- Version 1.204.0
- Published
- 3.24 MB
- 6 dependencies
- Apache-2.0 license
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The CDK Construct Library for AWS::S3
- addCorsRule()
- addInventory()
- addLifecycleRule()
- addMetric()
- autoCreatePolicy
- bucketArn
- bucketDomainName
- bucketDualStackDomainName
- bucketName
- bucketRegionalDomainName
- bucketWebsiteDomainName
- bucketWebsiteUrl
- disallowPublicAccess
- encryptionKey
- fromBucketArn()
- fromBucketAttributes()
- fromBucketName()
- isWebsite
- policy
- validateBucketName()
- addEventNotification()
- addObjectCreatedNotification()
- addObjectRemovedNotification()
- addToResourcePolicy()
- arnForObjects()
- autoCreatePolicy
- bucketArn
- bucketDomainName
- bucketDualStackDomainName
- bucketName
- bucketRegionalDomainName
- bucketWebsiteDomainName
- bucketWebsiteUrl
- disallowPublicAccess
- enableEventBridgeNotification()
- encryptionKey
- grantDelete()
- grantPublicAccess()
- grantPut()
- grantPutAcl()
- grantRead()
- grantReadWrite()
- grantWrite()
- isWebsite
- notificationsHandlerRole
- onCloudTrailEvent()
- onCloudTrailPutObject()
- onCloudTrailWriteObject()
- policy
- s3UrlForObject()
- transferAccelerationUrlForObject()
- urlForObject()
- validate()
- virtualHostedUrlForObject()
- accelerateConfiguration
- accessControl
- analyticsConfigurations
- attrArn
- attrDomainName
- attrDualStackDomainName
- attrRegionalDomainName
- attrWebsiteUrl
- bucketEncryption
- bucketName
- cfnProperties
- corsConfiguration
- inspect()
- intelligentTieringConfigurations
- inventoryConfigurations
- lifecycleConfiguration
- loggingConfiguration
- metricsConfigurations
- notificationConfiguration
- objectLockConfiguration
- objectLockEnabled
- ownershipControls
- publicAccessBlockConfiguration
- renderProperties()
- replicationConfiguration
- tags
- versioningConfiguration
- websiteConfiguration
- accessControl
- autoDeleteObjects
- blockPublicAccess
- bucketKeyEnabled
- bucketName
- cors
- encryption
- encryptionKey
- enforceSSL
- eventBridgeEnabled
- intelligentTieringConfigurations
- inventories
- lifecycleRules
- metrics
- notificationsHandlerRole
- objectOwnership
- publicReadAccess
- removalPolicy
- serverAccessLogsBucket
- serverAccessLogsPrefix
- transferAcceleration
- versioned
- websiteErrorDocument
- websiteIndexDocument
- websiteRedirect
- websiteRoutingRules
- accelerateConfiguration
- accessControl
- analyticsConfigurations
- bucketEncryption
- bucketName
- corsConfiguration
- intelligentTieringConfigurations
- inventoryConfigurations
- lifecycleConfiguration
- loggingConfiguration
- metricsConfigurations
- notificationConfiguration
- objectLockConfiguration
- objectLockEnabled
- ownershipControls
- publicAccessBlockConfiguration
- replicationConfiguration
- tags
- versioningConfiguration
- websiteConfiguration
- addEventNotification()
- addObjectCreatedNotification()
- addObjectRemovedNotification()
- addToResourcePolicy()
- arnForObjects()
- bucketArn
- bucketDomainName
- bucketDualStackDomainName
- bucketName
- bucketRegionalDomainName
- bucketWebsiteDomainName
- bucketWebsiteUrl
- encryptionKey
- grantDelete()
- grantPublicAccess()
- grantPut()
- grantPutAcl()
- grantRead()
- grantReadWrite()
- grantWrite()
- isWebsite
- onCloudTrailEvent()
- onCloudTrailPutObject()
- onCloudTrailWriteObject()
- policy
- s3UrlForObject()
- transferAccelerationUrlForObject()
- urlForObject()
- virtualHostedUrlForObject()
- AbortIncompleteMultipartUploadProperty
- AccelerateConfigurationProperty
- AccessControlTranslationProperty
- AnalyticsConfigurationProperty
- BucketEncryptionProperty
- CorsConfigurationProperty
- CorsRuleProperty
- DataExportProperty
- DefaultRetentionProperty
- DeleteMarkerReplicationProperty
- DestinationProperty
- EncryptionConfigurationProperty
- EventBridgeConfigurationProperty
- FilterRuleProperty
- IntelligentTieringConfigurationProperty
- InventoryConfigurationProperty
- LambdaConfigurationProperty
- LifecycleConfigurationProperty
- LoggingConfigurationProperty
- MetricsConfigurationProperty
- MetricsProperty
- NoncurrentVersionExpirationProperty
- NoncurrentVersionTransitionProperty
- NotificationConfigurationProperty
- NotificationFilterProperty
- ObjectLockConfigurationProperty
- ObjectLockRuleProperty
- OwnershipControlsProperty
- OwnershipControlsRuleProperty
- PublicAccessBlockConfigurationProperty
- QueueConfigurationProperty
- RedirectAllRequestsToProperty
- RedirectRuleProperty
- ReplicaModificationsProperty
- ReplicationConfigurationProperty
- ReplicationDestinationProperty
- ReplicationRuleAndOperatorProperty
- ReplicationRuleFilterProperty
- ReplicationRuleProperty
- ReplicationTimeProperty
- ReplicationTimeValueProperty
- RoutingRuleConditionProperty
- RoutingRuleProperty
- RuleProperty
- S3KeyFilterProperty
- ServerSideEncryptionByDefaultProperty
- ServerSideEncryptionRuleProperty
- SourceSelectionCriteriaProperty
- SseKmsEncryptedObjectsProperty
- StorageClassAnalysisProperty
- TagFilterProperty
- TieringProperty
- TopicConfigurationProperty
- TransitionProperty
- VersioningConfigurationProperty
- WebsiteConfigurationProperty
- AccountLevelProperty
- ActivityMetricsProperty
- AdvancedCostOptimizationMetricsProperty
- AdvancedDataProtectionMetricsProperty
- AwsOrgProperty
- BucketLevelProperty
- BucketsAndRegionsProperty
- CloudWatchMetricsProperty
- DataExportProperty
- DetailedStatusCodesMetricsProperty
- EncryptionProperty
- PrefixLevelProperty
- PrefixLevelStorageMetricsProperty
- S3BucketDestinationProperty
- SelectionCriteriaProperty
- SSEKMSProperty
- StorageLensConfigurationProperty
class BlockPublicAccess
class BlockPublicAccess {}
constructor(options: BlockPublicAccessOptions);
property BLOCK_ACLS
static readonly BLOCK_ACLS: BlockPublicAccess;
property BLOCK_ALL
static readonly BLOCK_ALL: BlockPublicAccess;
property blockPublicAcls
blockPublicAcls: boolean;
property blockPublicPolicy
blockPublicPolicy: boolean;
property ignorePublicAcls
ignorePublicAcls: boolean;
property restrictPublicBuckets
restrictPublicBuckets: boolean;
class Bucket
class Bucket extends BucketBase {}
An S3 bucket with associated policy objects
This bucket does not yet have all features that exposed by the underlying BucketResource.
constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props?: BucketProps);
property autoCreatePolicy
protected autoCreatePolicy: boolean;
property bucketArn
readonly bucketArn: string;
property bucketDomainName
readonly bucketDomainName: string;
property bucketDualStackDomainName
readonly bucketDualStackDomainName: string;
property bucketName
readonly bucketName: string;
property bucketRegionalDomainName
readonly bucketRegionalDomainName: string;
property bucketWebsiteDomainName
readonly bucketWebsiteDomainName: string;
property bucketWebsiteUrl
readonly bucketWebsiteUrl: string;
property disallowPublicAccess
protected disallowPublicAccess?: boolean;
property encryptionKey
readonly encryptionKey?: kms.IKey;
property isWebsite
readonly isWebsite?: boolean;
property policy
policy?: BucketPolicy;
method addCorsRule
addCorsRule: (rule: CorsRule) => void;
Adds a cross-origin access configuration for objects in an Amazon S3 bucket
Parameter rule
The CORS configuration rule to add
method addInventory
addInventory: (inventory: Inventory) => void;
Add an inventory configuration.
Parameter inventory
configuration to add
method addLifecycleRule
addLifecycleRule: (rule: LifecycleRule) => void;
Add a lifecycle rule to the bucket
Parameter rule
The rule to add
method addMetric
addMetric: (metric: BucketMetrics) => void;
Adds a metrics configuration for the CloudWatch request metrics from the bucket.
Parameter metric
The metric configuration to add
method fromBucketArn
static fromBucketArn: ( scope: Construct, id: string, bucketArn: string) => IBucket;
method fromBucketAttributes
static fromBucketAttributes: ( scope: Construct, id: string, attrs: BucketAttributes) => IBucket;
Creates a Bucket construct that represents an external bucket.
Parameter scope
The parent creating construct (usually
).Parameter id
The construct's name.
Parameter attrs
object. Can be obtained from a call tobucket.export()
or manually created.
method fromBucketName
static fromBucketName: ( scope: Construct, id: string, bucketName: string) => IBucket;
method validateBucketName
static validateBucketName: (physicalName: string) => void;
Thrown an exception if the given bucket name is not valid.
Parameter physicalName
name of the bucket.
class BucketBase
abstract class BucketBase extends Resource implements IBucket {}
Represents an S3 Bucket.
Buckets can be either defined within this stack:
new Bucket(this, 'MyBucket', { props });
Or imported from an existing bucket:
Bucket.import(this, 'MyImportedBucket', { bucketArn: ... });
You can also export a bucket and import it into another stack:
const ref = myBucket.export(); Bucket.import(this, 'MyImportedBucket', ref);
constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props?: ResourceProps);
property autoCreatePolicy
protected abstract autoCreatePolicy: boolean;
Indicates if a bucket resource policy should automatically created upon the first call to
property bucketArn
abstract readonly bucketArn: string;
property bucketDomainName
abstract readonly bucketDomainName: string;
property bucketDualStackDomainName
abstract readonly bucketDualStackDomainName: string;
property bucketName
abstract readonly bucketName: string;
property bucketRegionalDomainName
abstract readonly bucketRegionalDomainName: string;
property bucketWebsiteDomainName
abstract readonly bucketWebsiteDomainName: string;
property bucketWebsiteUrl
abstract readonly bucketWebsiteUrl: string;
property disallowPublicAccess
protected abstract disallowPublicAccess?: boolean;
Whether to disallow public access
property encryptionKey
abstract readonly encryptionKey?: kms.IKey;
Optional KMS encryption key associated with this bucket.
property isWebsite
abstract readonly isWebsite?: boolean;
If this bucket has been configured for static website hosting.
property notificationsHandlerRole
protected notificationsHandlerRole?: iam.IRole;
property policy
abstract policy?: BucketPolicy;
The resource policy associated with this bucket.
is true, aBucketPolicy
will be created upon the first call to addToResourcePolicy(s).
method addEventNotification
addEventNotification: ( event: EventType, dest: IBucketNotificationDestination, ...filters: NotificationKeyFilter[]) => void;
Adds a bucket notification event destination.
Parameter event
The event to trigger the notification
Parameter dest
The notification destination (Lambda, SNS Topic or SQS Queue)
Parameter filters
S3 object key filter rules to determine which objects trigger this event. Each filter must include a
that will be matched against the s3 object key. Refer to the S3 Developer Guide for details about allowed filter rules.Example 1
declare const myLambda: lambda.Function; const bucket = new s3.Bucket(this, 'MyBucket'); bucket.addEventNotification(s3.EventType.OBJECT_CREATED, new s3n.LambdaDestination(myLambda), {prefix: 'home/myusername/*'});
See Also
method addObjectCreatedNotification
addObjectCreatedNotification: ( dest: IBucketNotificationDestination, ...filters: NotificationKeyFilter[]) => void;
Subscribes a destination to receive notifications when an object is created in the bucket. This is identical to calling
.Parameter dest
The notification destination (see onEvent)
Parameter filters
Filters (see onEvent)
method addObjectRemovedNotification
addObjectRemovedNotification: ( dest: IBucketNotificationDestination, ...filters: NotificationKeyFilter[]) => void;
Subscribes a destination to receive notifications when an object is removed from the bucket. This is identical to calling
.Parameter dest
The notification destination (see onEvent)
Parameter filters
Filters (see onEvent)
method addToResourcePolicy
addToResourcePolicy: ( permission: iam.PolicyStatement) => iam.AddToResourcePolicyResult;
Adds a statement to the resource policy for a principal (i.e. account/role/service) to perform actions on this bucket and/or its contents. Use
to obtain ARNs for this bucket or objects.Note that the policy statement may or may not be added to the policy. For example, when an
is created from an existing bucket, it's not possible to tell whether the bucket already has a policy attached, let alone to re-use that policy to add more statements to it. So it's safest to do nothing in these cases.Parameter permission
the policy statement to be added to the bucket's policy.
metadata about the execution of this method. If the policy was not added, the value of
will befalse
. You should always check this value to make sure that the operation was actually carried out. Otherwise, synthesis and deploy will terminate silently, which may be confusing.
method arnForObjects
arnForObjects: (keyPattern: string) => string;
Returns an ARN that represents all objects within the bucket that match the key pattern specified. To represent all keys, specify ``"*"``.
If you need to specify a keyPattern with multiple components, concatenate them into a single string, e.g.:
method enableEventBridgeNotification
protected enableEventBridgeNotification: () => void;
method grantDelete
grantDelete: (identity: iam.IGrantable, objectsKeyPattern?: any) => iam.Grant;
Grants s3:DeleteObject* permission to an IAM principal for objects in this bucket.
Parameter identity
The principal
Parameter objectsKeyPattern
Restrict the permission to a certain key pattern (default '*')
method grantPublicAccess
grantPublicAccess: ( keyPrefix?: string, ...allowedActions: string[]) => iam.Grant;
Allows unrestricted access to objects from this bucket.
IMPORTANT: This permission allows anyone to perform actions on S3 objects in this bucket, which is useful for when you configure your bucket as a website and want everyone to be able to read objects in the bucket without needing to authenticate.
Without arguments, this method will grant read ("s3:GetObject") access to all objects ("*") in the bucket.
The method returns the
object, which can then be modified as needed. For example, you can add a condition that will restrict access only to an IPv4 range like this:const grant = bucket.grantPublicAccess(); grant.resourceStatement!.addCondition(‘IpAddress’, { “aws:SourceIp”: “” });
Note that if this
refers to an existing bucket, possibly not managed by CloudFormation, this method will have no effect, since it's impossible to modify the policy of an existing bucket.Parameter keyPrefix
the prefix of S3 object keys (e.g.
). Default is "*".Parameter allowedActions
the set of S3 actions to allow. Default is "s3:GetObject".
method grantPut
grantPut: (identity: iam.IGrantable, objectsKeyPattern?: any) => iam.Grant;
Grants s3:PutObject* and s3:Abort* permissions for this bucket to an IAM principal.
If encryption is used, permission to use the key to encrypt the contents of written files will also be granted to the same principal.
Parameter identity
The principal
Parameter objectsKeyPattern
Restrict the permission to a certain key pattern (default '*')
method grantPutAcl
grantPutAcl: (identity: iam.IGrantable, objectsKeyPattern?: string) => iam.Grant;
method grantRead
grantRead: (identity: iam.IGrantable, objectsKeyPattern?: any) => iam.Grant;
Grant read permissions for this bucket and it's contents to an IAM principal (Role/Group/User).
If encryption is used, permission to use the key to decrypt the contents of the bucket will also be granted to the same principal.
Parameter identity
The principal
Parameter objectsKeyPattern
Restrict the permission to a certain key pattern (default '*')
method grantReadWrite
grantReadWrite: (identity: iam.IGrantable, objectsKeyPattern?: any) => iam.Grant;
method grantWrite
grantWrite: (identity: iam.IGrantable, objectsKeyPattern?: any) => iam.Grant;
method onCloudTrailEvent
onCloudTrailEvent: ( id: string, options?: OnCloudTrailBucketEventOptions) => events.Rule;
Define a CloudWatch event that triggers when something happens to this repository
Requires that there exists at least one CloudTrail Trail in your account that captures the event. This method will not create the Trail.
Parameter id
The id of the rule
Parameter options
Options for adding the rule
method onCloudTrailPutObject
onCloudTrailPutObject: ( id: string, options?: OnCloudTrailBucketEventOptions) => events.Rule;
Defines an AWS CloudWatch event that triggers when an object is uploaded to the specified paths (keys) in this bucket using the PutObject API call.
Note that some tools like
aws s3 cp
will automatically use either PutObject or the multipart upload API depending on the file size, so usingonCloudTrailWriteObject
may be preferable.Requires that there exists at least one CloudTrail Trail in your account that captures the event. This method will not create the Trail.
Parameter id
The id of the rule
Parameter options
Options for adding the rule
method onCloudTrailWriteObject
onCloudTrailWriteObject: ( id: string, options?: OnCloudTrailBucketEventOptions) => events.Rule;
Defines an AWS CloudWatch event that triggers when an object at the specified paths (keys) in this bucket are written to. This includes the events PutObject, CopyObject, and CompleteMultipartUpload.
Note that some tools like
aws s3 cp
will automatically use either PutObject or the multipart upload API depending on the file size, so using this method may be preferable toonCloudTrailPutObject
.Requires that there exists at least one CloudTrail Trail in your account that captures the event. This method will not create the Trail.
Parameter id
The id of the rule
Parameter options
Options for adding the rule
method s3UrlForObject
s3UrlForObject: (key?: string) => string;
The S3 URL of an S3 object. For example:
Parameter key
The S3 key of the object. If not specified, the S3 URL of the bucket is returned.
an ObjectS3Url token
method transferAccelerationUrlForObject
transferAccelerationUrlForObject: ( key?: string, options?: TransferAccelerationUrlOptions) => string;
The https Transfer Acceleration URL of an S3 object. Specify
dualStack: true
at the options for dual-stack endpoint (connect to the bucket over IPv6). For example:-
Parameter key
The S3 key of the object. If not specified, the URL of the bucket is returned.
Parameter options
Options for generating URL.
an TransferAccelerationUrl token
method urlForObject
urlForObject: (key?: string) => string;
The https URL of an S3 object. Specify
regional: false
at the options for non-regional URLs. For example:-
Parameter key
The S3 key of the object. If not specified, the URL of the bucket is returned.
an ObjectS3Url token
method validate
protected validate: () => string[];
method virtualHostedUrlForObject
virtualHostedUrlForObject: ( key?: string, options?: VirtualHostedStyleUrlOptions) => string;
The virtual hosted-style URL of an S3 object. Specify
regional: false
at the options for non-regional URL. For example:-
Parameter key
The S3 key of the object. If not specified, the URL of the bucket is returned.
Parameter options
Options for generating URL.
an ObjectS3Url token
class BucketPolicy
class BucketPolicy extends Resource {}
The bucket policy for an Amazon S3 bucket
Policies define the operations that are allowed on this resource.
You almost never need to define this construct directly.
All AWS resources that support resource policies have a method called
, which will automatically create a new resource policy if one doesn't exist yet, otherwise it will add to the existing policy.Prefer to use
constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props: BucketPolicyProps);
property document
readonly document: PolicyDocument;
A policy document containing permissions to add to the specified bucket. For more information, see Access Policy Language Overview in the Amazon Simple Storage Service Developer Guide.
method applyRemovalPolicy
applyRemovalPolicy: (removalPolicy: RemovalPolicy) => void;
Sets the removal policy for the BucketPolicy.
Parameter removalPolicy
the RemovalPolicy to set.
class CfnAccessPoint
class CfnAccessPoint extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable {}
A CloudFormation
The AWS::S3::AccessPoint resource is an Amazon S3 resource type that you can use to access buckets.
