- Version 13.3.0
- Published
- 234 kB
- 11 dependencies
- MIT license
npm i @adonisjs/ace
yarn add @adonisjs/ace
pnpm add @adonisjs/ace
A CLI framework for Node.js
- aliases
- args
- args
- assertExitCode()
- assertFailed()
- assertLog()
- assertLogMatches()
- assertNotExitCode()
- assertSucceeded()
- assertTableRows()
- boot()
- booted
- colors
- commandName
- commandName
- defineArgument()
- defineFlag()
- description
- error
- exec()
- exitCode
- flags
- flags
- getParserOptions()
- help
- hydrate()
- hydrated
- isMain
- kernel
- logger
- options
- options
- parsed
- prompt
- result
- run()
- serialize()
- toJSON()
- ui
- validate()
- addAlias()
- addLoader()
- boot()
- commandExecutor
- create()
- defaultCommand
- defineFlag()
- errorHandler
- exec()
- executed()
- executing()
- exitCode
- find()
- finding()
- flags
- getAliasCommand()
- getAliases()
- getCommand()
- getCommandAliases()
- getCommands()
- getCommandSuggestions()
- getDefaultCommand()
- getMainCommand()
- getNamespaceCommands()
- getNamespaces()
- getNamespaceSuggestions()
- getState()
- handle()
- hasCommand()
- info
- loaded()
- loading()
- on()
- prompt
- shortcircuit()
- ui
variable args
const args: { string<Type = string>( options?: Partial<Omit<StringArgument<Type>, 'type'>> ): <Key extends string, Target extends { [K in Key]?: Type }>( target: Target, propertyName: Key ) => void; spread<Type extends unknown = string[]>( options?: Partial<Omit<SpreadArgument<Type>, 'type'>> ): <Key extends string, Target extends { [K in Key]?: Type }>( target: Target, propertyName: Key ) => void;};
Namespace for defining arguments using decorators.
variable flags
const flags: { string<Type = string>( options?: Partial<Omit<StringFlag<Type>, 'type'>> ): <Key extends string, Target extends { [K in Key]?: Type }>( target: Target, propertyName: Key ) => void; boolean<Type = boolean>( options?: Partial<Omit<BooleanFlag<Type>, 'type'>> ): <Key extends string, Target extends { [K in Key]?: Type }>( target: Target, propertyName: Key ) => void; number<Type = number>( options?: Partial<Omit<NumberFlag<Type>, 'type'>> ): <Key extends string, Target extends { [K in Key]?: Type }>( target: Target, propertyName: Key ) => void; array<Type extends any[] = string[]>( options?: Partial<Omit<ArrayFlag<Type>, 'type'>> ): <Key extends string, Target extends { [K in Key]?: Type }>( target: Target, propertyName: Key ) => void;};
Namespace for defining flags using decorators.
class BaseCommand
class BaseCommand extends Macroable {}
The base command sets the foundation for defining ace commands. Every command should inherit from the base command.
constructor(kernel: Kernel<any>, parsed: any, ui: any, prompt: Prompt);
property aliases
static aliases: string[];
A collection of aliases for the command
property args
static args: Argument[];
Registered arguments
property args
readonly args: Argument[];
Reference to the command args
property booted
static booted: boolean;
property colors
readonly colors: Colors;
Add colors to console messages
property commandName
static commandName: string;
The command name one can type to run the command
property commandName
readonly commandName: string;
Reference to the command name
property description
static description: string;
The command description
property error
error?: any;
The error raised at the time of the executing the command. The value is undefined if no error is raised.
property exitCode
exitCode?: number;
The exit code for the command
property flags
static flags: Flag[];
Registered flags
property flags
readonly flags: Flag[];
Reference to the command flags
property help
static help?: string | string[];
The help text for the command. Help text can be a multiline string explaining the usage of command
property hydrated
protected hydrated: boolean;
Check if a command has been hypdrated
property isMain
readonly isMain: boolean;
Is the current command the main command executed from the CLI
property kernel
protected kernel: Kernel<any>;
property logger
readonly logger: any;
Logger to log messages
property options
static options: CommandOptions;
Configuration options accepted by the command
property options
readonly options: CommandOptions;
Reference to the command options
property parsed
protected parsed: any;
property prompt
prompt: Prompt;
property result
result?: any;
The result property stores the return value of the "run" method (unless commands sets it explicitly)
property ui
ui: any;
method assertExitCode
assertExitCode: (code: number) => void;
Assert the command exists with a given exit code
method assertFailed
assertFailed: () => void;
Assert the command exists with non-zero exit code
method assertLog
assertLog: (message: string, stream?: 'stdout' | 'stderr') => void;
Assert command to log the expected message
method assertLogMatches
assertLogMatches: (matchingRegex: RegExp, stream?: 'stdout' | 'stderr') => void;
Assert command to log the expected message
method assertNotExitCode
assertNotExitCode: (code: number) => void;
Assert the command exists with a given exit code
method assertSucceeded
assertSucceeded: () => void;
Assert the command exists with zero exit code
method assertTableRows
assertTableRows: (rows: string[][]) => void;
Assert the command prints a table to stdout
method boot
static boot: () => void;
Define static properties on the class. During inheritance, certain properties must inherit from the parent.
