- Version 0.10.10
- Published
- 483 kB
- 5 dependencies
- Apache-2.0 license
npm i @firebase/analytics
yarn add @firebase/analytics
pnpm add @firebase/analytics
The Firebase Analytics Web SDK. This SDK does not work in a Node.js environment.
- affiliation
- checkout_option
- checkout_step
- content_type
- coupon
- currency
- description
- event_category
- event_label
- fatal
- firebase_screen
- firebase_screen_class
- item_id
- item_list_id
- item_list_name
- items
- method
- number
- page_location
- page_path
- page_title
- payment_type
- promotion_id
- promotion_name
- promotions
- screen_name
- search_term
- shipping
- shipping_tier
- tax
- transaction_id
- value
Type Aliases
function getAnalytics
getAnalytics: (app?: FirebaseApp) => Analytics;
Returns an Analytics instance for the given app.
Parameter app
The @firebase/app#FirebaseApp to use.
function getGoogleAnalyticsClientId
getGoogleAnalyticsClientId: (analyticsInstance: Analytics) => Promise<string>;
Retrieves a unique Google Analytics identifier for the web client. See client_id.
Parameter app
The @firebase/app#FirebaseApp to use.
function initializeAnalytics
initializeAnalytics: ( app: FirebaseApp, options?: AnalyticsSettings) => Analytics;
Returns an Analytics instance for the given app.
Parameter app
The @firebase/app#FirebaseApp to use.
function isSupported
isSupported: () => Promise<boolean>;
This is a public static method provided to users that wraps four different checks:
1. Check if it's not a browser extension environment. 2. Check if cookies are enabled in current browser. 3. Check if IndexedDB is supported by the browser environment. 4. Check if the current browser context is valid for using
function logEvent
logEvent: { ( analyticsInstance: Analytics, eventName: 'add_payment_info', eventParams?: { [key: string]: any; coupon?: EventParams['coupon']; currency?: EventParams['currency']; items?: EventParams['items']; payment_type?: EventParams['payment_type']; value?: EventParams['value']; }, options?: AnalyticsCallOptions ): void; ( analyticsInstance: Analytics, eventName: 'add_shipping_info', eventParams?: { [key: string]: any; coupon?: string; currency?: string; items?: Item[]; shipping_tier?: string; value?: number; }, options?: AnalyticsCallOptions ): void; ( analyticsInstance: Analytics, eventName: 'add_to_cart' | 'add_to_wishlist' | 'remove_from_cart', eventParams?: { [key: string]: any; currency?: string; value?: number; items?: Item[]; }, options?: AnalyticsCallOptions ): void; ( analyticsInstance: Analytics, eventName: 'begin_checkout', eventParams?: { [key: string]: any; currency?: string; coupon?: string; value?: number; items?: Item[]; }, options?: AnalyticsCallOptions ): void; ( analyticsInstance: Analytics, eventName: 'checkout_progress', eventParams?: { [key: string]: any; currency?: string; coupon?: string; value?: number; items?: Item[]; checkout_step?: number; checkout_option?: string; }, options?: AnalyticsCallOptions ): void; ( analyticsInstance: Analytics, eventName: 'exception', eventParams?: { [key: string]: any; description?: string; fatal?: boolean }, options?: AnalyticsCallOptions ): void; ( analyticsInstance: Analytics, eventName: 'generate_lead', eventParams?: { [key: string]: any; value?: number; currency?: string }, options?: AnalyticsCallOptions ): void; ( analyticsInstance: Analytics, eventName: 'login', eventParams?: { [key: string]: any; method?: string }, options?: AnalyticsCallOptions ): void; ( analyticsInstance: Analytics, eventName: 'page_view', eventParams?: { [key: string]: any; page_title?: string; page_location?: string; page_path?: string; }, options?: AnalyticsCallOptions ): void; ( analyticsInstance: Analytics, eventName: 'purchase' | 'refund', eventParams?: { [key: string]: any; value?: number; currency?: string; transaction_id: string; tax?: Currency; shipping?: Currency; items?: Item[]; coupon?: string; affiliation?: string; }, options?: AnalyticsCallOptions ): void; ( analyticsInstance: Analytics, eventName: 'screen_view', eventParams?: { [key: string]: any; firebase_screen: string; firebase_screen_class: string; }, options?: AnalyticsCallOptions ): void; ( analyticsInstance: Analytics, eventName: 'search' | 