- Version 0.15.0-0
- Published
- 1.32 MB
- 11 dependencies
- Apache-2.0 license
npm i @bitjson/typedoc
yarn add @bitjson/typedoc
pnpm add @bitjson/typedoc
Create api documentation for TypeScript projects.
- Accessor
- CallSignature
- Class
- ClassOrInterface
- Constructor
- ConstructorSignature
- Enum
- EnumMember
- Event
- ExternalModule
- Function
- FunctionOrMethod
- GetSignature
- Global
- IndexSignature
- Interface
- Method
- Module
- ObjectLiteral
- Parameter
- Property
- SetSignature
- SomeModule
- SomeSignature
- SomeType
- SomeValue
- TypeAlias
- TypeLiteral
- TypeParameter
- Variable
- VariableOrProperty
function createMinimatch
createMinimatch: (patterns: string[]) => IMinimatch[];
function normalizePath
normalizePath: (path: string) => string;
function resetReflectionID
resetReflectionID: () => void;
class Application
class Application extends ChildableComponent< Application, AbstractComponent<Application>> {}
constructor(options?: Object);
property application
readonly application: Application;
property converter
converter: Converter;
property exclude
exclude: string[];
property ignoreCompilerErrors
ignoreCompilerErrors: boolean;
property isCLI
readonly isCLI: boolean;
property logger
logger: Logger;
property loggerType
loggerType: string | Function;
property options
options: Options;
property plugins
plugins: PluginHost;
property renderer
renderer: Renderer;
property serializer
serializer: Serializer;
property VERSION
static VERSION: string;
method bootstrap
protected bootstrap: (options?: Object) => OptionsReadResult;
method convert
convert: (src: string[]) => ProjectReflection | undefined;
method expandInputFiles
expandInputFiles: (inputFiles?: string[]) => string[];
method generateDocs
generateDocs: { (src: string[], out: string): boolean; (project: ProjectReflection, out: string): boolean;};
method generateJson
generateJson: { (src: string[], out: string): boolean; (project: ProjectReflection, out: string): boolean;};
method getTypeScriptPath
getTypeScriptPath: () => string;
method getTypeScriptVersion
getTypeScriptVersion: () => string;
method toString
toString: () => string;
class AssetsPlugin
class AssetsPlugin extends RendererComponent {}
property copyDefaultAssets
copyDefaultAssets: boolean;
method initialize
initialize: () => void;
class CliApplication
class CliApplication extends Application {}
class ContainerReflection
class ContainerReflection extends Reflection {}
property categories
categories?: ReflectionCategory[];
property children
children?: DeclarationReflection[];
property groups
groups?: ReflectionGroup[];
method getChildrenByKind
getChildrenByKind: (kind: ReflectionKind) => DeclarationReflection[];
method toObject
toObject: () => any;
method traverse
traverse: (callback: TraverseCallback) => void;
class DeclarationReflection
class DeclarationReflection extends ContainerReflection implements DefaultValueContainer, TypeContainer, TypeParameterContainer {}
property defaultValue
defaultValue?: string;
property extendedBy
extendedBy?: Type[];
property extendedTypes
extendedTypes?: Type[];
property getSignature
getSignature?: SignatureReflection;
property implementationOf
implementationOf?: Type;
property implementedBy
implementedBy?: Type[];
property implementedTypes
implementedTypes?: Type[];
property indexSignature
indexSignature?: SignatureReflection;
property inheritedFrom
inheritedFrom?: Type;
property overwrites
overwrites?: Type;
property setSignature
setSignature?: SignatureReflection;
property signatures
signatures?: SignatureReflection[];
property type
type?: Type;
property typeHierarchy
typeHierarchy?: DeclarationHierarchy;
property typeParameters
typeParameters?: TypeParameterReflection[];
method getAllSignatures
getAllSignatures: () => SignatureReflection[];
method hasGetterOrSetter
hasGetterOrSetter: () => boolean;
method toObject
toObject: () => any;
method toString
toString: () => string;
method traverse
traverse: (callback: TraverseCallback) => void;
class DefaultTheme
class DefaultTheme extends Theme {}
constructor(renderer: Renderer, basePath: string);
property MAPPINGS
static MAPPINGS: TemplateMapping[];
property URL_PREFIX
static URL_PREFIX: RegExp;
method applyAnchorUrl
static applyAnchorUrl: (reflection: Reflection, container: Reflection) => void;
method applyGroupClasses
static applyGroupClasses: (group: ReflectionGroup) => void;
method applyReflectionClasses
static applyReflectionClasses: (reflection: DeclarationReflection) => void;