method defineArgument
static defineArgument: ( name: string, options: Partial<Argument> & { type: 'string' | 'spread' }) => void;
Specify the argument the command accepts. The arguments via the CLI will be accepted in the same order as they are defined.
Mostly, you will be using the
decorator to define the arguments.Command.defineArgument('entity', { type: 'string' })
method defineFlag
static defineFlag: ( name: string, options: Partial<Flag> & { type: 'string' | 'boolean' | 'array' | 'number' }) => void;
Specify a flag the command accepts.
Mostly, you will be using the
decorator to define a flag.Command.defineFlag('connection', { type: 'string', required: true })
method exec
exec: () => Promise<any>;
Executes the commands by running the command's run method.
method getParserOptions
static getParserOptions: (options?: FlagsParserOptions) => { flagsParserOptions: Required<FlagsParserOptions>; argumentsParserOptions: ArgumentsParserOptions[];};
Returns the options for parsing flags and arguments
method hydrate
hydrate: () => void;
Hydrate command by setting class properties from the parsed output
method run
run: (..._: any[]) => Promise<any>;
The run method should include the implementation for the command.
method serialize
static serialize: () => CommandMetaData;
Serializes the command to JSON. The return value satisfies the CommandMetaData
method toJSON
toJSON: () => { commandName: string; options: CommandOptions; args: any[]; flags: { [argName: string]: any }; error: any; result: any; exitCode: number | undefined;};
JSON representation of the command
method validate
static validate: (parsedOutput: ParsedOutput) => void;
Validate the yargs parsed output againts the command.
class ExceptionHandler
class ExceptionHandler {}
The base exception handler that is used by default to exception ace exceptions.
You can extend this class to custom the exception rendering behavior.
property debug
debug: boolean;
property internalKnownErrorCode
protected internalKnownErrorCode: string[];
Internal set of known error codes.
property knownErrorCodes
protected knownErrorCodes: string[];
Known error codes. For these error, only the error message is reported using the logger
method logError
protected logError: ( error: { message: any } & unknown, kernel: Kernel<any>) => void;
Logs error to stderr using logger
method prettyPrintError
protected prettyPrintError: (error: object) => Promise<void>;
Pretty prints uncaught error in debug mode
method render
render: (error: unknown, kernel: Kernel<any>) => Promise<any>;
Renders an exception for the console
class FsLoader
class FsLoader<Command extends AbstractBaseCommand> implements LoadersContract<Command> {}
Fs loader exposes the API to load commands from a directory. All files ending with ".js", ".cjs", ".mjs", ".ts" and ".mts" are considered as commands
constructor(comandsDirectory: string, filter?: (filePath: string) => boolean);
method getCommand
getCommand: (metaData: CommandMetaData) => Promise<Command | null>;
Returns the command class constructor for a given command. Null is returned when unable to lookup the command
method getMetaData
getMetaData: () => Promise<CommandMetaData[]>;
Returns the metadata of commands
class HelpCommand
class HelpCommand extends BaseCommand {}
The Help command is used to view help for a given command
property commandName
static commandName: string;
Command metadata
property description
static description: string;
property name
name: string;
The command name argument
method renderDescription
protected renderDescription: (command: CommandMetaData) => void;
Logs command description
method renderHelp
protected renderHelp: (command: CommandMetaData) => void;
Logs command help text
method renderList
protected renderList: (command: CommandMetaData) => void;
Logs commands arguments and options tables
method renderUsage
protected renderUsage: (command: CommandMetaData) => void;
Logs command usage
method run
run: () => Promise<void>;
Executed by ace directly
class IndexGenerator
class IndexGenerator {}
The index generators creates a commands laoder that can be lazily imported.
