- Version 0.4.0
- Published
- 794 kB
- 10 dependencies
- AGPL-3.0-or-later license
npm i @jsdocs-io/extractor
yarn add @jsdocs-io/extractor
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Analyze and extract the API from npm packages
- analyzeRegistryPackage()
- isClassConstructorDeclaration()
- isClassDeclaration()
- isClassMethodDeclaration()
- isClassPropertyDeclaration()
- isEnumDeclaration()
- isEnumMemberDeclaration()
- isFunctionDeclaration()
- isInterfaceCallSignatureDeclaration()
- isInterfaceConstructSignatureDeclaration()
- isInterfaceDeclaration()
- isInterfaceIndexSignatureDeclaration()
- isInterfaceMethodDeclaration()
- isInterfacePropertyDeclaration()
- isNamespaceDeclaration()
- isTypeAliasDeclaration()
- isVariableDeclaration()
- ClassConstructorDeclaration
- ClassDeclaration
- ClassMethodDeclaration
- ClassPropertyDeclaration
- EnumDeclaration
- EnumMemberDeclaration
- FunctionDeclaration
- InterfaceCallSignatureDeclaration
- InterfaceConstructSignatureDeclaration
- InterfaceDeclaration
- InterfaceIndexSignatureDeclaration
- InterfaceMethodDeclaration
- InterfacePropertyDeclaration
- NamespaceDeclaration
- TypeAliasDeclaration
- VariableDeclaration
function analyzeRegistryPackage
analyzeRegistryPackage: ({ name, version, registry, mirrors, ignoreLicense, ignoreFilePatternOptimizations, skipAPIExtraction,}: { name: string; version?: string; registry?: string; mirrors?: string[]; ignoreLicense?: boolean; ignoreFilePatternOptimizations?: boolean; skipAPIExtraction?: boolean;}) => Promise<RegistryPackageInfo>;
analyzes a package hosted on a registry and tries to extract its public API.Parameter name
package name
Parameter version
package version (default:
)Parameter registry
registry URL (default: npm registry)
Parameter mirrors
URLs of registry mirrors (default: npm registry mirrors)
Parameter ignoreLicense
, extract API from unlicensed or proprietary packages (default:false
)Parameter ignoreFilePatternOptimizations
, ignore file pattern optimizations for known npm packages (default:false
)Parameter skipAPIExtraction
, do not extract the API from the package (default:false
)Example 1
Analyze the latest version of package
from the npm registry:import { analyzeRegistryPackage } from '@jsdocs-io/extractor';(async () => {const info = await analyzeRegistryPackage({ name: 'query-registry' });// Output: 'query-registry'console.log(info.manifest.name);// Output: 'string'console.log(typeof info.api?.overview);})();See Also
function isClassConstructorDeclaration
isClassConstructorDeclaration: ( declaration: Declaration) => declaration is ClassConstructorDeclaration;
function isClassDeclaration
isClassDeclaration: ( declaration: Declaration) => declaration is ClassDeclaration;
function isClassMethodDeclaration
isClassMethodDeclaration: ( declaration: Declaration) => declaration is ClassMethodDeclaration;
function isClassPropertyDeclaration
isClassPropertyDeclaration: ( declaration: Declaration) => declaration is ClassPropertyDeclaration;
function isEnumDeclaration
isEnumDeclaration: (declaration: Declaration) => declaration is EnumDeclaration;
function isEnumMemberDeclaration
isEnumMemberDeclaration: ( declaration: Declaration) => declaration is EnumMemberDeclaration;
function isFunctionDeclaration
isFunctionDeclaration: ( declaration: Declaration) => declaration is FunctionDeclaration;
function isInterfaceCallSignatureDeclaration
isInterfaceCallSignatureDeclaration: ( declaration: Declaration) => declaration is InterfaceCallSignatureDeclaration;
function isInterfaceConstructSignatureDeclaration
isInterfaceConstructSignatureDeclaration: ( declaration: Declaration) => declaration is InterfaceConstructSignatureDeclaration;
function isInterfaceDeclaration
isInterfaceDeclaration: ( declaration: Declaration) => declaration is InterfaceDeclaration;
function isInterfaceIndexSignatureDeclaration
isInterfaceIndexSignatureDeclaration: ( declaration: Declaration) => declaration is InterfaceIndexSignatureDeclaration;
function isInterfaceMethodDeclaration
isInterfaceMethodDeclaration: ( declaration: Declaration) => declaration is InterfaceMethodDeclaration;
function isInterfacePropertyDeclaration
