- Version 2.7.0
- Published
- 2.28 MB
- 8 dependencies
- MIT license
npm i @azure/ms-rest-js
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pnpm add @azure/ms-rest-js
Isomorphic client Runtime for Typescript/node.js/browser javascript client libraries generated using AutoRest
- agentPolicy()
- applyMixins()
- delay()
- deserializationPolicy()
- deserializeResponseBody()
- encodeUri()
- executePromisesSequentially()
- exponentialRetryPolicy()
- flattenResponse()
- generateClientRequestIdPolicy()
- generateUuid()
- getDefaultProxySettings()
- getDefaultUserAgentValue()
- isDuration()
- isValidUuid()
- logPolicy()
- promiseToCallback()
- promiseToServiceCallback()
- proxyPolicy()
- redirectPolicy()
- serializeObject()
- signingPolicy()
- stripRequest()
- stripResponse()
- systemErrorRetryPolicy()
- throttlingRetryPolicy()
- userAgentPolicy()
Type Aliases
variable Constants
const Constants: { msRestVersion: string; HTTP: string; HTTPS: string; HTTP_PROXY: string; HTTPS_PROXY: string; NO_PROXY: string; ALL_PROXY: string; HttpConstants: { HttpVerbs: { PUT: string; GET: string; DELETE: string; POST: string; MERGE: string; HEAD: string; PATCH: string; }; StatusCodes: { TooManyRequests: number }; }; HeaderConstants: { AUTHORIZATION: string; AUTHORIZATION_SCHEME: string; RETRY_AFTER: string; USER_AGENT: string; };};
variable isNode
const isNode: boolean;
A constant that indicates whether the environment is node.js or browser based.
variable MapperType
const MapperType: { Base64Url: 'Base64Url'; Boolean: 'Boolean'; ByteArray: 'ByteArray'; Date: 'Date'; DateTime: 'DateTime'; DateTimeRfc1123: 'DateTimeRfc1123'; Object: 'Object'; Stream: 'Stream'; String: 'String'; TimeSpan: 'TimeSpan'; UnixTime: 'UnixTime'; Number: 'Number'; Composite: 'Composite'; Sequence: 'Sequence'; Dictionary: 'Dictionary'; Enum: 'Enum';};
function agentPolicy
agentPolicy: (agentSettings?: AgentSettings) => RequestPolicyFactory;
function applyMixins
applyMixins: (targetCtor: any, sourceCtors: any[]) => void;
Applies the properties on the prototype of sourceCtors to the prototype of targetCtor
Parameter targetCtor
The target object on which the properties need to be applied.
Parameter sourceCtors
An array of source objects from which the properties need to be taken.
function delay
delay: <T>(t: number, value?: T) => Promise<T>;
A wrapper for setTimeout that resolves a promise after t milliseconds.
Parameter t
The number of milliseconds to be delayed.
Parameter value
The value to be resolved with after a timeout of t milliseconds.
{Promise} Resolved promise
function deserializationPolicy
deserializationPolicy: ( deserializationContentTypes?: DeserializationContentTypes) => RequestPolicyFactory;
Create a new serialization RequestPolicyCreator that will serialized HTTP request bodies as they pass through the HTTP pipeline.
function deserializeResponseBody
deserializeResponseBody: ( jsonContentTypes: string[], xmlContentTypes: string[], response: HttpOperationResponse) => Promise<HttpOperationResponse>;
function encodeUri
encodeUri: (uri: string) => string;
Encodes an URI.
Parameter uri
The URI to be encoded. {string} The encoded URI.
function executePromisesSequentially
executePromisesSequentially: ( promiseFactories: Array<any>, kickstart: any) => Promise<any>;
Executes an array of promises sequentially. Inspiration of this method is here: https://pouchdb.com/2015/05/18/we-have-a-problem-with-promises.html. An awesome blog on promises!
Parameter promiseFactories
An array of promise factories(A function that return a promise)
Parameter kickstart
Input to the first promise that is used to kickstart the promise chain. If not provided then the promise chain starts with undefined.
A chain of resolved or rejected promises
function exponentialRetryPolicy
exponentialRetryPolicy: ( retryCount?: number, retryInterval?: number, minRetryInterval?: number, maxRetryInterval?: number) => RequestPolicyFactory;
function flattenResponse
flattenResponse: ( _response: HttpOperationResponse, responseSpec: OperationResponse | undefined) => RestResponse;
function generateClientRequestIdPolicy
generateClientRequestIdPolicy: ( requestIdHeaderName?: string) => RequestPolicyFactory;
function generateUuid
generateUuid: () => string;
Generated UUID
{string} RFC4122 v4 UUID.
function getDefaultProxySettings
getDefaultProxySettings: (proxyUrl?: string) => ProxySettings | undefined;
function getDefaultUserAgentValue
getDefaultUserAgentValue: () => string;
function isDuration
isDuration: (value: string) => boolean;
Indicates whether the given string is in ISO 8601 format.
Parameter value
The value to be validated for ISO 8601 duration format. {boolean}
if valid,false
function isValidUuid
isValidUuid: (uuid: string) => boolean;
Validates the given uuid as a string
Parameter uuid
The uuid as a string that needs to be validated
{boolean} True if the uuid is valid; false otherwise.
function logPolicy
logPolicy: (logger?: any) => RequestPolicyFactory;
function promiseToCallback
promiseToCallback: (promise: Promise<any>) => Function;
Converts a Promise to a callback.
Parameter promise
The Promise to be converted to a callback
{Function} A function that takes the callback (cb: Function): void
generated code should instead depend on responseToBody
function promiseToServiceCallback
promiseToServiceCallback: <T>( promise: Promise<HttpOperationResponse>) => Function;
Converts a Promise to a service callback.
Parameter promise
The Promise of HttpOperationResponse to be converted to a service callback
{Function} A function that takes the service callback (cb: ServiceCallback): void
function proxyPolicy
proxyPolicy: (proxySettings?: ProxySettings) => RequestPolicyFactory;
function redirectPolicy
redirectPolicy: (maximumRetries?: number) => RequestPolicyFactory;
function serializeObject
serializeObject: (toSerialize: any) => any;
function signingPolicy
signingPolicy: ( authenticationProvider: ServiceClientCredentials) => RequestPolicyFactory;
function stripRequest
stripRequest: (request: WebResourceLike) => WebResourceLike;
Returns a stripped version of the Http Request that does not contain the Authorization header.
