- Version 9.5.3
- Published
- 2.99 MB
- 1 dependency
- Apache-2.0 license
npm i @line/bot-sdk
yarn add @line/bot-sdk
pnpm add @line/bot-sdk
Node.js SDK for LINE Messaging API
- broadcast()
- changeAudienceGroupAuthorityLevel()
- config
- createClickAudienceGroup()
- createImpAudienceGroup()
- createRichMenu()
- createRichMenuAlias()
- createUploadAudienceGroup()
- createUploadAudienceGroupByFile()
- deleteAudienceGroup()
- deleteDefaultRichMenu()
- deleteRichMenu()
- deleteRichMenuAlias()
- getAudienceGroup()
- getAudienceGroupAuthorityLevel()
- getAudienceGroups()
- getBotFollowersIds()
- getBotInfo()
- getDefaultRichMenuId()
- getFriendDemographics()
- getGroupMemberIds()
- getGroupMemberProfile()
- getGroupMembersCount()
- getGroupSummary()
- getLinkToken()
- getMessageContent()
- getNarrowcastProgress()
- getNumberOfFollowers()
- getNumberOfMessageDeliveries()
- getNumberOfMessagesSentThisMonth()
- getNumberOfSentBroadcastMessages()
- getNumberOfSentMulticastMessages()
- getNumberOfSentPushMessages()
- getNumberOfSentReplyMessages()
- getProfile()
- getRichMenu()
- getRichMenuAlias()
- getRichMenuAliasList()
- getRichMenuIdOfUser()
- getRichMenuImage()
- getRichMenuList()
- getRoomMemberIds()
- getRoomMemberProfile()
- getRoomMembersCount()
- getStatisticsPerUnit()
- getTargetLimitForAdditionalMessages()
- getUserInteractionStatistics()
- getWebhookEndpointInfo()
- leaveGroup()
- leaveRoom()
- linkRichMenuToMultipleUsers()
- linkRichMenuToUser()
- multicast()
- narrowcast()
- pushMessage()
- replyMessage()
- setDefaultRichMenu()
- setDescriptionAudienceGroup()
- setRequestOptionOnce()
- setRichMenuImage()
- setWebhookEndpointUrl()
- testWebhookEndpoint()
- unlinkRichMenuFromUser()
- unlinkRichMenusFromMultipleUsers()
- updateRichMenuAlias()
- updateUploadAudienceGroup()
- updateUploadAudienceGroupByFile()
- validateBroadcastMessageObjects()
- validateCustomAggregationUnits()
- validateMulticastMessageObjects()
- validateNarrowcastMessageObjects()
- validatePushMessageObjects()
- validateReplyMessageObjects()
- validateRichMenu()
Type Aliases
- AccountLinkEvent
- Action
- AltURI
- Area
- AudienceGroup
- AudienceGroupAuthorityLevel
- AudienceGroupCreateRoute
- AudienceGroups
- AudienceGroupStatus
- AudioEventMessage
- AudioMessage
- Background
- BeaconEvent
- BotInfoResponse
- ChannelAccessToken
- ContentProvider
- DatetimePickerAction
- DeliveryContext
- DeliveryEvent
- DemographicFilterObject
- DeviceLinkEvent
- DeviceUnlinkEvent
- EventBase
- EventMessage
- EventMessageBase
- EventSource
- FileEventMessage
- FlexBlockStyle
- FlexBox
- FlexBubble
- FlexBubbleStyle
- FlexButton
- FlexCarousel
- FlexComponent
- FlexContainer
- FlexFiller
- FlexIcon
- FlexImage
- FlexMessage
- FlexSeparator
- FlexSpacer
- FlexSpan
- FlexText
- FlexVideo
- FollowEvent
- FriendDemographics
- GetRichMenuAliasListResponse
- GetRichMenuAliasResponse
- Group
- GroupSummaryResponse
- ImageEventMessage
- ImageMapAction
- ImageMapActionBase
- ImageMapMessage
- ImageMapMessageAction
- ImageMapURIAction
- ImageMessage
- InsightStatisticsResponse
- JoinEvent
- LeaveEvent
- LINEThingsActionResult
- LINEThingsScenarioExecutionEvent
- LocationEventMessage
- LocationMessage
- MemberJoinEvent
- MemberLeaveEvent
- MembersCountResponse
- Message
- MessageAction
- MessageAPIResponseBase
- MessageCommon
- MessageEvent
- NarrowcastProgressResponse
- NumberOfFollowers
- NumberOfFollowersResponse
- NumberOfMessageDeliveries
- NumberOfMessageDeliveriesResponse
- NumberOfMessagesSentResponse
- NumberOfMessagesSentThisMonth
- Offset
- Postback
- PostbackAction
- PostbackEvent
- Profile
- QuickReply
- QuickReplyItem
- ReceieptObject
- ReplyableEvent
- RichMenu
- RichMenuResponse
- RichMenuSwitchAction
- Room
- Sender
- Size
- StatisticsPerUnit
- StickerEventMessage
- StickerMessage
- TargetLimitForAdditionalMessages
- TemplateButtons
- TemplateCarousel
- TemplateColumn
- TemplateConfirm
- TemplateContent
- TemplateImageCarousel
- TemplateImageColumn
- TemplateMessage
- TestWebhookEndpointResponse
- TextEventMessage
- TextMessage
- UnfollowEvent
- UnsendEvent
- URIAction
- User
- UserInteractionStatistics
- VerifyAccessToken
- VerifyIDToken
- VideoEventMessage
- VideoMessage
- VideoPlayCompleteEvent
- WebhookEndpointInfoResponse
- WebhookEvent
- WebhookRequestBody
- AgeTile
- AppTypeTile
- AreaTile
- ErrorDetail
- ErrorResponse
- GenderTile
- GetFriendsDemographicsResponse
- GetMessageEventResponse
- GetMessageEventResponseClick
- GetMessageEventResponseMessage
- GetMessageEventResponseOverview
- GetNumberOfFollowersResponse
- GetNumberOfMessageDeliveriesResponse
- GetStatisticsPerUnitResponse
- GetStatisticsPerUnitResponseClick
- GetStatisticsPerUnitResponseMessage
- GetStatisticsPerUnitResponseOverview
- InsightClient
- SubscriptionPeriodTile
- AddAudienceToAudienceGroupRequest
- Audience
- AudienceGroup
- AudienceGroupAuthorityLevel
- AudienceGroupCreateRoute
- AudienceGroupFailedType
- AudienceGroupJob
- AudienceGroupJobFailedType
- AudienceGroupJobStatus
- AudienceGroupJobType
- AudienceGroupPermission
- AudienceGroupStatus
- AudienceGroupType
- CreateAudienceGroupRequest
- CreateAudienceGroupResponse
- CreateClickBasedAudienceGroupRequest
- CreateClickBasedAudienceGroupResponse
- CreateImpBasedAudienceGroupRequest
- CreateImpBasedAudienceGroupResponse
- ErrorDetail
- ErrorResponse
- GetAudienceDataResponse
- GetAudienceGroupAuthorityLevelResponse
- GetAudienceGroupsResponse
- ManageAudienceBlobClient
- ManageAudienceClient
- UpdateAudienceGroupAuthorityLevelRequest
- UpdateAudienceGroupDescriptionRequest
- Action
- ActionBase
- AgeDemographic
- AgeDemographicFilter
- AllMentionTarget
- AltUri
- AppTypeDemographic
- AppTypeDemographicFilter
- AreaDemographic
- AreaDemographicFilter
- AudienceRecipient
- AudioMessage
- BotInfoResponse
- BroadcastRequest
- ButtonsTemplate
- CameraAction
- CameraRollAction
- CarouselColumn
- CarouselTemplate
- ChatReference
- ClipboardAction
- ClipboardImagemapAction
- ConfirmTemplate
- CreateRichMenuAliasRequest
- DatetimePickerAction
- DemographicFilter
- DemographicFilterBase
- Emoji
- EmojiSubstitutionObject
- ErrorDetail
- ErrorResponse
- Filter
- FlexBlockStyle
- FlexBox
- FlexBoxBackground
- FlexBoxBackgroundBase
- FlexBoxBorderWidth
- FlexBoxCornerRadius
- FlexBoxLinearGradient
- FlexBoxPadding
- FlexBoxSpacing
- FlexBubble
- FlexBubbleStyles
- FlexButton
- FlexCarousel
- FlexComponent
- FlexComponentBase
- FlexContainer
- FlexContainerBase
- FlexFiller
- FlexIcon
- FlexIconSize
- FlexImage
- FlexImageSize
- FlexMargin
- FlexMessage
- FlexOffset
- FlexSeparator
- FlexSpan
- FlexSpanSize
- FlexText
- FlexTextFontSize
- FlexVideo
- GenderDemographic
- GenderDemographicFilter
- GetAggregationUnitNameListResponse
- GetAggregationUnitUsageResponse
- GetFollowersResponse
- GetMembershipSubscriptionResponse
- GetMessageContentTranscodingResponse
- GetWebhookEndpointResponse
- GroupMemberCountResponse
- GroupSummaryResponse
- GroupUserProfileResponse
- ImageCarouselColumn
- ImageCarouselTemplate
- ImagemapAction
- ImagemapActionBase
- ImagemapArea
- ImagemapBaseSize
- ImagemapExternalLink
- ImagemapMessage
- ImagemapVideo
- ImageMessage
- IssueLinkTokenResponse
- Limit
- LocationAction
- LocationMessage
- MarkMessagesAsReadRequest
- Membership
- MembershipListResponse
- MembersIdsResponse
- MentionSubstitutionObject
- MentionTarget
- MentionTargetBase
- Message
- MessageAction
- MessageBase
- MessageImagemapAction
- MessageQuotaResponse
- MessagingApiBlobClient
- MessagingApiClient
- MulticastRequest
- NarrowcastProgressResponse
- NarrowcastRequest
- NumberOfMessagesResponse
- OperatorDemographicFilter
- OperatorRecipient
- PnpMessagesRequest
- PostbackAction
- PushMessageRequest
- PushMessageResponse
- QuickReply
- QuickReplyItem
- QuotaConsumptionResponse
- QuotaType
- Recipient
- RecipientBase
- RedeliveryRecipient
- ReplyMessageRequest
- ReplyMessageResponse
- RichMenuAliasListResponse
- RichMenuAliasResponse
- RichMenuArea
- RichMenuBatchLinkOperation
- RichMenuBatchOperation
- RichMenuBatchOperationBase
- RichMenuBatchProgressPhase
- RichMenuBatchProgressResponse
- RichMenuBatchRequest
- RichMenuBatchUnlinkAllOperation
- RichMenuBatchUnlinkOperation
- RichMenuBounds
- RichMenuBulkLinkRequest
- RichMenuBulkUnlinkRequest
- RichMenuIdResponse
- RichMenuListResponse
- RichMenuRequest
- RichMenuResponse
- RichMenuSize
- RichMenuSwitchAction
- RoomMemberCountResponse
- RoomUserProfileResponse
- Sender
- SentMessage
- SetWebhookEndpointRequest
- ShowLoadingAnimationRequest
- StickerMessage
- SubscribedMembershipPlan
- SubscribedMembershipUser
- Subscription
- SubscriptionPeriodDemographic
- SubscriptionPeriodDemographicFilter
- SubstitutionObject
- SubstitutionObjectBase
- Template
- TemplateBase
- TemplateImageAspectRatio
- TemplateImageSize
- TemplateMessage
- TestWebhookEndpointRequest
- TestWebhookEndpointResponse
- TextMessage
- TextMessageV2
- UpdateRichMenuAliasRequest
- URIAction
- URIImagemapAction
- UserMentionTarget
- UserProfileResponse
- ValidateMessageRequest
- VideoMessage
- AccountLinkEvent
- ActionResult
- ActivatedEvent
- AllMentionee
- AttachedModuleContent
- AudioMessageContent
- BeaconContent
- BeaconEvent
- BotResumedEvent
- BotSuspendedEvent
- CallbackRequest
- ChatControl
- ContentProvider
- DeactivatedEvent
- DeliveryContext
- DetachedModuleContent
- Emoji
- Event
- EventBase
- EventMode
- FileMessageContent
- FollowDetail
- FollowEvent
- GroupSource
- ImageMessageContent
- ImageSet
- JoinedMembers
- JoinEvent
- LeaveEvent
- LeftMembers
- LinkContent
- LinkThingsContent
- LocationMessageContent
- MemberJoinedEvent
- MemberLeftEvent
- Mention
- Mentionee
- MentioneeBase
- MessageContent
- MessageContentBase
- MessageEvent
- ModuleContent
- ModuleContentBase
- ModuleEvent
- PnpDelivery
- PnpDeliveryCompletionEvent
- PostbackContent
- PostbackEvent
- RoomSource
- ScenarioResult
- ScenarioResultThingsContent
- Source
- SourceBase
- StickerMessageContent
- TextMessageContent
- ThingsContent
- ThingsContentBase
- ThingsEvent
- UnfollowEvent
- UnlinkThingsContent
- UnsendDetail
- UnsendEvent
- UserMentionee
- UserSource
- VideoMessageContent
- VideoPlayComplete
- VideoPlayCompleteEvent
function middleware
middleware: (config: Types.MiddlewareConfig) => Middleware;
function validateSignature
validateSignature: ( body: string | Buffer, channelSecret: string, signature: string) => boolean;
class Client
class Client {}
Use clients generated by openapi spec instead.
constructor(config: Types.ClientConfig);
property config
config: Types.ClientConfig;
method broadcast
broadcast: ( messages: Types.Message | Types.Message[], notificationDisabled?: boolean) => Promise<Types.MessageAPIResponseBase>;
method changeAudienceGroupAuthorityLevel
changeAudienceGroupAuthorityLevel: ( authorityLevel: Types.AudienceGroupAuthorityLevel) => Promise<{}>;
method createClickAudienceGroup
createClickAudienceGroup: (clickAudienceGroup: { description: string; requestId: string; clickUrl?: string;}) => Promise< { audienceGroupId: number; type: string; created: number } & { description: string; requestId: string; clickUrl?: string; }>;
method createImpAudienceGroup
createImpAudienceGroup: (impAudienceGroup: { requestId: string; description: string;}) => Promise< { audienceGroupId: number; type: string; created: number } & { requestId: string; description: string; }>;
method createRichMenu
createRichMenu: (richMenu: Types.RichMenu) => Promise<string>;
method createRichMenuAlias
createRichMenuAlias: ( richMenuId: string, richMenuAliasId: string) => Promise<{}>;
method createUploadAudienceGroup
createUploadAudienceGroup: (uploadAudienceGroup: { description: string; isIfaAudience?: boolean; audiences?: { id: string }[]; uploadDescription?: string;}) => Promise<{ audienceGroupId: number; type: string; description: string; created: number;}>;
method createUploadAudienceGroupByFile
createUploadAudienceGroupByFile: (uploadAudienceGroup: { description: string; isIfaAudience?: boolean; uploadDescription?: string; file: Buffer | Readable;}) => Promise<{ audienceGroupId: number; type: 'UPLOAD'; description: string; created: number;}>;
method deleteAudienceGroup
deleteAudienceGroup: (audienceGroupId: string) => Promise<{}>;
method deleteDefaultRichMenu
deleteDefaultRichMenu: () => Promise<{}>;
method deleteRichMenu
deleteRichMenu: (richMenuId: string) => Promise<any>;
method deleteRichMenuAlias
deleteRichMenuAlias: (richMenuAliasId: string) => Promise<{}>;
method getAudienceGroup
getAudienceGroup: (audienceGroupId: string) => Promise<Types.AudienceGroup>;
method getAudienceGroupAuthorityLevel
getAudienceGroupAuthorityLevel: () => Promise<{ authorityLevel: Types.AudienceGroupAuthorityLevel;}>;
method getAudienceGroups
getAudienceGroups: ( page: number, description?: string, status?: Types.AudienceGroupStatus, size?: number, createRoute?: Types.AudienceGroupCreateRoute, includesExternalPublicGroups?: boolean) => Promise<{ audienceGroups: Types.AudienceGroups; hasNextPage: boolean; totalCount: number; readWriteAudienceGroupTotalCount: number; page: number; size: number;}>;
method getBotFollowersIds
getBotFollowersIds: () => Promise<string[]>;
method getBotInfo
getBotInfo: () => Promise<Types.BotInfoResponse>;
method getDefaultRichMenuId
getDefaultRichMenuId: () => Promise<string>;
method getFriendDemographics
getFriendDemographics: () => Promise<Types.FriendDemographics>;
method getGroupMemberIds
getGroupMemberIds: (groupId: string) => Promise<string[]>;
method getGroupMemberProfile
getGroupMemberProfile: ( groupId: string, userId: string) => Promise<Types.Profile>;
method getGroupMembersCount
getGroupMembersCount: (groupId: string) => Promise<Types.MembersCountResponse>;
method getGroupSummary
getGroupSummary: (groupId: string) => Promise<Types.GroupSummaryResponse>;
method getLinkToken
getLinkToken: (userId: string) => Promise<string>;
method getMessageContent
getMessageContent: (messageId: string) => Promise<Readable>;
method getNarrowcastProgress
getNarrowcastProgress: ( requestId: string) => Promise<Types.NarrowcastProgressResponse>;
method getNumberOfFollowers
getNumberOfFollowers: (date: string) => Promise<Types.NumberOfFollowersResponse>;
method getNumberOfMessageDeliveries
getNumberOfMessageDeliveries: ( date: string) => Promise<Types.NumberOfMessageDeliveriesResponse>;
method getNumberOfMessagesSentThisMonth
getNumberOfMessagesSentThisMonth: () => Promise<Types.NumberOfMessagesSentThisMonth>;
method getNumberOfSentBroadcastMessages
getNumberOfSentBroadcastMessages: ( date: string) => Promise<Types.NumberOfMessagesSentResponse>;
method getNumberOfSentMulticastMessages
getNumberOfSentMulticastMessages: ( date: string) => Promise<Types.NumberOfMessagesSentResponse>;
method getNumberOfSentPushMessages
getNumberOfSentPushMessages: ( date: string) => Promise<Types.NumberOfMessagesSentResponse>;
method getNumberOfSentReplyMessages
getNumberOfSentReplyMessages: ( date: string) => Promise<Types.NumberOfMessagesSentResponse>;
method getProfile
getProfile: (userId: string) => Promise<Types.Profile>;
method getRichMenu
getRichMenu: (richMenuId: string) => Promise<Types.RichMenuResponse>;
method getRichMenuAlias
getRichMenuAlias: ( richMenuAliasId: string) => Promise<Types.GetRichMenuAliasResponse>;
method getRichMenuAliasList
getRichMenuAliasList: () => Promise<Types.GetRichMenuAliasListResponse>;
method getRichMenuIdOfUser
getRichMenuIdOfUser: (userId: string) => Promise<string>;
method getRichMenuImage
getRichMenuImage: (richMenuId: string) => Promise<Readable>;
method getRichMenuList
getRichMenuList: () => Promise<Array<Types.RichMenuResponse>>;
method getRoomMemberIds
getRoomMemberIds: (roomId: string) => Promise<string[]>;
method getRoomMemberProfile
getRoomMemberProfile: (roomId: string, userId: string) => Promise<Types.Profile>;
method getRoomMembersCount
getRoomMembersCount: (roomId: string) => Promise<Types.MembersCountResponse>;
method getStatisticsPerUnit
getStatisticsPerUnit: ( customAggregationUnit: string, from: string, to: string) => Promise<Types.StatisticsPerUnit>;
method getTargetLimitForAdditionalMessages
getTargetLimitForAdditionalMessages: () => Promise<Types.TargetLimitForAdditionalMessages>;
method getUserInteractionStatistics
getUserInteractionStatistics: ( requestId: string) => Promise<Types.UserInteractionStatistics>;
method getWebhookEndpointInfo
getWebhookEndpointInfo: () => Promise<Types.WebhookEndpointInfoResponse>;
method leaveGroup
leaveGroup: (groupId: string) => Promise<any>;
method leaveRoom
leaveRoom: (roomId: string) => Promise<any>;
method linkRichMenuToMultipleUsers
linkRichMenuToMultipleUsers: ( richMenuId: string, userIds: string[]) => Promise<any>;
method linkRichMenuToUser
linkRichMenuToUser: (userId: string, richMenuId: string) => Promise<any>;
method multicast
multicast: ( to: string[], messages: Types.Message | Types.Message[], notificationDisabled?: boolean, customAggregationUnits?: string[]) => Promise<Types.MessageAPIResponseBase>;
method narrowcast
narrowcast: ( messages: Types.Message | Types.Message[], recipient?: Types.ReceieptObject, filter?: { demographic: Types.DemographicFilterObject }, limit?: { max?: number; upToRemainingQuota?: boolean }, notificationDisabled?: boolean) => Promise<Types.MessageAPIResponseBase>;
method pushMessage
pushMessage: ( to: string, messages: Types.Message | Types.Message[], notificationDisabled?: boolean, customAggregationUnits?: string[]) => Promise<Types.MessageAPIResponseBase>;
method replyMessage
replyMessage: ( replyToken: string, messages: Types.Message | Types.Message[], notificationDisabled?: boolean) => Promise<Types.MessageAPIResponseBase>;
method setDefaultRichMenu
setDefaultRichMenu: (richMenuId: string) => Promise<{}>;
method setDescriptionAudienceGroup
setDescriptionAudienceGroup: ( description: string, audienceGroupId: string) => Promise<{}>;
method setRequestOptionOnce
setRequestOptionOnce: (option: Partial<RequestOption>) => void;
method setRichMenuImage
setRichMenuImage: ( richMenuId: string, data: Buffer | Readable, contentType?: string) => Promise<any>;
method setWebhookEndpointUrl
setWebhookEndpointUrl: (endpoint: string) => Promise<{}>;
method testWebhookEndpoint
testWebhookEndpoint: ( endpoint?: string) => Promise<Types.TestWebhookEndpointResponse>;
method unlinkRichMenuFromUser
unlinkRichMenuFromUser: (userId: string) => Promise<any>;
method unlinkRichMenusFromMultipleUsers
unlinkRichMenusFromMultipleUsers: (userIds: string[]) => Promise<any>;
method updateRichMenuAlias
updateRichMenuAlias: ( richMenuAliasId: string, richMenuId: string) => Promise<{}>;
method updateUploadAudienceGroup
updateUploadAudienceGroup: ( uploadAudienceGroup: { audienceGroupId: number; description?: string; uploadDescription?: string; audiences: { id: string }[]; }, httpConfig?: AxiosRequestConfig) => Promise<{}>;
method updateUploadAudienceGroupByFile
updateUploadAudienceGroupByFile: ( uploadAudienceGroup: { audienceGroupId: number; uploadDescription?: string; file: Buffer | Readable; }, httpConfig?: AxiosRequestConfig) => Promise<{}>;
method validateBroadcastMessageObjects
validateBroadcastMessageObjects: ( messages: Types.Message | Types.Message[]) => Promise<Types.MessageAPIResponseBase>;
method validateCustomAggregationUnits
validateCustomAggregationUnits: (units: string[]) => { messages: string[]; valid: boolean;};
method validateMulticastMessageObjects
validateMulticastMessageObjects: ( messages: Types.Message | Types.Message[]) => Promise<Types.MessageAPIResponseBase>;
method validateNarrowcastMessageObjects
validateNarrowcastMessageObjects: ( messages: Types.Message | Types.Message[]) => Promise<Types.MessageAPIResponseBase>;
method validatePushMessageObjects
validatePushMessageObjects: ( messages: Types.Message | Types.Message[]) => Promise<Types.MessageAPIResponseBase>;
method validateReplyMessageObjects
validateReplyMessageObjects: ( messages: Types.Message | Types.Message[]) => Promise<Types.MessageAPIResponseBase>;
method validateRichMenu
validateRichMenu: (richMenu: Types.RichMenu) => Promise<{}>;
class HTTPError
class HTTPError extends Error {}
constructor( message: string, { statusCode, statusMessage, originalError }: AxiosErrorDetails);
property originalError
originalError: any;
property statusCode
statusCode: number;
property statusMessage
statusMessage: string;
class HTTPFetchError
class HTTPFetchError extends Error {}
constructor( message: string, { status, statusText, headers, body }: FetchErrorDetails);
property body
body: string;
property headers
headers: Headers;
property status
status: number;
property statusText
statusText: string;
class JSONParseError
class JSONParseError extends Error {}
constructor(message: string, { raw }?: ErrorDetails);
property raw
raw: any;
class OAuth
class OAuth {}
method getChannelAccessTokenKeyIdsV2_1
getChannelAccessTokenKeyIdsV2_1: ( client_assertion: string) => Promise<{ key_ids: string[] }>;
method issueAccessToken
issueAccessToken: ( client_id: string, client_secret: string) => Promise<Types.ChannelAccessToken>;
method issueChannelAccessTokenV2_1
issueChannelAccessTokenV2_1: ( client_assertion: string) => Promise<Types.ChannelAccessToken>;
method revokeAccessToken
revokeAccessToken: (access_token: string) => Promise<{}>;
method revokeChannelAccessTokenV2_1
revokeChannelAccessTokenV2_1: ( client_id: string, client_secret: string, access_token: string) => Promise<{}>;
method verifyAccessToken
verifyAccessToken: (access_token: string) => Promise<Types.VerifyAccessToken>;
method verifyIdToken
verifyIdToken: ( id_token: string, client_id: string, nonce?: string, user_id?: string) => Promise<Types.VerifyIDToken>;
class ReadError
class ReadError extends Error {}
constructor(message: string, { originalError }: AxiosErrorDetails);
property originalError
originalError: Error;
class RequestError
class RequestError extends Error {}
constructor(message: string, { code, originalError }: AxiosErrorDetails);
property code
code: string;
class SignatureValidationFailed
class SignatureValidationFailed extends Error {}
constructor(message: string, { signature }?: ErrorDetails);
property signature
signature?: string;
interface ApiResponseType
interface ApiResponseType<T> {}
property body
body: T;
property httpResponse
httpResponse: Response;
interface ClientConfig
interface ClientConfig extends Config {}
property channelAccessToken
channelAccessToken: string;
property httpConfig
httpConfig?: Partial<AxiosRequestConfig>;
interface Config
interface Config {}
property channelAccessToken
channelAccessToken?: string;
property channelSecret
channelSecret?: string;
interface MiddlewareConfig
interface MiddlewareConfig extends Config {}
property channelSecret
channelSecret: string;
Type Aliases
type AccountLinkEvent
type AccountLinkEvent = ReplyableEvent & { type: 'accountLink'; link: { result: 'ok' | 'failed'; /** * Specified nonce when verifying the user ID */ nonce: string; };};
Event object for when a user has linked his/her LINE account with a provider's service account.
type Action
type Action< ExtraFields = { label: string; }> = ( | PostbackAction | MessageAction | URIAction | DatetimePickerAction | RichMenuSwitchAction | { type: 'camera'; } | { type: 'cameraRoll'; } | { type: 'location'; }) & ExtraFields;
These are types of actions for your bot to take when a user taps a button or an image in a message.
- [Postback action](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#postback-action) - [Message action](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#message-action) - [URI action](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#uri-action) - [Datetime picker action](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#datetime-picker-action) - [Rich menu switch action](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#richmenu-switch-action) - [Camera action](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#camera-action) - [Camera roll action](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#camera-roll-action) - [Location action](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#location-action)
type AltURI
type AltURI = { desktop: string;};
URI opened on LINE for macOS and Windows when the action is performed (Max: 1000 characters) If the altUri.desktop property is set, the uri property is ignored on LINE for macOS and Windows. The available schemes are http, https, line, and tel. For more information about the LINE URL scheme, see Using the LINE URL scheme. This property is supported on the following version of LINE.
LINE 5.12.0 or later for macOS and Windows Note: The altUri.desktop property is supported only when you set URI actions in Flex Messages.
type Area
type Area = { /** * Horizontal position relative to the top-left corner of the area */ x: number; /** * Vertical position relative to the top-left corner of the area */ y: number; /** * Width of the tappable area */ width: number; /** * Height of the tappable area */ height: number;};
type AudienceGroup
type AudienceGroup = _AudienceGroup & { jobs: AudienceGroupJob[];};
type AudienceGroupAuthorityLevel
type AudienceGroupAuthorityLevel = 'PUBLIC' | 'PRIVATE';
type AudienceGroupCreateRoute
type AudienceGroupCreateRoute = 'OA_MANAGER' | 'MESSAGING_API';
type AudienceGroups
type AudienceGroups = _AudienceGroup[];
type AudienceGroupStatus
type AudienceGroupStatus = 'IN_PROGRESS' | 'READY' | 'EXPIRED' | 'FAILED';
type AudioEventMessage
type AudioEventMessage = { type: 'audio'; duration: number; contentProvider: ContentProvider<false>;} & EventMessageBase;
Message object which contains the audio content sent from the source. The binary audio data can be retrieved using Client#getMessageContent.
type AudioMessage
type AudioMessage = MessageCommon & { type: 'audio'; /** * URL of audio file (Max: 2000 characters) * * - **HTTPS** * - m4a * - Max: 1 minute * - Max: 10 MB */ originalContentUrl: string; /** * Length of audio file (milliseconds) */ duration: number;};
See Also
[Audio message](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#audio-message)
type Background
type Background = { /** * The type of background used. Specify these values: * - `linearGradient`: Linear gradient. For more information, see [Linear gradient backgrounds](https://developers.line.biz/en/docs/messaging-api/flex-message-layout/#linear-gradient-bg) in the Messaging API documentation. */ type: 'linearGradient'; /** * The angle at which a linear gradient moves. Specify the angle using an integer value * like `90deg` (90 degrees) or a decimal number like `23.5deg` (23.5 degrees) in the * half-open interval [0, 360). The direction of the linear gradient rotates clockwise as the * angle increases. Given a value of `0deg`, the gradient starts at the bottom and ends at * the top; given a value of `45deg`, the gradient starts at the bottom-left corner and ends * at the top-right corner; given a value of 90deg, the gradient starts at the left and ends * at the right; and given a value of `180deg`, the gradient starts at the top and ends at * the bottom. For more information, see [Direction (angle) of linear gradient backgrounds](https://developers.line.biz/en/docs/messaging-api/flex-message-layout/#linear-gradient-bg-angle) in the Messaging API documentation. */ angle: string; /** * The color at the gradient's starting point. Use a hexadecimal color code in the * `#RRGGBB` or `#RRGGBBAA` format. */ startColor: string; /** * The color at the gradient's ending point. Use a hexadecimal color code in the * `#RRGGBB` or `#RRGGBBAA` format. */ endColor: string; /** * The color in the middle of the gradient. Use a hexadecimal color code in the `#RRGGBB` * or `#RRGGBBAA` format. Specify a value for the `background.centerColor` property to * create a gradient that has three colors. For more information, see [Intermediate color stops for linear gradients](https://developers.line.biz/en/docs/messaging-api/flex-message-layout/#linear-gradient-bg-center-color) in the * Messaging API documentation. */ centerColor?: string; /** * The position of the intermediate color stop. Specify an integer or decimal value * between `0%` (the starting point) and `100%` (the ending point). This is `50%` by * default. For more information, see [Intermediate color stops for linear gradients](https://developers.line.biz/en/docs/messaging-api/flex-message-layout/#linear-gradient-bg-center-color) in the * Messaging API documentation. */ centerPosition?: string;};
type BeaconEvent
type BeaconEvent = ReplyableEvent & { type: 'beacon'; beacon: { /** * `leave` will be deprecated */ type: 'enter' | 'leave' | 'banner' | 'stay'; /** * Hardware ID of the beacon that was detected */ hwid: string; /** * Device message of beacon that was detected. * * This message consists of data generated by the beacon to send notifications to bots. * Only included in webhooks from devices that support the "device message" property. * For more information, see the * [LINE Simple Beacon specification](https://github.com/line/line-simple-beacon/blob/master/README.en.md/#line-simple-beacon-frame). */ dm?: string; };};
Event object for when a user enters or leaves the range of a [LINE Beacon](https://developers.line.biz/en/docs/messaging-api/using-beacons/).
type BotInfoResponse
type BotInfoResponse = { userId: string; basicId: string; premiumId?: string; displayName: string; pictureUrl?: string; chatMode: 'chat' | 'bot'; markAsReadMode: 'auto' | 'manual';};
Response body of get bot info.
See Also
[Get bot info](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-bot-info)
type ChannelAccessToken
type ChannelAccessToken = { access_token: string; expires_in: number; token_type: 'Bearer'; key_id?: string;};
type ContentProvider
type ContentProvider<WithPreview extends boolean = true> = | { /** * The content is provided by LINE. * * The data itself can be retrieved from the content API. */ type: 'line'; } | { /** * The content is provided by a provider other than LINE */ type: 'external'; /** * URL of the content. Only included when contentProvider.type is external. */ originalContentUrl: string; /** * URL of the content preview. Only included when contentProvider.type is external. * * For contents without preview (e.g. audio), it's undefined. */ previewImageUrl: WithPreview extends true ? string : undefined; };
type DatetimePickerAction
type DatetimePickerAction = { type: 'datetimepicker'; /** * String returned via webhook in the `postback.data` property of the * postback event (Max: 300 characters) */ data: string; mode: 'date' | 'time' | 'datetime'; /** * Initial value of date or time */ initial?: string; /** * Largest date or time value that can be selected. Must be greater than the * `min` value. */ max?: string; /** * Smallest date or time value that can be selected. Must be less than the * `max` value. */ min?: string;};
When a control associated with this action is tapped, a [postback event](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#postback-event) is returned via webhook with the date and time selected by the user from the date and time selection dialog.
The datetime picker action does not support time zones.