AWS::S3::AccessPoint external
constructor(scope: cdk.Construct, id: string, props: CfnAccessPointProps);
Create a new
.Parameter scope
scope in which this resource is defined
Parameter id
scoped id of the resource
Parameter props
resource properties
property attrAlias
readonly attrAlias: string;
The alias for this access point. Alias
property attrArn
readonly attrArn: string;
This property contains the details of the ARN for the access point. Arn
property attrName
readonly attrName: string;
The name of this access point. Name
property attrNetworkOrigin
readonly attrNetworkOrigin: string;
Indicates whether this access point allows access from the internet. If
is specified for this access point, thenNetworkOrigin
, and the access point doesn't allow access from the internet. Otherwise,NetworkOrigin
, and the access point allows access from the internet, subject to the access point and bucket access policies.*Allowed values* :
property bucket
bucket: string;
The name of the bucket associated with this access point.
property bucketAccountId
bucketAccountId: string;
The AWS account ID associated with the S3 bucket associated with this access point.
static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string;
The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class.
property cfnProperties
readonly cfnProperties: { [key: string]: any };
property name
name: string;
The name of this access point. If you don't specify a name, AWS CloudFormation generates a unique ID and uses that ID for the access point name.
property policy
policy: any;
The access point policy associated with this access point.
property publicAccessBlockConfiguration
publicAccessBlockConfiguration: any;
The PublicAccessBlock configuration that you want to apply to this Amazon S3 bucket. You can enable the configuration options in any combination. For more information about when Amazon S3 considers a bucket or object public, see [The Meaning of "Public"](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/access-control-block-public-access.html#access-control-block-public-access-policy-status) in the *Amazon S3 User Guide* .
property vpcConfiguration
vpcConfiguration: any;
The Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) configuration for this access point, if one exists.
method inspect
inspect: (inspector: cdk.TreeInspector) => void;
Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes.
Parameter inspector
tree inspector to collect and process attributes
method renderProperties
protected renderProperties: (props: { [key: string]: any }) => { [key: string]: any;};
class CfnBucket
class CfnBucket extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable {}
A CloudFormation
resource creates an Amazon S3 bucket in the same AWS Region where you create the AWS CloudFormation stack.To control how AWS CloudFormation handles the bucket when the stack is deleted, you can set a deletion policy for your bucket. You can choose to *retain* the bucket or to *delete* the bucket. For more information, see [DeletionPolicy Attribute](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-attribute-deletionpolicy.html) .
> You can only delete empty buckets. Deletion fails for buckets that have contents.
AWS::S3::Bucket external
constructor(scope: cdk.Construct, id: string, props?: CfnBucketProps);
Create a new
.Parameter scope
scope in which this resource is defined
Parameter id
scoped id of the resource
Parameter props
resource properties
property accelerateConfiguration
accelerateConfiguration: any;
Configures the transfer acceleration state for an Amazon S3 bucket. For more information, see [Amazon S3 Transfer Acceleration](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/transfer-acceleration.html) in the *Amazon S3 User Guide* .
property accessControl
accessControl: string;
A canned access control list (ACL) that grants predefined permissions to the bucket. For more information about canned ACLs, see [Canned ACL](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/acl-overview.html#canned-acl) in the *Amazon S3 User Guide* .
Be aware that the syntax for this property differs from the information provided in the *Amazon S3 User Guide* . The AccessControl property is case-sensitive and must be one of the following values: Private, PublicRead, PublicReadWrite, AuthenticatedRead, LogDeliveryWrite, BucketOwnerRead, BucketOwnerFullControl, or AwsExecRead.
property analyticsConfigurations
analyticsConfigurations: any;
Specifies the configuration and any analyses for the analytics filter of an Amazon S3 bucket.
property attrArn
readonly attrArn: string;
Returns the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the specified bucket.
property attrDomainName
readonly attrDomainName: string;
Returns the IPv4 DNS name of the specified bucket.
property attrDualStackDomainName
readonly attrDualStackDomainName: string;
Returns the IPv6 DNS name of the specified bucket.
For more information about dual-stack endpoints, see [Using Amazon S3 Dual-Stack Endpoints](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/dual-stack-endpoints.html) . DualStackDomainName
property attrRegionalDomainName
readonly attrRegionalDomainName: string;
Returns the regional domain name of the specified bucket.
property attrWebsiteUrl
readonly attrWebsiteUrl: string;
Returns the Amazon S3 website endpoint for the specified bucket.
Example (IPv4):
Example (IPv6):
property bucketEncryption
bucketEncryption: any;
Specifies default encryption for a bucket using server-side encryption with Amazon S3-managed keys (SSE-S3) or AWS KMS-managed keys (SSE-KMS) bucket. For information about the Amazon S3 default encryption feature, see [Amazon S3 Default Encryption for S3 Buckets](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/bucket-encryption.html) in the *Amazon S3 User Guide* .
property bucketName
bucketName: string;
A name for the bucket. If you don't specify a name, AWS CloudFormation generates a unique ID and uses that ID for the bucket name. The bucket name must contain only lowercase letters, numbers, periods (.), and dashes (-) and must follow [Amazon S3 bucket restrictions and limitations](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/BucketRestrictions.html) . For more information, see [Rules for naming Amazon S3 buckets](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/BucketRestrictions.html#bucketnamingrules) in the *Amazon S3 User Guide* .
> If you specify a name, you can't perform updates that require replacement of this resource. You can perform updates that require no or some interruption. If you need to replace the resource, specify a new name.
static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string;
The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class.
property cfnProperties
readonly cfnProperties: { [key: string]: any };
property corsConfiguration
corsConfiguration: any;
Describes the cross-origin access configuration for objects in an Amazon S3 bucket. For more information, see [Enabling Cross-Origin Resource Sharing](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/cors.html) in the *Amazon S3 User Guide* .
property intelligentTieringConfigurations
intelligentTieringConfigurations: any;
Defines how Amazon S3 handles Intelligent-Tiering storage.
property inventoryConfigurations
inventoryConfigurations: any;
Specifies the inventory configuration for an Amazon S3 bucket. For more information, see [GET Bucket inventory](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETInventoryConfig.html) in the *Amazon S3 API Reference* .
property lifecycleConfiguration
lifecycleConfiguration: any;
Specifies the lifecycle configuration for objects in an Amazon S3 bucket. For more information, see [Object Lifecycle Management](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/object-lifecycle-mgmt.html) in the *Amazon S3 User Guide* .
property loggingConfiguration
loggingConfiguration: any;
Settings that define where logs are stored.
property metricsConfigurations
metricsConfigurations: any;
Specifies a metrics configuration for the CloudWatch request metrics (specified by the metrics configuration ID) from an Amazon S3 bucket. If you're updating an existing metrics configuration, note that this is a full replacement of the existing metrics configuration. If you don't include the elements you want to keep, they are erased. For more information, see [PutBucketMetricsConfiguration](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTMetricConfiguration.html) .
property notificationConfiguration
notificationConfiguration: any;
Configuration that defines how Amazon S3 handles bucket notifications.
property objectLockConfiguration
objectLockConfiguration: any;
Places an Object Lock configuration on the specified bucket. The rule specified in the Object Lock configuration will be applied by default to every new object placed in the specified bucket. For more information, see [Locking Objects](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/object-lock.html) .
> - The
settings require both a mode and a period. > - TheDefaultRetention
period can be eitherDays
but you must select one. You cannot specifyDays
at the same time. > - You can only enable Object Lock for new buckets. If you want to turn on Object Lock for an existing bucket, contact AWS Support.http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket.html#cfn-s3-bucket-objectlockconfiguration
property objectLockEnabled
objectLockEnabled: any;
Indicates whether this bucket has an Object Lock configuration enabled. Enable
when you applyObjectLockConfiguration
to a bucket.http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket.html#cfn-s3-bucket-objectlockenabled
property ownershipControls
ownershipControls: any;
Configuration that defines how Amazon S3 handles Object Ownership rules.
property publicAccessBlockConfiguration
publicAccessBlockConfiguration: any;
Configuration that defines how Amazon S3 handles public access.
property replicationConfiguration
replicationConfiguration: any;
Configuration for replicating objects in an S3 bucket. To enable replication, you must also enable versioning by using the
property.Amazon S3 can store replicated objects in a single destination bucket or multiple destination buckets. The destination bucket or buckets must already exist.
property tags
readonly tags: cdk.TagManager;
An arbitrary set of tags (key-value pairs) for this S3 bucket.
property versioningConfiguration
versioningConfiguration: any;
Enables multiple versions of all objects in this bucket. You might enable versioning to prevent objects from being deleted or overwritten by mistake or to archive objects so that you can retrieve previous versions of them.
property websiteConfiguration
websiteConfiguration: any;
Information used to configure the bucket as a static website. For more information, see [Hosting Websites on Amazon S3](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/WebsiteHosting.html) .
method inspect
inspect: (inspector: cdk.TreeInspector) => void;
Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes.
Parameter inspector
tree inspector to collect and process attributes
method renderProperties
protected renderProperties: (props: { [key: string]: any }) => { [key: string]: any;};
class CfnBucketPolicy
class CfnBucketPolicy extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable {}
A CloudFormation
Applies an Amazon S3 bucket policy to an Amazon S3 bucket. If you are using an identity other than the root user of the AWS account that owns the bucket, the calling identity must have the
permissions on the specified bucket and belong to the bucket owner's account in order to use this operation.If you don't have
permissions, Amazon S3 returns a403 Access Denied
error. If you have the correct permissions, but you're not using an identity that belongs to the bucket owner's account, Amazon S3 returns a405 Method Not Allowed
error.> As a security precaution, the root user of the AWS account that owns a bucket can always use this operation, even if the policy explicitly denies the root user the ability to perform this action.
For more information, see [Bucket policy examples](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/userguide/example-bucket-policies.html) .
The following operations are related to
:- [CreateBucket](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/API_CreateBucket.html) - [DeleteBucket](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/API_DeleteBucket.html)
AWS::S3::BucketPolicy external
constructor(scope: cdk.Construct, id: string, props: CfnBucketPolicyProps);
Create a new
.Parameter scope
scope in which this resource is defined
Parameter id
scoped id of the resource
Parameter props
resource properties
property bucket
bucket: string;
The name of the Amazon S3 bucket to which the policy applies.
static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string;
The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class.
property cfnProperties
readonly cfnProperties: { [key: string]: any };
property policyDocument
policyDocument: any;
A policy document containing permissions to add to the specified bucket. In IAM, you must provide policy documents in JSON format. However, in CloudFormation you can provide the policy in JSON or YAML format because CloudFormation converts YAML to JSON before submitting it to IAM. For more information, see the AWS::IAM::Policy [PolicyDocument](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-iam-policy.html#cfn-iam-policy-policydocument) resource description in this guide and [Access Policy Language Overview](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/access-policy-language-overview.html) in the *Amazon S3 User Guide* .
method inspect
inspect: (inspector: cdk.TreeInspector) => void;
Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes.
Parameter inspector
tree inspector to collect and process attributes
method renderProperties
protected renderProperties: (props: { [key: string]: any }) => { [key: string]: any;};
class CfnMultiRegionAccessPoint
class CfnMultiRegionAccessPoint extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable {}
A CloudFormation
resource creates an Amazon S3 Multi-Region Access Point. To learn more about Multi-Region Access Points, see [Multi-Region Access Points in Amazon S3](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/userguide/MultiRegionAccessPoints.html) in the in the *Amazon S3 User Guide* .AWS::S3::MultiRegionAccessPoint external
constructor( scope: cdk.Construct, id: string, props: CfnMultiRegionAccessPointProps);
Create a new
.Parameter scope
scope in which this resource is defined
Parameter id
scoped id of the resource
Parameter props
resource properties
property attrAlias
readonly attrAlias: string;
The alias for the Multi-Region Access Point. For more information about the distinction between the name and the alias of an Multi-Region Access Point, see [Managing Multi-Region Access Points](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/userguide/CreatingMultiRegionAccessPoints.html#multi-region-access-point-naming) in the *Amazon S3 User Guide* . Alias
property attrCreatedAt
readonly attrCreatedAt: string;
The timestamp of when the Multi-Region Access Point is created. CreatedAt
static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string;
The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class.
property cfnProperties
readonly cfnProperties: { [key: string]: any };
property name
name: string;
The name of the Multi-Region Access Point.
property publicAccessBlockConfiguration
publicAccessBlockConfiguration: any;
The PublicAccessBlock configuration that you want to apply to this Multi-Region Access Point. You can enable the configuration options in any combination. For more information about when Amazon S3 considers an object public, see [The Meaning of "Public"](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/access-control-block-public-access.html#access-control-block-public-access-policy-status) in the *Amazon S3 User Guide* .
property regions
regions: any;
A collection of the Regions and buckets associated with the Multi-Region Access Point.
method inspect
inspect: (inspector: cdk.TreeInspector) => void;
Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes.
Parameter inspector
tree inspector to collect and process attributes
method renderProperties
protected renderProperties: (props: { [key: string]: any }) => { [key: string]: any;};
class CfnMultiRegionAccessPointPolicy
class CfnMultiRegionAccessPointPolicy extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable {}
A CloudFormation
Applies an Amazon S3 access policy to an Amazon S3 Multi-Region Access Point.
It is not possible to delete an access policy for a Multi-Region Access Point from the CloudFormation template. When you attempt to delete the policy, CloudFormation updates the policy using
. CloudFormation updates the policy to only allow access to the account that created the bucket.AWS::S3::MultiRegionAccessPointPolicy external
constructor( scope: cdk.Construct, id: string, props: CfnMultiRegionAccessPointPolicyProps);
Create a new
.Parameter scope
scope in which this resource is defined
Parameter id
scoped id of the resource
Parameter props
resource properties
property attrPolicyStatusIsPublic
readonly attrPolicyStatusIsPublic: string;
static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string;
The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class.
property cfnProperties
readonly cfnProperties: { [key: string]: any };
property mrapName
mrapName: string;
The name of the Multi-Region Access Point.
property policy
policy: any;
The access policy associated with the Multi-Region Access Point.
method inspect
inspect: (inspector: cdk.TreeInspector) => void;
Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes.
Parameter inspector
tree inspector to collect and process attributes
method renderProperties
protected renderProperties: (props: { [key: string]: any }) => { [key: string]: any;};
class CfnStorageLens
class CfnStorageLens extends cdk.CfnResource implements cdk.IInspectable {}
A CloudFormation
The AWS::S3::StorageLens resource creates an Amazon S3 Storage Lens configuration.
AWS::S3::StorageLens external
constructor(scope: cdk.Construct, id: string, props: CfnStorageLensProps);
Create a new
.Parameter scope
scope in which this resource is defined
Parameter id
scoped id of the resource
Parameter props
resource properties
property attrStorageLensConfigurationStorageLensArn
readonly attrStorageLensConfigurationStorageLensArn: string;
This property contains the details of the ARN of the S3 Storage Lens configuration. This property is read-only. StorageLensConfiguration.StorageLensArn
static readonly CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: string;
The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class.
property cfnProperties
readonly cfnProperties: { [key: string]: any };
property storageLensConfiguration
storageLensConfiguration: any;
This resource contains the details Amazon S3 Storage Lens configuration.
property tags
readonly tags: cdk.TagManager;
A set of tags (key–value pairs) to associate with the Storage Lens configuration.
method inspect
inspect: (inspector: cdk.TreeInspector) => void;
Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes.
Parameter inspector
tree inspector to collect and process attributes
method renderProperties
protected renderProperties: (props: { [key: string]: any }) => { [key: string]: any;};
class ReplaceKey
class ReplaceKey {}
property prefixWithKey
readonly prefixWithKey?: string;
property withKey
readonly withKey?: string;
method prefixWith
static prefixWith: (keyReplacement: string) => ReplaceKey;
The object key prefix to use in the redirect request
method with
static with: (keyReplacement: string) => ReplaceKey;
The specific object key to use in the redirect request
class StorageClass
class StorageClass {}
Storage class to move an object to
constructor(value: string);
static readonly DEEP_ARCHIVE: StorageClass;
Use for archiving data that rarely needs to be accessed. Data stored in the DEEP_ARCHIVE storage class has a minimum storage duration period of 180 days and a default retrieval time of 12 hours. If you delete an object before the 180-day minimum, you are charged for 180 days. For pricing information, see Amazon S3 Pricing.
property GLACIER
static readonly GLACIER: StorageClass;
Storage class for long-term archival that can take between minutes and hours to access.
Use for archives where portions of the data might need to be retrieved in minutes. Data stored in the GLACIER storage class has a minimum storage duration period of 90 days and can be accessed in as little as 1-5 minutes using expedited retrieval. If you delete an object before the 90-day minimum, you are charged for 90 days.
static readonly GLACIER_INSTANT_RETRIEVAL: StorageClass;
Storage class for long-term archival that can be accessed in a few milliseconds.
It is ideal for data that is accessed once or twice per quarter, and that requires immediate access. Data stored in the GLACIER_IR storage class has a minimum storage duration period of 90 days and can be accessed in as milliseconds. If you delete an object before the 90-day minimum, you are charged for 90 days.
static readonly INFREQUENT_ACCESS: StorageClass;
Storage class for data that is accessed less frequently, but requires rapid access when needed.
Has lower availability than Standard storage.
static readonly INTELLIGENT_TIERING: StorageClass;
The INTELLIGENT_TIERING storage class is designed to optimize storage costs by automatically moving data to the most cost-effective storage access tier, without performance impact or operational overhead. INTELLIGENT_TIERING delivers automatic cost savings by moving data on a granular object level between two access tiers, a frequent access tier and a lower-cost infrequent access tier, when access patterns change. The INTELLIGENT_TIERING storage class is ideal if you want to optimize storage costs automatically for long-lived data when access patterns are unknown or unpredictable.
static readonly ONE_ZONE_INFREQUENT_ACCESS: StorageClass;
Infrequent Access that's only stored in one availability zone.
Has lower availability than standard InfrequentAccess.
property value
readonly value: string;
method toString
toString: () => string;
interface BlockPublicAccessOptions
interface BlockPublicAccessOptions {}
property blockPublicAcls
readonly blockPublicAcls?: boolean;
Whether to block public ACLs
See Also
property blockPublicPolicy
readonly blockPublicPolicy?: boolean;
Whether to block public policy
See Also
property ignorePublicAcls
readonly ignorePublicAcls?: boolean;
Whether to ignore public ACLs
See Also
property restrictPublicBuckets
readonly restrictPublicBuckets?: boolean;
Whether to restrict public access
See Also
interface BucketAttributes
interface BucketAttributes {}
A reference to a bucket outside this stack
property account
readonly account?: string;
The account this existing bucket belongs to.
- it's assumed the bucket belongs to the same account as the scope it's being imported into
property bucketArn
readonly bucketArn?: string;
The ARN of the bucket. At least one of bucketArn or bucketName must be defined in order to initialize a bucket ref.
property bucketDomainName
readonly bucketDomainName?: string;
The domain name of the bucket.
Inferred from bucket name
property bucketDualStackDomainName
readonly bucketDualStackDomainName?: string;
The IPv6 DNS name of the specified bucket.
property bucketName
readonly bucketName?: string;
The name of the bucket. If the underlying value of ARN is a string, the name will be parsed from the ARN. Otherwise, the name is optional, but some features that require the bucket name such as auto-creating a bucket policy, won't work.
property bucketRegionalDomainName
readonly bucketRegionalDomainName?: string;
The regional domain name of the specified bucket.
property bucketWebsiteNewUrlFormat
readonly bucketWebsiteNewUrlFormat?: boolean;
The format of the website URL of the bucket. This should be true for regions launched since 2014.
property bucketWebsiteUrl
readonly bucketWebsiteUrl?: string;
The website URL of the bucket (if static web hosting is enabled).
Inferred from bucket name
property encryptionKey
readonly encryptionKey?: kms.IKey;
property isWebsite
readonly isWebsite?: boolean;
If this bucket has been configured for static website hosting.
property notificationsHandlerRole
readonly notificationsHandlerRole?: iam.IRole;
The role to be used by the notifications handler
- a new role will be created.
property region
readonly region?: string;
The region this existing bucket is in.
