbDialogContainerComponent, 'nb-dialog-container', never, {}, {}, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbDialogContainerComponent, never>;
property portalOutlet
portalOutlet: NbPortalOutletDirective;
method attachComponentPortal
attachComponentPortal: <T>(portal: NbComponentPortal<T>) => ComponentRef<T>;
method attachTemplatePortal
attachTemplatePortal: <C>(portal: NbTemplatePortal<C>) => EmbeddedViewRef<C>;
method ngOnDestroy
ngOnDestroy: () => void;
method ngOnInit
ngOnInit: () => void;
class NbDialogModule
class NbDialogModule {}
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbDialogModule, never>;
property ɵinj
static ɵinj: i0.ɵɵInjectorDeclaration<NbDialogModule>;
property ɵmod
static ɵmod: i0.ɵɵNgModuleDeclaration< NbDialogModule, [typeof i1.NbDialogContainerComponent], [typeof i2.NbSharedModule, typeof i3.NbOverlayModule], never>;
method forChild
static forChild: ( dialogConfig?: Partial<NbDialogConfig>) => ModuleWithProviders<NbDialogModule>;
method forRoot
static forRoot: ( dialogConfig?: Partial<NbDialogConfig>) => ModuleWithProviders<NbDialogModule>;
class NbDialogRef
class NbDialogRef<T> {}
helps to manipulate dialog after it was created. The dialog can be dismissed by usingclose
method of the dialogRef. You can access rendered component ascontent
property of the dialogRef.onBackdropClick
streams click events on the backdrop of the dialog.
constructor(overlayRef: OverlayRef);
property componentRef
componentRef: ComponentRef<T>;
property onBackdropClick
readonly onBackdropClick: Observable<MouseEvent>;
Stream of backdrop click events.
property onClose
readonly onClose: Observable<any>;
property onClose$
protected onClose$: Subject<any>;
property overlayRef
protected overlayRef: OverlayRef;
method close
close: (res?: any) => void;
Hides dialog.
class NbDialogService
class NbDialogService {}
helps to open dialogs.@stacked-example(Showcase, dialog/dialog-showcase.component)
A new dialog is opened by calling the
method with a component to be loaded and an optional configuration.open
method will returnNbDialogRef
that can be used for the further manipulations.### Installation
to your app module.@NgModule({imports: [// ...NbDialogModule.forRoot(config),],})export class AppModule { }If you are using it in a lazy loaded module than you have to install it with
:@NgModule({imports: [// ...NbDialogModule.forChild(config),],})export class LazyLoadedModule { }### Usage
const dialogRef = this.dialogService.open(MyDialogComponent, { ... });NbDialogRef
gives capability access reference to the rendered dialog component, destroy dialog and some other options described below.Also, you can inject
in dialog component.this.dialogService.open(MyDialogComponent, { ... });// my-dialog.component.tsconstructor(protected dialogRef: NbDialogRef) {}close() {this.dialogRef.close();}Instead of component you can create dialog from TemplateRef:
@stacked-example(Template ref, dialog/dialog-template.component)
The dialog may return result through
. Calling component can receive this result withonClose
stream ofNbDialogRef
.@stacked-example(Result, dialog/dialog-result.component)
### Configuration
As we mentioned above,
method of theNbDialogService
may receive optional configuration options. Also, you can provide global dialogs configuration throughNbDialogModule.forRoot({ ... })
.This config may contain the following:
- both, template and component may receive data throughconfig.context
property. For components, this data will be assigned through inputs. For templates, you can access it inside template as $implicit.this.dialogService.open(template, { context: 'pass data in template' });<ng-template let-some-additional-data>{{ some-additional-data }}<ng-template/>hasBackdrop
- determines is service have to render backdrop under the dialog. Default is true. @stacked-example(Backdrop, dialog/dialog-has-backdrop.component)closeOnBackdropClick
- close dialog on backdrop click if true. Default is true. @stacked-example(Backdrop click, dialog/dialog-backdrop-click.component)closeOnEsc
- close dialog on escape button on the keyboard. Default is true. @stacked-example(Escape hit, dialog/dialog-esc.component)hasScroll
- Disables scroll on content under dialog if true and does nothing otherwise. Default is false. Please, open dialogs in the separate window and try to scroll. @stacked-example(Scroll, dialog/dialog-scroll.component)autoFocus
- Focuses dialog automatically after open if true. It's useful to prevent misclicks on trigger elements and opening multiple dialogs. Default is true.As you can see, if you open dialog with auto focus dialog will focus first focusable element or just blur previously focused automatically. Otherwise, without auto focus, the focus will stay on the previously focused element. Please, open dialogs in the separate window and try to click on the button without focus and then hit space any times. Multiple same dialogs will be opened. @stacked-example(Auto focus, dialog/dialog-auto-focus.component)
constructor( document: any, globalConfig: any, positionBuilder: NbPositionBuilderService, overlay: NbOverlayService, injector: Injector, cfr: ComponentFactoryResolver);
property cfr
protected cfr: ComponentFactoryResolver;
property document
protected document: any;
property globalConfig
protected globalConfig: any;
property injector
protected injector: Injector;
property overlay
protected overlay: NbOverlayService;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbDialogService, never>;
property ɵprov
static ɵprov: i0.ɵɵInjectableDeclaration<NbDialogService>;
property positionBuilder
protected positionBuilder: NbPositionBuilderService;
method createComponentPortal
protected createComponentPortal: <T>( config: NbDialogConfig, content: Type<T>, dialogRef: NbDialogRef<T>) => NbComponentPortal;
We're creating portal with custom injector provided through config or using global injector. This approach provides us capability inject
in dialog component.
method createContainer
protected createContainer: ( config: NbDialogConfig, overlayRef: OverlayRef) => NbDialogContainerComponent;
method createContent
protected createContent: <T>( config: NbDialogConfig, content: Type<T> | TemplateRef<T>, container: NbDialogContainerComponent, dialogRef: NbDialogRef<T>) => void;
method createInjector
protected createInjector: (config: NbDialogConfig) => Injector;
method createOverlay
protected createOverlay: (config: NbDialogConfig) => OverlayRef;
method createPositionStrategy
protected createPositionStrategy: () => NbGlobalPositionStrategy;
method createScrollStrategy
protected createScrollStrategy: (hasScroll: boolean) => ScrollStrategy;
method createTemplatePortal
protected createTemplatePortal: <T>( config: NbDialogConfig, content: TemplateRef<T>, dialogRef: NbDialogRef<T>) => NbTemplatePortal;
method open
open: <T>( content: Type<T> | TemplateRef<T>, userConfig?: Partial<NbDialogConfig<Partial<T> | string>>) => NbDialogRef<T>;
Opens new instance of the dialog, may receive optional config.
method registerCloseListeners
protected registerCloseListeners: <T>( config: NbDialogConfig, overlayRef: OverlayRef, dialogRef: NbDialogRef<T>) => void;
class NbDirectionality
class NbDirectionality extends Directionality {}
class NbDynamicOverlay
class NbDynamicOverlay {}
constructor( overlay: NbOverlayService, componentFactoryResolver: ComponentFactoryResolver, zone: NgZone, overlayContainer: NbOverlayContainer);
property componentFactoryResolver
protected componentFactoryResolver: ComponentFactoryResolver;
property componentType
protected componentType: Type<NbRenderableContainer>;
property container
protected container: ComponentRef<NbRenderableContainer>;
property content
protected content: any;
property context
protected context: Object;
property destroy$
protected destroy$: Subject<void>;
property disabled
protected disabled: boolean;
property isAttached
readonly isAttached: boolean;
property isShown
readonly isShown: Observable<boolean>;
property isShown$
protected isShown$: BehaviorSubject<boolean>;
property lastAppliedPosition
protected lastAppliedPosition: NbPosition;
property overlay
protected overlay: NbOverlayService;
property overlayConfig
protected overlayConfig: OverlayConfig;
property overlayContainer
protected overlayContainer: NbOverlayContainer;
property overlayDestroy$
protected overlayDestroy$: Subject<any>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbDynamicOverlay, never>;
property ɵprov
static ɵprov: i0.ɵɵInjectableDeclaration<NbDynamicOverlay>;
property positionStrategy
protected positionStrategy: NbAdjustableConnectedPositionStrategy;
property positionStrategyChange$
protected positionStrategyChange$: Subject<void>;
property ref
protected ref: OverlayRef;
property zone
protected zone: NgZone;
method create
create: ( componentType: Type<NbRenderableContainer>, content: NbOverlayContent, context: Object, positionStrategy: NbAdjustableConnectedPositionStrategy, overlayConfig?: OverlayConfig, disabled?: boolean) => this;
method createContainerContext
protected createContainerContext: () => Object;
method createOverlay
protected createOverlay: () => void;
method dispose
dispose: () => void;
method disposeOverlayRef
protected disposeOverlayRef: () => void;
method getContainer
getContainer: () => ComponentRef<NbRenderableContainer>;
method hasOverlayInContainer
protected hasOverlayInContainer: () => boolean;
method hide
hide: () => void;
method renderContainer
protected renderContainer: () => void;
method setComponent
setComponent: (componentType: Type<NbRenderableContainer>) => void;
method setContent
setContent: (content: NbOverlayContent) => void;
method setContentAndContext
setContentAndContext: (content: NbOverlayContent, context: Object) => void;
method setContext
setContext: (context: Object) => void;
method setDisabled
setDisabled: (disabled: boolean) => void;
method setOverlayConfig
setOverlayConfig: (overlayConfig: OverlayConfig) => void;
method setPositionStrategy
setPositionStrategy: ( positionStrategy: NbAdjustableConnectedPositionStrategy) => void;
method show
show: () => any;
method toggle
toggle: () => void;
method updateContext
protected updateContext: () => void;
method updatePosition
protected updatePosition: () => void;
method updatePositionWhenStable
protected updatePositionWhenStable: (overlay: OverlayRef) => void;
Dimensions of the container may change after content update. So we listen to zone.stable event to reposition the container.
class NbDynamicOverlayChange
class NbDynamicOverlayChange extends SimpleChange {}
constructor(previousValue: any, currentValue: any, firstChange?: boolean);
method isChanged
isChanged: () => boolean;
class NbDynamicOverlayHandler
class NbDynamicOverlayHandler {}
constructor( positionBuilder: NbPositionBuilderService, triggerStrategyBuilder: NbTriggerStrategyBuilderService, dynamicOverlayService: NbDynamicOverlay, directionService: NbLayoutDirectionService);
property changes
protected changes: { [key: string]: NbDynamicOverlayChange };
property destroy$
protected destroy$: Subject<void>;
property dynamicOverlay
protected dynamicOverlay: NbDynamicOverlay;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbDynamicOverlayHandler, never>;
property ɵprov
static ɵprov: i0.ɵɵInjectableDeclaration<NbDynamicOverlayHandler>;
property positionStrategy
protected positionStrategy: NbAdjustableConnectedPositionStrategy;
property triggerStrategy
protected triggerStrategy: NbTriggerStrategy;
method adjustment
adjustment: (adjustment: NbAdjustment) => this;
method build
build: () => NbDynamicOverlay;
method clearChanges
protected clearChanges: () => void;
method componentType
componentType: (componentType: Type<NbRenderableContainer>) => this;
method connect
connect: () => void;
method content
content: (content: NbOverlayContent) => this;
method context
context: (context: {}) => this;
method createPositionStrategy
protected createPositionStrategy: () => NbAdjustableConnectedPositionStrategy;
method destroy
destroy: () => void;
method disabled
disabled: (disabled: boolean) => this;
method disconnect
disconnect: () => void;
method host
host: (host: ElementRef) => this;
method isAdjustmentUpdated
protected isAdjustmentUpdated: () => boolean;
method isComponentTypeUpdated
protected isComponentTypeUpdated: () => boolean;
method isComponentTypeUpdateRequired
protected isComponentTypeUpdateRequired: () => boolean;
method isContainerRerenderRequired
protected isContainerRerenderRequired: () => boolean;
method isContentUpdated
protected isContentUpdated: () => boolean;
method isContextUpdated
protected isContextUpdated: () => boolean;
method isDisabledUpdated
protected isDisabledUpdated: () => boolean;
method isHostUpdated
protected isHostUpdated: () => boolean;
method isOffsetUpdated
protected isOffsetUpdated: () => boolean;
method isOverlayConfigUpdated
protected isOverlayConfigUpdated: () => boolean;
method isPositionStrategyUpdateRequired
protected isPositionStrategyUpdateRequired: () => boolean;
method isPositionUpdated
protected isPositionUpdated: () => boolean;
method isTriggerStrategyUpdateRequired
protected isTriggerStrategyUpdateRequired: () => boolean;
method isTriggerUpdated
protected isTriggerUpdated: () => boolean;
method offset
offset: (offset: number) => this;
method overlayConfig
overlayConfig: (overlayConfig: OverlayConfig) => this;
method position
position: (position: NbPosition) => this;
method rebuild
rebuild: () => NbDynamicOverlay;
method subscribeOnDirectionChange
protected subscribeOnDirectionChange: () => void;
method subscribeOnTriggers
protected subscribeOnTriggers: (dynamicOverlay: NbDynamicOverlay) => void;
method trigger
trigger: (trigger: NbTrigger) => this;
class NbFilterDirective
class NbFilterDirective {}
property filterable
filterable: NbFilterable;
property ɵdir
static ɵdir: i0.ɵɵDirectiveDeclaration< NbFilterDirective, '[nbFilter]', never, { filterable: { alias: 'nbFilter'; required: false } }, {}, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbFilterDirective, never>;
method filter
filter: (filterRequest: string) => void;
class NbFilterInputDirective
class NbFilterInputDirective extends NbFilterDirective implements OnInit, OnDestroy {}
Helper directive to trigger data source's filter method when user types in input
property debounceTime
debounceTime: number;
Debounce time before triggering filter method. Set in milliseconds. Default 200.
property filterable
filterable: NbFilterable;
property ɵdir
static ɵdir: i0.ɵɵDirectiveDeclaration< NbFilterInputDirective, '[nbFilterInput]', never, { filterable: { alias: 'nbFilterInput'; required: false }; debounceTime: { alias: 'debounceTime'; required: false }; }, {}, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbFilterInputDirective, never>;
method filter
filter: (event: any) => void;
method ngOnDestroy
ngOnDestroy: () => void;
method ngOnInit
ngOnInit: () => void;
class NbFlexibleConnectedPositionStrategy
class NbFlexibleConnectedPositionStrategy extends FlexibleConnectedPositionStrategy {}
class NbFlipCardComponent
class NbFlipCardComponent {}
Flip card example: @stacked-example(Showcase, flip-card/flip-card-showcase.component)
As a content Flip card accepts two instances of
- for front and back sides.Basic flip card configuration:
<nb-flip-card><nb-card-front><nb-card><nb-card-body>Front</nb-card-body></nb-card></nb-card-front><nb-card-back><nb-card><nb-card-body>Back</nb-card-body></nb-card></nb-card-back></nb-flip-card>### Installation
to your feature module.@NgModule({imports: [// ...NbCardModule,],})export class PageModule { }### Usage
Flip Card with header and footer: @stacked-example(With Header & Footer, flip-card/flip-card-full.component.ts)
Colored flip-cards could be simply configured by providing a
property: @stacked-example(Colored Card, flip-card/flip-card-colors.component)It is also possible to assign an
property for a slight card highlight as well as combine it withstatus
: @stacked-example(Accent Card, flip-card/flip-card-accents.component)@additional-example(Multiple Sizes, flip-card/flip-card-sizes.component)
property flipped
flipped: boolean;
Flip state boolean
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< NbFlipCardComponent, 'nb-flip-card', never, { flipped: { alias: 'flipped'; required: false }; showToggleButton: { alias: 'showToggleButton'; required: false }; }, {}, never, ['nb-card-front', 'nb-card-back'], false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbFlipCardComponent, never>;
property showToggleButton
showToggleButton: boolean;
Show/hide toggle button to be able to control toggle from your code {boolean}
method toggle
toggle: () => void;
class NbFocusKeyManager
class NbFocusKeyManager<T> extends FocusKeyManager<T> {}
class NbFocusKeyManagerFactoryService
class NbFocusKeyManagerFactoryService<T extends NbFocusableOption> {}
method create
create: (items: QueryList<T> | T[]) => NbFocusKeyManager<T>;
class NbFocusMonitor
class NbFocusMonitor extends FocusMonitor {}
class NbFocusTrap
class NbFocusTrap extends FocusTrap {}
Overrides angular cdk focus trap to keep restore functionality inside trap.
constructor( element: HTMLElement, checker: InteractivityChecker, ngZone: NgZone, document: Document, deferAnchors: any);
property checker
protected checker: InteractivityChecker;
property document
protected document: Document;
property element
protected element: HTMLElement;
property ngZone
protected ngZone: NgZone;
property previouslyFocusedElement
protected previouslyFocusedElement: HTMLElement;
method blurPreviouslyFocusedElement
blurPreviouslyFocusedElement: () => void;
method restoreFocus
restoreFocus: () => void;
method savePreviouslyFocusedElement
protected savePreviouslyFocusedElement: () => void;
class NbFocusTrapFactoryService
class NbFocusTrapFactoryService extends FocusTrapFactory {}
constructor(checker: InteractivityChecker, ngZone: NgZone, document: any);
property checker
protected checker: InteractivityChecker;
property ngZone
protected ngZone: NgZone;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbFocusTrapFactoryService, never>;
property ɵprov
static ɵprov: i0.ɵɵInjectableDeclaration<NbFocusTrapFactoryService>;
method create
create: (element: HTMLElement, deferCaptureElements?: boolean) => NbFocusTrap;
class NbFocusTriggerStrategy
class NbFocusTriggerStrategy extends NbTriggerStrategyBase {}
Creates show and hide event streams. Fires open event when a focus is on the host element and stay over at least 100 milliseconds. Fires close event when the focus leaves the host element.
property clickIn$
protected clickIn$: Observable<Event>;
property clickOut$
protected clickOut$: Observable<Event>;
property focusOut$
protected focusOut$: Observable<Event>;
property hide$
hide$: Observable<Event>;
property show$
show$: Observable<Event>;
property tabKeyPress$
protected tabKeyPress$: Observable<Event>;
class NbFontIcon
class NbFontIcon implements NbIcon {}
constructor(name: any, content: any, params?: NbFontIconPackParams);
property content
protected content: any;
property name
protected name: any;
property params
protected params: NbFontIconPackParams;
method getClasses
getClasses: (options?: NbIconOptions) => string[];
method getContent
getContent: (options?: NbIconOptions) => string;
class NbFooterCellDefDirective
class NbFooterCellDefDirective extends CdkFooterCellDef {}
Footer cell definition for the nb-table. Captures the template of a column's footer cell and as well as cell-specific properties.
class NbFooterCellDirective
class NbFooterCellDirective extends CdkFooterCell {}
Footer cell template container that adds the right classes and role.
constructor(columnDef: NbColumnDefDirective, elementRef: ElementRef);
property ɵdir
static ɵdir: i0.ɵɵDirectiveDeclaration< NbFooterCellDirective, 'nb-footer-cell, td[nbFooterCell]', never, {}, {}, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbFooterCellDirective, never>;
class NbFooterRowComponent
class NbFooterRowComponent extends CdkFooterRow {}
Footer template container that contains the cell outlet. Adds the right class and role.
class NbFooterRowDefDirective
class NbFooterRowDefDirective extends CdkFooterRowDef {}
Footer row definition for the nb-table. Captures the footer row's template and other footer properties such as the columns to display.
property columns
columns: Iterable<string>;
property ɵdir
static ɵdir: i0.ɵɵDirectiveDeclaration< NbFooterRowDefDirective, '[nbFooterRowDef]', never, { columns: { alias: 'nbFooterRowDef'; required: false }; sticky: { alias: 'nbFooterRowDefSticky'; required: false }; }, {}, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbFooterRowDefDirective, never>;
property sticky
sticky: boolean;
method hasStickyChanged
hasStickyChanged: () => boolean;
Whether the sticky state has changed.
method resetStickyChanged
resetStickyChanged: () => void;
Resets the sticky changed state.
class NbFooterRowOutletDirective
class NbFooterRowOutletDirective extends FooterRowOutlet {}
class NbFormFieldComponent
class NbFormFieldComponent implements AfterContentChecked, AfterContentInit, AfterViewInit, OnDestroy {}
constructor( cd: ChangeDetectorRef, zone: NgZone, elementRef: ElementRef, renderer: Renderer2);
property cd
protected cd: ChangeDetectorRef;
property destroy$
protected readonly destroy$: Subject<void>;
property elementRef
protected elementRef: ElementRef;
property formControl
formControl: NbFormFieldControl;
property formControlConfig
formControlConfig: NbFormFieldControlConfig;
property formControlState$
protected formControlState$: ReplaySubject<NbFormControlState>;
property formFieldClasses
formFieldClasses: any;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< NbFormFieldComponent, 'nb-form-field', never, {}, {}, ['formControl', 'formControlConfig', 'prefix', 'suffix'], ['[nbPrefix]', '*', '[nbSuffix]'], false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbFormFieldComponent, never>;
property prefix
prefix: QueryList<NbPrefixDirective>;
property prefixClasses$
prefixClasses$: Observable<string[]>;
property renderer
protected renderer: Renderer2;
property suffix
suffix: QueryList<NbSuffixDirective>;
property suffixClasses$
suffixClasses$: Observable<string[]>;
property zone
protected zone: NgZone;
method getAddonClasses
protected getAddonClasses: ( addon: NbFormControlAddon, state: NbFormControlState) => string[];
method getFormControlConfig
protected getFormControlConfig: () => NbFormFieldControlConfig;
method isStatesEqual
protected isStatesEqual: ( oldState: NbFormControlState, state: NbFormControlState) => boolean;
method ngAfterContentChecked
ngAfterContentChecked: () => void;
method ngAfterContentInit
ngAfterContentInit: () => void;
method ngAfterViewInit
ngAfterViewInit: () => void;
method ngOnDestroy
ngOnDestroy: () => void;
method shouldShowPrefix
shouldShowPrefix: () => boolean;
method shouldShowSuffix
shouldShowSuffix: () => boolean;
method subscribeToAddonChange
protected subscribeToAddonChange: () => void;
method subscribeToFormControlStateChange
protected subscribeToFormControlStateChange: () => void;
class NbFormFieldControl
abstract class NbFormFieldControl {}
property disabled$
disabled$: Observable<boolean>;
property focused$
focused$: Observable<boolean>;
property fullWidth$
fullWidth$: Observable<boolean>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbFormFieldControl, never>;
property ɵprov
static ɵprov: i0.ɵɵInjectableDeclaration<NbFormFieldControl>;
property size$
size$: Observable<NbComponentSize>;
property status$
status$: Observable<string>;
class NbFormFieldControlConfig
class NbFormFieldControlConfig {}
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbFormFieldControlConfig, never>;
property ɵprov
static ɵprov: i0.ɵɵInjectableDeclaration<NbFormFieldControlConfig>;
property supportsPrefix
supportsPrefix: boolean;
property supportsSuffix
supportsSuffix: boolean;
class NbFormFieldModule
class NbFormFieldModule {}
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbFormFieldModule, never>;
property ɵinj
static ɵinj: i0.ɵɵInjectorDeclaration<NbFormFieldModule>;
property ɵmod
static ɵmod: i0.ɵɵNgModuleDeclaration< NbFormFieldModule, [ typeof i1.NbFormFieldComponent, typeof i2.NbPrefixDirective, typeof i3.NbSuffixDirective ], [any], [ typeof i1.NbFormFieldComponent, typeof i2.NbPrefixDirective, typeof i3.NbSuffixDirective ]>;
class NbGlobalPositionStrategy
class NbGlobalPositionStrategy extends GlobalPositionStrategy {}
method position
position: (position: NbGlobalLogicalPosition) => this;
class NbHeaderCellDefDirective
class NbHeaderCellDefDirective extends CdkHeaderCellDef {}
Header cell definition for the nb-table. Captures the template of a column's header cell and as well as cell-specific properties.
class NbHeaderCellDirective
class NbHeaderCellDirective extends CdkHeaderCell {}
Header cell template container that adds the right classes and role.
constructor( columnDef: NbColumnDefDirective, elementRef: ElementRef<HTMLElement>);
property ɵdir
static ɵdir: i0.ɵɵDirectiveDeclaration< NbHeaderCellDirective, 'nb-header-cell, th[nbHeaderCell]', never, {}, {}, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbHeaderCellDirective, never>;
class NbHeaderRowComponent
class NbHeaderRowComponent extends CdkHeaderRow {}
Footer template container that contains the cell outlet. Adds the right class and role.
class NbHeaderRowDefDirective
class NbHeaderRowDefDirective extends CdkHeaderRowDef {}
Header row definition for the nb-table. Captures the header row's template and other header properties such as the columns to display.
property columns
columns: Iterable<string>;
property ɵdir
static ɵdir: i0.ɵɵDirectiveDeclaration< NbHeaderRowDefDirective, '[nbHeaderRowDef]', never, { columns: { alias: 'nbHeaderRowDef'; required: false }; sticky: { alias: 'nbHeaderRowDefSticky'; required: false }; }, {}, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbHeaderRowDefDirective, never>;
property sticky
sticky: boolean;
method hasStickyChanged
hasStickyChanged: () => boolean;
method resetStickyChanged
resetStickyChanged: () => void;
Resets the sticky changed state.
class NbHeaderRowOutletDirective
class NbHeaderRowOutletDirective extends HeaderRowOutlet {}
class NbHintTriggerStrategy
class NbHintTriggerStrategy extends NbTriggerStrategyBase {}
Creates show and hide event streams. Fires open event when a mouse hovers over the host element and stay over at least 100 milliseconds. Fires close event when the mouse leaves the host element.
class NbHoverTriggerStrategy
class NbHoverTriggerStrategy extends NbTriggerStrategyBase {}
Creates show and hide event streams. Fires open event when a mouse hovers over the host element and stay over at least 100 milliseconds. Fires close event when the mouse leaves the host element and stops out of the host and popover container.
class NbIconComponent
class NbIconComponent implements NbIconConfig, OnChanges, OnInit {}
Icon component. Allows to render both
icons. Starting from Nebular 4.0 uses [Eva Icons](https://akveo.github.io/eva-icons/) pack by default.Basic icon example: @stacked-example(Showcase, icon/icon-showcase.component)
Icon configuration:
<nb-icon icon="star"></nb-icon>### Installation
By default Nebular comes without any pre-installed icon pack. Starting with Nebular 4.0.0 we ship separate package called
which integrates SVG [Eva Icons](https://akveo.github.io/eva-icons/) pack to Nebular. To add it to your project run:npm i eva-icons @nebular/eva-iconsThis command will install Eva Icons pack. Then register
into your app module:import { NbEvaIconsModule } from '@nebular/eva-icons';@NgModule({imports: [// ...NbEvaIconsModule,],})export class AppModule { }Last thing, import
to your feature module where you need to show an icon:import { NbIconModule } from '@nebular/theme';@NgModule({imports: [// ...NbIconModule,],})export class PageModule { }### Usage
Icon can be colored using
input:<nb-icon icon="star" status="warning"></nb-icon>Colored icons: @stacked-example(Colored Icons, icon/icon-colors.component)
In case you need to specify an icon from a specific icon pack, this could be done using
input property:<nb-icon icon="star" pack="font-awesome"></nb-icon>Additional icon settings (if available by the icon pack) could be passed using
input:<nb-icon icon="star" [options]="{ animation: { type: 'zoom' } }"></nb-icon>icon-font-size: icon-line-height: icon-width: icon-height: icon-svg-vertical-align: icon-basic-color: icon-primary-color: icon-info-color: icon-success-color: icon-warning-color: icon-danger-color: icon-control-color:
constructor( sanitizer: DomSanitizer, iconLibrary: NbIconLibraries, el: ElementRef, renderer: Renderer2, statusService: NbStatusService);
property additionalClasses
readonly additionalClasses: string[];
property basic
readonly basic: boolean;
property config
config: string | NbIconConfig;
Sets all icon configurable properties via config object. If passed value is a string set icon name. @docs-private
property control
readonly control: boolean;
property danger
readonly danger: boolean;
property el
protected el: ElementRef;
property html
html: SafeHtml;
property icon
icon: string;
Icon name
Parameter status
property iconDef
protected iconDef: any;
property iconLibrary
protected iconLibrary: NbIconLibraries;
property info
readonly info: boolean;
property options
options: { [name: string]: any };
Additional icon settings
{[name: string]: any}
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< NbIconComponent, 'nb-icon', never, { icon: { alias: 'icon'; required: false }; pack: { alias: 'pack'; required: false }; options: { alias: 'options'; required: false }; status: { alias: 'status'; required: false }; config: { alias: 'config'; required: false }; }, {}, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbIconComponent, never>;
property pack
pack: string;
Icon pack name
Parameter status
property prevClasses
protected prevClasses: any[];
property primary
readonly primary: boolean;
property renderer
protected renderer: Renderer2;
property sanitizer
protected sanitizer: DomSanitizer;
property status
status?: string;
Icon status (adds specific styles):
property statusService
protected statusService: NbStatusService;
property success
readonly success: boolean;
property warning
readonly warning: boolean;
method assignClasses
protected assignClasses: (classes: string[]) => void;
method clearIcon
protected clearIcon: () => void;
method ngOnChanges
ngOnChanges: () => void;
method ngOnInit
ngOnInit: () => void;
method renderIcon
renderIcon: ( name: string, pack?: string, options?: { [name: string]: any }) => import('./icon-libraries').NbIconDefinition;
class NbIconDefinition
class NbIconDefinition {}
class NbIconLibraries
class NbIconLibraries {}
This service allows to register multiple icon packs to use them later within
property defaultPack
protected defaultPack: NbIconPack;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbIconLibraries, never>;
property ɵprov
static ɵprov: i0.ɵɵInjectableDeclaration<NbIconLibraries>;
property packs
protected packs: Map<string, NbIconPack>;
method createFontIcon
protected createFontIcon: ( name: string, content: NbIcon | string, params: NbFontIconPackParams) => NbFontIcon;
method createSvgIcon
protected createSvgIcon: ( name: string, content: NbIcon | string, params: NbIconPackParams) => NbSvgIcon;
method getDefaultPackOrThrow
protected getDefaultPackOrThrow: () => NbIconPack;
method getFontIcon
getFontIcon: (name: string, pack?: string) => NbIconDefinition;
Returns Font icon
Parameter name
Parameter pack
method getIcon
getIcon: (name: string, pack?: string) => NbIconDefinition | null;
Returns an icon
Parameter name
Parameter pack
method getIconFromPack
protected getIconFromPack: ( name: string, pack: NbIconPack) => NbIcon | string | null;
method getPack
getPack: (name: string) => NbIconPack;
Returns pack by name
Parameter name
method getPackOrThrow
protected getPackOrThrow: (name: string) => NbIconPack;
method getSvgIcon
getSvgIcon: (name: string, pack?: string) => NbIconDefinition | null;
Returns Svg icon
Parameter name
Parameter pack
method registerFontPack
registerFontPack: (name: string, params?: NbFontIconPackParams) => void;
Registers new font pack
Parameter name
Parameter params
method registerSvgPack
registerSvgPack: ( name: string, icons: NbIcons, params?: NbIconPackParams) => void;
Registers new Svg icon pack
Parameter name
Parameter icons
Parameter params
method setDefaultPack
setDefaultPack: (name: string) => void;
Sets pack as a default
Parameter name
class NbIconModule
class NbIconModule {}
constructor(iconsLibrary: NbIconLibraries);
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbIconModule, never>;
property ɵinj
static ɵinj: i0.ɵɵInjectorDeclaration<NbIconModule>;
property ɵmod
static ɵmod: i0.ɵɵNgModuleDeclaration< NbIconModule, [typeof i1.NbIconComponent], [any], [typeof i1.NbIconComponent]>;
class NbInfiniteListDirective
class NbInfiniteListDirective implements AfterViewInit, OnDestroy {}
Infinite List Directive
<nb-list nbInfiniteList [threshold]="500" (bottomThreshold)="loadNext()"><nb-list-item *ngFor="let item of items"></nb-list-item></nb-list>@stacked-example(Simple infinite list, infinite-list/infinite-list-showcase.component)
Directive will notify when list scrolled up or down to a given threshold. By default it listen to scroll of list on which applied, but also can be set to listen to window scroll.
@stacked-example(Scroll modes, infinite-list/infinite-list-scroll-modes.component)
To improve UX of infinite lists, it's better to keep current page in url, so user able to return to the last viewed page or to share a link to this page.
directive will help you to know, what page user currently viewing. Just put it on a list, set page size and it will calculate page that currently in viewport. You can [open the example](example/infinite-list/infinite-news-list.component) in a new tab to check out this feature.@stacked-example(Infinite list with pager, infinite-list/infinite-news-list.component)
@stacked-example(Infinite list with placeholders at the top, infinite-list/infinite-list-placeholders.component)
constructor( elementRef: ElementRef, scrollService: NbLayoutScrollService, dimensionsService: NbLayoutRulerService);
property bottomThreshold
bottomThreshold: EventEmitter<any>;
Emits when distance between list bottom and current scroll position is less than threshold.
property listItems
listItems: QueryList<NbListItemComponent>;
property ngAcceptInputType_listenWindowScroll
static ngAcceptInputType_listenWindowScroll: NbBooleanInput;
property ɵdir
static ɵdir: i0.ɵɵDirectiveDeclaration< NbInfiniteListDirective, '[nbInfiniteList]', never, { threshold: { alias: 'threshold'; required: false }; throttleTime: { alias: 'throttleTime'; required: false }; listenWindowScroll: { alias: 'listenWindowScroll'; required: false }; }, { bottomThreshold: 'bottomThreshold'; topThreshold: 'topThreshold' }, ['listItems'], never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbInfiniteListDirective, never>;
property threshold
threshold: number;
Threshold after which event load more event will be emited. In pixels.
property throttleTime
throttleTime: number;
property topThreshold
topThreshold: EventEmitter<any>;
Emits when distance between list top and current scroll position is less than threshold.
property windowScroll
windowScroll: boolean;
method checkPosition
checkPosition: ({ scrollHeight, scrollTop, clientHeight,}: NbScrollableContainerDimensions) => void;
method ngAfterViewInit
ngAfterViewInit: () => void;
method ngOnDestroy
ngOnDestroy: () => void;
method onElementScroll
onElementScroll: () => void;
class NbInputDirective
class NbInputDirective implements DoCheck, OnChanges, OnInit, AfterViewInit, OnDestroy, NbFormFieldControl {}
Basic input directive.
<input nbInput></input>### Installation
to your feature module.@NgModule({imports: [// ...NbInputModule,],})export class PageModule { }### Usage
Default input size is
: @stacked-example(Showcase, input/input-showcase.component)Inputs are available in multiple colors using
property: @stacked-example(Input Colors, input/input-colors.component)There are three input sizes:
@stacked-example(Input Sizes, input/input-sizes.component)
Inputs available in different shapes, which could be combined with the other properties: @stacked-example(Input Shapes, input/input-shapes.component)
could be applied to the following selectors -input
: @stacked-example(Input Elements, input/input-types.component)You can add
attribute to make element fill container: @stacked-example(Full width inputs, input/input-full-width.component)Or you can bind control with form controls or ngModel: @stacked-example(Input form binding, input/input-form.component)
to add custom content to the input field. First importNbFormFieldModule
. Then put the input field and custom content into<nb-form-field>
and addnbPrefix
directive to the custom content.nbPrefix
puts content before input andnbSuffix
after.@stacked-example(Input with icon, form-field/form-field-input.component) @stacked-example(Input with button, form-field/form-field-password.component)
input-border-style: input-border-width: input-outline-color: input-outline-width: input-placeholder-text-font-family: input-text-font-family: input-basic-text-color: input-basic-placeholder-text-color: input-basic-background-color: input-basic-border-color: input-basic-focus-background-color: input-basic-focus-border-color: input-basic-hover-background-color: input-basic-hover-border-color: input-basic-disabled-background-color: input-basic-disabled-border-color: input-basic-disabled-text-color: input-basic-disabled-placeholder-text-color: input-primary-text-color: input-primary-placeholder-text-color: input-primary-background-color: input-primary-border-color: input-primary-focus-background-color: input-primary-focus-border-color: input-primary-hover-background-color: input-primary-hover-border-color: input-primary-disabled-background-color: input-primary-disabled-border-color: input-primary-disabled-text-color: input-primary-disabled-placeholder-text-color: input-success-text-color: input-success-placeholder-text-color: input-success-background-color: input-success-border-color: input-success-focus-background-color: input-success-focus-border-color: input-success-hover-background-color: input-success-hover-border-color: input-success-disabled-background-color: input-success-disabled-border-color: input-success-disabled-text-color: input-success-disabled-placeholder-text-color: input-info-text-color: input-info-placeholder-text-color: input-info-background-color: input-info-border-color: input-info-focus-background-color: input-info-focus-border-color: input-info-hover-background-color: input-info-hover-border-color: input-info-disabled-background-color: input-info-disabled-border-color: input-info-disabled-text-color: input-info-disabled-placeholder-text-color: input-warning-text-color: input-warning-placeholder-text-color: input-warning-background-color: input-warning-border-color: input-warning-focus-background-color: input-warning-focus-border-color: input-warning-hover-background-color: input-warning-hover-border-color: input-warning-disabled-background-color: input-warning-disabled-border-color: input-warning-disabled-text-color: input-warning-disabled-placeholder-text-color: input-danger-text-color: input-danger-placeholder-text-color: input-danger-background-color: input-danger-border-color: input-danger-focus-background-color: input-danger-focus-border-color: input-danger-hover-background-color: input-danger-hover-border-color: input-danger-disabled-background-color: input-danger-disabled-border-color: input-danger-disabled-text-color: input-danger-disabled-placeholder-text-color: input-control-text-color: input-control-placeholder-text-color: input-control-background-color: input-control-border-color: input-control-focus-background-color: input-control-focus-border-color: input-control-hover-background-color: input-control-hover-border-color: input-control-disabled-background-color: input-control-disabled-border-color: input-control-disabled-text-color: input-control-disabled-placeholder-text-color: input-rectangle-border-radius: input-semi-round-border-radius: input-round-border-radius: input-tiny-text-font-size: input-tiny-text-font-weight: input-tiny-text-line-height: input-tiny-placeholder-text-font-size: input-tiny-placeholder-text-font-weight: input-tiny-placeholder-text-line-height: input-tiny-padding: input-tiny-max-width: input-small-text-font-size: input-small-text-font-weight: input-small-text-line-height: input-small-placeholder-text-font-size: input-small-placeholder-text-font-weight: input-small-placeholder-text-line-height: input-small-padding: input-small-max-width: input-medium-text-font-size: input-medium-text-font-weight: input-medium-text-line-height: input-medium-placeholder-text-font-size: input-medium-placeholder-text-font-weight: input-medium-placeholder-text-line-height: input-medium-padding: input-medium-max-width: input-large-text-font-size: input-large-text-font-weight: input-large-text-line-height: input-large-placeholder-text-font-size: input-large-placeholder-text-font-weight: input-large-placeholder-text-line-height: input-large-padding: input-large-max-width: input-giant-text-font-size: input-giant-text-font-weight: input-giant-text-line-height: input-giant-placeholder-text-font-size: input-giant-placeholder-text-font-weight: input-giant-placeholder-text-line-height: input-giant-padding: input-giant-max-width:
constructor( elementRef: ElementRef<HTMLInputElement | HTMLTextAreaElement>, focusMonitor: NbFocusMonitor, renderer: Renderer2, zone: NgZone, statusService: NbStatusService);
property additionalClasses
readonly additionalClasses: string[];
property basic
readonly basic: boolean;
property control
readonly control: boolean;
property danger
readonly danger: boolean;
property destroy$
protected destroy$: Subject<void>;
property disabled$
disabled$: BehaviorSubject<boolean>;
property elementRef
protected elementRef: ElementRef<HTMLInputElement | HTMLTextAreaElement>;
property fieldSize
fieldSize: NbComponentSize;
Field size modifications. Possible values:
property focused$
focused$: BehaviorSubject<boolean>;
property focusMonitor
protected focusMonitor: NbFocusMonitor;
property fullWidth
fullWidth: boolean;
If set element will fill container.
by default.
property fullWidth$
fullWidth$: BehaviorSubject<boolean>;
property giant
readonly giant: boolean;
property info
readonly info: boolean;
property large
readonly large: boolean;
property medium
readonly medium: boolean;
property ngAcceptInputType_fullWidth
static ngAcceptInputType_fullWidth: NbBooleanInput;
property ɵdir
static ɵdir: i0.ɵɵDirectiveDeclaration< NbInputDirective, 'input[nbInput],textarea[nbInput]', never, { fieldSize: { alias: 'fieldSize'; required: false }; status: { alias: 'status'; required: false }; shape: { alias: 'shape'; required: false }; fullWidth: { alias: 'fullWidth'; required: false }; }, {}, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbInputDirective, never>;
property primary
readonly primary: boolean;
property rectangle
readonly rectangle: boolean;
property renderer
protected renderer: Renderer2;
property round
readonly round: boolean;
property semiRound
readonly semiRound: boolean;
property shape
shape: NbComponentShape;
Field shapes modifications. Possible values:
property size$
size$: BehaviorSubject<NbComponentSize>;
property small
readonly small: boolean;
property status
status: string;
Field status (adds specific styles):
property status$
status$: BehaviorSubject<string>;
property statusService
protected statusService: NbStatusService;
property success
readonly success: boolean;
property tiny
readonly tiny: boolean;
property warning
readonly warning: boolean;
property zone
protected zone: NgZone;
method ngAfterViewInit
ngAfterViewInit: () => void;
method ngDoCheck
ngDoCheck: () => void;
method ngOnChanges
ngOnChanges: ({ status, fieldSize, fullWidth }: SimpleChanges) => void;
method ngOnDestroy
ngOnDestroy: () => void;
method ngOnInit
ngOnInit: () => void;
class NbInputModule
class NbInputModule {}
class NbJSThemesRegistry
class NbJSThemesRegistry {}
Js Themes registry - provides access to the JS themes' variables. Usually shouldn't be used directly, but through the NbThemeService class methods (getJsTheme).
constructor(builtInThemes: NbJSThemeOptions[], newThemes?: NbJSThemeOptions[]);
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbJSThemesRegistry, never>;
property ɵprov
static ɵprov: i0.ɵɵInjectableDeclaration<NbJSThemesRegistry>;
method get
get: (themeName: string) => NbJSThemeOptions;
Return a theme
Parameter themeName
method has
has: (themeName: string) => boolean;
Checks whether the theme is registered
Parameter themeName
method register
register: (config: any, themeName: string, baseTheme: string) => void;
Registers a new JS theme
Parameter config
Parameter themeName
Parameter baseTheme
class NbLayoutColumnComponent
class NbLayoutColumnComponent {}
A container component which determines a content position inside of the layout. The layout could contain unlimited columns (not including the sidebars).