#### Date and time format
The date and time formats for the
, andmin
values are shown below. Thefull-date
, andtime-minute
formats follow the [RFC3339](https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3339.txt) protocol.| Mode | Format | Example | | -------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | -------------------------------- | | date |
(Max: 2100-12-31; Min: 1900-01-01) | 2017-06-18 | | time |time-hour
(Max: 23:59; Min: 00:00) | 00:0006:1523:59 | | datetime |full-date
(Max: 2100-12-31T23:59; Min: 1900-01-01T00:00) | 2017-06-18T06:152017-06-18t06:15 |
type DeliveryContext
type DeliveryContext = { isRedelivery: boolean;};
type DeliveryEvent
type DeliveryEvent = { type: 'delivery'; /** A delivery object containing a hashed phone number string or a string specified by X-Line-Delivery-Tag. */ delivery: Delivery;} & EventBase;
type DemographicFilterObject
type DemographicFilterObject = | DemographicObject | FilterOperatorObject<DemographicObject>;
type DeviceLinkEvent
type DeviceLinkEvent = ReplyableEvent & { type: 'things'; things: { /** * Device ID of the LINE Things-compatible device that was linked with LINE */ deviceId: string; type: 'link'; };};
Indicates that a LINE Things-compatible device has been linked with LINE by a user operation. For more information, see [Receiving device link events via webhook](https://developers.line.biz/en/docs/line-things/develop-bot/#link-event).
type DeviceUnlinkEvent
type DeviceUnlinkEvent = ReplyableEvent & { type: 'things'; things: { /** * Device ID of the LINE Things-compatible device that was unlinked with LINE */ deviceId: string; type: 'unlink'; };};
Indicates that a LINE Things-compatible device has been unlinked from LINE by a user operation. For more information, see [Receiving device unlink events via webhook](https://developers.line.biz/en/docs/line-things/develop-bot/#unlink-event).
type EventBase
type EventBase = { /** * Channel state. * * `active`: The channel is active. You can send a reply message or push message from the bot server that received this webhook event. * * `standby`: The channel is waiting. The bot server that received this webhook event shouldn't send any messages. */ mode: 'active' | 'standby'; /** * Time of the event in milliseconds */ timestamp: number; /** * Source user, group, or room object with information about the source of the event. */ source: EventSource; /** * Webhook Event ID, an ID that uniquely identifies a webhook event */ webhookEventId: string; /** * Whether the webhook event is a redelivered one or not */ deliveryContext: DeliveryContext;};
type EventMessage
type EventMessage = | TextEventMessage | ImageEventMessage | VideoEventMessage | AudioEventMessage | LocationEventMessage | FileEventMessage | StickerEventMessage;
type EventMessageBase
type EventMessageBase = { id: string;};
type EventSource
type EventSource = User | Group | Room;
type FileEventMessage
type FileEventMessage = { type: 'file'; fileName: string; fileSize: string;} & EventMessageBase;
Message object which contains the file sent from the source. The binary data can be retrieved using Client#getMessageContent.
type FlexBlockStyle
type FlexBlockStyle = { /** * Background color of the block. Use a hexadecimal color code. */ backgroundColor?: string; /** * - `true` to place a separator above the block. * - `true` will be ignored for the first block in a container because you * cannot place a separator above the first block. * - The default value is `false`. */ separator?: boolean; /** * Color of the separator. Use a hexadecimal color code. */ separatorColor?: string;};
type FlexBox
type FlexBox = { type: 'box'; /** * The placement style of components in this box. Specify one of the following values: * * - `horizontal`: Components are placed horizontally. The `direction` * property of the [bubble](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#bubble) * container specifies the order. * - `vertical`: Components are placed vertically from top to bottom. * - `baseline`: Components are placed in the same way as `horizontal` is * specified except the baselines of the components are aligned. * * For more information, see * [Types of box layouts](https://developers.line.biz/en/docs/messaging-api/flex-message-layout/#box-layout-types). */ layout: 'horizontal' | 'vertical' | 'baseline'; /** * Components in this box. Here are the types of components available: * * - When the `layout` property is `horizontal` or `vertical`: * + [Box](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#box) * + [button](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#button) * + [image](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#f-image) * + [text](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#f-text) * + [separator](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#separator) * + [filler](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#filler) * + [spacer (not recommended)](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#spacer) * - When the `layout` property is `baseline`: * + [icon](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#icon) * + [text](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#f-text) * + [filler](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#filler) * + [spacer (not recommended)](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#spacer) */ contents: FlexComponent[]; /** * Background color of the block. In addition to the RGB color, an alpha * channel (transparency) can also be set. Use a hexadecimal color code. * (Example:#RRGGBBAA) The default value is `#00000000`. */ backgroundColor?: string; /** * Color of box border. Use a hexadecimal color code. */ borderColor?: string; /** * Width of box border. You can specify a value in pixels or any one of none, * light, normal, medium, semi-bold, or bold. none does not render a border * while the others become wider in the order of listing. */ borderWidth?: | string | 'none' | 'light' | 'normal' | 'medium' | 'semi-bold' | 'bold'; /** * Radius at the time of rounding the corners of the border. You can specify a * value in pixels or any one of `none`, `xs`, `sm`, `md`, `lg`, `xl`, or `xxl`. none does not * round the corner while the others increase in radius in the order of listing. The default value is none. */ cornerRadius?: string | 'none' | 'xs' | 'sm' | 'md' | 'lg' | 'xl' | 'xxl'; /** * Width of the box. For more information, see [Width of a box](https://developers.line.biz/en/docs/messaging-api/flex-message-layout/#box-width) in the API documentation. */ width?: string; /** * Max width of the box. For more information, see [Max width of a box](https://developers.line.biz/en/docs/messaging-api/flex-message-layout/#box-max-width) in the API documentation. */ maxWidth?: string; /** * Height of the box. For more information, see [Height of a box](https://developers.line.biz/en/docs/messaging-api/flex-message-layout/#box-height) in the API documentation. */ height?: string; /** * Max height of the box. For more information, see [Max height of a box](https://developers.line.biz/en/docs/messaging-api/flex-message-layout/#box-max-height) in the API documentation. */ maxHeight?: string; /** * The ratio of the width or height of this box within the parent box. The * default value for the horizontal parent box is `1`, and the default value * for the vertical parent box is `0`. * * For more information, see * [Width and height of components](https://developers.line.biz/en/docs/messaging-api/flex-message-layout/#component-width-and-height). */ flex?: number; /** * Minimum space between components in this box. * * - `none` does not set a space while the other values set a space whose * size increases in the order of listing. * - The default value is `none`. * - To override this setting for a specific component, set the `margin` * property of that component. */ spacing?: string | 'none' | 'xs' | 'sm' | 'md' | 'lg' | 'xl' | 'xxl'; /** * Minimum space between this box and the previous component in the parent box. * * - `none` does not set a space while the other values set a space whose * size increases in the order of listing. * - The default value is the value of the `spacing` property of the parent * box. * - If this box is the first component in the parent box, the `margin` * property will be ignored. */ margin?: string | 'none' | 'xs' | 'sm' | 'md' | 'lg' | 'xl' | 'xxl'; /** * Free space between the borders of this box and the child element. * For more information, see [Box padding](https://developers.line.biz/en/docs/messaging-api/flex-message-layout/#padding-property) in the API documentation. */ paddingAll?: string; /** * Free space between the border at the upper end of this box and the upper end of the child element. * For more information, see [Box padding](https://developers.line.biz/en/docs/messaging-api/flex-message-layout/#padding-property) in the API documentation. */ paddingTop?: string; /** * Free space between the border at the lower end of this box and the lower end of the child element. * For more information, see [Box padding](https://developers.line.biz/en/docs/messaging-api/flex-message-layout/#padding-property) in the API documentation. */ paddingBottom?: string; /** * Free space between the border at the left end of this box and the left end of the child element. * For more information, see [Box padding](https://developers.line.biz/en/docs/messaging-api/flex-message-layout/#padding-property) in the API documentation. */ paddingStart?: string; /** * Free space between the border at the right end of this box and the right end of the child element. * For more information, see [Box padding](https://developers.line.biz/en/docs/messaging-api/flex-message-layout/#padding-property) in the API documentation. */ paddingEnd?: string; /** * Action performed when this button is tapped. * * Specify an [action object](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#action-objects). */ action?: Action; /** * How child elements are aligned along the main axis of the parent element. If the * parent element is a horizontal box, this only takes effect when its child elements have * their `flex` property set equal to 0. For more information, see [Arranging a box's child elements and free space](https://developers.line.biz/en/docs/messaging-api/flex-message-layout/#justify-property) * in the Messaging API documentation. */ justifyContent?: | 'flex-start' | 'center' | 'flex-end' | 'space-between' | 'space-around' | 'space-evenly'; /** * How child elements are aligned along the cross axis of the parent element. For more * information, see [Arranging a box's child elements and free space](https://developers.line.biz/en/docs/messaging-api/flex-message-layout/#justify-property) in the Messaging API documentation. */ alignItems?: 'flex-start' | 'center' | 'flex-end'; background?: Background;} & Offset;
This is a component that defines the layout of child components. You can also include a box in a box.
type FlexBubble
type FlexBubble = { type: 'bubble'; size?: 'nano' | 'micro' | 'kilo' | 'mega' | 'giga'; /** * Text directionality and the order of components in horizontal boxes in the * container. Specify one of the following values: * * - `ltr`: Left to right * - `rtl`: Right to left * * The default value is `ltr`. */ direction?: 'ltr' | 'rtl'; header?: FlexBox; hero?: FlexBox | FlexImage | FlexVideo; body?: FlexBox; footer?: FlexBox; styles?: FlexBubbleStyle; action?: Action;};
This is a container that contains one message bubble. It can contain four blocks: header, hero, body, and footer.
For more information about using each block, see [Block](https://developers.line.biz/en/docs/messaging-api/flex-message-elements/#block).
type FlexBubbleStyle
type FlexBubbleStyle = { header?: FlexBlockStyle; hero?: FlexBlockStyle; body?: FlexBlockStyle; footer?: FlexBlockStyle;};
type FlexButton
type FlexButton = { type: 'button'; /** * Action performed when this button is tapped. * * Specify an [action object](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#action-objects). */ action: Action; /** * The ratio of the width or height of this box within the parent box. * * The default value for the horizontal parent box is `1`, and the default * value for the vertical parent box is `0`. * * For more information, see * [Width and height of components](https://developers.line.biz/en/docs/messaging-api/flex-message-layout/#component-width-and-height). */ flex?: number; /** * Minimum space between this box and the previous component in the parent box. * * - `none` does not set a space while the other values set a space whose * size increases in the order of listing. * - The default value is the value of the `spacing` property of the parent * box. * - If this box is the first component in the parent box, the `margin` * property will be ignored. */ margin?: string | 'none' | 'xs' | 'sm' | 'md' | 'lg' | 'xl' | 'xxl'; /** * Height of the button. The default value is `md`. */ height?: 'sm' | 'md'; /** * Style of the button. Specify one of the following values: * * - `link`: HTML link style * - `primary`: Style for dark color buttons * - `secondary`: Style for light color buttons * * The default value is `link`. */ style?: 'link' | 'primary' | 'secondary'; /** * Use a hexadecimal color code. * * - Character color when the `style` property is `link`. * - Background color when the `style` property is `primary` or `secondary`. */ color?: string; /** * Vertical alignment style. Specify one of the following values: * * - `top`: Top-aligned * - `bottom`: Bottom-aligned * - `center`: Center-aligned * * The default value is `top`. * * If the `layout` property of the parent box is `baseline`, the `gravity` * property will be ignored. */ gravity?: 'top' | 'bottom' | 'center'; /** * The method by which to adjust the text font size. Specify this value: * * - `shrink-to-fit`: Automatically shrink the font * size to fit the width of the component. This * property takes a "best-effort" approach that may * work differently—or not at all!—on some platforms. * For more information, see [Automatically shrink fonts to fit](https://developers.line.biz/en/docs/messaging-api/flex-message-layout/#adjusts-fontsize-to-fit) * in the Messaging API documentation. * - LINE 10.13.0 or later for iOS and Android */ adjustMode?: 'shrink-to-fit';} & Offset;
This component draws a button.
When the user taps a button, a specified action is performed.
type FlexCarousel
type FlexCarousel = { type: 'carousel'; /** * (Max: 12 bubbles) */ contents: FlexBubble[];};
type FlexComponent
type FlexComponent = | FlexBox | FlexButton | FlexImage | FlexVideo | FlexIcon | FlexText | FlexSpan | FlexSeparator | FlexFiller | FlexSpacer;
Components are objects that compose a Flex Message container. Here are the types of components available:
- [Box](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#box) - [Button](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#button) - [Image](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#f-image) - [Video](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#f-video) - [Icon](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#icon) - [Text](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#f-text) - [Span](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#span) - [Separator](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#separator) - [Filler](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#filler) - [Spacer (not recommended)](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#spacer)
See the followings for the components' JSON data samples and usage.
- [Flex Message elements](https://developers.line.biz/en/docs/messaging-api/flex-message-elements/) - [Flex Message layout](https://developers.line.biz/en/docs/messaging-api/flex-message-layout/)
type FlexContainer
type FlexContainer = FlexBubble | FlexCarousel;
A container is the top-level structure of a Flex Message. Here are the types of containers available.
- [Bubble](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#bubble) - [Carousel](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#f-carousel)
See [Flex Message elements](https://developers.line.biz/en/docs/messaging-api/flex-message-elements/) for the containers' JSON data samples and usage.
type FlexFiller
type FlexFiller = { type: 'filler'; /** * The ratio of the width or height of this component within the parent box. For more information, see [Width and height of components](https://developers.line.biz/en/docs/messaging-api/flex-message-layout/#component-width-and-height). */ flex?: number;};
This is an invisible component to fill extra space between components.
- The filler's
property is fixed to 1. - Thespacing
property of the parent box will be ignored for fillers.
type FlexIcon
type FlexIcon = { type: 'icon'; /** * Image URL (Max character limit: 2000) * * Protocol: HTTPS * Image format: JPEG or PNG * Maximum image size: 240×240 pixels * Maximum data size: 1 MB */ url: string; /** * Minimum space between this box and the previous component in the parent * box. * * - `none` does not set a space while the other values set a space whose * size increases in the order of listing. * - The default value is the value of the `spacing` property of the parent * box. * - If this box is the first component in the parent box, the `margin` * property will be ignored. */ margin?: string | 'none' | 'xs' | 'sm' | 'md' | 'lg' | 'xl' | 'xxl'; /** * Maximum size of the icon width. * The size increases in the order of listing. * The default value is `md`. * For more information, see [Icon, text, and span size](https://developers.line.biz/en/docs/messaging-api/flex-message-layout/#other-component-size) in the Messaging API documentation. */ size?: | string | 'xxs' | 'xs' | 'sm' | 'md' | 'lg' | 'xl' | 'xxl' | '3xl' | '4xl' | '5xl'; /** * Aspect ratio of the icon. `{width}:{height}` format. * The values of `{width}` and `{height}` must be in the range 1–100000. * `{height}` can't be more than three times the value of `{width}`. * The default value is `1:1`. */ aspectRatio?: string;} & Offset;
This component draws an icon.
type FlexImage
type FlexImage = { type: 'image'; /** * Image URL (Max character limit: 2000) * * - Protocol: HTTPS * - Image format: JPEG or PNG * - Maximum image size: 1024×1024 pixels * - Maximum data size: 1 MB */ url: string; /** * The ratio of the width or height of this box within the parent box. * * The default value for the horizontal parent box is `1`, and the default * value for the vertical parent box is `0`. * * - For more information, see * [Width and height of components](https://developers.line.biz/en/docs/messaging-api/flex-message-layout/#component-width-and-height). */ flex?: number; /** * Minimum space between this box and the previous component in the parent * box. * * - `none` does not set a space while the other values set a space whose * size increases in the order of listing. * - The default value is the value of the `spacing` property of the parent * box. * - If this box is the first component in the parent box, the `margin` * property will be ignored. */ margin?: string | 'none' | 'xs' | 'sm' | 'md' | 'lg' | 'xl' | 'xxl'; /** * Horizontal alignment style. Specify one of the following values: * * - `start`: Left-aligned * - `end`: Right-aligned * - `center`: Center-aligned * * The default value is `center`. */ align?: 'start' | 'end' | 'center'; /** * Vertical alignment style. Specify one of the following values: * * - `top`: Top-aligned * - `bottom`: Bottom-aligned * - `center`: Center-aligned * * The default value is `top`. * * If the `layout` property of the parent box is `baseline`, the `gravity` property will be ignored. */ gravity?: 'top' | 'bottom' | 'center'; /** * Maximum size of the image width. * The size increases in the order of listing. * The default value is `md`. * For more information, see [Image size](https://developers.line.biz/en/docs/messaging-api/flex-message-layout/#image-size) in the Messaging API documentation. */ size?: | string | 'xxs' | 'xs' | 'sm' | 'md' | 'lg' | 'xl' | 'xxl' | '3xl' | '4xl' | '5xl' | 'full'; /** * Aspect ratio of the image. `{width}:{height}` format. * Specify the value of `{width}` and `{height}` in the range from 1 to 100000. However, * you cannot set `{height}` to a value that is more than three times the value of `{width}`. * The default value is `1:1`. */ aspectRatio?: string; /** * Style of the image. Specify one of the following values: * * - `cover`: The image fills the entire drawing area. Parts of the image * that do not fit in the drawing area are not displayed. * - `fit`: The entire image is displayed in the drawing area. The background * is displayed in the unused areas to the left and right of vertical images * and in the areas above and below horizontal images. * * The default value is `fit`. */ aspectMode?: 'cover' | 'fit'; /** * Background color of the image. Use a hexadecimal color code. */ backgroundColor?: string; /** * Action performed when this button is tapped. * Specify an [action object](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#action-objects). */ action?: Action; /** * When this is `true`, an animated image (APNG) plays. * You can specify a value of `true` up to three times in a single message. * You can't send messages that exceed this limit. * This is `false` by default. * Animated images larger than 300 KB aren't played back. */ animated?: Boolean;} & Offset;
This component draws an image.
type FlexMessage
type FlexMessage = MessageCommon & { type: 'flex'; altText: string; contents: FlexContainer;};
Flex Messages are messages with a customizable layout. You can customize the layout freely by combining multiple elements. For more information, see [Using Flex Messages](https://developers.line.biz/en/docs/messaging-api/using-flex-messages/).
See Also
[Flex messages](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#flex-message)
type FlexSeparator
type FlexSeparator = { type: 'separator'; /** * Minimum space between this box and the previous component in the parent * box. * * - `none` does not set a space while the other values set a space whose * size increases in the order of listing. * - The default value is the value of the `spacing` property of the parent * box. * - If this box is the first component in the parent box, the `margin` * property will be ignored. */ margin?: string | 'none' | 'xs' | 'sm' | 'md' | 'lg' | 'xl' | 'xxl'; /** * Color of the separator. Use a hexadecimal color code. */ color?: string;};
This component draws a separator between components in the parent box.
type FlexSpacer
type FlexSpacer = { type: 'spacer'; /** * Size of the space. * The size increases in the order of listing. * The default value is `md`. */ size?: 'xs' | 'sm' | 'md' | 'lg' | 'xl' | 'xxl';};
This is an invisible component that places a fixed-size space at the beginning or end of the box.
type FlexSpan
type FlexSpan = { type: 'span'; /** * Text. If the `wrap` property of the parent text is set to `true`, you can use a new line character (`\n`) to begin on a new line. */ text: string; /** * Font color. Use a hexadecimal color code. */ color?: string; /** * Font size. You can specify one of the following values: `xxs`, `xs`, `sm`, `md`, `lg`, `xl`, `xxl`, `3xl`, `4xl`, or `5xl`. The size increases in the order of listing. The default value is `md`. * For more information, see [Icon, text, and span size](https://developers.line.biz/en/docs/messaging-api/flex-message-layout/#other-component-size) in the Messaging API documentation. */ size?: | string | 'xxs' | 'xs' | 'sm' | 'md' | 'lg' | 'xl' | 'xxl' | '3xl' | '4xl' | '5xl'; /** * Font weight. You can specify one of the following values: `regular` or `bold`. Specifying `bold` makes the font bold. The default value is `regular`. */ weight?: string; /** * Style of the text. Specify one of the following values: * - `normal`: Normal * - `italic`: Italic * * The default value is `normal`. */ style?: string; /** * Decoration of the text. Specify one of the following values: * `none`: No decoration * `underline`: Underline * `line-through`: Strikethrough * * The default value is `none`. * * Note: The decoration set in the `decoration` property of the [text](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#f-text) cannot be overwritten by the `decoration` property of the span. */ decoration?: string;};
This component renders multiple text strings with different designs in one row. You can specify the color, size, weight, and decoration for the font. Span is set to
property in [Text](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#f-text).
type FlexText
type FlexText = (FlexTextWithText | FlexTextWithContents) & Offset;
type FlexVideo
type FlexVideo = { type: 'video'; /** * Video file URL (Max character limit: 2000) * * - Protocol: HTTPS (TLS 1.2 or later) * - Video format: mp4 * - Maximum data size: 200 MB */ url: string; /** * Preview image URL (Max character limit: 2000) * * - Protocol: HTTPS (TLS 1.2 or later) * - Image format: JPEG or PNG * - Maximum data size: 1 MB */ previewUrl: string; /** * Alternative content. * * The alternative content will be displayed on the screen of a user device * that is using a version of LINE that doesn't support the video component. * Specify a box or an image. * * - Protocol: HTTPS (TLS 1.2 or later) * - Image format: JPEG or PNG * - Maximum data size: 1 MB */ altContent: FlexBox | FlexImage; /** * Aspect ratio of the video. `{width}:{height}` format. * Specify the value of `{width}` and `{height}` in the range from 1 to 100000. However, * you cannot set `{height}` to a value that is more than three times the value of `{width}`. * The default value is `1:1`. */ aspectRatio?: string; /** * Action performed when this button is tapped. * Specify an [action object](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#action-objects). */ action?: Action;};
This component draws a video.
type FollowEvent
type FollowEvent = { type: 'follow';} & ReplyableEvent;
Event object for when your account is added as a friend (or unblocked).
type FriendDemographics
type FriendDemographics = { /** * `true` if friend demographic information is available. */ available: boolean; /** * Percentage per gender */ genders?: Array< { /** * Gender */ gender: 'unknown' | 'male' | 'female'; } & PercentageAble >; /** * Percentage per age group */ ages?: Array< { /** * Age group */ age: string; } & PercentageAble >; /** * Percentage per area */ areas?: Array< { area: string; } & PercentageAble >; /** * Percentage by OS */ appTypes?: Array< { appType: 'ios' | 'android' | 'others'; } & PercentageAble >; /** * Percentage per friendship duration */ subscriptionPeriods?: Array< { /** * Friendship duration */ subscriptionPeriod: | 'over365days' | 'within365days' | 'within180days' | 'within90days' | 'within30days' | 'within7days' | 'unknown'; } & PercentageAble >;};
type GetRichMenuAliasListResponse
type GetRichMenuAliasListResponse = { aliases: GetRichMenuAliasResponse[];};
type GetRichMenuAliasResponse
type GetRichMenuAliasResponse = { richMenuAliasId: string; richMenuId: string;};
type Group
type Group = { type: 'group'; groupId: string; /** * ID of the source user. * * Only included in [message events](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#message-event). * Not included if the user has not agreed to the * [Official Accounts Terms of Use](https://developers.line.biz/en/docs/messaging-api/user-consent/). */ userId?: string;};
type GroupSummaryResponse
type GroupSummaryResponse = { groupId: string; groupName: string; pictureUrl?: string;};
Response body of get group summary.
See Also
[Get group summary](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-group-summary)
type ImageEventMessage
type ImageEventMessage = { type: 'image'; contentProvider: ContentProvider; /** * Object containing the number of images sent simultaneously. */ imageSet?: { /** * Image set ID. Only included when multiple images are sent simultaneously. */ id: string; /** * An index starting from 1, indicating the image number in a set of images sent simultaneously. * Only included when multiple images are sent simultaneously. * However, it won't be included if the sender is using LINE 11.15 or earlier for Android. */ index: number; /** * The total number of images sent simultaneously. * If two images are sent simultaneously, the number is 2. * Only included when multiple images are sent simultaneously. * However, it won't be included if the sender is using LINE 11.15 or earlier for Android. */ total: number; };} & QuotableMessage & EventMessageBase;
Message object which contains the image content sent from the source. The binary image data can be retrieved using Client#getMessageContent.
type ImageMapAction
type ImageMapAction = ImageMapURIAction | ImageMapMessageAction;
Object which specifies the actions and tappable regions of an imagemap.
When a region is tapped, the user is redirected to the URI specified in
and the message specified inmessage
is sent.See Also
[Imagemap action objects](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#imagemap-action-objects)
type ImageMapActionBase
type ImageMapActionBase = { /** * Spoken when the accessibility feature is enabled on the client device. (Max: 50 characters) * Supported on LINE 8.2.0 and later for iOS. */ label?: string; /** Defined tappable area */ area: Area;};
type ImageMapMessage
type ImageMapMessage = MessageCommon & { type: 'imagemap'; /** * [Base URL](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#base-url) of image * (Max: 2000 characters, **HTTPS**) */ baseUrl: string; /** * Alternative text (Max: 400 characters) */ altText: string; baseSize: Size; /** * Video to play inside a image map messages */ video?: { /** * URL of video file (Max: 2000 characters) * * - **HTTPS** * - mp4 * - Max: 1 minute * - Max: 10 MB * * A very wide or tall video may be cropped when played in some environments. */ originalContentUrl: string; /** * URL of preview image (Max: 2000 characters) * * - **HTTPS** * - JPEG * - Max: 240 x 240 * - Max: 1 MB */ previewImageUrl: string; area: Area; /** * External link to be displayed after a video is played * This property is required if you set a video to play and a label to display after the video on the imagemap */ externalLink?: { linkUri: string; label: string; }; }; /** * Action when tapped (Max: 50) */ actions: ImageMapAction[];};
See Also
[Imagemap message](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#imagemap-message)
type ImageMapMessageAction
type ImageMapMessageAction = { type: 'message'; /** * Message to send (Max: 400 characters) */ text: string;} & ImageMapActionBase;
type ImageMapURIAction
type ImageMapURIAction = { type: 'uri'; /** * Webpage URL (Max: 1000 characters) */ linkUri: string;} & ImageMapActionBase;
type ImageMessage
type ImageMessage = MessageCommon & { type: 'image'; /** * Image URL (Max: 2000 characters) * * - **HTTPS** * - JPEG * - Max: 1024 x 1024 * - Max: 1 MB */ originalContentUrl: string; /** * Preview image URL (Max: 2000 characters) * * - **HTTPS** * - JPEG * - Max: 240 x 240 * - Max: 1 MB */ previewImageUrl: string;};
See Also
[Image message](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#image-message)
type InsightStatisticsResponse
type InsightStatisticsResponse = { /** * Calculation status. One of: * - `ready`: Calculation has finished; the numbers are up-to-date. * - `unready`: We haven't finished calculating the number of sent messages for the specified `date`. Calculation usually takes about a day. Please try again later. * - `out_of_service`: The specified `date` is earlier than the date on which we first started calculating sent messages. Different APIs have different date. Check them at the [document](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/). */ status: 'ready' | 'unready' | 'out_of_service';};
type JoinEvent
type JoinEvent = { type: 'join';} & ReplyableEvent;
Event object for when your bot joins a group or room. You can reply to join events.
A join event is triggered at different times for groups and rooms.
- For groups: A join event is sent when a user invites your bot. - For rooms: A join event is sent when the first event (for example when a user sends a message or is added to the room) occurs after your bot is added.
type LeaveEvent
type LeaveEvent = { type: 'leave';} & EventBase;
Event object for when a user removes your bot from a group or a room.
type LINEThingsActionResult
type LINEThingsActionResult = { /** * `void`, `binary` * Depends on `type` of the executed action. * This property is always included if `things.actionResults` is not empty. */ type: 'void' | 'binary'; /** * Base64-encoded binary data * This property is always included when `things.actionResults[].type` is `binary`. */ data?: string;};
type LINEThingsScenarioExecutionEvent
type LINEThingsScenarioExecutionEvent = ReplyableEvent & { type: 'things'; things: { type: 'scenarioResult'; /** * Device ID of the device that executed the scenario */ deviceId: string; result: { /** * Scenario ID executed */ scenarioId: string; /** * Revision number of the scenario set containing the executed scenario */ revision: number; /** * Timestamp for when execution of scenario action started (milliseconds, LINE app time) */ startTime: number; /** * Timestamp for when execution of scenario was completed (milliseconds, LINE app time) */ endtime: number; /** * Scenario execution completion status * See also [things.resultCode definitions](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#things-resultcode). */ resultCode: 'success' | 'gatt_error' | 'runtime_error'; /** * Execution result of individual operations specified in action * Note that an array of actions specified in a scenario has the following characteristics * - The actions defined in a scenario are performed sequentially, from top to bottom. * - Each action produces some result when executed. * Even actions that do not generate data, such as `SLEEP`, return an execution result of type `void`. * The number of items in an action array may be 0. * * Therefore, things.actionResults has the following properties: * - The number of items in the array matches the number of actions defined in the scenario. * - The order of execution results matches the order in which actions are performed. * That is, in a scenario set with multiple `GATT_READ` actions, * the results are returned in the order in which each individual `GATT_READ` action was performed. * - If 0 actions are defined in the scenario, the number of items in things.actionResults will be 0. */ actionResults: Array<LINEThingsActionResult>; /** * Data contained in notification * The value is Base64-encoded binary data. * Only included for scenarios where `trigger.type = BLE_NOTIFICATION`. */ bleNotificationPayload?: string; /** * Error reason */ errorReason?: string; }; };};
type LocationEventMessage
type LocationEventMessage = { type: 'location'; title: string; address: string; latitude: number; longitude: number;} & EventMessageBase;
Message object which contains the location data sent from the source.
type LocationMessage
type LocationMessage = MessageCommon & { type: 'location'; /** * Title (Max: 100 characters) */ title: string; /** * Address (Max: 100 characters) */ address: string; latitude: number; longitude: number;};
See Also
[Location message](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#location-message)
type MemberJoinEvent
type MemberJoinEvent = { type: 'memberJoined'; /** * User ID of users who joined * Array of [source user](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#source-user) objects */ joined: { members: Array<User>; };} & ReplyableEvent;
Event object for when a user joins a [group](https://developers.line.biz/en/docs/messaging-api/group-chats/#group) or [room](https://developers.line.biz/en/docs/messaging-api/group-chats/#room) that the bot is in.
type MemberLeaveEvent
type MemberLeaveEvent = { type: 'memberLeft'; /** * User ID of users who left * Array of [source user](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#source-user) objects */ left: { members: Array<User>; };} & EventBase;
Event object for when a user leaves a [group](https://developers.line.biz/en/docs/messaging-api/group-chats/#group) or [room](https://developers.line.biz/en/docs/messaging-api/group-chats/#room) that the bot is in.
type MembersCountResponse
type MembersCountResponse = { count: number;};
Response body of get members in group count and get members in room count.
See Also
[Get members in group count](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-members-group-count)
[Get members in room count](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-members-room-count)
type Message
type Message = | TextMessage | ImageMessage | VideoMessage | AudioMessage | LocationMessage | StickerMessage | ImageMapMessage | TemplateMessage | FlexMessage;
JSON object which contains the contents of the message you send.
See Also
[Message objects](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#message-objects)
type MessageAction
type MessageAction = { type: 'message'; /** * Text sent when the action is performed (Max: 300 characters) */ text: string;};
When a control associated with this action is tapped, the string in the text property is sent as a message from the user.
type MessageAPIResponseBase
type MessageAPIResponseBase = { [LINE_REQUEST_ID_HTTP_HEADER_NAME]?: string;};
type MessageCommon
type MessageCommon = { /** * For the quick reply feature. * For more information, see [Using quick replies](https://developers.line.biz/en/docs/messaging-api/using-quick-reply/). * * If the user receives multiple * [message objects](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#message-objects), * the quickReply property of the last message object is displayed. */ quickReply?: QuickReply; /** * [Change icon and display name](https://developers.line.biz/en/docs/messaging-api/icon-nickname-switch/) * * When sending a message from the LINE Official Account, you can specify the `sender.name` and the `sender.iconUrl` properties in [Message objects](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#message-objects). */ sender?: Sender;};
See Also
[Common properties for messages](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#common-properties-for-messages)
type MessageEvent
type MessageEvent = { type: 'message'; message: EventMessage;} & ReplyableEvent;
Webhook event object which contains the sent message.
property contains a message object which corresponds with the message type. You can reply to message events.See Also
[Message event](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#message-event)
type NarrowcastProgressResponse
type NarrowcastProgressResponse = ( | { phase: 'waiting'; } | (( | { phase: 'sending' | 'succeeded'; } | { phase: 'failed'; failedDescription: string; } ) & { successCount: number; failureCount: number; targetCount: string; acceptedTime: string; completedTime: string; })) & { errorCode?: 1 | 2;};
type NumberOfFollowers
type NumberOfFollowers = InsightStatisticsResponse & { /** * The number of times, as of the specified `date`, that a user added this LINE official account as a friend. The number doesn't decrease when a user blocks the account after adding it, or when they delete their own account. */ followers: Number; /** * The number of users, as of the specified `date`, that the official account can reach with messages targeted by gender, age, or area. This number includes users for whom we estimated demographic attributes based on their activity in LINE and LINE-connected services. */ targetedReaches: Number; /** * The number of users blocking the account as of the specified `date`. The number decreases when a user unblocks the account. */ blocks: Number;};
type NumberOfFollowersResponse
type NumberOfFollowersResponse = InsightStatisticsResponse | NumberOfFollowers;
type NumberOfMessageDeliveries
type NumberOfMessageDeliveries = InsightStatisticsResponse & { /** * Number of push messages sent to **all** of this LINE official account's friends (broadcast messages). */ broadcast: number; /** * Number of push messages sent to **some** of this LINE official account's friends, based on specific attributes (targeted/segmented messages). */ targeting: number; /** * Number of auto-response messages sent. */ autoResponse: number; /** * Number of greeting messages sent. */ welcomeResponse: number; /** * Number of messages sent from LINE Official Account Manager [Chat screen](https://www.linebiz.com/jp-en/manual/OfficialAccountManager/chats/screens/). */ chat: number; /** * Number of broadcast messages sent with the [Send broadcast message](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#send-broadcast-message) Messaging API operation. */ apiBroadcast: number; /** * Number of push messages sent with the [Send push message](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#send-push-message) Messaging API operation. */ apiPush: number; /** * Number of multicast messages sent with the [Send multicast message](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#send-multicast-message) Messaging API operation. */ apiMulticast: number; /** * Number of replies sent with the [Send reply message](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#send-reply-message) Messaging API operation. */ apiReply: number;};
type NumberOfMessageDeliveriesResponse
type NumberOfMessageDeliveriesResponse = | InsightStatisticsResponse | NumberOfMessageDeliveries;
type NumberOfMessagesSentResponse
type NumberOfMessagesSentResponse = InsightStatisticsResponse & { /** * The number of messages sent with the Messaging API on the date specified in date. * The response has this property only when the value of status is `ready`. */ success?: number;};
type NumberOfMessagesSentThisMonth
type NumberOfMessagesSentThisMonth = { /** * The number of sent messages in the current month */ totalUsage: number;};
type Offset
type Offset = { /** * Reference position for placing this box. Specify one of the following values: * - `relative`: Use the previous box as reference. * - `absolute`: Use the top left of parent element as reference. * * The default value is relative. * For more information, see [Offset](https://developers.line.biz/en/docs/messaging-api/flex-message-layout/#component-offset) in the API documentation. */ position?: 'relative' | 'absolute'; /** * The top offset. * For more information, see [Offset](https://developers.line.biz/en/docs/messaging-api/flex-message-layout/#component-offset) in the API documentation. */ offsetTop?: string; /** * The bottom offset. * For more information, see [Offset](https://developers.line.biz/en/docs/messaging-api/flex-message-layout/#component-offset) in the API documentation. */ offsetBottom?: string; /** * The left offset. * For more information, see [Offset](https://developers.line.biz/en/docs/messaging-api/flex-message-layout/#component-offset) in the API documentation. */ offsetStart?: string; /** * The right offset. * For more information, see [Offset](https://developers.line.biz/en/docs/messaging-api/flex-message-layout/#component-offset) in the API documentation. */ offsetEnd?: string;};
type Postback
type Postback = { data: string; params?: DateTimePostback | RichMenuSwitchPostback;};
type PostbackAction
type PostbackAction = { type: 'postback'; /** * String returned via webhook in the `postback.data` property of the * postback event (Max: 300 characters) */ data: string; /** * Text displayed in the chat as a message sent by the user when the action * is performed. Returned from the server through a webhook. * * - This property cannot be used with quick reply buttons. (Max: 300 characters) * - The `displayText` and `text` properties cannot both be used at the same time. * @deprecated */ text?: string; /** * Text displayed in the chat as a message sent by the user when the action is performed. * * - Required for quick reply buttons. * - Optional for the other message types. * * Max: 300 characters * * The `displayText` and `text` properties cannot both be used at the same time. */ displayText?: string; /** * The display method of such as rich menu based on user action. Specify one of the following values: * * - `closeRichMenu`: Close rich menu * - `openRichMenu`: Open rich menu * - `openKeyboard`: Open keyboard * - `openVoice`: Open voice message input mode * * This property is available on LINE version 12.6.0 or later for iOS or Android. */ inputOption?: 'closeRichMenu' | 'openRichMenu' | 'openKeyboard' | 'openVoice'; /** * String to be pre-filled in the input field when the keyboard is opened. * Valid only when the inputOption property is set to openKeyboard. * The string can be broken by a newline character (\n). * * Max: 300 characters */ fillInText?: string;};
When a control associated with this action is tapped, a postback event is returned via webhook with the specified string in the data property.
type PostbackEvent
type PostbackEvent = { type: 'postback'; postback: Postback;} & ReplyableEvent;
Event object for when a user performs an action on a [template message](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#template-messages).
type Profile
type Profile = { displayName: string; userId: string; pictureUrl?: string; statusMessage?: string; language?: string;};
type QuickReply
type QuickReply = { /** * This is a container that contains * [quick reply buttons](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#quick-reply-button-object). * * Array of objects (Max: 13) */ items: QuickReplyItem[];};
These properties are used for the quick reply.