- it's assumed the bucket is in the same region as the scope it's being imported into
interface BucketMetrics
interface BucketMetrics {}
Specifies a metrics configuration for the CloudWatch request metrics from an Amazon S3 bucket.
property id
readonly id: string;
The ID used to identify the metrics configuration.
property prefix
readonly prefix?: string;
The prefix that an object must have to be included in the metrics results.
property tagFilters
readonly tagFilters?: { [tag: string]: any;};
Specifies a list of tag filters to use as a metrics configuration filter. The metrics configuration includes only objects that meet the filter's criteria.
interface BucketNotificationDestinationConfig
interface BucketNotificationDestinationConfig {}
Represents the properties of a notification destination.
property arn
readonly arn: string;
The ARN of the destination (i.e. Lambda, SNS, SQS).
property dependencies
readonly dependencies?: cdk.IDependable[];
Any additional dependencies that should be resolved before the bucket notification can be configured (for example, the SNS Topic Policy resource).
property type
readonly type: BucketNotificationDestinationType;
The notification type.
interface BucketPolicyProps
interface BucketPolicyProps {}
property bucket
readonly bucket: IBucket;
The Amazon S3 bucket that the policy applies to.
property removalPolicy
readonly removalPolicy?: RemovalPolicy;
Policy to apply when the policy is removed from this stack.
- RemovalPolicy.DESTROY.
interface BucketProps
interface BucketProps {}
property accessControl
readonly accessControl?: BucketAccessControl;
Specifies a canned ACL that grants predefined permissions to the bucket.
property autoDeleteObjects
readonly autoDeleteObjects?: boolean;
Whether all objects should be automatically deleted when the bucket is removed from the stack or when the stack is deleted.
Requires the
to be set toRemovalPolicy.DESTROY
.**Warning** if you have deployed a bucket with
autoDeleteObjects: true
, switching this tofalse
in a CDK version *before*1.126.0
will lead to all objects in the bucket being deleted. Be sure to update your bucket resources by deploying with CDK version1.126.0
or later **before** switching this value tofalse
property blockPublicAccess
readonly blockPublicAccess?: BlockPublicAccess;
The block public access configuration of this bucket.
See Also
- CloudFormation defaults will apply. New buckets and objects don't allow public access, but users can modify bucket policies or object permissions to allow public access
property bucketKeyEnabled
readonly bucketKeyEnabled?: boolean;
Specifies whether Amazon S3 should use an S3 Bucket Key with server-side encryption using KMS (SSE-KMS) for new objects in the bucket.
Only relevant, when Encryption is set to BucketEncryption.KMS
- false
property bucketName
readonly bucketName?: string;
Physical name of this bucket.
- Assigned by CloudFormation (recommended).
property cors
readonly cors?: CorsRule[];
The CORS configuration of this bucket.
See Also
- No CORS configuration.
property encryption
readonly encryption?: BucketEncryption;
The kind of server-side encryption to apply to this bucket.
If you choose KMS, you can specify a KMS key via
. If encryption key is not specified, a key will automatically be created.-
is specified, orUnencrypted
property encryptionKey
readonly encryptionKey?: kms.IKey;
External KMS key to use for bucket encryption.
The 'encryption' property must be either not specified or set to "Kms". An error will be emitted if encryption is set to "Unencrypted" or "Managed".
- If encryption is set to "Kms" and this property is undefined, a new KMS key will be created and associated with this bucket.
property enforceSSL
readonly enforceSSL?: boolean;
Enforces SSL for requests. S3.5 of the AWS Foundational Security Best Practices Regarding S3.
See Also
property eventBridgeEnabled
readonly eventBridgeEnabled?: boolean;
Whether this bucket should send notifications to Amazon EventBridge or not.
property intelligentTieringConfigurations
readonly intelligentTieringConfigurations?: IntelligentTieringConfiguration[];
Inteligent Tiering Configurations
See Also
No Intelligent Tiiering Configurations.
property inventories
readonly inventories?: Inventory[];
The inventory configuration of the bucket.
See Also
- No inventory configuration
property lifecycleRules
readonly lifecycleRules?: LifecycleRule[];
Rules that define how Amazon S3 manages objects during their lifetime.
- No lifecycle rules.
property metrics
readonly metrics?: BucketMetrics[];
The metrics configuration of this bucket.
See Also
- No metrics configuration.
property notificationsHandlerRole
readonly notificationsHandlerRole?: iam.IRole;
The role to be used by the notifications handler
- a new role will be created.
property objectOwnership
readonly objectOwnership?: ObjectOwnership;
The objectOwnership of the bucket.
See Also
- No ObjectOwnership configuration, uploading account will own the object.
property publicReadAccess
readonly publicReadAccess?: boolean;
Grants public read access to all objects in the bucket. Similar to calling
property removalPolicy
readonly removalPolicy?: RemovalPolicy;
Policy to apply when the bucket is removed from this stack.
- The bucket will be orphaned.
property serverAccessLogsBucket
readonly serverAccessLogsBucket?: IBucket;
Destination bucket for the server access logs. - If "serverAccessLogsPrefix" undefined - access logs disabled, otherwise - log to current bucket.
property serverAccessLogsPrefix
readonly serverAccessLogsPrefix?: string;
Optional log file prefix to use for the bucket's access logs. If defined without "serverAccessLogsBucket", enables access logs to current bucket with this prefix. - No log file prefix
property transferAcceleration
readonly transferAcceleration?: boolean;
Whether this bucket should have transfer acceleration turned on or not.
property versioned
readonly versioned?: boolean;
Whether this bucket should have versioning turned on or not.
property websiteErrorDocument
readonly websiteErrorDocument?: string;
The name of the error document (e.g. "404.html") for the website.
must also be set if this is set.- No error document.
property websiteIndexDocument
readonly websiteIndexDocument?: string;
The name of the index document (e.g. "index.html") for the website. Enables static website hosting for this bucket.
- No index document.
property websiteRedirect
readonly websiteRedirect?: RedirectTarget;
Specifies the redirect behavior of all requests to a website endpoint of a bucket.
If you specify this property, you can't specify "websiteIndexDocument", "websiteErrorDocument" nor , "websiteRoutingRules".
- No redirection.
property websiteRoutingRules
readonly websiteRoutingRules?: RoutingRule[];
Rules that define when a redirect is applied and the redirect behavior
- No redirection rules.
interface CfnAccessPointProps
interface CfnAccessPointProps {}
Properties for defining a
property bucket
readonly bucket: string;
The name of the bucket associated with this access point.
property bucketAccountId
readonly bucketAccountId?: string;
The AWS account ID associated with the S3 bucket associated with this access point.
property name
readonly name?: string;
The name of this access point. If you don't specify a name, AWS CloudFormation generates a unique ID and uses that ID for the access point name.
property policy
readonly policy?: any | cdk.IResolvable;
The access point policy associated with this access point.
property publicAccessBlockConfiguration
readonly publicAccessBlockConfiguration?: | CfnAccessPoint.PublicAccessBlockConfigurationProperty | cdk.IResolvable;
The PublicAccessBlock configuration that you want to apply to this Amazon S3 bucket. You can enable the configuration options in any combination. For more information about when Amazon S3 considers a bucket or object public, see [The Meaning of "Public"](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/access-control-block-public-access.html#access-control-block-public-access-policy-status) in the *Amazon S3 User Guide* .
property vpcConfiguration
readonly vpcConfiguration?: | CfnAccessPoint.VpcConfigurationProperty | cdk.IResolvable;
The Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) configuration for this access point, if one exists.
interface CfnBucketPolicyProps
interface CfnBucketPolicyProps {}
Properties for defining a
property bucket
readonly bucket: string;
The name of the Amazon S3 bucket to which the policy applies.
property policyDocument
readonly policyDocument: any | cdk.IResolvable;
A policy document containing permissions to add to the specified bucket. In IAM, you must provide policy documents in JSON format. However, in CloudFormation you can provide the policy in JSON or YAML format because CloudFormation converts YAML to JSON before submitting it to IAM. For more information, see the AWS::IAM::Policy [PolicyDocument](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-iam-policy.html#cfn-iam-policy-policydocument) resource description in this guide and [Access Policy Language Overview](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/access-policy-language-overview.html) in the *Amazon S3 User Guide* .
interface CfnBucketProps
interface CfnBucketProps {}
Properties for defining a
property accelerateConfiguration
readonly accelerateConfiguration?: | CfnBucket.AccelerateConfigurationProperty | cdk.IResolvable;
Configures the transfer acceleration state for an Amazon S3 bucket. For more information, see [Amazon S3 Transfer Acceleration](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/transfer-acceleration.html) in the *Amazon S3 User Guide* .
property accessControl
readonly accessControl?: string;
A canned access control list (ACL) that grants predefined permissions to the bucket. For more information about canned ACLs, see [Canned ACL](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/acl-overview.html#canned-acl) in the *Amazon S3 User Guide* .
Be aware that the syntax for this property differs from the information provided in the *Amazon S3 User Guide* . The AccessControl property is case-sensitive and must be one of the following values: Private, PublicRead, PublicReadWrite, AuthenticatedRead, LogDeliveryWrite, BucketOwnerRead, BucketOwnerFullControl, or AwsExecRead.
property analyticsConfigurations
readonly analyticsConfigurations?: | Array<CfnBucket.AnalyticsConfigurationProperty | cdk.IResolvable> | cdk.IResolvable;
Specifies the configuration and any analyses for the analytics filter of an Amazon S3 bucket.
property bucketEncryption
readonly bucketEncryption?: CfnBucket.BucketEncryptionProperty | cdk.IResolvable;
Specifies default encryption for a bucket using server-side encryption with Amazon S3-managed keys (SSE-S3) or AWS KMS-managed keys (SSE-KMS) bucket. For information about the Amazon S3 default encryption feature, see [Amazon S3 Default Encryption for S3 Buckets](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/bucket-encryption.html) in the *Amazon S3 User Guide* .
property bucketName
readonly bucketName?: string;
A name for the bucket. If you don't specify a name, AWS CloudFormation generates a unique ID and uses that ID for the bucket name. The bucket name must contain only lowercase letters, numbers, periods (.), and dashes (-) and must follow [Amazon S3 bucket restrictions and limitations](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/BucketRestrictions.html) . For more information, see [Rules for naming Amazon S3 buckets](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/BucketRestrictions.html#bucketnamingrules) in the *Amazon S3 User Guide* .
> If you specify a name, you can't perform updates that require replacement of this resource. You can perform updates that require no or some interruption. If you need to replace the resource, specify a new name.
property corsConfiguration
readonly corsConfiguration?: | CfnBucket.CorsConfigurationProperty | cdk.IResolvable;
Describes the cross-origin access configuration for objects in an Amazon S3 bucket. For more information, see [Enabling Cross-Origin Resource Sharing](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/cors.html) in the *Amazon S3 User Guide* .
property intelligentTieringConfigurations
readonly intelligentTieringConfigurations?: | Array<CfnBucket.IntelligentTieringConfigurationProperty | cdk.IResolvable> | cdk.IResolvable;
Defines how Amazon S3 handles Intelligent-Tiering storage.
property inventoryConfigurations
readonly inventoryConfigurations?: | Array<CfnBucket.InventoryConfigurationProperty | cdk.IResolvable> | cdk.IResolvable;
Specifies the inventory configuration for an Amazon S3 bucket. For more information, see [GET Bucket inventory](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETInventoryConfig.html) in the *Amazon S3 API Reference* .
property lifecycleConfiguration
readonly lifecycleConfiguration?: | CfnBucket.LifecycleConfigurationProperty | cdk.IResolvable;
Specifies the lifecycle configuration for objects in an Amazon S3 bucket. For more information, see [Object Lifecycle Management](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/object-lifecycle-mgmt.html) in the *Amazon S3 User Guide* .
property loggingConfiguration
readonly loggingConfiguration?: | CfnBucket.LoggingConfigurationProperty | cdk.IResolvable;
Settings that define where logs are stored.
property metricsConfigurations
readonly metricsConfigurations?: | Array<CfnBucket.MetricsConfigurationProperty | cdk.IResolvable> | cdk.IResolvable;
Specifies a metrics configuration for the CloudWatch request metrics (specified by the metrics configuration ID) from an Amazon S3 bucket. If you're updating an existing metrics configuration, note that this is a full replacement of the existing metrics configuration. If you don't include the elements you want to keep, they are erased. For more information, see [PutBucketMetricsConfiguration](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTMetricConfiguration.html) .
property notificationConfiguration
readonly notificationConfiguration?: | CfnBucket.NotificationConfigurationProperty | cdk.IResolvable;
Configuration that defines how Amazon S3 handles bucket notifications.
property objectLockConfiguration
readonly objectLockConfiguration?: | CfnBucket.ObjectLockConfigurationProperty | cdk.IResolvable;
Places an Object Lock configuration on the specified bucket. The rule specified in the Object Lock configuration will be applied by default to every new object placed in the specified bucket. For more information, see [Locking Objects](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/object-lock.html) .
> - The
settings require both a mode and a period. > - TheDefaultRetention
period can be eitherDays
but you must select one. You cannot specifyDays
at the same time. > - You can only enable Object Lock for new buckets. If you want to turn on Object Lock for an existing bucket, contact AWS Support.http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket.html#cfn-s3-bucket-objectlockconfiguration
property objectLockEnabled
readonly objectLockEnabled?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable;
Indicates whether this bucket has an Object Lock configuration enabled. Enable
when you applyObjectLockConfiguration
to a bucket.http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket.html#cfn-s3-bucket-objectlockenabled
property ownershipControls
readonly ownershipControls?: | CfnBucket.OwnershipControlsProperty | cdk.IResolvable;
Configuration that defines how Amazon S3 handles Object Ownership rules.
property publicAccessBlockConfiguration
readonly publicAccessBlockConfiguration?: | CfnBucket.PublicAccessBlockConfigurationProperty | cdk.IResolvable;
Configuration that defines how Amazon S3 handles public access.
property replicationConfiguration
readonly replicationConfiguration?: | CfnBucket.ReplicationConfigurationProperty | cdk.IResolvable;
Configuration for replicating objects in an S3 bucket. To enable replication, you must also enable versioning by using the
property.Amazon S3 can store replicated objects in a single destination bucket or multiple destination buckets. The destination bucket or buckets must already exist.
property tags
readonly tags?: cdk.CfnTag[];
An arbitrary set of tags (key-value pairs) for this S3 bucket.
property versioningConfiguration
readonly versioningConfiguration?: | CfnBucket.VersioningConfigurationProperty | cdk.IResolvable;
Enables multiple versions of all objects in this bucket. You might enable versioning to prevent objects from being deleted or overwritten by mistake or to archive objects so that you can retrieve previous versions of them.
property websiteConfiguration
readonly websiteConfiguration?: | CfnBucket.WebsiteConfigurationProperty | cdk.IResolvable;
Information used to configure the bucket as a static website. For more information, see [Hosting Websites on Amazon S3](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/WebsiteHosting.html) .
interface CfnMultiRegionAccessPointPolicyProps
interface CfnMultiRegionAccessPointPolicyProps {}
Properties for defining a
property mrapName
readonly mrapName: string;
The name of the Multi-Region Access Point.
property policy
readonly policy: any | cdk.IResolvable;
The access policy associated with the Multi-Region Access Point.
interface CfnMultiRegionAccessPointProps
interface CfnMultiRegionAccessPointProps {}
Properties for defining a
property name
readonly name?: string;
The name of the Multi-Region Access Point.
property publicAccessBlockConfiguration
readonly publicAccessBlockConfiguration?: | CfnMultiRegionAccessPoint.PublicAccessBlockConfigurationProperty | cdk.IResolvable;
The PublicAccessBlock configuration that you want to apply to this Multi-Region Access Point. You can enable the configuration options in any combination. For more information about when Amazon S3 considers an object public, see [The Meaning of "Public"](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/access-control-block-public-access.html#access-control-block-public-access-policy-status) in the *Amazon S3 User Guide* .
property regions
readonly regions: | Array<CfnMultiRegionAccessPoint.RegionProperty | cdk.IResolvable> | cdk.IResolvable;
A collection of the Regions and buckets associated with the Multi-Region Access Point.
interface CfnStorageLensProps
interface CfnStorageLensProps {}
Properties for defining a
property storageLensConfiguration
readonly storageLensConfiguration: | CfnStorageLens.StorageLensConfigurationProperty | cdk.IResolvable;
This resource contains the details Amazon S3 Storage Lens configuration.
property tags
readonly tags?: cdk.CfnTag[];
A set of tags (key–value pairs) to associate with the Storage Lens configuration.
interface CorsRule
interface CorsRule {}
Specifies a cross-origin access rule for an Amazon S3 bucket.
property allowedHeaders
readonly allowedHeaders?: string[];
Headers that are specified in the Access-Control-Request-Headers header.
- No headers allowed.
property allowedMethods
readonly allowedMethods: HttpMethods[];
An HTTP method that you allow the origin to execute.
property allowedOrigins
readonly allowedOrigins: string[];
One or more origins you want customers to be able to access the bucket from.
property exposedHeaders
readonly exposedHeaders?: string[];
One or more headers in the response that you want customers to be able to access from their applications.
- No headers exposed.
property id
readonly id?: string;
A unique identifier for this rule.
- No id specified.
property maxAge
readonly maxAge?: number;
The time in seconds that your browser is to cache the preflight response for the specified resource.
- No caching.
interface IBucket
interface IBucket extends IResource {}
property bucketArn
readonly bucketArn: string;
The ARN of the bucket.
property bucketDomainName
readonly bucketDomainName: string;
The IPv4 DNS name of the specified bucket.
property bucketDualStackDomainName
readonly bucketDualStackDomainName: string;
The IPv6 DNS name of the specified bucket.
property bucketName
readonly bucketName: string;
The name of the bucket.
property bucketRegionalDomainName
readonly bucketRegionalDomainName: string;
The regional domain name of the specified bucket.
property bucketWebsiteDomainName
readonly bucketWebsiteDomainName: string;
The Domain name of the static website.
property bucketWebsiteUrl
readonly bucketWebsiteUrl: string;
The URL of the static website.
property encryptionKey
readonly encryptionKey?: kms.IKey;
Optional KMS encryption key associated with this bucket.
property isWebsite
readonly isWebsite?: boolean;
If this bucket has been configured for static website hosting.
property policy
policy?: BucketPolicy;
The resource policy associated with this bucket.
is true, aBucketPolicy
will be created upon the first call to addToResourcePolicy(s).
method addEventNotification
addEventNotification: ( event: EventType, dest: IBucketNotificationDestination, ...filters: NotificationKeyFilter[]) => void;
Adds a bucket notification event destination.
Parameter event
The event to trigger the notification
Parameter dest
The notification destination (Lambda, SNS Topic or SQS Queue)
Parameter filters
S3 object key filter rules to determine which objects trigger this event. Each filter must include a
that will be matched against the s3 object key. Refer to the S3 Developer Guide for details about allowed filter rules.Example 1
declare const myLambda: lambda.Function; const bucket = new s3.Bucket(this, 'MyBucket'); bucket.addEventNotification(s3.EventType.OBJECT_CREATED, new s3n.LambdaDestination(myLambda), {prefix: 'home/myusername/*'})
See Also
method addObjectCreatedNotification
addObjectCreatedNotification: ( dest: IBucketNotificationDestination, ...filters: NotificationKeyFilter[]) => void;
Subscribes a destination to receive notifications when an object is created in the bucket. This is identical to calling
.Parameter dest
The notification destination (see onEvent)
Parameter filters
Filters (see onEvent)
method addObjectRemovedNotification
addObjectRemovedNotification: ( dest: IBucketNotificationDestination, ...filters: NotificationKeyFilter[]) => void;
Subscribes a destination to receive notifications when an object is removed from the bucket. This is identical to calling
.Parameter dest
The notification destination (see onEvent)
Parameter filters
Filters (see onEvent)
method addToResourcePolicy
addToResourcePolicy: ( permission: iam.PolicyStatement) => iam.AddToResourcePolicyResult;
Adds a statement to the resource policy for a principal (i.e. account/role/service) to perform actions on this bucket and/or its contents. Use
to obtain ARNs for this bucket or objects.Note that the policy statement may or may not be added to the policy. For example, when an
is created from an existing bucket, it's not possible to tell whether the bucket already has a policy attached, let alone to re-use that policy to add more statements to it. So it's safest to do nothing in these cases.Parameter permission
the policy statement to be added to the bucket's policy.
metadata about the execution of this method. If the policy was not added, the value of
will befalse
. You should always check this value to make sure that the operation was actually carried out. Otherwise, synthesis and deploy will terminate silently, which may be confusing.
method arnForObjects
arnForObjects: (keyPattern: string) => string;
Returns an ARN that represents all objects within the bucket that match the key pattern specified. To represent all keys, specify ``"*"``.
method grantDelete
grantDelete: (identity: iam.IGrantable, objectsKeyPattern?: any) => iam.Grant;
Grants s3:DeleteObject* permission to an IAM principal for objects in this bucket.