method buildUrls
static buildUrls: ( reflection: DeclarationReflection, urls: UrlMapping[]) => UrlMapping[];
method getEntryPoint
getEntryPoint: (project: ProjectReflection) => ContainerReflection;
method getMapping
static getMapping: ( reflection: DeclarationReflection) => TemplateMapping | undefined;
method getNavigation
getNavigation: (project: ProjectReflection) => NavigationItem;
method getUrl
static getUrl: ( reflection: Reflection, relative?: Reflection, separator?: string) => string;
method getUrls
getUrls: (project: ProjectReflection) => UrlMapping[];
method isOutputDirectory
isOutputDirectory: (path: string) => boolean;
method toStyleClass
static toStyleClass: (str: string) => string;
class Event
class Event {}
constructor(name: string);
property isDefaultPrevented
readonly isDefaultPrevented: boolean;
property isPropagationStopped
readonly isPropagationStopped: boolean;
property name
readonly name: string;
method preventDefault
preventDefault: () => void;
method stopPropagation
stopPropagation: () => void;
class EventDispatcher
class EventDispatcher {}
method listenTo
listenTo: ( obj: EventDispatcher, name: EventMap | string, callback?: EventCallback, priority?: number) => this;
method listenToOnce
listenToOnce: { (obj: EventDispatcher, eventMap: EventMap): any; ( obj: EventDispatcher, name: string, callback: EventCallback, priority?: number ): any;};
method off
off: { (): any; (eventMap: EventMap, context?: any): any; (name: string, callback?: EventCallback, context?: any): any;};
method on
on: { (eventMap: EventMap, context?: any): any; ( eventMap: EventMap, callback?: EventCallback, context?: any, priority?: number ): any; ( name: string, callback: EventCallback, context?: any, priority?: number ): any;};
method once
once: { (eventMap: EventMap, context?: any): any; (name: string, callback: EventCallback, context?: any, priority?: any): any;};
method stopListening
stopListening: ( obj?: EventDispatcher, name?: EventMap | string, callback?: EventCallback) => this;
method trigger
trigger: (name: Event | EventMap | string, ...args: any[]) => this;
class JavascriptIndexPlugin
class JavascriptIndexPlugin extends RendererComponent {}
method initialize
initialize: () => void;
class LayoutPlugin
class LayoutPlugin extends RendererComponent {}
method initialize
initialize: () => void;
class MarkedLinksPlugin
class MarkedLinksPlugin extends ContextAwareRendererComponent {}
property listInvalidSymbolLinks
listInvalidSymbolLinks: boolean;
method initialize
initialize: () => void;
method onEndRenderer
onEndRenderer: (event: RendererEvent) => void;
method onParseMarkdown
onParseMarkdown: (event: MarkdownEvent) => void;
method splitLinkText
static splitLinkText: (text: string) => { caption: string; target: string };
class MarkedPlugin
class MarkedPlugin extends ContextAwareRendererComponent {}
property includeSource
includeSource: string;
property mediaSource
mediaSource: string;
method getHighlighted
getHighlighted: (text: string, lang?: string) => string;
method initialize
initialize: () => void;
method onBeginRenderer
protected onBeginRenderer: (event: RendererEvent) => void;
method onParseMarkdown
onParseMarkdown: (event: MarkdownEvent) => void;
method parseMarkdown
parseMarkdown: (text: string, context: any) => string;
class NavigationItem
class NavigationItem {}
constructor( title?: string, url?: string, parent?: NavigationItem, cssClasses?: string, reflection?: Reflection);
property children
children?: NavigationItem[];
property cssClasses
cssClasses: string;
property dedicatedUrls
dedicatedUrls?: string[];
property isCurrent
isCurrent?: boolean;
property isGlobals
isGlobals?: boolean;
property isInPath
isInPath?: boolean;
property isLabel
isLabel?: boolean;
property isVisible
isVisible?: boolean;
property parent
parent?: NavigationItem;
property reflection
reflection?: Reflection;
property title
title: string;
property url
url: string;
method create
static create: ( reflection: Reflection, parent?: NavigationItem, useShortNames?: boolean) => NavigationItem;
class NavigationPlugin
class NavigationPlugin extends RendererComponent {}
property navigation
navigation: NavigationItem;
method initialize
initialize: () => void;
class ParameterReflection
class ParameterReflection extends Reflection implements DefaultValueContainer, TypeContainer {}
class PrettyPrintPlugin
class PrettyPrintPlugin extends RendererComponent {}