'view_search_results', eventParams?: { [key: string]: any; search_term?: string }, options?: AnalyticsCallOptions ): void; ( analyticsInstance: Analytics, eventName: 'select_content', eventParams?: { [key: string]: any; content_type?: string; item_id?: string; }, options?: AnalyticsCallOptions ): void; ( analyticsInstance: Analytics, eventName: 'select_item', eventParams?: { [key: string]: any; items?: Item[]; item_list_name?: string; item_list_id?: string; }, options?: AnalyticsCallOptions ): void; ( analyticsInstance: Analytics, eventName: 'select_promotion' | 'view_promotion', eventParams?: { [key: string]: any; items?: Item[]; promotion_id?: string; promotion_name?: string; }, options?: AnalyticsCallOptions ): void; ( analyticsInstance: Analytics, eventName: 'set_checkout_option', eventParams?: { [key: string]: any; checkout_step?: number; checkout_option?: string; }, options?: AnalyticsCallOptions ): void; ( analyticsInstance: Analytics, eventName: 'share', eventParams?: { [key: string]: any; method?: string; content_type?: string; item_id?: string; }, options?: AnalyticsCallOptions ): void; ( analyticsInstance: Analytics, eventName: 'sign_up', eventParams?: { [key: string]: any; method?: string }, options?: AnalyticsCallOptions ): void; ( analyticsInstance: Analytics, eventName: 'timing_complete', eventParams?: { [key: string]: any; name: string; value: number; event_category?: string; event_label?: string; }, options?: AnalyticsCallOptions ): void; ( analyticsInstance: Analytics, eventName: 'view_cart' | 'view_item', eventParams?: { [key: string]: any; currency?: string; items?: Item[]; value?: number; }, options?: AnalyticsCallOptions ): void; ( analyticsInstance: Analytics, eventName: 'view_item_list', eventParams?: { [key: string]: any; items?: Item[]; item_list_name?: string; item_list_id?: string; }, options?: AnalyticsCallOptions ): void; <T extends string>( analyticsInstance: Analytics, eventName: CustomEventName<T>, eventParams?: { [key: string]: any }, options?: AnalyticsCallOptions ): void;};
Sends a Google Analytics event with given
. This method automatically associates this logged event with this Firebase web app instance on this device.List of recommended event parameters can be found in the GA4 reference documentation.
Sends a Google Analytics event with given
. This method automatically associates this logged event with this Firebase web app instance on this device.See Measure exceptions.
Sends a Google Analytics event with given
. This method automatically associates this logged event with this Firebase web app instance on this device.See Page views.
Sends a Google Analytics event with given
. This method automatically associates this logged event with this Firebase web app instance on this device.See Track Screenviews.
function setAnalyticsCollectionEnabled
setAnalyticsCollectionEnabled: ( analyticsInstance: Analytics, enabled: boolean) => void;
Sets whether Google Analytics collection is enabled for this app on this device. Sets global
window['ga-disable-analyticsId'] = true;
Parameter analyticsInstance
The Analytics instance.
Parameter enabled
If true, enables collection, if false, disables it.
function setConsent
setConsent: (consentSettings: ConsentSettings) => void;
Sets the applicable end user consent state for this web app across all gtag references once Firebase Analytics is initialized.
Use the ConsentSettings to specify individual consent type values. By default consent types are set to "granted".
Parameter consentSettings
Maps the applicable end user consent state for gtag.js.
function setCurrentScreen
setCurrentScreen: ( analyticsInstance: Analytics, screenName: string, options?: AnalyticsCallOptions) => void;
Use gtag
command to setscreen_name
.Parameter analyticsInstance
The Analytics instance.
Parameter screenName
Screen name to set.
Use logEvent with
as 'screen_view' and add relevanteventParams
. See Track Screenviews.
function setDefaultEventParameters
setDefaultEventParameters: (customParams: CustomParams) => void;
Adds data that will be set on every event logged from the SDK, including automatic ones. With gtag's "set" command, the values passed persist on the current page and are passed with all subsequent events.
