- Version 0.8.0
- Published
- 890 kB
- 16 dependencies
- MIT license
npm i @chakra-ui/core
yarn add @chakra-ui/core
pnpm add @chakra-ui/core
Responsive and accessible React UI components built with React and Emotion
- Accordion
- AccordionHeader
- AccordionIcon
- AccordionItem
- AccordionPanel
- Alert
- AlertDescription
- AlertDialog
- AlertDialogBody
- AlertDialogCloseButton
- AlertDialogContent
- AlertDialogFooter
- AlertDialogHeader
- AlertDialogOverlay
- AlertIcon
- AlertTitle
- AspectRatioBox
- Avatar
- AvatarBadge
- AvatarGroup
- AvatarName
- Badge
- Box
- Breadcrumb
- BreadcrumbItem
- BreadcrumbLink
- BreadcrumbSeparator
- Button
- ButtonGroup
- Callout
- Checkbox
- CheckboxGroup
- CircularProgress
- CircularProgressLabel
- CloseButton
- Code
- Collapse
- ColorModeProvider
- ControlBox
- CSSReset
- DarkMode
- Divider
- Drawer
- DrawerBody
- DrawerCloseButton
- DrawerContent
- DrawerFooter
- DrawerHeader
- DrawerOverlay
- Editable
- EditableInput
- EditablePreview
- Flex
- FormControl
- FormErrorMessage
- FormHelperText
- FormLabel
- Grid
- Heading
- Icon
- IconButton
- Image
- Input
- InputAddon
- InputGroup
- InputLeftAddon
- InputLeftElement
- InputRightAddon
- InputRightElement
- Kbd
- LightMode
- Link
- List
- ListIcon
- ListItem
- Menu
- MenuButton
- MenuDivider
- MenuGroup
- MenuItem
- MenuItemOption
- MenuList
- MenuOptionGroup
- Modal
- ModalBody
- ModalCloseButton
- ModalContent
- ModalFooter
- ModalHeader
- ModalOverlay
- NumberDecrementStepper
- NumberIncrementStepper
- NumberInput
- NumberInputField
- NumberInputStepper
- Popover
- PopoverArrow
- PopoverBody
- PopoverCloseButton
- PopoverContent
- PopoverContext
- PopoverFooter
- PopoverHeader
- PopoverTrigger
- Portal
- Progress
- PseudoBox
- Radio
- RadioButtonGroup
- RadioGroup
- Scale
- Select
- SimpleGrid
- Skeleton
- Slide
- SlideIn
- Slider
- SliderFilledTrack
- SliderThumb
- SliderTrack
- Spinner
- Stack
- Stat
- StatArrow
- StatGroup
- StatHelpText
- StatLabel
- StatNumber
- Switch
- Tab
- TabList
- TabPanel
- TabPanels
- Tabs
- Tag
- TagCloseButton
- TagIcon
- TagLabel
- Text
- Textarea
- theme
- ThemeProvider
- Tooltip
- VisuallyHidden
Type Aliases
- AccordionHeaderProps
- AccordionItemChildren
- AccordionItemProps
- AccordionProps
- AlertProps
- AspectRatioBoxProps
- AvatarGroupProps
- AvatarNameProps
- AvatarProps
- BadgeProps
- BoxProps
- BreadcrumbItemProps
- ButtonGroupProps
- ButtonProps
- CheckboxGroupProps
- CheckboxProps
- CloseButtonProps
- CollapseProps
- ControlBoxProps
- CSSResetProps
- EditableProps
- FlexProps
- FormControlProps
- GridProps
- HeadingProps
- IconButtonProps
- IconProps
- IconsType
- ImageProps
- InputAddonProps
- InputAttributes
- InputGroupProps
- InputProps
- InternalState
- ISelect
- ITheme
- LinkProps
- MenuButtonProps
- MenuGroupProps
- MenuItemOptionProps
- MenuItemProps
- MenuListProps
- MenuOptionGroupProps
- MenuProps
- ModalContentProps
- ModalSizes
- NumberInputProps
- OmittedTypes
- PopoverChildren
- PopoverCloseButtonProps
- PopoverContentProps
- PopoverProps
- ProgressProps
- PseudoBoxProps
- RadioButtonGroupProps
- RadioGroupProps
- RadioProps
- ScaleProps
- SelectProps
- SimpleGridProps
- SkeletonProps
- SlideInProps
- SlideProps
- SliderProps
- SpinnerProps
- StackProps
- StatArrowProps
- stringOrNumber
- SwitchProps
- TabListProps
- TabPanelProps
- TabPanelsProps
- TabsProps
- TagProps
- TooltipProps
- useToastOptions
- VariantColor
variable Accordion
const Accordion: React.FC<AccordionProps>;
The accordion component delivers large amounts of content in a small space through progressive disclosure.
By default, only one item may be expanded and it can only be collapsed again by expanding another.
variable AccordionHeader
const AccordionHeader: React.FC<any>;
AccordionHeader component composes
, this means you can use the_expanded
, etc. props to style them
variable AccordionIcon
const AccordionIcon: React.FC<IconProps>;
variable AccordionItem
const AccordionItem: React.FC<any>;
Accordions allow users to expand and collapse sections of content. It composes
variable AccordionPanel
const AccordionPanel: React.FC<any>;
AccordionPanel component composes
to provide the height animation
variable Alert
const Alert: React.FC<any>;
Alerts are used to communicate a state that affects a system, feature or page
variable AlertDescription
const AlertDescription: React.FC<any>;
variable AlertDialog
const AlertDialog: React.FC<IAlertDialog>;
variable AlertDialogBody
const AlertDialogBody: React.FC<any>;
variable AlertDialogCloseButton
const AlertDialogCloseButton: React.FC<CloseButtonProps>;
variable AlertDialogContent
const AlertDialogContent: React.FC<any>;
variable AlertDialogFooter
const AlertDialogFooter: React.FC<any>;
variable AlertDialogHeader
const AlertDialogHeader: React.FC<any>;
variable AlertDialogOverlay
const AlertDialogOverlay: React.FC<any>;
variable AlertIcon
const AlertIcon: React.FC<IconProps>;
variable AlertTitle
const AlertTitle: React.FC<any>;
variable AspectRatioBox
const AspectRatioBox: React.FC<any>;
variable Avatar
const Avatar: React.FC<AvatarProps>;
The Avatar component is used to represent user, and displays the profile picture, initials or fallback icon.
variable AvatarBadge
const AvatarBadge: React.FC<any>;
variable AvatarGroup
const AvatarGroup: React.FC<AvatarGroupProps>;
AvatarGroup is a wrapper to render a collection of evenly spaced avatars.
variable AvatarName
const AvatarName: React.FC<any>;
variable Badge
const Badge: React.FC<any>;
The Badge component is used for state, general text, and number labels.