By default the columns are ordered from the left to the right, but it's also possible to overwrite this behavior by setting a
attribute to the column, moving it to the very first position:@stacked-example(Column Left, layout/layout-column-left.component)
property leftValue
leftValue: boolean;
property ngAcceptInputType_left
static ngAcceptInputType_left: NbBooleanInput;
property ngAcceptInputType_start
static ngAcceptInputType_start: NbBooleanInput;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< NbLayoutColumnComponent, 'nb-layout-column', never, { left: { alias: 'left'; required: false }; start: { alias: 'start'; required: false }; }, {}, never, ['*'], false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbLayoutColumnComponent, never>;
property startValue
startValue: boolean;
class NbLayoutComponent
class NbLayoutComponent implements AfterViewInit, OnDestroy {}
Layout container component. When using with Nebular Theme System it is required that all child components should be placed inside.
Basic example of two column layout with header:
@stacked-example(Showcase, layout/layout-showcase.component)
Can contain the following components inside:
<nb-layout><nb-layout-header></nb-layout-header><nb-layout-footer></nb-layout-footer><nb-layout-column></nb-layout-column><nb-sidebar></nb-sidebar></nb-layout>### Installation
to your app module.@NgModule({imports: [// ...NbLayoutModule,],})export class AppModule { }### Usage By default the layout fills up the whole view-port. The window scrollbars are disabled on the body and moved inside of the nb-layout, so that the scrollbars won't mess with the fixed nb-header.
The child components are projected into a flexible layout structure allowing to adjust the layout behavior based on the settings provided.
The layout content (columns) becomes centered when the window width is more than the value specified in the theme variable
.The layout also contains the area on the very top (the first child of the nb-layout), which could be used to dynamically append some components like modals or spinners/loaders so that they are located on top of the elements hierarchy. More details are under the
section.The layout component is also responsible for changing application themes. It listens to the
event and change a theme CSS class appended to body. Based on the class appended, specific CSS-theme is applied to the application. More details of the Theme System could be found here [Enabling Theme System](#/docs/concepts/theme-system)A simple layout with footer:
@stacked-example(Layout With Footer, layout/layout-w-footer.component)
It is possible to ask the layout to center the columns (notice: we added a
attribute to the layout:<nb-layout center><nb-layout-header>Awesome Company</nb-layout-header><nb-layout-column>Hello World!</nb-layout-column><nb-layout-footer>Contact us</nb-layout-footer></nb-layout>layout-background-color: layout-text-color: layout-text-font-family: layout-text-font-size: layout-text-font-weight: layout-text-line-height: layout-min-height: layout-content-width: layout-window-mode-min-width: layout-window-mode-background-color: layout-window-mode-padding-top: layout-window-shadow: layout-padding: layout-medium-padding: layout-small-padding: layout-scrollbar-background-color: layout-scrollbar-color: layout-scrollbar-width:
constructor( themeService: NbThemeService, spinnerService: NbSpinnerService, elementRef: ElementRef, renderer: Renderer2, window: any, document: any, platformId: Object, layoutDirectionService: NbLayoutDirectionService, scrollService: NbLayoutScrollService, rulerService: NbLayoutRulerService, scrollTop: NbRestoreScrollTopHelper, overlayContainer: NbOverlayContainerAdapter);
property afterViewInit$
protected afterViewInit$: BehaviorSubject<any>;
property centerValue
centerValue: boolean;
property document
protected document: any;
property elementRef
protected elementRef: ElementRef;
property isScrollBlocked
protected isScrollBlocked: boolean;
property layoutContainerRef
layoutContainerRef: ElementRef<HTMLElement>;
property layoutDirectionService
protected layoutDirectionService: NbLayoutDirectionService;
property layoutPaddingOldValue
protected layoutPaddingOldValue: { left: string; right: string };
property ngAcceptInputType_center
static ngAcceptInputType_center: NbBooleanInput;
property ngAcceptInputType_restoreScrollTop
static ngAcceptInputType_restoreScrollTop: NbBooleanInput;
property ngAcceptInputType_windowMode
static ngAcceptInputType_windowMode: NbBooleanInput;
property ngAcceptInputType_withScroll
static ngAcceptInputType_withScroll: NbBooleanInput;
property overlayContainer
protected overlayContainer: NbOverlayContainerAdapter;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< NbLayoutComponent, 'nb-layout', never, { center: { alias: 'center'; required: false }; windowMode: { alias: 'windowMode'; required: false }; withScroll: { alias: 'withScroll'; required: false }; restoreScrollTop: { alias: 'restoreScrollTop'; required: false }; }, {}, never, [ 'nb-layout-header:not([subheader])', 'nb-sidebar', 'nb-layout-header[subheader]', 'nb-layout-column', 'nb-layout-footer' ], false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbLayoutComponent, never>;
property platformId
protected platformId: Object;
property renderer
protected renderer: Renderer2;
property restoreScrollTopValue
restoreScrollTopValue: boolean;
property rulerService
protected rulerService: NbLayoutRulerService;
property scrollableContainerOverflowOldValue
protected scrollableContainerOverflowOldValue: string;
property scrollableContainerRef
scrollableContainerRef: ElementRef<HTMLElement>;
property scrollBlockClass
protected scrollBlockClass: string;
property scrollService
protected scrollService: NbLayoutScrollService;
property scrollTop
protected scrollTop: NbRestoreScrollTopHelper;
property spinnerService
protected spinnerService: NbSpinnerService;
property themeService
protected themeService: NbThemeService;
property veryTopRef
veryTopRef: ViewContainerRef;
property window
protected window: any;
property windowModeValue
windowModeValue: boolean;
property withScrollValue
withScrollValue: boolean;
property withSubheader
withSubheader: boolean;
method blockScroll
protected blockScroll: () => void;
method getDimensions
getDimensions: () => NbLayoutDimensions;
Returns scroll and client height/width
Depending on the current scroll mode (
) returns sizes from the body element or from the.scrollable-container
method getScrollPosition
getScrollPosition: () => NbScrollPosition;
Returns scroll position of current scroll container.
= true, returns scroll position of the.scrollable-container
element, otherwise - of the scrollable element of the window (which may be different depending of a browser)Returns
method ngAfterViewInit
ngAfterViewInit: () => void;
method ngOnDestroy
ngOnDestroy: () => void;
method onResize
onResize: (event: any) => void;
method onScroll
onScroll: ($event: any) => void;
method registerAsOverlayContainer
protected registerAsOverlayContainer: () => void;
method unregisterAsOverlayContainer
protected unregisterAsOverlayContainer: () => void;
class NbLayoutDirectionService
class NbLayoutDirectionService {}
Layout Direction Service. Allows to set or get layout direction and listen to its changes
constructor(direction?: NbLayoutDirection);
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration< NbLayoutDirectionService, [{ optional: true }]>;
property ɵprov
static ɵprov: i0.ɵɵInjectableDeclaration<NbLayoutDirectionService>;
method getDirection
getDirection: () => NbLayoutDirection;
Returns current layout direction.
method isLtr
isLtr: () => boolean;
Returns true if layout direction set to left to right.
method isRtl
isRtl: () => boolean;
Returns true if layout direction set to right to left.
method onDirectionChange
onDirectionChange: () => Observable<NbLayoutDirection>;
Triggered when direction was changed.
method setDirection
setDirection: (direction: NbLayoutDirection) => void;
Sets layout direction
Parameter direction
class NbLayoutFooterComponent
class NbLayoutFooterComponent {}
Page footer. Located under the nb-layout content (specifically, under the columns). Could be made
, becoming sticky to the bottom of the view port (window).footer-background-color: footer-text-color: footer-text-font-family: footer-text-font-size: footer-text-font-weight: footer-text-line-height: footer-text-highlight-color: footer-height: footer-padding: footer-divider-color: footer-divider-style: footer-divider-width: footer-shadow:
property fixedValue
fixedValue: boolean;
property ngAcceptInputType_fixed
static ngAcceptInputType_fixed: NbBooleanInput;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< NbLayoutFooterComponent, 'nb-layout-footer', never, { fixed: { alias: 'fixed'; required: false } }, {}, never, ['*'], false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbLayoutFooterComponent, never>;
class NbLayoutHeaderComponent
class NbLayoutHeaderComponent {}
Page header component. Located on top of the page above the layout columns and sidebars. Could be made
by setting the corresponding property. In the fixed mode the header becomes sticky to the top of the nb-layout (to of the page). Here's an example:@stacked-example(Fixed Header, layout/layout-fixed-header.component)
In a pair with sidebar it is possible to setup a configuration when header is placed on a side of the sidebar and not on top of it. To achieve this simply put a
property to the header like this:<nb-layout-header subheader></nb-layout-header>@stacked-example(Subheader, layout/layout-sidebar-subheader.component) Note that in such configuration sidebar shadow is removed and header cannot be make
.Same way you can put both
headers adding creating a sub-header for your app:@stacked-example(Subheader, layout/layout-subheader.component)
header-background-color: header-text-color: header-text-font-family: header-text-font-size: header-text-font-weight: header-text-line-height: header-height: header-padding: header-shadow:
constructor(layout: NbLayoutComponent);
property fixedValue
fixedValue: boolean;
property ngAcceptInputType_fixed
static ngAcceptInputType_fixed: NbBooleanInput;
property ngAcceptInputType_subheader
static ngAcceptInputType_subheader: NbBooleanInput;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< NbLayoutHeaderComponent, 'nb-layout-header', never, { fixed: { alias: 'fixed'; required: false }; subheader: { alias: 'subheader'; required: false }; }, {}, never, ['*'], false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbLayoutHeaderComponent, never>;
property subheaderValue
subheaderValue: boolean;
class NbLayoutModule
class NbLayoutModule {}
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbLayoutModule, never>;
property ɵinj
static ɵinj: i0.ɵɵInjectorDeclaration<NbLayoutModule>;
property ɵmod
static ɵmod: i0.ɵɵNgModuleDeclaration< NbLayoutModule, [ typeof i1.NbLayoutComponent, typeof i1.NbLayoutColumnComponent, typeof i1.NbLayoutFooterComponent, typeof i1.NbLayoutHeaderComponent, typeof i2.NbLtrDirective, typeof i2.NbRtlDirective ], [typeof i3.NbSharedModule], [ typeof i1.NbLayoutComponent, typeof i1.NbLayoutColumnComponent, typeof i1.NbLayoutFooterComponent, typeof i1.NbLayoutHeaderComponent, typeof i2.NbLtrDirective, typeof i2.NbRtlDirective ]>;
class NbLayoutRulerService
class NbLayoutRulerService {}
Simple helper service to return Layout dimensions Depending of current Layout scroll mode (default or
when scroll is moved to an element inside of the layout) corresponding dimensions will be returns - ofdocumentElement
in first case and.scrollable-container
in the second.
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbLayoutRulerService, never>;
property ɵprov
static ɵprov: i0.ɵɵInjectableDeclaration<NbLayoutRulerService>;
method getDimensions
getDimensions: () => Observable<NbLayoutDimensions>;
Content dimensions
method onGetDimensions
onGetDimensions: () => Subject<any>;
class NbLayoutScrollService
class NbLayoutScrollService {}
Layout scroll service. Provides information about current scroll position, as well as methods to update position of the scroll.
The reason we added this service is that in Nebular there are two scroll modes: - the default mode when scroll is on body - and the
mode, when scroll is removed from the body and moved to an element inside of thenb-layout
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbLayoutScrollService, never>;
property ɵprov
static ɵprov: i0.ɵɵInjectableDeclaration<NbLayoutScrollService>;
method fireScrollChange
fireScrollChange: (event: any) => void;
Parameter event
method getPosition
getPosition: () => Observable<NbScrollPosition>;
Returns scroll position
method onGetPosition
onGetPosition: () => Subject<any>;
method onManualScroll
onManualScroll: () => Observable<NbScrollPosition>;
method onScroll
onScroll: () => Observable<any>;
Returns a stream of scroll events
method onScrollableChange
onScrollableChange: () => Observable<boolean>;
method scrollable
scrollable: (scrollable: boolean) => void;
method scrollTo
scrollTo: (x?: number, y?: number) => void;
Sets scroll position
Parameter x
Parameter y
class NbListComponent
class NbListComponent {}
List is a container component that wraps
component.Basic example: @stacked-example(Simple list, list/simple-list-showcase.component)
accepts arbitrary content, so you can create a list of any components.### Installation
to your feature module.@NgModule({imports: [// ...NbListModule,],})export class PageModule { }### Usage
List of users: @stacked-example(Users list, list/users-list-showcase.component)
list-item-divider-color: list-item-divider-style: list-item-divider-width: list-item-padding: list-item-text-color: list-item-font-family: list-item-font-size: list-item-font-weight: list-item-line-height:
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< NbListComponent, 'nb-list', never, { role: { alias: 'role'; required: false } }, {}, never, ['nb-list-item'], false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbListComponent, never>;
property role
role: string;
Role attribute value
class NbListItemComponent
class NbListItemComponent {}
List item component is a grouping component that accepts arbitrary content. It should be direct child of
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< NbListItemComponent, 'nb-list-item', never, { role: { alias: 'role'; required: false } }, {}, never, ['*'], false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbListItemComponent, never>;
property role
role: string;
Role attribute value
class NbListModule
class NbListModule {}
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbListModule, never>;
property ɵinj
static ɵinj: i0.ɵɵInjectorDeclaration<NbListModule>;
property ɵmod
static ɵmod: i0.ɵɵNgModuleDeclaration< NbListModule, [ typeof i1.NbListComponent, typeof i1.NbListItemComponent, typeof i2.NbListPageTrackerDirective, typeof i3.NbInfiniteListDirective ], never, [ typeof i1.NbListComponent, typeof i1.NbListItemComponent, typeof i2.NbListPageTrackerDirective, typeof i3.NbInfiniteListDirective ]>;
class NbListPageTrackerDirective
class NbListPageTrackerDirective implements AfterViewInit, OnDestroy {}
List pager directive
Directive allows you to determine page of currently viewing items.
property listItems
listItems: QueryList<ElementRef>;
property ɵdir
static ɵdir: i0.ɵɵDirectiveDeclaration< NbListPageTrackerDirective, '[nbListPageTracker]', never, { pageSize: { alias: 'pageSize'; required: false }; startPage: { alias: 'startPage'; required: false }; }, { pageChange: 'pageChange' }, ['listItems'], never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbListPageTrackerDirective, never>;
property pageChange
pageChange: EventEmitter<number>;
Emits when another page become visible.
property pageSize
pageSize: number;
Items per page.
property startPage
startPage: number;
Page to start counting with.
method ngAfterViewInit
ngAfterViewInit: () => void;
method ngOnDestroy
ngOnDestroy: () => void;
class NbLtrDirective
class NbLtrDirective extends NbBaseLayoutDirectionDirective {}
directive to the element you need to show only when layout direction isLTR
.<div *nbLtr>This text is visible only when layout direction is LTR</div>
constructor( templateRef: TemplateRef<any>, viewContainer: ViewContainerRef, cd: ChangeDetectorRef, directionService: NbLayoutDirectionService);
property cd
protected cd: ChangeDetectorRef;
property directionService
protected directionService: NbLayoutDirectionService;
property ɵdir
static ɵdir: i0.ɵɵDirectiveDeclaration< NbLtrDirective, '[nbLtr]', never, {}, {}, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbLtrDirective, never>;
property templateRef
protected templateRef: TemplateRef<any>;
property viewContainer
protected viewContainer: ViewContainerRef;
class NbMediaBreakpointsService
class NbMediaBreakpointsService {}
Manages media breakpoints
Provides access to available media breakpoints to convert window width to a configured breakpoint, e.g. 200px - *xs* breakpoint
constructor(breakpoints: any);
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbMediaBreakpointsService, never>;
property ɵprov
static ɵprov: i0.ɵɵInjectableDeclaration<NbMediaBreakpointsService>;
method getBreakpoints
getBreakpoints: () => NbMediaBreakpoint[];
Returns a list of configured breakpoints for the theme
method getBreakpointsMap
getBreakpointsMap: () => { [breakpoint: string]: number };
Returns a map of configured breakpoints for the theme
{[p: string]: number}
method getByName
getByName: (name: string) => NbMediaBreakpoint;
Returns a configured breakpoint by name
Parameter name
method getByWidth
getByWidth: (width: number) => NbMediaBreakpoint;
Returns a configured breakpoint by width
Parameter width
{Z|{name: string, width: number}}
class NbMenuComponent
class NbMenuComponent implements OnInit, AfterViewInit, OnDestroy {}
Vertical menu component.
Accepts a list of menu items and renders them accordingly. Supports multi-level menus.
Basic example @stacked-example(Showcase, menu/menu-showcase.component)
// ...items: NbMenuItem[] = [{title: home,link: '/'},{title: dashboard,link: 'dashboard'}];// ...<nb-menu [items]="items"></nb-menu>### Installation
to your app module.@NgModule({imports: [// ...NbMenuModule.forRoot(),],})export class AppModule { }and
to your feature module where the component should be shown:@NgModule({imports: [// ...NbMenuModule,],})export class PageModule { }### Usage
Two-level menu example @stacked-example(Two Levels, menu/menu-children.component)
Autocollapse menu example @stacked-example(Autocollapse Menu, menu/menu-autocollapse.component)
Menu badge @stacked-example(Menu item badge, menu/menu-badge.component)
menu-background-color: menu-text-color: menu-text-font-family: menu-text-font-size: menu-text-font-weight: menu-text-line-height: menu-group-text-color: menu-item-border-radius: menu-item-padding: menu-item-hover-background-color: menu-item-hover-cursor: menu-item-hover-text-color: menu-item-icon-hover-color: menu-item-active-background-color: menu-item-active-text-color: menu-item-icon-active-color: menu-item-icon-color: menu-item-icon-margin: menu-item-icon-width: menu-item-divider-color: menu-item-divider-style: menu-item-divider-width: menu-submenu-background-color: menu-submenu-text-color: menu-submenu-margin: menu-submenu-padding: menu-submenu-item-border-color: menu-submenu-item-border-style: menu-submenu-item-border-width: menu-submenu-item-border-radius: menu-submenu-item-padding: menu-submenu-item-hover-background-color: menu-submenu-item-hover-border-color: menu-submenu-item-hover-text-color: menu-submenu-item-icon-hover-color: menu-submenu-item-active-background-color: menu-submenu-item-active-border-color: menu-submenu-item-active-text-color: menu-submenu-item-icon-active-color: menu-submenu-item-active-hover-background-color: menu-submenu-item-active-hover-border-color: menu-submenu-item-active-hover-text-color: menu-submenu-item-icon-active-hover-color:
constructor( window: any, platformId: any, menuInternalService: NbMenuInternalService, router: Router);
property autoCollapse
autoCollapse: boolean;
Collapse all opened submenus on the toggle event Default value is "false" boolean
property destroy$
protected destroy$: Subject<void>;
property items
items: NbMenuItem[];
List of menu items. List | List | any
property menuInternalService
protected menuInternalService: NbMenuInternalService;
property ngAcceptInputType_autoCollapse
static ngAcceptInputType_autoCollapse: NbBooleanInput;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< NbMenuComponent, 'nb-menu', never, { tag: { alias: 'tag'; required: false }; items: { alias: 'items'; required: false }; autoCollapse: { alias: 'autoCollapse'; required: false }; }, {}, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbMenuComponent, never>;
property platformId
protected platformId: any;
property router
protected router: Router;
property tag
tag: string;
Tags a menu with some ID, can be later used in the menu service to determine which menu triggered the action, if multiple menus exist on the page.
property window
protected window: any;
method collapseAll
protected collapseAll: () => void;
method compareTag
protected compareTag: (tag: string) => boolean;
method getHomeItem
protected getHomeItem: (items: NbMenuItem[]) => NbMenuItem;
method getSelectedItem
protected getSelectedItem: (items: NbMenuItem[]) => NbMenuItem;
method navigateHome
protected navigateHome: () => void;
method ngAfterViewInit
ngAfterViewInit: () => void;
method ngOnDestroy
ngOnDestroy: () => void;
method ngOnInit
ngOnInit: () => void;
method onAddItem
onAddItem: (data: { tag: string; items: NbMenuItem[] }) => void;
method onHoverItem
onHoverItem: (item: NbMenuItem) => void;
method onItemClick
onItemClick: (item: NbMenuItem) => void;
method onSelectItem
onSelectItem: (item: NbMenuItem) => void;
method onToggleSubMenu
onToggleSubMenu: (item: NbMenuItem) => void;
class NbMenuItem
class NbMenuItem {}
Menu Item options example @stacked-example(Menu Link Parameters, menu/menu-link-params.component)
property ariaRole
ariaRole?: string;
The name of a role in the ARIA specification {string}
property badge
badge?: NbMenuBadgeConfig;
Badge component {boolean}
property children
children?: NbMenuItem[];
Children items {List}
property data
data?: any;
property expanded
expanded?: boolean;
Expanded by default {boolean}
property fragment
fragment?: string;
property group
group?: boolean;
Whether the item is just a group (non-clickable) {boolean}
property hidden
hidden?: boolean;
Hidden Item {boolean}
property home
home?: boolean;
Where this is a home item {boolean}
property icon
icon?: string | NbIconConfig;
Icon class name or icon config object {string | NbIconConfig}
property link
link?: string;
Item relative link (for routerLink) {string}
property parent
parent?: NbMenuItem;
property pathMatch
pathMatch?: 'full' | 'prefix';
Item is selected when partly or fully equal to the current url {string}
property preserveFragment
preserveFragment?: boolean;
property queryParams
queryParams?: Params;
Map of query parameters {Params}
property queryParamsHandling
queryParamsHandling?: QueryParamsHandling;
property selected
selected?: boolean;
property skipLocationChange
skipLocationChange?: boolean;
Whether the item skipLocationChange is true or false {boolean}
property target
target?: string;
HTML Link target {string}
property title
title: string;
Item Title {string}
property url
url?: string;
Item URL (absolute) {string}
method getParents
static getParents: (item: NbMenuItem) => NbMenuItem[];
item parents in top-down order
method isParent
static isParent: (item: NbMenuItem, possibleChild: NbMenuItem) => boolean;
class NbMenuItemComponent
class NbMenuItemComponent implements DoCheck, AfterViewInit, OnDestroy {}
constructor( menuService: NbMenuService, directionService: NbLayoutDirectionService);
property badge
badge: NbMenuBadgeConfig;
property destroy$
protected destroy$: Subject<void>;
property directionService
protected directionService: NbLayoutDirectionService;
property hoverItem
hoverItem: EventEmitter<any>;
property itemClick
itemClick: EventEmitter<any>;
property menuItem
menuItem: NbMenuItem;
property menuService
protected menuService: NbMenuService;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< NbMenuItemComponent, '[nbMenuItem]', never, { menuItem: { alias: 'menuItem'; required: false }; badge: { alias: 'badge'; required: false }; }, { hoverItem: 'hoverItem'; toggleSubMenu: 'toggleSubMenu'; selectItem: 'selectItem'; itemClick: 'itemClick'; }, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbMenuItemComponent, never>;
property selectItem
selectItem: EventEmitter<any>;
property toggleState
toggleState: NbToggleStates;
property toggleSubMenu
toggleSubMenu: EventEmitter<any>;
method getExpandStateIcon
getExpandStateIcon: () => string;
method ngAfterViewInit
ngAfterViewInit: () => void;
method ngDoCheck
ngDoCheck: () => void;
method ngOnDestroy
ngOnDestroy: () => void;
method onHoverItem
onHoverItem: (item: NbMenuItem) => void;
method onItemClick
onItemClick: (item: NbMenuItem) => void;
method onSelectItem
onSelectItem: (item: NbMenuItem) => void;
method onToggleSubMenu
onToggleSubMenu: (item: NbMenuItem) => void;
class NbMenuModule
class NbMenuModule {}
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbMenuModule, never>;
property ɵinj
static ɵinj: i0.ɵɵInjectorDeclaration<NbMenuModule>;
property ɵmod
static ɵmod: i0.ɵɵNgModuleDeclaration< NbMenuModule, [typeof i1.NbMenuComponent, typeof i1.NbMenuItemComponent], [typeof i2.NbSharedModule, typeof i3.NbIconModule, typeof i4.NbBadgeModule], [typeof i1.NbMenuComponent, typeof i1.NbMenuItemComponent]>;
method forRoot
static forRoot: () => ModuleWithProviders<NbMenuModule>;
class NbMenuService
class NbMenuService {}
Menu Service. Allows you to listen to menu events, or to interact with a menu. @stacked-example(Menu Service, menu/menu-service.component)
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbMenuService, never>;
property ɵprov
static ɵprov: i0.ɵɵInjectableDeclaration<NbMenuService>;
method addItems
addItems: (items: NbMenuItem[], tag?: string) => void;
Add items to the end of the menu items list
Parameter items
Parameter tag
method collapseAll
collapseAll: (tag?: string) => void;
Collapses all menu items
Parameter tag
method getSelectedItem
getSelectedItem: (tag?: string) => Observable<NbMenuBag>;
Returns currently selected item. Won't subscribe to the future events.
Parameter tag
{Observable<{tag: string; item: NbMenuItem}>}
method navigateHome
navigateHome: (tag?: string) => void;
Navigate to the home menu item
Parameter tag
method onItemClick
onItemClick: () => Observable<NbMenuBag>;
method onItemHover
onItemHover: () => Observable<NbMenuBag>;
method onItemSelect
onItemSelect: () => Observable<NbMenuBag>;
method onSubmenuToggle
onSubmenuToggle: () => Observable<NbMenuBag>;
class NbNativeDateService
class NbNativeDateService extends NbDateService<Date> {}
is basic implementation ofNbDateService
using native js date objects and angular localization services.
constructor(locale: string);
property datePipe
protected datePipe: DatePipe;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbNativeDateService, never>;
property ɵprov
static ɵprov: i0.ɵɵInjectableDeclaration<NbNativeDateService>;
method addDay
addDay: (date: Date, num: number) => Date;
method addHours
addHours: (date: Date, hour: number) => Date;
method addMinutes
addMinutes: (date: Date, minute: number) => Date;
method addMonth
addMonth: (date: Date, num: number) => Date;
method addYear
addYear: (date: Date, num: number) => Date;
method clone
clone: (date: Date) => Date;
method compareDates
compareDates: (date1: Date, date2: Date) => number;
method createDate
createDate: (year: number, month: number, date: number) => Date;
method format
format: (date: Date, format: string) => string;
method getDate
getDate: (date: Date) => number;
method getDateFormat
getDateFormat: () => string;
method getDayOfWeek
getDayOfWeek: (date: Date) => number;
method getDayOfWeekNames
getDayOfWeekNames: () => string[];
method getFirstDayOfWeek
getFirstDayOfWeek: () => number;
returns first day of the week, it can be 1 if week starts from monday and 0 if from sunday and so on.
method getHours
getHours: (date: Date) => number;
method getId
getId: () => string;
method getLocaleTimeFormat
getLocaleTimeFormat: () => string;
method getMilliseconds
getMilliseconds: (date: Date) => number;
method getMinutes
getMinutes: (date: Date) => number;
method getMonth
getMonth: (date: Date) => number;
method getMonthEnd
getMonthEnd: (date: Date) => Date;
method getMonthName
getMonthName: (date: Date, style?: TranslationWidth) => string;
method getMonthNameByIndex
getMonthNameByIndex: (index: number, style?: TranslationWidth) => string;
method getMonthStart
getMonthStart: (date: Date) => Date;
method getNumberOfDaysInMonth
getNumberOfDaysInMonth: (date: Date) => number;
method getSeconds
getSeconds: (date: Date) => number;
method getTwelveHoursFormat
getTwelveHoursFormat: () => string;
method getWeekNumber
getWeekNumber: (date: Date) => number;
method getYear
getYear: (date: Date) => number;
method getYearEnd
getYearEnd: (date: Date) => Date;
method getYearStart
getYearStart: (date: Date) => Date;
method isSameDay
isSameDay: (date1: Date, date2: Date) => boolean;
method isSameMonth
isSameMonth: (date1: Date, date2: Date) => boolean;
method isSameYear
isSameYear: (date1: Date, date2: Date) => boolean;
method isValidDateString
isValidDateString: (date: string, format: string) => boolean;
method isValidTimeString
isValidTimeString: (date: string, format: string) => boolean;
method parse
parse: (date: string, format: string) => Date;
We haven't got capability to parse date using formatting without third party libraries.
method setHours
setHours: (date: Date, hour: number) => Date;
method setLocale
setLocale: (locale: string) => void;
method setMilliseconds
setMilliseconds: (date: Date, second: number) => Date;
method setMinutes
setMinutes: (date: Date, minute: number) => Date;
method setSeconds
setSeconds: (date: Date, second: number) => Date;
method today
today: () => Date;
method valueOf
valueOf: (date: Date) => number;
class NbNoDataRowOutletDirective
class NbNoDataRowOutletDirective extends NoDataRowOutlet {}
class NbNoopTriggerStrategy
class NbNoopTriggerStrategy extends NbTriggerStrategyBase {}
Creates empty show and hide event streams.
class NbOptionComponent
class NbOptionComponent<T = any> implements OnDestroy, AfterViewInit, NbFocusableOption, NbHighlightableOption {}
option-background-color: option-text-color: option-text-font-family: option-hover-background-color: option-hover-text-color: option-active-background-color: option-active-text-color: option-focus-background-color: option-focus-text-color: option-selected-background-color: option-selected-text-color: option-selected-hover-background-color: option-selected-hover-text-color: option-selected-active-background-color: option-selected-active-text-color: option-selected-focus-background-color: option-selected-focus-text-color: option-disabled-background-color: option-disabled-text-color: option-tiny-text-font-size: option-tiny-text-font-weight: option-tiny-text-line-height: option-tiny-padding: option-small-text-font-size: option-small-text-font-weight: option-small-text-line-height: option-small-padding: option-medium-text-font-size: option-medium-text-font-weight: option-medium-text-line-height: option-medium-padding: option-large-text-font-size: option-large-text-font-weight: option-large-text-line-height: option-large-padding: option-giant-text-font-size: option-giant-text-font-weight: option-giant-text-line-height: option-giant-padding:
constructor( parent: any, elementRef: ElementRef, cd: ChangeDetectorRef, zone: NgZone, renderer: Renderer2);
property activeClass
readonly activeClass: boolean;
property alive
protected alive: boolean;
property cd
protected cd: ChangeDetectorRef;
property click
readonly click: Observable<NbOptionComponent<T>>;
property click$
protected click$: Subject<NbOptionComponent<T>>;
Fires when option clicked
property content
readonly content: any;
property disabled
disabled: boolean;
property disabledAttribute
readonly disabledAttribute: string;
property disabledByGroup
protected disabledByGroup: boolean;
property elementRef
protected elementRef: ElementRef;
property hidden
readonly hidden: any;
property id
id: string;
Component scoped id for aria attributes.
property multiple
readonly multiple: boolean;
property ngAcceptInputType_disabled
static ngAcceptInputType_disabled: NbBooleanInput;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< NbOptionComponent<any>, 'nb-option', never, { value: { alias: 'value'; required: false }; disabled: { alias: 'disabled'; required: false }; }, { selectionChange: 'selectionChange' }, never, ['*'], false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration< NbOptionComponent<any>, [{ optional: true }, null, null, null, null]>;
property parent
protected parent: NbSelectComponent;
property renderer
protected renderer: Renderer2;
property selected
selected: boolean;
property selectedClass
readonly selectedClass: boolean;
property selectionChange
selectionChange: EventEmitter<NbOptionComponent<T>>;
Fires value when option selection change.
property tabindex
readonly tabindex: string;
property value
value: {};
Option value that will be fired on selection.
property withCheckbox
readonly withCheckbox: boolean;
Determines should we render checkbox.
property zone
protected zone: NgZone;
method deselect
deselect: () => void;
method focus
focus: () => void;
method getLabel
getLabel: () => string;
method ngAfterViewInit
ngAfterViewInit: () => void;
method ngOnDestroy
ngOnDestroy: () => void;
method onClick
onClick: (event: any) => void;
method select
select: () => void;
method setActiveStyles
setActiveStyles: () => void;
method setDisabledByGroupState
setDisabledByGroupState: (disabled: boolean) => void;
Sets disabled by group state and marks component for check.
method setInactiveStyles
setInactiveStyles: () => void;
method setSelection
protected setSelection: (selected: boolean) => void;
class NbOptionGroupComponent
class NbOptionGroupComponent implements AfterContentInit, OnDestroy {}
option-group-text-color: option-group-tiny-start-padding: option-group-small-start-padding: option-group-medium-start-padding: option-group-large-start-padding: option-group-giant-start-padding:
property destroy$
protected destroy$: Subject<void>;
property disabled
disabled: boolean;
property disabledAttribute
readonly disabledAttribute: string;
property ngAcceptInputType_disabled
static ngAcceptInputType_disabled: NbBooleanInput;
property options
options: QueryList<NbOptionComponent<any>>;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< NbOptionGroupComponent, 'nb-option-group', never, { title: { alias: 'title'; required: false }; disabled: { alias: 'disabled'; required: false }; }, {}, ['options'], ['nb-option, ng-container'], false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbOptionGroupComponent, never>;
property title
title: string;
method asyncUpdateOptionsDisabledState
protected asyncUpdateOptionsDisabledState: () => void;
Updates options disabled state after promise resolution. This way change detection will be triggered after options state updated. Use this method when updating options during change detection run (e.g. QueryList.changes, lifecycle hooks).
method ngAfterContentInit
ngAfterContentInit: () => void;
method ngOnDestroy
ngOnDestroy: () => void;
method updateOptionsDisabledState
protected updateOptionsDisabledState: () => void;
Sets disabled state for each option to current group disabled state.
class NbOptionListComponent
class NbOptionListComponent<T> {}
is container component forNbOptionGroupComponent
list.option-list-max-height: option-list-shadow: option-list-background-color: option-list-border-style: option-list-border-width: option-list-border-color: option-list-border-radius: option-list-adjacent-border-color: option-list-adjacent-border-style: option-list-adjacent-border-width:
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< NbOptionListComponent<any>, 'nb-option-list', never, { size: { alias: 'size'; required: false }; position: { alias: 'position'; required: false }; }, {}, never, ['*'], false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbOptionListComponent<any>, never>;
property position
position: NbPosition;
property positionBottom
readonly positionBottom: boolean;
property positionTop
readonly positionTop: boolean;
property size
size: NbComponentSize;
property sizeGiant
readonly sizeGiant: boolean;
property sizeLarge
readonly sizeLarge: boolean;
property sizeMedium
readonly sizeMedium: boolean;
property sizeSmall
readonly sizeSmall: boolean;
property sizeTiny
readonly sizeTiny: boolean;
class NbOptionModule
class NbOptionModule {}
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbOptionModule, never>;
property ɵinj
static ɵinj: i0.ɵɵInjectorDeclaration<NbOptionModule>;
property ɵmod
static ɵmod: i0.ɵɵNgModuleDeclaration< NbOptionModule, [ typeof i1.NbOptionListComponent, typeof i2.NbOptionComponent, typeof i3.NbOptionGroupComponent ], [any, typeof i5.NbCheckboxModule], [ typeof i1.NbOptionListComponent, typeof i2.NbOptionComponent, typeof i3.NbOptionGroupComponent ]>;
class NbOverlay
class NbOverlay extends Overlay {}
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbOverlay, never>;
property ɵprov
static ɵprov: i0.ɵɵInjectableDeclaration<NbOverlay>;
property scrollStrategies
scrollStrategies: NbScrollStrategyOptions;
class NbOverlayContainer
class NbOverlayContainer extends OverlayContainer {}
class NbOverlayContainerAdapter
class NbOverlayContainerAdapter extends NbOverlayContainer {}
Provides nb-layout as overlay container. Container has to be cleared when layout destroys. Another way previous version of the container will be used but it isn't inserted in DOM and exists in memory only. This case important only if you switch between multiple layouts.
property container
protected container: HTMLElement;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbOverlayContainerAdapter, never>;
property ɵprov
static ɵprov: i0.ɵɵInjectableDeclaration<NbOverlayContainerAdapter>;
method checkContainer
protected checkContainer: () => void;
method clearContainer
clearContainer: () => void;
method setContainer
setContainer: (container: HTMLElement) => void;
class NbOverlayContainerComponent
class NbOverlayContainerComponent {}
constructor( vcr: ViewContainerRef, injector: Injector, changeDetectorRef: ChangeDetectorRef);
property content
content: string;
property injector
protected injector: Injector;
property isAttached
isAttached: boolean;
property isStringContent
readonly isStringContent: boolean;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< NbOverlayContainerComponent, 'nb-overlay-container', never, {}, {}, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbOverlayContainerComponent, never>;
property portalOutlet
portalOutlet: NbPortalOutletDirective;
property vcr
protected vcr: ViewContainerRef;
method attachComponentPortal
attachComponentPortal: <T>( portal: NbComponentPortal<T>, context?: Object) => ComponentRef<T>;
method attachStringContent
attachStringContent: (content: string) => void;
method attachTemplatePortal
attachTemplatePortal: <C>(portal: NbTemplatePortal<C>) => EmbeddedViewRef<C>;
method createChildInjector
protected createChildInjector: ( cfr: ComponentFactoryResolver) => NbPortalInjector;
method detach
detach: () => void;
class NbOverlayModule
class NbOverlayModule {}
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbOverlayModule, never>;
property ɵinj
static ɵinj: i0.ɵɵInjectorDeclaration<NbOverlayModule>;
property ɵmod
static ɵmod: i0.ɵɵNgModuleDeclaration< NbOverlayModule, [ typeof i1.NbPositionedContainerComponent, typeof i1.NbOverlayContainerComponent ], [typeof i2.NbCdkMappingModule, typeof i3.NbSharedModule], [ typeof i2.NbCdkMappingModule, typeof i4.NbCdkAdapterModule, typeof i1.NbOverlayContainerComponent ]>;
method forRoot
static forRoot: () => ModuleWithProviders<NbOverlayModule>;
class NbOverlayPositionBuilder
class NbOverlayPositionBuilder extends OverlayPositionBuilder {}
class NbOverlayService
class NbOverlayService {}
constructor(overlay: NbOverlay, layoutDirection: NbLayoutDirectionService);
property layoutDirection
protected layoutDirection: NbLayoutDirectionService;
property overlay
protected overlay: NbOverlay;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbOverlayService, never>;
property ɵprov
static ɵprov: i0.ɵɵInjectableDeclaration<NbOverlayService>;
property scrollStrategies
readonly scrollStrategies: NbScrollStrategyOptions;
method create
create: (config?: OverlayConfig) => OverlayRef;
class NbPlatform
class NbPlatform extends Platform {}
class NbPopoverComponent
class NbPopoverComponent extends NbPositionedContainerComponent implements NbRenderableContainer {}
Overlay container. Renders provided content inside.
popover-text-color: popover-text-font-family: popover-text-font-size: popover-text-font-weight: popover-text-line-height: popover-background-color: popover-border-width: popover-border-color: popover-border-radius: popover-shadow: popover-arrow-size: popover-padding:
property cfr
cfr: ComponentFactoryResolver;
property content
content: any;
property context
context: Object;
property overlayContainer
overlayContainer: NbOverlayContainerComponent;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< NbPopoverComponent, 'nb-popover', never, { content: { alias: 'content'; required: false }; context: { alias: 'context'; required: false }; cfr: { alias: 'cfr'; required: false }; }, {}, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbPopoverComponent, never>;
method attachComponent
protected attachComponent: () => void;
method attachContent
protected attachContent: () => void;
method attachString
protected attachString: () => void;
method attachTemplate
protected attachTemplate: () => void;
method detachContent
protected detachContent: () => void;
method renderContent
renderContent: () => void;
class NbPopoverDirective
class NbPopoverDirective implements NbDynamicOverlayController, OnChanges, AfterViewInit, OnDestroy, OnInit {}
Powerful popover directive, which provides the best UX for your users.