For more information, see [Using quick replies](https://developers.line.biz/en/docs/messaging-api/using-quick-reply/).
type QuickReplyItem
type QuickReplyItem = { type: 'action'; /** * URL of the icon that is displayed at the beginning of the button (Max: 1000 characters) * * - URL scheme: https * - Image format: PNG * - Aspect ratio: 1:1 * - Data size: Up to 1 MB * * There is no limit on the image size. If the `action` property has the * following actions with empty `imageUrl`: * * - [camera action](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#camera-action) * - [camera roll action](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#camera-roll-action) * - [location action](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#location-action) * * the default icon is displayed. */ imageUrl?: string; /** * Action performed when this button is tapped. * * Specify an [action object](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#action-objects). * * The following is a list of the available actions: * * - [Postback action](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#postback-action) * - [Message action](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#message-action) * - [Datetime picker action](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#datetime-picker-action) * - [Camera action](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#camera-action) * - [Camera roll action](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#camera-roll-action) * - [Location action](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#location-action) * - [URI action](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#uri-action) */ action: Action;};
This is a quick reply option that is displayed as a button.
For more information, see [quick reply buttons](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#quick-reply-button-object).
type ReceieptObject
type ReceieptObject = | AudienceObject | RedeliveryObject | FilterOperatorObject<AudienceObject> | FilterOperatorObject<RedeliveryObject>;
type ReplyableEvent
type ReplyableEvent = EventBase & { replyToken: string;};
type RichMenu
type RichMenu = { /** * [`size` object](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#size-object) * which contains the width and height of the rich menu displayed in the chat. * Rich menu images must be one of the following sizes: 2500x1686px or 2500x843px. */ size: Size; /** * `true` to display the rich menu by default. Otherwise, `false`. */ selected: boolean; /** * Name of the rich menu. * * This value can be used to help manage your rich menus and is not displayed * to users. * * (Max: 300 characters) */ name: string; /** * Text displayed in the chat bar (Max: 14 characters) */ chatBarText: string; /** * Array of [area objects](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#area-object) * which define the coordinates and size of tappable areas * (Max: 20 area objects) */ areas: Array<{ bounds: Area; action: Action<{ label?: string; }>; }>;};
Rich menus consist of either of these objects.
- [Rich menu object](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#rich-menu-object) without the rich menu ID. Use this object when you [create a rich menu](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#create-rich-menu). - [Rich menu response object](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#rich-menu-response-object) with the rich menu ID. This object is returned when you [get a rich menu](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-rich-menu) or [get a list of rich menus](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-rich-menu-list).
[Area objects](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#area-object) and [action objects](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#action-objects) are included in these objects.
type RichMenuResponse
type RichMenuResponse = { richMenuId: string;} & RichMenu;
type RichMenuSwitchAction
type RichMenuSwitchAction = { type: 'richmenuswitch'; /** * Action label. Optional for rich menus. Read when the user's device accessibility feature is enabled. * Max character limit: 20. Supported on LINE for iOS 8.2.0 or later. */ label?: string; /** * Rich menu alias ID to switch to. */ richMenuAliasId: string; /** * String returned by the postback.data property of the postback event via a webhook * Max character limit: 300 */ data: string;};
When a control associated with this action is tapped, the URI specified in the
property is opened.
type Room
type Room = { type: 'room'; roomId: string; /** * ID of the source user. * * Only included in [message events](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#message-event). * Not included if the user has not agreed to the * [Official Accounts Terms of Use](https://developers.line.biz/en/docs/messaging-api/user-consent/). */ userId?: string;};
type Sender
type Sender = { /** * Display name * * - Max character limit: 20 * - Certain words such as `LINE` may not be used. */ name?: string; /** * Icon image URL * * - Max character limit: 1000 * - URL scheme: https */ iconUrl?: string;};
type Size
type Size = { width: number; height: number;};
type StatisticsPerUnit
type StatisticsPerUnit = { overview: { uniqueImpression: number; uniqueClick: number; uniqueMediaPlayed: number; uniqueMediaPlayed100Percent: number; }; messages: UserInteractionStatisticsOfEachMessage[]; clicks: UserInteractionStatisticsOfEachURL[];};
type StickerEventMessage
type StickerEventMessage = { type: 'sticker'; packageId: string; stickerId: string; stickerResourceType: | 'STATIC' | 'ANIMATION' | 'SOUND' | 'ANIMATION_SOUND' | 'POPUP' | 'POPUP_SOUND' | 'CUSTOM' | 'MESSAGE'; keywords: string[]; /** * Any text entered by the user. This property is only included for message stickers. * Max character limit: 100 */ text?: string; /** * Message ID of a quoted message. Only included when the received message quotes a past message. */ quotedMessageId?: string;} & QuotableMessage & EventMessageBase;
Message object which contains the sticker data sent from the source. For a list of basic LINE stickers and sticker IDs, see [sticker list](https://developers.line.biz/media/messaging-api/sticker_list.pdf).
type StickerMessage
type StickerMessage = MessageCommon & CanQuoteMessage & { type: 'sticker'; /** * Package ID for a set of stickers. * For information on package IDs, see the * [Sticker list](https://developers.line.biz/media/messaging-api/sticker_list.pdf). */ packageId: string; /** * Sticker ID. * For a list of sticker IDs for stickers that can be sent with the Messaging * API, see the * [Sticker list](https://developers.line.biz/media/messaging-api/sticker_list.pdf). */ stickerId: string; };
See Also
[Sticker message](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#sticker-message)
type TargetLimitForAdditionalMessages
type TargetLimitForAdditionalMessages = { /** * One of the following values to indicate whether a target limit is set or not. * - `none`: This indicates that a target limit is not set. * - `limited`: This indicates that a target limit is set. */ type: 'none' | 'limited'; /** * The target limit for additional messages in the current month. * This property is returned when the `type` property has a value of `limited`. */ value?: number;};
type TemplateButtons
type TemplateButtons = { type: 'buttons'; /** * Image URL (Max: 2000 characters) * * - HTTPS * - JPEG or PNG * - Max width: 1024px * - Max: 1 MB */ thumbnailImageUrl?: string; /** * Aspect ratio of the image. Specify one of the following values: * * - `rectangle`: 1.51:1 * - `square`: 1:1 * * The default value is `rectangle` */ imageAspectRatio?: 'rectangle' | 'square'; /** * Size of the image. Specify one of the following values: * * - `cover`: The image fills the entire image area. Parts of the image that * do not fit in the area are not displayed. * - `contain`: The entire image is displayed in the image area. A background * is displayed in the unused areas to the left and right of vertical images * and in the areas above and below horizontal images. * * The default value is `cover`. */ imageSize?: 'cover' | 'contain'; /** * Background color of image. Specify a RGB color value. * The default value is `#FFFFFF` (white). */ imageBackgroundColor?: string; /** * Title (Max: 40 characters) */ title?: string; /** * Message text * * - Max: 160 characters (no image or title) * - Max: 60 characters (message with an image or title) */ text: string; /** * Action when tapped (Max: 4) */ actions: Action[];};
Template with an image, title, text, and multiple action buttons.
Because of the height limitation for buttons template messages, the lower part of the text display area will get cut off if the height limitation is exceeded. For this reason, depending on the character width, the message text may not be fully displayed even when it is within the character limits.
type TemplateCarousel
type TemplateCarousel = { type: 'carousel'; /** * Array of columns (Max: 10) */ columns: TemplateColumn[]; /** * Aspect ratio of the image. Specify one of the following values: * * - `rectangle`: 1.51:1 * - `square`: 1:1 * * Applies to all columns. The default value is `rectangle`. */ imageAspectRatio?: 'rectangle' | 'square'; /** * Size of the image. Specify one of the following values: * * - `cover`: The image fills the entire image area. Parts of the image that * do not fit in the area are not displayed. * - `contain`: The entire image is displayed in the image area. A background * is displayed in the unused areas to the left and right of vertical images * and in the areas above and below horizontal images. * * Applies to all columns. The default value is `cover`. */ imageSize?: 'cover' | 'contain';};
Template with multiple columns which can be cycled like a carousel. The columns will be shown in order by scrolling horizontally.
Because of the height limitation for carousel template messages, the lower part of the
display area will get cut off if the height limitation is exceeded. For this reason, depending on the character width, the message text may not be fully displayed even when it is within the character limits.Keep the number of actions consistent for all columns. If you use an image or title for a column, make sure to do the same for all other columns.
type TemplateColumn
type TemplateColumn = { /** * Image URL (Max: 2000 characters) * * - HTTPS * - JPEG or PNG * - Aspect ratio: 1:1.51 * - Max width: 1024px * - Max: 1 MB */ thumbnailImageUrl?: string; /** * Background color of image. Specify a RGB color value. * The default value is `#FFFFFF` (white). */ imageBackgroundColor?: string; /** * Title (Max: 40 characters) */ title?: string; /** * Message text * * - Max: 120 characters (no image or title) * - Max: 60 characters (message with an image or title) */ text: string; /** * Action when image is tapped; set for the entire image, title, and text area */ defaultAction?: Action; /** * Action when tapped (Max: 3) */ actions: Action[];};
type TemplateConfirm
type TemplateConfirm = { type: 'confirm'; /** * Message text (Max: 240 characters) */ text: string; /** * Action when tapped. Set 2 actions for the 2 buttons */ actions: Action[];};
Template with two action buttons.
Because of the height limitation for confirm template messages, the lower part of the
display area will get cut off if the height limitation is exceeded. For this reason, depending on the character width, the message text may not be fully displayed even when it is within the character limits.
type TemplateContent
type TemplateContent = | TemplateButtons | TemplateConfirm | TemplateCarousel | TemplateImageCarousel;
type TemplateImageCarousel
type TemplateImageCarousel = { type: 'image_carousel'; /** * Array of columns (Max: 10) */ columns: TemplateImageColumn[];};
Template with multiple images which can be cycled like a carousel. The images will be shown in order by scrolling horizontally.
type TemplateImageColumn
type TemplateImageColumn = { /** * Image URL (Max: 2000 characters) * * - HTTPS * - JPEG or PNG * - Aspect ratio: 1:1 * - Max width: 1024px * - Max: 1 MB */ imageUrl: string; /** * Action when image is tapped */ action: Action<{ label?: string; }>;};
type TemplateMessage
type TemplateMessage = MessageCommon & { type: 'template'; /** * Alternative text (Max: 400 characters) */ altText: string; /** * Carousel template content */ template: TemplateContent;};
Template messages are messages with predefined layouts which you can customize. For more information, see [template messages](https://developers.line.biz/en/docs/messaging-api/message-types/#template-messages).
The following template types are available:
- [Buttons](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#buttons) - [Confirm](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#confirm) - [Carousel](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#carousel) - [Image carousel](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#image-carousel)
See Also
[Template messages](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#template-messages)
type TestWebhookEndpointResponse
type TestWebhookEndpointResponse = { success: boolean; timestamp: string; statusCode: number; reason: string; detail: string;};
Response body of test webhook endpoint.
See Also
[Test webhook endpoint](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#test-webhook-endpoint)
type TextEventMessage
type TextEventMessage = { type: 'text'; text: string; /** * Sendable LINE emojis */ emojis?: { index: number; length: number; productId: string; emojiId: string; }[]; /** * Object containing the contents of the mentioned user. */ mention?: { /** * Mentioned user information. * Max: 20 mentions */ mentionees: { /** * Index position of the user mention for a character in `text`, * with the first character being at position 0. */ index: number; /** * The length of the text of the mentioned user. For a mention `@example`, * 8 is the length. */ length: number; /** * Mentioned target. * * - `user`: User. * - `all`: Entire group. */ type: 'user' | 'all'; /** * User ID of the mentioned user. Only included if mention.mentions[].type is user * and the user consents to the LINE Official Account obtaining their user profile information. */ userId?: string; }[]; }; /** * Message ID of a quoted message. Only included when the received message quotes a past message. */ quotedMessageId?: string;} & QuotableMessage & EventMessageBase;
Message object which contains the text sent from the source.
type TextMessage
type TextMessage = MessageCommon & CanQuoteMessage & { type: 'text'; /** * Message text. You can include the following emoji: * * - LINE emojis. Use a $ character as a placeholder and specify the product ID and emoji ID of the LINE emoji you want to use in the emojis property. * - Unicode emoji * - (Deprecated) LINE original unicode emojis * ([Unicode codepoint table for LINE original emoji](https://developers.line.biz/media/messaging-api/emoji-list.pdf)) * * Max: 5000 characters */ text: string; /** * One or more LINE emoji. * * Max: 20 LINE emoji */ emojis?: { index: number; productId: string; emojiId: string; }[]; };
See Also
[Text message](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#text-message)
type UnfollowEvent
type UnfollowEvent = { type: 'unfollow';} & EventBase;
Event object for when your account is blocked.
type UnsendEvent
type UnsendEvent = { type: 'unsend'; /** * The message ID of the unsent message */ unsend: { messageId: string; };} & EventBase;
Event object for when the user unsends a message in a [group](https://developers.line.biz/en/docs/messaging-api/group-chats/#group) or [room](https://developers.line.biz/en/docs/messaging-api/group-chats/#room). [Unsend event](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#unsend-event)
type URIAction
type URIAction = { type: 'uri'; /** * URI opened when the action is performed (Max: 1000 characters). * Must start with `http`, `https`, or `tel`. */ uri: string; altUri?: AltURI;};
When a control associated with this action is tapped, the URI specified in the
property is opened.
type User
type User = { type: 'user'; userId: string;};
type UserInteractionStatistics
type UserInteractionStatistics = { overview: { requestId: string; timestamp: number; delivered: number; uniqueImpression: number; uniqueClick: number; uniqueMediaPlayed: number; uniqueMediaPlayed100Percent: number; }; messages: UserInteractionStatisticsOfEachMessage[]; clicks: UserInteractionStatisticsOfEachURL[];};
type VerifyAccessToken
type VerifyAccessToken = { scope: string; client_id: string; expires_in: number;};
type VerifyIDToken
type VerifyIDToken = { scope: string; client_id: string; expires_in: number; iss: string; sub: string; aud: number; exp: number; iat: number; nonce: string; amr: string[]; name: string; picture: string; email: string;};
type VideoEventMessage
type VideoEventMessage = { type: 'video'; contentProvider: ContentProvider;} & QuotableMessage & EventMessageBase;
Message object which contains the video content sent from the source. The binary video data can be retrieved using Client#getMessageContent.
type VideoMessage
type VideoMessage = MessageCommon & { type: 'video'; /** * URL of video file (Max: 2000 characters) * * - **HTTPS** * - mp4 * - Max: 1 minute * - Max: 10 MB * * A very wide or tall video may be cropped when played in some environments. */ originalContentUrl: string; /** * URL of preview image (Max: 2000 characters) * * - **HTTPS** * - JPEG * - Max: 240 x 240 * - Max: 1 MB */ previewImageUrl: string;};
See Also
[Video message](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#video-message)
type VideoPlayCompleteEvent
type VideoPlayCompleteEvent = { type: 'videoPlayComplete'; /** * ID used to identify a video. Returns the same value as the trackingId assigned to the [video message](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#video-message). * String */ videoPlayComplete: { trackingId: string; };} & ReplyableEvent;
Event for when a user finishes viewing a video at least once with the specified trackingId sent by the LINE Official Account.
type WebhookEndpointInfoResponse
type WebhookEndpointInfoResponse = { endpoint: string; active: boolean;};
Response body of get webhook endpoint info.
See Also
[Get get webhook endpoint info](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-webhook-endpoint-information)
type WebhookEvent
type WebhookEvent = | MessageEvent | UnsendEvent | FollowEvent | UnfollowEvent | JoinEvent | LeaveEvent | MemberJoinEvent | MemberLeaveEvent | PostbackEvent | VideoPlayCompleteEvent | BeaconEvent | AccountLinkEvent | DeviceLinkEvent | DeviceUnlinkEvent | LINEThingsScenarioExecutionEvent | DeliveryEvent;
JSON objects which contain events generated on the LINE Platform.
See Also
[Webhook event objects](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#webhook-event-objects)
type WebhookRequestBody
type WebhookRequestBody = { /** * User ID of a bot that should receive webhook events. The user ID value is a string that matches the regular expression, U[0-9a-f]{32}. */ destination: string; /** * Information about the event */ events: Array<WebhookEvent>;};
Request body which is sent by webhook.
See Also
[Request body](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#request-body)
namespace channelAccessToken
module 'dist/channel-access-token/api.d.ts' {}
class ChannelAccessTokenClient
class ChannelAccessTokenClient {}
constructor(config: httpClientConfig);
method getsAllValidChannelAccessTokenKeyIds
getsAllValidChannelAccessTokenKeyIds: ( clientAssertionType: string, clientAssertion: string) => Promise<ChannelAccessTokenKeyIdsResponse>;
Gets all valid channel access token key IDs.
Parameter clientAssertionType
Parameter clientAssertion
A JSON Web Token (JWT) (opens new window)the client needs to create and sign with the private key.
See Also
method getsAllValidChannelAccessTokenKeyIdsWithHttpInfo
getsAllValidChannelAccessTokenKeyIdsWithHttpInfo: ( clientAssertionType: string, clientAssertion: string) => Promise<Types.ApiResponseType<ChannelAccessTokenKeyIdsResponse>>;
Gets all valid channel access token key IDs.. This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information.
Parameter clientAssertionType
Parameter clientAssertion
A JSON Web Token (JWT) (opens new window)the client needs to create and sign with the private key.
See Also
method issueChannelToken
issueChannelToken: ( grantType: string, clientId: string, clientSecret: string) => Promise<IssueShortLivedChannelAccessTokenResponse>;
Issue short-lived channel access token
Parameter grantType
Parameter clientId
Channel ID.
Parameter clientSecret
Channel secret.
See Also
method issueChannelTokenByJWT
issueChannelTokenByJWT: ( grantType: string, clientAssertionType: string, clientAssertion: string) => Promise<IssueChannelAccessTokenResponse>;
Issues a channel access token that allows you to specify a desired expiration date. This method lets you use JWT assertion for authentication.
Parameter grantType
Parameter clientAssertionType
Parameter clientAssertion
A JSON Web Token the client needs to create and sign with the private key of the Assertion Signing Key.
See Also
method issueChannelTokenByJWTWithHttpInfo
issueChannelTokenByJWTWithHttpInfo: ( grantType: string, clientAssertionType: string, clientAssertion: string) => Promise<Types.ApiResponseType<IssueChannelAccessTokenResponse>>;
Issues a channel access token that allows you to specify a desired expiration date. This method lets you use JWT assertion for authentication.. This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information.
Parameter grantType
Parameter clientAssertionType
Parameter clientAssertion
A JSON Web Token the client needs to create and sign with the private key of the Assertion Signing Key.
See Also
method issueChannelTokenWithHttpInfo
issueChannelTokenWithHttpInfo: ( grantType: string, clientId: string, clientSecret: string) => Promise<Types.ApiResponseType<IssueShortLivedChannelAccessTokenResponse>>;
Issue short-lived channel access token. This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information.
Parameter grantType
Parameter clientId
Channel ID.
Parameter clientSecret
Channel secret.
See Also
method issueStatelessChannelToken
issueStatelessChannelToken: ( grantType?: string, clientAssertionType?: string, clientAssertion?: string, clientId?: string, clientSecret?: string) => Promise<IssueStatelessChannelAccessTokenResponse>;
Issues a new stateless channel access token, which doesn't have max active token limit unlike the other token types. The newly issued token is only valid for 15 minutes but can not be revoked until it naturally expires.
Parameter grantType
Parameter clientAssertionType
URL-encoded value of
Parameter clientAssertion
A JSON Web Token the client needs to create and sign with the private key of the Assertion Signing Key.
Parameter clientId
Channel ID.
Parameter clientSecret
Channel secret.
See Also
method issueStatelessChannelTokenWithHttpInfo
issueStatelessChannelTokenWithHttpInfo: ( grantType?: string, clientAssertionType?: string, clientAssertion?: string, clientId?: string, clientSecret?: string) => Promise<Types.ApiResponseType<IssueStatelessChannelAccessTokenResponse>>;
Issues a new stateless channel access token, which doesn't have max active token limit unlike the other token types. The newly issued token is only valid for 15 minutes but can not be revoked until it naturally expires. . This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information.
Parameter grantType
Parameter clientAssertionType
URL-encoded value of
Parameter clientAssertion
A JSON Web Token the client needs to create and sign with the private key of the Assertion Signing Key.
Parameter clientId
Channel ID.
Parameter clientSecret
Channel secret.
See Also
method revokeChannelToken
revokeChannelToken: ( accessToken: string) => Promise<Types.MessageAPIResponseBase>;
Revoke short-lived or long-lived channel access token
Parameter accessToken
Channel access token
See Also
method revokeChannelTokenByJWT
revokeChannelTokenByJWT: ( clientId: string, clientSecret: string, accessToken: string) => Promise<Types.MessageAPIResponseBase>;
Revoke channel access token v2.1
Parameter clientId
Channel ID
Parameter clientSecret
Channel Secret
Parameter accessToken
Channel access token
See Also
method revokeChannelTokenByJWTWithHttpInfo
revokeChannelTokenByJWTWithHttpInfo: ( clientId: string, clientSecret: string, accessToken: string) => Promise<Types.ApiResponseType<Types.MessageAPIResponseBase>>;
Revoke channel access token v2.1. This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information.
Parameter clientId
Channel ID
Parameter clientSecret
Channel Secret
Parameter accessToken
Channel access token
See Also
method revokeChannelTokenWithHttpInfo
revokeChannelTokenWithHttpInfo: ( accessToken: string) => Promise<Types.ApiResponseType<Types.MessageAPIResponseBase>>;
Revoke short-lived or long-lived channel access token. This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information.
Parameter accessToken
Channel access token
See Also
method verifyChannelToken
verifyChannelToken: ( accessToken: string) => Promise<VerifyChannelAccessTokenResponse>;
Verify the validity of short-lived and long-lived channel access tokens
Parameter accessToken
A short-lived or long-lived channel access token.
See Also
method verifyChannelTokenByJWT
verifyChannelTokenByJWT: ( accessToken: string) => Promise<VerifyChannelAccessTokenResponse>;
You can verify whether a Channel access token with a user-specified expiration (Channel Access Token v2.1) is valid.
Parameter accessToken
Channel access token with a user-specified expiration (Channel Access Token v2.1).
See Also
method verifyChannelTokenByJWTWithHttpInfo
verifyChannelTokenByJWTWithHttpInfo: ( accessToken: string) => Promise<Types.ApiResponseType<VerifyChannelAccessTokenResponse>>;
You can verify whether a Channel access token with a user-specified expiration (Channel Access Token v2.1) is valid.. This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information.
Parameter accessToken
Channel access token with a user-specified expiration (Channel Access Token v2.1).
See Also
method verifyChannelTokenWithHttpInfo
verifyChannelTokenWithHttpInfo: ( accessToken: string) => Promise<Types.ApiResponseType<VerifyChannelAccessTokenResponse>>;
Verify the validity of short-lived and long-lived channel access tokens. This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information.
Parameter accessToken
A short-lived or long-lived channel access token.
See Also
type ChannelAccessTokenKeyIdsResponse
type ChannelAccessTokenKeyIdsResponse = { /** * Array of channel access token key IDs. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-all-valid-channel-access-token-key-ids-v2-1">kids Documentation</a> */ kids: Array<string>;};
Channel access token key IDs
type ErrorResponse
type ErrorResponse = { /** * Error summary */ error?: string; /** * Details of the error. Not returned in certain situations. */ error_description?: string;};
Error response of the Channel access token
type IssueChannelAccessTokenResponse
type IssueChannelAccessTokenResponse = { /** * Channel access token. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#issue-channel-access-token-v2-1">accessToken Documentation</a> */ access_token: string; /** * Amount of time in seconds from issue to expiration of the channel access token * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#issue-channel-access-token-v2-1">expiresIn Documentation</a> */ expires_in: number; /** * A token type. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#issue-channel-access-token-v2-1">tokenType Documentation</a> */ token_type: string; /** * Unique key ID for identifying the channel access token. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#issue-channel-access-token-v2-1">keyId Documentation</a> */ key_id: string;};
Issued channel access token
type IssueShortLivedChannelAccessTokenResponse
type IssueShortLivedChannelAccessTokenResponse = { /** * A short-lived channel access token. Valid for 30 days. Note: Channel access tokens cannot be refreshed. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#issue-shortlived-channel-access-token">accessToken Documentation</a> */ access_token: string; /** * Time until channel access token expires in seconds from time the token is issued. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#issue-shortlived-channel-access-token">expiresIn Documentation</a> */ expires_in: number; /** * Token type. The value is always `Bearer`. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#issue-shortlived-channel-access-token">tokenType Documentation</a> */ token_type: string;};
Issued short-lived channel access token
type IssueStatelessChannelAccessTokenResponse
type IssueStatelessChannelAccessTokenResponse = { /** * A stateless channel access token. The token is an opaque string which means its format is an implementation detail and the consumer of this token should never try to use the data parsed from the token. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#issue-stateless-channel-access-token">accessToken Documentation</a> */ access_token: string; /** * Duration in seconds after which the issued access token expires * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#issue-stateless-channel-access-token">expiresIn Documentation</a> */ expires_in: number; /** * Token type. The value is always `Bearer`. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#issue-stateless-channel-access-token">tokenType Documentation</a> */ token_type: string;};
Issued stateless channel access token
type VerifyChannelAccessTokenResponse
type VerifyChannelAccessTokenResponse = { /** * The channel ID for which the channel access token was issued. */ client_id: string; /** * Number of seconds before the channel access token expires. */ expires_in: number; /** * Permissions granted to the channel access token. */ scope?: string;};
Verification result
namespace insight
module 'dist/insight/api.d.ts' {}
class InsightClient
class InsightClient {}
constructor(config: httpClientConfig);
method getFriendsDemographics
getFriendsDemographics: () => Promise<GetFriendsDemographicsResponse>;
Retrieves the demographic attributes for a LINE Official Account's friends.You can only retrieve information about friends for LINE Official Accounts created by users in Japan (JP), Thailand (TH), Taiwan (TW) and Indonesia (ID).
See Also
method getFriendsDemographicsWithHttpInfo
getFriendsDemographicsWithHttpInfo: () => Promise< Types.ApiResponseType<GetFriendsDemographicsResponse>>;
Retrieves the demographic attributes for a LINE Official Account's friends.You can only retrieve information about friends for LINE Official Accounts created by users in Japan (JP), Thailand (TH), Taiwan (TW) and Indonesia (ID). . This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information.
See Also
method getMessageEvent
getMessageEvent: (requestId: string) => Promise<GetMessageEventResponse>;
Returns statistics about how users interact with narrowcast messages or broadcast messages sent from your LINE Official Account. Get user interaction statistics
Parameter requestId
Request ID of a narrowcast message or broadcast message. Each Messaging API request has a request ID.
See Also
Get user interaction statistics Documentation
method getMessageEventWithHttpInfo
getMessageEventWithHttpInfo: ( requestId: string) => Promise<Types.ApiResponseType<GetMessageEventResponse>>;
Returns statistics about how users interact with narrowcast messages or broadcast messages sent from your LINE Official Account. . This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information. Get user interaction statistics
Parameter requestId
Request ID of a narrowcast message or broadcast message. Each Messaging API request has a request ID.
See Also
Get user interaction statistics Documentation
method getNumberOfFollowers
getNumberOfFollowers: (date?: string) => Promise<GetNumberOfFollowersResponse>;
Returns the number of users who have added the LINE Official Account on or before a specified date. Get number of followers
Parameter date
Date for which to retrieve the number of followers. Format: yyyyMMdd (e.g. 20191231) Timezone: UTC+9
See Also
Get number of followers Documentation
method getNumberOfFollowersWithHttpInfo
getNumberOfFollowersWithHttpInfo: ( date?: string) => Promise<Types.ApiResponseType<GetNumberOfFollowersResponse>>;
Returns the number of users who have added the LINE Official Account on or before a specified date. . This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information. Get number of followers
Parameter date
Date for which to retrieve the number of followers. Format: yyyyMMdd (e.g. 20191231) Timezone: UTC+9
See Also
Get number of followers Documentation
method getNumberOfMessageDeliveries
getNumberOfMessageDeliveries: ( date: string) => Promise<GetNumberOfMessageDeliveriesResponse>;
Returns the number of messages sent from LINE Official Account on a specified day. Get number of message deliveries
Parameter date
Date for which to retrieve number of sent messages. - Format: yyyyMMdd (e.g. 20191231) - Timezone: UTC+9
See Also
Get number of message deliveries Documentation
method getNumberOfMessageDeliveriesWithHttpInfo
getNumberOfMessageDeliveriesWithHttpInfo: ( date: string) => Promise<Types.ApiResponseType<GetNumberOfMessageDeliveriesResponse>>;
Returns the number of messages sent from LINE Official Account on a specified day. . This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information. Get number of message deliveries
Parameter date
Date for which to retrieve number of sent messages. - Format: yyyyMMdd (e.g. 20191231) - Timezone: UTC+9
See Also
Get number of message deliveries Documentation
method getStatisticsPerUnit
getStatisticsPerUnit: ( customAggregationUnit: string, from: string, to: string) => Promise<GetStatisticsPerUnitResponse>;
You can check the per-unit statistics of how users interact with push messages and multicast messages sent from your LINE Official Account.
Parameter customAggregationUnit
Name of aggregation unit specified when sending the message. Case-sensitive. For example,
are regarded as different unit names.Parameter from
Start date of aggregation period. Format: yyyyMMdd (e.g. 20210301) Time zone: UTC+9
Parameter to
End date of aggregation period. The end date can be specified for up to 30 days later. For example, if the start date is 20210301, the latest end date is 20210331. Format: yyyyMMdd (e.g. 20210301) Time zone: UTC+9
See Also
method getStatisticsPerUnitWithHttpInfo
getStatisticsPerUnitWithHttpInfo: ( customAggregationUnit: string, from: string, to: string) => Promise<Types.ApiResponseType<GetStatisticsPerUnitResponse>>;
You can check the per-unit statistics of how users interact with push messages and multicast messages sent from your LINE Official Account. . This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information.
Parameter customAggregationUnit
Name of aggregation unit specified when sending the message. Case-sensitive. For example,
are regarded as different unit names.Parameter from
Start date of aggregation period. Format: yyyyMMdd (e.g. 20210301) Time zone: UTC+9
Parameter to
End date of aggregation period. The end date can be specified for up to 30 days later. For example, if the start date is 20210301, the latest end date is 20210331. Format: yyyyMMdd (e.g. 20210301) Time zone: UTC+9
See Also
type AgeTile
type AgeTile = { /** * users\' age */ age?: AgeTile.AgeEnum; /** * Percentage */ percentage?: number;};
LINE Messaging API(Insight) This document describes LINE Messaging API(Insight).
The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.1
NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech). https://openapi-generator.tech Do not edit the class manually.
type AppTypeTile
type AppTypeTile = { /** * users\' OS */ appType?: AppTypeTile.AppTypeEnum; /** * Percentage */ percentage?: number;};
LINE Messaging API(Insight) This document describes LINE Messaging API(Insight).
The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.1
NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech). https://openapi-generator.tech Do not edit the class manually.
type AreaTile
type AreaTile = { /** * users\' country and region */ area?: string; /** * Percentage */ percentage?: number;};
LINE Messaging API(Insight) This document describes LINE Messaging API(Insight).
The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.1
NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech). https://openapi-generator.tech Do not edit the class manually.
type ErrorDetail
type ErrorDetail = { /** * Details of the error. Not included in the response under certain situations. */ message?: string; /** * Location of where the error occurred. Returns the JSON field name or query parameter name of the request. Not included in the response under certain situations. */ property?: string;};
LINE Messaging API(Insight) This document describes LINE Messaging API(Insight).
The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.1
NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech). https://openapi-generator.tech Do not edit the class manually.
type ErrorResponse
type ErrorResponse = { /** * Message containing information about the error. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#error-responses">message Documentation</a> */ message: string; /** * An array of error details. If the array is empty, this property will not be included in the response. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#error-responses">details Documentation</a> */ details?: Array<ErrorDetail>;};
type GenderTile
type GenderTile = { /** * users\' gender */ gender?: GenderTile.GenderEnum; /** * Percentage */ percentage?: number;};
LINE Messaging API(Insight) This document describes LINE Messaging API(Insight).