Parameter identity
The principal
Parameter objectsKeyPattern
Restrict the permission to a certain key pattern (default '*')
method grantPublicAccess
grantPublicAccess: ( keyPrefix?: string, ...allowedActions: string[]) => iam.Grant;
Allows unrestricted access to objects from this bucket.
IMPORTANT: This permission allows anyone to perform actions on S3 objects in this bucket, which is useful for when you configure your bucket as a website and want everyone to be able to read objects in the bucket without needing to authenticate.
Without arguments, this method will grant read ("s3:GetObject") access to all objects ("*") in the bucket.
The method returns the
object, which can then be modified as needed. For example, you can add a condition that will restrict access only to an IPv4 range like this:const grant = bucket.grantPublicAccess(); grant.resourceStatement!.addCondition(‘IpAddress’, { “aws:SourceIp”: “” });
Parameter keyPrefix
the prefix of S3 object keys (e.g.
). Default is "*".Parameter allowedActions
the set of S3 actions to allow. Default is "s3:GetObject".
object, which can be used to apply e.g. conditions.
method grantPut
grantPut: (identity: iam.IGrantable, objectsKeyPattern?: any) => iam.Grant;
Grants s3:PutObject* and s3:Abort* permissions for this bucket to an IAM principal.
If encryption is used, permission to use the key to encrypt the contents of written files will also be granted to the same principal.
Parameter identity
The principal
Parameter objectsKeyPattern
Restrict the permission to a certain key pattern (default '*')
method grantPutAcl
grantPutAcl: (identity: iam.IGrantable, objectsKeyPattern?: string) => iam.Grant;
Grant the given IAM identity permissions to modify the ACLs of objects in the given Bucket.
If your application has the '@aws-cdk/aws-s3:grantWriteWithoutAcl' feature flag set, calling grantWrite or grantReadWrite no longer grants permissions to modify the ACLs of the objects; in this case, if you need to modify object ACLs, call this method explicitly.
Parameter identity
The principal
Parameter objectsKeyPattern
Restrict the permission to a certain key pattern (default '*')
method grantRead
grantRead: (identity: iam.IGrantable, objectsKeyPattern?: any) => iam.Grant;
Grant read permissions for this bucket and it's contents to an IAM principal (Role/Group/User).
If encryption is used, permission to use the key to decrypt the contents of the bucket will also be granted to the same principal.
Parameter identity
The principal
Parameter objectsKeyPattern
Restrict the permission to a certain key pattern (default '*')
method grantReadWrite
grantReadWrite: (identity: iam.IGrantable, objectsKeyPattern?: any) => iam.Grant;
Grants read/write permissions for this bucket and it's contents to an IAM principal (Role/Group/User).
If an encryption key is used, permission to use the key for encrypt/decrypt will also be granted.
Before CDK version 1.85.0, this method granted the
permission that includeds3:PutObjectAcl
, which could be used to grant read/write object access to IAM principals in other accounts. If you want to get rid of that behavior, update your CDK version to 1.85.0 or later, and make sure the@aws-cdk/aws-s3:grantWriteWithoutAcl
feature flag is set totrue
in thecontext
key of your cdk.json file. If you've already updated, but still need the principal to have permissions to modify the ACLs, use the grantPutAcl method.Parameter identity
The principal
Parameter objectsKeyPattern
Restrict the permission to a certain key pattern (default '*')
method grantWrite
grantWrite: (identity: iam.IGrantable, objectsKeyPattern?: any) => iam.Grant;
Grant write permissions to this bucket to an IAM principal.
If encryption is used, permission to use the key to encrypt the contents of written files will also be granted to the same principal.
Before CDK version 1.85.0, this method granted the
permission that includeds3:PutObjectAcl
, which could be used to grant read/write object access to IAM principals in other accounts. If you want to get rid of that behavior, update your CDK version to 1.85.0 or later, and make sure the@aws-cdk/aws-s3:grantWriteWithoutAcl
feature flag is set totrue
in thecontext
key of your cdk.json file. If you've already updated, but still need the principal to have permissions to modify the ACLs, use the grantPutAcl method.Parameter identity
The principal
Parameter objectsKeyPattern
Restrict the permission to a certain key pattern (default '*')
method onCloudTrailEvent
onCloudTrailEvent: ( id: string, options?: OnCloudTrailBucketEventOptions) => events.Rule;
Defines a CloudWatch event that triggers when something happens to this bucket
Requires that there exists at least one CloudTrail Trail in your account that captures the event. This method will not create the Trail.
Parameter id
The id of the rule
Parameter options
Options for adding the rule
method onCloudTrailPutObject
onCloudTrailPutObject: ( id: string, options?: OnCloudTrailBucketEventOptions) => events.Rule;
Defines an AWS CloudWatch event that triggers when an object is uploaded to the specified paths (keys) in this bucket using the PutObject API call.
Note that some tools like
aws s3 cp
will automatically use either PutObject or the multipart upload API depending on the file size, so usingonCloudTrailWriteObject
may be preferable.Requires that there exists at least one CloudTrail Trail in your account that captures the event. This method will not create the Trail.
Parameter id
The id of the rule
Parameter options
Options for adding the rule
method onCloudTrailWriteObject
onCloudTrailWriteObject: ( id: string, options?: OnCloudTrailBucketEventOptions) => events.Rule;
Defines an AWS CloudWatch event that triggers when an object at the specified paths (keys) in this bucket are written to. This includes the events PutObject, CopyObject, and CompleteMultipartUpload.
Note that some tools like
aws s3 cp
will automatically use either PutObject or the multipart upload API depending on the file size, so using this method may be preferable toonCloudTrailPutObject
.Requires that there exists at least one CloudTrail Trail in your account that captures the event. This method will not create the Trail.
Parameter id
The id of the rule
Parameter options
Options for adding the rule
method s3UrlForObject
s3UrlForObject: (key?: string) => string;
The S3 URL of an S3 object. For example: -
Parameter key
The S3 key of the object. If not specified, the S3 URL of the bucket is returned.
an ObjectS3Url token
method transferAccelerationUrlForObject
transferAccelerationUrlForObject: ( key?: string, options?: TransferAccelerationUrlOptions) => string;
The https Transfer Acceleration URL of an S3 object. Specify
dualStack: true
at the options for dual-stack endpoint (connect to the bucket over IPv6). For example:-
Parameter key
The S3 key of the object. If not specified, the URL of the bucket is returned.
Parameter options
Options for generating URL.
an TransferAccelerationUrl token
method urlForObject
urlForObject: (key?: string) => string;
The https URL of an S3 object. For example:
Parameter key
The S3 key of the object. If not specified, the URL of the bucket is returned.
an ObjectS3Url token
method virtualHostedUrlForObject
virtualHostedUrlForObject: ( key?: string, options?: VirtualHostedStyleUrlOptions) => string;
The virtual hosted-style URL of an S3 object. Specify
regional: false
at the options for non-regional URL. For example:-
Parameter key
The S3 key of the object. If not specified, the URL of the bucket is returned.
Parameter options
Options for generating URL.
an ObjectS3Url token
interface IBucketNotificationDestination
interface IBucketNotificationDestination {}
Implemented by constructs that can be used as bucket notification destinations.
method bind
bind: (scope: Construct, bucket: IBucket) => BucketNotificationDestinationConfig;
Registers this resource to receive notifications for the specified bucket. This method will only be called once for each destination/bucket pair and the result will be cached, so there is no need to implement idempotency in each destination.
Parameter bucket
The bucket object to bind to
interface IntelligentTieringConfiguration
interface IntelligentTieringConfiguration {}
The intelligent tiering configuration.
property archiveAccessTierTime
readonly archiveAccessTierTime?: Duration;
When enabled, Intelligent-Tiering will automatically move objects that haven’t been accessed for a minimum of 90 days to the Archive Access tier.
Objects will not move to Glacier
property deepArchiveAccessTierTime
readonly deepArchiveAccessTierTime?: Duration;
When enabled, Intelligent-Tiering will automatically move objects that haven’t been accessed for a minimum of 180 days to the Deep Archive Access tier.
Objects will not move to Glacier Deep Access
property name
readonly name: string;
Configuration name
property prefix
readonly prefix?: string;
Add a filter to limit the scope of this configuration to a single prefix.
this configuration will apply to **all** objects in the bucket.
property tags
readonly tags?: Tag[];
You can limit the scope of this rule to the key value pairs added below.
No filtering will be performed on tags
interface Inventory
interface Inventory {}
Specifies the inventory configuration of an S3 Bucket.
See Also
property destination
readonly destination: InventoryDestination;
The destination of the inventory.
property enabled
readonly enabled?: boolean;
Whether the inventory is enabled or disabled.
property format
readonly format?: InventoryFormat;
The format of the inventory.
property frequency
readonly frequency?: InventoryFrequency;
Frequency at which the inventory should be generated.
property includeObjectVersions
readonly includeObjectVersions?: InventoryObjectVersion;
If the inventory should contain all the object versions or only the current one.
property inventoryId
readonly inventoryId?: string;
The inventory configuration ID.
- generated ID.
property objectsPrefix
readonly objectsPrefix?: string;
The inventory will only include objects that meet the prefix filter criteria.
- No objects prefix
property optionalFields
readonly optionalFields?: string[];
A list of optional fields to be included in the inventory result.
- No optional fields.
interface InventoryDestination
interface InventoryDestination {}
The destination of the inventory.
property bucket
readonly bucket: IBucket;
Bucket where all inventories will be saved in.
property bucketOwner
readonly bucketOwner?: string;
The account ID that owns the destination S3 bucket. If no account ID is provided, the owner is not validated before exporting data. It's recommended to set an account ID to prevent problems if the destination bucket ownership changes.
- No account ID.
property prefix
readonly prefix?: string;
The prefix to be used when saving the inventory.
- No prefix.
interface LifecycleRule
interface LifecycleRule {}
Declaration of a Life cycle rule
property abortIncompleteMultipartUploadAfter
readonly abortIncompleteMultipartUploadAfter?: Duration;
Specifies a lifecycle rule that aborts incomplete multipart uploads to an Amazon S3 bucket.
The AbortIncompleteMultipartUpload property type creates a lifecycle rule that aborts incomplete multipart uploads to an Amazon S3 bucket. When Amazon S3 aborts a multipart upload, it deletes all parts associated with the multipart upload.
- Incomplete uploads are never aborted
property enabled
readonly enabled?: boolean;
Whether this rule is enabled.
property expiration
readonly expiration?: Duration;
Indicates the number of days after creation when objects are deleted from Amazon S3 and Amazon Glacier.
If you specify an expiration and transition time, you must use the same time unit for both properties (either in days or by date). The expiration time must also be later than the transition time.
- No expiration timeout
property expirationDate
readonly expirationDate?: Date;
Indicates when objects are deleted from Amazon S3 and Amazon Glacier.
The date value must be in ISO 8601 format. The time is always midnight UTC.
If you specify an expiration and transition time, you must use the same time unit for both properties (either in days or by date). The expiration time must also be later than the transition time.
- No expiration date
property expiredObjectDeleteMarker
readonly expiredObjectDeleteMarker?: boolean;
Indicates whether Amazon S3 will remove a delete marker with no noncurrent versions. If set to true, the delete marker will be expired.
property id
readonly id?: string;
A unique identifier for this rule. The value cannot be more than 255 characters.
property noncurrentVersionExpiration
readonly noncurrentVersionExpiration?: Duration;
Time between when a new version of the object is uploaded to the bucket and when old versions of the object expire.
For buckets with versioning enabled (or suspended), specifies the time, in days, between when a new version of the object is uploaded to the bucket and when old versions of the object expire. When object versions expire, Amazon S3 permanently deletes them. If you specify a transition and expiration time, the expiration time must be later than the transition time.
- No noncurrent version expiration
property noncurrentVersionsToRetain
readonly noncurrentVersionsToRetain?: number;
Indicates a maximum number of noncurrent versions to retain.
If there are this many more noncurrent versions, Amazon S3 permanently deletes them.
- No noncurrent versions to retain
property noncurrentVersionTransitions
readonly noncurrentVersionTransitions?: NoncurrentVersionTransition[];
One or more transition rules that specify when non-current objects transition to a specified storage class.
Only for for buckets with versioning enabled (or suspended).
If you specify a transition and expiration time, the expiration time must be later than the transition time.
property objectSizeGreaterThan
readonly objectSizeGreaterThan?: number;
Specifies the minimum object size in bytes for this rule to apply to.
- No rule
property objectSizeLessThan
readonly objectSizeLessThan?: number;
Specifies the maximum object size in bytes for this rule to apply to.
- No rule
property prefix
readonly prefix?: string;
Object key prefix that identifies one or more objects to which this rule applies.
- Rule applies to all objects
property tagFilters
readonly tagFilters?: { [tag: string]: any;};
The TagFilter property type specifies tags to use to identify a subset of objects for an Amazon S3 bucket.
- Rule applies to all objects
property transitions
readonly transitions?: Transition[];
One or more transition rules that specify when an object transitions to a specified storage class.
If you specify an expiration and transition time, you must use the same time unit for both properties (either in days or by date). The expiration time must also be later than the transition time.
- No transition rules
interface Location
interface Location {}
An interface that represents the location of a specific object in an S3 Bucket.
property bucketName
readonly bucketName: string;
The name of the S3 Bucket the object is in.
property objectKey
readonly objectKey: string;
The path inside the Bucket where the object is located at.
property objectVersion
readonly objectVersion?: string;
The S3 object version.
interface NoncurrentVersionTransition
interface NoncurrentVersionTransition {}
Describes when noncurrent versions transition to a specified storage class.
property noncurrentVersionsToRetain
readonly noncurrentVersionsToRetain?: number;
Indicates the number of noncurrent version objects to be retained. Can be up to 100 noncurrent versions retained.
- No noncurrent version retained.
property storageClass
readonly storageClass: StorageClass;
The storage class to which you want the object to transition.
property transitionAfter
readonly transitionAfter: Duration;
Indicates the number of days after creation when objects are transitioned to the specified storage class.
- No transition count.
interface NotificationKeyFilter
interface NotificationKeyFilter {}
interface OnCloudTrailBucketEventOptions
interface OnCloudTrailBucketEventOptions extends events.OnEventOptions {}
Options for the onCloudTrailPutObject method
property paths
readonly paths?: string[];
Only watch changes to these object paths
- Watch changes to all objects
interface RedirectTarget
interface RedirectTarget {}
Specifies a redirect behavior of all requests to a website endpoint of a bucket.
interface RoutingRule
interface RoutingRule {}
Rule that define when a redirect is applied and the redirect behavior.
See Also
property condition
readonly condition?: RoutingRuleCondition;
Specifies a condition that must be met for the specified redirect to apply.
- No condition
property hostName
readonly hostName?: string;
The host name to use in the redirect request
- The host name used in the original request.
property httpRedirectCode
readonly httpRedirectCode?: string;
The HTTP redirect code to use on the response
"301" - Moved Permanently
property protocol
readonly protocol?: RedirectProtocol;
Protocol to use when redirecting requests
- The protocol used in the original request.
property replaceKey
readonly replaceKey?: ReplaceKey;
Specifies the object key prefix to use in the redirect request
- The key will not be replaced
interface RoutingRuleCondition
interface RoutingRuleCondition {}
property httpErrorCodeReturnedEquals
readonly httpErrorCodeReturnedEquals?: string;
The HTTP error code when the redirect is applied
In the event of an error, if the error code equals this value, then the specified redirect is applied.
If both condition properties are specified, both must be true for the redirect to be applied.
- The HTTP error code will not be verified
property keyPrefixEquals
readonly keyPrefixEquals?: string;
The object key name prefix when the redirect is applied
If both condition properties are specified, both must be true for the redirect to be applied.
- The object key name will not be verified
interface Tag
interface Tag {}
interface TransferAccelerationUrlOptions
interface TransferAccelerationUrlOptions {}
Options for creating a Transfer Acceleration URL.
property dualStack
readonly dualStack?: boolean;
Dual-stack support to connect to the bucket over IPv6.
- false
interface Transition
interface Transition {}
Describes when an object transitions to a specified storage class.
property storageClass
readonly storageClass: StorageClass;
The storage class to which you want the object to transition.
property transitionAfter
readonly transitionAfter?: Duration;
Indicates the number of days after creation when objects are transitioned to the specified storage class.
- No transition count.
property transitionDate
readonly transitionDate?: Date;
Indicates when objects are transitioned to the specified storage class.
The date value must be in ISO 8601 format. The time is always midnight UTC.
- No transition date.
interface VirtualHostedStyleUrlOptions
interface VirtualHostedStyleUrlOptions {}
Options for creating Virtual-Hosted style URL.
property regional
readonly regional?: boolean;
Specifies the URL includes the region.
- true
enum BucketAccessControl
enum BucketAccessControl { PRIVATE = 'Private', PUBLIC_READ = 'PublicRead', PUBLIC_READ_WRITE = 'PublicReadWrite', AUTHENTICATED_READ = 'AuthenticatedRead', LOG_DELIVERY_WRITE = 'LogDeliveryWrite', BUCKET_OWNER_READ = 'BucketOwnerRead', BUCKET_OWNER_FULL_CONTROL = 'BucketOwnerFullControl', AWS_EXEC_READ = 'AwsExecRead',}
Default bucket access control types.
See Also
AUTHENTICATED_READ = 'AuthenticatedRead'
Owner gets FULL_CONTROL. The AuthenticatedUsers group gets READ access.
AWS_EXEC_READ = 'AwsExecRead'
Owner gets FULL_CONTROL. Amazon EC2 gets READ access to GET an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) bundle from Amazon S3.
BUCKET_OWNER_FULL_CONTROL = 'BucketOwnerFullControl'
Both the object owner and the bucket owner get FULL_CONTROL over the object. If you specify this canned ACL when creating a bucket, Amazon S3 ignores it.
BUCKET_OWNER_READ = 'BucketOwnerRead'
Object owner gets FULL_CONTROL. Bucket owner gets READ access. If you specify this canned ACL when creating a bucket, Amazon S3 ignores it.
LOG_DELIVERY_WRITE = 'LogDeliveryWrite'
The LogDelivery group gets WRITE and READ_ACP permissions on the bucket.
See Also
member PRIVATE
PRIVATE = 'Private'
Owner gets FULL_CONTROL. No one else has access rights.
PUBLIC_READ = 'PublicRead'
Owner gets FULL_CONTROL. The AllUsers group gets READ access.
PUBLIC_READ_WRITE = 'PublicReadWrite'
Owner gets FULL_CONTROL. The AllUsers group gets READ and WRITE access. Granting this on a bucket is generally not recommended.
enum BucketEncryption
What kind of server-side encryption to apply to this bucket
member KMS
Server-side encryption with a KMS key managed by the user. If
is specified, this key will be used, otherwise, one will be defined.
Server-side KMS encryption with a master key managed by KMS.
member S3_MANAGED
Server-side encryption with a master key managed by S3.