Parameter request
The Http Request object
{WebResource} The stripped version of Http Request.
function stripResponse
stripResponse: (response: HttpOperationResponse) => any;
Returns a stripped version of the Http Response which only contains body, headers and the status.
Parameter response
The Http Response
{object} The stripped version of Http Response.
function systemErrorRetryPolicy
systemErrorRetryPolicy: ( retryCount?: number, retryInterval?: number, minRetryInterval?: number, maxRetryInterval?: number) => RequestPolicyFactory;
function throttlingRetryPolicy
throttlingRetryPolicy: (maxRetries?: number) => RequestPolicyFactory;
function userAgentPolicy
userAgentPolicy: (userAgentData?: TelemetryInfo) => RequestPolicyFactory;
class ApiKeyCredentials
class ApiKeyCredentials implements ServiceClientCredentials {}
Authenticates to a service using an API key.
constructor(options: ApiKeyCredentialOptions);
Parameter options
Specifies the options to be provided for auth. Either header or query needs to be provided.
method signRequest
signRequest: (webResource: WebResourceLike) => Promise<WebResourceLike>;
Signs a request with the values provided in the inHeader and inQuery parameter.
Parameter webResource
The WebResource to be signed.
{Promise} The signed request object.
class AzureIdentityCredentialAdapter
class AzureIdentityCredentialAdapter implements ServiceClientCredentials {}
This class provides a simple extension to use TokenCredential from
library to use with legacy Azure SDKs that accept ServiceClientCredentials family of credentials for authentication.
constructor(azureTokenCredential: TokenCredential, scopes?: string | string[]);
method getToken
getToken: () => Promise<TokenResponse>;
method signRequest
signRequest: (webResource: WebResource) => Promise<WebResource>;
class BaseRequestPolicy
abstract class BaseRequestPolicy implements RequestPolicy {}
protected constructor( _nextPolicy: RequestPolicy, _options: RequestPolicyOptionsLike);
method log
log: (logLevel: HttpPipelineLogLevel, message: string) => void;
Attempt to log the provided message to the provided logger. If no logger was provided or if the log level does not meat the logger's threshold, then nothing will be logged.
Parameter logLevel
The log level of this log.
Parameter message
The message of this log.
method sendRequest
abstract sendRequest: ( webResource: WebResourceLike) => Promise<HttpOperationResponse>;
method shouldLog
shouldLog: (logLevel: HttpPipelineLogLevel) => boolean;
Get whether or not a log with the provided log level should be logged.
Parameter logLevel
The log level of the log that will be logged.
Whether or not a log with the provided log level should be logged.
class BasicAuthenticationCredentials
class BasicAuthenticationCredentials implements ServiceClientCredentials {}
constructor(userName: string, password: string, authorizationScheme?: string);
Creates a new BasicAuthenticationCredentials object.
Parameter userName
User name.
Parameter password
Parameter authorizationScheme
The authorization scheme.
property authorizationScheme
authorizationScheme: string;
property password
password: string;
property userName
userName: string;
method signRequest
signRequest: (webResource: WebResourceLike) => Promise<WebResourceLike>;
Signs a request with the Authentication header.
Parameter webResource
The WebResourceLike to be signed.
{Promise} The signed request object.
class DefaultHttpClient
class NodeFetchHttpClient extends FetchHttpClient {}
method fetch
fetch: ( input: CommonRequestInfo, init?: CommonRequestInit) => Promise<CommonResponse>;
method prepareRequest
prepareRequest: (httpRequest: WebResourceLike) => Promise<Partial<RequestInit>>;
method processRequest
processRequest: (_operationResponse: HttpOperationResponse) => Promise<void>;
class DomainCredentials
class DomainCredentials extends ApiKeyCredentials {}
constructor(domainKey: string);
Creates a new EventGrid DomainCredentials object.
Parameter domainKey
The EventGrid domain key
class HttpHeaders
class HttpHeaders {}
A collection of HTTP header key/value pairs.
constructor(rawHeaders?: RawHttpHeaders);
method clone
clone: () => HttpHeaders;
Create a deep clone/copy of this HttpHeaders collection.
method contains
contains: (headerName: string) => boolean;
Get whether or not this header collection contains a header entry for the provided header name.
method get
get: (headerName: string) => string | undefined;
Get the header value for the provided header name, or undefined if no header exists in this collection with the provided name.
Parameter headerName
The name of the header.
method headerNames
headerNames: () => string[];
Get the header names that are contained in this collection.
method headersArray
headersArray: () => HttpHeader[];
Get the headers that are contained in this collection as an array.
method headerValues
headerValues: () => string[];
Get the header names that are contained in this collection.
method rawHeaders
rawHeaders: () => RawHttpHeaders;
Get the headers that are contained this collection as an object.
method remove
remove: (headerName: string) => boolean;
Remove the header with the provided headerName. Return whether or not the header existed and was removed.
Parameter headerName
The name of the header to remove.
method set
set: (headerName: string, headerValue: string | number) => void;
Set a header in this collection with the provided name and value. The name is case-insensitive.
Parameter headerName
The name of the header to set. This value is case-insensitive.
Parameter headerValue
The value of the header to set.
method toJson
toJson: () => RawHttpHeaders;
Get the JSON object representation of this HTTP header collection.
method toString
toString: () => string;
Get the string representation of this HTTP header collection.
class RequestPolicyOptions
class RequestPolicyOptions implements RequestPolicyOptionsLike {}
Optional properties that can be used when creating a RequestPolicy.
constructor(_logger?: HttpPipelineLogger);
method log
log: (logLevel: HttpPipelineLogLevel, message: string) => void;
Attempt to log the provided message to the provided logger. If no logger was provided or if the log level does not meat the logger's threshold, then nothing will be logged.
Parameter logLevel
The log level of this log.
Parameter message
The message of this log.
method shouldLog
shouldLog: (logLevel: HttpPipelineLogLevel) => boolean;
Get whether or not a log with the provided log level should be logged.
Parameter logLevel
The log level of the log that will be logged.