variable Box
const Box: React.FC<any>;
variable Breadcrumb
const Breadcrumb: React.FC<any>;
variable BreadcrumbItem
const BreadcrumbItem: React.FC<any>;
variable BreadcrumbLink
const BreadcrumbLink: React.FC<any>;
variable BreadcrumbSeparator
const BreadcrumbSeparator: React.FC<any>;
variable Button
const Button: React.FC<ButtonProps>;
variable ButtonGroup
const ButtonGroup: React.FC<ButtonGroupProps>;
variable Callout
const Callout: React.FC<any>;
A react component used to alert users of a particular screen area that needs user action
variable Checkbox
const Checkbox: React.FC<any>;
variable CheckboxGroup
const CheckboxGroup: React.FC<CheckboxGroupProps>;
variable CircularProgress
const CircularProgress: React.FC<any>;
variable CircularProgressLabel
const CircularProgressLabel: React.FC<any>;
variable CloseButton
const CloseButton: React.FC<CloseButtonProps>;
variable Code
const Code: React.FC<any>;
variable Collapse
const Collapse: React.FC<any>;
variable ColorModeProvider
const ColorModeProvider: React.FC<IColorModeProvider>;
variable ControlBox
const ControlBox: Emotion.StyledComponent<any, {}, {}>;
variable CSSReset
const CSSReset: React.FC<CSSResetProps>;
variable DarkMode
const DarkMode: React.FC<IColorModeProvider>;
variable Divider
const Divider: React.FC< Omit<any, 'aria-orientation'> & { orientation?: BoxProps['aria-orientation'] }>;
variable Drawer
const Drawer: React.FC<IDrawer>;
variable DrawerBody
const DrawerBody: React.FC<any>;
variable DrawerCloseButton
const DrawerCloseButton: React.FC<CloseButtonProps>;
variable DrawerContent
const DrawerContent: React.FC<any>;
variable DrawerFooter
const DrawerFooter: React.FC<any>;
variable DrawerHeader
const DrawerHeader: React.FC<any>;
variable DrawerOverlay
const DrawerOverlay: React.FC<any>;
variable Editable
const Editable: React.FC<EditableProps>;
variable EditableInput
const EditableInput: React.FC<any>;
variable EditablePreview
const EditablePreview: React.FC<any>;
variable Flex
const Flex: React.FC<any>;
variable FormControl
const FormControl: React.FC<any>;
FormControl provides context such as
to it's children.
variable FormErrorMessage
const FormErrorMessage: React.FC<any>;
variable FormHelperText
const FormHelperText: React.FC<any>;
variable FormLabel
const FormLabel: React.FC<any>;
FormLabel is used for form inputs and controls. It reads from the
context to handle it's styles for the various form states.
variable Grid
const Grid: React.FC<any>;
variable Heading
const Heading: React.FC<HeadingProps>;
variable Icon
const Icon: React.FC<IconProps>;
variable IconButton
const IconButton: React.FC<IconButtonProps>;
variable Image
const Image: React.FC<any>;
variable Input
const Input: React.FC<any>;
variable InputAddon
const InputAddon: React.FC<any>;
variable InputGroup
const InputGroup: React.FC<any>;
variable InputLeftAddon
const InputLeftAddon: React.FC<any>;
variable InputLeftElement
const InputLeftElement: React.FC<Omit<any, 'placement'>>;
variable InputRightAddon
const InputRightAddon: React.FC<any>;
variable InputRightElement
const InputRightElement: React.FC<Omit<any, 'placement'>>;
variable Kbd
const Kbd: React.FC<any>;
variable LightMode
const LightMode: React.FC<IColorModeProvider>;
variable Link
const Link: React.FC<any>;
Links are accesible elements used primarily for navigation. This component is styled to resemble a hyperlink and semantically renders an
variable List
const List: React.FC<any>;
variable ListIcon
const ListIcon: React.FC<ListIconProps>;
variable ListItem
const ListItem: React.FC<any>;
variable Menu
const Menu: React.FC<MenuProps>;
variable MenuButton
const MenuButton: React.FC<any>;
variable MenuDivider
const MenuDivider: React.FC<any>;
variable MenuGroup
const MenuGroup: React.FC<any>;
variable MenuItem
const MenuItem: React.FC<any>;
variable MenuItemOption
const MenuItemOption: React.FC<any>;
variable MenuList
const MenuList: React.FC<any>;
variable MenuOptionGroup
const MenuOptionGroup: React.FC<any>;
variable Modal
const Modal: React.FC<IModal>;
variable ModalBody
const ModalBody: React.FC<any>;
variable ModalCloseButton
const ModalCloseButton: React.FC<CloseButtonProps>;
variable ModalContent
const ModalContent: React.FC<any>;
variable ModalFooter
const ModalFooter: React.FC<any>;
variable ModalHeader
const ModalHeader: React.FC<any>;
variable ModalOverlay
const ModalOverlay: React.FC<any>;
variable NumberDecrementStepper
const NumberDecrementStepper: React.FC<any>;
variable NumberIncrementStepper
const NumberIncrementStepper: React.FC<any>;
variable NumberInput
const NumberInput: React.FC<any>;
variable NumberInputField
const NumberInputField: React.FC<any>;
variable NumberInputStepper
const NumberInputStepper: React.FC<any>;
variable Popover
const Popover: React.FC<PopoverProps>;
variable PopoverArrow
const PopoverArrow: React.FC<any>;
variable PopoverBody
const PopoverBody: React.FC<any>;
variable PopoverCloseButton
const PopoverCloseButton: React.FC<any>;
variable PopoverContent
const PopoverContent: React.FC<any>;
variable PopoverContext
const PopoverContext: React.Context<{}>;
variable PopoverFooter
const PopoverFooter: React.FC<any>;
variable PopoverHeader
const PopoverHeader: React.FC<any>;
variable PopoverTrigger
const PopoverTrigger: React.FC<IPopoverTrigger>;
variable Portal
const Portal: React.FC<PortalProps>;
variable Progress
const Progress: React.FC<any>;
variable PseudoBox
const PseudoBox: React.FC<any>;
PseudoBox is an interactive wrapper that composes
and converts common CSS pseudo-selectors to props for ease of styling.For example, to style
Example 1
<PseudoBox _hover={...} _focus={...}/>
variable Radio
const Radio: React.FC<any>;
variable RadioButtonGroup
const RadioButtonGroup: React.FC<RadioButtonGroupProps>;
variable RadioGroup
const RadioGroup: React.FC<RadioGroupProps>;
variable Scale
const Scale: React.FC<any>;
variable Select
const Select: React.FC<any>;
variable SimpleGrid
const SimpleGrid: React.FC<any>;
variable Skeleton
const Skeleton: React.FC<any>;
variable Slide
const Slide: React.FC<any>;
variable SlideIn
const SlideIn: React.FC<any>;
variable Slider
const Slider: React.FC<SliderProps>;
variable SliderFilledTrack
const SliderFilledTrack: React.FC<any>;
variable SliderThumb
const SliderThumb: React.FC<any>;
variable SliderTrack
const SliderTrack: React.FC<any>;
variable Spinner
const Spinner: React.FC<SpinnerProps>;
Spinner is used for indicating a loading state of a component or page.
to the component that triggered the loading state while the spinner is shown.