Also, a command.json index file is created that has metadata for all the files. Doing so, speeds up the commands lookup, as we do not have to import all the classes just to find if a command exists or not.
constructor(commandsDir: string);
method generate
generate: () => Promise<any>;
Generate index
class Kernel
class Kernel<Command extends AbstractBaseCommand> {}
The Ace kernel manages the registration and execution of commands.
The kernel is the main entry point of a console application, and is tailored for a standard CLI environment.
constructor( defaultCommand: AbstractBaseCommand, executor: ExecutorContract<Command>);
property commandExecutor
static commandExecutor: ExecutorContract<typeof BaseCommand>;
The default executor for creating command's instance and running them
property defaultCommand
static defaultCommand: typeof BaseCommand;
The default command to use when creating kernel instance via "static create" method.
property errorHandler
errorHandler: { render(error: unknown, kernel: Kernel<any>): Promise<any> };
property exitCode
exitCode?: number;
The exit code for the kernel. The exit code is inferred from the main code when not set explicitly.
property flags
readonly flags: ({ name: string } & Flag)[];
List of global flags
property info
info: Map<string, AllowedInfoValues>;
CLI info map
property prompt
prompt: Prompt;
Instance of prompt to display CLI prompts. We share a single instance with all the commands. This allows trapping prompts for commands executed internally.
property ui
ui: any;
The UI primitives to use within commands
method addAlias
addAlias: (alias: string, command: string) => this;
Register alias for a comamnd name.
method addLoader
addLoader: ( loader: LoadersContract<Command> | (() => Promise<LoadersContract<Command>>)) => this;
Register a commands loader. The commands will be collected by all the loaders.
Incase multiple loaders returns a single command, the command from the most recent loader will be used.
method boot
boot: () => Promise<void>;
Loads commands from all the registered loaders. The "addLoader" method must be called before calling the "load" method.
method create
static create: () => Kernel<typeof BaseCommand>;
Creates an instance of kernel with the default executor and default command
Creates a command instance by parsing and validating the command-line arguments.
method defineFlag
defineFlag: ( name: string, options: Partial<Flag> & { type: 'string' | 'boolean' | 'array' | 'number' }) => void;
Define a global flag that is applicable for all the commands.
method exec
exec: <T extends Command>( commandName: string, argv: string[]) => Promise<InstanceType<T>>;
Execute a command. The second argument is an array of commandline arguments (without the command name)
method executed
executed: ( callback: HookHandler<[Command, boolean], [Command, boolean]>) => this;
Listen for the event after the command has been executed
method executing
executing: ( callback: HookHandler<[Command, boolean], [Command, boolean]>) => this;
Listen for the event before we start to execute the command.
method find
find: <T extends Command>(commandName: string) => Promise<T>;
Find a command by its name
method finding
finding: (callback: HookHandler<[string], [string]>) => this;
Listen for the event before we begin the process of finding the command.
method getAliasCommand
getAliasCommand: (alias: string) => CommandMetaData | null;
Returns the command metata for a given alias. Returns null if alias is not recognized.
method getAliases
getAliases: () => string[];
Returns an array of aliases registered.
- Call
method to get aliases for a given command - CallgetAliasCommand
to get the command or a given alias
method getCommand
getCommand: (commandName: string) => CommandMetaData | null;
Returns the command metadata by its name. Returns null when the command is missing.
method getCommandAliases
getCommandAliases: (commandName: string) => string[];
Returns an array of aliases for a given command
method getCommands
getCommands: () => CommandMetaData[];
Returns a flat list of commands metadata registered with the kernel. The list is sorted alphabetically by the command name.
method getCommandSuggestions
getCommandSuggestions: (keyword: string) => string[];
Returns an array of command and aliases name suggestions for a given keyword.
method getDefaultCommand
getDefaultCommand: () => Command;
Returns a reference for the default command. The return value is the default command constructor
method getMainCommand
getMainCommand: () => InstanceType<Command> | undefined;
Returns reference to the main command
method getNamespaceCommands
getNamespaceCommands: (namespace?: string) => CommandMetaData[];
Get a list of commands for a specific namespace. All non-namespaces commands will be returned if no namespace is defined.
method getNamespaces
getNamespaces: () => string[];
Returns a list of namespaces. The list is sorted alphabetically by the namespace name
method getNamespaceSuggestions
getNamespaceSuggestions: (keyword: string) => string[];
Returns an array of namespaces suggestions for a given keyword.
method getState
getState: () => 'booted' | 'idle' | 'running' | 'completed';
Get the current state of the kernel.