Whether or not a log with the provided log level should be logged.
class RestError
class RestError extends Error {}
constructor( message: string, code?: string, statusCode?: number, request?: WebResourceLike, response?: HttpOperationResponse, body?: any);
property body
body?: any;
property code
code?: string;
property PARSE_ERROR
static readonly PARSE_ERROR: string;
property request
request?: WebResourceLike;
static readonly REQUEST_ABORTED_ERROR: string;
static readonly REQUEST_SEND_ERROR: string;
property response
response?: HttpOperationResponse;
property statusCode
statusCode?: number;
class Serializer
class Serializer {}
constructor(modelMappers?: { [key: string]: any }, isXML?: boolean);
property isXML
readonly isXML?: boolean;
property modelMappers
readonly modelMappers: { [key: string]: any };
method deserialize
deserialize: (mapper: Mapper, responseBody: any, objectName: string) => any;
Deserialize the given object based on its metadata defined in the mapper
Parameter mapper
The mapper which defines the metadata of the serializable object
Parameter responseBody
A valid Javascript entity to be deserialized
Parameter objectName
Name of the deserialized object
{object|string|Array|number|boolean|Date|stream} A valid deserialized Javascript object
method serialize
serialize: (mapper: Mapper, object: any, objectName?: string) => any;
Serialize the given object based on its metadata defined in the mapper
Parameter mapper
The mapper which defines the metadata of the serializable object
Parameter object
A valid Javascript object to be serialized
Parameter objectName
Name of the serialized object
{object|string|Array|number|boolean|Date|stream} A valid serialized Javascript object
method validateConstraints
validateConstraints: (mapper: Mapper, value: any, objectName: string) => void;
class ServiceClient
class ServiceClient {}
Initializes a new instance of the ServiceClient.
constructor(credentials?: any, options?: ServiceClientOptions);
The ServiceClient constructor
Parameter credentials
The credentials object used for authentication.
Parameter options
The service client options that govern the behavior of the client.
property baseUri
protected baseUri?: string;
The base URI against which requests will be made when using this ServiceClient instance.
This can be set either by setting the
in theoptions
parameter to the ServiceClient constructor or directly after constructing the ServiceClient. If set via the ServiceClient constructor when using the overload that takes theTokenCredential
, and if it matches a known resource manager endpoint, this base URI sets the scope used to get the AAD token to${baseUri}/.default
instead of the default "https://management.azure.com/.default"If it is not specified, all OperationSpecs must contain a baseUrl property.
property requestContentType
protected requestContentType?: string;
The default request content type for the service. Used if no requestContentType is present on an OperationSpec.
method sendOperationRequest
sendOperationRequest: ( operationArguments: OperationArguments, operationSpec: OperationSpec, callback?: ServiceCallback<any>) => Promise<RestResponse>;
Send an HTTP request that is populated using the provided OperationSpec.
Parameter operationArguments
The arguments that the HTTP request's templated values will be populated from.
Parameter operationSpec
The OperationSpec to use to populate the httpRequest.
Parameter callback
The callback to call when the response is received.
method sendRequest
sendRequest: ( options: RequestPrepareOptions | WebResourceLike) => Promise<HttpOperationResponse>;
Send the provided httpRequest.
class TokenCredentials
class TokenCredentials implements ServiceClientCredentials {}
A credentials object that uses a token string and a authorzation scheme to authenticate.
constructor(token: string, authorizationScheme?: string);
Creates a new TokenCredentials object.
Parameter token
The token.
Parameter authorizationScheme
The authorization scheme.
property authorizationScheme
authorizationScheme: string;
property token
token: string;
method signRequest
signRequest: (webResource: WebResourceLike) => Promise<WebResourceLike>;
Signs a request with the Authentication header.
Parameter webResource
The WebResourceLike to be signed. {Promise} The signed request object.
class TopicCredentials
class TopicCredentials extends ApiKeyCredentials {}
constructor(topicKey: string);
Creates a new EventGrid TopicCredentials object.
Parameter topicKey
The EventGrid topic key
class URLBuilder
class URLBuilder {}
A class that handles creating, modifying, and parsing URLs.
method appendPath
appendPath: (path: string | undefined) => void;
Append the provided path to this URL's existing path. If the provided path contains a query, then it will be added to this URL as well.
method getHost
getHost: () => string | undefined;
Get the host that has been set in this URL.
method getPath
getPath: () => string | undefined;
Get the path that has been set in this URL.
method getPort
getPort: () => string | undefined;
Get the port that has been set in this URL.
method getQuery
getQuery: () => string | undefined;
Get the query in this URL.
method getQueryParameterValue
getQueryParameterValue: ( queryParameterName: string) => string | string[] | undefined;
Get the value of the query parameter with the provided query parameter name. If no query parameter exists with the provided name, then undefined will be returned.
method getScheme
getScheme: () => string | undefined;
Get the scheme that has been set in this URL.
method parse
static parse: (text: string) => URLBuilder;
method replaceAll
replaceAll: (searchValue: string, replaceValue: string) => void;
If the provided searchValue is found in this URLBuilder, then replace it with the provided replaceValue.
method setHost
setHost: (host: string | undefined) => void;
Set the host for this URL. If the provided host contains other parts of a URL (such as a port, path, or query), those parts will be added to this URL as well.
method setPath
setPath: (path: string | undefined) => void;
Set the path for this URL. If the provided path contains a query, then it will be added to this URL as well.
method setPort
setPort: (port: number | string | undefined) => void;
Set the port for this URL. If the provided port contains other parts of a URL (such as a path or query), those parts will be added to this URL as well.
method setQuery
setQuery: (query: string | undefined) => void;
Set the query in this URL.
method setQueryParameter
setQueryParameter: ( queryParameterName: string, queryParameterValue: any) => void;
Set a query parameter with the provided name and value in this URL's query. If the provided query parameter value is undefined or empty, then the query parameter will be removed if it existed.
method setScheme
setScheme: (scheme: string | undefined) => void;
Set the scheme/protocol for this URL. If the provided scheme contains other parts of a URL (such as a host, port, path, or query), those parts will be added to this URL as well.
method toString
toString: () => string;
class URLQuery
class URLQuery {}
A class that handles the query portion of a URLBuilder.
method any
any: () => boolean;
Get whether or not there any query parameters in this URLQuery.
method get
get: (parameterName: string) => string | string[] | undefined;
Get the value of the query parameter with the provided name. If no parameter exists with the provided parameter name, then undefined will be returned.
method parse
static parse: (text: string) => URLQuery;
Parse a URLQuery from the provided text.
method set
set: (parameterName: string, parameterValue: any) => void;
Set a query parameter with the provided name and value. If the parameterValue is undefined or empty, then this will attempt to remove an existing query parameter with the provided parameterName.
method toString
toString: () => string;
Get the string representation of this query. The return value will not start with a "?".
class WebResource
class WebResource {}
Creates a new WebResource object.
