- Version 0.12.3
- Published
- 15.5 kB
- No dependencies
- Apache-2.0 license
npm i @firebase/auth-types
yarn add @firebase/auth-types
pnpm add @firebase/auth-types
@firebase/auth Types
- app
- applyActionCode()
- checkActionCode()
- confirmPasswordReset()
- createUserWithEmailAndPassword()
- currentUser
- emulatorConfig
- fetchSignInMethodsForEmail()
- getRedirectResult()
- isSignInWithEmailLink()
- languageCode
- onAuthStateChanged()
- onIdTokenChanged()
- Persistence
- sendPasswordResetEmail()
- sendSignInLinkToEmail()
- setPersistence()
- settings
- signInAndRetrieveDataWithCredential()
- signInAnonymously()
- signInWithCredential()
- signInWithCustomToken()
- signInWithEmailAndPassword()
- signInWithEmailLink()
- signInWithPhoneNumber()
- signInWithPopup()
- signInWithRedirect()
- signOut()
- tenantId
- updateCurrentUser()
- useDeviceLanguage()
- useEmulator()
- verifyPasswordResetCode()
- delete()
- emailVerified
- getIdToken()
- getIdTokenResult()
- isAnonymous
- linkAndRetrieveDataWithCredential()
- linkWithCredential()
- linkWithPhoneNumber()
- linkWithPopup()
- linkWithRedirect()
- metadata
- multiFactor
- phoneNumber
- providerData
- reauthenticateAndRetrieveDataWithCredential()
- reauthenticateWithCredential()
- reauthenticateWithPhoneNumber()
- reauthenticateWithPopup()
- reauthenticateWithRedirect()
- refreshToken
- reload()
- sendEmailVerification()
- tenantId
- toJSON()
- unlink()
- updateEmail()
- updatePassword()
- updatePhoneNumber()
- updateProfile()
- verifyBeforeUpdateEmail()
Type Aliases
class ActionCodeInfo
class ActionCodeInfo {}
property data
data: { email?: string | null; fromEmail?: string | null; multiFactorInfo?: MultiFactorInfo | null; previousEmail?: string | null;};
property operation
operation: string;
property Operation
static Operation: { PASSWORD_RESET: Operation; RECOVER_EMAIL: Operation; EMAIL_SIGNIN: Operation; REVERT_SECOND_FACTOR_ADDITION: Operation; VERIFY_AND_CHANGE_EMAIL: Operation; VERIFY_EMAIL: Operation;};
class ActionCodeURL
class ActionCodeURL {}
property apiKey
apiKey: string;
property code
code: string;
property continueUrl
continueUrl: string;
property languageCode
languageCode: string;
property operation
operation: string;
property tenantId
tenantId: string;
method parseLink
static parseLink: (link: string) => ActionCodeURL | null;
class AuthCredential
abstract class AuthCredential {}
property providerId
providerId: string;
property signInMethod
signInMethod: string;
method fromJSON
static fromJSON: (json: Object | string) => AuthCredential | null;
method toJSON
toJSON: () => Object;
class EmailAuthProvider
class EmailAuthProvider extends EmailAuthProvider_Instance {}
property PROVIDER_ID
static PROVIDER_ID: string;
method credential
static credential: (email: string, password: string) => AuthCredential;
method credentialWithLink
static credentialWithLink: (email: string, emailLink: string) => AuthCredential;
class EmailAuthProvider_Instance
class EmailAuthProvider_Instance implements AuthProvider {}
property providerId
providerId: string;
class FacebookAuthProvider
class FacebookAuthProvider extends FacebookAuthProvider_Instance {}
property PROVIDER_ID
static PROVIDER_ID: string;
method credential
static credential: (token: string) => AuthCredential;
class FacebookAuthProvider_Instance
class FacebookAuthProvider_Instance implements AuthProvider {}
property providerId
providerId: string;
method addScope
addScope: (scope: string) => AuthProvider;
method setCustomParameters
setCustomParameters: (customOAuthParameters: Object) => AuthProvider;
class FirebaseAuth
class FirebaseAuth {}
property app
app: FirebaseApp;
property currentUser
currentUser: User;
property emulatorConfig
readonly emulatorConfig: EmulatorConfig;
property languageCode
languageCode: string;
property Persistence
static Persistence: { LOCAL: Persistence; NONE: Persistence; SESSION: Persistence;};
property settings
settings: AuthSettings;
property tenantId
tenantId: string;
method applyActionCode
applyActionCode: (code: string) => Promise<void>;
method checkActionCode
checkActionCode: (code: string) => Promise<ActionCodeInfo>;
method confirmPasswordReset
confirmPasswordReset: (code: string, newPassword: string) => Promise<void>;
method createUserWithEmailAndPassword
createUserWithEmailAndPassword: ( email: string, password: string) => Promise<UserCredential>;