method handle
handle: (argv: string[]) => Promise<void>;
Handle process argv and execute the command. Calling this method makes kernel own the process and register SIGNAL listeners
method hasCommand
hasCommand: (commandName: string) => boolean;
Check if a command or an alias is registered with kernel
method loaded
loaded: (callback: HookHandler<[Command], [Command]>) => this;
Listen for the event when the command has been imported
method loading
loading: (callback: HookHandler<[CommandMetaData], [CommandMetaData]>) => this;
Listen for the event when importing the command
method on
on: (option: string, callback: FlagListener<Command>) => this;
Listen for CLI options and execute an action. Only one listener can be defined per option.
The callbacks are only executed for the main command
method shortcircuit
shortcircuit: () => boolean;
A named function that returns true. To be used by flag listeners
class ListCommand
class ListCommand extends BaseCommand {}
The list command is used to view a list of commands
property commandName
static commandName: string;
Command metadata
property description
static description: string;
property help
static help: string[];
property json
json?: boolean;
property namespaces
namespaces?: string[];
Optional flag to filter list by namespace
method renderList
protected renderList: () => void;
The method is used to render a list of options and commands
method renderToJSON
protected renderToJSON: () => CommandMetaData[];
method run
run: () => Promise<void>;
Executed by ace directly
class ListLoader
class ListLoader<Command extends AbstractBaseCommand> implements LoadersContract<Command> {}
List loader exposes the API to register commands as classes
constructor(commands: Command[]);
method getCommand
getCommand: (metaData: CommandMetaData) => Promise<Command | null>;
Returns the command class constructor for a given command. Null is returned when unable to lookup the command
method getMetaData
getMetaData: () => Promise<CommandMetaData[]>;
Returns an array of command's metadata
class Parser
class Parser {}
Parses the command line arguments. The flags are parsed using yargs-parser
constructor(options: { flagsParserOptions: FlagsParserOptions; argumentsParserOptions: ArgumentsParserOptions[];});
method parse
parse: (argv: string | string[]) => ParsedOutput;
Parse commandline arguments
namespace errors
module 'build/src/errors.d.ts' {}
Command is missing the static property command name
const E_COMMAND_NOT_FOUND: { new (args: [command: string]): { commandName: string; name: string; help?: string; code?: string; status: number; toString(): string; readonly [Symbol.toStringTag]: string; message: string; stack?: string; cause?: unknown; }; status: number; help?: string; code?: string; message?: string; captureStackTrace(targetObject: object, constructorOpt?: Function): void; prepareStackTrace?: (err: Error, stackTraces: NodeJS.CallSite[]) => any; stackTraceLimit: number;};
Cannot find a command for the given name
const E_INVALID_FLAG: new ( args: [flag: string, expectedDataType: string], options?: ErrorOptions) => Exception;
Invalid value provided for the flag
variable E_MISSING_ARG
const E_MISSING_ARG: new (args: [arg: string], options?: ErrorOptions) => Exception;
Missing a required argument when running the command
const E_MISSING_ARG_VALUE: new ( args: [arg: string], options?: ErrorOptions) => Exception;
Missing value for an argument
const E_MISSING_COMMAND_NAME: new ( args: [command: string], options?: ErrorOptions) => Exception;
Command is missing the static property command name
const E_MISSING_FLAG: new ( args: [flag: string], options?: ErrorOptions) => Exception;
Missing a required flag when running the command
const E_MISSING_FLAG_VALUE: new ( args: [flag: string], options?: ErrorOptions) => Exception;
Missing value for a flag that accepts values
const E_PROMPT_CANCELLED: new ( args?: any, options?: ErrorOptions | undefined) => any;
const E_UNKNOWN_FLAG: new ( args: [flag: string], options?: ErrorOptions) => Exception;
An unknown flag was mentioned
Package Files (13)
- build/index.d.ts
- build/src/commands/base.d.ts
- build/src/commands/help.d.ts
- build/src/commands/list.d.ts
- build/src/decorators/args.d.ts
- build/src/decorators/flags.d.ts
- build/src/errors.d.ts
- build/src/exception_handler.d.ts
- build/src/generators/index_generator.d.ts
- build/src/kernel.d.ts
- build/src/loaders/fs_loader.d.ts
- build/src/loaders/list_loader.d.ts
- build/src/parser.d.ts
Dependencies (11)
Dev Dependencies (21)
Peer Dependencies (0)
No peer dependencies.
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