
  • Version 5.0.31
  • Published
  • 130 kB
  • 12 dependencies
  • MIT license


npm i @feathersjs/express
yarn add @feathersjs/express
pnpm add @feathersjs/express


Feathers Express framework bindings and REST provider



function authenticate

authenticate: (
settings: string | AuthenticationSettings,
...strategies: string[]
) => RequestHandler;

    function errorHandler

    errorHandler: (_options?: ErrorHandlerOptions) => ErrorRequestHandler;

      function feathersExpress

      feathersExpress: <S = any, C = any>(
      feathersApp?: FeathersApplication<S, C>,
      expressApp?: Express
      ) => Application<S, C>;

        function formatter

        formatter: RequestHandler;

          function notFound

          notFound: ({ verbose }?: { verbose?: boolean }) => RequestHandler;

            function parseAuthentication

            parseAuthentication: (settings?: AuthenticationSettings) => RequestHandler;

              function rest

              rest: (options?: RestOptions | RequestHandler) => (app: Application) => void;


                interface ExpressOverrides

                interface ExpressOverrides<Services> {}

                  property server

                  server?: http.Server;

                    property use

                    use: ExpressUseHandler<this, Services>;

                      method listen

                      listen: {
                      port: number,
                      hostname: string,
                      backlog: number,
                      callback?: () => void
                      ): Promise<http.Server>;
                      port: number,
                      hostname: string,
                      callback?: () => void
                      ): Promise<http.Server>;
                      (port: any, callback?: () => void): Promise<http.Server>;
                      (callback?: () => void): Promise<http.Server>;

                        Type Aliases

                        type Application

                        type Application<Services = any, Settings = any> = Omit<
                        'listen' | 'use' | 'get' | 'set'
                        > &
                        FeathersApplication<Services, Settings> &

                          type AuthenticationSettings

                          type AuthenticationSettings = {
                          service?: string;
                          strategies?: string[];

                            type ErrorHandlerOptions

                            type ErrorHandlerOptions = {
                            public?: string;
                            logger?: boolean | { error?: (msg: any) => void; info?: (msg: any) => void };
                            html?: any;
                            json?: any;

                              type RestOptions

                              type RestOptions = {
                              formatter?: RequestHandler;
                              authentication?: AuthenticationSettings;

                                Package Files (5)

                                Dependencies (12)

                                Dev Dependencies (11)

                                Peer Dependencies (0)

                                No peer dependencies.


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