method fetchSignInMethodsForEmail
fetchSignInMethodsForEmail: (email: string) => Promise<Array<string>>;
method getRedirectResult
getRedirectResult: () => Promise<UserCredential>;
method isSignInWithEmailLink
isSignInWithEmailLink: (emailLink: string) => boolean;
method onAuthStateChanged
onAuthStateChanged: ( nextOrObserver: any, error?: (a: Error) => any, completed?: Unsubscribe) => Unsubscribe;
method onIdTokenChanged
onIdTokenChanged: ( nextOrObserver: any, error?: (a: Error) => any, completed?: Unsubscribe) => Unsubscribe;
method sendPasswordResetEmail
sendPasswordResetEmail: ( email: string, actionCodeSettings?: ActionCodeSettings | null) => Promise<void>;
method sendSignInLinkToEmail
sendSignInLinkToEmail: ( email: string, actionCodeSettings: ActionCodeSettings) => Promise<void>;
method setPersistence
setPersistence: (persistence: Persistence) => Promise<void>;
method signInAndRetrieveDataWithCredential
signInAndRetrieveDataWithCredential: ( credential: AuthCredential) => Promise<UserCredential>;
method signInAnonymously
signInAnonymously: () => Promise<UserCredential>;
method signInWithCredential
signInWithCredential: (credential: AuthCredential) => Promise<UserCredential>;
method signInWithCustomToken
signInWithCustomToken: (token: string) => Promise<UserCredential>;
method signInWithEmailAndPassword
signInWithEmailAndPassword: ( email: string, password: string) => Promise<UserCredential>;
method signInWithEmailLink
signInWithEmailLink: ( email: string, emailLink?: string) => Promise<UserCredential>;
method signInWithPhoneNumber
signInWithPhoneNumber: ( phoneNumber: string, applicationVerifier: ApplicationVerifier) => Promise<ConfirmationResult>;
method signInWithPopup
signInWithPopup: (provider: AuthProvider) => Promise<UserCredential>;
method signInWithRedirect
signInWithRedirect: (provider: AuthProvider) => Promise<void>;
method signOut
signOut: () => Promise<void>;
method updateCurrentUser
updateCurrentUser: (user: User | null) => Promise<void>;
method useDeviceLanguage
useDeviceLanguage: () => void;
method useEmulator
useEmulator: (url: string, options?: { disableWarnings?: boolean }) => void;
method verifyPasswordResetCode
verifyPasswordResetCode: (code: string) => Promise<string>;
class GithubAuthProvider
class GithubAuthProvider extends GithubAuthProvider_Instance {}
static GITHUB_SIGN_IN_METHOD: string;
property PROVIDER_ID
static PROVIDER_ID: string;
method credential
static credential: (token: string) => AuthCredential;
class GithubAuthProvider_Instance
class GithubAuthProvider_Instance implements AuthProvider {}
property providerId
providerId: string;
method addScope
addScope: (scope: string) => AuthProvider;
method setCustomParameters
setCustomParameters: (customOAuthParameters: Object) => AuthProvider;
class GoogleAuthProvider
class GoogleAuthProvider extends GoogleAuthProvider_Instance {}
static GOOGLE_SIGN_IN_METHOD: string;
property PROVIDER_ID
static PROVIDER_ID: string;
method credential
static credential: ( idToken?: string | null, accessToken?: string | null) => AuthCredential;
class GoogleAuthProvider_Instance
class GoogleAuthProvider_Instance implements AuthProvider {}
property providerId
providerId: string;
method addScope
addScope: (scope: string) => AuthProvider;
method setCustomParameters
setCustomParameters: (customOAuthParameters: Object) => AuthProvider;
class MultiFactorAssertion
abstract class MultiFactorAssertion {}
property factorId
factorId: string;
class MultiFactorResolver
class MultiFactorResolver {}
property auth
auth: FirebaseAuth;
property hints
hints: MultiFactorInfo[];
property session
session: MultiFactorSession;
method resolveSignIn
resolveSignIn: (assertion: MultiFactorAssertion) => Promise<UserCredential>;
class MultiFactorSession
class MultiFactorSession {}
class OAuthCredential
class OAuthCredential extends AuthCredential {}
property accessToken
accessToken?: string;
property idToken
idToken?: string;
property secret
secret?: string;
class OAuthProvider
class OAuthProvider implements AuthProvider {}
constructor(providerId: string);
property providerId
providerId: string;
method addScope
addScope: (scope: string) => AuthProvider;
method credential
credential: ( optionsOrIdToken: OAuthCredentialOptions | string | null, accessToken?: string) => OAuthCredential;