@stacked-example(Showcase, popover/popover-showcase.component)
Popover can accept different content such as: TemplateRef
<button [nbPopover]="templateRef"></button><ng-template #templateRef><span>Hello, Popover!</span></ng-template>### Installation
to your feature module.@NgModule({imports: [// ...NbPopoverModule,],})export class PageModule { }### Usage
Custom components
<button [nbPopover]="MyPopoverComponent"></button>Both custom components and templateRef popovers can receive *contentContext* property that will be passed to the content props.
Primitive types
<button nbPopover="Hello, Popover!"></button>Popover has different placements, such as: top, bottom, left, right, start and end which can be used as following:
@stacked-example(Placements, popover/popover-placements.component)
By default popover will try to adjust itself to maximally fit viewport and provide the best user experience. It will try to change position of the popover container. If you want to disable this behaviour set it
.<button nbPopover="Hello, Popover!" nbPopoverAdjustment="noop"></button>Popover has a number of triggers which provides an ability to show and hide the component in different ways:
- Click mode shows the component when a user clicks on the host element and hides when the user clicks somewhere on the document outside the component. - Hint provides capability to show the component when the user hovers over the host element and hide when the user hovers out of the host. - Hover works like hint mode with one exception - when the user moves mouse from host element to the container element the component remains open, so that it is possible to interact with it content. - Focus mode is applied when user focuses the element. - Noop mode - the component won't react to the user interaction.
@stacked-example(Available Triggers, popover/popover-modes.component.html)
Noop mode is especially useful when you need to control Popover programmatically, for example show/hide as a result of some third-party action, like HTTP request or validation check:
@stacked-example(Manual Control, popover/popover-noop.component)
Below are examples for manual popover settings control, both via template binding and code. @stacked-example(Popover Settings, popover/popover-dynamic.component)
Please note, while manipulating Popover setting via code, you need to call
method to apply the settings changed. @stacked-example(Popover Settings Code, popover/popover-dynamic-code.component)@additional-example(Template Ref, popover/popover-template-ref.component) @additional-example(Custom Component, popover/popover-custom-component.component)
constructor(hostRef: ElementRef, dynamicOverlayHandler: NbDynamicOverlayHandler);
property adjustment
adjustment: NbAdjustment;
Container position will be changes automatically based on this strategy if container can't fit view port. Set this property to
value if you want to disable automatically adjustment. Available values:clockwise
property content
content: any;
Popover content which will be rendered in NbArrowedOverlayContainerComponent. Available content: template ref, component and any primitive.
property context
context: Object;
Container content context. Will be applied to the rendered component.
property destroy$
protected destroy$: Subject<void>;
property disabled
disabled: boolean;
Disables the display of the tooltip.
property dynamicOverlay
protected dynamicOverlay: NbDynamicOverlay;
property dynamicOverlayHandler
protected dynamicOverlayHandler: NbDynamicOverlayHandler;
property hostRef
protected hostRef: ElementRef;
property isShown
readonly isShown: boolean;
property nbPopoverShowStateChange
nbPopoverShowStateChange: EventEmitter<{ isShown: boolean }>;
property ngAcceptInputType_adjustment
static ngAcceptInputType_adjustment: NbAdjustmentValues;
property ngAcceptInputType_position
static ngAcceptInputType_position: NbPositionValues;
property ngAcceptInputType_trigger
static ngAcceptInputType_trigger: NbTriggerValues;
property offset
offset: number;
Sets popover offset
property overlayConfig
protected overlayConfig: OverlayConfig;
property ɵdir
static ɵdir: i0.ɵɵDirectiveDeclaration< NbPopoverDirective, '[nbPopover]', ['nbPopover'], { content: { alias: 'nbPopover'; required: false }; context: { alias: 'nbPopoverContext'; required: false }; position: { alias: 'nbPopoverPlacement'; required: false }; adjustment: { alias: 'nbPopoverAdjustment'; required: false }; trigger: { alias: 'nbPopoverTrigger'; required: false }; offset: { alias: 'nbPopoverOffset'; required: false }; disabled: { alias: 'nbTooltipDisabled'; required: false }; popoverClass: { alias: 'nbPopoverClass'; required: false }; }, { nbPopoverShowStateChange: 'nbPopoverShowStateChange' }, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbPopoverDirective, never>;
property popoverClass
popoverClass: string;
property popoverComponent
protected popoverComponent: typeof NbPopoverComponent;
property position
position: NbPosition;
Position will be calculated relatively host element based on the position. Can be top, right, bottom, left, start or end.
property trigger
trigger: NbTrigger;
Describes when the container will be shown. Available options:
method configureDynamicOverlay
protected configureDynamicOverlay: () => NbDynamicOverlayHandler;
method hide
hide: () => void;
method ngAfterViewInit
ngAfterViewInit: () => void;
method ngOnChanges
ngOnChanges: () => void;
method ngOnDestroy
ngOnDestroy: () => void;
method ngOnInit
ngOnInit: () => void;
method rebuild
rebuild: () => void;
method show
show: () => void;
method toggle
toggle: () => void;
class NbPopoverModule
class NbPopoverModule {}
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbPopoverModule, never>;
property ɵinj
static ɵinj: i0.ɵɵInjectorDeclaration<NbPopoverModule>;
property ɵmod
static ɵmod: i0.ɵɵNgModuleDeclaration< NbPopoverModule, [typeof i1.NbPopoverDirective, typeof i2.NbPopoverComponent], [typeof i3.NbOverlayModule], [typeof i1.NbPopoverDirective]>;
class NbPortalDirective
class NbPortalDirective extends CdkPortal {}
class NbPortalInjector
class NbPortalInjector extends PortalInjector {}
class NbPortalOutletDirective
class NbPortalOutletDirective extends CdkPortalOutlet {}
class NbPositionBuilderService
class NbPositionBuilderService {}
constructor( document: any, viewportRuler: NbViewportRulerAdapter, platform: NbPlatform, positionBuilder: NbOverlayPositionBuilder, overlayContainer: NbOverlayContainerAdapter);
property document
protected document: any;
property overlayContainer
protected overlayContainer: NbOverlayContainerAdapter;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbPositionBuilderService, never>;
property ɵprov
static ɵprov: i0.ɵɵInjectableDeclaration<NbPositionBuilderService>;
property platform
protected platform: NbPlatform;
property positionBuilder
protected positionBuilder: NbOverlayPositionBuilder;
property viewportRuler
protected viewportRuler: NbViewportRulerAdapter;
method connectedTo
connectedTo: (elementRef: ElementRef) => NbAdjustableConnectedPositionStrategy;
method global
global: () => NbGlobalPositionStrategy;
class NbPositionedContainerComponent
class NbPositionedContainerComponent {}
property bottom
readonly bottom: boolean;
property bottomEnd
readonly bottomEnd: boolean;
property bottomStart
readonly bottomStart: boolean;
property endBottom
readonly endBottom: boolean;
property endTop
readonly endTop: boolean;
property left
readonly left: boolean;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< NbPositionedContainerComponent, 'ng-component', never, { position: { alias: 'position'; required: false } }, {}, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbPositionedContainerComponent, never>;
property position
position: NbPosition;
property right
readonly right: boolean;
property startBottom
readonly startBottom: boolean;
property startTop
readonly startTop: boolean;
property top
readonly top: boolean;
property topEnd
readonly topEnd: boolean;
property topStart
readonly topStart: boolean;
class NbPositionHelper
class NbPositionHelper {}
constructor(layoutDirection: NbLayoutDirectionService);
property layoutDirection
protected layoutDirection: NbLayoutDirectionService;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbPositionHelper, never>;
property ɵprov
static ɵprov: i0.ɵɵInjectableDeclaration<NbPositionHelper>;
method isRightPosition
isRightPosition: (position: NbGlobalPosition) => boolean;
method isTopPosition
isTopPosition: (position: NbGlobalPosition) => boolean;
method toLogicalPosition
toLogicalPosition: (position: NbGlobalPosition) => NbGlobalLogicalPosition;
method toLogicalPositionWhenLtr
protected toLogicalPositionWhenLtr: ( position: NbGlobalPhysicalPosition) => NbGlobalLogicalPosition;
method toLogicalPositionWhenRtl
protected toLogicalPositionWhenRtl: ( position: NbGlobalPhysicalPosition) => NbGlobalLogicalPosition;
method toPhysicalPosition
toPhysicalPosition: (position: NbGlobalPosition) => NbGlobalPhysicalPosition;
method toPhysicalPositionWhenLtr
protected toPhysicalPositionWhenLtr: ( position: NbGlobalLogicalPosition) => NbGlobalPhysicalPosition;
method toPhysicalPositionWhenRtl
protected toPhysicalPositionWhenRtl: ( position: NbGlobalLogicalPosition) => NbGlobalPhysicalPosition;
class NbPrefixDirective
class NbPrefixDirective {}
class NbProgressBarComponent
class NbProgressBarComponent {}
Progress Bar is a component for indicating progress.
Simple usage:
<nb-progress-bar [value]="50"></nb-progress-bar>### Installation
to your feature module.@NgModule({imports: [// ...NbProgressBarModule,],})export class PageModule { }### Usage
Progress bar accepts property
in range 0-100 @stacked-example(Progress bar, progress-bar/progress-bar-showcase.component)Progress bar background could be configured by providing a
property: @stacked-example(Progress bar status, progress-bar/progress-bar-status.component)Progress bar size (height and font-size) could be configured by providing a
property: @stacked-example(Progress bar size, progress-bar/progress-bar-size.component)displayValue
property shows current value inside progress bar. It's also possible to add custom text inside: @stacked-example(Progress bar value, progress-bar/progress-bar-value.component)Progress bar supports
transition: @stacked-example(Progress bar interactive, progress-bar/progress-bar-interactive.component)progress-bar-animation-duration: progress-bar-border-radius: progress-bar-text-font-family: progress-bar-tiny-height: progress-bar-tiny-text-font-size: progress-bar-tiny-text-font-weight: progress-bar-tiny-text-line-height: progress-bar-small-height: progress-bar-small-text-font-size: progress-bar-small-text-font-weight: progress-bar-small-text-line-height: progress-bar-medium-height: progress-bar-medium-text-font-size: progress-bar-medium-text-font-weight: progress-bar-medium-text-line-height: progress-bar-large-height: progress-bar-large-text-font-size: progress-bar-large-text-font-weight: progress-bar-large-text-line-height: progress-bar-giant-height: progress-bar-giant-text-font-size: progress-bar-giant-text-font-weight: progress-bar-giant-text-line-height: progress-bar-basic-background-color: progress-bar-basic-filled-background-color: progress-bar-basic-text-color: progress-bar-primary-background-color: progress-bar-primary-filled-background-color: progress-bar-primary-text-color: progress-bar-success-background-color: progress-bar-success-filled-background-color: progress-bar-success-text-color: progress-bar-info-background-color: progress-bar-info-filled-background-color: progress-bar-info-text-color: progress-bar-warning-background-color: progress-bar-warning-filled-background-color: progress-bar-warning-text-color: progress-bar-danger-background-color: progress-bar-danger-filled-background-color: progress-bar-danger-text-color: progress-bar-control-background-color: progress-bar-control-filled-background-color: progress-bar-control-text-color:
constructor(statusService: NbStatusService);
property additionalClasses
readonly additionalClasses: string[];
property basic
readonly basic: boolean;
property control
readonly control: boolean;
property danger
readonly danger: boolean;
property displayValue
displayValue: boolean;
Displays value inside progress bar
property giant
readonly giant: boolean;
property info
readonly info: boolean;
property large
readonly large: boolean;
property medium
readonly medium: boolean;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< NbProgressBarComponent, 'nb-progress-bar', never, { value: { alias: 'value'; required: false }; status: { alias: 'status'; required: false }; size: { alias: 'size'; required: false }; displayValue: { alias: 'displayValue'; required: false }; }, {}, never, ['*'], false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbProgressBarComponent, never>;
property primary
readonly primary: boolean;
property size
size: NbComponentSize;
Progress bar size (
property small
readonly small: boolean;
property status
status: string;
Progress bar background (
property statusService
protected statusService: NbStatusService;
property success
readonly success: boolean;
property tiny
readonly tiny: boolean;
property value
value: number;
Progress bar value in percent (0 - 100)
property warning
readonly warning: boolean;
class NbProgressBarModule
class NbProgressBarModule {}
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbProgressBarModule, never>;
property ɵinj
static ɵinj: i0.ɵɵInjectorDeclaration<NbProgressBarModule>;
property ɵmod
static ɵmod: i0.ɵɵNgModuleDeclaration< NbProgressBarModule, [typeof i1.NbProgressBarComponent], [typeof i2.NbSharedModule], [typeof i1.NbProgressBarComponent]>;
class NbRadioComponent
class NbRadioComponent {}
provides the same functionality as native<input type="radio">
with Nebular styles and animations.@stacked-example(Showcase, radio/radio-showcase.component)
### Installation
to your feature module.@NgModule({imports: [// ...NbRadioModule,],})export class PageModule { }### Usage
Radio buttons should be wrapped in
to provide form bindings.<nb-radio-group [(ngModel)]="selectedOption"><nb-radio value="1">Option 1</nb-radio><nb-radio value="2">Option 2</nb-radio><nb-radio value="3">Option 3</nb-radio></nb-radio-group>You can disable some radios in the group using a
attribute.@stacked-example(Disabled, radio/radio-disabled.component)
radio-width: radio-height: radio-border-style: radio-border-width: radio-text-font-family: radio-text-font-size: radio-text-font-weight: radio-text-line-height: radio-outline-color: radio-outline-width: radio-basic-text-color: radio-basic-border-color: radio-basic-background-color: radio-basic-checked-background-color: radio-basic-checked-border-color: radio-basic-inner-circle-color: radio-basic-focus-border-color: radio-basic-focus-inner-circle-color: radio-basic-hover-background-color: radio-basic-hover-border-color: radio-basic-hover-inner-circle-color: radio-basic-hover-checked-background-color: radio-basic-active-border-color: radio-basic-active-inner-circle-color: radio-basic-disabled-background-color: radio-basic-disabled-border-color: radio-basic-disabled-text-color: radio-basic-disabled-checked-background-color: radio-basic-disabled-checked-border-color: radio-basic-disabled-checked-inner-circle-color: radio-primary-text-color: radio-primary-border-color: radio-primary-background-color: radio-primary-checked-background-color: radio-primary-checked-border-color: radio-primary-inner-circle-color: radio-primary-focus-border-color: radio-primary-focus-inner-circle-color: radio-primary-hover-background-color: radio-primary-hover-border-color: radio-primary-hover-inner-circle-color: radio-primary-hover-checked-background-color: radio-primary-active-border-color: radio-primary-active-inner-circle-color: radio-primary-disabled-background-color: radio-primary-disabled-border-color: radio-primary-disabled-text-color: radio-primary-disabled-checked-background-color: radio-primary-disabled-checked-border-color: radio-primary-disabled-checked-inner-circle-color: radio-success-text-color: radio-success-border-color: radio-success-background-color: radio-success-checked-background-color: radio-success-checked-border-color: radio-success-inner-circle-color: radio-success-focus-border-color: radio-success-focus-inner-circle-color: radio-success-hover-background-color: radio-success-hover-border-color: radio-success-hover-inner-circle-color: radio-success-hover-checked-background-color: radio-success-active-border-color: radio-success-active-inner-circle-color: radio-success-disabled-background-color: radio-success-disabled-border-color: radio-success-disabled-text-color: radio-success-disabled-checked-background-color: radio-success-disabled-checked-border-color: radio-success-disabled-checked-inner-circle-color: radio-info-text-color: radio-info-border-color: radio-info-background-color: radio-info-checked-background-color: radio-info-checked-border-color: radio-info-inner-circle-color: radio-info-focus-border-color: radio-info-focus-inner-circle-color: radio-info-hover-background-color: radio-info-hover-border-color: radio-info-hover-inner-circle-color: radio-info-hover-checked-background-color: radio-info-active-border-color: radio-info-active-inner-circle-color: radio-info-disabled-background-color: radio-info-disabled-border-color: radio-info-disabled-text-color: radio-info-disabled-checked-background-color: radio-info-disabled-checked-border-color: radio-info-disabled-checked-inner-circle-color: radio-warning-text-color: radio-warning-border-color: radio-warning-background-color: radio-warning-checked-background-color: radio-warning-checked-border-color: radio-warning-inner-circle-color: radio-warning-focus-border-color: radio-warning-focus-inner-circle-color: radio-warning-hover-background-color: radio-warning-hover-border-color: radio-warning-hover-inner-circle-color: radio-warning-hover-checked-background-color: radio-warning-active-border-color: radio-warning-active-inner-circle-color: radio-warning-disabled-background-color: radio-warning-disabled-border-color: radio-warning-disabled-text-color: radio-warning-disabled-checked-background-color: radio-warning-disabled-checked-border-color: radio-warning-disabled-checked-inner-circle-color: radio-danger-text-color: radio-danger-border-color: radio-danger-background-color: radio-danger-checked-background-color: radio-danger-checked-border-color: radio-danger-inner-circle-color: radio-danger-focus-border-color: radio-danger-focus-inner-circle-color: radio-danger-hover-background-color: radio-danger-hover-border-color: radio-danger-hover-inner-circle-color: radio-danger-hover-checked-background-color: radio-danger-active-border-color: radio-danger-active-inner-circle-color: radio-danger-disabled-background-color: radio-danger-disabled-border-color: radio-danger-disabled-text-color: radio-danger-disabled-checked-background-color: radio-danger-disabled-checked-border-color: radio-danger-disabled-checked-inner-circle-color: radio-control-text-color: radio-control-background-color: radio-control-border-color: radio-control-checked-background-color: radio-control-checked-border-color: radio-control-inner-circle-color: radio-control-focus-border-color: radio-control-focus-inner-circle-color: radio-control-hover-background-color: radio-control-hover-border-color: radio-control-hover-inner-circle-color: radio-control-hover-checked-background-color: radio-control-active-border-color: radio-control-active-inner-circle-color: radio-control-disabled-background-color: radio-control-disabled-border-color: radio-control-disabled-text-color: radio-control-disabled-checked-background-color: radio-control-disabled-checked-border-color: radio-control-disabled-checked-inner-circle-color:
constructor( cd: ChangeDetectorRef, renderer: Renderer2, statusService: NbStatusService);
property additionalClasses
readonly additionalClasses: string[];
property blur
blur: EventEmitter<void>;
property cd
protected cd: ChangeDetectorRef;
property checked
checked: boolean;
property disabled
disabled: boolean;
property input
input: ElementRef<HTMLInputElement>;
property isBasic
readonly isBasic: boolean;
property isControl
readonly isControl: boolean;
property isDanger
readonly isDanger: boolean;
property isInfo
readonly isInfo: boolean;
property isPrimary
readonly isPrimary: boolean;
property isSuccess
readonly isSuccess: boolean;
property isWarning
readonly isWarning: boolean;
property name
name: string;
property ngAcceptInputType_checked
static ngAcceptInputType_checked: NbBooleanInput;
property ngAcceptInputType_disabled
static ngAcceptInputType_disabled: NbBooleanInput;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< NbRadioComponent, 'nb-radio', never, { name: { alias: 'name'; required: false }; checked: { alias: 'checked'; required: false }; value: { alias: 'value'; required: false }; disabled: { alias: 'disabled'; required: false }; status: { alias: 'status'; required: false }; }, { valueChange: 'valueChange'; blur: 'blur' }, never, ['*'], false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbRadioComponent, never>;
property renderer
protected renderer: Renderer2;
property status
status: string;
property statusService
protected statusService: NbStatusService;
property value
value: any;
property valueChange
valueChange: EventEmitter<any>;
method onChange
onChange: (event: Event) => void;
method onClick
onClick: (event: Event) => void;
class NbRadioGroupComponent
class NbRadioGroupComponent implements AfterContentInit, OnDestroy, ControlValueAccessor {}
is the wrapper fornb-radio
button. It provides form bindings:<nb-radio-group [(ngModel)]="selectedOption"><nb-radio value="1">Option 1</nb-radio><nb-radio value="2">Option 2</nb-radio><nb-radio value="3">Option 3</nb-radio></nb-radio-group>Also, you can use
for binding without forms.<nb-radio-group [(value)]="selectedOption"><nb-radio value="1">Option 1</nb-radio><nb-radio value="2">Option 2</nb-radio><nb-radio value="3">Option 3</nb-radio></nb-radio-group>Radio items name has to be provided through
input property of the radio group.<nb-radio-group name="my-radio-group">...</nb-radio-group>You can change radio group status by setting
input. @stacked-example(Statuses, radio/radio-statuses.component)Also, you can disable the whole group using
attribute. @stacked-example(Disabled group, radio/radio-disabled-group.component)Radio group supports
and reactive forms: @stacked-example(Radio Group with forms, radio/radio-form.component)
constructor( hostElement: ElementRef<HTMLElement>, platformId: any, document: any);
property destroy$
protected destroy$: Subject<void>;
property disabled
disabled: boolean;
property document
protected document: any;
property hostElement
protected hostElement: ElementRef<HTMLElement>;
property name
name: string;
property ngAcceptInputType_disabled
static ngAcceptInputType_disabled: NbBooleanInput;
property onChange
protected onChange: (value: any) => void;
property onTouched
protected onTouched: () => void;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< NbRadioGroupComponent, 'nb-radio-group', never, { value: { alias: 'value'; required: false }; name: { alias: 'name'; required: false }; disabled: { alias: 'disabled'; required: false }; status: { alias: 'status'; required: false }; }, { valueChange: 'valueChange' }, ['radios'], ['nb-radio'], false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbRadioGroupComponent, never>;
property platformId
protected platformId: any;
property radios
radios: QueryList<NbRadioComponent>;
property status
status: string;
Radio buttons status. Possible values are
property value
value: any;
property valueChange
valueChange: EventEmitter<any>;
method ngAfterContentInit
ngAfterContentInit: () => void;
method ngOnDestroy
ngOnDestroy: () => void;
method propagateValue
protected propagateValue: (value: any) => void;
method registerOnChange
registerOnChange: (fn: any) => void;
method registerOnTouched
registerOnTouched: (fn: any) => void;
method setDisabledState
setDisabledState: (isDisabled: boolean) => void;
method subscribeOnRadiosBlur
protected subscribeOnRadiosBlur: () => void;
method subscribeOnRadiosValueChange
protected subscribeOnRadiosValueChange: () => void;
method updateAndMarkForCheckRadios
protected updateAndMarkForCheckRadios: ( updateFn: (NbRadioComponent: any) => void) => void;
method updateAndSubscribeToRadios
protected updateAndSubscribeToRadios: () => void;
method updateDisabled
protected updateDisabled: () => void;
method updateNames
protected updateNames: () => void;
method updateStatus
protected updateStatus: () => void;
method updateValueFromCheckedOption
protected updateValueFromCheckedOption: () => void;
method updateValues
protected updateValues: () => void;
method writeValue
writeValue: (value: any) => void;
class NbRadioModule
class NbRadioModule {}
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbRadioModule, never>;
property ɵinj
static ɵinj: i0.ɵɵInjectorDeclaration<NbRadioModule>;
property ɵmod
static ɵmod: i0.ɵɵNgModuleDeclaration< NbRadioModule, [typeof i1.NbRadioComponent, typeof i2.NbRadioGroupComponent], never, [typeof i1.NbRadioComponent, typeof i2.NbRadioGroupComponent]>;
class NbRangeAdapterService
class NbRangeAdapterService<D> extends NbDatepickerAdapter<NbCalendarRange<D>> {}
constructor(dateService: NbDateService<D>);
property dateService
protected dateService: NbDateService<D>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbRangeAdapterService<any>, never>;
property ɵprov
static ɵprov: i0.ɵɵInjectableDeclaration<NbRangeAdapterService<any>>;
property picker
picker: Type<NbRangepickerComponent<D>>;
method format
format: (range: NbCalendarRange<D>, format: string) => string;
method isValid
isValid: (range: string, format: string) => boolean;
method parse
parse: (range: string, format: any) => NbCalendarRange<D>;
class NbRangepickerComponent
class NbRangepickerComponent<D> extends NbBasePickerComponent< D, NbCalendarRange<D>, NbCalendarRangeComponent<D>> {}
The RangeDatePicker components itself. Provides a proxy to
options as well as custom picker options.
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< NbRangepickerComponent<any>, 'nb-rangepicker', never, { range: { alias: 'range'; required: false } }, { rangeChange: 'rangeChange' }, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbRangepickerComponent<any>, never>;
property pickerClass
protected pickerClass: Type<NbCalendarRangeComponent<D>>;
property pickerValueChange
readonly pickerValueChange: Observable<NbCalendarRange<D>>;
property rangeChange
readonly rangeChange: EventEmitter<NbCalendarRange<D>>;
Emits range when start selected and emits again when end selected.
property value
value: NbCalendarRange<D>;
method shouldHide
shouldHide: () => boolean;
method writeQueue
protected writeQueue: () => void;
class NbRestoreScrollTopHelper
class NbRestoreScrollTopHelper {}
This service determines whether we should scroll the layout back to top. This occurs when the page is changed, so when current url PATH is not equal to the previous one.
TODO: this is most likely a temporary solutions as recently Angular introduces ViewportScroll and scroll restoration process
constructor(router: Router);
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbRestoreScrollTopHelper, never>;
property ɵprov
static ɵprov: i0.ɵɵInjectableDeclaration<NbRestoreScrollTopHelper>;
method shouldRestore
shouldRestore: () => Observable<boolean>;
class NbRevealCardComponent
class NbRevealCardComponent {}
Reveal card example: @stacked-example(My example, reveal-card/reveal-card-showcase.component)
As a content Reveal card accepts two instances of
- for front and back sides.Basic reveal card configuration:
<nb-reveal-card><nb-card-front><nb-card><nb-card-body>Front</nb-card-body></nb-card></nb-card-front><nb-card-back><nb-card><nb-card-body>Back</nb-card-body></nb-card></nb-card-back></nb-reveal-card>### Installation
to your feature module.@NgModule({imports: [// ...NbCardModule,],})export class PageModule { }### Usage
Reveal Card with header and footer: @stacked-example(With Header & Footer, reveal-card/reveal-card-full.component)
Colored reveal-cards could be simply configured by providing a
property: @stacked-example(Colored Card, reveal-card/reveal-card-colors.component)It is also possible to assign an
property for a slight card highlight as well as combine it withstatus
: @stacked-example(Accent Card, reveal-card/reveal-card-accents.component)@additional-example(Multiple Sizes, reveal-card/reveal-card-sizes.component)
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< NbRevealCardComponent, 'nb-reveal-card', never, { revealed: { alias: 'revealed'; required: false }; showToggleButton: { alias: 'showToggleButton'; required: false }; }, {}, never, ['nb-card-front', 'nb-card-back'], false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbRevealCardComponent, never>;
property revealed
revealed: boolean;
Reveal state boolean
property showToggleButton
showToggleButton: boolean;
Show/hide toggle button to be able to control toggle from your code {boolean}
method toggle
toggle: () => void;
class NbRouteTabsetComponent
class NbRouteTabsetComponent {}
Route tabset components. Renders tabs inside of a router-outlet.
tabs = [{title: 'Route tab #1',route: '/pages/description',icon: 'home',responsive: true, // hide title before `$tabset-tab-text-hide-breakpoint` value},{title: 'Route tab #2',route: '/pages/images',}];<nb-route-tabset [tabs]="tabs"></nb-route-tabset>### Installation
to your feature module.@NgModule({imports: [// ...NbRouteTabsetModule,],})export class PageModule { }@stacked-example(Route Tabset, tabset/route-tabset-showcase.component)
route-tabset-background-color: route-tabset-border-radius: route-tabset-shadow: route-tabset-tab-background-color: route-tabset-tab-padding: route-tabset-tab-text-color: route-tabset-tab-text-font-family: route-tabset-tab-text-font-size: route-tabset-tab-text-font-weight: route-tabset-tab-text-line-height: route-tabset-tab-text-transform: route-tabset-tab-underline-width: route-tabset-tab-underline-color: route-tabset-tab-active-background-color: route-tabset-tab-active-text-color: route-tabset-tab-active-underline-color: route-tabset-tab-focus-background-color: route-tabset-tab-focus-text-color: route-tabset-tab-focus-underline-color: route-tabset-tab-hover-background-color: route-tabset-tab-hover-text-color: route-tabset-tab-hover-underline-color: route-tabset-tab-disabled-background-color: route-tabset-tab-disabled-text-color: route-tabset-tab-disabled-underline-color: route-tabset-divider-color: route-tabset-divider-style: route-tabset-divider-width: route-tabset-scrollbar-color: route-tabset-scrollbar-background-color: route-tabset-scrollbar-width:
property activeLinkOptions
activeLinkOptions: RouterLinkActive;
Options passed to
directive which set on tab links.{ exact: true }
by default.
property changeTab
changeTab: EventEmitter<NbRouteTab>;
Emits when tab is selected {EventEmitter}
property fullWidthValue
fullWidthValue: boolean;
property ngAcceptInputType_fullWidth
static ngAcceptInputType_fullWidth: NbBooleanInput;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< NbRouteTabsetComponent, 'nb-route-tabset', never, { tabs: { alias: 'tabs'; required: false }; activeLinkOptions: { alias: 'activeLinkOptions'; required: false }; fullWidth: { alias: 'fullWidth'; required: false }; }, { changeTab: 'changeTab' }, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbRouteTabsetComponent, never>;
property tabs
tabs: NbRouteTab[];
Tabs configuration
method selectTab
selectTab: (tab: NbRouteTab) => void;
class NbRouteTabsetModule
class NbRouteTabsetModule {}
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbRouteTabsetModule, never>;
property ɵinj
static ɵinj: i0.ɵɵInjectorDeclaration<NbRouteTabsetModule>;
property ɵmod
static ɵmod: i0.ɵɵNgModuleDeclaration< NbRouteTabsetModule, [typeof i1.NbRouteTabsetComponent, typeof i2.NbMergeConfigsPipe], [typeof i3.NbSharedModule, typeof i4.NbIconModule], [typeof i1.NbRouteTabsetComponent]>;
class NbRowComponent
class NbRowComponent extends CdkRow {}
Data row template container that contains the cell outlet. Adds the right class and role.
class NbRowDefDirective
class NbRowDefDirective<T> extends CdkRowDef<T> {}
Data row definition for the nb-table. Captures the data row's template and other properties such as the columns to display and a when predicate that describes when this row should be used.
property columns
columns: Iterable<string>;
property ɵdir
static ɵdir: i0.ɵɵDirectiveDeclaration< NbRowDefDirective<any>, '[nbRowDef]', never, { columns: { alias: 'nbRowDefColumns'; required: false }; when: { alias: 'nbRowDefWhen'; required: false }; }, {}, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbRowDefDirective<any>, never>;
property when
when: (index: number, rowData: T) => boolean;
class NbRtlDirective
class NbRtlDirective extends NbBaseLayoutDirectionDirective {}
directive to the element you need to show only when layout direction isRTL
.<div *nbRtl>This text is visible only when layout direction is RTL</div>
constructor( templateRef: TemplateRef<any>, viewContainer: ViewContainerRef, cd: ChangeDetectorRef, directionService: NbLayoutDirectionService);
property cd
protected cd: ChangeDetectorRef;
property directionService
protected directionService: NbLayoutDirectionService;
property ɵdir
static ɵdir: i0.ɵɵDirectiveDeclaration< NbRtlDirective, '[nbRtl]', never, {}, {}, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbRtlDirective, never>;
property templateRef
protected templateRef: TemplateRef<any>;
property viewContainer
protected viewContainer: ViewContainerRef;
class NbScrollableContainerDimensions
class NbScrollableContainerDimensions {}
property clientHeight
clientHeight: number;
property scrollHeight
scrollHeight: number;
property scrollTop
scrollTop: number;
class NbScrollDispatcherAdapter
class NbScrollDispatcherAdapter extends ScrollDispatcher {}
constructor( ngZone: NgZone, platform: NbPlatform, scrollService: NbLayoutScrollService, document: any);
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbScrollDispatcherAdapter, never>;
property ɵprov
static ɵprov: i0.ɵɵInjectableDeclaration<NbScrollDispatcherAdapter>;
property scrollService
protected scrollService: NbLayoutScrollService;
method scrolled
scrolled: (auditTimeInMs?: number) => Observable<any>;
class NbScrollStrategyOptions
class NbScrollStrategyOptions extends ScrollStrategyOptions {}
constructor( scrollService: NbLayoutScrollService, scrollDispatcher: ScrollDispatcher, viewportRuler: NbViewportRulerAdapter, ngZone: NgZone, document: any);
property block
block: () => NbBlockScrollStrategyAdapter;
property document
protected document: any;
property ngZone
protected ngZone: NgZone;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbScrollStrategyOptions, never>;
property ɵprov
static ɵprov: i0.ɵɵInjectableDeclaration<NbScrollStrategyOptions>;
property scrollDispatcher
protected scrollDispatcher: ScrollDispatcher;
property scrollService
protected scrollService: NbLayoutScrollService;
property viewportRuler
protected viewportRuler: NbViewportRulerAdapter;
class NbSearchComponent
class NbSearchComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {}
Beautiful full-page search control.
@stacked-example(Showcase, search/search-showcase.component)
Basic setup:
<nb-search type="rotate-layout"></nb-search>### Installation
to your feature module.@NgModule({imports: [// ...NbSearchModule,],})export class PageModule { }### Usage
Several animation types are available: modal-zoomin, rotate-layout, modal-move, curtain, column-curtain, modal-drop, modal-half
It is also possible to handle search event using
:@stacked-example(Search Event, search/search-event.component)
search-background-color: search-divider-color: search-divider-style: search-divider-width: search-extra-background-color: search-text-color: search-text-font-family: search-text-font-size: search-text-font-weight: search-text-line-height: search-placeholder-text-color: search-info-text-color: search-info-text-font-family: search-info-text-font-size: search-info-text-font-weight: search-info-text-line-height:
constructor( searchService: NbSearchService, themeService: NbThemeService, router: Router, overlayService: NbOverlayService, changeDetector: ChangeDetectorRef);
property hint
hint: string;
Hint showing under the input field to improve user experience
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< NbSearchComponent, 'nb-search', never, { tag: { alias: 'tag'; required: false }; placeholder: { alias: 'placeholder'; required: false }; hint: { alias: 'hint'; required: false }; type: { alias: 'type'; required: false }; }, {}, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbSearchComponent, never>;
property placeholder
placeholder: string;
Search input placeholder {string}
property searchButton
searchButton: ElementRef<HTMLElement>;
property searchFieldPortal
searchFieldPortal: NbPortalDirective;
property showSearchField
showSearchField: boolean;
property tag
tag: string;
Tags a search with some ID, can be later used in the search service to determine which search component triggered the action, if multiple searches exist on the page.
property type
type: NbSearchType;
Search design type, available types are modal-zoomin, rotate-layout, modal-move, curtain, column-curtain, modal-drop, modal-half {string}
method emitActivate
emitActivate: () => void;
method emitDeactivate
emitDeactivate: () => void;
method emitInput
emitInput: (term: string) => void;
method hideSearch
hideSearch: () => void;
method ngOnDestroy
ngOnDestroy: () => void;
method ngOnInit
ngOnInit: () => void;
method openSearch
openSearch: () => void;
method search
search: (term: any) => void;
class NbSearchFieldComponent
class NbSearchFieldComponent implements OnChanges, AfterViewInit {}
search-field-component is used under the hood by nb-search component can't be used itself
property close
close: EventEmitter<any>;
property columnCurtain
readonly columnCurtain: boolean;
property curtain
readonly curtain: boolean;
property hint
hint: string;
property inputElement
inputElement: ElementRef<HTMLInputElement>;
property modalDrop
readonly modalDrop: boolean;
property modalHalf
readonly modalHalf: boolean;
property modalMove
readonly modalMove: boolean;
property modalZoomin
readonly modalZoomin: boolean;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< NbSearchFieldComponent, 'nb-search-field', never, { type: { alias: 'type'; required: false }; placeholder: { alias: 'placeholder'; required: false }; hint: { alias: 'hint'; required: false }; show: { alias: 'show'; required: false }; }, { close: 'close'; search: 'search'; searchInput: 'searchInput' }, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbSearchFieldComponent, never>;
property placeholder
placeholder: string;
property rotateLayout
readonly rotateLayout: boolean;
property search
search: EventEmitter<any>;
property searchInput
searchInput: EventEmitter<any>;
property show
show: boolean;
property showClass
readonly showClass: boolean;
property type
type: string;
static readonly TYPE_COLUMN_CURTAIN: string;
static readonly TYPE_CURTAIN: string;
static readonly TYPE_MODAL_DROP: string;
static readonly TYPE_MODAL_HALF: string;
static readonly TYPE_MODAL_MOVE: string;
static readonly TYPE_MODAL_ZOOMIN: string;
static readonly TYPE_ROTATE_LAYOUT: string;
method emitClose
emitClose: () => void;
method emitSearchInput
emitSearchInput: (term: string) => void;
method focusInput
focusInput: () => void;
method ngAfterViewInit
ngAfterViewInit: () => void;
method ngOnChanges
ngOnChanges: ({ show }: SimpleChanges) => void;
method submitSearch
submitSearch: (term: any) => void;
class NbSearchModule
class NbSearchModule {}
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbSearchModule, never>;
property ɵinj
static ɵinj: i0.ɵɵInjectorDeclaration<NbSearchModule>;
property ɵmod
static ɵmod: i0.ɵɵNgModuleDeclaration< NbSearchModule, [typeof i1.NbSearchComponent, typeof i1.NbSearchFieldComponent], [ typeof i2.NbSharedModule, typeof i3.NbOverlayModule, typeof i4.NbIconModule, typeof i5.NbButtonModule ], [typeof i1.NbSearchComponent, typeof i1.NbSearchFieldComponent]>;
class NbSearchService
class NbSearchService {}
Search component service, connects your code to a page-level search component.
