- Version 1.0.16
- Published
- 4 dependencies
- MIT license
npm i @angular-cli/ast-tools
yarn add @angular-cli/ast-tools
pnpm add @angular-cli/ast-tools
CLI tool for Angular
- addDeclarationToModule()
- addExportToModule()
- addImportToModule()
- addItemsToRouteProperties()
- addPathToRoutes()
- addProviderToModule()
- applyChanges()
- bootstrapItem()
- confirmComponentExport()
- findNodes()
- getContentOfKeyLiteral()
- getDecoratorMetadata()
- getSource()
- getSourceNodes()
- insertAfterLastOccurrence()
- insertImport()
- removeAstNode()
- resolveComponentPath()
variable NodeHost
const NodeHost: Host;
function addDeclarationToModule
addDeclarationToModule: ( modulePath: string, classifiedName: string, importPath: string) => Promise<Change>;
Custom function to insert a declaration (component, pipe, directive) into NgModule declarations. It also imports the component.
function addExportToModule
addExportToModule: ( modulePath: string, classifiedName: string, importPath: string) => Promise<Change>;
Custom function to insert an export into NgModule. It also imports it.
function addImportToModule
addImportToModule: ( modulePath: string, classifiedName: string, importPath: string) => Promise<Change>;
Custom function to insert a declaration (component, pipe, directive) into NgModule declarations. It also imports the component.
function addItemsToRouteProperties
addItemsToRouteProperties: ( routesFile: string, routes: { [key: string]: string[] }) => Change[];
Add more properties to the route object in routes.ts
Parameter routesFile
Parameter routes
Object {route: [key, value]}
function addPathToRoutes
addPathToRoutes: (routesFile: string, pathOptions: any) => Change[];
Inserts a path to the new route into src/routes.ts if it doesn't exist
Parameter routesFile
Parameter pathOptions
Error if routesFile has multiple export default or none.
function addProviderToModule
addProviderToModule: ( modulePath: string, classifiedName: string, importPath: string) => Promise<Change>;
Custom function to insert a provider into NgModule. It also imports it.
function applyChanges
applyChanges: (changes: Change[], host?: Host) => Promise<void>;
Sort changes in decreasing order and apply them.
Parameter changes
Parameter host
function bootstrapItem
bootstrapItem: ( mainFile: string, imports: { [key: string]: (string | boolean)[] }, toBootstrap: string) => Change[];
Adds imports to mainFile and adds toBootstrap to the array of providers in bootstrap, if not present
Parameter mainFile
Parameter imports
Object { importedClass: ['path/to/import/from', defaultStyleImport?] }
Parameter toBootstrap
function confirmComponentExport
confirmComponentExport: (file: string, componentName: string) => boolean;
Verifies that a component file exports a class of the component
Parameter file
Parameter componentName
whether file exports componentName
function findNodes
findNodes: (node: ts.Node, kind: ts.SyntaxKind, max?: number) => ts.Node[];
Find all nodes from the AST in the subtree of node of SyntaxKind kind.
Parameter node
Parameter kind
Parameter max
The maximum number of items to return. all nodes of kind, or [] if none is found
function getContentOfKeyLiteral
getContentOfKeyLiteral: (source: ts.SourceFile, node: ts.Node) => string;
function getDecoratorMetadata
getDecoratorMetadata: ( source: ts.SourceFile, identifier: string, module: string) => Observable<ts.Node>;
function getSource
getSource: (filePath: string) => ts.SourceFile;
Get TS source file based on path.
Parameter filePath
source file of ts.SourceFile kind
function getSourceNodes
getSourceNodes: (sourceFile: ts.SourceFile) => Observable<ts.Node>;
Get all the nodes from a source, as an observable.
Parameter sourceFile
The source file object.
{Observable<ts.Node>} An observable of all the nodes in the source.
function insertAfterLastOccurrence
insertAfterLastOccurrence: ( nodes: ts.Node[], toInsert: string, file: string, fallbackPos?: number, syntaxKind?: ts.SyntaxKind) => Change;
after the last occurence ofts.SyntaxKind[nodes[i].kind]
or after the last of occurence ofsyntaxKind
if the last occurence is a sub child of ts.SyntaxKind[nodes[i].kind] and save the changes in file.Parameter nodes
insert after the last occurence of nodes
Parameter toInsert
string to insert
Parameter file
file to insert changes into
Parameter fallbackPos
position to insert if toInsert happens to be the first occurence
Parameter syntaxKind
the ts.SyntaxKind of the subchildren to insert after Change instance Error if toInsert is first occurence but fall back is not set
function insertImport
insertImport: ( fileToEdit: string, symbolName: string, fileName: string, isDefault?: boolean) => Change;
Add Import
import { symbolName } from fileName
if the import doesn't exit already. Assumes fileToEdit can be resolved and accessed.Parameter fileToEdit
(file we want to add import to)
Parameter symbolName
(item to import)
Parameter fileName
(path to the file)
Parameter isDefault
(if true, import follows style for importing default exports) Change
function removeAstNode
removeAstNode: (node: ts.Node) => Change;
function resolveComponentPath
resolveComponentPath: ( projectRoot: string, currentDir: string, filePath: string) => string;
Resolve a path to a component file. If the path begins with path.sep, it is treated to be absolute from the app/ directory. Otherwise, it is relative to currDir
Parameter projectRoot
Parameter currentDir
Parameter filePath
componentName or path to componentName component file name Error if component file referenced by path is not found
class InsertChange
class InsertChange implements Change {}
Will add text to the source code.
constructor(path: string, pos: number, toAdd: string);
property description
description: string;
property order
order: number;
property path
path: string;
method apply
apply: (host: Host) => Promise<any>;
This method does not insert spaces if there is none in the original string.
class MultiChange
class MultiChange implements Change {}
An operation that mixes two or more changes, and merge them (in order). Can only apply to a single file. Use a ChangeManager to apply changes to multiple files.
constructor(...changes: (Change | Change[])[]);
property description
readonly description: string;
property order
readonly order: number;
property path
readonly path: string;
method appendChange
appendChange: (change: Change) => void;
method apply
apply: (host: Host) => Promise<void>;
class NoopChange
class NoopChange implements Change {}
An operation that does nothing.
property description
description: string;
property order
order: number;
property path
path: string;
method apply
apply: () => Promise<void>;
class RemoveChange
class RemoveChange implements Change {}
Will remove text from the source code.
constructor(path: string, pos: number, toRemove: string);
property description
description: string;
property order
order: number;
property path
path: string;
method apply
apply: (host: Host) => Promise<any>;
class ReplaceChange
class ReplaceChange implements Change {}
Will replace text from the source code.
constructor(path: string, pos: number, oldText: string, newText: string);
property description
description: string;
property order
order: number;
property path
path: string;
method apply
apply: (host: Host) => Promise<any>;
interface Change
interface Change {}
property description
readonly description: string;
property order
readonly order: number;
property path
readonly path: string | null;
method apply
apply: (host: Host) => Promise<void>;
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