- Version 6.3.4
- Published
- 115 kB
- 6 dependencies
- BSD-3-Clause license
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function signalToPromise
signalToPromise: <T, U>( signal: ISignal<T, U>, timeout?: number) => Promise<[T, U]>;
Convert a signal into a promise for the first emitted value.
Parameter signal
The signal we are listening to.
Parameter timeout
Timeout to wait for signal in ms (not timeout if not defined or 0)
a Promise that resolves with a
(sender, args)
class ActivityMonitor
class ActivityMonitor<Sender, Args> implements IDisposable {}
A class that monitors activity on a signal.
constructor(options: ActivityMonitor.IOptions<Sender, Args>);
Construct a new activity monitor.
property activityStopped
readonly activityStopped: ISignal< this, ActivityMonitor.IArguments<Sender, Args>>;
A signal emitted when activity has ceased.
property isDisposed
readonly isDisposed: boolean;
Test whether the monitor has been disposed.
#### Notes This is a read-only property.
property timeout
timeout: number;
The timeout associated with the monitor, in milliseconds.
method dispose
dispose: () => void;
Dispose of the resources used by the activity monitor.
class LruCache
class LruCache<T, U> {}
A least-recently-used cache.
constructor(options?: LruCache.IOptions);
property size
readonly size: number;
Return the current size of the cache.
method clear
clear: () => void;
Clear the values in the cache.
method get
get: (key: T) => U | null;
Get a value (or null) from the cache, pushing the item to the front of the cache.
method set
set: (key: T, value: U) => void;
Set a value in the cache, potentially evicting an old item.
interface IChangedArgs
interface IChangedArgs<T, OldT = T, U extends string = string> {}
A generic interface for change emitter payloads.
namespace ActivityMonitor
namespace ActivityMonitor {}
The namespace for
interface IArguments
interface IArguments<Sender, Args> {}
The argument object for an activity timeout.
namespace LruCache
namespace LruCache {}
namespace MarkdownCodeBlocks
namespace MarkdownCodeBlocks {}
The namespace for code block functions which help in extract code from markdown text
const CODE_BLOCK_MARKER: string;
function findMarkdownCodeBlocks
findMarkdownCodeBlocks: (text: string) => MarkdownCodeBlock[];
Construct all code snippets from current text (this could be potentially optimized if we can cache and detect differences)
Parameter text
A string to parse codeblocks from
An array of MarkdownCodeBlocks.
function isMarkdown
isMarkdown: (extension: string) => boolean;
Check whether the given file extension is a markdown extension
Parameter extension
A file extension
true/false depending on whether this is a supported markdown extension
class MarkdownCodeBlock
class MarkdownCodeBlock {}
constructor(startLine: number);
property code
code: string;
property endLine
endLine: number;
property startLine
startLine: number;
namespace PageConfig
namespace PageConfig {}
The namespace for
variable defaultWorkspace
const defaultWorkspace: string;
function getBaseUrl
getBaseUrl: () => string;
Get the base url for a Jupyter application, or the base url of the page.
function getNBConvertURL
getNBConvertURL: ({ path, format, download,}: { path: string; format: string; download: boolean;}) => string;
Returns the URL converting this notebook to a certain format with nbconvert.
function getNotebookVersion
getNotebookVersion: () => [number, number, number];
Get the Notebook version info [major, minor, patch].
function getOption
getOption: (name: string) => string;
Get global configuration data for the Jupyter application.
Parameter name
The name of the configuration option.
The config value or an empty string if not found.
#### Notes All values are treated as strings. For browser based applications, it is assumed that the page HTML includes a script tag with the id
containing the configuration as valid JSON. In order to support the classic Notebook, we fall back on checking forbody
data of the givenname
.For node applications, it is assumed that the process was launched with a
option pointing to a JSON settings file.
function getShareUrl
getShareUrl: () => string;
Get the base url for sharing links (usually baseUrl)
function getToken
getToken: () => string;
Get the authorization token for a Jupyter application.
function getTreeShareUrl
getTreeShareUrl: () => string;
Get the tree url for shareable links. Usually the same as treeUrl, but overridable e.g. when sharing with JupyterHub.
function getTreeUrl
getTreeUrl: () => string;
Get the tree url for a JupyterLab application.
function getUrl
getUrl: (options: IGetUrlOptions) => string;
Create a new URL given an optional mode and tree path.