isInterfacePropertyDeclaration: ( declaration: Declaration) => declaration is InterfacePropertyDeclaration;
function isNamespaceDeclaration
isNamespaceDeclaration: ( declaration: Declaration) => declaration is NamespaceDeclaration;
function isTypeAliasDeclaration
isTypeAliasDeclaration: ( declaration: Declaration) => declaration is TypeAliasDeclaration;
function isVariableDeclaration
isVariableDeclaration: ( declaration: Declaration) => declaration is VariableDeclaration;
interface ClassConstructorDeclaration
interface ClassConstructorDeclaration extends Declaration {}
represents a constructor declaration belonging to a class (for example,constructor() {...}
property kind
readonly kind: DeclarationKinds.ClassConstructorDeclaration;
interface ClassDeclaration
interface ClassDeclaration extends Declaration {}
represents a class declaration (for example,class MyClass {...}
property constructors
readonly constructors: ClassConstructorDeclaration[];
Class constructors
property isAbstract
readonly isAbstract: boolean;
, the class is abstract
property kind
readonly kind: DeclarationKinds.ClassDeclaration;
property members
readonly members: ClassMemberDeclarations;
Class members
interface ClassMemberDeclarations
interface ClassMemberDeclarations {}
contains the members of a class.
property methods
readonly methods: ClassMethodDeclaration[];
property properties
readonly properties: ClassPropertyDeclaration[];
interface ClassMethodDeclaration
interface ClassMethodDeclaration extends Declaration {}
represents a method defined in a class (for example,foo(): string {...}
interface ClassPropertyDeclaration
interface ClassPropertyDeclaration extends Declaration {}
represents a property defined in a class either directly (for example,foo: string
) or through an accessor (for example,get foo(): string {...}
interface Declaration
interface Declaration {}
contains the properties common to all declaration kinds.
property docs
readonly docs: string[];
Documentation comments describing the declaration
property id
readonly id: string;
Declaration ID
property kind
readonly kind: DeclarationKinds;
Declaration kind
property name
readonly name: string;
Export name
property signature
readonly signature: string;
Declaration's signature
property source
readonly source: DeclarationSource;
Location in the source code
interface DeclarationSource
interface DeclarationSource {}
represents the location of a declaration in a source file.
interface EnumDeclaration
interface EnumDeclaration extends Declaration {}
represents an enum declaration (for example,enum MyEnum {...}
interface EnumMemberDeclaration
interface EnumMemberDeclaration extends Declaration {}
represents a member defined in an enum (for example,UP
inenum MyEnum { UP, DOWN }
interface FunctionDeclaration
interface FunctionDeclaration extends Declaration {}
represents a normal function declaration (for example,function myFunc() {...}
) or a named function expression (for example,const myFunc = () => {...}
orconst myFunc = function() {...}
interface InterfaceCallSignatureDeclaration
interface InterfaceCallSignatureDeclaration extends Declaration {}
represents a call signature defined in an interface (for example,(foo: string): boolean
property kind
readonly kind: DeclarationKinds.InterfaceCallSignatureDeclaration;
interface InterfaceConstructSignatureDeclaration
interface InterfaceConstructSignatureDeclaration extends Declaration {}
represents a construct signature defined in an interface (for example,new (foo: string)
property kind
readonly kind: DeclarationKinds.InterfaceConstructSignatureDeclaration;
interface InterfaceDeclaration
interface InterfaceDeclaration extends Declaration {}
represents an interface declaration (for example,interface MyInterface {...}
interface InterfaceIndexSignatureDeclaration
interface InterfaceIndexSignatureDeclaration extends Declaration {}
represents an index signature defined in an interface (for example,[index: number]: string
property kind
readonly kind: DeclarationKinds.InterfaceIndexSignatureDeclaration;
interface InterfaceMemberDeclarations
interface InterfaceMemberDeclarations {}
contains the members of an interface.