This class provides an abstraction over a REST call by being library / implementation agnostic and wrapping the necessary properties to initiate a request.
constructor( url?: string, method?: HttpMethods, body?: any, query?: { [key: string]: any }, headers?: { [key: string]: any } | HttpHeadersLike, streamResponseBody?: boolean, withCredentials?: boolean, abortSignal?: AbortSignalLike, timeout?: number, onUploadProgress?: (progress: TransferProgressEvent) => void, onDownloadProgress?: (progress: TransferProgressEvent) => void, proxySettings?: ProxySettings, keepAlive?: boolean, agentSettings?: AgentSettings, redirectLimit?: number);
property abortSignal
abortSignal?: AbortSignalLike;
property agentSettings
agentSettings?: AgentSettings;
property body
body?: any;
property formData
formData?: any;
property headers
headers: HttpHeadersLike;
property keepAlive
keepAlive?: boolean;
property method
method: HttpMethods;
property onDownloadProgress
onDownloadProgress?: (progress: TransferProgressEvent) => void;
Callback which fires upon download progress.
property onUploadProgress
onUploadProgress?: (progress: TransferProgressEvent) => void;
Callback which fires upon upload progress.
property operationResponseGetter
operationResponseGetter?: ( operationSpec: OperationSpec, response: HttpOperationResponse) => undefined | OperationResponse;
A function that returns the proper OperationResponse for the given OperationSpec and HttpOperationResponse combination. If this is undefined, then a simple status code lookup will be used.
property operationSpec
operationSpec?: OperationSpec;
property proxySettings
proxySettings?: ProxySettings;
property query
query?: { [key: string]: any };
property redirectLimit
redirectLimit?: number;
property shouldDeserialize
shouldDeserialize?: boolean | ((response: HttpOperationResponse) => boolean);
Whether or not the HttpOperationResponse should be deserialized. If this is undefined, then the HttpOperationResponse should be deserialized.
property streamResponseBody
streamResponseBody?: boolean;
Whether or not the body of the HttpOperationResponse should be treated as a stream.
property timeout
timeout: number;
property url
url: string;
property withCredentials
withCredentials: boolean;
method clone
clone: () => WebResource;
Clone this WebResource HTTP request object.
{WebResource} The clone of this WebResource HTTP request object.
method prepare
prepare: (options: RequestPrepareOptions) => WebResource;
Prepares the request.
Parameter options
Options to provide for preparing the request.
{WebResource} Returns the prepared WebResource (HTTP Request) object that needs to be given to the request pipeline.
method validateRequestProperties
validateRequestProperties: () => void;
Validates that the required properties such as method, url, headers["Content-Type"], headers["accept-language"] are defined. It will throw an error if one of the above mentioned properties are not defined.
interface AbortSignalLike
interface AbortSignalLike {}
Allows the request to be aborted upon firing of the "abort" event. Compatible with the browser built-in AbortSignal and common polyfills.
property aborted
readonly aborted: boolean;
property addEventListener
addEventListener: ( type: 'abort', listener: (this: AbortSignalLike, ev: Event) => any, options?: any) => void;
property dispatchEvent
dispatchEvent: (event: Event) => boolean;
property onabort
onabort: ((this: AbortSignalLike, ev: Event) => any) | null;
property removeEventListener
removeEventListener: ( type: 'abort', listener: (this: AbortSignalLike, ev: Event) => any, options?: any) => void;
interface AgentSettings
interface AgentSettings {}
HTTP and HTTPS agents (Node.js only)
interface ApiKeyCredentialOptions
interface ApiKeyCredentialOptions {}
ApiKeyCredentialOptions Describes the options to be provided while creating an instance of ApiKeyCredentials
interface BaseMapper
interface BaseMapper {}
property constraints
constraints?: MapperConstraints;
property defaultValue
defaultValue?: any;
property isConstant
isConstant?: boolean;
property nullable
nullable?: boolean;
property readOnly
readOnly?: boolean;
property required
required?: boolean;
property serializedName
serializedName?: string;
property type
type: MapperType;
property xmlElementName
xmlElementName?: string;
property xmlIsAttribute
xmlIsAttribute?: boolean;
property xmlIsWrapped
xmlIsWrapped?: boolean;
property xmlName
xmlName?: string;
interface CompositeMapper
interface CompositeMapper extends BaseMapper {}
property type
type: CompositeMapperType;
interface CompositeMapperType
interface CompositeMapperType {}
property additionalProperties
additionalProperties?: Mapper;
property className
className?: string;
property modelProperties
modelProperties?: { [propertyName: string]: Mapper;};
property name
name: 'Composite';
property polymorphicDiscriminator
polymorphicDiscriminator?: PolymorphicDiscriminator;
property uberParent
uberParent?: string;
interface DeserializationContentTypes
interface DeserializationContentTypes {}
The content-types that will indicate that an operation response should be deserialized in a particular way.
property json
json?: string[];
The content-types that indicate that an operation response should be deserialized as JSON. Defaults to [ "application/json", "text/json" ].
property xml
xml?: string[];
The content-types that indicate that an operation response should be deserialized as XML. Defaults to [ "application/xml", "application/atom+xml" ].
interface DictionaryMapper
interface DictionaryMapper extends BaseMapper {}
property headerCollectionPrefix
headerCollectionPrefix?: string;
property type
type: DictionaryMapperType;
interface DictionaryMapperType
interface DictionaryMapperType {}
interface EnumMapper
interface EnumMapper extends BaseMapper {}
property type
type: EnumMapperType;
interface EnumMapperType
interface EnumMapperType {}
property allowedValues
allowedValues: any[];
property name
name: 'Enum';
interface HttpClient
interface HttpClient extends RequestPolicy {}
An interface that can send HttpRequests and receive promised HttpResponses.
interface HttpHeader
interface HttpHeader {}
An individual header within a HttpHeaders collection.
interface HttpHeadersLike
interface HttpHeadersLike {}
A collection of HTTP header key/value pairs.
method clone
clone: () => HttpHeadersLike;
Create a deep clone/copy of this HttpHeaders collection.
method contains
contains: (headerName: string) => boolean;
Get whether or not this header collection contains a header entry for the provided header name.
method get
get: (headerName: string) => string | undefined;
Get the header value for the provided header name, or undefined if no header exists in this collection with the provided name.
Parameter headerName
The name of the header.
method headerNames
headerNames: () => string[];
Get the header names that are contained in this collection.
method headersArray
headersArray: () => HttpHeader[];
Get the headers that are contained in this collection as an array.
method headerValues
headerValues: () => string[];
Get the header values that are contained in this collection.
method rawHeaders
rawHeaders: () => RawHttpHeaders;
Get the headers that are contained this collection as an object.
method remove
remove: (headerName: string) => boolean;
Remove the header with the provided headerName. Return whether or not the header existed and was removed.