method setCustomParameters
setCustomParameters: (customOAuthParameters: Object) => AuthProvider;
class PhoneAuthCredential
class PhoneAuthCredential extends AuthCredential {}
class PhoneAuthProvider
class PhoneAuthProvider extends PhoneAuthProvider_Instance {}
static PHONE_SIGN_IN_METHOD: string;
property PROVIDER_ID
static PROVIDER_ID: string;
method credential
static credential: ( verificationId: string, verificationCode: string) => AuthCredential;
class PhoneAuthProvider_Instance
class PhoneAuthProvider_Instance implements AuthProvider {}
constructor(auth?: FirebaseAuth);
property providerId
providerId: string;
method verifyPhoneNumber
verifyPhoneNumber: ( phoneInfoOptions: PhoneInfoOptions | string, applicationVerifier: ApplicationVerifier) => Promise<string>;
class PhoneMultiFactorAssertion
class PhoneMultiFactorAssertion extends MultiFactorAssertion {}
class PhoneMultiFactorGenerator
class PhoneMultiFactorGenerator {}
class RecaptchaVerifier
class RecaptchaVerifier extends RecaptchaVerifier_Instance {}
class RecaptchaVerifier_Instance
class RecaptchaVerifier_Instance implements ApplicationVerifier {}
constructor(container: any, parameters?: Object, app?: any);
property type
type: string;
method clear
clear: () => void;
method render
render: () => Promise<number>;
method verify
verify: () => Promise<string>;
class SAMLAuthProvider
class SAMLAuthProvider implements AuthProvider {}
constructor(providerId: string);
property providerId
providerId: string;
class TwitterAuthProvider
class TwitterAuthProvider extends TwitterAuthProvider_Instance {}
property PROVIDER_ID
static PROVIDER_ID: string;
static TWITTER_SIGN_IN_METHOD: string;
method credential
static credential: (token: string, secret: string) => AuthCredential;
class TwitterAuthProvider_Instance
class TwitterAuthProvider_Instance implements AuthProvider {}
property providerId
providerId: string;
method setCustomParameters
setCustomParameters: (customOAuthParameters: Object) => AuthProvider;
interface ApplicationVerifier
interface ApplicationVerifier {}
interface AuthError
interface AuthError extends Error {}
property credential
credential?: AuthCredential;
property email
email?: string;
property phoneNumber
phoneNumber?: string;
property tenantId
tenantId?: string;
interface AuthProvider
interface AuthProvider {}
property providerId
providerId: string;
interface AuthSettings
interface AuthSettings {}
property appVerificationDisabledForTesting
appVerificationDisabledForTesting: boolean;
interface ConfirmationResult
interface ConfirmationResult {}
property verificationId
verificationId: string;
method confirm
confirm: (verificationCode: string) => Promise<UserCredential>;
interface EmulatorConfig
interface EmulatorConfig {}
interface Error
interface Error {}
interface IdTokenResult
interface IdTokenResult {}
property authTime
authTime: string;
property claims
claims: { [key: string]: any;};
property expirationTime
expirationTime: string;
property issuedAtTime
issuedAtTime: string;
property signInProvider
signInProvider: string | null;
property signInSecondFactor
signInSecondFactor: string | null;
property token
token: string;
interface MultiFactorError
interface MultiFactorError extends AuthError {}
property resolver
resolver: MultiFactorResolver;
interface MultiFactorInfo
interface MultiFactorInfo {}
property displayName
displayName?: string | null;
property enrollmentTime
enrollmentTime: string;
property factorId
factorId: string;
property uid
uid: string;
interface MultiFactorUser
interface MultiFactorUser {}
property enrolledFactors
enrolledFactors: MultiFactorInfo[];
method enroll
enroll: ( assertion: MultiFactorAssertion, displayName?: string | null) => Promise<void>;
method getSession
getSession: () => Promise<MultiFactorSession>;
method unenroll
unenroll: (option: MultiFactorInfo | string) => Promise<void>;
interface OAuthCredentialOptions
interface OAuthCredentialOptions {}
property accessToken
accessToken?: string;
property idToken
idToken?: string;
property rawNonce
rawNonce?: string;
interface PhoneMultiFactorEnrollInfoOptions
interface PhoneMultiFactorEnrollInfoOptions {}
property phoneNumber
phoneNumber: string;
property session
session: MultiFactorSession;
interface PhoneMultiFactorInfo
interface PhoneMultiFactorInfo extends MultiFactorInfo {}
property phoneNumber