property callSignatures
readonly callSignatures: InterfaceCallSignatureDeclaration[];
property constructSignatures
readonly constructSignatures: InterfaceConstructSignatureDeclaration[];
property indexSignatures
readonly indexSignatures: InterfaceIndexSignatureDeclaration[];
property methods
readonly methods: InterfaceMethodDeclaration[];
property properties
readonly properties: InterfacePropertyDeclaration[];
interface InterfaceMethodDeclaration
interface InterfaceMethodDeclaration extends Declaration {}
represents a method defined in an interface (for example,foo(): string
ininterface MyInterface { foo(): string }
interface InterfacePropertyDeclaration
interface InterfacePropertyDeclaration extends Declaration {}
represents a property defined in an interface (for example,foo: string
ininterface MyInterface { foo: string }
property isOptional
readonly isOptional: boolean;
, the property is optional
property isReadonly
readonly isReadonly: boolean;
, the property isreadonly
property kind
readonly kind: DeclarationKinds.InterfacePropertyDeclaration;
property type
readonly type: string;
Property type (for example,
interface ModuleDeclarations
interface ModuleDeclarations {}
contains the different kinds of declarations exported by a module (for example, a package, a module (file) or a namespace).
property classes
readonly classes: ClassDeclaration[];
property enums
readonly enums: EnumDeclaration[];
property functions
readonly functions: FunctionDeclaration[];
property interfaces
readonly interfaces: InterfaceDeclaration[];
property namespaces
readonly namespaces: NamespaceDeclaration[];
property typeAliases
readonly typeAliases: TypeAliasDeclaration[];
property variables
readonly variables: VariableDeclaration[];
interface NamespaceDeclaration
interface NamespaceDeclaration extends Declaration {}
represents a namespace declaration (for example,namespace MyNamespace {...}
property declarations
readonly declarations: ModuleDeclarations;
Exported namespace declarations
property kind
readonly kind: DeclarationKinds.NamespaceDeclaration;
interface PackageAPI
interface PackageAPI {}
represents the public API exported by a package.See Also
property declarations
readonly declarations: ModuleDeclarations;
Exported package declarations
property files
readonly files: PackageFile[];
Files containing the exported package declarations
property overview
readonly overview?: string;
Main documentation comment describing the package
interface PackageFile
interface PackageFile {}
represents a file belonging to a package.
property filename
readonly filename: string;
property isIndexFile
readonly isIndexFile?: boolean;
, this file is the entry point to the package
property unpkgURL
readonly unpkgURL?: string;
URL on unpkg.com linking to the file
property url
readonly url?: string;
URL in a remote repository linking to the file
interface RegistryPackageInfo
interface RegistryPackageInfo {}
contains the data extracted from a package hosted on an npm-like registry.See Also
property api
readonly api?: PackageAPI;
Public package API
property createdAt
readonly createdAt: string;
Time at which this data was created
property elapsed
readonly elapsed: number;
Package analysis duration in milliseconds
property id
readonly id: string;
Package version ID (for example,
property manifest
readonly manifest: PackageManifest;
Package manifest from the registry
interface TypeAliasDeclaration
interface TypeAliasDeclaration extends Declaration {}
represents a type alias declaration (for example,type myType = ...
property kind
readonly kind: DeclarationKinds.TypeAliasDeclaration;
interface VariableDeclaration
interface VariableDeclaration extends Declaration {}
represents a variable declaration (for example,const myVar = ...