Parameter headerName
The name of the header to remove.
method set
set: (headerName: string, headerValue: string | number) => void;
Set a header in this collection with the provided name and value. The name is case-insensitive.
Parameter headerName
The name of the header to set. This value is case-insensitive.
Parameter headerValue
The value of the header to set.
method toJson
toJson: () => RawHttpHeaders;
Get the JSON object representation of this HTTP header collection. The result is the same as
interface HttpOperationResponse
interface HttpOperationResponse extends HttpResponse {}
Wrapper object for http request and response. Deserialized object is stored in the
property when the response body is received in JSON or XML.
property blobBody
blobBody?: Promise<Blob>;
The response body as a browser Blob. Always undefined in node.js.
property bodyAsText
bodyAsText?: string | null;
The response body as text (string format)
property parsedBody
parsedBody?: any;
The response body as parsed JSON or XML
property parsedHeaders
parsedHeaders?: { [key: string]: any;};
The parsed HTTP response headers.
property readableStreamBody
readableStreamBody?: NodeJS.ReadableStream;
The response body as a node.js Readable stream. Always undefined in the browser.
property redirected
redirected?: boolean;
The redirected property indicates whether the response is the result of a request which was redirected.
property url
url?: string;
The url property contains the URL of the response. The value will be the final URL obtained after any redirects.
interface HttpPipelineLogger
interface HttpPipelineLogger {}
A Logger that can be added to a HttpPipeline. This enables each RequestPolicy to log messages that can be used for debugging purposes.
property minimumLogLevel
minimumLogLevel: HttpPipelineLogLevel;
The log level threshold for what logs will be logged.
method log
log: (logLevel: HttpPipelineLogLevel, message: string) => void;
Log the provided message.
Parameter logLevel
The HttpLogDetailLevel associated with this message.
Parameter message
The message to log.
interface HttpResponse
interface HttpResponse {}
The properties on an HTTP response which will always be present.
interface MapperConstraints
interface MapperConstraints {}
property ExclusiveMaximum
ExclusiveMaximum?: number;
property ExclusiveMinimum
ExclusiveMinimum?: number;
property InclusiveMaximum
InclusiveMaximum?: number;
property InclusiveMinimum
InclusiveMinimum?: number;
property MaxItems
MaxItems?: number;
property MaxLength
MaxLength?: number;
property MinItems
MinItems?: number;
property MinLength
MinLength?: number;
property MultipleOf
MultipleOf?: number;
property Pattern
Pattern?: RegExp;
property UniqueItems
UniqueItems?: true;
interface OperationArguments
interface OperationArguments {}
A collection of properties that apply to a single invocation of an operation.
property options
options?: RequestOptionsBase;
The optional arugments that are provided to an operation.
index signature
[parameterName: string]: any;
The parameters that were passed to the operation method.
interface OperationParameter
interface OperationParameter {}
A common interface that all Operation parameter's extend.
property mapper
mapper: Mapper;
The mapper that defines how to validate and serialize this parameter's value.
property parameterPath
parameterPath: ParameterPath;
The path to this parameter's value in OperationArguments or the object that contains paths for each property's value in OperationArguments.
interface OperationQueryParameter
interface OperationQueryParameter extends OperationParameter {}
A parameter for an operation that will be added as a query parameter to the operation's HTTP request.
property collectionFormat
collectionFormat?: QueryCollectionFormat;
If this query parameter's value is a collection, what type of format should the value be converted to.
property skipEncoding
skipEncoding?: boolean;
Whether or not to skip encoding the query parameter's value before adding it to the URL.
interface OperationResponse
interface OperationResponse {}
An OperationResponse that can be returned from an operation request for a single status code.
property bodyMapper
bodyMapper?: Mapper;
The mapper that will be used to deserialize the response body.
property headersMapper
headersMapper?: Mapper;
The mapper that will be used to deserialize the response headers.
interface OperationSpec
interface OperationSpec {}
A specification that defines an operation.
property baseUrl
readonly baseUrl?: string;
The URL that was provided in the service's specification. This will still have all of the URL template variables in it. If this is not provided when the OperationSpec is created, then it will be populated by a "baseUri" property on the ServiceClient.
property contentType
readonly contentType?: string;
The content type of the request body. This value will be used as the "Content-Type" header if it is provided.
property formDataParameters
readonly formDataParameters?: ReadonlyArray<OperationParameter>;
The parameters to the operation method that will be used to create a formdata body for the operation's HTTP request.
property headerParameters
readonly headerParameters?: ReadonlyArray<OperationParameter>;
The parameters to the operation method that will be converted to headers on the operation's HTTP request.
property httpMethod
readonly httpMethod: HttpMethods;
The HTTP method that should be used by requests for this operation.
property isXML
readonly isXML?: boolean;
Whether or not this operation uses XML request and response bodies.
property path
readonly path?: string;
The fixed path for this operation's URL. This will still have all of the URL template variables in it.
property queryParameters
readonly queryParameters?: ReadonlyArray<OperationQueryParameter>;
The parameters to the operation method that will be added to the constructed URL's query.
property requestBody
readonly requestBody?: OperationParameter;
The parameter that will be used to construct the HTTP request's body.
property responses
readonly responses: { [responseCode: string]: OperationResponse;};
The different types of responses that this operation can return based on what status code is returned.
property serializer
readonly serializer: Serializer;
The serializer to use in this operation.
property urlParameters
readonly urlParameters?: ReadonlyArray<OperationURLParameter>;
The parameters to the operation method that will be substituted into the constructed URL.
interface OperationURLParameter
interface OperationURLParameter extends OperationParameter {}
A parameter for an operation that will be substituted into the operation's request URL.
property skipEncoding
skipEncoding?: boolean;
Whether or not to skip encoding the URL parameter's value before adding it to the URL.
interface ParameterValue
interface ParameterValue {}
The Parameter value provided for path or query parameters in RequestPrepareOptions
property skipUrlEncoding
skipUrlEncoding: boolean;
property value
value: any;
index signature
[key: string]: any;
interface PolymorphicDiscriminator
interface PolymorphicDiscriminator {}
property clientName
clientName: string;
property serializedName
serializedName: string;
index signature
[key: string]: string;
interface ProxySettings
interface ProxySettings {}
HTTP proxy settings (Node.js only)
interface RedirectOptions
interface RedirectOptions {}
Options for how redirect responses are handled.