This is used to create URLS when the mode or tree path change as the user changes mode or the current document in the main area. If fields in options are omitted, the value in PageConfig will be used.
Parameter options
IGetUrlOptions for the new path.
function getWsUrl
getWsUrl: (baseUrl?: string) => string;
Get the base websocket url for a Jupyter application, or an empty string.
function setOption
setOption: (name: string, value: string) => string;
Set global configuration data for the Jupyter application.
Parameter name
The name of the configuration option.
Parameter value
The value to set the option to.
The last config value or an empty string if it doesn't exist.
interface IGetUrlOptions
interface IGetUrlOptions {}
Options for getUrl
property mode
mode?: string;
The optional mode as a string 'single-document' or 'multiple-document'. If the mode argument is missing, it will be provided from the PageConfig.
property toShare
toShare?: boolean;
Whether the url is meant to be shared or not; default false.
property treePath
treePath?: string;
The optional tree path as as string. If treePath is not provided it will be provided from the PageConfig. If an empty string, the resulting path will not contain a tree portion.
property workspace
workspace?: string;
The optional workspace as a string. If this argument is missing, the value will be pulled from PageConfig. To use the default workspace (no /workspaces/ URL segment will be included) pass the string PageConfig.defaultWorkspace.
namespace PageConfig.Extension
namespace PageConfig.Extension {}
The namespace for page config
variable deferred
const deferred: string[];
The collection of deferred extensions in page config.
variable disabled
const disabled: string[];
The collection of disabled extensions in page config.
function isDeferred
isDeferred: (id: string) => boolean;
Returns whether a plugin is deferred.
Parameter id
The plugin ID.
function isDisabled
isDisabled: (id: string) => boolean;
Returns whether a plugin is disabled.
Parameter id
The plugin ID.
namespace PathExt
namespace PathExt {}
The namespace for path-related functions.
Note that Jupyter server paths do not start with a leading slash.
function basename
basename: (path: string, ext?: string) => string;
Return the last portion of a path. Similar to the Unix basename command. Often used to extract the file name from a fully qualified path.
Parameter path
The path to evaluate.
Parameter ext
An extension to remove from the result.
function dirname
dirname: (path: string) => string;
Get the directory name of a path, similar to the Unix dirname command. When an empty path is given, returns the root path.
Parameter path
The file path.
function extname
extname: (path: string) => string;
Get the extension of the path.
Parameter path
The file path.
the extension of the file.
#### Notes The extension is the string from the last occurrence of the
character to end of string in the last portion of the path, inclusive. If there is no.
in the last portion of the path, or if the first character of the basename of path [[basename]] is.
, then an empty string is returned.
function join
join: (...paths: string[]) => string;
Join all arguments together and normalize the resulting path. Arguments must be strings. In v0.8, non-string arguments were silently ignored. In v0.10 and up, an exception is thrown.
Parameter paths
The string paths to join.
function joinWithLeadingSlash
joinWithLeadingSlash: (...paths: string[]) => string;
Join all arguments together and normalize the resulting path and preserve the leading slash.
Parameter paths
The string paths to join.
function normalize
normalize: (path: string) => string;
Normalize a string path, reducing '..' and '.' parts. When multiple slashes are found, they're replaced by a single one; when the path contains a trailing slash, it is preserved. On Windows backslashes are used. When an empty path is given, returns the root path.
Parameter path
The string path to normalize.
function normalizeExtension
normalizeExtension: (extension: string) => string;
Normalize a file extension to be of the type
.Parameter extension
the file extension.
#### Notes Adds a leading dot if not present and converts to lower case.
function relative
relative: (from: string, to: string) => string;
Solve the relative path from {from} to {to}.
Parameter from
The source path.
Parameter to
The target path.
#### Notes If from and to each resolve to the same path (after calling path.resolve() on each), a zero-length string is returned. If a zero-length string is passed as from or to,
will be used instead of the zero-length strings.
function removeSlash
removeSlash: (path: string) => string;
Remove the leading slash from a path.
Parameter path
the path from which to remove a leading slash.
function resolve
resolve: (...parts: string[]) => string;
Resolve a sequence of paths or path segments into an absolute path. The root path in the application has no leading slash, so it is removed.