static IGNORED_TAGS: { area: boolean; base: boolean; br: boolean; wbr: boolean; col: boolean; command: boolean; embed: boolean; hr: boolean; img: boolean; input: boolean; link: boolean; meta: boolean; param: boolean; source: boolean;};
property PRE_TAGS
static PRE_TAGS: { pre: boolean; code: boolean; textarea: boolean; script: boolean; style: boolean;};
method initialize
initialize: () => void;
method onRendererEndPage
onRendererEndPage: (event: PageEvent) => void;
class ProjectReflection
class ProjectReflection extends ContainerReflection {}
constructor(name: string);
property directory
directory: SourceDirectory;
property files
files: SourceFile[];
property name
name: string;
property packageInfo
packageInfo: any;
property readme
readme?: string;
property reflections
reflections: { [id: number]: Reflection };
property symbolMapping
symbolMapping: { [symbolId: number]: number };
method findReflectionByName
findReflectionByName: (arg: string | string[]) => Reflection | undefined;
method getReflectionsByKind
getReflectionsByKind: (kind: ReflectionKind) => Reflection[];
method isProject
isProject: () => boolean;
class Reflection
abstract class Reflection {}
constructor(name: string, kind: ReflectionKind, parent?: Reflection);
property anchor
anchor?: string;
property comment
comment?: Comment;
property cssClasses
cssClasses?: string;
property decorates
decorates?: Type[];
property decorators
decorators?: Decorator[];
property flags
flags: ReflectionFlags;
property hasOwnDocument
hasOwnDocument?: boolean;
property id
id: number;
property kind
kind: ReflectionKind;
property kindString
kindString?: string;
property name
name: string;
property originalName
originalName: string;
property parent
parent?: Reflection;
property sources
sources?: SourceReference[];
property url
url?: string;
method findReflectionByName
findReflectionByName: (arg: string | string[]) => Reflection | undefined;
method getAlias
getAlias: () => string;
method getChildByName
getChildByName: (arg: string | string[]) => Reflection | undefined;
method getFullName
getFullName: (separator?: string) => string;
method hasComment
hasComment: () => boolean;
method hasGetterOrSetter
hasGetterOrSetter: () => boolean;
method isProject
isProject: () => boolean;
method kindOf
kindOf: (kind: ReflectionKind | ReflectionKind[]) => boolean;
method setFlag
setFlag: (flag: ReflectionFlag, value?: boolean) => void;
method toObject
toObject: () => any;
method toString
toString: () => string;
method toStringHierarchy
toStringHierarchy: (indent?: string) => string;
method traverse
traverse: (callback: TraverseCallback) => void;
class Renderer
class Renderer extends ChildableComponent<Application, RendererComponent> {}
property disableOutputCheck
disableOutputCheck: boolean;
property entryPoint
entryPoint: string;
property gaID
gaID: string;
property gaSite
gaSite: string;
property hideGenerator
hideGenerator: boolean;
property theme
theme?: Theme;
property themeName
themeName: string;
property toc
toc: string[];
method getDefaultTheme
static getDefaultTheme: () => string;
method getThemeDirectory
static getThemeDirectory: () => string;
method initialize
initialize: () => void;
method render
render: (project: ProjectReflection, outputDirectory: string) => void;
class SignatureReflection
class SignatureReflection extends Reflection implements TypeContainer, TypeParameterContainer {}
property implementationOf
implementationOf?: Type;
property inheritedFrom
inheritedFrom?: Type;
property overwrites
overwrites?: Type;
property parameters
parameters?: ParameterReflection[];
property parent
parent?: ContainerReflection;
property type
type?: Type;
property typeParameters
typeParameters?: TypeParameterReflection[];
method getParameterTypes
getParameterTypes: () => Type[];
method toObject
toObject: () => any;
method toString
toString: () => string;
method traverse
traverse: (callback: TraverseCallback) => void;
class TocPlugin
class TocPlugin extends RendererComponent {}
method buildToc
static buildToc: ( model: Reflection, trail: Reflection[], parent: NavigationItem, restriction?: string[]) => void;
method initialize
initialize: () => void;
class TypeParameterReflection
class TypeParameterReflection extends Reflection implements TypeContainer {}
constructor(type: TypeParameterType, parent?: Reflection);
property parent
parent?: DeclarationReflection;
property type
type?: Type;
method toObject
toObject: () => any;
class UrlMapping
class UrlMapping {}
constructor(url: string, model: any, template: string);
property model
model: any;
property template