property handleRedirects
handleRedirects: boolean;
property maxRetries
maxRetries?: number;
interface RequestOptionsBase
interface RequestOptionsBase {}
Describes the base structure of the options object that will be used in every operation.
property abortSignal
abortSignal?: AbortSignalLike;
The signal which can be used to abort requests.
property customHeaders
customHeaders?: { [key: string]: string;};
{object} [customHeaders] User defined custom request headers that will be applied before the request is sent.
property onDownloadProgress
onDownloadProgress?: (progress: TransferProgressEvent) => void;
Callback which fires upon download progress.
property onUploadProgress
onUploadProgress?: (progress: TransferProgressEvent) => void;
Callback which fires upon upload progress.
property timeout
timeout?: number;
The number of milliseconds a request can take before automatically being terminated.
index signature
[key: string]: any;
interface RequestPolicy
interface RequestPolicy {}
method sendRequest
sendRequest: (httpRequest: WebResourceLike) => Promise<HttpOperationResponse>;
interface RequestPolicyOptionsLike
interface RequestPolicyOptionsLike {}
Optional properties that can be used when creating a RequestPolicy.
method log
log: (logLevel: HttpPipelineLogLevel, message: string) => void;
Attempt to log the provided message to the provided logger. If no logger was provided or if the log level does not meet the logger's threshold, then nothing will be logged.
Parameter logLevel
The log level of this log.
Parameter message
The message of this log.
method shouldLog
shouldLog: (logLevel: HttpPipelineLogLevel) => boolean;
Get whether or not a log with the provided log level should be logged.
Parameter logLevel
The log level of the log that will be logged.
Whether or not a log with the provided log level should be logged.
interface RequestPrepareOptions
interface RequestPrepareOptions {}
property abortSignal
abortSignal?: AbortSignalLike;
property baseUrl
baseUrl?: string;
The base url of the request. Default value is: "https://management.azure.com". This is applicable only with pathTemplate. If you are providing options.url then it is expected that you provide the complete url.
property body
body?: any;
The request body. It can be of any type. This value will be serialized if it is not a stream.
property bodyIsStream
bodyIsStream?: boolean;
Indicates whether the request body is a stream (useful for file upload scenarios).
property deserializationMapper
deserializationMapper?: object;
Provides information on how to deserialize the response body.
property disableClientRequestId
disableClientRequestId?: boolean;
When set to true, instructs the client to not set "x-ms-client-request-id" header to a new Guid().
property disableJsonStringifyOnBody
disableJsonStringifyOnBody?: boolean;
Indicates whether this method should JSON.stringify() the request body. Default value: false.
property formData
formData?: { [key: string]: any;};
property headers
headers?: { [key: string]: any;};
A dictionary of request headers that need to be applied to the request. Here the key is the "header-name" and the value is the "header-value". The header-value MUST be of type string. - ContentType must be provided with the key name as "Content-Type". Default value "application/json; charset=utf-8". - "Transfer-Encoding" is set to "chunked" by default if "options.bodyIsStream" is set to true. - "Content-Type" is set to "application/octet-stream" by default if "options.bodyIsStream" is set to true. - "accept-language" by default is set to "en-US" - "x-ms-client-request-id" by default is set to a new Guid. To not generate a guid for the request, please set options.disableClientRequestId to true
property mappers
mappers?: { [x: string]: any;};
A dictionary of mappers that may be used while [de]serialization.
property method
method: HttpMethods;
The HTTP request method. Valid values are "GET", "PUT", "HEAD", "DELETE", "OPTIONS", "POST", or "PATCH".
property onDownloadProgress
onDownloadProgress?: (progress: TransferProgressEvent) => void;
property onUploadProgress
onUploadProgress?: (progress: TransferProgressEvent) => void;
property pathParameters
pathParameters?: { [key: string]: any | ParameterValue;};
A dictionary of path parameters that need to be replaced with actual values in the pathTemplate. Here the key is the "path-parameter-name" and the value is the "path-parameter-value". The "path-parameter-value" can be of type "string" or it can be of type "object". The "object" format should be used when you want to skip url encoding. While using the object format, the object must have a property named value which provides the "path-parameter-value". Example: - path-parameter-value in "object" format: { "path-parameter-name": { value: "path-parameter-value", skipUrlEncoding: true } } - path-parameter-value in "string" format: { "path-parameter-name": "path-parameter-value" }.
property pathTemplate
pathTemplate?: string;
The path template of the request url. Either provide the "url" or provide the "pathTemplate" in the options object. Both the options are mutually exclusive. Example: "/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/{accountName}"
property queryParameters
queryParameters?: { [key: string]: any | ParameterValue;};
A dictionary of query parameters to be appended to the url, where the "key" is the "query-parameter-name" and the "value" is the "query-parameter-value". The "query-parameter-value" can be of type "string" or it can be of type "object". The "object" format should be used when you want to skip url encoding. While using the object format, the object must have a property named value which provides the "query-parameter-value". Example: - query-parameter-value in "object" format: { "query-parameter-name": { value: "query-parameter-value", skipUrlEncoding: true } } - query-parameter-value in "string" format: { "query-parameter-name": "query-parameter-value"}. Note: "If options.url already has some query parameters, then the value provided in options.queryParameters will be appended to the url.
property redirectLimit
redirectLimit?: number;
Limit the number of redirects followed for this request. If set to 0, redirects will not be followed. If left undefined the default redirect behaviour of the underlying node_fetch will apply.
property serializationMapper
serializationMapper?: Mapper;
Provides information on how to serialize the request body.
property streamResponseBody
streamResponseBody?: boolean;
property url
url?: string;
The request url. It may or may not have query parameters in it. Either provide the "url" or provide the "pathTemplate" in the options object. Both the options are mutually exclusive.
interface RestResponse
interface RestResponse {}
The flattened response to a REST call. Contains the underlying HttpOperationResponse as well as the merged properties of the parsedBody, parsedHeaders, etc.
index signature
[key: string]: any;
interface SequenceMapper
interface SequenceMapper extends BaseMapper {}
property type
type: SequenceMapperType;
interface SequenceMapperType
interface SequenceMapperType {}
interface ServiceCallback
interface ServiceCallback<TResult> {}
Service callback that is returned for REST requests initiated by the service client.
call signature
( err: Error | RestError | null, result?: TResult, request?: WebResourceLike, response?: HttpOperationResponse): void;
A method that will be invoked as a callback to a service function.