The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.1
NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech). https://openapi-generator.tech Do not edit the class manually.
type GetFriendsDemographicsResponse
type GetFriendsDemographicsResponse = { /** * true if friend demographic information is available. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-demographic">available Documentation</a> */ available?: boolean; /** * Percentage per gender. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-demographic">genders Documentation</a> */ genders?: Array<GenderTile>; /** * Percentage per age group. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-demographic">ages Documentation</a> */ ages?: Array<AgeTile>; /** * Percentage per area. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-demographic">areas Documentation</a> */ areas?: Array<AreaTile>; /** * Percentage by OS. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-demographic">appTypes Documentation</a> */ appTypes?: Array<AppTypeTile>; /** * Percentage per friendship duration. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-demographic">subscriptionPeriods Documentation</a> */ subscriptionPeriods?: Array<SubscriptionPeriodTile>;};
Get friend demographics
type GetMessageEventResponse
type GetMessageEventResponse = { /** * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-insight-message-event-response">overview Documentation</a> */ overview?: GetMessageEventResponseOverview; /** * Array of information about individual message bubbles. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-insight-message-event-response">messages Documentation</a> */ messages?: Array<GetMessageEventResponseMessage>; /** * Array of information about opened URLs in the message. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-insight-message-event-response">clicks Documentation</a> */ clicks?: Array<GetMessageEventResponseClick>;};
Statistics about how users interact with narrowcast messages or broadcast messages sent from your LINE Official Account.
type GetMessageEventResponseClick
type GetMessageEventResponseClick = { /** * The URL\'s serial number. */ seq?: number; /** * URL. */ url?: string; /** * Number of times the URL was opened. */ click?: number | null; /** * Number of users that opened the URL. */ uniqueClick?: number | null; /** * Number of users who opened this url through any link in the message. If a message contains two links to the same URL and a user opens both links, they\'re counted only once. */ uniqueClickOfRequest?: number | null;};
LINE Messaging API(Insight) This document describes LINE Messaging API(Insight).
The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.1
NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech). https://openapi-generator.tech Do not edit the class manually.
type GetMessageEventResponseMessage
type GetMessageEventResponseMessage = { /** * Bubble\'s serial number. */ seq?: number; /** * Number of times the bubble was displayed. */ impression?: number | null; /** * Number of times audio or video in the bubble started playing. */ mediaPlayed?: number | null; /** * Number of times audio or video in the bubble started playing and was played 25% of the total time. */ mediaPlayed25Percent?: number | null; /** * Number of times audio or video in the bubble started playing and was played 50% of the total time. */ mediaPlayed50Percent?: number | null; /** * Number of times audio or video in the bubble started playing and was played 75% of the total time. */ mediaPlayed75Percent?: number | null; /** * Number of times audio or video in the bubble started playing and was played 100% of the total time. */ mediaPlayed100Percent?: number | null; /** * Number of users that started playing audio or video in the bubble. */ uniqueMediaPlayed?: number | null; /** * Number of users that started playing audio or video in the bubble and played 25% of the total time. */ uniqueMediaPlayed25Percent?: number | null; /** * Number of users that started playing audio or video in the bubble and played 50% of the total time. */ uniqueMediaPlayed50Percent?: number | null; /** * Number of users that started playing audio or video in the bubble and played 75% of the total time. */ uniqueMediaPlayed75Percent?: number | null; /** * Number of users that started playing audio or video in the bubble and played 100% of the total time. */ uniqueMediaPlayed100Percent?: number | null;};
LINE Messaging API(Insight) This document describes LINE Messaging API(Insight).
The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.1
NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech). https://openapi-generator.tech Do not edit the class manually.
type GetMessageEventResponseOverview
type GetMessageEventResponseOverview = { /** * Request ID. */ requestId?: string; /** * UNIX timestamp for message delivery time in seconds. */ timestamp?: number; /** * Number of messages delivered. This property shows values of less than 20. However, if all messages have not been sent, it will be null. */ delivered?: number; /** * Number of users who opened the message, meaning they displayed at least 1 bubble. */ uniqueImpression?: number | null; /** * Number of users who opened any URL in the message. */ uniqueClick?: number | null; /** * Number of users who started playing any video or audio in the message. */ uniqueMediaPlayed?: number | null; /** * Number of users who played the entirety of any video or audio in the message. */ uniqueMediaPlayed100Percent?: number | null;};
Summary of message statistics.
type GetNumberOfFollowersResponse
type GetNumberOfFollowersResponse = { /** * Calculation status. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-number-of-followers">status Documentation</a> */ status?: GetNumberOfFollowersResponse.StatusEnum; /** * The number of times, as of the specified date, that a user added this LINE Official Account as a friend for the first time. The number doesn\'t decrease even if a user later blocks the account or when they delete their LINE account. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-number-of-followers">followers Documentation</a> */ followers?: number; /** * The number of users, as of the specified date, that the LINE Official Account can reach through targeted messages based on gender, age, and/or region. This number only includes users who are active on LINE or LINE services and whose demographics have a high level of certainty. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-number-of-followers">targetedReaches Documentation</a> */ targetedReaches?: number; /** * The number of users blocking the account as of the specified date. The number decreases when a user unblocks the account. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-number-of-followers">blocks Documentation</a> */ blocks?: number;};
Get number of followers
type GetNumberOfMessageDeliveriesResponse
type GetNumberOfMessageDeliveriesResponse = { /** * Status of the counting process. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-number-of-delivery-messages">status Documentation</a> */ status?: GetNumberOfMessageDeliveriesResponse.StatusEnum; /** * Number of messages sent to all of this LINE Official Account\'s friends (broadcast messages). * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-number-of-delivery-messages">broadcast Documentation</a> */ broadcast?: number; /** * Number of messages sent to some of this LINE Official Account\'s friends, based on specific attributes (targeted messages). * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-number-of-delivery-messages">targeting Documentation</a> */ targeting?: number; /** * Number of auto-response messages sent. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-number-of-delivery-messages">autoResponse Documentation</a> */ autoResponse?: number; /** * Number of greeting messages sent. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-number-of-delivery-messages">welcomeResponse Documentation</a> */ welcomeResponse?: number; /** * Number of messages sent from LINE Official Account Manager [Chat screen](https://www.linebiz.com/jp/manual/OfficialAccountManager/chats/) (only available in Japanese). * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-number-of-delivery-messages">chat Documentation</a> */ chat?: number; /** * Number of broadcast messages sent with the `Send broadcast message` Messaging API operation. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-number-of-delivery-messages">apiBroadcast Documentation</a> */ apiBroadcast?: number; /** * Number of push messages sent with the `Send push message` Messaging API operation. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-number-of-delivery-messages">apiPush Documentation</a> */ apiPush?: number; /** * Number of multicast messages sent with the `Send multicast message` Messaging API operation. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-number-of-delivery-messages">apiMulticast Documentation</a> */ apiMulticast?: number; /** * Number of narrowcast messages sent with the `Send narrowcast message` Messaging API operation. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-number-of-delivery-messages">apiNarrowcast Documentation</a> */ apiNarrowcast?: number; /** * Number of replies sent with the `Send reply message` Messaging API operation. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-number-of-delivery-messages">apiReply Documentation</a> */ apiReply?: number;};
Get number of message deliveries
type GetStatisticsPerUnitResponse
type GetStatisticsPerUnitResponse = { /** * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-statistics-per-unit-response">overview Documentation</a> */ overview: GetStatisticsPerUnitResponseOverview; /** * Array of information about individual message bubbles. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-statistics-per-unit-response">messages Documentation</a> */ messages: Array<GetStatisticsPerUnitResponseMessage>; /** * Array of information about opened URLs in the message. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-statistics-per-unit-response">clicks Documentation</a> */ clicks: Array<GetStatisticsPerUnitResponseClick>;};
Response object for
get statistics per unit
type GetStatisticsPerUnitResponseClick
type GetStatisticsPerUnitResponseClick = { /** * The URL\'s serial number. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-statistics-per-unit-response">seq Documentation</a> */ seq: number; /** * URL. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-statistics-per-unit-response">url Documentation</a> */ url: string; /** * Number of times the URL in the bubble was opened. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-statistics-per-unit-response">click Documentation</a> */ click?: number | null; /** * Number of users that opened the URL in the bubble. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-statistics-per-unit-response">uniqueClick Documentation</a> */ uniqueClick?: number | null; /** * Number of users who opened this url through any link in the message. If another message bubble contains the same URL and a user opens both links, it\'s counted only once. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-statistics-per-unit-response">uniqueClickOfRequest Documentation</a> */ uniqueClickOfRequest?: number | null;};
LINE Messaging API(Insight) This document describes LINE Messaging API(Insight).
The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.1
NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech). https://openapi-generator.tech Do not edit the class manually.
type GetStatisticsPerUnitResponseMessage
type GetStatisticsPerUnitResponseMessage = { /** * Bubble\'s serial number. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-statistics-per-unit-response">seq Documentation</a> */ seq: number; /** * Number of times the bubble was displayed. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-statistics-per-unit-response">impression Documentation</a> */ impression?: number | null; /** * Number of times audio or video in the bubble started playing. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-statistics-per-unit-response">mediaPlayed Documentation</a> */ mediaPlayed?: number | null; /** * Number of times audio or video in the bubble started playing and was played 25% of the total time. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-statistics-per-unit-response">mediaPlayed25Percent Documentation</a> */ mediaPlayed25Percent?: number | null; /** * Number of times audio or video in the bubble started playing and was played 50% of the total time. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-statistics-per-unit-response">mediaPlayed50Percent Documentation</a> */ mediaPlayed50Percent?: number | null; /** * Number of times audio or video in the bubble started playing and was played 75% of the total time. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-statistics-per-unit-response">mediaPlayed75Percent Documentation</a> */ mediaPlayed75Percent?: number | null; /** * Number of times audio or video in the bubble started playing and was played 100% of the total time. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-statistics-per-unit-response">mediaPlayed100Percent Documentation</a> */ mediaPlayed100Percent?: number | null; /** * Number of users the bubble was displayed. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-statistics-per-unit-response">uniqueImpression Documentation</a> */ uniqueImpression?: number | null; /** * Number of users that started playing audio or video in the bubble. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-statistics-per-unit-response">uniqueMediaPlayed Documentation</a> */ uniqueMediaPlayed?: number | null; /** * Number of users that started playing audio or video in the bubble and played 25% of the total time. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-statistics-per-unit-response">uniqueMediaPlayed25Percent Documentation</a> */ uniqueMediaPlayed25Percent?: number | null; /** * Number of users that started playing audio or video in the bubble and played 50% of the total time. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-statistics-per-unit-response">uniqueMediaPlayed50Percent Documentation</a> */ uniqueMediaPlayed50Percent?: number | null; /** * Number of users that started playing audio or video in the bubble and played 75% of the total time. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-statistics-per-unit-response">uniqueMediaPlayed75Percent Documentation</a> */ uniqueMediaPlayed75Percent?: number | null; /** * Number of users that started playing audio or video in the bubble and played 100% of the total time. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-statistics-per-unit-response">uniqueMediaPlayed100Percent Documentation</a> */ uniqueMediaPlayed100Percent?: number | null;};
LINE Messaging API(Insight) This document describes LINE Messaging API(Insight).
The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.1
NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech). https://openapi-generator.tech Do not edit the class manually.
type GetStatisticsPerUnitResponseOverview
type GetStatisticsPerUnitResponseOverview = { /** * Number of users who opened the message, meaning they displayed at least 1 bubble. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-statistics-per-unit-response">uniqueImpression Documentation</a> */ uniqueImpression?: number | null; /** * Number of users who opened any URL in the message. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-statistics-per-unit-response">uniqueClick Documentation</a> */ uniqueClick?: number | null; /** * Number of users who started playing any video or audio in the message. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-statistics-per-unit-response">uniqueMediaPlayed Documentation</a> */ uniqueMediaPlayed?: number | null; /** * Number of users who played the entirety of any video or audio in the message. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-statistics-per-unit-response">uniqueMediaPlayed100Percent Documentation</a> */ uniqueMediaPlayed100Percent?: number | null;};
Statistics related to messages.
type SubscriptionPeriodTile
type SubscriptionPeriodTile = { /** * Subscription period. Possible values: `within7days`, `within90days`, `unknown` etc. */ subscriptionPeriod?: SubscriptionPeriodTile.SubscriptionPeriodEnum; /** * Percentage. Possible values: [0.0,100.0] e.g. 0, 2.9, 37.6. */ percentage?: number;};
LINE Messaging API(Insight) This document describes LINE Messaging API(Insight).
The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.1
NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech). https://openapi-generator.tech Do not edit the class manually.
namespace insight.AgeTile
namespace insight.AgeTile {}
type AgeEnum
type AgeEnum = | 'from0to14' | 'from15to19' | 'from20to24' | 'from25to29' | 'from30to34' | 'from35to39' | 'from40to44' | 'from45to49' | 'from50' | 'from50to54' | 'from55to59' | 'from60to64' | 'from65to69' | 'from70' | 'unknown';
namespace insight.AppTypeTile
namespace insight.AppTypeTile {}
type AppTypeEnum
type AppTypeEnum = 'ios' | 'android' | 'others';
namespace insight.GenderTile
namespace insight.GenderTile {}
type GenderEnum
type GenderEnum = 'male' | 'female' | 'unknown';
namespace insight.GetNumberOfFollowersResponse
namespace insight.GetNumberOfFollowersResponse {}
type StatusEnum
type StatusEnum = 'ready' | 'unready' | 'out_of_service';
namespace insight.GetNumberOfMessageDeliveriesResponse
namespace insight.GetNumberOfMessageDeliveriesResponse {}
type StatusEnum
type StatusEnum = 'ready' | 'unready' | 'out_of_service';
namespace insight.SubscriptionPeriodTile
namespace insight.SubscriptionPeriodTile {}
type SubscriptionPeriodEnum
type SubscriptionPeriodEnum = | 'within7days' | 'within30days' | 'within90days' | 'within180days' | 'within365days' | 'over365days' | 'unknown';
namespace liff
module 'dist/liff/api.d.ts' {}
class LiffClient
class LiffClient {}
constructor(config: httpClientConfig);
method addLIFFApp
addLIFFApp: ( addLiffAppRequest: AddLiffAppRequest) => Promise<AddLiffAppResponse>;
Adding the LIFF app to a channel Create LIFF app
Parameter addLiffAppRequest
See Also
Create LIFF app Documentation
method addLIFFAppWithHttpInfo
addLIFFAppWithHttpInfo: ( addLiffAppRequest: AddLiffAppRequest) => Promise<Types.ApiResponseType<AddLiffAppResponse>>;
Adding the LIFF app to a channel. This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information. Create LIFF app
Parameter addLiffAppRequest
See Also
Create LIFF app Documentation
method deleteLIFFApp
deleteLIFFApp: (liffId: string) => Promise<Types.MessageAPIResponseBase>;
Deletes a LIFF app from a channel. Delete LIFF app from a channel
Parameter liffId
ID of the LIFF app to be updated
See Also
Delete LIFF app from a channel Documentation
method deleteLIFFAppWithHttpInfo
deleteLIFFAppWithHttpInfo: ( liffId: string) => Promise<Types.ApiResponseType<Types.MessageAPIResponseBase>>;
Deletes a LIFF app from a channel. . This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information. Delete LIFF app from a channel
Parameter liffId
ID of the LIFF app to be updated
See Also
Delete LIFF app from a channel Documentation
method getAllLIFFApps
getAllLIFFApps: () => Promise<GetAllLiffAppsResponse>;
Gets information on all the LIFF apps added to the channel. Get all LIFF apps
See Also
Get all LIFF apps Documentation
method getAllLIFFAppsWithHttpInfo
getAllLIFFAppsWithHttpInfo: () => Promise< Types.ApiResponseType<GetAllLiffAppsResponse>>;
Gets information on all the LIFF apps added to the channel.. This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information. Get all LIFF apps
See Also
Get all LIFF apps Documentation
method updateLIFFApp
updateLIFFApp: ( liffId: string, updateLiffAppRequest: UpdateLiffAppRequest) => Promise<Types.MessageAPIResponseBase>;
Update LIFF app settings Update LIFF app from a channel
Parameter liffId
ID of the LIFF app to be updated
Parameter updateLiffAppRequest
See Also
Update LIFF app from a channel Documentation
method updateLIFFAppWithHttpInfo
updateLIFFAppWithHttpInfo: ( liffId: string, updateLiffAppRequest: UpdateLiffAppRequest) => Promise<Types.ApiResponseType<Types.MessageAPIResponseBase>>;
Update LIFF app settings. This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information. Update LIFF app from a channel
Parameter liffId
ID of the LIFF app to be updated
Parameter updateLiffAppRequest
See Also
Update LIFF app from a channel Documentation
type AddLiffAppRequest
type AddLiffAppRequest = { /** * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/liff-server/#add-liff-app">view Documentation</a> */ view: LiffView; /** * Name of the LIFF app. The LIFF app name can\'t include \"LINE\" or similar strings, or inappropriate strings. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/liff-server/#add-liff-app">description Documentation</a> */ description?: string; /** * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/liff-server/#add-liff-app">features Documentation</a> */ features?: LiffFeatures; /** * How additional information in LIFF URLs is handled. Specify `concat`. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/liff-server/#add-liff-app">permanentLinkPattern Documentation</a> */ permanentLinkPattern?: string; /** * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/liff-server/#add-liff-app">scope Documentation</a> */ scope?: Array<LiffScope>; /** * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/liff-server/#add-liff-app">botPrompt Documentation</a> */ botPrompt?: LiffBotPrompt;};
type AddLiffAppResponse
type AddLiffAppResponse = { /** */ liffId: string;};
LIFF server API LIFF Server API.
The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.0
NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech). https://openapi-generator.tech Do not edit the class manually.
type GetAllLiffAppsResponse
type GetAllLiffAppsResponse = { /** */ apps?: Array<LiffApp>;};
type LiffApp
type LiffApp = { /** * LIFF app ID */ liffId?: string; /** */ view?: LiffView; /** * Name of the LIFF app */ description?: string; /** */ features?: LiffFeatures; /** * How additional information in LIFF URLs is handled. concat is returned. */ permanentLinkPattern?: string; /** */ scope?: Array<LiffScope>; /** */ botPrompt?: LiffBotPrompt;};
type LiffBotPrompt
type LiffBotPrompt = 'normal' | 'aggressive' | 'none';
Specify the setting for bot link feature with one of the following values:
: Display the option to add the LINE Official Account as a friend in the channel consent screen.aggressive
: Display a screen with the option to add the LINE Official Account as a friend after the channel consent screen.none
: Don't display the option to add the LINE Official Account as a friend. The default value is none.
type LiffFeatures
type LiffFeatures = { /** * `true` if the LIFF app supports Bluetooth® Low Energy for LINE Things. `false` otherwise. */ ble?: boolean; /** * `true` to use the 2D code reader in the LIFF app. false otherwise. The default value is `false`. */ qrCode?: boolean;};
LIFF server API LIFF Server API.
The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.0
NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech). https://openapi-generator.tech Do not edit the class manually.
type LiffScope
type LiffScope = 'openid' | 'email' | 'profile' | 'chat_message.write';
Array of scopes required for some LIFF SDK methods to function. The default value is
[\"profile\", \"chat_message.write\"]
type LiffView
type LiffView = { /** * Size of the LIFF app view. Specify one of these values: - compact - tall - full * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/liff-server/#add-liff-app">type Documentation</a> */ type: LiffView.TypeEnum; /** * Endpoint URL. This is the URL of the web app that implements the LIFF app (e.g. https://example.com). Used when the LIFF app is launched using the LIFF URL. The URL scheme must be https. URL fragments (#URL-fragment) can\'t be specified. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/liff-server/#add-liff-app">url Documentation</a> */ url: string; /** * `true` to use the LIFF app in modular mode. When in modular mode, the action button in the header is not displayed. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/liff-server/#add-liff-app">moduleMode Documentation</a> */ moduleMode?: boolean;};
LIFF server API LIFF Server API.
The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.0
NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech). https://openapi-generator.tech Do not edit the class manually.
type UpdateLiffAppRequest
type UpdateLiffAppRequest = { /** * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/liff-server/#add-liff-app">view Documentation</a> */ view?: UpdateLiffView; /** * Name of the LIFF app. The LIFF app name can\'t include \"LINE\" or similar strings, or inappropriate strings. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/liff-server/#add-liff-app">description Documentation</a> */ description?: string; /** * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/liff-server/#add-liff-app">features Documentation</a> */ features?: LiffFeatures; /** * How additional information in LIFF URLs is handled. Specify `concat`. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/liff-server/#add-liff-app">permanentLinkPattern Documentation</a> */ permanentLinkPattern?: string; /** * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/liff-server/#add-liff-app">scope Documentation</a> */ scope?: Array<LiffScope>; /** * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/liff-server/#add-liff-app">botPrompt Documentation</a> */ botPrompt?: LiffBotPrompt;};
type UpdateLiffView
type UpdateLiffView = { /** * Size of the LIFF app view. Specify one of these values: - compact - tall - full * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/liff-server/#update-liff-app">type Documentation</a> */ type?: UpdateLiffView.TypeEnum; /** * Endpoint URL. This is the URL of the web app that implements the LIFF app (e.g. https://example.com). Used when the LIFF app is launched using the LIFF URL. The URL scheme must be https. URL fragments (#URL-fragment) can\'t be specified. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/liff-server/#update-liff-app">url Documentation</a> */ url?: string; /** * `true` to use the LIFF app in modular mode. When in modular mode, the action button in the header is not displayed. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/liff-server/#update-liff-app">moduleMode Documentation</a> */ moduleMode?: boolean;};
LIFF server API LIFF Server API.
The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.0
NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech). https://openapi-generator.tech Do not edit the class manually.
namespace liff.AddLiffAppRequest
namespace liff.AddLiffAppRequest {}
namespace liff.LiffApp
namespace liff.LiffApp {}
namespace liff.LiffView
namespace liff.LiffView {}
type TypeEnum
type TypeEnum = 'compact' | 'tall' | 'full';
namespace liff.UpdateLiffAppRequest
namespace liff.UpdateLiffAppRequest {}
namespace liff.UpdateLiffView
namespace liff.UpdateLiffView {}
type TypeEnum
type TypeEnum = 'compact' | 'tall' | 'full';
namespace manageAudience
module 'dist/manage-audience/api.d.ts' {}
class ManageAudienceBlobClient
class ManageAudienceBlobClient {}
constructor(config: httpClientConfig);
method addUserIdsToAudience
addUserIdsToAudience: ( file: Blob, audienceGroupId?: number, uploadDescription?: string) => Promise<Types.MessageAPIResponseBase>;
Add user IDs or Identifiers for Advertisers (IFAs) to an audience for uploading user IDs (by file).
Parameter file
A text file with one user ID or IFA entered per line. Specify text/plain as Content-Type. Max file number: 1 Max number: 1,500,000
Parameter audienceGroupId
The audience ID.
Parameter uploadDescription
The description to register with the job
See Also
method addUserIdsToAudienceWithHttpInfo
addUserIdsToAudienceWithHttpInfo: ( file: Blob, audienceGroupId?: number, uploadDescription?: string) => Promise<Types.ApiResponseType<Types.MessageAPIResponseBase>>;
Add user IDs or Identifiers for Advertisers (IFAs) to an audience for uploading user IDs (by file).. This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information.
Parameter file
A text file with one user ID or IFA entered per line. Specify text/plain as Content-Type. Max file number: 1 Max number: 1,500,000
Parameter audienceGroupId
The audience ID.
Parameter uploadDescription
The description to register with the job
See Also
method createAudienceForUploadingUserIds
createAudienceForUploadingUserIds: ( file: Blob, description?: string, isIfaAudience?: boolean, uploadDescription?: string) => Promise<CreateAudienceGroupResponse>;
Create audience for uploading user IDs (by file).
Parameter file
A text file with one user ID or IFA entered per line. Specify text/plain as Content-Type. Max file number: 1 Max number: 1,500,000
Parameter description
The audience\'s name. This is case-insensitive, meaning AUDIENCE and audience are considered identical. Max character limit: 120
Parameter isIfaAudience
To specify recipients by IFAs: set
. To specify recipients by user IDs: setfalse
or omit isIfaAudience property.Parameter uploadDescription
The description to register for the job (in
).See Also
method createAudienceForUploadingUserIdsWithHttpInfo
createAudienceForUploadingUserIdsWithHttpInfo: ( file: Blob, description?: string, isIfaAudience?: boolean, uploadDescription?: string) => Promise<Types.ApiResponseType<CreateAudienceGroupResponse>>;
Create audience for uploading user IDs (by file).. This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information.
Parameter file
A text file with one user ID or IFA entered per line. Specify text/plain as Content-Type. Max file number: 1 Max number: 1,500,000
Parameter description
The audience\'s name. This is case-insensitive, meaning AUDIENCE and audience are considered identical. Max character limit: 120
Parameter isIfaAudience
To specify recipients by IFAs: set
. To specify recipients by user IDs: setfalse
or omit isIfaAudience property.Parameter uploadDescription
The description to register for the job (in
).See Also
class ManageAudienceClient
class ManageAudienceClient {}
constructor(config: httpClientConfig);
method activateAudienceGroup
activateAudienceGroup: ( audienceGroupId: number) => Promise<Types.MessageAPIResponseBase>;
Activate audience
Parameter audienceGroupId
The audience ID.
See Also
method activateAudienceGroupWithHttpInfo
activateAudienceGroupWithHttpInfo: ( audienceGroupId: number) => Promise<Types.ApiResponseType<Types.MessageAPIResponseBase>>;
Activate audience. This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information.
Parameter audienceGroupId
The audience ID.
See Also
method addAudienceToAudienceGroup
addAudienceToAudienceGroup: ( addAudienceToAudienceGroupRequest: AddAudienceToAudienceGroupRequest) => Promise<Types.MessageAPIResponseBase>;
Add user IDs or Identifiers for Advertisers (IFAs) to an audience for uploading user IDs (by JSON)
Parameter addAudienceToAudienceGroupRequest
See Also
method addAudienceToAudienceGroupWithHttpInfo
addAudienceToAudienceGroupWithHttpInfo: ( addAudienceToAudienceGroupRequest: AddAudienceToAudienceGroupRequest) => Promise<Types.ApiResponseType<Types.MessageAPIResponseBase>>;
Add user IDs or Identifiers for Advertisers (IFAs) to an audience for uploading user IDs (by JSON). This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information.
Parameter addAudienceToAudienceGroupRequest
See Also
method createAudienceGroup
createAudienceGroup: ( createAudienceGroupRequest: CreateAudienceGroupRequest) => Promise<CreateAudienceGroupResponse>;
Create audience for uploading user IDs (by JSON)
Parameter createAudienceGroupRequest
See Also
method createAudienceGroupWithHttpInfo
createAudienceGroupWithHttpInfo: ( createAudienceGroupRequest: CreateAudienceGroupRequest) => Promise<Types.ApiResponseType<CreateAudienceGroupResponse>>;
Create audience for uploading user IDs (by JSON). This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information.
Parameter createAudienceGroupRequest
See Also
method createClickBasedAudienceGroup
createClickBasedAudienceGroup: ( createClickBasedAudienceGroupRequest: CreateClickBasedAudienceGroupRequest) => Promise<CreateClickBasedAudienceGroupResponse>;
Create audience for click-based retargeting
Parameter createClickBasedAudienceGroupRequest
See Also
method createClickBasedAudienceGroupWithHttpInfo
createClickBasedAudienceGroupWithHttpInfo: ( createClickBasedAudienceGroupRequest: CreateClickBasedAudienceGroupRequest) => Promise<Types.ApiResponseType<CreateClickBasedAudienceGroupResponse>>;
Create audience for click-based retargeting. This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information.
Parameter createClickBasedAudienceGroupRequest
See Also
method createImpBasedAudienceGroup
createImpBasedAudienceGroup: ( createImpBasedAudienceGroupRequest: CreateImpBasedAudienceGroupRequest) => Promise<CreateImpBasedAudienceGroupResponse>;
Create audience for impression-based retargeting
Parameter createImpBasedAudienceGroupRequest
See Also
method createImpBasedAudienceGroupWithHttpInfo
createImpBasedAudienceGroupWithHttpInfo: ( createImpBasedAudienceGroupRequest: CreateImpBasedAudienceGroupRequest) => Promise<Types.ApiResponseType<CreateImpBasedAudienceGroupResponse>>;
Create audience for impression-based retargeting. This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information.
Parameter createImpBasedAudienceGroupRequest
See Also
method deleteAudienceGroup
deleteAudienceGroup: ( audienceGroupId: number) => Promise<Types.MessageAPIResponseBase>;
Delete audience
Parameter audienceGroupId
The audience ID.
See Also
method deleteAudienceGroupWithHttpInfo
deleteAudienceGroupWithHttpInfo: ( audienceGroupId: number) => Promise<Types.ApiResponseType<Types.MessageAPIResponseBase>>;
Delete audience. This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information.
Parameter audienceGroupId
The audience ID.
See Also
method getAudienceData
getAudienceData: (audienceGroupId: number) => Promise<GetAudienceDataResponse>;
Gets audience data.
Parameter audienceGroupId
The audience ID.
See Also
method getAudienceDataWithHttpInfo
getAudienceDataWithHttpInfo: ( audienceGroupId: number) => Promise<Types.ApiResponseType<GetAudienceDataResponse>>;
Gets audience data.. This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information.
Parameter audienceGroupId
The audience ID.
See Also
method getAudienceGroupAuthorityLevel
getAudienceGroupAuthorityLevel: () => Promise<GetAudienceGroupAuthorityLevelResponse>;
Get the authority level of the audience
See Also
method getAudienceGroupAuthorityLevelWithHttpInfo
getAudienceGroupAuthorityLevelWithHttpInfo: () => Promise< Types.ApiResponseType<GetAudienceGroupAuthorityLevelResponse>>;
Get the authority level of the audience. This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information.
See Also
method getAudienceGroups
getAudienceGroups: ( page: number, description?: string, status?: AudienceGroupStatus, size?: number, includesExternalPublicGroups?: boolean, createRoute?: AudienceGroupCreateRoute) => Promise<GetAudienceGroupsResponse>;
Gets data for more than one audience.
Parameter page
The page to return when getting (paginated) results. Must be 1 or higher.
Parameter description
The name of the audience(s) to return. You can search for partial matches. This is case-insensitive, meaning AUDIENCE and audience are considered identical. If omitted, the name of the audience(s) will not be used as a search criterion.
Parameter status
The status of the audience(s) to return. If omitted, the status of the audience(s) will not be used as a search criterion.
Parameter size
The number of audiences per page. Default: 20 Max: 40
Parameter includesExternalPublicGroups
true (default): Get public audiences created in all channels linked to the same bot. false: Get audiences created in the same channel.
Parameter createRoute
How the audience was created. If omitted, all audiences are included.
: Return only audiences created with LINE Official Account Manager (opens new window).MESSAGING_API
: Return only audiences created with Messaging API.See Also
method getAudienceGroupsWithHttpInfo
getAudienceGroupsWithHttpInfo: ( page: number, description?: string, status?: AudienceGroupStatus, size?: number, includesExternalPublicGroups?: boolean, createRoute?: AudienceGroupCreateRoute) => Promise<Types.ApiResponseType<GetAudienceGroupsResponse>>;
Gets data for more than one audience.. This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information.
Parameter page
The page to return when getting (paginated) results. Must be 1 or higher.
Parameter description
The name of the audience(s) to return. You can search for partial matches. This is case-insensitive, meaning AUDIENCE and audience are considered identical. If omitted, the name of the audience(s) will not be used as a search criterion.
Parameter status
The status of the audience(s) to return. If omitted, the status of the audience(s) will not be used as a search criterion.
Parameter size
The number of audiences per page. Default: 20 Max: 40
Parameter includesExternalPublicGroups
true (default): Get public audiences created in all channels linked to the same bot. false: Get audiences created in the same channel.
Parameter createRoute
How the audience was created. If omitted, all audiences are included.
: Return only audiences created with LINE Official Account Manager (opens new window).MESSAGING_API
: Return only audiences created with Messaging API.See Also
method updateAudienceGroupAuthorityLevel
updateAudienceGroupAuthorityLevel: ( updateAudienceGroupAuthorityLevelRequest: UpdateAudienceGroupAuthorityLevelRequest) => Promise<Types.MessageAPIResponseBase>;
Change the authority level of the audience
Parameter updateAudienceGroupAuthorityLevelRequest
See Also
method updateAudienceGroupAuthorityLevelWithHttpInfo
updateAudienceGroupAuthorityLevelWithHttpInfo: ( updateAudienceGroupAuthorityLevelRequest: UpdateAudienceGroupAuthorityLevelRequest) => Promise<Types.ApiResponseType<Types.MessageAPIResponseBase>>;
Change the authority level of the audience. This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information.
Parameter updateAudienceGroupAuthorityLevelRequest
See Also
method updateAudienceGroupDescription
updateAudienceGroupDescription: ( audienceGroupId: number, updateAudienceGroupDescriptionRequest: UpdateAudienceGroupDescriptionRequest) => Promise<Types.MessageAPIResponseBase>;
Renames an existing audience.
Parameter audienceGroupId
The audience ID.
Parameter updateAudienceGroupDescriptionRequest
See Also
method updateAudienceGroupDescriptionWithHttpInfo
updateAudienceGroupDescriptionWithHttpInfo: ( audienceGroupId: number, updateAudienceGroupDescriptionRequest: UpdateAudienceGroupDescriptionRequest) => Promise<Types.ApiResponseType<Types.MessageAPIResponseBase>>;
Renames an existing audience.. This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information.
Parameter audienceGroupId
The audience ID.