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbSearchService, never>;
property ɵprov
static ɵprov: i0.ɵɵInjectableDeclaration<NbSearchService>;
method activateSearch
activateSearch: (searchType: string, tag?: string) => void;
* Activate (open) search component
Parameter searchType
Parameter tag
method deactivateSearch
deactivateSearch: (searchType: string, tag?: string) => void;
Deactibate (close) search component
Parameter searchType
Parameter tag
method onSearchActivate
onSearchActivate: () => Observable<{ searchType: string; tag?: string }>;
Subscribe to 'activate' event
Observable<{searchType: string; tag?: string}>
method onSearchDeactivate
onSearchDeactivate: () => Observable<{ searchType: string; tag?: string }>;
Subscribe to 'deactivate' event
Observable<{searchType: string; tag?: string}>
method onSearchInput
onSearchInput: () => Observable<{ term: string; tag?: string }>;
Subscribe to input event
Observable<{term: string; tag?: string}>
method onSearchSubmit
onSearchSubmit: () => Observable<{ term: string; tag?: string }>;
Subscribe to 'submit' event (when submit button clicked)
Observable<{term: string; tag?: string}>
method searchInput
searchInput: (term: string, tag?: string) => void;
Trigger search submit by input event
Parameter term
Parameter tag
method submitSearch
submitSearch: (term: string, tag?: string) => void;
Trigger search submit
Parameter term
Parameter tag
class NbSelectComponent
class NbSelectComponent implements OnChanges, AfterViewInit, AfterContentInit, OnDestroy, ControlValueAccessor, NbFormFieldControl {}
provides a capability to select one of the passed items.@stacked-example(Showcase, select/select-showcase.component)
### Installation
to your feature module.@NgModule({imports: [// ...NbSelectModule,],})export class PageModule { }### Usage
If you want to use it as the multi-select control you have to mark it as
. In this case,nb-select
will work only with arrays - accept arrays and propagate arrays.@stacked-example(Multiple, select/select-multiple.component)
Items without values will clean the selection. Both
values will also clean the selection.@stacked-example(Clean selection, select/select-clean.component)
Select may be bounded using
input:<nb-select [(selected)]="selected"></nb-selected>Or you can bind control with form controls or ngModel:
@stacked-example(Select form binding, select/select-form.component)
Options in the select may be grouped using
component.@stacked-example(Grouping, select/select-groups.component)
Select may have a placeholder that will be shown when nothing selected:
@stacked-example(Placeholder, select/select-placeholder.component)
You can disable select, options and whole groups.
@stacked-example(Disabled select, select/select-disabled.component)
Also, the custom label may be provided in select. This custom label will be used for instead placeholder when something selected.
@stacked-example(Custom label, select/select-label.component)
size ismedium
and status isbasic
. Select is available in multiple colors usingstatus
property:@stacked-example(Select statuses, select/select-status.component)
There are five select sizes:
@stacked-example(Select sizes, select/select-sizes.component)
And two additional style types -
:@stacked-example(Filled select, select/select-filled.component)
:@stacked-example(Select colors, select/select-hero.component)
Select is available in different shapes, that could be combined with the other properties:
@stacked-example(Select shapes, select/select-shapes.component)
By default, the component selects options whose values are strictly equal (
) with the select value. To change such behavior, pass a custom comparator function to thecompareWith
attribute.@stacked-example(Select custom comparator, select/select-compare-with.component)
You can add an additional icon to the select via the
component: @stacked-example(Select with icon, select/select-icon.component)@additional-example(Interactive, select/select-interactive.component)
select-cursor: select-disabled-cursor: select-min-width: select-outline-width: select-outline-color: select-icon-offset: select-text-font-family: select-placeholder-text-font-family: select-tiny-text-font-size: select-tiny-text-font-weight: select-tiny-text-line-height: select-tiny-placeholder-text-font-size: select-tiny-placeholder-text-font-weight: select-tiny-max-width: select-small-text-font-size: select-small-text-font-weight: select-small-text-line-height: select-small-placeholder-text-font-size: select-small-placeholder-text-font-weight: select-small-max-width: select-medium-text-font-size: select-medium-text-font-weight: select-medium-text-line-height: select-medium-placeholder-text-font-size: select-medium-placeholder-text-font-weight: select-medium-max-width: select-large-text-font-size: select-large-text-font-weight: select-large-text-line-height: select-large-placeholder-text-font-size: select-large-placeholder-text-font-weight: select-large-max-width: select-giant-text-font-size: select-giant-text-font-weight: select-giant-text-line-height: select-giant-placeholder-text-font-size: select-giant-placeholder-text-font-weight: select-giant-max-width: select-rectangle-border-radius: select-semi-round-border-radius: select-round-border-radius: select-outline-border-style: select-outline-border-width: select-outline-tiny-padding: select-outline-small-padding: select-outline-medium-padding: select-outline-large-padding: select-outline-giant-padding: select-outline-basic-icon-color: select-outline-basic-text-color: select-outline-basic-placeholder-text-color: select-outline-basic-background-color: select-outline-basic-border-color: select-outline-basic-focus-background-color: select-outline-basic-focus-border-color: select-outline-basic-hover-background-color: select-outline-basic-hover-border-color: select-outline-basic-disabled-background-color: select-outline-basic-disabled-border-color: select-outline-basic-disabled-icon-color: select-outline-basic-disabled-text-color: select-outline-primary-icon-color: select-outline-primary-text-color: select-outline-primary-placeholder-text-color: select-outline-primary-background-color: select-outline-primary-border-color: select-outline-primary-focus-background-color: select-outline-primary-focus-border-color: select-outline-primary-hover-background-color: select-outline-primary-hover-border-color: select-outline-primary-disabled-background-color: select-outline-primary-disabled-border-color: select-outline-primary-disabled-icon-color: select-outline-primary-disabled-text-color: select-outline-success-icon-color: select-outline-success-text-color: select-outline-success-placeholder-text-color: select-outline-success-background-color: select-outline-success-border-color: select-outline-success-focus-background-color: select-outline-success-focus-border-color: select-outline-success-hover-background-color: select-outline-success-hover-border-color: select-outline-success-disabled-background-color: select-outline-success-disabled-border-color: select-outline-success-disabled-icon-color: select-outline-success-disabled-text-color: select-outline-info-icon-color: select-outline-info-text-color: select-outline-info-placeholder-text-color: select-outline-info-background-color: select-outline-info-border-color: select-outline-info-focus-background-color: select-outline-info-focus-border-color: select-outline-info-hover-background-color: select-outline-info-hover-border-color: select-outline-info-disabled-background-color: select-outline-info-disabled-border-color: select-outline-info-disabled-icon-color: select-outline-info-disabled-text-color: select-outline-warning-icon-color: select-outline-warning-text-color: select-outline-warning-placeholder-text-color: select-outline-warning-background-color: select-outline-warning-border-color: select-outline-warning-focus-background-color: select-outline-warning-focus-border-color: select-outline-warning-hover-background-color: select-outline-warning-hover-border-color: select-outline-warning-disabled-background-color: select-outline-warning-disabled-border-color: select-outline-warning-disabled-icon-color: select-outline-warning-disabled-text-color: select-outline-danger-icon-color: select-outline-danger-text-color: select-outline-danger-placeholder-text-color: select-outline-danger-background-color: select-outline-danger-border-color: select-outline-danger-focus-background-color: select-outline-danger-focus-border-color: select-outline-danger-hover-background-color: select-outline-danger-hover-border-color: select-outline-danger-disabled-background-color: select-outline-danger-disabled-border-color: select-outline-danger-disabled-icon-color: select-outline-danger-disabled-text-color: select-outline-control-icon-color: select-outline-control-text-color: select-outline-control-placeholder-text-color: select-outline-control-background-color: select-outline-control-border-color: select-outline-control-focus-background-color: select-outline-control-focus-border-color: select-outline-control-hover-background-color: select-outline-control-hover-border-color: select-outline-control-disabled-background-color: select-outline-control-disabled-border-color: select-outline-control-disabled-icon-color: select-outline-control-disabled-text-color: select-outline-adjacent-border-style: select-outline-adjacent-border-width: select-outline-basic-open-border-color: select-outline-basic-adjacent-border-color: select-outline-primary-open-border-color: select-outline-primary-adjacent-border-color: select-outline-success-open-border-color: select-outline-success-adjacent-border-color: select-outline-info-open-border-color: select-outline-info-adjacent-border-color: select-outline-warning-open-border-color: select-outline-warning-adjacent-border-color: select-outline-danger-open-border-color: select-outline-danger-adjacent-border-color: select-outline-control-open-border-color: select-outline-control-adjacent-border-color: select-filled-border-style: select-filled-border-width: select-filled-tiny-padding: select-filled-small-padding: select-filled-medium-padding: select-filled-large-padding: select-filled-giant-padding: select-filled-basic-background-color: select-filled-basic-border-color: select-filled-basic-icon-color: select-filled-basic-text-color: select-filled-basic-placeholder-text-color: select-filled-basic-focus-background-color: select-filled-basic-focus-border-color: select-filled-basic-hover-background-color: select-filled-basic-hover-border-color: select-filled-basic-disabled-background-color: select-filled-basic-disabled-border-color: select-filled-basic-disabled-icon-color: select-filled-basic-disabled-text-color: select-filled-primary-background-color: select-filled-primary-border-color: select-filled-primary-icon-color: select-filled-primary-text-color: select-filled-primary-placeholder-text-color: select-filled-primary-focus-background-color: select-filled-primary-focus-border-color: select-filled-primary-hover-background-color: select-filled-primary-hover-border-color: select-filled-primary-disabled-background-color: select-filled-primary-disabled-border-color: select-filled-primary-disabled-icon-color: select-filled-primary-disabled-text-color: select-filled-success-background-color: select-filled-success-border-color: select-filled-success-icon-color: select-filled-success-text-color: select-filled-success-placeholder-text-color: select-filled-success-focus-background-color: select-filled-success-focus-border-color: select-filled-success-hover-background-color: select-filled-success-hover-border-color: select-filled-success-disabled-background-color: select-filled-success-disabled-border-color: select-filled-success-disabled-icon-color: select-filled-success-disabled-text-color: select-filled-info-background-color: select-filled-info-border-color: select-filled-info-icon-color: select-filled-info-text-color: select-filled-info-placeholder-text-color: select-filled-info-focus-background-color: select-filled-info-focus-border-color: select-filled-info-hover-background-color: select-filled-info-hover-border-color: select-filled-info-disabled-background-color: select-filled-info-disabled-border-color: select-filled-info-disabled-icon-color: select-filled-info-disabled-text-color: select-filled-warning-background-color: select-filled-warning-border-color: select-filled-warning-icon-color: select-filled-warning-text-color: select-filled-warning-placeholder-text-color: select-filled-warning-focus-background-color: select-filled-warning-focus-border-color: select-filled-warning-hover-background-color: select-filled-warning-hover-border-color: select-filled-warning-disabled-background-color: select-filled-warning-disabled-border-color: select-filled-warning-disabled-icon-color: select-filled-warning-disabled-text-color: select-filled-danger-background-color: select-filled-danger-border-color: select-filled-danger-icon-color: select-filled-danger-text-color: select-filled-danger-placeholder-text-color: select-filled-danger-focus-background-color: select-filled-danger-focus-border-color: select-filled-danger-hover-background-color: select-filled-danger-hover-border-color: select-filled-danger-disabled-background-color: select-filled-danger-disabled-border-color: select-filled-danger-disabled-icon-color: select-filled-danger-disabled-text-color: select-filled-control-background-color: select-filled-control-border-color: select-filled-control-icon-color: select-filled-control-text-color: select-filled-control-placeholder-text-color: select-filled-control-focus-background-color: select-filled-control-focus-border-color: select-filled-control-hover-background-color: select-filled-control-hover-border-color: select-filled-control-disabled-background-color: select-filled-control-disabled-border-color: select-filled-control-disabled-icon-color: select-filled-control-disabled-text-color: select-hero-tiny-padding: select-hero-small-padding: select-hero-medium-padding: select-hero-large-padding: select-hero-giant-padding: select-hero-basic-left-background-color: select-hero-basic-right-background-color: select-hero-basic-icon-color: select-hero-basic-text-color: select-hero-basic-placeholder-text-color: select-hero-basic-focus-left-background-color: select-hero-basic-focus-right-background-color: select-hero-basic-hover-left-background-color: select-hero-basic-hover-right-background-color: select-hero-basic-disabled-background-color: select-hero-basic-disabled-icon-color: select-hero-basic-disabled-text-color: select-hero-primary-left-background-color: select-hero-primary-right-background-color: select-hero-primary-icon-color: select-hero-primary-text-color: select-hero-primary-placeholder-text-color: select-hero-primary-focus-left-background-color: select-hero-primary-focus-right-background-color: select-hero-primary-hover-left-background-color: select-hero-primary-hover-right-background-color: select-hero-primary-disabled-background-color: select-hero-primary-disabled-icon-color: select-hero-primary-disabled-text-color: select-hero-success-left-background-color: select-hero-success-right-background-color: select-hero-success-icon-color: select-hero-success-text-color: select-hero-success-placeholder-text-color: select-hero-success-focus-left-background-color: select-hero-success-focus-right-background-color: select-hero-success-hover-left-background-color: select-hero-success-hover-right-background-color: select-hero-success-disabled-background-color: select-hero-success-disabled-icon-color: select-hero-success-disabled-text-color: select-hero-info-left-background-color: select-hero-info-right-background-color: select-hero-info-icon-color: select-hero-info-text-color: select-hero-info-placeholder-text-color: select-hero-info-focus-left-background-color: select-hero-info-focus-right-background-color: select-hero-info-hover-left-background-color: select-hero-info-hover-right-background-color: select-hero-info-disabled-background-color: select-hero-info-disabled-icon-color: select-hero-info-disabled-text-color: select-hero-warning-left-background-color: select-hero-warning-right-background-color: select-hero-warning-icon-color: select-hero-warning-text-color: select-hero-warning-placeholder-text-color: select-hero-warning-focus-left-background-color: select-hero-warning-focus-right-background-color: select-hero-warning-hover-left-background-color: select-hero-warning-hover-right-background-color: select-hero-warning-disabled-background-color: select-hero-warning-disabled-icon-color: select-hero-warning-disabled-text-color: select-hero-danger-left-background-color: select-hero-danger-right-background-color: select-hero-danger-icon-color: select-hero-danger-text-color: select-hero-danger-placeholder-text-color: select-hero-danger-focus-left-background-color: select-hero-danger-focus-right-background-color: select-hero-danger-hover-left-background-color: select-hero-danger-hover-right-background-color: select-hero-danger-disabled-background-color: select-hero-danger-disabled-icon-color: select-hero-danger-disabled-text-color: select-hero-control-left-background-color: select-hero-control-right-background-color: select-hero-control-icon-color: select-hero-control-text-color: select-hero-control-placeholder-text-color: select-hero-control-focus-left-background-color: select-hero-control-focus-right-background-color: select-hero-control-hover-left-background-color: select-hero-control-hover-right-background-color: select-hero-control-disabled-background-color: select-hero-control-disabled-icon-color: select-hero-control-disabled-text-color:
constructor( document: any, overlay: NbOverlayService, hostRef: ElementRef<HTMLElement>, positionBuilder: NbPositionBuilderService, triggerStrategyBuilder: NbTriggerStrategyBuilderService, cd: ChangeDetectorRef, focusKeyManagerFactoryService: NbFocusKeyManagerFactoryService< NbOptionComponent<any> >, focusMonitor: NbFocusMonitor, renderer: Renderer2, zone: NgZone, statusService: NbStatusService);
property additionalClasses
readonly additionalClasses: string[];
property alive
protected alive: boolean;
property appearance
appearance: NbSelectAppearance;
Select appearances:
property basic
readonly basic: boolean;
property button
button: ElementRef<HTMLButtonElement>;
property cd
protected cd: ChangeDetectorRef;
property compareWith
compareWith: NbSelectCompareFunction<any>;
A function to compare option value with selected value. By default, values are compared with strict equality (
property control
readonly control: boolean;
property customLabel
customLabel: any;
Custom select label, will be rendered instead of default enumeration with coma.
property danger
readonly danger: boolean;
property destroy$
protected destroy$: Subject<void>;
property disabled
disabled: boolean;
Disables the select
property disabled$
disabled$: BehaviorSubject<boolean>;
property document
protected document: any;
property filled
filled: boolean;
property focused$
focused$: BehaviorSubject<boolean>;
property focusKeyManagerFactoryService
protected focusKeyManagerFactoryService: NbFocusKeyManagerFactoryService< NbOptionComponent<any>>;
property focusMonitor
protected focusMonitor: NbFocusMonitor;
property fullWidth
fullWidth: boolean;
If set element will fill its container
property fullWidth$
fullWidth$: BehaviorSubject<boolean>;
property giant
readonly giant: boolean;
property hero
hero: boolean;
property hostRef
protected hostRef: ElementRef<HTMLElement>;
property hostWidth
readonly hostWidth: number;
Returns width of the select button.
property info
readonly info: boolean;
property isHidden
readonly isHidden: boolean;
Determines is select hidden.
property isOpen
readonly isOpen: boolean;
Determines is select opened.
property keyManager
protected keyManager: NbFocusKeyManager<NbOptionComponent<any>>;
property large
readonly large: boolean;
property medium
readonly medium: boolean;
property multiple
multiple: boolean;
Gives capability just write
over the element.
property ngAcceptInputType_disabled
static ngAcceptInputType_disabled: NbBooleanInput;
property ngAcceptInputType_filled
static ngAcceptInputType_filled: NbBooleanInput;
property ngAcceptInputType_fullWidth
static ngAcceptInputType_fullWidth: NbBooleanInput;
property ngAcceptInputType_hero
static ngAcceptInputType_hero: NbBooleanInput;
property ngAcceptInputType_multiple
static ngAcceptInputType_multiple: NbBooleanInput;
property ngAcceptInputType_outline
static ngAcceptInputType_outline: NbBooleanInput;
property onChange
protected onChange: Function;
Function passed through control value accessor to propagate changes.
property onTouched
protected onTouched: Function;
property options
options: QueryList<NbOptionComponent<any>>;
List of
's components passed as content. TODO maybe it would be better provide wrapper
property optionsListClass
optionsListClass: NgClass;
Specifies class to be set on
s container (nb-option-list
property optionsOverlayOffset
optionsOverlayOffset: number;
Determines options overlay offset (in pixels).
property optionsPanelClass
optionsPanelClass: string | string[];
Specifies class for the overlay panel with options
property optionsWidth
optionsWidth: number;
Specifies width (in pixels) to be set on
s container (nb-option-list
property outline
outline: boolean;
property overlay
protected overlay: NbOverlayService;
property overlayPosition
overlayPosition: NbPosition;
Current overlay position because of we have to toggle overlayPosition in [ngClass] direction and this directive can use only string.
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< NbSelectComponent, 'nb-select', never, { size: { alias: 'size'; required: false }; status: { alias: 'status'; required: false }; shape: { alias: 'shape'; required: false }; appearance: { alias: 'appearance'; required: false }; optionsListClass: { alias: 'optionsListClass'; required: false }; optionsPanelClass: { alias: 'optionsPanelClass'; required: false }; optionsWidth: { alias: 'optionsWidth'; required: false }; outline: { alias: 'outline'; required: false }; filled: { alias: 'filled'; required: false }; hero: { alias: 'hero'; required: false }; disabled: { alias: 'disabled'; required: false }; fullWidth: { alias: 'fullWidth'; required: false }; placeholder: { alias: 'placeholder'; required: false }; compareWith: { alias: 'compareWith'; required: false }; selected: { alias: 'selected'; required: false }; multiple: { alias: 'multiple'; required: false }; optionsOverlayOffset: { alias: 'optionsOverlayOffset'; required: false }; scrollStrategy: { alias: 'scrollStrategy'; required: false }; }, { selectedChange: 'selectedChange' }, ['customLabel', 'options'], ['nb-select-label', 'nb-option, nb-option-group'], false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbSelectComponent, never>;
property placeholder
placeholder: string;
Renders select placeholder if nothing selected.
property portal
portal: NbPortalDirective;
NbCard with options content.
property positionBuilder
protected positionBuilder: NbPositionBuilderService;
property positionStrategy
positionStrategy: NbAdjustableConnectedPositionStrategy;
property primary
readonly primary: boolean;
property queue
protected queue: any;
If a user assigns value before content nb-options's rendered the value will be putted in this variable. And then applied after content rendered. Only the last value will be applied.
property rectangle
readonly rectangle: boolean;
property ref
protected ref: OverlayRef;
property renderer
protected renderer: Renderer2;
property round
readonly round: boolean;
property scrollStrategy
scrollStrategy: 'close' | 'noop' | 'block' | 'reposition';
Determines options overlay scroll strategy.
property selectButtonClasses
readonly selectButtonClasses: string[];
property selected
selected: any;
property selectedChange
selectedChange: EventEmitter<any>;
Will be emitted when selected value changes.
property selectionModel
selectionModel: NbOptionComponent<any>[];
List of selected options.
property selectionView
readonly selectionView: any;
Content rendered in the label.
property semiRound
readonly semiRound: boolean;
property shape
shape: NbComponentShape;
Select shapes:
property size
size: NbComponentSize;
Select size, available sizes:
property size$
size$: BehaviorSubject<NbComponentSize>;
property small
readonly small: boolean;
property status
status: string;
Select status (adds specific styles):
property status$
status$: BehaviorSubject<string>;
property statusService
protected statusService: NbStatusService;
property success
readonly success: boolean;
property tiny
readonly tiny: boolean;
property triggerStrategy
protected triggerStrategy: NbTriggerStrategy;
property triggerStrategyBuilder
protected triggerStrategyBuilder: NbTriggerStrategyBuilderService;
property warning
readonly warning: boolean;
property zone
protected zone: NgZone;
method attachToOverlay
protected attachToOverlay: () => void;
method canSelectValue
protected canSelectValue: () => boolean;
method createKeyManager
protected createKeyManager: () => void;
method createOverlay
protected createOverlay: () => void;
method createPositionStrategy
protected createPositionStrategy: () => NbAdjustableConnectedPositionStrategy;
method createScrollStrategy
protected createScrollStrategy: () => ScrollStrategy;
method createTriggerStrategy
protected createTriggerStrategy: () => NbTriggerStrategy;
method emitSelected
protected emitSelected: (selected: any) => void;
Propagate selected value.
method getContainer
protected getContainer: () => ComponentRef<any>;
method handleMultipleSelect
protected handleMultipleSelect: (option: NbOptionComponent) => void;
Select for multiple options.
method handleOptionClick
protected handleOptionClick: (option: NbOptionComponent) => void;
Selects option or clear all selected options if value is null.
method handleSingleSelect
protected handleSingleSelect: (option: NbOptionComponent) => void;
Select single option.
method hide
hide: () => void;
method isClickedWithinComponent
protected isClickedWithinComponent: ($event: Event) => boolean;
method ngAfterContentInit
ngAfterContentInit: () => void;
method ngAfterViewInit
ngAfterViewInit: () => void;
method ngOnChanges
ngOnChanges: ({ disabled, status, size, fullWidth }: SimpleChanges) => void;
method ngOnDestroy
ngOnDestroy: () => void;
method registerOnChange
registerOnChange: (fn: any) => void;
method registerOnTouched
registerOnTouched: (fn: any) => void;
method reset
protected reset: () => void;
Deselect all selected options.
method selectOption
protected selectOption: (option: NbOptionComponent) => void;
Determines how to select option as multiple or single.
method selectValue
protected selectValue: (value: any) => void;
Selects value.
method setActiveOption
protected setActiveOption: () => void;
method setDisabledState
setDisabledState: (isDisabled: boolean) => void;
method setSelection
protected setSelection: (value: any) => void;
Set selected value in model.
method shouldShow
protected shouldShow: () => boolean;
method show
show: () => void;
method subscribeOnButtonFocus
protected subscribeOnButtonFocus: () => void;
method subscribeOnOptionClick
protected subscribeOnOptionClick: () => void;
method subscribeOnOverlayKeys
protected subscribeOnOverlayKeys: () => void;
method subscribeOnPositionChange
protected subscribeOnPositionChange: () => void;
method subscribeOnTriggers
protected subscribeOnTriggers: () => void;
method trySetTouched
trySetTouched: () => void;
Sets touched if focus moved outside of button and overlay, ignoring the case when focus moved to options overlay.
method writeValue
writeValue: (value: any) => void;
class NbSelectLabelComponent
class NbSelectLabelComponent {}
class NbSelectModule
class NbSelectModule {}
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbSelectModule, never>;
property ɵinj
static ɵinj: i0.ɵɵInjectorDeclaration<NbSelectModule>;
property ɵmod
static ɵmod: i0.ɵɵNgModuleDeclaration< NbSelectModule, [typeof i1.NbSelectComponent, typeof i1.NbSelectLabelComponent], [ typeof i2.NbSharedModule, typeof i3.NbOverlayModule, typeof i4.NbButtonModule, typeof i5.NbInputModule, typeof i6.NbCardModule, typeof i7.NbIconModule, typeof i8.NbOptionModule ], [ typeof i1.NbSelectComponent, typeof i1.NbSelectLabelComponent, typeof i8.NbOptionModule ]>;
class NbSelectWithAutocompleteComponent
class NbSelectWithAutocompleteComponent implements OnChanges, AfterViewInit, AfterContentInit, OnDestroy, ControlValueAccessor, NbFormFieldControl {}
Experimental component with autocomplete possibility. Could be changed without any prior notice. Use at your own risk.
Style variables is fully inherited. Component's public API (
) works in a same way as NbSelectComponent.
constructor( document: any, overlay: NbOverlayService, hostRef: ElementRef<HTMLElement>, positionBuilder: NbPositionBuilderService, triggerStrategyBuilder: NbTriggerStrategyBuilderService, cd: ChangeDetectorRef, focusKeyManagerFactoryService: NbFocusKeyManagerFactoryService< NbOptionComponent<any> >, focusMonitor: NbFocusMonitor, renderer: Renderer2, zone: NgZone, statusService: NbStatusService, activeDescendantKeyManagerFactoryService: NbActiveDescendantKeyManagerFactoryService< NbOptionComponent<any> >);
property activeDescendantKeyManager
protected activeDescendantKeyManager: NbActiveDescendantKeyManager< NbOptionComponent<any>>;
property activeDescendantKeyManagerFactoryService
protected activeDescendantKeyManagerFactoryService: NbActiveDescendantKeyManagerFactoryService< NbOptionComponent<any>>;
property additionalClasses
readonly additionalClasses: string[];
property alive
protected alive: boolean;
property appearance
appearance: NbSelectAppearance;
Select appearances:
property basic
readonly basic: boolean;
property button
button: any;
property cd
protected cd: ChangeDetectorRef;
property compareWith
compareWith: NbSelectCompareFunction<any>;
A function to compare option value with selected value. By default, values are compared with strict equality (
property control
readonly control: boolean;
property currentKeyManager
protected currentKeyManager: ListKeyManager<NbOptionComponent<any>>;
property customLabel
customLabel: any;
Custom select label, will be rendered instead of default enumeration with coma.
property danger
readonly danger: boolean;
property destroy$
protected destroy$: Subject<void>;
property disabled
disabled: boolean;
Disables the select
property disabled$
disabled$: BehaviorSubject<boolean>;
property document
protected document: any;
property filled
filled: boolean;
property focused$
focused$: BehaviorSubject<boolean>;
property focusKeyManager
protected focusKeyManager: NbFocusKeyManager<NbOptionComponent<any>>;
property focusKeyManagerFactoryService
protected focusKeyManagerFactoryService: NbFocusKeyManagerFactoryService< NbOptionComponent<any>>;
property focusMonitor
protected focusMonitor: NbFocusMonitor;
property fullWidth
fullWidth: boolean;
If set element will fill its container
property fullWidth$
fullWidth$: BehaviorSubject<boolean>;
property giant
readonly giant: boolean;
property hero
hero: boolean;
property hostRef
protected hostRef: ElementRef<HTMLElement>;
property hostWidth
readonly hostWidth: number;
Returns width of the select button.
property info
readonly info: boolean;
property isHidden
readonly isHidden: boolean;
Determines is select hidden.
property isOpen
readonly isOpen: boolean;
Determines is select opened.
property isOptionsAutocompleteAllowed
readonly isOptionsAutocompleteAllowed: boolean;
property isOptionsAutocompleteInputShown
readonly isOptionsAutocompleteInputShown: boolean;
property large
readonly large: boolean;
property lastShownButtonWidth
lastShownButtonWidth: number;
property medium
readonly medium: boolean;
property multiple
multiple: boolean;
Gives capability just write
over the element.
property ngAcceptInputType_disabled
static ngAcceptInputType_disabled: NbBooleanInput;
property ngAcceptInputType_filled
static ngAcceptInputType_filled: NbBooleanInput;
property ngAcceptInputType_fullWidth
static ngAcceptInputType_fullWidth: NbBooleanInput;
property ngAcceptInputType_hero
static ngAcceptInputType_hero: NbBooleanInput;
property ngAcceptInputType_multiple
static ngAcceptInputType_multiple: NbBooleanInput;
property ngAcceptInputType_outline
static ngAcceptInputType_outline: NbBooleanInput;
property onChange
protected onChange: Function;
Function passed through control value accessor to propagate changes.
property onTouched
protected onTouched: Function;
property options
options: QueryList<NbOptionComponent<any>>;
List of
's components passed as content. TODO maybe it would be better provide wrapper
property optionsAutocompleteInput
optionsAutocompleteInput: any;
property optionsAutocompleteInputChange
optionsAutocompleteInputChange: EventEmitter<string>;
property optionsListClass
optionsListClass: NgClass;
Specifies class to be set on
s container (nb-option-list
property optionsOverlayOffset
optionsOverlayOffset: number;
Determines options overlay offset (in pixels).
property optionsPanelClass
optionsPanelClass: string | string[];
Specifies class for the overlay panel with options
property optionsWidth
optionsWidth: number;
Specifies width (in pixels) to be set on
s container (nb-option-list
property outline
outline: boolean;
property overlay
protected overlay: NbOverlayService;
property overlayPosition
overlayPosition: NbPosition;
Current overlay position because of we have to toggle overlayPosition in [ngClass] direction and this directive can use only string.
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< NbSelectWithAutocompleteComponent, 'nb-select-with-autocomplete', never, { size: { alias: 'size'; required: false }; status: { alias: 'status'; required: false }; shape: { alias: 'shape'; required: false }; appearance: { alias: 'appearance'; required: false }; optionsListClass: { alias: 'optionsListClass'; required: false }; optionsPanelClass: { alias: 'optionsPanelClass'; required: false }; optionsWidth: { alias: 'optionsWidth'; required: false }; outline: { alias: 'outline'; required: false }; filled: { alias: 'filled'; required: false }; hero: { alias: 'hero'; required: false }; disabled: { alias: 'disabled'; required: false }; fullWidth: { alias: 'fullWidth'; required: false }; placeholder: { alias: 'placeholder'; required: false }; compareWith: { alias: 'compareWith'; required: false }; selected: { alias: 'selected'; required: false }; multiple: { alias: 'multiple'; required: false }; optionsOverlayOffset: { alias: 'optionsOverlayOffset'; required: false }; scrollStrategy: { alias: 'scrollStrategy'; required: false }; withOptionsAutocomplete: { alias: 'withOptionsAutocomplete'; required: false; }; }, { selectedChange: 'selectedChange'; selectOpen: 'selectOpen'; selectClose: 'selectClose'; optionsAutocompleteInputChange: 'optionsAutocompleteInputChange'; }, ['customLabel', 'options'], ['nb-select-label', 'nb-option, nb-option-group'], false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbSelectWithAutocompleteComponent, never>;
property placeholder
placeholder: string;
Renders select placeholder if nothing selected.
property portal
portal: NbPortalDirective;
NbCard with options content.
property positionBuilder
protected positionBuilder: NbPositionBuilderService;
property positionStrategy$
positionStrategy$: BehaviorSubject<NbAdjustableConnectedPositionStrategy>;
property primary
readonly primary: boolean;
property queue
protected queue: any;
If a user assigns value before content nb-options's rendered the value will be putted in this variable. And then applied after content rendered. Only the last value will be applied.
property rectangle
readonly rectangle: boolean;
property ref
protected ref: OverlayRef;
property renderer
protected renderer: Renderer2;
property round
readonly round: boolean;
property scrollStrategy
scrollStrategy: 'close' | 'noop' | 'block' | 'reposition';
Determines options overlay scroll strategy.
property selectButtonClasses
readonly selectButtonClasses: string[];
property selectClose
selectClose: EventEmitter<void>;
property selected
selected: any;
property selectedChange
selectedChange: EventEmitter<any>;
Will be emitted when selected value changes.
property selectionModel
selectionModel: NbOptionComponent<any>[];
List of selected options.
property selectionView
readonly selectionView: any;
Content rendered in the label.
property selectOpen
selectOpen: EventEmitter<void>;
property semiRound
readonly semiRound: boolean;
property shape
shape: NbComponentShape;
Select shapes:
property size
size: NbComponentSize;
Select size, available sizes:
property size$
size$: BehaviorSubject<NbComponentSize>;
property small
readonly small: boolean;
property status
status: string;
Select status (adds specific styles):
property status$
status$: BehaviorSubject<string>;
property statusService
protected statusService: NbStatusService;
property success
readonly success: boolean;
property tiny
readonly tiny: boolean;
property triggerStrategy
protected triggerStrategy: NbTriggerStrategy;
property triggerStrategyBuilder
protected triggerStrategyBuilder: NbTriggerStrategyBuilderService;
property warning
readonly warning: boolean;
property withOptionsAutocomplete
withOptionsAutocomplete: boolean;
property zone
protected zone: NgZone;
method attachToOverlay
protected attachToOverlay: () => void;
method canSelectValue
protected canSelectValue: () => boolean;
method createKeyManager
protected createKeyManager: () => void;
method createOverlay
protected createOverlay: () => void;
method createPositionStrategy
protected createPositionStrategy: () => NbAdjustableConnectedPositionStrategy;
method createScrollStrategy
protected createScrollStrategy: () => ScrollStrategy;
method createTriggerStrategy
protected createTriggerStrategy: () => NbTriggerStrategy;
method emitSelected
protected emitSelected: (selected: any) => void;
Propagate selected value.
method focusButton
protected focusButton: () => void;
method getContainer
protected getContainer: () => ComponentRef<any>;
method handleMultipleSelect
protected handleMultipleSelect: (option: NbOptionComponent) => void;
Select for multiple options.
method handleOptionClick
protected handleOptionClick: (option: NbOptionComponent) => void;
Selects option or clear all selected options if value is null.
method handleSingleSelect
protected handleSingleSelect: (option: NbOptionComponent) => void;
Select single option.
method hide
hide: () => void;
method isClickedWithinComponent
protected isClickedWithinComponent: ($event: Event) => boolean;
method isOptionHidden
protected isOptionHidden: (option: NbOptionComponent) => boolean;
method ngAfterContentInit
ngAfterContentInit: () => void;
method ngAfterViewInit
ngAfterViewInit: () => void;
method ngOnChanges
ngOnChanges: ({ disabled, status, size, fullWidth }: SimpleChanges) => void;
method ngOnDestroy
ngOnDestroy: () => void;
method onAutocompleteInputChange
onAutocompleteInputChange: (event: Event) => void;
method registerOnChange
registerOnChange: (fn: any) => void;
method registerOnTouched
registerOnTouched: (fn: any) => void;
method reset
protected reset: () => void;
Deselect all selected options.
method resetAutocompleteInput
protected resetAutocompleteInput: () => void;
method selectOption
protected selectOption: (option: NbOptionComponent) => void;
Determines how to select option as multiple or single.
method selectValue
protected selectValue: (value: any) => void;
Selects value.
method setActiveOption
protected setActiveOption: () => void;
method setDisabledState
setDisabledState: (isDisabled: boolean) => void;
method setSelection
protected setSelection: (value: any) => void;
Set selected value in model.
method shouldShow
protected shouldShow: () => boolean;
method show
show: () => void;
method subscribeOnButtonFocus
protected subscribeOnButtonFocus: () => void;
method subscribeOnOptionClick
protected subscribeOnOptionClick: () => void;
method subscribeOnOptionsAutocompleteChange
protected subscribeOnOptionsAutocompleteChange: () => void;
method subscribeOnOverlayKeys
protected subscribeOnOverlayKeys: () => void;
method subscribeOnPositionChange
protected subscribeOnPositionChange: () => void;
method subscribeOnTriggers
protected subscribeOnTriggers: () => void;
method trySetTouched
trySetTouched: () => void;
Sets touched if focus moved outside of button and overlay, ignoring the case when focus moved to options overlay.
method updateCurrentKeyManager
protected updateCurrentKeyManager: () => void;
method updatePositionStrategy
protected updatePositionStrategy: () => void;
method writeValue
writeValue: (value: any) => void;
class NbSelectWithAutocompleteModule
class NbSelectWithAutocompleteModule {}
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbSelectWithAutocompleteModule, never>;
property ɵinj
static ɵinj: i0.ɵɵInjectorDeclaration<NbSelectWithAutocompleteModule>;
property ɵmod
static ɵmod: i0.ɵɵNgModuleDeclaration< NbSelectWithAutocompleteModule, [typeof i1.NbSelectWithAutocompleteComponent], [ typeof i2.NbSharedModule, typeof i3.NbOverlayModule, typeof i4.NbButtonModule, typeof i5.NbInputModule, typeof i6.NbCardModule, typeof i7.NbIconModule, typeof i8.NbOptionModule, typeof i9.NbFormFieldModule, typeof i10.NbSelectModule ], [ typeof i1.NbSelectWithAutocompleteComponent, typeof i8.NbOptionModule, typeof i10.NbSelectModule ]>;
class NbSidebarComponent
class NbSidebarComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {}
Layout sidebar component.
@stacked-example(Showcase, sidebar/sidebar-showcase.component)
### Installation
to your app module.@NgModule({imports: [// ...NbSidebarModule.forRoot(),],})export class AppModule { }and
to your feature module where the component should be shown:@NgModule({imports: [// ...NbSidebarModule,],})export class PageModule { }### Usage
Sidebar can be placed on the left or the right side of the layout, or on start/end position of layout (depends on document direction, left to right or right to left) It can be fixed (shown above the content) or can push the layout when opened.
