- Version 10.0.0
- Published
- 651 kB
- No dependencies
- MIT license
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Angular bindings for Redux
Type Aliases
function dispatch
dispatch: () => PropertyDecorator;
Auto-dispatches the return value of the decorated function.
Decorate a function creator method with and its return value will automatically be passed to ngRedux.dispatch() for you.
function enableFractalReducers
enableFractalReducers: ( rootReducer: Reducer<any, AnyAction>) => Reducer<any, AnyAction>;
Parameter rootReducer
Call this on your root reducer to enable SubStore functionality for pre-configured stores (e.g. using NgRedux.provideStore()). NgRedux.configureStore does it for you under the hood.
function select
select: <T>( selector?: Selector<any, T>, comparator?: Comparator) => PropertyDecorator;
Selects an observable from the store, and attaches it to the decorated property.
import { select } from '@angular-redux/store';class SomeClass {@select(['foo','bar']) foo$: Observable<string>}Parameter selector
A selector function, property name string, or property name path (array of strings/array indices) that locates the store data to be selected
Parameter comparator
Function used to determine if this selector has changed.
function select$
select$: <T>( selector: Selector<any, T>, transformer: Transformer<any, T>, comparator?: Comparator) => PropertyDecorator;
Selects an observable using the given path selector, and runs it through the given transformer function. A transformer function takes the store observable as an input and returns a derived observable from it. That derived observable is run through distinctUntilChanges with the given optional comparator and attached to the store property.
Think of a Transformer as a FunctionSelector that operates on observables instead of values.
import { select$ } from 'angular-redux/store';export const debounceAndTriple = obs$ => obs$.debounce(300).map(x => 3 * x);class Foo {@select$(['foo', 'bar'], debounceAndTriple)readonly debouncedFooBar$: Observable<number>;}
function WithSubStore
WithSubStore: ({ basePathMethodName, localReducer,}: FractalStoreOptions) => ClassDecorator;
Modifies the behaviour of any
, or@dispatch
decorators to operate on a substore defined by the IFractalStoreOptions.See: https://github.com/angular-redux/platform/blob/master/packages/store/articles/fractal-store.md for more information about SubStores.
class DevToolsExtension
class DevToolsExtension {}
An angular-2-ified version of the Redux DevTools chrome extension.
constructor(appRef: ApplicationRef, ngRedux: NgRedux<any>);
property enhancer
enhancer: (options?: EnhancerOptions) => StoreEnhancer<any, {}>;
A wrapper for the Chrome Extension Redux DevTools. Makes sure state changes triggered by the extension trigger Angular2's change detector.
options: dev tool options; same format as described here: [zalmoxisus/redux-devtools-extension/blob/master/docs/API/Arguments.md]
property getDevTools
getDevTools: () => ReduxDevTools;
Returns the redux devtools enhancer.
property isEnabled
isEnabled: () => boolean;
Returns true if the extension is installed and enabled.
class NgRedux
abstract class NgRedux<RootState> implements ObservableStore<RootState> {}
This is the public interface of @angular-redux/store. It wraps the global redux store and adds a few other add on methods. It's what you'll inject into your Angular application as a service.
property configureStore
abstract configureStore: ( rootReducer: Reducer<RootState, AnyAction>, initState: RootState, middleware?: Middleware[], enhancers?: StoreEnhancer<RootState>[]) => void;
Configures a Redux store and allows NgRedux to observe and dispatch to it.
This should only be called once for the lifetime of your app, for example in the constructor of your root component.
Parameter rootReducer
Your app's root reducer
Parameter initState
Your app's initial state
Parameter middleware
Optional Redux middlewares
Parameter enhancers
Optional Redux store enhancers
property configureSubStore
abstract configureSubStore: <SubState>( basePath: PathSelector, localReducer: Reducer<SubState, AnyAction>) => ObservableStore<SubState>;
property dispatch
abstract dispatch: Dispatch<AnyAction>;
property getState
abstract getState: () => RootState;
property instance
static instance?: ObservableStore<any>;
property provideStore
abstract provideStore: (store: Store<RootState>) => void;
Accepts a Redux store, then sets it in NgRedux and allows NgRedux to observe and dispatch to it.
This should only be called once for the lifetime of your app, for example in the constructor of your root component. If configureStore has been used this cannot be used.
Parameter store
Your app's store
property replaceReducer
abstract replaceReducer: (nextReducer: Reducer<RootState, AnyAction>) => void;
property select
abstract select: <SelectedType>( selector?: Selector<RootState, SelectedType>, comparator?: Comparator) => Observable<SelectedType>;
property subscribe
abstract subscribe: (listener: () => void) => Unsubscribe;
class NgReduxModule
class NgReduxModule {}
interface ObservableStore
interface ObservableStore<StateType> extends Store<StateType> {}
This interface represents the glue that connects the subscription-oriented Redux Store with the RXJS Observable-oriented Angular component world.
Augments the basic Redux store interface with methods to enable selection and fractalization.
property configureSubStore
configureSubStore: <SubState>( basePath: PathSelector, localReducer: Reducer<SubState, AnyAction>) => ObservableStore<SubState>;
Carves off a 'subStore' or 'fractal' store from this one.
The returned object is itself an observable store, however any selections, dispatches, or invocations of localReducer will be specific to that substore and will not know about the parent ObservableStore from which it was created.
This is handy for encapsulating component or module state while still benefiting from time-travel, etc.
property select
select: <SelectedType>( selector: Selector<StateType, SelectedType>, comparator?: Comparator) => Observable<SelectedType>;
Select a slice of state to expose as an observable.
Parameter selector
key or function to select a part of the state
Parameter comparator
Optional comparison function called to test if an item is distinct from the previous item in the source.
An Observable that emits items from the source Observable with distinct values.
Type Aliases
type Comparator
type Comparator = (x: any, y: any) => boolean;
Custom equality checker that can be used with
.const customCompare: Comparator = (x: any, y: any) => {return x.id === y.id}@select(selector, customCompare)
type FunctionSelector
type FunctionSelector<RootState, S> = (s: RootState) => S;
type PathSelector
type PathSelector = (string | number)[];
type PropertySelector
type PropertySelector = string | number | symbol;
type Selector
type Selector<RootState, S> = | PropertySelector | PathSelector | FunctionSelector<RootState, S>;
type Transformer
type Transformer<RootState, V> = ( store$: Observable<RootState>, scope: any) => Observable<V>;
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