Parameter err
The error occurred if any, while executing the request; otherwise null.
Parameter result
The deserialized response body if an error did not occur.
Parameter request
The raw/actual request sent to the server if an error did not occur.
Parameter response
The raw/actual response from the server if an error did not occur.
interface ServiceClientCredentials
interface ServiceClientCredentials {}
method signRequest
signRequest: (webResource: WebResourceLike) => Promise<WebResourceLike>;
Signs a request with the Authentication header.
Parameter webResource
The WebResourceLike/request to be signed.
{Promise} The signed request object;
interface ServiceClientOptions
interface ServiceClientOptions {}
Options to be provided while creating the client.
property agentSettings
agentSettings?: AgentSettings;
HTTP and HTTPS agents which will be used for every HTTP request (Node.js only).
property baseUri
baseUri?: string;
If specified: - This
becomes the base URI that requests will be made against for this ServiceClient. - If thebaseUri
matches a known resource manager endpoint and if aTokenCredential
was passed through the constructor, thisbaseUri
defines thegetToken
scope to be${options.baseUri}/.default
. Otherwise, the scope would default to "https://management.azure.com/.default".If it is not specified: - All OperationSpecs must contain a baseUrl property. - If a
was passed through the constructor, thegetToken
scope is set to be "https://management.azure.com/.default".
property clientRequestIdHeaderName
clientRequestIdHeaderName?: string;
If specified, a GenerateRequestIdPolicy will be added to the HTTP pipeline that will add a header to all outgoing requests with this header name and a random UUID as the request ID.
property deserializationContentTypes
deserializationContentTypes?: DeserializationContentTypes;
The content-types that will be associated with JSON or XML serialization.
property generateClientRequestIdHeader
generateClientRequestIdHeader?: boolean;
Whether or not to generate a client request ID header for each HTTP request.
property httpClient
httpClient?: HttpClient;
The HttpClient that will be used to send HTTP requests.
property httpPipelineLogger
httpPipelineLogger?: HttpPipelineLogger;
The HttpPipelineLogger that can be used to debug RequestPolicies within the HTTP pipeline.
property noRetryPolicy
noRetryPolicy?: boolean;
If set to true, turn off the default retry policy.
property proxySettings
proxySettings?: ProxySettings;
Proxy settings which will be used for every HTTP request (Node.js only).
property redirectOptions
redirectOptions?: RedirectOptions;
Options for how redirect responses are handled.
property requestPolicyFactories
requestPolicyFactories?: | RequestPolicyFactory[] | (( defaultRequestPolicyFactories: RequestPolicyFactory[] ) => void | RequestPolicyFactory[]);
An array of factories which get called to create the RequestPolicy pipeline used to send a HTTP request on the wire, or a function that takes in the defaultRequestPolicyFactories and returns the requestPolicyFactories that will be used.
property rpRegistrationRetryTimeout
rpRegistrationRetryTimeout?: number;
Gets or sets the retry timeout in seconds for AutomaticRPRegistration. Default value is 30.
property userAgent
userAgent?: string | ((defaultUserAgent: string) => string);
The string to be set to the telemetry header while sending the request, or a function that takes in the default user-agent string and returns the user-agent string that will be used.
property userAgentHeaderName
userAgentHeaderName?: string | ((defaultUserAgentHeaderName: string) => string);
The header name to use for the telemetry header while sending the request. If this is not specified, then "User-Agent" will be used when running on Node.js and "x-ms-command-name" will be used when running in a browser.
property withCredentials
withCredentials?: boolean;
Whether to include credentials in CORS requests in the browser. See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/XMLHttpRequest/withCredentials for more information.
interface SimpleMapperType
interface SimpleMapperType {}
property name
name: | 'Base64Url' | 'Boolean' | 'ByteArray' | 'Date' | 'DateTime' | 'DateTimeRfc1123' | 'Object' | 'Stream' | 'String' | 'TimeSpan' | 'UnixTime' | 'Uuid' | 'Number' | 'any';
interface TokenResponse
interface TokenResponse {}
TokenResponse is defined in
and is copied here to not add an unnecessary dependency.
property accessToken
readonly accessToken: string;
property tokenType
readonly tokenType: string;
index signature
readonly [x: string]: any;
interface UrlParameterValue
interface UrlParameterValue {}
property skipUrlEncoding
skipUrlEncoding: boolean;
property value
value: string;
interface WebResourceLike
interface WebResourceLike {}
An abstraction over a REST call.
property abortSignal
abortSignal?: AbortSignalLike;
Used to abort the request later.
property agentSettings
agentSettings?: AgentSettings;
HTTP(S) agent configuration.
property body
body?: any;
The HTTP body contents of the request.
property formData
formData?: any;
property headers
headers: HttpHeadersLike;
The HTTP headers to use when making the request.
property keepAlive
keepAlive?: boolean;
If the connection should be reused.
property method
method: HttpMethods;
The HTTP method to use when making the request.
property onDownloadProgress
onDownloadProgress?: (progress: TransferProgressEvent) => void;
Callback which fires upon download progress.
property onUploadProgress
onUploadProgress?: (progress: TransferProgressEvent) => void;
Callback which fires upon upload progress.
property operationResponseGetter
operationResponseGetter?: ( operationSpec: OperationSpec, response: HttpOperationResponse) => undefined | OperationResponse;
A function that returns the proper OperationResponse for the given OperationSpec and HttpOperationResponse combination. If this is undefined, then a simple status code lookup will be used.
property operationSpec
operationSpec?: OperationSpec;
Used to parse the response.
property proxySettings
proxySettings?: ProxySettings;
Proxy configuration.
property query
query?: { [key: string]: any;};
A query string represented as an object.
property redirectLimit
redirectLimit?: number;
Limit the number of redirects followed for this request. If set to 0, redirects will not be followed. If left undefined the default redirect behaviour of the underlying node_fetch will apply.
property shouldDeserialize
shouldDeserialize?: boolean | ((response: HttpOperationResponse) => boolean);
Whether or not the HttpOperationResponse should be deserialized. If this is undefined, then the HttpOperationResponse should be deserialized.
property streamResponseBody
streamResponseBody?: boolean;
Whether or not the body of the HttpOperationResponse should be treated as a stream.
property timeout
timeout: number;
The number of milliseconds a request can take before automatically being terminated. If the request is terminated, an
is thrown.
property url
url: string;
The URL being accessed by the request.
property withCredentials
withCredentials: boolean;
If credentials (cookies) should be sent along during an XHR.
method clone
clone: () => WebResourceLike;
Clone this request object.
method prepare
prepare: (options: RequestPrepareOptions) => WebResourceLike;
Sets options on the request.
method validateRequestProperties
validateRequestProperties: () => void;
Validates that the required properties such as method, url, headers["Content-Type"], headers["accept-language"] are defined. It will throw an error if one of the above mentioned properties are not defined.
enum HttpPipelineLogLevel
enum HttpPipelineLogLevel { OFF = 0, ERROR = 1, WARNING = 2, INFO = 3,}
The different levels of logs that can be used with the HttpPipelineLogger.
enum QueryCollectionFormat
enum QueryCollectionFormat { Csv = ',', Ssv = ' ', Tsv = '\t', Pipes = '|', Multi = 'Multi',}
The format that will be used to join an array of values together for a query parameter value.
