
  • Version 0.12.0
  • Published
  • 1 dependency
  • MIT license


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yarn add @ionic/cloud-angular
pnpm add @ionic/cloud-angular


Ionic Cloud Client for Angular 2



variable CloudSettingsToken

const CloudSettingsToken: OpaqueToken;


    function provideAuth

    provideAuth: (container: DIContainer) => IAuth;

      function provideClient

      provideClient: (container: DIContainer) => IClient;

        function provideConfig

        provideConfig: (container: DIContainer) => IConfig;

          function provideContainer

          provideContainer: (settings: CloudSettings) => DIContainer;

            function provideDatabase

            provideDatabase: (container: DIContainer) => Database;

              function provideDeploy

              provideDeploy: (container: DIContainer) => IDeploy;

                function provideFacebookAuth

                provideFacebookAuth: (container: DIContainer) => IFacebookAuth;

                  function provideGoogleAuth

                  provideGoogleAuth: (container: DIContainer) => IGoogleAuth;

                    function providePush

                    providePush: (container: DIContainer) => IPush;

                      function provideUser

                      provideUser: (container: DIContainer) => IUser;


                        class Auth

                        class Auth extends _Auth {}

                          class Client

                          class Client extends _Client {}

                            class CloudModule

                            class CloudModule {}

                              method forRoot

                              static forRoot: (settings: CloudSettings) => ModuleWithProviders;

                                class Config

                                class Config extends _Config {}

                                  class Database

                                  class Database extends _Database {}

                                    class Deploy

                                    class Deploy extends _Deploy {}

                                      class DIContainer

                                      class DIContainer extends _DIContainer {}

                                        class FacebookAuth

                                        class FacebookAuth extends _FacebookAuth {}

                                          class GoogleAuth

                                          class GoogleAuth extends _GoogleAuth {}

                                            class Insights

                                            class Insights extends _Insights {}

                                              class Push

                                              class Push extends _Push implements IPush {}

                                                property rx

                                                rx: PushRx;
                                                • Observables for the push service.

                                                class PushRx

                                                class PushRx extends Rx {}

                                                  method notification

                                                  notification: () => Observable<IPushMessage>;

                                                    class Rx

                                                    class Rx {}


                                                      constructor(emitter: IEventEmitter);

                                                        property emitter

                                                        protected emitter: IEventEmitter;

                                                          class User

                                                          class User extends _User {}


                                                            interface IPush

                                                            interface IPush extends _IPush {}

                                                              property rx

                                                              rx: PushRx;

                                                                Package Files (1)

                                                                Dependencies (1)

                                                                Dev Dependencies (6)

                                                                Peer Dependencies (2)


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