Parameter updateAudienceGroupDescriptionRequest
See Also
type AddAudienceToAudienceGroupRequest
type AddAudienceToAudienceGroupRequest = { /** * The audience ID. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#update-upload-audience-group">audienceGroupId Documentation</a> */ audienceGroupId?: number; /** * The audience\'s name. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#update-upload-audience-group">uploadDescription Documentation</a> */ uploadDescription?: string; /** * An array of up to 10,000 user IDs or IFAs. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#update-upload-audience-group">audiences Documentation</a> */ audiences?: Array<Audience>;};
Add user IDs or Identifiers for Advertisers (IFAs) to an audience for uploading user IDs (by JSON)
type Audience
type Audience = { /** * A user ID or IFA. You can specify an empty array. */ id?: string;};
type AudienceGroup
type AudienceGroup = { /** * The audience ID. */ audienceGroupId?: number; /** */ type?: AudienceGroupType; /** * The audience\'s name. */ description?: string; /** */ status?: AudienceGroupStatus; /** */ failedType?: AudienceGroupFailedType | null; /** * The number of users included in the audience. */ audienceCount?: number; /** * When the audience was created (in UNIX time). */ created?: number; /** * The request ID that was specified when the audience was created. This is only included when `audienceGroup.type` is CLICK or IMP. */ requestId?: string; /** * The URL that was specified when the audience was created. This is only included when `audienceGroup.type` is CLICK and link URL is specified. */ clickUrl?: string; /** * The value indicating the type of account to be sent, as specified when creating the audience for uploading user IDs. */ isIfaAudience?: boolean; /** */ permission?: AudienceGroupPermission; /** */ createRoute?: AudienceGroupCreateRoute;};
Audience group
type AudienceGroupAuthorityLevel
type AudienceGroupAuthorityLevel = 'PUBLIC' | 'PRIVATE';
authority level
type AudienceGroupCreateRoute
type AudienceGroupCreateRoute = | 'OA_MANAGER' | 'MESSAGING_API' | 'POINT_AD' | 'AD_MANAGER';
How the audience was created. One of: -
: Audience created with [LINE Official Account Manager](https://manager.line.biz/). -MESSAGING_API
: Audience created with Messaging API. -POINT_AD
: Audience created with [LINE Points Ads](https://www.linebiz.com/jp/service/line-point-ad/) (Japanese only). -AD_MANAGER
: Audience created with [LINE Ads](https://admanager.line.biz/).
type AudienceGroupFailedType
Failed type
type AudienceGroupJob
type AudienceGroupJob = { /** * A job ID. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-audience-group">audienceGroupJobId Documentation</a> */ audienceGroupJobId?: number; /** * An audience ID. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-audience-group">audienceGroupId Documentation</a> */ audienceGroupId?: number; /** * The job\'s description. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-audience-group">description Documentation</a> */ description?: string; /** * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-audience-group">type Documentation</a> */ type?: AudienceGroupJobType; /** * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-audience-group">jobStatus Documentation</a> */ jobStatus?: AudienceGroupJobStatus; /** * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-audience-group">failedType Documentation</a> */ failedType?: AudienceGroupJobFailedType; /** * The number of accounts (recipients) that were added or removed. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-audience-group">audienceCount Documentation</a> */ audienceCount?: number; /** * When the job was created (in UNIX time). * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-audience-group">created Documentation</a> */ created?: number;};
Audience group job
type AudienceGroupJobFailedType
Failed type
type AudienceGroupJobStatus
type AudienceGroupJobStatus = 'QUEUED' | 'WORKING' | 'FINISHED' | 'FAILED';
Job status
type AudienceGroupJobType
type AudienceGroupJobType = 'DIFF_ADD';
Job Type
type AudienceGroupPermission
type AudienceGroupPermission = 'READ' | 'READ_WRITE';
type AudienceGroupStatus
type AudienceGroupStatus = | 'IN_PROGRESS' | 'READY' | 'FAILED' | 'EXPIRED' | 'INACTIVE' | 'ACTIVATING';
type AudienceGroupType
Audience group type
type CreateAudienceGroupRequest
type CreateAudienceGroupRequest = { /** * The audience\'s name. This is case-insensitive, meaning AUDIENCE and audience are considered identical. Max character limit: 120 * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#create-upload-audience-group">description Documentation</a> */ description?: string; /** * To specify recipients by IFAs: set true. To specify recipients by user IDs: set false or omit isIfaAudience property. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#create-upload-audience-group">isIfaAudience Documentation</a> */ isIfaAudience?: boolean; /** * The description to register for the job (in jobs[].description). * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#create-upload-audience-group">uploadDescription Documentation</a> */ uploadDescription?: string; /** * An array of user IDs or IFAs. Max number: 10,000 * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#create-upload-audience-group">audiences Documentation</a> */ audiences?: Array<Audience>;};
Create audience for uploading user IDs (by JSON)
type CreateAudienceGroupResponse
type CreateAudienceGroupResponse = { /** * The audience ID. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#create-upload-audience-group">audienceGroupId Documentation</a> */ audienceGroupId?: number; /** * How the audience was created. `MESSAGING_API`: An audience created with Messaging API. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#create-upload-audience-group">createRoute Documentation</a> */ createRoute?: CreateAudienceGroupResponse.CreateRouteEnum; /** * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#create-upload-audience-group">type Documentation</a> */ type?: AudienceGroupType; /** * The audience\'s name. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#create-upload-audience-group">description Documentation</a> */ description?: string; /** * When the audience was created (in UNIX time). * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#create-upload-audience-group">created Documentation</a> */ created?: number; /** * Audience\'s update permission. Audiences linked to the same channel will be READ_WRITE. `READ`: Can use only. `READ_WRITE`: Can use and update. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#create-upload-audience-group">permission Documentation</a> */ permission?: CreateAudienceGroupResponse.PermissionEnum; /** * Time of audience expiration. Only returned for specific audiences. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#create-upload-audience-group">expireTimestamp Documentation</a> */ expireTimestamp?: number; /** * The value indicating the type of account to be sent, as specified when creating the audience for uploading user IDs. One of: `true`: Accounts are specified with IFAs. `false` (default): Accounts are specified with user IDs. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#create-upload-audience-group">isIfaAudience Documentation</a> */ isIfaAudience?: boolean;};
Create audience for uploading user IDs (by JSON)
type CreateClickBasedAudienceGroupRequest
type CreateClickBasedAudienceGroupRequest = { /** * The audience\'s name. This is case-insensitive, meaning AUDIENCE and audience are considered identical. Max character limit: 120 * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#create-click-audience-group">description Documentation</a> */ description?: string; /** * The request ID of a broadcast or narrowcast message sent in the past 60 days. Each Messaging API request has a request ID. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#create-click-audience-group">requestId Documentation</a> */ requestId?: string; /** * The URL clicked by the user. If empty, users who clicked any URL in the message are added to the list of recipients. Max character limit: 2,000 * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#create-click-audience-group">clickUrl Documentation</a> */ clickUrl?: string;};
Create audience for click-based retargeting
type CreateClickBasedAudienceGroupResponse
type CreateClickBasedAudienceGroupResponse = { /** * The audience ID. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#create-click-audience-group">audienceGroupId Documentation</a> */ audienceGroupId?: number; /** * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#create-click-audience-group">type Documentation</a> */ type?: AudienceGroupType; /** * The audience\'s name. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#create-click-audience-group">description Documentation</a> */ description?: string; /** * When the audience was created (in UNIX time). * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#create-click-audience-group">created Documentation</a> */ created?: number; /** * The request ID that was specified when the audience was created. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#create-click-audience-group">requestId Documentation</a> */ requestId?: string; /** * The URL that was specified when the audience was created. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#create-click-audience-group">clickUrl Documentation</a> */ clickUrl?: string; /** * How the audience was created. `MESSAGING_API`: An audience created with Messaging API. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#create-click-audience-group">createRoute Documentation</a> */ createRoute?: CreateClickBasedAudienceGroupResponse.CreateRouteEnum; /** * Audience\'s update permission. Audiences linked to the same channel will be READ_WRITE. - `READ`: Can use only. - `READ_WRITE`: Can use and update. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#create-click-audience-group">permission Documentation</a> */ permission?: CreateClickBasedAudienceGroupResponse.PermissionEnum; /** * Time of audience expiration. Only returned for specific audiences. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#create-click-audience-group">expireTimestamp Documentation</a> */ expireTimestamp?: number; /** * The value indicating the type of account to be sent, as specified when creating the audience for uploading user IDs. One of: true: Accounts are specified with IFAs. false (default): Accounts are specified with user IDs. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#create-click-audience-group">isIfaAudience Documentation</a> */ isIfaAudience?: boolean;};
Create audience for click-based retargeting
type CreateImpBasedAudienceGroupRequest
type CreateImpBasedAudienceGroupRequest = { /** * The audience\'s name. This is case-insensitive, meaning `AUDIENCE` and `audience` are considered identical. Max character limit: 120 * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#create-imp-audience-group">description Documentation</a> */ description?: string; /** * The request ID of a broadcast or narrowcast message sent in the past 60 days. Each Messaging API request has a request ID. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#create-imp-audience-group">requestId Documentation</a> */ requestId?: string;};
Create audience for impression-based retargeting
type CreateImpBasedAudienceGroupResponse
type CreateImpBasedAudienceGroupResponse = { /** * The audience ID. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#create-imp-audience-group">audienceGroupId Documentation</a> */ audienceGroupId?: number; /** * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#create-imp-audience-group">type Documentation</a> */ type?: AudienceGroupType; /** * The audience\'s name. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#create-imp-audience-group">description Documentation</a> */ description?: string; /** * When the audience was created (in UNIX time). * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#create-imp-audience-group">created Documentation</a> */ created?: number; /** * The request ID that was specified when the audience was created. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#create-imp-audience-group">requestId Documentation</a> */ requestId?: string;};
Create audience for impression-based retargeting
type ErrorDetail
type ErrorDetail = { /** * Details of the error. Not included in the response under certain situations. */ message?: string; /** * Location of where the error occurred. Returns the JSON field name or query parameter name of the request. Not included in the response under certain situations. */ property?: string;};
LINE Messaging API This document describes LINE Messaging API.
The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.1
NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech). https://openapi-generator.tech Do not edit the class manually.
type ErrorResponse
type ErrorResponse = { /** * Message containing information about the error. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#error-responses">message Documentation</a> */ message: string; /** * An array of error details. If the array is empty, this property will not be included in the response. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#error-responses">details Documentation</a> */ details?: Array<ErrorDetail>;};
type GetAudienceDataResponse
type GetAudienceDataResponse = { /** * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-audience-group">audienceGroup Documentation</a> */ audienceGroup?: AudienceGroup; /** * An array of jobs. This array is used to keep track of each attempt to add new user IDs or IFAs to an audience for uploading user IDs. Empty array is returned for any other type of audience. Max: 50 * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-audience-group">jobs Documentation</a> */ jobs?: Array<AudienceGroupJob>;};
Get audience data
type GetAudienceGroupAuthorityLevelResponse
type GetAudienceGroupAuthorityLevelResponse = { /** * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-authority-level">authorityLevel Documentation</a> */ authorityLevel?: AudienceGroupAuthorityLevel;};
Get the authority level of the audience
type GetAudienceGroupsResponse
type GetAudienceGroupsResponse = { /** * An array of audience data. If there are no audiences that match the specified filter, an empty array will be returned. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-audience-groups">audienceGroups Documentation</a> */ audienceGroups?: Array<AudienceGroup>; /** * true when this is not the last page. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-audience-groups">hasNextPage Documentation</a> */ hasNextPage?: boolean; /** * The total number of audiences that can be returned with the specified filter. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-audience-groups">totalCount Documentation</a> */ totalCount?: number; /** * Of the audiences you can get with the specified filter, the number of audiences with the update permission set to READ_WRITE. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-audience-groups">readWriteAudienceGroupTotalCount Documentation</a> */ readWriteAudienceGroupTotalCount?: number; /** * The current page number. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-audience-groups">page Documentation</a> */ page?: number; /** * The maximum number of audiences on the current page. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-audience-groups">size Documentation</a> */ size?: number;};
Gets data for more than one audience.
type UpdateAudienceGroupAuthorityLevelRequest
type UpdateAudienceGroupAuthorityLevelRequest = { /** * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#change-authority-level">authorityLevel Documentation</a> */ authorityLevel?: AudienceGroupAuthorityLevel;};
Change the authority level of the audience
type UpdateAudienceGroupDescriptionRequest
type UpdateAudienceGroupDescriptionRequest = { /** * The audience\'s name. This is case-insensitive, meaning AUDIENCE and audience are considered identical. Max character limit: 120 * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#set-description-audience-group">description Documentation</a> */ description?: string;};
Rename an audience
namespace manageAudience.AudienceGroup
namespace manageAudience.AudienceGroup {}
namespace manageAudience.AudienceGroupJob
namespace manageAudience.AudienceGroupJob {}
namespace manageAudience.CreateAudienceGroupResponse
namespace manageAudience.CreateAudienceGroupResponse {}
type CreateRouteEnum
type CreateRouteEnum = 'MESSAGING_API';
type PermissionEnum
type PermissionEnum = 'READ' | 'READ_WRITE';
namespace manageAudience.CreateClickBasedAudienceGroupResponse
namespace manageAudience.CreateClickBasedAudienceGroupResponse {}
type CreateRouteEnum
type CreateRouteEnum = 'MESSAGING_API';
type PermissionEnum
type PermissionEnum = 'READ' | 'READ_WRITE';
namespace manageAudience.CreateImpBasedAudienceGroupResponse
namespace manageAudience.CreateImpBasedAudienceGroupResponse {}
namespace manageAudience.GetAudienceGroupAuthorityLevelResponse
namespace manageAudience.GetAudienceGroupAuthorityLevelResponse {}
namespace manageAudience.UpdateAudienceGroupAuthorityLevelRequest
namespace manageAudience.UpdateAudienceGroupAuthorityLevelRequest {}
namespace messagingApi
module 'dist/messaging-api/api.d.ts' {}
class MessagingApiBlobClient
class MessagingApiBlobClient {}
constructor(config: httpClientConfig);
method getMessageContent
getMessageContent: (messageId: string) => Promise<Readable>;
Download image, video, and audio data sent from users.
Parameter messageId
Message ID of video or audio
See Also
method getMessageContentPreview
getMessageContentPreview: (messageId: string) => Promise<Readable>;
Get a preview image of the image or video
Parameter messageId
Message ID of image or video
See Also
method getMessageContentPreviewWithHttpInfo
getMessageContentPreviewWithHttpInfo: ( messageId: string) => Promise<Types.ApiResponseType<Readable>>;
Get a preview image of the image or video. This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information.
Parameter messageId
Message ID of image or video
See Also
method getMessageContentTranscodingByMessageId
getMessageContentTranscodingByMessageId: ( messageId: string) => Promise<GetMessageContentTranscodingResponse>;
Verify the preparation status of a video or audio for getting
Parameter messageId
Message ID of video or audio
See Also
method getMessageContentTranscodingByMessageIdWithHttpInfo
getMessageContentTranscodingByMessageIdWithHttpInfo: ( messageId: string) => Promise<Types.ApiResponseType<GetMessageContentTranscodingResponse>>;
Verify the preparation status of a video or audio for getting. This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information.
Parameter messageId
Message ID of video or audio
See Also
method getMessageContentWithHttpInfo
getMessageContentWithHttpInfo: ( messageId: string) => Promise<Types.ApiResponseType<Readable>>;
Download image, video, and audio data sent from users.. This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information.
Parameter messageId
Message ID of video or audio
See Also
method getRichMenuImage
getRichMenuImage: (richMenuId: string) => Promise<Readable>;
Download rich menu image.
Parameter richMenuId
ID of the rich menu with the image to be downloaded
See Also
method getRichMenuImageWithHttpInfo
getRichMenuImageWithHttpInfo: ( richMenuId: string) => Promise<Types.ApiResponseType<Readable>>;
Download rich menu image.. This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information.
Parameter richMenuId
ID of the rich menu with the image to be downloaded
See Also
method setRichMenuImage
setRichMenuImage: ( richMenuId: string, body?: Blob) => Promise<Types.MessageAPIResponseBase>;
Upload rich menu image
Parameter richMenuId
The ID of the rich menu to attach the image to
Parameter body
See Also
method setRichMenuImageWithHttpInfo
setRichMenuImageWithHttpInfo: ( richMenuId: string, body?: Blob) => Promise<Types.ApiResponseType<Types.MessageAPIResponseBase>>;
Upload rich menu image. This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information.
Parameter richMenuId
The ID of the rich menu to attach the image to
Parameter body
See Also
class MessagingApiClient
class MessagingApiClient {}
constructor(config: httpClientConfig);
method broadcast
broadcast: ( broadcastRequest: BroadcastRequest, xLineRetryKey?: string) => Promise<object>;
Sends a message to multiple users at any time.
Parameter broadcastRequest
Parameter xLineRetryKey
Retry key. Specifies the UUID in hexadecimal format (e.g.,
) generated by any method. The retry key isn't generated by LINE. Each developer must generate their own retry key.See Also
method broadcastWithHttpInfo
broadcastWithHttpInfo: ( broadcastRequest: BroadcastRequest, xLineRetryKey?: string) => Promise<Types.ApiResponseType<object>>;
Sends a message to multiple users at any time.. This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information.
Parameter broadcastRequest
Parameter xLineRetryKey
Retry key. Specifies the UUID in hexadecimal format (e.g.,
) generated by any method. The retry key isn't generated by LINE. Each developer must generate their own retry key.See Also
method cancelDefaultRichMenu
cancelDefaultRichMenu: () => Promise<Types.MessageAPIResponseBase>;
Cancel default rich menu
See Also
method cancelDefaultRichMenuWithHttpInfo
cancelDefaultRichMenuWithHttpInfo: () => Promise< Types.ApiResponseType<Types.MessageAPIResponseBase>>;
Cancel default rich menu. This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information.
See Also
method createRichMenu
createRichMenu: ( richMenuRequest: RichMenuRequest) => Promise<RichMenuIdResponse>;
Create rich menu
Parameter richMenuRequest
See Also
method createRichMenuAlias
createRichMenuAlias: ( createRichMenuAliasRequest: CreateRichMenuAliasRequest) => Promise<Types.MessageAPIResponseBase>;
Create rich menu alias
Parameter createRichMenuAliasRequest
See Also
method createRichMenuAliasWithHttpInfo
createRichMenuAliasWithHttpInfo: ( createRichMenuAliasRequest: CreateRichMenuAliasRequest) => Promise<Types.ApiResponseType<Types.MessageAPIResponseBase>>;
Create rich menu alias. This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information.
Parameter createRichMenuAliasRequest
See Also
method createRichMenuWithHttpInfo
createRichMenuWithHttpInfo: ( richMenuRequest: RichMenuRequest) => Promise<Types.ApiResponseType<RichMenuIdResponse>>;
Create rich menu. This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information.
Parameter richMenuRequest
See Also
method deleteRichMenu
deleteRichMenu: (richMenuId: string) => Promise<Types.MessageAPIResponseBase>;
Deletes a rich menu.
Parameter richMenuId
ID of a rich menu
See Also
method deleteRichMenuAlias
deleteRichMenuAlias: ( richMenuAliasId: string) => Promise<Types.MessageAPIResponseBase>;
Delete rich menu alias
Parameter richMenuAliasId
Rich menu alias ID that you want to delete.
See Also
method deleteRichMenuAliasWithHttpInfo
deleteRichMenuAliasWithHttpInfo: ( richMenuAliasId: string) => Promise<Types.ApiResponseType<Types.MessageAPIResponseBase>>;
Delete rich menu alias. This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information.
Parameter richMenuAliasId
Rich menu alias ID that you want to delete.
See Also
method deleteRichMenuWithHttpInfo
deleteRichMenuWithHttpInfo: ( richMenuId: string) => Promise<Types.ApiResponseType<Types.MessageAPIResponseBase>>;
Deletes a rich menu.. This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information.
Parameter richMenuId
ID of a rich menu
See Also
method getAggregationUnitNameList
getAggregationUnitNameList: ( limit?: string, start?: string) => Promise<GetAggregationUnitNameListResponse>;
Get name list of units used this month
Parameter limit
The maximum number of aggregation units you can get per request.
Parameter start
Value of the continuation token found in the next property of the JSON object returned in the response. If you can't get all the aggregation units in one request, include this parameter to get the remaining array.
See Also
method getAggregationUnitNameListWithHttpInfo
getAggregationUnitNameListWithHttpInfo: ( limit?: string, start?: string) => Promise<Types.ApiResponseType<GetAggregationUnitNameListResponse>>;
Get name list of units used this month. This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information.
Parameter limit
The maximum number of aggregation units you can get per request.
Parameter start
Value of the continuation token found in the next property of the JSON object returned in the response. If you can't get all the aggregation units in one request, include this parameter to get the remaining array.
See Also
method getAggregationUnitUsage
getAggregationUnitUsage: () => Promise<GetAggregationUnitUsageResponse>;
Get number of units used this month
See Also
method getAggregationUnitUsageWithHttpInfo
getAggregationUnitUsageWithHttpInfo: () => Promise< Types.ApiResponseType<GetAggregationUnitUsageResponse>>;
Get number of units used this month. This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information.
See Also
method getBotInfo
getBotInfo: () => Promise<BotInfoResponse>;
Get bot info
See Also
method getBotInfoWithHttpInfo
getBotInfoWithHttpInfo: () => Promise<Types.ApiResponseType<BotInfoResponse>>;
Get bot info. This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information.
See Also
method getDefaultRichMenuId
getDefaultRichMenuId: () => Promise<RichMenuIdResponse>;
Gets the ID of the default rich menu set with the Messaging API.
See Also
method getDefaultRichMenuIdWithHttpInfo
getDefaultRichMenuIdWithHttpInfo: () => Promise< Types.ApiResponseType<RichMenuIdResponse>>;
Gets the ID of the default rich menu set with the Messaging API.. This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information.
See Also
method getFollowers
getFollowers: (start?: string, limit?: number) => Promise<GetFollowersResponse>;
Get a list of users who added your LINE Official Account as a friend
Parameter start
Value of the continuation token found in the next property of the JSON object returned in the response. Include this parameter to get the next array of user IDs.
Parameter limit
The maximum number of user IDs to retrieve in a single request.
See Also
method getFollowersWithHttpInfo
getFollowersWithHttpInfo: ( start?: string, limit?: number) => Promise<Types.ApiResponseType<GetFollowersResponse>>;
Get a list of users who added your LINE Official Account as a friend. This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information.
Parameter start
Value of the continuation token found in the next property of the JSON object returned in the response. Include this parameter to get the next array of user IDs.
Parameter limit
The maximum number of user IDs to retrieve in a single request.
See Also
method getGroupMemberCount
getGroupMemberCount: (groupId: string) => Promise<GroupMemberCountResponse>;
Get number of users in a group chat
Parameter groupId
Group ID
See Also
method getGroupMemberCountWithHttpInfo
getGroupMemberCountWithHttpInfo: ( groupId: string) => Promise<Types.ApiResponseType<GroupMemberCountResponse>>;
Get number of users in a group chat. This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information.
Parameter groupId
Group ID
See Also
method getGroupMemberProfile
getGroupMemberProfile: ( groupId: string, userId: string) => Promise<GroupUserProfileResponse>;
Get group chat member profile
Parameter groupId
Group ID
Parameter userId
User ID
See Also
method getGroupMemberProfileWithHttpInfo
getGroupMemberProfileWithHttpInfo: ( groupId: string, userId: string) => Promise<Types.ApiResponseType<GroupUserProfileResponse>>;
Get group chat member profile. This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information.
Parameter groupId
Group ID
Parameter userId
User ID
See Also
method getGroupMembersIds
getGroupMembersIds: ( groupId: string, start?: string) => Promise<MembersIdsResponse>;
Get group chat member user IDs
Parameter groupId
Group ID
Parameter start
Value of the continuation token found in the
property of the JSON object returned in the response. Include this parameter to get the next array of user IDs for the members of the group.See Also
method getGroupMembersIdsWithHttpInfo
getGroupMembersIdsWithHttpInfo: ( groupId: string, start?: string) => Promise<Types.ApiResponseType<MembersIdsResponse>>;
Get group chat member user IDs. This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information.
Parameter groupId
Group ID
Parameter start
Value of the continuation token found in the
property of the JSON object returned in the response. Include this parameter to get the next array of user IDs for the members of the group.See Also
method getGroupSummary
getGroupSummary: (groupId: string) => Promise<GroupSummaryResponse>;
Get group chat summary
Parameter groupId
Group ID
See Also
method getGroupSummaryWithHttpInfo
getGroupSummaryWithHttpInfo: ( groupId: string) => Promise<Types.ApiResponseType<GroupSummaryResponse>>;
Get group chat summary. This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information.
Parameter groupId
Group ID
See Also
method getMembershipList
getMembershipList: () => Promise<MembershipListResponse>;
Get a list of memberships.
See Also
method getMembershipListWithHttpInfo
getMembershipListWithHttpInfo: () => Promise< Types.ApiResponseType<MembershipListResponse>>;
Get a list of memberships.. This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information.
See Also
method getMembershipSubscription
getMembershipSubscription: ( userId: string) => Promise<GetMembershipSubscriptionResponse>;
Get a user's membership subscription.
Parameter userId
User ID
See Also
method getMembershipSubscriptionWithHttpInfo
getMembershipSubscriptionWithHttpInfo: ( userId: string) => Promise<Types.ApiResponseType<GetMembershipSubscriptionResponse>>;
Get a user's membership subscription.. This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information.
Parameter userId
User ID
See Also
method getMessageQuota
getMessageQuota: () => Promise<MessageQuotaResponse>;
Gets the target limit for sending messages in the current month. The total number of the free messages and the additional messages is returned.
See Also
method getMessageQuotaConsumption
getMessageQuotaConsumption: () => Promise<QuotaConsumptionResponse>;
Gets the number of messages sent in the current month.
See Also
method getMessageQuotaConsumptionWithHttpInfo
getMessageQuotaConsumptionWithHttpInfo: () => Promise< Types.ApiResponseType<QuotaConsumptionResponse>>;
Gets the number of messages sent in the current month.. This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information.
See Also
method getMessageQuotaWithHttpInfo
getMessageQuotaWithHttpInfo: () => Promise< Types.ApiResponseType<MessageQuotaResponse>>;
Gets the target limit for sending messages in the current month. The total number of the free messages and the additional messages is returned.. This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information.
See Also
method getNarrowcastProgress
getNarrowcastProgress: ( requestId: string) => Promise<NarrowcastProgressResponse>;
Gets the status of a narrowcast message.
Parameter requestId
The narrowcast message's request ID. Each Messaging API request has a request ID.
See Also
method getNarrowcastProgressWithHttpInfo
getNarrowcastProgressWithHttpInfo: ( requestId: string) => Promise<Types.ApiResponseType<NarrowcastProgressResponse>>;
Gets the status of a narrowcast message.. This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information.
Parameter requestId
The narrowcast message's request ID. Each Messaging API request has a request ID.
See Also
method getNumberOfSentBroadcastMessages
getNumberOfSentBroadcastMessages: ( date: string) => Promise<NumberOfMessagesResponse>;
Get number of sent broadcast messages
Parameter date
Date the messages were sent Format: yyyyMMdd (e.g. 20191231) Timezone: UTC+9
See Also
method getNumberOfSentBroadcastMessagesWithHttpInfo
getNumberOfSentBroadcastMessagesWithHttpInfo: ( date: string) => Promise<Types.ApiResponseType<NumberOfMessagesResponse>>;
Get number of sent broadcast messages. This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information.
Parameter date
Date the messages were sent Format: yyyyMMdd (e.g. 20191231) Timezone: UTC+9
See Also
method getNumberOfSentMulticastMessages
getNumberOfSentMulticastMessages: ( date: string) => Promise<NumberOfMessagesResponse>;
Get number of sent multicast messages
Parameter date
Date the messages were sent Format:
) Timezone: UTC+9See Also
method getNumberOfSentMulticastMessagesWithHttpInfo
getNumberOfSentMulticastMessagesWithHttpInfo: ( date: string) => Promise<Types.ApiResponseType<NumberOfMessagesResponse>>;
Get number of sent multicast messages. This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information.
Parameter date
Date the messages were sent Format:
) Timezone: UTC+9See Also
method getNumberOfSentPushMessages
getNumberOfSentPushMessages: (date: string) => Promise<NumberOfMessagesResponse>;
Get number of sent push messages
Parameter date
Date the messages were sent Format:
) Timezone: UTC+9See Also
method getNumberOfSentPushMessagesWithHttpInfo
getNumberOfSentPushMessagesWithHttpInfo: ( date: string) => Promise<Types.ApiResponseType<NumberOfMessagesResponse>>;
Get number of sent push messages. This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information.
Parameter date
Date the messages were sent Format:
) Timezone: UTC+9See Also
method getNumberOfSentReplyMessages
getNumberOfSentReplyMessages: ( date: string) => Promise<NumberOfMessagesResponse>;
Get number of sent reply messages
Parameter date
Date the messages were sent Format:
) Timezone: UTC+9See Also
method getNumberOfSentReplyMessagesWithHttpInfo
getNumberOfSentReplyMessagesWithHttpInfo: ( date: string) => Promise<Types.ApiResponseType<NumberOfMessagesResponse>>;
Get number of sent reply messages. This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information.
Parameter date
Date the messages were sent Format:
) Timezone: UTC+9See Also
method getPNPMessageStatistics
getPNPMessageStatistics: (date: string) => Promise<NumberOfMessagesResponse>;
Get number of sent LINE notification messages
Parameter date
Date the message was sent Format:
) Time zone: UTC+9See Also
method getPNPMessageStatisticsWithHttpInfo
getPNPMessageStatisticsWithHttpInfo: ( date: string) => Promise<Types.ApiResponseType<NumberOfMessagesResponse>>;
Get number of sent LINE notification messages . This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information.
Parameter date
Date the message was sent Format:
) Time zone: UTC+9See Also
method getProfile
getProfile: (userId: string) => Promise<UserProfileResponse>;
Get profile
Parameter userId
User ID
See Also
method getProfileWithHttpInfo
getProfileWithHttpInfo: ( userId: string) => Promise<Types.ApiResponseType<UserProfileResponse>>;
Get profile. This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information.
Parameter userId
User ID
See Also
method getRichMenu
getRichMenu: (richMenuId: string) => Promise<RichMenuResponse>;
Gets a rich menu via a rich menu ID.
Parameter richMenuId
ID of a rich menu
See Also
method getRichMenuAlias
getRichMenuAlias: (richMenuAliasId: string) => Promise<RichMenuAliasResponse>;
Get rich menu alias information
Parameter richMenuAliasId
The rich menu alias ID whose information you want to obtain.
See Also
method getRichMenuAliasList
getRichMenuAliasList: () => Promise<RichMenuAliasListResponse>;
Get list of rich menu alias
See Also
method getRichMenuAliasListWithHttpInfo
getRichMenuAliasListWithHttpInfo: () => Promise< Types.ApiResponseType<RichMenuAliasListResponse>>;
Get list of rich menu alias. This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information.
See Also
method getRichMenuAliasWithHttpInfo
getRichMenuAliasWithHttpInfo: ( richMenuAliasId: string) => Promise<Types.ApiResponseType<RichMenuAliasResponse>>;
Get rich menu alias information. This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information.
Parameter richMenuAliasId
The rich menu alias ID whose information you want to obtain.
See Also
method getRichMenuBatchProgress
getRichMenuBatchProgress: ( requestId: string) => Promise<RichMenuBatchProgressResponse>;
Get the status of Replace or unlink a linked rich menus in batches.
Parameter requestId
A request ID used to batch control the rich menu linked to the user. Each Messaging API request has a request ID.
See Also
method getRichMenuBatchProgressWithHttpInfo
getRichMenuBatchProgressWithHttpInfo: ( requestId: string) => Promise<Types.ApiResponseType<RichMenuBatchProgressResponse>>;
Get the status of Replace or unlink a linked rich menus in batches.. This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information.
Parameter requestId
A request ID used to batch control the rich menu linked to the user. Each Messaging API request has a request ID.
See Also
method getRichMenuIdOfUser
getRichMenuIdOfUser: (userId: string) => Promise<RichMenuIdResponse>;
Get rich menu ID of user
Parameter userId
User ID. Found in the
object of webhook event objects. Do not use the LINE ID used in LINE.See Also
method getRichMenuIdOfUserWithHttpInfo
getRichMenuIdOfUserWithHttpInfo: ( userId: string) => Promise<Types.ApiResponseType<RichMenuIdResponse>>;
Get rich menu ID of user. This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information.
Parameter userId
User ID. Found in the
object of webhook event objects. Do not use the LINE ID used in LINE.See Also
method getRichMenuList
getRichMenuList: () => Promise<RichMenuListResponse>;
Get rich menu list
See Also
method getRichMenuListWithHttpInfo
getRichMenuListWithHttpInfo: () => Promise< Types.ApiResponseType<RichMenuListResponse>>;
Get rich menu list. This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information.
See Also
method getRichMenuWithHttpInfo
getRichMenuWithHttpInfo: ( richMenuId: string) => Promise<Types.ApiResponseType<RichMenuResponse>>;
Gets a rich menu via a rich menu ID.. This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information.
Parameter richMenuId
ID of a rich menu
See Also
method getRoomMemberCount
getRoomMemberCount: (roomId: string) => Promise<RoomMemberCountResponse>;
Get number of users in a multi-person chat
Parameter roomId
Room ID
See Also
method getRoomMemberCountWithHttpInfo
getRoomMemberCountWithHttpInfo: ( roomId: string) => Promise<Types.ApiResponseType<RoomMemberCountResponse>>;
Get number of users in a multi-person chat. This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information.
Parameter roomId
Room ID
See Also
method getRoomMemberProfile
getRoomMemberProfile: ( roomId: string, userId: string) => Promise<RoomUserProfileResponse>;
Get multi-person chat member profile
Parameter roomId
Room ID
Parameter userId
User ID
See Also
method getRoomMemberProfileWithHttpInfo
getRoomMemberProfileWithHttpInfo: ( roomId: string, userId: string) => Promise<Types.ApiResponseType<RoomUserProfileResponse>>;
Get multi-person chat member profile. This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information.
Parameter roomId
Room ID
Parameter userId
User ID
See Also
method getRoomMembersIds
getRoomMembersIds: ( roomId: string, start?: string) => Promise<MembersIdsResponse>;
Get multi-person chat member user IDs
Parameter roomId
Room ID
Parameter start
Value of the continuation token found in the
property of the JSON object returned in the response. Include this parameter to get the next array of user IDs for the members of the group.See Also
method getRoomMembersIdsWithHttpInfo
getRoomMembersIdsWithHttpInfo: ( roomId: string, start?: string) => Promise<Types.ApiResponseType<MembersIdsResponse>>;
Get multi-person chat member user IDs. This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information.
Parameter roomId
Room ID
Parameter start
Value of the continuation token found in the
property of the JSON object returned in the response. Include this parameter to get the next array of user IDs for the members of the group.See Also
method getWebhookEndpoint
getWebhookEndpoint: () => Promise<GetWebhookEndpointResponse>;
Get webhook endpoint information
See Also
method getWebhookEndpointWithHttpInfo
getWebhookEndpointWithHttpInfo: () => Promise< Types.ApiResponseType<GetWebhookEndpointResponse>>;
Get webhook endpoint information. This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information.