Parameter customParams
Any custom params the user may pass to gtag.js.
function settings
settings: (options: SettingsOptions) => void;
Configures Firebase Analytics to use custom
names. Intended to be used ifgtag.js
script has been installed on this page independently of Firebase Analytics, and is using non-default names for either thegtag
function or fordataLayer
. Must be called before callinggetAnalytics()
or it won't have any effect.Parameter options
Custom gtag and dataLayer names.
function setUserId
setUserId: ( analyticsInstance: Analytics, id: string | null, options?: AnalyticsCallOptions) => void;
Use gtag
command to setuser_id
.Parameter analyticsInstance
The Analytics instance.
Parameter id
User ID to set.
function setUserProperties
setUserProperties: ( analyticsInstance: Analytics, properties: CustomParams, options?: AnalyticsCallOptions) => void;
Use gtag
command to set all params specified.Modifiers
interface Analytics
interface Analytics {}
An instance of Firebase Analytics.
property app
app: FirebaseApp;
The @firebase/app#FirebaseApp this Analytics instance is associated with.
interface AnalyticsCallOptions
interface AnalyticsCallOptions {}
Additional options that can be passed to Analytics method calls such as
, etc.Modifiers
property global
global: boolean;
If true, this config or event call applies globally to all Google Analytics properties on the page.
interface AnalyticsSettings
interface AnalyticsSettings {}
Analytics instance initialization options.
property config
config?: GtagConfigParams | EventParams;
Params to be passed in the initial
config call during Firebase Analytics initialization.
interface ConsentSettings
interface ConsentSettings {}
Consent status settings for each consent type. For more information, see the GA4 reference documentation for consent state and consent types.
property ad_personalization
ad_personalization?: ConsentStatusString;
Sets consent for personalized advertising.
property ad_storage
ad_storage?: ConsentStatusString;
Enables storage, such as cookies, related to advertising
property ad_user_data
ad_user_data?: ConsentStatusString;
Sets consent for sending user data to Google for advertising purposes.
property analytics_storage
analytics_storage?: ConsentStatusString;
Enables storage, such as cookies, related to analytics (for example, visit duration)
property functionality_storage
functionality_storage?: ConsentStatusString;
Enables storage that supports the functionality of the website or app such as language settings
property personalization_storage
personalization_storage?: ConsentStatusString;
Enables storage related to personalization such as video recommendations
property security_storage
security_storage?: ConsentStatusString;
Enables storage related to security such as authentication functionality, fraud prevention, and other user protection.
index signature
[key: string]: unknown;
interface ControlParams
interface ControlParams {}
control parameters. For more information, see the GA4 reference documentation.Modifiers
property event_callback
event_callback?: () => void;
property event_timeout
event_timeout?: number;
property groups
groups?: string | string[];
property send_to
send_to?: string | string[];
interface CustomParams
interface CustomParams {}
Any custom params the user may pass to
index signature
[key: string]: unknown;
interface EventParams
interface EventParams {}
event parameters. For more information, see the GA4 reference documentation.Modifiers
property affiliation
affiliation?: string;
property checkout_option
checkout_option?: string;
property checkout_step
checkout_step?: number;
property content_type
content_type?: string;
property coupon
coupon?: string;
property currency
currency?: string;
property description
description?: string;
property event_category
event_category?: string;
property event_label
event_label?: string;
property fatal
fatal?: boolean;
property firebase_screen
firebase_screen?: string;
Firebase-specific. Use to log a
to Firebase Analytics.
property firebase_screen_class
firebase_screen_class?: string;
Firebase-specific. Use to log a
to Firebase Analytics.