Objects in the bucket are not encrypted.
enum BucketNotificationDestinationType
enum BucketNotificationDestinationType { LAMBDA = 0, QUEUE = 1, TOPIC = 2,}
Supported types of notification destinations.
enum EventType
enum EventType { OBJECT_CREATED = 's3:ObjectCreated:*', OBJECT_CREATED_PUT = 's3:ObjectCreated:Put', OBJECT_CREATED_POST = 's3:ObjectCreated:Post', OBJECT_CREATED_COPY = 's3:ObjectCreated:Copy', OBJECT_CREATED_COMPLETE_MULTIPART_UPLOAD = 's3:ObjectCreated:CompleteMultipartUpload', OBJECT_REMOVED = 's3:ObjectRemoved:*', OBJECT_REMOVED_DELETE = 's3:ObjectRemoved:Delete', OBJECT_REMOVED_DELETE_MARKER_CREATED = 's3:ObjectRemoved:DeleteMarkerCreated', OBJECT_RESTORE_POST = 's3:ObjectRestore:Post', OBJECT_RESTORE_COMPLETED = 's3:ObjectRestore:Completed', OBJECT_RESTORE_DELETE = 's3:ObjectRestore:Delete', REDUCED_REDUNDANCY_LOST_OBJECT = 's3:ReducedRedundancyLostObject', REPLICATION_OPERATION_FAILED_REPLICATION = 's3:Replication:OperationFailedReplication', REPLICATION_OPERATION_MISSED_THRESHOLD = 's3:Replication:OperationMissedThreshold', REPLICATION_OPERATION_REPLICATED_AFTER_THRESHOLD = 's3:Replication:OperationReplicatedAfterThreshold', REPLICATION_OPERATION_NOT_TRACKED = 's3:Replication:OperationNotTracked', LIFECYCLE_EXPIRATION = 's3:LifecycleExpiration:*', LIFECYCLE_EXPIRATION_DELETE = 's3:LifecycleExpiration:Delete', LIFECYCLE_EXPIRATION_DELETE_MARKER_CREATED = 's3:LifecycleExpiration:DeleteMarkerCreated', LIFECYCLE_TRANSITION = 's3:LifecycleTransition', INTELLIGENT_TIERING = 's3:IntelligentTiering', OBJECT_TAGGING = 's3:ObjectTagging:*', OBJECT_TAGGING_PUT = 's3:ObjectTagging:Put', OBJECT_TAGGING_DELETE = 's3:ObjectTagging:Delete', OBJECT_ACL_PUT = 's3:ObjectAcl:Put',}
Notification event types. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/userguide/notification-how-to-event-types-and-destinations.html#supported-notification-event-types
INTELLIGENT_TIERING = 's3:IntelligentTiering'
You receive this notification event when an object within the S3 Intelligent-Tiering storage class moved to the Archive Access tier or Deep Archive Access tier.
LIFECYCLE_EXPIRATION = 's3:LifecycleExpiration:*'
By using the LifecycleExpiration event types, you can receive a notification when Amazon S3 deletes an object based on your S3 Lifecycle configuration.
LIFECYCLE_EXPIRATION_DELETE = 's3:LifecycleExpiration:Delete'
The s3:LifecycleExpiration:Delete event type notifies you when an object in an unversioned bucket is deleted. It also notifies you when an object version is permanently deleted by an S3 Lifecycle configuration.
LIFECYCLE_EXPIRATION_DELETE_MARKER_CREATED = 's3:LifecycleExpiration:DeleteMarkerCreated'
The s3:LifecycleExpiration:DeleteMarkerCreated event type notifies you when S3 Lifecycle creates a delete marker when a current version of an object in versioned bucket is deleted.
LIFECYCLE_TRANSITION = 's3:LifecycleTransition'
You receive this notification event when an object is transitioned to another Amazon S3 storage class by an S3 Lifecycle configuration.
OBJECT_ACL_PUT = 's3:ObjectAcl:Put'
You receive this notification event when an ACL is PUT on an object or when an existing ACL is changed. An event is not generated when a request results in no change to an object’s ACL.
OBJECT_CREATED = 's3:ObjectCreated:*'
Amazon S3 APIs such as PUT, POST, and COPY can create an object. Using these event types, you can enable notification when an object is created using a specific API, or you can use the s3:ObjectCreated:* event type to request notification regardless of the API that was used to create an object.
OBJECT_CREATED_COMPLETE_MULTIPART_UPLOAD = 's3:ObjectCreated:CompleteMultipartUpload'
Amazon S3 APIs such as PUT, POST, and COPY can create an object. Using these event types, you can enable notification when an object is created using a specific API, or you can use the s3:ObjectCreated:* event type to request notification regardless of the API that was used to create an object.
OBJECT_CREATED_COPY = 's3:ObjectCreated:Copy'
Amazon S3 APIs such as PUT, POST, and COPY can create an object. Using these event types, you can enable notification when an object is created using a specific API, or you can use the s3:ObjectCreated:* event type to request notification regardless of the API that was used to create an object.
OBJECT_CREATED_POST = 's3:ObjectCreated:Post'
Amazon S3 APIs such as PUT, POST, and COPY can create an object. Using these event types, you can enable notification when an object is created using a specific API, or you can use the s3:ObjectCreated:* event type to request notification regardless of the API that was used to create an object.
OBJECT_CREATED_PUT = 's3:ObjectCreated:Put'
Amazon S3 APIs such as PUT, POST, and COPY can create an object. Using these event types, you can enable notification when an object is created using a specific API, or you can use the s3:ObjectCreated:* event type to request notification regardless of the API that was used to create an object.
OBJECT_REMOVED = 's3:ObjectRemoved:*'
By using the ObjectRemoved event types, you can enable notification when an object or a batch of objects is removed from a bucket.
You can request notification when an object is deleted or a versioned object is permanently deleted by using the s3:ObjectRemoved:Delete event type. Or you can request notification when a delete marker is created for a versioned object by using s3:ObjectRemoved:DeleteMarkerCreated. For information about deleting versioned objects, see Deleting Object Versions. You can also use a wildcard s3:ObjectRemoved:* to request notification anytime an object is deleted.
You will not receive event notifications from automatic deletes from lifecycle policies or from failed operations.
OBJECT_REMOVED_DELETE = 's3:ObjectRemoved:Delete'
By using the ObjectRemoved event types, you can enable notification when an object or a batch of objects is removed from a bucket.
You can request notification when an object is deleted or a versioned object is permanently deleted by using the s3:ObjectRemoved:Delete event type. Or you can request notification when a delete marker is created for a versioned object by using s3:ObjectRemoved:DeleteMarkerCreated. For information about deleting versioned objects, see Deleting Object Versions. You can also use a wildcard s3:ObjectRemoved:* to request notification anytime an object is deleted.
You will not receive event notifications from automatic deletes from lifecycle policies or from failed operations.
OBJECT_REMOVED_DELETE_MARKER_CREATED = 's3:ObjectRemoved:DeleteMarkerCreated'
By using the ObjectRemoved event types, you can enable notification when an object or a batch of objects is removed from a bucket.
You can request notification when an object is deleted or a versioned object is permanently deleted by using the s3:ObjectRemoved:Delete event type. Or you can request notification when a delete marker is created for a versioned object by using s3:ObjectRemoved:DeleteMarkerCreated. For information about deleting versioned objects, see Deleting Object Versions. You can also use a wildcard s3:ObjectRemoved:* to request notification anytime an object is deleted.
You will not receive event notifications from automatic deletes from lifecycle policies or from failed operations.
OBJECT_RESTORE_COMPLETED = 's3:ObjectRestore:Completed'
Using restore object event types you can receive notifications for initiation and completion when restoring objects from the S3 Glacier storage class.
You use s3:ObjectRestore:Completed to request notification of restoration completion.
OBJECT_RESTORE_DELETE = 's3:ObjectRestore:Delete'
Using restore object event types you can receive notifications for initiation and completion when restoring objects from the S3 Glacier storage class.
You use s3:ObjectRestore:Delete to request notification of restoration completion.
OBJECT_RESTORE_POST = 's3:ObjectRestore:Post'
Using restore object event types you can receive notifications for initiation and completion when restoring objects from the S3 Glacier storage class.
You use s3:ObjectRestore:Post to request notification of object restoration initiation.
OBJECT_TAGGING = 's3:ObjectTagging:*'
By using the ObjectTagging event types, you can enable notification when an object tag is added or deleted from an object.
OBJECT_TAGGING_DELETE = 's3:ObjectTagging:Delete'
The s3:ObjectTagging:Delete event type notifies you when a tag is removed from an object.
OBJECT_TAGGING_PUT = 's3:ObjectTagging:Put'
The s3:ObjectTagging:Put event type notifies you when a tag is PUT on an object or an existing tag is updated.
REDUCED_REDUNDANCY_LOST_OBJECT = 's3:ReducedRedundancyLostObject'
You can use this event type to request Amazon S3 to send a notification message when Amazon S3 detects that an object of the RRS storage class is lost.
REPLICATION_OPERATION_FAILED_REPLICATION = 's3:Replication:OperationFailedReplication'
You receive this notification event when an object that was eligible for replication using Amazon S3 Replication Time Control failed to replicate.
REPLICATION_OPERATION_MISSED_THRESHOLD = 's3:Replication:OperationMissedThreshold'
You receive this notification event when an object that was eligible for replication using Amazon S3 Replication Time Control exceeded the 15-minute threshold for replication.
REPLICATION_OPERATION_NOT_TRACKED = 's3:Replication:OperationNotTracked'
You receive this notification event for an object that was eligible for replication using Amazon S3 Replication Time Control but is no longer tracked by replication metrics.
REPLICATION_OPERATION_REPLICATED_AFTER_THRESHOLD = 's3:Replication:OperationReplicatedAfterThreshold'
You receive this notification event for an object that was eligible for replication using the Amazon S3 Replication Time Control feature replicated after the 15-minute threshold.
enum HttpMethods
enum HttpMethods { GET = 'GET', PUT = 'PUT', HEAD = 'HEAD', POST = 'POST', DELETE = 'DELETE',}
All http request methods
member DELETE
The DELETE method deletes the specified resource.
member GET
The GET method requests a representation of the specified resource.
member HEAD
The HEAD method asks for a response identical to that of a GET request, but without the response body.
member POST
The POST method is used to submit an entity to the specified resource, often causing a change in state or side effects on the server.
member PUT
The PUT method replaces all current representations of the target resource with the request payload.
enum InventoryFormat
enum InventoryFormat { CSV = 'CSV', PARQUET = 'Parquet', ORC = 'ORC',}
All supported inventory list formats.
enum InventoryFrequency
enum InventoryFrequency { DAILY = 'Daily', WEEKLY = 'Weekly',}
All supported inventory frequencies.
enum InventoryObjectVersion
enum InventoryObjectVersion { ALL = 'All', CURRENT = 'Current',}
Inventory version support.
enum ObjectOwnership
enum ObjectOwnership { BUCKET_OWNER_ENFORCED = 'BucketOwnerEnforced', BUCKET_OWNER_PREFERRED = 'BucketOwnerPreferred', OBJECT_WRITER = 'ObjectWriter',}
The ObjectOwnership of the bucket.
See Also
BUCKET_OWNER_ENFORCED = 'BucketOwnerEnforced'
ACLs are disabled, and the bucket owner automatically owns and has full control over every object in the bucket. ACLs no longer affect permissions to data in the S3 bucket. The bucket uses policies to define access control.
BUCKET_OWNER_PREFERRED = 'BucketOwnerPreferred'
Objects uploaded to the bucket change ownership to the bucket owner .
OBJECT_WRITER = 'ObjectWriter'
The uploading account will own the object.
enum RedirectProtocol
enum RedirectProtocol { HTTP = 'http', HTTPS = 'https',}
All http request methods
namespace CfnAccessPoint
namespace CfnAccessPoint {}
interface PublicAccessBlockConfigurationProperty
interface PublicAccessBlockConfigurationProperty {}
The PublicAccessBlock configuration that you want to apply to this Amazon S3 bucket. You can enable the configuration options in any combination. For more information about when Amazon S3 considers a bucket or object public, see [The Meaning of "Public"](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/access-control-block-public-access.html#access-control-block-public-access-policy-status) in the *Amazon S3 User Guide* .
property blockPublicAcls
readonly blockPublicAcls?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable;
Specifies whether Amazon S3 should block public access control lists (ACLs) for this bucket and objects in this bucket. Setting this element to
causes the following behavior:- PUT Bucket ACL and PUT Object ACL calls fail if the specified ACL is public. - PUT Object calls fail if the request includes a public ACL. - PUT Bucket calls fail if the request includes a public ACL.
Enabling this setting doesn't affect existing policies or ACLs.
property blockPublicPolicy
readonly blockPublicPolicy?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable;
Specifies whether Amazon S3 should block public bucket policies for this bucket. Setting this element to
causes Amazon S3 to reject calls to PUT Bucket policy if the specified bucket policy allows public access.Enabling this setting doesn't affect existing bucket policies.
property ignorePublicAcls
readonly ignorePublicAcls?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable;
Specifies whether Amazon S3 should ignore public ACLs for this bucket and objects in this bucket. Setting this element to
causes Amazon S3 to ignore all public ACLs on this bucket and objects in this bucket.Enabling this setting doesn't affect the persistence of any existing ACLs and doesn't prevent new public ACLs from being set.
property restrictPublicBuckets
readonly restrictPublicBuckets?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable;
Specifies whether Amazon S3 should restrict public bucket policies for this bucket. Setting this element to
restricts access to this bucket to only AWS service principals and authorized users within this account if the bucket has a public policy.Enabling this setting doesn't affect previously stored bucket policies, except that public and cross-account access within any public bucket policy, including non-public delegation to specific accounts, is blocked.
interface VpcConfigurationProperty
interface VpcConfigurationProperty {}
The Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) configuration for this access point.
property vpcId
readonly vpcId?: string;
If this field is specified, the access point will only allow connections from the specified VPC ID.
namespace CfnBucket
namespace CfnBucket {}
interface AbortIncompleteMultipartUploadProperty
interface AbortIncompleteMultipartUploadProperty {}
Specifies the days since the initiation of an incomplete multipart upload that Amazon S3 will wait before permanently removing all parts of the upload. For more information, see [Stopping Incomplete Multipart Uploads Using a Bucket Lifecycle Policy](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/mpuoverview.html#mpu-abort-incomplete-mpu-lifecycle-config) in the *Amazon S3 User Guide* .
property daysAfterInitiation
readonly daysAfterInitiation: number;
Specifies the number of days after which Amazon S3 stops an incomplete multipart upload.
interface AccelerateConfigurationProperty
interface AccelerateConfigurationProperty {}
Configures the transfer acceleration state for an Amazon S3 bucket. For more information, see [Amazon S3 Transfer Acceleration](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/transfer-acceleration.html) in the *Amazon S3 User Guide* .
property accelerationStatus
readonly accelerationStatus: string;
Specifies the transfer acceleration status of the bucket.
interface AccessControlTranslationProperty
interface AccessControlTranslationProperty {}
Specify this only in a cross-account scenario (where source and destination bucket owners are not the same), and you want to change replica ownership to the AWS account that owns the destination bucket. If this is not specified in the replication configuration, the replicas are owned by same AWS account that owns the source object.
property owner
readonly owner: string;
Specifies the replica ownership. For default and valid values, see [PUT bucket replication](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTreplication.html) in the *Amazon S3 API Reference* .
interface AnalyticsConfigurationProperty
interface AnalyticsConfigurationProperty {}
Specifies the configuration and any analyses for the analytics filter of an Amazon S3 bucket.
property id
readonly id: string;
The ID that identifies the analytics configuration.
property prefix
readonly prefix?: string;
The prefix that an object must have to be included in the analytics results.
property storageClassAnalysis
readonly storageClassAnalysis: | CfnBucket.StorageClassAnalysisProperty | cdk.IResolvable;
Contains data related to access patterns to be collected and made available to analyze the tradeoffs between different storage classes.
property tagFilters
readonly tagFilters?: | Array<CfnBucket.TagFilterProperty | cdk.IResolvable> | cdk.IResolvable;
The tags to use when evaluating an analytics filter.
The analytics only includes objects that meet the filter's criteria. If no filter is specified, all of the contents of the bucket are included in the analysis.
interface BucketEncryptionProperty
interface BucketEncryptionProperty {}
Specifies default encryption for a bucket using server-side encryption with Amazon S3-managed keys (SSE-S3) or AWS KMS-managed keys (SSE-KMS) bucket. For information about the Amazon S3 default encryption feature, see [Amazon S3 Default Encryption for S3 Buckets](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/bucket-encryption.html) in the *Amazon S3 User Guide* .
property serverSideEncryptionConfiguration
readonly serverSideEncryptionConfiguration: | Array<CfnBucket.ServerSideEncryptionRuleProperty | cdk.IResolvable> | cdk.IResolvable;
Specifies the default server-side-encryption configuration.
interface CorsConfigurationProperty
interface CorsConfigurationProperty {}
Describes the cross-origin access configuration for objects in an Amazon S3 bucket. For more information, see [Enabling Cross-Origin Resource Sharing](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/cors.html) in the *Amazon S3 User Guide* .
property corsRules
readonly corsRules: | Array<CfnBucket.CorsRuleProperty | cdk.IResolvable> | cdk.IResolvable;
A set of origins and methods (cross-origin access that you want to allow). You can add up to 100 rules to the configuration.
interface CorsRuleProperty
interface CorsRuleProperty {}
Specifies a cross-origin access rule for an Amazon S3 bucket.
property allowedHeaders
readonly allowedHeaders?: string[];
Headers that are specified in the
header. These headers are allowed in a preflight OPTIONS request. In response to any preflight OPTIONS request, Amazon S3 returns any requested headers that are allowed.http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-cors-corsrule.html#cfn-s3-bucket-cors-corsrule-allowedheaders
property allowedMethods
readonly allowedMethods: string[];
An HTTP method that you allow the origin to run.
*Allowed values* :
property allowedOrigins
readonly allowedOrigins: string[];
One or more origins you want customers to be able to access the bucket from.
property exposedHeaders
readonly exposedHeaders?: string[];
One or more headers in the response that you want customers to be able to access from their applications (for example, from a JavaScript
property id
readonly id?: string;
A unique identifier for this rule. The value must be no more than 255 characters.
property maxAge
readonly maxAge?: number;
The time in seconds that your browser is to cache the preflight response for the specified resource.
interface DataExportProperty
interface DataExportProperty {}
Specifies how data related to the storage class analysis for an Amazon S3 bucket should be exported.
property destination
readonly destination: CfnBucket.DestinationProperty | cdk.IResolvable;
The place to store the data for an analysis.
property outputSchemaVersion
readonly outputSchemaVersion: string;
The version of the output schema to use when exporting data. Must be
interface DefaultRetentionProperty
interface DefaultRetentionProperty {}
The container element for specifying the default Object Lock retention settings for new objects placed in the specified bucket.
> - The
settings require both a mode and a period. > - TheDefaultRetention
period can be eitherDays
but you must select one. You cannot specifyDays
at the same time.external
property days
readonly days?: number;
The number of days that you want to specify for the default retention period. If Object Lock is turned on, you must specify
and specify eitherDays
property mode
readonly mode?: string;
The default Object Lock retention mode you want to apply to new objects placed in the specified bucket. If Object Lock is turned on, you must specify
and specify eitherDays
property years
readonly years?: number;
The number of years that you want to specify for the default retention period. If Object Lock is turned on, you must specify
and specify eitherDays
interface DeleteMarkerReplicationProperty
interface DeleteMarkerReplicationProperty {}
Specifies whether Amazon S3 replicates delete markers. If you specify a
in your replication configuration, you must also include aDeleteMarkerReplication
element. If yourFilter
includes aTag
element, theDeleteMarkerReplication
must be set to Disabled, because Amazon S3 does not support replicating delete markers for tag-based rules. For an example configuration, see [Basic Rule Configuration](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/replication-add-config.html#replication-config-min-rule-config) .For more information about delete marker replication, see [Basic Rule Configuration](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/delete-marker-replication.html) .
> If you are using an earlier version of the replication configuration, Amazon S3 handles replication of delete markers differently. For more information, see [Backward Compatibility](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/replication-add-config.html#replication-backward-compat-considerations) .
property status
readonly status?: string;
Indicates whether to replicate delete markers. Disabled by default.
interface DestinationProperty
interface DestinationProperty {}
Specifies information about where to publish analysis or configuration results for an Amazon S3 bucket.
property bucketAccountId
readonly bucketAccountId?: string;
The account ID that owns the destination S3 bucket. If no account ID is provided, the owner is not validated before exporting data.