There are three states -
. By default sidebar content is fixed and saves its position while the page is being scrolled.Compacted sidebar example: @stacked-example(Compacted Sidebar, sidebar/sidebar-compacted.component)
Sidebar also supports a
behavior, listening to window size change and changing its size respectably.In a pair with header it is possible to setup a configuration when header is placed on a side of the sidebar and not on top of it. To achieve this simply put a
property to the header like this:<nb-layout-header subheader></nb-layout-header>@stacked-example(Subheader, layout/layout-sidebar-subheader.component) Note that in such configuration sidebar shadow is removed and header cannot be make
.@additional-example(Right Sidebar, sidebar/sidebar-right.component) @additional-example(Fixed Sidebar, sidebar/sidebar-fixed.component)
sidebar-background-color: sidebar-text-color: sidebar-text-font-family: sidebar-text-font-size: sidebar-text-font-weight: sidebar-text-line-height: sidebar-height: sidebar-width: sidebar-width-compact: sidebar-padding: sidebar-header-height: sidebar-footer-height: sidebar-shadow: sidebar-menu-item-highlight-color: sidebar-scrollbar-background-color: sidebar-scrollbar-color: sidebar-scrollbar-width:
constructor( sidebarService: NbSidebarService, themeService: NbThemeService, element: ElementRef, cd: ChangeDetectorRef);
property collapsed
readonly collapsed: boolean;
property collapsedBreakpoints
collapsedBreakpoints: string[];
Controls on which screen sizes sidebar should be switched to collapsed state. Works only when responsive mode is on. Default values are
['xs', 'is']
property compacted
readonly compacted: boolean;
property compactedBreakpoints
compactedBreakpoints: string[];
Controls on which screen sizes sidebar should be switched to compacted state. Works only when responsive mode is on. Default values are
['xs', 'is', 'sm', 'md', 'lg']
property containerFixedValue
containerFixedValue: boolean;
property destroy$
protected destroy$: Subject<void>;
property endValue
endValue: boolean;
property expanded
readonly expanded: boolean;
property fixedValue
fixedValue: boolean;
property leftValue
leftValue: boolean;
property ngAcceptInputType_containerFixed
static ngAcceptInputType_containerFixed: NbBooleanInput;
property ngAcceptInputType_end
static ngAcceptInputType_end: NbBooleanInput;
property ngAcceptInputType_fixed
static ngAcceptInputType_fixed: NbBooleanInput;
property ngAcceptInputType_left
static ngAcceptInputType_left: NbBooleanInput;
property ngAcceptInputType_responsive
static ngAcceptInputType_responsive: NbBooleanInput;
property ngAcceptInputType_right
static ngAcceptInputType_right: NbBooleanInput;
property ngAcceptInputType_start
static ngAcceptInputType_start: NbBooleanInput;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< NbSidebarComponent, 'nb-sidebar', never, { right: { alias: 'right'; required: false }; left: { alias: 'left'; required: false }; start: { alias: 'start'; required: false }; end: { alias: 'end'; required: false }; fixed: { alias: 'fixed'; required: false }; containerFixed: { alias: 'containerFixed'; required: false }; state: { alias: 'state'; required: false }; responsive: { alias: 'responsive'; required: false }; tag: { alias: 'tag'; required: false }; compactedBreakpoints: { alias: 'compactedBreakpoints'; required: false }; collapsedBreakpoints: { alias: 'collapsedBreakpoints'; required: false }; }, { stateChange: 'stateChange'; responsiveStateChange: 'responsiveStateChange'; }, never, ['nb-sidebar-header', '*', 'nb-sidebar-footer'], false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbSidebarComponent, never>;
property responsive
responsive: boolean;
Makes sidebar listen to media query events and change its behaviour {boolean}
property responsiveState
protected responsiveState: NbSidebarResponsiveState;
property responsiveStateChange
readonly responsiveStateChange: EventEmitter<NbSidebarResponsiveState>;
Emits whenever sidebar responsive state change.
property responsiveValueChange$
protected readonly responsiveValueChange$: Subject<boolean>;
property rightValue
rightValue: boolean;
property startValue
startValue: boolean;
property state
state: NbSidebarState;
Initial sidebar state,
property stateChange
readonly stateChange: EventEmitter<NbSidebarState>;
Emits whenever sidebar state change.
property tag
tag: string;
Tags a sidebar with some ID, can be later used in the sidebar service to determine which sidebar triggered the action, if multiple sidebars exist on the page.
method collapse
collapse: () => void;
Collapses the sidebar
method compact
compact: () => void;
Compacts the sidebar (minimizes)
method expand
expand: () => void;
Expands the sidebar
method getMenuLink
protected getMenuLink: (element: HTMLElement) => HTMLElement | undefined;
method ngOnDestroy
ngOnDestroy: () => void;
method ngOnInit
ngOnInit: () => void;
method onClick
onClick: (event: any) => void;
method subscribeToMediaQueryChange
protected subscribeToMediaQueryChange: () => void;
method toggle
toggle: (compact?: boolean) => void;
Toggles sidebar state (expanded|collapsed|compacted)
Parameter compact
If true, then sidebar state will be changed between expanded & compacted, otherwise - between expanded & collapsed. False by default.
Toggle sidebar state
method updateState
protected updateState: (state: NbSidebarState) => void;
class NbSidebarFooterComponent
class NbSidebarFooterComponent {}
Sidebar footer container.
Placeholder which contains a sidebar footer content, placed at the very bottom of the sidebar outside of the scroll area.
class NbSidebarHeaderComponent
class NbSidebarHeaderComponent {}
Sidebar header container.
Placeholder which contains a sidebar header content, placed at the very top of the sidebar outside of the scroll area.
class NbSidebarModule
class NbSidebarModule {}
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbSidebarModule, never>;
property ɵinj
static ɵinj: i0.ɵɵInjectorDeclaration<NbSidebarModule>;
property ɵmod
static ɵmod: i0.ɵɵNgModuleDeclaration< NbSidebarModule, [ typeof i1.NbSidebarComponent, typeof i1.NbSidebarFooterComponent, typeof i1.NbSidebarHeaderComponent ], [typeof i2.NbSharedModule], [ typeof i1.NbSidebarComponent, typeof i1.NbSidebarFooterComponent, typeof i1.NbSidebarHeaderComponent ]>;
method forRoot
static forRoot: () => ModuleWithProviders<NbSidebarModule>;
class NbSidebarService
class NbSidebarService {}
Sidebar service.
Root module service to control the sidebar from any part of the app.
Allows you to change sidebar state dynamically from any part of the app: @stacked-example(Sidebar State, sidebar/sidebar-toggle.component)
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbSidebarService, never>;
property ɵprov
static ɵprov: i0.ɵɵInjectableDeclaration<NbSidebarService>;
method collapse
collapse: (tag?: string) => void;
Collapses a sidebar
Parameter tag
If you have multiple sidebars on the page, mark them with
input property and pass it here to specify which sidebar you want to control
method compact
compact: (tag?: string) => void;
Makes sidebar compact
Parameter tag
If you have multiple sidebars on the page, mark them with
input property and pass it here to specify which sidebar you want to control
method expand
expand: (tag?: string) => void;
Expands a sidebar
Parameter tag
If you have multiple sidebars on the page, mark them with
input property and pass it here to specify which sidebar you want to control
method getSidebarResponsiveState
getSidebarResponsiveState: ( tag?: string) => Observable<NbSidebarResponsiveState>;
Returns sidebar state observable which emits once
Parameter tag
If you have multiple sidebars on the page, mark them with
input property and pass it here to specify which sidebar responsive state you need
method getSidebarState
getSidebarState: (tag?: string) => Observable<NbSidebarState>;
Returns sidebar state observable which emits once
Parameter tag
If you have multiple sidebars on the page, mark them with
input property and pass it here to specify which sidebar state you need
method onCollapse
onCollapse: () => Observable<{ tag: string }>;
Subscribe to collapse evens
Observable<{ tag: string }>
method onCompact
onCompact: () => Observable<{ tag: string }>;
Subscribe to compact evens
Observable<{ tag: string }>
method onExpand
onExpand: () => Observable<{ tag: string }>;
Subscribe to expand events
Observable<{ tag: string }>
method onToggle
onToggle: () => Observable<{ compact: boolean; tag: string }>;
Subscribe to toggle events
Observable<{ compact: boolean, tag: string }>
method toggle
toggle: (compact?: boolean, tag?: string) => void;
Toggle a sidebar
Parameter compact
Parameter tag
If you have multiple sidebars on the page, mark them with
input property and pass it here to specify which sidebar you want to control
class NbSortDirective
class NbSortDirective {}
Directive triggers sort method of passed object when sort header changes direction
property ngAcceptInputType_sortable
static ngAcceptInputType_sortable: string | NbSortable;
property ɵdir
static ɵdir: i0.ɵɵDirectiveDeclaration< NbSortDirective, '[nbSort]', never, { sortable: { alias: 'nbSort'; required: false } }, { sort: 'sort' }, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbSortDirective, never>;
property sort
sort: EventEmitter<NbSortRequest>;
property sortable
sortable: NbSortable;
method emitSort
emitSort: (sortRequest: NbSortRequest) => void;
class NbSortHeaderComponent
class NbSortHeaderComponent {}
Marks header as sort header so it emitting sort event when clicked.
constructor(sort: NbSortDirective, columnDef: NbSortHeaderColumnDef);
property direction
direction: NbSortDirection;
Current sort direction. Possible values:
, ``(none) {NbSortDirection}
property disabled
disabled: boolean;
property ngAcceptInputType_direction
static ngAcceptInputType_direction: NbSortDirectionValues;
property ngAcceptInputType_disabled
static ngAcceptInputType_disabled: NbBooleanInput;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< NbSortHeaderComponent, '[nbSortHeader]', never, { direction: { alias: 'nbSortHeader'; required: false }; disabled: { alias: 'disabled'; required: false }; }, {}, ['sortIcon'], ['*'], false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbSortHeaderComponent, never>;
property sortIcon
sortIcon: TemplateRef<NbSortHeaderIconDirectiveContext>;
method getDisabledAttributeValue
getDisabledAttributeValue: () => '' | null;
method getIconContext
getIconContext: () => NbSortHeaderIconDirectiveContext;
method isAscending
isAscending: () => boolean;
method isDescending
isDescending: () => boolean;
method sortData
sortData: () => void;
method sortIfEnabled
sortIfEnabled: () => void;
class NbSortHeaderIconDirective
class NbSortHeaderIconDirective {}
Directive for headers sort icons. Mark you icon implementation with this structural directive and it'll set template's implicit context with current direction. Context also has
class NbSortIconComponent
class NbSortIconComponent {}
property direction
direction: NbSortDirection;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< NbSortIconComponent, 'nb-sort-icon', never, { direction: { alias: 'direction'; required: false } }, {}, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbSortIconComponent, never>;
method isAscending
isAscending: () => boolean;
method isDescending
isDescending: () => boolean;
method isDirectionSet
isDirectionSet: () => boolean;
class NbSpinnerComponent
class NbSpinnerComponent {}
Styled spinner component
spinner-text-color: spinner-text-font-family: spinner-text-font-size: spinner-text-font-weight: spinner-text-line-height: spinner-basic-background-color: spinner-basic-circle-filled-color: spinner-basic-circle-empty-color: spinner-primary-background-color: spinner-primary-circle-filled-color: spinner-primary-circle-empty-color: spinner-info-background-color: spinner-info-circle-filled-color: spinner-info-circle-empty-color: spinner-success-background-color: spinner-success-circle-filled-color: spinner-success-circle-empty-color: spinner-warning-background-color: spinner-warning-circle-filled-color: spinner-warning-circle-empty-color: spinner-danger-background-color: spinner-danger-circle-filled-color: spinner-danger-circle-empty-color: spinner-control-background-color: spinner-control-circle-filled-color: spinner-control-circle-empty-color: spinner-height-tiny: spinner-height-small: spinner-height-medium: spinner-height-large: spinner-height-giant:
constructor(statusService: NbStatusService);
property additionalClasses
readonly additionalClasses: string[];
property basic
readonly basic: boolean;
property control
readonly control: boolean;
property danger
readonly danger: boolean;
property giant
readonly giant: boolean;
property info
readonly info: boolean;
property large
readonly large: boolean;
property medium
readonly medium: boolean;
property message
message: string;
Loading text that is shown near the icon string
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< NbSpinnerComponent, 'nb-spinner', never, { message: { alias: 'message'; required: false }; size: { alias: 'size'; required: false }; status: { alias: 'status'; required: false }; }, {}, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbSpinnerComponent, never>;
property primary
readonly primary: boolean;
property size
size: NbComponentSize;
Spinner size, available sizes: tiny, small, medium, large, giant
Parameter value
property small
readonly small: boolean;
property status
status: string;
Spinner status (adds specific styles):
property statusService
protected statusService: NbStatusService;
property success
readonly success: boolean;
property tiny
readonly tiny: boolean;
property warning
readonly warning: boolean;
class NbSpinnerDirective
class NbSpinnerDirective implements OnInit {}
Styled spinner directive
@stacked-example(Spinner Showcase, spinner/spinner-card.component)
<nb-card [nbSpinner]="loading" nbSpinnerStatus="danger"><nb-card-body>Card Content</nb-card-body></nb-card>### Installation
to your feature module.@NgModule({imports: [// ...NbSpinnerModule,],})export class PageModule { }### Usage
Could be colored using
property@stacked-example(Spinner Colors, spinner/spinner-colors.component)
Available in different sizes with
property:@stacked-example(Spinner Sizes, spinner/spinner-sizes.component)
It is also possible to place it into the button: @stacked-example(Buttons with spinner, spinner/spinner-button.component)
Or tabs: @stacked-example(Spinner in tabs, spinner/spinner-tabs.component)
constructor( directiveView: ViewContainerRef, componentFactoryResolver: ComponentFactoryResolver, renderer: Renderer2, directiveElement: ElementRef);
property componentFactory
componentFactory: ComponentFactory<NbSpinnerComponent>;
property isSpinnerExist
isSpinnerExist: boolean;
property ɵdir
static ɵdir: i0.ɵɵDirectiveDeclaration< NbSpinnerDirective, '[nbSpinner]', never, { spinnerMessage: { alias: 'nbSpinnerMessage'; required: false }; spinnerStatus: { alias: 'nbSpinnerStatus'; required: false }; spinnerSize: { alias: 'nbSpinnerSize'; required: false }; nbSpinner: { alias: 'nbSpinner'; required: false }; }, {}, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbSpinnerDirective, never>;
property spinner
spinner: ComponentRef<NbSpinnerComponent>;
property spinnerMessage
spinnerMessage: string;
Spinner message shown next to the icon {string}
property spinnerSize
spinnerSize: NbComponentSize;
Spinner size. Possible values:
property spinnerStatus
spinnerStatus: string;
Spinner status color
method hide
hide: () => void;
method ngOnInit
ngOnInit: () => void;
method setInstanceInputs
setInstanceInputs: (instance: NbSpinnerComponent) => void;
method show
show: () => void;
class NbSpinnerModule
class NbSpinnerModule {}
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbSpinnerModule, never>;
property ɵinj
static ɵinj: i0.ɵɵInjectorDeclaration<NbSpinnerModule>;
property ɵmod
static ɵmod: i0.ɵɵNgModuleDeclaration< NbSpinnerModule, [typeof i1.NbSpinnerComponent, typeof i2.NbSpinnerDirective], [typeof i3.NbSharedModule], [typeof i1.NbSpinnerComponent, typeof i2.NbSpinnerDirective]>;
class NbSpinnerService
class NbSpinnerService {}
Service to control the global page spinner.
constructor(document: any);
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbSpinnerService, never>;
property ɵprov
static ɵprov: i0.ɵɵInjectableDeclaration<NbSpinnerService>;
method clear
clear: () => void;
Clears the list of loader
method load
load: () => void;
Start the loader process, show spinnder and execute loaders
method registerLoader
registerLoader: (method: Promise<any>) => void;
Appends new loader to the list of loader to be completed before spinner will be hidden
Parameter method
class NbStatusService
class NbStatusService {}
property coreStatuses
readonly coreStatuses: NbComponentStatus[];
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbStatusService, never>;
property ɵprov
static ɵprov: i0.ɵɵInjectableDeclaration<NbStatusService>;
method getStatusClass
getStatusClass: (status: NbComponentOrCustomStatus) => string | undefined;
method isCoreStatus
isCoreStatus: (status: NbComponentOrCustomStatus) => boolean;
method isCustomStatus
isCustomStatus: (status: NbComponentOrCustomStatus) => boolean;
method isValidStatusString
protected isValidStatusString: (status: NbComponentOrCustomStatus) => boolean;
class NbStepComponent
class NbStepComponent {}
Component intended to be used within the
component. Container for a step
constructor(stepper: any);
property completed
completed: boolean;
Whether step is marked as completed.
property content
content: TemplateRef<any>;
Step content
property hidden
hidden: boolean;
Whether step will be displayed in wizard
property interacted
interacted: boolean;
property isCompleted
readonly isCompleted: boolean;
property isLabelTemplate
readonly isLabelTemplate: boolean;
Check that label is a TemplateRef.
property label
label: any;
Step label
property ngAcceptInputType_completed
static ngAcceptInputType_completed: NbBooleanInput;
property ngAcceptInputType_hidden
static ngAcceptInputType_hidden: NbBooleanInput;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< NbStepComponent, 'nb-step', never, { stepControl: { alias: 'stepControl'; required: false }; label: { alias: 'label'; required: false }; hidden: { alias: 'hidden'; required: false }; completed: { alias: 'completed'; required: false }; }, {}, never, ['*'], false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbStepComponent, never>;
property stepControl
stepControl?: { valid: boolean | null; reset: () => void };
Top level abstract control of the step
property stepper
protected stepper: NbStepperComponent;
method reset
reset: () => void;
Reset step and stepControl state
method select
select: () => void;
Mark step as selected
class NbStepperComponent
class NbStepperComponent {}
Stepper component
@stacked-example(Showcase, stepper/stepper-showcase.component)
### Installation
to your feature module.@NgModule({imports: [// ...NbStepperModule,],})export class PageModule { }### Usage
If step label is string you can pass it as
attribute. Otherwise ng-template should be used:// ...<nb-stepper orientation="horizontal"><nb-step label="step number one">// ... step content here</nb-step><nb-step label="stepLabel"><ng-template #stepLabel><div>step number two</div></ng-template>// ... step content here</nb-step></nb-stepper>When linear mode enabled user can't move forward unless current step is complete. @stacked-example(Linear, stepper/stepper-linear.component)
and stepper allow go to the next step only if form is valid. You can disable it vialinear
mode setting.// ...<nb-stepper orientation="horizontal"><nb-step label="step number one" [stepControl]="form"><form [formGroup]="form">// ...</form></nb-step>// ...</nb-stepper>@stacked-example(Validation, stepper/stepper-validation.component)
Stepper component has two layout options -
@stacked-example(Vertical, stepper/stepper-vertical.component)disableStepNavigation
disables navigation by clicking on steps, so user can navigate only using 'nbStepperPrevious' and 'nbStepperNext' buttons. @stacked-example(Disabled steps navigation, stepper/stepper-disabled-step-nav.component)Use
output to listening to step change event. This event emitsNbStepChangeEvent
object. @stacked-example(Step change event, stepper/stepper-step-change-event.component)stepper-step-text-color: stepper-step-text-font-family: stepper-step-text-font-size: stepper-step-text-font-weight: stepper-step-text-line-height: stepper-step-active-text-color: stepper-step-completed-text-color: stepper-step-index-border-color: stepper-step-index-border-style: stepper-step-index-border-width: stepper-step-index-border-radius: stepper-step-index-width: stepper-step-index-active-border-color: stepper-step-index-completed-background-color: stepper-step-index-completed-border-color: stepper-step-index-completed-text-color: stepper-connector-background-color: stepper-connector-completed-background-color: stepper-horizontal-connector-margin: stepper-vertical-connector-margin: stepper-step-content-padding:
property disableStepNavigation
disableStepNavigation: boolean;
property horizontal
readonly horizontal: boolean;
property linear
linear: boolean;
property ngAcceptInputType_disableStepNavigation
static ngAcceptInputType_disableStepNavigation: NbBooleanInput;
property ngAcceptInputType_linear
static ngAcceptInputType_linear: NbBooleanInput;
property orientation
orientation: NbStepperOrientation;
Stepper orientation -
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< NbStepperComponent, 'nb-stepper', never, { selectedIndex: { alias: 'selectedIndex'; required: false }; disableStepNavigation: { alias: 'disableStepNavigation'; required: false; }; selected: { alias: 'selected'; required: false }; orientation: { alias: 'orientation'; required: false }; linear: { alias: 'linear'; required: false }; }, { stepChange: 'stepChange' }, ['steps'], ['nb-step'], false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbStepperComponent, never>;
property selected
selected: NbStepComponent;
Selected step component
property selectedIndex
selectedIndex: number;
Selected step index
property stepChange
stepChange: EventEmitter<NbStepChangeEvent>;
Emits when step changed {EventEmitter}
property steps
steps: QueryList<NbStepComponent>;
property vertical
readonly vertical: boolean;
method canBeSelected
protected canBeSelected: (indexToCheck: number) => boolean;
method changeStep
changeStep: (step: NbStepComponent) => void;
Select step if navigation is not disabled
Parameter step
method getStepTemplate
getStepTemplate: (step: NbStepComponent) => TemplateRef<any> | null;
method isStepSelected
isStepSelected: (step: NbStepComponent) => boolean;
method isStepValid
protected isStepValid: (index: number) => boolean;
method markCurrentStepInteracted
protected markCurrentStepInteracted: () => void;
method next
next: () => void;
Navigate to next step
method previous
previous: () => void;
Navigate to previous step
method reset
reset: () => void;
Reset stepper and stepControls to initial state
class NbStepperModule
class NbStepperModule {}
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbStepperModule, never>;
property ɵinj
static ɵinj: i0.ɵɵInjectorDeclaration<NbStepperModule>;
property ɵmod
static ɵmod: i0.ɵɵNgModuleDeclaration< NbStepperModule, [ typeof i1.NbStepperComponent, typeof i2.NbStepComponent, typeof i3.NbStepperNextDirective, typeof i3.NbStepperPreviousDirective ], [typeof i4.NbSharedModule, typeof i5.NbIconModule], [ typeof i1.NbStepperComponent, typeof i2.NbStepComponent, typeof i3.NbStepperNextDirective, typeof i3.NbStepperPreviousDirective ]>;
class NbStepperNextDirective
class NbStepperNextDirective {}
constructor(stepper: NbStepperComponent);
property ɵdir
static ɵdir: i0.ɵɵDirectiveDeclaration< NbStepperNextDirective, 'button[nbStepperNext]', never, { type: { alias: 'type'; required: false } }, {}, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbStepperNextDirective, never>;
property stepper
protected stepper: NbStepperComponent;
property type
type: string;
method onClick
onClick: () => void;
class NbStepperPreviousDirective
class NbStepperPreviousDirective {}
constructor(stepper: NbStepperComponent);
property ɵdir
static ɵdir: i0.ɵɵDirectiveDeclaration< NbStepperPreviousDirective, 'button[nbStepperPrevious]', never, { type: { alias: 'type'; required: false } }, {}, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbStepperPreviousDirective, never>;
property stepper
protected stepper: NbStepperComponent;
property type
type: string;
method onClick
onClick: () => void;
class NbSuffixDirective
class NbSuffixDirective {}
class NbSvgIcon
class NbSvgIcon implements NbIcon {}
constructor(name: any, content: any, params?: NbIconPackParams);
property content
protected content: any;
property name
protected name: any;
property params
protected params: NbIconPackParams;
method getClasses
getClasses: (options?: NbIconOptions) => string[];
method getContent
getContent: (options?: NbIconOptions) => string;
class NbTabComponent
class NbTabComponent {}
Specific tab container.
<nb-tab tabTitle="Users"badgeText="99+"badgeStatus="danger"><p>List of <strong>users</strong>.</p></nb-tab>
property active
active: boolean;
Specifies active tab
property activeValue
activeValue: boolean;
property badgeDot
badgeDot: boolean;
Use badge dot mode {boolean}
property badgePosition
badgePosition: NbBadgePosition;
Badge position. Can be set to any class or to one of predefined positions: 'top left', 'top right', 'bottom left', 'bottom right', 'top start', 'top end', 'bottom start', 'bottom end' string
property badgeStatus
badgeStatus: string;
Badge status (adds specific styles): 'primary', 'info', 'success', 'warning', 'danger'
Parameter val
property badgeText
badgeText: string;
Badge text to display string
property disabled
disabled: boolean;
Item is disabled and cannot be opened. {boolean}
property disabledValue
disabledValue: boolean;
property init
init: boolean;
@breaking-change Remove 12.0.0 @docs-private
property ngAcceptInputType_active
static ngAcceptInputType_active: NbBooleanInput;
property ngAcceptInputType_badgeDot
static ngAcceptInputType_badgeDot: NbBooleanInput;
property ngAcceptInputType_disabled
static ngAcceptInputType_disabled: NbBooleanInput;
property ngAcceptInputType_lazyLoad
static ngAcceptInputType_lazyLoad: NbBooleanInput;
property ngAcceptInputType_responsive
static ngAcceptInputType_responsive: NbBooleanInput;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< NbTabComponent, 'nb-tab', never, { tabTitle: { alias: 'tabTitle'; required: false }; tabId: { alias: 'tabId'; required: false }; badgeDot: { alias: 'badgeDot'; required: false }; tabIcon: { alias: 'tabIcon'; required: false }; disabled: { alias: 'disabled'; required: false }; responsive: { alias: 'responsive'; required: false }; route: { alias: 'route'; required: false }; active: { alias: 'active'; required: false }; lazyLoad: { alias: 'lazyLoad'; required: false }; badgeText: { alias: 'badgeText'; required: false }; badgeStatus: { alias: 'badgeStatus'; required: false }; badgePosition: { alias: 'badgePosition'; required: false }; }, {}, ['tabContentDirective', 'tabTitleDirective'], ['*'], false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbTabComponent, never>;
property responsive
responsive: boolean;
property responsiveValue
responsiveValue: boolean;
property route
route: string;
Makes this tab a link that initiates navigation to a route string
property tabContentDirective
tabContentDirective: NbTabContentDirective;
property tabIcon
tabIcon: string | NbIconConfig;
Tab icon name or icon config object {string | NbIconConfig}
property tabId
tabId: string;
Tab id {string}
property tabTitle
tabTitle: string;
Tab title {string}
property tabTitleDirective
tabTitleDirective: NbTabTitleDirective;
class NbTabContentDirective
class NbTabContentDirective {}
Directive to wrap tab lazy content.
constructor(templateRef: TemplateRef<any>);
property ɵdir
static ɵdir: i0.ɵɵDirectiveDeclaration< NbTabContentDirective, '[nbTabContent]', never, {}, {}, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbTabContentDirective, never>;
property templateRef
templateRef: TemplateRef<any>;
class NbTable
class NbTable<T> extends CdkTable<T> {}
constructor( differs: IterableDiffers, changeDetectorRef: ChangeDetectorRef, elementRef: ElementRef, role: string, dir: NbDirectionality, document: any, platform: NbPlatform, _viewRepeater: _ViewRepeater<T, RenderRow<T>, RowContext<T>>, _coalescedStyleScheduler: _CoalescedStyleScheduler, _viewportRuler: NbViewportRulerAdapter, _stickyPositioningListener: StickyPositioningListener);
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< NbTable<any>, 'nb-table-not-implemented', never, {}, {}, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration< NbTable<any>, [ null, null, null, { attribute: 'role' }, null, null, null, null, null, null, { optional: true; skipSelf: true } ]>;
class NbTableModule
class NbTableModule extends CdkTableModule {}
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbTableModule, never>;
property ɵinj
static ɵinj: i0.ɵɵInjectorDeclaration<NbTableModule>;
property ɵmod
static ɵmod: i0.ɵɵNgModuleDeclaration< NbTableModule, [ typeof NbTable, typeof i1.NbHeaderCellDefDirective, typeof i2.NbHeaderRowDefDirective, typeof i1.NbColumnDefDirective, typeof i1.NbCellDefDirective, typeof i2.NbRowDefDirective, typeof i1.NbFooterCellDefDirective, typeof i2.NbFooterRowDefDirective, typeof i2.NbDataRowOutletDirective, typeof i2.NbHeaderRowOutletDirective, typeof i2.NbFooterRowOutletDirective, typeof i2.NbNoDataRowOutletDirective, typeof i2.NbCellOutletDirective, typeof i1.NbHeaderCellDirective, typeof i1.NbCellDirective, typeof i1.NbFooterCellDirective, typeof i2.NbHeaderRowComponent, typeof i2.NbRowComponent, typeof i2.NbFooterRowComponent ], [typeof i3.NbBidiModule], [ typeof NbTable, typeof i1.NbHeaderCellDefDirective, typeof i2.NbHeaderRowDefDirective, typeof i1.NbColumnDefDirective, typeof i1.NbCellDefDirective, typeof i2.NbRowDefDirective, typeof i1.NbFooterCellDefDirective, typeof i2.NbFooterRowDefDirective, typeof i2.NbDataRowOutletDirective, typeof i2.NbHeaderRowOutletDirective, typeof i2.NbFooterRowOutletDirective, typeof i2.NbNoDataRowOutletDirective, typeof i2.NbCellOutletDirective, typeof i1.NbHeaderCellDirective, typeof i1.NbCellDirective, typeof i1.NbFooterCellDirective, typeof i2.NbHeaderRowComponent, typeof i2.NbRowComponent, typeof i2.NbFooterRowComponent ]>;
class NbTabsetComponent
class NbTabsetComponent implements AfterContentInit, OnDestroy {}
Dynamic tabset component. @stacked-example(Showcase, tabset/tabset-showcase.component)
Basic tabset example
<nb-tabset><nb-tab tabTitle="Simple Tab #1">Tab content 1</nb-tab><nb-tab tabTitle="Simple Tab #2">Tab content 2</nb-tab></nb-tabset>### Installation
to your feature module.@NgModule({imports: [// ...NbTabsetModule,],})export class PageModule { }### Usage
It is also possible to set a badge to a particular tab: @stacked-example(Tab With Badge, tabset/tabset-badge.component)
and we can set it to full a width of a parent component @stacked-example(Full Width, tabset/tabset-width.component)
should be used to add an icon to the tab. Icon can also be combined with title.responsive
tab property if set allows you to hide the title on smaller screens ($tabset-tab-text-hide-breakpoint
variable) for better responsive behaviour. You can open the following example and make your screen smaller - titles will be hidden in the last tabset in the list: @stacked-example(Icon, tabset/tabset-icon.component)It is also possible to disable a tab using
property: @stacked-example(Disabled Tab, tabset/tabset-disabled.component)By default, the tab contents instantiated straightaway. To make tab contents load lazy, declare the body of a tab in a template with
directive.<nb-tabset><nb-tab><some-component *nbTabContent>Lazy content</some-component></nb-tab><nb-tab><ng-template nbTabContent>Lazy content with template syntax</ng-template></nb-tab></nb-tabset>You can provide a template as a tab title via
<ng-template nbTabTitle>
: @stacked-example(Tab title template, tabset/tabset-template-title.component)tabset-background-color: tabset-border-radius: tabset-shadow: tabset-tab-background-color: tabset-tab-padding: tabset-tab-text-color: tabset-tab-text-font-family: tabset-tab-text-font-size: tabset-tab-text-font-weight: tabset-tab-text-line-height: tabset-tab-text-transform: tabset-tab-underline-width: tabset-tab-underline-color: tabset-tab-active-background-color: tabset-tab-active-text-color: tabset-tab-active-underline-color: tabset-tab-focus-background-color: tabset-tab-focus-text-color: tabset-tab-focus-underline-color: tabset-tab-hover-background-color: tabset-tab-hover-text-color: tabset-tab-hover-underline-color: tabset-tab-disabled-background-color: tabset-tab-disabled-text-color: tabset-tab-disabled-underline-color: tabset-divider-color: tabset-divider-style: tabset-divider-width: tabset-content-background-color: tabset-content-padding: tabset-content-text-color: tabset-content-text-font-family: tabset-content-text-font-size: tabset-content-text-font-weight: tabset-content-text-line-height: tabset-scrollbar-color: tabset-scrollbar-background-color: tabset-scrollbar-width:
constructor(route: ActivatedRoute, changeDetectorRef: ChangeDetectorRef);
property changeTab
changeTab: EventEmitter<any>;
Emits when tab is selected EventEmitter
property fullWidthValue
fullWidthValue: boolean;
property ngAcceptInputType_fullWidth
static ngAcceptInputType_fullWidth: NbBooleanInput;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< NbTabsetComponent, 'nb-tabset', never, { fullWidth: { alias: 'fullWidth'; required: false }; routeParam: { alias: 'routeParam'; required: false }; }, { changeTab: 'changeTab' }, ['tabs'], ['nb-tab'], false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbTabsetComponent, never>;
property routeParam
routeParam: string;
If specified - tabset listens to this parameter and selects corresponding tab. {string}
property tabs
tabs: QueryList<NbTabComponent>;
method ngAfterContentInit
ngAfterContentInit: () => void;
method ngOnDestroy
ngOnDestroy: () => void;
method selectTab
selectTab: (selectedTab: NbTabComponent) => void;
class NbTabsetModule
class NbTabsetModule {}
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbTabsetModule, never>;
property ɵinj
static ɵinj: i0.ɵɵInjectorDeclaration<NbTabsetModule>;
property ɵmod
static ɵmod: i0.ɵɵNgModuleDeclaration< NbTabsetModule, [ typeof i1.NbTabsetComponent, typeof i1.NbTabComponent, typeof i2.NbTabContentDirective, typeof i3.NbTabTitleDirective ], [typeof i4.NbSharedModule, typeof i5.NbBadgeModule, typeof i6.NbIconModule], [ typeof i1.NbTabsetComponent, typeof i1.NbTabComponent, typeof i2.NbTabContentDirective, typeof i3.NbTabTitleDirective ]>;
class NbTabTitleDirective
class NbTabTitleDirective {}
constructor(templateRef: TemplateRef<any>);
property ɵdir
static ɵdir: i0.ɵɵDirectiveDeclaration< NbTabTitleDirective, '[nbTabTitle]', never, {}, {}, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbTabTitleDirective, never>;
property templateRef
templateRef: TemplateRef<any>;
class NbTagComponent
class NbTagComponent implements AfterViewInit, OnDestroy, NbHighlightableOption {}
To show a cross on a tag and enable
event add theremovable
attribute. @stacked-example(Removable tags, tag/tag-removable.component)You can change appearance via
input: @stacked-example(Tag Appearance, tag/tag-appearance.component)You can change status via
input: @stacked-example(Tag Status, tag/tag-status.component)tag-text-font-family: tag-text-transform: tag-border-width: tag-border-style: tag-border-radius: tag-tiny-text-font-size: tag-tiny-text-font-weight: tag-tiny-text-line-height: tag-tiny-padding: tag-tiny-close-offset: tag-small-text-font-size: tag-small-text-font-weight: tag-small-text-line-height: tag-small-padding: tag-small-close-offset: tag-medium-text-font-size: tag-medium-text-font-weight: tag-medium-text-line-height: tag-medium-padding: tag-medium-close-offset: tag-large-text-font-size: tag-large-text-font-weight: tag-large-text-line-height: tag-large-padding: tag-large-close-offset: tag-giant-text-font-size: tag-giant-text-font-weight: tag-giant-text-line-height: tag-giant-padding: tag-giant-close-offset: tag-filled-basic-background-color: tag-filled-basic-border-color: tag-filled-basic-text-color: tag-filled-basic-active-background-color: tag-filled-basic-active-border-color: tag-filled-basic-hover-background-color: tag-filled-basic-hover-border-color: tag-filled-basic-selected-background-color: tag-filled-basic-selected-border-color: tag-filled-primary-background-color: tag-filled-primary-border-color: tag-filled-primary-text-color: tag-filled-primary-active-background-color: tag-filled-primary-active-border-color: tag-filled-primary-hover-background-color: tag-filled-primary-hover-border-color: tag-filled-primary-selected-background-color: tag-filled-primary-selected-border-color: tag-filled-success-background-color: tag-filled-success-border-color: tag-filled-success-text-color: tag-filled-success-active-background-color: tag-filled-success-active-border-color: tag-filled-success-hover-background-color: tag-filled-success-hover-border-color: tag-filled-success-selected-background-color: tag-filled-success-selected-border-color: tag-filled-info-background-color: tag-filled-info-border-color: tag-filled-info-text-color: tag-filled-info-active-background-color: tag-filled-info-active-border-color: tag-filled-info-hover-background-color: tag-filled-info-hover-border-color: tag-filled-info-selected-background-color: tag-filled-info-selected-border-color: tag-filled-warning-background-color: tag-filled-warning-border-color: tag-filled-warning-text-color: tag-filled-warning-active-background-color: tag-filled-warning-active-border-color: tag-filled-warning-hover-background-color: tag-filled-warning-hover-border-color: tag-filled-warning-selected-background-color: tag-filled-warning-selected-border-color: tag-filled-danger-background-color: tag-filled-danger-border-color: tag-filled-danger-text-color: tag-filled-danger-active-background-color: tag-filled-danger-active-border-color: tag-filled-danger-hover-background-color: tag-filled-danger-hover-border-color: tag-filled-danger-selected-background-color: tag-filled-danger-selected-border-color: tag-filled-control-background-color: tag-filled-control-border-color: tag-filled-control-text-color: tag-filled-control-active-background-color: tag-filled-control-active-border-color: tag-filled-control-hover-background-color: tag-filled-control-hover-border-color: tag-filled-control-selected-background-color: tag-filled-control-selected-border-color: tag-outline-basic-background-color: tag-outline-basic-border-color: tag-outline-basic-text-color: tag-outline-basic-active-background-color: tag-outline-basic-active-border-color: tag-outline-basic-active-text-color: tag-outline-basic-hover-background-color: tag-outline-basic-hover-border-color: tag-outline-basic-hover-text-color: tag-outline-basic-selected-background-color: tag-outline-basic-selected-border-color: tag-outline-basic-selected-text-color: tag-outline-primary-background-color: tag-outline-primary-border-color: tag-outline-primary-text-color: tag-outline-primary-active-background-color: tag-outline-primary-active-border-color: tag-outline-primary-active-text-color: tag-outline-primary-hover-background-color: tag-outline-primary-hover-border-color: tag-outline-primary-hover-text-color: tag-outline-primary-selected-background-color: tag-outline-primary-selected-border-color: tag-outline-primary-selected-text-color: tag-outline-success-background-color: tag-outline-success-border-color: tag-outline-success-text-color: tag-outline-success-active-background-color: tag-outline-success-active-border-color: tag-outline-success-active-text-color: tag-outline-success-hover-background-color: tag-outline-success-hover-border-color: tag-outline-success-hover-text-color: tag-outline-success-selected-background-color: tag-outline-success-selected-border-color: tag-outline-success-selected-text-color: tag-outline-info-background-color: tag-outline-info-border-color: tag-outline-info-text-color: tag-outline-info-active-background-color: tag-outline-info-active-border-color: tag-outline-info-active-text-color: tag-outline-info-hover-background-color: tag-outline-info-hover-border-color: tag-outline-info-hover-text-color: tag-outline-info-selected-background-color: tag-outline-info-selected-border-color: tag-outline-info-selected-text-color: tag-outline-warning-background-color: tag-outline-warning-border-color: tag-outline-warning-text-color: tag-outline-warning-active-background-color: tag-outline-warning-active-border-color: tag-outline-warning-active-text-color: tag-outline-warning-hover-background-color: tag-outline-warning-hover-border-color: tag-outline-warning-hover-text-color: tag-outline-warning-selected-background-color: tag-outline-warning-selected-border-color: tag-outline-warning-selected-text-color: tag-outline-danger-background-color: tag-outline-danger-border-color: tag-outline-danger-text-color: tag-outline-danger-active-background-color: tag-outline-danger-active-border-color: tag-outline-danger-active-text-color: tag-outline-danger-hover-background-color: tag-outline-danger-hover-border-color: tag-outline-danger-hover-text-color: tag-outline-danger-selected-background-color: tag-outline-danger-selected-border-color: tag-outline-danger-selected-text-color: tag-outline-control-background-color: tag-outline-control-border-color: tag-outline-control-text-color: tag-outline-control-active-background-color: tag-outline-control-active-border-color: tag-outline-control-active-text-color: tag-outline-control-hover-background-color: tag-outline-control-hover-border-color: tag-outline-control-hover-text-color: tag-outline-control-selected-background-color: tag-outline-control-selected-border-color: tag-outline-control-selected-text-color:
constructor( _hostElement: ElementRef, cd: ChangeDetectorRef, renderer: Renderer2, zone: NgZone, statusService: NbStatusService);
property additionalClasses
readonly additionalClasses: string[];
property appearance
appearance: NbTagAppearance;
Tag appearance:
property basic
readonly basic: boolean;
property cd
protected cd: ChangeDetectorRef;
property control
readonly control: boolean;
property danger
readonly danger: boolean;
property destroy$
readonly destroy$: Observable<NbTagComponent>;
property filled
filled: boolean;
property giant
readonly giant: boolean;
property info
readonly info: boolean;
property large
readonly large: boolean;
property medium
readonly medium: boolean;
property ngAcceptInputType_removable
static ngAcceptInputType_removable: NbBooleanInput;
property ngAcceptInputType_selected
static ngAcceptInputType_selected: NbBooleanInput;
property outline
outline: boolean;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< NbTagComponent, 'nb-tag', ['nbTag'], { text: { alias: 'text'; required: false }; selected: { alias: 'selected'; required: false }; removable: { alias: 'removable'; required: false }; appearance: { alias: 'appearance'; required: false }; status: { alias: 'status'; required: false }; size: { alias: 'size'; required: false }; role: { alias: 'role'; required: false }; }, { remove: 'remove'; selectedChange: 'selectedChange' }, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbTagComponent, never>;
property primary
readonly primary: boolean;
property removable
removable: boolean;
Controls whether the user can remove a tag or not.