See Also
method issueLinkToken
issueLinkToken: (userId: string) => Promise<IssueLinkTokenResponse>;
Issue link token
Parameter userId
User ID for the LINE account to be linked. Found in the
object of account link event objects. Do not use the LINE ID used in LINE.See Also
method issueLinkTokenWithHttpInfo
issueLinkTokenWithHttpInfo: ( userId: string) => Promise<Types.ApiResponseType<IssueLinkTokenResponse>>;
Issue link token. This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information.
Parameter userId
User ID for the LINE account to be linked. Found in the
object of account link event objects. Do not use the LINE ID used in LINE.See Also
method leaveGroup
leaveGroup: (groupId: string) => Promise<Types.MessageAPIResponseBase>;
Leave group chat
Parameter groupId
Group ID
See Also
method leaveGroupWithHttpInfo
leaveGroupWithHttpInfo: ( groupId: string) => Promise<Types.ApiResponseType<Types.MessageAPIResponseBase>>;
Leave group chat. This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information.
Parameter groupId
Group ID
See Also
method leaveRoom
leaveRoom: (roomId: string) => Promise<Types.MessageAPIResponseBase>;
Leave multi-person chat
Parameter roomId
Room ID
See Also
method leaveRoomWithHttpInfo
leaveRoomWithHttpInfo: ( roomId: string) => Promise<Types.ApiResponseType<Types.MessageAPIResponseBase>>;
Leave multi-person chat. This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information.
Parameter roomId
Room ID
See Also
method linkRichMenuIdToUser
linkRichMenuIdToUser: ( userId: string, richMenuId: string) => Promise<Types.MessageAPIResponseBase>;
Link rich menu to user.
Parameter userId
User ID. Found in the
object of webhook event objects. Do not use the LINE ID used in LINE.Parameter richMenuId
ID of a rich menu
See Also
method linkRichMenuIdToUsers
linkRichMenuIdToUsers: ( richMenuBulkLinkRequest: RichMenuBulkLinkRequest) => Promise<Types.MessageAPIResponseBase>;
Link rich menu to multiple users
Parameter richMenuBulkLinkRequest
See Also
method linkRichMenuIdToUsersWithHttpInfo
linkRichMenuIdToUsersWithHttpInfo: ( richMenuBulkLinkRequest: RichMenuBulkLinkRequest) => Promise<Types.ApiResponseType<Types.MessageAPIResponseBase>>;
Link rich menu to multiple users. This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information.
Parameter richMenuBulkLinkRequest
See Also
method linkRichMenuIdToUserWithHttpInfo
linkRichMenuIdToUserWithHttpInfo: ( userId: string, richMenuId: string) => Promise<Types.ApiResponseType<Types.MessageAPIResponseBase>>;
Link rich menu to user.. This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information.
Parameter userId
User ID. Found in the
object of webhook event objects. Do not use the LINE ID used in LINE.Parameter richMenuId
ID of a rich menu
See Also
method markMessagesAsRead
markMessagesAsRead: ( markMessagesAsReadRequest: MarkMessagesAsReadRequest) => Promise<Types.MessageAPIResponseBase>;
Mark messages from users as read
Parameter markMessagesAsReadRequest
See Also
method markMessagesAsReadWithHttpInfo
markMessagesAsReadWithHttpInfo: ( markMessagesAsReadRequest: MarkMessagesAsReadRequest) => Promise<Types.ApiResponseType<Types.MessageAPIResponseBase>>;
Mark messages from users as read. This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information.
Parameter markMessagesAsReadRequest
See Also
method multicast
multicast: ( multicastRequest: MulticastRequest, xLineRetryKey?: string) => Promise<object>;
An API that efficiently sends the same message to multiple user IDs. You can't send messages to group chats or multi-person chats.
Parameter multicastRequest
Parameter xLineRetryKey
Retry key. Specifies the UUID in hexadecimal format (e.g.,
) generated by any method. The retry key isn't generated by LINE. Each developer must generate their own retry key.See Also
method multicastWithHttpInfo
multicastWithHttpInfo: ( multicastRequest: MulticastRequest, xLineRetryKey?: string) => Promise<Types.ApiResponseType<object>>;
An API that efficiently sends the same message to multiple user IDs. You can't send messages to group chats or multi-person chats.. This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information.
Parameter multicastRequest
Parameter xLineRetryKey
Retry key. Specifies the UUID in hexadecimal format (e.g.,
) generated by any method. The retry key isn't generated by LINE. Each developer must generate their own retry key.See Also
method narrowcast
narrowcast: ( narrowcastRequest: NarrowcastRequest, xLineRetryKey?: string) => Promise<object>;
Send narrowcast message
Parameter narrowcastRequest
Parameter xLineRetryKey
Retry key. Specifies the UUID in hexadecimal format (e.g.,
) generated by any method. The retry key isn't generated by LINE. Each developer must generate their own retry key.See Also
method narrowcastWithHttpInfo
narrowcastWithHttpInfo: ( narrowcastRequest: NarrowcastRequest, xLineRetryKey?: string) => Promise<Types.ApiResponseType<object>>;
Send narrowcast message. This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information.
Parameter narrowcastRequest
Parameter xLineRetryKey
Retry key. Specifies the UUID in hexadecimal format (e.g.,
) generated by any method. The retry key isn't generated by LINE. Each developer must generate their own retry key.See Also
method pushMessage
pushMessage: ( pushMessageRequest: PushMessageRequest, xLineRetryKey?: string) => Promise<PushMessageResponse>;
Sends a message to a user, group chat, or multi-person chat at any time.
Parameter pushMessageRequest
Parameter xLineRetryKey
Retry key. Specifies the UUID in hexadecimal format (e.g.,
) generated by any method. The retry key isn't generated by LINE. Each developer must generate their own retry key.See Also
method pushMessagesByPhone
pushMessagesByPhone: ( pnpMessagesRequest: PnpMessagesRequest, xLineDeliveryTag?: string) => Promise<Types.MessageAPIResponseBase>;
Send LINE notification message
Parameter pnpMessagesRequest
Parameter xLineDeliveryTag
String returned in the delivery.data property of the delivery completion event via Webhook.
See Also
method pushMessagesByPhoneWithHttpInfo
pushMessagesByPhoneWithHttpInfo: ( pnpMessagesRequest: PnpMessagesRequest, xLineDeliveryTag?: string) => Promise<Types.ApiResponseType<Types.MessageAPIResponseBase>>;
Send LINE notification message. This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information.
Parameter pnpMessagesRequest
Parameter xLineDeliveryTag
String returned in the delivery.data property of the delivery completion event via Webhook.
See Also
method pushMessageWithHttpInfo
pushMessageWithHttpInfo: ( pushMessageRequest: PushMessageRequest, xLineRetryKey?: string) => Promise<Types.ApiResponseType<PushMessageResponse>>;
Sends a message to a user, group chat, or multi-person chat at any time.. This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information.
Parameter pushMessageRequest
Parameter xLineRetryKey
Retry key. Specifies the UUID in hexadecimal format (e.g.,
) generated by any method. The retry key isn't generated by LINE. Each developer must generate their own retry key.See Also
method replyMessage
replyMessage: ( replyMessageRequest: ReplyMessageRequest) => Promise<ReplyMessageResponse>;
Send reply message
Parameter replyMessageRequest
See Also
method replyMessageWithHttpInfo
replyMessageWithHttpInfo: ( replyMessageRequest: ReplyMessageRequest) => Promise<Types.ApiResponseType<ReplyMessageResponse>>;
Send reply message. This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information.
Parameter replyMessageRequest
See Also
method richMenuBatch
richMenuBatch: ( richMenuBatchRequest: RichMenuBatchRequest) => Promise<Types.MessageAPIResponseBase>;
You can use this endpoint to batch control the rich menu linked to the users using the endpoint such as Link rich menu to user. The following operations are available: 1. Replace a rich menu with another rich menu for all users linked to a specific rich menu 2. Unlink a rich menu for all users linked to a specific rich menu 3. Unlink a rich menu for all users linked the rich menu
Parameter richMenuBatchRequest
See Also
method richMenuBatchWithHttpInfo
richMenuBatchWithHttpInfo: ( richMenuBatchRequest: RichMenuBatchRequest) => Promise<Types.ApiResponseType<Types.MessageAPIResponseBase>>;
You can use this endpoint to batch control the rich menu linked to the users using the endpoint such as Link rich menu to user. The following operations are available: 1. Replace a rich menu with another rich menu for all users linked to a specific rich menu 2. Unlink a rich menu for all users linked to a specific rich menu 3. Unlink a rich menu for all users linked the rich menu . This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information.
Parameter richMenuBatchRequest
See Also
method setDefaultRichMenu
setDefaultRichMenu: ( richMenuId: string) => Promise<Types.MessageAPIResponseBase>;
Set default rich menu
Parameter richMenuId
ID of a rich menu
See Also
method setDefaultRichMenuWithHttpInfo
setDefaultRichMenuWithHttpInfo: ( richMenuId: string) => Promise<Types.ApiResponseType<Types.MessageAPIResponseBase>>;
Set default rich menu. This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information.
Parameter richMenuId
ID of a rich menu
See Also
method setWebhookEndpoint
setWebhookEndpoint: ( setWebhookEndpointRequest: SetWebhookEndpointRequest) => Promise<Types.MessageAPIResponseBase>;
Set webhook endpoint URL
Parameter setWebhookEndpointRequest
See Also
method setWebhookEndpointWithHttpInfo
setWebhookEndpointWithHttpInfo: ( setWebhookEndpointRequest: SetWebhookEndpointRequest) => Promise<Types.ApiResponseType<Types.MessageAPIResponseBase>>;
Set webhook endpoint URL. This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information.
Parameter setWebhookEndpointRequest
See Also
method showLoadingAnimation
showLoadingAnimation: ( showLoadingAnimationRequest: ShowLoadingAnimationRequest) => Promise<object>;
Display a loading animation in one-on-one chats between users and LINE Official Accounts.
Parameter showLoadingAnimationRequest
See Also
method showLoadingAnimationWithHttpInfo
showLoadingAnimationWithHttpInfo: ( showLoadingAnimationRequest: ShowLoadingAnimationRequest) => Promise<Types.ApiResponseType<object>>;
Display a loading animation in one-on-one chats between users and LINE Official Accounts.. This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information.
Parameter showLoadingAnimationRequest
See Also
method testWebhookEndpoint
testWebhookEndpoint: ( testWebhookEndpointRequest?: TestWebhookEndpointRequest) => Promise<TestWebhookEndpointResponse>;
Test webhook endpoint
Parameter testWebhookEndpointRequest
See Also
method testWebhookEndpointWithHttpInfo
testWebhookEndpointWithHttpInfo: ( testWebhookEndpointRequest?: TestWebhookEndpointRequest) => Promise<Types.ApiResponseType<TestWebhookEndpointResponse>>;
Test webhook endpoint. This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information.
Parameter testWebhookEndpointRequest
See Also
method unlinkRichMenuIdFromUser
unlinkRichMenuIdFromUser: ( userId: string) => Promise<Types.MessageAPIResponseBase>;
Unlink rich menu from user
Parameter userId
User ID. Found in the
object of webhook event objects. Do not use the LINE ID used in LINE.See Also
method unlinkRichMenuIdFromUsers
unlinkRichMenuIdFromUsers: ( richMenuBulkUnlinkRequest: RichMenuBulkUnlinkRequest) => Promise<Types.MessageAPIResponseBase>;
Unlink rich menus from multiple users
Parameter richMenuBulkUnlinkRequest
See Also
method unlinkRichMenuIdFromUsersWithHttpInfo
unlinkRichMenuIdFromUsersWithHttpInfo: ( richMenuBulkUnlinkRequest: RichMenuBulkUnlinkRequest) => Promise<Types.ApiResponseType<Types.MessageAPIResponseBase>>;
Unlink rich menus from multiple users. This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information.
Parameter richMenuBulkUnlinkRequest
See Also
method unlinkRichMenuIdFromUserWithHttpInfo
unlinkRichMenuIdFromUserWithHttpInfo: ( userId: string) => Promise<Types.ApiResponseType<Types.MessageAPIResponseBase>>;
Unlink rich menu from user. This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information.
Parameter userId
User ID. Found in the
object of webhook event objects. Do not use the LINE ID used in LINE.See Also
method updateRichMenuAlias
updateRichMenuAlias: ( richMenuAliasId: string, updateRichMenuAliasRequest: UpdateRichMenuAliasRequest) => Promise<Types.MessageAPIResponseBase>;
Update rich menu alias
Parameter richMenuAliasId
The rich menu alias ID you want to update.
Parameter updateRichMenuAliasRequest
See Also
method updateRichMenuAliasWithHttpInfo
updateRichMenuAliasWithHttpInfo: ( richMenuAliasId: string, updateRichMenuAliasRequest: UpdateRichMenuAliasRequest) => Promise<Types.ApiResponseType<Types.MessageAPIResponseBase>>;
Update rich menu alias. This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information.
Parameter richMenuAliasId
The rich menu alias ID you want to update.
Parameter updateRichMenuAliasRequest
See Also
method validateBroadcast
validateBroadcast: ( validateMessageRequest: ValidateMessageRequest) => Promise<Types.MessageAPIResponseBase>;
Validate message objects of a broadcast message
Parameter validateMessageRequest
See Also
method validateBroadcastWithHttpInfo
validateBroadcastWithHttpInfo: ( validateMessageRequest: ValidateMessageRequest) => Promise<Types.ApiResponseType<Types.MessageAPIResponseBase>>;
Validate message objects of a broadcast message. This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information.
Parameter validateMessageRequest
See Also
method validateMulticast
validateMulticast: ( validateMessageRequest: ValidateMessageRequest) => Promise<Types.MessageAPIResponseBase>;
Validate message objects of a multicast message
Parameter validateMessageRequest
See Also
method validateMulticastWithHttpInfo
validateMulticastWithHttpInfo: ( validateMessageRequest: ValidateMessageRequest) => Promise<Types.ApiResponseType<Types.MessageAPIResponseBase>>;
Validate message objects of a multicast message. This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information.
Parameter validateMessageRequest
See Also
method validateNarrowcast
validateNarrowcast: ( validateMessageRequest: ValidateMessageRequest) => Promise<Types.MessageAPIResponseBase>;
Validate message objects of a narrowcast message
Parameter validateMessageRequest
See Also
method validateNarrowcastWithHttpInfo
validateNarrowcastWithHttpInfo: ( validateMessageRequest: ValidateMessageRequest) => Promise<Types.ApiResponseType<Types.MessageAPIResponseBase>>;
Validate message objects of a narrowcast message. This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information.
Parameter validateMessageRequest
See Also
method validatePush
validatePush: ( validateMessageRequest: ValidateMessageRequest) => Promise<Types.MessageAPIResponseBase>;
Validate message objects of a push message
Parameter validateMessageRequest
See Also
method validatePushWithHttpInfo
validatePushWithHttpInfo: ( validateMessageRequest: ValidateMessageRequest) => Promise<Types.ApiResponseType<Types.MessageAPIResponseBase>>;
Validate message objects of a push message. This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information.
Parameter validateMessageRequest
See Also
method validateReply
validateReply: ( validateMessageRequest: ValidateMessageRequest) => Promise<Types.MessageAPIResponseBase>;
Validate message objects of a reply message
Parameter validateMessageRequest
See Also
method validateReplyWithHttpInfo
validateReplyWithHttpInfo: ( validateMessageRequest: ValidateMessageRequest) => Promise<Types.ApiResponseType<Types.MessageAPIResponseBase>>;
Validate message objects of a reply message. This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information.
Parameter validateMessageRequest
See Also
method validateRichMenuBatchRequest
validateRichMenuBatchRequest: ( richMenuBatchRequest: RichMenuBatchRequest) => Promise<Types.MessageAPIResponseBase>;
Validate a request body of the Replace or unlink the linked rich menus in batches endpoint.
Parameter richMenuBatchRequest
See Also
method validateRichMenuBatchRequestWithHttpInfo
validateRichMenuBatchRequestWithHttpInfo: ( richMenuBatchRequest: RichMenuBatchRequest) => Promise<Types.ApiResponseType<Types.MessageAPIResponseBase>>;
Validate a request body of the Replace or unlink the linked rich menus in batches endpoint.. This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information.
Parameter richMenuBatchRequest
See Also
method validateRichMenuObject
validateRichMenuObject: ( richMenuRequest: RichMenuRequest) => Promise<Types.MessageAPIResponseBase>;
Validate rich menu object
Parameter richMenuRequest
See Also
method validateRichMenuObjectWithHttpInfo
validateRichMenuObjectWithHttpInfo: ( richMenuRequest: RichMenuRequest) => Promise<Types.ApiResponseType<Types.MessageAPIResponseBase>>;
Validate rich menu object. This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information.
Parameter richMenuRequest
See Also
type Action
type Action = | CameraAction | CameraRollAction | ClipboardAction | DatetimePickerAction | LocationAction | MessageAction | PostbackAction | RichMenuSwitchAction | URIAction;
type ActionBase
type ActionBase = { /** * Type of action * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#action-objects">type Documentation</a> */ type?: string; /** * Label for the action. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#action-objects">label Documentation</a> */ label?: string;};
type AgeDemographic
type AgeDemographic = | 'age_15' | 'age_20' | 'age_25' | 'age_30' | 'age_35' | 'age_40' | 'age_45' | 'age_50' | 'age_55' | 'age_60' | 'age_65' | 'age_70';
LINE Messaging API This document describes LINE Messaging API.
The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.1
NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech). https://openapi-generator.tech Do not edit the class manually.
type AgeDemographicFilter
type AgeDemographicFilter = DemographicFilterBase & { type: 'age'; /** */ gte?: AgeDemographic; /** */ lt?: AgeDemographic;};
type AllMentionTarget
type AllMentionTarget = MentionTargetBase & { type: 'all';};
type AltUri
type AltUri = { /** */ desktop?: string;};
LINE Messaging API This document describes LINE Messaging API.
The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.1
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type AppTypeDemographic
type AppTypeDemographic = 'ios' | 'android';
LINE Messaging API This document describes LINE Messaging API.
The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.1
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type AppTypeDemographicFilter
type AppTypeDemographicFilter = DemographicFilterBase & { type: 'appType'; /** */ oneOf?: Array<AppTypeDemographic>;};
type AreaDemographic
type AreaDemographic = | 'jp_01' | 'jp_02' | 'jp_03' | 'jp_04' | 'jp_05' | 'jp_06' | 'jp_07' | 'jp_08' | 'jp_09' | 'jp_10' | 'jp_11' | 'jp_12' | 'jp_13' | 'jp_14' | 'jp_15' | 'jp_16' | 'jp_17' | 'jp_18' | 'jp_19' | 'jp_20' | 'jp_21' | 'jp_22' | 'jp_23' | 'jp_24' | 'jp_25' | 'jp_26' | 'jp_27' | 'jp_28' | 'jp_29' | 'jp_30' | 'jp_31' | 'jp_32' | 'jp_33' | 'jp_34' | 'jp_35' | 'jp_36' | 'jp_37' | 'jp_38' | 'jp_39' | 'jp_40' | 'jp_41' | 'jp_42' | 'jp_43' | 'jp_44' | 'jp_45' | 'jp_46' | 'jp_47' | 'tw_01' | 'tw_02' | 'tw_03' | 'tw_04' | 'tw_05' | 'tw_06' | 'tw_07' | 'tw_08' | 'tw_09' | 'tw_10' | 'tw_11' | 'tw_12' | 'tw_13' | 'tw_14' | 'tw_15' | 'tw_16' | 'tw_17' | 'tw_18' | 'tw_19' | 'tw_20' | 'tw_21' | 'tw_22' | 'th_01' | 'th_02' | 'th_03' | 'th_04' | 'th_05' | 'th_06' | 'th_07' | 'th_08' | 'id_01' | 'id_02' | 'id_03' | 'id_04' | 'id_05' | 'id_06' | 'id_07' | 'id_08' | 'id_09' | 'id_10' | 'id_11' | 'id_12';
LINE Messaging API This document describes LINE Messaging API.
The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.1
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type AreaDemographicFilter
type AreaDemographicFilter = DemographicFilterBase & { type: 'area'; /** */ oneOf?: Array<AreaDemographic>;};
type AudienceRecipient
type AudienceRecipient = RecipientBase & { type: 'audience'; /** */ audienceGroupId?: number;};
type AudioMessage
type AudioMessage = MessageBase & { type: 'audio'; /** * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#audio-message">originalContentUrl Documentation</a> */ originalContentUrl: string; /** * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#audio-message">duration Documentation</a> */ duration: number;};
type BotInfoResponse
type BotInfoResponse = { /** * Bot\'s user ID * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-bot-info">userId Documentation</a> */ userId: string; /** * Bot\'s basic ID * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-bot-info">basicId Documentation</a> */ basicId: string; /** * Bot\'s premium ID. Not included in the response if the premium ID isn\'t set. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-bot-info">premiumId Documentation</a> */ premiumId?: string; /** * Bot\'s display name * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-bot-info">displayName Documentation</a> */ displayName: string; /** * Profile image URL. `https` image URL. Not included in the response if the bot doesn\'t have a profile image. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-bot-info">pictureUrl Documentation</a> */ pictureUrl?: string; /** * Chat settings set in the LINE Official Account Manager. One of: `chat`: Chat is set to \"On\". `bot`: Chat is set to \"Off\". * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-bot-info">chatMode Documentation</a> */ chatMode: BotInfoResponse.ChatModeEnum; /** * Automatic read setting for messages. If the chat is set to \"Off\", auto is returned. If the chat is set to \"On\", manual is returned. `auto`: Auto read setting is enabled. `manual`: Auto read setting is disabled. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-bot-info">markAsReadMode Documentation</a> */ markAsReadMode: BotInfoResponse.MarkAsReadModeEnum;};
LINE Messaging API This document describes LINE Messaging API.
The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.1
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type BroadcastRequest
type BroadcastRequest = { /** * List of Message objects. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#send-broadcast-message">messages Documentation</a> */ messages: Array<Message>; /** * `true`: The user doesn’t receive a push notification when a message is sent. `false`: The user receives a push notification when the message is sent (unless they have disabled push notifications in LINE and/or their device). The default value is false. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#send-broadcast-message">notificationDisabled Documentation</a> */ notificationDisabled?: boolean;};
type ButtonsTemplate
type ButtonsTemplate = TemplateBase & { type: 'buttons'; /** */ thumbnailImageUrl?: string; /** */ imageAspectRatio?: string; /** */ imageSize?: string; /** */ imageBackgroundColor?: string; /** */ title?: string; /** */ text: string; /** */ defaultAction?: Action; /** */ actions: Array<Action>;};
type CameraAction
type CameraAction = ActionBase & { type: 'camera';};
type CameraRollAction
type CameraRollAction = ActionBase & { type: 'cameraRoll';};
type CarouselColumn
type CarouselColumn = { /** */ thumbnailImageUrl?: string; /** */ imageBackgroundColor?: string; /** */ title?: string; /** */ text: string; /** */ defaultAction?: Action; /** */ actions: Array<Action>;};
Column object for carousel template.
type CarouselTemplate
type CarouselTemplate = TemplateBase & { type: 'carousel'; /** */ columns: Array<CarouselColumn>; /** */ imageAspectRatio?: string; /** */ imageSize?: string;};
type ChatReference
type ChatReference = { /** * The target user ID * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/partner-docs/#mark-messages-from-users-as-read">userId Documentation</a> */ userId: string;};
Chat reference
type ClipboardAction
type ClipboardAction = ActionBase & { type: 'clipboard'; /** * Text that is copied to the clipboard. Max character limit: 1000 * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#clipboard-action">clipboardText Documentation</a> */ clipboardText: string;};
type ClipboardImagemapAction
type ClipboardImagemapAction = ImagemapActionBase & { type: 'clipboard'; /** * Text that is copied to the clipboard. Max character limit: 1000 * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#imagemap-clipboard-action-object">clipboardText Documentation</a> */ clipboardText: string; /** * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#imagemap-clipboard-action-object">label Documentation</a> */ label?: string;};
type ConfirmTemplate
type ConfirmTemplate = TemplateBase & { type: 'confirm'; /** */ text: string; /** */ actions: Array<Action>;};
type CreateRichMenuAliasRequest
type CreateRichMenuAliasRequest = { /** * Rich menu alias ID, which can be any ID, unique for each channel. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#create-rich-menu-alias">richMenuAliasId Documentation</a> */ richMenuAliasId: string; /** * The rich menu ID to be associated with the rich menu alias. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#create-rich-menu-alias">richMenuId Documentation</a> */ richMenuId: string;};
LINE Messaging API This document describes LINE Messaging API.
The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.1
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type DatetimePickerAction
type DatetimePickerAction = ActionBase & { type: 'datetimepicker'; /** * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#datetime-picker-action">data Documentation</a> */ data?: string; /** * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#datetime-picker-action">mode Documentation</a> */ mode?: DatetimePickerAction.ModeEnum; /** * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#datetime-picker-action">initial Documentation</a> */ initial?: string; /** * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#datetime-picker-action">max Documentation</a> */ max?: string; /** * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#datetime-picker-action">min Documentation</a> */ min?: string;};
type DemographicFilter
type DemographicFilter = | AgeDemographicFilter | AppTypeDemographicFilter | AreaDemographicFilter | GenderDemographicFilter | OperatorDemographicFilter | SubscriptionPeriodDemographicFilter;
type DemographicFilterBase
type DemographicFilterBase = { /** * Type of demographic filter */ type?: string;};
Demographic filter
type Emoji
type Emoji = { /** */ index?: number; /** */ productId?: string; /** */ emojiId?: string;};
LINE Messaging API This document describes LINE Messaging API.
The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.1
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type EmojiSubstitutionObject
type EmojiSubstitutionObject = SubstitutionObjectBase & { type: 'emoji'; /** * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#text-message-v2-emoji-object">productId Documentation</a> */ productId: string; /** * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#text-message-v2-emoji-object">emojiId Documentation</a> */ emojiId: string;};
type ErrorDetail
type ErrorDetail = { /** * Details of the error. Not included in the response under certain situations. */ message?: string; /** * Location of where the error occurred. Returns the JSON field name or query parameter name of the request. Not included in the response under certain situations. */ property?: string;};
LINE Messaging API This document describes LINE Messaging API.
The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.1
NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech). https://openapi-generator.tech Do not edit the class manually.
type ErrorResponse
type ErrorResponse = { /** * Message containing information about the error. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#error-responses">message Documentation</a> */ message: string; /** * An array of error details. If the array is empty, this property will not be included in the response. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#error-responses">details Documentation</a> */ details?: Array<ErrorDetail>; /** * Array of sent messages. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#error-responses">sentMessages Documentation</a> */ sentMessages?: Array<SentMessage>;};
type Filter
type Filter = { /** */ demographic?: DemographicFilter;};
Filter for narrowcast
type FlexBlockStyle
type FlexBlockStyle = { /** */ backgroundColor?: string; /** */ separator?: boolean; /** */ separatorColor?: string;};
LINE Messaging API This document describes LINE Messaging API.
The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.1
NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech). https://openapi-generator.tech Do not edit the class manually.
type FlexBox
type FlexBox = FlexComponentBase & { type: 'box'; /** */ layout: FlexBox.LayoutEnum; /** */ flex?: number; /** */ contents: Array<FlexComponent>; /** */ spacing?: string; /** */ margin?: string; /** */ position?: FlexBox.PositionEnum; /** */ offsetTop?: string; /** */ offsetBottom?: string; /** */ offsetStart?: string; /** */ offsetEnd?: string; /** */ backgroundColor?: string; /** */ borderColor?: string; /** */ borderWidth?: string; /** */ cornerRadius?: string; /** */ width?: string; /** */ maxWidth?: string; /** */ height?: string; /** */ maxHeight?: string; /** */ paddingAll?: string; /** */ paddingTop?: string; /** */ paddingBottom?: string; /** */ paddingStart?: string; /** */ paddingEnd?: string; /** */ action?: Action; /** */ justifyContent?: FlexBox.JustifyContentEnum; /** */ alignItems?: FlexBox.AlignItemsEnum; /** */ background?: FlexBoxBackground;};
type FlexBoxBackground
type FlexBoxBackground = FlexBoxLinearGradient;
type FlexBoxBackgroundBase
type FlexBoxBackgroundBase = { /** */ type: string;};
type FlexBoxBorderWidth
type FlexBoxBorderWidth = | 'none' | 'light' | 'normal' | 'medium' | 'semi-bold' | 'bold';
Width of box border. This is only for
in FlexBox. A value of none means that borders are not rendered; the other values are listed in order of increasing width.
type FlexBoxCornerRadius
type FlexBoxCornerRadius = 'none' | 'xs' | 'sm' | 'md' | 'lg' | 'xl' | 'xxl';
Radius at the time of rounding the corners of the box. This is only for
in FlexBox. A value of none means that corners are not rounded; the other values are listed in order of increasing radius.
type FlexBoxLinearGradient
type FlexBoxLinearGradient = FlexBoxBackgroundBase & { type: 'linearGradient'; /** */ angle?: string; /** */ startColor?: string; /** */ endColor?: string; /** */ centerColor?: string; /** */ centerPosition?: string;};
type FlexBoxPadding
type FlexBoxPadding = 'none' | 'xs' | 'sm' | 'md' | 'lg' | 'xl' | 'xxl';
Padding can be specified in pixels, percentage (to the parent box width) or with a keyword. FlexBoxPadding just provides only keywords.
type FlexBoxSpacing
type FlexBoxSpacing = 'none' | 'xs' | 'sm' | 'md' | 'lg' | 'xl' | 'xxl';
You can specify the minimum space between two components with the
property of the parent box component, in pixels or with a keyword. FlexBoxSpacing just provides only keywords.
type FlexBubble
type FlexBubble = FlexContainerBase & { type: 'bubble'; /** */ direction?: FlexBubble.DirectionEnum; /** */ styles?: FlexBubbleStyles; /** */ header?: FlexBox; /** */ hero?: FlexComponent; /** */ body?: FlexBox; /** */ footer?: FlexBox; /** */ size?: FlexBubble.SizeEnum; /** */ action?: Action;};
type FlexBubbleStyles
type FlexBubbleStyles = { /** */ header?: FlexBlockStyle; /** */ hero?: FlexBlockStyle; /** */ body?: FlexBlockStyle; /** */ footer?: FlexBlockStyle;};
type FlexButton
type FlexButton = FlexComponentBase & { type: 'button'; /** */ flex?: number; /** */ color?: string; /** */ style?: FlexButton.StyleEnum; /** */ action: Action; /** */ gravity?: FlexButton.GravityEnum; /** */ margin?: string; /** */ position?: FlexButton.PositionEnum; /** */ offsetTop?: string; /** */ offsetBottom?: string; /** */ offsetStart?: string; /** */ offsetEnd?: string; /** */ height?: FlexButton.HeightEnum; /** */ adjustMode?: FlexButton.AdjustModeEnum; /** */ scaling?: boolean;};
type FlexCarousel
type FlexCarousel = FlexContainerBase & { type: 'carousel'; /** */ contents: Array<FlexBubble>;};
type FlexComponent
type FlexComponent = | FlexBox | FlexButton | FlexFiller | FlexIcon | FlexImage | FlexSeparator | FlexSpan | FlexText | FlexVideo;
type FlexComponentBase
type FlexComponentBase = { /** */ type: string;};
type FlexContainer
type FlexContainer = FlexBubble | FlexCarousel;
type FlexContainerBase
type FlexContainerBase = { /** */ type: string;};
type FlexFiller
type FlexFiller = FlexComponentBase & { type: 'filler'; /** */ flex?: number;};
type FlexIcon
type FlexIcon = FlexComponentBase & { type: 'icon'; /** * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#icon">url Documentation</a> */ url: string; /** * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#icon">size Documentation</a> */ size?: string; /** * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#icon">aspectRatio Documentation</a> */ aspectRatio?: string; /** * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#icon">margin Documentation</a> */ margin?: string; /** * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#icon">position Documentation</a> */ position?: FlexIcon.PositionEnum; /** * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#icon">offsetTop Documentation</a> */ offsetTop?: string; /** * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#icon">offsetBottom Documentation</a> */ offsetBottom?: string; /** * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#icon">offsetStart Documentation</a> */ offsetStart?: string; /** * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#icon">offsetEnd Documentation</a> */ offsetEnd?: string; /** * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#icon">scaling Documentation</a> */ scaling?: boolean;};
type FlexIconSize
type FlexIconSize = | 'xxs' | 'xs' | 'sm' | 'md' | 'lg' | 'xl' | 'xxl' | '3xl' | '4xl' | '5xl';
You can set the width of an Flex icon component with the
property, in pixels, as a percentage, or with a keyword. FlexIconSize just provides only keywords.
type FlexImage
type FlexImage = FlexComponentBase & { type: 'image'; /** * Image URL (Max character limit: 2000) Protocol: HTTPS (TLS 1.2 or later) Image format: JPEG or PNG Maximum image size: 1024×1024 pixels Maximum file size: 10 MB (300 KB when the animated property is true) * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#f-image">url Documentation</a> */ url: string; /** * The ratio of the width or height of this component within the parent box. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#f-image">flex Documentation</a> */ flex?: number; /** * The minimum amount of space to include before this component in its parent container. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#f-image">margin Documentation</a> */ margin?: string; /** * Reference for offsetTop, offsetBottom, offsetStart, and offsetEnd. Specify one of the following values: `relative`: Use the previous box as reference. `absolute`: Use the top left of parent element as reference. The default value is relative. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#f-image">position Documentation</a> */ position?: FlexImage.PositionEnum; /** * Offset. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#f-image">offsetTop Documentation</a> */ offsetTop?: string; /** * Offset. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#f-image">offsetBottom Documentation</a> */ offsetBottom?: string; /** * Offset. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#f-image">offsetStart Documentation</a> */ offsetStart?: string; /** * Offset. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#f-image">offsetEnd Documentation</a> */ offsetEnd?: string; /** * Alignment style in horizontal direction. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#f-image">align Documentation</a> */ align?: FlexImage.AlignEnum; /** * Alignment style in vertical direction. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#f-image">gravity Documentation</a> */ gravity?: FlexImage.GravityEnum; /** * The maximum image width. This is md by default. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#f-image">size Documentation</a> */ size?: string; /** * Aspect ratio of the image. `{width}:{height}` format. Specify the value of `{width}` and `{height}` in the range from `1` to `100000`. However, you cannot set `{height}` to a value that is more than three times the value of `{width}`. The default value is `1:1`. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#f-image">aspectRatio Documentation</a> */ aspectRatio?: string; /** * The display style of the image if the aspect ratio of the image and that specified by the aspectRatio property do not match. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#f-image">aspectMode Documentation</a> */ aspectMode?: FlexImage.AspectModeEnum; /** * Background color of the image. Use a hexadecimal color code. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#f-image">backgroundColor Documentation</a> */ backgroundColor?: string; /** * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#f-image">action Documentation</a> */ action?: Action; /** * When this is `true`, an animated image (APNG) plays. You can specify a value of true up to 10 images in a single message. You can\'t send messages that exceed this limit. This is `false` by default. Animated images larger than 300 KB aren\'t played back. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#f-image">animated Documentation</a> */ animated?: boolean;};
type FlexImageSize
type FlexImageSize = | 'xxs' | 'xs' | 'sm' | 'md' | 'lg' | 'xl' | 'xxl' | '3xl' | '4xl' | '5xl' | 'full';
You can set the width of an Flex image component with the
property, in pixels, as a percentage, or with a keyword. FlexImageSize just provides only keywords.