variable Stack
const Stack: React.FC<any>;
variable Stat
const Stat: React.FC<any>;
variable StatArrow
const StatArrow: React.FC<StatArrowProps>;
variable StatGroup
const StatGroup: React.FC<any>;
variable StatHelpText
const StatHelpText: React.FC<any>;
variable StatLabel
const StatLabel: React.FC<any>;
variable StatNumber
const StatNumber: React.FC<any>;
variable Switch
const Switch: React.FC<SwitchProps>;
variable Tab
const Tab: React.FC<any>;
variable TabList
const TabList: React.FC<any>;
variable TabPanel
const TabPanel: React.FC<any>;
variable TabPanels
const TabPanels: React.FC<any>;
variable Tabs
const Tabs: React.FC<TabsProps>;
variable Tag
const Tag: React.FC<TagProps>;
variable TagCloseButton
const TagCloseButton: any;
variable TagIcon
const TagIcon: React.FC<TagIconProps>;
variable TagLabel
const TagLabel: React.FC<any>;
variable Text
const Text: React.FC<any>;
variable Textarea
const Textarea: React.FC<any>;
variable theme
const theme: DefaultTheme;
variable ThemeProvider
const ThemeProvider: React.FC<{ theme?: ITheme }>;
variable Tooltip
const Tooltip: React.FC<any>;
variable VisuallyHidden
const VisuallyHidden: React.FC<any>;
function css
css: (styleProps: object) => Function;
function useClipboard
useClipboard: <T>(value: T) => IClipboard<T>;
is a custom hook to handle copying content to clipboard
function useColorMode
useColorMode: () => IUseColorMode;
function useDisclosure
useDisclosure: (defaultIsOpen?: boolean) => UseDisclosureReturn;
useDisclosure is a custom hook to help handle common
, ortoggle
An object of
isOpen, onOpen, onClose, onToggle
function useFormControl
useFormControl: (props: UseFormControlProps) => UseFormControlProps;
React hook to read from props passed to the
component It's mostly used to design custom form control components.Parameter props
props passed to the input control
function useNumberInput
useNumberInput: (props: UseNumberInputProps) => UseNumberInputReturn;
function usePopoverContext
usePopoverContext: () => PopoverContextValue | undefined;
function usePrevious
usePrevious: <T>(value: T) => T;
function useTheme
useTheme: () => ITheme;
function useToast
useToast: () => (props: useToastOptions) => void;
interface ColorHues
interface ColorHues {}
interface CustomTheme
interface CustomTheme extends SS.Theme {}
property icons
icons: IconsType;
interface DefaultTheme
interface DefaultTheme extends Typography {}
property borders
borders: Borders;
property breakpoints
breakpoints: Breakpoints;
property colors
colors: Colors;
property icons
icons: Record<string, Icon>;
property opacity
opacity: Opacity;
property radii
radii: Radii;
property shadows
shadows: Shadows;
property sizes
sizes: Sizes;
property space
space: BaseSizes;
property zIndices
zIndices: ZIndices;
interface IAccordion
interface IAccordion {}
property allowMultiple
allowMultiple?: boolean;
, multiple accordion items can be expanded at once.
property allowToggle
allowToggle?: boolean;
, any expanded accordion item can be collapsed again.
property children
children: React.ReactNode;
The content of the accordion. Must be
property defaultIndex
defaultIndex?: number | number[];
The initial index(es) of the expanded accordion item
property index
index?: number | number[];
The index(es) of the expanded accordion item
property onChange
onChange?: (expandedIndex?: number | number[]) => void;
The callback invoked when accordion items are expanded or collapsed.
interface IAccordionItem
interface IAccordionItem {}
property defaultIsOpen
defaultIsOpen?: boolean;
, expands the accordion by on initial mount.
property id
id?: string;
A unique id for the accordion item.
property isDisabled
isDisabled?: boolean;
, the accordion header will be disabled.
property isOpen
isOpen?: boolean;
, expands the accordion in the controlled mode.
property onChange
onChange?: (isOpen: boolean) => void;
The callback fired when the accordion is expanded/collapsed.
interface IAccordionItemRenderProps
interface IAccordionItemRenderProps {}
property isDisabled
isDisabled?: boolean;
property isExpanded
isExpanded?: boolean;
interface IAlert
interface IAlert {}
interface IAlertDialog
interface IAlertDialog extends Omit<IModal, 'initialFocusRef'> {}
property leastDestructiveRef
leastDestructiveRef: React.RefObject<HTMLElement>;
interface IAvatar
interface IAvatar {}
property children
children?: React.ReactNode;
The badge at the bottom right corner of the avatar.
property name
name?: string;
The name of the person in the avatar.
- if
has loaded, the name will be used as thealt
attribute of theimg
- Ifsrc
is not loaded, the name will be used to create the initials
property showBorder
showBorder?: boolean;
, theAvatar
will show a border around it.Best for a group of avatars
property size
size?: Size;
The size of the avatar.
property src
src?: string;
The image url of the
interface IBadge
interface IBadge {}
property variant
variant?: 'solid' | 'subtle' | 'outline';
The variant of the badge
property variantColor
variantColor?: string;
The color scheme of the badge
🚨Note: This should be one of the color keys in the theme that has
color values (e.g.green
).See Also
interface IButton
interface IButton {}
property children
children: React.ReactNode;
The content of the button.
property iconSpacing
iconSpacing?: PseudoBoxProps['margin'];
The space between the button icon and label. Use the styled-system tokens or add custom values as a string
property isActive
isActive?: boolean;
, the button will be styled in it's active state.
property isDisabled
isDisabled?: boolean;
, the button will be disabled.
property isFullWidth
isFullWidth?: boolean;
, the button will take up the full width of its container.
property isLoading
isLoading?: boolean;
, the button will show a spinner.
property leftIcon
leftIcon?: Icons | React.ComponentType;
If added, the button will show an icon before the button's label. Use the icon key in
property loadingText
loadingText?: string;
The label to show in the button when
is true If no text is passed, it only shows the spinner
property rightIcon
rightIcon?: Icons | React.ComponentType;
If added, the button will show an icon after the button's label. Use the icon key in
property size
size?: 'xs' | 'sm' | 'md' | 'lg';
The size of the button
property type
type?: 'button' | 'reset' | 'submit';
The html button type to use.
property variant
variant?: 'outline' | 'ghost' | 'unstyled' | 'link' | 'solid';
The variant of the button style to use.
property variantColor
variantColor?: string;
The color scheme of the button.