property remove
readonly remove: EventEmitter<NbTagComponent>;
Emits when the user removes the tag (whether by clicking on the remove button or by pressing
property renderer
protected renderer: Renderer2;
property role
role: string;
property selected
selected: boolean;
property selectedChange
readonly selectedChange: EventEmitter<NbTagSelectionChange>;
property size
size: NbComponentSize;
Tag size:
property small
readonly small: boolean;
property status
status: string;
Tag status:
property statusService
protected statusService: NbStatusService;
property success
readonly success: boolean;
property text
text: string;
Tag text.
property tiny
readonly tiny: boolean;
property warning
readonly warning: boolean;
property zone
protected zone: NgZone;
method ngAfterViewInit
ngAfterViewInit: () => void;
method ngOnDestroy
ngOnDestroy: () => void;
method setActiveStyles
setActiveStyles: () => void;
method setInactiveStyles
setInactiveStyles: () => void;
class NbTagInputDirective
class NbTagInputDirective extends NbInputDirective implements AfterViewInit {}
directive connects input with anb-tag-list
component.@stacked-example(Tag Input, tag/tag-input.component)
@additional-example(Tag Input with Autocomplete, tag/tag-input-with-autocomplete.component)
tag-list-tiny-tag-offset: tag-list-small-tag-offset: tag-list-medium-tag-offset: tag-list-large-tag-offset: tag-list-giant-tag-offset: tag-list-with-input-tiny-padding: tag-list-with-input-small-padding: tag-list-with-input-medium-padding: tag-list-with-input-large-padding: tag-list-with-input-giant-padding:
constructor( _hostElement: ElementRef<HTMLInputElement>, focusMonitor: NbFocusMonitor, renderer: Renderer2, zone: NgZone, statusService: NbStatusService);
property focusMonitor
protected focusMonitor: NbFocusMonitor;
property keyDown$
protected readonly keyDown$: Subject<KeyboardEvent>;
property nbTagInputClass
readonly nbTagInputClass: boolean;
property ɵdir
static ɵdir: i0.ɵɵDirectiveDeclaration< NbTagInputDirective, 'input[nbTagInput]', ['nbTagInput'], { separatorKeys: { alias: 'separatorKeys'; required: false } }, { tagAdd: 'tagAdd' }, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbTagInputDirective, never>;
property renderer
protected renderer: Renderer2;
property separatorKeys
separatorKeys: number[];
Controls which keys should trigger tag add event.
property statusService
protected statusService: NbStatusService;
property tagAdd
tagAdd: EventEmitter<NbTagInputAddEvent>;
Emits when a tag need to be added.
property zone
protected zone: NgZone;
method isSeparatorKey
protected isSeparatorKey: (keyCode: number) => boolean;
method ngAfterViewInit
ngAfterViewInit: () => void;
class NbTagListComponent
class NbTagListComponent implements OnInit, AfterContentInit, AfterViewInit, OnDestroy {}
component displays a list ofnb-tag
components.@stacked-example(Tag List Showcase, tag/tag-showcase.component)
tag-list-tiny-tag-offset: tag-list-small-tag-offset: tag-list-medium-tag-offset: tag-list-large-tag-offset: tag-list-giant-tag-offset: tag-list-with-input-tiny-padding: tag-list-with-input-small-padding: tag-list-with-input-medium-padding: tag-list-with-input-large-padding: tag-list-with-input-giant-padding: tag-list-with-input-rectangle-border-radius: tag-list-with-input-semi-round-border-radius: tag-list-with-input-round-border-radius:
constructor( hostElement: ElementRef<HTMLElement>, cd: ChangeDetectorRef, renderer: Renderer2, zone: NgZone, focusMonitor: NbFocusMonitor, activeDescendantKeyManagerFactory: NbActiveDescendantKeyManagerFactoryService<NbTagComponent>, directionService: NbLayoutDirectionService, statusService: NbStatusService);
property activeDescendantKeyManagerFactory
protected activeDescendantKeyManagerFactory: NbActiveDescendantKeyManagerFactoryService<NbTagComponent>;
property activeTagId
activeTagId: string;
property autocompleteDirective
autocompleteDirective: NbAutocompleteDirective<any>;
property cd
protected cd: ChangeDetectorRef;
property destroy$
protected readonly destroy$: Subject<void>;
property directionService
protected directionService: NbLayoutDirectionService;
property focused
protected focused: boolean;
property focusMonitor
protected focusMonitor: NbFocusMonitor;
property hostElement
protected hostElement: ElementRef<HTMLElement>;
property keyDown$
protected readonly keyDown$: Subject<KeyboardEvent>;
property keyManager
protected keyManager: NbActiveDescendantKeyManager<NbTagComponent>;
property multiple
multiple: boolean;
property ngAcceptInputType_multiple
static ngAcceptInputType_multiple: NbBooleanInput;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< NbTagListComponent, 'nb-tag-list', ['nbTagList'], { size: { alias: 'size'; required: false }; tabIndex: { alias: 'tabIndex'; required: false }; role: { alias: 'role'; required: false }; multiple: { alias: 'multiple'; required: false }; }, { tagRemove: 'tagRemove' }, ['tagInput', 'autocompleteDirective', 'tags'], ['nb-tag, input[nbTagInput]'], false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbTagListComponent, never>;
property renderer
protected renderer: Renderer2;
property role
role: string;
property size
size: NbComponentSize;
Controls tags offset.
property statusService
protected statusService: NbStatusService;
property tabIndex
tabIndex: number;
property tagClick$
protected readonly tagClick$: Subject<NbTagComponent>;
property tagInput
tagInput: NbTagInputDirective;
property tagRemove
readonly tagRemove: EventEmitter<NbTagComponent>;
Emits when tag need to be removed (whether because of click on the remove button or when
key pressed).
property tags
tags: QueryList<NbTagComponent>;
property zone
protected zone: NgZone;
method focusInput
protected focusInput: () => void;
method focusInputIfActive
protected focusInputIfActive: () => void;
method initKeyManager
protected initKeyManager: () => void;
method isBackspaceOrDelete
protected isBackspaceOrDelete: (keyCode: number) => boolean;
method listenActiveTagChange
protected listenActiveTagChange: () => void;
method listenInputKeyDown
protected listenInputKeyDown: () => void;
method listenListKeyDown
protected listenListKeyDown: () => void;
method listenNoTags
protected listenNoTags: () => void;
method listenTagClick
protected listenTagClick: () => void;
method listenTagDestroy
protected listenTagDestroy: () => void;
method listenTagRemove
protected listenTagRemove: () => void;
method listenToLayoutDirectionChange
protected listenToLayoutDirectionChange: () => void;
method ngAfterContentInit
ngAfterContentInit: () => void;
method ngAfterViewInit
ngAfterViewInit: () => void;
method ngOnDestroy
ngOnDestroy: () => void;
method ngOnInit
ngOnInit: () => void;
method onFocusChange
protected onFocusChange: (isFocused: boolean) => void;
method setAutocompleteCustomHost
protected setAutocompleteCustomHost: () => void;
method toggleTag
protected toggleTag: (tagToToggle: NbTagComponent) => void;
class NbTagModule
class NbTagModule {}
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbTagModule, never>;
property ɵinj
static ɵinj: i0.ɵɵInjectorDeclaration<NbTagModule>;
property ɵmod
static ɵmod: i0.ɵɵNgModuleDeclaration< NbTagModule, [ typeof i1.NbTagComponent, typeof i2.NbTagListComponent, typeof i3.NbTagInputDirective ], [any, typeof i5.NbIconModule], [ typeof i1.NbTagComponent, typeof i2.NbTagListComponent, typeof i3.NbTagInputDirective ]>;
class NbTemplatePortal
class NbTemplatePortal<T = any> extends TemplatePortal<T> {}
constructor( template: TemplateRef<T>, viewContainerRef?: ViewContainerRef, context?: {});
class NbThemeModule
class NbThemeModule {}
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbThemeModule, never>;
property ɵinj
static ɵinj: i0.ɵɵInjectorDeclaration<NbThemeModule>;
property ɵmod
static ɵmod: i0.ɵɵNgModuleDeclaration<NbThemeModule, never, [any], never>;
method forRoot
static forRoot: ( nbThemeOptions?: NbThemeOptions, nbJSThemes?: NbJSThemeOptions[], nbMediaBreakpoints?: NbMediaBreakpoint[], layoutDirection?: NbLayoutDirection) => ModuleWithProviders<NbThemeModule>;
Main Theme Module
Parameter nbThemeOptions
Main theme options
Parameter nbJSThemes
List of JS Themes, will be merged with default themes
Parameter nbMediaBreakpoints
Available media breakpoints
Parameter layoutDirection
Layout direction
class NbThemeService
class NbThemeService {}
Main Nebular service. Includes various helper methods.
constructor( options: any, breakpointService: NbMediaBreakpointsService, jsThemesRegistry: NbJSThemesRegistry);
property currentTheme
currentTheme: string;
property options
protected options: any;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbThemeService, never>;
property ɵprov
static ɵprov: i0.ɵɵInjectableDeclaration<NbThemeService>;
method appendLayoutClass
appendLayoutClass: (className: string) => void;
Append a class to nb-layout
Parameter className
method changeTheme
changeTheme: (name: string) => void;
Change current application theme
Parameter name
method changeWindowWidth
changeWindowWidth: (width: number) => void;
method getJsTheme
getJsTheme: () => Observable<NbJSThemeOptions>;
Returns a theme object with variables (color/paddings/etc) on a theme change. Once subscribed - returns current theme.
method onAppendLayoutClass
onAppendLayoutClass: () => Observable<any>;
Triggered when a new class is added to nb-layout through
method onMediaQueryChange
onMediaQueryChange: () => Observable<NbMediaBreakpoint[]>;
Triggers media query breakpoint change Returns a pair where the first item is previous media breakpoint and the second item is current breakpoit.
[{ name: 'xs', width: 0 }, { name: 'md', width: 768 }] // change from `xs` to `md`Returns
{Observable<[NbMediaBreakpoint, NbMediaBreakpoint]>}
method onRemoveLayoutClass
onRemoveLayoutClass: () => Observable<any>;
Triggered when a class is removed from nb-layout through
method onThemeChange
onThemeChange: () => Observable<any>;
Triggered when current theme is changed
method removeLayoutClass
removeLayoutClass: (className: string) => void;
Removes a class from nb-layout
Parameter className
class NbTimePickerCellComponent
class NbTimePickerCellComponent implements AfterViewInit, OnDestroy {}
constructor(ngZone: NgZone, platformService: NbPlatform);
property destroy$
protected destroy$: Subject<void>;
property ngZone
protected ngZone: NgZone;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< NbTimePickerCellComponent, 'nb-timepicker-cell', never, { selected: { alias: 'selected'; required: false }; value: { alias: 'value'; required: false }; }, { select: 'select' }, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbTimePickerCellComponent, never>;
property platformService
protected platformService: NbPlatform;
property select
select: EventEmitter<NbSelectedTimeModel>;
property selected
selected: boolean;
property selectedChange$
protected selectedChange$: Subject<boolean>;
property unselected$
protected unselected$: any;
property value
value: string;
property valueContainerElement
valueContainerElement: ElementRef;
method ngAfterViewInit
ngAfterViewInit: () => void;
method ngOnDestroy
ngOnDestroy: () => void;
method onClick
onClick: () => void;
method scrollToElement
protected scrollToElement: () => void;
class NbTimePickerComponent
class NbTimePickerComponent<D> implements OnChanges {}
The TimePicker components itself. Provides a proxy to
options as well as custom picker options.
constructor( config: NbTimePickerConfig, platformService: NbPlatform, locale: string, cd: ChangeDetectorRef, calendarTimeModelService: NbCalendarTimeModelService<D>, dateService: NbDateService<D>);
property ampmText
ampmText: string;
property applyButtonText
applyButtonText: string;
property blur
readonly blur: Observable<void>;
Emits when timepicker looses focus.
property blur$
protected blur$: Subject<void>;
property calendarTimeModelService
protected calendarTimeModelService: NbCalendarTimeModelService<D>;
property cd
cd: ChangeDetectorRef;
property computedTimeFormat
computedTimeFormat: string;
property config
protected config: NbTimePickerConfig;
property currentTimeButtonText
currentTimeButtonText: string;
property date
date: {};
property dateService
protected dateService: NbDateService<D>;
property dayPeriodColumnOptions
readonly dayPeriodColumnOptions: NbDayPeriod[];
property fullTimeOptions
fullTimeOptions: D[];
property hostRef
hostRef: ElementRef;
property hoursColumnOptions
hoursColumnOptions: NbTimePartOption[];
property hoursText
hoursText: string;
property isAM
isAM: boolean;
property minutesColumnOptions
minutesColumnOptions: NbTimePartOption[];
property minutesText
minutesText: string;
property ngAcceptInputType_showAmPmLabel
static ngAcceptInputType_showAmPmLabel: NbBooleanInput;
property ngAcceptInputType_singleColumn
static ngAcceptInputType_singleColumn: NbBooleanInput;
property ngAcceptInputType_twelveHoursFormat
static ngAcceptInputType_twelveHoursFormat: NbBooleanInput;
property ngAcceptInputType_withSeconds
static ngAcceptInputType_withSeconds: NbBooleanInput;
property onSelectTime
onSelectTime: EventEmitter<NbSelectedTimePayload<D>>;
Emits date when selected.
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< NbTimePickerComponent<any>, 'nb-timepicker', ['nbTimepicker'], { timeFormat: { alias: 'timeFormat'; required: false }; twelveHoursFormat: { alias: 'twelveHoursFormat'; required: false }; showAmPmLabel: { alias: 'showAmPmLabel'; required: false }; withSeconds: { alias: 'withSeconds'; required: false }; singleColumn: { alias: 'singleColumn'; required: false }; step: { alias: 'step'; required: false }; date: { alias: 'date'; required: false }; showFooter: { alias: 'showFooter'; required: false }; applyButtonText: { alias: 'applyButtonText'; required: false }; hoursText: { alias: 'hoursText'; required: false }; minutesText: { alias: 'minutesText'; required: false }; secondsText: { alias: 'secondsText'; required: false }; ampmText: { alias: 'ampmText'; required: false }; currentTimeButtonText: { alias: 'currentTimeButtonText'; required: false; }; }, { onSelectTime: 'onSelectTime' }, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbTimePickerComponent<any>, never>;
property platformService
protected platformService: NbPlatform;
property portal
portal: NbPortalDirective;
property secondsColumnOptions
secondsColumnOptions: NbTimePartOption[];
property secondsText
secondsText: string;
property showAmPmLabel
showAmPmLabel: boolean;
Defines should show am/pm label if twelveHoursFormat enabled.
property showFooter
showFooter: boolean;
In timepicker value should be always true In calendar-with-time.component should set to false @docs-private
property singleColumn
singleColumn: boolean;
Show timepicker values in one column with 60 minutes step by default.
property step
step: number;
property timeFormat
timeFormat: string;
Defines time format string.
property timepickerFormatChange$
timepickerFormatChange$: Subject<void>;
property twelveHoursFormat
twelveHoursFormat: boolean;
Defines 12 hours format .
property withSeconds
withSeconds: boolean;
Show seconds in timepicker. Ignored when singleColumn is true
method attach
attach: (hostRef: ElementRef) => void;
method buildColumnOptions
protected buildColumnOptions: () => void;
method buildTimeFormat
buildTimeFormat: () => string;
method changeDayPeriod
changeDayPeriod: (dayPeriodToSet: NbDayPeriod) => void;
method generateHours
protected generateHours: () => NbTimePartOption[];
method generateMinutesOrSeconds
protected generateMinutesOrSeconds: () => NbTimePartOption[];
method getFullTimeString
getFullTimeString: (item: D) => string;
method initFromConfig
protected initFromConfig: (config: NbTimePickerConfig) => void;
method isFirefox
isFirefox: () => boolean;
method isSelectedDayPeriod
isSelectedDayPeriod: (dayPeriod: NbDayPeriod) => boolean;
method isSelectedFullTimeValue
isSelectedFullTimeValue: (value: D) => boolean;
method isSelectedHour
isSelectedHour: (val: number) => boolean;
method isSelectedMinute
isSelectedMinute: (val: number) => boolean;
method isSelectedSecond
isSelectedSecond: (val: number) => boolean;
method ngOnChanges
ngOnChanges: ({ step, twelveHoursFormat, withSeconds, singleColumn,}: SimpleChanges) => void;
method saveValue
saveValue: () => void;
method selectFullTime
selectFullTime: (value: D) => void;
method setCurrentTime
setCurrentTime: () => void;
method setHost
setHost: (hostRef: ElementRef) => void;
method setHour
setHour: (value: number) => void;
method setMinute
setMinute: (value: number) => void;
method setSecond
setSecond: (value: number) => void;
method setupTimeFormat
protected setupTimeFormat: () => string;
method showSeconds
showSeconds: () => boolean;
method trackByDayPeriod
trackByDayPeriod: (index: any, item: NbDayPeriod) => string;
method trackBySingleColumnValue
trackBySingleColumnValue: (index: any, item: D) => number;
method trackByTimeValues
trackByTimeValues: (index: any, item: NbTimePartOption) => number;
method updateValue
updateValue: (date: D) => void;
class NbTimePickerDirective
class NbTimePickerDirective<D> implements AfterViewInit, ControlValueAccessor {}
is form control that gives you ability to select a time. The timepicker is shown when input receives afocus
event.<input [nbTimepicker]="timepicker"><nb-timepicker #timepicker></nb-timepicker>@stacked-example(Showcase, timepicker/timepicker-showcase.component)
### Installation
to your root module.@NgModule({imports: [// ...NbTimepickerModule.forRoot(),],})export class AppModule { }And
to your feature module.@NgModule({imports: [// ...NbTimepickerModule,],})export class PageModule { }Note Timepicker uses native Date object by default, which doesn't support parsing by custom format. According to the ECMAScript specification, the only supported format is a format described by ISO 8061 standard. This standard requires date part to be included in the date string, meaning you have to type a date+time in the input. We highly recommend you to use NbDateFnsDateModule or NbMomentDateModule to be able to support time only strings in the timepicker inputs. These modules use date-fns and moment date libraries, which provide capabilities to parse time only strings. See "Formatting Issue" at Date picker docs for installation instructions.
### Usage
To show seconds column along with hours and minutes use
input<input [nbTimepicker]="timepicker"><nb-timepicker #timepicker withSeconds></nb-timepicker>@stacked-example(Time picker with seconds, timepicker/timepicker-with-seconds.component)
To force timepicker work in 12 hours format, use
input. By default, timepicker choose 12 or 24 formats based on application locale standards<input [nbTimepicker]="timepicker" twelveHoursFormat><nb-timepicker #timepicker></nb-timepicker>@stacked-example(Twelve hours format showcase, timepicker/timepicker-twelve-hours-format.component)
A single column picker with options value as time and minute, so users won’t be able to pick hours and minutes individually. You can control options minutes offset via
input, e.g.: 11:00, 11:20, 11:40...'@stacked-example(Single column, timepicker/timepicker-single-column.component)
Timepicker support forms and reactive forms API so you can provide value using
directives @stacked-example(Form control, timepicker/timepicker-form-control.component)<input [nbTimepicker]="timepicker" twelveHoursFormat> <nb-timepicker #timepicke [formControl]="formControl">
@stacked-example(NgModel, timepicker/timepicker-ng-model.component)
<input [nbTimepicker]="timepicker" twelveHoursFormat> <nb-timepicker #timepicke [ngModel]="date">
You can provide localized versions of the timepicker text via the
property of the config object passed to theforRoot
methods of theNbTimepickerModule
:@NgModule({imports: [// ...NbTimepickerModule.forRoot({localization: {hoursText: 'Hr',minutesText: 'Min',secondsText: 'Sec',ampmText: 'Am/Pm',}}),],})export class AppModule { }timepicker-cell-text-color: timepicker-cell-hover-background-color: timepicker-cell-hover-text-color: timepicker-cell-focus-background-color: timepicker-cell-focus-text-color: timepicker-cell-active-background-color: timepicker-cell-active-text-color: timepicker-cell-text-font-size: timepicker-cell-text-font-family: timepicker-cell-text-line-height: timepicker-cell-text-font-weight: timepicker-cell-height: timepicker-header-cell-text-color: timepicker-header-cell-text-font-size: timepicker-header-cell-text-font-family: timepicker-header-cell-height: timepicker-header-cell-text-line-height: timepicker-header-cell-text-font-weight: timepicker-border-color: timepicker-border-style: timepicker-border-width: timepicker-scrollbar-color: timepicker-scrollbar-background-color: timepicker-scrollbar-width: timepicker-single-column-width: timepicker-multiple-column-width: timepicker-title-height: timepicker-title-padding: timepicker-container-width: timepicker-container-height:
constructor( document: any, positionBuilder: NbPositionBuilderService, hostRef: ElementRef, triggerStrategyBuilder: NbTriggerStrategyBuilderService, overlay: NbOverlayService, cd: ChangeDetectorRef, calendarTimeModelService: NbCalendarTimeModelService<D>, dateService: NbDateService<D>, renderer: Renderer2, placeholder: string);
property calendarTimeModelService
protected calendarTimeModelService: NbCalendarTimeModelService<D>;
property cd
protected cd: ChangeDetectorRef;
property dateService
protected dateService: NbDateService<D>;
property destroy$
protected destroy$: Subject<void>;
property document
protected document: any;
property hostRef
protected hostRef: ElementRef;
property input
readonly input: HTMLInputElement;
Returns html input element. @docs-private
property inputValue
inputValue: string;
Returns host input value. @docs-private
property isClosed
readonly isClosed: boolean;
Determines is timepicker overlay closed. @docs-private
property isOpen
readonly isOpen: boolean;
Determines is timepicker overlay opened. @docs-private
property lastInputValue
protected lastInputValue: string;
String representation of latest selected date. Updated when value is updated programmatically (writeValue), via timepicker (subscribeOnApplyClick) or via input field (handleInputChange) @docs-private
property onChange
protected onChange: (value: D) => void;
property onTouched
protected onTouched: () => void;
property overlay
protected overlay: NbOverlayService;
property overlayOffset
overlayOffset: number;
Time picker overlay offset.
property overlayRef
protected overlayRef: OverlayRef;
property ɵdir
static ɵdir: i0.ɵɵDirectiveDeclaration< NbTimePickerDirective<any>, 'input[nbTimepicker]', never, { timepicker: { alias: 'nbTimepicker'; required: false }; overlayOffset: { alias: 'overlayOffset'; required: false }; }, {}, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration< NbTimePickerDirective<any>, [ null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, { attribute: 'placeholder' } ]>;
property pickerInputsChangedSubscription
protected pickerInputsChangedSubscription: any;
property placeholder
protected placeholder: string;
property positionBuilder
protected positionBuilder: NbPositionBuilderService;
property positionStrategy
protected positionStrategy: NbAdjustableConnectedPositionStrategy;
Positioning strategy used by overlay. @docs-private
property renderer
protected renderer: Renderer2;
property timepicker
timepicker: NbTimePickerComponent<D>;
Provides timepicker component.
property triggerStrategy
protected triggerStrategy: NbTriggerStrategy;
Trigger strategy used by overlay. @docs-private
property triggerStrategyBuilder
protected triggerStrategyBuilder: NbTriggerStrategyBuilderService;
method attachToOverlay
protected attachToOverlay: () => void;
Attaches picker to the timepicker portal. @docs-private
method createOverlay
protected createOverlay: () => void;
method createPositionStrategy
protected createPositionStrategy: () => NbAdjustableConnectedPositionStrategy;
method createScrollStrategy
protected createScrollStrategy: () => ScrollStrategy;
method createTriggerStrategy
protected createTriggerStrategy: () => NbTriggerStrategy;
method getContainer
protected getContainer: () => ComponentRef<any>;
method handleInputChange
protected handleInputChange: (value: string) => void;
Parses input value and write if it isn't null. @docs-private
method hide
hide: () => void;
method initOverlay
protected initOverlay: () => void;
method ngAfterViewInit
ngAfterViewInit: () => void;
method parseNativeDateString
protected parseNativeDateString: (value: string) => string;
method registerOnChange
registerOnChange: (fn: (value: any) => {}) => void;
method registerOnTouched
registerOnTouched: (fn: any) => void;
method setDisabledState
setDisabledState: (isDisabled: boolean) => void;
method setupTimepicker
setupTimepicker: () => void;
method show
show: () => void;
method subscribeOnApplyClick
protected subscribeOnApplyClick: () => void;
method subscribeOnInputChange
protected subscribeOnInputChange: () => void;
method subscribeOnTriggers
protected subscribeOnTriggers: () => void;
method subscribeToBlur
protected subscribeToBlur: () => void;
method updateValue
protected updateValue: (value: D) => void;
method writeValue
writeValue: (value: D) => void;
class NbTimepickerModule
class NbTimepickerModule {}
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbTimepickerModule, never>;
property ɵinj
static ɵinj: i0.ɵɵInjectorDeclaration<NbTimepickerModule>;
property ɵmod
static ɵmod: i0.ɵɵNgModuleDeclaration< NbTimepickerModule, [ typeof i1.NbTimePickerComponent, typeof i2.NbTimePickerCellComponent, typeof i3.NbTimePickerDirective ], [ any, typeof i5.NbOverlayModule, typeof i6.NbListModule, typeof i7.NbCardModule, typeof i8.NbCalendarKitModule ], [ typeof i1.NbTimePickerComponent, typeof i2.NbTimePickerCellComponent, typeof i3.NbTimePickerDirective ]>;
method forChild
static forChild: ( config?: NbTimePickerConfig) => ModuleWithProviders<NbTimepickerModule>;
method forRoot
static forRoot: ( config?: NbTimePickerConfig) => ModuleWithProviders<NbTimepickerModule>;
class NbToast
class NbToast {}
class NbToastComponent
class NbToastComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {}
is responsible for rendering each toast with appropriate styles.toastr-border-style: toastr-border-width: toastr-border-radius: toastr-padding: toastr-shadow: toastr-text-font-family: toastr-text-font-size: toastr-text-font-weight: toastr-text-line-height: toastr-title-text-font-family: toastr-title-text-font-size: toastr-title-text-font-weight: toastr-title-text-line-height: toastr-basic-background-color: toastr-basic-border-color: toastr-basic-text-color: toastr-icon-basic-background-color: toastr-icon-basic-color: toastr-destroyable-basic-hover-background-color: toastr-destroyable-basic-hover-border-color: toastr-primary-background-color: toastr-primary-border-color: toastr-primary-text-color: toastr-icon-primary-background-color: toastr-icon-primary-color: toastr-destroyable-primary-hover-background-color: toastr-destroyable-primary-hover-border-color: toastr-success-background-color: toastr-success-border-color: toastr-success-text-color: toastr-icon-success-background-color: toastr-icon-success-color: toastr-destroyable-success-hover-background-color: toastr-destroyable-success-hover-border-color: toastr-info-background-color: toastr-info-border-color: toastr-info-text-color: toastr-icon-info-background-color: toastr-icon-info-color: toastr-destroyable-info-hover-background-color: toastr-destroyable-info-hover-border-color: toastr-warning-background-color: toastr-warning-border-color: toastr-warning-text-color: toastr-icon-warning-background-color: toastr-icon-warning-color: toastr-destroyable-warning-hover-background-color: toastr-destroyable-warning-hover-border-color: toastr-danger-background-color: toastr-danger-border-color: toastr-danger-text-color: toastr-icon-danger-background-color: toastr-icon-danger-color: toastr-destroyable-danger-hover-background-color: toastr-destroyable-danger-hover-border-color: toastr-control-background-color: toastr-control-border-color: toastr-control-text-color: toastr-icon-control-background-color: toastr-icon-control-color: toastr-destroyable-control-hover-background-color: toastr-destroyable-control-hover-border-color:
constructor( renderer: Renderer2, elementRef: ElementRef, statusService: NbStatusService);
property additionalClasses
readonly additionalClasses: string[];
property basic
readonly basic: boolean;
property control
readonly control: boolean;
property customIcon
readonly customIcon: boolean;
property danger
readonly danger: boolean;
property destroy
destroy: EventEmitter<void>;
property destroyByClick
readonly destroyByClick: boolean;
property elementRef
protected elementRef: ElementRef;
property hasIcon
readonly hasIcon: boolean;
property icon
readonly icon: string | NbIconConfig;
property info
readonly info: boolean;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< NbToastComponent, 'nb-toast', never, { toast: { alias: 'toast'; required: false } }, { destroy: 'destroy'; toastClick: 'toastClick' }, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbToastComponent, never>;
property primary
readonly primary: boolean;
property renderer
protected renderer: Renderer2;
property statusService
protected statusService: NbStatusService;
property success
readonly success: boolean;
property toast
toast: NbToast;
property toastClick
toastClick: EventEmitter<void>;
property warning
readonly warning: boolean;
method ngOnDestroy
ngOnDestroy: () => void;
method ngOnInit
ngOnInit: () => void;
method onClick
onClick: () => void;
class NbToastContainer
class NbToastContainer {}
constructor( position: NbGlobalPosition, containerRef: ComponentRef<NbToastrContainerComponent>, positionHelper: NbPositionHelper);
property containerRef
protected containerRef: ComponentRef<NbToastrContainerComponent>;
property nativeElement
readonly nativeElement: any;
property position
protected position: NbGlobalPosition;
property positionHelper
protected positionHelper: NbPositionHelper;
property prevToast
protected prevToast: NbToast;
property toastDuplicateCompareFunc
protected toastDuplicateCompareFunc: (t1: NbToast, t2: NbToast) => boolean;
property toasts
protected toasts: NbToast[];
method attach
attach: (toast: NbToast) => NbToastRef;
method attachToast
protected attachToast: (toast: NbToast) => NbToastComponent;
method attachToBottom
protected attachToBottom: (toast: NbToast) => NbToastComponent;
method attachToTop
protected attachToTop: (toast: NbToast) => NbToastComponent;
method destroy
destroy: (toast: NbToast) => void;
method isDuplicate
protected isDuplicate: (toast: NbToast) => boolean;
method isDuplicateAmongAll
protected isDuplicateAmongAll: (toast: NbToast) => boolean;
method isDuplicatePrevious
protected isDuplicatePrevious: (toast: NbToast) => boolean;
method removeToastIfLimitReached
protected removeToastIfLimitReached: (toast: NbToast) => void;
method setDestroyTimeout
protected setDestroyTimeout: (toast: NbToast) => void;
method subscribeOnClick
protected subscribeOnClick: ( toastComponent: NbToastComponent, toast: NbToast) => void;
method updateContainer
protected updateContainer: () => void;
class NbToastrConfig
class NbToastrConfig {}
class describes configuration of theNbToastrService.show
and global toastr configuration.
constructor(config: Partial<NbToastrConfig>);
property destroyByClick
destroyByClick: boolean;
Destroy by click means you can hide the toast by clicking it.
property duplicatesBehaviour
duplicatesBehaviour: NbDuplicateToastBehaviour;
Determines the how to treat duplicates.
property duration
duration: number;
Duration is timeout between toast appears and disappears.
property hasIcon
hasIcon: boolean;
Determines render icon or not.
property icon
icon: string | NbIconConfig;
Icon name or icon config object that can be provided to render custom icon.
property icons
protected icons: IconToClassMap;
Toast status icon-class mapping.
property limit
limit?: number;
property position
position: NbGlobalPosition;
Determines where on the screen toast have to be rendered.
property preventDuplicates
preventDuplicates: boolean;
If preventDuplicates is true then the toast with the same title, message and status will not be rendered. Find duplicates behaviour determined by
. The defaultprevious
duplicate behaviour is used.
property status
status: string;
Status chooses color scheme for the toast.
property toastClass
toastClass: string;
Class to be applied to the toast.
method patchIcon
protected patchIcon: (config: Partial<NbToastrConfig>) => void;
class NbToastrContainerComponent
class NbToastrContainerComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {}
constructor( layoutDirection: NbLayoutDirectionService, positionHelper: NbPositionHelper);
property content
content: NbToast[];
property context
context: Object;
property destroy$
protected destroy$: Subject<void>;
property fadeIn
fadeIn: any;
property layoutDirection
protected layoutDirection: NbLayoutDirectionService;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< NbToastrContainerComponent, 'nb-toastr-container', never, { content: { alias: 'content'; required: false }; context: { alias: 'context'; required: false }; position: { alias: 'position'; required: false }; }, {}, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbToastrContainerComponent, never>;
property position
position: NbGlobalPosition;
property positionHelper
protected positionHelper: NbPositionHelper;
property toasts
toasts: QueryList<NbToastComponent>;
method ngOnDestroy
ngOnDestroy: () => void;
method ngOnInit
ngOnInit: () => void;
method onDirectionChange
protected onDirectionChange: () => void;
class NbToastrContainerRegistry
class NbToastrContainerRegistry {}
constructor( overlay: NbOverlayService, positionBuilder: NbPositionBuilderService, positionHelper: NbPositionHelper, cfr: ComponentFactoryResolver, document: any);
property cfr
protected cfr: ComponentFactoryResolver;
property document
protected document: any;
property overlay
protected overlay: NbOverlayService;
property overlays
protected overlays: Map<NbGlobalPosition, NbToastrOverlayWithContainer>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbToastrContainerRegistry, never>;
property ɵprov
static ɵprov: i0.ɵɵInjectableDeclaration<NbToastrContainerRegistry>;
property positionBuilder
protected positionBuilder: NbPositionBuilderService;
property positionHelper
protected positionHelper: NbPositionHelper;
method addClassToOverlayHost
protected addClassToOverlayHost: (overlayRef: OverlayRef) => void;
method createContainer
protected createContainer: ( position: NbGlobalLogicalPosition) => NbToastrOverlayWithContainer;
method existsInDom
protected existsInDom: (toastContainer: NbToastContainer) => boolean;
method get
get: (position: NbGlobalPosition) => NbToastContainer;
method instantiateContainer
protected instantiateContainer: (position: NbGlobalLogicalPosition) => void;
class NbToastRef
class NbToastRef {}
constructor(toastContainer: NbToastContainer, toast: NbToast);
property toastInstance
toastInstance: NbToastComponent;
method close
close: () => void;
method onClick
onClick: () => Observable<void>;
method onClose
onClose: () => Observable<void>;
class NbToastrModule
class NbToastrModule {}
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbToastrModule, never>;
property ɵinj
static ɵinj: i0.ɵɵInjectorDeclaration<NbToastrModule>;
property ɵmod
static ɵmod: i0.ɵɵNgModuleDeclaration< NbToastrModule, [typeof i1.NbToastrContainerComponent, typeof i2.NbToastComponent], [ typeof i3.NbSharedModule, typeof i4.NbOverlayModule, typeof i5.NbIconModule ], never>;
method forRoot
static forRoot: ( toastrConfig?: Partial<NbToastrConfig>) => ModuleWithProviders<NbToastrModule>;
class NbToastrService
class NbToastrService {}
provides a capability to build toast notifications.@stacked-example(Showcase, toastr/toastr-showcase.component)
NbToastrService.show(message, title, config)
accepts three params, title and config are optional.### Installation
to your app module.@NgModule({imports: [// ...NbToastrModule.forRoot(config),],})export class AppModule { }### Usage
will render new toast and returnNbToastrRef
with help of which you may close newly created toast by callingclose
method.const toastRef: NbToastRef = this.toastrService.show(...);toastRef.close();Config accepts following options:
- determines where on the screen toast will be rendered. Default istop-end
.@stacked-example(Position, toastr/toastr-positions.component)
- coloring and icon of the toast. Default isbasic
.@stacked-example(Status, toastr/toastr-statuses.component)
- the time after which the toast will be destroyed.0
means endless toast, that may be destroyed by click only. Default is 3000 ms.@stacked-example(Duration, toastr/toastr-duration.component)
- provides a capability to destroy toast by click. Default is true.@stacked-example(Destroy by click, toastr/toastr-destroy-by-click.component)
- don't create new toast if it has the same title, message and status. Default is false.@stacked-example(Prevent duplicates, toastr/toastr-prevent-duplicates.component)
- determines how to treat the toasts duplication. Compare with the previous messageprevious
or with all visible messagesall
.@stacked-example(Prevent duplicates behaviour , toastr/toastr-prevent-duplicates-behaviour.component)
- the number of visible toasts in the toast container. The number of toasts is unlimited by default.@stacked-example(Prevent duplicates behaviour , toastr/toastr-limit.component)
- if true then render toast icon.icon
- you can pass icon class that will be applied into the toast.@stacked-example(Has icon, toastr/toastr-icon.component)
constructor( globalConfig: NbToastrConfig, containerRegistry: NbToastrContainerRegistry);
property containerRegistry
protected containerRegistry: NbToastrContainerRegistry;
property globalConfig
protected globalConfig: NbToastrConfig;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbToastrService, never>;
property ɵprov
static ɵprov: i0.ɵɵInjectableDeclaration<NbToastrService>;
method control
control: ( message: any, title?: any, config?: Partial<NbToastrConfig>) => NbToastRef;
Shows control toast with message, title and user config.
method danger
danger: ( message: any, title?: any, config?: Partial<NbToastrConfig>) => NbToastRef;
Shows danger toast with message, title and user config.
method default
default: ( message: any, title?: any, config?: Partial<NbToastrConfig>) => NbToastRef;
Shows default toast with message, title and user config.
method info
info: ( message: any, title?: any, config?: Partial<NbToastrConfig>) => NbToastRef;
Shows info toast with message, title and user config.
method primary
primary: ( message: any, title?: any, config?: Partial<NbToastrConfig>) => NbToastRef;
Shows primary toast with message, title and user config.
method show
show: ( message: any, title?: any, userConfig?: Partial<NbToastrConfig>) => NbToastRef;
Shows toast with message, title and user config.
method success
success: ( message: any, title?: any, config?: Partial<NbToastrConfig>) => NbToastRef;
Shows success toast with message, title and user config.
method warning
warning: ( message: any, title?: any, config?: Partial<NbToastrConfig>) => NbToastRef;
Shows warning toast with message, title and user config.