phoneNumber: string;
interface PhoneMultiFactorSignInInfoOptions
interface PhoneMultiFactorSignInInfoOptions {}
property multiFactorHint
multiFactorHint?: MultiFactorInfo;
property multiFactorUid
multiFactorUid?: string;
property session
session: MultiFactorSession;
interface PhoneSingleFactorInfoOptions
interface PhoneSingleFactorInfoOptions {}
property phoneNumber
phoneNumber: string;
interface User
interface User extends UserInfo {}
property emailVerified
emailVerified: boolean;
property isAnonymous
isAnonymous: boolean;
property metadata
metadata: UserMetadata;
property multiFactor
multiFactor: MultiFactorUser;
property phoneNumber
phoneNumber: string | null;
property providerData
providerData: (UserInfo | null)[];
property refreshToken
refreshToken: string;
property tenantId
readonly tenantId: string | null;
method delete
delete: () => Promise<void>;
method getIdToken
getIdToken: (forceRefresh?: boolean) => Promise<string>;
method getIdTokenResult
getIdTokenResult: (forceRefresh?: boolean) => Promise<IdTokenResult>;
method linkAndRetrieveDataWithCredential
linkAndRetrieveDataWithCredential: ( credential: AuthCredential) => Promise<UserCredential>;
method linkWithCredential
linkWithCredential: (credential: AuthCredential) => Promise<UserCredential>;
method linkWithPhoneNumber
linkWithPhoneNumber: ( phoneNumber: string, applicationVerifier: ApplicationVerifier) => Promise<ConfirmationResult>;
method linkWithPopup
linkWithPopup: (provider: AuthProvider) => Promise<UserCredential>;
method linkWithRedirect
linkWithRedirect: (provider: AuthProvider) => Promise<void>;
method reauthenticateAndRetrieveDataWithCredential
reauthenticateAndRetrieveDataWithCredential: ( credential: AuthCredential) => Promise<UserCredential>;
method reauthenticateWithCredential
reauthenticateWithCredential: ( credential: AuthCredential) => Promise<UserCredential>;
method reauthenticateWithPhoneNumber
reauthenticateWithPhoneNumber: ( phoneNumber: string, applicationVerifier: ApplicationVerifier) => Promise<ConfirmationResult>;
method reauthenticateWithPopup
reauthenticateWithPopup: (provider: AuthProvider) => Promise<UserCredential>;
method reauthenticateWithRedirect
reauthenticateWithRedirect: (provider: AuthProvider) => Promise<void>;
method reload
reload: () => Promise<void>;
method sendEmailVerification
sendEmailVerification: ( actionCodeSettings?: ActionCodeSettings | null) => Promise<void>;
method toJSON
toJSON: () => Object;
method unlink
unlink: (providerId: string) => Promise<User>;
method updateEmail
updateEmail: (newEmail: string) => Promise<void>;
method updatePassword
updatePassword: (newPassword: string) => Promise<void>;
method updatePhoneNumber
updatePhoneNumber: (phoneCredential: AuthCredential) => Promise<void>;
method updateProfile
updateProfile: (profile: { displayName?: string | null; photoURL?: string | null;}) => Promise<void>;
method verifyBeforeUpdateEmail
verifyBeforeUpdateEmail: ( newEmail: string, actionCodeSettings?: ActionCodeSettings | null) => Promise<void>;
interface UserInfo
interface UserInfo {}
property displayName
displayName: string | null;
property email
email: string | null;
property phoneNumber
phoneNumber: string | null;
property photoURL
photoURL: string | null;
property providerId
providerId: string;
property uid
uid: string;
interface UserMetadata
interface UserMetadata {}
property creationTime
creationTime?: string;
property lastSignInTime
lastSignInTime?: string;
Type Aliases
type ActionCodeSettings
type ActionCodeSettings = { android?: { installApp?: boolean; minimumVersion?: string; packageName: string; }; handleCodeInApp?: boolean; iOS?: { bundleId: string }; url: string; dynamicLinkDomain?: string;};
type AdditionalUserInfo
type AdditionalUserInfo = { isNewUser: boolean; profile: Object | null; providerId: string | null; username?: string | null;};
type Operation
type Operation = string;
type Persistence
type Persistence = string;
type PhoneInfoOptions
type PhoneInfoOptions = | PhoneSingleFactorInfoOptions | PhoneMultiFactorEnrollInfoOptions | PhoneMultiFactorSignInInfoOptions;
type UserCredential
type UserCredential = { additionalUserInfo?: AdditionalUserInfo | null; credential: AuthCredential | null; operationType?: string | null; user: User | null;};
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