> Although this value is optional, we strongly recommend that you set it to help prevent problems if the destination bucket ownership changes.
property bucketArn
readonly bucketArn: string;
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the bucket to which data is exported.
property format
readonly format: string;
Specifies the file format used when exporting data to Amazon S3.
*Allowed values* :
property prefix
readonly prefix?: string;
The prefix to use when exporting data. The prefix is prepended to all results.
interface EncryptionConfigurationProperty
interface EncryptionConfigurationProperty {}
Specifies encryption-related information for an Amazon S3 bucket that is a destination for replicated objects.
property replicaKmsKeyId
readonly replicaKmsKeyId: string;
Specifies the ID (Key ARN or Alias ARN) of the customer managed AWS KMS key stored in AWS Key Management Service (KMS) for the destination bucket. Amazon S3 uses this key to encrypt replica objects. Amazon S3 only supports symmetric encryption KMS keys. For more information, see [Asymmetric keys in AWS KMS](https://docs.aws.amazon.com//kms/latest/developerguide/symmetric-asymmetric.html) in the *AWS Key Management Service Developer Guide* .
interface EventBridgeConfigurationProperty
interface EventBridgeConfigurationProperty {}
Amazon S3 can send events to Amazon EventBridge whenever certain events happen in your bucket, see [Using EventBridge](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/userguide/EventBridge.html) in the *Amazon S3 User Guide* .
Unlike other destinations, delivery of events to EventBridge can be either enabled or disabled for a bucket. If enabled, all events will be sent to EventBridge and you can use EventBridge rules to route events to additional targets. For more information, see [What Is Amazon EventBridge](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/eventbridge/latest/userguide/eb-what-is.html) in the *Amazon EventBridge User Guide*
property eventBridgeEnabled
readonly eventBridgeEnabled?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable;
Enables delivery of events to Amazon EventBridge.
interface FilterRuleProperty
interface FilterRuleProperty {}
Specifies the Amazon S3 object key name to filter on and whether to filter on the suffix or prefix of the key name.
property name
readonly name: string;
The object key name prefix or suffix identifying one or more objects to which the filtering rule applies. The maximum length is 1,024 characters. Overlapping prefixes and suffixes are not supported. For more information, see [Configuring Event Notifications](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/NotificationHowTo.html) in the *Amazon S3 User Guide* .
property value
readonly value: string;
The value that the filter searches for in object key names.
interface IntelligentTieringConfigurationProperty
interface IntelligentTieringConfigurationProperty {}
Specifies the S3 Intelligent-Tiering configuration for an Amazon S3 bucket.
For information about the S3 Intelligent-Tiering storage class, see [Storage class for automatically optimizing frequently and infrequently accessed objects](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/storage-class-intro.html#sc-dynamic-data-access) .
property id
readonly id: string;
The ID used to identify the S3 Intelligent-Tiering configuration.
property prefix
readonly prefix?: string;
An object key name prefix that identifies the subset of objects to which the rule applies.
property status
readonly status: string;
Specifies the status of the configuration.
property tagFilters
readonly tagFilters?: | Array<CfnBucket.TagFilterProperty | cdk.IResolvable> | cdk.IResolvable;
A container for a key-value pair.
property tierings
readonly tierings: | Array<CfnBucket.TieringProperty | cdk.IResolvable> | cdk.IResolvable;
Specifies a list of S3 Intelligent-Tiering storage class tiers in the configuration. At least one tier must be defined in the list. At most, you can specify two tiers in the list, one for each available AccessTier:
.> You only need Intelligent Tiering Configuration enabled on a bucket if you want to automatically move objects stored in the Intelligent-Tiering storage class to Archive Access or Deep Archive Access tiers.
interface InventoryConfigurationProperty
interface InventoryConfigurationProperty {}
Specifies the inventory configuration for an Amazon S3 bucket. For more information, see [GET Bucket inventory](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETInventoryConfig.html) in the *Amazon S3 API Reference* .
property destination
readonly destination: CfnBucket.DestinationProperty | cdk.IResolvable;
Contains information about where to publish the inventory results.
property enabled
readonly enabled: boolean | cdk.IResolvable;
Specifies whether the inventory is enabled or disabled. If set to
, an inventory list is generated. If set toFalse
, no inventory list is generated.http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-inventoryconfiguration.html#cfn-s3-bucket-inventoryconfiguration-enabled
property id
readonly id: string;
The ID used to identify the inventory configuration.
property includedObjectVersions
readonly includedObjectVersions: string;
Object versions to include in the inventory list. If set to
, the list includes all the object versions, which adds the version-related fieldsVersionId
, andDeleteMarker
to the list. If set toCurrent
, the list does not contain these version-related fields.http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-inventoryconfiguration.html#cfn-s3-bucket-inventoryconfiguration-includedobjectversions
property optionalFields
readonly optionalFields?: string[];
Contains the optional fields that are included in the inventory results.
*Valid values* :
Size | LastModifiedDate | StorageClass | ETag | IsMultipartUploaded | ReplicationStatus | EncryptionStatus | ObjectLockRetainUntilDate | ObjectLockMode | ObjectLockLegalHoldStatus | IntelligentTieringAccessTier | BucketKeyStatus
property prefix
readonly prefix?: string;
Specifies the inventory filter prefix.
property scheduleFrequency
readonly scheduleFrequency: string;
Specifies the schedule for generating inventory results.
*Allowed values* :
interface LambdaConfigurationProperty
interface LambdaConfigurationProperty {}
Describes the AWS Lambda functions to invoke and the events for which to invoke them.
property event
readonly event: string;
The Amazon S3 bucket event for which to invoke the AWS Lambda function. For more information, see [Supported Event Types](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/NotificationHowTo.html) in the *Amazon S3 User Guide* .
property filter
readonly filter?: CfnBucket.NotificationFilterProperty | cdk.IResolvable;
The filtering rules that determine which objects invoke the AWS Lambda function. For example, you can create a filter so that only image files with a
extension invoke the function when they are added to the Amazon S3 bucket.http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-notificationconfig-lambdaconfig.html#cfn-s3-bucket-notificationconfig-lambdaconfig-filter
property function
readonly function: string;
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS Lambda function that Amazon S3 invokes when the specified event type occurs.
interface LifecycleConfigurationProperty
interface LifecycleConfigurationProperty {}
Specifies the lifecycle configuration for objects in an Amazon S3 bucket. For more information, see [Object Lifecycle Management](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/object-lifecycle-mgmt.html) in the *Amazon S3 User Guide* .
property rules
readonly rules: | Array<CfnBucket.RuleProperty | cdk.IResolvable> | cdk.IResolvable;
A lifecycle rule for individual objects in an Amazon S3 bucket.
interface LoggingConfigurationProperty
interface LoggingConfigurationProperty {}
Describes where logs are stored and the prefix that Amazon S3 assigns to all log object keys for a bucket. For examples and more information, see [PUT Bucket logging](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTlogging.html) in the *Amazon S3 API Reference* .
> To successfully complete the
AWS::S3::Bucket LoggingConfiguration
request, you must haves3:PutObject
in your IAM permissions.external
property destinationBucketName
readonly destinationBucketName?: string;
The name of the bucket where Amazon S3 should store server access log files. You can store log files in any bucket that you own. By default, logs are stored in the bucket where the
property is defined.http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-loggingconfig.html#cfn-s3-bucket-loggingconfig-destinationbucketname
property logFilePrefix
readonly logFilePrefix?: string;
A prefix for all log object keys. If you store log files from multiple Amazon S3 buckets in a single bucket, you can use a prefix to distinguish which log files came from which bucket.
interface MetricsConfigurationProperty
interface MetricsConfigurationProperty {}
Specifies a metrics configuration for the CloudWatch request metrics (specified by the metrics configuration ID) from an Amazon S3 bucket. If you're updating an existing metrics configuration, note that this is a full replacement of the existing metrics configuration. If you don't include the elements you want to keep, they are erased. For examples, see [AWS::S3::Bucket](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket.html#aws-properties-s3-bucket--examples) . For more information, see [PUT Bucket metrics](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTMetricConfiguration.html) in the *Amazon S3 API Reference* .
property accessPointArn
readonly accessPointArn?: string;
The access point that was used while performing operations on the object. The metrics configuration only includes objects that meet the filter's criteria.
property id
readonly id: string;
The ID used to identify the metrics configuration. This can be any value you choose that helps you identify your metrics configuration.
property prefix
readonly prefix?: string;
The prefix that an object must have to be included in the metrics results.
property tagFilters
readonly tagFilters?: | Array<CfnBucket.TagFilterProperty | cdk.IResolvable> | cdk.IResolvable;
Specifies a list of tag filters to use as a metrics configuration filter. The metrics configuration includes only objects that meet the filter's criteria.
interface MetricsProperty
interface MetricsProperty {}
A container specifying replication metrics-related settings enabling replication metrics and events.
property eventThreshold
readonly eventThreshold?: | CfnBucket.ReplicationTimeValueProperty | cdk.IResolvable;
A container specifying the time threshold for emitting the
property status
readonly status: string;
Specifies whether the replication metrics are enabled.
interface NoncurrentVersionExpirationProperty
interface NoncurrentVersionExpirationProperty {}
Specifies when noncurrent object versions expire. Upon expiration, Amazon S3 permanently deletes the noncurrent object versions. You set this lifecycle configuration action on a bucket that has versioning enabled (or suspended) to request that Amazon S3 delete noncurrent object versions at a specific period in the object's lifetime.
property newerNoncurrentVersions
readonly newerNoncurrentVersions?: number;
Specifies how many noncurrent versions Amazon S3 will retain. If there are this many more recent noncurrent versions, Amazon S3 will take the associated action. For more information about noncurrent versions, see [Lifecycle configuration elements](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/userguide/intro-lifecycle-rules.html) in the *Amazon S3 User Guide* .
property noncurrentDays
readonly noncurrentDays: number;
Specifies the number of days an object is noncurrent before Amazon S3 can perform the associated action. For information about the noncurrent days calculations, see [How Amazon S3 Calculates When an Object Became Noncurrent](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/intro-lifecycle-rules.html#non-current-days-calculations) in the *Amazon S3 User Guide* .
interface NoncurrentVersionTransitionProperty
interface NoncurrentVersionTransitionProperty {}
Container for the transition rule that describes when noncurrent objects transition to the
storage class. If your bucket is versioning-enabled (or versioning is suspended), you can set this action to request that Amazon S3 transition noncurrent object versions to theSTANDARD_IA
storage class at a specific period in the object's lifetime. If you specify this property, don't specify theNoncurrentVersionTransitions
property newerNoncurrentVersions
readonly newerNoncurrentVersions?: number;
Specifies how many noncurrent versions Amazon S3 will retain. If there are this many more recent noncurrent versions, Amazon S3 will take the associated action. For more information about noncurrent versions, see [Lifecycle configuration elements](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/userguide/intro-lifecycle-rules.html) in the *Amazon S3 User Guide* .
property storageClass
readonly storageClass: string;
The class of storage used to store the object.
property transitionInDays
readonly transitionInDays: number;
Specifies the number of days an object is noncurrent before Amazon S3 can perform the associated action. For information about the noncurrent days calculations, see [How Amazon S3 Calculates How Long an Object Has Been Noncurrent](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/intro-lifecycle-rules.html#non-current-days-calculations) in the *Amazon S3 User Guide* .
interface NotificationConfigurationProperty
interface NotificationConfigurationProperty {}
Describes the notification configuration for an Amazon S3 bucket.
> If you create the target resource and related permissions in the same template, you might have a circular dependency. > > For example, you might use the
resource to grant the bucket permission to invoke an AWS Lambda function. However, AWS CloudFormation can't create the bucket until the bucket has permission to invoke the function ( AWS CloudFormation checks whether the bucket can invoke the function). If you're using Refs to pass the bucket name, this leads to a circular dependency. > > To avoid this dependency, you can create all resources without specifying the notification configuration. Then, update the stack with a notification configuration. > > For more information on permissions, see [AWS::Lambda::Permission](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-permission.html) and [Granting Permissions to Publish Event Notification Messages to a Destination](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/NotificationHowTo.html#grant-destinations-permissions-to-s3) .external
property eventBridgeConfiguration
readonly eventBridgeConfiguration?: | CfnBucket.EventBridgeConfigurationProperty | cdk.IResolvable;
Enables delivery of events to Amazon EventBridge.
property lambdaConfigurations
readonly lambdaConfigurations?: | Array<CfnBucket.LambdaConfigurationProperty | cdk.IResolvable> | cdk.IResolvable;
Describes the AWS Lambda functions to invoke and the events for which to invoke them.
property queueConfigurations
readonly queueConfigurations?: | Array<CfnBucket.QueueConfigurationProperty | cdk.IResolvable> | cdk.IResolvable;
The Amazon Simple Queue Service queues to publish messages to and the events for which to publish messages.
property topicConfigurations
readonly topicConfigurations?: | Array<CfnBucket.TopicConfigurationProperty | cdk.IResolvable> | cdk.IResolvable;
The topic to which notifications are sent and the events for which notifications are generated.
interface NotificationFilterProperty
interface NotificationFilterProperty {}
Specifies object key name filtering rules. For information about key name filtering, see [Configuring event notifications using object key name filtering](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/userguide/notification-how-to-filtering.html) in the *Amazon S3 User Guide* .
property s3Key
readonly s3Key: CfnBucket.S3KeyFilterProperty | cdk.IResolvable;
A container for object key name prefix and suffix filtering rules.
interface ObjectLockConfigurationProperty
interface ObjectLockConfigurationProperty {}
Places an Object Lock configuration on the specified bucket. The rule specified in the Object Lock configuration will be applied by default to every new object placed in the specified bucket. For more information, see [Locking Objects](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/object-lock.html) .
property objectLockEnabled
readonly objectLockEnabled?: string;
Indicates whether this bucket has an Object Lock configuration enabled. Enable
when you applyObjectLockConfiguration
to a bucket.http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-objectlockconfiguration.html#cfn-s3-bucket-objectlockconfiguration-objectlockenabled
property rule
readonly rule?: CfnBucket.ObjectLockRuleProperty | cdk.IResolvable;
Specifies the Object Lock rule for the specified object. Enable this rule when you apply
to a bucket. If Object Lock is turned on, bucket settings require bothMode
and a period of eitherDays
. You cannot specifyDays
at the same time. For more information, see [ObjectLockRule](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-objectlockrule.html) and [DefaultRetention](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-defaultretention.html) .http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-objectlockconfiguration.html#cfn-s3-bucket-objectlockconfiguration-rule
interface ObjectLockRuleProperty
interface ObjectLockRuleProperty {}
Specifies the Object Lock rule for the specified object. Enable the this rule when you apply
to a bucket.external
property defaultRetention
readonly defaultRetention?: CfnBucket.DefaultRetentionProperty | cdk.IResolvable;
The default Object Lock retention mode and period that you want to apply to new objects placed in the specified bucket. If Object Lock is turned on, bucket settings require both
and a period of eitherDays
. You cannot specifyDays
at the same time. For more information about allowable values for mode and period, see [DefaultRetention](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-defaultretention.html) .http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-objectlockrule.html#cfn-s3-bucket-objectlockrule-defaultretention
interface OwnershipControlsProperty
interface OwnershipControlsProperty {}
Specifies the container element for Object Ownership rules.
S3 Object Ownership is an Amazon S3 bucket-level setting that you can use to disable access control lists (ACLs) and take ownership of every object in your bucket, simplifying access management for data stored in Amazon S3. For more information, see [Controlling ownership of objects and disabling ACLs](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/userguide/about-object-ownership.html) in the *Amazon S3 User Guide* .
property rules
readonly rules: | Array<CfnBucket.OwnershipControlsRuleProperty | cdk.IResolvable> | cdk.IResolvable;
Specifies the container element for Object Ownership rules.
interface OwnershipControlsRuleProperty
interface OwnershipControlsRuleProperty {}
Specifies an Object Ownership rule.
S3 Object Ownership is an Amazon S3 bucket-level setting that you can use to disable access control lists (ACLs) and take ownership of every object in your bucket, simplifying access management for data stored in Amazon S3. For more information, see [Controlling ownership of objects and disabling ACLs](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/userguide/about-object-ownership.html) in the *Amazon S3 User Guide* .
property objectOwnership
readonly objectOwnership?: string;
Specifies an Object Ownership rule.
*Allowed values* :
interface PublicAccessBlockConfigurationProperty
interface PublicAccessBlockConfigurationProperty {}
The PublicAccessBlock configuration that you want to apply to this Amazon S3 bucket. You can enable the configuration options in any combination. For more information about when Amazon S3 considers a bucket or object public, see [The Meaning of "Public"](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/access-control-block-public-access.html#access-control-block-public-access-policy-status) in the *Amazon S3 User Guide* .
property blockPublicAcls
readonly blockPublicAcls?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable;
Specifies whether Amazon S3 should block public access control lists (ACLs) for this bucket and objects in this bucket. Setting this element to
causes the following behavior:- PUT Bucket ACL and PUT Object ACL calls fail if the specified ACL is public. - PUT Object calls fail if the request includes a public ACL. - PUT Bucket calls fail if the request includes a public ACL.
Enabling this setting doesn't affect existing policies or ACLs.
property blockPublicPolicy
readonly blockPublicPolicy?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable;
Specifies whether Amazon S3 should block public bucket policies for this bucket. Setting this element to
causes Amazon S3 to reject calls to PUT Bucket policy if the specified bucket policy allows public access.Enabling this setting doesn't affect existing bucket policies.
property ignorePublicAcls
readonly ignorePublicAcls?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable;
Specifies whether Amazon S3 should ignore public ACLs for this bucket and objects in this bucket. Setting this element to
causes Amazon S3 to ignore all public ACLs on this bucket and objects in this bucket.Enabling this setting doesn't affect the persistence of any existing ACLs and doesn't prevent new public ACLs from being set.
property restrictPublicBuckets
readonly restrictPublicBuckets?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable;
Specifies whether Amazon S3 should restrict public bucket policies for this bucket. Setting this element to
restricts access to this bucket to only AWS service principals and authorized users within this account if the bucket has a public policy.Enabling this setting doesn't affect previously stored bucket policies, except that public and cross-account access within any public bucket policy, including non-public delegation to specific accounts, is blocked.
interface QueueConfigurationProperty
interface QueueConfigurationProperty {}
Specifies the configuration for publishing messages to an Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS) queue when Amazon S3 detects specified events.
property event
readonly event: string;
The Amazon S3 bucket event about which you want to publish messages to Amazon SQS. For more information, see [Supported Event Types](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/NotificationHowTo.html) in the *Amazon S3 User Guide* .
property filter
readonly filter?: CfnBucket.NotificationFilterProperty | cdk.IResolvable;
The filtering rules that determine which objects trigger notifications. For example, you can create a filter so that Amazon S3 sends notifications only when image files with a
extension are added to the bucket. For more information, see [Configuring event notifications using object key name filtering](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/user-guide/notification-how-to-filtering.html) in the *Amazon S3 User Guide* .http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-notificationconfig-queueconfig.html#cfn-s3-bucket-notificationconfig-queueconfig-filter
property queue
readonly queue: string;
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amazon SQS queue to which Amazon S3 publishes a message when it detects events of the specified type. FIFO queues are not allowed when enabling an SQS queue as the event notification destination.
interface RedirectAllRequestsToProperty
interface RedirectAllRequestsToProperty {}
Specifies the redirect behavior of all requests to a website endpoint of an Amazon S3 bucket.
property hostName
readonly hostName: string;
Name of the host where requests are redirected.
property protocol
readonly protocol?: string;
Protocol to use when redirecting requests. The default is the protocol that is used in the original request.
interface RedirectRuleProperty
interface RedirectRuleProperty {}
Specifies how requests are redirected. In the event of an error, you can specify a different error code to return.
property hostName
readonly hostName?: string;
The host name to use in the redirect request.
property httpRedirectCode
readonly httpRedirectCode?: string;
The HTTP redirect code to use on the response. Not required if one of the siblings is present.
property protocol
readonly protocol?: string;
Protocol to use when redirecting requests. The default is the protocol that is used in the original request.
property replaceKeyPrefixWith
readonly replaceKeyPrefixWith?: string;
The object key prefix to use in the redirect request. For example, to redirect requests for all pages with prefix
(objects in thedocs/
folder) todocuments/
, you can set a condition block withKeyPrefixEquals
set todocs/
and in the Redirect setReplaceKeyPrefixWith
. Not required if one of the siblings is present. Can be present only ifReplaceKeyWith
is not provided.> Replacement must be made for object keys containing special characters (such as carriage returns) when using XML requests. For more information, see [XML related object key constraints](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/userguide/object-keys.html#object-key-xml-related-constraints) .
property replaceKeyWith
readonly replaceKeyWith?: string;
The specific object key to use in the redirect request. For example, redirect request to
. Not required if one of the siblings is present. Can be present only ifReplaceKeyPrefixWith
is not provided.> Replacement must be made for object keys containing special characters (such as carriage returns) when using XML requests. For more information, see [XML related object key constraints](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/userguide/object-keys.html#object-key-xml-related-constraints) .
interface ReplicaModificationsProperty
interface ReplicaModificationsProperty {}
A filter that you can specify for selection for modifications on replicas.
property status
readonly status: string;
Specifies whether Amazon S3 replicates modifications on replicas.