property kind
readonly kind: DeclarationKinds.VariableDeclaration;
property type
readonly type: string;
Variable type (for example,
property variableKind
readonly variableKind: string;
, orconst
enum DeclarationKinds
enum DeclarationKinds { VariableDeclaration = 'VariableDeclaration', FunctionDeclaration = 'FunctionDeclaration', ClassDeclaration = 'ClassDeclaration', ClassConstructorDeclaration = 'ClassConstructorDeclaration', ClassPropertyDeclaration = 'ClassPropertyDeclaration', ClassMethodDeclaration = 'ClassMethodDeclaration', InterfaceDeclaration = 'InterfaceDeclaration', InterfacePropertyDeclaration = 'InterfacePropertyDeclaration', InterfaceMethodDeclaration = 'InterfaceMethodDeclaration', InterfaceConstructSignatureDeclaration = 'InterfaceConstructSignatureDeclaration', InterfaceCallSignatureDeclaration = 'InterfaceCallSignatureDeclaration', InterfaceIndexSignatureDeclaration = 'InterfaceIndexSignatureDeclaration', EnumDeclaration = 'EnumDeclaration', EnumMemberDeclaration = 'EnumMemberDeclaration', TypeAliasDeclaration = 'TypeAliasDeclaration', NamespaceDeclaration = 'NamespaceDeclaration',}
lists the possible kinds of declarations
member ClassConstructorDeclaration
ClassConstructorDeclaration = 'ClassConstructorDeclaration'
member ClassDeclaration
ClassDeclaration = 'ClassDeclaration'
member ClassMethodDeclaration
ClassMethodDeclaration = 'ClassMethodDeclaration'
member ClassPropertyDeclaration
ClassPropertyDeclaration = 'ClassPropertyDeclaration'
member EnumDeclaration
EnumDeclaration = 'EnumDeclaration'
member EnumMemberDeclaration
EnumMemberDeclaration = 'EnumMemberDeclaration'
member FunctionDeclaration
FunctionDeclaration = 'FunctionDeclaration'
member InterfaceCallSignatureDeclaration
InterfaceCallSignatureDeclaration = 'InterfaceCallSignatureDeclaration'
member InterfaceConstructSignatureDeclaration
InterfaceConstructSignatureDeclaration = 'InterfaceConstructSignatureDeclaration'
member InterfaceDeclaration
InterfaceDeclaration = 'InterfaceDeclaration'
member InterfaceIndexSignatureDeclaration
InterfaceIndexSignatureDeclaration = 'InterfaceIndexSignatureDeclaration'
member InterfaceMethodDeclaration
InterfaceMethodDeclaration = 'InterfaceMethodDeclaration'
member InterfacePropertyDeclaration
InterfacePropertyDeclaration = 'InterfacePropertyDeclaration'
member NamespaceDeclaration
NamespaceDeclaration = 'NamespaceDeclaration'
member TypeAliasDeclaration
TypeAliasDeclaration = 'TypeAliasDeclaration'
member VariableDeclaration
VariableDeclaration = 'VariableDeclaration'
Package Files (7)
Dependencies (10)
Dev Dependencies (29)
- @commitlint/cli
- @commitlint/config-conventional
- @pollyjs/adapter-node-http
- @pollyjs/core
- @pollyjs/persister-fs
- @types/concat-stream
- @types/debug
- @types/fs-extra
- @types/gunzip-maybe
- @types/hosted-git-info
- @types/pollyjs__adapter-node-http
- @types/pollyjs__core
- @types/pollyjs__persister-fs
- @types/prettier
- @types/setup-polly-jest
- @types/tar-stream
- clinic
- dts-cli
- eslint-plugin-prettier
- fast-glob
- fs-extra
- husky
- nock
- np
- setup-polly-jest
- ts-dedent
- ts-node
- tslib
- typescript
Peer Dependencies (0)
No peer dependencies.
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- Updated .
Package analyzed in 3250 ms. - Missing or incorrect documentation? Open an issue for this package.