class NbToggleComponent
class NbToggleComponent implements OnInit, AfterViewInit, OnDestroy, ControlValueAccessor {}
Toggle is a control representing
states.@stacked-example(Showcase, toggle/toggle-showcase.component)
### Installation
to your feature module.@NgModule({imports: [// ...NbToggleModule,],})export class PageModule { }### Usage
Toggle may have one of the following statuses:
@stacked-example(Toggle status, toggle/toggle-status.component)
Toggle can be disabled via
input.@stacked-example(Disabled Toggles, toggle/toggle-disabled.component)
Toggle may have a label with following positions:
(default)@stacked-example(Toggles With Labels, toggle/toggle-label-position.component.ts)
You can set control state via
binding:<nb-toggle [(checked)]="checked"></nb-toggle>Or it could be set via reactive forms or ngModel bindings:
@stacked-example(Toggle form binding, toggle/toggle-form.component)
toggle-height: toggle-width: toggle-border-width: toggle-border-radius: toggle-outline-width: toggle-outline-color: toggle-switcher-size: toggle-switcher-icon-size: toggle-text-font-family: toggle-text-font-size: toggle-text-font-weight: toggle-text-line-height: toggle-cursor: toggle-disabled-cursor: toggle-basic-text-color: toggle-basic-background-color: toggle-basic-border-color: toggle-basic-checked-background-color: toggle-basic-checked-border-color: toggle-basic-checked-switcher-background-color: toggle-basic-checked-switcher-checkmark-color: toggle-basic-focus-background-color: toggle-basic-focus-border-color: toggle-basic-focus-checked-background-color: toggle-basic-focus-checked-border-color: toggle-basic-hover-background-color: toggle-basic-hover-border-color: toggle-basic-hover-checked-background-color: toggle-basic-hover-checked-border-color: toggle-basic-active-background-color: toggle-basic-active-border-color: toggle-basic-active-checked-background-color: toggle-basic-active-checked-border-color: toggle-basic-disabled-background-color: toggle-basic-disabled-border-color: toggle-basic-disabled-switcher-background-color: toggle-basic-disabled-checked-switcher-checkmark-color: toggle-basic-disabled-text-color: toggle-primary-text-color: toggle-primary-background-color: toggle-primary-border-color: toggle-primary-checked-background-color: toggle-primary-checked-border-color: toggle-primary-checked-switcher-background-color: toggle-primary-checked-switcher-checkmark-color: toggle-primary-focus-background-color: toggle-primary-focus-border-color: toggle-primary-focus-checked-background-color: toggle-primary-focus-checked-border-color: toggle-primary-hover-background-color: toggle-primary-hover-border-color: toggle-primary-hover-checked-background-color: toggle-primary-hover-checked-border-color: toggle-primary-active-background-color: toggle-primary-active-border-color: toggle-primary-active-checked-background-color: toggle-primary-active-checked-border-color: toggle-primary-disabled-background-color: toggle-primary-disabled-border-color: toggle-primary-disabled-switcher-background-color: toggle-primary-disabled-checked-switcher-checkmark-color: toggle-primary-disabled-text-color: toggle-success-text-color: toggle-success-background-color: toggle-success-border-color: toggle-success-checked-background-color: toggle-success-checked-border-color: toggle-success-checked-switcher-background-color: toggle-success-checked-switcher-checkmark-color: toggle-success-focus-background-color: toggle-success-focus-border-color: toggle-success-focus-checked-background-color: toggle-success-focus-checked-border-color: toggle-success-hover-background-color: toggle-success-hover-border-color: toggle-success-hover-checked-background-color: toggle-success-hover-checked-border-color: toggle-success-active-background-color: toggle-success-active-border-color: toggle-success-active-checked-background-color: toggle-success-active-checked-border-color: toggle-success-disabled-background-color: toggle-success-disabled-border-color: toggle-success-disabled-switcher-background-color: toggle-success-disabled-checked-switcher-checkmark-color: toggle-success-disabled-text-color: toggle-info-text-color: toggle-info-background-color: toggle-info-border-color: toggle-info-checked-background-color: toggle-info-checked-border-color: toggle-info-checked-switcher-background-color: toggle-info-checked-switcher-checkmark-color: toggle-info-focus-background-color: toggle-info-focus-border-color: toggle-info-focus-checked-background-color: toggle-info-focus-checked-border-color: toggle-info-hover-background-color: toggle-info-hover-border-color: toggle-info-hover-checked-background-color: toggle-info-hover-checked-border-color: toggle-info-active-background-color: toggle-info-active-border-color: toggle-info-active-checked-background-color: toggle-info-active-checked-border-color: toggle-info-disabled-background-color: toggle-info-disabled-border-color: toggle-info-disabled-switcher-background-color: toggle-info-disabled-checked-switcher-checkmark-color: toggle-info-disabled-text-color: toggle-warning-text-color: toggle-warning-background-color: toggle-warning-border-color: toggle-warning-checked-background-color: toggle-warning-checked-border-color: toggle-warning-checked-switcher-background-color: toggle-warning-checked-switcher-checkmark-color: toggle-warning-focus-background-color: toggle-warning-focus-border-color: toggle-warning-focus-checked-background-color: toggle-warning-focus-checked-border-color: toggle-warning-hover-background-color: toggle-warning-hover-border-color: toggle-warning-hover-checked-background-color: toggle-warning-hover-checked-border-color: toggle-warning-active-background-color: toggle-warning-active-border-color: toggle-warning-active-checked-background-color: toggle-warning-active-checked-border-color: toggle-warning-disabled-background-color: toggle-warning-disabled-border-color: toggle-warning-disabled-switcher-background-color: toggle-warning-disabled-checked-switcher-checkmark-color: toggle-warning-disabled-text-color: toggle-danger-text-color: toggle-danger-background-color: toggle-danger-border-color: toggle-danger-checked-background-color: toggle-danger-checked-border-color: toggle-danger-checked-switcher-background-color: toggle-danger-checked-switcher-checkmark-color: toggle-danger-focus-background-color: toggle-danger-focus-border-color: toggle-danger-focus-checked-background-color: toggle-danger-focus-checked-border-color: toggle-danger-hover-background-color: toggle-danger-hover-border-color: toggle-danger-hover-checked-background-color: toggle-danger-hover-checked-border-color: toggle-danger-active-background-color: toggle-danger-active-border-color: toggle-danger-active-checked-background-color: toggle-danger-active-checked-border-color: toggle-danger-disabled-background-color: toggle-danger-disabled-border-color: toggle-danger-disabled-switcher-background-color: toggle-danger-disabled-checked-switcher-checkmark-color: toggle-danger-disabled-text-color: toggle-control-text-color: toggle-control-background-color: toggle-control-border-color: toggle-control-checked-background-color: toggle-control-checked-border-color: toggle-control-checked-switcher-background-color: toggle-control-checked-switcher-checkmark-color: toggle-control-focus-background-color: toggle-control-focus-border-color: toggle-control-focus-checked-background-color: toggle-control-focus-checked-border-color: toggle-control-hover-background-color: toggle-control-hover-border-color: toggle-control-hover-checked-background-color: toggle-control-hover-checked-border-color: toggle-control-active-background-color: toggle-control-active-border-color: toggle-control-active-checked-background-color: toggle-control-active-checked-border-color: toggle-control-disabled-background-color: toggle-control-disabled-border-color: toggle-control-disabled-switcher-background-color: toggle-control-disabled-checked-switcher-checkmark-color: toggle-control-disabled-text-color:
constructor( changeDetector: ChangeDetectorRef, layoutDirection: NbLayoutDirectionService, renderer: Renderer2, hostElement: ElementRef<HTMLElement>, zone: NgZone, statusService: NbStatusService);
property additionalClasses
readonly additionalClasses: string[];
property basic
readonly basic: boolean;
property checked
checked: boolean;
Toggle checked {boolean}
property checkedChange
checkedChange: EventEmitter<boolean>;
Output when checked state is changed by a user EventEmitter
property control
readonly control: boolean;
property danger
readonly danger: boolean;
property disabled
disabled: boolean;
Controls input disabled state
property info
readonly info: boolean;
property labelEnd
readonly labelEnd: boolean;
property labelLeft
readonly labelLeft: boolean;
property labelPosition
labelPosition: 'left' | 'right' | 'start' | 'end';
Toggle label position. Possible values are:
property labelRight
readonly labelRight: boolean;
property labelStart
readonly labelStart: boolean;
property ngAcceptInputType_checked
static ngAcceptInputType_checked: NbBooleanInput;
property ngAcceptInputType_disabled
static ngAcceptInputType_disabled: NbBooleanInput;
property onChange
onChange: any;
property onTouched
onTouched: any;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< NbToggleComponent, 'nb-toggle', never, { checked: { alias: 'checked'; required: false }; disabled: { alias: 'disabled'; required: false }; status: { alias: 'status'; required: false }; labelPosition: { alias: 'labelPosition'; required: false }; }, { checkedChange: 'checkedChange' }, never, ['*'], false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbToggleComponent, never>;
property primary
readonly primary: boolean;
property status
status: string;
Toggle status. Possible values are:
property statusService
protected statusService: NbStatusService;
property success
readonly success: boolean;
property warning
readonly warning: boolean;
method checkState
checkState: () => string;
method ngAfterViewInit
ngAfterViewInit: () => void;
method ngOnDestroy
ngOnDestroy: () => void;
method ngOnInit
ngOnInit: () => void;
method onInputClick
onInputClick: (event: Event) => void;
method registerOnChange
registerOnChange: (fn: any) => void;
method registerOnTouched
registerOnTouched: (fn: any) => void;
method setDisabledState
setDisabledState: (val: boolean) => void;
method updateValue
updateValue: (event: Event) => void;
method writeValue
writeValue: (val: any) => void;
class NbToggleModule
class NbToggleModule {}
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbToggleModule, never>;
property ɵinj
static ɵinj: i0.ɵɵInjectorDeclaration<NbToggleModule>;
property ɵmod
static ɵmod: i0.ɵɵNgModuleDeclaration< NbToggleModule, [typeof i1.NbToggleComponent], [any, typeof i3.NbIconModule], [typeof i1.NbToggleComponent]>;
class NbTooltipComponent
class NbTooltipComponent implements NbRenderableContainer {}
Tooltip container. Renders provided tooltip inside.
tooltip-background-color: tooltip-border-color: tooltip-border-style: tooltip-border-width: tooltip-border-radius: tooltip-padding: tooltip-text-color: tooltip-text-font-family: tooltip-text-font-size: tooltip-text-font-weight: tooltip-text-line-height: tooltip-icon-height: tooltip-icon-width: tooltip-max-width: tooltip-basic-background-color: tooltip-basic-border-color: tooltip-basic-text-color: tooltip-primary-background-color: tooltip-primary-border-color: tooltip-primary-text-color: tooltip-info-background-color: tooltip-info-border-color: tooltip-info-text-color: tooltip-success-background-color: tooltip-success-border-color: tooltip-success-text-color: tooltip-warning-background-color: tooltip-warning-border-color: tooltip-warning-text-color: tooltip-danger-background-color: tooltip-danger-border-color: tooltip-danger-text-color: tooltip-control-background-color: tooltip-control-border-color: tooltip-control-text-color: tooltip-shadow:
constructor(statusService: NbStatusService);
property binding
readonly binding: string;
property content
content: string;
property context
context: { icon?: string | NbIconConfig; status?: NbComponentOrCustomStatus };
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< NbTooltipComponent, 'nb-tooltip', never, { content: { alias: 'content'; required: false }; position: { alias: 'position'; required: false }; context: { alias: 'context'; required: false }; }, {}, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbTooltipComponent, never>;
property position
position: NbPosition;
Popover position relatively host element.
property show
readonly show: boolean;
property statusClass
readonly statusClass: string;
property statusService
protected statusService: NbStatusService;
method renderContent
renderContent: () => void;
The method is empty since we don't need to do anything additionally render is handled by change detection
class NbTooltipDirective
class NbTooltipDirective implements OnInit, OnChanges, AfterViewInit, OnDestroy {}
Tooltip directive for small text/icon hints.
### Installation
to your feature module.@NgModule({imports: [// ...NbTooltipModule,],})export class PageModule { }### Usage
@stacked-example(Showcase, tooltip/tooltip-showcase.component)
Tooltip can accept a hint text and/or an icon: @stacked-example(With Icon, tooltip/tooltip-with-icon.component)
Same way as Popover, tooltip can accept placement position with
property: @stacked-example(Placements, tooltip/tooltip-placements.component)It is also possible to specify tooltip color using
property: @stacked-example(Colored Tooltips, tooltip/tooltip-colors.component)Tooltip has a number of triggers which provides an ability to show and hide the component in different ways:
- Click mode shows the component when a user clicks on the host element and hides when the user clicks somewhere on the document outside the component. - Hint provides capability to show the component when the user hovers over the host element and hide when the user hovers out of the host. - Hover works like hint mode with one exception - when the user moves mouse from host element to the container element the component remains open, so that it is possible to interact with it content. - Focus mode is applied when user focuses the element. - Noop mode - the component won't react to the user interaction.
constructor(hostRef: ElementRef, dynamicOverlayHandler: NbDynamicOverlayHandler);
property adjustment
adjustment: NbAdjustment;
Container position will change automatically based on this strategy if container can't fit view port. Set this property to
value if you want to disable automatic adjustment. Available values:clockwise
property content
content: string;
Tooltip message
property context
context: Object;
property destroy$
protected destroy$: Subject<void>;
property disabled
disabled: boolean;
Disables the display of the tooltip.
property dynamicOverlay
protected dynamicOverlay: NbDynamicOverlay;
property dynamicOverlayHandler
protected dynamicOverlayHandler: NbDynamicOverlayHandler;
property hostRef
protected hostRef: ElementRef;
property isShown
readonly isShown: boolean;
property nbTooltipShowStateChange
nbTooltipShowStateChange: EventEmitter<{ isShown: boolean }>;
property ngAcceptInputType_adjustment
static ngAcceptInputType_adjustment: NbAdjustmentValues;
property ngAcceptInputType_position
static ngAcceptInputType_position: NbPositionValues;
property offset
offset: number;
Determines tooltip overlay offset (in pixels).
property overlayConfig
protected overlayConfig: OverlayConfig;
property ɵdir
static ɵdir: i0.ɵɵDirectiveDeclaration< NbTooltipDirective, '[nbTooltip]', ['nbTooltip'], { content: { alias: 'nbTooltip'; required: false }; position: { alias: 'nbTooltipPlacement'; required: false }; adjustment: { alias: 'nbTooltipAdjustment'; required: false }; tooltipClass: { alias: 'nbTooltipClass'; required: false }; icon: { alias: 'nbTooltipIcon'; required: false }; status: { alias: 'nbTooltipStatus'; required: false }; trigger: { alias: 'nbTooltipTrigger'; required: false }; offset: { alias: 'nbTooltipOffset'; required: false }; disabled: { alias: 'nbTooltipDisabled'; required: false }; }, { nbTooltipShowStateChange: 'nbTooltipShowStateChange' }, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbTooltipDirective, never>;
property position
position: NbPosition;
Position will be calculated relatively host element based on the position. Can be top, right, bottom, left, start or end.
property tooltipClass
tooltipClass: string;
property tooltipComponent
protected tooltipComponent: typeof NbTooltipComponent;
property trigger
trigger: NbTrigger;
Describes when the container will be shown. Available options:
method configureDynamicOverlay
protected configureDynamicOverlay: () => NbDynamicOverlayHandler;
method hide
hide: () => void;
method ngAfterViewInit
ngAfterViewInit: () => void;
method ngOnChanges
ngOnChanges: () => void;
method ngOnDestroy
ngOnDestroy: () => void;
method ngOnInit
ngOnInit: () => void;
method rebuild
rebuild: () => void;
method show
show: () => void;
method toggle
toggle: () => void;
class NbTooltipModule
class NbTooltipModule {}
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbTooltipModule, never>;
property ɵinj
static ɵinj: i0.ɵɵInjectorDeclaration<NbTooltipModule>;
property ɵmod
static ɵmod: i0.ɵɵNgModuleDeclaration< NbTooltipModule, [typeof i1.NbTooltipComponent, typeof i2.NbTooltipDirective], [ typeof i3.NbSharedModule, typeof i4.NbOverlayModule, typeof i5.NbIconModule ], [typeof i2.NbTooltipDirective]>;
class NbTreeGridCellDefDirective
class NbTreeGridCellDefDirective extends NbCellDefDirective {}
Cell definition for a nb-table. Captures the template of a column's data row cell as well as cell-specific properties.
class NbTreeGridCellDirective
class NbTreeGridCellDirective extends NbCellDirective implements OnInit, OnDestroy {}
constructor( columnDef: NbTreeGridColumnDefDirective, elementRef: ElementRef<HTMLElement>, tree: any, platformId: any, window: any, sanitizer: DomSanitizer, directionService: NbLayoutDirectionService, columnService: NbColumnsService, cd: ChangeDetectorRef);
property columnWidth
readonly columnWidth: string;
property elementRef
elementRef: ElementRef<HTMLElement>;
property leftPadding
readonly leftPadding: any;
property ɵdir
static ɵdir: i0.ɵɵDirectiveDeclaration< NbTreeGridCellDirective, 'td[nbTreeGridCell]', never, {}, {}, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbTreeGridCellDirective, never>;
property rightPadding
readonly rightPadding: any;
method ngOnDestroy
ngOnDestroy: () => void;
method ngOnInit
ngOnInit: () => void;
method toggleRow
toggleRow: () => void;
class NbTreeGridColumnDefDirective
class NbTreeGridColumnDefDirective extends NbColumnDefDirective implements OnChanges {}
Column definition for the tree-grid. Defines a set of cells available for a table column.
property hideOn
hideOn: number;
Amount of pixels of viewport at which column should be hidden. type number
property name
name: string;
Column name
property ɵdir
static ɵdir: i0.ɵɵDirectiveDeclaration< NbTreeGridColumnDefDirective, '[nbTreeGridColumnDef]', never, { name: { alias: 'nbTreeGridColumnDef'; required: false }; hideOn: { alias: 'hideOn'; required: false }; showOn: { alias: 'showOn'; required: false }; }, {}, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbTreeGridColumnDefDirective, never>;
property showOn
showOn: number;
Amount of pixels of viewport at which column should be shown. type number
method ngOnChanges
ngOnChanges: () => void;
method shouldHide
shouldHide: (width: number) => boolean;
method shouldShow
shouldShow: (width: number) => boolean;
class NbTreeGridComponent
class NbTreeGridComponent<T> extends NbTable<NbTreeGridPresentationNode<T>> implements AfterViewInit, OnDestroy {}
Tree grid component that can be used to display nested rows of data. Supports filtering and sorting. @stacked-example(Showcase, tree-grid/tree-grid-showcase.component)
### Installation
to your feature module.@NgModule({imports: [// ...NbTreeGridModule,],})export class PageModule { }### Usage
As the most basic usage you need to define [nbTreeGridRowDef](docs/components/treegrid/api#nbtreegridrowdefdirective) where you should pass columns to display in rows and [nbTreeGridColumnDef](docs/components/treegrid/api#nbtreegridcolumndefdirective) - component containing cell definitions for each column passed to row definition. @stacked-example(Basic, tree-grid/tree-grid-basic.component)
's source input andNbTreeGridDataSourceBuilder.create
expecting data to be an array of objects withdata
properties. If your data doesn't match this interface, you can pass getter functions for each property as arguments toNbTreeGridDataSourceBuilder.create
method. @stacked-example(Custom node structure, tree-grid/tree-grid-custom-node-structure.component)To use sorting you can add
directive to table and subscribe tosort
method. When user click on header, sort event will be emitted. Event object contain clicked column name and desired sort direction. @stacked-example(Sortable, tree-grid/tree-grid-sortable.component)You can use
Data Source Builder
to createNbTreeGridDataSource
which would have toggle, sort and filter methods. Then you can call this methods to change sort or toggle rows programmatically. AlsonbSort
directives both supportNbTreeGridDataSource
, so you can pass it directly as an input and directives will trigger sort, toggle themselves. @stacked-example(Data Source Builder, tree-grid/tree-grid-showcase.component)You can create responsive grid by setting
inputs of [nbTreeGridColumnDef](docs/components/tree-grid/api#nbtreegridcolumndefdirective) directive. When viewport reaches specified width grid hides or shows columns. @stacked-example(Responsive columns, tree-grid/tree-grid-responsive.component)To customize sort or row toggle icons you can use
directives respectively.nbSortHeaderIcon
is a structural directive and it's implicit context set to current direction. Also context has three properties:isAscending
. @stacked-example(Custom icons, tree-grid/tree-grid-custom-icons.component)By default, row to toggle happens when user clicks anywhere in the row. Also double click expands row deeply. To disable this you can set
input ofnbTreeGridRow
. @stacked-example(Disable click toggle, tree-grid/tree-grid-disable-click-toggle.component)tree-grid-cell-border-width: tree-grid-cell-border-style: tree-grid-cell-border-color: tree-grid-row-min-height: tree-grid-cell-padding: tree-grid-header-background-color: tree-grid-header-text-color: tree-grid-header-text-font-family: tree-grid-header-text-font-size: tree-grid-header-text-font-weight: tree-grid-header-text-line-height: tree-grid-footer-background-color: tree-grid-footer-text-color: tree-grid-footer-text-font-family: tree-grid-footer-text-font-size: tree-grid-footer-text-font-weight: tree-grid-footer-text-line-height: tree-grid-row-background-color: tree-grid-row-even-background-color: tree-grid-row-hover-background-color: tree-grid-row-text-color: tree-grid-row-text-font-family: tree-grid-row-text-font-size: tree-grid-row-text-font-weight: tree-grid-row-text-line-height: tree-grid-sort-header-button-background-color: tree-grid-sort-header-button-border: tree-grid-sort-header-button-padding:
constructor( dataSourceBuilder: NbTreeGridDataSourceBuilder<T>, differs: IterableDiffers, changeDetectorRef: ChangeDetectorRef, elementRef: ElementRef, role: string, dir: NbDirectionality, document: any, platform: NbPlatform, window: any, _viewRepeater: any, _coalescedStyleScheduler: any, _viewportRuler: NbViewportRulerAdapter, _stickyPositioningListener: any);
property equalColumnsWidth
equalColumnsWidth: boolean;
property levelPadding
levelPadding: string;
property ngAcceptInputType_equalColumnsWidth
static ngAcceptInputType_equalColumnsWidth: NbBooleanInput;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< NbTreeGridComponent<any>, 'table[nbTreeGrid]', never, { source: { alias: 'nbTreeGrid'; required: false }; levelPadding: { alias: 'levelPadding'; required: false }; equalColumnsWidth: { alias: 'equalColumnsWidth'; required: false }; }, {}, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration< NbTreeGridComponent<any>, [ null, null, null, null, { attribute: 'role' }, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, { optional: true; skipSelf: true } ]>;
property treeClass
readonly treeClass: boolean;
method getCellLevel
getCellLevel: (cell: NbTreeGridCellDirective, columnName: string) => number;
method getColumnWidth
getColumnWidth: () => string;
method ngAfterViewInit
ngAfterViewInit: () => void;
method ngOnDestroy
ngOnDestroy: () => void;
method toggleCellRow
toggleCellRow: (cell: NbTreeGridCellDirective) => void;
method toggleRow
toggleRow: (row: NbTreeGridRowComponent, options?: NbToggleOptions) => void;
class NbTreeGridDataService
class NbTreeGridDataService<T> {}
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbTreeGridDataService<any>, never>;
property ɵprov
static ɵprov: i0.ɵɵInjectableDeclaration<NbTreeGridDataService<any>>;
method copy
copy: ( nodes: NbTreeGridPresentationNode<T>[]) => NbTreeGridPresentationNode<T>[];
method flattenExpanded
flattenExpanded: ( nodes: NbTreeGridPresentationNode<T>[]) => NbTreeGridPresentationNode<T>[];
method toPresentationNodes
toPresentationNodes: <N>( nodes: N[], customGetters?: NbGetters<N, T>, level?: number) => NbTreeGridPresentationNode<T>[];
class NbTreeGridDataSource
class NbTreeGridDataSource<T> extends NbDataSource<NbTreeGridPresentationNode<T>> implements NbSortable, NbFilterable {}
constructor( sortService: NbTreeGridSortService<T>, filterService: NbTreeGridFilterService<T>, treeGridService: NbTreeGridService<T>, treeGridDataService: NbTreeGridDataService<T>);
method collapse
collapse: (row: T) => void;
method connect
connect: ( collectionViewer: NbCollectionViewer) => Observable< NbTreeGridPresentationNode<T>[] | readonly NbTreeGridPresentationNode<T>[]>;
method disconnect
disconnect: (collectionViewer: NbCollectionViewer) => void;
method expand
expand: (row: T) => void;
method filter
filter: (searchQuery: string) => void;
method getLevel
getLevel: (rowIndex: number) => number;
method setData
setData: <N>(data: N[], customGetters?: NbGetters<N, T>) => void;
method sort
sort: (sortRequest: NbSortRequest) => void;
method toggle
toggle: (row: T, options?: NbToggleOptions) => void;
method toggleByIndex
toggleByIndex: (dataIndex: number, options?: NbToggleOptions) => void;
method updateChangeSubscription
protected updateChangeSubscription: () => void;
class NbTreeGridDataSourceBuilder
class NbTreeGridDataSourceBuilder<T> {}
constructor( filterService: NbTreeGridFilterService<T>, sortService: NbTreeGridSortService<T>, treeGridService: NbTreeGridService<T>, treeGridDataService: NbTreeGridDataService<T>);
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbTreeGridDataSourceBuilder<any>, never>;
property ɵprov
static ɵprov: i0.ɵɵInjectableDeclaration<NbTreeGridDataSourceBuilder<any>>;
method create
create: <N>( data: N[], customGetters?: NbGetters<N, T>) => NbTreeGridDataSource<T>;
class NbTreeGridFilterService
class NbTreeGridFilterService<T> {}
Service used to filter tree grid data. Searched searchString in all object values. If you need custom filter, you can extend this service and override filterPredicate or whole filter method.
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbTreeGridFilterService<any>, never>;
property ɵprov
static ɵprov: i0.ɵɵInjectableDeclaration<NbTreeGridFilterService<any>>;
method filter
filter: ( query: string, data: NbTreeGridPresentationNode<T>[]) => NbTreeGridPresentationNode<T>[];
method filterPredicate
protected filterPredicate: (data: T, searchQuery: string) => boolean;
class NbTreeGridFooterCellDefDirective
class NbTreeGridFooterCellDefDirective extends NbFooterCellDefDirective {}
Footer cell definition for the nb-table. Captures the template of a column's footer cell and as well as cell-specific properties.
class NbTreeGridFooterCellDirective
class NbTreeGridFooterCellDirective extends NbFooterCellDirective implements OnInit, OnDestroy {}
constructor( columnDef: NbTreeGridColumnDefDirective, elementRef: ElementRef, tree: any, columnService: NbColumnsService, cd: ChangeDetectorRef);
property columnWidth
readonly columnWidth: string;
property ɵdir
static ɵdir: i0.ɵɵDirectiveDeclaration< NbTreeGridFooterCellDirective, 'td[nbTreeGridFooterCell]', never, {}, {}, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbTreeGridFooterCellDirective, never>;
method ngOnDestroy
ngOnDestroy: () => void;
method ngOnInit
ngOnInit: () => void;
class NbTreeGridFooterRowComponent
class NbTreeGridFooterRowComponent extends NbFooterRowComponent {}
class NbTreeGridFooterRowDefDirective
class NbTreeGridFooterRowDefDirective extends NbFooterRowDefDirective implements OnChanges, NbTreeGridResponsiveRowDef {}
constructor( template: TemplateRef<any>, differs: IterableDiffers, columnsService: NbColumnsService);
property columns
columns: Iterable<string>;
Columns to be displayed on this row
property ɵdir
static ɵdir: i0.ɵɵDirectiveDeclaration< NbTreeGridFooterRowDefDirective, '[nbTreeGridFooterRowDef]', never, { columns: { alias: 'nbTreeGridFooterRowDef'; required: false } }, {}, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbTreeGridFooterRowDefDirective, never>;
method getVisibleColumns
getVisibleColumns: () => Iterable<string>;
method hideColumn
hideColumn: (column: string) => void;
method ngOnChanges
ngOnChanges: (changes: SimpleChanges) => void;
method showColumn
showColumn: (column: string) => void;
method updateColumns
updateColumns: (columns: Iterable<string>) => void;
class NbTreeGridHeaderCellDefDirective
class NbTreeGridHeaderCellDefDirective extends NbHeaderCellDefDirective {}
Header cell definition for the nb-table. Captures the template of a column's header cell and as well as cell-specific properties.
class NbTreeGridHeaderCellDirective
class NbTreeGridHeaderCellDirective extends NbHeaderCellDirective implements OnInit, OnDestroy {}
constructor( columnDef: NbTreeGridColumnDefDirective, elementRef: ElementRef<HTMLElement>, tree: any, columnService: NbColumnsService, cd: ChangeDetectorRef);
property columnWidth
readonly columnWidth: string;
property ɵdir
static ɵdir: i0.ɵɵDirectiveDeclaration< NbTreeGridHeaderCellDirective, 'th[nbTreeGridHeaderCell]', never, {}, {}, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbTreeGridHeaderCellDirective, never>;
method ngOnDestroy
ngOnDestroy: () => void;
method ngOnInit
ngOnInit: () => void;
class NbTreeGridHeaderRowComponent
class NbTreeGridHeaderRowComponent extends NbHeaderRowComponent {}
class NbTreeGridHeaderRowDefDirective
class NbTreeGridHeaderRowDefDirective extends NbHeaderRowDefDirective implements OnChanges, NbTreeGridResponsiveRowDef {}
constructor( template: TemplateRef<any>, differs: IterableDiffers, columnsService: NbColumnsService);
property columns
columns: Iterable<string>;
Columns to be displayed on this row
property ɵdir
static ɵdir: i0.ɵɵDirectiveDeclaration< NbTreeGridHeaderRowDefDirective, '[nbTreeGridHeaderRowDef]', never, { columns: { alias: 'nbTreeGridHeaderRowDef'; required: false } }, {}, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbTreeGridHeaderRowDefDirective, never>;
method getVisibleColumns
getVisibleColumns: () => Iterable<string>;
method hideColumn
hideColumn: (column: string) => void;
method ngOnChanges
ngOnChanges: (changes: SimpleChanges) => void;
method showColumn
showColumn: (column: string) => void;
method updateColumns
updateColumns: (columns: Iterable<string>) => void;
class NbTreeGridModule
class NbTreeGridModule {}
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbTreeGridModule, never>;
property ɵinj
static ɵinj: i0.ɵɵInjectorDeclaration<NbTreeGridModule>;
property ɵmod
static ɵmod: i0.ɵɵNgModuleDeclaration< NbTreeGridModule, [ typeof i1.NbTreeGridComponent, typeof i2.NbTreeGridRowDefDirective, typeof i3.NbTreeGridRowComponent, typeof i2.NbTreeGridCellDefDirective, typeof i4.NbTreeGridCellDirective, typeof i2.NbTreeGridHeaderRowDefDirective, typeof i3.NbTreeGridHeaderRowComponent, typeof i2.NbTreeGridHeaderCellDefDirective, typeof i4.NbTreeGridHeaderCellDirective, typeof i2.NbTreeGridFooterRowDefDirective, typeof i3.NbTreeGridFooterRowComponent, typeof i2.NbTreeGridFooterCellDefDirective, typeof i4.NbTreeGridFooterCellDirective, typeof i5.NbTreeGridColumnDefDirective, typeof i6.NbSortDirective, typeof i6.NbSortHeaderComponent, typeof i6.NbSortIconComponent, typeof i7.NbFilterDirective, typeof i7.NbFilterInputDirective, typeof i8.NbTreeGridRowToggleDirective, typeof i9.NbTreeGridRowToggleComponent, typeof i6.NbSortHeaderIconDirective ], [any, typeof i11.NbTableModule, typeof i12.NbIconModule], [ typeof i11.NbTableModule, typeof i1.NbTreeGridComponent, typeof i2.NbTreeGridRowDefDirective, typeof i3.NbTreeGridRowComponent, typeof i2.NbTreeGridCellDefDirective, typeof i4.NbTreeGridCellDirective, typeof i2.NbTreeGridHeaderRowDefDirective, typeof i3.NbTreeGridHeaderRowComponent, typeof i2.NbTreeGridHeaderCellDefDirective, typeof i4.NbTreeGridHeaderCellDirective, typeof i2.NbTreeGridFooterRowDefDirective, typeof i3.NbTreeGridFooterRowComponent, typeof i2.NbTreeGridFooterCellDefDirective, typeof i4.NbTreeGridFooterCellDirective, typeof i5.NbTreeGridColumnDefDirective, typeof i6.NbSortDirective, typeof i6.NbSortHeaderComponent, typeof i6.NbSortIconComponent, typeof i7.NbFilterDirective, typeof i7.NbFilterInputDirective, typeof i8.NbTreeGridRowToggleDirective, typeof i9.NbTreeGridRowToggleComponent, typeof i6.NbSortHeaderIconDirective ]>;
class NbTreeGridPresentationNode
class NbTreeGridPresentationNode<T> {}
Implicit context of cells and rows
constructor( data: {}, children: NbTreeGridPresentationNode<T>[], expanded: boolean, level: number);
property children
children: NbTreeGridPresentationNode<T>[];
property data
readonly data: {};
Data object associated with row
property expanded
expanded: boolean;
Row expand state
property level
readonly level: number;
method hasChildren
hasChildren: () => boolean;
True if row has child rows
class NbTreeGridRowComponent
class NbTreeGridRowComponent extends NbRowComponent implements OnDestroy {}
Cells container. Adds the right class and role.
constructor(tree: any, elementRef: ElementRef<HTMLElement>);
property clickToToggle
clickToToggle: boolean;
Toggle row on click. Enabled by default.
property doubleClickDelay
doubleClickDelay: number;
Time to wait for second click to expand row deeply. 200ms by default.
property elementRef
elementRef: ElementRef<HTMLElement>;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< NbTreeGridRowComponent, 'tr[nbTreeGridRow]', never, { doubleClickDelay: { alias: 'doubleClickDelay'; required: false }; clickToToggle: { alias: 'clickToToggle'; required: false }; }, {}, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbTreeGridRowComponent, never>;
method ngOnDestroy
ngOnDestroy: () => void;
method toggleIfEnabledNode
toggleIfEnabledNode: () => void;
method toggleIfEnabledNodeDeep
toggleIfEnabledNodeDeep: () => void;
class NbTreeGridRowDefDirective
class NbTreeGridRowDefDirective<T> extends NbRowDefDirective<T> implements OnChanges, NbTreeGridResponsiveRowDef {}
Data row definition for the tree-grid. Captures the header row's template and columns to display.
constructor( template: TemplateRef<any>, differs: IterableDiffers, columnsService: NbColumnsService);
property columns
columns: Iterable<string>;
Columns to be displayed on this row
property ɵdir
static ɵdir: i0.ɵɵDirectiveDeclaration< NbTreeGridRowDefDirective<any>, '[nbTreeGridRowDef]', never, { columns: { alias: 'nbTreeGridRowDefColumns'; required: false } }, {}, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbTreeGridRowDefDirective<any>, never>;
method getVisibleColumns
getVisibleColumns: () => Iterable<string>;
method hideColumn
hideColumn: (column: string) => void;
method ngOnChanges
ngOnChanges: (changes: SimpleChanges) => void;
method showColumn
showColumn: (column: string) => void;
method updateColumns
updateColumns: (columns: Iterable<string>) => void;
class NbTreeGridRowToggleComponent
class NbTreeGridRowToggleComponent {}
constructor(cell: NbTreeGridCellDirective);
property expanded
expanded: boolean;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< NbTreeGridRowToggleComponent, 'nb-tree-grid-row-toggle', never, { expanded: { alias: 'expanded'; required: false } }, {}, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbTreeGridRowToggleComponent, never>;
method toggleRow
toggleRow: ($event: any) => void;
class NbTreeGridRowToggleDirective
class NbTreeGridRowToggleDirective {}
When using custom row toggle, apply this directive on your toggle to toggle row on element click.
constructor(cell: NbTreeGridCellDirective);
property ɵdir
static ɵdir: i0.ɵɵDirectiveDeclaration< NbTreeGridRowToggleDirective, '[nbTreeGridRowToggle]', never, {}, {}, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbTreeGridRowToggleDirective, never>;
method toggleRow
toggleRow: ($event: any) => void;
class NbTreeGridService
class NbTreeGridService<T> {}
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbTreeGridService<any>, never>;
property ɵprov
static ɵprov: i0.ɵɵInjectableDeclaration<NbTreeGridService<any>>;
method collapse
collapse: ( data: NbTreeGridPresentationNode<T>[], row: T, options?: NbToggleOptions) => void;
method expand
expand: ( data: NbTreeGridPresentationNode<T>[], row: T, options?: NbToggleOptions) => void;
method toggle
toggle: ( data: NbTreeGridPresentationNode<T>[], row: T, options?: NbToggleOptions) => void;
class NbTreeGridSortService
class NbTreeGridSortService<T> {}
Service used to sort tree grid data. Uses Array.prototype.sort method. If you need custom sorting, you can extend this service and override comparator or whole sort method.