🚨Note: This should be one of the color keys in the theme that has
color values (e.g.green
).See Also
interface IButtonGroup
interface IButtonGroup {}
property children
children?: React.ReactNode;
property color
color?: string;
property isAttached
isAttached?: boolean;
, the borderRadius of button that are direct children will be altered to look flushed together
property size
size?: IButton['size'];
property spacing
spacing?: StyledSystem.MarginRightProps['marginRight'];
property variant
variant?: IButton['variant'];
interface ICheckbox
interface ICheckbox {}
property children
children?: React.ReactNode;
The children is the label to be displayed to the right of the checkbox.
property defaultIsChecked
defaultIsChecked?: boolean;
, the checkbox will be initially checked.
property id
id?: string;
id assigned to input
property isChecked
isChecked?: boolean;
, the checkbox will be checked. You'll need to passonChange
to update it's value (since it's now controlled)
property isDisabled
isDisabled?: boolean;
, the checkbox will be disabled
property isFullWidth
isFullWidth?: boolean;
, the checkbox should take up the full width of the parent.
property isIndeterminate
isIndeterminate?: boolean;
, the checkbox will be indeterminate. This only affects the icon shown inside checkbox and does not modify the isChecked property.
property isInvalid
isInvalid?: boolean;
, the checkbox is marked as invalid. Changes style of unchecked state.
property isReadOnly
isReadOnly?: boolean;
, the checkbox will be readonly
property name
name?: string;
The name of the input field in a checkbox (Useful for form submission).
property onChange
onChange?: React.ChangeEventHandler<HTMLInputElement>;
The callback invoked when the checked state of the
property size
size?: 'sm' | 'md' | 'lg';
The size (width and height) of the checkbox
property value
value?: string | number;
The value to be used in the checkbox input. This is the value that will be returned on form submission.
property variantColor
variantColor?: string;
The color scheme of the checkbox.
🚨Note: This should be one of the color keys in the theme that has
color values (e.g.green
).See Also
interface ICheckboxGroup
interface ICheckboxGroup {}
property children
children?: React.ReactNode;
The content of the checkbox group. Must be the
property defaultValue
defaultValue?: Array<ICheckbox['value']>;
The initial value of the checkbox group
property id
id?: ICheckbox['id'];
The id of the checkbox group.
property isInline
isInline?: boolean;
, the checkboxes will aligned horizontally.
property name
name?: ICheckbox['name'];
The name of the checkbox group. This prop is passed to each checbox
property onChange
onChange?: (value: Array<ICheckbox['value']>) => void;
The callback fired when any children Checkbox is checked or unchecked
property size
size?: ICheckbox['size'];
The size of the checkbox. It's forwarded to all children checkbox
property spacing
spacing?: StyledSystem.MarginProps['margin'];
The space between each checkbox
property value
value?: Array<ICheckbox['value']>;
The value of the checkbox group
property variantColor
variantColor?: ICheckbox['variantColor'];
The color of the checkbox when it's checked.
interface ICollapse
interface ICollapse {}
property animateOpacity
animateOpacity?: boolean;
, the opacity of the content will be animated
property duration
duration?: number;
The duration of the animation in
property endingHeight
endingHeight?: number | string;
The height you want the content in it's expanded state. Set to
by default
property isOpen
isOpen?: boolean;
, the content will be visible
property startingHeight
startingHeight?: number | string;
The height you want the content in it's collapsed state. Set to
by default
method onAnimationEnd
onAnimationEnd: (props: { newHeight: number }) => void;
The function to be called when the collapse animation starts. It provides the
as an argument
method onAnimationStart
onAnimationStart: (props: { newHeight: number }) => void;
The function to be called when the collapse animation ends. It provides the
as an argument
interface IColorModeProvider
interface IColorModeProvider {}
interface IControlBox
interface IControlBox {}
property type
type?: 'checkbox' | 'radio';
interface IDrawer
interface IDrawer extends IModal {}
property finalFocusRef
finalFocusRef?: IModal['finalFocusRef'];
The element to receive focus when the drawer closes. You could point it to the element that triggered the drawer
property isFullHeight
isFullHeight?: boolean;
, the drawer fills the height of the viewport by default.
property placement
placement?: 'top' | 'left' | 'bottom' | 'right';
Set the position of the drawer should slide from.
property size
size?: 'xs' | 'sm' | 'md' | 'lg' | 'xl' | 'full';
The size of the drawer when placement is
interface IFormControl
interface IFormControl extends UseFormControlProps {}
property children
children?: React.ReactNode;
Content of the form control.
interface IGrid
interface IGrid {}
property area
area?: StyledSystem.GridAreaProps['gridArea'];
property autoColumns
autoColumns?: StyledSystem.GridAutoColumnsProps['gridAutoColumns'];
property autoFlow
autoFlow?: StyledSystem.GridAutoFlowProps['gridAutoFlow'];
property autoRows
autoRows?: StyledSystem.GridAutoRowsProps['gridAutoRows'];
property column
column?: StyledSystem.GridColumnProps['gridColumn'];
property columnGap
columnGap?: StyledSystem.GridColumnGapProps['gridColumnGap'];
property gap
gap?: StyledSystem.GridGapProps['gridGap'];
property row
row?: StyledSystem.GridRowProps['gridRow'];
property rowGap
rowGap?: StyledSystem.GridRowGapProps['gridRowGap'];
property templateAreas
templateAreas?: StyledSystem.GridTemplateAreasProps['gridTemplateAreas'];
property templateColumns
templateColumns?: StyledSystem.GridTemplateColumnsProps['gridTemplateColumns'];
property templateRows
templateRows?: StyledSystem.GridTemplateRowsProps['gridTemplateRows'];
interface IInput
interface IInput<T = HTMLInputElement> {}
property "aria-describedby"
'aria-describedby'?: React.AriaAttributes['aria-describedby'];
[ARIA] The id of the element that describes the input.
property "aria-label"
'aria-label'?: React.AriaAttributes['aria-label'];
[ARIA] The accessible label to use, in scenarios where the input as no visible label
property as
as?: React.ElementType;
The element or component to use in place of
property errorBorderColor
errorBorderColor?: string;
The border color when the input is invalid. Use color keys in
Example 1
errorBorderColor = "red.500"
property focusBorderColor
focusBorderColor?: string;
The border color when the input is focused. Use color keys in
Example 1
focusBorderColor = "blue.500"
property isDisabled
isDisabled?: React.InputHTMLAttributes<T>['disabled'];
, the input will be disabled. This setsaria-disabled=true
and you can style this state by passing_disabled
property isFullWidth
isFullWidth?: boolean;
, the input element will span the full width of it's parent
property isInvalid
isInvalid?: boolean;
, theinput
will indicate an error. This setsaria-invalid=true
and you can style this state by passing_invalid
property isReadOnly
isReadOnly?: React.InputHTMLAttributes<T>['readOnly'];
, prevents the value of the input from being edited.
property isRequired
isRequired?: React.InputHTMLAttributes<T>['required'];
, the input element will be required.
property size
size?: Size;
The visual size of the
property variant
variant?: Variant;
The variant of the input style to use.