property item_id
item_id?: string;
property item_list_id
item_list_id?: string;
property item_list_name
item_list_name?: string;
property items
items?: Item[];
property method
method?: string;
property number
number?: string;
property page_location
page_location?: string;
property page_path
page_path?: string;
property page_title
page_title?: string;
property payment_type
payment_type?: string;
property promotion_id
promotion_id?: string;
property promotion_name
promotion_name?: string;
property promotions
promotions?: Promotion[];
property screen_name
screen_name?: string;
property search_term
search_term?: string;
property shipping
shipping?: Currency;
property shipping_tier
shipping_tier?: string;
property tax
tax?: Currency;
property transaction_id
transaction_id?: string;
property value
value?: number;
index signature
[key: string]: unknown;
interface GtagConfigParams
interface GtagConfigParams {}
A set of common Google Analytics config settings recognized by
property 'allow_ad_personalization_signals'
allow_ad_personalization_signals?: boolean;
If set to false, disables all advertising personalization with
. See Disable advertising features
property 'allow_google_signals'
allow_google_signals?: boolean;
If set to false, disables all advertising features with
. See Disable advertising features
property 'cookie_domain'
cookie_domain?: string;
Defaults to
. See Cookies and user identification
property 'cookie_expires'
cookie_expires?: number;
Defaults to 63072000 (two years, in seconds). See Cookies and user identification
property 'cookie_flags'
cookie_flags?: string;
Appends additional flags to the cookie when set. See Cookies and user identification
property 'cookie_prefix'
cookie_prefix?: string;
Defaults to
. See Cookies and user identification
property 'cookie_update'
cookie_update?: boolean;
If set to true, will update cookies on each page load. Defaults to true. See Cookies and user identification
property 'page_location'
page_location?: string;
The URL of the page. See Page views
property 'page_title'
page_title?: string;
The title of the page. See Page views
property 'send_page_view'
send_page_view?: boolean;
Whether or not a page view should be sent. If set to true (default), a page view is automatically sent upon initialization of analytics. See Page views
index signature
[key: string]: unknown;
interface Item
interface Item {}
Standard Google Analytics
property affiliation
affiliation?: string;
property brand
brand?: string;
Use item_brand instead.
property category
category?: string;
Use item_category instead.
property coupon
coupon?: string;
property creative_name
creative_name?: string;
property creative_slot
creative_slot?: string;
property discount
discount?: Currency;
property id
id?: string;
Use item_id instead.
property index
index?: number;
property item_brand
item_brand?: string;
property item_category
item_category?: string;
property item_category2
item_category2?: string;
property item_category3
item_category3?: string;
property item_category4
item_category4?: string;
property item_category5
item_category5?: string;
property item_id
item_id?: string;
property item_list_id
item_list_id?: string;
property item_list_name
item_list_name?: string;
property item_name
item_name?: string;
property item_variant
item_variant?: string;
property location_id
location_id?: string;
property name
name?: string;
Use item_name instead.
property price
price?: Currency;
property promotion_id
promotion_id?: string;
property promotion_name
promotion_name?: string;
property quantity
quantity?: number;
interface Promotion
interface Promotion {}
Field previously used by some Google Analytics events.
property creative_name
creative_name?: string;
property creative_slot
creative_slot?: string;
property id
id?: string;
property name
name?: string;
interface SettingsOptions
interface SettingsOptions {}
Specifies custom options for your Firebase Analytics instance. You must set these before initializing
property dataLayerName
dataLayerName?: string;
Sets custom name for
array used bygtag.js
property gtagName
gtagName?: string;
Sets custom name for
Type Aliases
type ConsentStatusString
type ConsentStatusString = 'granted' | 'denied';
Whether a particular consent type has been granted or denied.
type Currency
type Currency = string | number;
Standard Google Analytics currency type.
type CustomEventName
type CustomEventName<T> = T extends EventNameString ? never : T;
Any custom event name string not in the standard list of recommended event names.
type EventNameString
type EventNameString = | 'add_payment_info' | 'add_shipping_info' | 'add_to_cart' | 'add_to_wishlist' | 'begin_checkout' | 'checkout_progress' | 'exception' | 'generate_lead' | 'login' | 'page_view' | 'purchase' | 'refund' | 'remove_from_cart' | 'screen_view' | 'search' | 'select_content' | 'select_item' | 'select_promotion' | 'set_checkout_option' | 'share' | 'sign_up' | 'timing_complete' | 'view_cart' | 'view_item' | 'view_item_list' | 'view_promotion' | 'view_search_results';
Type for standard Google Analytics event names.
also accepts any custom string and interprets it as a custom event name.Modifiers
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