Parameter parts
The paths to join.
#### Notes The right-most parameter is considered {to}. Other parameters are considered an array of {from}.
Starting from leftmost {from} parameter, resolves {to} to an absolute path.
If {to} isn't already absolute, {from} arguments are prepended in right to left order, until an absolute path is found. If after using all {from} paths still no absolute path is found, the current working directory is used as well. The resulting path is normalized, and trailing slashes are removed unless the path gets resolved to the root directory.
namespace Text
namespace Text {}
The namespace for text-related functions.
function camelCase
camelCase: (str: string, upper?: boolean) => string;
Given a 'snake-case', 'snake_case', 'snake:case', or 'snake case' string, will return the camel case version: 'snakeCase'.
Parameter str
the snake-case input string.
Parameter upper
default = false. If true, the first letter of the returned string will be capitalized.
the camel case version of the input string.
function charIndexToJsIndex
charIndexToJsIndex: (charIdx: number, text: string) => number;
Convert a unicode character offset to a javascript string index.
Parameter charIdx
The index in unicode characters
Parameter text
The text in which the offset is calculated
The js-native index
function jsIndexToCharIndex
jsIndexToCharIndex: (jsIdx: number, text: string) => number;
Convert a javascript string index into a unicode character offset
Parameter jsIdx
The javascript string index (counting surrogate pairs)
Parameter text
The text in which the offset is calculated
The unicode character offset
function titleCase
titleCase: (str: string) => string;
Given a string, title case the words in the string.
Parameter str
the string to title case.
the same string, but with each word capitalized.
namespace Time
namespace Time {}
The namespace for date functions.
function format
format: (value: string | Date) => string;
Convenient helper to convert a timestring to a date format.
Parameter value
The date timestring or date object.
A formatted date.
function formatHuman
formatHuman: (value: string | Date, format?: HumanStyle) => string;
Convert a timestring to a human readable string (e.g. 'two minutes ago').
Parameter value
The date timestring or date object.
A formatted date.
type HumanStyle
type HumanStyle = Intl.ResolvedRelativeTimeFormatOptions['style'];
namespace URLExt
namespace URLExt {}
The namespace for URL-related functions.
function encodeParts
encodeParts: (url: string) => string;
Encode the components of a multi-segment url.
Parameter url
The url to encode.
the encoded url.
#### Notes Preserves the
separators. Should not include the base url, since all parts are escaped.
function getHostName
getHostName: (url: string) => string;
Parse URL and retrieve hostname
Parameter url
The URL string to parse
a hostname string value
function isLocal
isLocal: (url: string, allowRoot?: boolean) => boolean;
Test whether the url is a local url.
Parameter allowRoot
Whether the paths starting at Unix-style filesystem root (
) are permitted.#### Notes This function returns
for any fully qualified url, includingdata:
, and//
protocol URLs.
function join
join: (...parts: string[]) => string;
Join a sequence of url components and normalizes as in node
.Parameter parts
The url components.
the joined url.
function normalize
normalize: { (url: string): string; (url: undefined): undefined; (url: string): string;};
Normalize a url.
function objectToQueryString
objectToQueryString: (value: PartialJSONObject) => string;
Return a serialized object string suitable for a query.
Parameter value
The source object.
an encoded url query.
#### Notes Modified version of [stackoverflow](http://stackoverflow.com/a/30707423).
function parse
parse: (url: string) => IUrl;
Parse a url into a URL object.
Parameter url
The URL string to parse.
A URL object.
function queryStringToObject
queryStringToObject: (value: string) => { [key: string]: string };
Return a parsed object that represents the values in a query string.
interface IUrl
interface IUrl {}
The interface for a URL object
property hash
hash: string;
The "fragment" portion of the URL including the leading ASCII hash
property host
host: string;
The full lower-cased host portion of the URL, including the port if specified.
property hostname
hostname: string;
The lower-cased host name portion of the host component without the port included.
property href
href: string;
The full URL string that was parsed with both the protocol and host components converted to lower-case.
property pathname
pathname: string;
The entire path section of the URL.
property port
port: string;
The numeric port portion of the host component.
property protocol
protocol: string;
Identifies the URL's lower-cased protocol scheme.
property search
search?: string;
The search element, including leading question mark (
), if any, of the URL.
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