interface IInputGroup
interface IInputGroup {}
interface ILink
interface ILink {}
property isDisabled
isDisabled?: boolean;
, the link will be disabled and not tabbable
property isExternal
isExternal?: boolean;
, the link will open in new tab
property onClick
onClick?: React.MouseEventHandler<HTMLAnchorElement>;
Action to perform when clicked
interface IMenu
interface IMenu {}
property autoSelect
autoSelect?: boolean;
property closeOnBlur
closeOnBlur?: boolean;
property closeOnSelect
closeOnSelect?: boolean;
property isOpen
isOpen?: boolean;
interface IMenuButton
interface IMenuButton {}
interface IMenuItemOption
interface IMenuItemOption {}
property children
children: React.ReactNode;
property isChecked
isChecked?: boolean;
property isDisabled
isDisabled?: boolean;
property onClick
onClick?: React.KeyboardEventHandler<HTMLElement>;
property onKeyDown
onKeyDown?: React.KeyboardEventHandler<HTMLElement>;
property onMouseLeave
onMouseLeave?: React.MouseEventHandler<HTMLElement>;
property onMouseMove
onMouseMove?: React.MouseEventHandler<HTMLElement>;
property type
type?: 'radio' | 'checkbox';
property value
value?: string | number;
interface IMenuList
interface IMenuList {}
interface IMenuOptionGroup
interface IMenuOptionGroup {}
interface IModal
interface IModal {}
property addAriaLabels
addAriaLabels?: boolean | { header?: boolean; body?: boolean };
By default, a unique
is passed to the header and body. These ids are used to addaria-labelledby
to theModalContent
.You can configure this behavior: - Set it to
if you'd like to manually add thearia-*
attributes. - Set it to{header: false}
if you don't render theModalHeader
within the modal. We'll remove thearia-labelledby
property blockScrollOnMount
blockScrollOnMount?: boolean;
, scrolling will be disabled on thebody
when the modal opens. true
property children
children: React.ReactNode;
The content of the modal.
property closeOnEsc
closeOnEsc?: boolean;
, the modal will close when theEsc
key is pressed true
property closeOnOverlayClick
closeOnOverlayClick?: boolean;
, the modal will close when the overlay is clicked true
property container
container?: React.RefObject<HTMLElement>;
property finalFocusRef
finalFocusRef?: React.RefObject<HTMLElement>;
of element to receive focus when the modal closes.
property formatIds
formatIds?: (id: string | number) => { content: string; header: string; body: string;};
The function to format the
s passed to theModalHeader
, andModalContent
property id
id?: string;
of the modal
property initialFocusRef
initialFocusRef?: React.RefObject<HTMLElement>;
of element to receive focus when the modal opens.
property isCentered
isCentered?: boolean;
, the modal will be centered on screen.
property isOpen
isOpen?: boolean;
, the modal when be opened.
property onClose
onClose?: ( event: React.MouseEvent | React.KeyboardEvent, reason?: 'pressedEscape' | 'clickedOverlay') => void;
Callback invoked to close the modal.
property preserveScrollBarGap
preserveScrollBarGap?: boolean;
, apadding-right
will be applied to the body element that's equal to the width of the scrollbar.This can help prevent some unpleasant flickering effect and content adjustment when the modal opens
property returnFocusOnClose
returnFocusOnClose?: boolean;
, the modal will return focus to the element that triggered it when it closes.
property scrollBehavior
scrollBehavior?: 'inside' | 'outside';
Where scroll behaviour should originate. - If set to
, scroll only occurs within theModalBody
. - If set tooutside
, the entireModalContent
will scroll within the viewport.
property size
size?: ModalSizes | BoxProps['maxWidth'];
The size (maxWidth) of the modal.
property useInert
useInert?: boolean;
A11y: If
, the siblings of theModal
will havearia-hidden
set totrue
so that screen readers can only see theModal
.This is commonly known as making the other elements **inert**
interface IModalContent
interface IModalContent {}
interface INumberInput
interface INumberInput extends UseNumberInputProps {}
property isFullWidth
isFullWidth?: boolean;
property size
size?: InputProps['size'];
interface IPopover
interface IPopover {}
property closeOnBlur
closeOnBlur?: boolean;
, the popover will close when you blur out it by clicking outside or tabbing out
property closeOnEsc
closeOnEsc?: boolean;
, the popover will close when you hit theEsc
property defaultIsOpen
defaultIsOpen?: boolean;
, the popover will be initially opened.
property gutter
gutter?: number;
The gap (in pixels) to apply between the popover and the target. Used by
property id
id?: string;
The html
attribute of the popover. If not provided, we generate a unique id.This
is also used to auto-generate thearia-labelledby
attributes that points to thePopoverHeader
property initialFocusRef
initialFocusRef?: React.RefObject<HTMLElement>;
of the element that should receive focus when the popover opens.
property isOpen
isOpen?: boolean;
, the popover will be opened in controlled mode.
property onClose
onClose?: () => void;
Callback fired when the popover closes
property onOpen
onOpen?: () => void;
Callback fired when the popover opens
property placement
placement?: PopperJS.Placement;
The placment of the popover
property returnFocusOnClose
returnFocusOnClose?: boolean;
, the popover will return focus to the trigger when it closes
property trigger
trigger?: 'hover' | 'click';
The interaction that triggers the popover.
- means the popover will open when you hover with mouse or focus with keyboard on the popover triggerclick
- means the popover will open on click or pressEnter
on keyboard
property usePortal
usePortal?: boolean;
If true the popover is displayed with a Portal. Rendering content inside a Portal allows the popover content to escape the physical bounds of its parent while still being positioned correctly relative to its target
interface IPopoverContent
interface IPopoverContent {}
property "aria-label"
'aria-label'?: string;
If the
isn't rendered, use this prop to add an accessible label to the popover.
property gutter
gutter?: number;
property onBlur
onBlur?: React.FocusEventHandler<HTMLElement>;
property onFocus
onFocus?: React.FocusEventHandler<HTMLElement>;
property onKeyDown
onKeyDown?: React.KeyboardEventHandler<HTMLElement>;
property onMouseEnter
onMouseEnter?: React.MouseEventHandler<HTMLElement>;
property onMouseLeave
onMouseLeave?: React.MouseEventHandler<HTMLElement>;
interface IPopoverTrigger
interface IPopoverTrigger {}
property children
children: React.ReactNode;
interface IProgress
interface IProgress {}
interface IRadio
interface IRadio {}
property "aria-label"
'aria-label'?: string;
The aria-label attribute associated with the radio element
property "aria-labelledby"
'aria-labelledby'?: string;
The aria-labelledby attribute associated with the radio element
property children
children?: React.ReactNode;
property defaultIsChecked
defaultIsChecked?: boolean;
, the radio will be initially checked.
property id
id?: string;
id assigned to input
property isChecked
isChecked?: boolean;
, the radio will be checked. You'll need to passonChange
to update it's value (since it's now controlled)
property isDisabled
isDisabled?: boolean;
, the radio will be disabled
property isFullWidth
isFullWidth?: boolean;
, the radio will occupy the full width of it's parent container
property isInvalid
isInvalid?: boolean;
, the radio button will be invalid. This setsaria-invalid
property name
name?: string;
The name of the input field in a radio (Useful for form submission).
property onBlur
onBlur?: React.FocusEventHandler<HTMLInputElement>;
property onChange
onChange?: React.ChangeEventHandler<HTMLInputElement>;
property onFocus
onFocus?: React.FocusEventHandler<HTMLInputElement>;
property size
size?: 'lg' | 'md' | 'sm';
The size of the radio button
property value
value?: string | number;
The value to be used in the radio button. This is the value that will be returned on form submission.
property variantColor
variantColor?: string;
The color scheme of the radio.