type FlexMargin
type FlexMargin = 'none' | 'xs' | 'sm' | 'md' | 'lg' | 'xl' | 'xxl';
You can specify the minimum space before a child component with the
property of the child component, in pixels or with a keyword. FlexMargin just provides only keywords.
type FlexMessage
type FlexMessage = MessageBase & { type: 'flex'; /** * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#flex-message">altText Documentation</a> */ altText: string; /** * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#flex-message">contents Documentation</a> */ contents: FlexContainer;};
type FlexOffset
type FlexOffset = 'none' | 'xs' | 'sm' | 'md' | 'lg' | 'xl' | 'xxl';
You can specify the offset of a component with the
property, in pixels or with a keyword. You can also specify the percentage to the box width foroffsetStart
and to the box height foroffsetTop
. FlexOffset just provides only keywords.
type FlexSeparator
type FlexSeparator = FlexComponentBase & { type: 'separator'; /** */ margin?: string; /** */ color?: string;};
type FlexSpan
type FlexSpan = FlexComponentBase & { type: 'span'; /** */ text?: string; /** */ size?: string; /** */ color?: string; /** */ weight?: FlexSpan.WeightEnum; /** */ style?: FlexSpan.StyleEnum; /** */ decoration?: FlexSpan.DecorationEnum;};
type FlexSpanSize
type FlexSpanSize = | 'xxs' | 'xs' | 'sm' | 'md' | 'lg' | 'xl' | 'xxl' | '3xl' | '4xl' | '5xl';
Font size in the
property of the Flex span component. You can specify the size in pixels or with a keyword. FlexSpanSize just provides only keywords.
type FlexText
type FlexText = FlexComponentBase & { type: 'text'; /** */ flex?: number; /** */ text?: string; /** */ size?: string; /** */ align?: FlexText.AlignEnum; /** */ gravity?: FlexText.GravityEnum; /** */ color?: string; /** */ weight?: FlexText.WeightEnum; /** */ style?: FlexText.StyleEnum; /** */ decoration?: FlexText.DecorationEnum; /** */ wrap?: boolean; /** */ lineSpacing?: string; /** */ margin?: string; /** */ position?: FlexText.PositionEnum; /** */ offsetTop?: string; /** */ offsetBottom?: string; /** */ offsetStart?: string; /** */ offsetEnd?: string; /** */ action?: Action; /** */ maxLines?: number; /** */ contents?: Array<FlexSpan>; /** */ adjustMode?: FlexText.AdjustModeEnum; /** */ scaling?: boolean;};
type FlexTextFontSize
type FlexTextFontSize = | 'xxs' | 'xs' | 'sm' | 'md' | 'lg' | 'xl' | 'xxl' | '3xl' | '4xl' | '5xl';
Font size in the
property of the Flex text component. You can specify the size in pixels or with a keyword. FlexTextFontSize just provides only keywords.
type FlexVideo
type FlexVideo = FlexComponentBase & { type: 'video'; /** */ url: string; /** */ previewUrl: string; /** */ altContent: FlexComponent; /** */ aspectRatio?: string; /** */ action?: Action;};
type GenderDemographic
type GenderDemographic = 'male' | 'female';
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type GenderDemographicFilter
type GenderDemographicFilter = DemographicFilterBase & { type: 'gender'; /** */ oneOf?: Array<GenderDemographic>;};
type GetAggregationUnitNameListResponse
type GetAggregationUnitNameListResponse = { /** * An array of strings indicating the names of aggregation units used this month. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-name-list-of-units-used-this-month">customAggregationUnits Documentation</a> */ customAggregationUnits: Array<string>; /** * A continuation token to get the next array of unit names. Returned only when there are remaining aggregation units that weren\'t returned in customAggregationUnits in the original request. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-name-list-of-units-used-this-month">next Documentation</a> */ next?: string;};
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type GetAggregationUnitUsageResponse
type GetAggregationUnitUsageResponse = { /** * Number of aggregation units used this month. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-number-of-units-used-this-month">numOfCustomAggregationUnits Documentation</a> */ numOfCustomAggregationUnits: number;};
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type GetFollowersResponse
type GetFollowersResponse = { /** * An array of strings indicating user IDs of users that have added the LINE Official Account as a friend. Only users of LINE for iOS and LINE for Android are included in `userIds`. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-follower-ids">userIds Documentation</a> */ userIds: Array<string>; /** * A continuation token to get the next array of user IDs. Returned only when there are remaining user IDs that weren\'t returned in `userIds` in the original request. The number of user IDs in the `userIds` element doesn\'t have to reach the maximum number specified by `limit` for the `next` property to be included in the response. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-follower-ids">next Documentation</a> */ next?: string;};
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type GetMembershipSubscriptionResponse
type GetMembershipSubscriptionResponse = { /** * List of subscription information * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-a-users-membership-subscription-status">subscriptions Documentation</a> */ subscriptions: Array<Subscription>;};
A user's membership subscription status
type GetMessageContentTranscodingResponse
type GetMessageContentTranscodingResponse = { /** * The preparation status. One of: `processing`: Preparing to get content. `succeeded`: Ready to get the content. You can get the content sent by users. `failed`: Failed to prepare to get the content. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#verify-video-or-audio-preparation-status">status Documentation</a> */ status: GetMessageContentTranscodingResponse.StatusEnum;};
Transcoding response
type GetWebhookEndpointResponse
type GetWebhookEndpointResponse = { /** * Webhook URL * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-webhook-endpoint-information">endpoint Documentation</a> */ endpoint: string; /** * Webhook usage status. Send a webhook event from the LINE Platform to the webhook URL only if enabled. `true`: Webhook usage is enabled. `false`: Webhook usage is disabled. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-webhook-endpoint-information">active Documentation</a> */ active: boolean;};
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type GroupMemberCountResponse
type GroupMemberCountResponse = { /** * The count of members in the group chat. The number returned excludes the LINE Official Account. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-members-group-count">count Documentation</a> */ count: number;};
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type GroupSummaryResponse
type GroupSummaryResponse = { /** * Group ID * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-group-summary">groupId Documentation</a> */ groupId: string; /** * Group name * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-group-summary">groupName Documentation</a> */ groupName: string; /** * Group icon URL. Not included in the response if the user doesn\'t set a group profile icon. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-group-summary">pictureUrl Documentation</a> */ pictureUrl?: string;};
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type GroupUserProfileResponse
type GroupUserProfileResponse = { /** * User\'s display name * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-group-member-profile">displayName Documentation</a> */ displayName: string; /** * User ID * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-group-member-profile">userId Documentation</a> */ userId: string; /** * Profile image URL. `https` image URL. Not included in the response if the user doesn\'t have a profile image. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-group-member-profile">pictureUrl Documentation</a> */ pictureUrl?: string;};
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type ImageCarouselColumn
type ImageCarouselColumn = { /** */ imageUrl: string; /** */ action: Action;};
type ImageCarouselTemplate
type ImageCarouselTemplate = TemplateBase & { type: 'image_carousel'; /** */ columns: Array<ImageCarouselColumn>;};
type ImagemapAction
type ImagemapAction = | ClipboardImagemapAction | MessageImagemapAction | URIImagemapAction;
type ImagemapActionBase
type ImagemapActionBase = { /** * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#imagemap-action-objects">type Documentation</a> */ type: string; /** * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#imagemap-action-objects">area Documentation</a> */ area: ImagemapArea;};
type ImagemapArea
type ImagemapArea = { /** */ x: number; /** */ y: number; /** */ width: number; /** */ height: number;};
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type ImagemapBaseSize
type ImagemapBaseSize = { /** */ height: number; /** */ width: number;};
LINE Messaging API This document describes LINE Messaging API.
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type ImagemapExternalLink
type ImagemapExternalLink = { /** */ linkUri?: string; /** */ label?: string;};
LINE Messaging API This document describes LINE Messaging API.
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type ImagemapMessage
type ImagemapMessage = MessageBase & { type: 'imagemap'; /** * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#imagemap-message">baseUrl Documentation</a> */ baseUrl: string; /** * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#imagemap-message">altText Documentation</a> */ altText: string; /** * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#imagemap-message">baseSize Documentation</a> */ baseSize: ImagemapBaseSize; /** * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#imagemap-message">actions Documentation</a> */ actions: Array<ImagemapAction>; /** * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#imagemap-message">video Documentation</a> */ video?: ImagemapVideo;};
type ImagemapVideo
type ImagemapVideo = { /** */ originalContentUrl?: string; /** */ previewImageUrl?: string; /** */ area?: ImagemapArea; /** */ externalLink?: ImagemapExternalLink;};
type ImageMessage
type ImageMessage = MessageBase & { type: 'image'; /** * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#image-message">originalContentUrl Documentation</a> */ originalContentUrl: string; /** * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#image-message">previewImageUrl Documentation</a> */ previewImageUrl: string;};
type IssueLinkTokenResponse
type IssueLinkTokenResponse = { /** * Link token. Link tokens are valid for 10 minutes and can only be used once. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#issue-link-token">linkToken Documentation</a> */ linkToken: string;};
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type Limit
type Limit = { /** * The maximum number of narrowcast messages to send. Use this parameter to limit the number of narrowcast messages sent. The recipients will be chosen at random. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#send-narrowcast-message">max Documentation</a> */ max?: number; /** * If true, the message will be sent within the maximum number of deliverable messages. The default value is `false`. Targets will be selected at random. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#send-narrowcast-message">upToRemainingQuota Documentation</a> */ upToRemainingQuota?: boolean;};
Limit of the Narrowcast
type LocationAction
type LocationAction = ActionBase & { type: 'location';};
type LocationMessage
type LocationMessage = MessageBase & { type: 'location'; /** * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#location-message">title Documentation</a> */ title: string; /** * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#location-message">address Documentation</a> */ address: string; /** * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#location-message">latitude Documentation</a> */ latitude: number; /** * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#location-message">longitude Documentation</a> */ longitude: number;};
type MarkMessagesAsReadRequest
type MarkMessagesAsReadRequest = { /** * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/partner-docs/#mark-messages-from-users-as-read">chat Documentation</a> */ chat: ChatReference;};
type Membership
type Membership = { /** * Membership plan ID. */ membershipId: number; /** * Membership plan name. */ title: string; /** * Membership plan description. */ description: string; /** * List of membership plan perks. */ benefits: Array<string>; /** * Monthly fee for membership plan. (e.g. 1500.00) */ price: number; /** * The currency of membership.price. */ currency: Membership.CurrencyEnum; /** * Number of members subscribed to the membership plan. */ memberCount: number; /** * The upper limit of members who can subscribe. If no upper limit is set, it will be null. */ memberLimit: number | null; /** * Payment method for users who subscribe to a membership plan. */ isInAppPurchase: boolean; /** * Membership plan status. */ isPublished: boolean;};
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type MembershipListResponse
type MembershipListResponse = { /** * List of membership information */ memberships: Array<Membership>;};
List of memberships
type MembersIdsResponse
type MembersIdsResponse = { /** * List of user IDs of members in the group chat. Only users of LINE for iOS and LINE for Android are included in `memberIds`. */ memberIds: Array<string>; /** * A continuation token to get the next array of user IDs of the members in the group chat. Returned only when there are remaining user IDs that were not returned in `memberIds` in the original request. */ next?: string;};
LINE Messaging API This document describes LINE Messaging API.
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type MentionSubstitutionObject
type MentionSubstitutionObject = SubstitutionObjectBase & { type: 'mention'; /** * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#text-message-v2-mention-object">mentionee Documentation</a> */ mentionee: MentionTarget;};
type MentionTarget
type MentionTarget = AllMentionTarget | UserMentionTarget;
type MentionTargetBase
type MentionTargetBase = { /** * Target to be mentioned */ type: string;};
type Message
type Message = | AudioMessage | FlexMessage | ImageMessage | ImagemapMessage | LocationMessage | StickerMessage | TemplateMessage | TextMessage | TextMessageV2 | VideoMessage;
type MessageAction
type MessageAction = ActionBase & { type: 'message'; /** */ text?: string;};
type MessageBase
type MessageBase = { /** * Type of message * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#message-common-properties">type Documentation</a> */ type: string; /** * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#message-common-properties">quickReply Documentation</a> */ quickReply?: QuickReply; /** * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#message-common-properties">sender Documentation</a> */ sender?: Sender;};
type MessageImagemapAction
type MessageImagemapAction = ImagemapActionBase & { type: 'message'; /** */ text: string; /** */ label?: string;};
type MessageQuotaResponse
type MessageQuotaResponse = { /** * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-quota">type Documentation</a> */ type: QuotaType; /** * The target limit for sending messages in the current month. This property is returned when the `type` property has a value of `limited`. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-quota">value Documentation</a> */ value?: number;};
type MulticastRequest
type MulticastRequest = { /** * Messages to send * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#send-multicast-message">messages Documentation</a> */ messages: Array<Message>; /** * Array of user IDs. Use userId values which are returned in webhook event objects. Do not use LINE IDs found on LINE. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#send-multicast-message">to Documentation</a> */ to: Array<string>; /** * `true`: The user doesn’t receive a push notification when a message is sent. `false`: The user receives a push notification when the message is sent (unless they have disabled push notifications in LINE and/or their device). The default value is false. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#send-multicast-message">notificationDisabled Documentation</a> */ notificationDisabled?: boolean; /** * Name of aggregation unit. Case-sensitive. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#send-multicast-message">customAggregationUnits Documentation</a> */ customAggregationUnits?: Array<string>;};
type NarrowcastProgressResponse
type NarrowcastProgressResponse = { /** * The current status. One of: `waiting`: Messages are not yet ready to be sent. They are currently being filtered or processed in some way. `sending`: Messages are currently being sent. `succeeded`: Messages were sent successfully. This may not mean the messages were successfully received. `failed`: Messages failed to be sent. Use the failedDescription property to find the cause of the failure. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-narrowcast-progress-status">phase Documentation</a> */ phase: NarrowcastProgressResponse.PhaseEnum; /** * The number of users who successfully received the message. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-narrowcast-progress-status">successCount Documentation</a> */ successCount?: number; /** * The number of users who failed to send the message. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-narrowcast-progress-status">failureCount Documentation</a> */ failureCount?: number; /** * The number of intended recipients of the message. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-narrowcast-progress-status">targetCount Documentation</a> */ targetCount?: number; /** * The reason the message failed to be sent. This is only included with a `phase` property value of `failed`. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-narrowcast-progress-status">failedDescription Documentation</a> */ failedDescription?: string; /** * Error summary. This is only included with a phase property value of failed. One of: `1`: An internal error occurred. `2`: An error occurred because there weren\'t enough recipients. `3`: A conflict error of requests occurs because a request that has already been accepted is retried. `4`: An audience of less than 50 recipients is included as a condition of sending. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-narrowcast-progress-status">errorCode Documentation</a> */ errorCode?: number; /** * Narrowcast message request accepted time in milliseconds. Format: ISO 8601 (e.g. 2020-12-03T10:15:30.121Z) Timezone: UTC * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-narrowcast-progress-status">acceptedTime Documentation</a> */ acceptedTime: Date; /** * Processing of narrowcast message request completion time in milliseconds. Returned when the phase property is succeeded or failed. Format: ISO 8601 (e.g. 2020-12-03T10:15:30.121Z) Timezone: UTC * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-narrowcast-progress-status">completedTime Documentation</a> */ completedTime?: Date;};
LINE Messaging API This document describes LINE Messaging API.
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type NarrowcastRequest
type NarrowcastRequest = { /** * List of Message objects. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#send-narrowcast-message">messages Documentation</a> */ messages: Array<Message>; /** * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#send-narrowcast-message">recipient Documentation</a> */ recipient?: Recipient; /** * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#send-narrowcast-message">filter Documentation</a> */ filter?: Filter; /** * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#send-narrowcast-message">limit Documentation</a> */ limit?: Limit; /** * `true`: The user doesn’t receive a push notification when a message is sent. `false`: The user receives a push notification when the message is sent (unless they have disabled push notifications in LINE and/or their device). The default value is false. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#send-narrowcast-message">notificationDisabled Documentation</a> */ notificationDisabled?: boolean;};
type NumberOfMessagesResponse
type NumberOfMessagesResponse = { /** * Aggregation process status. One of: `ready`: The number of messages can be obtained. `unready`: We haven\'t finished calculating the number of sent messages for the specified in date. For example, this property is returned when the delivery date or a future date is specified. Calculation usually takes about a day. `unavailable_for_privacy`: The total number of messages on the specified day is less than 20. `out_of_service`: The specified date is earlier than the date on which we first started calculating sent messages (March 31, 2018). */ status: NumberOfMessagesResponse.StatusEnum; /** * The number of messages delivered using the phone number on the date specified in `date`. The response has this property only when the value of `status` is `ready`. */ success?: number;};
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type OperatorDemographicFilter
type OperatorDemographicFilter = DemographicFilterBase & { type: 'operator'; /** */ and?: Array<DemographicFilter>; /** */ or?: Array<DemographicFilter>; /** */ not?: DemographicFilter;};
type OperatorRecipient
type OperatorRecipient = RecipientBase & { type: 'operator'; /** * Create a new recipient object by taking the logical conjunction (AND) of the specified array of recipient objects. */ and?: Array<Recipient>; /** * Create a new recipient object by taking the logical disjunction (OR) of the specified array of recipient objects. */ or?: Array<Recipient>; /** */ not?: Recipient;};
type PnpMessagesRequest
type PnpMessagesRequest = { /** * Message to be sent. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/partner-docs/#send-line-notification-message">messages Documentation</a> */ messages: Array<Message>; /** * Message destination. Specify a phone number that has been normalized to E.164 format and hashed with SHA256. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/partner-docs/#send-line-notification-message">to Documentation</a> */ to: string; /** * `true`: The user doesn’t receive a push notification when a message is sent. `false`: The user receives a push notification when the message is sent (unless they have disabled push notifications in LINE and/or their device). The default value is false. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/partner-docs/#send-line-notification-message">notificationDisabled Documentation</a> */ notificationDisabled?: boolean;};
type PostbackAction
type PostbackAction = ActionBase & { type: 'postback'; /** */ data?: string; /** */ displayText?: string; /** */ text?: string; /** */ inputOption?: PostbackAction.InputOptionEnum; /** */ fillInText?: string;};
type PushMessageRequest
type PushMessageRequest = { /** * ID of the receiver. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#send-push-message">to Documentation</a> */ to: string; /** * List of Message objects. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#send-push-message">messages Documentation</a> */ messages: Array<Message>; /** * `true`: The user doesn’t receive a push notification when a message is sent. `false`: The user receives a push notification when the message is sent (unless they have disabled push notifications in LINE and/or their device). The default value is false. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#send-push-message">notificationDisabled Documentation</a> */ notificationDisabled?: boolean; /** * List of aggregation unit name. Case-sensitive. This functions can only be used by corporate users who have submitted the required applications. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#send-push-message">customAggregationUnits Documentation</a> */ customAggregationUnits?: Array<string>;};
type PushMessageResponse
type PushMessageResponse = { /** * Array of sent messages. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#send-push-message-response">sentMessages Documentation</a> */ sentMessages: Array<SentMessage>;};
type QuickReply
type QuickReply = { /** * Quick reply button objects. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#items-object">items Documentation</a> */ items?: Array<QuickReplyItem>;};
Quick reply
type QuickReplyItem
type QuickReplyItem = { /** * URL of the icon that is displayed at the beginning of the button * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#items-object">imageUrl Documentation</a> */ imageUrl?: string; /** * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#items-object">action Documentation</a> */ action?: Action; /** * `action` * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#items-object">type Documentation</a> */ type?: string;};
type QuotaConsumptionResponse
type QuotaConsumptionResponse = { /** * The number of sent messages in the current month * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-consumption">totalUsage Documentation</a> */ totalUsage: number;};
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type QuotaType
type QuotaType = 'none' | 'limited';
One of the following values to indicate whether a target limit is set or not.
type Recipient
type Recipient = AudienceRecipient | OperatorRecipient | RedeliveryRecipient;
type RecipientBase
type RecipientBase = { /** * Type of recipient */ type?: string;};
type RedeliveryRecipient
type RedeliveryRecipient = RecipientBase & { type: 'redelivery'; /** */ requestId?: string;};
type ReplyMessageRequest
type ReplyMessageRequest = { /** * replyToken received via webhook. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#send-reply-message">replyToken Documentation</a> */ replyToken: string; /** * List of messages. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#send-reply-message">messages Documentation</a> */ messages: Array<Message>; /** * `true`: The user doesn’t receive a push notification when a message is sent. `false`: The user receives a push notification when the message is sent (unless they have disabled push notifications in LINE and/or their device). The default value is false. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#send-reply-message">notificationDisabled Documentation</a> */ notificationDisabled?: boolean;};
type ReplyMessageResponse
type ReplyMessageResponse = { /** * Array of sent messages. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#send-reply-message-response">sentMessages Documentation</a> */ sentMessages: Array<SentMessage>;};
type RichMenuAliasListResponse
type RichMenuAliasListResponse = { /** * Rich menu aliases. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-rich-menu-alias-list">aliases Documentation</a> */ aliases: Array<RichMenuAliasResponse>;};
type RichMenuAliasResponse
type RichMenuAliasResponse = { /** * Rich menu alias ID. */ richMenuAliasId: string; /** * The rich menu ID associated with the rich menu alias. */ richMenuId: string;};
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type RichMenuArea
type RichMenuArea = { /** */ bounds?: RichMenuBounds; /** */ action?: Action;};
Rich menu area
type RichMenuBatchLinkOperation
type RichMenuBatchLinkOperation = RichMenuBatchOperationBase & { type: 'link'; /** */ from: string; /** */ to: string;};
type RichMenuBatchOperation
type RichMenuBatchOperation = | RichMenuBatchLinkOperation | RichMenuBatchUnlinkOperation | RichMenuBatchUnlinkAllOperation;
type RichMenuBatchOperationBase
type RichMenuBatchOperationBase = { /** * The type of operation to the rich menu linked to the user. One of link, unlink, or unlinkAll. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#batch-control-rich-menus-of-users-operations">type Documentation</a> */ type: string;};
Rich menu operation object represents the batch operation to the rich menu linked to the user.
type RichMenuBatchProgressPhase
type RichMenuBatchProgressPhase = 'ongoing' | 'succeeded' | 'failed';
The current status. One of:
: Rich menu batch control is in progress.succeeded
: Rich menu batch control is complete.failed
: Rich menu batch control failed. This means that the rich menu for one or more users couldn't be controlled. There may also be users whose operations have been successfully completed.
type RichMenuBatchProgressResponse
type RichMenuBatchProgressResponse = { /** * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-batch-control-rich-menus-progress-status-response">phase Documentation</a> */ phase: RichMenuBatchProgressPhase; /** * The accepted time in milliseconds of the request of batch control the rich menu. Format: ISO 8601 (e.g. 2023-06-08T10:15:30.121Z) Timezone: UTC * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-batch-control-rich-menus-progress-status-response">acceptedTime Documentation</a> */ acceptedTime: Date; /** * The completed time in milliseconds of rich menu batch control. Returned when the phase property is succeeded or failed. Format: ISO 8601 (e.g. 2023-06-08T10:15:30.121Z) Timezone: UTC * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-batch-control-rich-menus-progress-status-response">completedTime Documentation</a> */ completedTime?: Date;};
type RichMenuBatchRequest
type RichMenuBatchRequest = { /** * Array of Rich menu operation object... */ operations: Array<RichMenuBatchOperation>; /** * Key for retry. Key value is a string matching the regular expression pattern */ resumeRequestKey?: string;};
type RichMenuBatchUnlinkAllOperation
type RichMenuBatchUnlinkAllOperation = RichMenuBatchOperationBase & { type: 'unlinkAll';};
type RichMenuBatchUnlinkOperation
type RichMenuBatchUnlinkOperation = RichMenuBatchOperationBase & { type: 'unlink'; /** */ from: string;};
type RichMenuBounds
type RichMenuBounds = { /** * Horizontal position relative to the top-left corner of the area. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#bounds-object">x Documentation</a> */ x?: number; /** * Vertical position relative to the top-left corner of the area. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#bounds-object">y Documentation</a> */ y?: number; /** * Width of the area. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#bounds-object">width Documentation</a> */ width?: number; /** * Height of the area. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#bounds-object">height Documentation</a> */ height?: number;};
Rich menu bounds
type RichMenuBulkLinkRequest
type RichMenuBulkLinkRequest = { /** * ID of a rich menu * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#link-rich-menu-to-users">richMenuId Documentation</a> */ richMenuId: string; /** * Array of user IDs. Found in the `source` object of webhook event objects. Do not use the LINE ID used in LINE. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#link-rich-menu-to-users">userIds Documentation</a> */ userIds: Array<string>;};
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type RichMenuBulkUnlinkRequest
type RichMenuBulkUnlinkRequest = { /** * Array of user IDs. Found in the `source` object of webhook event objects. Do not use the LINE ID used in LINE. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#unlink-rich-menu-from-users">userIds Documentation</a> */ userIds: Array<string>;};
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type RichMenuIdResponse
type RichMenuIdResponse = { /** * Rich menu ID */ richMenuId: string;};
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type RichMenuListResponse
type RichMenuListResponse = { /** * Rich menus * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-rich-menu-list">richmenus Documentation</a> */ richmenus: Array<RichMenuResponse>;};
type RichMenuRequest
type RichMenuRequest = { /** */ size?: RichMenuSize; /** * `true` to display the rich menu by default. Otherwise, `false`. */ selected?: boolean; /** * Name of the rich menu. This value can be used to help manage your rich menus and is not displayed to users. */ name?: string; /** * Text displayed in the chat bar */ chatBarText?: string; /** * Array of area objects which define the coordinates and size of tappable areas */ areas?: Array<RichMenuArea>;};
type RichMenuResponse
type RichMenuResponse = { /** * ID of a rich menu */ richMenuId: string; /** */ size: RichMenuSize; /** * `true` to display the rich menu by default. Otherwise, `false`. */ selected: boolean; /** * Name of the rich menu. This value can be used to help manage your rich menus and is not displayed to users. */ name: string; /** * Text displayed in the chat bar */ chatBarText: string; /** * Array of area objects which define the coordinates and size of tappable areas */ areas: Array<RichMenuArea>;};
type RichMenuSize
type RichMenuSize = { /** * width */ width?: number; /** * height */ height?: number;};
Rich menu size
type RichMenuSwitchAction
type RichMenuSwitchAction = ActionBase & { type: 'richmenuswitch'; /** */ data?: string; /** */ richMenuAliasId?: string;};
type RoomMemberCountResponse
type RoomMemberCountResponse = { /** * The count of members in the multi-person chat. The number returned excludes the LINE Official Account. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-members-room-count">count Documentation</a> */ count: number;};
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type RoomUserProfileResponse
type RoomUserProfileResponse = { /** * User\'s display name * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-room-member-profile">displayName Documentation</a> */ displayName: string; /** * User ID * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-room-member-profile">userId Documentation</a> */ userId: string; /** * Profile image URL. `https` image URL. Not included in the response if the user doesn\'t have a profile image. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-room-member-profile">pictureUrl Documentation</a> */ pictureUrl?: string;};
LINE Messaging API This document describes LINE Messaging API.
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type Sender
type Sender = { /** * Display name. Certain words such as `LINE` may not be used. */ name?: string; /** * URL of the image to display as an icon when sending a message */ iconUrl?: string;};
Change icon and display name
type SentMessage
type SentMessage = { /** * ID of the sent message. */ id: string; /** * Quote token of the message. Only included when a message object that can be specified as a quote target was sent as a push or reply message. */ quoteToken?: string;};
LINE Messaging API This document describes LINE Messaging API.
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type SetWebhookEndpointRequest
type SetWebhookEndpointRequest = { /** * A valid webhook URL. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#set-webhook-endpoint-url">endpoint Documentation</a> */ endpoint: string;};
LINE Messaging API This document describes LINE Messaging API.
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type ShowLoadingAnimationRequest
type ShowLoadingAnimationRequest = { /** * User ID of the target user for whom the loading animation is to be displayed. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#display-a-loading-indicator-request-body">chatId Documentation</a> */ chatId: string; /** * The number of seconds to display the loading indicator. It must be a multiple of 5. The maximum value is 60 seconds. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#display-a-loading-indicator-request-body">loadingSeconds Documentation</a> */ loadingSeconds?: number;};
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type StickerMessage
type StickerMessage = MessageBase & { type: 'sticker'; /** * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#sticker-message">packageId Documentation</a> */ packageId: string; /** * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#sticker-message">stickerId Documentation</a> */ stickerId: string; /** * Quote token of the message you want to quote. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#sticker-message">quoteToken Documentation</a> */ quoteToken?: string;};
type SubscribedMembershipPlan
type SubscribedMembershipPlan = { /** * Membership plan ID. */ membershipId: number; /** * Membership plan name. */ title: string; /** * Membership plan description. */ description: string; /** * List of membership plan perks. */ benefits: Array<string>; /** * Monthly fee for membership plan. (e.g. 1500.00) */ price: number; /** * The currency of membership.price. */ currency: SubscribedMembershipPlan.CurrencyEnum;};
Object containing information about the membership plan.
type SubscribedMembershipUser
type SubscribedMembershipUser = { /** * The user\'s member number in the membership plan. */ membershipNo: number; /** * UNIX timestamp at which the user subscribed to the membership. */ joinedTime: number; /** * Next payment date for membership plan. - Format: yyyy-MM-dd (e.g. 2024-02-08) - Timezone: UTC+9 */ nextBillingDate: string; /** * The period of time in months that the user has been subscribed to a membership plan. If a user previously canceled and then re-subscribed to the same membership plan, only the period after the re-subscription will be counted. */ totalSubscriptionMonths: number;};
Object containing user membership subscription information.
type Subscription
type Subscription = { /** */ membership: SubscribedMembershipPlan; /** */ user: SubscribedMembershipUser;};
An array of memberships.
type SubscriptionPeriodDemographic
type SubscriptionPeriodDemographic = | 'day_7' | 'day_30' | 'day_90' | 'day_180' | 'day_365';
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type SubscriptionPeriodDemographicFilter
type SubscriptionPeriodDemographicFilter = DemographicFilterBase & { type: 'subscriptionPeriod'; /** */ gte?: SubscriptionPeriodDemographic; /** */ lt?: SubscriptionPeriodDemographic;};
type SubstitutionObject
type SubstitutionObject = EmojiSubstitutionObject | MentionSubstitutionObject;
type SubstitutionObjectBase
type SubstitutionObjectBase = { /** * Type of substitution object */ type: string;};
An object that defines the replacement value for a placeholder in the text.
type Template
type Template = | ButtonsTemplate | CarouselTemplate | ConfirmTemplate | ImageCarouselTemplate;
type TemplateBase
type TemplateBase = { /** */ type: string;};
type TemplateImageAspectRatio
type TemplateImageAspectRatio = 'rectangle' | 'square';
Aspect ratio of the image. This is only for the
in ButtonsTemplate. Specify one of the following values:rectangle
: 1.51:1square
: 1:1
type TemplateImageSize
type TemplateImageSize = 'cover' | 'contain';
Size of the image. This is only for the
in ButtonsTemplate. Specify one of the following values:cover
: The image fills the entire image area. Parts of the image that do not fit in the area are not displayed.contain
: The entire image is displayed in the image area. A background is displayed in the unused areas to the left and right of vertical images and in the areas above and below horizontal images.
type TemplateMessage
type TemplateMessage = MessageBase & { type: 'template'; /** * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#template-messages">altText Documentation</a> */ altText: string; /** * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#template-messages">template Documentation</a> */ template: Template;};
type TestWebhookEndpointRequest
type TestWebhookEndpointRequest = { /** * A webhook URL to be validated. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#test-webhook-endpoint">endpoint Documentation</a> */ endpoint?: string;};
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type TestWebhookEndpointResponse
type TestWebhookEndpointResponse = { /** * Result of the communication from the LINE platform to the webhook URL. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#test-webhook-endpoint">success Documentation</a> */ success?: boolean; /** * Time of the event in milliseconds. Even in the case of a redelivered webhook, it represents the time the event occurred, not the time it was redelivered. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#test-webhook-endpoint">timestamp Documentation</a> */ timestamp: Date; /** * The HTTP status code. If the webhook response isn\'t received, the status code is set to zero or a negative number. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#test-webhook-endpoint">statusCode Documentation</a> */ statusCode: number; /** * Reason for the response. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#test-webhook-endpoint">reason Documentation</a> */ reason: string; /** * Details of the response. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#test-webhook-endpoint">detail Documentation</a> */ detail: string;};
LINE Messaging API This document describes LINE Messaging API.
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type TextMessage
type TextMessage = MessageBase & { type: 'text'; /** * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#text-message">text Documentation</a> */ text: string; /** * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#text-message">emojis Documentation</a> */ emojis?: Array<Emoji>; /** * Quote token of the message you want to quote. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#text-message">quoteToken Documentation</a> */ quoteToken?: string;};
type TextMessageV2
type TextMessageV2 = MessageBase & { type: 'textV2'; /** * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#text-message-v2">text Documentation</a> */ text: string; /** * A mapping that specifies substitutions for parts enclosed in {} within the `text` field. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#text-message-v2">substitution Documentation</a> */ substitution?: { [key: string]: SubstitutionObject; }; /** * Quote token of the message you want to quote. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#text-message-v2">quoteToken Documentation</a> */ quoteToken?: string;};
type UpdateRichMenuAliasRequest
type UpdateRichMenuAliasRequest = { /** * The rich menu ID to be associated with the rich menu alias. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#update-rich-menu-alias">richMenuId Documentation</a> */ richMenuId: string;};
LINE Messaging API This document describes LINE Messaging API.