Type Aliases
type Authenticator
type Authenticator = (challenge: object) => Promise<string>;
type CommonRequestInfo
type CommonRequestInfo = string;
type CommonRequestInit
type CommonRequestInit = Omit<RequestInit, 'body' | 'headers' | 'signal'> & { body?: any; headers?: any; signal?: any;};
type CommonResponse
type CommonResponse = Omit<Response, 'body' | 'trailer' | 'formData'> & { body: any; trailer: any; formData: any;};
type HttpMethods
type HttpMethods = | 'GET' | 'PUT' | 'POST' | 'DELETE' | 'PATCH' | 'HEAD' | 'OPTIONS' | 'TRACE';
type HttpRequestBody
type HttpRequestBody = | Blob | string | ArrayBuffer | ArrayBufferView | (() => NodeJS.ReadableStream);
type Mapper
type Mapper = | BaseMapper | CompositeMapper | SequenceMapper | DictionaryMapper | EnumMapper;
type MapperType
type MapperType = | SimpleMapperType | CompositeMapperType | SequenceMapperType | DictionaryMapperType | EnumMapperType;
type ParameterPath
type ParameterPath = | string | string[] | { [propertyName: string]: ParameterPath; };
type RawHttpHeaders
type RawHttpHeaders = { [headerName: string]: string;};
A HttpHeaders collection represented as a simple JSON object.
type RequestPolicyFactory
type RequestPolicyFactory = { create( nextPolicy: RequestPolicy, options: RequestPolicyOptionsLike ): RequestPolicy;};
Creates a new RequestPolicy per-request that uses the provided nextPolicy.
type TelemetryInfo
type TelemetryInfo = { key?: string; value?: string;};
type TransferProgressEvent
type TransferProgressEvent = { /** * The number of bytes loaded so far. */ loadedBytes: number;};
Fired in response to upload or download progress.
Package Files (41)
- es/lib/credentials/apiKeyCredentials.d.ts
- es/lib/credentials/azureIdentityTokenCredentialAdapter.d.ts
- es/lib/credentials/basicAuthenticationCredentials.d.ts
- es/lib/credentials/credentials.d.ts
- es/lib/credentials/domainCredentials.d.ts
- es/lib/credentials/serviceClientCredentials.d.ts
- es/lib/credentials/tokenCredentials.d.ts
- es/lib/credentials/tokenResponse.d.ts
- es/lib/credentials/topicCredentials.d.ts
- es/lib/fetchHttpClient.d.ts
- es/lib/httpClient.d.ts
- es/lib/httpHeaders.d.ts
- es/lib/httpOperationResponse.d.ts
- es/lib/httpPipelineLogLevel.d.ts
- es/lib/httpPipelineLogger.d.ts
- es/lib/msRest.d.ts
- es/lib/nodeFetchHttpClient.d.ts
- es/lib/operationArguments.d.ts
- es/lib/operationParameter.d.ts
- es/lib/operationResponse.d.ts
- es/lib/operationSpec.d.ts
- es/lib/policies/agentPolicy.d.ts
- es/lib/policies/deserializationPolicy.d.ts
- es/lib/policies/exponentialRetryPolicy.d.ts
- es/lib/policies/generateClientRequestIdPolicy.d.ts
- es/lib/policies/logPolicy.d.ts
- es/lib/policies/proxyPolicy.d.ts
- es/lib/policies/redirectPolicy.d.ts
- es/lib/policies/requestPolicy.d.ts
- es/lib/policies/signingPolicy.d.ts
- es/lib/policies/systemErrorRetryPolicy.d.ts
- es/lib/policies/throttlingRetryPolicy.d.ts
- es/lib/policies/userAgentPolicy.d.ts
- es/lib/queryCollectionFormat.d.ts
- es/lib/restError.d.ts
- es/lib/serializer.d.ts
- es/lib/serviceClient.d.ts
- es/lib/url.d.ts
- es/lib/util/constants.d.ts
- es/lib/util/utils.d.ts
- es/lib/webResource.d.ts
Dependencies (8)
Dev Dependencies (66)
- @azure/logger-js
- @microsoft/api-extractor
- @ts-common/azure-js-dev-tools
- @types/bluebird
- @types/chai
- @types/express
- @types/express-serve-static-core
- @types/fetch-mock
- @types/form-data
- @types/glob
- @types/karma
- @types/mocha
- @types/node
- @types/node-fetch
- @types/semver
- @types/sinon
- @types/trusted-types
- @types/tunnel
- @types/uuid
- @types/webpack
- @types/webpack-dev-middleware
- @types/xml2js
- abortcontroller-polyfill
- chai
- cross-env
- express
- fetch-mock
- glob
- karma
- karma-chai
- karma-chrome-launcher
- karma-firefox-launcher
- karma-mocha
- karma-rollup-preprocessor
- karma-sourcemap-loader
- karma-typescript-es6-transform
- karma-webpack
- mocha
- mocha-chrome
- mocha-junit-reporter
- mocha-multi-reporters
- npm-run-all
- nyc
- prettier
- rollup
- rollup-plugin-commonjs
- rollup-plugin-json
- rollup-plugin-multi-entry
- rollup-plugin-node-resolve
- rollup-plugin-resolve
- rollup-plugin-sourcemaps
- rollup-plugin-visualizer
- semver
- shx
- sinon
- terser
- ts-loader
- ts-node
- tslint
- tslint-eslint-rules
- typescript
- webpack
- webpack-cli
- webpack-dev-middleware
- xhr-mock
- yarn
Peer Dependencies (0)
No peer dependencies.
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