🚨Note: This should be one of the color keys in the theme that has
color values (e.g.green
).See Also
interface IRadioButtonGroup
interface IRadioButtonGroup {}
property children
children?: React.ReactNode;
property defaultValue
defaultValue?: IRadio['value'];
property isInline
isInline?: boolean;
property name
name?: IRadio['name'];
property onChange
onChange?: (value: IRadio['value']) => void;
property spacing
spacing?: BoxProps['margin'];
property value
value?: IRadio['value'];
interface IRadioGroup
interface IRadioGroup {}
property children
children?: React.ReactNode;
property defaultValue
defaultValue?: IRadio['value'];
property id
id?: string;
property isInline
isInline?: boolean;
property name
name?: string;
property onChange
onChange?: ( event: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>, value: IRadio['value']) => void;
property spacing
spacing?: BoxProps['margin'];
property value
value?: IRadio['value'];
property variantColor
variantColor?: IRadio['variantColor'];
interface IScale
interface IScale {}
property children
children: (styles: Object) => React.ReactNode;
property duration
duration?: number;
property in
in: boolean;
property initialScale
initialScale?: number;
interface ISkeleton
interface ISkeleton {}
property colorEnd
colorEnd?: string;
The color at the animation end
property colorStart
colorStart?: string;
The color at the animation start
property fadeInDuration
fadeInDuration?: number;
The fadeIn duration in seconds
property isLoaded
isLoaded?: boolean;
Render only the children
property speed
speed?: number;
The animation speed in seconds
interface ISlide
interface ISlide {}
property duration
duration?: number;
property finalHeight
finalHeight?: BoxProps['height'];
property finalWidth
finalWidth?: BoxProps['maxWidth'];
property from
from: 'bottom' | 'top' | 'left' | 'right';
property in
in: boolean;
interface ISlideIn
interface ISlideIn {}
interface ISpinnerProps
interface ISpinnerProps {}
property color
color?: string;
The color of the spinner
property emptyColor
emptyColor?: string;
The color of the empty area in the spinner
property label
label?: string;
For accessibility, it's important to add a fallback loading text. This text will be visible to screen readers.
property size
size?: 'xs' | 'sm' | 'md' | 'lg' | 'xl';
The size of the spinner
property speed
speed?: string;
The speed of the spinner.
Example 1
<Spinner speed="0.2s"/>
property thickness
thickness?: string;
The thickness of the spinner
Example 1
<Spinner thickness="4px"/>
interface ISwitch
interface ISwitch {}
property "aria-label"
'aria-label'?: string;
The aria-label of the switch for accessibility.
property "aria-labelledby"
'aria-labelledby'?: string;
The aria-labelledby of the switch for accessibility.
property children
children?: React.ReactNode;
The children of the switch.
property color
color?: string;
The background color of the switch when checked
🚨Note: This should be one of the color keys in the theme that has
color values (e.g.green
).See Also
property defaultIsChecked
defaultIsChecked?: boolean;
, the switch will be initially checked.
property isChecked
isChecked?: boolean;
, set the switch to the checked state.
property isDisabled
isDisabled?: boolean;
, set the disabled to the invalid state.
property isInvalid
isInvalid?: boolean;
, set the switch to the invalid state.
property name
name?: string;
The input name of the switch when used in a form
property size
size?: 'sm' | 'md' | 'lg';
The size of the switch
property value
value?: string | number | boolean;
The value of the switch.
interface ITabList
interface ITabList {}
property children
children: React.ReactNode;
The children of the tab list should be
interface ITabPanel
interface ITabPanel {}
property children
children: React.ReactNode;
The children of the tab panel.
property id
id?: string;
The id of the tab panel. Used during
property isSelected
isSelected?: boolean;
, indicates that the panel is selected. Used duringcloneElement
property selectedPanelRef
selectedPanelRef?: React.RefObject<HTMLElement>;
The ref of the panel if it is selected. Used during
interface ITabPanels
interface ITabPanels {}
property children
children: React.ReactNode;
The children of the tab panels should be
interface ITabs
interface ITabs {}
property align
align?: 'start' | 'center' | 'end';
The alignment of the tabs
property children
children: React.ReactNode;
The children of the tabs should be
property defaultIndex
defaultIndex?: number;
The index of the tab that should be activated initially
property index
index?: number;
The index of the activated tab
property isFitted
isFitted?: boolean;
, tabs will stretch to width of the tablist.
property isManual
isManual?: boolean;
, the tabs will be manually activated and display its panel by pressing Space or Enter.If
, the tabs will be automatically activated and their panel is displayed when they receive focus.
property onChange
onChange?: (index: number) => void;
Callback when the index (controlled or un-controlled) changes.
property orientation
orientation?: 'vertical' | 'horizontal';
The orientation of the .
property size
size?: 'sm' | 'md' | 'lg';
The size of the tab (affects the font-size and padding).
property variant
variant?: | 'line' | 'enclosed' | 'enclosed-colored' | 'soft-rounded' | 'solid-rounded' | 'unstyled';
The style of the tabs to use
property variantColor
variantColor?: string;
The color scheme of the tabs
🚨Note: This should be one of the color keys in the theme that has
color values (e.g.green
).See Also
interface ITag
interface ITag {}
property size
size?: 'sm' | 'md' | 'lg';
The size of the tag.
property variant
variant?: IBadge['variant'];
The variant of the tag.
property variantColor
variantColor?: IBadge['variantColor'];
The color scheme of the tag.
interface ITagCloseButton
interface ITagCloseButton {}
property isDisabled
isDisabled?: boolean;
interface IToast
interface IToast extends IAlert {}
property description
description?: string;
The description of the toast
property duration
duration?: number | null;
Duration before dismiss in milliseconds, or
to never dismiss.
property isClosable
isClosable?: boolean;
adds a close button to the toast.
property onClose
onClose?: () => void;
Callback function to close the toast.
property position
position?: keyof typeof Position;
One of toasted-notes positions.
property title
title?: string;
The title of the toast.
interface ITooltip
interface ITooltip {}
property "aria-label"
'aria-label': string;
property children
children: React.ReactNode;
to be used as the trigger of the tooltip.
property closeOnClick
closeOnClick?: boolean;
hide the tooltip, when the trigger is clicked.
property defaultIsOpen
defaultIsOpen?: boolean;
, the tooltip is initially shown.
property hasArrow
hasArrow?: boolean;
display an arrow tip on the tooltip.
property hideDelay
hideDelay?: number;
The delay in
for the tooltip to hide
property isOpen
isOpen?: boolean;
, the tooltip is shown.
property label
label?: string;
The label of the tooltip.
property onClose
onClose?: () => void;
Function called when the tooltip hides.
property onOpen
onOpen?: () => void;
Function called when the tooltip shows.
