- Version 15.0.0-beta.42
- Published
- 2.31 MB
- 1 dependency
- MIT license
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Angular Flex-Layout =======
variable VERSION
const VERSION: Version;
Current version of Angular Flex-Layout.
class FlexLayoutModule
class FlexLayoutModule {}
FlexLayoutModule -- the main import for all utilities in the Angular Layout library * Will automatically provide Flex, Grid, and Extended modules for use in the application * Can be configured using the static withConfig method, options viewable on the Wiki's Configuration page
constructor(serverModuleLoaded: boolean, platformId: Object);
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<FlexLayoutModule, never>;
property ɵinj
static ɵinj: i0.ɵɵInjectorDeclaration<FlexLayoutModule>;
property ɵmod
static ɵmod: i0.ɵɵNgModuleDeclaration< FlexLayoutModule, never, [any, any, any], [any, any, any]>;
method withConfig
static withConfig: ( configOptions: LayoutConfigOptions, breakpoints?: BreakPoint | BreakPoint[]) => ModuleWithProviders<FlexLayoutModule>;
Initialize the FlexLayoutModule with a set of config options, which sets the corresponding tokens accordingly
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