
  • Version 1.204.0
  • Published
  • 187 kB
  • 7 dependencies
  • Apache-2.0 license


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CDK Subscription Constructs for AWS SNS



class EmailSubscription

class EmailSubscription implements sns.ITopicSubscription {}
  • Use an email address as a subscription target

    Email subscriptions require confirmation.


constructor(emailAddress: string, props?: EmailSubscriptionProps);

    method bind

    bind: (_topic: sns.ITopic) => sns.TopicSubscriptionConfig;
    • Returns a configuration for an email address to subscribe to an SNS topic

    class LambdaSubscription

    class LambdaSubscription implements sns.ITopicSubscription {}
    • Use a Lambda function as a subscription target


    constructor(fn: lambda.IFunction, props?: LambdaSubscriptionProps);

      method bind

      bind: (topic: sns.ITopic) => sns.TopicSubscriptionConfig;
      • Returns a configuration for a Lambda function to subscribe to an SNS topic

      class SmsSubscription

      class SmsSubscription implements sns.ITopicSubscription {}
      • Use an sms address as a subscription target


      constructor(phoneNumber: string, props?: SmsSubscriptionProps);

        method bind

        bind: (_topic: sns.ITopic) => sns.TopicSubscriptionConfig;

          class SqsSubscription

          class SqsSubscription implements sns.ITopicSubscription {}
          • Use an SQS queue as a subscription target


          constructor(queue: sqs.IQueue, props?: SqsSubscriptionProps);

            method bind

            bind: (topic: sns.ITopic) => sns.TopicSubscriptionConfig;
            • Returns a configuration for an SQS queue to subscribe to an SNS topic

            class UrlSubscription

            class UrlSubscription implements sns.ITopicSubscription {}
            • Use a URL as a subscription target

              The message will be POSTed to the given URL.

              See Also

              • https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sns/latest/dg/sns-http-https-endpoint-as-subscriber.html


            constructor(url: string, props?: UrlSubscriptionProps);

              method bind

              bind: (_topic: sns.ITopic) => sns.TopicSubscriptionConfig;
              • Returns a configuration for a URL to subscribe to an SNS topic


              interface EmailSubscriptionProps

              interface EmailSubscriptionProps extends SubscriptionProps {}
              • Options for email subscriptions.

              property json

              readonly json?: boolean;
              • Indicates if the full notification JSON should be sent to the email address or just the message text.

                false (Message text)

              interface LambdaSubscriptionProps

              interface LambdaSubscriptionProps extends SubscriptionProps {}
              • Properties for a Lambda subscription

              interface SmsSubscriptionProps

              interface SmsSubscriptionProps extends SubscriptionProps {}
              • Options for SMS subscriptions.

              interface SqsSubscriptionProps

              interface SqsSubscriptionProps extends SubscriptionProps {}
              • Properties for an SQS subscription

              property rawMessageDelivery

              readonly rawMessageDelivery?: boolean;
              • The message to the queue is the same as it was sent to the topic

                If false, the message will be wrapped in an SNS envelope.


              interface SubscriptionProps

              interface SubscriptionProps {}
              • Options to subscribing to an SNS topic

              property deadLetterQueue

              readonly deadLetterQueue?: IQueue;
              • Queue to be used as dead letter queue. If not passed no dead letter queue is enabled.

                - No dead letter queue enabled.

              property filterPolicy

              readonly filterPolicy?: {
              [attribute: string]: sns.SubscriptionFilter;
              • The filter policy.

                - all messages are delivered

              interface UrlSubscriptionProps

              interface UrlSubscriptionProps extends SubscriptionProps {}
              • Options for URL subscriptions.

              property protocol

              readonly protocol?: sns.SubscriptionProtocol;
              • The subscription's protocol.

                - Protocol is derived from url

              property rawMessageDelivery

              readonly rawMessageDelivery?: boolean;
              • The message to the queue is the same as it was sent to the topic

                If false, the message will be wrapped in an SNS envelope.


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