property placement
placement?: PopperProps['placement'];
property shouldWrapChildren
shouldWrapChildren?: boolean;
, the tooltip will wrap the children in aspan
property showDelay
showDelay?: number;
The delay in
for the tooltip to show
interface IUseColorMode
interface IUseColorMode {}
property colorMode
colorMode: 'light' | 'dark';
property toggleColorMode
toggleColorMode: () => void;
interface PopoverContextValue
interface PopoverContextValue {}
property bodyId
bodyId: string;
property closeOnEsc
closeOnEsc: boolean;
property headerId
headerId: string;
property initialFocusRef
initialFocusRef: boolean;
property isHoveringRef
isHoveringRef: React.RefObject<boolean>;
property isOpen
isOpen: boolean;
property onBlur
onBlur: React.FocusEventHandler<HTMLElement>;
property onClose
onClose: () => void;
property onOpen
onOpen: () => void;
property onToggle
onToggle: () => void;
property placement
placement: PopperJS.Placement;
property popoverId
popoverId: string;
property popoverRef
popoverRef: React.RefObject<HTMLElement>;
property referenceRef
referenceRef: React.RefObject<HTMLElement>;
property trigger
trigger: 'hover' | 'click';
property usePortal
usePortal: boolean;
interface PortalProps
interface PortalProps {}
property children
children: React.ReactNode;
The children to render into the
property container
container?: React.ReactInstance | (() => React.ReactInstance | null) | null;
A node, component instance, or function that returns either. The
will have the portal children appended to it. By default, it uses the body of the top-level document object, so it's simplydocument.body
most of the time.
property isDisabled
isDisabled?: boolean;
, the children stay within it's parent DOM hierarchy.
property onRendered
onRendered?: () => void;
Callback fired once the children has been mounted into the
interface UseFormControlProps
interface UseFormControlProps {}
property isDisabled
isDisabled?: boolean;
set the form control to the disabled state.
property isInvalid
isInvalid?: boolean;
set the form control to the invalid state.
property isReadOnly
isReadOnly?: boolean;
set the form control to the read only state.
property isRequired
isRequired?: boolean;
set the form control to be required.
Type Aliases
type AccordionHeaderProps
type AccordionHeaderProps = PseudoBoxProps & React.ButtonHTMLAttributes<any>;
type AccordionItemChildren
type AccordionItemChildren = | { children(props: IAccordionItemRenderProps): React.ReactNode } | { children: React.ReactNode };
The content of the accordion. The children must be the
type AccordionItemProps
type AccordionItemProps = IAccordionItem & AccordionItemChildren & PseudoBoxProps;
type AccordionProps
type AccordionProps = IAccordion & Omit<BoxProps, 'onChange'>;
type AlertProps
type AlertProps = IAlert & BoxProps;
type AspectRatioBoxProps
type AspectRatioBoxProps = IAspectRatio & BoxProps;
type AvatarGroupProps
type AvatarGroupProps = IAvatarGroup & Omit<BoxProps, 'size'>;
type AvatarNameProps
type AvatarNameProps = IAvatar['name'] & BoxProps;
type AvatarProps
type AvatarProps = IAvatar & Omit<BoxProps, 'size'>;
type BadgeProps
type BadgeProps = IBadge & BoxProps;
type BoxProps
type BoxProps = BoxHTMLProps & StyledSystemProps & ModifiedStyledSystemProps & As & Truncated;
type BreadcrumbItemProps
type BreadcrumbItemProps = BreadcrumbProps & { /** * If `true`, indicates that the breadcrumb item is active, adds * `aria-current=page` and renders a `span` */ isCurrentPage?: boolean;};
type ButtonGroupProps
type ButtonGroupProps = IButtonGroup & Omit<BoxProps, 'size'>;
type ButtonProps
type ButtonProps = IButton & Omit<PseudoBoxProps, 'size'>;
type CheckboxGroupProps
type CheckboxGroupProps = ICheckboxGroup & Omit<BoxProps, 'onChange' | 'size'>;
type CheckboxProps
type CheckboxProps = ICheckbox & React.RefAttributes<HTMLInputElement> & Omit<BoxProps, 'onChange' | 'defaultChecked'>;
type CloseButtonProps
type CloseButtonProps = ICloseButton & Omit<PseudoBoxProps, 'size'>;
type CollapseProps
type CollapseProps = AnimateHeightProps & ICollapse & BoxProps;
type ControlBoxProps
type ControlBoxProps = IControlBox & BoxProps;
type CSSResetProps
type CSSResetProps = { config?: (theme: ITheme, defaultConfig?: ConfigReturnType) => ConfigReturnType;};
type EditableProps
type EditableProps = IEditable & Omit<BoxProps, 'onChange' | 'onSubmit'>;
type FlexProps
type FlexProps = IFlex & BoxProps;
type FormControlProps
type FormControlProps = IFormControl & BoxProps;
type GridProps
type GridProps = BoxProps & IGrid;
type HeadingProps
type HeadingProps = IHeading & Omit<BoxProps, 'size'>;
type IconButtonProps
type IconButtonProps = IIconButton & _ButtonProps;
type IconProps
type IconProps = IIcon & Omit<BoxProps, 'size'>;
type IconsType
type IconsType = Record<string, Icon>;
type ImageProps
type ImageProps = IImage & BoxProps;
type InputAddonProps
type InputAddonProps = IInputAddon & BoxProps;
type InputAttributes
type InputAttributes = React.InputHTMLAttributes<HTMLInputElement>;
type InputGroupProps
type InputGroupProps = IInputGroup & BoxProps;
type InputProps
type InputProps<T = HTMLInputElement> = IInput<T> & PseudoBoxProps & InputHTMLAttributes & React.RefAttributes<T>;
type InternalState
type InternalState = { isOpen?: boolean; onClose?: () => void };
type ISelect
type ISelect = IInput<HTMLSelectElement> & MergeSelectAttributes & React.RefAttributes<HTMLSelectElement>;
type ITheme
type ITheme = DefaultTheme;
type LinkProps
type LinkProps = ILink & PseudoBoxProps & React.HTMLProps<HTMLAnchorElement>;
type MenuButtonProps
type MenuButtonProps = PseudoBoxProps & IMenuButton;
type MenuGroupProps
type MenuGroupProps = IMenuGroup & BoxProps;
type MenuItemOptionProps
type MenuItemOptionProps = PseudoBoxProps & IMenuItemOption;
type MenuItemProps
type MenuItemProps = IMenuItem & PseudoBoxProps;
type MenuListProps
type MenuListProps = IMenuList & PopperProps;
type MenuOptionGroupProps
type MenuOptionGroupProps = MenuGroupProps & IMenuOptionGroup;