*Allowed values* :
interface ReplicationConfigurationProperty
interface ReplicationConfigurationProperty {}
A container for replication rules. You can add up to 1,000 rules. The maximum size of a replication configuration is 2 MB.
property role
readonly role: string;
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role that Amazon S3 assumes when replicating objects. For more information, see [How to Set Up Replication](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/replication-how-setup.html) in the *Amazon S3 User Guide* .
property rules
readonly rules: | Array<CfnBucket.ReplicationRuleProperty | cdk.IResolvable> | cdk.IResolvable;
A container for one or more replication rules. A replication configuration must have at least one rule and can contain a maximum of 1,000 rules.
interface ReplicationDestinationProperty
interface ReplicationDestinationProperty {}
A container for information about the replication destination and its configurations including enabling the S3 Replication Time Control (S3 RTC).
property accessControlTranslation
readonly accessControlTranslation?: | CfnBucket.AccessControlTranslationProperty | cdk.IResolvable;
Specify this only in a cross-account scenario (where source and destination bucket owners are not the same), and you want to change replica ownership to the AWS account that owns the destination bucket. If this is not specified in the replication configuration, the replicas are owned by same AWS account that owns the source object.
property account
readonly account?: string;
Destination bucket owner account ID. In a cross-account scenario, if you direct Amazon S3 to change replica ownership to the AWS account that owns the destination bucket by specifying the
property, this is the account ID of the destination bucket owner. For more information, see [Cross-Region Replication Additional Configuration: Change Replica Owner](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/crr-change-owner.html) in the *Amazon S3 User Guide* .If you specify the
property, theAccount
property is required.http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-replicationconfiguration-rules-destination.html#cfn-s3-bucket-replicationdestination-account
property bucket
readonly bucket: string;
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the bucket where you want Amazon S3 to store the results.
property encryptionConfiguration
readonly encryptionConfiguration?: | CfnBucket.EncryptionConfigurationProperty | cdk.IResolvable;
Specifies encryption-related information.
property metrics
readonly metrics?: CfnBucket.MetricsProperty | cdk.IResolvable;
A container specifying replication metrics-related settings enabling replication metrics and events.
property replicationTime
readonly replicationTime?: CfnBucket.ReplicationTimeProperty | cdk.IResolvable;
A container specifying S3 Replication Time Control (S3 RTC), including whether S3 RTC is enabled and the time when all objects and operations on objects must be replicated. Must be specified together with a
property storageClass
readonly storageClass?: string;
The storage class to use when replicating objects, such as S3 Standard or reduced redundancy. By default, Amazon S3 uses the storage class of the source object to create the object replica.
For valid values, see the
element of the [PUT Bucket replication](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTreplication.html) action in the *Amazon S3 API Reference* .http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-replicationconfiguration-rules-destination.html#cfn-s3-bucket-replicationconfiguration-rules-destination-storageclass
interface ReplicationRuleAndOperatorProperty
interface ReplicationRuleAndOperatorProperty {}
A container for specifying rule filters. The filters determine the subset of objects to which the rule applies. This element is required only if you specify more than one filter.
For example:
- If you specify both a
and aTagFilter
, wrap these filters in anAnd
tag. - If you specify a filter based on multiple tags, wrap theTagFilter
elements in anAnd
property prefix
readonly prefix?: string;
An object key name prefix that identifies the subset of objects to which the rule applies.
property tagFilters
readonly tagFilters?: | Array<CfnBucket.TagFilterProperty | cdk.IResolvable> | cdk.IResolvable;
An array of tags containing key and value pairs.
interface ReplicationRuleFilterProperty
interface ReplicationRuleFilterProperty {}
A filter that identifies the subset of objects to which the replication rule applies. A
must specify exactly onePrefix
, or anAnd
child element.external
property and
readonly and?: CfnBucket.ReplicationRuleAndOperatorProperty | cdk.IResolvable;
A container for specifying rule filters. The filters determine the subset of objects to which the rule applies. This element is required only if you specify more than one filter. For example:
- If you specify both a
and aTagFilter
, wrap these filters in anAnd
tag. - If you specify a filter based on multiple tags, wrap theTagFilter
elements in anAnd
property prefix
readonly prefix?: string;
An object key name prefix that identifies the subset of objects to which the rule applies.
> Replacement must be made for object keys containing special characters (such as carriage returns) when using XML requests. For more information, see [XML related object key constraints](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/userguide/object-keys.html#object-key-xml-related-constraints) .
property tagFilter
readonly tagFilter?: CfnBucket.TagFilterProperty | cdk.IResolvable;
A container for specifying a tag key and value.
The rule applies only to objects that have the tag in their tag set.
interface ReplicationRuleProperty
interface ReplicationRuleProperty {}
Specifies which Amazon S3 objects to replicate and where to store the replicas.
property deleteMarkerReplication
readonly deleteMarkerReplication?: | CfnBucket.DeleteMarkerReplicationProperty | cdk.IResolvable;
Specifies whether Amazon S3 replicates delete markers. If you specify a
in your replication configuration, you must also include aDeleteMarkerReplication
element. If yourFilter
includes aTag
element, theDeleteMarkerReplication
must be set to Disabled, because Amazon S3 does not support replicating delete markers for tag-based rules. For an example configuration, see [Basic Rule Configuration](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/replication-add-config.html#replication-config-min-rule-config) .For more information about delete marker replication, see [Basic Rule Configuration](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/delete-marker-replication.html) .
> If you are using an earlier version of the replication configuration, Amazon S3 handles replication of delete markers differently. For more information, see [Backward Compatibility](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/replication-add-config.html#replication-backward-compat-considerations) .
property destination
readonly destination: CfnBucket.ReplicationDestinationProperty | cdk.IResolvable;
A container for information about the replication destination and its configurations including enabling the S3 Replication Time Control (S3 RTC).
property filter
readonly filter?: CfnBucket.ReplicationRuleFilterProperty | cdk.IResolvable;
A filter that identifies the subset of objects to which the replication rule applies. A
must specify exactly onePrefix
, or anAnd
child element. The use of the filter field indicates that this is a V2 replication configuration. This field isn't supported in a V1 replication configuration.> V1 replication configuration only supports filtering by key prefix. To filter using a V1 replication configuration, add the
directly as a child element of theRule
property id
readonly id?: string;
A unique identifier for the rule. The maximum value is 255 characters. If you don't specify a value, AWS CloudFormation generates a random ID. When using a V2 replication configuration this property is capitalized as "ID".
property prefix
readonly prefix?: string;
An object key name prefix that identifies the object or objects to which the rule applies. The maximum prefix length is 1,024 characters. To include all objects in a bucket, specify an empty string. To filter using a V1 replication configuration, add the
directly as a child element of theRule
element.> Replacement must be made for object keys containing special characters (such as carriage returns) when using XML requests. For more information, see [XML related object key constraints](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/userguide/object-keys.html#object-key-xml-related-constraints) .
property priority
readonly priority?: number;
The priority indicates which rule has precedence whenever two or more replication rules conflict. Amazon S3 will attempt to replicate objects according to all replication rules. However, if there are two or more rules with the same destination bucket, then objects will be replicated according to the rule with the highest priority. The higher the number, the higher the priority.
For more information, see [Replication](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/replication.html) in the *Amazon S3 User Guide* .
property sourceSelectionCriteria
readonly sourceSelectionCriteria?: | CfnBucket.SourceSelectionCriteriaProperty | cdk.IResolvable;
A container that describes additional filters for identifying the source objects that you want to replicate. You can choose to enable or disable the replication of these objects.
property status
readonly status: string;
Specifies whether the rule is enabled.
interface ReplicationTimeProperty
interface ReplicationTimeProperty {}
A container specifying S3 Replication Time Control (S3 RTC) related information, including whether S3 RTC is enabled and the time when all objects and operations on objects must be replicated. Must be specified together with a
property status
readonly status: string;
Specifies whether the replication time is enabled.
property time
readonly time: CfnBucket.ReplicationTimeValueProperty | cdk.IResolvable;
A container specifying the time by which replication should be complete for all objects and operations on objects.
interface ReplicationTimeValueProperty
interface ReplicationTimeValueProperty {}
A container specifying the time value for S3 Replication Time Control (S3 RTC) and replication metrics
property minutes
readonly minutes: number;
Contains an integer specifying time in minutes.
Valid value: 15
interface RoutingRuleConditionProperty
interface RoutingRuleConditionProperty {}
A container for describing a condition that must be met for the specified redirect to apply. For example, 1. If request is for pages in the
folder, redirect to the/documents
folder. 2. If request results in HTTP error 4xx, redirect request to another host where you might process the error.external
property httpErrorCodeReturnedEquals
readonly httpErrorCodeReturnedEquals?: string;
The HTTP error code when the redirect is applied. In the event of an error, if the error code equals this value, then the specified redirect is applied.
Required when parent element
is specified and siblingKeyPrefixEquals
is not specified. If both are specified, then both must be true for the redirect to be applied.http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-websiteconfiguration-routingrules-routingrulecondition.html#cfn-s3-websiteconfiguration-routingrules-routingrulecondition-httperrorcodereturnedequals
property keyPrefixEquals
readonly keyPrefixEquals?: string;
The object key name prefix when the redirect is applied. For example, to redirect requests for
, the key prefix will beExamplePage.html
. To redirect request for all pages with the prefixdocs/
, the key prefix will be/docs
, which identifies all objects in the docs/ folder.Required when the parent element
is specified and siblingHttpErrorCodeReturnedEquals
is not specified. If both conditions are specified, both must be true for the redirect to be applied.http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-websiteconfiguration-routingrules-routingrulecondition.html#cfn-s3-websiteconfiguration-routingrules-routingrulecondition-keyprefixequals
interface RoutingRuleProperty
interface RoutingRuleProperty {}
Specifies the redirect behavior and when a redirect is applied. For more information about routing rules, see [Configuring advanced conditional redirects](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/how-to-page-redirect.html#advanced-conditional-redirects) in the *Amazon S3 User Guide* .
property redirectRule
readonly redirectRule: CfnBucket.RedirectRuleProperty | cdk.IResolvable;
Container for redirect information. You can redirect requests to another host, to another page, or with another protocol. In the event of an error, you can specify a different error code to return.
property routingRuleCondition
readonly routingRuleCondition?: | CfnBucket.RoutingRuleConditionProperty | cdk.IResolvable;
A container for describing a condition that must be met for the specified redirect to apply. For example, 1. If request is for pages in the
folder, redirect to the/documents
folder. 2. If request results in HTTP error 4xx, redirect request to another host where you might process the error.http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-websiteconfiguration-routingrules.html#cfn-s3-websiteconfiguration-routingrules-routingrulecondition
interface RuleProperty
interface RuleProperty {}
Specifies lifecycle rules for an Amazon S3 bucket. For more information, see [Put Bucket Lifecycle Configuration](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTlifecycle.html) in the *Amazon S3 API Reference* .
You must specify at least one of the following properties:
, orTransitions
property abortIncompleteMultipartUpload
readonly abortIncompleteMultipartUpload?: | CfnBucket.AbortIncompleteMultipartUploadProperty | cdk.IResolvable;
Specifies a lifecycle rule that stops incomplete multipart uploads to an Amazon S3 bucket.
property expirationDate
readonly expirationDate?: Date | cdk.IResolvable;
Indicates when objects are deleted from Amazon S3 and Amazon S3 Glacier. The date value must be in ISO 8601 format. The time is always midnight UTC. If you specify an expiration and transition time, you must use the same time unit for both properties (either in days or by date). The expiration time must also be later than the transition time.
property expirationInDays
readonly expirationInDays?: number;
Indicates the number of days after creation when objects are deleted from Amazon S3 and Amazon S3 Glacier. If you specify an expiration and transition time, you must use the same time unit for both properties (either in days or by date). The expiration time must also be later than the transition time.
property expiredObjectDeleteMarker
readonly expiredObjectDeleteMarker?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable;
Indicates whether Amazon S3 will remove a delete marker without any noncurrent versions. If set to true, the delete marker will be removed if there are no noncurrent versions. This cannot be specified with
, orTagFilters
property id
readonly id?: string;
Unique identifier for the rule. The value can't be longer than 255 characters.
property noncurrentVersionExpiration
readonly noncurrentVersionExpiration?: | CfnBucket.NoncurrentVersionExpirationProperty | cdk.IResolvable;
Specifies when noncurrent object versions expire. Upon expiration, Amazon S3 permanently deletes the noncurrent object versions. You set this lifecycle configuration action on a bucket that has versioning enabled (or suspended) to request that Amazon S3 delete noncurrent object versions at a specific period in the object's lifetime.
property noncurrentVersionExpirationInDays
readonly noncurrentVersionExpirationInDays?: number;
(Deprecated.) For buckets with versioning enabled (or suspended), specifies the time, in days, between when a new version of the object is uploaded to the bucket and when old versions of the object expire. When object versions expire, Amazon S3 permanently deletes them. If you specify a transition and expiration time, the expiration time must be later than the transition time.
property noncurrentVersionTransition
readonly noncurrentVersionTransition?: | CfnBucket.NoncurrentVersionTransitionProperty | cdk.IResolvable;
(Deprecated.) For buckets with versioning enabled (or suspended), specifies when non-current objects transition to a specified storage class. If you specify a transition and expiration time, the expiration time must be later than the transition time. If you specify this property, don't specify the
property noncurrentVersionTransitions
readonly noncurrentVersionTransitions?: | Array<CfnBucket.NoncurrentVersionTransitionProperty | cdk.IResolvable> | cdk.IResolvable;
For buckets with versioning enabled (or suspended), one or more transition rules that specify when non-current objects transition to a specified storage class. If you specify a transition and expiration time, the expiration time must be later than the transition time. If you specify this property, don't specify the
property objectSizeGreaterThan
readonly objectSizeGreaterThan?: number;
Specifies the minimum object size in bytes for this rule to apply to. Objects must be larger than this value in bytes. For more information about size based rules, see [Lifecycle configuration using size-based rules](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/userguide/lifecycle-configuration-examples.html#lc-size-rules) in the *Amazon S3 User Guide* .
property objectSizeLessThan
readonly objectSizeLessThan?: number;
Specifies the maximum object size in bytes for this rule to apply to. Objects must be smaller than this value in bytes. For more information about sized based rules, see [Lifecycle configuration using size-based rules](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/userguide/lifecycle-configuration-examples.html#lc-size-rules) in the *Amazon S3 User Guide* .
property prefix
readonly prefix?: string;
Object key prefix that identifies one or more objects to which this rule applies.
> Replacement must be made for object keys containing special characters (such as carriage returns) when using XML requests. For more information, see [XML related object key constraints](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/userguide/object-keys.html#object-key-xml-related-constraints) .
property status
readonly status: string;
, the rule is currently being applied. IfDisabled
, the rule is not currently being applied.http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-lifecycleconfig-rule.html#cfn-s3-bucket-lifecycleconfig-rule-status
property tagFilters
readonly tagFilters?: | Array<CfnBucket.TagFilterProperty | cdk.IResolvable> | cdk.IResolvable;
Tags to use to identify a subset of objects to which the lifecycle rule applies.
property transition
readonly transition?: CfnBucket.TransitionProperty | cdk.IResolvable;
(Deprecated.) Specifies when an object transitions to a specified storage class. If you specify an expiration and transition time, you must use the same time unit for both properties (either in days or by date). The expiration time must also be later than the transition time. If you specify this property, don't specify the
property transitions
readonly transitions?: | Array<CfnBucket.TransitionProperty | cdk.IResolvable> | cdk.IResolvable;
One or more transition rules that specify when an object transitions to a specified storage class. If you specify an expiration and transition time, you must use the same time unit for both properties (either in days or by date). The expiration time must also be later than the transition time. If you specify this property, don't specify the
interface S3KeyFilterProperty
interface S3KeyFilterProperty {}
A container for object key name prefix and suffix filtering rules. For more information about object key name filtering, see [Configuring event notifications using object key name filtering](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/userguide/notification-how-to-filtering.html) in the *Amazon S3 User Guide* .
> The same type of filter rule cannot be used more than once. For example, you cannot specify two prefix rules.
property rules
readonly rules: | Array<CfnBucket.FilterRuleProperty | cdk.IResolvable> | cdk.IResolvable;
A list of containers for the key-value pair that defines the criteria for the filter rule.
interface ServerSideEncryptionByDefaultProperty
interface ServerSideEncryptionByDefaultProperty {}
Describes the default server-side encryption to apply to new objects in the bucket. If a PUT Object request doesn't specify any server-side encryption, this default encryption will be applied. If you don't specify a customer managed key at configuration, Amazon S3 automatically creates an AWS KMS key in your AWS account the first time that you add an object encrypted with SSE-KMS to a bucket. By default, Amazon S3 uses this KMS key for SSE-KMS. For more information, see [PUT Bucket encryption](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTencryption.html) in the *Amazon S3 API Reference* .
property kmsMasterKeyId
readonly kmsMasterKeyId?: string;
KMS key ID to use for the default encryption. This parameter is allowed if SSEAlgorithm is aws:kms.
You can specify the key ID or the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the CMK. However, if you are using encryption with cross-account operations, you must use a fully qualified CMK ARN. For more information, see [Using encryption for cross-account operations](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/bucket-encryption.html#bucket-encryption-update-bucket-policy) .