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type URIAction
type URIAction = ActionBase & { type: 'uri'; /** */ uri?: string; /** */ altUri?: AltUri;};
type URIImagemapAction
type URIImagemapAction = ImagemapActionBase & { type: 'uri'; /** */ linkUri: string; /** */ label?: string;};
type UserMentionTarget
type UserMentionTarget = MentionTargetBase & { type: 'user'; /** * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#text-message-v2-mentionee-user">userId Documentation</a> */ userId: string;};
type UserProfileResponse
type UserProfileResponse = { /** * User\'s display name * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-profile">displayName Documentation</a> */ displayName: string; /** * User ID * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-profile">userId Documentation</a> */ userId: string; /** * Profile image URL. `https` image URL. Not included in the response if the user doesn\'t have a profile image. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-profile">pictureUrl Documentation</a> */ pictureUrl?: string; /** * User\'s status message. Not included in the response if the user doesn\'t have a status message. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-profile">statusMessage Documentation</a> */ statusMessage?: string; /** * User\'s language, as a BCP 47 language tag. Not included in the response if the user hasn\'t yet consented to the LINE Privacy Policy. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#get-profile">language Documentation</a> */ language?: string;};
LINE Messaging API This document describes LINE Messaging API.
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type ValidateMessageRequest
type ValidateMessageRequest = { /** * Array of message objects to validate */ messages: Array<Message>;};
type VideoMessage
type VideoMessage = MessageBase & { type: 'video'; /** * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#video-message">originalContentUrl Documentation</a> */ originalContentUrl: string; /** * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#video-message">previewImageUrl Documentation</a> */ previewImageUrl: string; /** * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#video-message">trackingId Documentation</a> */ trackingId?: string;};
namespace messagingApi.AgeDemographicFilter
namespace messagingApi.AgeDemographicFilter {}
namespace messagingApi.BotInfoResponse
namespace messagingApi.BotInfoResponse {}
type ChatModeEnum
type ChatModeEnum = 'chat' | 'bot';
type MarkAsReadModeEnum
type MarkAsReadModeEnum = 'auto' | 'manual';
namespace messagingApi.DatetimePickerAction
namespace messagingApi.DatetimePickerAction {}
type ModeEnum
type ModeEnum = 'date' | 'time' | 'datetime';
namespace messagingApi.FlexBox
namespace messagingApi.FlexBox {}
type AlignItemsEnum
type AlignItemsEnum = 'center' | 'flex-start' | 'flex-end';
type JustifyContentEnum
type JustifyContentEnum = | 'center' | 'flex-start' | 'flex-end' | 'space-between' | 'space-around' | 'space-evenly';
type LayoutEnum
type LayoutEnum = 'horizontal' | 'vertical' | 'baseline';
type PositionEnum
type PositionEnum = 'relative' | 'absolute';
namespace messagingApi.FlexBubble
namespace messagingApi.FlexBubble {}
type DirectionEnum
type DirectionEnum = 'ltr' | 'rtl';
type SizeEnum
type SizeEnum = 'nano' | 'micro' | 'deca' | 'hecto' | 'kilo' | 'mega' | 'giga';
namespace messagingApi.FlexButton
namespace messagingApi.FlexButton {}
type AdjustModeEnum
type AdjustModeEnum = 'shrink-to-fit';
type GravityEnum
type GravityEnum = 'top' | 'bottom' | 'center';
type HeightEnum
type HeightEnum = 'md' | 'sm';
type PositionEnum
type PositionEnum = 'relative' | 'absolute';
type StyleEnum
type StyleEnum = 'primary' | 'secondary' | 'link';
namespace messagingApi.FlexIcon
namespace messagingApi.FlexIcon {}
type PositionEnum
type PositionEnum = 'relative' | 'absolute';
namespace messagingApi.FlexImage
namespace messagingApi.FlexImage {}
type AlignEnum
type AlignEnum = 'start' | 'end' | 'center';
type AspectModeEnum
type AspectModeEnum = 'fit' | 'cover';
type GravityEnum
type GravityEnum = 'top' | 'bottom' | 'center';
type PositionEnum
type PositionEnum = 'relative' | 'absolute';
namespace messagingApi.FlexSpan
namespace messagingApi.FlexSpan {}
type DecorationEnum
type DecorationEnum = 'none' | 'underline' | 'line-through';
type StyleEnum
type StyleEnum = 'normal' | 'italic';
type WeightEnum
type WeightEnum = 'regular' | 'bold';
namespace messagingApi.FlexText
namespace messagingApi.FlexText {}
type AdjustModeEnum
type AdjustModeEnum = 'shrink-to-fit';
type AlignEnum
type AlignEnum = 'start' | 'end' | 'center';
type DecorationEnum
type DecorationEnum = 'none' | 'underline' | 'line-through';
type GravityEnum
type GravityEnum = 'top' | 'bottom' | 'center';
type PositionEnum
type PositionEnum = 'relative' | 'absolute';
type StyleEnum
type StyleEnum = 'normal' | 'italic';
type WeightEnum
type WeightEnum = 'regular' | 'bold';
namespace messagingApi.GetMessageContentTranscodingResponse
namespace messagingApi.GetMessageContentTranscodingResponse {}
type StatusEnum
type StatusEnum = 'processing' | 'succeeded' | 'failed';
namespace messagingApi.Membership
namespace messagingApi.Membership {}
type CurrencyEnum
type CurrencyEnum = 'JPY' | 'TWD' | 'THB';
namespace messagingApi.MessageQuotaResponse
namespace messagingApi.MessageQuotaResponse {}
namespace messagingApi.NarrowcastProgressResponse
namespace messagingApi.NarrowcastProgressResponse {}
type PhaseEnum
type PhaseEnum = 'waiting' | 'sending' | 'succeeded' | 'failed';
namespace messagingApi.NumberOfMessagesResponse
namespace messagingApi.NumberOfMessagesResponse {}
type StatusEnum
type StatusEnum = 'ready' | 'unready' | 'unavailable_for_privacy' | 'out_of_service';
namespace messagingApi.PostbackAction
namespace messagingApi.PostbackAction {}
type InputOptionEnum
type InputOptionEnum = | 'closeRichMenu' | 'openRichMenu' | 'openKeyboard' | 'openVoice';
namespace messagingApi.RichMenuBatchProgressResponse
namespace messagingApi.RichMenuBatchProgressResponse {}
namespace messagingApi.SubscribedMembershipPlan
namespace messagingApi.SubscribedMembershipPlan {}
type CurrencyEnum
type CurrencyEnum = 'JPY' | 'TWD' | 'THB';
namespace messagingApi.SubscriptionPeriodDemographicFilter
namespace messagingApi.SubscriptionPeriodDemographicFilter {}
namespace moduleAttach
module 'dist/module-attach/api.d.ts' {}
class LineModuleAttachClient
class LineModuleAttachClient {}
constructor(config: httpClientConfig);
method attachModule
attachModule: ( grantType: string, code: string, redirectUri: string, codeVerifier?: string, clientId?: string, clientSecret?: string, region?: string, basicSearchId?: string, scope?: string, brandType?: string) => Promise<AttachModuleResponse>;
Attach by operation of the module channel provider
Parameter grantType
Parameter code
Authorization code received from the LINE Platform.
Parameter redirectUri
Specify the redirect_uri specified in the URL for authentication and authorization.
Parameter codeVerifier
Specify when using PKCE (Proof Key for Code Exchange) defined in the OAuth 2.0 extension specification as a countermeasure against authorization code interception attacks.
Parameter clientId
Instead of using Authorization header, you can use this parameter to specify the channel ID of the module channel. You can find the channel ID of the module channel in the LINE Developers Console.
Parameter clientSecret
Instead of using Authorization header, you can use this parameter to specify the channel secret of the module channel. You can find the channel secret of the module channel in the LINE Developers Console.
Parameter region
If you specified a value for region in the URL for authentication and authorization, specify the same value.
Parameter basicSearchId
If you specified a value for basic_search_id in the URL for authentication and authorization, specify the same value.
Parameter scope
If you specified a value for scope in the URL for authentication and authorization, specify the same value.
Parameter brandType
If you specified a value for brand_type in the URL for authentication and authorization, specify the same value.
See Also
method attachModuleWithHttpInfo
attachModuleWithHttpInfo: ( grantType: string, code: string, redirectUri: string, codeVerifier?: string, clientId?: string, clientSecret?: string, region?: string, basicSearchId?: string, scope?: string, brandType?: string) => Promise<Types.ApiResponseType<AttachModuleResponse>>;
Attach by operation of the module channel provider. This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information.
Parameter grantType
Parameter code
Authorization code received from the LINE Platform.
Parameter redirectUri
Specify the redirect_uri specified in the URL for authentication and authorization.
Parameter codeVerifier
Specify when using PKCE (Proof Key for Code Exchange) defined in the OAuth 2.0 extension specification as a countermeasure against authorization code interception attacks.
Parameter clientId
Instead of using Authorization header, you can use this parameter to specify the channel ID of the module channel. You can find the channel ID of the module channel in the LINE Developers Console.
Parameter clientSecret
Instead of using Authorization header, you can use this parameter to specify the channel secret of the module channel. You can find the channel secret of the module channel in the LINE Developers Console.
Parameter region
If you specified a value for region in the URL for authentication and authorization, specify the same value.
Parameter basicSearchId
If you specified a value for basic_search_id in the URL for authentication and authorization, specify the same value.
Parameter scope
If you specified a value for scope in the URL for authentication and authorization, specify the same value.
Parameter brandType
If you specified a value for brand_type in the URL for authentication and authorization, specify the same value.
See Also
type AttachModuleResponse
type AttachModuleResponse = { /** * User ID of the bot on the LINE Official Account. */ bot_id: string; /** * Permissions (scope) granted by the LINE Official Account admin. */ scopes: Array<string>;};
Attach by operation of the module channel provider
namespace moduleOperation
module 'dist/module/api.d.ts' {}
class LineModuleClient
class LineModuleClient {}
constructor(config: httpClientConfig);
method acquireChatControl
acquireChatControl: ( chatId: string, acquireChatControlRequest?: AcquireChatControlRequest) => Promise<Types.MessageAPIResponseBase>;
If the Standby Channel wants to take the initiative (Chat Control), it calls the Acquire Control API. The channel that was previously an Active Channel will automatically switch to a Standby Channel.
Parameter chatId
, orgroupId
Parameter acquireChatControlRequest
See Also
method acquireChatControlWithHttpInfo
acquireChatControlWithHttpInfo: ( chatId: string, acquireChatControlRequest?: AcquireChatControlRequest) => Promise<Types.ApiResponseType<Types.MessageAPIResponseBase>>;
If the Standby Channel wants to take the initiative (Chat Control), it calls the Acquire Control API. The channel that was previously an Active Channel will automatically switch to a Standby Channel. . This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information.
Parameter chatId
, orgroupId
Parameter acquireChatControlRequest
See Also
method detachModule
detachModule: ( detachModuleRequest?: DetachModuleRequest) => Promise<Types.MessageAPIResponseBase>;
The module channel admin calls the Detach API to detach the module channel from a LINE Official Account.
Parameter detachModuleRequest
See Also
method detachModuleWithHttpInfo
detachModuleWithHttpInfo: ( detachModuleRequest?: DetachModuleRequest) => Promise<Types.ApiResponseType<Types.MessageAPIResponseBase>>;
The module channel admin calls the Detach API to detach the module channel from a LINE Official Account.. This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information.
Parameter detachModuleRequest
See Also
method getModules
getModules: (start?: string, limit?: number) => Promise<GetModulesResponse>;
Gets a list of basic information about the bots of multiple LINE Official Accounts that have attached module channels.
Parameter start
Value of the continuation token found in the next property of the JSON object returned in the response. If you can't get all basic information about the bots in one request, include this parameter to get the remaining array.
Parameter limit
Specify the maximum number of bots that you get basic information from. The default value is 100. Max value: 100
See Also
method getModulesWithHttpInfo
getModulesWithHttpInfo: ( start?: string, limit?: number) => Promise<Types.ApiResponseType<GetModulesResponse>>;
Gets a list of basic information about the bots of multiple LINE Official Accounts that have attached module channels.. This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information.
Parameter start
Value of the continuation token found in the next property of the JSON object returned in the response. If you can't get all basic information about the bots in one request, include this parameter to get the remaining array.
Parameter limit
Specify the maximum number of bots that you get basic information from. The default value is 100. Max value: 100
See Also
method releaseChatControl
releaseChatControl: (chatId: string) => Promise<Types.MessageAPIResponseBase>;
To return the initiative (Chat Control) of Active Channel to Primary Channel, call the Release Control API.
Parameter chatId
, orgroupId
See Also
method releaseChatControlWithHttpInfo
releaseChatControlWithHttpInfo: ( chatId: string) => Promise<Types.ApiResponseType<Types.MessageAPIResponseBase>>;
To return the initiative (Chat Control) of Active Channel to Primary Channel, call the Release Control API. . This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information.
Parameter chatId
, orgroupId
See Also
type AcquireChatControlRequest
type AcquireChatControlRequest = { /** * `True`: After the time limit (ttl) has passed, the initiative (Chat Control) will return to the Primary Channel. (Default) `False`: There\'s no time limit and the initiative (Chat Control) doesn\'t change over time. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/partner-docs/#acquire-control-api">expired Documentation</a> */ expired?: boolean; /** * The time it takes for initiative (Chat Control) to return to the Primary Channel (the time that the module channel stays on the Active Channel). The value is specified in seconds. The maximum value is one year (3600 * 24 * 365). The default value is 3600 (1 hour). * Ignored if the value of expired is false. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/partner-docs/#acquire-control-api">ttl Documentation</a> */ ttl?: number;};
Request entity of the Acquire Control API
type DetachModuleRequest
type DetachModuleRequest = { /** * User ID of the LINE Official Account bot attached to the module channel. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/partner-docs/#unlink-detach-module-channel-by-operation-mc-admin">botId Documentation</a> */ botId?: string;};
Unlink (detach) the module channel by the operation of the module channel administrator
type GetModulesResponse
type GetModulesResponse = { /** * Array of Bot list Item objects representing basic information about the bot. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/partner-docs/#get-multiple-bot-info-api">bots Documentation</a> */ bots: Array<ModuleBot>; /** * Continuation token. Used to get the next array of basic bot information. This property is only returned if there are more unreturned results. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/partner-docs/#get-multiple-bot-info-api">next Documentation</a> */ next?: string;};
List of bots to which the module is attached
type ModuleBot
type ModuleBot = { /** * Bot\'s user ID * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/partner-docs/#get-multiple-bot-info-api">userId Documentation</a> */ userId: string; /** * Bot\'s basic ID * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/partner-docs/#get-multiple-bot-info-api">basicId Documentation</a> */ basicId: string; /** * Bot\'s premium ID. Not included in the response if the premium ID isn\'t set. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/partner-docs/#get-multiple-bot-info-api">premiumId Documentation</a> */ premiumId?: string; /** * Bot\'s display name * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/partner-docs/#get-multiple-bot-info-api">displayName Documentation</a> */ displayName: string; /** * Profile image URL. Image URL starting with `https://`. Not included in the response if the bot doesn\'t have a profile image. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/partner-docs/#get-multiple-bot-info-api">pictureUrl Documentation</a> */ pictureUrl?: string;};
basic information about the bot.
namespace shop
module 'dist/shop/api.d.ts' {}
class ShopClient
class ShopClient {}
constructor(config: httpClientConfig);
method missionStickerV3
missionStickerV3: ( missionStickerRequest: MissionStickerRequest) => Promise<Types.MessageAPIResponseBase>;
Sends a mission sticker.
Parameter missionStickerRequest
See Also
method missionStickerV3WithHttpInfo
missionStickerV3WithHttpInfo: ( missionStickerRequest: MissionStickerRequest) => Promise<Types.ApiResponseType<Types.MessageAPIResponseBase>>;
Sends a mission sticker.. This method includes HttpInfo object to return additional information.
Parameter missionStickerRequest
See Also
type ErrorResponse
type ErrorResponse = { /** * Message containing information about the error. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/partner-docs/#send-mission-stickers-v3">message Documentation</a> */ message: string;};
Mission Stickers API This document describes LINE Mission Stickers API.
The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.1
NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech). https://openapi-generator.tech Do not edit the class manually.
type MissionStickerRequest
type MissionStickerRequest = { /** * Destination user ID * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/partner-docs/#send-mission-stickers-v3">to Documentation</a> */ to: string; /** * Package ID for a set of stickers * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/partner-docs/#send-mission-stickers-v3">productId Documentation</a> */ productId: string; /** * `STICKER` * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/partner-docs/#send-mission-stickers-v3">productType Documentation</a> */ productType: string; /** * `false` * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/partner-docs/#send-mission-stickers-v3">sendPresentMessage Documentation</a> */ sendPresentMessage: boolean;};
Send mission stickers (v3)
namespace webhook
module 'dist/webhook/api.d.ts' {}
type AccountLinkEvent
type AccountLinkEvent = EventBase & { type: 'accountLink'; /** * Reply token used to send reply message to this event. This property won\'t be included if linking the account has failed. */ replyToken?: string; /** */ link: LinkContent;};
type ActionResult
type ActionResult = { /** */ type: ActionResult.TypeEnum; /** * Base64-encoded binary data */ data?: string;};
Webhook Type Definition Webhook event definition of the LINE Messaging API
The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.0
NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech). https://openapi-generator.tech Do not edit the class manually.
type ActivatedEvent
type ActivatedEvent = EventBase & { type: 'activated'; /** */ chatControl: ChatControl;};
type AllMentionee
type AllMentionee = MentioneeBase & { type: 'all';};
type AttachedModuleContent
type AttachedModuleContent = ModuleContentBase & { type: 'attached'; /** * User ID of the bot on the attached LINE Official Account */ botId: string; /** * An array of strings indicating the scope permitted by the admin of the LINE Official Account. */ scopes: Array<string>;};
type AudioMessageContent
type AudioMessageContent = MessageContentBase & { type: 'audio'; /** */ contentProvider: ContentProvider; /** * Length of audio file (milliseconds) */ duration?: number;};
type BeaconContent
type BeaconContent = { /** * Hardware ID of the beacon that was detected */ hwid: string; /** * Type of beacon event. */ type: BeaconContent.TypeEnum; /** * Device message of beacon that was detected. */ dm?: string;};
Webhook Type Definition Webhook event definition of the LINE Messaging API
The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.0
NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech). https://openapi-generator.tech Do not edit the class manually.
type BeaconEvent
type BeaconEvent = EventBase & { type: 'beacon'; /** * Reply token used to send reply message to this event */ replyToken: string; /** */ beacon: BeaconContent;};
type BotResumedEvent
type BotResumedEvent = EventBase & { type: 'botResumed';};
type BotSuspendedEvent
type BotSuspendedEvent = EventBase & { type: 'botSuspended';};
type CallbackRequest
type CallbackRequest = { /** * User ID of a bot that should receive webhook events. The user ID value is a string that matches the regular expression, `U[0-9a-f]{32}`. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#request-body">destination Documentation</a> */ destination: string; /** * Array of webhook event objects. The LINE Platform may send an empty array that doesn\'t include a webhook event object to confirm communication. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#request-body">events Documentation</a> */ events: Array<Event>;};
The request body contains a JSON object with the user ID of a bot that should receive webhook events and an array of webhook event objects.
type ChatControl
type ChatControl = { /** */ expireAt: number;};
Webhook Type Definition Webhook event definition of the LINE Messaging API
The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.0
NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech). https://openapi-generator.tech Do not edit the class manually.
type ContentProvider
type ContentProvider = { /** * Provider of the image file. */ type: ContentProvider.TypeEnum; /** * URL of the image file. Only included when contentProvider.type is external. */ originalContentUrl?: string; /** * URL of the preview image. Only included when contentProvider.type is external. */ previewImageUrl?: string;};
Provider of the media file.
type DeactivatedEvent
type DeactivatedEvent = EventBase & { type: 'deactivated';};
type DeliveryContext
type DeliveryContext = { /** * Whether the webhook event is a redelivered one or not. */ isRedelivery: boolean;};
webhook's delivery context information
type DetachedModuleContent
type DetachedModuleContent = ModuleContentBase & { type: 'detached'; /** * Detached LINE Official Account bot user ID */ botId: string; /** * Reason for detaching */ reason: DetachedModuleContent.ReasonEnum;};
type Emoji
type Emoji = { /** * Index position for a character in text, with the first character being at position 0. */ index: number; /** * The length of the LINE emoji string. For LINE emoji (hello), 7 is the length. */ length: number; /** * Product ID for a LINE emoji set. */ productId: string; /** * ID for a LINE emoji inside a set. */ emojiId: string;};
Webhook Type Definition Webhook event definition of the LINE Messaging API
The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.0
NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech). https://openapi-generator.tech Do not edit the class manually.
type Event
type Event = | AccountLinkEvent | ActivatedEvent | BeaconEvent | BotResumedEvent | BotSuspendedEvent | DeactivatedEvent | PnpDeliveryCompletionEvent | FollowEvent | JoinEvent | LeaveEvent | MemberJoinedEvent | MemberLeftEvent | MessageEvent | ModuleEvent | PostbackEvent | ThingsEvent | UnfollowEvent | UnsendEvent | VideoPlayCompleteEvent;
type EventBase
type EventBase = { /** * Type of the event */ type: string; /** */ source?: Source; /** * Time of the event in milliseconds. */ timestamp: number; /** */ mode: EventMode; /** * Webhook Event ID. An ID that uniquely identifies a webhook event. This is a string in ULID format. */ webhookEventId: string; /** */ deliveryContext: DeliveryContext;};
Webhook event
type EventMode
type EventMode = 'active' | 'standby';
Channel state.
type FileMessageContent
type FileMessageContent = MessageContentBase & { type: 'file'; /** * File name */ fileName: string; /** * File size in bytes */ fileSize: number;};
type FollowDetail
type FollowDetail = { /** * Whether a user has added your LINE Official Account as a friend or unblocked. */ isUnblocked: boolean;};
Webhook Type Definition Webhook event definition of the LINE Messaging API
The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.0
NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech). https://openapi-generator.tech Do not edit the class manually.
type FollowEvent
type FollowEvent = EventBase & { type: 'follow'; /** * Reply token used to send reply message to this event */ replyToken: string; /** */ follow: FollowDetail;};
type GroupSource
type GroupSource = SourceBase & { type: 'group'; /** * Group ID of the source group chat */ groupId: string; /** * ID of the source user. Only included in message events. Only users of LINE for iOS and LINE for Android are included in userId. */ userId?: string;};
type ImageMessageContent
type ImageMessageContent = MessageContentBase & { type: 'image'; /** */ contentProvider: ContentProvider; /** */ imageSet?: ImageSet; /** * Quote token to quote this message. */ quoteToken: string;};
type ImageSet
type ImageSet = { /** * Image set ID. Only included when multiple images are sent simultaneously. */ id: string; /** * An index starting from 1, indicating the image number in a set of images sent simultaneously. Only included when multiple images are sent simultaneously. However, it won\'t be included if the sender is using LINE 11.15 or earlier for Android. */ index?: number; /** * The total number of images sent simultaneously. */ total?: number;};
Webhook Type Definition Webhook event definition of the LINE Messaging API
The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.0
NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech). https://openapi-generator.tech Do not edit the class manually.
type JoinedMembers
type JoinedMembers = { /** * Users who joined. Array of source user objects. */ members: Array<UserSource>;};
type JoinEvent
type JoinEvent = EventBase & { type: 'join'; /** * Reply token used to send reply message to this event */ replyToken: string;};
type LeaveEvent
type LeaveEvent = EventBase & { type: 'leave';};
type LeftMembers
type LeftMembers = { /** * Users who left. Array of source user objects. */ members: Array<UserSource>;};
type LinkContent
type LinkContent = { /** * One of the following values to indicate whether linking the account was successful or not */ result: LinkContent.ResultEnum; /** * Specified nonce (number used once) when verifying the user ID. */ nonce: string;};
Content of the account link event.
type LinkThingsContent
type LinkThingsContent = ThingsContentBase & { type: 'link'; /** * Device ID of the device that has been linked with LINE. */ deviceId: string;};
type LocationMessageContent
type LocationMessageContent = MessageContentBase & { type: 'location'; /** * Title */ title?: string; /** * Address */ address?: string; /** * Latitude */ latitude: number; /** * Longitude */ longitude: number;};
type MemberJoinedEvent
type MemberJoinedEvent = EventBase & { type: 'memberJoined'; /** * Reply token used to send reply message to this event */ replyToken: string; /** */ joined: JoinedMembers;};
type MemberLeftEvent
type MemberLeftEvent = EventBase & { type: 'memberLeft'; /** */ left: LeftMembers;};
type Mention
type Mention = { /** * Array of one or more mention objects. Max: 20 mentions */ mentionees: Array<Mentionee>;};
type Mentionee
type Mentionee = AllMentionee | UserMentionee;
type MentioneeBase
type MentioneeBase = { /** * Mentioned target. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#wh-text">type Documentation</a> */ type: string; /** * Index position of the user mention for a character in text, with the first character being at position 0. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#wh-text">index Documentation</a> */ index: number; /** * The length of the text of the mentioned user. For a mention @example, 8 is the length. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#wh-text">length Documentation</a> */ length: number;};
type MessageContent
type MessageContent = | AudioMessageContent | FileMessageContent | ImageMessageContent | LocationMessageContent | StickerMessageContent | TextMessageContent | VideoMessageContent;
type MessageContentBase
type MessageContentBase = { /** * Type * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#message-event">type Documentation</a> */ type: string; /** * Message ID * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#message-event">id Documentation</a> */ id: string;};
type MessageEvent
type MessageEvent = EventBase & { type: 'message'; /** */ replyToken?: string; /** */ message: MessageContent;};
type ModuleContent
type ModuleContent = AttachedModuleContent | DetachedModuleContent;
type ModuleContentBase
type ModuleContentBase = { /** * Type */ type: string;};
type ModuleEvent
type ModuleEvent = EventBase & { type: 'module'; /** */ module: ModuleContent;};
type PnpDelivery
type PnpDelivery = { /** * A hashed phone number string or a string specified by `X-Line-Delivery-Tag` header */ data: string;};
A delivery object containing a hashed phone number string or a string specified by
type PnpDeliveryCompletionEvent
type PnpDeliveryCompletionEvent = EventBase & { type: 'delivery'; /** */ delivery: PnpDelivery;};
type PostbackContent
type PostbackContent = { /** * Postback data */ data: string; /** */ params?: { [key: string]: string; };};
Webhook Type Definition Webhook event definition of the LINE Messaging API
The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.0
NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech). https://openapi-generator.tech Do not edit the class manually.
type PostbackEvent
type PostbackEvent = EventBase & { type: 'postback'; /** * Reply token used to send reply message to this event */ replyToken?: string; /** */ postback: PostbackContent;};
type RoomSource
type RoomSource = SourceBase & { type: 'room'; /** * ID of the source user. Only included in message events. Only users of LINE for iOS and LINE for Android are included in userId. */ userId?: string; /** * Room ID of the source multi-person chat */ roomId: string;};
type ScenarioResult
type ScenarioResult = { /** * Scenario ID executed * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#scenario-result-event">scenarioId Documentation</a> */ scenarioId?: string; /** * Revision number of the scenario set containing the executed scenario * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#scenario-result-event">revision Documentation</a> */ revision?: number; /** * Timestamp for when execution of scenario action started (milliseconds, LINE app time) * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#scenario-result-event">startTime Documentation</a> */ startTime: number; /** * Timestamp for when execution of scenario was completed (milliseconds, LINE app time) * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#scenario-result-event">endTime Documentation</a> */ endTime: number; /** * Scenario execution completion status * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#scenario-result-event">resultCode Documentation</a> */ resultCode: string; /** * Execution result of individual operations specified in action. Only included when things.result.resultCode is success. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#scenario-result-event">actionResults Documentation</a> */ actionResults?: Array<ActionResult>; /** * Data contained in notification. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#scenario-result-event">bleNotificationPayload Documentation</a> */ bleNotificationPayload?: string; /** * Error reason. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#scenario-result-event">errorReason Documentation</a> */ errorReason?: string;};
type ScenarioResultThingsContent
type ScenarioResultThingsContent = ThingsContentBase & { type: 'scenarioResult'; /** * Device ID of the device that has been linked with LINE. */ deviceId: string; /** */ result: ScenarioResult;};
type Source
type Source = GroupSource | RoomSource | UserSource;
type SourceBase
type SourceBase = { /** * source type * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#source-user">type Documentation</a> */ type?: string;};
the source of the event.
type StickerMessageContent
type StickerMessageContent = MessageContentBase & { type: 'sticker'; /** * Package ID * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#wh-sticker">packageId Documentation</a> */ packageId: string; /** * Sticker ID * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#wh-sticker">stickerId Documentation</a> */ stickerId: string; /** * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#wh-sticker">stickerResourceType Documentation</a> */ stickerResourceType: StickerMessageContent.StickerResourceTypeEnum; /** * Array of up to 15 keywords describing the sticker. If a sticker has 16 or more keywords, a random selection of 15 keywords will be returned. The keyword selection is random for each event, so different keywords may be returned for the same sticker. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#wh-sticker">keywords Documentation</a> */ keywords?: Array<string>; /** * Any text entered by the user. This property is only included for message stickers. Max character limit: 100 * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#wh-sticker">text Documentation</a> */ text?: string; /** * Quote token to quote this message. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#wh-sticker">quoteToken Documentation</a> */ quoteToken: string; /** * Message ID of a quoted message. Only included when the received message quotes a past message. * * @see <a href="https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#wh-sticker">quotedMessageId Documentation</a> */ quotedMessageId?: string;};
type TextMessageContent
type TextMessageContent = MessageContentBase & { type: 'text'; /** * Message text. */ text: string; /** * Array of one or more LINE emoji objects. Only included in the message event when the text property contains a LINE emoji. */ emojis?: Array<Emoji>; /** */ mention?: Mention; /** * Quote token to quote this message. */ quoteToken: string; /** * Message ID of a quoted message. Only included when the received message quotes a past message. */ quotedMessageId?: string;};
type ThingsContent
type ThingsContent = | LinkThingsContent | ScenarioResultThingsContent | UnlinkThingsContent;
type ThingsContentBase
type ThingsContentBase = { /** * Type */ type: string;};
type ThingsEvent
type ThingsEvent = EventBase & { type: 'things'; /** * Reply token used to send reply message to this event */ replyToken: string; /** */ things: ThingsContent;};
type UnfollowEvent
type UnfollowEvent = EventBase & { type: 'unfollow';};
type UnlinkThingsContent
type UnlinkThingsContent = ThingsContentBase & { type: 'unlink'; /** * Device ID of the device that has been linked with LINE. */ deviceId: string;};
type UnsendDetail
type UnsendDetail = { /** * The message ID of the unsent message */ messageId: string;};
Webhook Type Definition Webhook event definition of the LINE Messaging API
The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.0
NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech). https://openapi-generator.tech Do not edit the class manually.
type UnsendEvent
type UnsendEvent = EventBase & { type: 'unsend'; /** */ unsend: UnsendDetail;};
type UserMentionee
type UserMentionee = MentioneeBase & { type: 'user'; /** * User ID of the mentioned user. Only included if mention.mentions[].type is user and the user consents to the LINE Official Account obtaining their user profile information. */ userId?: string; /** * Whether the mentioned user is the bot that receives the webhook. */ isSelf?: boolean;};
type UserSource
type UserSource = SourceBase & { type: 'user'; /** * ID of the source user */ userId?: string;};
type VideoMessageContent
type VideoMessageContent = MessageContentBase & { type: 'video'; /** * Length of video file (milliseconds) */ duration?: number; /** */ contentProvider: ContentProvider; /** * Quote token to quote this message. */ quoteToken: string;};
type VideoPlayComplete
type VideoPlayComplete = { /** * ID used to identify a video. Returns the same value as the trackingId assigned to the video message. */ trackingId: string;};
Webhook Type Definition Webhook event definition of the LINE Messaging API
The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.0
NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech). https://openapi-generator.tech Do not edit the class manually.
type VideoPlayCompleteEvent
type VideoPlayCompleteEvent = EventBase & { type: 'videoPlayComplete'; /** * Reply token used to send reply message to this event */ replyToken: string; /** */ videoPlayComplete: VideoPlayComplete;};
namespace webhook.AccountLinkEvent
namespace webhook.AccountLinkEvent {}
namespace webhook.ActionResult
namespace webhook.ActionResult {}
type TypeEnum
type TypeEnum = 'void' | 'binary';
namespace webhook.ActivatedEvent
namespace webhook.ActivatedEvent {}
namespace webhook.BeaconContent
namespace webhook.BeaconContent {}
type TypeEnum
type TypeEnum = 'enter' | 'banner' | 'stay';
namespace webhook.BeaconEvent
namespace webhook.BeaconEvent {}
namespace webhook.BotResumedEvent
namespace webhook.BotResumedEvent {}
namespace webhook.BotSuspendedEvent
namespace webhook.BotSuspendedEvent {}
namespace webhook.ContentProvider
namespace webhook.ContentProvider {}
type TypeEnum
type TypeEnum = 'line' | 'external';
namespace webhook.DeactivatedEvent
namespace webhook.DeactivatedEvent {}
namespace webhook.DetachedModuleContent
namespace webhook.DetachedModuleContent {}
type ReasonEnum
type ReasonEnum = 'bot_deleted';
namespace webhook.Event
namespace webhook.Event {}
namespace webhook.FollowEvent
namespace webhook.FollowEvent {}
namespace webhook.JoinEvent
namespace webhook.JoinEvent {}
namespace webhook.LeaveEvent
namespace webhook.LeaveEvent {}
namespace webhook.LinkContent
namespace webhook.LinkContent {}
type ResultEnum
type ResultEnum = 'ok' | 'failed';
namespace webhook.MemberJoinedEvent
namespace webhook.MemberJoinedEvent {}
namespace webhook.MemberLeftEvent
namespace webhook.MemberLeftEvent {}
namespace webhook.MessageEvent
namespace webhook.MessageEvent {}
namespace webhook.ModuleEvent
namespace webhook.ModuleEvent {}
namespace webhook.PnpDeliveryCompletionEvent
namespace webhook.PnpDeliveryCompletionEvent {}
namespace webhook.PostbackEvent
namespace webhook.PostbackEvent {}
namespace webhook.StickerMessageContent
namespace webhook.StickerMessageContent {}
type StickerResourceTypeEnum
namespace webhook.ThingsEvent
namespace webhook.ThingsEvent {}
namespace webhook.UnfollowEvent
namespace webhook.UnfollowEvent {}
namespace webhook.UnsendEvent
namespace webhook.UnsendEvent {}
namespace webhook.VideoPlayCompleteEvent
namespace webhook.VideoPlayCompleteEvent {}
Package Files (310)
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- dist/webhook/model/unsendEvent.d.ts
- dist/webhook/model/userMentionee.d.ts
- dist/webhook/model/userSource.d.ts
- dist/webhook/model/videoMessageContent.d.ts
- dist/webhook/model/videoPlayComplete.d.ts
- dist/webhook/model/videoPlayCompleteEvent.d.ts
Dependencies (1)
Dev Dependencies (13)
Peer Dependencies (0)
No peer dependencies.
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