type MenuProps
type MenuProps = IMenu & MenuChildren;
type ModalContentProps
type ModalContentProps = IModalContent & BoxProps;
type ModalSizes
type ModalSizes = | 'xs' | 'sm' | 'md' | 'lg' | 'xl' | '2xl' | '3xl' | '4xl' | '5xl' | '6xl' | 'full';
type NumberInputProps
type NumberInputProps = INumberInput & Omit<FlexProps, 'onChange' | 'ref' | 'size'> & React.RefAttributes<HTMLInputElement>;
type OmittedTypes
type OmittedTypes = | 'size' | 'disabled' | 'required' | 'checked' | 'defaultChecked' | 'readOnly';
type PopoverChildren
type PopoverChildren = | { children: React.ReactNode; } | { children: (props: InternalState) => React.ReactNode };
The content of the popover
type PopoverCloseButtonProps
type PopoverCloseButtonProps = PseudoBoxProps & { onClick?: React.MouseEventHandler<HTMLElement>;};
type PopoverContentProps
type PopoverContentProps = IPopoverContent & PopperProps;
type PopoverProps
type PopoverProps = IPopover & PopoverChildren;
type ProgressProps
type ProgressProps = IProgress & BoxProps;
type PseudoBoxProps
type PseudoBoxProps = IPseudoBoxProps & BoxProps;
type RadioButtonGroupProps
type RadioButtonGroupProps = IRadioButtonGroup & Omit<BoxProps, 'onChange'>;
type RadioGroupProps
type RadioGroupProps = IRadioGroup & Omit<BoxProps, 'onChange'>;
type RadioProps
type RadioProps = IRadio & Omit<BoxProps, 'onChange' | 'ref' | 'onFocus' | 'onBlur' | 'size'> & React.RefAttributes<HTMLInputElement>;
type ScaleProps
type ScaleProps = IScale & TransitionProps<boolean>;
type SelectProps
type SelectProps = ISelect & { /** * The props passed to the select's root element. * * The internal structure looks like this: * * ```jsx * <SelectWrapper {...rootProps}> * <Select /> <== most props go here directly * <SelectIconWrapper /> * </SelectWrapper> * ``` * * In some scenario, you might want to pass some other props to the root. */ rootProps?: BoxProps; /** * The placeholder for the select. This renders an `<option>` with empty value * * ```jsx * <option value="">{placeholder}</option> * ``` */ placeholder?: string; /** * The icon component to render. * You can use an icon in Chakra or pass a custom icon * from libraries like `react-icons` * * @example * ```jsx * <Select icon="arrow-down" /> * <Select icon={MdArrowDownward} /> * ``` */ icon?: string | React.ElementType; /** * The size of the icon */ iconSize?: BoxProps['size']; /** * The color of the icon */ iconColor?: BoxProps['color'];};
type SimpleGridProps
type SimpleGridProps = BoxProps & ISimpleGrid;
type SkeletonProps
type SkeletonProps = ISkeleton & BoxProps;
type SlideInProps
type SlideInProps = ISlideIn & TransitionProps<boolean>;
type SlideProps
type SlideProps = ISlide & TransitionProps<boolean>;
type SliderProps
type SliderProps = ISlider & Omit<BoxProps, 'onChange' | 'size'>;
type SpinnerProps
type SpinnerProps = Omit<BoxProps, 'size'> & ISpinnerProps;
type StackProps
type StackProps = IStack & BoxProps;
type StatArrowProps
type StatArrowProps = IconProps & { type?: 'increase' | 'decrease'; 'aria-label'?: string;};
type stringOrNumber
type stringOrNumber = string | number | Array<number | string>;
type SwitchProps
type SwitchProps = ISwitch & Omit<BoxProps, 'defaultChecked' | 'size'>;
type TabListProps
type TabListProps = ITabList & FlexProps;
type TabPanelProps
type TabPanelProps = ITabPanel & BoxProps;
type TabPanelsProps
type TabPanelsProps = ITabPanels & BoxProps;
type TabsProps
type TabsProps = ITabs & Omit<BoxProps, 'onChange' | 'size'>;
type TagProps
type TagProps = ITag & Omit<PseudoBoxProps, 'size'>;
type TooltipProps
type TooltipProps = ITooltip & BoxProps;
type useToastOptions
type useToastOptions = IToast & RenderOption;
type VariantColor
type VariantColor = keyof Omit<Colors, 'transparent' | 'current'>;
Package Files (76)
- dist/Accordion/index.d.ts
- dist/Alert/index.d.ts
- dist/AlertDialog/index.d.ts
- dist/AspectRatioBox/index.d.ts
- dist/Avatar/index.d.ts
- dist/AvatarGroup/index.d.ts
- dist/Badge/index.d.ts
- dist/Box/index.d.ts
- dist/Breadcrumb/index.d.ts
- dist/Button/index.d.ts
- dist/ButtonGroup/index.d.ts
- dist/CSSReset/index.d.ts
- dist/Callout/index.d.ts
- dist/Checkbox/index.d.ts
- dist/CheckboxGroup/index.d.ts
- dist/CircularProgress/index.d.ts
- dist/CloseButton/index.d.ts
- dist/Code/index.d.ts
- dist/Collapse/index.d.ts
- dist/ColorModeProvider/index.d.ts
- dist/ControlBox/index.d.ts
- dist/Css/index.d.ts
- dist/Divider/index.d.ts
- dist/Drawer/index.d.ts
- dist/Editable/index.d.ts
- dist/Flex/index.d.ts
- dist/FormControl/index.d.ts
- dist/FormErrorMessage/index.d.ts
- dist/FormHelperText/index.d.ts
- dist/FormLabel/index.d.ts
- dist/Grid/index.d.ts
- dist/Heading/index.d.ts
- dist/Icon/index.d.ts
- dist/IconButton/index.d.ts
- dist/Image/index.d.ts
- dist/Input/index.d.ts
- dist/InputAddon/index.d.ts
- dist/InputElement/index.d.ts
- dist/InputGroup/index.d.ts
- dist/Kbd/index.d.ts
- dist/Link/index.d.ts
- dist/List/index.d.ts
- dist/Menu/MenuOption.d.ts
- dist/Menu/index.d.ts
- dist/Modal/index.d.ts
- dist/NumberInput/index.d.ts
- dist/Popover/index.d.ts
- dist/Portal/index.d.ts
- dist/Progress/index.d.ts
- dist/PseudoBox/index.d.ts
- dist/Radio/index.d.ts
- dist/RadioButtonGroup/index.d.ts
- dist/RadioGroup/index.d.ts
- dist/Select/index.d.ts
- dist/SimpleGrid/index.d.ts
- dist/Skeleton/index.d.ts
- dist/Slider/index.d.ts
- dist/Spinner/index.d.ts
- dist/Stack/index.d.ts
- dist/Stat/index.d.ts
- dist/Switch/index.d.ts
- dist/Tabs/index.d.ts
- dist/Tag/index.d.ts
- dist/Text/index.d.ts
- dist/Textarea/index.d.ts
- dist/ThemeProvider/index.d.ts
- dist/Toast/index.d.ts
- dist/Tooltip/index.d.ts
- dist/Transition/index.d.ts
- dist/VisuallyHidden/index.d.ts
- dist/index.d.ts
- dist/theme/index.d.ts
- dist/useClipboard/index.d.ts
- dist/useDisclosure/index.d.ts
- dist/useNumberInput/index.d.ts
- dist/usePrevious/index.d.ts
Dependencies (16)
Dev Dependencies (0)
No dev dependencies.
Peer Dependencies (5)
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