template: string;
property url
url: string;
interface DeclarationHierarchy
interface DeclarationHierarchy {}
interface Decorator
interface Decorator {}
interface TypeParameterContainer
interface TypeParameterContainer extends Reflection {}
property typeParameters
typeParameters?: TypeParameterReflection[];
enum ReflectionFlag
enum ReflectionFlag { None = 0, Private = 1, Protected = 2, Public = 4, Static = 8, Exported = 16, ExportAssignment = 32, External = 64, Optional = 128, DefaultValue = 256, Rest = 512, ConstructorProperty = 1024, Abstract = 2048, Const = 4096, Let = 8192,}
member Abstract
Abstract = 2048
member Const
Const = 4096
member ConstructorProperty
ConstructorProperty = 1024
member DefaultValue
DefaultValue = 256
member ExportAssignment
ExportAssignment = 32
member Exported
Exported = 16
member External
External = 64
member Let
Let = 8192
member None
None = 0
member Optional
Optional = 128
member Private
Private = 1
member Protected
Protected = 2
member Public
Public = 4
member Rest
Rest = 512
member Static
Static = 8
enum ReflectionKind
enum ReflectionKind { Global = 0, ExternalModule = 1, Module = 2, Enum = 4, EnumMember = 16, Variable = 32, Function = 64, Class = 128, Interface = 256, Constructor = 512, Property = 1024, Method = 2048, CallSignature = 4096, IndexSignature = 8192, ConstructorSignature = 16384, Parameter = 32768, TypeLiteral = 65536, TypeParameter = 131072, Accessor = 262144, GetSignature = 524288, SetSignature = 1048576, ObjectLiteral = 2097152, TypeAlias = 4194304, Event = 8388608, ClassOrInterface = 384, VariableOrProperty = 1056, FunctionOrMethod = 2112, SomeSignature = 1601536, SomeModule = 3, SomeType = 4391168, SomeValue = 2097248,}
member Accessor
Accessor = 262144
member CallSignature
CallSignature = 4096
member Class
Class = 128
member ClassOrInterface
ClassOrInterface = 384
member Constructor
Constructor = 512
member ConstructorSignature
ConstructorSignature = 16384
member Enum
Enum = 4
member EnumMember
EnumMember = 16
member Event
Event = 8388608
member ExternalModule
ExternalModule = 1
member Function
Function = 64
member FunctionOrMethod
FunctionOrMethod = 2112
member GetSignature
GetSignature = 524288
member Global
Global = 0
member IndexSignature
IndexSignature = 8192
member Interface
Interface = 256
member Method
Method = 2048
member Module
Module = 2
member ObjectLiteral
ObjectLiteral = 2097152
member Parameter
Parameter = 32768
member Property
Property = 1024
member SetSignature
SetSignature = 1048576
member SomeModule
SomeModule = 3
member SomeSignature
SomeSignature = 1601536
member SomeType
SomeType = 4391168
member SomeValue
SomeValue = 2097248
member TypeAlias
TypeAlias = 4194304
member TypeLiteral
TypeLiteral = 65536
member TypeParameter
TypeParameter = 131072
member Variable
Variable = 32
member VariableOrProperty
VariableOrProperty = 1056
enum TraverseProperty
enum TraverseProperty { Children = 0, Parameters = 1, TypeLiteral = 2, TypeParameter = 3, Signatures = 4, IndexSignature = 5, GetSignature = 6, SetSignature = 7,}
member Children
Children = 0
member GetSignature
GetSignature = 6
member IndexSignature
IndexSignature = 5
member Parameters
Parameters = 1
member SetSignature
SetSignature = 7
member Signatures
Signatures = 4
member TypeLiteral
TypeLiteral = 2
member TypeParameter
TypeParameter = 3
Package Files (25)
- dist/index.d.ts
- dist/lib/application.d.ts
- dist/lib/cli.d.ts
- dist/lib/models/reflections/abstract.d.ts
- dist/lib/models/reflections/container.d.ts
- dist/lib/models/reflections/declaration.d.ts
- dist/lib/models/reflections/parameter.d.ts
- dist/lib/models/reflections/project.d.ts
- dist/lib/models/reflections/signature.d.ts
- dist/lib/models/reflections/type-parameter.d.ts
- dist/lib/output/models/NavigationItem.d.ts
- dist/lib/output/models/UrlMapping.d.ts
- dist/lib/output/plugins/AssetsPlugin.d.ts
- dist/lib/output/plugins/JavascriptIndexPlugin.d.ts
- dist/lib/output/plugins/LayoutPlugin.d.ts
- dist/lib/output/plugins/MarkedLinksPlugin.d.ts
- dist/lib/output/plugins/MarkedPlugin.d.ts
- dist/lib/output/plugins/NavigationPlugin.d.ts
- dist/lib/output/plugins/PrettyPrintPlugin.d.ts
- dist/lib/output/plugins/TocPlugin.d.ts
- dist/lib/output/renderer.d.ts
- dist/lib/output/themes/DefaultTheme.d.ts
- dist/lib/utils/events.d.ts
- dist/lib/utils/fs.d.ts
- dist/lib/utils/paths.d.ts
Dependencies (11)
Dev Dependencies (11)
Peer Dependencies (0)
No peer dependencies.
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