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbTreeGridSortService<any>, never>;
property ɵprov
static ɵprov: i0.ɵɵInjectableDeclaration<NbTreeGridSortService<any>>;
method comparator
protected comparator: ( request: NbSortRequest, na: NbTreeGridPresentationNode<T>, nb: NbTreeGridPresentationNode<T>) => number;
method sort
sort: ( request: NbSortRequest, data: NbTreeGridPresentationNode<T>[]) => NbTreeGridPresentationNode<T>[];
class NbTriggerStrategyBase
abstract class NbTriggerStrategyBase implements NbTriggerStrategy {}
TODO maybe we have to use renderer.listen instead of observableFromEvent? Renderer provides capability use it in service worker, ssr and so on.
constructor( document: Document, host: HTMLElement, container: () => ComponentRef<any>);
property container
protected container: () => ComponentRef<any>;
property destroyed$
protected destroyed$: Subject<void>;
property document
protected document: Document;
property hide$
abstract hide$: Observable<Event>;
property host
protected host: HTMLElement;
property show$
abstract show$: Observable<Event>;
method destroy
destroy: () => void;
method isNotOnHostOrContainer
protected isNotOnHostOrContainer: (element: Element) => boolean;
method isOnContainer
protected isOnContainer: (element: Element) => boolean;
method isOnHost
protected isOnHost: (element: Element) => boolean;
method isOnHostOrContainer
protected isOnHostOrContainer: (element: Element) => boolean;
class NbTriggerStrategyBuilderService
class NbTriggerStrategyBuilderService {}
constructor(_document: any);
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbTriggerStrategyBuilderService, never>;
property ɵprov
static ɵprov: i0.ɵɵInjectableDeclaration<NbTriggerStrategyBuilderService>;
method build
build: () => NbTriggerStrategy;
method container
container: (container: () => ComponentRef<any>) => this;
method host
host: (host: HTMLElement) => this;
method trigger
trigger: (trigger: NbTrigger) => this;
class NbUserComponent
class NbUserComponent {}
Represents a component showing a user avatar (picture) with a user name on the right. @stacked-example(Showcase, user/user-showcase.component)
<nb-user name="John Doe" title="Engineer"></nb-user>### Installation
to your feature module.@NgModule({imports: [// ...NbUserModule,],})export class PageModule { }### Usage
Available in multiple sizes: @stacked-example(Multiple Sizes, user/user-sizes.component)
You can hide unnecessary captions (name, title or both): @stacked-example(Hide captions in user component, user/user-hide-captions.component)
You can set custom avatar background-color, user image (as link or BASE64 string) and disable user initials: @stacked-example(Avatar image settings, user/user-avatar-settings.component)
Component shape could be controlled with
input. @stacked-example(Shapes, user/user-shape.component)user-picture-box-background-color: user-picture-box-border-color: user-picture-box-border-width: user-initials-text-color: user-initials-text-font-family: user-initials-text-font-weight: user-name-text-color: user-name-text-font-family: user-name-text-font-weight: user-title-text-color: user-title-text-font-family: user-title-text-font-weight: user-rectangle-border-radius: user-semi-round-border-radius: user-round-border-radius: user-tiny-height: user-tiny-width: user-tiny-initials-text-font-size: user-tiny-initials-text-line-height: user-tiny-name-text-font-size: user-tiny-name-text-line-height: user-tiny-title-text-font-size: user-tiny-title-text-line-height: user-small-height: user-small-width: user-small-initials-text-font-size: user-small-initials-text-line-height: user-small-name-text-font-size: user-small-name-text-line-height: user-small-title-text-font-size: user-small-title-text-line-height: user-medium-height: user-medium-width: user-medium-initials-text-font-size: user-medium-initials-text-line-height: user-medium-name-text-font-size: user-medium-name-text-line-height: user-medium-title-text-font-size: user-medium-title-text-line-height: user-large-height: user-large-width: user-large-initials-text-font-size: user-large-initials-text-line-height: user-large-name-text-font-size: user-large-name-text-line-height: user-large-title-text-font-size: user-large-title-text-line-height: user-giant-height: user-giant-width: user-giant-initials-text-font-size: user-giant-initials-text-line-height: user-giant-name-text-font-size: user-giant-name-text-line-height: user-giant-title-text-font-size: user-giant-title-text-line-height:
constructor(domSanitizer: DomSanitizer);
property badgePosition
badgePosition: NbBadgePosition;
Badge position. Can be set to any class or to one of predefined positions: 'top left', 'top right', 'bottom left', 'bottom right', 'top start', 'top end', 'bottom start', 'bottom end' string
property badgeStatus
badgeStatus: string;
Badge status (adds specific styles):
Parameter val
property badgeText
badgeText: string;
Badge text to display string
property color
color: string;
Color of the area shown when no picture specified string
property giant
readonly giant: boolean;
property imageBackgroundStyle
imageBackgroundStyle: SafeStyle;
property large
readonly large: boolean;
property medium
readonly medium: boolean;
property name
name: string;
Specifies a name to be shown on the right of a user picture string
property ngAcceptInputType_onlyPicture
static ngAcceptInputType_onlyPicture: NbBooleanInput;
property ngAcceptInputType_showInitials
static ngAcceptInputType_showInitials: NbBooleanInput;
property ngAcceptInputType_showName
static ngAcceptInputType_showName: NbBooleanInput;
property ngAcceptInputType_showTitle
static ngAcceptInputType_showTitle: NbBooleanInput;
property onlyPicture
onlyPicture: boolean;
Whether to show only a picture or also show the name and title boolean
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< NbUserComponent, 'nb-user', never, { name: { alias: 'name'; required: false }; title: { alias: 'title'; required: false }; picture: { alias: 'picture'; required: false }; color: { alias: 'color'; required: false }; size: { alias: 'size'; required: false }; shape: { alias: 'shape'; required: false }; showName: { alias: 'showName'; required: false }; showTitle: { alias: 'showTitle'; required: false }; showInitials: { alias: 'showInitials'; required: false }; onlyPicture: { alias: 'onlyPicture'; required: false }; badgeText: { alias: 'badgeText'; required: false }; badgeStatus: { alias: 'badgeStatus'; required: false }; badgePosition: { alias: 'badgePosition'; required: false }; }, {}, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbUserComponent, never>;
property rectangle
readonly rectangle: boolean;
property round
readonly round: boolean;
property semiRound
readonly semiRound: boolean;
property shape
shape: NbComponentShape;
Shape of the picture box. Possible values:
property showInitials
showInitials: boolean;
Whether to show a user initials (if no picture specified) or not boolean
property showName
showName: boolean;
Whether to show a user name or not
property showTitle
showTitle: boolean;
Whether to show a user title or not boolean
property size
size: NbComponentSize;
Size of the component. Possible values:
, 'giant'.
property small
readonly small: boolean;
property tiny
readonly tiny: boolean;
property title
title: string;
Specifies a title to be shown under the **name** string
method getInitials
getInitials: () => string;
class NbUserModule
class NbUserModule {}
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbUserModule, never>;
property ɵinj
static ɵinj: i0.ɵɵInjectorDeclaration<NbUserModule>;
property ɵmod
static ɵmod: i0.ɵɵNgModuleDeclaration< NbUserModule, [typeof i1.NbUserComponent], [typeof i2.NbSharedModule, typeof i3.NbBadgeModule], [typeof i1.NbUserComponent]>;
class NbViewportRulerAdapter
class NbViewportRulerAdapter extends ViewportRuler {}
constructor( platform: NbPlatform, ngZone: NgZone, ruler: NbLayoutRulerService, scroll: NbLayoutScrollService, document: any);
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbViewportRulerAdapter, never>;
property ɵprov
static ɵprov: i0.ɵɵInjectableDeclaration<NbViewportRulerAdapter>;
property ruler
protected ruler: NbLayoutRulerService;
property scroll
protected scroll: NbLayoutScrollService;
method getViewportScrollPosition
getViewportScrollPosition: () => { left: number; top: number };
method getViewportSize
getViewportSize: () => Readonly<{ width: number; height: number }>;
class NbWindowComponent
class NbWindowComponent implements OnInit, AfterViewChecked, OnDestroy {}
constructor( content: any, context: Object, windowRef: NbWindowRef<any, any>, config: NbWindowConfig, focusTrapFactory: NbFocusTrapFactoryService, elementRef: ElementRef, renderer: Renderer2);
property cfr
cfr: ComponentFactoryResolver;
property config
config: NbWindowConfig;
property content
content: any;
property context
context: Object;
property elementRef
protected elementRef: ElementRef;
property focusTrap
protected focusTrap: NbFocusTrap;
property focusTrapFactory
protected focusTrapFactory: NbFocusTrapFactoryService;
property isFullScreen
readonly isFullScreen: boolean;
property maximized
readonly maximized: boolean;
property minimized
readonly minimized: boolean;
property overlayContainer
overlayContainer: NbOverlayContainerComponent;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< NbWindowComponent, 'nb-window', never, { cfr: { alias: 'cfr'; required: false } }, {}, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbWindowComponent, never>;
property renderer
protected renderer: Renderer2;
property showClose
readonly showClose: boolean;
property showFullScreen
readonly showFullScreen: boolean;
property showMaximize
readonly showMaximize: boolean;
property showMinimize
readonly showMinimize: boolean;
property windowRef
windowRef: NbWindowRef<any, any>;
method attachComponent
protected attachComponent: () => void;
method attachTemplate
protected attachTemplate: () => void;
method close
close: () => void;
method fullScreen
fullScreen: () => void;
method maximize
maximize: () => void;
method maximizeOrFullScreen
maximizeOrFullScreen: () => void;
method minimize
minimize: () => void;
method ngAfterViewChecked
ngAfterViewChecked: () => void;
method ngOnDestroy
ngOnDestroy: () => void;
method ngOnInit
ngOnInit: () => void;
class NbWindowConfig
class NbWindowConfig {}
Window configuration options.
constructor(...configs: Partial<NbWindowConfig>[]);
property buttons
buttons: Partial<NbWindowControlButtonsConfig>;
Windows control buttons can be hidden by setting according property to false.
property closeOnBackdropClick
closeOnBackdropClick: boolean;
If set to true mouse clicks on backdrop will close a window. Default is true.
property closeOnEsc
closeOnEsc: boolean;
If true then escape press will close a window. Default is true.
property context
context?: Object;
Both, template and component may receive data through
property. For components, this data will be set as component properties. For templates, you can access it inside template as $implicit.
property hasBackdrop
hasBackdrop: boolean;
If true than backdrop will be rendered behind window. By default set to true.
property initialState
initialState: NbWindowState;
Initial window state. Full screen by default.
property title
title: string;
Window title.
property titleTemplate
titleTemplate?: TemplateRef<any>;
Window title as template. Use it instead of
property titleTemplateContext
titleTemplateContext?: Object;
Title as template may receive data through
property. Window title as Template. You can access context inside template as $implicit.
property viewContainerRef
viewContainerRef: ViewContainerRef;
Where the attached component should live in Angular's *logical* component tree. This affects what is available for injection and the change detection order for the component instantiated inside of the window. This does not affect where the window content will be rendered.
property windowClass
windowClass: string;
Class to be applied to the window.
method applyDefaultButtonConfig
protected applyDefaultButtonConfig: () => void;
class NbWindowModule
class NbWindowModule {}
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbWindowModule, never>;
property ɵinj
static ɵinj: i0.ɵɵInjectorDeclaration<NbWindowModule>;
property ɵmod
static ɵmod: i0.ɵɵNgModuleDeclaration< NbWindowModule, [typeof i1.NbWindowsContainerComponent, typeof i2.NbWindowComponent], [ any, typeof i4.NbOverlayModule, typeof i5.NbCardModule, typeof i6.NbIconModule, typeof i7.NbButtonModule ], never>;
method forChild
static forChild: ( defaultConfig?: Partial<NbWindowConfig>) => ModuleWithProviders<NbWindowModule>;
method forRoot
static forRoot: ( defaultConfig?: Partial<NbWindowConfig>) => ModuleWithProviders<NbWindowModule>;
class NbWindowRef
class NbWindowRef<T = any, R = any> {}
helps to manipulate window after it was created. The window can be dismissed by usingclose
method of the windowRef. You can access rendered component ascomponentRef
property of the windowRef. PropertycontentInstance
contains the instance of the component opened in the window.
constructor(config: NbWindowConfig);
property closed$
protected closed$: Subject<R>;
property componentInstance
componentInstance: {};
property componentRef
componentRef: ComponentRef<NbWindowComponent>;
property config
config: NbWindowConfig;
property onClose
readonly onClose: Observable<R>;
Emits when window was closed.
property prevStateValue
protected prevStateValue: NbWindowState;
property state
state: NbWindowState;
Current window state.
property stateChange
readonly stateChange: Observable<NbWindowStateChange>;
Emits when window state change.
property stateChange$
protected stateChange$: ReplaySubject<NbWindowStateChange>;
property stateValue
protected stateValue: NbWindowState;
method close
close: (res?: R) => void;
Closes window.
method fullScreen
fullScreen: () => void;
Set window on top.
method maximize
maximize: () => void;
Maximize window.
method minimize
minimize: () => void;
Minimize window.
method toPreviousState
toPreviousState: () => void;
class NbWindowsContainerComponent
class NbWindowsContainerComponent {}
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< NbWindowsContainerComponent, 'nb-windows-container', never, {}, {}, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbWindowsContainerComponent, never>;
property viewContainerRef
viewContainerRef: ViewContainerRef;
class NbWindowService
class NbWindowService {}
can be used to open windows.@stacked-example(Showcase, window/window-showcase.component)
### Installation
to your app module.@NgModule({imports: [// ...NbWindowModule.forRoot(config),],})export class AppModule { }If you are using it in a lazy loaded module than you have to install
:@NgModule({imports: [// ...NbWindowModule.forChild(config),],})export class LazyLoadedModule { }### Usage
A new window can be opened by calling the
method with a component or template to be loaded and an optional configuration.open
method will returnNbWindowRef
that can be used for the further manipulations.const windowRef = this.windowService.open(MyComponent, { ... });NbWindowRef
gives you ability manipulate opened window. Also, you can injectNbWindowRef
inside provided component which rendered in window.this.windowService.open(MyWindowComponent, { ... });// my.component.tsconstructor(protected windowRef: NbWindowRef) {}minimize() {this.windowRef.minimize();}close() {this.windowRef.close();}Instead of component you can create window from TemplateRef. As usual you can access context provided via config via
variables. Also you can get reference to theNbWindowRef
in context'swindowRef
property.@stacked-example(Window content from TemplateRef, window/template-window.component)
You could pass the optional window return value to the
method. The passed value would be emitted to theNbWindowRef.onClose
listeners.@stacked-example(Result, window/window-result.component)
### Configuration
As mentioned above,
method of theNbWindowService
may receive optional configuration options. Also, you can modify default windows configuration throughNbWindowModule.forRoot({ ... })
. You can read about all available options on [API tab](docs/components/window/api#nbwindowconfig).@stacked-example(Configuration, window/windows-backdrop.component)
You can configure which buttons are available in a window via the
property of the window config. @stacked-example(Control buttons, window/window-controls.component)
constructor( componentFactoryResolver: ComponentFactoryResolver, overlayService: NbOverlayService, overlayPositionBuilder: NbOverlayPositionBuilder, blockScrollStrategy: NbBlockScrollStrategyAdapter, defaultWindowsConfig: NbWindowConfig, cfr: ComponentFactoryResolver, document: any);
property blockScrollStrategy
protected blockScrollStrategy: NbBlockScrollStrategyAdapter;
property cfr
protected cfr: ComponentFactoryResolver;
property componentFactoryResolver
protected componentFactoryResolver: ComponentFactoryResolver;
property defaultWindowsConfig
protected readonly defaultWindowsConfig: NbWindowConfig;
property document
protected document: Document;
property openWindows
protected openWindows: NbWindowRef<any, any>[];
property overlayPositionBuilder
protected overlayPositionBuilder: NbOverlayPositionBuilder;
property overlayRef
protected overlayRef: OverlayRef;
property overlayService
protected overlayService: NbOverlayService;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<NbWindowService, never>;
property ɵprov
static ɵprov: i0.ɵɵInjectableDeclaration<NbWindowService>;
property windowsContainerViewRef
protected windowsContainerViewRef: ViewContainerRef;
method appendWindow
protected appendWindow: ( content: TemplateRef<any> | NbComponentType, config: NbWindowConfig, windowRef: NbWindowRef) => ComponentRef<NbWindowComponent>;
method checkAndUpdateOverlay
protected checkAndUpdateOverlay: () => void;
method createWindowsContainer
protected createWindowsContainer: () => void;
method open
open: ( windowContent: TemplateRef<any> | NbComponentType, windowConfig?: Partial<NbWindowConfig>) => NbWindowRef;
Opens new window.
Parameter windowContent
Parameter windowConfig
method shouldCreateWindowsContainer
protected shouldCreateWindowsContainer: () => boolean;
method subscribeToEvents
protected subscribeToEvents: (windowRef: NbWindowRef) => void;
interface NbBadge
interface NbBadge {}
interface NbButtonToggleChange
interface NbButtonToggleChange {}
interface NbCalendarCell
interface NbCalendarCell<D, T> {}
property date
date: D;
property filter
filter?: (D: any) => boolean;
property max
max?: D;
property min
min?: D;
property select
select: EventEmitter<D>;
property selectedValue
selectedValue?: T;
property size
size?: NbCalendarSize;
property visibleDate
visibleDate?: D;
interface NbCalendarDay
interface NbCalendarDay {}
interface NbCalendarRange
interface NbCalendarRange<D> {}
interface NbChatMessageFileIconPreview
interface NbChatMessageFileIconPreview {}
interface NbChatMessageFileImagePreview
interface NbChatMessageFileImagePreview {}
interface NbContextMenuContext
interface NbContextMenuContext {}
interface NbDynamicOverlayController
interface NbDynamicOverlayController {}
interface NbFilterable
interface NbFilterable {}
method filter
filter: (filterRequest: string) => any;
interface NbFontIconPackParams
interface NbFontIconPackParams extends NbIconPackParams {}
property iconClassPrefix
iconClassPrefix?: string;
interface NbFormControlState
interface NbFormControlState {}
interface NbGetters
interface NbGetters<N, T> {}
property childrenGetter
childrenGetter?: NbChildrenGetter<N, T>;
property dataGetter
dataGetter?: NbDataGetter<N, T>;
property expandedGetter
expandedGetter?: NbExpandedGetter<N>;
interface NbIcon
interface NbIcon {}
method getClasses
getClasses: (options?: NbIconOptions) => string[];
method getContent
getContent: (options?: NbIconOptions) => string;
interface NbIconConfig
interface NbIconConfig {}
interface NbIconOptions
interface NbIconOptions {}
index signature
[name: string]: any;
interface NbIconPack
interface NbIconPack {}
interface NbIconPackParams
interface NbIconPackParams {}
property packClass
packClass?: string;
index signature
[name: string]: any;
interface NbIcons
interface NbIcons {}
index signature
[key: string]: NbIcon | string;
interface NbJSThemeOptions
interface NbJSThemeOptions {}
interface NbJSThemeVariable
interface NbJSThemeVariable {}
index signature
[key: string]: string | string[] | NbJSThemeVariable;
interface NbLayoutDimensions
interface NbLayoutDimensions {}
Layout dimensions type
property clientHeight
clientHeight: number;
clientHeight {number}
property clientWidth
clientWidth: number;
clientWidth {number}
property scrollHeight
scrollHeight: number;
scrollHeight {number}
property scrollWidth
scrollWidth: number;
scrollWidth {number}
interface NbMediaBreakpoint
interface NbMediaBreakpoint {}
Media breakpoint type
- breakpoint name alias (e.g. xs, sm, md, etc), and width - min breakpoint width
interface NbPickerValidatorConfig
interface NbPickerValidatorConfig<D> {}
Validators config that will be used by form control to perform proper validation.
interface NbRenderableContainer
interface NbRenderableContainer {}
method renderContent
renderContent: () => any;
A renderContent method renders content with provided context. Naturally, this job has to be done by ngOnChanges lifecycle hook, but ngOnChanges hook will be triggered only if we update content or context properties through template property binding syntax. But in our case we're updating these properties programmatically.
interface NbRouteTab
interface NbRouteTab {}
property activeLinkOptions
activeLinkOptions?: RouterLinkActive['routerLinkActiveOptions'] | undefined;
property disabled
disabled?: boolean | undefined;
property fragment
fragment?: RouterLink['fragment'] | undefined;
property icon
icon?: string | NbIconConfig | undefined;
property preserveFragment
preserveFragment?: RouterLink['preserveFragment'] | undefined;
property queryParams
queryParams?: RouterLink['queryParams'] | undefined;
property queryParamsHandling
queryParamsHandling?: RouterLink['queryParamsHandling'] | undefined;
property replaceUrl
replaceUrl?: RouterLink['replaceUrl'] | undefined;
property responsive
responsive?: boolean | undefined;
property route
route?: RouterLink['routerLink'] | undefined;
property skipLocationChange
skipLocationChange?: RouterLink['skipLocationChange'] | undefined;
property state
state?: RouterLink['state'] | undefined;
property title
title?: string | undefined;
interface NbScrollPosition
interface NbScrollPosition {}
Scroll position type
interface NbSelectedTimeModel
interface NbSelectedTimeModel {}
property value
value: string;
interface NbSelectedTimePayload
interface NbSelectedTimePayload<D> {}
interface NbSortable
interface NbSortable {}
method sort
sort: (sortRequest: NbSortRequest) => any;
interface NbSortHeaderIconDirectiveContext
interface NbSortHeaderIconDirectiveContext {}
property $implicit
$implicit: NbSortDirection;
property isAscending
isAscending: boolean;
property isDescending
isDescending: boolean;
property isNone
isNone: boolean;
interface NbSortRequest
interface NbSortRequest {}
interface NbStepChangeEvent
interface NbStepChangeEvent {}
property index
index: number;
property previouslySelectedIndex
previouslySelectedIndex: number;
property previouslySelectedStep
previouslySelectedStep: NbStepComponent;
property step
step: NbStepComponent;
interface NbTagInputAddEvent
interface NbTagInputAddEvent {}
interface NbTagSelectionChange
interface NbTagSelectionChange {}
interface NbThemeOptions
interface NbThemeOptions {}
property name
name: string;
interface NbTimePickerConfig
interface NbTimePickerConfig {}
property format
format?: string;
property localization
localization?: NbTimepickerLocalizationConfig;
property twelveHoursFormat
twelveHoursFormat?: boolean;
interface NbTimepickerLocalizationConfig
interface NbTimepickerLocalizationConfig {}
property ampmText
ampmText: string;
property hoursText
hoursText: string;
property minutesText
minutesText: string;
property secondsText
secondsText: string;
interface NbToggleOptions
interface NbToggleOptions {}
property deep
deep?: boolean;
interface NbTreeGridResponsiveRowDef
interface NbTreeGridResponsiveRowDef {}
method hideColumn
hideColumn: (column: string) => any;
method showColumn
showColumn: (column: string) => any;
interface NbTriggerStrategy
interface NbTriggerStrategy {}
Provides entity with two event stream: show and hide. Each stream provides different events depends on implementation. We have three main trigger strategies: click, hint and hover.
interface NbWindowControlButtonsConfig
interface NbWindowControlButtonsConfig {}
property close
close: boolean;
property fullScreen
fullScreen: boolean;
property maximize
maximize: boolean;
property minimize
minimize: boolean;
interface NbWindowStateChange
interface NbWindowStateChange {}
enum NbAdjustment
enum NbAdjustment { NOOP = 'noop', CLOCKWISE = 'clockwise', COUNTERCLOCKWISE = 'counterclockwise', VERTICAL = 'vertical', HORIZONTAL = 'horizontal',}
CLOCKWISE = 'clockwise'
COUNTERCLOCKWISE = 'counterclockwise'
HORIZONTAL = 'horizontal'
member NOOP
NOOP = 'noop'
VERTICAL = 'vertical'
enum NbCalendarSize
enum NbCalendarSize { MEDIUM = 'medium', LARGE = 'large',}
enum NbCalendarViewMode
enum NbCalendarViewMode { YEAR = 'year', MONTH = 'month', DATE = 'date',}
enum NbDayPeriod
const enum NbDayPeriod { AM = 'AM', PM = 'PM',}
enum NbGlobalLogicalPosition
enum NbGlobalLogicalPosition { TOP_START = 'top-start', TOP_END = 'top-end', BOTTOM_START = 'bottom-start', BOTTOM_END = 'bottom-end',}
BOTTOM_END = 'bottom-end'
BOTTOM_START = 'bottom-start'
member TOP_END
TOP_END = 'top-end'
member TOP_START
TOP_START = 'top-start'
enum NbGlobalPhysicalPosition
enum NbGlobalPhysicalPosition { TOP_RIGHT = 'top-right', TOP_LEFT = 'top-left', BOTTOM_RIGHT = 'bottom-right', BOTTOM_LEFT = 'bottom-left',}
BOTTOM_LEFT = 'bottom-left'
BOTTOM_RIGHT = 'bottom-right'
member TOP_LEFT
TOP_LEFT = 'top-left'
member TOP_RIGHT
TOP_RIGHT = 'top-right'
enum NbIconPackType
enum NbIconPackType { SVG = 'svg', FONT = 'font',}
enum NbLayoutDirection
enum NbLayoutDirection { LTR = 'ltr', RTL = 'rtl',}
Layout direction.
enum NbPosition
enum NbPosition { TOP = 'top', BOTTOM = 'bottom', LEFT = 'left', RIGHT = 'right', START = 'start', END = 'end', TOP_END = 'top-end', TOP_START = 'top-start', BOTTOM_END = 'bottom-end', BOTTOM_START = 'bottom-start', END_TOP = 'end-top', END_BOTTOM = 'end-bottom', START_TOP = 'start-top', START_BOTTOM = 'start-bottom',}
member BOTTOM
BOTTOM = 'bottom'
BOTTOM_END = 'bottom-end'
BOTTOM_START = 'bottom-start'
member END
END = 'end'
END_BOTTOM = 'end-bottom'
member END_TOP
END_TOP = 'end-top'
member LEFT
LEFT = 'left'
member RIGHT
RIGHT = 'right'
member START
START = 'start'
START_BOTTOM = 'start-bottom'
member START_TOP
START_TOP = 'start-top'
member TOP
TOP = 'top'
member TOP_END
TOP_END = 'top-end'
member TOP_START
TOP_START = 'top-start'
enum NbSortDirection
enum NbSortDirection { ASCENDING = 'asc', DESCENDING = 'desc', NONE = '',}
enum NbToggleStates
enum NbToggleStates { Expanded = 'expanded', Collapsed = 'collapsed',}
enum NbTrigger
enum NbTrigger { NOOP = 'noop', CLICK = 'click', HOVER = 'hover', HINT = 'hint', FOCUS = 'focus',}
enum NbWindowState
enum NbWindowState { MINIMIZED = 'minimized', MAXIMIZED = 'maximized', FULL_SCREEN = 'full-screen',}
FULL_SCREEN = 'full-screen'
MAXIMIZED = 'maximized'
MINIMIZED = 'minimized'
Type Aliases
type NbAdjustmentValues
type NbAdjustmentValues = | 'noop' | 'clockwise' | 'counterclockwise' | 'vertical' | 'horizontal';
type NbBadgeLogicalPosition
type NbBadgeLogicalPosition = | 'top start' | 'top end' | 'bottom start' | 'bottom end' | 'center start' | 'center end';
type NbBadgePhysicalPosition
type NbBadgePhysicalPosition = | 'top left' | 'top right' | 'bottom left' | 'bottom right' | 'center right' | 'center left';
type NbBadgePosition
type NbBadgePosition = NbBadgePhysicalPosition | NbBadgeLogicalPosition;
type NbButtonAppearance
type NbButtonAppearance = 'filled' | 'outline' | 'ghost' | 'hero';
type NbButtonProperties
type NbButtonProperties = Pick< NbButton, 'appearance' | 'size' | 'shape' | 'status' | 'disabled'> & Object;
type NbButtonToggleAppearance
type NbButtonToggleAppearance = Exclude<NbButtonAppearance, 'hero'>;
type NbCalendarSizeValues
type NbCalendarSizeValues = 'medium' | 'large';
type NbCalendarViewModeValues
type NbCalendarViewModeValues = 'year' | 'month' | 'date';
type NbChatMessageFile
type NbChatMessageFile = | NbChatMessageFileIconPreview | NbChatMessageFileImagePreview;
type NbChildrenGetter
type NbChildrenGetter<N, T> = (N: any) => T[] | undefined;
type NbComponentOrCustomStatus
type NbComponentOrCustomStatus = NbComponentStatus | string;
type NbComponentShape
type NbComponentShape = 'rectangle' | 'semi-round' | 'round';
type NbComponentSize
type NbComponentSize = 'tiny' | 'small' | 'medium' | 'large' | 'giant';
type NbComponentStatus
type NbComponentStatus = | 'basic' | 'primary' | 'success' | 'warning' | 'danger' | 'info' | 'control';
type NbComponentType
type NbComponentType<T = any> = ComponentType<T>;
type NbConnectedOverlayPositionChange
type NbConnectedOverlayPositionChange = ConnectedOverlayPositionChange;
type NbConnectedPosition
type NbConnectedPosition = ConnectedPosition;
type NbConnectionPositionPair
type NbConnectionPositionPair = ConnectionPositionPair;
type NbDataGetter
type NbDataGetter<N, T> = (N: any) => T;
type NbDuplicateToastBehaviour
type NbDuplicateToastBehaviour = 'previous' | 'all';
type NbExpandedGetter
type NbExpandedGetter<N> = (N: any) => boolean;
type NbFocusableOption
type NbFocusableOption = FocusableOption;
type NbFormControlAddon
type NbFormControlAddon = 'prefix' | 'suffix';
type NbGlobalPosition
type NbGlobalPosition = NbGlobalPhysicalPosition | NbGlobalLogicalPosition;
type NbOverlayConfig
type NbOverlayConfig = OverlayConfig;
type NbOverlayContent
type NbOverlayContent = Type<any> | TemplateRef<any> | string;
type NbOverlayRef
type NbOverlayRef = OverlayRef;
type NbPortal
type NbPortal<T = any> = Portal<T>;
type NbPositionStrategy
type NbPositionStrategy = PositionStrategy;
type NbPositionValues
type NbPositionValues = | 'top' | 'bottom' | 'left' | 'right' | 'start' | 'end' | 'top-end' | 'top-start' | 'bottom-end' | 'bottom-start' | 'end-top' | 'end-bottom' | 'start-top' | 'start-bottom';
type NbScrollStrategies
type NbScrollStrategies = keyof Pick< NbScrollStrategyOptions, 'noop' | 'close' | 'block' | 'reposition'>;
type NbScrollStrategy
type NbScrollStrategy = ScrollStrategy;
type NbSearchType
type NbSearchType = | 'modal-zoomin' | 'rotate-layout' | 'modal-move' | 'curtain' | 'column-curtain' | 'modal-drop' | 'modal-half';
type NbSelectAppearance
type NbSelectAppearance = 'outline' | 'filled' | 'hero';
type NbSelectCompareFunction
type NbSelectCompareFunction<T = any> = (v1: any, v2: any) => boolean;
type NbSidebarResponsiveState
type NbSidebarResponsiveState = 'mobile' | 'tablet' | 'pc';
type NbSidebarState
type NbSidebarState = 'expanded' | 'collapsed' | 'compacted';
type NbSortDirectionValues
type NbSortDirectionValues = 'asc' | 'desc' | '';
type NbStepperOrientation
type NbStepperOrientation = 'vertical' | 'horizontal';
type NbTagAppearance
type NbTagAppearance = 'filled' | 'outline';
type NbTriggerValues
type NbTriggerValues = 'noop' | 'click' | 'hover' | 'hint' | 'focus';
Package Files (236)
- components/accordion/accordion-item-body.component.d.ts
- components/accordion/accordion-item-header.component.d.ts
- components/accordion/accordion-item.component.d.ts
- components/accordion/accordion.component.d.ts
- components/accordion/accordion.module.d.ts
- components/actions/actions.component.d.ts
- components/actions/actions.module.d.ts
- components/alert/alert.component.d.ts
- components/alert/alert.module.d.ts
- components/autocomplete/autocomplete.component.d.ts
- components/autocomplete/autocomplete.directive.d.ts
- components/autocomplete/autocomplete.module.d.ts
- components/badge/badge.component.d.ts
- components/badge/badge.module.d.ts
- components/button-group/button-group-injection-tokens.d.ts
- components/button-group/button-group.component.d.ts
- components/button-group/button-group.module.d.ts
- components/button-group/button-toggle.directive.d.ts
- components/button/base-button.d.ts
- components/button/button.component.d.ts
- components/button/button.module.d.ts
- components/calendar-kit/calendar-kit.module.d.ts
- components/calendar-kit/components/calendar-actions/calendar-actions.component.d.ts
- components/calendar-kit/components/calendar-day-picker/calendar-day-cell.component.d.ts
- components/calendar-kit/components/calendar-day-picker/calendar-day-picker.component.d.ts
- components/calendar-kit/components/calendar-days-names/calendar-days-names.component.d.ts
- components/calendar-kit/components/calendar-month-picker/calendar-month-cell.component.d.ts
- components/calendar-kit/components/calendar-month-picker/calendar-month-picker.component.d.ts
- components/calendar-kit/components/calendar-navigation/calendar-pageable-navigation.component.d.ts
- components/calendar-kit/components/calendar-navigation/calendar-view-mode.component.d.ts
- components/calendar-kit/components/calendar-picker/calendar-picker-row.component.d.ts
- components/calendar-kit/components/calendar-picker/calendar-picker.component.d.ts
- components/calendar-kit/components/calendar-week-number/calendar-week-number.component.d.ts
- components/calendar-kit/components/calendar-year-picker/calendar-year-cell.component.d.ts
- components/calendar-kit/components/calendar-year-picker/calendar-year-picker.component.d.ts
- components/calendar-kit/model.d.ts
- components/calendar-kit/services/calendar-month-model.service.d.ts
- components/calendar-kit/services/calendar-time-model.service.d.ts
- components/calendar-kit/services/calendar-year-model.service.d.ts
- components/calendar-kit/services/date.service.d.ts
- components/calendar-kit/services/native-date.service.d.ts
- components/calendar/base-calendar-range-cell.d.ts
- components/calendar/base-calendar.component.d.ts
- components/calendar/base-calendar.module.d.ts
- components/calendar/calendar-range-day-cell.component.d.ts
- components/calendar/calendar-range-month-cell.component.d.ts
- components/calendar/calendar-range-year-cell.component.d.ts
- components/calendar/calendar-range.component.d.ts
- components/calendar/calendar-range.module.d.ts
- components/calendar/calendar.component.d.ts
- components/calendar/calendar.module.d.ts
- components/card/card.component.d.ts
- components/card/card.module.d.ts
- components/card/flip-card/flip-card.component.d.ts
- components/card/reveal-card/reveal-card.component.d.ts
- components/card/shared/shared.component.d.ts
- components/cdk/a11y/a11y.module.d.ts
- components/cdk/a11y/focus-key-manager.d.ts
- components/cdk/a11y/focus-trap.d.ts
- components/cdk/adapter/adapter.module.d.ts
- components/cdk/adapter/block-scroll-strategy-adapter.d.ts
- components/cdk/adapter/overlay-container-adapter.d.ts
- components/cdk/adapter/scroll-dispatcher-adapter.d.ts
- components/cdk/adapter/viewport-ruler-adapter.d.ts
- components/cdk/bidi/bidi-service.d.ts
- components/cdk/bidi/bidi.module.d.ts
- components/cdk/overlay/dynamic/dynamic-overlay-handler.d.ts
- components/cdk/overlay/dynamic/dynamic-overlay.d.ts
- components/cdk/overlay/mapping.d.ts
- components/cdk/overlay/overlay-container.d.ts
- components/cdk/overlay/overlay-position.d.ts
- components/cdk/overlay/overlay-service.d.ts
- components/cdk/overlay/overlay-trigger.d.ts
- components/cdk/overlay/overlay.module.d.ts
- components/cdk/overlay/position-helper.d.ts
- components/cdk/platform/platform-service.d.ts
- components/cdk/table/cell.d.ts
- components/cdk/table/data-source.d.ts
- components/cdk/table/row.d.ts
- components/cdk/table/table.module.d.ts
- components/chat/chat-avatar.component.d.ts
- components/chat/chat-custom-message.directive.d.ts
- components/chat/chat-custom-message.service.d.ts
- components/chat/chat-form.component.d.ts
- components/chat/chat-message-file.component.d.ts
- components/chat/chat-message-map.component.d.ts
- components/chat/chat-message-quote.component.d.ts
- components/chat/chat-message-text.component.d.ts
- components/chat/chat-message.component.d.ts
- components/chat/chat-title.directive.d.ts
- components/chat/chat.component.d.ts
- components/chat/chat.module.d.ts
- components/chat/chat.options.d.ts
- components/checkbox/checkbox.component.d.ts
- components/checkbox/checkbox.module.d.ts
- components/component-shape.d.ts
- components/component-size.d.ts
- components/component-status.d.ts
- components/context-menu/context-menu.component.d.ts
- components/context-menu/context-menu.directive.d.ts
- components/context-menu/context-menu.module.d.ts
- components/datepicker/calendar-with-time.component.d.ts
- components/datepicker/date-timepicker.component.d.ts
- components/datepicker/datepicker-adapter.d.ts
- components/datepicker/datepicker-container.component.d.ts
- components/datepicker/datepicker.component.d.ts
- components/datepicker/datepicker.directive.d.ts
- components/datepicker/datepicker.module.d.ts
- components/dialog/dialog-config.d.ts
- components/dialog/dialog-container.d.ts
- components/dialog/dialog-ref.d.ts
- components/dialog/dialog.module.d.ts
- components/dialog/dialog.service.d.ts
- components/form-field/form-field-control.d.ts
- components/form-field/form-field.component.d.ts
- components/form-field/form-field.module.d.ts
- components/form-field/prefix.directive.d.ts
- components/form-field/suffix.directive.d.ts
- components/icon/icon-libraries.d.ts
- components/icon/icon-pack.d.ts
- components/icon/icon.component.d.ts
- components/icon/icon.d.ts
- components/icon/icon.module.d.ts
- components/input/input.directive.d.ts
- components/input/input.module.d.ts
- components/layout/layout-direction.directive.d.ts
- components/layout/layout.component.d.ts
- components/layout/layout.module.d.ts
- components/layout/restore-scroll-top.service.d.ts
- components/list/infinite-list.directive.d.ts
- components/list/list-page-tracker.directive.d.ts
- components/list/list.component.d.ts
- components/list/list.module.d.ts
- components/menu/menu.component.d.ts
- components/menu/menu.module.d.ts
- components/menu/menu.service.d.ts
- components/option/option-group.component.d.ts
- components/option/option-list.component.d.ts
- components/option/option-list.module.d.ts
- components/option/option.component.d.ts
- components/popover/popover.component.d.ts
- components/popover/popover.directive.d.ts
- components/popover/popover.module.d.ts
- components/progress-bar/progress-bar.component.d.ts
- components/progress-bar/progress-bar.module.d.ts
- components/radio/radio-group.component.d.ts
- components/radio/radio.component.d.ts
- components/radio/radio.module.d.ts
- components/route-tabset/route-tabset.component.d.ts
- components/route-tabset/route-tabset.module.d.ts
- components/search/search.component.d.ts
- components/search/search.module.d.ts
- components/search/search.service.d.ts
- components/select-with-autocomplete/select-with-autocomplete.component.d.ts
- components/select-with-autocomplete/select-with-autocomplete.module.d.ts
- components/select/select-injection-tokens.d.ts
- components/select/select.component.d.ts
- components/select/select.module.d.ts
- components/sidebar/sidebar.component.d.ts
- components/sidebar/sidebar.module.d.ts
- components/sidebar/sidebar.service.d.ts
- components/spinner/spinner.component.d.ts
- components/spinner/spinner.directive.d.ts
- components/spinner/spinner.module.d.ts
- components/stepper/step.component.d.ts
- components/stepper/stepper-button.directive.d.ts
- components/stepper/stepper-tokens.d.ts
- components/stepper/stepper.component.d.ts
- components/stepper/stepper.module.d.ts
- components/tabset/tab-content.directive.d.ts
- components/tabset/tab-title.directive.d.ts
- components/tabset/tabset.component.d.ts
- components/tabset/tabset.module.d.ts
- components/tag/tag-input.directive.d.ts
- components/tag/tag-list.component.d.ts
- components/tag/tag.component.d.ts
- components/tag/tag.module.d.ts
- components/timepicker/model.d.ts
- components/timepicker/timepicker-cell.component.d.ts
- components/timepicker/timepicker.component.d.ts
- components/timepicker/timepicker.directive.d.ts
- components/timepicker/timepicker.module.d.ts
- components/toastr/model.d.ts
- components/toastr/toast.component.d.ts
- components/toastr/toastr-config.d.ts
- components/toastr/toastr-container.component.d.ts
- components/toastr/toastr.module.d.ts
- components/toastr/toastr.service.d.ts
- components/toggle/toggle.component.d.ts
- components/toggle/toggle.module.d.ts
- components/tooltip/tooltip.component.d.ts
- components/tooltip/tooltip.directive.d.ts
- components/tooltip/tooltip.module.d.ts
- components/tree-grid/data-source/tree-grid-data-source.d.ts
- components/tree-grid/data-source/tree-grid-data.service.d.ts
- components/tree-grid/data-source/tree-grid-filter.service.d.ts
- components/tree-grid/data-source/tree-grid-sort.service.d.ts
- components/tree-grid/data-source/tree-grid.model.d.ts
- components/tree-grid/data-source/tree-grid.service.d.ts
- components/tree-grid/tree-grid-cell.component.d.ts
- components/tree-grid/tree-grid-column-def.directive.d.ts
- components/tree-grid/tree-grid-columns.service.d.ts
- components/tree-grid/tree-grid-def.component.d.ts
- components/tree-grid/tree-grid-filter.d.ts
- components/tree-grid/tree-grid-injection-tokens.d.ts
- components/tree-grid/tree-grid-row-toggle.component.d.ts
- components/tree-grid/tree-grid-row-toggle.directive.d.ts
- components/tree-grid/tree-grid-row.component.d.ts
- components/tree-grid/tree-grid-sort.component.d.ts
- components/tree-grid/tree-grid.component.d.ts
- components/tree-grid/tree-grid.module.d.ts
- components/user/user.component.d.ts
- components/user/user.module.d.ts
- components/window/window-ref.d.ts
- components/window/window.component.d.ts
- components/window/window.module.d.ts
- components/window/window.options.d.ts
- components/window/window.service.d.ts
- components/window/windows-container.component.d.ts
- index.d.ts
- services/breakpoints.service.d.ts
- services/color.helper.d.ts
- services/direction.service.d.ts
- services/js-themes-registry.service.d.ts
- services/js-themes/corporate.theme.d.ts
- services/js-themes/cosmic.theme.d.ts
- services/js-themes/dark.theme.d.ts
- services/js-themes/default.theme.d.ts
- services/js-themes/theme.options.d.ts
- services/ruler.service.d.ts
- services/scroll.service.d.ts
- services/spinner.service.d.ts
- services/status.service.d.ts
- services/theme.service.d.ts
- theme.module.d.ts
- theme.options.d.ts
Dependencies (1)
Dev Dependencies (0)
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Peer Dependencies (6)
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