For example:
- Key ID:
- Key ARN:arn:aws:kms:us-east-2:111122223333:key/1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab
> Amazon S3 only supports symmetric KMS keys and not asymmetric KMS keys. For more information, see [Using Symmetric and Asymmetric Keys](https://docs.aws.amazon.com//kms/latest/developerguide/symmetric-asymmetric.html) in the *AWS Key Management Service Developer Guide* .
property sseAlgorithm
readonly sseAlgorithm: string;
Server-side encryption algorithm to use for the default encryption.
interface ServerSideEncryptionRuleProperty
interface ServerSideEncryptionRuleProperty {}
Specifies the default server-side encryption configuration.
property bucketKeyEnabled
readonly bucketKeyEnabled?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable;
Specifies whether Amazon S3 should use an S3 Bucket Key with server-side encryption using KMS (SSE-KMS) for new objects in the bucket. Existing objects are not affected. Setting the
element totrue
causes Amazon S3 to use an S3 Bucket Key. By default, S3 Bucket Key is not enabled.For more information, see [Amazon S3 Bucket Keys](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/bucket-key.html) in the *Amazon S3 User Guide* .
property serverSideEncryptionByDefault
readonly serverSideEncryptionByDefault?: | CfnBucket.ServerSideEncryptionByDefaultProperty | cdk.IResolvable;
Specifies the default server-side encryption to apply to new objects in the bucket. If a PUT Object request doesn't specify any server-side encryption, this default encryption will be applied.
interface SourceSelectionCriteriaProperty
interface SourceSelectionCriteriaProperty {}
A container that describes additional filters for identifying the source objects that you want to replicate. You can choose to enable or disable the replication of these objects.
property replicaModifications
readonly replicaModifications?: | CfnBucket.ReplicaModificationsProperty | cdk.IResolvable;
A filter that you can specify for selection for modifications on replicas.
property sseKmsEncryptedObjects
readonly sseKmsEncryptedObjects?: | CfnBucket.SseKmsEncryptedObjectsProperty | cdk.IResolvable;
A container for filter information for the selection of Amazon S3 objects encrypted with AWS KMS.
interface SseKmsEncryptedObjectsProperty
interface SseKmsEncryptedObjectsProperty {}
A container for filter information for the selection of S3 objects encrypted with AWS KMS.
property status
readonly status: string;
Specifies whether Amazon S3 replicates objects created with server-side encryption using an AWS KMS key stored in AWS Key Management Service.
interface StorageClassAnalysisProperty
interface StorageClassAnalysisProperty {}
Specifies data related to access patterns to be collected and made available to analyze the tradeoffs between different storage classes for an Amazon S3 bucket.
property dataExport
readonly dataExport?: CfnBucket.DataExportProperty | cdk.IResolvable;
Specifies how data related to the storage class analysis for an Amazon S3 bucket should be exported.
interface TagFilterProperty
interface TagFilterProperty {}
Specifies tags to use to identify a subset of objects for an Amazon S3 bucket.
property key
readonly key: string;
The tag key.
property value
readonly value: string;
The tag value.
interface TieringProperty
interface TieringProperty {}
The S3 Intelligent-Tiering storage class is designed to optimize storage costs by automatically moving data to the most cost-effective storage access tier, without additional operational overhead.
property accessTier
readonly accessTier: string;
S3 Intelligent-Tiering access tier. See [Storage class for automatically optimizing frequently and infrequently accessed objects](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/storage-class-intro.html#sc-dynamic-data-access) for a list of access tiers in the S3 Intelligent-Tiering storage class.
property days
readonly days: number;
The number of consecutive days of no access after which an object will be eligible to be transitioned to the corresponding tier. The minimum number of days specified for Archive Access tier must be at least 90 days and Deep Archive Access tier must be at least 180 days. The maximum can be up to 2 years (730 days).
interface TopicConfigurationProperty
interface TopicConfigurationProperty {}
A container for specifying the configuration for publication of messages to an Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic when Amazon S3 detects specified events.
property event
readonly event: string;
The Amazon S3 bucket event about which to send notifications. For more information, see [Supported Event Types](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/NotificationHowTo.html) in the *Amazon S3 User Guide* .
property filter
readonly filter?: CfnBucket.NotificationFilterProperty | cdk.IResolvable;
The filtering rules that determine for which objects to send notifications. For example, you can create a filter so that Amazon S3 sends notifications only when image files with a
extension are added to the bucket.http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-notificationconfig-topicconfig.html#cfn-s3-bucket-notificationconfig-topicconfig-filter
property topic
readonly topic: string;
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amazon SNS topic to which Amazon S3 publishes a message when it detects events of the specified type.
interface TransitionProperty
interface TransitionProperty {}
Specifies when an object transitions to a specified storage class. For more information about Amazon S3 lifecycle configuration rules, see [Transitioning Objects Using Amazon S3 Lifecycle](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/lifecycle-transition-general-considerations.html) in the *Amazon S3 User Guide* .
property storageClass
readonly storageClass: string;
The storage class to which you want the object to transition.
property transitionDate
readonly transitionDate?: Date | cdk.IResolvable;
Indicates when objects are transitioned to the specified storage class. The date value must be in ISO 8601 format. The time is always midnight UTC.
property transitionInDays
readonly transitionInDays?: number;
Indicates the number of days after creation when objects are transitioned to the specified storage class. The value must be a positive integer.
interface VersioningConfigurationProperty
interface VersioningConfigurationProperty {}
Describes the versioning state of an Amazon S3 bucket. For more information, see [PUT Bucket versioning](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTVersioningStatus.html) in the *Amazon S3 API Reference* .
property status
readonly status: string;
The versioning state of the bucket.
interface WebsiteConfigurationProperty
interface WebsiteConfigurationProperty {}
Specifies website configuration parameters for an Amazon S3 bucket.
property errorDocument
readonly errorDocument?: string;
The name of the error document for the website.
property indexDocument
readonly indexDocument?: string;
The name of the index document for the website.
property redirectAllRequestsTo
readonly redirectAllRequestsTo?: | CfnBucket.RedirectAllRequestsToProperty | cdk.IResolvable;
The redirect behavior for every request to this bucket's website endpoint.
> If you specify this property, you can't specify any other property.
property routingRules
readonly routingRules?: | Array<CfnBucket.RoutingRuleProperty | cdk.IResolvable> | cdk.IResolvable;
Rules that define when a redirect is applied and the redirect behavior.
namespace CfnMultiRegionAccessPoint
namespace CfnMultiRegionAccessPoint {}
interface PublicAccessBlockConfigurationProperty
interface PublicAccessBlockConfigurationProperty {}
The PublicAccessBlock configuration that you want to apply to this Amazon S3 Multi-Region Access Point. You can enable the configuration options in any combination. For more information about when Amazon S3 considers an object public, see [The Meaning of "Public"](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/access-control-block-public-access.html#access-control-block-public-access-policy-status) in the *Amazon S3 User Guide* .
property blockPublicAcls
readonly blockPublicAcls?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable;
Specifies whether Amazon S3 should block public access control lists (ACLs) for this bucket and objects in this bucket. Setting this element to
causes the following behavior:- PUT Bucket ACL and PUT Object ACL calls fail if the specified ACL is public. - PUT Object calls fail if the request includes a public ACL. - PUT Bucket calls fail if the request includes a public ACL.
Enabling this setting doesn't affect existing policies or ACLs.
property blockPublicPolicy
readonly blockPublicPolicy?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable;
Specifies whether Amazon S3 should block public bucket policies for this bucket. Setting this element to
causes Amazon S3 to reject calls to PUT Bucket policy if the specified bucket policy allows public access.Enabling this setting doesn't affect existing bucket policies.
property ignorePublicAcls
readonly ignorePublicAcls?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable;
Specifies whether Amazon S3 should ignore public ACLs for this bucket and objects in this bucket. Setting this element to
causes Amazon S3 to ignore all public ACLs on this bucket and objects in this bucket.Enabling this setting doesn't affect the persistence of any existing ACLs and doesn't prevent new public ACLs from being set.
property restrictPublicBuckets
readonly restrictPublicBuckets?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable;
Specifies whether Amazon S3 should restrict public bucket policies for this bucket. Setting this element to
restricts access to this bucket to only AWS service principals and authorized users within this account if the bucket has a public policy.Enabling this setting doesn't affect previously stored bucket policies, except that public and cross-account access within any public bucket policy, including non-public delegation to specific accounts, is blocked.
interface RegionProperty
interface RegionProperty {}
A bucket associated with a specific Region when creating Multi-Region Access Points.
property bucket
readonly bucket: string;
The name of the associated bucket for the Region.
property bucketAccountId
readonly bucketAccountId?: string;
namespace CfnMultiRegionAccessPointPolicy
namespace CfnMultiRegionAccessPointPolicy {}
interface PolicyStatusProperty
interface PolicyStatusProperty {}
The container element for a bucket's policy status.
property isPublic
readonly isPublic: string;
The policy status for this bucket.
indicates that this bucket is public.FALSE
indicates that the bucket is not public.http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-multiregionaccesspointpolicy-policystatus.html#cfn-s3-multiregionaccesspointpolicy-policystatus-ispublic
namespace CfnStorageLens
namespace CfnStorageLens {}
interface AccountLevelProperty
interface AccountLevelProperty {}
This resource contains the details of the account-level metrics for Amazon S3 Storage Lens.
property activityMetrics
readonly activityMetrics?: | CfnStorageLens.ActivityMetricsProperty | cdk.IResolvable;
This property contains the details of account-level activity metrics for S3 Storage Lens.
property advancedCostOptimizationMetrics
readonly advancedCostOptimizationMetrics?: | CfnStorageLens.AdvancedCostOptimizationMetricsProperty | cdk.IResolvable;
This property contains the details of account-level advanced cost optimization metrics for S3 Storage Lens.
property advancedDataProtectionMetrics
readonly advancedDataProtectionMetrics?: | CfnStorageLens.AdvancedDataProtectionMetricsProperty | cdk.IResolvable;
This property contains the details of account-level advanced data protection metrics for S3 Storage Lens.
property bucketLevel
readonly bucketLevel: CfnStorageLens.BucketLevelProperty | cdk.IResolvable;
This property contains the details of the account-level bucket-level configurations for Amazon S3 Storage Lens.
property detailedStatusCodesMetrics
readonly detailedStatusCodesMetrics?: | CfnStorageLens.DetailedStatusCodesMetricsProperty | cdk.IResolvable;
This property contains the details of account-level detailed status code metrics for S3 Storage Lens.
interface ActivityMetricsProperty
interface ActivityMetricsProperty {}
This resource enables Amazon S3 Storage Lens activity metrics. Activity metrics show details about how your storage is requested, such as requests (for example, All requests, Get requests, Put requests), bytes uploaded or downloaded, and errors.
For more information, see [Assessing your storage activity and usage with S3 Storage Lens](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/userguide/storage_lens.html) in the *Amazon S3 User Guide* . For a complete list of metrics, see [S3 Storage Lens metrics glossary](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/userguide/storage_lens_metrics_glossary.html) in the *Amazon S3 User Guide* .
property isEnabled
readonly isEnabled?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable;
A property that indicates whether the activity metrics is enabled.
interface AdvancedCostOptimizationMetricsProperty
interface AdvancedCostOptimizationMetricsProperty {}
This resource enables Amazon S3 Storage Lens advanced cost optimization metrics. Advanced cost optimization metrics provide insights that you can use to manage and optimize your storage costs, for example, lifecycle rule counts for transitions, expirations, and incomplete multipart uploads.
For more information, see [Assessing your storage activity and usage with S3 Storage Lens](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/userguide/storage_lens.html) in the *Amazon S3 User Guide* . For a complete list of metrics, see [S3 Storage Lens metrics glossary](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/userguide/storage_lens_metrics_glossary.html) in the *Amazon S3 User Guide* .
property isEnabled
readonly isEnabled?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable;
Indicates whether advanced cost optimization metrics are enabled.
interface AdvancedDataProtectionMetricsProperty
interface AdvancedDataProtectionMetricsProperty {}
This resource enables Amazon S3 Storage Lens advanced data protection metrics. Advanced data protection metrics provide insights that you can use to perform audits and protect your data, for example replication rule counts within and across Regions.
For more information, see [Assessing your storage activity and usage with S3 Storage Lens](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/userguide/storage_lens.html) in the *Amazon S3 User Guide* . For a complete list of metrics, see [S3 Storage Lens metrics glossary](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/userguide/storage_lens_metrics_glossary.html) in the *Amazon S3 User Guide* .
property isEnabled
readonly isEnabled?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable;
Indicates whether advanced data protection metrics are enabled.
interface AwsOrgProperty
interface AwsOrgProperty {}
This resource contains the details of the AWS Organization for Amazon S3 Storage Lens.
property arn
readonly arn: string;
This resource contains the ARN of the AWS Organization.
interface BucketLevelProperty
interface BucketLevelProperty {}
A property for the bucket-level storage metrics for Amazon S3 Storage Lens.
property activityMetrics
readonly activityMetrics?: | CfnStorageLens.ActivityMetricsProperty | cdk.IResolvable;
A property for bucket-level activity metrics for S3 Storage Lens.
property advancedCostOptimizationMetrics
readonly advancedCostOptimizationMetrics?: | CfnStorageLens.AdvancedCostOptimizationMetricsProperty | cdk.IResolvable;
A property for bucket-level advanced cost optimization metrics for S3 Storage Lens.
property advancedDataProtectionMetrics
readonly advancedDataProtectionMetrics?: | CfnStorageLens.AdvancedDataProtectionMetricsProperty | cdk.IResolvable;
A property for bucket-level advanced data protection metrics for S3 Storage Lens.
property detailedStatusCodesMetrics
readonly detailedStatusCodesMetrics?: | CfnStorageLens.DetailedStatusCodesMetricsProperty | cdk.IResolvable;
A property for bucket-level detailed status code metrics for S3 Storage Lens.
property prefixLevel
readonly prefixLevel?: CfnStorageLens.PrefixLevelProperty | cdk.IResolvable;
A property for bucket-level prefix-level storage metrics for S3 Storage Lens.
interface BucketsAndRegionsProperty
interface BucketsAndRegionsProperty {}
This resource contains the details of the buckets and Regions for the Amazon S3 Storage Lens configuration.
property buckets
readonly buckets?: string[];
This property contains the details of the buckets for the Amazon S3 Storage Lens configuration. This should be the bucket Amazon Resource Name(ARN). For valid values, see [Buckets ARN format here](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/API_control_Include.html#API_control_Include_Contents) in the *Amazon S3 API Reference* .
property regions
readonly regions?: string[];
This property contains the details of the Regions for the S3 Storage Lens configuration.
interface CloudWatchMetricsProperty
interface CloudWatchMetricsProperty {}
This resource enables the Amazon CloudWatch publishing option for Amazon S3 Storage Lens metrics.
For more information, see [Monitor S3 Storage Lens metrics in CloudWatch](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/userguide/storage_lens_view_metrics_cloudwatch.html) in the *Amazon S3 User Guide* .
property isEnabled
readonly isEnabled: boolean | cdk.IResolvable;
This property identifies whether the CloudWatch publishing option for S3 Storage Lens is enabled.
interface DataExportProperty
interface DataExportProperty {}
This resource contains the details of the Amazon S3 Storage Lens metrics export.
property cloudWatchMetrics
readonly cloudWatchMetrics?: | CfnStorageLens.CloudWatchMetricsProperty | cdk.IResolvable;
This property enables the Amazon CloudWatch publishing option for S3 Storage Lens metrics.
property s3BucketDestination
readonly s3BucketDestination?: | CfnStorageLens.S3BucketDestinationProperty | cdk.IResolvable;
This property contains the details of the bucket where the S3 Storage Lens metrics export will be placed.
interface DetailedStatusCodesMetricsProperty
interface DetailedStatusCodesMetricsProperty {}
This resource enables Amazon S3 Storage Lens detailed status code metrics. Detailed status code metrics generate metrics for HTTP status codes, such as
200 OK
,403 Forbidden
,503 Service Unavailable
and others.For more information, see [Assessing your storage activity and usage with S3 Storage Lens](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/userguide/storage_lens.html) in the *Amazon S3 User Guide* . For a complete list of metrics, see [S3 Storage Lens metrics glossary](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/userguide/storage_lens_metrics_glossary.html) in the *Amazon S3 User Guide* .
property isEnabled
readonly isEnabled?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable;
Indicates whether detailed status code metrics are enabled.
interface EncryptionProperty
interface EncryptionProperty {}
This resource contains the type of server-side encryption used to encrypt an Amazon S3 Storage Lens metrics export. For valid values, see the [StorageLensDataExportEncryption](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/API_control_StorageLensDataExportEncryption.html) in the *Amazon S3 API Reference* .
property ssekms
readonly ssekms?: CfnStorageLens.SSEKMSProperty | cdk.IResolvable;
Specifies the use of AWS Key Management Service keys (SSE-KMS) to encrypt the S3 Storage Lens metrics export file.
property sses3
readonly sses3?: any | cdk.IResolvable;
Specifies the use of an Amazon S3-managed key (SSE-S3) to encrypt the S3 Storage Lens metrics export file.
interface PrefixLevelProperty
interface PrefixLevelProperty {}
This resource contains the details of the prefix-level of the Amazon S3 Storage Lens.
property storageMetrics
readonly storageMetrics: | CfnStorageLens.PrefixLevelStorageMetricsProperty | cdk.IResolvable;
A property for the prefix-level storage metrics for Amazon S3 Storage Lens.
interface PrefixLevelStorageMetricsProperty
interface PrefixLevelStorageMetricsProperty {}
This resource contains the details of the prefix-level storage metrics for Amazon S3 Storage Lens.
property isEnabled
readonly isEnabled?: boolean | cdk.IResolvable;
This property identifies whether the details of the prefix-level storage metrics for S3 Storage Lens are enabled.
property selectionCriteria
readonly selectionCriteria?: | CfnStorageLens.SelectionCriteriaProperty | cdk.IResolvable;
This property identifies whether the details of the prefix-level storage metrics for S3 Storage Lens are enabled.
interface S3BucketDestinationProperty
interface S3BucketDestinationProperty {}
This resource contains the details of the bucket where the Amazon S3 Storage Lens metrics export will be placed.
property accountId
readonly accountId: string;
This property contains the details of the AWS account ID of the S3 Storage Lens export bucket destination.
property arn
readonly arn: string;
This property contains the details of the ARN of the bucket destination of the S3 Storage Lens export.
property encryption
readonly encryption?: CfnStorageLens.EncryptionProperty | cdk.IResolvable;
This property contains the details of the encryption of the bucket destination of the Amazon S3 Storage Lens metrics export.
property format
readonly format: string;
This property contains the details of the format of the S3 Storage Lens export bucket destination.
property outputSchemaVersion
readonly outputSchemaVersion: string;
This property contains the details of the output schema version of the S3 Storage Lens export bucket destination.
property prefix
readonly prefix?: string;
This property contains the details of the prefix of the bucket destination of the S3 Storage Lens export .
interface SelectionCriteriaProperty
interface SelectionCriteriaProperty {}
This resource contains the details of the Amazon S3 Storage Lens selection criteria.
property delimiter
readonly delimiter?: string;
This property contains the details of the S3 Storage Lens delimiter being used.
property maxDepth
readonly maxDepth?: number;
This property contains the details of the max depth that S3 Storage Lens will collect metrics up to.
property minStorageBytesPercentage
readonly minStorageBytesPercentage?: number;
This property contains the details of the minimum storage bytes percentage threshold that S3 Storage Lens will collect metrics up to.
interface SSEKMSProperty
interface SSEKMSProperty {}
Specifies the use of server-side encryption using an AWS Key Management Service key (SSE-KMS) to encrypt the delivered S3 Storage Lens metrics export file.
property keyId
readonly keyId: string;
Specifies the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the customer managed AWS KMS key to use for encrypting the S3 Storage Lens metrics export file. Amazon S3 only supports symmetric encryption keys. For more information, see [Special-purpose keys](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kms/latest/developerguide/key-types.html) in the *AWS Key Management Service Developer Guide* .
interface StorageLensConfigurationProperty
interface StorageLensConfigurationProperty {}
This is the property of the Amazon S3 Storage Lens configuration.
property accountLevel
readonly accountLevel: CfnStorageLens.AccountLevelProperty | cdk.IResolvable;
This property contains the details of the account-level metrics for Amazon S3 Storage Lens configuration.
property awsOrg
readonly awsOrg?: CfnStorageLens.AwsOrgProperty | cdk.IResolvable;
This property contains the details of the AWS Organization for the S3 Storage Lens configuration.
property dataExport
readonly dataExport?: CfnStorageLens.DataExportProperty | cdk.IResolvable;
This property contains the details of this S3 Storage Lens configuration's metrics export.
property exclude
readonly exclude?: CfnStorageLens.BucketsAndRegionsProperty | cdk.IResolvable;
This property contains the details of the bucket and or Regions excluded for Amazon S3 Storage Lens configuration.
property id
readonly id: string;
This property contains the details of the ID of the S3 Storage Lens configuration.
property include
readonly include?: CfnStorageLens.BucketsAndRegionsProperty | cdk.IResolvable;
This property contains the details of the bucket and or Regions included for Amazon S3 Storage Lens configuration.
property isEnabled
readonly isEnabled: boolean | cdk.IResolvable;
This property contains the details of whether the Amazon S3 Storage Lens configuration is enabled.
property storageLensArn
readonly storageLensArn?: string;
This property contains the details of the ARN of the S3 Storage Lens configuration. This property is read-only.
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